13 AVE.STOCK MARKET. 1 :HR Pirmaugazt GAZETTE, FRIDAY, October 2, 1868. f ATTLE. c . Ales of cattle since our report of ,sday evening last foot up 687 head, .ces ranging from $3@7,37 per hun d. The'nuiriber for the same time last eek wer6 1,259 head. Since our report of Wednesday evening last there has been no material change in prices. There was . quite a number of country buyers of stock cattle on hand who took hold quite freely,' . tnd at the close'to-day there were hardly , ly loft unsold. The pens were nearly eared of all i kinds of stock. There were 7 few choice beeves offering, the gen . run being medium and stockers. We rt the following sales : 3erry sold to Olwine 22 head weighing at 5,87; Smith .it Blue to Wright dr 2. weighing 1,635, at 5,25; Stnith & R. Wayne 2, weighing 1,975, at 5,25; ''. Blue to Corbett 18, weighing 14,725, 'with dr, Blue to B. Black 42, 'weigh ,, at 5,75; Smith tt. Blue to Corbett .g 3,575, at 3,50; R. Crum to Cor eigliing 21,1 0, at —; Hedges &: "nos 51, wei hing 48,300, at 5,10; i Taylor to cKee 23, weighing Hedges Taylor to Dawson 17,075, at 4, , Holmes, Leifer- Wilyne 20, weighing 19,425, , % Lafferty dt Co. to J. McAr ug 16,925, at 3,75; Holmes, a.„. J. Evana,b, weighing 5,175, Lafferty 'tt: Co. to Wright :lig 2,600; at 5,37; Holmes, , '. Klemens 64, weighing 'nes, Lafferty & Co. to •eighing 18,500, at 6,67; "Co. to P. Klemens 19, ,25: Holmes, Lafferty 21, weighing 19,4,25,, rty it Co. to P. Rio ting 19,825, at 3,25; to P. Klentens 13, ding 11,375, at 3,00; S.. Miller 5, weigh- Lafferty dit Co. to .34,175, at 5,37; 3hing 1,400,4,50; - eighing 16,950, velghing 29,950, e 6, rtveighing MoArdle 22, i to J. EN, - ans Evans to R. Sayers to J. '75; Sayers 4,00; D. K. '7,150,6,25; 11, weigh . Miller, Bisho to ;rev t ,- , Orr ,k.. 38,000, 3,175, 1 Hi Tav 11:2, 3,50; 460; J. 3,25; J 3,60; J. 16,875, 16,436, 98, 7,960, 117, 8,950 Myers. 2.36 Aull dr My. to J. H. Aur ,'Lafferty C 1,50. The sales of 11 nesday last fcx , ranging from $8: • - sales for the sari 2,028 head. The active and prices 'they did one weel sale were generally ready sales. The pt out of all kinds of . • • • sales are reported: . • Holmes, Lafferty & • 'weighing. 2I,050; 21,050;at 9,t & Co. to W. Hedges 53, 9,25; A. Steel, to W. Het 2,900, at 8,75; •G..S. ,• Low 125, weighing 20,944, at 8,, Hedges, 72, 10,750, 8,.50; ' Hedges, 98, 9,000, 8,00; Cro W.-liedf , es 30 1 5 1 775 8 50. 1, I man to W. Hedges, 18, 2,910 well to W. Hedges, 112, 2. Clark to WSJ Kase,•ss, 11,506 Quirk to E. S. Kase, 69, 13,540, £sop to M. Dawson, 24; 4,700, 8,06 to Crouse, E. 6: Co., 25, 5,875,10, •• 6: Taylor to Crouse, E. & Co., 9,2,5; W. hf. Tildon to Crouse, E.. 23,909, 10,75; Orr & Williams to 1. ner, 35, 5,400, 8,00; E. T. Eas-%to J • cork, 15. 3,175. 9,25; Gilchrist Co. Pulcock, 94, 18,99,1, 9,00; E. L. K Ise Smith, 109, 21,825, 9,40; Holmes, Lith Co. to Gilchrist & Co., 209, 45,305, 9,70: Thb receipts since Wednesday tne Ito noon 'to-day were: Of cattle, ; 85 'sheep, 21 cars; hogs, 19 cars, and mules horses 10 ears. • The shipments were: Cattle, 142- ca sheep, 51 cars; hogs, 32 cars, and mules at :horses, 10 cars. Chicago Markot. • '[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.. 7 CIIICAOO, October 3.—Eastern Exchange ;;steady and in demand; at par buying and ~; s ealing. Flour unchanged, but active; . ~,spring extras at $6a6,25. Wheat in good 'demand, with sales No. 1 at $1,44%a1,47; 2 opened at $1,35, advanced to $.1,3734,, land closed ,at 81,36a1,36 sales made !since 'Change at $1,36.. Corn easier; ' No. 1 ',opened at 85c, advanced to 88c, and closed at 864 c; No. 2 /ale lower, with sales at 'BlaB6c; nothing done since 'Change. Oats :firm and active, closing at 50 1 ,5 e. Rye a "shade easier, with sales No. 1 at $1,18a1,19; No. 2 at 61,14%a1,15. Barley less field v.e and 3c saleslower, with sales No. 2 at $1,17a1,18; I ':closing at inside figures. Highwines inac tive-and norninal'at 81.30a1,35 for free. Mess !Rork quiet at $28,75a29. Dry Salted Shoul- Aers firm at I lc. Lard steady at 183a19c. ' ;Freights unchanged. Receipts-9,721 bbls :;flour, 132,246 bush wheat, 70,080 bush corn, ;10,737 bush oat-,4,42.7 head hogs. Ship ,: 'ments-13,263 blahs flour, 167,503 bus wheat, . 146,922 bush c0rd,;70,419 bush oats, 2,506 'bead hogs. ; -CureAiio, October 3.—Evening.—W heat :to-night quiet, at 51,35. Corn steady at BGe. bats; nothing doing, at 50.1,4 e. Cleveland Market. • By Teiegrabh tolo.o ritt.ab,.rgli Gazette.) CLEVh.LA,l473,l.'"October 3 .—Flour: City liade held at $12,25 for treble extrambite; f10,50a10;75 for double extra amber; $8,505, 01,75 for double extra red; $9,00a9,25 for double extra - spring; .$848,25 for extra spring; Country made ranges $9,50a10 for louble extra red and amber; "$8.25a9,25 for . prtng; $10,75;111,75 for double extra white. Wheat; sales of 3 ears No. 1 red at 61,85; ears No. 2 at $1.70. Corn; sales at $l. s pats held at 6,ia. Rye held at $1,2•211,25. itarley lirm and Mirth r; No, I held at: .t`2,05 for ecato and Canada, Financial Matters in New York Gold Closed at 139 5 ' /8 _ - (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW Yopar, October 3, 18e8. iiONEy AND GOLD. The great feature of Wall street this of was the sudden and marked change in the money market to extreme ease. Money was offered with the greatest profu sion and there was a break in the rates of interest from 7 to 5 and 6 per cent. just be fore three o'clock, and to 3to 4 per cent. after that hour, with a general desire to accept almost any, rate for the-sake of mak ing interest for the two days. A large amount was returned to the banks, includ ing one lot of four millions from the. Erie brokers' firm. _ - Sterling quiet at 108%®109. Gold firm er, opening at 14034, advancing to 14034, 14034. declining to 139 M, and closing at-14034@ Loans. $260,553,868; decrease, $1,719;676; specie, 811,757,335; decrease, $846,148; circu lation, $34,154,806; increase, $101,035; depos its, $194,919,177; decrease, $7,149,15 0 ; legal tenders, $60,240,417; decrease, $3,377,129. Stocks active and firmer; Coupons 1881, 11 3;4@)113%; do. '62, 113%; do. '64, 1.10%© 11034; do. '65, I10%©111; do. New, 108%; 1109; do. '67, 109@109; do. '6B, 106;10-40s, /04%©105. Exports of gold for the week, including $52,674 to-day, $283,123. State bonds quiet and, firm ; Old Ten nessees, at.70®71; New dol, 6634 663;; Old North Carolinas, 66. ' STOCKS. The stock market is generally rm With a marked excitement and strength in Pa cific Mail. The war between New York Central and Erie has now extended to the Pennsylvania Central. There has been a further reduction in the rates and it is sta- ted that Erie takes all classess of freight to tend from New York and Chicago by rail the entire distance for 40 cents per hundred pounds, or s6;per ton. Tlys reduction on other routes is proportionate. 5:30 PRICES: Canton, 48®4834 ; Cum berland, 32®33, 7 „'; Wells, Fargo C0...4" Ex press, 31®313(; American, 47®49N; Adams, 52®52N; United Sta'es, 493;®50; Mer chants' Union, 2434; Quicksilver, 2134@22; Mariposa, 6®634; do. preferred, 15®18; Pacific Mail, 111(®118 1 ,4: Western Union Telegraph, 34%®3434; New York Central, 128X®12.9; Erie, 48% ®49y; do. preferred, 69®71: Hudson, 139®140; Reading, 91N® '96; Ohio and Mississippi, 253;@28,/; Wa bash, 5134®62; do. preferred, 75; St. Paul, 93@95; do. preferred, 93 4 9334; Michigan Central, 119 ®ll93,„'•Michigan Southern, 8434 ©8.0 4 "; Illinois Central, 147 ® 14734 ; Pitts burgh, 86®863(,' Toledo, 101 %®101X; Rock Island, 103,4(110N; Northwestern, ..8834® 884; do. preferred, 89N®89t,(; Fort Wayne, 1 103f,®110V: B. H. kt E. 23 Ga Terre Haute, 41E44334. I Ell -ed at n •r . 31.INING SHARES. Mining shares d 411; Quartz Hill, 99; Smith Parmalee, 5. COPPER STOCKS. • Copper stocks at Boston: Calumet, 50; Copper Falls, 1734; Franklin, 14; Heula, 80; Hancock, Minnesota, 2; Quincy,'2o. v.' IMPORTS , FOR TILE WEEK. - • • Dry goods, $3,403,015; general merchan se, ?4,3:30,618. 'he receipts at the Sub-Treasury to-day $859,201; for the week, ;116,895,075. !lents to-day, $1,153,865; for the week, 18,478; Balance, 894,961,099. - New York •Produce,lllarket. graph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ens, October 3.—Cotton firm: sales es middling uplands at_27c. Flour: f 10,02 , 3 bbls; market rather more t low grades dull and declining; to bbls :at- $6,30a7,00 superfine .resteru,',, 57,5038.05 extra State, tra western, 55,60a13,90 white $7,75a10,00 round hoop Ohio, `Jouisq.sloalo,:ls good choice do, California flour quiet; sales 3,50,110,75. Rye flour quiet; t $:48.00. Corn meal quiet •Ine $6,50. Whisky quiet, 63,521 bush; market irrrier for spring, with a oernand, to fill pressing ts, buticlosed dull and lads; sales 52,000 bush • ring, 01,68 Nos. 1 and 1 d 0,52,05 winter rod Michigan. Rye more I; FWes 21,000 bush Barley scarce and 11. Corn:• receipts, 'c lower; sales of ,12 for unsound, ••ni niixed wes , ots 66,896 bus; 4c for Western ter 13th. Rye 'ed;. sales 600 Sugar in mod , •i Cubaatlli‘a tuiet at 15a uiet at 16c • refined in r" - and firm: domestic '462c for' early at Grande • - : heavy ed Oil till at 1.250 at .4,M) eel 2 - Pi • 11:1, reli rout at:l% for ct. horse with e bus wh very fir: LATE W. any dad. dull, helix good. Wt the unfavot Liverpool t. checking exi at *1,48 for heavy at 71%a Is lower and sound: $1,13a1, ern afloat. Pot for mess ' cash moderate demaw. , buyer. Cut meat. Bacon closed in bu, a very limited Mg 193 a 1 9 1,0 f , r fair L are steady at 26a2Sc Memptils fEy Televanti to the Pltrat, MEMPIIIB. October 3.--J is firm at 23 [ 43211 r 192 bales; exports. 11 . 41)i, Coro, / . 04f. 04 scarce. Cororneal, If icon. Mitifis,,lfijaltiil.fc, Lard, 163 BANK .NTATENENT GOVERNMENT_STOCKS STATE STOCKS SUII,TREISL7RY ITITSBURGH GAZETTE - f - IIiONDAY : OoTOBER-5; - Mt. Louts Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ST. Louis, October 3 .—Tobacco very little offered and prices unchanged. Cotton 2335 for middling. Hemp, medium and prime grades, undressed, firmer; sales ranged from $1,12a1,65. Flour very quiet and but little doing; superfine sold at #5,55a6,75; extra $6,75; double extra $7,50a8,00; treble extra to fancy $ 9 , 5 0a12,25. Wheat dull and heavy and 3asc lower; sales at $1,75a2,10 for prime to strictly prime red and white fall; 32,12a2,12y, for choice to fancy do; Spring sold at $1,40a1,48 for prime to choice and $1,65a1,67% for fancy. Corn dull and mixed and yellow lower, prices range at 93 597. Oats inactive and unchanged at 51a. 55. Barley, nothing doing; small lot of fancy Missouri Spring sold at $2,20. Rye unchanged at $1,17a1,22, the latter with use of sacks. Pork . firmer; sales at 329,00a29,25, the latter on order. Bulk Meats, small sales dry salted clear sides at 15 for packed. Ba con firm but not active; Sboulders 12a1234 for fresh smoked; clear sides 16a1614. sugar cured Hams 19. Lard quiet and unchanged; sales at 183;a19 in tierce and 20a2014 in keg. Whisky lower; sales at $1,50. Receipts— Flour, 2,500 barrels, Wheat 17,800 bushels; I Corn, 1,900 bushels; Oats, 16,600 bushels; I Barley, 60 bushels; Rye, 4,900 bushels. I Cincinnati Market. Telegraph to the Pittsburet ' Gazette.] CINCINNATI,October 3.—Flour dull and nominal at $8,4a9,00 for family. Wheat dull'and no demand, No. 1 red held at $1,95. COrn in fair demand at $1,04. Oats dull 60a61e for No 1. Rye dull at $1,34. Barley closed firin but unchanged, Canada spring at • $2,25a250 fall $2,50. Cotton firm, middlings at 260. Whisky declined to $1,25. Mess pork In speculative demand, $29,50 this afternoon, but - held at $30,00. Bulk meats firmer, shoulders 11c, loose sides 14c. Bacon firmer and in demand at 12N:c for shoulders, and 15y016c for clear rib andiclear sides. Lard held at 199.(c, bat 'the demand is light. Sugar cured hams at 18a19c- Butter in better supply and pripes tend downward, fresh 374a41c. Eggs dull at 201021 c. Linseed oil dull at $1,04a1,05. Flax seed oil at 12,50a2,75. Lard oil at unchanged and quiet. Petroleum at 31a33c for refined. Groceries unchanged. Hay, scarce and in demand at 816,00a20,00. Gold is buying at 139 M. Eichange firm and 2 buying at par. Money tnarket firm at Salo per cent. New Orleans Market. City - Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.: NEW OntRANs, October 3.—Cotton has advanced With sales of middlings at 2.51,4 c, withisales of 1,200 bales. The receiptaTto day amounted to 1,440 bales; the exports to Liverpool ire 2,400 bales, and to the coast -2.076 bale! Sterling Exclaange 149a161. New York Sight Exchange 3c discount. Sugar; there is a fair jobbing trade being done; but prices are unchanged. Flour; superfine, f6,15a6,75: treble extra, 18,75; choice, $10a13,50. Corn is held at 97a1,12.c, the *ter prico being paid for prime yellow. Oats is firm at 63a65c. Hay Is firmer at 124. , Bran; none on the landing; but prices are quoted at 11,30. Pork Is quiet and firm at 130,50. Bacon is firmer, with sales of shoulders at 1203 c, and clear sides at 16c. , Lard; tierce, 19e, and keg at 21c, the storm preventing outside business. • I Toledo Market. Cny Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.; TOI:EDO, October S. — Receipts-3,298 bar relsdour, 21,606 bushels wheat, 6,12 2 0 bush els corn,. 6,150 bushels oats, 360 bushels rye, .1,200 bushels barley. Stuptuents -1,625 barrels dour, 12,100 bushels wheat, 1,700 bushels corn, 7,900 bushels oats. Fleur; sales of red wheat at $9. Wheat; white Steady; amber and red I to 2c lower; swing_ rather more steady; sales of white Michi4an at $2; extra do, 3'417; amber, $1.56 a1;86t4; No. 1 red, $1,84,4a1,85; No. 2 do at $1,67; No. 2 Spring., $1,16, No. 3 do, $1,30, Coin' 2c lower; sales of No. 1 at 92c; Michi gan at 9314 c. Oats without material chan.e; No. lat 56; No. 2 at 513fSc. Rye steady; Michigan, $1,25; No. 2, $1.20. Barley; state lower, at $2. Freights dull; 5c to Buffalo and Pc to Oswego. Buffalo Market. illy Telegraph to the l'Ft..,tpurgli Gazette.: BUFFALO, .October 3.—Receipts—Flour, 900 bbls; Wheat, 100,000 bii•Sh; Corn, 70,000 bush; Oats, 60,000 bush: Barley, 12,000 bush. Shipments—Wheat, 120,000 bush; Corn, 75,000 bush; Oats, 123,000 bush; Rye, 15,000 bush.' Freights--16,,c on. Wheat, 13;ic on Corn, 9,1,4 c on oats, and 15c on Rye to New York. Flour very dull and unchanged. Wheat depressed; the only sales reported Were late in the arternoon, of 8,000 bush No. 2. Milwaukee at $1,50, and 2,500 bUsh red Wabash at $1,82. Corn active; 80,000 bush No:, 1 western at $l, part to arrive. Oats! active; sales 25,000 bush western at` (HNC,' and 75,000 bush at 62c. Rye un changed. Barley dull; sales 45,000 bush Canada at $2,01. Ilighwines,-sales 100 bbls $134. Other articles unehanged. Philadelphia Market. [By Telegraph tp the Pittsburgh Elaaetted PIIILADELPIII.a, October 3.—Petroleum is uniiettled, with sales of crude at 20c, and refined in bond at 31c. Flour is better and sales were inade at $9a9.50 for spring whea extra faintly, $3,75310.32 for winter do. Wheat is dull at 1 . 52,20a2.25 for red, $2,30 a 2,35 for amber, and $2,40 for white. 11,ye ,is held at $1,60. Corn is deiiiining, with sales bfyellowatgl,26, and mixed western at $1,23:11,25.! Louisville 3la rket.• t:BY Telegraph ht the Vittitourgh Gazette:l ' LOU [ I ISVILI.I., October 3.—Sales 213 hogs is het }sTrobaeco lugs to fair leaf fial4 ,';. new le l f and green country 9. ,Superfine Fleur .(;,511; I finly, - $lO,OO. Wheat $1,80.12,20 ,Corn $l, 032,0. Oats' 51,155, in hulk and new. I corn, oar, .430370. - Cotton 25. flay FM Mes'ii Potk iz'29,59. Bacon, Shoulders L.,,, eleat rides Itit4'ltitlk.,;. I,:trd, in tierce, 19;%'. ,Wiiisl4, raw, .;,.. 1 1,27; Woo &a4B. , Baltimore :Market. Rc T,legra.ou to the t xzette.) BA1 ' .1'1, 1 101:E, October 3.—Flour nominal; v grades deelif‘ed 25150 e; others wi nged; market not sulliciently steady for 'aliens. Wheat dull; priMe red, 32,2.5 a Corn firin; whit 51,2031,24; willow, bits firm at 70a75e. live. $1,4031,55 sions firm. Mess Pork, 330,50 Bacon; es, ltilfc; clear sides, 17c; shoulders, ,ams, 20a22e. Lard, 2031',c. • Milwaukee. Market.- :toll to tbr littrbitreh l7nzette.l ;KEE, Oct. 3.—Flour :wive and prices unchanged. Wheat un lower at $14:06 for No 1, and. No 2. Olts steady at 53c for No lat 91c for No 2. Receipts— r, 154,000 bush -who , t, 4.000 Nish corn. Shipments-8000 000 bush wheat, 100 bus oats, Is Cattle Market. ( litzette. )er 3 .—Cattio neatly with 'onianil at 2 R0113 1 /, for in- AI LIMA' 7A,r3n.l.Nssl3teAwCaNarir'st (-14:11X.iildAnta(8.41): S Liggett 4z ('o; hi 2 cars staves, M llow, 1)0 Shearer; ler tt tiro; 5 tik; s -s ; 22 blris apples, cars limestone, lr staves, Witt +Hough, Smith Kerr; 6 rolls ‘xs cheese, 21 sks rag-, s hops, join' I !o: I ear tfi,..f Thirst; ...I; 57 skit rags, Christy oinini tea., T /3 Young dc Cin ...id, 1' 13 Hayti Er., Sou; 10 do do, Jay Lippincott; 200 bbls Saw, Sam Lindiay Jr & Co; 100 do do, Seglamyer it Voskamp; 5 cars rye, J S Finch; 100 bbls flour,Kirk patrick, Herron & Co: 100 do do, ulp & Shepard; 100 do do, Watt, Lang 41cCo; 25 bgs seed, Voigt, Mahood ,f,r. C. IiTTSBURGE, CINCINNATI AND ST. Loin S RAILROAD, October 3.-17 ski barley, Hitch .cock, McCreery & Co; 25 do rye, McHenry & 'Hood; 30 do d0,,50 do oats,-54 do barley, Meanor & Hetnper; 7 do rye, 20 do .oats, Rinehart & Stevens; 4 bbls eggs, 10 bbls apples, W H Graff & Co; 1 ,bbl tallow, L Strauss; 20 bbls flour, \V II Hagman: 15 do do, Erown & Williams; 132 do apples. 9 do eggs. Voigt, Mahood & Co; 1 ear wheat, Dan Wallace; 3 do metal. J W Porter; 2 do staves, M P Adams & Bro; I do do, J Pain ter & Son; 15 kegs tobacco, P II McKenna; 50 bxs starch, 10 cases hops, J S Dilworth & Co; 13 sks wh-at 37 do oats, Fred Schield; 35 bxs starch, Watt & Wilson; 100 bbls flour, 10 tcs shoulders, 2 hhds sides, Watt, Lang Co; 1 car grath, .1 E Campbell; 5 bbls oil. W Miller; 50 do do, 20 tag . barns, Gco Mitchell; 15 bbls whisky, H & A Carson; 100 bdls hides, Hays & Stewart; 11 -bdls do do, D Chesnut & Co; 25 bxs candles, 25 do s p, J Connor; 25 do candles, John Me- D vitt; 5 cases lard, J B Smathen; 10 keg,s : u T a l c : o, Allen & Dunn; 1 do ice, B tiMurker; 2 f; Carter McGrew & Co; 25 bxs san d es, W Millar. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL ': AD, .October: 3.-1 car lumber, 0 A 1 do do, Union' Planing Mill; 1 do ars copper, Park, McCurdy & Co; 36 bxs ardware Secomb & Co; 3 bbls varnish, J i Seibert ' & Co; lot ,furnitura, Fulton & Elbpper;•2 cars pig iron, Lloyd & Black; 3 do do, Zug & Co; 3 do do, Wm Smith; 3 do a do, Union Iron Mills; 10 bbls potatoes, oige, Mahood & Co; 10 do 'apples, H Ben nett; 1 bx quinces, S M Kier; 1 bbl do, Van gorder & Shepard; 7 do apples, George F Deilinu 50 bxs soap, T S Dilworth & Co; 1 box tobacco, Pretztield & Bro; 1 car fire brick, Anderson, Woods & Co; 10 bbls oil, Coleman, Rahm & Co; 30 sks oats, S H Pat terson; GO do do, J & W Fairley; 2 cars hay, O HAllerton. ALLEGHENY STATION. October 3.-2 ears metal, Spang & Co; 21 bxs window glass, Jos Craig; 1 car wheat, Gilmore, Straub & Co; 200 bbls flour, Culp & Shepard; 20 doz brooms, 30 bxs starch, Schleeper & Bro; 1 car wheat, W McKee & Co; 2 cars metal, Rogers & Burchfield; 13 bbls apples, 3do tallow,Elliott &Lyons; /5 bxs starch, Hahn & Hadley; 18 do do, 3 crates do, James Lockhart. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, October 2.,-1 car hay, Dillinger & Steven son; 4 pkgs tobacco, .7 Megraw• ' 200 bxs bit ters. Fahnestock & Holt•-n; 2 kgs - butter, Head & Metzgar; 1 bbl eggs, E Heazleton; 1 pkgs cigars, T J Black more; 1 do do, J Pretzfield; 1 life tobacco, S P Shriver& Co; 50 bdla pader, Hostetter & Smith. ALLEGHENY Y ALLEY RAILROAD. 'Oc tober 3.-1 bbl eggs, Kirkpatrick, Herron &Co; 7 do do, 4 pkgs butter, Voigt, Mahood & C6;.2 cars metal, McKnight, Porter & Co; Ido do, Graff Bennett & Co; 4 cat* lime stone, Shoettherger & Blair; 1 car lime, D L Reynolds; 1 do do, James Reuo; 2 cars stone, Henderson, Alexander & Co. RIVER NEWS. The river appeared to be at a stand yes terday afternoon with about five feet in the channel; as the figures indicating the stage of water are not discernable, we have to guess at it. Te weather yesterday was mild and pleasant, though at times there were indications of rain. The arrivals since the date of our last re port include the Canielia and Glehdale, from St. Louis, New Staie, from Wheeling, and Bayard, from Parkersl.urg. The only transient deparure was the Yorktown, fOr Louisville. The Glasgow, for Cincinnati and Louisville, and America, for St. Louis, got otT on - Friday evening. The Tennessee, Wild Duck and J. N. McCuliough left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Friday, and the Ida Rees No. 2 and Ar menly were adroit:red to follow on Satur day. The Kate Pntnan , un route front Pitts burgh to St. Louis, passed Evansville On - Friday. The Messenger, et route from St. Louis to Pittsburgh, passe 1 Cairo on Friday. The Bayard. Capt. A. S. Shepard, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving promptly at noon. The Alps, Wilson, Star, Sant Parker, Hercules, Panther, and other boats passed by Cincinnati with tows of coal. Capt. A. B. liopkizs recently sold one half of the Lizzie Hopkids at New Orleans to ihian T. Root at the rate of $24,000 for the entire boat. —The R. C. Gray, Armenia and Kate Putnam wore at Louisville on Thursday. ' —The J. N.'llfcColiough, Ida Rees No. 2 and Wild Diick were advertised to leave Cincincinnati for Pittsburgh on Friday. —A late 'Vicksburg exchange says: The St. Marva laid here 16 hours, receiving 152 bales of cotton at Fl per bale. Tithe was evidently of little importance to her skip per. - —Says the Cincinnati Commercial, of Sat urday: Wo are pained_to record the death of Capt. Wm. A. Gregg; of the Cincinnati and St. Louis Express Line steatnor Cham pion. lie died in Dayton. Ohio, on Thurs day, at 10:30 p. m., of typhOid lever, while on a short visit to his son, attending-school at that plzwe. Capt. Gregg came to this city m fro Pennsylvania . when quite a y ung man, and first shipped as a carpenter, since which time he has been piloting between Cincinnati and Now Orleans, and com manding steamers. He was forty-seven years old, when sudden'v cut down. Ile was noted for_his enezigy and integrity. Ile leaves a finally in this city to mourn his loss. —We find the following in the Winona Repul , lican, of the S•ith: (Moot' those ',hoot ing affrays, so often accompanying gamb- I ling, happened on the steamer Aluseatine to day, when the boat was between La ' cross() and Winona, coming up. Ono of the professional gamblers who infest our steamers was plying his avoca tion nlthe lower (leek, and quite a crowd, compoSed of deck passengers and t hamls'rin the boat, were gathered around. In the cont.'s() of the gambling operations one fellow seized the pit- of money on the table and the gambler shot at him with a Th ball missed the man for whom It was intended; and bit ono of the deck hands, a colored man man named William Smith, inflicting a wound in the abdomen. which, thmgh severe, is probably not fatal. —Tim St. Louis Republican says: The war in the Upper Mississippi continues to 'be prosecuted with Undiminished vigor. NO concessions, no compromiss no consul idatiint. A stockholder, as well as an eve r t ontivo officer iu one of the lines, infw f us yesterday, that he would sooner saeri lice every dollar he had at stake than to take a ringle step looking lowa ds a recen cilation. He considers that his company has acted fairly and honorably, in every arrangement which has heretofore been made, and lived to the requirements there of, in each and every particular. His op ponents, no doubt, bold the same opinions, tookintr froth a different stand point, so that there is good reason for supposing that the present con filet, instead of being "short, sharp and decisive," will be tedi ous. unsatisfactory and expensive. We also clip the following from tho same paper: The City of Alton is having the restaurant .movement inserted in her upper. works. An aegument opposing this system, on the ground that passengers woul I seriously object to paying "by the meal" while a boat happened to be aground, has b en successfully refuted by a statement that the boat pays tho caterer finr molls furnished passengers during such detention. River and Weather. iiv Tel. gnpli , Ito Plt t.vrplt Gra, 1t , ..1 petoboi; 3 .—itiFor IS falling fist., uinej feet atoi three theillNi iu thu datilll. 'Mather cloudy 'Anti tX)Di STRIUM)ATS pITTS BURGH, WHEELING, ariarat Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Wharf Boat, oot of Wood street, DAILY, AT 12 HM MONDAYS AND TIW:R.SDAYS. BAYARD A. 8. SIISPIIERD. Master WEDNESDAYS AND - S.OTTIDAYS, GREY EAGLE Freight. will be received 7 t all hoar; by gel 4 JAMES COLLINS, Agent. FOR CINCINNATI, LOU- .! --.1. xl,fr"' . k4 Isvir.t.E. MEMPHIS and AR KANSAS RIVER.—I be_steamer ECONOMIST Capt. PORTER. Will leave for above and Intermediate ports on WEDNESDAY, October 7th-4 r. xr. For freight or passage apply on board or to JOHN FLACK. trsOr. J. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agents._ • FOR CINCINNATI AND % LOUISVILLE.—TheIIne steamer YORKTOWN -- Capt. G. W. BBERT. Will leave as above announced on • THIS DAY, at 4P. 1.1. For freight or passage apply on board or to .WIIN FLACK. se3o J. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agents. STEAMSHIPS. , TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEEN.:YTOWN. THE INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Numbering sixteen first-clue vessels, among their the celebrated CITY PARIS, CITY OF ANTIVEPP, CITY OF BOSTON, CITY OF BALTIMORE. CITY OP LONDON, • Sailing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 45, North River, New York. For passage or further informs tion apply to WILLIAM BINGHAM, dr. 70:71FT11 STREET. (Chronicle Building. Nearly opposite Post Office. Pitts' ore GROCERIES. AL MILLER, (Late Miller & Rlcketson,) Nos. 221 AND 223, Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets, Offer to the trade at Low Figures 150 pkgs.of q t NEW, MACKEREL and , In barrels, balves, ers kits. 100 chests choice YOUNG HYSON, JAPAN and IMPERIAL TEAS... SO sacks choice RANGOON RICE. 25 bbis. choice CAIWLINA. RICE. 75 bbls. LONG ISLAND bran s. bbis. SYRUP, choke brand ,Yß s. 100 bbis. N. O. MOLASSES.' 50 bbis. BERMUDA MOLASSES. 200 bbls. REFINED SUGAR. 75 bhds. PORTO RICO, CUBA and DENA RABA SUGARS. 200 bags RIO COFFEE. • 50 bags JAVA and LAGUAYRA. COFFEES. 100 cases IMPOIK'ED CLARET. 950 eases SIOF CHANDON'S CHAM AG ALE and LONDON and LONDON PORTER con stantly on hand. - 400 bus Prime Yellow Ear Corn. 300 bus do do Saelled 40.- 50 bus Prime Barley. 3,000 lbs. Dried Apples. 500 lbs. Dried Peaches. 25 little. Sorghum Molasses 10 Adds. Sweet Cider. In store 50 and for doz. Co s arnle Bberooms, FETZER ARMSTRONG. lei 16 Market street. corner First. FAMILY LARD, pue up in five pound caddies: also in torte pound segs. ex pressly for family use, and warranted to keep sweet all summer. Fur sale at the P.m ily tl roecry of JNO. HA. s Corner Liberty and Hand streets. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHEVG the material and erecting , the NEW GATEWAY and OF FICES at the entrance to the Allegheny Cemetery, be received at the (Alice of the Company, until S4IVRDAY, the 17th 'of' Oetoher. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the C'oppany, on the grounds JNO. CIIISLETT, JEL. Senyn SCPEIIINTENDENT. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER,. T ALLEGHENY CITY. ept. 30111. 1868. g ELE PARK COMMISSION will RECEIVE PROPOSALS Until TUESDAY, October 6th, at 3 :.'clock FOR FENCING (with Wood,) THE PORTIONS OF NORTH AND EAST COMMONS, 'north of Ohio and east of Webster streets. . Specifications can be seen - and full particulars ob tained at this mike. The Commission do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any bid. CHAS. DAMS, oc1:940 Superintending Engineer. OFFICE OF CONTROLLER OF ALLEGHENY CO., / PIT SBURGII. Sept. 30th, 1868. NOTICE TO CONTBACTORS. Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until October ad, for REPAIRING TIM BRIDGE OVER TURTLE CREEK, at AlcKtruiey's Station, on the road leading from Pittsburgh to Port Perry, on the line between Wilkins and Ver'sallies Town ships. Particulars will be furnished tilt , application. By direction of County Commissioners. lIENRy , L~+iIII3LR~, oci:y39 'Controller. OFFICE CITY ENCIN%FIt. AND / ritrSuunt;jl. p.Gs . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • S. - oiled Proposals for the constrUction of the f.ll.lwing named RoARD WA KS. Ore sm If; n Avenue. ...euth sitic,) from Neville street to Wilkins Avenue,. One on tne Greensburg Tit rurike, ( , Guth shle,) from M. lion'r ',tile to Centr. A One on Neville street, iron) r ifth „ venue to Cen tee avenue, Al f, the pArlia' grading of Mahon Street, - from Centr- Avenue to soh. WPI be received at this coliee until TEI UP...1)A1t% October Fth, IB6m. B, , ecillentlom, and blanks for . - bidding can be seen at this Millie. The Committee reserve the right. to reicrt any or ail .11,1"3. lt. 31. WILE. oc2:y4G City!Engineer. WASHINGTON AVENUE. Notice Is hereby gtven that the viewers' report en widening of NV A. SE9 lITNGTON AVI2:I\IIUM - Sixth Word; • Irv. of Allegheny, Is flied in the Dis trict. t;oort ot . 491, .Noveinb:ir Term, 1868, for con yl I JOHN C'. McCOMIIS, Solicitor. FLEMING STREET. The underslamed appointed- viewers to assess d3nis••es and benefits for opening FLEEING S tlb 4: r, Villa want, Al le_lieny, its present termination on Fairmont st 01 to I:ell nVentle wRI Inert on the lO•Olift,e4 y, the 151h.lay o f lhhiher, Itifig, at 1- o'cloes to (Ulna the duties of their appointment. N'M. 8. EVANS. s e. IS :Y I3 ' I T pm-tatty STREET. • Notiee iq hereby given that the Report of View ere f r PERRY ri EET. Alle has been tiled at No 29:3, tiovenaher Term .0%68, liiistrlet Court., fur continuation. . 1 . C. 3 iceOltlllS. City Solicitor. IJ sci:v4s „ _ _ LLD ALLE32. Not Ice Is hereby given that the Viewers , Re port for D •- NINO 31 DONALD ALLEY, Sixth wa,4l. Allegheny City, 11. s been filed at No. 291. iguY. Ter.o„ .11168, District Court, for Conti rmaLlo J. 'C. McCO - 1111S, Sol ici tor. MEE MCFADD - EN STREET. Notice Is hereby - elven that the Viewers' He. port in tile matter of WIIiENING WrAlinEN STILEF,T. Eighth ware. Allo*lfetty City, has been Ilie lat Nu. 901, November 'ierm, Iliac, District Court, fur confirmation. J. C. IdeCOMBS, Solicitor. NOTIOE.-A pplication lot' sale of I Iquor, oartlie In the. Pit 1131: • 1' l;1: \ll AM, c tlhg-L•cca. :South Pay elle T•orti.lihr. To.• roan] - 1 ill :ll[ on the 7th or 0ct,, , , r , xt to A. fl., du' ilunaing the si.ovn,4l`l;C 'NO. V. la:UFfri i Ceri .:14.1:7: On and after THURSDAY, March sth, 186; trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, one nor of Grant and Water streets, as follows: Depart. Artist. • Mall to and from Untont`n. 7:00 A. W. 6:00 p. 31eKeesportAccornmodt'n.11:00 A. St. 2:05 r. xf Ex. to and from Cniont.'n. 3:00 P. t . I0:00 A. 2. West Newton Acceinmod'n 4:3o*p. at. 8:33 A. Braddock's Accommodav n 6:15 P. at. 7 , 501 ... m.. Night nee. to MeKeesport.lo:3o P. Pl• 6:40 A. 14. Sunday Church Train to and' • frotu For tickets apply tp 2 t Newton ..... ... 1:00 P. .10:00 A. 2 i J. W. B. STOUT. SuperintendentlL /SING. Agent., CINCINNATI AND ST. OULS RAILWAY. FAN HAATLE ROU • CHANGE OF TIME.—On and after SUNI3AT. sent. 13th, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: UK! DAPart. Arsios. Mall Express 2:18 a. m. 12:13 a. la. Fast Line 9:43 a. rtt. 7:18 . ix. . Fast Express 2 p :30 p. m. 11:23 a. Mixed Way. 6:13 a. m. 6:38 McDonald's Acc'n, No. 1.. 11:43 a. m. 3:03p. 31. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:58 p. 9:33 a. re. McDonald's Ace'n, No. 2., 5:48 p.m. 8:23 a. fa. X,' 2 :.3 8 r. at. Express will leave daily. 11:23 A. SI. Express will arrive daily. The 9:43 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex.. espied, and makes close connections at Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky. Mansfield 41. Newark It. R. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W; W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. C. L.--But:•:NaN, Master ATAN GE of T1T1ZE. 4 564 EGELENY VALLEY EAILRO.9I).• On and after WEDNESDAY , . 7:25 P . K. Armast 120 i, 1868, TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Station, corner Pike and C reete, for Franklin, Oil City, Buffalo, and all points in the 011 Regions. LEAVE PITTSBURG/I. , ARRIVE li' PITTSBURG/1. Mall 8:05 a m'3fall 4:50 pm Express 7:25p rn Expre55........6:05 am - Bratly's.ll'd Ac 3:2,5 p mdys R'lAelo:2o ara Ist Soda Works .Ist Soda Works Accomcxl'n.. 11:00 a in, Accomoda , n: 7.50 a 2d Soda Works 24 Soda Works Accomod'n .. 5:20 p m Accomoda'n. 2:50 p M Mixed Way Vir 6:20 a m Mixed Way T'n 8:25 p m Hutton Acc'n.. 6:20 a inj Halton Acem.. 8:35 a m Church Train leave Pittsb ITI tArmStrong Ac. 6:20 purg„ rive In Pittsburgh at 9:50 A..at 1:10 P. M. Ar- K. Passengers taking express train have but 'one change of cars bt tween Psi tsbrtrgh, Buffalo and 011 Regions. Mall and - Express Trains stop only ai principal points. Mixed! Way and Accommodation trains stop at all stations. THOMAS tif. KING. Ass't. W. FOSTERIIOPE. Tlck.et Agent. . anl7 EESTERN PENN-aggipm SYLVANIA RAIL- R .-On and after Sept. 13th, 1565. the Pas. sen,ger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail. road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: Arrive. .Depart. Sprlngd'e No 1 6:35 a m Hall ' ' 1:00 a ra• Freeport No.l 6;20 am I Freeport NO.l 9:05 am Express 10:10 a In , Sharpb . eNo.lll:2o a m Sharpb'g Ncl.l 1:25 p m Express 220 Freeport Na. 2 4:10 p m §pringd'e No 1 3:30 p= Hail 5:55 p m n'enport:No. 2 5:20 p Sprlngd'e No 2 6:45 p m Snringd,'e No 2 7:10 pm Aye trains run daily except Sunday. - The Church Train leaves Allegheny Jima. ererl Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny .City at - 9:50 a. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m., and arrive at Allegheny Junct. at 9:45 COMMUTATION TICKETS-For sale In , packnes of Twenty between Allegheny City, Chestnut street; Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg. and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe cified on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City tat 7:00 - a. m. and 2:20 P. N. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker's line ofStages for Butler and Ilannabs town. Through tickets may near rch Suspension Office, No. 3 St. Clair street, the Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as. surne any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit thei. responsibility to One Hundred - amountD In value. All baggage exceeding this in value will be at the risk of the owner, =- less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS , Oeis -al Sunerintendent Altoona Pa 5016 PENNIS I ILIVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. On and after Sept, 13th. ItOS, Trains will az. rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner at Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive.- - Depart. . Mall Train.— 1:15 a nal Day Express.. 2:25 am Past Line .. .. .. 1:40 am i Wail's No. 1.. 6:30 1 - rn Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 a miMall Train K:10 a m Derry Acc'n.. 7:50 a m 'Cincinnati Es 11:40 a m Wall's N 0.".. - 8:50 a m Vi'all's No. ?.. 11:51 a mCincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m 'Johnstown Ac. 3:06 pm Johnstown AC.10:35 a in Bradd(x•ks No I 4:00 pin Baltimore Ex. 1:20 p m Phila. Expres. 4:50 pm Phila. Express 1:50 pm, Wall's No. 3.. 5:10 pin Wall's No. 3... 2.15 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Bmddocks No 1 6:00 pin I Fast. Line 7:30 pna Wall's No. 4. 7,15 nm Derry Acen.. S:5O pna Brad'ks No 2. 12:40:t tb . itiratik's,No 2 10:50 pm Way Passenger 5:20 e in --.. The Church Train leaves Wall's Statio every Sunday at 9:15 a. rt., reaching Pittsburgh at n 10:0:5- a. m. Retnrning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and arrives at 11 all's Station at 2:90 p. m. • Clucinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains daily . except Sunday. _ For runner Information aply to ECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad C,ompany will not as sume any risk. for Baggage, except - for 'wearing ay pare!, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, lan.. less taken.by special contract. ' .. • - , EDWARD H. WILLIAMS._, General Superintendent, Altoona, ra. miltzr.r..77,„--- • i tlfil§ 11013, PORT WAY NE 3 CHICAGO R. From CLEVELAND .k. PITTSBURGH It. R. Sept. 13th. 1868, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north, side, city time, as follows: Leave. i Arrive. ' Chicago Ex.— 2:03 a m'Chicago Ex:. 2:08 are Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a m ;Cleveland Ex: 2:08 a irt. Erie& YgnlPl 7:28 a miehicago Ex.... 11:23 a na - Cl. &Wh'g.itt'l 6:13 a m Wheeling Ex. 11:ON am Chicago Nall.. 6:58 a m _St. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pm "Chicago Ex.... '9:43 ain l CI: &WirgyEx 4:08 pm Cl. &Wh'irEx. 2:13 p rr, 'Erie 3: l'gn'Ex 6:13 pm Chicago Ex„.. 51:98 p m !Chicago Ex.... 4:23 p m Wh.Depart Erie Ex ll, • 16 :4 . 8 l'lrA3. A Wh's. Ex 6:53 pm, from ..411 , r,h4 ny. I Arrive in Allegheny. N. Brlgt'n Ac. 8:58 a ml.N.,Brigt'n Ac. 7:03 am Leetsdale " 10:13 aml N. , Brigt`n " 8:28 ain a in; Ca Rochester `• 11:5N p 1:33 m' ellsill nQ New Castle " 10:13 a m Wellsv'e Acc.. 3:43 pm . LeUtsdale " 0:13 am Leetsdale Ay. 4:13 p m ' " " 1:08 p N. Brigna ` . 5:33 pna N. Ildgt'n " 2:33p, N. Brigt'n • `6:2N pm Leet.,dale , " 1:53 ) LLeetsdale•`• . 10:43 pin 1" " 7:28 13L ./7' 2:21p. m. C Express xpress leaves daily. .411 -7 1.1.:23 a. in. (Thiene(' Express arrives IMO'. sel4 F. R. MYETt.., (3 rnertil Ticket Arent. . . l i o u tv UNION d.OIL RAILWAY The liHORTF.ST AND 31tIST RELIAIPLE from the East to all points in Colorado, IVevada, Cillifornia, Utah, Arizona, Oregon. Toro Tralcts leave SLALO Line and Leteveawer.b. d 2,117, (SurlayF excepted.) on the:trill:al of trattni of ?nettle Railroad from St. Louis, and •I-ohlital and Railroad from 01olney, cow:et:Lin. at Law rence, Topeka :tad n'amego wi th 5t.1,..t. for all points In Kansa, Al end Of track w . t,:t of FAN worth wi th the UNITED STATES ENTRESS Com- PANT'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND NAIL &ND EXPRESS COACHES FOR 1330.1 ti V.Fatt And 411 Points in the Territoriet, And v.lth SA N DF.lt.'it N'.*..k. Till-WEEKLY 1.15 /.. ,f COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Pa4S, Anrl.- &''. ue Santa Fe, and all points in A.iizona "lird . .. r ltl'e'xico. With the reeen "'additions of rollin stuck are. equipment, ant hr arrangements made with r— sponsthle overland Transportation Lines from ire western terminus, this road nowLoifers unequalleil facilities for the transmission of rreight to the Far West. Ticrets for tale at ail the principal offices ln UTE' United States and Ganadas. Be sore and a.. 4. p, 1 Id:eta v a THE SMOKY_ HILL ROU ..< C,7 , lON PACIFIC RAILWAY ICAVITI.IN DIV /BP.`N. WILL. S. T PA INT ER, No. 45 05i N'T vET. thr t„. stowed upo, IIIi, Jr.:: tr,tl generally t :hr Iv. y euti,avor tlp, and will D.‘ ~ k iays...; IS:: 613 )9 Coi. A it. and uoza 1 to 3Y. RAILROAD RAILItOAD GLASS, LOCONIOtfIauEb I R e. E T AD.I e 4 a 6 nd l 7 S 3—whl te.COLORED GLASSES-p.shi. STALKED GLASS for Ticket Offices. raise... Cars, toads by PAGE, 7.F.I.LERS g DrBF, 8 - Wood strict, Pittsburgh P. VOITTSBURGH andagan n CONNELLSVILLE It. IL Eastern Division. Washington New Mexico, Idaho, A. AN I)E 'MON , Gewtral Superintendrut, J• U. WEBSTEU Cer.eral ret gilt and- Agvnt. PAIN El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers