II 01 Ot Val* Saptit. PENNSYLVAMM SY isfurrrikit. 15 ISL.' • .0 State Prayer-founded! neverbung Suck choice upon a ble people. , tongue Bach power. to ss or ban. As that which makes thy whisper Fat% For which on tbee thy centuries wait, And destinies of Man! •!Across thy Allegbanian chain, With groaninga from a land in pain, 'the west wind finds its way; Wild-wailing from filisaourias flood, The crying of thy children'i blood ..La in thy ears to-day ' ..A.lllll unto thee, In Freedom's hour Of sorest need. God gives the power ' - To rain or to sa.ei To wound or heal, to blight or bless, With fertile field or wilderness, A free home ore grave: . "'Then let thy virtue match the rime;. Rise to a level with the time; 1 And if a son of thine • Betray or tempt thee, Brutus like, For Fatherland and Freedom strike, 1 As Justice gives the sign. 'Wake, sleeper! from thy dream of ease: The groat occasion's foreloo I seize, And let the North wind strong, And golden leaves of Autumn, be Thy coronal of victory And thy triumphal song." M als*:irD,~~A .—Senator Grimes is at Burlington, Vt. —Ruskin roughs it on thief! , millions a year. Nova Scotia is shouting the battle cry of f nedom —rThe United States wants a campaign songwriter. ' Lopez, the betrayer of lwaTimilian, is in San Francisco. • —Disraeli is hebnobbink with the Queen at Highland Home. •—Gen. Win. Mahone, of Norfolk, is the richestman in Virginia. --Wyoming is maldng slow progress in organizing as a territory. ' —Buiwer Lytton is thehomeliest member = of the British Earliament. —An -Englisliman has attained fifteen miles an hour orb a velocipede. —The Duke kif Wurtemlniri4 is in th‘" Lake Superior ccipper country. 7 --:atinavoidatle circumstances" prevent ed Senator - Yates from meeting with Con grew.: —Rev. Francis Tuxbury, a Boston gen tlettuul, is lecturing with success in the West,- • —A four-acre crop of peaches in Paines ville, Ohio, has been sold. on the trees for $2,700. . —Boston is progressive, "Habits made and sold" is advertised by one of the fellows of the hub. —The dentists of Boston are puzzled over the beet way to extract•the cube root of a given tooth. —"Many are called but few are chosen" . —in politics, as Mayor Blackniore will learn one of these days. from'two Greek words, sig nifying "sea-message," is a proposed new wofd for cable telegram 7 —ln 'Riverdale, Mass., some excitement has been occasioned by the poisoning of cats and hens by eating clams.! Schpol boards, are as a general thing, wooden men, joined together with out regard to the interests of little shovers. —A new -religiouS order entitled "Little Sisters of the Poor," has been imported from France by the Catholics of Brooklyn. —There will be two, full moons this month. =Look tint for any number of mar riages, and other manifestations of insanity.' • —:John Allen the wickedest man in New York is coming to Pittsburgh ne inter. If he is;jealous of his reputatiOn bet. ter stay at home. —A gentleman has offered to head a sub scription paper for an observatory at Brtuis wick; ire., for Bovidoin College, with six thousand dollars. --Boston manufactures two thousand bar leis of sugar daily. There is a good deimmd from the West, and threes thousand barrels were shipped last week. —John H. Surratt will stump Pennsyl _, vania for Seymour and Blair. He may not prove as effective in making a President as he was in the taking off of one. ' man in. Connecticut State Prison bled himself to , death rather than spend two years'there for horse stealing. He shed his blood for the good of his countor. —The much lamentedßey. Dr. Bishop, Episcopal Rector of St. John's Church, Cin cbmati, who died last August in Paris, was buried in Chicago, on. Wednesday. • —The Boston Peat asks what will be done with ten thousand Chinaman wlien - the Pa cific Railroad is completed ? Hand them over to the Democrats for colonization. —A cone of 200,000 silver five franc pieces was the main attraction'at a fair in Mai , ...twines, France. The height was sixteen feet - fiiie inches, and the circumference at the base forty-flve feet. . —At Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 'a young man carelessly pointed a pistol whiCh he thought unloaded at a cat in the arms of his sister. He pulled the trigger and to his great dis tress, his sister fell dead at his feet, the -bul let entering her brain. - —The"llltsitrated 'London News," the best illustrated newipaper in the world, is owned .by a lady, - Mrs:4lgrultam. No one can be paid without the signature of "Anti Ingra ham." ,The "Illustrated LOndon Times", is also owned by 'the 'same lady: _ , • -The Pittsbuygh Female ipollUge is the strongest'and most successful raze for,. the education,:crf young tho United States;: .It is splatter of cOnAiderable ptlde tnst while we excel - in` all rmatinfaictnici,, our Female'College leads all . in the lard—% • ; - :---inna- , Dickinson has a keen . appreciti-: ti°!i'dfik-gbO4l4llW "A 159641 thing' le siwsysa snc4sa,*hethir the pub. ,1101 1 PPlaudi 1459 : Or =Oa no.demonstrationt vhateier.. lwrite as 3 talk; and talk to the: co int& head and heart: .lirliose toes - pie: 2 Friirle, du Chien (Wis.) Vition contains , a notice of the death, by Constunp-, 'tion, of audsoz Hurd. • About a week bc: fore he died, he was; ,ordered. clans to quit w6rking, and he did his last type-setting on a notice; of bte•own death, containing his history, &c. deaf woman, walking on' the track of a western . railroad, ';pas struck by the loio• motive and thrown some ten feet., She sus tained no serious Injury, but since then had full heariisgOliny of our deaf ifikais doubting the truth Ofthiagreat cure e ata visits -to 'try theexpeilment on one of our titinierous railwaYs: promising young student in _Paris, while recently dissecting tkdiseased corpse, thoughtlessly applied hisliand to an a'bra sure on his lip. Perceiving the consequendes he quietly retired to his room and died with out uttering one word of regret or telling any .one of his inadvertence. -Among the banners carried at the great Republic= rally Rock`island was one having the following acrostic : See Good Radicals -- Are ' Never Traitors --Capt. Hall; the arctic explorer, was once a prosperous merchant of Cincinnati. He:got through with his money during his famous adventure, and now his , family are in destitution in Cincinnati. We doubt verymuch whether-Capt. Hall foun any thing colder away up about the No pole than his widow will in the charit of the world. —The young lady of fortune who became a workwoman ins cotton factory in Con necticut, with the' view of flndtng a man who would marry her for love, (says the Boston Journad,) and not for her money,has had an offer from a Bostonian, worth ten thousand dollars, who proffers a mediator one thousand dollars reward when he mar ries the woman. —Great scandal was recently caused in St. Petersburg by a cavalry officer eloping with a General's daughter, leaving behind him a wife and family. The de tective police tracked the fugitives and - brought them back to St. Petersburg, and on inquiry it appeared that the General had been living for some time almost publicly with the officer's wife. —A Doston_ correspondent of a Chicago paper) says that candidates for matrimony living in the suburbs'of the Hub find it ne cessary to send their friends no fewer than eight f different ,cards. These are, first, the individual names of bride and bridegroom, two; then their joint title after marriage, three; , the bride's parents receive, Lt-c., four; ceremony at church,'five; name ofthe clergymen, six; ushers, &c.,• seven; time of special trains to and from Boston to accomo date guests, eight. —Planchette is a gross fraud. It will not write for those who can't write. Spiritual ism and Mesmarism has nothing to do with its chirographicaP exhibitions. The mind of the operator invariably frames the an swer, and, perhaps, unconsciously the hand moves in accordance with the will. Let a person place his two hands on a smooth surface just as he I would on the Planchette board and he will observe that through the tax placed on his nerves, anti , pffisation,they will wander all over the paper, which goes to show that what is called Planchette has nothing to do.' with the phenomenon of writing. —Dumas is coming to America next year. The Pall Hall Gazette say's, in reference to his engagement in this country this year, but which is postponed "Dumas has boasted in his memoirs of his talent for cooking; and it appears that of this, as of his other talents, he was to give palpable dem onstration. After giving a reading and pre siding at a performance he was to cook a dinner, of which the public was to be al lowed to partake, at the rate of $5 a head. Admittance to the literary banquet was to cost but - $l. Fore reading, reciting, and cooking, Dumas was to receive 25,0001 r. a month, besides a share in the profits." —Mary-Hurlburt, from whose body phy sicians have extracted, during the past ten years, at least one thousand needles and pins, was found dead in ,her bed at Sus quehanna, N. Y., last Week. She would never give any account - of the manner, in which they were introduced, Whether she swallowed them or thrust them directly into her flesh, nor did her friends, by watching her, ever find out. They were found at dif ferent times working on the surface of al most every part'of the body, but chiefly on her ‘ limbs. A lady who . refused to believe the stories about .thei; removal, states that she went to satisfy herself, and saw a phy sician extract. nearly fifty from one arm. The girl seemed very little affected by the operation.. Thu extent of Thackeray's reading_ was not so wide as his admirers believe. His acquaintance with the reigns of Queen Anne and her immediate successors, in which it is thoUght he had especially well informed himself, was not, it seems, very extensive fp its"range. Everybody famil iar with the period, will observe the de fective and incomplete reprr.sentation of the times made by , the author in the nov els he produced; but it is more manifest in his sketches of Swift and Steele. When Thackeray first' gave his lectutes on the ,English Liumorist—tpost of whom, by. the by, were Irishmeh=he omitted In his notice of Swi.t all allusion to Swift's masterpiece, (hal liver. In his notice of Steele there was, and is an omission ever - more noteworthy, Steele, like Thackeray, •was - a Charter House boy, and it might have been thought ~that whilst recording his :repsehiscences of the school he would, in his dissertation on flogging, have alluded;to Bteeles paper on that subject in the "The Tattler,"; but the existence of the-, paper wee • .entirely un -13101471, tlhortly• after ,the appear ariCe of .tbe ”iltiminlatt'', a Mend. of ogre, it well known Author. dining; with , Tback- A rshowarkedf on-.the- singular omissien; when theairOWed his lino raincoh jinstexclaimed, , '!by'Joirel You don' t i' mam , to eal that, Steele; has :writtewori, the subjeptf a [would have givenlitty Ounde." he Weds. 1 30,haveknown it.at the time.— L i fppinatlf e-Magazine t fOggsdr. i• :•,1. • A six tittered* cafe:near Pane ' , where, alter partaking , freely, - he : said Oat 'having • onlYt , W9 francs left exould not, drink any mere, us he wanted that: , slim to .. . purchase charcoal . sufficient: t 0... suffocate: himself " Nonsense," ; replied the landlord, "for ten centimes you can, buy rope . to. hang your " You're right," said the man, and, accordinely spent.allbut the- ten centimes.. The next morning hie body Was found hang ing to the branch of a tree in front of the‘ COL • • ; PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1868: DEZITD3TRY • „. ..ini!erzaTaiAeram• WlZ'm#OD'r isAxrir Eft) OICARGZ KAZIS WRIER 'TEETH-Alti 0113)1 1 / 1 81). k 7 3812' ros AT DR. SCOTT'S., Nis num"STREET, an DOOR ABOVE HARD. ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND =- AMINE SPROUSE:ENE or ozigunal ELM lAT GAS FIXTURES WELDON & KELLY, Dlanufactnrers and Wnolsale Difalen3Sa Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP 'GOODS. Alio, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS, BENZINE, &c. . N 0.147 Wood Street. 1.19:ri2s • . Between/Rh and 6th Avenues CEMENT,' SOAP STONE, &o. pirmtumc CEMENT. "" - Thcur STONE. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS, WATER PIPES. HENRY H. COLLINS, 45 Wood stre sp18:070 HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE. Cheapest and best Pipe in the market. Also, 80-22MDALE 22MDALE IITDRAIILIC CIEMENT ter sale. tt Cr. A. BROCILETT & CO. Ofiles and Manufactory-240 REBECCA 81. Allegheny. air Orders by mall promptly attended to. je=arss PIANOS. ORGANS. &O. DUT THE BES BST PIANO AND T RG A i t i ? CHEAP Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S tOTTAGE ORGAN. .. . . The scitomAclum PIANO =Manes all the latest valuable improvements known In the con struction of a first class instrument. and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous andrweet. The workmanshin. tbr durabilitly and beauty. surpass all others. Prices from $5O to 4150. (according to style and brash,) cheaper than all other so-red first class Piano. - ESTRY.93 COTTIV}E ORGAN Stands at the hesdof all reed instruments. in pro ducing the most perfect pipe qualiy S ta tes;ne of any similar instrament in the United It is aim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order... CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOE HUMANA TREMOLO" is only to be found in this Organ. Price from $lOO to-6550. All guaranteed for five years. BARR, IMRE & BURITLER, mh9No. 151ST. CLAIR STREET. TZ - NABF bs C 0 4L-a. AND HAINES EROS. PIANOS, For sale on monthly and quarterly paymente CBAELOT 4 EE BLUME, an 79 43 Ftßh street, Sole Agent M M'4 r ' . W POLLO INSTITUTE, SO Fourth AVENUE, an English, tictentitle lad Classi c ushool for tiles and Boys, conducted by JAMES M. MACRUM and MARY F. .MAURUM, A Limn tar, with full particulars, references, ac., sent on application. Atat are the gentlemen to whom refer cam may be made are the,follawing: Rec. Dr. Alli son, Wm. Bagaity. Esq., F. R. Itrunot. Esq., Rec. Dr. Dick , mon, Rec. Dr. Douglas, Hon. Russell Errett, Wm. H. Everson Esq. John Harper. Esq.,— Rev. Dr. Jacobus. Rec , b e . l eer*, W. McCllntoeg. Esq.. John. B. McFadden, Esq., Sidney F. Von ICanutiorst, Esq.: Hon. Tbos. Williams. ALLEGHENY CITY ACADEMY, AID COMNERGIAL COLLEGE, No. 101 FEDERAL iir.,,over Allegheny Savings Bank. Daily Sessions: &inutile.. from 8.)/A. x. to / Commercial: SI to Cs p. x. Xvening Session: Scientite and Commercial, 7 to 9 P. si. . J. li. PRYOR, R. S. ROBB. A. 111., • Principals. sell:xV ALI:EGHENY ACADEMY. ~he next reamer neetion Fill commence on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER, IST, In EXCELSIOR HALL, Federal street, Allegheny. MR. T. E. WAREHAM, Principal, receive pupils at the Hall, on Monday, August alit. from II to ig creloc.x. - aull:v47 HATS AND CAPS. FALL BATS M'CORD & CO., 131 WOOD STRZET, Are now really with a LABGE AND SELECT t►TOC& of ix.A.Toss, csmbes, OND FUR S. IMO TOBACCO AND CIGARS. JULLiN MLEN, aastsa vs' ALtlmme or LEAFI TOBACCO AND SECM‘ NO. 8 BIXTB STREET, (N,atloluti Bask of Coaa :arca Bultdlng,) prrrasusea, re. Branch of 4E2 Water Street, N Y. • api:n77 DANIEL F. DINAR. EXCELSIOR WORKS. R. .St. W. sTENICINSON, isnutacturers and Dealers in Tohaccd, Snuff, Cigars; Pipes, &0., 'No 6 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGILIMI crit•Var. . O,OI .VVVYWNINNPIPAII,MIAIVIW 118..., PiLiCTIVAL 118. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, • inior,F.B# A..u.) RETAIL, . • LEMON '4k WEISE, .i i O. U.5. .7e0 m arlizaa . , 17. Conduit") on hand e eri vartZAIILOII and CHAMBER FIIIINIT , . town r with a.com: plate aitegtment , of oo on I at rea a prices. . • . , . Tbereln want of an ghi our line an 001NUALIO Ivlted to call before p saint:: , • . • raggc i l lizl !'"!'.. 3o .• . - ' LEMON a walez.- Bac '. Marquiat TOlai;. 73 Sedtbdeld street. •. , DSHEETINOSILN BATTEtqG" I . - ' . . MERCHANT TAILORS, B TIEGEL, • (Late Cutter with W. irespenhelde.) MERCHANT TA.IIA3R, No. d 5 -3 Smithfield. Street, Pittsburgh: NEW_ FALL GOODS. A splendid new stock of • - CLOT7EIS, CASSIIippRES,&c . - Just received by 1111171/11f METER. corfrEmlis. HERs nt yviulntneicat Conhetionery and.Bakiry No. SOO_ .entitrin • o .netwoenScrouldwidLaberty. MIPLADIZIP ofITK'BAUM* ittootred. GEOi: = • - * • o'' I • lid Fancy Cake Ilaiajr 1 & ConfmUoaert.. • 4 -•••-•• Aura DRALIII2,IIS: , 70111110NIVONSIe9110 ' , Burrs a Nixie, No. 40, oaraer Pedetak and lioldniownre_ota,Atit, gheify. , m.Conatairii on band, lON OULtsgioz, lOE. I CE! ICE! ICE , ! WM. liatEßS Ice Dealer, • xi. to DIABIORD ALLEY, Pittibirlits• Orden left liege or et Tiara Street 'ridge will eeltrt3 prompt attention.. r Wagons runalttg in Pitts.. burgh and..A.Ueghenri . , • . . 7:01. - 110:S=NGS AND NOTIONS. JOSEPH H ' • • 101*-11 ME WOULD C4LL:rEat aillarnoN .(FY ~ma. and .Restaii• Buyer SECOND . ..IMIVALprNEW . .GOODS, Which will be found to contain all that is new, novel and debirable in MILLINERY GOODS. H TS AND BONNETS. latest styles. Ni :BONS. all shades and will tils. F ENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS. M , LL INERT VELVE Iy,plain sad fancy. 05' RICH and VULTURE TIPS and PLUMES. BI D 8 OF PARADISE and HAT FEATHERS. C • APES, lIALINES, LAC .S and FRAMES. N •w St les DRESS and SAC F F. INGES, GIMPS. SATIN RIMMINGS. V • LVI.T RIBBONS. plain, fancy and shaded. VELVET and CROCHET BUTTONS. LOOPS and ORNAMENTS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBROIDERIES. BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS. , CORSETS, If.i Ili&SOFvukuNiftWiln"..iii:?;.., fHY RS; : YARNS. CANVAS. LTINGS, BNOKLES. CHAINS T AND FANCY JEWELRY. OTIONS AND SMALL WARES. . . . / Our assortmentof above Goods nnsnr• passed, and at EASTERN JOBBERS' PRICES. NEW • TianitMGS, New .Fringee, Sewing Silk and Bullion. 1,200 Pair of Real French Corsets. White and Ooitred only 30 cents a pair. A WEIR SELECTED STOCK OF_YARNSI "LA BELLE BALMORAL." Gent's Fall ad Winter Underwear, LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING - GOODS. The largest supply and finest patterns of Ladies' & Misses' Balmoral Hosiery. WOOL HOODS AND SACQUES Hoop Skirts, JEr The MEET LOWEST RATES to Jobbers NACRI7rd, GLYDE & CO., and SO Market Street. sac PRICES NARKED DOWN! MACRIINE & CARLISLE'S, No. 19 Firth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED: ON AND AFTER JULY IST. HOOP SHIRTS. (Ladles%) tbr CORSETS. (Real Preach.) LINEN HANDICIERCHIEF3, 3 for ETD GLOVES, (warraisted,). PAPER COLLARS SOO Yds. SPOOL COT ON, (good) POCKET. BOONS, worth 50c MEN'S SITMILER UNDERSHIRTS 50 MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS 15 All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost GREAT BARGAINS! IN ALL WINDS OF GOODS. Special Bates to Merchants * Dealers. El= COAL AND COKE. ,COALII COMM. • COAL!!! -• DICKSON, STEWART & CO Having removed their °Mee to - 13.rumwr, NO, 667 (Lately City Poor KM) SECOND IGLOO& Are now_rep 4red to furnish gpod YOUGHIOGNE. NY Lumr,NUT COAL OR 0LA.0K.., at the lowest worket Wee. All criers left at their °Moe or addressOd to them through the nutil, will be att ended to Promptly. my2S:OZ • • 41; m tI A :STRONG &.HUTCHINSON, sors Succes to siPsdi h YotromoottrariCOAL C 0.,. MINERS,_SUTIVERS - AND DEALERS, wr RAIL. ROAD ADD RdYERr-of. superior Youpdheny CAS' AND' FAMILY COAL. Office and Yard—TOOT OP TRY STREET, near Doi One Works. . , 110L111111i & CO. l • ANCHOR . COTTON MU ;'tonne/HEAVY ICILDIUK sad LlGra • ANOiiini liAGNOrik •• I, SHMATiNGS AND , BATTING. ' 110EORANIOAL ENGINEER./ . „ v... pERCEVAL.BEOBETTi; ,- . l' N• 13 GINEIII4 .;64 0 0+ 1 4' . AlLod, Skatoltor of , Patents. , . (Late of r., F. W..., C. Bottwaa.) ..._ °Doe, N 6. ID FEDERAL RE Room No:* apltalre. I'. Ot , Box DOCLEOHINY CITY. StAIatINERY, or all sorlpingisoßstamed. , BLARSPURNSC. and, LLIND *LLD DRA W. INGS fitnisbeth- Pattentaritttentton pai ,Idilitor COLLIBILIMOOOMMIVIC8.• Patents eon , noestua!ly solletten. r_ W - : An , R,VSNINDJIttaIt , INGAIT ARS fir raeonmot wren WEDNEW .Irienr, ..,:. IN ALL. COLORS THE NEW PARIS Kid and Silk Gloves. OIALORIMI & CARLISLE, 19 FIFTH EMMET. FURNITURE. DRY GOODS. - 11. SEMPLE, 180 and iB2 Federal Street, ALLEGIIENY CITY, PA, IS NOW RECEIVINI3 A Very Large and Complete Stock of DESDIULE DRY GOODS. Extra Good] . Bargains will be Dail,* Offered During the Present Week. At I.l3Ne.—Beet DARK DELAINES, latest styles. , At 95c.—Yard Wide FEATHER TICKL.VDS. At iNk..i--WATEBPBOOF CLOTH. dark eolora At MO.-GOOD BLEACHED AND BROWN MI7BLINS, yard wide At 31. c. BARRED CODNTRY FLANNELS At 11.73ic.—BESt DARK CALICOS.. At. Sec.—ALL WOOL • BED• AND YELLOW • • FLANNELS, good quality. At 83.50 a pair—WHITE BLANKETS, good size. At MOO—LAMES' BALMORAL SKIRTS; fdll else, dark colors. At 62.00—GORED RUFFLED CLOTH SKIRTS, new style. - At S2.SO—GORED do. do, finer quality At S3.Oo—GORED do. do, extra. WHITE and BARBED COUNTRY FLANNELS FANCY COLORED •BED .QIITLTS. an entirely new make. 001:TN'TBY BLANKETS, extra wide and good quality. NEW CASSENEREE, at very low p'rices. NEW DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS. Wholesale and Retail, IDEI 180 and 182 Federal St, idleglnmy. COUNTRY BARR'D FLANNELS, AT J. BROOM & CO'S, No. 52 St. Clair Street. BLACK tr. WHITE AND COLORED BARRED FLANNELS. WRITE COUNTRY FLANNELS BED AND YELLOW FLANNELS WHITE FLANNELS, best makes RED AND GREY t w ILLED FLANNELS BLEACHED CANTON FLANNELS lIICBLEACHED do BLANKETS, s full assortment cArmmunc.s. szwrocxy JEANS Si` Remember the Place. No. iS St. Clair, near Liberty St. ;err: 87. mAinEET STREET. gr . NEW FALL GOODS, NOW OPENING, - AT THEODORE F. PHILTRE', 87 IiGUIJIJIT STREET. seB: .. 50 LOO O i. 4 GP CID A Gii•S E. 73 cd am g g Tc g. 1 ai g L.? it g a 2Cd .24 a t .., = a" E. 04 la pa E . f t PR , E 3 i e—s ', 0 • 17: m ., - wee .1. iu l ' 2j , , cr '' r... 1 ' & ita . . NEW` `GOODS. - NEW ALPACCAS. NEWW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES SO•t - TCy:, tir No; 108 Writ' 'Street. - • • rapachnio) • McCANDLEBB-81, COy apii W 1 11944 WEIOLIIILTA. 1 DRAMS F l Ot *Ai and 1400iitio 06048, etaWOOD irraltiriV] : Tbira do or siaie WIBICEtTIit letter: 0 ensures, I YOIIBTEt;: /MEW, c: „ . • • - • s - pletweenLiberty and rerr7 streetih MRn riSilliPAY4 l ": 42 oi 4 , t ji ST ) / 2 :: • AND,p 3 I iiiai• IjMilt PECK_, ", Ora athen" 'tiii Hair' HAIN WORNER AND PEllitintEli, No. nil i lard street. nearidnithield, piiiceinge. _ _- - + hter.ys ppidandrironecni assortinentof Lidice Wiciii. 13ANLIEI, , unf_.4, tiontlemen , c_WlG%_Tti.., •licALm, Ulm)* CHAINS.' ISRACELLTS, de. A good Price In cash will be Steen tar L irot and Gentleaftewo Mgr Cutting doner.` the nesteet manner, • - - •• + Abut" BIM 4 1 11/4 1 140N+Honse and Lot,, j'etie Street, AlleghenY. 4 BALE ON SATURDAY, Octobtr 3d, at 3 o'clock .The property NO. an ZEDERAL STREET, Al. leaternabove Jackson, Will be sold on the prem.. Ise", at Wo'clock, on SaTURDAY. October 3d. - The Lot Is AO by 10011tet. The H .use is a two-story brick. whh hall, six moms, finlshed attic and excellent dry cellar. The *hole Int erlor wood watt Is grained af•d varnished In best manner. The Ceilings are high: Gas and l• water thronglunt. A praille alley extends from the rear or this lot, thus securing an uninterrupted cur. rent of air. The location neighborhood and build. Mgt areget , d,readertng thif , a very,comfortable and desirable place:or residence. Is sold only on Sc. count of the owner's removal to the country. Terms—Half cash, balance In two years Att Inspection of the premises prior to sale la- A. - LEOGATE. Auctioneer. ... ASSIGNEE'S SALE. CLOTHS, CASSTIMES, &c. MONDAY MORSING. October 12th,•• 1868, at 1l o'clock, by order of John H. Bailey, signee in Bankruptcy of namuel Hirsh, will be. sot,. at the Commercial Sales ittxims, No. 106 ISmitl Held street, a large stock or Clothing, Cloths, 4.:a shneres, Gen's Furntshlug Goods, etc" .comprisl Cantu:one Frock and Sack tosts,!Castotnere Pan Overcoata, Vests,.' Jackets, Undershirts, Gent.r. - Collars, Gloves, b o ck. - Neck Tles. Handkerchief ~ 23 pleocloOssaintend,;29ttocc, c, seMedt IiteILWAINE, Auct'r. BY NUMB & HALM 1:I11.11k/fig AUCTIONEERS 4nd(l4 Merchcpsts, OPERA `IIOtISE AUCTION ROOMS,: Maitre* PlWbuThj BOOTS,.,SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT iarvArso34l.,E DAY AND EVENING. Vonsigntnonts Solicited. PrOTOPt Be, FOR SALE:-REAL ESTATE. OS .BAL E . • TWO HOUSES faqir LOT on Carroll street, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, as the party Is about leaving the city, and wishes to dispose of the property before removing._ . SAW MILL, TWO DWELLING HOUSES, TVirC BARNS, with _good FARM, and about sou acres timberland. This property wilt be sold low. Cut . 01,500—balance on time to snit buyer. ..01 FARM OF 180 - ACRES, will be sold for twenty— dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn; 50 acres of the land clear. FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad. W. very well located. for raising stock; improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY:-Will sell a good s containing house, contairang five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars,. 11.94,w0u1d rent for the amount in six years. A LARGE LOT OF (MOUND, having', a river _- front, and very convenient of access. TANNERS., convenient to the city. and having a well established =atom' or local trade connected therewith•a good dwelling - • P ac res arland d• - FOUR LOTS in Sharpeon, Faurt"" would make a_good coaly vie HOTEL FOR SALE.-- 7 l'h • • situated at the Blatreivill fourteen rooms and the n . with three acres of garden well located hotel will be sot: tor wishes to retire from bust SEMPLE'S, von BF3v., One large Housei tor 3081- One new Brick House, 8 r , j ‘ One new Brick House of - 1. One new. Brick liouse,of 3 One House 01 5 rooms and P.. One House et 7 rooms And lo.;.. Two new Brick Houses; .13.r0c,: • One new Frame liouse,il rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms emit. One NAM Frame House in IVilkinsb. , six rooms and large lot, well suited 7 acres that can: be divided Into - acre 5 Lots In Oakland. ' - • rowerand a large Rooni and Yard for tood location. , rented thr short or ime. .3011 LEASE OR BLLE--3 Lots on Norton etre Ninth Ward.- ; WANT3L .. 0-73, 0043 fee fi t of I:ligginir 3to 4 TO LOOOr"sso,oo4,i': D. L HAMITREAL ESTATE No. 91 Grarit st., PittilblMgh. 21000 SO (K) AM" °F CHOICE LANDS FOR nix, Union i!csd* iktik.rmui3Ompany, Lying 'lona the 4ne of theta road. at 1%0 0 TOOT . °O FPI A C I A And of a critEDIT OF irrywnwit#:, . • . . . . - - • Pot tartles wirsissiars. map; *a: address ~ . . ' JOHN' P. PEIIIERZIII Liall"Comadsidoner. Topeka llinzas. , CRa " * -1 4 3 PW I P i r , eI ( WS , Wit ERN STREET DWELLING FOR. SALE. That spleadidthreq-slary - 33111C.F. frWELLTNG, • No. 136 Pep,n. Stteet, AdJoinhi t the 'residence of Wm. • McKnight, Esq. Is handsomely lintalrecktiall all the modern improve- ments." Also, a good Fire Prool Hate Large stable endear:lager house In' the rear.- Lot, Is 24'feet on Fenn street. and extends back 1110 - leer to a private alley. Location is one of ttte mort desirable in the city. For farther partlenlars,enqulreof , • .. •• • ' ISAAC EL[PENNOCK, 5e22:r99 • • 'NO. 101rwInatreet. 800 rEI i TiO I a j TIVI E EM, E co A n.. Warrea•all under fence and. culUvation. The improvements are a cottage house; with stable and other outbuildings; 200 bearingtrult trees, of best selections ; 'watered by , two never-failing ;Wings. animated - Miles trout the city, near to : 4 McKee , s Boers and CJaartlera Creek. From this place an extensive view can be bad of Allegheny City And the rivers,: Terms Cosy. Apply to , IicLAIN I CO.. ann • Coy. Fourth and limithfleld streets. ;1.. Olt - SALE. a, TO • LET,HOuses tad Lots fbr sale in all:parts of the et ty and sn urbs: Also. several PAWLS' Inlgood lodations.. Also, a small WOOLEN. , ,FACTeari m wita 29 acres !..f of land, and good LtnprOvements, oh I will sell ebeagnnd on reasonable lerms. Business Houses r; to let on goodn'greeta,:. • Privote Dwelling Henna for rent in both cities. For partbelyartivarittiquire .1r413 • 116 Griot street.: inmost • - batlimirai. ricWO.STORY BUICK' DWELL.. • LEG - HOUSE. ROI: , SALE-mew. well built _an in good order; eve rooms, kitchen -and,evlar, well and - pump, bake oven and htdrant," grape 44. vines, etc. • Also the adjoining hotels of two stories, four rooms, pantry and. pellar. - with. lot sixty feet front on Shelby street.:(4l4 7th wit:4o hypo feet 4 1 deep to an alley. Apply to . • • • .1 S. CUTHBERT &SONS, mai , ..115.eimatulela street. CVIIMAP,41111111.1)11116 lAMI:EOR A./ SALE by _ 8. CUTIMM .109188. ~3, ,- a Ida ut ;•••• , it-!i• i . f.,- I I I . . 'tlgt. l 4 P. 11 4 160 tillflost STOCK AND' RtAt ISTATtiffingERS f i'i 46 , 06 .1 r i i io ~if -„ AltirireligrtatiCrieff Att t. ii '. 113ti CA INUS. '7; mid 411 - 111111111 at OM, Ant„ ' .. $O OLD niipoiam, • , ettl4r, Pa the t 4 Intlß. nu es Or at the or xpar . ~ --` eider Mee tt paid; air heietiark to the edt Beal/date at etnatsale. , s -' -_. • ea ot Beal Negate in the tountrrattidelea• -1 0 oe. N0.`116 TOITIMI irramer. .331:964 - . • , $lO 000 " L°Aig'- ';: .., . . • BOND , AND NOBTGAtEM - dlld Beal Eitate Agent; AO *Matti! #reeta AUCTION SALES. BY A. WILWAIn. LET BITMB OP •4,000 AND:UPWARD. , • APPLY A _ BY THE EASTERN .Bt. Loafs. IthrionrL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers