Ctt liitsbutg etaft-tt, A Remarkable Woman, (Front the New Orleans Picayune.) In a low, tumbled down building in the old Faubourg St. Mary, reeking with per petual danips, and with the mould of nearly a century on its roof, lives an old woman whose career is 'one of the most remarkable in the history of New Orleans. Once brilliant and beautiful, she yet re tains traces, though dimmed and fading,. of that exquisite loveliness which made her the belle and leader of fashion in her native city. An only child, born to immense - wealth and education in every accomplish ment which the most learned European sem inary could supply, at eighteen she shone upon fhe world of fashion here without a rival. Courted and flattered, with innum, erable suitors, she discarded the advances of men, and appeared only anxious to enjoy the society in which she moved so conspic uous and ;brilliant an ornament. But it was not d6tined for her to remain so. It As said that no woman can exist without loVing, and she proved no exception to the generality of her sex. Her attachment was, however, unworthily bestowed and lament able in its resulte. Passionate and jealous, she unfortunately found in her husband too muchrfause for their indulgence. . Neglect ed, her love turned to hate—scorned, her resentment was implacable. 'ln a moment of fiercely=stimuiatesipassion she abandoned her home and friends, and shortly afterward appeared at a foreign court in , that most disreputable of all characters, a female ad venturess. But if her •calling was disgraceful ' her ~ c areer was distinguished. • She became the ruling spirit that guided and controlled the 'actiolui of monarchy. At her nod, brilliant meteors faded from the galaxy of fashion, -armies swept over hostile-borders! But a revolution arose in, the latid and she became the inmate of a prison: Escaping , thence by the leniency of those 'who dashed the Bourbon Charles from power, she next ap peared as the minion- of an Indian Rajah. Her name is yet abhorred by the matrons of English India, and little children are taught to scorn the impious treason of her example. But as her years grew on apace her beauty waned, and then came loss of power. Spurned_ by. the virtuous and Mited by the court, a wanderer of many year's she came, back to her native land. Her 'friends were dead—the mena6tkof hei earl)l i triumphs had passed away. She stood 'military wreck in the city of her birth amid the ruins of her life. None knew her—ncine would.. Scorned by the - good, and feared by the bad, she has led a- hern:kit's life. Bometiinea old crones would come:'and gossip I . with her; ; at others yotith would pause to wonder at the wreck that time has wrongh, . But re collection' still stirs her heart, and frinn the s'iadowy aisles of memory ,come Smiles and tears tobeim or darken on her fiice. Dresikin, Relation to Figure. 7,1 In iidipting the dress to the shape and size of the wearer, a certain knowledge of drawing, and of, the proper proportions of the gum is, of `course, the chief help. There are, however, a few well'ascertained rules.s - which may safely be taught. One, for instance, is tluktir:ansverse shapes generally tend to lessen height ;and, increase breadth, while longitudinal forms have the opposite ,effeet. Another well known rule (which I believe is easily explained by a reference to optical science,), is the tendency of light colors-to increase the apparent size, and idea. wird.. People of more than average -size ihauld.be !Sudan+ abont i wearing white .or 'Very ihc Wore' forlliisreatuin i although it must Marva be remembered that-Propor: - don and color impress the eye:so much more sensibly - gtalr wiere.ecale that - this rule iv a very : enb6rtlinatelone, and' only.te be` applied'after those more important subjects .1 1 0Y0 .b0e31.7. thmOugblY. ,- Madden:ed. 1: It should, hof . ,ever,' be remembered that; More than ayprisge;slie necessarily involves - degree of. Wmspleaousness, whieh makes any eculiarity of dress doubly un-. klisidialdeArt Latta). cases. small person raiiy4ear wiith impttnltY both cblors and shapes, Which-Would:he- inexcusably 'lig on a large . figure t , , Nothing goes aoffar to redeem : kurnisual size is complete repose both form 4 and color. 1 - Iduchirimmlng, - looite furbe 7 ; lowaiirati' Caprices 'of-all kinds are apt to become,intolerablo: when magnified, while, -9n a. small scalithey . may qilesse, by a car.- ;thals:flutfirliig' altineo which is In keeping with She impression of atiny creature. But here Also proportion may almost reverse the , effect of scale. , A short, heavy figure may even more.imperatlyely , need ..qpietness in thari one Of twice its actual r which . has 'run 'up into slenderness. And this paturally_leads me to the Ilecondmispect cin Which 4resi- shotild IC adapted to the • Wearer, natuelyi• character ; which, - Indeed, is scarcely 'Separable from the form., on ,which,lt• is 'impressed, , and according to which such , questions': as • the last should -71mgutytte•yleci f led.-.-cornAlli Magazine. _ A PocessiiSobit -414eovoied,-au ft , Funeral. - • • ,• 1,10; AttlUded. : rlFioaf tikelVilzribigtiin I ttileitiiie n pendent Sept, 93. A - singular-affair opeorre4 o.js city; on Wednesday list, which we Chronicle as we learrt`the 'facts, considering It ons'of the boldzst strokes at recovering stolen funds We have yet. beard -of. :. We auppreSs the mattes of the principal& through . sympathy for the relatives of one of the parties. AJIr. " C. had instable • drawer in. , : his house a "pocket-book containing $450,, which on the -day named he found had been stolen. Only one person knew that ; he. had the money, and where it was kep t. Convikced of this • :fact he repaired-to the _cemetery and dug a grave. lle then'called'iipori the ' - sn'spected .person, with trim:xi:belied previous been on very friendly terms, and asked him to ' , hike' ' walk; titi he had a little busine s s with Win. •Conducting his id the:neve made, grave, he said : "Do you see that graver' ‘Yps.": eir,?! ,said 0., .filaciug revolver in .the Other'S - Nit; " that is ,your :grave unless you give me that money this minute. ,, The The wallet, with all,the - money 'except somesso, wit; handed over, end the guilty party has fled the city. This la , :about the coolest: -transaction..wo:peri l - .heard of. " • •fl • lifz ) ,RicAD, in: Ifarper.',,,Brar ithat 41floige thit`elArg tic; sagacleusi : • successful, genial proprietor of Abe Philo-. 14elPhia rota s gbes; to Grope neit.month,, With his accomplished wife, for a little rmffontWatadmaul xlotits)ofjoittrifalism: o - an isbetter entitled to it. Not long .asinceilfrAlhildsywitlr-characteristl6 °tidy, presented toperscakippjq. led Nin 13ponsible positions on the Ledger, Awe policies amounting in the eifgregekt 7 1:1,9N—•undertakirig, at the same time, ,par.this ;car ananum, , _for ten years, at the expiration of which. time, the policies become, by their term", • .self-payipg! THE Paris Figaro describing the"wound made by a Obassertt imilet E mentious that the ; entrance not larger 'than the: the little -finger, but-that the exit leaves a ghstatly. wound, largerctban the' crown of a hat, 'and adds: This little deicription must delight M; de Girardin, who wants to have the fth er ,„ frciritieri and Who would without heSita:: tion t sacrifice fifty thousand t O men (t e 4i ng good care he ,wtllaot.figure as one=of 'the number) to arrive . at 'that desideratum Colorado - . A Denver dispatch, dated September 19, says thlt the Democratic candidatd for dele gate was defeated by Frank Blair and his speech. The dispatch adds: The- Democrats had counted oz at least three hundred majority for their ndidate in this ety, but, to make the thng sure; they imported Frank Blair froM C eyenne, the day before election, received him in grand style, and in the evening they had a torchlight procession, and Blair addressed the mob. And such a speech !I I can best describe it by stating that it disgsted all 1 decent Democrats, many of wholl . openly avowed their, determination to Vote or sober and not drunken men, for lie ma d unk be yond 4 .. he question of a doubt, and vas put to bed in that condition by some of F liis sup porters. He went to themountains the next day, and returning a few days after, very quietly left for the East, for the city had gone Republican by over two hundred ma jority, and the Democrats were charging him with being the author of all their woes. Blair's speech decided it azainst the Demo ,cratic candidate. Our people do not want :another war; they therefore could not vote for 'a man who was in favor of electing 4 Blair Vice President. Republicans congrat ulate themselves on the fact that Blair did speak in Denver, and regret that lie did not arrive in time to address the people in other parts of the Territory:for - had he done so the Demooratic Party would have been an nihilated. ' Brigands 'Entrapped The Giornale di ROM& says: "Beneath Verdi, a pontifical town built like ark eagle's nest, on the summit of a sterile mountain, extends the estate, admirably cultivated, of a' Roman noble. The proprietor having been summoned by the brigands To send four thousarid scudi • (twenty thousand francs) to a certain spot,' applied for the protection of the gendarmery. An arrange ment was made that a vice brigadier, dressed as a peasant, should proceed to the plape in dicated, provided with a revolver and four hundred scudi, and followed, at a distance by a patrol of his men. On his arrival he found the chief and lieutenant of the band. `My master can only send you,' he said, `this sum at present. Money is not easy to find. Ina few days you shall havo the rest. In the meantime, for my discharge., count what there is.' • While the two robbers were, stoopipg down to. comply with the request, the oTher drew out his pistol and slot them both dead. Their companions who were posted in a neighboring thiCket, seeing them fall, rushed out to take revenge, but the gendarmes also hastened up, and after a short resistance put to flight the malefactors, who left three wounded and two dead on the ground. The non-commissioned officer was mentioned in the order of the day, made a brigiulier, and decorated by the Pope with the Grand Medal.' 80.113 wuri interesting incidents connect ed-with the Paraguayan evacuation of Hu malts are contained in a letter to the New 'York Times. The city is described as en tirely in ruins, scarcely a building Laving escaped the shot and shell of the allies. A. few wounded Brazilian prisoners were fonnd 'who said that they, had tenderly cared for by theit enemies. This is a won derful commentary on the term "barbarian," so often applied to the. Paraguayans by na tions which, often massacre their prisoners of war. On, the night of the Ist ult., an at tempt was made to recapture the fort, but the allies were too vigilant and their ene mies were repulsed" with great slaughter. Then did they understand the horrors of the war,' for on the stripping of the wounded of their. bloody clothing, by the• surgeons, many werediscovered.to be viomenl They were so well disguised that their sex badnot been .suspected. Awonndedmotherheldto her breast an infant of a few months, whose littiearnquid,beenbioken byabulle.t. Some children were taltenititftulr‘ manta raven ousiy Atibiscuit& that' were given them; one, little man refused to be comforted until. one ,oitheaWsled found hitnamet nurse, when he, subsldek, into. contentment and sleep. The surrender of the. Paieguiyans E then-re &sluing on the Peninsula; yrits' brought about- by &Spanish Oriestln the al lied army.' Taking ;with the cross, the symbol of theirt . faith, be visited the Paraguayan camp 'and besought them-3o ley. down their arms and be spared fOrtherinffering., They relne tanily-consented, and were taken as' prison era to,the, dismantled fortress of Manilla, which,they had oolong and so well defended. As they`entered they:were received by the Brazilians with a :military 'salute and the officers were told - that wherever in the allied conntriesithei might Choose to reside, they mould findthat their heroism was known and appreciated 13PEOIAII NOTICES. . . Ig"'PItAtILONPS - "PA.PIELUCIOTION FOR :liiAirtdrrlVG . THE sicm • AND COI& .1.1XX1011: ] removes ' all -grunticem„ ' Freckles, Pimples, Moth Blotches. Tan. etc.. AMR refuters tne skin soft, fair and blooming. . For Ladles the Nursery It is Intmlnable. For' OentlEtnen.. atter shavingit has no equal. "PAPHIAN LOTION . " , Is thewnk.rellable remedy for diseases and blem ishes of e skin: 6 PUALOWS . "PAPPLIOT , SOAP" •• • . For the Tollet i . Ifurserk r andilath; will not chap the skin. Price, Tolley per cake. - . , "• , • , PLOIX ( DEI NATO " ' • A new Perfume, for thellandketvidel': Atquistte, delicate, lasting flagrance.' bold,' by all Druggists: , - PliA.Lo2ll'st SON, NSW York. .10.3:19•111•77. . ; ; far b BATCHEIMIttg''ILIIII, Thla splendid Elate els the beet in :the werfd; the obly true and perfmt Xlyet.harmiess, •reliable. instantaneous; no ditappointutentv ud ridiculous. Mast ; remedies ;the 111 MUMS of bad' dyes; invleo ratte and leaves' the. Hale soft and, beautiful. 1440 or brown.' Bold by all_Drolalatt and Perfumers; an d . /roperly applied tit BatO. elOrs Wig Yactory. No. 4 # O lO 4 Aueei. New Xork. . ; All7' 44104 Gras—. — Younglden's Ilnide' to Sniff marage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane views Of nev olent rhysicians..ontle Errors and seededdent ,to Youth and Early Manhood. gent An letter envelopes, _free of charge. :Address HOWARD AS. BOCIATION. Box P.. liidebbla:Tig: *Yu: oB6T , . - . E 'GREAT ' AtliEnitOVONN ' : • ~J 4 ,- ! B- ~ .U..,T:.-.TO). N . -HO. : .::L.:,E.W... O TEOl ,i . itIIEW D S . ' i IOI GAACH .g)(. a '4 ) 0.!1,J ~ . ! - 7:; 4 l ~ .,0 , : " ' BEING AB5Ol.ll7TErV i Vilif tl ikk it 'AMILIt MACHINE - 15rTIVOIP.I.,D AND Won- ,--.,!' 71441,ilbinkrAir, OMMAPMff. '' - • :40 11 . 1 r-1r. 1 449 1 44. 40, . ftiOlOWlllitar , c4l :' t '"' 1 .•,...cr ei : -, 411. 442 t. joit t t* p v ~ ig ir . '‘. 11 ii. iii /An t '*3 kt i tte r e* 1. , qqafu=R3 l,,, iiirflrtfitorgi " . 4 . ; , .,1f. 'Oil nr0.2161. lIIVEILANEi-SOOMMX • DYER AND SCOURER, erxTt.E.Err r: And Nos. 186. and 18' 'riTTBBVPit mrshies • PT AN ORDINANCE Harrison Street, Lawrenceville, from Mill Street to Shoenberger Street SEcTIO); 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the Ci y 01 Pittsburgh ; In Belret and Common Councils RS semb.ed, and It is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the City Engineer be and he Is hereby authuriz, d to survey and open Harrison street, Lawreneerit e, 'rum 31111 street to Sboen+ berger street, a' d h. S. Bal'es, Edward Davison and John Moore be and are hereby appointed view.. ens to ass- ss benefits and appraise damage.. In,aci eordanee with an Act of Assembly approved January 6th. 1864, sm: !Z. That any ordinance or part of onlinance pontllctlnn With he passage of this ordinance at the present time. be and the same is hereby repealed so tar as the same affects till. ordinance. Or 'allied and enacted Into a law In Councils this :sth day of September, A. L. 1869 . . JAM t.SMeAULEY. President of zelect Council Attesi: E. S. ITounow. Clerk of zeleet W. A. 'I 03TLIN8ON, President of Common Council Attest: Irt;Gli MeMAsmt, Clerk of Common Connell. • se3o • AN ORDINANCE, Mulbierry Alley, from_Harrison Street / to Schweinhart's Lot. SECTION' 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Council as sembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer be, and is hereby authorized to surrey and open Mulberry Alley, from 'Harrison street westwardly to Sehweinhart's lot, in accordance. with 'the • District. Plan" and to appraise •dimages caused thereby, and assess the same on property benentted, Paul Seibert, Thomas Damn and James M. Taylor, are hereby appointed viewers In accordance with an act of Assembly, approved January lith. 1564. SIC. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance' at the present time, be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 88th oay ofSeptember, A. D. 186 B: .iA3IES McAULES, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monnow, Clerli of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common Cousil. Attest: HUGH MMASTER, • Clerk of Common Council. se:n AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Partial Grading' of Col well Street, from Gumbert's Western Line to his Eastern Line. SEcrin* 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, In relent and Common Councils assemble.' and It is hereby ordained and enacted by the withinlts of the same. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to ads vented for proposals for the partial grading of Col wel. street, 'from ifinmhsrt , s western line to his eastern line, and to let the same In the manner di rected by an ordinance concerning streets, passed August 31st, 1837: also, an ac. concerning streets, approved January 6th, 1884. !SEC. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the Present time, he end the earn is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. r Ir.:Mined and•uacted illtO a law In Councils, tbis 28111 day of September, A. D. JAMES M'ACTLEY. - Preeldent of Select Council. • Attest: E. S. MORROW, tierk of Select Councll. K. A. TO3tI,INSON, President Com Mon Council. Attest: H. McMAnrEn, I Clerk of Common Connell. sc3o AN ORDLYA.NCE, For Opening St. Slimy's Avenue, Law. renceville, through to the Greensburg Turnpike. FECTION I. Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pitls..urgh. In beloct and C:minion Councils as semoted. and'it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the sante. That the City Engineer be and he Is . bereby authorized and directed to any vey and open bt. Marra Avenue (Lawrenceville.) through to the.Green>barg Turnpike, and to award the damages and assess benefits, .7( MN Id. cti. JekOhigliti DUNCAN and PHILIP UHU 4 are here by appointed, in accordance with an act of Assem bly approved Zannary 6th. 180* bac. 2. 'that any ordinance or part of ordlogllCe confiletlbg the. passage. of this ordinance at the present time. bo and the same is hereby repealee so f ordain e d eame affects this ordinance. and enaeted into a taw Councils, this 28th day of September, A.D.' 1888. • JAMES McAtTLEY. President of Select Connell. Attets: E. 8. 3fougoor. Cleilc of Select , Council. W. A. T0121.1.280N. . . , President of Common Council. Attest: H. MCMASTER, Clerk oi . • 001111011 Connell. se3o AN ORDINANCE • SECTIoN 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the Citr of Pittsburgh, In r.elect and Common Council assent- Wed, and it 1. - herebx enacted by the. authority of the same, That: Aiken , * Lane be and the same is liegeby opened and widened , in accordance 'with& 'plan •herewith submitted, and to award damage* caused thereby . .Beaty, John' IL stur doch, and George ft. White sire e hereby appointed. SIC: A. Thar any ordinance or pan of ordinithee conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, bo ariu the same is hereby repealed !to far so the same ISCCUI this ordinance. • ' Ordained and enacted into a law-in Councils. this Matti day of lieptinsber A.D. 11141 a. • JAMES WALT LEY, President of Select Connell. Attest: Z. S. Moscow; Clerk of Select . Coancli. W. A. TOkly.irisom. ' Presieent of Common Council. Attest: HrottMCMeirrss, ' Clerk of Common Connell. AN ORDINANCE , Tor a lloard Walk on Neville street' from Pommyliriala &venue to Centro Arians. . , Sze. I. Be U Ordained and enacted City of 'Pittsburg/I, in Bike! and Ootainan Cornetts army:n oted, and it U hsreby enacted by ths autbortty.af the same. That toe City Engineer be and bets hereby authorized andalreetid to adverthie for proposals for Use constructlogof a Hoard didewalkon Neville stieetb from Pennsylvania avenue to Centre avenue, and In connection with t h e Committee ' on 11oa4s to, let tiletiarne. , $ - Sao, 2: The . cost of constructing, the 'tame to be 'assessed 'fb ,Property froniing therPon; and to bo collected- as - the assessments made -by the city ate SEC. it..pint any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present tibia, be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects tble ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into law.ln C ouncils, this 2 eth•day September, A..IS. INS. • • • • . JAIIES.'hicAULEr. • President o; Select Council. Attest: E. S. ltionnonr, • '-; Clerk of Select. Ccrumell • • ' W.. A. TOMUN,SON. President of Couunon,Coutkoit Attest?: 'H.-McStAeasn'. • • AN ORDINANCE Alipropriatiqn No. 25, Water Exten- • - sion Loan. Intereat and Appropria ; No; 28.: Water Extension Loan Sinking • Fund. .• • • SZCTION 1. Be' It ordained and enactrd by .tlie City or Pittsburgh. in - elect and Common Councils assembled, and, it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority or the same. That hereafter there obeli hal two additional . appropriations of. City, Funds, Number .25, to be known as Water /Calm. , 'eon' Leah interest and Number to be knorft As Water Extenaton Loan Sinking Pico. 9: That' the re be and is hereby appropriated train th e - wOter(Tellta. nod - tiled and ta beculleated during the current year to ampropriation.,No. AS. 1401 thousand.stight, hundred :and: fifty.. dollars. (e 8,850,) and to Appropriation . No. 20 the arm of • nye thensand deligniattmo.)- 05C• a.,That ?ttly,prdinauee or hart of ordinance condicting'arft6 the passage Of thti ordiance at the; /Prt 4 eutr Wile.' be and the same is hereby repealed so fir as the same affects this ordinance. .Ordsinediaad , enitTedintall law In Councils, this sAl4?lim ca.#lp,tF,Vtart•-iett•Tp x J—Y. • l ' :Prllittlinit DUNA teminclG Attest:it. IC. , ' rti ? , : e frir ~,trio. A. TVM L IIJBO I rii ; • I ^ll - .li %President or contmenvelinen. tea if • •• z 441 ••• t; ' Cient'Or Conttabb tJaincli.'.. se= •; A 04. lit - ORDINANCE; z r, 4 ,!t• • , , r , ) ll• p o k oi rinit iit im i rd ii i T ,41 1 r , ; illili r i;,l ' Irfli i t i 4 at' 1.0 . es ne ad en db 7 Abe _i ardsit of idttsbwrith,,• ttel and 6mtaelf COIIIOIII as* :Seinbletli sit4ltitsltunsby, so sod esulted by. the antherlty ef.ilte mow, Thg. Dung Ate d g NI Ind tne Owe ts hereby located oft 'fps line between labs( prortylotur: A, J 4 insithi and Uhl 7Sf Alex soldps eglel.Llst leenrdlinee whit a Jilin birewlik, - submit ea, also lest the same 'ball be called San Street:. ''' _.' -• ' -• • ' • ' • 9x.n. 9. That any ordinance sr pan of otdlnance eontliettng ,witti r t t be: pauses: ol Una oldlaanee at the • Presget• "tee. be eue,lbe "scat Is hereby repealed Int Ise &sibs Mime affeett tbleorolnanee • OrdalnedAnd colleted tato& law In •Clounells, this '2Bth dayof Seoltanber, A, D. 1111011., __ • • • " I' ' JAMES itAuLET. . • . 7 , , , : 7:: President Or ueleut Council. Attest, ' E. B. ipadow, ,, , - , ~ ittest: li t _ii.4l. rre itni... lid j ells ";, Common Connell S/1 1 •k• 01eptuut w eorix4 . 1 1 ,1 0ittorsosLau. Clerk ut......m.0 C.:unitt. ' WO ME Thfrd rzs 1117E011 G :A/ttTR: FRIDAT. vuTOBER, _ . 2,..868. ORDINANCES. PITTSBURGH FOR OPENING FOP. OPENING, Widening diken's Lane. Cleric or common. Council. CREATING rt, ;_mb_ INANCES AN ORDINANCE Supplementary to an Ordinance Chang. ing the Names of Streets. 8/x:rip!: 1. "Be tt ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in &elect and Common Councils assembled, and It Is her by orilitin,d and enacted br the authority of the e • le, That so much of anor dlnane passed August Ist, 18(1)8. changing toe names of various streets n the city, be and the same is here!y repealed as far or, lutes to all streets, east of Covington or Fortiet str. et. :laid the following numbers 'substituted in I en thereof, Viz: ilotoug.li street to be cut led Fortr-first street. Cnesti,ut street to bee: lied Forty .second Ewalt street to be call it Forty-[laird street. Belle fontalne sti ect ohe culled Forty-fourth street. St. Mary's avenue to I e called Ferly-flfth street. Church Street to be c• Iled Forty-sixth street. Shuenberger street o be called Forty•sereuth Street. ii . Still street to be called Forty-eighth Rinse . Jot hrop _street to be called Forty-ninth s: tet. Jackson ktreet to be called Fiftieth street. Ski:. 2. That any ordinance or part of or linance colltliel leg with the passage of this °I dinan e at the present time , be and the same is In ri by rtp •aied SO tar as the conic affects this ordinance. I ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils, this 28th day of September, 1868. JAMES McAULEY. President of select COU ncil.• ' Attest: E. S. MouttOw, Clerk of Se.ect Council. W. A. TO3fLINSON. President of Common Council. Attest: HvGii McSinsTEl:. Cierk ofComition Council. se3o --- - AN ORDINANCE For a Hoard Walk on the South Side of the Greensburg Turnpike; from Mel lon's Lane to Centre Avenue. SECTION 1. Belt ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. In. Select and Comnion Councils as. sembled, and it is hereby ordained ,and enacted by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer be and he Is hereby authorized to advertise for pro. posals for the construction of a board walk on the south aide of the Greensburg Turnpike. from Mel lon's Lane to Centre avenue, and to lot the same lu accordance with acts of Assembly and City Ordi nances providing therefor. :EC. 2. That any orlluance or part of ordinance conflicting with thepassage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so tar as the same affects this ordiv arm.. Ordained and enacted into a law to Councils, this 28th day of September, A. D. 1868, JAMES McAULEY. President of Select Council. Atteit: E. S. Monitow, Clerk of .Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, • President of Common Council. Attest: H. McMAgrflit, Clerk of Common Council. sew ------- - AN ORDINAiIiCE For Nieolsorr Pavement on Diamond Alley, from Wood St. to the Diamond. SacTION I. Be it ordained and enacted by the City. otrlttaburgb. In select, and Common Councils as sembled, and It la hereby or ainnd and enacted by the authority or the sane, That the City Engineer tiO and be is hereby authorized to advertise for pro posals tor the Paving f illamond alley, from NV ciod street to the Diamond, with Nicolson Pavement. and to let the same In acoordance with ordinances of the city. sac. 2 That anv ordinince or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at Ahe present time, be and tue same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils, this 28th day of September. A. D. 1888. JANLI.3 hicAIILEY. President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monnow. - Clerk of select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: H. McHenan-, • Clerk of Common Council. se4o AN ORDINANCE For Opening Forbes Street, from Try Steeet to Boyd Street. SF.CrioN 1. Be ft ordained and enacted by ths City of Pittsburgh, In S-lect and Common Council* llA araaGled. avid ft Ls hereby oTitainvi amt enacted by theanthortly of the sum., That the City };b sneer be and he is hereby authorired to surrsy and open Forbes street, from Try stree, to Boyd street. and to spnral.e dausag caused therrhy, and asses: , inn Came on property beneiltted: and I bA V I I) HOLM Ed, JOHN neOl'T and lIICH Alto HAYS are hereby appointed. in accordance whit au Act of Assembly al proved Jan - nary Oth, 1864. See. A that any ordinance or part 'of ordinance conflicting nitb the passage of this ordinance at the present time. be and the same la hereby repealed so tar as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into* law In thi s 28th day of dente:caber, A.' 1). 186 S. JAMES Mc AITLF.Y, President of Oeleet Council. Attest: E. 8. Monnow, Clerk of /Select Connell. W. A. T0311.1,10301 , T. D. President of Common Council. Attest: U. Mc3lasyzn, Cis r k_of Common Council. se3o ORDINA NOE 1 AI7THOILIZING THE Grading, Paring and Curbing of Char + lotte street, from Allen street to Wain. wriglit street. . • SECTIONI. Be it ordained and *sorted by the City of Pitteburph in&krt. and Cowmen CoUnette as sembled, and is hereby enacted by the authority of the tame, That the City 'Engineer be and he la here.' by authorized and directed toadvartlse for propo.als for the Grading. Paving and Curbinu of Charlotte street. from Allen street to Wainwright street. and to let the same In the manner directed -by an Orinnanee concerning : nreete, approved January SW, / 864. • sac. 2. That anj ordinanee or part' of ordinance coneleting With the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so jar as 'the same affects this ordinance: Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils. this gilith day of September. A. Ir. 18614 JAMES Ate AIILT.T, President or Select Council. Attest: E. S. Mouaow, . . Clerk of It - elect Council. W. 'TOMLINSON", • ' Prealdent of Common Council. Attest: H. Meliaartn. • - Cle rk of Common Council. se3o AN 01141 DANCE , Yoe the Partial Grading of Bishop street. from Centre Avenue to Soho street: • 8y.a.1.411 tt.ortiained • and modal by Cas' edit eV Pittaburgh,, tußsisot and. Common Councils assan• bled, and.tt to hereby emzeteel by the autriorifir of the tame,: That...the City Suglneer be and hells - hereby autboriscd and directed to advertise for proposalei for the partial grading of Mahon street...from Cen tre avenue to Bubb street and to let the same in the manner directed bran ordinance concerning streets, passed August 315 t, 1887; also, an act concerni ng streets. approved,' anuary Bth, 1884. Bac. 2 Chat any. ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting the passage of this ordinance at the pres ent time, be ancl the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordsinod and,enactei into slew In Councils, this 28th der of ceptemberi A.. D. - 1888. • . SAMES McAULEY, • President of Select Connell. Attest: X. 13.Monnow4 • Clerk of Select Connell. . W. A. TOMLINSON, • • President of Common Council. Attest: 11. MeMAsTril, Clete of tiommon Connell. se3o AN ORDINANCE For Opening Bohndary streett from the , nosonts•ohelsillver to Neville street, Sm. ft. invlcdned:•iind enacted' by the City Q,f Pittsburgh, in ticket and theounci , 041107 A. • bled, anti it is hereby enacted , by authority of of Dams, That the City Englueer be and be W hereby, authorised to sot , . ey and open Boundary; street: front the Monongahela river to' Neville . street, In accordance with. the • City District. rian,.'• and to appraise damages'. and Assess 'beneilte thereon, DAVID AIKEN, in•. OREN NEWTOMand JOHN, A AW. are • h ereby appointed. In accord.' gate:with ati Act or Assetnt‘ty. ; . appriffed January 2.ahat ani ordinance ori i irt of , ordination 'conflicting With the passage. ot ordinance at the ; present' tlinc; be an d . the tame ' ls ereb7, repealed ao Hat "Lathe antnesireets this•otdinattee.: • 011800 d an onaqted OW • , :IQ Cann s thin t , epletaber • • • JAMAS A DIX • Preeldentoraelect. Il • Attest: E. 8, Moanow,, , CletL or Se l ect . Council. • ' ' 'A. TOMLINSON - President orCOlranon ; ' • Marx orvoutmoh: Coulicui,f, i nal:" • , . , BU:ORINLNANCE-: . For tits , °pantile of lifellett'fitriSabliitaw • IrtdatieTlllo;frefie e l iisteine*t. .01 , 61 • WI a . lflielft ortlasso4 and eiiiatait Offp '4114 t-the 'l ailthartetal .aurvi r ie 19111 , 1fioles owlet, fro& the °tern s durg,TO MP SO emu 'street. end WU. JANCEMVWM. did . 4ams - T. meoLvipr.` steimOibl atiPaintediTtewara,to , sppralse the Cun uses sndAlaewi bene§ta In acenrdente with/PS:US Pr- Anembrr approved armoire - 6th,1,564. ' • Sac. 9. That any - ordinance o, of ordlnanee, eenalettnitArikts the PIIIIMPOOf t ogrinnosett at the 'present time, De - Anii.the same is here by repealed so far as the same 'nett this ordluanee. ordained and • enacted into 9 law in Councils, this- mBth day of September, A. T 1,1868. • • •-• .; !, 4 4..4,4 , • aAsiss atoituLEy . Attest: lifonAfor, meldent of Select Connell: • • ' • • ' v 4 arSelect •oo ell L .AV. 1 2 ToirLINSON naitteht of Common oouncusi Attest: H t bltraftrti - • - ' tiler of 'onanori Council. r I scan ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the Grade of Thirty . .. Third street, from Penn street to Pennsyl vania Railroad. SEC. I. Se It ordained mad enacted by the City of Pitteburyh, in Select and Common CuariCito bled, and it to hereby enacted by the authority of the Caine, That the grade of Thlrty.tbizd street, from Pen street to Penasylvsnia lialiroaci. be establish ed In accordance with a plan submitted herewith. a cony whereof to be placed in the City Eugiueer:t Office. SEC. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the prl,Sent time, be and the same is hereby repealed far As the same affect: Mils ordinance. ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils. this ::Bth any of Septunber. A. 1). IS6S. JAMES NIUAU LEY. President of Select Council. Attest: E,S. Monifow. Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOAILINSON. President of Common Councli. Attest: If.lfc3lA•:rfin, Oen: of Common Coundi. se:o A N ORDINANCE Changing the Grade of Spring' Alley. from Twenty-Elghth to Thenty.Nlnth streets. SEC. i. Be it. ordained and enacted by the. City of Pittsburgh. in Select and Common Uouncits assem bled, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the grade of Spring alley. Twelfth ward, be so changed as to be of a uniform grace, or a full of six (U) Inches per 1..0 feet, Irom Twenty- Eighth to Twenty-Ninth street. Sze. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with - the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same Is hereby repealed so her as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Counefld, this 28th clay of ;September, A. D. 186 S. J AMES 3lc /UTLEY, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monnow t Clerk of Select Council. W. - A. TourANSON, President of Common Council. AtteSt: H. MCMASTER. Clerk of Common Connell. • se3o AN ORDINANCE Amending Section Third of Chapter Twentythird of the City Code. . Be it enacted, That Section third of Chapter third of the City Code. be and the same is hereby amend ed so as to read thus: The mayor shall not deliver such license or permit to Any person until be has re ceived for the use of the city the following sums, to wit: For any opera five dollars for each day or night of performance, or twenty .dolia a • for each and every week; for circus riding or feats of horseman ship. tea dollars for each dry or night performance: for a menagerie of animals, not less than twenty dollars for any time not exceeding twenty-four hours, and at the same price for ev.ry twenty-four hours thereafter; for any panorama, diorama. ex ,hibition of paintings or statuary, or exhibition of any natural euri•.lty, five dollars for day and night. and for any concerts or musical entertainments, five dollars per day or night, .TAMES 3I'AULEV. President of Select Council Attest: E. S. Monnow, Clerk of dulcet Connell. W. A. TOMLINSON. • President of Common Council Attest: 31calAhTER, Clerk of Common Council. se3o AN .ORRINANCE. -- SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. in Select and Common Councils as sembled, and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the snthonty of the same That the City Engineer be and no 13 hereby authorized to advertise ?orpro posals for the construetlon of a Board Walk on Fifth avenue, (south side,) from Neville street to Wilkins avenue. and to let tne same In aceordance with acts of Assembly and city ordinances providing therefor. SEC. 2. That any ordinance, or part of ordinance, ennflictine.with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same ts hereby repealed so fir as the same affems this ordinance. ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 281 h day of Septembor, A. D. 1868. - JAMEn McATILEY. President of Select Council, Attest: E. S. Monnow, Clerk of Select Cr +theft. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council Attest: R. McMASTEB, Clerk of Common Council, AN ORDINANCE. itt,t - rtOrrcl..Be it ordained and enacted be the City of Pittsburgh, In betect and Common Councils assembled, and It is hereby Ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the seventh section of the thirteenth chanter of the City Code, be and is hereby amended hy striking out cif the same the word •'suspected" In the second line thereof before the words night.walkers.•' Bic. 2, That any ordinance or part of ordinance (10110 , Cting with the passage of this ordinance at the , present tame, be and the same Is hereby repealed so fat: al the B . 4=r...effect d this ordinance. Ordained and enacted two a law in Councils this 28th day of September, A. 1). 1860. J ADItS Mc/LIMEY. President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Moznow, Clerk of Select Council. ' W. A. TOMLINSON. President of .Common Council. Attest: 1111:tit lidc.MAstan, . . • Clerk of Common Council. le3o AN ORDINANCE YOB THE WIDENING Or NEVILLE STREET. Siccriow 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pituburgii. in helect and Common councils as immblep. and. it isbereby enacted, by thbanthority of the same. That Neville street be opened to a width of sixty 180) feet by adding five feet td each side ofsaid street, as laid down on City.flistrict Sac. 2. nit anrcarlitiance or part of ordinance mialicting with the wage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 98th day of September. A. D. 1888.. JAMES McAIILEY, President of Select Council. Attest: IC: S. MOR.now, - • ()lark of Select C•unclL - W. A. TOMLINSOM, Atte, ' B. ium President of Common Council.: Clerk of Common Connell.. se3o AN ORDINANCE CONSTRUCTING , Nieolson Pavement on St Clair Street Sneitow 1. Be tt ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select 'and Common Councils as sembled, and it is 'hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, Tnat. the Committee 'on oh Street, be and they are hereby authorised to con nect for the Construction of w icolson Pavement on lit. Clair street, from the terminus-of,tbe Markst street pavement to the buspedsion-Bridge. Ste: IL That any ordinance or part' ot - ordiaance con.eloting with the palsage of Ms ordinance at the present time, be and the same is. hereby repealed so Part as theism° affects t; oNinance. dained andenacted into IN hi* In'Connells. this , AIM day of iseptember, A Ll. - 1888. !JAMES MeAULET. President of Selec t Council. Attest: E. 8. MORROW. : ' • Clerk of Select CouneU. W. A. TOMLINSON. . ' • President of Common Connell. Attest: 11. Moldserna, Clerk of Common Council. se3o DRUGS AND tRabIICALS. PORNAmENTAL_;.IITAIN .1„. ED, ENAMELED and OROWND GLAB9; for 'Drug tures and' Prestription Stands; with •appro priatt designs. , PAGE, ZELLERB 8•DIIPr:, 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Ps.' • ELBCTIC SIMMER CORDIAL, An infallible rentedVer Bummer Complaint, Mar ihhetereitatiter7. 131411in gs d d " Edo/14h and CRIMP CHI A. 'Death* the Cholera, Oranies'and.Paln is the titteaach. respite by EULIUMI aro EWING Corno i r.q I.l.l?prty and 'Wayne Streetis 144teratiSEI FOR s / • r s , 13011001=012& SON'S JRE V7HITR. LEAD 11311DITER enmEN,.. ; r• ' • The el3ll greent WrOlMEZlO deSen°reee W ' exposure. .11 • usarand et , mora terrela 111111111113Wa ; any 7;at, UMECOCFL sant= 4 patUrcetatte; slorrearer .81 QINGERLY & EL , Iluco esson Nj so Gso. F. tlstitacuutex a PRACTIVAL UTIIO6IIIA,PUESS. Tke onksteam Lithogrolthlo_itstabllstonetrt Weil' of thp Ibuslitair uarall,' Letter , Riads. BOUM( abelis Cirri/Ms MOW , garde, Dtptemer. , Portrangi Views, en:Mester of Dep4iti. lavas. n o n cards, do.. Nos. IFS 0• 44 ' Third street, Pittobarith. AMITSEI=VIT- - . rfgrNEW OPERA HOUSE. Les,ee.. Manager Last wf ek of WHITMAN'S (*.HEAT EUROPEAN STAR BALLET TROUPE. FRIDAY VENING, October 2d, and every Evening and Saturday Matinee, will be presented. Are', beautiful Fairy play. A .3.111)1.731)1 El: FIGHT'S DREAM. Cast to the entire strength of the superior Compa ny. Intr." neing . the grem. European Ballet Troupo; ninier ill.ect:on of Mon u. MARVIG. The great 11 1.4,:iLACt'111, together with Mille. tilatnia:ltarect,a, Laura. Alberti!' 4. the Cory phinis end CoroS d. Bal let. In beautiful rilnees every vening.. Concluding' with the in. et dazzling Trani•funnntion ;seen:: e'er see:i !n this country. RrPROF. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE DANCLNO ACADEMY, • No. 75 Tl lltfl STREET, is now open for 'the re eption of pupils. (,'lass days and hours—For La dles. 31asters tail 31isses, Wednesday and Saturday. at 2, 4 . o'clock . For Gentlemen—Tuesday and Friday Evenings, at 8 o'e•o:k. Private lessons 'given. Circutars can be had at the Music Sturee and at the Academy. Classes out of the city, It convenient, attended to. Hall to let to Select Parties. sei:v72 PAGE, ZELLERS Si. DUFF, DIANUFACTI:iaItS GLWILND GLASS. LEGAL. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of sale made by the Or phans, Court on the sth day . of September, 1868. at No. 105 June Term, 1859, the undersigned will sell on the premises, at PUBLIC SALE, on FRIDAY, the 23t1 Day of October, 1868, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31 THOSE TWO.LLOTS , Nos. 29 and 30, in St. Clair Denny's plan, City or Allegheny. No. 29 has a front of 20 feet on Re becca street, extending back 100 feet to bt. Clair street. No. 30 has a front of 21 feet on Rebecca street, extending one hundred feet,.more dr less, to said street, where it is 37 feet wide.- two-storied dwelling thereon has a front on Borland's alley e:X 18,, feet, running back across said lots 31 feet. Subject to an annual ground rent of $75 00. All arrears up to July Ist, 1868, to be paid out of pro ceeds of sale. . TERMS—One-half Durekase money cash, on con firmation of sale; the balance one year from date of sale, with interest therehom, secured by bond and mortgage on the property. WK. OWENS, JAMES, McBRIER, Guardians of Minor Children of William hicßrier, deceased. ALEX. M. 'WATSON, Attorney-at-Law. 110. 60 Grant street. out: ADMINISTRATORS POSITIVE SALE. I will sell at the COMIT 110V,413, in, the City of Pittsburgh, on . Tuesday October 6, at 12 o'clock M., The following tracts of land situated In Tyrone and Perry town. hips, Ysyette county, Pa., viz : One tract containing 320 acres, having a front of near 2di miles on the Connelbville Railroad andYough logheny river. near Miltenberger's Station. having (rem 75 to 80 acres tilled land, balancb of land timbered and suitable for grazing; there ts al‘o on this tract good building stone, and stone suitable for making lit drat:Tic cement. Another tract, con taining 221 act es and allowance: on this tract is a large brick and frame building. 60 by 1.40, admi rably ad ipted for a urge Tannery, with engine and bolter, and machinery heretofore used in the mann , facture of Bre trick, but which can readily be made suitable for grinding cement or bark; there is also on this tract bench stone for glass house furnaces, and the best or stone for making hydraulic cement; also, veins of coal and lire clay, a considerable quan tity of timber, ant 50 to 60 acres tillable land. Miltenberger station, on the Connellerville Rail road, is located on this tract, which has a front of over 2 miles on the said railroad.. • • . Terms of sale made known on day of sale. Per sons desirous of visiting said laud can get all infor mation frogs the undersigned. _ • VtiN;BONlificißST, Administrator. de Donis non . . etc., of GEO. MIL TENBERGER. deceased-. • seZnys JNO. D. BAILEY & BRO.. &net's. NOTICE --Notice is hereby given that Letters -of Administration hare been granted by the Register of Allegheny county, to the undersigned, on the estate ofFREDERICK SAUK% late of Allegheny ß, county. deceased.- All persons in debted to said estate are hereby tantißedlo pay the game. • and• all persons having Mims• 'against the said estate, to pr. sea t the same; properly authenti cated, for settlement. M A °DAMEN*, SAVER, Administratrix prederictsauer. deceased. Pittsburgh, Sept. 7, MS. • •• • ' s uP B :x s . . . MEDICAL._ ivrANHoonz - itow tows kow ANAL, RESTORED! Asetyntbitaaed ineenial envoi gliDirrt-rucru max + Lar a lMON enz T a g e lt Spernkatorrtuna, or SontlndWeakneas. InvoluniarY taatons, Smal Debility an4lmpedbneutato Mar tino generally., _NerVCllllllles4, l irt eltitungrelon. Epl ilieurtritind Fite; Kentatand Innapaoltv, re, from Self Abu's, y ROL, . Cure:a we!. .D. author of ther"Oreen Soo_kl 40. BOON TO THOUSANDS OIe.SUFFERMai: n sent under mai. In &plain envelope, toanyAddlraThunfoolz" void, on receipt of six canto, or: wok:l4w gc, to CRAB J. C. KLINE A Co. Mar BOWERY , NEW YoRIE % rII9SI9YFICS Bok awe. Alp Dr Cu l venvell'a '=.rrtage Guide," price SACCAU. mys:rawT "M A Nif 00 D.”--Anotherl. New MEDICAL PAMPFILET.f romthe yen of bitmtve. The Medico/ Tinter save of thlswork: ~iThis valuable treatise on the eau* b - and - cure of premature decline. shows how NsalN to unpaired, through secret abuses of youth - min !manhood, and hew emit retained . ; It give* 4.elear synopsis of :the Impediments to Marriage,' the erase and effects Doff nervous debility, slid the remedies therefor. pocket_ edition or the above will. be ; fog warded on reeelpt.of 115 Cents._ by, addressing - .Doctor CUR, TM. No. 118 North CliatlesiStreeti - Baltimore. Md. ADVICE to YOUNG MEN *BOOT TO MARY. Essay* f9r Ira : any Men, On the 'Errors, Abuses :and Dleeasealneldent to. ,Youth and Early , Manhood, witb,the,htunaue view' 'of treatment and cure. tent by ma 'in 'Paled letter envelolea freeof charge. Address. BOWARD Al - ,d O C/4W/ON, soz Phildelpitia Pa, v • ataltidle-daT G.T.I.Af3S, CHINA: CUTLERY. rAGE, ZELLERS , --::DUFF, ft rfeTli eltg d or AagoaMitaa a? 100 WOOD BTRZDT. CHINA,. GLAEyiI AND QUEENSWARE, • !SILVER PLATED WARE, • . . PARIAN STATUETTES, GLASS, i And other STAPLE 'AND FANCY GOODS, a great varloty. , 100 WOOD EiTRig.X. RICHARD. R. BREED er. CO UM, WOOD: EiTRE : ; ARCHITECT% BARR & BIHMODR, .•- - C73ITECTk~s :> 'hump smog Assocwriox . atrit,prkell, Nog. anci St. - Clair Street, Pittsburgh. 'rs;'.*ecdal attention given to the designing anellaildrng of COD= HOUSES and PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Ell WV. HENPICRao:i ...M. W. CAN,NINGI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers