6. wroVEls:='ijSgat - w - ;74 Mum ittElf;9llrOVESiL ": I - `. • A. s IOLIMLAIr & CO., s •1; 1 ' Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor land- Heating Staves; I TO BEINOTIEIk N THE STATE. Sole AgentliTaithh. eoletiiited ItaisDarnimi ental Stoves and ft urnacessfor Hard,COM or Coke. Best in the,World for Psmior,office. Store or antra. Fire needs 110 reklittiling—burns oil winter. • Do not buy until you sgo or, wind, for At v r igo:lo,'WOUTl STEZDT Our Agehts•-tor , Otiestals=TiEtilifLEß. Smithfield Si. :`,CrEO.," 'IIISBLEY. Allegheny City. . 86 MAITUFACTUREESSOr YOMTVAZIETT BOSTON COOKING BANGLE, `• THE FIERY TIIIINACE," Brau;iiNess THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, "REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. VAN'S . Cincinnati PaUern) VORTABLE RA.NGE. -CAST IRON" IiANTLES. (WELLMAN'S RE FLECTOIL, GRA.T.EtIy free from diLt and dust' 13,11.6. TE FENDEfts, 206 and 206 Liberty Street, .e26:717 C • OO EMMIFES: , CET' THE BEST. Bilis:l44m a co. s TRIUMPH, BITUMINOUS co4L.' " Warranted to Pooh, Bake or 'Roast as well Dian other titornin the Union., ME MEM & CO No._ 285jthbeity Street.'" Also on Inind, and for . • • PARLOR HESTMO, GRATZ - MI jai FENMERB C 1007039 ac STEEL WOEXS,:: D U Q UESN E -, - • - • n - • ••••- f. IRON. AND ITER: WORKS. - ItASlENt'aa 'CO _34I.A. N ITFACttrSFB6 Or . . Iron, Wafts - and - . Steel. Cniiiiorn, , ' Find Wagoill9pringo and Axles,. .•- . DllqUene..XL. and Juniata 'Merchant Bar, Round and Moore Iron; Band; Hoop, Sheet .and Plate Iron; Oval, Half `Oval and Half Bound /rant Cylinder and Wagon Box Iron; Drag and Dropper Zan; T_and :Plat Ball for (mai Roads; cjit-Balld and Sakes; Plow, Spring.and Steel; Laminated Steel; Cut ter Bars, Crow Bars, .44., • • • " Moe and- Warehouse-9'4 WATER `STREET, Pittsburgh. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. _ _ UNDER, RECK. CO. PITTSBURGH; PA., Kantifliof every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY srautes,_ WeLIZTIC ELATFOREE SPRIER% S • AZLE% !STEEL TIRE. da, de. . . Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 'First Sta. BABB - & P'ARALDT. - 'clionnua. ?Jarring - as: WM. METCALF, I "REUBEN MLLES,. ezo. W. BAIMI, CHAB. PARKIN. HPZCIAL P.A.RTNZE-S. M. BIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS,, Office, 110 r .539 Liberty St, prrrestriaffiL fel4:d4B B uttcia ittAmen• sTzEiiicapr.s. PARK; BUNK' & CO.. 311.anid5i4nre;i ofirAllUitaliptlOns of SEEITMI:IIELa.. _ . 0 toe and Warehouse, :190, _129. 194 SECOND and 119 and 121 FLUST STREETS, prrrsifiattiit: STEEL waits& . . c . sNAN2..igaND I 1 18454 ANINEititON.&•WOCADS , TICCECt3SORS TO ANDERSON, COOS C 0.,) . . bfanufaccoreni of every description of ' STEEL. BEST REF-TN - ED TOOL STEEL Malay, Circular, Gang and Cross Cnt S.ELW PLATES: Spng C oe, Fork . ast and German Plow and Blister Steel. Sh ri ovel , , Hoe, sa.ke and Toe ralk Steel. -Railroad Spring Steel and Frog Points, Cast Steel Finger Bars, Steel.•spring Steel Tire, Plow Wings, etc.. ; Oil Drill steel. omee and Wtorks7Corner FIRST AND ROSSTS., Fittsbargn, .• • 3d9 Godeffroy Oraneker Co.; 42 ‘EXCHANGE PtIICE. YEW YORK • - Arevrepared, as Sole Agents in the - United States Ibr the Pruislan Mining and Iron Co., of Duisburg, Westphalia, to .Sonti r aet or !ell in quantities to snlt Va=kasere, (delivered in either New York or Phila. delphia) the celebratel V. H. SPIEGF.,LEISEN eed oo oxtßroslvely for pie,monnfacturing of I _ BESSERIER sTE.EL. • d'hls Iron le fraesfrom 'Sulphur and Phosphorus, and .sontaine a heavy percentage of Manganese. The hove are alsore'itly to contract lor, or sell 'Oa:rive STEEL' -RELtLS ARNDT & CO., Dortmund, for which latter Arm they also bave the Sole Agency In the linked States Fall particulars, Samples, prices or chemical ma Ora will be promptli forwarded on application aulinta 14.1 LE SV.PEIIIOB-- .. • . _ ITER 10:Gle,ANDIKEITRIG WOl3, Prrillargallail. ' . PARK, itteCtIRDY & CO., Idannliseturers of S mattang, Braziers, and Bolt Copper, Presled Copper Bottoms, Raised Mill Bot toms, Speltpr . Soider; „Also, Immo , ' raand Defilers In Metal. Tin ['late, Sheet _lron, Wire, 66e. Con stantly on nand Miners' M;leliiiiiiti a.. il Tools. . Warenow.e, No, 140•F11.1 -,T STICS.e/ and VD k ,SEC( IN I)ST U. E ET, Pitts:Airy:ll.. . • Special nr , ii.ri of Copper, tint tO any desired tfa t tern._ ' ' ' znyl47o.l3lwT ATILAS'WORKS, monnurtrauterollxieiviramt iirx•rststiwit. 0101A13 N. MLLES.—President. sad isicetn, • the liafkii4arllr:7- - • •Vrlnuktfd.' PITTSBIIRGH , = Manufactured by COPPER. - - • •, J. t... 1 Aktirlines, of every description. Boiler., On Tani's. . 9t H eet : I ro n 15,1#ks, Rail7oB4 CalitithlgS• Baling 31111,9sattngs.4.-- Engine Csstilt 1. Machine Cast!nirs4 General Castings. PIM+ !_iOMOITED n09:n69 NATIONAL VOIJNDRIr , • ' ' AND*iisEVORKI. Corneae 'Carroll s 61•1 Bmsllmsn Streets (*Mit Wit.%) • • PrrTS33I7IIOGFEEE Msnuictare~ro! .A ' - CAST nzoN-Bowier/PE, PO R GAS Anivresza-vtosas. xi Pipe's aresU cad invariably in Plts,•l* 4117 Mid IL , and ll:feet lengths. Also, 3all ssfor=satsof Generalbastindor (4. 11 2 ludYlater3Voo. 4iiiid_slso can the sttentitnt oflinzintebdoutt Af eat Works to my make of =TORTS/. fen:tio . t: O.,LIVINOBIO*.*. H. ill:MT.*. At..808121 - 80R;ni. .: 1114GSTON & CO., .- . .... , - c . ... 2 I :. ':I/LOTUFOUNIIIIILS, • , ~, L . MASTUFACTUREW Or: . • ' ' '',-- " :i 1. 1.. ~..=,. ~ - ,: , •4 , - ',- ! : -,: ,-.... , Alldpkwintbnig !hi Militias Ind SicriCtAl a . ii.... imp.... Cotton and Woolen nut obinen, Ne.-,z;-; : , i'M ''',-;: a . ! A.l4,,,lnbWork proriptig attenkeed to. 4 - , .. f Mee :And.Worka— WASHINGTON AVENUE, ,rkeafpnter Depot, Allegheny Clty, Pa.:. ; - i . , i..,, , •' OBINSON, REA & CO.,— .'. tikiemegmsttampmoSOßNisA 2 o#l4o.J. WASM.NGTON WORKS, c, COURSERS AND MACHINISTS. PITTSBURGH, . 411.awkIber—vtkizera of Bost and Stationary Steam En- CafraWrili g l i al i ge ll eirt, 4 3 ii i ttVgd T . anl r s th fa nitm,lclTlL2t:e i grttugninfthlleld Stre Manta for OIrFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR , for feeding Rollers. . • Jallain MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. .Butter Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron ) Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, XACHINSEY AND cesnavos GM:RALLY •. Orders promptly end _'. 4 executed. • . Charges reasonable. EBBEWJ & ILLOCLESD. 0r.15:1M3 . .! PRICE 13z - SIMS - , Otaerind lirmrettonse, 29 Wood Street. manufacture and keep conatantlp on hand Thimble, Skein: and Pip - 6,110km . W49ON: BOXES, DOG IKONS. • BIIGAR ICETTLEZ, HOLLOW, WARE. And Csatlngs generally. ap26:yd rrHODL4,B , CAILI.IN 4k. GO., . - • PoUrti 'Ward Foundry and Machine Work', Luennurr ST.,' ALLIDGIVENT CITYOhiA Hanufactniers of Stearn Englnn, Oil PreHeil Pul leys, hluifting.resis; .and Saw .Mlfr*Work,abal elsoM...Gaittage,Viste AN W :on Boxes, to. Build to order and have on • gidea of all sizes. —•-- mr14:46 . , ILI4WOUNDRIE - .::;AND ROLL WORKS 880 Fenn Str eet. BOIL N, - 13011 i & Y BIGALEY. obiu new, min casumseson races., t rimpsr, Bittdithirt 101 7 04314.8. - ESTABLISHED IN 1836. - trsetory of STEAM ENGINES, of ell sires ander theiall , s t arge . A . pstra ma n stsliari r 'Mr ; Amstiety WILL Ltd: 16 hoise ipowet ENGINES, 7 . 140. h. .he -said at very reduced 1L114e414' ; P. F. GEISSE. Wellsville, 0. 'Fifty tales below Pittsburgh, on the Ohlo river, and line of C. at P. S. IRON WORKS. . . . ..... FQIITZ2n !PPM ' . plinsteenGili FORGE 1, AN0.i00.N,00., NUFACTCILIBB Bar - lroiS _ /P"iiiroad Fish Bars and Bolts Itsßroad Car tales Boiled; Ballroad Car Axles Hammered; ,ILOodmotive Frames; -!,l4oeotnattve Frame Shapes • Yokesi Straps; Bends, • Steamboat' Steamboat Cranks; lilsitAta Beds, Wrists; Pitman #4oo, , .l3collassi &e. • Office, NO. 177 PENN STREET, TI43BITRGH . . P WISON, PRESTON if,,CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works Warehouse; Nos. 168 and 167 MIST STREET itiposite Monongahela-House.'PITTSBU . att24:dB, RGH:' " HARDWARE. 11 MVAIZE BOOM LINDSEY, STERRIT . 8c EUWER, *anutacturera and Importers o la...A_ EL CUTLERY, &C. 837 LIB V,RTY IBTFAEET, CORNER OP IFA.iNitt Doe Square , Below Union Depots PITTSBURGH. Asents for FiEItI326.NRS , LiCALEIL WWI! MIMS: _ sr witoacitosittsi*v_ BOLE' 7 , -,. tor Poi nt luOile P., . .. atir., , g7*lttmr,',:i, .:•, i / , Engulkulders,44l4 , ~.. -„....„,,,,,,,, ,„ • Atanniaetnre STEXIO/;44IiiiENIO.iI1 11 diTA .; TIONARY YNGI - of 41110•4,,,.'• ...,,, ~,_- .... Special attention: iturited , tatxir neirroTATto...ei- ARY on. WELLS R.I:4OINISr-ANWPOBTA. II BuILER, of 15.boraaporteN '.. --„,"' .- ' _....-, CASTINGS, of every_ ll* mummer aa. , unr . „ It * Foundry, on ThIRD ST It ' „lifirket.; , • - • ' RIGS for 011 weas,, - . IRA GF,,., , 'I , ..III.LICYSI HANGERS, HOUSE ,T W att RIOILEWRaza. IRON TOBACCO PRIMES, .ll,nd Losacto order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS; Fronting on the Vegheny i War, near;the relni, Pl PITTSB (In, PA. iptil Jilted; Tint us. sir All orders FO!IT 'PITT' 111/1114 MB : ' , VMS _ WCI "ARS: CARROLLBNYDERr 1 TUBULAR, IVIIBLIZ-FL ~ A I TUBULAR, TIES , BOX AND (tYLINDE : STEAM; SOILED& i I bui OIL STILLS AND OIL , • CHIMNEYS. razzes= e 'A N Asir PARE. ONTTLING PANS, I 'r P ' AND CON ADENSEBS; 1 • AIEAM PIPES, easosurrats AND IRON samosa:. I ?WON DOORS AND COAL earns , '' • ' 1 , epee sod Warehouse, earner- Seeendl, l 'al Third, Short, mid Mertz Streets, 1 ... - . win allab7dEß WK. •• • • • BOILEIt;MAKERS -, 1,-1 AND SIAN= IRON: WORIENNS, NOS. SW; AA. sii AND i”IPBNIt BT. Having securea &large yard and turnithed it with :the most approved 'machinery, we are Prepared tb tosumtacture every description or sorcryis in the beat manner. and Ara:ranted equal to any made in _the .essantry. Chimneys, Breeching, Tire -Beds, Bteisa•faLocomotive Boilers, Oondensemy Balt Pans, 011 13101. Agitators, Settling Pans. Boiler ron,Bes, itar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barils P sit Boilers. Be • •• done on the shortest:Kam 1a5:c21 JAMES M. BITER, Nos. 58 and 66 Water ;Street, IRON OIL . TANKS, SETTLING .PANS.COPPEII STRAY PIPS, BOLLINGXILL STACEB. PITTSBUBEiII Wl= 4. BE 8U sobrolro Ds MOM JARED R. 1 1 . 3111:16R & SON, thisurAcrinizas or stern Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. t • - sUnET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street. Pitisburuit. WAJEUNG AND SLING, Commission Ateschants And Szelcess is Petroleuniinid its Products; DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, prrrsitrson, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., t 127 **nut street. TACK gg iH>t • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' AND DNALNES Petroleum and its Products. ..!TE ritt.burgt, der'of - PlUadelphls Ofilce—Uill WALNUT BT. Apl:wap TJ M. LONG & CO" ' • • XLNUFACTITIMESI OP PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, ----TBrand--"IATCLiEsit." .J 1 OMee, Na 2 Duquesne Wiwi LUMBER! LIIMBFittLUBTBERS ALEZANDER PATiItaSON, . . Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber. ON BAND AND FOR SALE .500,0410 feet Dry Pine Boards; 30.1)00 feet Dry Oak, 1 and ;a inch: 30;000 feet Ory•Ash, 2, :4)i and 3 inch; 9100,000 feet Hemlock; 1,000,000 No, I IS-Inch Shingles, sawed; 100,000 Na; 1 I& loch shingled, sawed; 100,000 NO. 11.0-Inch Shingles, s laved; 2,000 Locust l'osts, 7, 8 and 12 feet; 300 Cedar Posts. '- Also, Fire Brick, Tile and Clay, in large or Small quantities. YARDS No. 86 PREBT.F.; STREET. 7 fOimerty Mauchet tor, and 157 REBECCA STREET; oppo site theklas Works, Allesh. ny Cliy. .lyMit73 FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY Capital, -- 125,000. Pmr.mozrr—EDWAßD DITHRIDGE. liscxrrAoy—T. A. WRIGHT.. _ • BDPERUSTIViDIrarf—EDW. D4V1 8 021.:".' Edward Davison, e ' L fi r . e1 1?Ii eo. hrld tr. k. .1 hiTIKBER YARD—Oorn BEE tITREETAI * * OFFICE AT FO B? PI 'piton threat AS AND STEAM FITTING. JOHN M. COOPEH• .JOB. HANN .. lIHNST HMEt. JOHN & BRASS FOUNDERS , GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Mantifactnrers of PITMrs Maa2B MrOMIE tr a rg 41liertztii.ora GAS .. FLITUJIF a ,s I Corner of Pike and Widni# Streets, PITTSBTJRPFL pyllkr.3o _ . - ssmvEL El 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, . • , . Agellt for the ante of ColllWrial, DOtlgtllMOre, JO. sephine, Isabella, Onneannon, litanbope, Olendon, end other hoards of Anthrarite. YoughtOghenY Coke and C. It. Charcoal . . Consitai plrrsacrami, Pa. prmwvatiu, PA.• xArroTAcruass of And BEM= IRON WORK. . For SteamboaU. LUMBER. DIZZCTORB. L. F. Dunesn. E. D. Dlthrldge, AL L. lislone. Ihnston. er of BUTLER and ;Al* artiiG WORKS, Wash 3 - • - • •.• Ia2O:JfW IRON BROKERS. irtaN REOILER, IGi icuoN.• peogu.4, bcalclteds :001011RB 2/0186E.-, MIME iX/NMMNIJNMNWWMN~I~MMIIIMM~ PLEs sAYiN6sBJH, no OF rrrrsmatoia. `CASH CAPITA,, /President+likintlr "vie° orfOlosit—ftuizAlig *Es. TRUSTEIB enry_Lloyd, Hon. Thos.. : I,E: P. Jonei, g. wightman Geo. W. Hallman, ,Wm. Rea, i H. Hartley, Edward Gregg, J}pe,un Stowe Netretary & Trtaier---8. F. TON BoNnol SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on posits. Deposits made )n or before October li bear interest Dom that date. Interest compni let November and lit iv? 1 1 ,•,1 iL i ,• FORT PITT. BANKING, 011 P I t .:- , , . N 0.169 Wood 'Sinet • ' . t COITAL, :.ii . : :: ': $2 O ,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIA LE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT . SECUITIES, AND COLD. INIBRIST ALLOWED 1 113111 DEPOIIIII.. _I Collectloas made oa all accessible point, In the Unitedfltates and Canada , . ._ .. .. i • • I)liieriYßSl I D.Jaiostetter. Jno. C. Risher. James Gordon, Robt. H.-Kiag, E:4c.lgeltt: .' " - ragilliNitig4.' .':,,.. &&WL. NeCLIOIIIFLLE, reeteL IL LEET 1 1 1111,80 E, Gamier, k rj..41 ' 1 4; 9 4 (Oki VI I No.l93llBFari' BTREIT,- Pi rr 9 l . l " l6SllrA. ' CAkT4/4 (inthOrkedo : 11 r 5200,000. DIRECTORS. 1 i f _c_:li l i 11: r?l ii 'll . li v :q t a. 1 tlvc t ; ~. William Eery,' ' r " Geo Van Doren Samuel Barekley, .. .L. • . ... ".. . . , . Li GENERAL. BANKING BUSINEI TILLNIgkeTZD Collections made on all aocesalbla points In the United States and Casualisk. . • Interest Allowed on Than Deposits. • - .UNITED STATES SECUSiTIES' H.J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. 'AE EOGM .4 . • ambler. I : HOLDIMWINDIVIDUALLY LIABIAL, NATIONAL BAH_ OF COlllllllO, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. PATTERSON PIMll4llMkto /JOS. U. LULL Cashier. : $600,000. DrECZCIORS: ' ' Geomat, _W. Case, 'James xeCaudless,t W. Dou as.. acad.gas, I . A. PlitterBoll, Wm. Brown, Chas. Loekharte Allen Eirapatrlcs, W. A. Haven, DISCOITNTS DAIL HART, CAITGICEIT & BANKERS AND .1330KFILSI.: corner Vard and Wood Streeta, rrx-reirrascar, 14,A. *, (3IICCEBBOBS TO aenws. HART I C 0.,) DIALTSB Exqhange, Coin, Coupons, And partleulat eitention paid to he purchaie and sala el GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Draitie I:acendon. my1:283 N. sTil4l. 57 Market Street, - IaITFICIEgT/1441,..1".11,„. totietiona made on all the principal points of th ISlate' and Canaan.. • . - . • 0 . - Stocks; Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the p urc haseua and sale of United States Securities. J.30:11 ESTERN SAVINGS BANS, No. 89 Fourth. Street. CHARTEIIIEP 1866. Interest paidOn f rinte Deposits ANY ll= RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT. TO OHECE. WITHOUT . Discounts D;dl MTEI ! EB7. yatEl o clock. A • Presldent-THOXPEON -BELL. - Vice President-A. M. MA Rani,. ERE TLIPHPSON BELL, t , I rkiALL, JOB DILWORTH. JOB. Al. KEIL litoeltholders to w onrwe makere ranee: Wet.JOreph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell , Rev. David Kerr, Willls Dalzell, • Henry Lambert, D. C. moven A. ta. Fulton. Thomas F.wina. NOVEL pITTSLIIIRG : NOTELT A,DA/11? n►llur Keystone Stand, and so hum Fate Patent PAINT. AND' 0 Corner :of . •,Gripa EME3 FAMILT LA .] Doan., caddies; al prosaly tor famllY use, • all eammor. lor es!tt Corner PAGE , Z ELL ALIN rACTU 3121 uk; LE !-•": /~ these sera 9 a large numbef=ood mutton sheep offer- _ Ing and these 1y went off-tir •-•1 note sales as folloWe , Seller. Buyer . 1-To.Wrtglot. Corner of. Wood, and ,F.lft4 Streets. Suitt& & Blue - t 0 Puareei. - .:199 •15,7401i4 60 . ' • !. Holmes, L. ()P. to Pearce...2os 1I,710" 490 -118VEritEIT. 0,0 p 1 CIFICL L BONDS, T• M. Wilson to Pearce...... 90 7,000 490 Smith & Blue toPessee -255 1905 - 455 _ Robinmito Pearce.- 23 7 ~13.750 SOLD SILVER AND CO U PON S - R.B• kto Pearce 212 15,950 360 Messenger to Pearce.•2.1'......20711e1;60(1. 3 911 e: • Bought on the Iseat trorabie terms. Bells LILT Holnies,L.&Co.toPldeock.lo6, 8,750 380 TESS OkEIT' and DWI'S a gist:dein an, Holmes,L.& Coto Fidecicit.l99 16,909 465 • - SLultzto Pidadoele• ' 193 16,600 4:00 - I part of Enrbp, ; • DEPOSED& rsetarskimbjeet to. check . or INTER Jones to Pidcock 207 20,725 500 MT ALLOWED ON TilifE DEPOSITS. Carnes to PidOotk ' 211 17,050 875 Hamilton to Pidcock .218 18,425.. 4 25 Gibson dr. P. to Pideock 213 16,750 3 50' - John McKee to Pit1660e.... - 423 r. 24,780 . 173 ' • Crirecird &C. to Pid.tibek...2lB .17,440 4 ,36. Clark to Pideock...... 106 10,060.' 3.64 We:ton to Pideock 300; „..„ McGill to Piddock..: - 221 ':-1!;560 ,50 ' Harvin to Pideock..... - . 108 9,075 .3 . 50 ; John'Carner tePide0ck....2,16:;:113,160 360 • JamesTiost to Pideock 253 , 21.060 3 .50 Donohoe to Pideo4c "206 . 17,600', 4 30 Hudson to Pideock 190::16 , 650 •4 00 Watson to Skince- 330; 28,665 ,4 McPbers-.11 tcrAull&M:-.2138" 46,025 410 - YoUtter to Aull t Myers... 85 -8,502 325 HolmeS, L.& Co, t0Au11....211 17,550.4'50 Patterson to Anil& Myer5.202•.14,975 3:00 • Henderson to Aull & M.,...209 17,409 4' 25 McClain to Atill & MYers...3l3 ay SO, - 3 80 Briinard to Anll & Myers...22B at $2 h'd 13encenbaugherto Deltrickr.2lB 15,750 3 60 H. Rtiff 17- 1:1,1373:,4 25; Seymore to Deifriiiti- 221 18,185 .4:40 Blackwood to Deithrich....l9s 16,500 4'oo Patterson to Velthrigh '• 211 10,025 .3 2S MCAllisterto Hill • •_ll2 -9,100- 305 Smithet:Blne to Deltrlchii.2oB.:l7,ooo 375 Smith:&BlubtO Deitrich...ls7 • 11,109 ; 215 Margit' to Lloyd - 207 17,410 450 Zeiger to Lloyd • -177 at $2 3016 . 10 d Zeiger to L10.?4;binaid5..,.... 145 at $1 00'f h'd Holser tio -Lloyd • 84 6,825 3 2.5 Holtnes,'L..2o)..tollciyd,l7B 11,950 375 . Anll & Mydrs to Lloyd 208 at $2OOll h'd MeAlliater, to Lloyd.. 192- 1%460,4 12; •• „ - - There Wins a dull market, with a leis de- • • Mind" for first Glass Hogs, Which were Italy 25c per cwt.. lower. The, medium clam were in better; deinatill; , :and commanded • :'tulip last week's.flgures. ,Prices last ranged front $8,25 to $1.1,25 per. cwt.; whilst this week the best , commanded but 110,85, and „down" tri: - $8 Si The, sales re potted sincel , Friday last were 4,820 head. - Total for' tile- -.Week .' ending thle .evening 6,818 head: ,We 9,8 :tallow . Seller; . ...Buyer. • No...W'ght. Price. - Carnahan to GilehrelfiL......99 23,550 010 541 Hedges & T.' Gikhreist....l.24 31,54010 03, Orr & W. 80 - 1 12,925 4 '10 65" Elms Or Co: toollelireist.lBo - 47,125' ' 10 70 Allerton to Gilehreist, 105 23,175: . 10 - 50 - Baker to Gilehrelse, • - 1.18 , 112,100• .10 65. - Lackey to Gllcl relBt. $9 ` : 21,385; 10-.50" . Baker to Gilihreisti*:::: - ...167 :35,709 8.65 'Holmes &lA. toolleitrelot,.`:,F2, ' 8,550- 0;00 7:7 Stamp to Gliclardist - : . • 2.2.50 - .- woo- Roberta to. GlThlireist 24125: •• 9'40, 'Tilden to Crouse.& - E4 - 386 54,950 _lO 8 5 Holmes & "LIU Pr0nae..:..199 .41,390 .10 20 • Tilden to - Crouse & E. .. .. .. . ST . . 23;475' 11 00 Tilden'to Cronse" & E 195' 47,850 10 70 Messenger to Crotifie dr. E.- 98 23,825 -10 75. - Holmes &L. to CfofiEie:...'66 13,125 -10 20 Holmes &L. to Crouse.:.: 48 9,075 600 ,Iledgeli &T. to Croutie..... - 88 19;175 - 9'50, . Tilden to Crouse dr.E... , ::..L110 110 60 1 Holmes &L. to Crouse.... 51 12.225 10 . 15 Ori - &-59. to W. Hedges... 96' ; 20,990 :9 SO Hedger) &T.to W.liedgeii.2B 45,440 -.8 50: ,Watson to W. Hedges..... 53 8,500 8 25 Elliott to W. Hedges • 75 10,410 "8 2.5 Orr &W.to W. Hedges. - - 26- 5,890 8:75 Crouse Jr:E. to W.Heoges..29 5,690 s5O Messenger to W. Hedges.. 31 6,140 ; -810 Lowrey to W. Hedges-1-.62 13,200 875 Wine &W. to Pideock ... Cr. 6,610 - 005 Hedges &T, to _Pideock...., 57,;;12;750 850 Holmes &L. tolPidcock....sB 11,000 800 Holmes Jr. L. - toPidcock..: 76 13,300 800 :Holmes do L. to - ticlo?ck: - .:; 17 * •.:5360.: PB .50 • Budd to PM - viols._ 44 10,210 8.30 Henddrion to Pideock 8,115" -" 8 CO Critchfield to Singer & 1... 54 u,ns , .9775 Messenger to Singer it' L. `l7 10,010 . 1.0'50 Holmes &L. to. Singer:...c" 93 24450 - 10,82 Friend &P. to Singer & 1.100 22,850" '9 . 90.. Montgomery to Singer &1.181 69,000 10 25-.. Robins to J. Harris 93 22,800 10 59 •Havenft. Co. to Howard...ll6 23,800 ,9 50. Mann to Rothchild 8 1,910 9 50: Robinson to 411othchiid.:.... 46 11,490 10 0() Ruff to Smith ' t5l •8 926- !8 50 Friend to Smith., 21 4,250 : -8.25 Weaver to Smith 56 11,090 , 9 00 Cook to Smith; - •39 8,290" 865 Rinirwalt to zerriith, .• • 225”1;4911. - -"It McKee to Smith • 105 17,460 -- 8 50 - • ! McAllister to Smith 60 10,275 V - 25 - Gilehreist & CO: to Sdiith. 1? 9,775 75 Orr tW. to Van Wagner. 46 .12,025 10 50 liolserto W. Hedg.es 40 4,590 ,8 50: Hilisliaffer to W.?.lTedges- 35 7,426' 8 50-, Oir &W. to W.'lledges... 60 ' .12,000 - 9 10 E.. Hill to W.'Hedgettl..;.. 77 14,00 e BGP -a - kr:7A ,V0,0,1K54. . ,BnAin ./IG C 0.,. (Svccelsors to E. JONES C 0..)& eorier Fourth ,aud• Wood Sts., B.A. Da7 Mirk..=l =l . BUY Ain) OF GOVERNMENT SEOURITIES, DOLP KILTER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FeyuliezirTzmis. interest Atiiiived.4driii4gt . 4MoneilOgined on Goieinntent Bonds st low est market rates. ' ' Orders executed for the ioureitiaie and site or istikitti,.*Orimll44 l3o3 PDs . . alkiotr.g . t. ' atCAU:fr & CO. de will d on 178 littsbugt aqttts- FINANCE AND ~TRADE. Olrs'ics °ram Prrlssxmcfll MP:TM THURSDAY, October 1,1868. Gold is again dull, with' a decided downward tendeneYl .the market -01=0 t 140%, droppe'dlo - 139%, advanced' to 140, 'and'ct&sed weak and dull at 139%. The large Goyertinient ;Pales of golci made it qttite plenty in the market, and instead of paying for the loans it costs an extra in terest to csrry, The ,feeling in the gold room is deeidedlyietiiisbi and mach lower rates are expected ;before November next. Goi&nment bonds remain veil , Weak during the decline of gold, and speculators with the beavy dealers keep aloof from the market. - The disposition among smaller dealers is to buy; but the offerings are small Stocks are firm, - and seem, t , O bp carried much higher; the cliques are well prOvided with cheap money. Business dull. Money more in demand. • Closing quotation's .iticildred by Ph. R.. Mertz: Gold, 139%; Eighty-one's, 112%; Five Twenties, 1862, 112,0 do, 1864,109%; do, 1865, 110; 'do, 1865, new, 107%; do, 1867, 197%; do, 1868, 108%; Ten Forties, 10w, Railroads -"Cleveland ilk Tittsbargi;'u 5; Pittsburgh', 'Fort Wayne it Chicago, 1083;; Chicago & Rock Island,-1023', x ; .Zl:Licatgrp North Western, 88%; do:- Preterted, -88%; Michigan Southern,B3%: Reading, 94%;. -Erie, 48; New ' York "Ceittral, 129%; Ohio it Mississippi Certificates, 28%:, Western Union Telegraph Co, 347; 4 Merchants Union Express Co., Miqlsg;shares—Quick silver, 23. ' • ME® X, AT 11 A. N. . ari:o23 s• Y WORKS. WORKS. HEE di• - CO:, ..ur.o or . PE;;MMIiZi LES. oor loth tindliatehe! ,maiii.a.sslM IRON, sc.' and • First Streets, iiURGEI. put up in live to at iorty pound , egs, • ez nd warranted to keep sweet t the F .uttly Grocery I J NO. A. RENSHAW. I.teerte and Band streets. & DUFF, Its sTAINk...D. ANll IittOUND GLASS. —We clip the following fromthe Chicago Fast of Wednesday : The recent failure of E. V. Robbins, the President of the Board of Trade, was'a leading toPic'of 'discussion during the , session to-day.. Mr. Robbins has been long known as one of onr most upright, Judi - dolls and successful business men, and feeling in regard to his misfor tune is one of -universal- . regret. -The amount involved Is supposed to be In the neghborhood of $75,000, though not defi nitely known. It is hoped ,that 1301110 'ac commodation can be made , whereby ,Mr. Robbins can contifau , ati =business air -Imre tofore. A letter was read from him, to-day, tendering his resignation as President of the Board. It is not believed 'that thilat .1.0-tors - trill accept it. , , —Closing quotations -received T. Brady & Co.: Gold, 140; United. States Sixes, 1881's; • 112%;' 5-20's; 1862; 112%; 5-20'e, 1864,. . 109X; 1865, 1091 i; 10.40%'104%; gars;' - J'annary 'and Ju, 'O6, 107 X; 5-20's, January-and" , July, 'O7 108; 63, 108 X; June -1-304;t•par , -less - July 7-30's. do X; August 119; 1 Sept.. 119 X; Oct. 118 X; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. CENTRAL LIVFo.MMK MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZE, i .1.%b, 1 THURSDAY, October 1, 1868. CATTLE. 1 . . The market shows no signs of improve meat, but on the other hand, if 'Were can be any change noted it is certainly for the worse, as prices were generally consider ably lower than those reported one week ago. The, offerings were only of a fair (nullity, there being but few choice Cattle in the yards. There was no disposition manifested by eastern buyers to take hold with any freedom. The sales reported for the past week were 2,072 head. S•nce Ft '- day morning last we note sales of 713 head at a range of prices from--$3 , for bulls to $6,75 per cwt. fur the best. The 'sales were as follows: Seller. Buyer. No.W'ght. Price. Holmes, L. & Co, to Boyd. 4. .. 3,875 86 00 Holmes, L. & Co. to Duffy. 19 18,300 6 10 Holines; L.& Co.to Watson 4 - 3,885 500 Holmes, L. & Co. to Moses. 15 15,225 5 75 Holmes, L.& Co.toßobin'n .5 . 4,650 -' 1 Holmes, LA CO. to Savick. 20 19,725 5 50 Holmes, L.& Co.to Wright. 20 15,750 4:30• Holmes, L.& CO.to Wright. 3 3,325 450 Hedges &T. to Keid 23-.,14,925.a 60 . Hedges &T. to Reid ''' '2 ' 1,875 - - Hedges it T. to Rowe 31 32,650.:6 00 Hedges &T. to Rowe, stag... 1 1,025 600 Hedges & T.' to Kerwin.::....2 , 2,625 -5 00 Hedges &T. to Keiwin 1 800 400 Hedges &T. to Corbett - 21. 15.880 8'65 Hedges it T. to Carr 'lB 19,000 6 87 Hedges it T. to 2l 16.200 , 4.40 Landis to Moses . it Co Wright, 41 41,375 587 Orr it Williams to Rowe... U - 8,700 4150 Manor Sr T. to Pidcock 35 36,325 6 00 Dolan to 111- an ' 18 19,550 6 25' Dolan to Nishee 18 19,350 625 Dolan to N. Carr • 22 22,301 6 50 , Berry to W. • 5edge5,........ 17 ,19,10000x.645 , Berry to W. Hedges • ' 60 115,675 . 6'1.5 Smit &Blue to Corbett..... 18 18,175 587 How 11 to Corbett - ' ' - 21 19,600. 5:25' Crouse &E. to,Bnekwitter. 39 36,725 ...,,.; They rto Mayne% :bulls... 23 19,825 8 00 - Smit it Blue to StOner..... 66 78,575 670 Zel rto Swiggett 22 18,775 500 Hums to . Knox 21 21,275 5 95 Hum to Duffy - ~„ 20 17,1350 475 Ho mes, Latierty' & Co.aold to Judd 50 head f Kansas helfera at $l7 per head: - . ... - .;''' ' ' . snkur. : ' - • Th re were:a large number of Sheep'On ' on saemumbering, as will .be seen from • the les below. some 111,432 =head for the reek nding this evening.' The sales last week we e only, 8,425 head. There were but li tle , change in prices from those re porte ono week ago. as there was a brisk dema cl, and nearly all kind of stock sold readily. Most of the sales ringed front $3,25 to 4,50 par hundred. Very choice sold I iglier, anti very inferior lower. 'Clie general quality of the sheep On sale Wad IktAIU3CON. Omor ornreclorrrastriton ak,zrrrv, Turtnetkeir, October 41.868. S The general.markets are devold of ',any new or imp.otant features worthy of ape dal notice. The. "corner" iu the Chicago , Corn market. _ partially collapsed on -Wed - nesday, closingat 81,09, against sales ;du-' ring the day at $1,15 to $1,18; it seems that we were in error in stating that all our op erators here sold too soon, as we learn.that ondof them had the nerve to It Id' until it got up to $1,15, when it closed out at a very handsome profit. APPLES—In good supply but un-, changed; at $3,00 to $4 per barrel. • - BUTTER—Is a shade , easier under. the influence of increased arrivals, but , prices are unchanged; 38; to 40c - for patiked, and 42 to 43c for choiceroll. EGGS—Steady at 24 to 25. CHEESE—Is firm with regular sales, at 17 to 21c according to quality. -AHEDS—Flaxseed is scarce and in de mand; and may be V quoted at ,45 to $2,50. Timothy Seed is in good supply and offer hig freely at $3,50. No'movement in• Clover Seed. HAY—Prime to choice baled Hay is sell ing on arrival at $3O t 0,532. Wagon Hay is still quoted at $35 in 40; as to quality.- • • LARD OIL--Firm but unchanged at $1,20 for No. 2, and $1,50 far No. 1. , SALT-,ls dull and unchanged at 51,75. to the trade, and 51,90 to -$2, in a' retail way. • , , . POTATOES—Very dull; we now quote ,Peach Blows , at 90c, , on t.ack, and 95e to stin stote. Jersey Sweetazelling in store ONIONS—Firm and higher, with sales iitPortbd itt $4,50 to s.s'per bbl. - ' URAlN—Wheat is null bat unchanged; No. 1 Spring, $l,BO to $1,85, and No. , 1 Win ter, $2,05 to $2,10. Rye is steady, notwith .standing it is declining in Chicago; sales at. - '51,45 to $1,50.' Barley Is in liniited supply and firm with a good demand; sales of good to prime Penna. and_Ohlo Spring at $1,90 to $2, and cholh Canada at $2,05 to $2,10. Oats steady but unchanged at 65 to 66 on track and in elevator, and and 68 t 0 ,70, in store. Corn firm at $1,15 to. forimixed. to prime Yellow. TALLOW--Prime rendered is in steady ' 'demand'at 12 to'l3c. . , , FEATHERX- - -Offered at 7513 on arrival, for live geese. • HEMP—Quoted at $2OO per ton. FLOUR Continues quiet and weak but unchanged. Choice Spring Wheat brands are setting' at:- $9,25 to' $9,50. The mills, continue to quote at Iwo for: Extra Family in bbls, and $10,20 In sacks; Double Extra at 11l in bbls, and • $10;70 in sacks. Rye Flour, WHISKY-7-The market 'Orintinnes' firni and as but few of, the dietillerles'are in, op, oration, in consequence of the high pries of grain, k is not' likely that the au pply, which 'snow very light, will be numb increased. We quote at present rectified per gallon $1,3 11 ; highwines per gxllou $1,10; half rye arid half corn per gallon t 1,73; old lonon igaliela two years old, p- r gallon $2,25; and. old I'dorlonmiliel3 tlaua years old $3,50 por EMEM LI
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