Os Hitt** erayth, Mr. CORNELL'S labor-theory for his Uni versity at Ithaca, N. Y., , receives a com ment from the London Spectator that is worth quoting: "Half the time of most men at college is fairly wasted in occupation a good deal more injurious to the mind than ploughing, or plastering, or planing; and ploughing, or plastering or planing produces health; and we all say health helps learning, and talk of m.ns sand in corpore steno, and have latent idea that the wcirk of the world has been done by its strong men. Any one of us, we suppose, reasoning in the abstract— as the Scotchman is said to have made love —would argue that physical education was good, and there is no physical education quite equal to impeiative and slightly ex hausting manual labor. We-all maintain, with a unanimity quite delightful to wit ness—a unanimity, especially complete among en who newer did a day's work in their liv s- 7 that an artizan could educate himself to any point he liked'if he only tried, a d I T had decently fair opportunities of study. We all assert that the athlete can study as well as the scholar; and under the Cornell scheme NV6k have the athlete turned i perforc into the sdhool. It is all true, ac-. cording to the muicular christians—and yet —and et—and yet—Ha thorn did not find farming, when he tried it in that phal anstere, or New - Society, or whatever it was at Blithedale, favorable to study. He became sleepy and heavy, he said, and did not want to think, much less to stimulate thinking artificially by studying a book. Concentration of thought would seem to be essential to to scholarship, and manual la bor interspersed or broken with study, is noefavorable to concentration of thought. Indeed, there are men who hold that a slight degree of ill-health, not enough to cause preoccupation, but enough to dispose its victim-towards sedentry rather than ac tive work, is a necessary condition of schol arship." " The Paraguayan War. Further - intelltgence through Brazilian sources, states that the surrender of the Paraguayan garrison on the Peninsula near Humaita took plate after ten days' desper tate straggle, when- the Paraguayans had been three days without food, and many of them had been Prostrated by exhaustion. The conditioni then stipulated that they should not be forced to serye againts Lopez, and should choose their own place of resi dence in the allied nations. According to 'General Osorio, Humaita was a very weak point in its defences, and should have been captured long ago. The evacuation was .going forward nearly two weeks before it was discovered by the allies. Timbo is now the objective point, as the allies can not - reach Tebicuarl 'without first reduc ing it. A Run,ADELrnia. paper says :—The "Midnight Mission." a work _of a most beniticent character lately organized in this city, bakes its first appeal for aid in the columns of this paper this morning. The benevolent and generous shpporters of this p:an for rescuing - women from a life of degredation, have provided a home for those . taken under its care, and have already met with gratifying success, in restoring thirty :six persons to a life of propriety and useful ness. As the institution has had but sixty -one women, altogether, under its care, this large proportion of successful treatment, ,shows.that inthe field of labor entered upon - by the "Midnight`Mission;" there is a pros ,pect and promise of greater and more grati fying success _ than usually results from mis sionary labors. What has already been ac complished, is the best Measure of the merits of this mission, and ought to commend it to the favor - toad . support of many of our readers. Tark recently t deceased' Mr. Stevens, of Hoboken, whos6 real estate in the place is believed to be worth $20,000,000, and whose _entire property is estimated at over $50,- 000,000, has,- by his will, directed the ap propriation of $150,000 for the erection of an institution of learning ihHoboken, and $500,000 for its perpetual endowment, and hehas also directed that $1,000,000 be de voted to the completion of the Stevens Bat• tery, which is to be the property of the State of New Jersey. With the exception of these suing, the wlecof his enormous property is left to his family (wife and children). on • • B qtr - XSLOOMS *EON Onu.—The manufacture of blooms diiect from ore, under - the Jame son patent,/is successfully carried on at the forge of Ic! W. y Hughes, Esq., at _Ringgold, Schuylkill county, by: a company, of which_ Mr. Hughes is cane. Two hundred bushels of good charcoal and about two attd a half tons of fifty per cent. ore yield a. ton, of blooms. The blooins are said to be of the besequality. The cost of working blooms by this process is said to be about .six dol lars per-ton more than the cost of making pig met a l in the ordinary blast furnace. THE New York Times says : The Jews of America are at perfect liberty to vote for Beymour"of any other man; but we must agree with the opinion expressed by several Israelite.newspapers that, it -will be a very unwise thing for them to make a sectarian matter of their votes. As 'American citi- zens, the Jews aro guarantied precisely the same political rights as other members of -the population..., Their voting, therefore, should be not ailTexvs, but as American cit -izens, whose best guarantee for their politi cal rights in- the continued character of our polities. - GENERAI - ROSECILLtiB wrote, February, 18, 1863, as follows: •- "Theleaderspf this rebellion are perfidi ous treacherous, unscrupulous and cruel; their leaders never will norpan be peacea ble, or true friends and neighbors. We, i T3 should rejoice' to see the power of ' these leaders fall by the hand of their own ee•ple *whom theypppress; the people for - hose rights we fight in common with our wn . ; but nnlessit does thus fall, we must de troy it, or itiwill destroy our nation."' , THE coming Vice President has intro due ed a straw, berry at South Bend, Ind., which • is the largest, both In fruit and plant, orally variety, and is most productive. But, it is Jim soft.:t4 shipi tind'isonly'fit for home use- More of our prodUctions should be too sod tti thipi, grain included; that there'may be ablindance for .home use. , -13nEn - oe , AT ans.—.o4" Attgnst I.Bth, the day of the terrible, earthquakes in Peru, a x , tree enderus storm burst over the City of Buenos Ayres, and virtis attended . ' , with the fgreatest loss of,life that has occurred there for some ,time.. Numerous vessels were sunk - in the harbor, and several housa were blow,' down . STEWFLownio, in California' promises to be a success. The machine istheir own invention. It cuts furrows- nine-feet; wide, and fromTive to eight :inches deep, pulver izing fine,. travels six miles: an hour, and 'Weighs onlj , ..seven tons. .Tur; latest from Boston gives a b emo :craticgain of 100 per cent. in the town of Pekin r 'idaine.. Last year there was one .Dentocmtic vote cast there; and this Year It reacitecreiactly two. General GratiVVlStyle.; • When General 4 43rinit- hisira express he has no, difficulty in making him self understood. In war, irf civil convul sions, there is little place for bookish, pedan try or scholarly :dandyism. State papers are not prisms into'which to look fbr the colors of the rainbow; they are not ward pictures or 'literary mosaics in which each phrase is selected fbr its prettiness. The effect of a cannon ball is determined, not by its brightness dr polish, but by its weight of metal, by the power with - which it moves, and by its reaching the mark. Gen. Grant's words have always reached the mark. "I recogniie no Southern Confederacy." "I propose -to move immediatoly on your works." "No terms but unconditional sur render." "I shall have no policy to enforce against the will of tho people. "Let us have peace." These are eloquent words, and easily understood. It is stated on the best authority that, throughout the war, Gen. Grant's despatches, orders land letters of any importance, were written by( him; that his staff never attempted to imitate or improve his style. And it is a striking fact that, among all the writing on the war, the most concise and clearly written accounts of the campaigns are found in Gen. Grant's official reports. Where the narrative of other historians is obscure or confused, the official report is plain and intelligible.— Phelps' Life of Grant, - What the Kentucky Rebels Intend The New York Tribune says A. friend recently dropped in on a Demo cratic Convention at Georgetown, Scott county, Kentucky. (Scott was a Rebel county throughout, even when the State seemed overwhelmingly Union, giving in 1861 a majority for Simms (Rebel) for Con gress, over John .J. Crittenden. It voted that way when most of the young_ men were in the Rebel armies; now, a young man who was not in the Rebel armies, and did not try to get in, stands a poor' chance there.) Gn this occasion a Rebel lawyer was speak ing. "As there are no reporters present," he observed, "I may venture to speak more freely than I otherwise should deem it pru dent to do. We shall hold white elections in every Southern State, and choose electors for Seymour and Blair. If the House re- fuses to count the votes cast by these elect ors, the Northern. Democracy are pledged to us to resist by force the inauguration of i the Republican Premdent. We have agreed to back them. Eight years ago they pro mised to back us; but they failed, and left us - in the lurch. Now we have promised to back them, and shall not fail." This was said to a gathering of hail fellows, who re ceived it with intense delight. AUCTION SALES. BY A. WILWADIE. MEIERSYILLE PROPERTY, Corner of centre Auntie and Miner Street. 7 LOTS AND 2 HOUSES. MONDAY AFTERNOON, September 26. h. at 3 o'clock, will be sold, on the premises, the valuable Gormley property in Minerssille now City or Pitts burgh, at pi esent occupied by W. M. bounty. , and which has been sub-divided Into seven desira hie Lots, situate at corner or Centre Avenue and Miner street. Lot No. 61s 176 feet front on Miner street and 51 feet in depth alf.ng the side next to Centre Avenue, being about 100 feet in depth along the other sloe: on welch is, the two-story Brick Double ;natation,' containing hall, double parlor, drawi ng-room and di m ning-oot first Boor; live cham bers on second • floor; two finished attics• basement . ) kitchen and wash house. with sink awl hydrant ih kitchen and good cistern connected with wash hoUse. Dining room and 'kitchen connected with - dumb waiter. Near to house is a well of good water, covered with grape arbor, and grounds planted in troll trees. Lot No. 7 is an adjoining lot on corner of Centre avenue, - having 100 feet trout on Miner street. and being In depth 51- feet on one, line and 38 feet on the oilier. Lot No. 1 contains - about one-quarter acre of ground. fronting 1501ect on Miner street, with a two story frame dwelling, containing six rooms and cellar. Also. spring houte, fruit trees, ,Stc. Lots Nos. 2, .3.-* and 5 are each fronting 24 feet .on Miner street, with depth from 100 to 123 feet, With fruit tree', ,te. Vila handsomely situate and very. desirable prop erty is passed by the bitnemllle. Street Cars bring ing it into easy communication with lower t art of the city. Those wishing are invited to examine the property before day of sale. Terms of Bale-,One.third cad', balance !n one and two years, with inter, at. sett A. bIeiLWAINB, Auctioneer. -13 A HANDSOME LOTS IN 22D "M -WARD. PITTdIWEGII,- (formerly East Liberty,) . Pennsylvania Avenue, Junction with - Greensburg Pike. - TUESDAY AYTERNOON. - September 20th. at 2 o'clock, on the prem'aes. will be sold, the 1 -A- Handsome Lots, tub-divided from the Jonas E. Mc- Clintock property; beautlfullyaituated at the pane- Pennsylvania Avenue with the Greensburg Pike, in the 2:6,1 Ward ..f the' city, formerly East Liberty. and fronting on Pennsylvania avenue. and other 51) feet avenues: the Lois being 25 feet front and from 100 to 122 fe -t in d pth. -- •1 he loc.tlon Is .un-urpassed for healthful eleva tlon„accessibillty and eu,tivated surroundings; and the plan'of Lots 11 said out with a view to a eon soli • dation of any timber of Lots in make up the quan tity of pound desired by the purchaser. Parties wishing to view the grounds before day of sale will receive every necks - lacy attelition by call ing on Dr, ilicCiltroe, on the premises. Those de sirens of securing vales hie -and heal* hy Building bite should not neglect this opportun it) . . A Free Excursion Train %ell leave the Union De pot. Liberty street, - Pittsburgh. 'at hall-past one o'clock P. M., fop conveyance of ladies to and from sale. - No tickets required. Term. of -tile---One.fonrth cash, balance in three -equal-annual payments. will* interest. $lO of the p.sn payment to be made on each lot at time of pur chase. Plan of Lots can - be obtained at Auction .Booms, 1015 cqulthtleld street. se'M A. BIeILNY AIME. Auctieneer. • BY PALMER a MUM pswitoit*PHLliE)S, Itir9TWNEERS And Conimiesion Merchants, OPERA HOUSE 'AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ;BOOTS, WOES; CARPETS, Dry Go l ods and Notioni, AT PRIVATE SALE DAT, AND EVENING. Consignments Solicited. Prompt ite. turno., REMOVALS ppEatOVAL-;- - The .Merchants & Manufacturers. National Bank will; on . Tii 1.111SDA" Y. Aug' List. 27th; Remove to the corger of,lfirst m and:Wood' streets, 'House formerly occupied by tlie rcople's National lls.nk. and remain during the erection of their new Banking House., I itu26:v . :OHM !SCOTT. Jr., ensi,ler (J FIGS CITY ENGINEKti AN) ''LMYY•YoIt, VITTfinULLGIL. /3eut. 21...1. 1 •08.. OTICE.- 7 The Assessment for . Grading, Paving arid Curblyg .131,0.1. M AX rcul., smith to ayloi street.' I, now ready for CXatfiliVitlon, anti can b...0n a , Ibis °lnce until THCICSDAY, I Pet. Ist. ISOS, when it will be re turned to tile City Trezouree. °Mee for collection. ce.2ii.xt.7 H. J. IdUOttlf., City Na.gineer.__ •o rricx OP Crii iti6lfliiitt AND : 4 1.111V61 . 0D. t ' ' •' , • PittAburith. , bept. 2t. DIGS. _. , 6 • . tiOTICE.--The assysonient .fOir the lio,irdwall; on Pennorlyanla ititqlue, from i inklanillitittion to the Toll Gate,' iir i:ow ready tor 'exatnitiiititin. and: cart be tlve it et Old 'Attlee • Until %Tim IitiIJPAY, tietob..r 1 LlEitliti. when It will be rtw turned to tine City Tre.tburors,olllee'ro'r euile,ction ! scll:ihn •11. J.llooz.Y..feltY Krignieer. • WAItEkIOiLTSE on Y LIBETT ST. 'Pon • . , , The Executors. Le.. of Josei}h P , ttfirionoffor for axis the Lot cud Wareboase No. 10, to PnAtereon'e Bleek,'lNo.. 369 Liberty street ), Lot 130 by 1111 feet. .Aoply to_ . ..- JAMES A. 21.teTEP:s,N, ' soll:xEr.. .145 4th Avenue,---_,_ cur. Cherry alley. EIVN STREET PROPERTY FOIL Sixty feet frontisti south stile of Penn street . by 11° trot to Brewer'a alley. I Three storied brick (fertnerly Luneburg, manslun,) with hies la rear. Possesthin given' uu three months no tice. .apply to - . Mr.M tit , K N, setcx a, 146 4th Avenue. cur. Cherry alley. 011 i sDo auy eolor ate requtil etteratopleln orient; also th e eerpose,' from 3 to 7 feet WI Wereroumg, 36 and 28 st. 4‘l PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER fetbiALilicitidit. Tobacoo Destroyed ye off Chewing and. Smoking the e box of ORTON'S PREPARATION Ts wen- TED to destroy the appetite for tobacco In any i on, no .matter how strong the habit may be, IF IT FAILS'IN ANT CASE THE MONEY WILL BE, UNDEE. It 18 almost. Impossible to break off' the use of tobacco by the more exercise of the coining a habit so firmly , rooted; with the help of the preparation there's not the least trouble. , , Hun dreds have used it 'who are willing to bear witness to! the fact that ORTON'S P,REPARATION com pletely pletely destritys the appetite for tobacco and leaves the person as free from any desire for it as before he commenced its use. It is Perfectly safe and IM.rmless In all cases. The Preparation acts directly upon the same glands and secretions affected by to b' co, and through these upon the blood, thorough ly leanslng the poison of tobacco from the system, an thus allaying the unnatural cravings of tobacco. _ • No MORE HANKERING FOR TOBACCO AFTER USING ORTON'S PREPARATION: RECOLLECT IT 15, WARRANTED. BEWARE OF _ J COUNTERFEITS: 1 ECOMMENDATIONS. R I ill . e following are a few selected from the Multi t eof recommendations In our nossessfon: e r a tErr e o l m il W . • BANGOR, Me., April 24. 1868. hereby Certify thatl have need tobacco for.thlr t , ears past, and for the last fifteen years I have sr two pounds per month. I have made attempts t min ott-at different times. I have left oft one . b P u t . always tieald' Hli ' ' continued Bangor, toh M an e k - e i r fur 1 tintli I used Orton's Preparation, which has corn- Idtel i cured me of the appetite for tobacco. I 1 °it'd recommend all who are affected with this ter rible habit to try the preparation, which will cer tainly cure tt if the directions are followed. W. I'. HEALD. trront E. W. qkitill. Knoxville . Tenn.l KNOXVI LE, Tenn., August 5, MI. This is to centre' that I had used tobaccO to such an extent that my hi alth had become greatly im paired, and my whole system deranged and broken down. In June. 18132, I purchased onebox of Or ton's Preparation, arid after using it 1 found that I was completely cured. I have not had any hanker ing or desire for tobacco since Using the preparation. I believe It to be all that It is recommended. and I would advise all who wish to quit the use of tobacco to trie one box of Orion's Preparation. ' I I E. W. ADKINS. 1 [Prom John Morrill. Bangor, Me. I BANGOR, Me., March 24, MIL This is to certify that I have' used tobacco for eighteen years; have tried many times to leave off, but have antlered so much from a dizziness In my head, and gnawing at my stomach, that I have soon given up the trial. IA short time since a friend In duced we to try Orton's Preparation (sold by you.) I have done so. andram completely cured. I did not In the least hanker after tobacco, either to smoke or chew, after 1 began' to use the Preparation. JOHN MORRILL. Price of ORTON'S PREPARATION Two Dollars per box, forwarded to any part or the country, post paid. on receipt or price. Money sent by mall at our rick. Address, L . C. I& corroN. Proprietor, Box 1.748. Portland, Maine. REFERENCE. e. the underslgited. have had personal dealinl `O , C.B.COTTON. 'and have found him a reliable and and fair dealing man, and believe his statements deserving the confidence of the public: S. B. Richardson, Rev. J. S. Green, Dr. S. B. M Oowel ,I. Portland, e.; Charles H. Morrill, Bidde- ford, Me.; A. H. Boyle. Attorney. Ilelfaut, Me.; Alonzo Barnard. Tian or, Me.; Wm. ti. Sweet, Esq., West Mansfield, Mass.; H. M. Boynton. East Acworth. N. H.; U. Quimby, St. Johnsville, N. Y. au trine° I igrPHALON I S "PAPEWIN LOTION," • I FOB BF.AUTIFYING THE SKIN AND COM PLEXION. Removes all Eruptions. Freckles, Pimples, Moth Blotches. Tan. etc.. and renders tne Skin soft, lair- and blooming. For Ladles In the Nursery It is Invaluable. Fur Gentlemen. atter shaving, It has no 'equal. "PAPHIAN LOTION" is the only reliable, remedy for diseases and blem ishes of the skin. , 'PELALON'S "PAPIELAN SOAP" For the Toilet, Nursery and Bath; Will not chap the skin. Price, 25 cents per cake. "FLOE DE MAYO," A new Perfume for the Handkerchief. Exquisite, delicate, lasting fragrance. Sold by all Druggists. PHALON & so I N, New York. je3:r9-Mver ' . -- WHATCHELOWS HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best In the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantstneolls: no, disappointment; no ridiculous tinge; remedies the 11l effects of bad dyesrinvigo ratts and leaves the Hair soft and beauti ful. black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfunters• and properly applied at Batchelor's Wig iractory,'No. TB Bond street. New. York. • • an%•pW rgr m— GUIDE TOMARRIAGE.— _ Young Men'e Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal e.heity. The humane views of benev olent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses'ineldent to Total:Land Early Manhood, sent in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD AB SOCIATION. Box P.. Philadelphia. Pa. mylB:O6T DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BLEETH SUMMER CORDIIII, , An Infallible remedy for &antler Complaint, Diar rhea, Dysentery, -Vomiting Hour stomach and Cholera M -V orino._ DR. HARRIS' CRIMP CURE, A. specific for Cholera, Cramps and Pain In the Stomach, fur sale by Lr Corner of Liberty a d INfayne Streets, PURE WHITE LEAD, iticCOIPS VERDITER GREEN, The only green paint that will not deteriorate by exposure. It will took better, last longer and give more perfect satisfaction than any paint In the market. T VII AT IL IMO IVIAT GOWERS. EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE, SUPER-PTIOSPIIATE OF LEiIE, MANUFACTURED tot • The Allegheny Fertilizer. Co. SEWARD & CAMPBELL, . , • • PROPRIETORS. • • 0111cei.-356 Penn Otreei, Plttsbnrgl4 . The best lf.ertillier In use, and recognized Farmers who have given Itr a trial, to h the stand rird for raising large mops of Wheat, Rye, Outs, corn, pops toes, am.. We have published for grata-, Romp circulation a patnpidet containing Interesting and valuable statements or this Fertilizer, copies of which will be .sent free to any sending ns their ad d LAKE MIUPERICIEL OOPPES MILL AND FINTITING PITTSIVURGIA. ' PARK, McCIIRDY 8c CO., . ,• • • Mannfacturtre of Sbuithiug, Braziers , and Th.lt Copia..r . , Prettied Copper llottonia, Raised Bot toms, spotter Solder. Also, Impo. - .rs and Dealers In Metal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, Itc. Con stantly on hand Tlnners , Machines n... 1 Tools. Warehouse, No. 140 FIRST STIIEeIT and 1130 EIECOND BTRE ET,Pittshurgh. linnets' orders of Copper. cut to any desired hat ters. taylPo3l:llsrT SHADES, of tAt, with border and e plalu Blue, fur Same ltle, at the Oil °loth Sir street. J. it IL. 211,1.14.1V1. THE APTiEtitE FOR lb!scowls Weed, Tobacco. Something Is.neeled to assist nature In over- & HARRIS AGJUN'T'S FOR J. SCHOONNAXER & SON'S AND FERTILIZERS. COPPER. FOR 8ia.11.11MW.34114TE. e..„--. ---- • . , __ erz.... - -:-..... , . FOIIIIALE. - - TWO notisas 'AND LOT on Cars till street. Allegheny. This property will be sold tow, as the partyls about leaving the city, and wishes to dispose of tho_property before removing. SAW - MILL, TWO DWELLING HOUSES, TWC BARNS, with _good FARM, and about 800 acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cast 01,500—balance on time to suit buyer. FARM OF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn; 50 acres of the land clear. FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad: very well located for raising - stock; improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the land in _meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.—WIII sell a good brick house, containing five roors, at - Sixteen Hundred Dollars, aniLwould - rent for the amount in six years. A LARGE LOT OF GROUND, having a river front, and very convenient of access. TANNERI, convenient to the city, and having a well established custom or local trade connected therewith; a good dwelling end forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in Sharpstirg, near the railroad: would make a good coal yard. HOTEL FOR SA.LE.—That fine Hotel property, situated at the. Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. FOR RENT. One large House, for Boarding House.. One new Brick House; 8 rooms. . One new Brick House of 4 rooms. One new Brick House of 3 rooms. One House of 5 rooms and lot 55 by 110. . One Home of 7 rooms awl lot 150 by 150. Two new Brick oases, 11 rooms each. One new Frame House, I rooms. Two new Brick °uses, 3 rooms each. One new Fr House in Wlikinsburg, having six rooms d large lot, well suited for garden. I acres that can be divided into acre lots. 5 Lots in Oakland. Power and a la_rge Room and Yard for rent, in a good location. Will be rented for short or long te. FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward, WANTED-3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4 inches thipk: I TO LOAN--$50 , 000 , IN SUMS OF $5,000 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT D. P. HATED'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. tem:Dis 2 000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, BY THE Union Pad* Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION, Lying along the line of theli road, al $l,OO TO 85,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS. For further particulars, maps. /Cc., address JOHN P. HEIfFEHEUX, Land Commissioner, Topeka, KAMM. Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, See , y. alms: St. Louie. HissourL F OR SALE. The Oil Refinery, KNOWN AS THE CJtESCENT COAL OIL CO.'S WOEKS, Situatted In BALTIMORE, MD., on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and most conveniently located with reference to either home or foreign trade. These works are very complete in all their appoint ments, and are capable of turning out 30,000 to 33,000 OALLONS REFINED PER WEEK. They have tankage for about 8,000 barrels of oil. The prospect of an early completion of the Con nellsyllie Road, renders this property especially de sirable. Address, or call on, LAWRASON LEVERING, Trustee, stM:val 59 GAY STREET, BALTIMORE $5.500 WILL PURCHASE A NEAT CQUrNTRY SEAT. con, t filing ts acres, all under fence and cultivation. The improvements are a cottage house, with stable and other outbuildings; 200 hearing fruit trees of best selections ; watered by two never-falling Springs. situated 4 miles front the citv_, near to McKee', Rooks and Chat-tiers Creek. From this piece an extensive view can he h of Manchester, Allegheny City and the rivers. Te a easy. - Apply to B. Mc AIN is CO., au= Cor. Fourth and Sad Wield streets. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE for /SALE —Large Dwelling, with two lots, on Penn street, 430,000: Residence on Penn »treet, $20.000: two. story Brink, Federal street. $9.000; Residence In Allegheny. $30.000, Brick 'House, FraL [lin street. 03,000; Brick House, Franklin street. $0,000; House on Ohio- avenue. *18.000: House and two lots, Fountain st.' • $2,500; House and two lots, Duncan street, $3,0 '0; Hotel on the henna. R. H., $25,000; Hotel at harmer. Ohio. $12.000; House on Chatham street, $7,000: seta • ri..CUTIDIERT & 80E8. - - -- OR SALE ,TO LET:-Houses ac and Lots for sale in . all_parts of Sheeny and &c -s. Also, several FAHIIN in good locations. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORY,. with 00 acres of land, and good Improvements, which - I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business. Houses to let on good streets. Private Dwelling Houses for rent in both cities. For further particulars Inquire WILLIAM WARD ja22 110 Grant-street. opposite Cathe dral. WINES, LIQUORS, &C PITTSBURGH IMPORTING HOUSt. ESTABLISHED 1830. • SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, •. IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN • WINES. AND LIQUORS , • No. 409 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Would direct the attention of the public to the fiet that, po seating sane , sur facilities through several large Wine and . Liquor houses la Europe. and making teen. Importations direct, they Are enabled to oiler the variousgrades of choice WINES AND I.l9lloltSat price,: less than }astern rates. anduation, of qualities and comparison of prices respectiully solicited. A choice assortment of pure OLD EYE WHId- KEY con.stantiv on hand 1011 R E NATIVE WINES. ISABELLA AND CATAWBA, Of our own growing. AND the be brands of 011AMPAON E, CLARItT, ' A SHERRY and PORT WINES. "Vine (*rowers' company" of BRAN- D Y, plot flasks, Just the tiling fur travelers. N. H,r-Partlettlar attention all to enppl ing fatnilles. ; 'A, hummuarx. ...:t1:17 No. 4 Virgin alley. Pittsburgh. JOSEPH S. FThCH Zd. CO., Nos: 143. 187, IN9. 191. 193 and 193 9 YIRST nTRENT, FITTOBITI3I3II,, ItANVFACTURSB6 OF , Copper. Distilled Pure -Rye Whiskey. eAiirs 11/ FO3E/eN W.l.Nige, and LIQUORN i 1 )11 hc.- , mhzi.nra DYER AND SCOURER, H. 4. LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER. Iro. a s/r. CLAM . EITREET And Nos. 186 and 187 Third , Street, riv 19064 VTTSBURGH'PA , STONE. WENT COMMON • • Dfaciaine Stone WorkA, Northwest corner of Weal, Comiuuu, Allegheny. FREIVK ATV/MICR & CO. Hive on hand or prepare on stunt notice Hearth and Step Stone's, Flaga for Sidewalks, Brewery Vaults, Au. Brad and Tomb Btonee, go. Ordera promptly exueutud.. rrinua reasonable 251 186F11 INSURANCE. ritTERPRISE INSURANCE CO.; _UP PITTSBURGH, PA, omoe, No. 424. PE N N (1N NATIONAL TIWST CO. BUILDING. ), Robt. Dickson, ltobt. Liddell. W. J. Friday ' 0. Mettle. ' 10. Van Buren F. Kirsch. E. H. Myers, !T. Oangwisch: ;ChM Siebert. L. Si bert, L. J. Blanchard, IJ. Weisser, IP. Sehlideeker I . E. H. MYERS, President. ROBT. DleKbolli. Vice President. ROBT. J. GRIER. Treasurer. sel3:mwr .1.. J. A.LBIETZ. Secretary. IMPERIAL FIRE 1101SURANCE OF LONDON. • ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVVSTED WI NDS EXCE,E,D -/NG $8,000,000 IN BULL. - Insurance against Fire effected on Houses and BuildingE, Goods. Wares and Merchandise, Steam boats. Polieles - is,med payable In gold or cur , reney• 116? United States Branch Office, 40 PINE STREET, New York. IA II losses of the United States Branch . will be ad justed lu New York. Sr.J. MeI_.ASITG,III.IN, Agent, PIT rSBURUH, PA Office, 67 FOURTH STREET. McLAUCITILIN is also Agent for the Manbat tan Life Insurance Company. ses:v72 BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGMT, PA. OMee in Franklin Savings Bank Buildings, No. 43 Ohio St., 7.lllleicheny. A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors weli known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. HENRY IRWIN.. GEO. D. RIDDLE - - . Henry Irwin, ID. L. Patterson, (Henry Gerwig, G eo. R Middle „ Jacob Franz, I Gott leib Faas, Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, (Jacob Rush W. H. Stewart, I Ch. P. Whiston, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautner, H. J. Zinkand, 'Jeremiah KOhen ap10:035 TESTERN INSURANCE COM. PANT OF PITTSBURGH. EXANDER NIMICK, President. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. . CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office, 9l Water street, Spang .t Co.'s Ware. house, up stairs,Pittsburgh. .. Will Inure against all kinds'of Fire and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and liberality to main. tale the character which they have assumed, as of• tering the best protection to those who desire to be inar4red. .. i DIRECTORS: Alexander Nimick, Jonn R. McCune, R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Ackleu, Phillip Reimer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Ihmsen. nor INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRM. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, OVIPICE, 435 & 437 CHESTNIN ST., nun 5211 Charles N. Banker, Mordecai H. Lords Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, F eorge W. Richards, George Fales. CHA.RLES G. HANCE:ER, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro tem. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGMNT, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. mhH:wlt PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, No. 107% WOOD STREET, BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING. This is a Home Company, and insures against loss by Fire exclusively. [ LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE,•Vice President. ROBE,RT PATRICE . , Treasurer. lIIIGH hicELHENI. Secretary. DISSCrOItI3: Lsonard Walter, George W11301:4 C. C. Boyle. . Oeo. W. Evans,• Robert Patrick, J. C. Lapps, Jacob Painter, J. C. Flelner, Josiah Xing, • John Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, iTS: NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., 01' THE CITY 01' ALLEGHENY. Office. In ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY'! BUILDING. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. • W. W. MAB.TEN, President JAS. E. STEVENSON. Secretary., DIRECTORS: A. H. English o.ll.P.Wllliams Jno. Thompson Jno. A, Myler, Jae, Lockhart, Jos. ki_yers, Jas. L. Graham, Balt, Lea, G. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gem, Jacob Sapp. Int123:1184 ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COM. PANT OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 EIFTH STREET, BAI4 BLOOZ Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marine RiskA. JOHN IRWIN, JR., President. JOHN D. McCORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent. John Irwin, Jr., John D. McCord, C. G. Hussey, Harvey Childs, T. J. Hosklnson, Charles Hays, PEOPLES' INSURANCE . COM" PANY. OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD & arms $Ts. A Home Company, taking Ylre and Marine Blake Wm. Phillips, John Watt, John E. Parka, Capt. James Miller, Wm. Van Kirk, James D. Verner, W.H. 'PHILLIPS, JOHN WATT. Vico W. F. HARDNNR, CAPT. JAS. OCRIN pRICES OF TILE VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, MANITYACTURED BY TUB HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, ARTHUR KIRK, Agent, Office, No. 289 Liber_ty , Street, PYTTSBBRGB, P 8 cAaviEwrpat POWDER► ' Electric Nos. 1,:,1,'4 and 5 grain, In Sonare Canisters,' lh . oa, American Sporting, in. Oval Canisters of I ID. each Dusk Shooth.g, Nos. .1, 2. a and 4 grain. In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Indian Rifle, In Oval Canisters of 11b. each.... .Kentucky Itl4e, In Oval. Canisters of I lb. each Kentuckyft.llile, In Oval Canisters of)lb. etch (25 one lb. Oval Canisters in a case.) (60 half lb. do. do. do.) _ IEG PONVIDEIt. Kentucky Rifle, ?Ira, FFil, and -"Sea BlIo0t ing" FG, in kegs. 25 lbs Ken tucky Ride, rrro, Fro, and "See Shoot lag"kegs, I2lf, lbe Kentucky Ride, rrra,,FFO, and "Sea lag" FO. in kegs, eg Deer Powder - in kegs, 25 lbe kilning and Shippina r, vr and rrr grain, net cash, in kegs 241 b. Safety Fuse for d usting , of superior quality, in packages of BO feet end over • Delivered free of expense on board of neat or Railroad, in Pittsburgh or Allegheny. sky'a:lnvr&P DIRECTORS President. .Seeretasy. DIRF,CTOP.S - - Crpt. Win. Dean, B. L. Fahnestock W. H. - Everaott,. Robert H. Bayle s Francis Sellars, Cant. J. T. Stoendale DUMMIES: Capt. John B. Ithottha, Samuel P. Shriver, Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brush, _ Wm. F. Lang, Samuel McCrlckart resident. President. Secretary. U. General Agent POWDER. ATIEUSEINW. gIVEW OPERA HOUSE. Lessee... Manager FRIDAY EVENING, September 25th, and evert Evening and Saturday Matinee. I The original Grand Spectacular Drama. arranged from the great French sensation, LA BICHE DU BOIS: on TUE ENCHANTED FAwir,, In a prol , gue and four nos, Introducing WHIT MA Is 'S E Eot.EAN STAR BALL ET TROUPE, under the dtretr ion of the celebrated Maitre de Bal- • let. MONS. MARA WSCKE„ Star Danseuse A ssolutqr MLLE. EUISIPINA MOB LACCIII. and the re- nowned PronlereA. M'ile. Skuda. Peneza, M'ile. ZuardL Barretta„ Aibertina a • tttepitina. and the wonderful Italian Chß Artiste, LA rE A UGUaTINE, together with a Corps de Ballet of hi .ty Auxil iary Ladies. New Music, New Scenery, Eteganc Costumes and Ar mors, Splendlo Properties and Appointments. and the In• st dazzling Transfortnation :eerie ever seen In this country. ''''.pllloF„. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY, No. 75 THIRD STREET, la now open for the re ception of pupils. Class days and hours—For Ls dies, Masters and Misses. Wtdnesday and Saturday, at 2; , i' o'clock P. .u.• For Gentlemen—Tuesday and Friday Evenings, at 8 o'cto7k. Private lessons given. eirctuars can be had at. the Music Stores and at the Academy. Classes out of tile city, it convenient, attended to. .psi' Hall to let to Select Parties, LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF A- ALLEGHENY COUNTY, .rennsylvanla. Ia the matter of the ESTATE OF DANIEL MORGAN, Late of Findley township. Allegheny county, No. —, June Term, 1868. Writ of Partition in Yalu- 'Mon To James Moran, of Columbiana county. Ohio; Emily S. Morgan, widow , and Fannie Morgan, minor child of Jeremiah Morgan, deceased, by her guardian. A. It. Thompson. Geovglana Cook. wife of John L. Cook. frank. L. Iforgii, Bush Morgan, Louis N. :.‘lirgan, Penh= E., intermarried with Joseph 31ounijiliy, Jefferson Morgan, Chas. Morgan, James Morgan, ("race Ann Morgan.'children of Dr Charles Morgan. deceased, and the said Charles. James and Grace Ann Morgan, being minors, and have for their guardian, John R. Large. Esq. Daniel Ferguson, Emily Weaver. wife of Henri Weaver, Sarah J. Ewing. wife of John M. Ewing, Mary Keefer,, wife of Smith Keefer. James A. Fur guson and John M. Ferguson, Children of Fanny Ferguson, deceased: George W. Morgan, Mary E., wife of Elijah B. Martin. rannle F., wile of John Fannin; John Morgaie, Maud M. Morgan. Blanche B. Morgan, itobert W. Morgan and Sarah E. Mor gan, 'children of William .siorgan, deceased; the said John, Maud, Blanche. :Robert and Sarah being minors, and A. Mcßride. Esq., guardian ad of said children. You arc hereby notified that an Inquisition will be held In pursuance of the above mentioned writ of partition and valuation on the premises, in Findley township, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. on THUMDAY, ithe 29th day of - Qctober, 18613, at 10 o'clock A. at., to makepartition to and among the heirs, &c.; of the said deceased in such manner and in such proportions as by the laws of this Com monwealth Is directed, &c.. at which time and place yoirmay attend if you think proper. SAMUEL B..CLULEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 17th, 186 S. se22:x:; T NTHE MATTER OF THE AP- pUcation of the Germania Building and Loan Association YOU A CHARTER OF INCORPORATION' No. 1,002 in the Court of Common Pleas of Alle gheny County. In the above cise the Petitioners have applied for a Charter as a Building and Loan Association, un der the statute in such case made and provided, unless exceptions be dl d in proper, time a Charter will be granted at next term of said Court. B. S. MaiRRISON, Solicitor for Petitioners 1372321 NOTICE --Notice . is hereby given that Letters of Admlni- tration have been granted by the Register of Allegheny county, to the undersigned, on the estate of PRE 'ERICK SAUER, late of Allegheny county, deceased. All persons in debted to said estate are hereby untitled to pay the same, and all persons , having claims against the said estate, to nr sent the same, properly authenti cated, for settlement. GDALEN A SAUER, A dministratrlx. of Frederick Sauer, deceased. Pittsburgh, Sept. 7, 1868. BANKRUPT NOTICES. 11. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE. 1 W. D. of Pennsy yards, PITTSBITROIL, Sept. 14th. 1808. (11 THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 11th day of September A. D. 1868, a. Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF JOSEPH E. DTCh.FI, Of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and. titate of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts any delivery of any propertyhelonging to such bankrupt to him or for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt. to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signees of his estate, will be held at a Court or Bankruptcy. to be holden at No. 118 Federal St.. Allegheny City, Allegheny county. Penna., before JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Esq., Register . on the 7th day of November, A. D. 18138, at 2 o'clock THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. `3. Marsha', as Messenger IMME3 IL S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, W. D. of Pennsylvania. PITTSBURGH. Sem. a 4, 1868. THIS. IS TO GIVE NOTICE ti t on the 7th day of September. A: D. 1888, „a Warrant In Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF OLIVER ADAMS, i it Of south Pittsburgh. in the county of Alle eny, State of Pennsylvania, who has been adJu ged a bankrupt on hls own petition; that the pay ent ot any debts and delivery or any property onging to such bankrupt to hind or for his use. nd the transfer or any property by him are forbidden i law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate. will be held at a Court of Bankrupt )-, to be holden at the °dice of the Re gister, No. 03 Diamond street. In the City of Pitts burgh, Pa.. before SAMUEL HARPER, Esq., Re gister, on the 14th day Of Oetober, A. D. 1865, at 11 o'clock A. Si, !THOMAS A. ROWLEY, • Marshal. as Messenger. Enra ETI'ERS of ADMINISTRATION ..ILJ upon the ESTATE OF MRS, ESTITER STOCIUONs. Late of Allegheny .City, deceased, haying bees granted to` the undersigned, all persons haehig claims against said estate will present them, prop erly authenticated for settlement, and those in debted to said estate, will make payment to the un dersigned, at the Manchesier !savings Bank, NO. 209 leaver avenue, Allegheny City. TUONAS B. lIPDIEE, NOTlCE.—Whereas. Leiters of Adm , ntstrattm to the !state et WILLIAM. .tei'ZKLThlt.. late or Allegheny City, deeeatied, have been granted to the f•umgriber, ail penons In— dent. d to tue said e-tate are requeited tom •ke Im— mediate payment, and all th.,se haring claims or demands again 4. the esta'e of the .ald decedent. Nylll make known the earn., whiten +days° MAKTIIA E. LEPZ ELTEtt, Adnex. No. 66 Western Avenue. sth ward, Ahegheny. au7:tv -F NOTICE lii HEREBY GIVEN that the I hutted 'Copartnership heretofere existing between the undersigned, under the name of EMIL SCHALK, Is this Day Dissolved by Mutual Consent, tni: i. netiALK. CHAS. LENNI.O. Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, July 1, A. D. 1868. '30:844.-P GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. UM WOOD tiTHEET InKIGITA, GLASS A k-/ QUEENSW ARE, 6 I ILVER PLATED WARE, • • I PARIAN STATUETTES, BOHEMIAN tM.ASS, And other STAPLE-AND FANCY 900D5. a great variety. 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED & CO tato' . : 100 700 D STREET. WEIGHTS ANTI MEASURES. B. LYON, ) Sea:. of Weights anti gettsnres, wo. 3 FM:TRW! lIREET, Ltherty ,t 4 7;erry Etreztit. Orders promptly attended to 7: II 11 FILNDIZSON ...M. W. CAlitraftl. EMIEEI Adrnt aistrator CM