4t, J 011 MAP Alt= : Wen • TIBLE.IPEOr... ..: , The (pizzal. WESTERN GOB. ORKS: Um ' , rwmoved to No; I‘lll no =mop arm w ars will a 7:Vr , ustt the stag complet=kqung: • of Guns Pis IN Ajnilionlitlew ing M 0114.1V4t r atiltif. All kinds of Ofpnif - and Pieta* eareuillt" regadred:, , • o pad f or ARMY RIFLES mut BE vOL VIM& . Seirrkgarnp ' for tUustrcpteit Cirelaar... Agents tmetect in iitilr town in the //stied fitateir; 444reat, erilL, JOHIIr li TON. lifirestithAteld Streeti-Pigiburak: • • • '' • ,JOHN rtrtFimisrcE, bgistti:ia.B ulttnptty'for Ind Ifistritt. Once, 116 rEDIARA.L STREET, ALLnOHERY 413- Offteiboartil A. :4140 8 P. X P . ELLER . S & DUFF,_ . 4GE Z 8 WoortNrinurr. GL 488 MANUFACTURER& ENAMELED, STAINED ~.. 1 . GROUND GLAw made to order.. .. ' ' TIOWEIR - 11ITEIREIrr AT ..AUC• TtONTtrsAY EVENING. 9ctober 8,, at 73i o'clock. - will be solo.'ofr second floor of Com. merdal sales Rooms. 106 Smithfield street, the Dower Interest of Kra.. Thomas Holmes in two houses and lotion Ross atreet, the'rental being-one thousand dellars per annum. - •• • oe2 A. Anctioneeri • DISSOLUTION I- OF PAlVlrlifErg. siitP.—The'Partnerallp'heretofore existing -_,der the name and style of ... HER DM "k r . ISa."(30No" , ' •• • : - .ras dissolved on the _ - IRS/ 1 1.)Ki" OP OOTOBE/4 . 3 -B. by uostqsd CO 4 fie t. . The businevs will be carp ed on at the old etand by,..Tali44 ..F6I:CNNIAY, :ho is anthinized to settle all claims, ~ • cj... MSS KEVITEDy. , ' - —,.., ,Kraor Icor. . • • • 0e.:745 , TN THE ' DISTRICT COURT"' ,OF' •THE UNITED STATE S ,-for the:Western Dis •ct of Pennsylvania.: ; „ • PHILIP PASTER, *s. Bankriank_nader. die Act 'of Congresa Ma Sid, A: D.111101i; having ap plied for a discharge .from his-debts 'and other - . claims provable under-said .Act, order of- the, Court, notice is 'hereby given to ail creditors who ; have proved' their debts. and other persona interest: ed, to appear CM the - Itild day "Of .00TOBEE. 1868, . at 10 o'clock . .,..before-SAMUEL HA.a.kla, t Esq.. Beer ter,' 93 Diamond street, Pitts burgh, Pa.; to show rause, If any-they have ' -wh y a Discharge should not be granted to the said Bank rupt.. S . (.4 . IICCANDLEtib, Clerk of U. S. District Copt for said District, ; )L N THE • nismitiCt. COURT THB. 'UNITED STA._,'rEe. • Forrtnie wzaw , - • N DISTIIICTDP PEENBYLVAIII,k. EDMUND B. HANNA:, a; bankrupt :under. the act of Congress of March Sid," Iteisz haulms applied for a clincherse front all his debts: andialier claims provable under 'said. Amt. order lat the Court, • notice is hereby ,glyen venous-who have proved their delita;'attet other portions interested, to ap_near au, the and day Ofc. 0CT021.11,1888, • at 12 o'clock akt,betereseAMUNl. HARPER, Esq., Register, at his eihee,,...1i0...11,3 Diamond street. Pittsburgh ;. Penns!, to shOw 'cause. If any they have. why a dlirhargrabould not be granted to the said bankrupt.. And, lurther, .nettehla :here given that the SecOnd and - Third:dee:is of Ored - itors of the stdd Bankrupt, - Tequired - the 1117th and 2 Bth Sections of, Said act, - Iyill be before the' said Registdr, at the same Cline anctoWee.:%._ , 0c2:360 S. C. hiceAblbiLi. Clerk. N THE DISTAIOT . COURT - OF THE UN /TED STATEtI v for the Western Dist ct of Pennsylvania. ROBERT A% WEDDELL. a"Bankriitt•inider the • Act of Congress of March Sd. 11107. haring lied for a discharge from all his debts. and other claims provable under Act, by order of the Cortrt;no rice is hereby given to 111 creditors-who bate proved i their debts,,ancL other-persons interested.' to appesz :* on the 15th day of October, "Irkig, at gip hiclock A. N., before-JOHN 2 c.'lkilitVlA/40E. Req._'tau - ter, at his once, No:116 Federal street, Aueg ny :. City. Pa., to" how cause.. If soy therhave, why- a discharge should' not be granted' to the said Bank-- rupt. And further. Welke is' hereby given that the second and Third neetitags otereditorta of the said bankrupt, required bat, he Sigth and 28th Sections of said Act,' will =be bad 'before the said Register, .-, at the samelime anA , plate.•• _ • • • • • b. C. McOANDiagES. „ • OrgicX Eiidnrgeit ANDISUItriToB, coctober nos, f N'etE , TO. CONTILII.CTOOS. Sealed !Proposals the - construction of the :..following named BOARD WALES. - _ ' • esn Fittn- Avenue. .lsoutti-Mde . . firont , evme street to Wilkins . Avenue. . - - • One'on the - Greensburg. Turnpike, ligoith side,) from Me ll en's Lane to Centre Avenne. • One on Neville street, irom Minh...Mimeo to Cen- . ire Avenue. - • Al o, for the partial grading Of Mallon Street. • from Centre Avenue to tkako street. '- - , I:s9in be received at this office 'until THURADAY.' • October Bth. 1858. Spegifi cation! and blanits for bidding can be seen attids ogres. • The committee reserve thevjgbt to relect any or all bids. . • • - m. .1. MOORE. '0c2446 - City Engineer. NORTH- IfIEFIryTE PROPERTY, • • (SECOND WARD, ALLE G HENy ,) 7 . , . FOR i9AT A very desirable ,000BLE%11-BTOuY-BRICIC DWELLING-HOUSE. sltuate• - oar North Avenue,' •:feecond Ward' Allegheny:: imolai - Mug twelve large .rooms, with water. necessary conveniences; such AS :bot and cold gas:throughout. all flubbed in •,,the moat modern' style. _Lot 48x 170. To. perform An quest of Stet cuss ,teropettrtheabovels eepeelat, 'ly recommended. • . • . .- , - •:. For farther lafortostlonapply to - • • . W . : P. PRICE, Real N. to andliumrande Agerit, 0c2:742 No. 33 OHIO STREET, Allegben IST OF , LLA uncalled 4o pctober Ist, /: at aIICHAN briniteelinds Hem' Dan ;" Hamer Thou Mended Wm Harallton dearrt Horulnita F • • Howenstela W Hunick Frank . Hill Seller -- ' Haneks John. . Halal tOrreW" Basilan Frank Jones .% ptdame Job :Black no W;1 3ausmatt It ittower David' .:aurna duo 8 olltae-James Jovington Mr Caldwell Nary -;:•,onway Susan Conroy Nicholas Cready Peter W Pochrao Rosa , Jaime Theallt Jones. Mary. r donee J D Seikruei James gam Wm Davie Mary psly Time davit; Wm Lake Mary,.i. Medan Frank Morgan David Monroe Geo ; Me McCleary Jut. Neither:* n Dan . McDonald Llzse ERNEST O. 'K • FS= • Zrcd e rick MA •Fitzgerald rat 0 James fliasPi , Niel tllesple Grace Nardner Arch. Op ED, WHITE, BLUE, GRHEN,±PURPLE. RUBY. GOLD, • =, AMBER ,_ORANGE. STAINED. ' ENAMELED AND OR /lIND GLASS. AGE. ZELLERS A DUFF. Wood Street, Pitts. : I OI'ICE TO TAXPAYERS of the 7th and Bth (old Bth,-) Wards.- lAli persons who have,otpaid their School and ounty Taxe• for the nreio-nt year ate hereby ne d to call at tame and Bettie them at my once and ve costs. JOE• ell A. BUTLEit. ector. &Mee at Alderman's•tifilee, 12.0 Wytiestreet. GEORGE BEAVER • . '• - • . 11 . 61 177)+217/12.8. or ,IREAIII CANDIES .AND. : TAFFIES, ,nd dealer In ill kinds of FRUITS, ncic ~, ES, SAUCES. JELLIES, &c., &c. .3se4 • 112 REDltitil. Allegheny. tIOR RENT. .2 .....;. HALL.— Large mom of No . 88 .11farket Street, .. . suitable for a ("labor doclaty /loom. i'"BASEMEsT—hoa: 17 add 78 frhlrd Avenue. , • • expressly rated up fur a large natal/rout, . , r J. M. Eir ZAM. •.. . . . 19e16:zifi Attoinei•st-Ltw.- , 98 orant et ' ' ... 1 1 11111)1 1 1i1V SEIED, • • A PRIME Airtric:rim; store at LOWEST MARKET PRICE. a; - 137 Liberty Street. . lI UEENCIF ENGLAND S O AP., QUEFA • F ENGLAND SOAP..., fr.' , • QUEEN OF - ENGLAND . SOAP.' , For doing a family waging inthis best and' hriap.:. ' It manner. Guszanteed equal*, any in the world As all the strength of old rosin soap, with the mild id.lathuring qualities of gt nulue Castile 'Try this': 'Alenctld Soap.- bold by Um' ALDEN CHEMICAL • cjigits, 4s North Fourth street, Phlladelphus. iter:vs7-aiwr&F ai v, 1?0,11.; : FINE spED.4 7I tA T _ L , • f et 349 tiittorri- ST• 4ti29 inTencoas: aloCitEEßrit"CO, • 8AR8E14,13111011 'GUN& —i have hiatori livery superior lot of r outgo .."!trrel then _ uuMs.breerh , and muzzle-loading, of .7; own gape tation. which 1 . rill sell as low se any uee In the country. I except. none.-- All(,fiak. cull anu examine and be convinced of the Jaun t . . JAA row BOWN, 5. 1 '0r sale by - ateivrur .iJO ‘Youti 81 met. 00 "FilliV'lLS TRINE BOUTHEEN BED WHEAT, fo arrive sac! W 1 wale .21013..titiE K ANJEB, A STATEMENT OF THE CONbITION OF ITHE; BANX . OF - PITTSBMGH , • , ti,ritiDA4 7KoBxtat tici. , l 4 new • g MILLNek • Leens.;2lllB and bfaciitinia 51,061.204 ita 17.,5. 5-20 Bonds ........ . . , 806,000 00 Reid Rat ate ' ' - 51.559 03 Btocts and Miscellanies - : 10.129 81 Due blether Ranks - 122,575 9W Legal Tender Notes and Checks A... 111.300 33 Specie •L - 91,990 35 .. . . . _ _,_- CapitarStock::: '' ... ' /.... t*GO 1 14 / 8 00 Profits and Earnings ' 445,896 70 Unpaid Dividends it daspeuse Aer, 7,1071 07 Dtteil.o Other Banks 8,0313 43 , , sit • . 865,174 47 ~ . 1 The abbie statement is correct, to the bed of my knowledge and belief. W3l. ROSIZBUitG, Cashier. Swq and subscribed..thls Ist day of .tetober, /BEM 'bre me.. r. • - Ot2. • i '• '" Sr EIPCITH, 'Votary Public. .c O i.PARTNERSIIIP NOTICE. . • Faom OCTOBER IST, 186111. hive:this day ascociated with business rint ing. Stitt ,ntry a , d Hook BindingMß. WILLIAM STEVENSON, aed:w- ntinue - the same at the el& stand, corner of Wo o d street and Third avenue, and No. 84 d avenue, under the firni name of W. h. HAVEN & CO., and reap( et luily.soliclt a continuance of the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed: Alipersongindehted Me will please make immediate pavment,'snd those having claims against me will p resent them for set, Bement. W. B. HAVEN. Vr , iikvzx WM. STEVENSON. • W. 8. HAVEN(B,,,CO. BOOR - AND JOB PRINTERS , STATIONERS • .7 - 131141:M, . AND BANE BOOKI4II.IPAIMBXBA RJorner , of WOOD STREET ANp Tatum Avz . Bits, andig r o. 1114'111fRD'AVEN1*,' Woulkrespectfitily solicit the favor of your orders. "which will have. prompt attention. • • • 0c2:y41- TWELFTH , ANNUAL: FAIR • (Hit THE Allegheny County Agricultural Society; IRON. Ciiy PAR; . . October 6th, 7h, Bth and 9th, 1868: thgirottocia will be °pent° the ladle on WED. sr as AY, THURSDAY and FRIO Y: The HORSE CHICLE will be o p en for Lady E.euestrians on erob of-three dam at a o'clock. Exhibitors Mast beccmleteembentoftfm - Ekieleg and hug their articles entered op, or before TU DAY EVENING; October fitu. - • • " All articles and animal for exhibition fexeept horseao mast be within the enelosu WEDNESDAY' y NOuN._ Hortes Will be - received on MORNINH, but must beprevioualy entered. . . . Competition open to Extant:ln from allparts of the country. a • • salt. tdt PAGE_ ZELLERS & DUFFI ALANUIP&CTURIS • STAINED GLAS3. FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. THE BEST WHEAT CLEANSES 1i ,USE Perfabis Flour and Feed Mills, All ziainlim Kid bed quality. Far sale at 319 and 321. Liberty St., Pittabuigh, Pa. sta2s P33tOrOELAIS • • • . . Foit'rettlOSlttliatiiiematerial MEd trectlng: the 'NEW GATEWAY and OF FICE'S at:the entrance to the EllegheoF Cemet47, WIR be tueelved at the Office of the Company, until • SA11:111DAY, th Itti October. Or Pli34 and specifications can be seen at the wile* of the ColinpanT s On the Emends. ' ' • aro. cokumitiv. art.. 5e21:732 SIIPZELNTZNDX.NT. ERMINES° posToVTICA -I.la 4 figknieil Wm .s, McCormick 4.1, 0 , Bil• - ' m Mks -.- O'Connor Mon O, R !nary }tc•lXstsetir.. - Ejn 'John eltutrtirE : Robson ?how:- Reede--llr 'Jackson' FALIL OPENING, At No. 47 St Oti.r.Street. A LAZO* AND BFiILN pip itTOON OF Boy$:, Youth's and: 'l3upder Ss yder Thomp.ou Th I Williams Annie Wag fi Job n d eler Geo - . Win Wllliam.J It • Wilson & Crow .White John ,7 Ward J BiLacs BILK SACQUES. , . . White Amelia - Williams Barth War Dam.' as • Walters Oath Lama Lace Poine3, Summer Shawls, FOB SALE AT LOW mem, ET WHITE, 9RR & CO., NEW WALL PAPERS, For. Halls, Parlors - ancl:Chambers, WOW OPENING, AT lin Market St., near Filth Ave., s ZOS R. HUGHES & artp.L Bel . , CA LL. AND SEE THE ;CELEBRATED biONITOR WASHING MACHINE .ANA , OLOTHES WRINGER., Also, the large stock Of ENABIELLEL, WARE, . - -.0041E HODS AND . BUILDER:' .HARDWARE. At - WRITESIDES £ DRUM'S, ool:v7 79 FEDERAL ST.: ALLEGHENY. .m!coNonnzE . Touts, PUEL, by ..using- SUIVE ompiiraciax. oovnttrzot, the only true and essllY -regalated Goveinor made; perfect In its opontlone and truly reliable. A large etas Governor ono 'be seen at the oaks of PENCE YAL BEUKIVIT, Mechanical Eng.near and tf.(4lcl- for of Patents;* No. 70 lec•deral street, ' Adegheur i City, the only agent for this Uovernor lu the West. L . I4IITNINfit APPLE.PAnEnt 1 have Mat reedited i large atork of the abate .per. They have been fully tested, for the last three years, and have proved themselves to be the beat ever invented. They pare faster, better, and no their work Much cleaner' than any other Apple Pim:ink : known.. For sate.wholesale and retails; O Y-• , • . • • JAMIE% BOWEN,- artarrule - ' ' • -• MG Wood street., . . §HOT - 811107'! --Just received - . • a sassortnni3t. of New You k ~ratfmt Shut, In 2 anrls pound.nags, assorted numbers horn 311 to No. 10. :l'or mile by E,A4 WOOli EOSI St N. relit._ IEICI SIZE, COLOR. PEI PAT.- rEir.Nr, or STA (MA:O7% l,ut Z & DUFF; BWind inreei, PStt btui b , A's • ,- 89,285 658 87 LIABILITIES..:!"" French Burr Smut Machines, minima moms, IC R. 'WALLARIJIL Milchvnls Ct - OTHINGF, POE THE. , HALL : BROW. GRAY & 42 ST. 25 Fifth Street, lIITEMIRGN Glom . m uc k eurri • Now RtPir , '. 7& '; ! ,W.U,LIAItS=P=IO Vo. 180 and.lB2 - .Federal , Streeti • AT3le.liOtritLE WIDTH ALL tit iX)L PLUMP AT 76c. FRENCH MEArtici.inairke colors. Al' Mo. BEST DELAINEB, In hew styles. AT 121,'4c. I.IANTON FLANNELS. 62.6135,6913 67 AT 00c. IVATER . PR . 4SOF CLOTS AT 02%.4c. PILLOW CAMLINEN; 11-4-WIDE slightly wet. ••••• • . • .AQ r sl.oo LINEN.. EIELEETIN9, .10.4 WlDE— slightly wet . , AT $1.50 WHITE HONEYCOMB QUILTS. AT WHO PAIR WHITE COUNTRY BLAN KETS. AT 20c. Dei yard 45NE VASE EARNED FLAN NELS. HANESOME , COLORS IND QUALITIES Goods for Ladies' Walking Snits, BRIGHT BL40:I1 POPLIN& -Velour C2BBpinirt.Csl, CM.0.821N015. AC.; &C. All the various departnientegif 'house well - supplied wittssteet posttde?lrable goods, toystiqX we inhuid respectfully call the attention - of our cus to suers and the public. - Wholesale and Retail, AT WITIZAM SEMPLE'S . 180 and 182 Federal Street; Autzwitismr • ."VIVAINELED PAR!» Ig.444 I OIAPPPF, ; A BEISERAVLE,LtrE Is nit of the dyayaptic sidie i r when Blood Purifier and Blood Mils will sorely cure You They can be otusiued trona .10 47 41 !ilipOsi; : - Sold brill DzuggittA Evirfwhere, • - corivALEscErm Should nee Robaek•s Stomach Bitters to strengthen the prostration which always follows acute diseases: it will be found far superior as a stimulating tonic to any of the wine and bark preparations of the present day. , ' . • Bold by all Draggiata Ilvarywhort. EVERYIKWIr • • Should keep constantly within their reach those in valuable remedlei to sudiessfully Combat Boback's Blood Pills, Roback's Stomach Bitters, and Boback's Blood Purifier; they ere inhailhiel lA the diseases for which they are recommended. • Pad by all Druggists Brerywhere. • • • E1ZY8311 3 33:1W1 Often -arises from morbid audition of the entire system, and no better remedies canals found than pr. Boback's Blood Purifier sad Blood Pitts. 4 - Sold by air biagggtiEveryihere. • , AN OUNCE OF ,PNEVENTIVE • Is worth.* pound of.cure. -Fever and - Amt. - pa , be- Dreiented In all cifinateiand i 1 arteenithutionatiy the constant use of Boback's Ptomach Bitters, and oft ibises the very worst cases have ti - en cured by their timely use. Persons living In malarions dis tricts shauld never be without them. Bold by all 'Dragghts Byerywhere: ' • , . NEMULLGIA Can be effectually cured b), taking Dr, Bobar]t•a Blood Purider and Blood Pills, and bathing the at fected parts with Tincture of Aconite or Chloro form. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. NOBODY • Can afford to be without such valuable medicines as Robsces Blood Pills. Stomach Bitters and Blood Purifier. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. -1 CONIT ALE SCENTS H Or persons recovering from revers or any of the malignant forma of disease, will find Robscr.s &turmoil Bit en laminable is a tonic and stlninlant for removing all the , prostrating Minas which follow disease; it supplies the great want so long felt for a Sale sattf reliable tonic and appetiser. ROId by all Druggiiits Z'verywhese. ' vrEco ssitNA T 1 t The Agents for the sale oritOBACK , S BLOOD PILLS. STOMACH BITTERS and BLOOM.PUB.I - are all Druggists ev :e - it•tTArhere. U. a PROPRIETARY MEDICINE 7,, P3OPBULTOBS. CIXTqCrINDTA. I Ti; 4 ' O.' eeliftuw7.? OFFICE' OF CITY ENGINEER, Am.,ZONzNY CITY. Sept. 3001, 1808. t THE. PARK .CONIBIOSION will • - RECEIVE PROPOSALS - Dclobe! Olh, V(Oepoir n. arr.: Until TUESDAY, frog FENCING (wltti wood,) PRE PORTIONS OP NORTH, AND PAST COMMONS,- north of Ohio sag wit of Webator istreets. :Specifications cair lie 'Sea and fall Pasiicediey 06. allied an ibis wilco. The Coo:mission do not bind tbentsclvta to aec a pt the lo,patpr any big. CHAS. DAVIS,' ,00lty40 liipertntanding Engineer.- WTI= OP CONTROLLER OP ALLEGHENY CO., I Prr EBUIIOII, dept.' 30th. 1888. I ' NOTICE TO 4,IONTOACTORS.• Proposals:Trill be reoelvid at thus office until tictober 2d, tor ItErAIRISC TUE BRIDGE - OVER TUVLE CREEK, at licKinney's Station, on the roal i rcadloittromJPlttsbutith to Port Perry, on the linehetrreen Wilkins end Versailles 'fo!Cn• Particulars will 6 furnished on application. By'direetion of County Commissioners. irENrty I, A 1V1.13 EUtirs 0c1:r45 .'_PAZ - ti. 3 ALLE Gap orrv. Repp PoP/iTts• :eiP~Cccsi,:~esasyi~ . (;outrolle:. NEW Ml%aThllol IMIESEMEI LIFE INSURANCE COMPINT, OF TEE -LIMPED:sTATEs: OE AMERICA, WASHINGTON. D. C. Chirtered by Spectra.; Act of Cougrese, Approved ardy 23, , 1868. • . .. ; :Cash-Capital- - - ~.., 41 1 000,0004 , Branch Office: PMLOBLPIIIA, FIRST NATIONAL BARR, BUILDING Wherethe e•eneral hairiness o the C..omparty is trans-. tet.6d. ' land to which. all general eorreepocdecce - should be a ddreiv.a. . . , . .. our t E9T. is: ~ Jay Cooke. Phllida. - E. il. Rollins. Wash' s . • C. N. Clark. Philada. - Mears D. Cooke. Wash. F. Ratchford Starr, Phila. Wm. E. Chandler,Wash. Wm. G. Moorhead. Phila. John D. Deirees. Wash. Geo...Y. Tyler. Phila.- Edward Dodge, N. York. J. Hinckley Clark, Phila. H. C. Pannestock, N. Y. _. • • OFFICERS. H. C. NI CLARE". Philadelphia. President. HENRY D. floollß, Washington. ViNs President. JAY COOKE, Chairtr.an Timince . and Executive Committee., • ~, . ..i - • ~ ,; /C '. • ERE.BOIC W. PEET Phila., Sec'y and Actuary. E. S. TURNER. Washington. Ass't Secretary.- VICANCIS G. BIM H, MD., Medical Director, ' j...E.WING. MEARS, lit 11, Assn Medical Director. ]MEDICAL ADVIgORY BOARD. J. K. BARNES. Burgeon General U. 8. A., Wash'n. -,P. J. HORWITZ, Chief Medical Department U. b. D. W. 81.188. M. D. Wash i ngton: ' ' '- -' • SOLICITORS' AND ATTORNEYS. WR. E. CIIANDPER. Washington; D. C. ' ,GEORGE HARDUII3, - Philadelphia, Pa. allifCbmpan_y. National/a its character, offers. by reason of tilerg- Capital, Lowltates of Premium and New Tables. the most dealrable means of In suring Ilfe 7et presented to the .publie. : - • - • The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made its feverish e to the insurers as those of the best Mutual C antes, and avold•all the complica tions and once ntles of Notes. Dividends atid the misunderstand gis which the - latter are so apt to Cause the Pone -Holders. . . Several new d attractive tablei are now pre itl. sented which need only to he understood to grove ac ceptable to the pubil,,e such a., pt MR-PRODUC ING POLICY and RETUFteI PREMIUM POLICY. In the former. the..policy-bolder not only secures& life Insurance, payable at death, but will receive, if Wing, after a period of a few years. an ettinuokft-. cornsequq/ in ten per cent. (111 par Cent.) rittar par 'Vats policy. The 1 •tter the Company agrees to re tura to the natured the total amount of roTdnen A 4 kut paths:akin addition tattle conounlef. lita tottcy. , The stten au tlon of perns contetuplating insuring their lives or increasing the amount or 1111111 - AACC they already have, is called to Use spechß. advent. ages offered by the National Life Insurance Com -pear. . . Circulars, 'Pamphlets and full partlmalars given on tal l a c dtpli cm il G, sr ih rtM e ciallt ic et?f the' " m " .... 7 3' in' 4911•LtiAL - AuENTET ARE g WA 6 I4TEst'Yn every' 'Oftriaaft Town; and applications from competent parties iiirsucit agencies with suitable endorsfment, thould be addressed Tte THE COMPANY'S' GE N RA.tsL AGENTS ONLY, Im - their respective die. I tric. OgsIXRAV.AGVArrat, - ' • jr. CLattlC and 0., Philadelphia, Yon - Pennnivanla Southern New Jersey. JAY COO/EX & CU.. Washington. D. C.. YorMaryland, Delaware, Virginia, District at 'Columbia and Vest Virginia. - • • IRA B. MCVAY di CO.. Avnts for Allegheny. Beaver, Butler, Mercer and • &Abington counties. or tonher particulars address U.S. RC Manager tortienerat Agent, liarrlsburg. P E a ' ,: sl". att23:mwar STAINED GLASS. • . PAOIC. ZELLERS•& DUFF. 54. KITTLNIIING EXTRA HEAVY Bed Flannel, A VERY LARGE-STOCK, Mow Cogrerecir IN GOOD STYLES. ifELROY, DICKSON . & CO., WHOLESALE ]DRY G.4::)c)r•ss, WOOD STREET. F 1314. LINES of . the GE TINE JOSEPH" KID, GLOVES, IN WHITE AND OPER& i:IOLORS. ; 1!,1 00. 00IIRVEILTERII new • ".SEAMLESS" KIDS, In all desirable shades. A. Dart consignment of poiNT LACE and POIN A PPIADUE GOODS, )Oat reeelved and for salo at liallanctory yrioes, AT • EATON'S • No; 17 Fifth . Avenue. I_4Ir7VICII VOCOL. ALEX. S. MACRAE DRONER AND AOl TOD • • - chernitols, Drugs. Dres,iiiis. Provisions and Produce of every Business conducted on ono-halt the term!, of other houuns. • ' " The Amen= transactioni lD I.lvhDasool alone tri corn London And all the ports of .nuropo put to- set her. •'• WWII! Coutinerela Advices Cable Messages. it:. on applicatl4m. 5e12.1x87 IRAIN PIPE.--11ALL-&-ADA-1/5-91 A". SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF 4 . - DRAIN PIPE.• i 7 ' All BiZeS, from one to twenty-four theta' at WEL. uou a , KELL,rs, agents for matmEtel Jr 1,113. 117 Wood stront. bettYtteUek'llth and btxtit St cola. jels .. ~.5 4. • • OIL WELL C 3 fnnpE e -7 , 8 w nano sncon e p - l h lnd d rs S T 2 E O A A M n d E2N inch Bunke, with all the natures • FOR BORING OIL WELLS. 1.13 q1 1701Linjafffins, , CARPETS! NEW PALL kykrf Asl N0..,51 FIFTH AVENUE STCOC I I3".! NE EST STYLEsi. TAPESTRY AND BODY. BRUSSELS, • TWO AND. utuiFE!„ - CARPETS:I - - ALL 1 1V(Xkli INGRAINS, in gnat yariety r • ' - '6OIIINIIIION CARPETS, AT . VIET LOW PNIOES. DRUGGETS, all Widths. MEDALLION DBUO6ETI3, - • . 1 .• NVIIRIOW SHADES Our stook Is the largest and moat desirable we have ever offered to the - trade. BOVARD ROSE:&'CO . . 5 3 21 EIFTII STREET. - gelo:atwr VALI, GOODS. FIRST ARRIVAL OF THE SEASON _ . A FULL ASSORTIONT OP • • Velvet, - - Enamels, Tapestry, Three ' And Ingrain CA_II.3PErrS, JUST OPENTVAND OPPERRD AT TR' LOWEST. RATES. OLIVER II'ELINTOCK & CO., N 0.23 Fifth Street. NEW CARPETS ! AT POPULAR PRIORI . WFARLAND COLLINS OFFER. THE Newest and Best Patterns AT THE LOWEST LACE AXE Nosnaranent CURTAINS AND CORNICES: McF.ARLAND & COLLINS 71 and 73 Fifth Pent Building to 11. S. Chilton: House Postofilee• -11ABALIMON SILVER MINING COMINY, OF NEVADA. President—WM. N. lIMDEBSON, Of the Firm of Brliaton .Bz, Henderson, Philadelphia Hydraulic Works Treasurer, .: :( : J. H. HORNER /ice, No. 154( South 4th , Street, PIiZLADI;LPHIA. [ROOM No. 6, SECOND FLOOR Capital, $500,000. Shares, $lO each; Preferred. The Company guarantees 111,5 i PER CENT. PER ANNUM ON ITS PREFERRED tiTtICE. Beta. limited number of shares of the Preferred Stock will be sold. ." ' I . - No stock will he lined until the fade lbr the same are rt calved at the office of the Company. ftemilAahccs should b. made will ber par fends In Philadelphia, and' the stocksent free of charge. The Company reserve' the right to advance on Its preferreu stook at anytime. A prospectus btu' been Issued, which can be had by applying to the office. All communications to be addressed to the Presi dent., at the Oillee of the Company. • Wi. ILHENDKRSON, i1e213,20 _ Steam Engines for Sale. Address HUGH M. HOLE & CO., aug:m Duquvene Way, x'titehwgh•, PA Rate ALLEGHENY CITY, corner of Bearer Avenue and Locust street.: T. ...fIAINES and - 40H2f HIRKPATItICE. kW. NOBLp3TOWN, at I r. st. Col. A. BLAXELEY .aqd W. 8. McCIINE, Esqs. . SALTSBIJRG STATION. on P. it C. R. R. R. J. POWZRS and , C, C. TAYLOR, Ego. . Oetciiber 3d, MS. HAZELWOOD, STATION, at Vi P. M. Hon, P.C. SHANNON; F. MOORHEAD and Hon: GEORGE WILSON. . SHARPSHITRO, at 3 and 73 H P. x. JOHN A2dP TON, J. H. MILLER, R. POLLOCE. C. W. ROBB and A.M. BROWN, MPS'S:R..9ON TOWNSHIP, at John O'Neil's Coal Werke, Pine Una, at 7 P. t. THOS.: HOWARD andJAKES W. MUTAT, HRS.- BRADDOCK'S FIELD, at 7 r. r. 'X. iff: KIRK!. PATRICK and C. W. ROBB, Bags: ' 7, ,- 'loftier of Committee on Speakers and lifeetinirs. ... , . ~. . E. A: KONTOGTH, Chairman. TNO. S. LAMM; Secretary. '" - - oct ' rarf'C 0 NM ER L DEPART. .. .MISN TOF PITTSBURU HUM sottooz,,, Vault of Commerce' Building - corner Sixth 'and" Wood streets. ~Equal to SnY Busin eta Collette/WWI - 'bourne studlis and lectures. atendorts; Afrararpon—: 2.4 to 43$ o'clock; even ing . 7 to 9. Free to all residents of Pittsburg under Al years of age. Receives students from other place* at the low ad-. . mission fee of $9O. iltadents enter at any time and receive diploma on • completing- the eortrae.•- For • further Information cali at our rooms or send for fgr CITIZENS' TEM'ERANCE CANDIDATE. "Westward BUBB A HOM HODIESTE 1 :1SSOCl/ITION orOluaroßrixik. : .. Incorporated nuder the /AWE; of the State. Novem ber 30th.11867. for the purpose of providing I . Bolas FOR ITS MEMBERS, And pro l ting ImtolgratMn. ' - Capital Stoc 4. - - - t 81,0409,000 : • • Dtvkled Into 5100. Mazza at $5 esolt. paya ble In CURREN .• , - Ceetbiattes of stocklathes& to' subscribers Mame. (Rattly upon receipt f the money. No PSILSON ALL . 0 TO BOLD Nu:mx.txthat rya -, A Circular 'Contain ttg a tali - descrlptlon - of' - the' ' property to be distributed among the Shareholders win I3e sent to any aupon receipt of stamps to . cover return pottage lafbfmallon as to p Ice of Nand in any pla w rtlon- of = circa* the State. or upon an o th er subjeat of terest to nroposlng to mmlgrate, will be cheerfully furnished upon receipt of athmps for poitago. • • ..• , ~. . All letters should bel addressed - • • AIRY IMMIURANT -HOMESTEAD ABBO CL L 4MON, Fostoffiee Box No. RR; BAN FRAN- C . CALIFORNIA. za26:T112 NAPTICE.- 7 -A ..1.1 are hereby me natter of the Opening of Roberts Street, In the City of Pittsburgh, from Centre avenue 'to Reed street, has been I placed In my hands.- Ihe as- Seasmerits will remain open at my oelmi. No. 106 Filth Avenue, until ONTURDAY, October 10th; 1868, when those unpaid will be tiled as liens against the property. seio::23 TAYLOR AVE NVE. e undersign.d Appointed viewers to assess damages and benefits for opening TAYLOR AYE-. NUE, 'Second ward, Allegheny, from its present termination to Beaver street, will meet on the prom ses on NV ICON Eel AY, the 14 h day nt Octo ber, 1888, at 4 o'clock P. at., to Inifili tne our appointment. WM. 31. Met,. odiLY. • J J. HirIINIAN. eeS:r2 gnu IV•• LTEA, WASEKING'rON AVENUE. r ...Notice is herebigiven that tlie viewers' report atmlilening WASHINGiWON C AVM:NUE: 4 Blith ward, I liy o r Allegheny, is filed to the ins triet Court at No. 491, h ovember Term, 1888, for confirmation. JOHN C. /107011.85, Solicitor. FLEMLNG STREET. The undirslined appointed viewers to assess dui and enetlts for opening FLEMINt* STREET. Thitd ward. Allesheuy, f om its present terminntlon on Fairmont sheet to Bell avenue, will meet on the premises on TIFIIaY the hda of °stetter, 1808, at 4 o'clo ITKB cier: 1(. , . rlst illda th e Make of their appointment. ia M. 8. EVA.NB, GE0d01: Jablls se2Str: pERRy STREET. Notice Is hereby qlveu that the _ftepOtti of View ers f OPENING PEIII.ItY - rtrugg-T, Ofrof &the: when", boatmen tiled atno" 295. November Tartu, IbOW, Dyttrlct Court, for eonitrrnatioll. . J. O. NeCOIII3S, City_ Solicitor. scivvo M tDOIVALD ALLEY. Notice Is hereby given that the Viewers' Re port for O✓ I, JIINU al DONALD ALLEY, Sixth Ward, Allegheny City, h se been flied at No. S9l. N eV. Term, Ib6S, District Court, for confirmations eeltv4l. PRESIDENT otlee glven that the Vjowees port ln the matter of WIOESINII MorADDEN STREET. Elgh..h itsr.l. Allegheny -City, :bits, been tiled at If o. 43, November Term, 1616t, - I)iitriCt COUII, for confirmation. - . J. I'. MeC031139, Poileitor. =EI OFFICE or CITY ENGIN/Jac A NI , AtAVINO/4 I :} NI tzaturch t ut'tt 1.4, 18138. f - ', ~, NoTicE._-The Assessment for !: thb tt.:Slett'oott t'avitn• nt" t,n .. , mtit,t stritet, it is ott Liberty z ;tr . ,. t ...,, rt.,:c; It Av. Il tit . Itt Atm - rs.:lt'y 1 for examination. t,t1,1 c :Itt to , wt.nil 71601 , :tem:101A at Oils oillee, twi: 11._ , ,'.1.1)... tt. - ; ttt.tt.., , r it3tl:, 'MN, when It will It.. rtzt . ..zzitl ttt tit. City 'ln...a:A:rev'. Only. , i' . r .....as/pt;': It. t0z,..31.: (THIRD WARD, Allegfieliii, WIDE - AAVAitEg: - •. . The membets of this Club will meet early THIS EVENING. at OE/MT'S HALL; foitheprptille4 Joinin4 a procession with the 4th Wait! Club. • - 0e6748 , • BY ORDER. lartMlL WAR') REPUBLICAN& • ' —• • . The Republican Voters 'of the FEF'TH WARD,• (old 3d,) will meet at the COURT HoI7SE on 6iil7ltDAY, the Ed day ortobers ISIS; Between the - hours cand i date s E o'cloc. tO put Dwoation suitable Tor City tininers of said Ward. By order of the - 0c2:743 • EXECIITIVS.COMITITTER. - Wc.ibmculrtvE CORtIGHT,a THE 31E1IBER8 OF THE Republican City Elicit . :lire Committee Are requested to prepare s list dt the NOMINEES' FOR WARD OFFICERS In their respective ward!, and hand the same to the Chairman of the Committee on Printing, at or be *bre the meeting on the sth Inst. •• • By order of Committee. • - 0c8:i47 • , • T. J. CRAIG. Itar'REPIIBLI CAN MEETINGS will be held at the times and places follow Mg, and will beaddreSsedas indicated: , FRIDAY, October Ist, MIL BANKSVILLB, Union Township. itti' P.jr...i4t.-1. Isell'a Store. R. B. CARNAHAN. Esq., C. S. MINOR, of Wayne county,. d Er. B. • PENNI MAN,, Esq. . .1i NOTICES. JOHNSTON,iPrinciPaI- CANDIDATES. POE COUSIT COEKISSLONZEI, ISAAC ourth Ward; Allerh'eny City; 'Ettaitnatett " Couveutlun. August )115th. saB,r9B-ddt e Star of Empire Takes Way , ' • 1" IN THE GOLDEN STATE. THE MMICRANT Ipenonsinterested •es thit ttio.Besoct in. the_ W`. City Attorney 41. C. - ZdeCOMBS. Solicitor. stZlizio ;ix* a r.14!,y. Moir a =I
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