I! Financial Matters in New York. Gold Closed at 14234. • :t y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l NEW YORK, September 25, 1868 _ MONEY AND: GOLD. - t oney more active at 3©5 per cent., 3. iefiy 4@5 per cent. Sterling better at 108%@109. Gold firmer, opening at 142, eclining to 14135, and closing at 14234. , . • GOVERNMENT STOCKS. `?.asier and dull. The following are the potations : Coupons 1681, 114@114 1 /„; do. 62, 113%@114; do. '64, 109X®109%; do. 110%®110%; do New, 109%@109%; do. 67, 108 108% do. '6B, 109 X 14405, 104% ,10434: STATE STOCKS - - - . • titter. New Tennessees, 683;@69; Old do., 1 9 34;_Mlesouris, 92; North Carolina, 75. ')... ' • RAILWAY SHARES Al ;eady and stronger on New York roads Ind North-western shares. Express stocks 'trong. Miscellaneous shares steady. Pa 'Aftu Mail active and firmer. - STOCKS. • .5:30 PRICE; Linton, 48@49; Boston Water Power, 1501541 Cumberland, 32® 4; Wells Ex.., 29@29(; American, 49® -9X,; Adams,- 51-X®s2; United States, 93;®50 ; Merchants' Union, 24@24( ; tuicksilver, 22®22t4; Mariposa 4; pre ered, 11%®11g; Pacific Mail, 110%®111: western Union Telegraph, 34@34/; N. Y. :antral, 121:U®12814; Erie, 50%@51; do. )rf'd, 69;4(4)70; Hudson, 139%a141%,; \Har em, 121@123; do. prfld, 121®123; Reading, 434 ®94%; O. &M. 28%®29; Wabash, 60IX® 034; do. pref., 78; St. Paul, 93%®94; do. ref„ 94y, ®94X; Michigan Central, 11814 1184; Michigan Sout hern,‘B43.i ®84%; Central, 143/@144; Pittsburgh, 84X ® jl3; Toledo, 101 6 / x ®lo2/ ;t Rock Island, 6234 ©102%; Northwestern ' 88%®88V,; do.: ~referred, 8836®89; Fort Wayne, 1095.(® 109%; Hattford and Erie, 22%@4X; Terre saute, ®43; do. preferred, 62; Chicago t Alton, 151; do- preferred, 152; Cleveland Ashtabula, 99; New Haven, 140. MINING sttAnhs. Mining stooks quiet; Montana, 508; Greg ry, 425; Quartz Hill, 96. COPPER STOCKS. Copper stocks:at Boston: Cahintet, 57%; ,lopper Falls, 18%; Franklin, 14k; Heels, °; nopok,-- 4 .55; Minnesota; 2. • StrEt-TREASMIY. I Sub-Treasury receipts, 81;861,156. Pay rents, $1,140,385; balance. ;94,222,330. , New York Produce Market. Telegragh"to the Pittsburgh Gazette. New Yong., September 25.—Ashes quiet. '.cotton firmer; sales of 1,290 bales at 253443 lr middling uplands; closingquiet. Flour veeceipts, 10,520 barrels; the market is 10a . . 56 lower, but there is rather more doing the decline; sales of 12,700 barrels at 5,65a7,40 for superfine State and wes em; 17,75a8,35 for , common to choice extra; $7,40 , A ;8,20 for do extra western;' $9,15a10,90 for %ood to choice white wheat; ($305a10,50 for .• ;ommon to choice R. H. O.; 58,75a10 for ':-amnion to fair extra St, Lein's; sloal4 for ;ood to choice do; closing quiet and heavy. • , -ialifornialeavy; sales of 800 sacks at $8,90' 110,85. Rye flour steady; sales of 400 bar. .131 sat $6,50a8,25. Corn meal quiet. Whis . ley firm; sales of 100 barrels free at $1,40. ' gheat—receipts, 15,900 bushels; the market !pened firmer, with a moderate export de ', :;land, and closed declining; sales of 85,000 • • 7.ushels at $1,61% for No. ,3 spring; $1,71a ' 4 ,.72 for mixed spring: $1,77 fk,r extra choice :o; $2,40 for „white Michigan. Rye quiet. I.arley scarce and firm. Barley malt quiet. orti—roatipts, 8,100 bushels; market heavy 2 ‘v- - ' : *lnd le lower; sales of 93,000 bushels at $1,15 „11,17 for unsound; .11,18a1,183,6 for sound . ixed western f - $1,23 for yellow western; . 21,25 X for white Michigan. Oats—receipts, • . t 916 bushels; market lc lower and unset •tid; sales of 57,000 bushels in small lots at 1a7543 for new western afloat. Rice quiet. toffee in fair request; sales of 1,200 bags ; , rdo at private terms. Sugar . Tess active; ;. Ides of 450 hogsheads Muscovado at pri "• :Ste terms. Hope quiet at 15a23 for Amer tan.Petroleum firrnei;' crude, 18e; re. 223,re. bonded. Linseed oil scarcely firm, with a moderate business, atsl,o2 Provisions—Pork tn moderate de and; sales of 1,850 barrels at $28,35a28,75 ' mess; closing at $28,35 regular; $28,35a 3,37 for old do; $23,75a24,25f0r prime; $26,25, ;16,50 for prime mess. Beef dull; sales of ' YS barrels at $13a21:450 for new plain mess; ...". ihD,50a24,75 for new extra mess. Tierce pef dull at $21823 for. prime mess; pa 36: India mess. Beef hams are ,lower, bbls sold $20a28. Cut Meats ,are heavy; ides 170 pkgs at 12a12,34c; shoulders, 13a19e; ms middles are - dull and heavy. Lard easy and 'sales were made of 57d tiefces ~ 19a20r,c for steam; 29Xa20y,0 for kettle t3ndered. Butter is dad and firmer at 37a 5c for Ohio; 40a48e for State. Cheese is all at 13a17c. Freights to Liverpool are • ,ecidedly firmer, and engagements of 30,- .10 bush of Wheat at 634a735ci. per sail'and • ?a9d. per steam have been made; the losing figures were 83Sd per steam, askedr ,ILA.T.Ser--Fiour heavy and, beide .lower , 1r common and medium. Wheat very dull id nominally 2a3e. lower for Spring.' A lonely in Liverpool ' and Ocean freights ;-, lonely checked the export demand. Aye : 411 at $1,4734a1,50. Oats heavy at 74• for `-“'estern. Corn lower and dull at $1,14a %fa for unsound and 11,1734a1,18 for un :,rund mixed western afloat. Pork dull; .tea 250 barrels Mess at $28,25. check next esday, and more offered at same figures • thout buyers:Beef quiet and unchanged. I,llt, Meats quiet and in buyers favor. -Be ,- dull and drooping. Lard heavy at MN • ; for fair to prime steam. Eggs steady 327' . . Chicago Market: ... 4 , Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) :.,. • Hicaoo, Septembor 25.—Eastern Ex '..- ange unchanged. Flour in better de c nd at .51,25a8,00 for spring extras: ~, heat opened firmer and higher, but sub .' nanny weakened, and closed at $1,45X :• iti No. 2; saes of No. 1 at $1,51a1,54, and ..,'. 2at $1,45Na1,433( 4 ; sales of No. 2 since - Zange at $1.46. Corn in fair - speculative : • mand, and lc lower; No. 2 dull and 15,ic :- ,45ter; sales No. 1 at 91a92c,N042 80a2,803c, .. tjected 1380; closing at 91 1 4a91,0 for No. 1; lt..iles this afternoon of No. 1 at 91a9130. . '.';',..ts steadylit - 52V,a52gc for No - . , l, and ' $5051 for rejected, closing at 52a52y0. .ye dull and. c lower; sales No. lat -, 17a1,18, No. tat $1,14, closing nominal • 441,17% for;No. 1,, and - $1,14 for No. 2. Ikrley mofe active; sales at $1,75a1,80 for ', Itp. 2, and $1,57a1.60 for rejected, closing at 477a1,77M..f0r.N0. 2. .Bighwines steady ..•' . 9 rgth sales of free al $1,40a1,45. Provisions ,let Mess Pork solds2Ba29, at and closed • -. $2B for ordinary brands. . Bulk meats ~ active. -Dry salted shoulders nominal at vp for loose. Lard nominal at 18;4c. !ice freights Eready and. unchanged. Re . Ots for the past twenty-four hours; Flour, , ,i 1,418 bbl-;, _whew, 110,485 bush; corn 75,- j bush; oats, 104,781; hogs, 3,815 bead. , :4ipments: Flour, 7,808 bbls; wheat, 119,- 0 bush; co n, 48,827, bush; oats, 181,579 . P:h; hogs, 7,498 head: . 1 ti Louisville Market. •• 1, 4 7 Telegraph to the Plttsbureh Gazette.] Csiorrisviu.B. September' 25.—Tobacco; , iles of 31 hhds; lugs 86,50.19,95; medluin b,75; calling leaf $14a15. Four; superfine 475a7,00. :3 4 Theat1i1,9532,00. Corn 94a950: kts 53a556: 'Bye $1,40,1445. Barley; ping p,05a2,10.• , Mess Pork , 1f29. Lard Na193 , 40.1_. Bacon; shoulder" '12,,ia13c; ar rib ;sides:l.6;ols3o; clear sides 1614 a 44c. Bulk Meats; shoulders 1134 c; clear Iles 15yal5Mc. Whi4ity; raw free $1,45. 4 Detroit Market • ft Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) .c:DETROTT; ,SeptOnlbor 25.—Flour In im ved demand tot" choice brands, which !..3 rather firmer at $10a1(1,50. Wheat; "stern orders .for No. 1 white not yet fed; steady at $2;23;. No. 2 Ilinter;. $2,05 , sfered: sales 8,000 bps No. 1 amber at 2; p close ".31,99 offered. Barley higher at 40 per cwt. • - Cincinnati Market. Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Casette.: CINCINNATI, September 25.—Plour and. Wheat unchanged and quiet. Corn higher, closing at $1"1,03 and supply light. Oats advanced t , ), 60aiiic for No. 1 F ood. Rye quiet at 51,35. Barley, supply light and in go,,d demand at $2a2,02 for spring, $2,35a 2,45 fall. Cotton dull and nothing doing. Tobacco firm and in lair demand. Whisky dull and decliningonot''saleable at better than 51,00 at close. Mess Pork in specula tive demand at $28,75, holders' asking 529 at close! Bulk shoulders sold to the ex tent of 200,000 lbs at 10 an advance of y ‘ c. Sides held at 16c, but no demand. Bacon firmer; shoulders 12 1 /01234c; sides 15a16c; clear rib and clear sugar cured hams dull at 19a20c. Lard quiet and firmly held at 20e, though it could not be sold to any ex-, tent at 19c; the stock here is estimated at 2,000 tierces. Butter firm, with a light sup. ply at 35.a40c. Eggs dull and drooping at 25c, the outside rate. Linseed oil dull at $l,OB. Lard oil firm at $1,45a1,50. Apples in good! demand at •$4a5,50 per bbl for good. Peachei out of the market and season end ed. Gold 1413' buying. Exchange firm at pent ar bilying. Money Market easy at Balo per c. Ist. Louts Market. (Br Teiriraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. ST. Louis, Sept. 25.—Tobacco; nothing on the market. Hemp flat; small sales un-' dressed at $1,30. Flour firmer and more ddmand for super and lower grades; sales super at $5,50a6,30; extra $6,50a7,25; double extra $7,50a8,25; triple extra to fancy s9al2. Wheat inactive and unchanged; prime to strictly prime fall $4,90a2,08; choice to fan cy $2,15a2,3(); spring sold at $1,48a1,52 for fair. and $1;55 for 6hoice. Corn firm but demand light; mixed and yellow 94c; white 95a98c —latter for, faney. Oats 'heavy, drooping and unchanged,at $1,80a1,92% for prime to choice, $2,10 for bright Missouri, and $2,50 fa. choice fall: Rye, pretty firm for, round lots at $1,15a1,18. Pork steady at $29. Bacon held firmly at 12W11234c for shoulders; and 15)0161/0 for old and new clear sides. Sugar Cured Hams 19c in a small way; 19a19 for choice tierce and 2034 c for keg. Whisky pretty firm at $1,50 for small lots; $1,45 offered for round lots. Itfteipts—Flour, 3.159 bbls; wheat, 20,600 bush; c0rn,360 bush; oats, 17,400 bush; rye, 880 bush; arley, 9,000 bush. Toledo Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] TOLEDO, September 25.--Flour; sales of white wheat at , $11,25. Wheat a shade lower; sales of white Wabash at 62,54; white Michigan at 52,12; No 2do at $2; amber Michigan at $2,003fa2,01; sellers for Sep tember at $2,01; buyers do, $2,01; sellers for October at $2; No 1 red winter at $2,01; No 2do at $1,85; No 3do at $1,68; , No 1 spring at $1.63; 'No 2 do at $1,53; No 6do $1,48. Corn lc lower; sales of No 1 at 51; yellow, $1,03. Oats lc lower; sales of No lat 57%a 58c. Rye unchanged; $1,26 for No 1. Bar ley steady at 51,73 for State; $1,85 for Cana da. Lake freights dull; 50 to Buffalo 9c to Oswego and 110 to Oswego. Philadelphia Market. (By Telegraph to the Plttabargh Gazette.) PHILADELPHIA, September 25.—Petro leum .excited‘ and higher; crude in bulk 16, 1 /016Mc; sales of 10,000 bbls of refined at , 33c on the spot and 3234 c for October deliv ery. Flour firmer and the demand limited; new spring wheat extra family 89,25a9,50; old do. $9,75a10,25;. winter sloal2. Wheat in limited demand; red 52,25a2,30; amber $2,35. Bye steady, at $1,50 for western and $1,40 for Southern. Corn quiet; yellow $1,28a1,30; mixed western $1,27a1,28, Oats steady at 75a77c. Groceries and Provisions unchanged. Milwaukee Market. [By Telegraph W the Pittsburgh Gazette.l MILWAUKEE, September 25.—Flour dull and weak and prices unchanged. Wheat active and lciwer, at $1,55X for No. 1 in store and $1,4510 for No. 2. Oats lower, at 5434 c for No. 2. Corn quiet and steady, at SI,OQ for No. 2.. Receipts--4,000 bbls flour -129,00_0 bush wheat; 3,000 bush oats; 30,000 bush' corn. Shipments-0,000 bbls• flour; 134,000 bush wheat; 20C bush oats; 1,000 bush corn. St. Lot& Cattle Market. CBI Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette Sr. Louis, Septemher 25.—Cattle in mederate supply at unchanged prices, rang ing at 12,50a6,50 gross for inferior to choice. Sheep $3,50a5,00 per head for good to choice. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AND . Prrrenußea RAIL - ROAD,, September 25.-2-cars iron ore, Hussey, Wells dc Co; 5 do pig iron, Nimick dr, Co; Ido doi Zug & Co; 1 do - .do, Reese, Graff t Dull 1 do shingles, B S Schmidt ,t Co; Ido lumber, W W Rigdon & Co: Ido barley, L Manning; 2 ears oats, Z Wain wright; 1 car corn,Guckenheimer & Bro; 6 cars sand, Dlthride & Son; 2 kgs washeri, Jai Wood & Co; 1 keg powder, John Ken nedy; 30 cast iron reservoirs, Moorhead & Co; 22 bbls green apples, Vangorder &, Shepard; 2 casks' glassware, Attenbury do Co; 55 bdls spokes, J Herdman & Son; 2 bbis eggs, Morrison & Devol; 9 bales hay. McCune de, Bro; 1 car fire clay, 8 M Kier; 1 bbl quinces, T Duff; 5 bbls apples ' Graff & Reiter; 12 do do, Volgt, Mahood dr Co; 18 coils rope, Godfrey & Clark; 5 bbls vinegar, J Seibert; 26 sks rye, 12 do oats, W J Meek; 14 bbls apples, 4 do cider, Dieker & Speck; 4 do quinces, J J Pettit. • . ALLEGHENY STATION, September 25.- 4 bbls eggs, Kohen dr, Bro; 10 bbla apples, J.'hn Herbert; 1 car flaxsee, M B Suydam; 214 aks oats. C Moreland; 1 tar shingle% C C Boyle & Co;-13 bales cotton, A H Childs do Co; 2 cars barley, J Rhodes dr. Co; 34 foils leather, J Eisenbeis; 1 car shingles, F Reeder; 75 bbls apples, Fred Owens; 1 car lumber, J H Jenks; 1 do corn,l6 aks flax seed, 15 do rye, R Knox &. Son; 3 caddies tobacco, E Gleason; 8 bag candles, 10 do s ap, G. Smalley; 11 ions leather, H A Friend; 119 aks barley, M Weil; 25 aks oats, 200 bbls ft Jur, J. B. McKee: 750 pigs Beymer, Bauman & Co; 166 green hides, A J. Groetzinger; 40 eke flour, Kohen & Bro; 5 rolls leather, J Canary; 1 car shingles, McCurdy & McGinniss; 40 bola flour, 1 car corn, Stewart dc Langenheitn; 2 bbls eggs, R &lAorson; 17 bgs flaxseed, M B Snyder:* 2 cats lumber, Jas Moßriar; Ido do, Smt h'& Creswell; 1 car iron ore, Rogers & Burchfield; 1 car oats, M Eteel & Son; 1 do millfeed, H M Henderson. • lITTEBURGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. September 26.-12 cars inttal, Nimick & C0;,15 tea lard, 25 do haus, J H Parker; 25 kgs lard, W B Hays dr, Son; 2 hhds meat, F Sellers & Co; 9 bbls apples, 2. kgs butter, H Rea Jr; 12 do do, W H Graff do Co; 1 car lumber, John Nanz; 82 dozen brooms, Jas Connor; 2OB ska oats, Dean de Patterson; 35 1 pkgs gas pipe, Spang, Chal fant & Co; 20 pkgs fish, Wm Cooper Jr Co; 47 bra cheese; N J Braden; 8 do do, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 15 bbls apples, Wood worth Jr.Davison; 5 do do, Vangorder & Shenard; lot carriage hardware, M Mc. •Whinney Jr Co; 10 doz brooms, R Robison C0;.16 tubs butter, 9 kgs - apple butter, 1 do lard, Graff & .Reiter; 14 bbls apples, II Rea Jr. PITTSBURGH, OINOTNNA.TI AND ST. Loots RAILROAD, September 26-1 car rye, Watt, Lang & Co; 1 do oats, H Schnelback, Ido do, D Wallace; I do barley, J B McKee; 1 do staves, W Hastings; 100 Wile flour, Culp dt, Shepard; 3do tallow,,lsalah • Dickey & Co; 20 bbls apples, H Rea Jr; '96 do do, 17 tubs butter, W H Graff& Co; , 8 bbls pota toes, 6do ap ples, ll•leanor r, dr, Harper; 80 bp oats, oats, W H Hagan; 114 do barley, J M Mil ler; 2 bbls apples, 3 do clder.l7.4ra.ff&, Baiter; 34 sks barley, Robb k Herron; 80 io do, m o genry dr. Hood;,10 bbls apples, J J Pet tit; 7do do, F G.Craighead; 10 bbls a • les, i ill C Jenkins' ' '.l PykLtu ba r ec a a' A j lL P E,O re A t n Z . fi' lide*P ALLEolfillfir tember , 2s.-2 bbls eggs, Knox & Orr; • sks rye, a R ea jr; 10 ,pks butter and eg . • , A" W Beer; 8 bbls meat, P Sellers &Co; 2 pkgs butter and-eggs, Reed & Henry; 4 do do, J D Stta)use • ; 2do do, 13 Bisbee; 4 cars r fetal, 'cKnight, Porter dc Co: 47 bgs eats, Siett dr GiSA 2 bids eggs, I box butter, Pat erten ft an; 1 bbl oil, Harris & Ewing. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1868. (By Telegraph to the Plttabarah Oazette.l CLEVELAND, September 25.—Flour; city made held at110a10,25 for XX spring; $ll a 11,25 for XX red winter; country brands quiet at $9a10,00 for for XX spring;,s9,soa 10,50 for XX red winter; $11,60a12,50 for XX white. Wheat; sales 3 cars No. 1 red at 51,99; 1 car No. 2 do., $1,85. Corn held at $1,06. Oats; sales at -62 c, seller October.' Rye held at $1,35. Barley firm and better for No. 1; held at $1,80a1,93 for- State and Canada. Petroleum very firm and the de.' mand active; refined held at 23a29c; trade' lots at 30a31c. • t Baltimore Market. - By Telegraoh to the Pittsbarch Gazette.] BALTIMORE, September 25.—Flour more active; sales superfine $8,2518,00, extra $10a11,75, do family $12a12,50, City Mills superfine $8,50a8,75, do extra $9,75, do family $12,25a13,00, western superfine 87,50 a 8,25, do extra $9,25a10,25. Wheat firm; sales of good to prime at $2.25a2,60. Corn firm; sales of white at $1,18a1,20, and yel low $1.27. Oats dull at 65a75c. Rye firm at51,50a1,55. Provisions firm. Mess pork $30,50. Bacon: rib sides 16y,c; clear do 16 c; shoulders 113Nc. Hams 213 c. Lard 2(Ne. Our rivers under the influence of the re cont rains are rising rapidly, and we should not be surprised to see them almost bank full by to-morrow. Here it has rain ed almost without cessation for forty-eight hours, and from all that we can learn, the rain has been general. We look'', for more water out of both the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers, and we should not be surprised to find twenty feet in the chan nel to-day. There has been no,arrivals or•departures aside from the local packets since our last report. The J. N. McCullough from Cin cinnati was dualast night and will doubt less be found in port this morning. The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brennan, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving promptly at noon. The Ida Rees No. 2, Capt. Albert, is an nounced to leave for Cairo and Memphis, and all intermediate points to-day. The Kate Putnam, Capt. Geo. W. Reed, will positively' take her' departure for St. Louis to-day, and passengers and shippers should bear this in mind. Messrs. Young and Harbison are associated together in the office. We have some few additional particulars in regard to the collision between the Ingo- mar and towboat Antelope. Several of the Antelopo's barges were considerably in jured, as was also the Ingomar. The last named boat should have left here for Parkersburg yesterday. On Wednesday night 'last four boats loaded with coal, moored a short distance abov,e Dam No. 1, broke loose, and were carried over the dam, and completely wrecked. The boats were struck by the wreck of a sunken barge; which drifted against them and parted their lines. —the Lorena and Maggie Hays were Thuloadin ad g at Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on v. —Capt. Morris, recently drowned from the tow-boat Baltic, re.idod at Batten, 0., on the Ft. Wayne Railroad. —The steamer Wild Duck and barges load at Carondelet, Mo., with 4000 tons of iron ore for Steubenville, Oh.o. —The Upper Mississippi newspapers have articles on the steamboat race, which is now going on. The excitement is in- • creasing. —The Board of Aldermen, at Memphis, have repealed the ordinance discriminae lug againtit outside boats in collecting wharfage. —The Camelia and Glendale, en route from St. Louis to Pittsburgh, and the Mes senger, en route from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, wel at Evansville on Wednes day. —The Coal Hill. Greyhound and Stella left Louisville for below, on Monday, with tows of coal. The two former passed through the' canal and the latter over the falls. —Marshal Irwin sold the Rochester, With her engine, furniture, tackle, at Wheeling, on Tuesday, for $1,550. The purchaser was a gentleman from Pitts burgh. I —Gen. Ed. C. McCook has been 'appoint• ed internal Revenue Collector for the Eighth District of Illinois.l Ed. was a smart boy while a pilot and assistant clerk, beforethe war, on Illinois River steam boats, and has progressed astonishingly. Capt. Jno. Lowry, one of the oldest of Illi nois boatmen quit the river some months ago now carries on a distillery at 8i0..)m -ington. —The Cincinnati Eirquirer says: Capt. A. Q. Ross returned tidy morning from his visit to the principal river towns, between this city and' Cairo, where he has been to ask the co-operation of the authorities and others of said cities in 'he proposed Con pressional excursion. His mission was en tirely successful. Louisville, Evansville, Paducah and Cairo have appointed to meet the Central Committee. —The New Orleans Crescent,' of Sunday, says: Yesterday brought to a close the third week of the commercial year 1868, and judging from the amount of business transacted thus far, the present promises to eclipse any business season since the termination of the late war. Despite low water, Radical legislation, and a hundred other minor depressing' circumstances, the future looks quite promising to steam boatmen. —A St. Louis telegram save: Every boat that arrives from the Upper Mississip- pi has a big trip of freight, and a liberal number of passengers. From the Missouri In consequence of low water, not much can be brought, and trade is rathpt _ dull, caus ing some of the larger boats to withdraUrc Offerings for N. 0., Memphis, and • all the lower river pointa are largely in excess of what they have been for a long time; and almost every boat from here tukea tt full load. —An Evansvilloi4 exchange says: T. P. Agnew, chief engineer of the J. P. Webb, is in the city. 'He attributes the accident to the too great confidence of the falls pi.ot, Wm. Varble, who thought to bring the beat through without troubling the en s neer to back up,'as is the habit generally. When he discovered be Was about to fail, it was too late to save her. The engines were in first rate order, and never worked better. The second engineer was at one engine the striker at the other and Mr. Ag new himself at the throttle,'and every bell was answered promptly. There is an-old adage. "It is never dangerous tbe safe " awl Billy - Varble's reputation 'as a falls' pilot; is so well established that he could well 'afford to take every precaution. Pink Varble can't well be improved upon, and he, it spill be remembered,lost a boat of his own a year or two ago. Agnew and his assistants left the engines when the water began running over the main deck, and had a tight race to beat it to hurricane deck. Rivera and Weather. (By Telegraph to the Pltteburich Osiette.l Lomsmits, September 2.s.—The river is rising very fast, with eight feet six inches in the canal by mark. weathur cloudy and cold. • LITHOGRAPHERS. SINGERLY QINGERLY &,CLEIS, Successors fo 6EO. F. CHUMI - AlfiN &CO:, " • • • PRA erfillAL- 1,11:11 011i.UA PH PR.P.4. The only :Steam Lith4graplite Establishment 'West of the hfouatalus. Ilbalness• Cards,. Let.l;4a• Itraas: f lionds, babel', Circulars, Show Cards, IllsnoMas, Portraits, VieWS, COrftileatOS of Depollitd, Lima. tton Cards. to., N.,S. awl VA- straet„ klitabutial. • =I -, Cleveland Market. IVER NEWS STEADIEBOATS. EnTTsBURGII, WH EELING, Marietta and Parkersburg Line, Leave COmpany's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, AT 12 ISI MONDAYS AND TIItiRSDAYS, BAYARD k WEDNESDAYS AND 5 GREY EAGLF C. L Frelgt i t will be recelrol st al sel4 JAMES REGULREGULAR EXP PACKET FOR ST. L AR steamer BELL E VERNON Will leave for above and in MONDAY, 28011. For freight or paseage appl FLACK & COLL VOR' EVANSVI .12 CAIRO. AND ST. LO Hue steamer RATE PUTNAM Will leave for above and In • THIS HAT, a For freight or passage anol JOHN FLA ' se= J. D. CULL.!' - FOR CINCINNAT I } inVll.l.l: AND. MEM The splendid steamer IDA REES No. , i 2 Ca, JAL. Will leave for above and all , THIS DAY.-2 P. 14, For freight or passage apply COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J. L. DILLINGEB..... '...............A. E. STETZEpON. DELI MER & STEVENSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RECEIVE AND SELL All Kinds of Country Produce. All for Merchandise promptly filled. at LOWEST market rates. Particul a attention given tu the sale of confidentggs. Cheese, Dried Pratte, &c, We feel 'bat we can give entire sat isfaction, by making QUICK SALES and PROMPT nr„- TURNS. at HIGHEST MARKET PRICES, and therefore re*nectftilly solicit your consignments. All corm. spondence answered promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. Orate in store and to arrive daily. anal:t7ll WATT, LANG & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries. Floor. Grain, Prodnee, Pro visions,Fish,Cheese, Carbon Nos. 179 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. nod:nts J. B. CAN`FIELD & ....A. T. CAN - FIELD. 4. B. CANFIELD .SON, COM . MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale eiders in Goshen, Factory. Hamburg and W. R. Cheese, Butter, Lard, Poi It, Bacon, Inoue, Flab, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl and &.d& Ashes. White Lime. Linseed, Lard. Coal and Car bon Oils, No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. _____ DI. STEILLZ lor STEELE & SON, Commiasion Merchants, AND DEALERS IN PI,C)ITIL GRAIN, FEED, ate. No. 95 OHIO STREEI near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES B. If 'CANOE. JO5. HARP Et MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION IVIERCHA.NTS 320 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH Consignments solicited ItarknzncEs—J. G. Martin, Cathler Meehanks , National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy & Bro. ja31:124 MLR KIM • JAB. F. ItICHAVI. Tr ELL & RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DIALZRB IN FLOUR, DRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, de., de., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, my2l:W7 L T J. BLANCHARD, L. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No." 398 PENN STREET. aplB:xlie IMMIMMEI MQlio= COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, - ORAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 14t WATER STREET, above Smithfield. Pittsburg/1. FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AID 00111113SION MISOHANTB, For the sale otillour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 10 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. felning House., .WM. H. Howls, tiOHlgir I. HOUSE & auc•• cessors to JOHN L HOUSE 4/. CO., wholesale racers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. RIDDLE, NO. 183 LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission Mer c ant and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vance erallyd on Consignments, and paid for Produce gen . aull RODS. =COX ANDREW KNOX. 4 KNOX & SON, COMMISSION .1. - ERCHANTI3 and dealers in FLOUft, GRAIN , L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City. ja17:09. XrrrLE, BAIRD - Sc . PATTON, Wholesale Grocers Commission Merchants and eaters In Produce, Flour, , Bacon, Cheese, Flab, Carbon, and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manuractures generally, 1151 and 114 SECOND EMMET. Pittsburgh. JOHN 811(IPTON A WALLACIL HEPTON&WALLACESWHOLE SALE 0 ROC EEIS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, o. 8 SIXTH STREET, PRtsburcb. lal2:rEB ~~~ ~ ~ ~ • • CONTIIOLLXIVB OFFICZ,_ i CITY or ALLEGHENY, Sept. ESL 1009. EALED PROPOSALS Will , be received at this once until .3 o'clock r. M., on ONDAY, 281.11/118t., for Wading and Paving ST. CLAIR StBEET, from Tremont alley to Bor land alley; BEECH STitEET, from 'Allegheny avenue to Ir win avenue; CHESNUT STREET. from Third to O'Hara street RACE ALLEY, fromisatiella street to - Bose alley. Also, for Gradlnir,only— , REL'uti , S ALLEY Irons the north terminu sof thtelds alley to th e Perrysville plank road. DEVINE ALI.EY. In the Fif h ward. FRAZIER KTREET. In OP tl.O ward. . •Proxies and a ecideations can he seen in the office of CHAS. DAVIS, Esq., City Engineer. R. B. FRANCIS, ii:x97 CIFFICL CITY ENOINZICH AND renivireon, I Pirranimuu. Sept. Al. DIM f XOTICE.—The Assessment for Grading, Paving and Curbing OfiALLMAN .vE KT, from Smith to i aylor atrt. , et. is now ready for cramlnatlon, and can be ••wn at Ms Wee until, TillittSDAY, trot. let. INGI3, when It will be re f turned to tbo City TrOl 411rer , -. °nice for collection. ae2i:xts7 .. Tl..r. mixnty, City Lc glover. uvrics or CFI'," ENGINNCit AND NUILVEYON. / Pittsburgh, tent. 21. HOS. PMkrOTICE.--The assessment for - the Boardwalk on Pennsylvania avenue, from land Station to tbe Tull tiate, in row ready for examination. and eau be lven at this Melee -until THURSDAY, ()Mule r 1 t. ISIDI. when It will be re turned to tau City Tre *sure ea °dive fur collection. 5e21:186 _ It. 4 :.. M90n.E. City En Weer. the he that be Reporisq View pNE:torisy ere t dr OPENING PERRY s p•NEKT, ciTbr Ane. timoy,Aos been pled at No. 510$11 , Novemtter Tern!, ANON, District Court, for col:Mutation. J.. C. IIicCORIBS, City Solicitor. = McDONALD ALLEY., Nol lee tI hereby given that t port fur OvsNlNu. tiletiONALD ward. Allegheny CItIN tine been Nov. Tenn,lb6B, District Court to 1. C. BIeCOUBS, MEM MCFADDEN STREET. Notice Is heroby {si ren that th port to the matter of WMENliiit fiTitEET. Eighth ward. Allegheny Met at ?10.18.03,..lioveutber Teem,; Court, for confirmation. J. V. ZdeComoßs'il I= HERNIA OR RUPTURE. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cored. Hernia or Rupture cured. 115/lEPHERD, Master TIIRDANS, iInENNAx, Master I boors by OLLINS, Agent. Hernia or Rupture eared. . I !fern's or Rapt:are cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture eared. ' ESSz t gMg Utz.- Hernia or Rupture cured. iCapt. JNO. DARRAIL ermedlate ports on st.--t- r. Y. I{ J , on board or to NOWOOD. Agents. L L lE,z i aat IS.—The ...Capt. G. W. REED, ermed late ports on 4 D. sr. on board or to IN GWOOD, Agents ILOU :si giGt I ins. ,t UEO. W. ALBERT, Jerk, Fay points on k positively. board. selB Marsh , . Radical Cure Truss. Ritter's Patent Trusi. Fitch , 4 Supporter Trues. Self-Adansting Trlus. Dr. Bacining , s Lace or Body Brace, for the cure of Prolapses Uteri. Piles, Abdominal and Spinal Weaknesses. Dr. S. S. Fit eti , s Silver-plated Supporter Pile Props. for the support and care of Piles. Elastic Stockings, for weak and varicose veins. Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee joints Ankle Supporters, for weak knee joints. Suspensory Bandages. Sold at Dr. SEISMS, 140 Wood St =1 At Dr. KEYSER'S, 140 Wood Street. sir Drug Store; No. 140 WOOD STREET, sign of the Golden Mortar. Persons writing for Trusses should send the number.of Inches around the body Immediately over the rupture Sr DEL KEYSER. will give bl personal atten ion to the application of Trusses la adults and J. R. AJTJ23. children, and he b satisfied that, with an experience of twenty years, he will be enabled to eve astlafto DISEASED LUNGS. There is no doubt whatever that diseases of the nags, or ulcers of whatever sort, on any of the in- ternal organs may be, and are frequently cured, and • complete condition of health eatabliabed. If the elaborative ll:tactical'. Gl' which the stomach is the primary and moat Important one, are restored to a condition to do the repairing of the human system, ulcers or sores, whether upon the lunge, the liver, he kidneys or the bowels, or upon the legs, as • - frequently the ease, can be made to heal, and a corn plete standard of health re-eatabllshed. We have frequently teen these results - from the use of Dr. KEYSER'S LIINd CURE, a pleasant and agreeable medicine, which will ripen up and carry ant of the animal economy all effete and used up material. Dr. B. says that be has known the most distressing and harassing coughs, 'whose albra- tions would threaten to shake the whole constltu- tlon to pieces, removed In the course oTa few days In Wog standing cases of constimiition, or of other sometimes fatal, but always tionblesome and annoy- ing maladies, known a■ catarrh,-chronic bronchitis, trachitls or pharyngitis, it 11 s wonderthl alloirla- tang medicine In the former and a sere cure In the latter disease Dn. liCsyszwe LONG CI7III IR :E.Freratur.D BY BONN Or TILE EOST VALUABLE PLANTS AND HEISBe KNOWN TORE USZEUL AND CURATIVE. IN ALL DIME- BIODATILO STARTS OP TUE BOMAN BLOOD, and City Controller whilst it adds to its plasma, it lit the same time stimulates, gently but etteeUvely, the akin, the kidneys, the Liver and the glinnlar syStem to min- lent action to enable the body to take on healthful ER lion and eradicate the Meese°. The elek and af• dieted should bear la Inlad the 'virtues of this great medicine, and II those 'who are sufficiently alive to the Importance of he/Ith, will resort to It In the beginning of a cough or cold, there would bo no failing' Into declines 'and rapid consumption, eo hopeleul7 incurable and so mos& surely fatal. Sold by the gross, dozen or slngto bottle, at Dr. Keyser's Great Medicine. Store, LLEY, Sixth : d At No. 291, confirms Ltun. 1 01 plIeltor. DR. }KEYSER'S RESIDENT OFFICE for L EXAMINA.TION3 AND TUE TRICA.TIIENT Viewers , Ro. bletertlEN been 884, ,Lbstrict OBSTINAI L CIIIIONIC DISEASES, IEO PEN 811'1:16ET, PITTSMIRGII, PA. 01Mee boom from at. until 4r. at Solie Igor. Amain VW, iSal. ' MEDICAL Rupture or Hernia cured. Itupture or Hernia eared Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia Cured Rupture or Hernia cured. Rapture or Hernia Cured Rapture or Hernial cured SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES SELF-INJECTING 13YRISiGES. SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES Also, every kind of Syringes SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, A dozen different' kinds A dozen different kinds A dozen different kinds 140 Wood Street. RAILROADS. - - - - 1011ITTSB1URGR and -.- star . .L CONNELLSVILLE R. E. • • Ol ind after THURSDAY, March sth, 1868 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, ilOr ner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: Depart. Arrive. • Mall to and from UnionVn. 7:00 A. M. 6:00 F. 34 McKeesport Accommodt'n.ll:oo A. M. 2:05 p. Ex. to and from Uniont•n• 3:00 r. 2. 10:00 A. Me West Newton d' 2. 8:35 A. itio Braddock's Acco Acconnno mmodarn n 6:15 p. sr. 7:50 P. M. Night Ace, to Meliecsoort.lo:3o P. M. 6:40 A, Y. Sunday Church Train to and from 'West Newton 1:00 P. M. /0:00 A. X I For tickets apply t 3 ' W. N. STOUT. Snperint,mi.lm. Agent. p.N KING, mIUS LITTSBURGH,Ogium CLNCINNATI AND ST. B RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE OF 'ITMIC.—On and after SUD . Sent. 13th, 1868, trains will leave and arriv e AY " Union Depot, as follows, rlftsburgli time: " the . D 2:18 a. epart. m. 1 11 4 "1 :13 131 :4 M. 9:43 a. m. 2:18 p. m. MWErimm Fast Line Fast Expresi 2 :3 8 P. m. 11:43 a. se. Mixed Way 6:13 a. m. 6:38 p.m. McDonald 's Ace's:, No. 1.. 11:43 a. m. 3:03p. 11. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:58 p. m. 9:33 a. m. McDonald's Acc`n, No. 2.. 5:28 p.m. 9:23 a. m, Sir 2:3S P. Express will leave'daliy. 11:23 A. M. Express will arrive daily. The 9:43 a. m. Train leaves daily, stindhys ex. cepted, and makes clod° connections al Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, • Mansfield & Newark R. R. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Snp't., Steubenville. • eIIIANGE of aLEGIMENY VALLEY RAILROAD. On and after WEDNESDAY, 7:25 P.M. August 12th, 186 S, TWO TRAINS DAILy, will leave Pittsburgh Station, corner Pike and Cital street% for Franklin, 011 City, Buffalo, and all tudata to the Oil Regions. LEAVE FITTSBITn.OII. IAnItrVE IN PITTSBI7ItOH. Mali 8:05 a m Mail" ...... 4:50p in Express ... . . 7:250 m Express........ 6:05 ana Brady'Sß'dAc 3:25p m I B-adys Ird Ac 10:20 ain lst soda Work s Ilst Soda Works Accomod'n.. 11:00 am, Accotnoda'n'. 7:50 a 2d Soda Works 12d Soda Works Accomod"n .. 5:20p mi Accomodu'n. 2:50 pm Mixed Way T'n 6:20 a m I Mixed Way T"n 8:25 HultonA.cc'n.. 6:20 a MlHulton Acc , n.. 8:35 a m !Armstrong Ac. 6:20 p m • Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 r. m. Ar rive In Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. 31. Passengers taking express train have but one change of cars bt tween Pittsburgb;•Buffalo and Oil Regions. 'Mall and Express Tratns • stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and AcCommodadon trains stop at all stations. THOMAS If. KING, Ass't. $n lull W. FOSTER HOPE. Ticket Agent.. lull 11rWESTERN PENN.ammo - SYLVANIA. RAIL —On and after Sept. 13th, 1888. the Pu. senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ball-, road will arrive at and depart from the Indent Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: Arrive. Springer., No I 8:35 a m Depart. 7:00 a at Freeport No. I 13:20 is m Freeport No.l 9.05 am Express 10:10 a m Sharpb'g No.111:20 am Sharpb'g No.l 1:25 p m Express 2:20 pm Freeport No. 2 4:10 p m Springd'e No 1 3:30 pm- Mall 5:55 p m Yreeport No. 2 s:ido p m Springd'e No 2 8:45 p m Snringd'e No 2 7:10 pm Atarye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junct. every Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Junct. at 5:45 p.m.' COXIMT.ATIOR Tlcroms7For sale .1n packages of Twenty, between Allegben3t City, Chestnut street, Herr's Bennett, Plne Cree st o pping Sharpsbarg, and go od only on the trains at Stations spe cited on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. m. and 2:20 P. E. make direct connection ut Freeport with Walker', line ofStages for Butler and Hannah,. town. Through tickets may be purchased at , the (Mice, No. 3 St. Clair street,l near sue Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply to JAXES - LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any risk foreaggage, except for wearing ap parel, and llmit thel. responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding this amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAM. elB Einnerintendent, Altoona. Pa. KENNSY LVANLlaggiwili CENTRAL RAILROAD. and after Sept, 13th, 1868, Trains will Ir. rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. Depart. Mail Train.... 1:15 am, Day Express.. 21:25 ant Fast Line 1:40 am' Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 am WalPs No. 1.. 62,0 a mi3lall Traln 'Derry Acen.. 7:50 aat I•Cincinnati . Ex 11:40 a m Wail's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Waifs No. 2.. 11:51 a m Cincinnati En. 9:10 am ! Johnstown Ac. 3:ospm Johnstown Ac.10:35 am I Braddock. Not 4:00 pm Baltimore Ex. 1:30 p m Phila. Expres. 4:'50 pin Phila. Express 1:50 pm Wall's No. 3.. 5:10 pm Wall's N 0.3... 2'16 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Braddock. Not 6:00 p m Fast Line 7:30 pm Wall's No. 4. 7:15 nm Derry Acc'n.. 8:50 pia Bradtke No 2. 12:40 an , isradk's no 2 10:50 pm Wu Passenger p Passenger 5:30 m The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. so:, reaching Pittsburgh at 1005 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:511p. m. and arrly es at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. m. *Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other train s daily except Sun day. For further information apply to W. H. BECKWITH', Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap. pare', and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. Ali Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk oft he stwner, un leo taken by special contract. EDWARD WTLL sel4 General A n t Superintende, Altocali. 1113 PMHT, PORT WAYNE & CHICAGO R. W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH It. R. From Sept. 13th. 1868, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, city time, as follows: Leave. Arrive. Chicago Ex.... 2:03 aln Chicago 2:08 ata CleveiandEx - .. 203 niCleveland Ex. 208 a m Erie & rgn/Pl 7:28 a m!ChicsgoEx.... 11:23 a m Cl. & Wh2g.ll'l 6:13 a m;Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a m Chicago Mall.. 6:68 a mISt. Louis Ex.. 3:33 p Chicagp_l . cx.... 9:43 a Cl.pil & Wh'g 4-:08 pm Cl. & WhAt Ex. 2:13p m!Erie & Yir'n Ex 6:13 pm Chlcago .. R :28 p miChicago Ex.... 4:23 p m Wh. &Erle 4:4811:x.1C'. & 'Mfg Ex 6:53 p m Depart from Allegheny. Arrive to Alleghen_ y. hj.BrlgtnAo• 8:58 miN. - Brigt`n AF : 7:03 a m Leetsdale m l Brigt'n 8:28 am ml% " 8:53 aln Rochester " 1:33 p m New' Castle " 10:13 a m Welisve Ace.. 3:43 pm ;Leetsdale. " 9:13 am Leetsdale Acc. 4:13 pmj '• " 1:08 pm N. Brigt'n " • 5:33p mIN. Brigt'n " 2:43pm N. Brigt'n " 6:28 pm 1 Leetsdale " 4:53m Leetale p . 10:43 p m " 7:28 p .119 . .2:9811.m. Chicago Express leaves daily. W11:23 m. Ch loser Express arrives dilly. sea F. RARYERS, General Ticket Anent. SMOKY HILL' ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eastern DITISiOII. The SHOTITHMT AND MOST RELLiBLE 1101T/Er from the East to all points In • Colorado, Nevada, California, trtah, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, . Two Trains Oregon leave State Line and Leavenworth Bail y, (Sundays excepted.) on.thearrtval of trains of Piscine Raliroad•Prom lit. Louts, and 'l:mans' and St. Jo Railroad' from Ouiney,• connect/iv. at Law. rent°, Topeka and :AVatoeffo with sta,..s for all patina In Eansits. At 'end of traek west of Ells worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS COM PANY'S DAILY LINE OF OVRRLAND HAM AND EXPRESS COACHES FOR • • DEN VER4 SALT T A AFT And all Points in the Territories, And with SANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLY LINE of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Pass, Albti querQue, salad Fe, and all points In Arizona and New Mexico. With the recent additions of rolling stock and equipment, and .the arrangements made with re sponsilAe-Overland Transportation Lines from its western terminus, this road now offers unequalled. facilities for the transmission of freight to the Fee West. • Tickets for sale at all the principal offices in the United States and Canada,. Be sure and ask for tickets v a THE SMOKY KILL Bour& UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY' EASTERN DIVISION. General Freight and lck . jt Agent. STEAMSHIPS. TO LIVERPOOL AI%DAM QUEENSTOWN. THE INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Numbering sixteen first-class vessels, among thus the celebrated CITY OF PARIS, CITY OF AN'srErP. CITY 'OF BoSTON CITY BALTIMORE CITY O F LONDON. EyElm SATURDA Y, from Pler 45. Nor( b River, New York. Far passage or reviler lutortur• non Apply to WILLIAM Jr. 10.11 , 1F7'H STREET. (Chronicle Mllllllng, Nearly eppoalte real Valet, PUal air DI :- • Washington, AL ANDERSOit, General Haperiutendent., J. WEBSTER.