NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ------ VHXAP GUNS FOB. THE PEOPLE...• The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET. where rgILL at ways be found the most camp/eta assortment of Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport ing Material, Ace., in tee city. All kinds of Guns and Pistols careful l y repaired. Cash paid for ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send stamp for illustrated Circular. Agents wanted in every town in the anited States. Address, J. H. JOHN STON. 119 limithge Id Street. Pittsburgh. ga`JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for 23d District. OiSce,.ll6 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY air Office hours-0 A. , r. to yr.: M. FIRS CHRISTIAN - CHURCH. corner Bearer street and Mont gomery a_yentte, Al eglienv..TOts:EPll KING. Pastor. —Preaching TO-3 OItIICAV (Lord's Day) at 10% A. m. and 7% r. m. . ____. 7- - tgrUNIVERSALIST • CHURCH, CORNER OF GRANT AND THIRD STS. —Paetor.Rev. A. ROSSERMA N. Preaching EVERY SUNDAY at UN A. M. and 7,t. P. M. seats free and a welcome to all. - WRELIGIOUS SERVICES will be conducted by Eld. L. POSTREATOR, o f e‘Waabingtnn, In HAL THIS EVEN ":ING, a. 7 o'clock. and I(1-MORROW, (Lord's Day, )at 10 o'clock A. 31. and 73.. i P. M. The pub /lc are Invited. TH E FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. (Railroad street. near Depot,) linw BRIGHTON. ra. a. F. CROWTHER. Pastor Preaching .KVERY SABBATH, at 1032 A. M. and 7 p. M. Public cordially invited. Inaugural sermon to-morrow morning. Itgr T E FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, FIFTII AVENUE, between Suitt h. field and Want streets, ALEX. CL RE, Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBATH, at 10.39 A. M. and • 1.30 e. m. Free seats and welcome to all. ,Suuday school at 9 A. M. and 1.45 P. 3I PLYMOUTH CONGREGA TIONAL LAI URC 11. —There will be preach ' lug on SUNDAY. morning and evening, at 10S and TS o'clock., In M/ ZART HALL, Seventh Av enue, by Rev. E.-Y. GARRET I', of Millbury, Mnss achnsefts. The public are cordlatly invited to at 'tend. THE` FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. ALLEGIIEKY.7The Pastorate of this Church is tow filled by the anpointment of ;H. B. KNIGHT, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio. Preaching ILVEUY SABBATII, at 10% A.. 11 and !r..31. Lecture on Wednesday 'Evening. and Genera Prayer ?Hefting on Friday Evening. FO . ll CHEAP - U Stockinggg 24 Ftfth `Avenue. . . . -•1MOR HOSI.E.II,IIr, or every de scription.- . . ; i GO TO PHELAN'S. Stocking Store. 24 Fifth Avenue. IMIOR LADIES' VESTS .S 4, DRAW ..A2 FRS, 4 GO. TO JAMES f i IiELAN'S, Stocking Store, 24 , Fifth Avenue. iTIOR FLEECEDc,orroN STOCK 1..12 'LEGS. 00 TO JAMES PHELAN'S -Stocking Store. 94 FM Avenue. 'VOR GLOVES, of every descrip il2 tion, 00 TO JAILT:ST'FfELA.N'S, • g_ Stocking store. 24 Fifth Avenue. B • (Late Cutter with W. Hespenheide, NEER,CFIAN'I' 'TAILOR, _ No. 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. • seZ:y2l ESTABLISHED BY A. T. GORM LY, 1812. W. M., GORMLY, ;:WHOLESALE GROCER, N0..271 Liberty Street, (DIEECTLY Ore. EAGLE EOTEL,) PITTSBURGH, PA. 4 .i1e..%:y16 • FULL LINES of the GENUIN4 .0 "JOSEPH' KID GLOVES, IN - WHITE AND OPERA. COLORS. 1! Also- COURVERIEWS new , "SEAM.I4SS" KIDS,. ,In all desirable sbades A larg. consignment' of P uT l ZektF., l l4 " ;o d rraraV... i t\l ' n ' o ` ty u P . A.V ". • • AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Avercue. seas: '',l[N" THE' MATTER OF THE AP TLPLICATION • • " The Co-opirativelßelief Association of • • 174, December Term, 1868. in the Court of t3ornmon Pleas of Allegheny County. Applicationhsving been made in the above case pythe petitioners fora charter as 1 Co-operative teilet Association, filed as of September 3d, 1868, n accordance with the dews of the Commonwealth, .'fiotice is lv.retiy given unless excerr ions be tiled in ;; - ..inoper time a charter will be 'granted in December _,:Fern of MSS, of said Conn. W. C. AUGHINBAIJGH. Solicitor for Petitioners. e26:Tr-- ;NEW WALL ,PAPERS; • _Tor Halls, ,Parlors-and Chambers, NOW OPENING, AT 407 Market St., near Fifth Ave., JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. IME ..• VE.NNSYLVANIA .'• STATE 'AGRICULTURAL SO. I uava of Exhibition, lUESDAT, Sent. ..,, ~NESDAY, Sept. 30, and PHURSLIAY ."•.pAY, October lauand 2d, .1263, ILIA.IIIELIS3I3Uit i t - Railroad Fare from Pittsburgh to flaro .return, STEW FALL GOODS. . .t....r,onr.rie,cA.seneoram A. splendid new stock of Just received by RE Merchant Tailor, 73 Smithael - !L. OR SALE, OLD NEVI'S WARD LO 'rltneto on the corner of Taylor and : l t m re s e lltar grtr?elt. on ' Ad( T r ai s l o or street by ISAACJ'IIIOBLEY, Hal; !FOR SALE, - FINE SEED WILEA AT 340, LIMN:LW ST, MEI NeCIIEEB DIOTIIY SEED A 'PRIME ARTIC :n atone at LOWEST MARKET PRICE 7. ILNOX, 187 Liberty sel9:x7B BUSHELS qOQ KUNZ SOUTHERN MD yin.DAT, To arrive and for vale by - aela McAANE & pTUART S I3 EXTRA SYRUP.-5 bbls. ot thlecelebrated tiolden Syrup Just re! ?.e red sod for eale in bids., kegs or the gallon. - • JOHN A. lIICNSHAW, se= corner Liberty and Hand streets. IPIRESERVING SUGAIIfi.-30 Levering's Just received and for sale by the tercel or at retell, by JNO. A. RENSHAW, sag Corner Liberty and Hand sLreets.' NBOLTED CORN. JMEAL-165 r al Backs in store,to r by DinIAII DICKEY it Cn. `BELLED CORN-450 sacks Tel- , low, to'arrhe, for bale by aCJe- /BAUR DICKEY G CO. fiTEAVIHERB-50 sacks in store, fetsalti by muse DICK= I* CO. A MICROSCOPE Equal In Power to an,lnstrnment Cost• ing 814. Slmpleland Durable. "The microscope Is one-of the (most useful instru ments: it has been extensively 'eninlovedof late years in detecting adulteration lit food and other -sub, tances which could not be easily dlccovered by chemical and to all it is a source of eleva ting and instructive amusement. This tittle instru ment, although nerfeetin every part. Is retailed at the low price of nee dollar; ••—Scientofic mtr:can, January 26, 1867. . and entnnlete.thlne, and a wonderfully I"genious and convenient little .pocket thing it is. No on? who whiling to be ante t, detect bad bank bills. or examine the smallest item in creation, should be without it."—Nutionat Eagle, Ware taunt, N. H. R. S. DAVIS, 93 WOOD STREET. seD3:s !ITU CHEAP ORGANS AND PIANOS. A beautiful Ro..ewood MASON A HAMLIN CAB INET ORGAN, with Ttentols, Cost 8170,00, for $120,00. A handsome Paneled ROSEWOOD 0110 AN made by Taylor A. Fatiev, nearly n-w. .110 00. • A nne Double Reed ROSEWOOD MELODEnN, Mason & Hamlin's mak.. in good order, 015,00. A Second-hand ROSEWOOD PIANO, made by Boa , dm an A. orav, $120,004 A Secondhand BOSE WOOD PIANO, made by F. Blume, ilOO.OO. FOR SALE BY A C. C. MELLOR, Ft 81 Wood Street. 5e26.y7 • TO PHYSICIANS. STEILWAY'S Treatise on Diseas , Cof the Eye. (Just published.) 700 W ALES' Mechanical Therapeutics 5 75 WILSON on Die ases of the Skin. Anew Edition, with colored plates 10 00 FULLER on Diseased of the Lungs and Air Passages. tJust published.) 3 50. STILLE'S Therapeutics and Idateria Medics. New edition. revised 12 CO PEREIRA'S Materia Medics and Therapeu tics. (Just issued.) 8 00" cHrolitEtts on ,the Indigestions. Second American edition 3 00 AITKEN'S Science and Practice of 3Autil clue. Second American edition, revised and enlarged. Vol. 1 now ready. Per vol. EYFORD "on Diseases of Females. Second edttlon,enlarged and improved 5 00 HEADLAND on the Action of Medicines in the System' 3 00 . TANNER'S Practice of Medicine 7 00 TANNER- on the Diseases of infancy and Childhood • • 300 TANNER'S Index of Diseases and their Treatment 3 00 SCA r. ZUNI'S Treat Leon Diseases of Women 5 00 BROWN—SEOWARD=on the Central Ner- Vllll6 System 5 00 BROWN—SEO WARD—Lectures on Paraly s's in the tower Extremitie 2 50 DU COSTA'S Medical Diagnosis 6-00 ! WOODS' Practice :of Medicine. Sixth edi tion, revised. vole 11 00 STOKES on the Manses of the 'Heart and Aorta. second Anteticm edition - 3LO W.LN4LOW on Obsenrc Diseases of the Brain and Mind 4 25 ERICHSEN'S. ence and Art of Surgery.. 600 GROSS' System of surgery. New and Im proved edition. H v 015... 13 00 TANNER on the Signs and Diseases of Preg nsecy. (Just published.) 425 BENNETT'S Practice •ef Medicine 8 00 WATSON'S Practice of Medicine 7 50 FLINT'S Practice of Medicine 7 50 A liberal discount from above prices will be allow ed where a number of works are taken at one time. Full deserlptive Catalogues furnished on appllea -Orders by mall promptly attended to. KAY & COMPANY, 65 WOOD STREET, (rafniette Building.) se:6:lt FALL DRY GOODS ! COMPLETE STOCK • 9 WED and PSI- .burg and se2l:x9l ,8&0. a ! I EERILY ME 1213:13 I: mailman ; 8 feet on En! MEI =I at , m;i qui zl,l t-z-)ak I Wl+ fill FOR ONE DOLLAR. FOR SALE BY Standard Medical Works. TES AL - -13-JEALAL. OFFER THE MOST =I OF CHOICE DRY GOODS ! t No. 21 . tIFTIT. AVENUE. ge22:TrsitT MEN'S FEDNISIIING GOODS, FALL STYLES, NOW READY. FISK, CLARK & FLAGG, .58-White St., N. Y. at:MS:OB.B IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES.', • Tobacco, Cigara & Whiskey. . ISAAC STERN, No. 169 Federal Street, above the Market, ALLEGHENY CITY,- PA. Respectfully announces to hie Mends that he Is now offering hie stock, consisting of the c FINEST CIGARS, 'TOBACCO,- &0., dud the PURIST LIQUORS. Ihwir ices LOWER THAN , EVER OFFERED-IN W Remember the place, No: JOS FEDERAL ElT.,•ALLscitrnwr CITY, PA. sed:vlo.TlTB GEORGE' HEAVEN, -. XAMTFACTIMEB Or CREAM CANDIES AND TAFFIES, And dealer In all kinds of FRUITS. NUTS, PICK LES, SAUCES, JELLIES; se., Ro- Poi FEDERAL ST.,toilielll. fPITIEI3TjRGH GAZETTE :.SA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS'! At 10c.—GOOD FAST GOLD PRINTS At 123ic. -ALL THE BEST PRINTS At 10c.—GOOD LINEN CEAdll At 12*.—Yard Wide BLEACHED MUSLIN& At 50e.—ONE CASE EMPRESS CLOTH, a good bargain At 37%c,—ONE CASE BLACK LUSTRE At 50c.—COLORED POPLIN ALPACAS At $l-GOOD DARK WATERPROOF At *l-RALMOIIAL SKIRTS. r CHA.NGEABLt POPLINS. MIXED POPLINS, STEWED POPLINS, BLACK AND COLOR- ED POPLIN ALPACAS, FRENCH MERINOS, BLACK WOOL DELAINES, BLACK & Mrli/TE BALMORAL SKIRTS, BOULEVARD SKIRTS, LABELLE SKIRTS, MISSES SHAWLS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, BL'K THIBET SHAWLS, LADIES' LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, RED AND YELLOW FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, BARRED COUNTRY FLANNEL% WHITE COUNTRY FLANNELS, WELITE COUNTRY BLAN- SETS, best In the market Wholesale Buyers are. invited to esil and examine our stock. ERWIN, WCONNELL & CO, 178 Federal St, Allegheny. 1=1:1 MARATHON SILVER MINING COMPANY, :on NIEVADA. President—MlL 31.: HENDERSON, Of the Firm of Brinson & Ilenderson, Philadelphia Hydraulic Was km Treasurer, : : : J. 11.11011NER. Office, No. 154 South 4th Street, PIIILAIILLYIIIA.. Capital, Shares,.slo each . Preferred. The Company guarantees UN .. .PER CENT. PER ANNUM,ON ITS PREFERRED STOCK. Bats limited number of ebares of the Preferred Eitock will be sold. No !Loci will be Issued until the. funds for the same are received at the office of the Company. Bemittances should be made In draft or par funds In Philadelphia, and the stock wilt be sent frec.of. charge. , . . The Company reserve the right to advance on its preferred stock at any time. A prospectus has been issued, which eau be had by applying to the office. All communications to he addressed to the Fred dem, at the Office of the Company. IMMO pITTSBURGH LEAD PIPE 'AND SHEET LEAD WORKS. BAILEY, FARRELL & COly No. 167 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, Manufacturers and 'Wholesale Dealers In ' Plumbers', Gas and Steam Fitters' TOOLS AND BLITERIALS. seD:ws , , BLACK SILK SACQUEC Lama Lace Points, Summer Shawls, YOB SALE AT LOW PRIMO.. BY WHITE, ORR & CO., FALL OPENIX,O, • At No: 47 St. Clair Street. A LARGE `AND SPLER DID STOCK OP itoya'; TIM 'S and CAUdie CLOTHING, ' - FOE TEESC.PALL SEASON. ' • • GRAY it 1.0431-Aiv ! ids , ST. CLAIR STREET. JUST RECEIVED. • LARGE STOOK OF Coke and Manure Forks, COAX. STIONMILS, AMES , CANAL SHOVELS, PICES, HATTOCES. And all sizes of CAST STEEL, At WILITESLDEB DBUNIS, seliSrol 19 FEDRBAL 81.. A1f1.99111137. WOOL PLAIDS, POPLIN PLAIDS; ROOM No. 5, SECOND FLOOR :.... $400,000. WM. N. HENDERSON, PRESIDENT 25 Fifth Street, IT, SEPTEMBER 26, 1868. RD NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DDT GOODS: MI Wholesale and Retail. At 31c. BARRED COUNTRY FLANK.LS At 1.2%C. --- UNBLE,ICIIKD CANTON FLAN NEL. At 90c.—WATI:taqI0OF CLOTII At 121i , :c:—GOOD, TILEACITED ANL) IIOWN 31M11.1,N5, yard wide. ' At 121;ic.—IIIIOW . N SHEETING MITSLIN At 85Ie.—FAST ' COLORED CALICO At 12Mc.—IIEST ,DARE. CALICO.? At 30e.--flood BARRED TWIL'D FLA At ISUc.—LADIES; RIBBED WOOL ' good article.' • At 25c.—ALL. WOOL RED AND L,FLANNELS. • • • :At tic.—LADIES' HEMMED ANDKE At 12 tc,. —LADIES' II E3l-S r ITCHED BROWN WATERPROOF CLOTH CASSIMERES. J EANS, &c., at very low WHITE COUNTRY BLANKETS, extra COLORED WOOLEN BED QUILTS !BLANKETS, Eastern maize, all sizes ri MA WI 0) ZS NM DiZ9 To a very large Invoice just opened of LADIES' HISSES' AID CHILDREN'S WOOLEN SHAWLS, Wholesale and Retail, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., Allegheny. "Westward the Star of Empire Takes Its Way." SECURE A IIO3IE IN THE GOLDEN STATE. THE IMMIGRANT HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA. Incorporated tot.ter the Laws of the :Attie. Novem ber 30th. 1867. for the iturpotte of provititug RONEs FOR ITS MOWERS, And promOting Immigration Capital Stock. - - $1,000,000 Divided Into 200.000 SilAims st $5 each, paya ble In U. S. C Certificates of Stock toured to subscribers Imme diately upon receipt of the nioney. No ggitao'S ALLOWED TO MOLD MOUE TItAN FIVE SiIAUEs. A i.ircular containing a full de crlpi ion .of the property to be distributed among the Shareholders will be sent to any addrelti upon receipt of stamps to cover return postage Information as to price of land itt any portion of the State. or noon any other subject of Inc crest to Fartlas uroposing to immigrate. will be cheerfully urnished upon receipt of stamps for postage.' All letters shoal d'be addressed SECRETARY 15IMIGRA NT HO74ESTEAD ASSO CIATION, P"stollice Box I% 0., SU; SAN RAN CUM CA I.ll , Witi aus: v 3.! FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. French Burr Smut Machines, THE BEST WHEAT CLEANERS IN USE Portable Flour and Peed Mills, BOLTING CLOTHS,. All numbers and beet quality. For sale at 319 and 321 LibertySt..Plttsburgh, Pa ELM PENN STREET DWELLING ' . FOR SALE. - That splendid three-story BRICK DWELLING, No. 135 Penn Street, Adjoining the residence of Wm. McKnight, Esq. It, handsomely linlbhed. 14114 all the modern Improve• meats. Alba,. d good Lire Prom Safe Lim tee stable and carriage house In the rear. Lot is 24 feet on Penn street, and extendtback NO teat to a private alley. Location is one of the mm t dceirable in the city. Yor farther particulars enquire of ISAAC DL PENNOCK, :satin • No. ILO Irwin street. • . PEIRL MILL .FAIILY 11011 PEARL MILL Three Star Green Brand, equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. . This Flour will only be sent out when especially ordered. • • PEARL MILL BLUE BRAND, - .Equal to beet St. Louis. • .PEARL DILL RED BRAND, kqual to best Ohio Flour. WHITE CORN FLOUR AND ecntri MEAL. R. T. rENSIEDY & BILO,, Allegheny, Sept. 9, 1868. • PEARL MILL. • LOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!!! rest ground Old Wheat Flour. .White . Stat Mills, for family use. Riverside Mill, for Bakers. • Bien! , Mlii for Bakers. Ontario Mill. for Bakers. • • Monitor Kill, for Bakers. oity hitll,l4prinneld, 0„ Family Flour. • Carey's ..IMCX Family Flour. tad River litany ViOttr. .• OF NEW ' WHEAT. Plainview Mills fancy Bt. Louis. Tea Rose Mills do Clarke's• Bat Baker's Flour. . Keystone Mills do • • Coronett Mills do For sale by WATT. LANG & CO., -saN - 172 and 174 WOOD BT. ID F. DAVIIIITZIS " HERB LIQUOR.. DB. FALK CO.,' InsporterB s , 760 Eenn St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ) This great HERB LIQUOR has gained wide celeb rm. I . .11 Europe trom Its marvellous efficacy In curMg all nernorrholdal complaints and diseases of the stomach. We earnestly invite the attention of the afflicted to thl• great remedy, and offer gratis the circulars, giving directions r or use, together with the certificates a eminent authorities regards lug its curative merits. . • air Bold In alt Drug Stores. • au2o:unk DR. FALK & CO.. Importers. VCONOMIZE YOUR .FUEL by Gore, nor made; JUI ,as log the , reliable. A large s wan OENTRIONiAL GOVERNOR., forL HEVES/V. Menical Engineer and Solici of p at ents, NO. 10 Vederal street, Aileghen t iip e h , :rereetincolty,len true ro s e sp ld ur u e tb a i s to. I seen en del regulated mmeyo mo 0 0 f p .r. i i c E . City. the only agent for this • 00Y1111%Or Ulli the We st. aal2:zlll.. • , MI 54. Barred Flannel, A VERY L GE STOCK, ' rj r p'linir 'CldErereel, HE El! OSE, a BEEI Era AI'ELROY, DICKSON ME! = 7/ZIPL"E' G-C>ClOlOlO3, ASSESSMENT. The UNION REPUBLICANS of Allegheny coun ty are requested to call upon either' Of the under signed, members of the Union Republican listti;?l - Committee, in reference to the assessinent of voters and the naturalization of such parties, aliens, friendly to the Union Republican cause as Tray be entitled to the Fume. when necessary infor mation and assistance will be rendered. It is ex pected that the Vigilance Committees of tlie differ ent election districts Will take the necessary stip to Insure in their respective districts proper asess 'tient and naturalization of all parties friendly to the Union Republlcarieause, and the Union Repub lican voters throughout the county are also invited to aid the Vigilance Committees in their work by reporting names, &c., of any persons_ friendly to the cause, who may be entitled to be, but are not yet. naturalized or aciSCsso. 'the persons entitled to naturalization under the laws Of tile United States, areas follows: Ist. Any free white alien over twenty-one years of are, who has resided In the United States for five years and in this State for one year, and who shall have at le est two 3 ears preceding his applici (ion for second papers, made the necessary decla ration of intentions, and taken out his first papers, is entitled, upon proof of such residence and decla ration of intention, to his final -naturalization .pa pers. .1 9d. A , y free white alien who arrived inthis Mnin try nutter twenty-one years, and who has resided in It for five vears, (three 01 which shall next nreced his rrival at the age of twenty-one years,3 is end tli to his final naturalization papers. 3d. And all aliens of the age of twenty-one Year& and upwards who have resided within the United States for one year. and who "shall have enlisted in and been honorably discharged froni the armies of the United States, are entitled to final papers of naturalization. W. S. PURVIANCE, 11.4- Fifth St.. Pittsburgh. E. P. JONES, 84 (Irma Street Pittsburgh. J. ERASTUB McKEL vY, BtGrant St.. Pittab'g. E. F. A. trAULHABER. Allegheny City.;' DAVID REe_SE, Pittsburgh. JiHIN FLINN, Pittsburgh - ' WM. MITT ENSWI East B i rmingham.. . .10H t. NUSSER . Birmingham. - JOSIAH WHEN, Os viral tit., FLU/burgh. HENRY MF.ISTERF ELM Birmingham. W. W. WALLA(N. ALEX. S.. MACRAE,- BROKER AND AGJINT FOE ' Chemicals, Drugs. Dyea,ollB. Provisions and Produce of every description. 'NE* krittIiTISEMENTS KITTMMG EXTRA HEAVY IN GOOD STYLES. & CO., WHOLESALE WOOD STREET. XI Xlsll .7ftlf A IVAN V NOTICE. LIVERPOOL. • .Business conductedon owe-half the terms of other houses. . , The A merlcan transactions in Liverpool alone ex ceed Loudon and all the ports of Europe put to let her. Weekly Circulars, Commercial Advices. Cable llesnages, .kc.„, on application. sent. OIL WELL Steam Engines for Sale. • EN 67PEEN:r.naAnto Inecofing,ytannigr's 710 A l an d inch stinks, with all the fixtures FOR BORING OIL WELLS. Address HUGH 31. BOLE & CO., 50:V3 Duquesne • Way, Pittsburgh. Pa. personainterested A-1 are hereby notified that the Report In the matter of the Opening of Roberts Street, In the City of Pitniburgh, from Centre avenue to Reed strtet, has been placed in my bands. The. is sessments will remain open at my office. No. _lOB Filth Avenue, until SATURDAY, October 10th, 1868, when those unpaid will be filed against the propertl. . , J. P. g2iA.,311.YE, City Attorney .velOrtZ UNION.ENTERPRISE FOVNDRY wx. M JOHNSON, Manufacturer 92 COOKING STOVES., Arches, Grates, Fenders, Sash weighty - and all kinds of Hollow Ware Car Wheels and all kinds of Ma chinery Castings, COR. WATSON & 'SHINGISS STS., PITTSBURGH. PA. an26:v27was NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS of the , 7th and Bth (old 6th,) Wards. All Persons who have not paid their School arl,d . County l'axe3 for ther present year are hereby n i r d fled to call at once and settle them at MY (41 a' u - tor 'lave costs. JOBr rH A. Bum int. cove° • tone° ic Alderman's umee, 128 WY/i e " rect. ' se2s:ylo_ --- FOB BENT. HALL.—Large room . of No. 58 Market Street, suitable fors Club or Society Hoorn. ASEMEAT—Nus. 17 ad 8 Third Avenue, expressly tltted up f or 1 a large restaurant, J. ltr. GFAZZA.3I. Attorney•nt-Law. 08 Grant Bt I=Xt3 Goon NEWS. OSIAP EBRO IN DELT:I.2IMR Enquire for WARD'S Bread, Tie larKestand belc. Vie lniWL .11. w." on every Lou. Tete done dee. , ti.4:TT6 POLITICAL 54. n"REPUBLICAN . PRIMARY MEETING.—The• Republican lot. rs of the an WARD (old lOth,l will meet at the PUBLIC ScHOOL HOUSE, to ruminate Ward Officers, on THIS Saturday,) AFTERNOON, between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock. By order. JACOB F. SLAGLE, President. R. W. MACKEY. Secretary. THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS of the FIFTII ifornirly the oid 3 WARD wall:nee& at W. 31. J. WIIITE%i, Isio. 38 Wylie ot., On SA'kURDAY, Sept. 26th, at 7 P. lEI,, To select Candidates for Ward Officers By ) order of TILE-COMMITTEE 'ATTENTION 2 COMPANY A, " GRANT HUSSARS." There gill be a mre tln g of Co. A. at CITY HALL. on MONDAY f• VENING, at 7,t'o'clocit: ..1.1.1 the members are remiested to attend. By order. ,D. DIINSEATEL se.W:y27. - Captain Commanding. 10 - A REPUBLICAN MASS MEFTING Will be held In the DIAM.OND SQUARE, Allegheny, SATURDAY, Sept. 26th, AT 7,54 O'CLOCK P. M Hon. LEWIS BAKER, of Maine, will ad— dress the meeting. By order of "-- se:A:7n COM. ox.Mir.F.Tlrms AND SPZAKENS. ATTENTION, TANNERS! The Allegheny County Tanner Club THIS EVENING, AT 7 O'CLOCK, SHARP, Arri CITY HALL, \ In full unifOrto, to ESCORT Hon. LEWIS BARKER to Allegheny tlty. Every member Is requested to turn out on the oceasitai. ,•By order of • Bea . CHIEF mkicsyrei. IWIIEPITI3I.I CAN MEETINGS will beheld at the times and places follow Ing, and will be addressed as Indicated: SATURDAY, Sept, 26th,1565. ORERT , S HOTEL; „McCandless TOwnsblp, at 21 r. N. A. M. BROWN and W. Pi *HITE. McKEESPORT MASS. MEETING,. at 13i. P • AG Gen. J. B. SWEITBER, Ben. S. A. FURST ANCE and Hon. T. 31. MARSHALL.. CORNER PENN AND O'HARA. STREETS, at 7 . X. P.-11. Non. J. M. KIRKPATRICK and W. C. MORELAND, Esq. CLINTON. at . V 6 Y. v. THOS. now Aim, Fog., and otbers. ALLEGHENY CITY. in the Diamond, at 73i p. at_ Hon. LEWIS BARE s, of Maine. MONDAY, Sept. 28th, 1888. HOWEESTOWNT, Shaler Township, at 7 r: .THOS. EWINti and H. I'. AIVE.LLEE, Esqs. LIBRARY, Snowden Township, al. 2. De— bate: HOMAS HOWARD, (Republican.) and A— W. FOSTER, (Democrat.) By order of Committee en Speakers and Meetings. E. MO NTOGTII, Chairman. JNO. S. LAMBIE, Secretary. se2S NOTICES PirrStieitc.R. PA., Fept- MrAT A MEETING oF THE LOT HOLDERS of the Methodist Burial Ground, held - at the late Seventh Ward school Rouse on Monday evening last, an assessment of Three Dol lars (43i was laid upon each lot, and One Dollar (41) upon single interments. for the purpose of de fraying all expenses that may be incurred in pro curing an Injunction. All persons intere,ted are urgently requested to call at 'Squire Humbert's (Mee.' No. Ott Fourth • street, or upon any of the 1'4110.111g members of the Finance Committee. viz: Messrs. Bent. F. Duvall, Hobert -ling. usorge Wilson or A. McKean. on or .. before the 23d lust., and either pay the money or deposit their Certificate of Claim as security for, their respective shares of expenses. IWNOTICE. Pirrsnunan, June 26th. 1868 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BANK OF PITTSBURGH will apply to the Legislature. of Pennsylvania at its next se s sion, fora-renewal of its Charter, with is present authortzed Capital of Twelve Hundred. Thousand Dollars. . JOHN HARPER, President. Attest:. WM. ROSEBURG, Cashier OYI ICY Or TEM MONONGAHELA BRIDGE CO - ., r Pittsburgh, Sept. 4. IS6 S. C tar , 19117. PRESIDENT AND MAN . AUERS of this Company hare this day de clared a Mlvidend of TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE, payable to etockho does or their repreaenta lives on and a ter Thursday, September 10th, at the Ranking House of Holmes Is sons_, 57: - Market street. , JAMES H. WRIGHT, _ _ Treastrer. m 4: x9-d &.F CANDIDATES. CITIZENS' TEMPERANCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COI MISSIONIR, ISAAC CIa.A.I4,LES. ourth Ward, Allegheny City, nominated 4 Convention, August )115th. seB.llB-d& WINES, LIQUORS, &C PiTTSBURGIniPORTLIG HOUSE. ESTABLISHED 1830. SCHMIDT & FRIDAYI IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 409 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, • Weald direct the attention of the public u talt_hefact..., that, po seining supet o ior facilities thro u gh and large - Wine and Liquor Houses in Mutiny teeir importations direet,. e . oo l- 4 .7l,l, l l b ak ed D to offer the various grades of cho ler E t _ LIQUORS at prices luso t hin ''Lsoa of prices swinationo of qualities and compar respectfully solicited.f ore OL D gyg wing, A. choice assortment HEY constantly on hand , FLEMING STBEET • appointed viewers to assess damages and The undersi b rn en ed fits for opening FLEMING e d Alleoheny, term its preserat clot street to Bell avenue, will: on THUKSDAY, the ISt daT S mte T em it t it onii kl: l f iti , no T : h rpo i rn r e d nant i a rtsu i r issii, s in 4 . ... . . o ;e t 1.0 e c T. K., to fount um. their sTP O ,:"'e WM. S. EVANS, o du f t D ie e s to o o e f r. GEORGE EOM., JAMES (SHAHAN. I 5! ME 3._ vicASSINGTON AVENUE. • •xotice is hereby given that the viewers' report. O . widening of WASHINGrOBT .A.VENXTE, Sixth W.rd, t ity of Allegheny, la Sled to the Dia.. trict Court at No. 491, November Term, 1868. for confirmation. JOHN C. McCOMBS. Solicitor. ricik i liLoll. AVENUE. a-undersigned appointed viewers to assess damages and benefits for opening TAYLOR AVE NUE. second ward, Allegheny, from its present termination to Beaver street, will meet on the on WEDNEfiDAY,_the 14th day of Octo ber, 1888, at 4 o'clock P. E., to fulf il l the ditties of ottiappultitment. WM. M. HE .Mcc imsll.l". .1. RMAN. ses:yl2 L J. EON ARO WALTER. DRAIN PIPE.-lIALL &ADAMS* . SUPERIOR ARTICLE OM DRAIN PIPE All lea, _from one to twenty-foar inches at WEL DON & aItLLYI I , agents for maduracturere. Wood street, between lllth And Sixth street& Jett DI WILL MEET BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE Je27:slo-8