PITTSBURGH PiefliioLbokr '; 7 1••• OFF/CEIORWIEMWII gagailikAl4l/27):1 1 ‘ _fl'Araneirk)4.o4oberl; /SOL ,lenrjnre• L.g:/ It was generally cicindediiiithat the market was stronger tv.i4s3ii•litidir'etiraparlxi , with • yesterdikl,#kdvilicki 3 O,llillthillf cent been oiy,!) . t?its*eitl l 4ere*iistimi 40til of *190,01)4L) sailer tion, at ragpsge.l4-uig i eysicieg-,-,raere was a sale of 3,000.,bb1s bit tank, for immediate - delivery, Stl2l:‘and'i 8, - 000 for all October,' buyer's orldri. - at Sada figtife. - Lige in the ' day it was iraiiiiren 1)14 there had . been a' sale of sii,4Alat,,lpga, and at. the holders generilli, Were asking 12ke. Aa: L will be seen-freim-thwabove, , the Ilemared. 11 seems to be confined mainly to October; and as theinipply avaiiable . ter this`month g is reportetil tonsiderabli . this, more thiin 'anything maybe at tributed the advance established yi-day. Spot oil opened :a little, , we g, morn tg, two safes' halal*: been nutde:at • at subsequently, it grew;',etronger, and to in the ""day sales were made at SW. 'Oc her, both first and last..half .ruled steady 11 day, thbng h not - iittotiblk higher. The ales were: 500bblsimmediate... .. .. 2Sl3.ic ' 1000 " " ... . . ...... .. ... . 31./o 1000 iliethltOttOber .: .. . 3ONc 500 " last 310 500 t• • tei 1.1, • .. . ... 31c 500 4. last half NoVeinber.:,.., 'lloc From the above, if will be seen that the month opens up radtheysueplcionsly : for: • sellers, thhfth;theh4vince, as-yet, i s wrvr slight; that there.is a timer - feeling for this month is)lenerally conceded.and:;,theie are some who are very aangslAe that:Va. • fore it closteilirliwAl.be..ruhietits they were at any-,time Last . October, it We iniStahc 'mot h ,Oticea . t ivere t higher than during any time Jest year, - . though, of.dOurse,4o doe"-nogthat the same thing will occur this year:: cumatancwaltem,OaSea4 and—wears-not prepared.to state that the oil trade same condition now that. - „ltires thia tiine; : last - BEcral ' s t r., 9 F 3 P /23 ,d1f••. , ------ Fisher dr, Bro - obuillerecia - Wood- - 160 G. S. Tholizao..../ 4 1 89 stroixt. & 09t- 460 Morgan .leCo 4sllLOCkban. &-F.....:760 . R. W. Burke 480:union Bet. Cp..... 600 Nat. Ref. Co 400'D. M. Edgerton." 520 Fulton, 4:cf 4 . .1 2 0 ~• • :; Total-- . , ?!.,•! _ ; OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. Y. B. R. Standard itlii,l3::7eBY- i•eirried' to Warden; Prat' Ce4;' , Pidladalidda.:, Fawcett, Logan & Stocktiale,g,o9 du dq tt to W. P. Logan - 13rd4iPhIlidel • - 0. B. Jones, 150 do to .B. Rol ' brook, Philadelphia. " • - • - Erny, rageinan &CO., 200 bbls refined t 9" Waring, Bt- CD:`r~deiphia. Forsyth, Bro. iit-OuritlAtAcydolq Wirdeb4- "- Frew it Co., PhilaWelp4ta. Lockhart..,Freve-&r.9,iia•do toWar • • 7 den, Frew, keo,;-Pfdladelpliia.. • : • Montsheitner, lioelatat Co., 779 do do to . - Waring fling do CO.-Pldiadelphia: • • B. W. Morgan At , C041.1.77.d0 do to War {;den, Frew & Co..Philadelphla.• •- " Braun it Wagnef,...3.10 Waring, King it Cmy:Phffadelphiat.• - • • =• • R. W. Barker— bburver - te Waiden; • Frew dr, Co., Philadelphia. ;.-•••• rt Wormser Myers & CO,; - do do to Warden. Fit* & : Livingstpndo ,"330 do • to: War den Frew it Co.; Ph iladelphia, • • • . P. Weisedberger;•2oo 'do do to Warden, Frew do C0.,-Phdadelphia. McKee, Hackett-&Co., 809 lxi 7 Viki P. Logan & Bra., , Philadelphia: ' • Buffam, 'Katie* & Co., 54:`dO do tOW. P. •• "Logan & Bro., Philadelphia., , _ Standard 011 - 06., 5 261 - di> flelizoit toTWard den, Frew:dt ,Co ,Philadelphia. Fawcett,.Logaa &Stockdaleri 140 do do to • W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia.' ' • Nat. Ref.- 00 1 Axtd9.(ta DiltveZth 4 at Co., Philade ••• • :- • Erny, Jageman & Co4lo(rdev do to War-. ins, King Co.,'&. • u •H. Koeldei & Co., 49 do bensole to War ' ing, King 4.00., Pldlade/PlatC.'. - • • Leekhart,Freer Co', 220. blki.benzoleio Warden Frew & Co.; Philadelphia: I' B. W. Horgan Co,'l.6o"dodo ,to ,War • " den, Fremd. Co., Philadelphia. • • • Ittal ehipmbilea Refined 6862. di OIL SHIPPED EAST FROM DUQU =POW Warden &.Balchelder, .00 bbls .refined to Warden. Frewitt•Efo.rixhilazh3b:thia: G. W. Holdahip & C0.140 - dcr do ,tp . :WAtr- Ing. Xing & Co., Philadelphfa."_ H. M. 149 s .102 do do to WT:deny •,.4 Frew & C0.ePh.11114011114 1 • Brooks. lislldittine &04•41.§ , do :dr) , to' ' o ', Warden, Frew er, Co.. rnuaaelPbia•• Hutchinsai 011 ,e'sortibfroieened to Warden: I'l4w &Co:;Fhilgdelphla. Hutchinson Oil Ref.,,p0.,112 do henzole to. Wtu•dbiallAjw"St X7O ; Philadelphia Total shipments Re ned tisT • Bensole. • . 112 ..... , Cliliage Market. , , . t (By Telegraph - to the e,l, ttlib4lFh tth.tette.7 Cfricaoo; October I.—BasteraßxChaUge quiet at 15011152 i Vivi thensand off baying; I and par selling. Fletteactivi'and :`firmer;' I sales spring extras at $0,25a7,8734. 1 Wheat steady and quiet; with sales No. 1 at /11,40 i a 1,47 3 4; No :2 at Vl,l7al,ft:clitiiileat $1;373; a 1,38 for No:°;sales,since 'Change of .No. 2 f at $1.38%..'-_6'orn unsettled , and - excited; prices for No. 1 ranged from 11,02 to $ T,l2,' I closing inactive ,:and :nominal - at,.Outside figures; No.2quiet and easier; other grades neglected and nominal, nothing doing this 1 afternoon; No. 1 offered at 90c. .Oats steady and active :an shipping account; sales at I 1 50y,a51c, closing at inside price Bye firm I and moderately actiVe,lalMc higher, clos -1 ing with buyers of No.„.tat 51,17. • Barley firm and 6stic higher, closing with buyers lof N 0.2 at $.1,70. Bighwines in better re quest; sales of frets at $1,30a1;35." Provisi ‘us dull. Mess Pork veryaulet at $28,75a29,00. . for prime Apuesv: - bry t . salted - Shoulders 1 firmly held'at 11c; `buyers at 10i4c. Lard .nominal at .18Na19c.. Freights:steady and 8 active; 7c on corn, and Bc_ on.wheat to Buf falo. Receipt past 24 -hOurs-T4o,o2o,bbbs flour, 119,02. bus , Wheat.. 99,102 bus corn, , 96,987 bus oats, 0,757 hogs. Shipments 11,678 bbls :f10ur;'20 1 752 : bus wheat, 85,498 ! 1 bus corn,l4 - 230 b it s oats, 5,815 hogs. 1 St. Leuti,lifarket. • • (By Telegraptrip the IVibirgh Gizette;) • 1 Sr. - Louie,. October 1. Tobacco, steady , and prices unchanged.' 2There is rintbing I doing in Cotton Hemp. 'Flour, ` bat' and prices unsettled; supernne,;ls,soaB,os; ex ; tra, $6,25a6,75; double extra, 157,25a8: fancy, 1510,80a12,24.„ Wheat, . sliladY; . and: firm; prime fall, $1,90a1,95';• strictly prime, $2,10a ;1.2,15; choice - , fancy,, 2,20a5,25;, spring 5 easy for buyArs; priine to Choice, .81,45a1,50. Corn flmt but, not active, atBoa97c; latter • for choice. Clew fi rmer f rac ti on higher,,at 52u510 for tYbiteTatit black. Rai ''ley quiet; sales of prime lowa spring at 1111,85a1,00. Rye Arm •at 81,2041,22.' 1 .1"0rk i quiet at #2 8 .75520. • Bacon; holders Orin and ;asking a small adyante on clear sidesi-fresh :clear sides, 16s184ixclear iders, 12;ic. :Oath wised sugar cured hams; il734altio. , - • I Now Teri( Dry Goode Market: 1 [By Telegreghlte the rittebee i m at ze tt e .., INEW Yonk,'Oct.'4:—There Ufa better in quiry for fistuiels fur. winter wear;andihe :market for these,is apart s from ,fancygodds land has a hardening=tendencyin sympathy , ?with wool, which is decidedly firmer. Cot; 3on goods coti inue.weak and some conces. sions are being made from day to day. The '4nost - impertant ded•ine noticeable to-day is lin Cooper er, ,Co's. and Stewart's prints, • ,whieb an- off, and offered as low as 10 1 ,yo per yard, and it isp obsble other prints will 1 he reduced in price tocorrespond with this dal Ilbstitirs' hr Cll Ifoit (By Telegraph to the Pitithorgo Gazette .1 kEtc . '7lolEtiii9Ottgler 1,1868: M0NEY. ., 41 " ) .P04• 14 • • Moneyfirmiartit a dii4 spy eat. , 'tie : ,stated•-thw.gier million dellarik; hair been taken but ofthe.banks andlooked Sterling dull at 1 0816©108 3 / 4 . Gold.lower, • Opening at'l4oy , declining to' 139 x, and -closing . 4139 . 1/ 0 and 139 M asked. It Is tit dertitcoti that ,the Govermaatt, ,was again • selling gold • Oys . ' pop:NT sTougs. . Lower, but closed firmer: Coupons 1881, 118; do. '62,, 112g42)112%; do. '64, 109 %@ 109,10-do. ' 1 66, 110@l10g; 'do. New, 108 g; do. "671 108 g; do: '67, 108 g; 10-408, 1048@ 1 , STATE STOCKS Quiet. Old Tennessees, 69; New do.. 68 14(4) 88x; Geoigim, 9134; Old Carolinas, 75; New do., 54 k; •ex-coupone Old , Virginias, 7435 i New do.; 74; Missouris, 9155. , STOCKS." . , . hilioellineorid shares firm. xpress ,c,„ stocks steady. , . - 5:30 ?slims: Canton, 48®49; Boston Mater Power, . s(giisx; Cumberland, 30 ®SS; ,:Wells E . ress 80(4)30X,;.'American, 48y@49; Adams, 51 %®52 ; United States, 444 - §4ot "...Merchants' U nion 23 5‘ 1 @ 2 53.i1ii quicksilver, 21X®21.X; • 'Mariposa, 4@)6; do4referred. 13®13 4 ; /Pada° Mail, 111 111 X: Western Union INSlegMph, 341 Ha t ®34 46 3‘0 1 47; do. . p 'erred; 0901170; Hudson,: 139@139x; em 121®122; - Reading, 94X(4)4X; Ohl and MissiSsippl, 2SX@ 28 %; Wabash, 9 ©6O; do. preferred, 743;; St., Raul, -94% ®OOl - d 0. ., preferred , 94@95; - Michipan - Central, - ;118c4; Illehigan South ern,4 , 83X®83x; / lit ola . Central, 146®147; Pittsburgh; 85X 85%; Toledo, 101)X; Reck Island, 102 ;@1 X;.Northwestern, ..88X® 88 %; do. prefe ", 88Xig8830 Hartford and4Erie, 22X 0223 X; Terre Haute, 41X,@ 43; do. preferre 1,. 62®6455: Chicago and 'Alton : ` preferred -150 X; . Burlington and qui4cy? 170. ' G SHARE& .itiet;Smlth &Parmelee, 98(0100; Gregory, 450; -Minh* shares 5001 Quartz Hll Grass' YMley 41. En wrc•cirs: t ,fioston: Calutnet,, 551 ; 'Franklin, 14; Quincy; nnesota, En Copper stooks Copper Falls,. 17 20p 4h. The receipts at Nere1),8 6K ,095,808. ance; 994, 4 I 1 ' f ,New Tor eremite Market. • By Teterrapti to the irittstatesaesiette.3 NEW Irofstr, Octoberl.—Aahes quiet and ne mus Cotton a shade •firmer, although - ' f . , not Very active; with sales 1,300 bales at 2634 c for middling nplandar also 700 bales in - transit. Flour 10a25c lower,'with re ceipts 16,489 bbls; "sales 7,Boo•bbleat 46,25 a 7 for superline.western, and 37,i0a8,60 for extra western; $8,74t10,40 for white wheat extra;-137,70a10 fox R. IL O.; $9,50a10 for ex tra St. Loafs: $10a13,40 Air good to choice do; closing dull and heavy; California flour heavy, with sales 500 sacks' at $8,50a10,75: Rve flour dull, with sales 300 bbls at 36a8. Corn Meal quiet, with sales 800 bbls Marsh es' calorice at private terms. Whisky quiet. Wheat la2o lower, with a moderate export demand, chiefly to fill old freight engage ments; receipts, 87.361 ,bush; sales 69,000 bush-at 31,541,53 for No. 3 spring; $1,60 for No Wand .3 do mixed; 51,63a1,60 for No 2 d0;3215 for winter red and west ern; a 150,2,000 bush white ' Tennessee; closing a ittle flither. Rye quiet. Barley seitice and firm; sales 3,800 bn Canada West at $2,10 to arrive; barley market dull. Corn --receipts 69,132 bn and opened steady but closed dull and about l.e, lower; sales 88,000 -bii at $1,12a1, ' 15 for unsound; 81,16a1,17 for ,eanuntlnixed western closing at 1,16 for sound de. afloat. Oats—receipts 244 bit and lo better; sales 49,000 bu at 73 a 740 far new western afloat; 72%e for comm do. in gore.. Rice in fair request. Coffee quiet; sales 2,000 bags Rio at private terms. Sugar in moderate regnant; sales 400 hhde Cuba at lial2c. Molasses quiet. Hops quiet at 15a 25c fbr American. - Petroleum dull at 153, 'lilac for crude; 29c for refined iti band. Lin seed oil in moderate request at $1,04a1,06. Spirits turpentine unchanged. ' Pork quiet and heavy; sales 1;260 bbls at $28,31aM„: 62 fon Mese; closing at $28,40 regular; $28,40a 28,7019x,01d do; $23,75a24,50 for prinie; 526,25 J 126,70 prime messk total Moog old and new, 'October Ist 38,052" bbls;' Bathe date last .Ituntsth..., 54,068 bbls; same date last veer, 62,797 bbls. Beef dull; sales 154:1 Wits at $13,00820,50. for new plain mess and $20,50a 24,75 for new extra mess; total stock old ind'}iiiiw, October-,.let, -16,571 packages; same -Vide last month, 18,293 packages; same' date last year, 344 packages.- Tierce Beef' rat at 21a33 for prime mess and tiOa 36 for• India Mess. Beef Hams dull at .20a 29. ' Out Meats heavy; sales 150 packages at 11%a123; Shoulders 12;019; s 1 T Hams, middles dull and.heavy. 'Lind hell , . - sales 150 tierces at 18l a 19% for steam and 19%a pi t 193 for kettle rendered. Butter d 11 at 31 4'BB for Ohio and 40,47 for State. Cheese quiet at 18a17. Freights to Liver 1 rule quite firm; engagements per steamer for 1 40,000 bushels' Wheat at 8a836d. for this week and 10d. for next week.. 'LATEST.,—FIour dull and 10a15c lower for medium and common. • Wheat—there is a firmer feeling in consequence of *light 'supply;and a fair export inquiry to 411 its freight engagements. Rye dull at 31,46 a 1,50 for western. Oats quiet at 733074 c for new western afloat. Corn dull ttnd heavy, at 61;12a1,15 for unsound; $1,153a1,16 for sound new mixed western afloat. Pork g, , tiet at 318.373 , ‘a27,50 for mess, cash and Iregular. Beef dull; small sales at previ lons quotations. Cat meats dull and droop ing. Bacon quiet and nominal. Lard quiet at /93,1a1930 for fair to prime steam Eggs steady with a moderate demand. Cincinnati "Market. [By Telegraph to, thePlttsburgh Gazette.] CINCINNATI,Oct. I—Flour dull at 8:,75 a 9,75 for family. Wheat very dull, buyers holding back for lower rates; No. 1 red at $1,95. Corn dull and, lower, closing at 0,03 a 1,04 for _ears or shelled. Oats dull: 19,000 bash closing at 60c for No. 1. Rye dull at $1.35. , ,Rarley irregular, buyers holding ba.-k; spring held at 52,15a2,20 for State and 82,35 for Canadian.'',Cotton,quiet at 260 for Tobte•co firm with good demand; 190 hhds leaf at $11,60a28.60. Eggs dealined to 20c. , Whisky dull at 51,30; no sales. Mess Pork at $29,25; no inquiry. Lard at 19 3 / 4 0, with little demand. Bulk -Meats offered more freely'at 103,c for shoulders l and 1330 for sidess. Bacon quiet at 12yial2ki'e for shoul ,ders, and 15!4a16 for sides. Hams dull at 19.1930 kw best brands. Linseed Oil dull at $1,04. Flaxseed in demand at $2,50a2,75. Clover`nominally 150 per lb Sugar firm at full prices; sales of 190 hhds. Coffee in demand at 2la 25c, the latter for Rio. Gold at /HO buying. Exchange firm at par Toledo Market. • City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh assette:3 Mototno, October I.—Receipts-3 992' •flOttr, 30,049 bush wheat, ' 8 bah ,corn, 10,450 bush oats, 1;0E0 bush rye, 7,975 bush barley. Shipments---2,407 bbls ilbur, 4,200 busk wheat, 42,990 bush corn, 600 bush oats.. Fleur quiet; small islet family white at 511,00. Wheat7-white' steady; amber , and red lo better; sales extra white Michigan at $2,10• to ' 92,16, white Michigan $2,00, amber 01.90, No.' I red 51,90. Corn a shade better; ' Nu. ,1 97 1 c. • Miehigan 970. Oats steady at 5 8 e for Michigan, 55c for No. 2. Rye steady at 81,20 for No. 2. Barley quiet and • - steady, at 02,10 for Canada. lake Freights dull and nominal. Chicago Cattle 51arket. cßviT l etegrapo to Out Pittsburgh Gazette. 7 CHICACIO, October . 1 . -;—Cattle quiet at 23,37;00,25 for ordinary to good smooth. Sofia active and steady; (Wes' at 47,904,25. - .4. 5 3 , 3 i''- - , t'' - ' f -"' pi ‘444 ,• ~ TR. lAT - a a he Snh•Tieasnry to-day . 4 11 : 62 5t5, $ 2,697,063; Bal. PITTSBURGH. EV. WATNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. October 1.-5 cars . metal, Nimick & Co; 2 cars staves, M P Adams & Bro; 1 do do, W Rieke; 10 bxs matches, JR Smith & Co; 100 bbls flour, W 34 bxs matches, E Heazleton; - 3- bbls -beans, J Henderion_klitro; 1,1 . bbls apples; Wood worth & Davison, 76 bxs cheas. N J Bra den; 2 cars limestone, Wampum, Lime Co; 3 dodo, Shoenberger It .Blair, car oats and corn, McHenry t Hood; 70green hides, A & Mason; 2 kegs apple butter, If Rea Jr; 31 bxs cheese, W H -Kirgpatriok •01: Co; 80 do do, Taa Connor; 97-do do, Arbuckles Co; 51 pkgs bones, W C Field; 25 boxes cheese, J Dilworth & Co;'2o do do, Knox Orr ; 20 do do, Watt & Wilson; 20 do do; "Kohen & Bro; 25 do do, Carter, iMoGrew & Co; 10 doz brooms, W Miller; 1 pkg tobacco, Lindsay & McCune; 1 pkg butter, 2 do eggs, H Linz:3 bxs butter, 2 kegs apple. Witter, tl Rea Jr; 31 bdls broom handles, E B Mathews; 10 bbls apples, Diliinger & Ste ; venson; 100 green hldeS;-Hartley, McKee & Co; 37 bdls do, J Miller; 300 bbla flour, Culp aL Shepard; 1-esi'scrap irtm;T Maloney. - • CLEVELAND .AND , Prrniuntatit „Myr.- Roam, October , I;=3' 'cars iron ore, Shoenberger & Blalr;, 2 do do, McKnight, Porter & Co; 2do do,..llussey, Wells & Co; 2 do do, 1 do pig iron, Zug & Co;.1 do do, 1 do iron ore,Gralf, Byers &..Cd; 1 do lumber, W W Rigdon & Co; 2 do do,Slack& Sholes: I do do, R A Clarke It Co; 2 cars barley Z Wainwright; 100 bble flour,so bre cheese, 3 bbls apples, Watt, Lang de Co; 1 car pig iron, _Lloyd & Black; .150 green hides, Springer Harbaugh4 Co; 2 cars stone, J L I. Knox, 4 ars" tobacco, 1 - caddy tobacco, J Fullerton; 10 bbls oatmeal, Rineirirt & S; 2 cider mills, 2 wheels, White, Bro & Co; 24 bgs corn, Mcßane & Anjer; 14 eke oats, 2 bbls eggs, 2 firkins butter, H Riddle; 2 bbls Mah o egge, I d. d& Co; e pot l3 b b ls 76f knobs, A sks appl dams es, Vo Mc igt,, , Kee & Ca; 10 do, Jones, Nimick it.Co; 23 do apples, Dierker'&;Speck;l car tire brick; Hussey & Co; 2 bbls fife clay, Graff, Einghes & Co: 12 bbls apples, Dillinger &Stevenson; 5 rolls leather, G N Hoffstott; 88 sks barley, Meanor & Harper. • PITTSBURGH. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, October 1.-15 bbls 40 eke flour, GI Myers; 14 aka potatoes, Means & Harper; 5 bbla apples, - 1 box butter, M W 'Rankin; 7 bbls app es, Head & Merger; 600 bush oats, C B Leech; 27 bbls apples: Vangorder & Shepherd; 19 do, do, 26 do eggsill pkgs but ter, W H Graff & Co; 1 car , corn, D R Her ron; 1 car milifeed, R Knox J , ; 1 car.metal, J W Porter; 1 ear staves;.J Painter & Son; ntike gealn, 19 ska barley,' 2 bbls ggs, Robb & Her' on; 100 bbls flonr, W McOutch eon; 74 sks barley, Franenheim, Miller de Co;112 bbis apples, Graff & Roiter;' 4 tubs butter, Voigt, Mahood It Co; 96 sks barley. , J N Carson; 80 aka flour, McHenry & Hood; 10 hides, 2 bbls tallow, Lapin) 'Tr, Weise. ALLEOILENY STATION, October 1-1 car ilasseed. Ewer, Hamilton 4' Co; 600 bags barley, J Rhodes &Co; 1 car. lumber, Smith, Criswell tit Cr); 0 pkgs meal, Noon Bro; 10 bbls apples, J Herbert; ;23 ' do do, AMil ler: 20 bales cotton, A H Childs'dt Co; 1 bbl syrup, R,Jr, A Carson; 2 ears s t oves, Roya d c Robertson; 4 bbls older, 1 - kg apple but ter, Chris Reis; 21.bbls apples,- Owens; 21 do flour, 76 aks feed. Stewart dc Langen helm; 9 bbls apples, P Beaker; 213 bg s bar ley, Smith it Co. Prrrestatos AND CorrNlN.Lavirmn RAILROAD, October L-14 bbla whisky, Dißinger& Stevenson; 160 'bbs paper, W A McClurg; 27 coils rope, Fulton, B Malan & Co; 3 oars metal,, Youghiogheny Iron dr, Co; 234 :bdls sheet% iron, W F Arm. strong. '. • • PRIINEITIMANIA` ORNTRAL RAILROAD, September 30.-100 bbls whisky, P E Volz; 73 bills paper, Hostetter de smith; I bbl tal low, Reed & Johnston; 6 rolls leather, G N Hoffitott. PGE I Zi Z AP- L M lL )eri l U a ,S7.l4.N.F.Dtitlit ~ • : ; ' et; *" Clig.TelegraM he the VlBliatidith (aizetted) z • I BIJITALO.I KOCtOber , - nbininal and unchanged; Wheat opened firmer and closed weak; siteeof 110100 bush No 1 31ilwankie Club at 11,601 10,000 bush .N 0.2 do at ;1,60; irhite, eriall-tay nominal; amber, also. Corn dill; sales earl,* of 24,- 000 brush No.il inbred- western at' -s l ,ol3ia 1;04 - at cloning 'offered - at -$1404 .Without buyers; Oats dull; sales of. AO,OOO bush western it 82a623ic. Rye qUiet; 'sales' of 2,000 bush Chicago at $1,82. Barley steady; sales of 11,000 , bush :Canada :at f 1,85, and 16,000 bush prime do at 52. Highwlnes— sah3s of 60 tibia at 11,35. ' Mess Pork; Laid and Bides • • • .' • gleveland Market. • • (By ielegrapltto the Plttabureh Gazette.] CtitvELA.lo3, October I.—Plour: city made held at $12,25, treble extra white' $10,50a 19,75, double extra,18,50a9,75, double extra red $9e9,25, double extra spring . $3a9,25, extra spring' ountry made ranges at $8,25a 9,25; double extra spring $10,75a11,75. Wheat: sales :3 cars No. 1 red at $1,90. Corn: sales 3 cars at $l. Oats: sales 3 cars at 80c. Rye 'held at $1,22a1,25. Barley firm and held higher; sales No. 1 at $1,90a 2,00 for State and Canada; Petroleum very firm and the demand active, refined Is held at 27a28c, trade lots 29a30c. . , Phliadelphiii Market. .411 y Telegraph to the Plitzbarzb Gazette.) PaiLADzialir.A, October I.—Petroleum drooping and unsettled; crude 20c, refined 30c. Groceries unchanged. Flour declin ing; new spring ettra family $9,25a9,50, Pennsylvania and Ohio, $10a10,76. Wheat firm and scarce, red and' amber un changed. Rye $1,60a1,85. Corn very dull; Sales of yellow at $1,26a1,27, mixed western $1,25.- Oats lower; sales of Pennsylvania at 73a75c. Provisions 'dull. Mess pork *SO. Lard 20c. Milwaukee Market.l . [Sy Teisiirsuh to.uts Pittsburgh Gazette. 1 MirmAnkak, Oct. 1,--.Flour walk and loWer; choice Minnesota $7,37a7,62; do Whi bobsin and Iowa: $0,87a7,50; medium 16,50 a 6,75. :Wheat unsettled at 111,44 M for No 1, and $1,37 for No 2. Oats lower at 53c for No 2. Corn dall tit 960 for No 2. Receipts -8,000 bble f10ur,1155,000 bush wheat, 50,000 bush oats, 1000 bush oats. Shipments.... 7,000 bbls flour ' 118,000 bosh wheat, 1000 bush oats, 1000 bush corn. Baltimore Market. By Telezraub to the PlttibtOgh Gazette.] ! - BALTIMORE, October I.—Clover Seed.°ld," at 88,26, and new at 86,75. Timothyy. Seed, net, at $3,26. „Flour dull and tiorninal,and prices remain ' , unchanged. Wheat dull' and unchanged., Corn firm. With . . White at :$1,20a1,22; yellow at $1,26. ' Oats firm at 70a 77c. Rye firm at' 81,4031;60. Provisions firm, with Mess Pork at 830.50. 'Bacon, rib aides, at 1634 c; clear do at 17c; shoulders at 13Xal4c. namfi at 21c. Louisville Market. :By Telegraph to the Plttsbaralt Gazettiea LOUISviLLE, OCt.• I.—Tobacco weaker; likka 53;a73f; medium leaf 11; fair. 14; Breckinridge county 223 f. Flour, super fine, f6,75a7,00. Wheat $1,83a2,05. Corn dull' at '9841,00. Oats 55a57. Rye $1,35. Cotton 243 f. • Mess Pork V,OO. Bacon, Shonidera 125(e13" for clearaldes and Iflat 16g for packed. Lard, in tierces, 1934a20. Highwines, $1,30 for free. Hay, at wharf, $16,00. St. Lot& Cattle Market. CBg Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. 3 ST. Louts, October I.—Live Stock—cat tle in fair demand and steady prices; 4%a 634 c, for godd to choice. Sheep in demand at 13a5 for good to choice. Cincinnati Cattle Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CINCINNATI, Oct. 1.-z-Beer cattle dull at s3al3. Hogs dull at $7a9,25' gross. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD S & 1) mit Daadr BO* NEWS'. • The river continues to recede slowly at this point with 'five feet two inches in the channel by - the Monongahela marks last evening. The: weather yesterday was cloudy and. warm, with an occasional sprinkling 44 rein. The Maggie Hays, from St. Louis; is the only transient arrival we have to report. The Glendale, from the same point, was due last night; and tut, Camelia ought to reach heret o-morrow. The Bayard arrived and departed for Parkersburg. Tiae Grey Ea le, Capt. C. L. Brennan, is the regular pac et for Parkers- burg to=morrow, leaving at oon. The Bellevernon and nidas cleared for St. Louis. The • Believe on left here with a very fair trip, dra ing four feet three inches. Pilots—Joh Ferguson and Andy itunting. ' , The Andrew Ackley vs advertised to Thave Fort Benton for S Louis on the 25th. - • The Lorena, Capt. Sam 'Shuman, ha t s a sign up for St. Louis. The Glasgow, Capt. Robi on, Jr., is an nounced to leave for Cincinnati and Louis ville this evening. The towboat Antelope has returned to the landing, being unable to get her barges off "Merriman." • The Yorktown, Capt. Geo: W. Ebbert, will get off for Cincinnati and Loulaville to morrow without fail. —The St. Mary's arrived at New Orleans, on the 27th. —The tfessenger, left St. Louis - for Pitts burgh, on. Tuesday. —The Ida Rees No. 2, is loading at Cin einnnati, for Pittsburgh. —The Mollie 'Gratz was sold at Jefferson vile on Tuesday for $4,600. —The tow-boats, Grabd Lake and Boaz, enroute from Pittsburgh to New Orleans, arrived at Louisville on Tuesday. =Capt. Kirk says if he were to die to-day, would leave his family enly his elotnes. What .a contrast, to the nncontradicten statement that Capt. Cannon made 9 00 0 season before last with the Robert E. L ee. The Gen. Quitman cleared $73,000 during the same time, but the pt.:lit - of neither last season approached to anything like these sums. • —The St. Louis Democrat,of Wednesday, says: It happened yesterday that tonnage for New Orleans was so abundant on berth. that the City of Alton withdrew to wait for the coming. Besides there was quite a lively time on 'Change among the agents of the steamers and barge lines, and the rate settled to 25c per bbl for flour, and other articles In proportion'. The Magenta wanted but little and got it. The Mollie Abler goes out this morning with' all' she wants, and two barge flotillas continue to receive all that offers. —We clip the following items from the .Cincinnati . Commercial of Wednesday: The Ida RecaiNo. 2 arrived from Pittsbrirgh with a full cargo, reshipping .75 tuna for Louisville '3u the Charmer. She returns to Pittsburgh, having engaged 1,000 hales of haY at 5 per tun. The B. C. Gray also arrived from Pittsburgh with a full cargo... Capt. Amos E. Davis, y esterday. purchased the side-wheel steamer' Golden Eagle from the Memphis Packet Co., f , r 520,000 for the Cincinnati and Wheeling trade... The Echo No. 3 arrived from the Itahawba last night with six barges.; containing 60,000 bushels of cannel coal.' Capt. Ford, late of the . Charlie Bowen, commands the Echo. —A collision occurred on Tuesday night last, a short distaru4 below Wheeling, be tween the Wheeling and Parkersburg packet Rebecca and the towboat Dick Ful ton. The former was on her return trip from Parkersbnrg, ' and when about oppo site the lower end of the Island, her pilot discovered the latter boat approaching. He immediately blew the whistle—the signal for keeping the larboard side. The whistle of the - Fulton was sounded once, and she then changed her course across the river in front of the ascending steamer. When this Was perceived by the pilot of the Rebecca, the bell•at the engine was rung and the wheels stopped. Her momemtum carried' her forward, however, far enough to strike the wheel of the Fulton, carrying it away. Her hull, it is believed was not injured, nor was any other part of ,her damaged, so far as wp ascertain . She was run to the' Island shore and is now lying there. The crash' :was leard several squares from the river, and quite a number of persona quickly gathered on the landing. River and Weather. CBs , y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh azette.l Lomsvtivx, October I.—Rlver falling slowly withtills still navigable. Weather .cloudy,and warm. sTV.Wifq3oATiii. . - - prrsßillll3llll, - a t ia gSt WHEELING, - Marietta. and Parkersburg Line.- Leave Compiars Wharf Boat, foot of Wood street, . DAILY, AT 12 • MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. ......... A. S. SIINXIIERD, Master. W YEDNZSDAYS AND ISATORDAYS I OBEY EAGLE C. L. BRESNAN. Master. Freight will be received at all hours by soli: , JAMES COLLINS, Agent. FOIL CINCINNATI AND LOUISYILLE.—The fine steamer !ORKTOWN Capt. O. W. MIER - A i~WHUeave as above announced on • ' THIS DAY, at 4r. M. • For freight or passage :mph• on board or to JOHN FLACK. ' • seal J., D. COL.L.INGWOOD. Agents. .rREGIIL AR EXPRESS r ia giZt , PACKET FOR .ST. ne splendid steamer • BELL EVER.NON Capt. Jam. DARLIAII, Will leave for aboie and Intermediate ports on FRIDAY; October 2d-4 r. a. For freight or passage apply on board or to ' PLACE & COLLINUWOOD, CHARLES BARN 1f.6. Agents. REGULAItz EXPRESS , PACK FT FOB CINCINNAT .AND LOUISVILuE.—The fine steamer ULAbGEOW ... ... ....Capt. AsDREW ROBINSON, JR Will leave for above and Intermediate porta on THIS DAY,-4 P. M For frelght or passage apply on board. seD3 STEAMSHIPS. TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. . Tan MAIL STELIISIIIPS, Numbering sixteen Int-class Teasels, among them the celebrated CITY OF PARIS, _ CITY OF ANTWEPP. CITY OF BOSTON CITY OF BALTIMOR.P. CITY (SF LONDON, Sailing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 45, Nortt 'Liver, Now York. For passage or further Informs:. Don apply to WILLIAM BINGHAM, dr. _ 70,'Firrli STREET.' (Chronicle Banditti. Nearly opposite Post Ogles. Pitts) or CORN MEAL, RYE FLOUR, &c. WASHINGTON. MILLS, WABBINGTON STREET, Near l'ittatargb Grain Elevator W. W. ANTLIF.II.BOPir, Mannfactiarer of CORN METAL ; RYE "Urn a n d CHOPPED PEED. Orders delivered in either city free of charge. Drain of all kinds chopped. end Corn Muffled. on short nOtire. STONE. 'WElT ac CO hi li ne .l.3l B o tone N ifrorics, Northwest corner of Mlk.nt Corn/nun, Allegheny. ,Frammi AsTv.vrort Cr. co. ' I{3re on hand or prepare on 'a:net notice 3ed Step Stoned, 1 0 18,0 for s, , ,,tvw a ii, j , B re ,,, ery s:e., Head and 'rentb biottes, Urdcre prompt*' eZeented, rrlote reaSonitwe! h ; .....-- - --%‘- , ^4--,:st&-X „Mk- ..-...,its FUCIEII OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, HAZARD POIVAB COWAN!, ARTHUR KIRK, Agent, Office, No. 289 Liberty Stmt, CANISTER POWDER, Electric Nos. 1,2,1 4 and 5, grain, IA Square Canisters. 1 lb. ea ;. - American Sporting, In Oval Canisters of lib. each Duck Shootii.g, Nos. 1,2, 2 and 4 grain In Oval Canisters of 1 Tb. each Indian Ride, in Ovid Canisters of 1 lb. each.... Kentucky Rifle, in Oval Canisters of I lb. each Kentuckya me t in Ovid Canisters 4434 lb. ea c h (25 one lb. Oval Canisters in a case.) (60 halt lb.' do. do. do.) Kentucky Rifle, 1 1, 5,42 'pm and "Bea Shoot. lug"-PQ, in hags. 251'bs Kentucky Ride, rrra, pro, and Shoot ing's whin kegs, 124 lbs., Kenluckyllitle, Yrro, irrek and "Sea Shoot ing,. PG. In kegs, SIS lbs Deer Powder, In kegs, 25 lbs Mining and lOtlppina Porrder, Mining yr, • sad Psi , grain net cash, In kegs '26 lbs Sanity Fuse for 'Blasting , of superior quality, In packages of 50 'feet and over . .... .... Delivered free of expense on board of Boat of Railroad. in Pittsburgh or Allegheny. my27:3fwv&F IEiRL MILL RIMILY FLOM. PEARL MILL Three Stir Green Brand , equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. 'this Flour will only be sent out when especially ordered. PELRL KILL BLUE BRAND, Equal to best St. Lou/s. PEARL BILL RED BRAND, Equal to best Ghlo !Flour. WHITE CORN . FLOUR AND CORN. MEAL. . B. T.. LIDINZDY & BRO,, ' Allesheny. Sept. 9,186 H: " PEARL MILL. VLOIIII! FLOUR!! FLOUR!: resb ground Old Vilest Flour. White Star Mills, furEimily use. Riverside Mill, for Bikers. fbr Bakers. Ontario Mtll. fur Bakers. Monitor MIR, for Bakers. City 31111, SpriuSeld , 0„ Family Flour. Carey's X3.7.‘X, Family Flour. Mad River Family Flour. OF NEW WHEAT. Plainview Mills Fancy Si. Louis. , Tea Rose Mills do ' Clarke's Scar. Baker's Flour. 'Keystone Milts do Coronett Mills do For sale by . WATT. LANG & CO,, az= 172 and 174 WOOD ST. DROCLAMATION.. CITY pF PITTSBURGH, BR. n accordanee with the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of tee Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, providing for the incorporation of the City of Pittsburgh, and of the various supplements thereto, I. 4A.MF. BLACKIIICe E, Mayor of said city, do issue this my Proclamation_ that on the Second - Tuesday in October, A. D. DEWS, being the lath oaflcif the month, the freemen of said city qnalitled to vote fer men bers of the H. use 'of Representatives of this Commonwealth will meet at their several places of holding the electlqns in their respective wards and elect by ballot, under the provisions of the supplements of the said Act of As sembly, approved the sixth day of April, 1861. and the first day of April, 1S8!1, respectively, the fol- Lawing named officers: . tine person to serve as Mayor of the City of Pitts burgh, for the term of tares years. One person to serve as Treasurer of said city for the term of three years. . One peraor to serve as Controller of said city for the term of three -Year&' Twenty-three persons to serve as Select Cciuncil men for the term of two years. • Twenty-three persons to serve as Select Council men for the term of one year. . -• • • Sixty-sax persons to serve as'Common Councilmen for the term of one year. The electors of the First Ward of the City of Pitts burgh to meet at the Public School House in said ward, and elect two members of Select and three members of. Common Council. The electors of the Se P u b ar S c hoole City of Pittsburgh to meet at the c House In said ward, and elect two members ofdelect and four members of Cowmen Council. The electors of the Third Ward of. the. Cit y -of Pittsburgh to meet at the plumbing shop of Addy & Williams, •coraer of Sixth- and Smithfield streets, and elect two members of !Select. and three members. of Common Council.. • r 1 • • The '''''''' the oar ard of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at t he- P u bc School House in said ward. and elect two members of Select and . three members of Common Council: • • The electors of the Fifth Ward of the City of Pittsburg Courtin, eet at the offi House, e Clerk of the Orphans. - In the Court in said ward,' • at d electtwo members of the ddleetand three mem bers of Common Council. Tho electors of the Sixth Ward of the City o Pittsburgh to meet at the. Public School House, on Ann street. In said ward, and elect two members of Select and four members of the Comment Council. • The electors of the Seventh Watd of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the - Public School House in said ward, and elect two member, of Select and three of the Common Council. - The electors of the Dam' War of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the house of Henry Wilson, corner of Franklin and Fulton streets, In said ward; and elect two members of Select end three members of the Common Council. - The electors of the Ninth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School Bowe In said ward, and elect two members of Select and three membe. s of the Common Council. The electors of the Tenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Lamb Tavern. corner of Penn and Mechanic streets, add elect two members of the Select and two teettibers of the Common Council. The electors of the Ele.enth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said ward, and elect two members of the Select and three members of the Common Council. The-electors of the Twelfth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the ruelic chool House in said ws rd,. and elect two members of tht Select and eve members of the Common. Council. The eleetors of the Thirteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet the Public school House in said ward, and elect two members of the Select and two members of the Common Connell, The electors of the Fourteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said wsrd, and elect two members of the select and four 111eMee s of the Common Council. The electorsof the Fifteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh so meet at the Publie School House In said ward, and elect two members of the Select and four members of the Comm n Ce111•CLI. 1 lie electors of the Sixteenth Ward of the City of Plttsbuish to meet at the Wigwam. corner of Main and l's a 1 streets, iu said ward, and elect two mem bers of the Select and two members of the Common Connell. '1 Pitt tcetera of the Seventeenth Ward of the CRY of burgh to meet at the Public School House in said d, and elect two members'eie the Select and three members of I be Conieon Council. he electors of the Eight PublicW of the Clty of Pittsburgh to meet at the achool House in said ward, nd elect two membets of the Select and two members of the Common Council. . ' The el• eters of the Nineteente Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to me. t warde Hollow School House, on MITI street, In said and elect two members of the beiect and two members' of the Common Council. fith l. eters of the Twentieth Ward .of the City oPsburgh to meet at Settler's echool House in said ward, and elect two members of the Select and two members o , the Common Council. The electors of the Twenty-BrA Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, to meet at the Wigwam., corner of Suring street and Puck' ty road, in said wart, and elect two members of the belect and two members of the Common Connell. The ele , tore of the Twenty-second Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the lreati S, hoot House In said ward, and elect two members. ot the T elect lectors member. of the COMMOu Nene! . The of the Twen.3 -third Ward of Sue Olt of Pittsburgh to meet at Haziewomi School House, in said want, and elect twO members of the Select and two members of the Common Council. rissws In teatimony whereof. I. have hereunto L. S. set my hand and a zed the si Al of the said ..."Y". GUY of Pittsburgh this twelftaday ordep tember, t. H. nob, ' . JA WES OLACKMORE, Mayor. • sel4i4.3•Tv&P COLGATE & COOS FILM/Akin ° C 0• TOILET, SOAPS, v` Are prepared by skilled work , la the De (" 1, r it••• men has be at materials, r f Y 1.114 a r e kllol4ll the .TAND. IRD by dealers and customers Sold everywhere. del:wr NOTlil :E.—A optication for sale or Liquor, ooloin the tljork•s (Rase. clic n'T!torin. hi/Ipl 4 ,111A3.1, e .tlng house, south Fay wns Tho Limns, ilotrd Eat on the Ith or l/etsfter, al 10 o'clock: A. at., for he log the .v*:7' MEE POWDER. ITANIIPACTUEZD. BY MIS 34 PITTSIMI43I3, PA. 1EV.431- POWDER. FLOUR. 3N'J. RAILROADS. LIiOAD -GLASS, LUC (Double, Triple and Singled MOTIVE HEAD-LlGHTS—white. COLORED GLASSES—pIain. . STAINED GLASS for Ticket Oates. Pang!" Can &c., made by EA GE, ZELLERS a DUFF. . S Wood street.,Plttsburgh. Pa. : • -On and after THURSDAY, March po t, X trains will arrive at and depart froin the ctif ner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: rt. artier. Mail to and from Uniont'n. . 2 7% A. X. 800 P. McKeesportAcccommodyn.ll:oo.t. 2:05 P * EX. to And from Unlont ' n. 3:00 r. at. 10:00 a.. X is*. West Newton Accommodin att. 8:35 A. ac. Braddock's Accommodat'n 6:15 P. at. 7:50r. X. Night ACC. tt, McKeecrort.lo:3o P. at. 6:40 A. at. Sunday Ch web Train to and from West Newton 1:00 r. 10:00 A. X i !or tickets apply t 3 . W. B. STOUT. Superintendent. It. ENG, Atent. IDigigPariV AND ST! I TTSBURGH MaigN§ii PAN. HANDLE BOLT E. CHARGE 01 TIME.—On and after. sinfroAy. Sept. 13th, 1808, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as follows. Pittsburg' time: . Depart. Arrive, Nall Express 2:18 a. m. 12:13 a. m. Fast 'Ann 9:4-3a. tn. 711EI p, m. Fast Express 2:38 p. m. 11:23 a. M. Mixed Way ' 6:13.4. tn. 6:38 p.m. McDonald a deen, No. 1.. 11:43 a. m. 3:03p. m. Steubenville Accommod'o. 3:58 p.m. 9:33 a. m. McDonald's Acc , n, No. 2.. 5:28 p. m. , 8:513 a. m. 2:38 r. sr. Express will leave 11:33 A. 31. Expreu will arrive daily. The 9:43 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex cepted, and makes close connections al Newark tor Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Manstleld £ Newark K. IL S. F. SCULL, General Ticket . Agent. W. W. CARD, Sup`t.„ Steubenville. CHANGE of TlMEaggiNifil • GREET . VALLEY RAILROAD. On aud alter WEDNESDAY, T:25 P. N. August' 12th, 1868, TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburglißtation, corner Pike and Cita] streete, for Franklin, Oil City, Buffalo, and all points in the Oil -Re EAVE PlTTpgions. ['- LBuRCIII. ARRIVE P/I - M1M3138. Mall - 8:05 a tril Mail 4:50 p m Express 7:25p m•Expresa..... ~ 6:05 a m Bradraß'd AO 3:95 gi Bradysll'd ic 10:20 a m I let Soda Works lst Soda ;Works Aceo m od'n.. 11:00 a mAccomodath. 7:50 a Sld tioda Works 12d Bods Works •AOCOModth .. 520 p m Accomoda'n. 250 p Mixed Way T'xi 6:20 a in. Mixed Way Tth 8:95 p m HultonAccth.. 6:90 a till Hutton Aco'n.. 8:35 a in Armstrong Ac. .6:2opm Mirth Trainleave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. rive to Pittsburgh at 9:501, 31._ , Passengers taking express train have but One, change of cars between Pittsburgh, Buffalo and on Regions. Mall land Express - T rains stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and Accommodation trains stop at all stations. THOMAS ff. li3NG, Ass'‘ Sufi% W. FOSTER HOPS. Ticket Aseut. • anl2- lETERN PENtalgiem • • YLVANIA: RAI .—Ozi and after Sept. 13th, 1868. -the Pas: si-rer Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot. Allegheny City, as follows: Arries: - Depart. Sp:lna° No 1 6:35 am Hall 7:00 114 Freeport No. 1 8:510 a m Freeport No. 1: 9:05 a . Express 10:10 a m Sharptog No,111:510 azn , SharpA No.l 1:515 pm Express - 9:30 pm Free No. 2 410 p m Z3pringd'e No 1 3:30 pm ' Mail 5:55 p m Freepott No. 2 5:510 pnt , Springd , e No 2 6:45 p m Siming.re No .1f:LO pm . ' Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny - Janet. every Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves A.Uerbeny City at 1:90 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny Ilium. at 9:45 p. in. CcomitTATtOzr TIMMS " —For sale in packages of Twenty,* between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna andliharpabufg. and good only on the trains stopping at Stations ape. allied on tickets. - The trains leaving. Allegheny City Ist 7:00 a. in. and 51:90 P. M. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker's line ofStages Pm Butte r and Hannahs town. 'Through tickets ma) be purcha.sed, at the Office, No. 3 Bt. Clair street, near the Susperition Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply to JAMES LEFFE, Str e etgentFederalDepot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad' will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing sp. pare!, and limit the. responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding this amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS. sell Gen.ml Snnerintendent. Altoona. Pa. VsE MN 8 Y LVAICIAZEgimg CENTRAL ftAILROAD. and after Sept, 13th. IS6S,' Trains will ar rive at and depart from th 6 Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Lime. I DeParf. '• • Nall .... 1:15 am I Day Express.. 2:25 a m Fast. 1:40 a m Wall's No. 1- 6:30 Wail's No. 1.. 6:20 a m Train . . 43:10 a m Derry Acc'n .. 7:50 a m • Cinc.innatiEz 11:40 aat Wall's No. EI:50 a:m Wall's 'No. 2: 11:51 a lit Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ad'. 3:05 pin Johnstown Ac.10:35 am Braddocks Nol 4:oopm Baltimore Ex. 1:30 p m Phila. Expres. 4:50 pra WPhai l l l aExpress 2 50 p m Wall* N 0 . . 3.: 5 6 :10 pll BraddocksNol6:oo p m W a a tLiNo' 4.. 7:opm Wadi's NO. 4.. 7:15 r, in Derry Acc'e.. 111:50 p Brad' ks No 2. 12:49 arn ersdk's No2l 1050 p m. Way Passenger 5:30 p m _ • • The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Bands., at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. m. Returnimg, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and arrives at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. m. • • *Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. • .For runner information apply to - • W. IL BECIMTPH, Agent. The Pennsylvania 'Railroad Company will not as.. sume any risk. for Baggage, except tbr wearing ami gare4 and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value: All. Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. - • • • EDWARD H. WIL LIAMS,L General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. :' I to 1112a1 4 2 A; • FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO W. AND CLEVELAND & rITTSBETROH a. , From dept. 13th, 1868, trains leave from and asrlve at: the Union Depot, north aide. My time, as follows: Chicago Ex.— 2:03 zn, ClevenuidEx.. :2:03 a m l Erie& rite /2'l 7;118 aml CI. & Wli_ l llll , l 6:13 a m Chlex i Mall.. 6:513a m. Chloe Ex.:. 9:43 a m Cl. 2:13 p Chicago :28 p I Wb. &Erie Ex. 4:48 pff.l Depart from Allegheny. N. Brigt'n AG. 8:581. m Leetsdale " 10:13 a m 1:58 m Rochester " 1 1:33 p m Wellsv , eAcq., 3:43pm Leetsdale. Ace. .4:13 pm N. Brlgt'a " • 5:33 pm N. Brigt , T. " • 6:2Bpm: Leetsdale " . 10:43 pmj JEr• 9:2831. m. Chicago 49" : 11:23 a. m. Chlcair sel4 F. R. MYERS. Q MORI' HILL t.„7 ROUTE. VION PACIFIC RAILWAY Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE ROLITR from the Rant to all points In Colorado, Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona; New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon: Two Trains leave State Ltne and l eaven Worth dmly, (Sundays excepted, lon the arrival of trains of r.lffe Railroad from St. Louts, and 'limalbal and S. JO Railroad from Quincy, connecttn. at Law. Hance, Topeka and Piamego with ata..,..e for all points -In Kansas. At end of track west of Ella. -worth with the 'UNITED STATES EXPRESS Colt. PANT'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND MALL AND EXPRESS COACHES FOR . DEN VJEII4 SALT Likirm; And all' Points in the Territories, And with SANDERSON'S TBI.WEEKLY LINE of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, -Pass, Alba %ineezlz,iillerta•Fe, and all points in Arizona and With the and the of rolling stock and equipment, and the arrangements made with re sponsible Overland Transportation Lines itollllti Wellterl2 terminus, this road now offers unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to*the Far - Tickets for sale at 'all the principal of in the United States and Cinadas. HILL O O daUrNfoO PAC IF I C Nti TRHELWAY XABTEBN DI irIBION. A. ANDERMON, General t3uperlntenctent. J. 11. wzzisTEß, General Freight and - at Agent PAINTERS. WILL. S. TAYLOR, • PAINTER, NoAS ' OlllO STREET, Allleg•benz,r. Thankful lien the former very /11yeral patrona.gr be stowed upon line, I assn r. my frien:is and' the publlC generally that. hp future as in the 1.36 t, I ehall vut.r.avor di:47pm ly to molt a ~h llnuanc.e. of the nalle. and 111.1 Iti- e.,,..9 from 7 to D A. 11. anti ituca 1 :u At. tuy.3:9/0 EN IChicago Ex... Sl:Oit a m Cleve&nd Ex. 2:08 am Ifibleago Ex.... 11:23 A tit Wheeling Et. 11:08 sm. St. Lord., Ex.. 3:33 pm 1C1.4 Wh'glex 4:08 pirt /Erie & Yg'n Ex 0:13 p m IChleAgAEx.;—'4:23 p m CI. &R'B.. E.:13:537112 Arrive fit - AlteAgn. N. Brigt'n AF. 7:03 ant N. Brllit'n • 8:28 aal Wellevllle " 8:53 a zit New Castle " 10:13 aln Leetsdale " 0:13 am " 1:08p N. Brlirt`n " 2:43p i• Leet s dale " 4:53? 7: . da Express leaves ily 2BP Express arrives dat l S General Ticket Agent.. Washington,