El UCZiailM=Elif=ffia qt twit* v,,y itt , 2 , • 11 lIMI MUSE= DAUM, BY . . PENNTEAN -SEED tr,eo.; Proprietors. T. B. Piglingligasig. JCISIAH - PCING. 2. P. HOVIST01:. . • Idltors and Proprietors. OFFICE GAZETTE BUILDING. NOS.D34 AND. 86 FIFTH ST. ' OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Allegheny Camay. \, Terits—D it y. 1 Beett-Weekly. peekiy. ar....56511 t ran year.tl.llo 131nigletopy....$1.50 t 75 Six mos.. LSO 5 wiles, each. 1.25 . et lb Three 13105 71 *O - L" 1.15 ID. er.) —fallout toAgerct. FRIDAY, OCRIIMI 2, 166€1. • lii National Union publican Ticket. NA.TIO AL. Pra*tettlMYSS S. GEduvr. • A = Iftf"l'LlUt COLFAX. PitEsitogsitAL ELECTORS. •. AS LASGE. Vice _ . M. MORRISON COA.TES. of YbiLodelaio. 'THOS. M. MARSHALL, of l'OtobuTs s . 1. W. H. Simms, H. 5.4.145xL.K.N . 0 55 , 2. W. J. POLLOCR, 14. B. F. WAGON sztax.s. 3. RICHARD WiLDET • „15. CHAS. H. DULLER, 4. G. W. HILL, HS. JOHN STEWART, 5. WATSON P. 99.1G1LL, 17. GEORGE W. ELS93I, S. J. H. BRINGHuRsT. 19. O. OLMSTEAD, .7. PRAYS 0. HEATON. 19. JA9IIIB S. ISAAC ECNERT, H. H. C. JOHNSON, - . H. RWIN6, -9. MARIS Hoops& , J. 10. DAVID M. MARK, NEEW, H. Wm. DAVIS, da. A. W. 03/AwFoR.D,' , W. W. KETCIn7M , 24. J. 8. RIITA.N. Auditor Generut-4. F. HAILTRANFT. Surveyor Generai—J. Id. CADIPItELL. DISTRICT. EMS Congress, 224:1 13..NEGLEY. 23d Dist.-6DARWIN PHELPS. • - COUNTY. State` Sesusie--.TAMES L. G 114.11411. ASSEMBLY. GEORGE WILSON,;M. s.HuMppißmys, GEO. F. MORGAN, IVINCENTMILLER, JAMES TAYLOR, !SAMUEL KERR. District Attorney--A. L. PEARSON. Ass't District Attorney-1. B. FLACK. Controtter--HENRY LAMBERT. Ommisitinier6-40NATILAN NEELY. Surueyor---R, L. McOU'LLY. MURRAY.County Home Director-J. G. MR • ' ciTY. lifayorlAliEto BL,put:r . su. amtrouer—Rogr. J. ModOWAIL Treasurer 6-2,.. T. COCHRAN. • Ws nuirr mornfng's "p ence Bath pages.: Ilnanos and Trade; Central _Lem Stock Market, Pittsburgh Produce,' Pe troleum and Markets by Telegraph. &o. enth page : Ream/cable Woman, Dress in Relation to 'Yfgare, Colorado, Brigands .B'ntrapped, e. Gold closed in New York yesterday at lit9f. Ix sxr r one doubts the corrupt measures adopted by the9ppositlon to carry uncere taro districts of/Pennsyliania at the ap proaching election, let him read the sworn statement of Mr: J. H, Jonns, published in our local columns. THE GRANDEST national spectacle of our day is that pmented by the soldiers of our country in' Ccpvention assembled at Phila delphia. In time of peace the gallant de fenders of the Union meet to declare their fidelity to the principles for which they fought, and to re-assert their opposition to those' who seek to overthrow the. Govern ment. The effect of such a conclaie will be to more solidly unite the masses and to cheer all in the holy work of exalting the great Union defender and leader, General. - GRANT, to - the highest position in the gift of the people. IT BEMs doubtfrd, notwithstanding the apparent unanimity with which Gen.' B. Burt= renominated for Congress in the Vth District of HassachnseUs, whether he can be re-elected. Hisientmciation of the scheme of paying the bonds in greenbacks was made a condition precedent to his re nomination; and even this failed to satisfy the masses of the . Hepublicans. These will bring out Mr. ißreautt? B DA31.4, Jr:, as an independent Republican candidate, and he will secure, in addition, till - idles of all the Democrats who will aid in the election of any body to secure the defeat of GEN. Bur- Wit. In consequence, the contest 'promi ses to be close,. with the chances in favor of Mr. piatt. Mn. DELXAB, was Statistician to the Gov ernment, and proved to be so wretchedly in competent that-Congress turned him adrift by' abrogating the office he held. Recently the Democrats engaged him to demonstrate s mathematically that the finances of the gov ernment were going to the bad; which he did after his peculiar fashion. All men who know him, or knew of him, would place no reliance upon his computations; but the mass of Democrats never heard of him, until they saw his name appended to his dolorous ex position: _ Mr. McCtrmocs, supporter of Eiziratoun and BLitit though he is; could not :remain 'silent under this shameless assault upon the national credit, for party purposes, and as serts that Mr. Dmaten's figures are false ,from beginning to end.. Of course—for Darien could by no possibility get figures together in an orderly and truthful way. HOW THE SOLDIERS VOTE, . Our neighbors of the Dispatch pri n ted, a day or two since, some interesting statis- tics of the military vote in posit years. For example, the soldiers from twelve Republi can counties of this State in 1864 gave 4,469 votes for AicCLELLAR I suId 10,493, or 5,024 majOriti , ; for Lmcorzr. And the soldiers from twelve of the strongest Democratic counties gave 31cOmmax 2,604 votes, and for firscoui 5,243, or 2,689 majority. The proportion of the Union vote'was abottt the same in each case. Whence, it follows that either the enlistments from the copperhead counties were mainly of Union men, or else that Democrats enlisting therefrom speedily realized new convictions of patriotic duty, and left their old associates, doubtless for Cfra PPFriz -•-. - Republicans of Penuaytianial a crisis of luet and uurtwralelleAl importance is upon the eetni l3 9, t'.) be settled by you in large part at thclOctOber election. It is not a crisis relat'Arg to, or produced by, differ en es cov,cerning ordinary principles or measure:, of administratioa. It grows out of =radical divergencies as to elementary ideas and the adaptations thereof to the very organization or existence of the GOv= eminent. The question remanded for popular adju dication is whether °the Rebellion, con quered on the field of battle, and compelled Co make an unconditional surrender, shall, by the use of dedeptive political tactics, be permitted to assume the administration of the Government it defied, deliver itself from all the restraints properly imposed upon it in order to secure the public repose, and be in a posttion to inflict any humilia tion upon the loyal defenders of the Union, which its instinct of revenge may suggest Though this statement - indicates the chief peril of the hour, there are other mischiefs of serious consequence, which must grow inevitably out of the restoration of the Democratic party a power. 'Animated by sympathy, if not actual complicity, with the Rebellion, fromi its inception through all the stages of its progress, sharing in its new born hopes of accomplishing by manage ment many of the ends recently aimed at by gigantic force, and partaking in large meas ure of that insatiable lust of revenge which always attends baffled pride and disappoint ed ambition, it has devised, a financial policy which addresses the passions of the igno rant and reckless, but strikes fatally at con fidence, steadiness and permanence in the ongoings of all the larger and more impor tant buainess pursuit& of the country. When PAXTON, IitTILLT 83141 ROntleP/EnCRE sought the attainment and retention of power in . France, they made the wildest appeals to the envies,•the jealousies, and Malignities of the least discriminating of the industrial chums. Passing mainly by the numerous and influential orders of skilled workmen, which in all ages and nations are the ripest product of the best civiJ lizadon, and conatittite 'the primest reliance of the State,- they directed their insidious and envenomed' appeals to , those who, through want of fore sight,_ or, incapacity, or improvidence, or vice, or crime, had fallen into the abyss of the dangerous classes, and were intent upon waging a savage and unrelenting crusade upon all who, through sobriety, diligence, shill and honesty had accumulated compe tencies, and established their families in circumstances of comfort and respectability. Success in life, no matter how honorably won, was made an unpardonable offence. Even tidiness Fir apparel was made a re proach, and often the occasion of the ex tremest violence. Vagabonds and outcasts were elevated froth the depths into which they had, either from deliberation or desperation, sunk themselves into the rank of victims of oppression at the hands of all the industri= ous and cultivated ineinbers of society. The do-nothings and the be-nothings were dirti ly paraded as deserving of the highest Con sideration and care of the State; and the ex ecution of such bloody exactions as they blindly saw proper to impose became the earnest employment and the frantic delight of the mob. ACA. of., this pager Poetry TAW and The Democratic party of this country has not reached that extreme Point; but is push ing with great vigor in that direction. Who ever listens thoughtfully to the fiery appeals which its orators address to the people, cannot fail to perceive the honor they prac tically bestow upon failure in all worthy en terprises, and the fury they would visit if they had the power upon all who through energy, Wintry, skill and probity have ac complished anything of wane for themselves or the country. ' This attempted.coalition between the rebel leaders and the dangerous or disaffected classes of the population of the loyal States, Is one of the pregnant and perilous signs "of the times. It is not a sign that has just made itself visible. With what terrible power it flashed out during the war in the New York riots, which required for, their repression the withdrawal of a military force of thirty thousand men from confronting the armed champions of rebellion inthe field. Who doubts, that has either studiqd history or carefully observed the development of human society before lils'eyes, what that outburst of demoniac fury meant? or to what lengths it • would have gone, in sackings, rapes, conflagra tions and butcheries, if a 'superior power had not effectually mastered it? Nothing was more natural thin that this coalition should be manifested first, and with im mense energy in the commercial metropolis of the Republic. Where population is densest, fprnishing readiest coverts and hiding places for criminals;, where the com petithns iu all departments of business are most active and managed with the largest amount of adroitness and talent, causing the weaker endless competent to fall out by the ?way; where the highest prizes of life, both in respect to wealth and • social positions, are drawn by the, adventurous and discern ing; there will nee,eussrially be witnessed the widest extremes of opulence and pover ty, of honor and dishonor, of contentment and unrest, of satisfaction with the allot ments 9f fortune and of burrowing hate thereto, and unquenchable desire to seek sangUinary reprisal& Things which are intimately and indissol ubly related to each other-by principles and tendencies, do not always have the same outward manifestations, and simply because the local surrounding circumstances are dif- , ferent. If the'Democratic leaders, in their dangerous appeals to passions and preju dices, are not now, going to _the extent aqd with the dire 'results witnessed in'New, Yerk,lt is because the opportunities: pre sented to them are not the same. Accord ing to the occasion they are doing the utmost they can. Wor these reasons and in this way a most desperate struggle is now going on to cap ture PennsylwYnia for the rebels. As dur ing the war the armed enemies of the loyal e.;FaTE: 'AY LA , (fag -st PI . _ Norval sought tffiie — aftecillne tonna, her through Pennsylvania; id now they repeat ti the ,trert under such _ r instrumenalities as can now alone be employed. All that des- Perete end, unscrupulous men—men who have not hesitated at perjury, treason - and asstupination—can do, will be done to bring about that result. Stuffing ballot-boxes, buying votes, fraudulent certificates' ofnat uralization, colonization of votes—all the appliances of political corruption and fraud —will be freely resorted to.' Upon an honest poll—or upon a poll with no more than the ordinary amount of cheat ing—the Republican-majority in October would not be less than twenty thousand. The recently disclosed preparations for fraud constrain us to admonish Republicans every where within oar borders to be on their guard. A :double duty devolves onthem. The} have first to see that all their co partizans :who 'are legally entitled to vote go to the polls and exercise that right; and they have also to see that no more men vote the Democratic ticket than are fairly enti tled to that privilege. A victory of from five to eight thousand will answer all the local purposes involved in the State elec tion ; but so low a majority will , not accom plish results still more desirable. A major ity of twenty .thousand will substantially make an end of the contest(throughout the country; and end it so effectually that it cannot be renewed. Republicans of Pennsylvania! we appeal to you, in view of the gravity of the crisis— of the momentous consequences involved, both for yourselves and your children-10 give the few days that - interv i ene between this and the election to the highl task of se curing the national administration in loyal hands. THE. ELECTION !FRAUDS. The Harrisburg Telegraph announces that the resignation of Judge STnozia' was not because:of the inadequate salary, "but be cause he could not sanction the illegal and tyrannical course pursued by his Democrat ic brethren on the bench." The Telegraph then makes the annexed explanation: ; " Last Saturday the startling distxtveries were made that this Supreme Court, the highest tribunal in the State, were engaged in manufacturing naturalization papers at the rate of twelve in every five minutes, that the tipstaves of the Court were admin istering oaths to applicants, and other ir regularities practiced whichwould disgrace the lowest judicial tribunals. The action of Chief Justice Thompson, on Monday last, in refusing qualified citizens to be present and take nbtice of the number of -Persons naturalized, evidence presented, &c., has no doubt disgusted Judge Strong to such an extent that he determined not to be a party to such outrageous proceedings,' and his resignation was tendered. The Republicans. will hereafter have, notwithstanding the basest fraud commit ted on the elective franchise, a majority of the judges, which enables them to igrtore former criminal decisions, and also correct the frauds committed In the issue of illegal naturalization papers." _The announcement of the resignation of Judge tkuosto was instantly followed by Judge Titoism:az with a reversal of his se tion, so far that parties are now permitted to make lists of the names and vouchers for publication. That resignation, and the cer tainty that Gov. GEARY would fill the va cancy by the appointment of a fearless as well as upright - Judge, no doubt prompted Judge TIIOMPSON to yield to the pressure which demanded, that full publicity should . be (given to the workings of the "Demo cratic Naturalization Machine." That pub licity becomes the More necessary when it is known that, do Monday last, "the Supreme Court granted seven hundred and twenty naturalization papers in five hours, making voters at the rate of twelve every five minutes; snd this was done in the ab pence of the judges by the clerks of the court. Blank _papers, signed and sealed, it is even charged, have been issued by the Supreme Court, to be filled up at any street corner, or in any tavern." Friends of pure suffrage are determined that the how, where and by whom these outrageous abuses may be perpetrated shall no longer be concealed. So far, they have gained their point and it is a long step towards the at tainment of a remedy. Judge Wxt,LIAMB will sit until December 1869, and, with Justices READ and AGNEW, now making a majority of the Court, will, as the Telegraph pointedly says, ensure to the people a just and sharp correction for the frauds which are now •on foot. And these frauds, there is reason to believe, are „upon a scale of magnitude and audacity which very seriously threatens to nullify the choice of the majority of hottest voters, unless successfully exposed and resisted be fore it shall be too late. A REQUEST We desire to make each day some brief record of the current meetings of our;friends, in all parts of the county, but the political movement is so active and general, many meetings occurring on the same evening, and at distances too great to be reached by our reporters, that we have not been able to notice all of them as they have occurred. Our reporters cannot be übiquitous, and the field is so large that our force would need to be trebled in numbers to cover its entire extent. We have, therefore, to request our friends to supply us, proMptly, with the data of all meetings held outside of the cities, the num bers in attendance, the names of speakers, and such other particulars as may be of in terest. All meetings thus reported to us shall have proper mention In the GAZETTE. We repeat; let it be made the duty of some `good Republican to see, that we have a brief report of every meeting, for which we en gage a prompt publication. We want time, place, numbers in attendance, speakers' names, music and leading incidents; what the speakers may say is of less consequence, as we all know that they, are right. Will our friends heed this request?. A octitsEsPorimum at Niahville (Tenn.) writes;us, apropos to the recent municipal election held in that city, thus: "Every voter in the city, white and black, labored hard for their respective candidates. It is quite amusing to 8e c the affinity exist ing between white men and negroes on elec tion day. 'Negro equality' is not Nice dis puted, but all are brothers in the amt noble cause." "70E SPAMSfI. R QLV ioN. Queen Iseasam.kuo longer reigns; a fugi tive from the vengeful justice of a too long tnisgoveined and outraged people, she h as A s ton refuge upon the soil of , France. The last of the crowned' Boma)Ns to be dethroned, her restoration is also the most , hopeleiss. . Even the ex-King of Napless may sooner regain hiefOrfeited possessions from Italy, than this weak and worthless worms., can expect to be recalled to power over a a lr people whieh has expelled with such wonderful unanimity. Arm the sixteen millions of her late subjects, n tan adherent could be found to maintain er cause with faithful resell:Om, nor a soldi to ( fight for her loyally and _to the death. The army, the people, the. nob ity, and the masses, grandees ' and shop- eepers, even her con fi dential counsellors d most high ly trusted generals, seem to ha e fraternized . I together with the common purpose of re-ac quiring the national honors, the ancient dignity and the immemorial 1 ights -of the Spanish people, by exclu ing foreevr the wicked - and sliamel 813 dynasty which has Put all these in s ch desperate peril. The movement seems have been accomplishe.d with little or n bloodshed, and the government has been tuned by a Provisional Junta, to . the entire satisfaction of an orderly and tranquilized people. We have, at this moment, no . means for judging what may be the ultimate adjust ment of Spanish Sovereignty, known hith erto under the nominal guise of a limited monarchy,-with a partial popular represen tation in the two Chambers of the Cortez. The government, in IsABELLA's hands, has been practically a constant struggle between, not two, but three—the Court with its Absolutist tendencies, the popular constit uencies usually represented by the thought fhb enlightened and cattails lifoderados, and the small number of leading grandees and generals who have sought their own personal advancement by serving alternate ly as props for a tottering throne and tribunes for an unquiet and complaining people. The union of two of these against the thrrd has almost uniformly resulted in the reprett sion of the 311xlerados, and in making a monarchy, limited in theory. In fact nearly absolute, so long as was sustained by a small but powerful cabal. ( The Democratic sentiment in Spain is very limited and weak. The people are es sentially attracted to a monarchical formof government. Already, we hear talk of universal suffrage, and that the new' order of government will be largely republican ized. We have but little faith in such a re sult being accomplished. Spain is not yet . Capable of a purely popular self-control. The Crown instill regarded by her people as the dearest and only natural symbol of sov ereignty, and a monarchy must continue to be the only form of government in which they will contentedly acquiesce. No doubt (the result of the present movement, will be to define more clearly and to enlarge more broadly the limitations hedging in the pre. rogatives of the throne, by so much increas ing the weight of the popular element in the conduct of public affairs, but, with these conditions, Spain will again be loyal to the King, whom sooner or later, she will invite to the throne. Wnomever this choice may fall upon, seems now to be the only ques tion which threatens the harmony of the na tion, or concerns the politics of the conti nent. SUCCESSORSHIP TO JIIDGE VT IL-, LIAMS. An effort is being made to secure to our gifted fellow-eitizen, Major . A. M. Bnowti, ( the office to be made vacant by the elevation of Judge H. W. WiLuems from the bench of the„Alleglieny County District Court to that of the State Supreme Court. The many friends of Major A. M. BROWN will be disappointed to learn that be refuses to become a candidate, as the following letter • will show : &wrong Gezerrz: Having been inform ed that my name has been suggested for appointment to the Bench of the District Court, in view of the supposed vacancy created by the nomination of the Honorable Henry-W. Williams to the Supreme Bench, 1 beg leave to state that I am not a candi date for judicial honors, nor will I be an applicant for the position in the event of Judge Williams' retirement from the Dis trict Court. A. M. BROWN. Pittsburgh, October Ist, 1868. • Tom, Irish People, a Democratic newspa per andlhe leading Irish journal of New York, eloquently denounces Mr. Jour; T. HOFFMAN, who spoke in this city last night. We quote one of its paragraphs : "Prom the time when he, as Recorder, tried to fasten the odium of the July riots of 1863 on the Irishmen of New York, by vis iting with the highest penalty of the law every poor dupe of his own party's villainy who bore_ an Irish name, while he let off with a caution or discharged as blameless, - the ring leaders who, were the hired agents of his friends in the Confederacy and Great Britain—from that time this maz-Roffinan has never missed an opportunity, we say again and again, of injuring and insulting the Irish people of America. Therefore, if God spares us life and strengtn to do it, we shall go to the polls, for the first time in our life, next November and deposit our pro test against the election of Roffman in the shape of a • ballot bearing the name of his opponent. Titu increase of voters in England under the Reibrm Act of 1867 is very large in some towns. In Glasgow the new constit uency now numbers 47,740, while in 1807 there were only 18,3131 voters on the list, an increase of 29,388. On the other hind, in the City of London the new list contains 20,913 voters, of whoni„2,ooo are supposed to lie duplicated,entries. The whole num ber of registered voters at the last contested election was 17,614, so that the •recent Re form Act has not affected London. This statement does not include the boroughs surrounding the city. , . . • • A MottaT, atniar.t. ..(111.) letter•says: "Our distinguished . fellow-citizen, Robert Bell, Esq., has .entirely, ren need Demon racy, and come , out. fold d squarely on the Republican platform. ' - company with Hon. E. Callahan, he wtlistump On this (Thir teenth) Congrnslonal District . for .Orant; Colfax, name, and the Union: 'He thinks the continued sucePss of the Republican party is pie only surety of peace and pros perity. Mr. 13v11 is an able and eloquent orator, and is one of the must valuable ac cessions to our party in 6vuthern Illinois." ,A BBIF NT B ITEMS,? —Frank Blair made a speech at Bedford, Pa., .*etderday. —Judge Jacob Flinn, an old resident of Cincinnati, dial there on Wednesday, —.Tatnes R. Casky, a prominent tobacco ineycbantin Richmond, died yesterday: ' - -Rev. Father Schneider founder of St. Mary's College, died at Mo ntreal,i Canada, yesterday. . '—The Directors of the Chicago Board of Trade have deidined to accept the resigna tion of E. T. Robbins. —At Memphis on Wednesday night a ne gro man beat his wile with a boot jack, crushing, her skull in such a manner,that she died. He was arrested and lodged in jail. —At the session of the Catholic Synod, at New York, on Wednesday, it Isms resolved that there shall be no morel plo-nics or waltzing among' the Catholics of the Dio cese. —The Montgomery county agricultural fair commenced yesterday , in Norrhstown, Pa., conducted by practical farmers v and is a fair and not a race course. Heydrick's steam plisw will be tested by the usual work in field to-morroW. —The funeral of the late Robert P. King, the publisher, took place in Philadelphia yesterday, and was very large. • Besides the many friends and relatives of the deceased, several Masonic bodies. military companies, the Typ Itraphical Society; Press Club, and other associations, were present. .* Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were flied of record before H. Snive Esq., Recorder, October 1, 1868 : . Gen. W. Wildes to C. Haman Love 'September 18, 1808; lot on Beaver street, late bOrough of Man chester, 47 by 110 etet, with Improvement!. AC. $.940 Isaac Mills to J. A. Shall enberger,...l an. 1, 11168 9 .10 t in the borough of Braddock's Field!, containing 1 acre $l,lOO Joseph Laurent to Martin Schell. Attril 16, 1868(lot in Collins township, (now ally) by 47 feet... ,OM Wm. Robinson; Jr.'s administration to John TOM son, seßt.• 4, 1868: lot on North avenue, Second • ward, AJegheny, 33 by 179 feet $4150. Wm. Itobinson, Jra's administrator. to Samuel Mc- Kee, Sept, 4, 1868; lot on corner of North avenue and Feature lane, Second ward, A llegheny, .80 by 170 feet 93,850 Daniel Heckler to Henry Blumbage, eeptemberall 1868: lot on Centre street,Second ward, Allegheny. 'a. by 80 feet nit= Y. Blankenbuchler to Sarah J. Cameron, August 73d, 1868; lot on Bellefontalne street, Se venteenth ' ward, Plttsmiggh, with buildings ' • 114.13) William Holmes to Margaret Mawbrizine,y. August H., 1338: Ist on Fillmore street, Fourteenth ward. Plt sburgb, 28 by 240 feet • Pennsylvania lusurence Company,to John T. Gray, September 4th 1868; lot on BedfOrd avenue, Elev enth ward Pittsburgh . 83 by7o feet. SI.IIXI C. Innson Love to John T. Gray; lot en south, avenue, in south Fayette tOrrnsiiip, 82 by 335 feet .. • .. .....t ..... .6230 John IL McCord to John 'IL Shttennerger, August 27, 1868; lut on Penn street. Fourth ward, Pitts bu_ rah, by 120 feet, with bui1ding5. , ,te..... 1 817.000 H. M. Breckenridge to Susannoh Heineken. lot in borough of Tarentum. 49 by 117 feet $lOO Eatunel B. Cluley, Sheriff, to George K. Gamble, July Et 1863; lot of ground In Chanters township, containing 182 acres; also, a lot on Walnut street, Temperancevllie, 13 by 150 feet, with buildings. ,5,6321 . J. A. Courtney to Sarah BO; a. luta on Beaver road, In Ohio townahlpiontatrana 158 perches $5OO ORTGAIIES. Fame day serval en mortgages were filed of record. Tan Dprzas of rn AssEssons.—One of the qualifications of a voter in Pennsylva nia is the having paid a tax which' shall have been assessed at least ten days before the election. The question is frequently presented to the assessors, whether an alien who Is entitled to take out his naturalization papers within ten days can be assessed before he becomes &citizen. • On October Bd, 1865, the point was submitted to Justices .Strong and Thompson, of the Supreme Court, who decided that the right. to vote depended upon the fact that the person who presented his ballot was a citizen at the time when he appeared at the polls, and it was not necessary that be should be natur alized when assessed. A SLIGHT COLD, COUGH, Or SORE THILOATmay be checked If a reliable remee y Is applied mit once, but If neglected very soon preys upon the nags, and the result may prove fatal. The past few weeks of changeable tempera ture and cold rains are fruitful st.urces of troubles of the lungs, throat and chest. If you are attacked by a cold, no mat ter how slight, nee at once DL FARGINT43 COUGH BTRUPi Whic.h Is an old and well tried remedy far COUGHS, COLDS., ASTHMA, BIIONCHSTIS, and all .h.ffeo. Ilona of the Pulmonary Organs. ! DR SARGENT'S 00IIGH SYRUP Is entirely free from sly deleterious ingredient, and can be given with perfect safety., to the youngest child. DB. BARGEWPB COUGH SYRUP Gives nitre and almost Immediate relief to hoarse ness and that 'annoying sensation, : tickling, In the throat. If you would obtain a te llable remedy, be sure and tall fbr - - DB. ELMGESITS COUGH SYRUP. If your Druggist does not keep It, ask him to get it for you. WE - ARE NOT CAST IRON. „Oast Iron undergoes marked changes under the alternate action of heat and cold, and the human body is not cast lion. On the contrary, it is a com bination of delicate tissues and -ff bres, which are exquisitely sensitive to atmospheric changes, and, unless protected against sudden and violent varia tions of temperature by wise precautions, are sure to be•disastr .1191 , / affected by them. At this season the difference between the temper ature of night end day Is greater than as any other period of the year, and the stomach, the liver, the bowels and the nervous system are apt to receive violent shocks from these changes, resulting in in digestion, bilious attacks. debility, low nervous fever, fever and ague, re nittent fever, Ste. Sustain and reinforce these organs., therefore, With •the purest and most potent of all vegetate.. tonics and alteratives, viz: HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BIT TERS. The effect of this matchless Invigarant Is to brace up the whole vital organization. and regulate its action. ' Useful at all seasons as a means of pro moting perfect digestion, an even and natural dow of bile, and a healthy condltion of the bowels and the skin, it Is especially necessary in the Tall when the compisin s arising from checked Perspiration are so common.' It is found, by those who me In the habit of using this agreeable and unequalled tonic, that it ao strengtnene and fortifies the body iiirto render It proof against the morbid influences which infect the air during the prevalence of eUidemics. DISEASED LUNGS. There . is no donut whatever that dieenses of the lungs, or ulcers of whatever sort, on any of the In ter..al organs may be and are frequently cured, and a cqmplete condition of health established. If the' elaborative functions, of which the stomach is the primary and most important one, ar, restored to a condll ion to do the repairing of the human system, ulcers or sores, wuetber upon the lungs the liver, the kidneys or the buwela, or upon the legs, as is 'frequently the case, can be mese to heal, and a complete standard of health re.establlstied. We have frequently seen these results from the use of Dr. KeYSEtt'S LUNG CURE, a pleasant . and airetiatre diclne, ivhich will ripen up and carry - tut the animal economy , all-effete - and used' up 'material. Dr. KEYSER'S LU.Sti CUBE is enrich. ed by some of the most valuable plants and herbs, known to be useful and curative I i all deteriorated states of tee human Wood, and whilst it adds to its plasma, It at the es se time stiMulates, gently but effectively, the skin, th.. kidneys, the liver trio the glandular syst:in . to Pufllclent action to . enahle the . body to take on healttitni action and cradle/10 0,0 disenre. The s , ek add &filleted Should [merit', mind the virtues of this trivet inedidie, and if therm who are, sufficiently alive to the ImportanCe Of health, will resort to it in the beginning of a Cough or cold,' there would be no . faiting into declines. and rapid consumption, so hopelessly loeurable, and so twos' sure y fatal. Let any one afflicted with any pulmo eery diseivc try b-it one bottis , :, and t ey will be convinced of %lie value of Dr. 'testier's ..ung yore . 'told t.y the gru.s tlos«h or slug e tottle. a t: Dr• KLY.selL'Slirt•st Sletticlue t•lort:, 140 Wthtd 4 t. 04.. 1.. F; 'WE , T I)Fiq uE for , Y.X.AMINATIDN ANDTie 'PILE T.A . rain:Nl.',„F Pali VENN l'[ L'A. Office hours Irvin a. N. irsTIL r. at, I. , eptembgr XV, 1806. —.77 l olirnAbgigokita Nevi:verk4 • ' 'll - aigo piece of brown paper-placed over each door cif ,the liquor:Mere o.IN Centre street, and -marked .with lane letters, in forms the alien that the "Tammany Hall Naturalization Committee Meets Here," and within, yesterday, , were seated around some tables about a dozen clerks with liens stuck over their ears, and a pile Of natural ization papers before them, waiting for the, runners to bring in the victims. As each one received his paper, a clerk who sat near the door supplied him with a ticket that is. good for fifty cents' worth of naturalization certificate. There was no crowd there yes terday, and the clerki amused themselves much of the time In filling out papers with imaginary names, Ink, to get their hands in."—Tribune, • air 90T117.515—“T0 Baas'! "Len.' i ee.. jeat 004 aiding FOUR ZINEB rack wiAbe &rated th 4 aoftuarise ore fcii• rWEITTY-FIVE CENTS; additiona ILfs# FIVI3-OENTS. - • WANTED---HELP. Ur, ANTED-SLEEPING ROOMe ••By it gebtleman, to with' unfurnished Sleeping Room. Address,' priee 'atm location, U 21.141., 240. 24 Sr. CLAM STREET. WANTE.II.EWEIALEIt SALES 31A1C—An experienced Salesman in'the Jewelry tmainesa ran_get aggo d and permanent sit nation at ar.INEIStAii, MEYiiAN & KEMAL'S,: 42 Fifth Arcane. Best of recommendations required. - • - • ANTED-MINERS:-THE MOUNT. CARBON" CoAL:AND RAILROAD COMPAN_Y, ot.Eckson County Mines, are In want of from 60 to 100 MINIMS. In addition to thdoe presently employed by them. Wages goodremploy meat constant Apply to the underabrned. at the 2donorrhela ' House, Pittsinirgh. SNOW— .. , WAIITED-AIIELP;—Ait iiimplff - - . went Care. N0..3 Elti Clablitreet; 130113,, G EU and kEXNt , for ditteremt , !lads of employ— ment. Persoeu; wanting help of all kinds can Dor suopiled on abort notice. ^ ANTED--Gnit..--A good Girl, iVed. and n o olgtig i rs' b rergp r ti tr nc itt e N i r. 189 NORTH AVENUE, Allegnenyttlty: WANTED-LGIALL-To do gen. end housework. .A.Opiy at the hlAZErrit COUNTING-BOOM. 'NARIELEID GLASS. 111- - PAGE, ZELLERS k DUFF. WANTED--=23oAzwiais. 1140AIIDININti,.." 3g litAN • 13IC j_ll —Pleasant furnished front cud back second' ; and third story rooms, toe gentlemen and wives and single gentlemen. Terms reasonable. tor) WANTED--BOARDERS:-:-pleas. ant tarnished room& to het; with hoarding. at 167 THIRD STREET. . . . UrANTED-B 0 A RDEIOI.-r6tew tlemen boarders can be ao-jiloalmodated:Fitli oard and lodging atlia: 28•IPICHRY ST. WAN'I'EIBOAIRI*IIB4I. gen, tleman ood w ild two, Ainglo gentlemip, can` be socottunodated firit class bcoirding at. No. 18 WYLIE STREET. -Boom!. s front cue, oar second door, omit opqmout on:balcony. • WANTED-AGENTS. 111Vr ANTED—AGENTS-4'cm Na— VIONAL CAMPAIGN 000D13.-Bxlo Steel Engravings ofGRANYand COLFAXosith orwith. oat frames. One agent took 80 orders in one day. 'Also, National Campaign Blographies of both: A& tents. Plus, Badges. Medals and Photos for Dem *ands and Republicans. Agents make 100 per as. Sample packages sent post-paid for 71. Send at onee and get the start. Address GOODSPEED & 00.. 87 Park Row. N. Y.. or Chicago, Dl. WANTS NVA.NTED--TOINTEEITH.---A Gen v v Unman wants to Invest some. capital' In ► paying manufacturing establlaliment• stomp or roan— dry business preferred. Address IROX, liemzema OFFICE. • WANTED -L 0 D6l ER—For a large front room, neatly furnished and well von lated, situated on I.UIOII Avenue. Allegheny, two 'rmes from street cars. Address BOX X. WANTED --TO REWF—A Dual nouse orltuilding. suitable for, a light man ufacturing! business , almatlxso. One or two. stories. Irdetached from otherbuildings, ;deterred. Adores& MAMMAL:TOMB, office of this paper. VANTED-1N FORMATION Concerning the " WON Ok B. OF THE I have sold 50,000 bottles, and have warranted it to relieve and care all pains of what— ever form, acute or chronic, eternal or internal, 1 deep seated or otherwise, such as Pains in the Side' „; Chest, Shoulders, Limbs, Joints, Neuralgia in the Face and Head, Sick eleadache, Toothache., Chollc, Cramp. Cholera Illorbas,. Diarrhea, Cold, Cough, and eepecially,-Catarrh, and never have I known It to fail. Dues 33 , body know that it has ever failed, to do ill claimed for it ? This is what Swish to know., I am willing to legally warrant it to cure, anti forfrit. TUV_.OO if it falls. , Sold by all dealers . J. C. N, /OM St. Clair street: . QTAIMED GLASL ,, • 1.„7 - PAGE, YELLER S 4.DIIPT, /I Wood stiefit.;' FOR' RENT. . O L.Eur-1100111Alutudiloaneir fornlabe4 front room. suitable for getitlemeu.:. Enquire u No. 31 HAND STNEET. • • MO LET-ONE GOOD ROOM, in TO Dispatch building. tok an office. Bert. . $500! • I[lol LET— H 0 ITS E. -- I l iwOkitorYi • Brick. with five rooms "and flnishodgarzec., o. 28 Grantham street, above Robinson. For par ticulars call lathe realdence. • mO LET—HOIUSEiro;' . 63 •Pridfie street, (old Sth ward,) of averts, kitchen an ant.hed attic; water and irasounge in kitchen. Bent $95 per month. Enquire on the premises. 910 LETs-ROOMS.6-The Fourth STO Sp l endidzs Mce, front and back ding. roonA suitable for work sbope centred. Call at GAZETTE COUNTING-ROOM. . FYO LETT'scro pleasant runfur. niched Rooms, with hoard, 'suitable fora tam s y, or a gentleman and wife. - Also,_• a few day boarders receiard, at No. 68 FOURTH,tSTREET. Refe enee required. Tao LET—THREE HOESES— • about finished, containing 7 to 9 arovms each, on ancock street, near the , corner of Penn, oppo site Christ Church. A most beautiful and convent rat situation; wide, spac.i and shade trees in front,- fr,e from noise smoke and dna,. Inquire Vat XI PENN STREET. PAGE, ZELLERS & DUFF, uLAss MANUFACTURERS. FOR S.ALE VOR SALE-DREG STOILV,,=A Drug Store, with stock and ILattires,-located in Attentomv t. Ity. For partlemars enquire of W. MACKBOWN lc BRO., 167 Liberty street, Whole e Druggists. VORSALE—HOUSEi--A Frame ROUSE,L of ton- rooms and cellar, with' stable- In rear of lot, 124 Pasture Lane, between Jackson and carton treeta. &Seek ny City.- Enquire on the premlires. or of Whf..MANDuRF & CO., 1.711 and 114 Wood street.. FOR SALE-MULES.-Eight (S) LARGE DRAFT MOLES. _ Reason{ for sell= ng, want use. Enquire of ORO MOORE CO., Brick alters head of Bedford Avenue. Pittvbsgh. Vo_,* SA LE-A NEW BRICK. A. HtsIII3E. of wren roofs* ?filth w.ter and gas; also Rood rol,ar. On Pride a ret ,s near rennsyl vatshoavenue. Enquire of W. WILTON, on the premises.. FOR SALE—HORSES.-Two Sadw Me Horses two pairs Wen Might ..arnesa Horses; and two largeblio , sea. vi• ll' b • sold at low prices. Inquir-• at , Cu attLES` LIVERY STABLE, bonier Sandusky street-and South Common, Ana- FOR SALE—LAND:—One DEED AND TWENTY AClton - of the Dial land for gardening or:conntry residences, situated on the Washington; Pike. 1.34 miles south of Tern perancerl-e. Will be told in lo L i be r tyy sin. to stilt purenasers. ittiquir. at 850 street, or F. C. N MILEY. on the premise*. OK A LE—A - Beautiful Build ING. UT. containing 4 acres, with the wiv e/A of 0014.e5. situated on „Mount Hope, at Woods Bun 3tation,P. Ft. &e. adJoillingfarn•er ty of Alex. Taylor. Wm. Nel.on, Wm. ElCltardaoll. and (Alt .ra. This is one of the most oirshmanding Viewn In the vicinity or the tw • cities. and within 3 minutes , walk of the station. ' !enquire at 331 Lib- , er ty street, or at the residuum of Mr. ALysx. TAY.. LOH. hear tbe premlam.. , . O. SALE—RARE - - CHANCE.-- PLITtrIBINO AND OAS FITTING'ESTAB HAEN.T.—A good stand and store. together with fixturca, good will, de.. of a PLUMBING and GAS Fl rriZili EST •VILISIIM EAT. doinggond - business, Is offer, d for tale, -The -above Is situated- In a vocal Place for bus.neas. 'Haring .engaged to other business. Vie proprietor Mien; this establish- . went al a trirgain. Mir uarticulara. c at No. 165 W u li a Pin 4 P.'l. i.itt-t-areri. Pa • KWet SAL C--1 400 iwuislds of Id TYPE. AR.tly et the GAZZTTZ, CVar e•