air NOTICES—"To Lot," "Nor Nato," "Lost,' "Wantir," "Pound," ”Boarding, &e., not p• ensiling FO U.B LINES oath total be {writd in them cotumno anent for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; oacA additionat lino FIVE CENTS. WANTED---HELP. WANTED -SLEEPING ROOM.- By a single gentleman, to rent, an unfur nished Sleeping Room. Address, with price and location. G. G.,.N0. 24 ST. CLAIR STREET. NVANTEDJEWELLER SALES MAN...An experienced Saleinian in the Jewelry businesv can get a go d and permanent sip cation at RoIN - EMAN, MEYRAN SIEBLE'S, No. 42 Fifth Avenue. Best of recommendations required. - IATANTED-MINERS. - THE MOUNT CARBON COALIAND RAILROAD COMPANY, of ckson County 31Ines, are in want or from 50 to 100 MINERS, In addition to those I presently employed by them. Wages good; employ.; ment constant Apply to the understened, at the Monongahela Rouse, •Plttaburgh. WM. SNOW - DoWNE. WANTED—HELP; — At Employ. ment Office, No. 3 St. Clair Street, BOYS, GIRLS and MEN, for different kinds of employ ment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can b♦? sunplied on short notice. WANTED—GIRL. — A good Girl, to do general housework. Iteterences re , quired. and none others need apply Inquire at 159 NORTH AyENLTE, Allegheny City. ENAMELED GLASS. PAGE, ZELLERS & DUFF WANTED---BOARDERS BOARDING—No. 325 PENN ST. —Pleasant furnished front and back second . and third story rooms, for gentlemen and ',dyes and single gentlemen. Terms reasonab'e. .WFM • WANTOI—BOARDERS—PIeas. ant furnished robins to let, with boarding, at 167 THIRD STREET. ANTED-410 A RDERS.—Gen • tlemen boarderp can be accommodated with (rood board and lodging at Ne. 28 FERRY ST. ANTED-BOARDERS.-A gen tleman and wife, or two single gentlemen, canNe accommodated with first class boarding at I r No. IS WYLIE STREET. Boom is a front one, on second floor, and opens ont on balcony. WANTED--AGENTS. NWANTED-AGENTS-For Na- TIONAL CAMPAIGNIxIO Steel Engravings ofGRA.NT and COLFAX; with or with out frames. One agent took 60 orders in one day. Also, National Campaign Biographies of both, 116 cents. Pins, Badges; Medals and Photos for Dem ocrats and Republicans. Agents make 100 per et. Sample packages sent post-paid for 11. Fend at once and ret the start. Address GOODSPEED & CO.. 37 Park Row. N. Yi. or Chicago. Ili. d&F WANTS. WANTED—TO INVEST.—AGen v tleman wants to invest some capital in a paying manufaCturing establishment; stove or foun dry business preferred. Address lito.ll, Warms OFFICE. WANTED—LODGER—For a large front room, neatly furnishediind well ventilated, situated on union Avenue. Allegheny, two squares from street cars. Address BOX M. WANTED—TO RENT—A small House or Budding. suitable for a light man. ufaeturing bush:Leas, about 25x50. One or two stories. if detached from other buildings Preferred. Morena MANUFAUTUREB., office of this paper. ArA_NTED-INFORMATION- Concerning the "WONDFR OF THE LD. ,, I have sold 50,000 bottles, and have warranted it td relieve and cure all pains of, what ever form, acute or chronic, external or Internal, deep seated or otherwise, such as rains In the Side, Chest, Shoulders, Limbs, Joints, Neuralgia in. the Face and Head, Sick Headache , Toothache,. Cholic, Cramp, Cholera klorbus, Diarrhea, Cold Cough, and especially Catarrh, and never have 1 known it to fail. Does anybod y know that it has ever failed to do all claimed for it? This Is what l_wish to know. I am willing to legally warrant it to cure, and forfeit $lOO if It falls. Sold by aU dealers. J. C. TIL TON, 1014 St. Clair street. STAINED GLASS. PAGE, ZELLERS .4 DIIFF,'S Wood street FOR RENT. TO LET—HOUSE.—A convenient House, of S-rooms and finished attic, on Clark street. sent $23 per month. Possession aimost any time. Cali at 74 FIRPFi AVENUE. 0 LET—ROOM—A handsomely famished front room. suitable for gentlemen. nquire a 6 No. 31 RAND STBEET. T O LET-ONE GOOD ROOM,-in Dispatch bulldidg, for an office. Bent, $2OO per year. ryo L E T—H OE S E.—Two-story Brick. with five rooms and finished garret, o. 28 Grantham street, above Robinson. For par ticulars call at the residence. mO LET--ROOMS.--The Fourth STOW" of 44Azrrrx (Mee, front and back bu ding. Splendid room_s suitable for work sbop_s peslred. Call at GAZETTE COUNTING-ROO3l. 0 LET—Two pleasant unfair- nislied Rooms, with board. suitable for a tam or a gentleman and wife. Also, _ a few day boarders received. at No. 68 FOURTH iSTREET. Reference required. T. o_ LET THREE about finished, containing 7 to - 9 rooms each, on ancock street, near the corner of Penn, oppo site Christ Church. A most beautiful and conveni ent situdtion; wide space and ebade trees in free fromwolse- smoke and dust., Inquire at WIT FENN STREET. PAGE ZELLERS & DUFF, ULM% MANUFACTURERS- FOR SALE FOR. SALE—BUGGY:—A LIGHT OPEN BUGGY, nearly new, made by J. 8, ter. or this city. can be bought low. Apply at GAZETTE COUNTING-ROOM. rorOR SALE—A corner lot. 30 by re 100, in McFarland's Grove, best locally. ' pare lculars inquire of HAI T MANN CO.. 175 Ohio street, Allegheny, and 172 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. FOR SALE—A LOT 73x1.00, cor ner of Allen and 13vnic street, Lawrenceville, with a new Buick Dwelling of 6 rooms, good dry cellar, kitchen with well. - On the rear ollot a .1% story frame house with 2 rooms and outbuildings. For part cigars Inquire of EIikIIMANN Sc CO.. 1.5 Ohio btreet, Allegueny, and 112 Smithtield street, Pittsburgh. FOR SALE-DRUG STORE.-A Druz Store, with stock and fixtures, located in Allegheny t Icy. For partice,ars enquire of W. MACKEOWN & BRO., 167 Liberty street, Whole sale Drolgists. FOIL SALE—HOUSE..—A Frame HOUSE, of fon - rooms and cellar, with stable In rear of lot, 124 Pasture Lane, between Jackson and Carroll treets. Allegh -ny City. Enquire on the premises. or of WM. DiAItDvRJEP & CU., 179 and 174 Wood street. - FOR SALE—MULES. — Eight (S) LARGE DRAFT MOLES. Iteitson for sell ing. F. wont of use. Enquire of GEO 3100 HE & CO.. Brick Maker& head of Bedford Avenue, Pltt.b•gh. FOR SALE- A 1 NEW .BRICK • ROUSE. of seven rooms, with w.ter and gas; also good cellar. On - Pride reet : near Pennsyl vania avenue. Enquire of W. THLTCIar, on the premises. _______ • y _ OR SALE--HORSES , Two Sad. die Horses; two pairs' nice light - arness orses; and two large Horses. W 111 b , - told at low prices. Inquire at CH ARLES' LIVERY STABLE, corner Sandusky , street and south Common, Alle gheny. -FOR SALE-LANDS -One Dun- TIRED AND TWENTY ACltets of the best for gardening or country residences, situated on the Washington Pike, 1; miles south of Tem peranceriLe. Will be sold in lots of any size. to suit purchasers. enquir• at 650 Liberty street, or F. C. NEGLEY,_ on the premises. --- VOR AALE—.4 *Beautiful Build- A:7 INO •OT. containing 4 acres, with the of 6 sties, situated on Mount Ilope, at Woods Bun litation,Y. Ft. W. & O. K., adjoining proper ty or Alex. Taylor, Wm. Nelson, Wm. Richardson and othsrs. This is one of the most commanding views in the vicinity of the two cities, and within 5 minutes' walk ...f the station. Enquire at 361 Lib erty street; or at the residence of Mr. ALEX. TAY LOH, near the premises. - - OR SALE-RARE CHANCEe--- PLUMBING AND GAS Firm 4.) ESTAB•E, G lIMENT.-A. good stand and store. together with Manna, good will &c.. of& PLUMBING and GAS FITTING EsT BLIKIMANT, doing a good business, Is offer. d for kale. The above is situated in a good place for business. Having engaged in other business. toe proprietor offers this establish ment at a bargain. For particulars, &e., call at No. 166 WOOD ETUDE", Pittsburgh. Pa- •_. KOR SALE-1,000 pounds of Old TITS'. Apply at the GALETTS COUNTING. LOST. TOST—CERTIFICATE OF DEm rotty r; No, 2 457—amount 42,120 --I‘sued by First...Nation:i A I...glieuy. ut faVOT or John Thruntbon Not 1ee.1.4 hereby gI yen Ills , pay ment ha, boa E•tol'D.”l 00 toe hank, 'Any Peron ,t,l I F. c.a.! will comer .1 (aver on use .11 /0.111151r(.11, haw by leaving It cc', to re-ide nee, .teueevtlit ; t or at tb.u. hlmi SatlOUal hank. J 'ilia Wri.vl29,lf, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHEAP EVES FOE THE PEOPLE.I.•' theCFREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET, whero i I always be found the most complete assortment of Guns, Pistols, Astuntinttion and Sport ing llinterikl, awe., in tee city. Altitude of Guns snd Pistol* carefully repdtred. Cash paid . .tot. ARMY RIFLES and RS VOL VERS. Sena stamp fon I /tuatrated Circle/as. Agents wanted in town to the United States. Addreles, J. H. JEW STON. 179 Smithfield Street. Pittsburgh. IigrJOHN N. PURVIANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for Nd District. Office, 116 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. liar Office hours-9 A. M. to 5 P. M. QTALNED GLASS, PAGE. ZELLERS & DUFF POTATOES -26 bbls for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO. SUMAC - 20 sacks ground, for kj sale sale by 14A1A11 I)ICKEk &Cu. CORN MEAL-50 sacks in store, for sale by ISMATI DICKEY & CO. BASKET WILLOWS-400 bills. In store - and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY S Co. OAK NAIL KEGS—I.S,OOO in store, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO. OAK STAVES FOR KEGS-2,200 bundles In store, for sale by - ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. GUNNY SACKS-4,000 second hand iu store, for sale b.t ISAIAH DICKEY & CO. PEARL ASH-50 casks No. tin store and for sele by J. B. CKNTIELD& SODA ASH-100 tons best brands In store and for sale by J. B. CANFIELD Sc SON. 811 CARR. SODA-50 pkgs. best brand In store and for sale by J. B. CAN FIELD & SON. CEMENT -50 bairels Louisville IlyrlrautleTernent In - store and for sale by JOHN B. CANFIELD & SUN._ . • T EAD-500 pigs best brands Soft J_J Galena Lead In store and for sale by JOHN B. CANFIELD & SON. CHEESE - 100 boxes prime N. Y. kj • Goshen, in store and for sale by JOHN B. CANFIELD & SON. POT A SH-10 casks No. 1 Potash in store and for sale by J. B. CANFIELD & SON, , • I*l First Avenue. RED ; WHITE, BLUE, ORLEN, PURPLE. RUBY, GOLD, - - *AMBER, ORANGE. STAINED. ENAMELED AND GRuUND GLASS PAGE. ZELLERS ,t DUFF. 8 Wood Street. Pitts BLACK SILK SACQUES. Lama Lace Pointe, Summer Shaw POE SALE AT LOW PRICES, BT WHITE, ORR & CO., 25 Fifth Street, FULL LINES of the GENUINE "JOSEPH" KID GLOVES, IN WHITE AilD OPERA. , COLORS. Also. COURVERIER'S new "SEAMLESS" KIDS, In all desirable shades. A large_ consignm ent of POINT LACE and POINT APPLIQUE GOODS, Just reeelved and for matey satisfactory yrices, AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Avenue. TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION. A New and Valuable Treatise on Bankruptcy. The Bankrupt Law of the United States, With all the AMENDMENTS and the RULES and FORMS as amended. together with notes referring to all decisions under the set, repot.' ed to Sept. Ist, 1868. Edited by ORLANDO F. BUMP. It ex hibits the Law as it actually stands at the present time, with all the changes and interpretations. Price, $2.50. HAY & CO., 65 Wood Street. oc3:2t FALL OPEIVEVG, At No. 47 St. Clair Street, A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OP Boys', Youth's and Children's CLOTHING, FOR THE FALL SEASON. GRAY ot. self. 47 BT. CLAIR STREET. NEW WALL PAPERS, For Halls, Parlors - anAChambers, • . NOW OPENING, ;AT 107 Market St., _near Fifth Ave., SOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. selS: ECONOMIZE YOUR FUEL, by using the SKIVE CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR, the only true and easily regulated (River nor made; perfect In its operationaaml truly reliable. A large size Governor can he seen at. the office of PERCE VAL ISEUKETT, Mechanical Engineer and Solici tor of Patents, No. 70 Federal street. Allegheny City, the only agent for this Governor in the West. segZ:x96 F OR RENT. HALL.—Large room of No. 58 Market Street suitable for a Club or i. 4 ockty Room. BASEMENT—Nes. 17 add 78 Third Avenue expressly ratted up for a large restaurant J. M. GAZZAM. relarxs7 Attorney •at•tesw. 98 Grant St. GEORGE HEAVEN, MANUPAGIVIiIiR 07 CREAM CANDIES AND Terms, • And ,d SAalUerC l E n S al l J k E i LLI oEfS F , RcU.lac . NUTS, PICK 112 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER KIT ,P.— The partnership heretofore existing under the name and s , yle of rid NE.EI &, SON ? Was dissolved on the FIRST DA OF 011 fOBER. 18 S. by muL al co sent. The business will be car ried on at the old stand by dnidiCB KENNEDY, who Is authorized to nettle all chains. IdEa KENNEDY. KENNEDY. 0r2:y45 TIMOTHY SEED, A 1 3 11:131:0 Aivrrer_a33, In storn at LOWEST MARKET PRICE J. KNOX, 137 Liberty Street., DRAIN &ADAM!3' SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF • DRAIN PIPE, All sizes. from one to twenty-four inches at irrir.- DON & KELLY'S, agents for manufacturers, 147 Wood street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. FOR SALE, _ FINE SEED WHEAT, AT 349 LIBERTY ST J{ITPII( MeCitEERY it CO EMI 50() IIIUsIDELS PRIME HOUTHEEN RED WHEAT, To arrin :110 ;9: !,3ii.; to' AINJE/1. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : ISH4 4 IDAY*, OCTOBER 5, 1868. NEWAIWEERTISMENTS. R . S. SIITI'ON, AL D., SURGEON, 1 Office, N 0.157 Fourth Avenue. U• 8. MAIISIIAVS OFFICE, PzrrAntincir, October 3, U6B This Is to give notice that I have seized the steam- 1 boat ''ALLENA 'SIAN'," together with all and sin. Kollar her tackle, apparel, boats and furniture, at the'sult, of Elmore, Watkins et al., for wages. .All persons interested azay appear at a special session of the United States Court, to be holden at the room of the District Court Of the 'United States. in the City of Pittsburgh, on the 13th day of Octo ber, 1868, at 11. o'clock A. It, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why the said steam boat should not be, condemned for the payment of the said wages. 0c6:y.53 THOS. A. ROTI - LEY, E. S. Marshal. w P, 4 t4••42 ;i0,6;,,,,.." csDA ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS LI OFFERED IN THIS CITY. STER, WATER, BUTTER, SUGAR. SODA, 0 AM, SCOTCH and LEMON BISCUITS. For Sale by ' Every Grocer in the City. DM Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. ocs:r26 CARRIAGES; BA:ROITCHES, BUGGIES, - WAGONS, dc., , cPc., SHAFER'S CARRIAGE BAZAR, Wedneß:day, October 7th GREAT AUCTION SAM The attention of Dealers, but more especially those wanting a vehicle. Is Liked to this large and unre served MONTHLY SALE of New Carriages, Ba rouches, Buggies, Jagger and Light Wagons, and Vt hicles of every description. These articles are warranted and guaranteed In every respect, being manufactured by popular and reliable firma. In new styles. out of good materials— sound and durable—not made fur auction sales. Also, • New Single and Double Harness, HORSE EQUIPMENTS, AND SEVERAL GOOD ROAD HORSES. Mile Commences ilreelsely at - 10 A. N. and 2 P. IL At the 84,, Diamond Alley, (Near Liberty, Street.) TERAMEICA.ISIir. IL a SMITHSON & CO., FULL LINES EASONABLE & DESIRABLE GOODS, JOSEPH HORNE & CO.'S. HOSIERY, GLOVES, DOMESTIC SHIRTS Alcr) DRAWERS, LADIES' lITERINO UNDERWEAR. MISSES' & BOYS' MERINO UNDERWEAR, GENT'S FURNISHING GO'IUS, DRESS. CLOAK Jk MANTILLA. TRIMMING , CHANGEABLE BULLION FRINGES, FANCY. PLAIN and SHADED VELVET tOBBONS; BUTTONS, In every variety. EMBROIDERIES. LACES •nd LACE GOODS. L . GERMANTOWN WOOLEN GOOuS. HAND-KNIT ZEPHRY GOODS. KNITTING YARNS. ZEPHYRS, and NOTIONS, of all lands. Also, acomplete assortment Of ' I STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS VELVETS, VELVETS, ORO DE ?SAPS. FEATLIERS, mumzs; CRAPES, &c. THE LARGEST STOCK, And the Lowest Prices, OF ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY, WIIOLiSAL,E AND DETAIL Altir• A CALL SOLICITED. oelS 1014 GE, ZELLERS! & DUEF, I 8 WOOD bra KET GL OS 'MANUFACTURERS ENAMEI.F.D, STAINED GROUND GLASS made to order. TWELFTH ANNUAL FAIR Allegheny County Agricultural Society, AT IRON CITY PARK, L French Burr Smut Machines, October 6th, 7th, Bth and 9th, 1868. The Grounds Nyill be open to the public on WED HESDAY;THURSDAY and FRIDAY. The HORSE CIRCLE will be open for Lady Equestrians on each of three days. at 3 o'clock. Exhibitors mast b'comc members of the Society, and have their articles entered on or before TUES DAY EVENING. October St,. All articles and milmsis for exhibition (except horses, ) must be wohm .he enclosure by THEM /A NOON. Horses will be received on W s DNEDAY IHORNINO, but must be prevlousiy entered. Comm. Mon open to Exhibitors from all parts of the country. , 5e30:,.31110c2-3-5/IF E NAMELED GLASS, PAGE, ZELLERS & GIMP cO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. FROM OCTISIIEit UT. Mg: have thls day as °elated with me In the Print in y, Stott lit r_y a 41 Hook Binding business, MR. WIi.J.IANI STEVENSiIN, and will continue the same at the old stand. corner of Wood street and Third avenue, and NI, 04 Tht d avenue, tinder tho Arm name of W... HAVEN ,t CO., and respect fully solicit in continuance of the patronage hereto for so liberally bestowed. All persons indebted to mu will please make Immedtati, p.vment, and those haying claims against me will pr-ment them rot' set tlement. - W. S. HAVEN. . - W. H. HAVEN WM. STEVENSON. W. S. HAVEN & CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, STATIONERS, AND 'BLANK BO )K MANUFACTURERS, C rner of 'WOOD nTfte.ET AND THIRD AVE NW, and No. R 4 THIRD AVENUE, Would respectfully solicit the favor of your orders. which will have prompt attention.l 0e2:y41 O IL WELL 1 Steam Engines for Sale. Superior new and semen-hand STEAM EN- S ansllo Inch cylinders, 20 and 24 inch stroke. with all the lixtures FOB BOILING OIL ►YELLS. A.ddress 1111011 31. BOLE &80., AuCI:V) puquetut: war, rittsbpr i ch, ntt. NOW OPEN No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CM:. =',= OF THE liMr - vERTISErdENTer- , WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, AT 31c. DOUBLE WIDTH ALL WOOL PLAIDS AT 75c. FRENCH MERINOS in choice colors AT 18'ic. BEST DELAINES. In new styles AT - 123.ic. CANTON FLANNELS AT 00c. WATERPP.OOF CLOTH° AT 621 1 5 c. PILLOW CASE LINEN. 5-4 WIDE —slightly wet. SHEETING, 10-4 WIDE— AT $l.OO LIN slightly wet. E. HONEYCOIAB QUILTS AT $1.50 Will WHITE. COUNTRY BLAN- AT $5.00 PAI BETS. ONE CASE BARRED FLAN- AT 20c. ver y NELS. COLORS AND QUALITIES HANDSOM 88' Walking Suits, Goods for BRIGHT PLAID POPLINS. Velour Repp .Poplins. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CASSIMERES, CLOEIHINGS, &C., &C All the various departments of the house well enpplted with new and desirable goods, to which we would respectfully call the attention of our custo mers and the public.• • Wholesale mid Retail, CB - 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY, EERY SIZE. COLOR OR PAT TERNS OF STAINED G LASS. PAGE. ZEL & DUFF, 8 Wood street. Pittsburgh. Pa. 54. FliTA=ffG EXTRA. HEAVY Barred Flannel, A VERY LARGE STOCK, Nov Correrecl, IN GOOD STYLES. NELROY, DICKSON & CO., 1 WHOLESALE DRY arCX:OI:34I3, Laid/ WOOD STREET. FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. THE BEST WHEAT CLEANERS IN USE Portable Flour and Feed Mills, BOLTING CLOTHS, All numbers ancl . best quality. For sale at 319 and 321 Liberty St. ,Pittsburgh, Pa CALL AND SEE THE CELEBRATED MONITOR WASHING MACHINE AND CLOTHES WRINGER. Also, tic large stock of ENAMELLED WARE, COAL HODS AND BUILDER' HARDWARE. At WIIITESIDES & DRUM'S, oel :v7 A LLEG RENT. - '4:1) 014 o Chemin and ho ß n us ses n . ess c , onducted on onc.half the terms of other The Amerkan transactions in Liverpool alone ex ceed London and • all the ports of Europe put to gether. Weekly Circulars, Commercial Advices Cable Messages, on applicatl.m. sel2:xB7 _ _ _ . NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS of the 7th and Bth (old 6th,) Wards. All persons who have not paid their lichool and CouutY 'rasc• for bite nresvnt yearare herr by nott- Md to call at nee and settle t limn at toy °nice and BIIVC Coats. ..10!. rill A. BUTIKtc. • :olAmtur. (MM.. at Alderman's otlice,. Mt; Wylie street. sen:yla pA(,l„lr f , : ZELLERS DUFF, e „MANUFACTURE ULAStI. LIFE INSURER COW IE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Chartered by Special Act of Congress, Approved July 25, 1868. Cash Capital - - - $1.000,000. Branch Office: PHILADELPHIA, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Where the general business of the Company!, trans-, acted. and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. DIRECTO IS. Jay Cooke. Phllada. ' E. A. Rollins. Wash'n. C, H. Clark, Phllada. Henry D. Cooke. Wash. F. Ratchford Starr, Phila. Wm. E. Chandier,Wash. Wm. G. Moorhead. Phlla. John D. Deirues. Wash, Oeo. F. Tyler. Phila- Edward Dodge, N. York. J. Hinckley Clark. Phia. FICER H. C. Fanuestock, N. Y. OFS. • C. H. CLARK. Philadelphia. President. HENRY H. cOGRE, Washington, Vice President. JAY COOKE, Chairman FlLance and Executive Committee. , EMERSON W,: - PEET, Phila., Sec'y and Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Washington. Ass't Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMI7II M.D., Medical Director, J. EN MEDICALRS, Di. D , A ss't Medical Director. ADVIIIDRY BOARD. J. K. BARNES. Surgeon Gentiral U. S. A., Wash'n. P. J. HORWITZ, Chief Medical Department U. S. N., Washington. D. W. BLISS, M. D.. Wasbluirton. SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington. D. C. GEORGE HARDING, Philadelphia. Pa. This Company, National in its character, Offers, by reason of the Larg- Capital, Low Rates of Premium and New Tables, the most desirable means of in suring life I et presented to the public, The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as favorable to the insurers as those of the beat Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complica tions and uncertainties pf. Notes. Dividends and the misunderstandings which-the latter are so apt to cause the Policy4loldeks. SEMPLE'S, . . _ Several new and attractive tables are now pre sented which need only to be understood to prove ac ceptable to the public. such as INCt 'ME-PRODUC ING POLICY and RETURN PREMIUM POLICY. In the former, the policy-holder not only secures a life insurance, payable at death, but will receive if i living, after a period of a few years, an annual n come crawl/ in ten per tent. (10 per tent.) of the par of Ms policy. The 1 tter the Company ttgrees to re turn to the assured the total amount of min est Achim paid in, in addition to the amount of his policy. The attention of persons contemplating insuring their lives or increasing the amount of insurance they already have. Is called to the special advant ages offered by the National Life Insurance Cota partr. Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given on MI Ve t ! i p o ll i ll, o tir h rt n nc e l Offral ice of Company In airLOCAL AGENTS ARE WANTED in every City and Town; and applications from competent parties for such agencies with suitable endorsement, should be addressed Tin THE COMPANY'S GENT FRAL AGENTS ONLY, lu their respective dis tricts. *M. GENERAL AGENTS: E. W. CLARK Sr. CO., Philadelphia, For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKE'S: CO.. Washington. D. C., For Maryland. Delaware. Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virginia. IRA 11. McVAY & CO., Agents for Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, 3fereer and Washington counties. For further particulars address B. S. RUSSELL, Manager for benerat Agent, Harrisburg. Pa. au2s:mwkr SILVER MINING COiIIPANY President---WH. H. HENDERSON, Of the Firm of Brlnton & Henderson, Treasurer, : : : J. H. HORNER Capital, : : : The Company guarantees 1231; PEE CENT. PEE ANNUM ON ITS PREFERRED[STUCK. But a limited number of shares of the Preferred stock will be mold. No stock will be issued until the funds for the same are received at the °Mee of the Company. Remittances should be , made In draft or par funds In Philadelphia, and the stock will be sent free of charge. • The Company reserve the right to iplyance on preferre.i ntock at any time. A prospectus bag been nsued, which can be had be :toplying to the ottice• All communleatlons to be addressed to the den., at the Office of the Company. W. W. WALLACN. ACRAE, MEM ,011 s. ProSistonrs description. WlEfiq'lSMOMMn'tr. -vx __ • THE NATIONAL OF THE WASHINGTON, D. C 31[ABATHON OF NEVADA. Philadelphia Hydraulic Works 71 lIIIMNDER Si. STEVENS 7 • s COMMISSION =CHANT 1 ' 1 , No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh Pa. . I RECEIVE A3ID SELL . AU KinilEi of Country Produce. 1 1 All ordens for Merchandise promptly fille, at LOwsnr market rates. Particuler attention Wen to thd sale ofj Gutter, Eggs, Cheese, Dried Prnitil, &c., We feel confident that we can give entlrelsat- Isfactim by making Quinn. SALES and PROMPT i Ex foul. at amass's. mAnnar rained, and therefOre respectfully solicit your consignments.- All corre spondence answered promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. I Grain in store and to arrive daily. au.11:011 I I Shares, $lO eachi Preferred. WATT; LANG . & CO.O Office, No: 154 South 4th Street, 1 1 .1IIIAJk3:)30 - 1,1'HTA..1 ( ROOM No. 5, SECOND FLOOR : $500,000 WM. M. HENDERSON, 112131113 OFF ICE OF CONTROLLER OF ALLEGHENY CO., PITTSBURGH, October 2d, 1068. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed Proposals wilt be received at this office until 14th insr.-, inclusive. for BUILDING A 'NEW BRIDGE OVER SEWICKLEY CREEK, where the Pqrrysville and Rochester threedegree road crosses said creek, lu Franklin township. Also, for buildlnit.a NEW BRIIIGE OVER ROB INSON'S RUN, at Oakdale Station, on the Pan handle Railroad, on the line between North and South Fayette townships. Mao, for the erection of a SEW WOODEN STRUCrintE over Leech's Run, on the road lead ing from Elizabeth licuough to 'Monongahela City, in Elizabeth town•hlp.- Plans anti apeclllcallons can be seen, on applica- Von. . By talreCtiou of the Cou nty Commissioners. • 0c,1:y5.1-thir.T TIENRY LAMBERT. Coutroll,r TAYLOR AVENUE. The underalitned appointed viewers to assess datnageS and benefits for opening TAYLOR AVE NUE. Second ward, Allegheny. from Its present termination to Beaver street, will meet on the retiree,' on WISDN DO AY, the 14.11 day of 00.07. /868, at 4 o'clock r. to Allah ttie dottes of one appointment. WAI. 31. 31 ee I ,OSK J. J. 11KRSIAN. L I')N Anti WALTEK. set.",'Styl2 v., Fie): or CITY F.NOINKEn AND SUItIiEYOII, Pittsburgh, Oct. It, 18814. OTICE.—The Assessment for the "Nicolson Payernt a.' on market street, row Liberty street to Fourth Avenue, 19 now reSely Or eXatillUntiOn, nod ran be seen on implication at this office, until MONDAY, October when it will be returned to the City lreasnrer , s Office Cr. collection. ' -.^. 1.1. J. MOORE, City Ent mom It I IDDLIE, No.-IS 3 LIBERTY sTRSET, Pittsburgh, Ps., Commission Mer e smut nnJ Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Uroe.tries and l'ltt,hurgh Manufacturer , . Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce g erally. en att2l . JOHN lIOLJAE AVM. t 1 1 1.: 4 11 1 ja lg t i ; g al 11.11? So ‘ 7 ., SitC•• ro , e , Connia ' Lifiloll Porter of ltltni:4Pleiti and Water PlUgburgb, Pa. A GRANT A 1111) --Pr 'Olt__ , • I' L 2 ne *ltdb A di 4^ sieetiat ...... of. , pped Clubswill be het . • . THIS WiT.NISG; Al SIP 4). LOCH, • In CITY HALL'., All the Meets of ..Wh 1 4 ,7 11 A- . reenetiteaktbblireielM 1 f CSE PHBROWNS. WM , . THE SECOND' WARD • PIONEER CRANT CLUB Will meet TO-NIGHT. at Headquarters, WIL KINS HALL, Four&h street, for the transaction of Important business. B THO y ord :. e STEEL, President. • T. A. Pus.Lra, Secretary. ocS WGRANT AND COLFAX CLUB, Or BBOOND WARD, Ativraz Meets at SECOND WARD SCHOOL HOUSE, every Tuesday Evening, at S O'clock: au3:ti3•MTif iIgSf''NOTICE. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE ELEVENTH WARD Grant and Colfax Marching Corps, THIS (Monday,) EVENI7I G, At the SCHOOL HOUSE, to make arrangements to attend the Mass Meeting on TUESDAY EVENINS. A full attendance of the ;Club la requested. All whihine to join are requested to attend. 0r.5 CITY EXECUTIVE COMMIT TEE. THE 31EMBERS OF THE Republican City Executive Committee Are requested to prepare a list of the NOMINEES FOR WARD OFFICERS In their respective wants, and hand the same to the Chairman of the Committee on 'Printing, at or be fore the meeting on the sth inst. By order of Committee. 0c2.747 T. J. CRAIG. REPUBLICAN MEETINGS will be held at the times and places follow lug, and will be addressed as indicated: MONDAY, October sth, ISM ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP, at Mt. Vernon School House. H. C. AIACKEELL and .J. H. SERB. Esqs. TUESDAY, Oct. 6th, 'ISM BAKERSTOWAL at 11 A. M. Gen. F. H. COL- LLIER,.A. M. BROWN and J. B. FLAAIK, Esqs BROWNSTOWN, 'corner McClurg and Carson Ste., at TX P. N. W. I C. MORELAND and JOHN M. KIRKPATRICK, Es qs. MASS MUTING, I corner Fulton street and Web der Avenue, of 6th. Ith. Stb, 11th and 13th Wards. Hon. S. 8. RIITAN, of Beaver; DAVID REED and E. J. FGVFERS, Eaqs. All Grant'and - Colfax Clubs aze Invited to attend. MASS MEETING., of Ist. 2d and 4th Wards, cor, ner Market street and Second Avenue, at T 3 g. Gen. J, B. SWEITZER, JOHN H. HAMPTON, Esq., Col. TH. BAYNE, JNO. DALZELL, Esq. By ozderof Committee on Speakers and Meetings. E. A. MONTOGTH, Chairman. JNO. S. LAMBIE, Secretary. ocS CANDIDATES. lar' CITIZENS' TEMPERANCE CANDIDATE. YOU COUNTY COk3USSIONMB, ISAAC Cii_A.lll,MS, mirth Ward, Allegheny City, nominated Convention, Apgust f.lsth. kit) $ 11:::Zi ($) $ : Itil ESTABLISHED BY A. be T. 60KM4,11812. W. N. GOMM Yf WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (DIRECTLY OPP. EAGLE HOTEL.) .lE'rl - nr$33ll:lR4G - 1 : 1. se :716 1 , .3=1=M1 Groceries, Flour. Grain, Produce, Pro• visions, fish, Cheese, Carbon Oil. dbe., I Nos: 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. n08:n55 J. B. CANFIELD A.T. CANFIELD. _ . ir B. CANFIELD & SON, COM u • MISSION MERCHANTS., and Wholesale Dealers in tioshen, Factory'. Hamburg and W. R. Cheese_,_ Butter , Lard, Potk, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Dried Fruit, Plg Lead, Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes, W bite Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils, No.' 141 First street. Pittsburgh. Air STEELE Sr. SON, /lAA Commission. Merchants, IND DEALXII.B IN ma,ourt.,'GritAriv,&a.No. 95 OHIO STREEI near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAIIES B. MEASOR JOS. IVIEAN qH, HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND rnoDuc7. COIIIIIIEISSION PRESIDENT BUM LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Consignmenta solicited. RarMak.NOBS—J. G. Narita, cashier Mechanics . National Bank; J. S. Dilworth .t Co., B. T. Ken • - nedy & Bro. ---- PETER KRILL KEIL & RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHITS, AN D DNALERS IN FLOUR, ()RAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, c., ac., 1149 Liberty St., Pittsburgit, m 724: b 37 J. ISLANCELLICD , .I_4• Wholesale and Retail timers, apig:iBo BASFB — J IVECBANE eSir ANJER, J. B COMMISSION MERCHA. Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PROD ERALLY, No. 1.*.1 wA.T.t.u. BYRE Smitlitleld, Pittsburgh. FETZER & ARMSTRONG FORWARDING LIDZOKRISSION • 3: °RANA For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, L, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce genet!, No. 16 MA.RNT STREET, corner of First, pit burgh. fe"—':uB 11013 T. IMO'S ANPILICW KNOX-. F KNOX & SON, COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS and d est ere ln FLOUR, GRAM L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 79 MAIIONDi - opposlte Clt7 Hall, A.Ungheny. city. jal7:a7 111= )ITTLE, BAIRD '66 P 'T'rON, ti rower., Commission Mer pants and lers in Produce. Flour, Bacon, Ch .Be, Irish, Carbon and Lard oil, Iron, Nails, Gia 5, Cotton Yarns and all Pi; te.ilirgh Manufacttims encrally, 112 and 111S1.:11, N to n'rlt ET,C Pittiilni gh. Z.ORN SIIIMON ...A VALLACE. §*UPTON &ITAI.I.ACt, t 'V OLE,- sAi. F. t 1 itticEitr; A - ND i'it ,, DUOZ Ll 'ALMS, 511: .: 0. G 111. 51 Ii.EET, Pitiabur t zia. 1102,:r&3 W. P. PRICE. Secretary MEM= wHoLasisac DBALEILS IN J. A. BTAELY.. =EI No. 390 PENN STREET. M am iiii ND El 111 L 1 TS, I CE GEN- T. abovel 155
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