0 IrTSBURGE PETROLEUM MARK ET OFFICE OP THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAZ, September 24, 1868. CRIME :The Crude market was again very rong and considerably excited to-day, compared with yesterday, prices have ill further advanced. Sale of 10,000 bbls, be delivered between now and January 1, seller's option, at 11 11 4 c; 1,000 each Oc bet. November and December at 1234 c; /00 each same - months, at same figure; 'XIO each same months, at 11%c, and 1,000 r October at 12;ic. No sales of spot oil ported, but as October sold at 1234 c, im ediate delivery ought to command the me figure. The course of the market ring the past few days has taken many ,aerators by surprise, especially those who mid rather have seeirit go the other way; d even the bulls ,themselves are sur ...ed, so marked and unexpected has been J reaction. REF NED. £he Refined mark t was also consider.; ly exeited and fir , and compared with sterdtr prices have still further ad need. The only sale reported was 2,500 Is for _September at- 33c—though it was mored that there - had been sales made it at 33Mc. October was offered at 32 to 4c—no quotations for either November December. We were glad to notice that ne of - our friends who had, *bought nes" for future months, some time since, 3 which for a time promised to turn out 31y, are looking much better. We want better barometer of the oil market than 3 countenances of some of these parties— lance is sufficient for any one at all con- mutt with the trade. .;• SHIPPED EAST FROM DUCHTESNE . DEPOT. ')uncan dr, Williams, 187 bbls refined to Waring, King - dr: Co. Philadelphia. 1. M. Long & Co., 186 do do to Warden, & Co., Philadelphia. Ir. W. Holdship & Co., 260 do do to War ;, King & Co., Philadelphia. t. D. Miller,s4 bbla•refined 'to Waring, ag & Co., Philadelphia. C. Kirkpatrick & C0.,0 bbls refined W. P. Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. icKenna & Rogers. 50 do do to A. P.'. ipps, Philadelphia. - T. M. Long, 6 - do benzole"to Warden, • 'sw & Co., Philadelphia. ;rooks, l3allentina ft Co., 6 do do to irden, Frew At- Co., Philadelphia. .OIL SHIPPED EA ST.BY P.: it• ,ockhart. Frew & Co., 374 do do to War t, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. loKelvy Bros. & Co., 367 do ref. to W. P aan & Bro, Philadelphia. -• ' ilvingston & Bro.; .350 do do to War ., Frew & Co, :Philadelphia. . B. Jones 350 'do - to C. B. Hol .olc, , - Itizens Ref. Co., 422 do do to Warden, Co , ..ivingeton dr. Bro., 100 do benzole to rden, FrewA Co., Philadelphia: .ocktiart Frew, &Co., 194 bbla benzole to - .rden Frew & Co,* PhiLadelphi'a. New 'York i'rodiice Market. Telegratiktolhe Pittsburgh eassite.j fEW YORK,, September 23.—Cotton jie • ;vy and lower; sales 1100 bales at 25a253'ic Uplands, flour—receipts mint to 13,537 bblty and 'loo lower; sales , 0 bbls at - 6,75a7,50 for superfine; western .' •t !-,57,50a9,15;r extra western, g9,20a10,90 ; .• • - •:to wheat extra, 68,10a10,65; R. H. 0., ~ . i:Oal0; St. Louis, 610a14; good choice do • , '•ing quiet. California is heavy; sales of •,.. ..' 0 sacks, mio,, and 612.50 for choice. •T Rye Flour is active and sales 700 bbls I, . ..-6,50a8,25. Cornmeal is , quiet; 100 bus ' . I. at 50c. Whisky Is firm; sales 150 bbls );.• . 1,40 fred.-. :Wheat .-,reeitipts• - amounted ' . 81,446 bus and,is 2a3c , lower ; .spring is - • bout any; . change 'for winter; saes 67,- ' 1 . bush at 61,61a1623,4 for No: 3 spring; ..3a1,75 for No. '2 spring; sales were also • :-' , ,le Indiana amber at 62,23; $2,35 for extra ••'; _ ice Amber Michigan:42,4o for white '`• Ai; 62,40 -for white. Michigan; 62,95 for, :a choice do. - Rye quiet. Barley scarce ,;„ ' firmer; sales of 8,700 bus Canada West, : • arrive, at 62,00. Barley. Malt quiet. ta—receipts, 218,790 bus; opened steady closed dull and declining; sales of 79,- • •,, ,• ; bus at 11,15a1,11r.f0r nnsound;•6l,l9a ~ * for sound mixed western; closing at. ', ' •:• ;le price for latter. Oats—receipts, 174- .; bus; lac. lowerand heavy, with sales : . :.p,OOO bus at 74Na7ffaioinew western in a and afloat; closingitT•74W, in store. . -; ;be steady; sales of 1,600 saga Rio on , • :;ate terms— Sugar in fair request; aales ' ~ ;300 hhda at 11a120- for Cuba, and 1154 a .. ' ,c for Porto Rico. Molasses ' firm; . sales .' ' .'pO bblsrlifusoovado on private- terms., • ' • ' - ,*cleum steady'at lfic for crude, and 31a :'• • • refined.. Hops quiet at 15a25c. Linseed ;Attie more.active at $1,05a1,07 :. •Pork a :le firmer; sales 1,500 bbls at 628,20828,62 •• •;ness, closing at 628,37,• regular, 628.25 a 7 for old do, 633,75a24,25 for prime, and - • c25a26,541 , f0r prime: mast; also, 250.ba1a "t .. ' • s seller, October, at 628,18. Beefquiet -., ' , ?.7a33 for rtilimi - Mess, •and $30a36 for -..-. f.a mess: 'Beef Hams dull at $25,30: Cut 4.s dull and - lieavy; sales--140 package's ', 'ial2;ic for shoulders, - Bailie , lorthama. :Ales quiet:- Lard heavy, and - dmoping •• lies 560 tierces at 193200 for steam, and • fA2O%c for kettle rendered;: also, sales - .... tierces ` steam, sciler, - December and :•.,-'.;; my, at 15a15IAc. .Butter firmer at 31a ... . ,or Ohio, and 40a46c for State. Cheese ,y at 13a17c.- FrEdglits to, Liverpool ao land firm with engagernentsiaer steam er ,000 bush wheat nearly all for next •,... ;li—at PAd. . . •. -,% k.risT, 5 P. 21L--470112:5a10c. lower, with M oderato: . . 1 local trade demand.- Wheat 1 and nominally .1.42 c.. lower, with a lim ,, :-.-- export and nulling demand; decline ••• :. fly upon . Springq. Rye quiet at $1,47a for Western. Oats dull and heavy at .., 75 for new Western in store and afloat. ' • :: it closed dull at 61,18a1,19 for- sound .; -.-. , : ad. Pork quiet at '628,35a28,77 34 for .;.,:•. a, caskand regular. -• Beef dull and de ing. Cut Meats and Bacon dial; prices • , ... it buyers. Lartl dull and nominal at ~ . .12t 0 for-fair•to• prime steam , the latter reme. Eggs steady, with a moderate .. : `-',„ Wand. - - • • - * . ;'-' St. Louis Market. telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. 1. Louis, Sept. 24.—Tobaceo more brisk :gs lower; leaf unchanged; sound lugs 49,00;1:1ark leaf $10113; • black wrappets .48; medium and bright leaf 1315a40;. fine. ;'fancy MaBo. Nothing doing in Cotton '.snip.: Flour; demand confined to low • ~s ; good super $5,50a5,85; extra 136,50; ?le extra 87,50;03,00; triple extra to fancy. Wheat _slower and dull; prime red - White fall 1,85a1,90; strictly primes2,os 1 elm ce and fancy $2,15a2,25; Spring ia1.60.-: Good to choice Corn,lwgoodde ti at a slight advance;'mixed and yel ',p3c; choice yellow and white 94a95c. unsettled and very dull and, easy buyers, at 52a54c - -lbr' • goofi to e._ B arley dull and buyers still hold ff; sales of • prime',lowa oat t1,80a1,132, $1,90a1,95. , ; Rye rails slow at 81,18 a I Pork unchan-ted, small sales at , $29. firm with rs- moderate business= do- Iresh city clear sides "sold at 16a10W. iers 12%43. Canvassed sugar cured 19A19 1 4C. - Larch . _ stock light and fly held out of market; some lots offered 1834a18%c, but 190 was asked: skey ' lower for round lots, sales at Receipts: Flour, 3,583 bbls; wheat, bush; corn ' • 2,103 bush; oats, 21,176 barley, 807 bush; rye, 1,000 bush. Chicago Cattle Market. legroph to the Pittsburgh Gatette.) tICAGO, September 24.—Cattle dull and hie easier; rales at $3,30a4,50 for info co good cows; $5,25a6,00 for fair to me and $63 7 .4 for good shipping beoves. fairly active on shipping account at ino of 15:125c on fair to medium, and on inferior and common grades; fp grades without change; the sales '4(l from ?t3 to 0.0a12,50 for inferior Financial Matters in New York. Gold. Closed;t 141%. my Telegraph to the Plttebnrigh Gazette:l NEW YORK, September 24, 1868 MONEY AND GOLD. Money more active and 3®5 per cent Discounts active and grain paper is increas ing: quoted 3@7 per cent. Sterling steady at 8%@8, 7 4. Gold unsettled and lower market excited by thR report that the Gov eminent has been selling; prices opened a 142%, declined to 144(, and closed at 141% Export, 512,000. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. The market for Governments is ac live and lower, closing more steady. The following are the quotations : Coupons 1881, 113 . 3(,®114 ; do '62, 114® 114%; do '64, 109%®110; do '65, 1103;® 110y4, do New, 1083,1®108%; do. '67,109® 109y4 do '6B, 109 g, 10-40 s, 104%®104X. STATE BONDS.: State bonds closed lower. Old Tennes sees 693/,;1 new do 69y0 old Carolinas, 7514 new do, 73%; Missouris, 92; new Vir ginias, 54. RAILWAY SHARES Railways active but easier. Erie is strnng. Western shares irregular and slightly lower, closing steady. Express stocks opened buoyant and closed easier. Miscellaneous shares dull except Pacific. STOCKS. 5:30 PileEs: Canton, 4701148; Boston Water Power, 15®1535; Cumberland, 33® 333;; Wells Ex., 283, ®29; American, 483§ WO; Adams, 52141051 M; United States, 50®51% ; Merchants' Union, 24®243; ; Quicksilver, 22®2235; Mariposa 5®6 l X; pre fered, 113 ®ll3x; Pacific Mail, 110 W ®110X; Western Union Telegraph, 34y, ®34%; N. Y. Central, 127%®12214; Erie, 4914®4934; do. prfld, 69®69%; Hudson, 140 1 8 ®1405!„; Har lem, 121®123; do. prf'd, 121®123; Reading, 94y,®95; O. it M. 28 7 } ;(4)29; Wabash, 58®58q; do. preferred, 76®77; St. Paul, 04®95; do. (eerred,;9334®9,5; Michigan Central, 1.1314 118%; Michigan Southern, 823§®1333 4 '; Illi nois Central, 142%®144; Pittsburgh, 117N® 879,1; Toledo, 101g®102; Rock Island, 1023/®1023§; Northwestern,BBX®B7; do. preferred, 89®87 /; Fort Wayne, 103x® 109; _Hartford and Erie, 22%®22X; Terre Haute, 41%®4246; preferred, 63®67; Chica go and Alton, 152®1523§; do preferred, 152; Cincinnati, Chicego and Indianapolis, 80; Chicago and Great Eastern, 40. XINING SHARES Mining stocks quiet; Smith & Parmelee, COO; Gregory, 435. COPPER srocss. Copper stooks at Boston: Calumet, SS; Copper Falls, 18; Franklin, l 43;; Hancock, 4; Minnesota, 2. Chicago Market. CBy!kelegraph to the Pittsburgh Gs.zette.) Cstioano, September 24.---Flastern Ex change is steady, moderately active and unchanged. Flour is dull and saloe lower; spring extras, $8a8,25. Wheat quiet and easy and•4a4so3 lower; sales No. 1, $1,50a 1,53; N0.,T2, $1,454a1,48%; at the close there were sellers of No. 2. $1,46; and No. 2 s,ne,e change'at $1,46%. Corn is less active; sales No. 1 at 9236a94c; No. 2, 91 1 A,a92y0; rejected at 92341132 Xe for No. 2; sales No. this after noon, 9234 c. Oats are quiet and 35 to le lower; sales Nos. 1 and 2 at 52a5234, and was rejected at 50a.515,ic, chising at 52a5234e for former. Rye—western is 20 lower; sales No. 1,$1,18a1,20; No. 2,1,15a1,15%, closing dull, $l,lB for No. 1. arley is less active; sales No. 2, $1,75a1,78, and was rejected at 51,57a1,60; closing, $1,76 for No. 2. A cargo of Canadian was sold at $l,BO, High wines easier; sales of free at $1,40; sellef a gener ally asking $1,45. Provisions quiet. Mess Pork 1528,50 a. Lard quiet and steady at 1834 c. Dry salted shoulders 10c for loose. Freights dull and y f ,amc lower at 53442 , for oats, 63a6Mc for corn to Buffalo. Receipts for the past -twenty-four hours-11,645 bbls flour, .108.811 bus wheat;. 68,475 bus corn. 115,280 bus oats, 7,883 hogs. Shipments -15,659 bbls flour,. 62,318 bus wheat,22,156 bus corn, 102,255 bus oats, 4,617 -hogs. Cincinnati Market. IBy Telegraph to-the Plttaburgh Gazette.", I..,McCrIgNATI, September 24.—Flour dull bat not lower. Wheat very dull and prices nominal. Corn firmer; ear,99casl. • Oats firmer and the demand goo; No. I, 57a58c; white, 59a60c. Rye in moderate demand at $1,38 for No. 1. Barley firm, at $2,35 for No. 1 all; spring; f2a2,,10; the latter rate for Canada. -Cotton dull and nothing doing. Tobacco unchanged and firm. Whiskey firm at $1,50; stock light. Mess pork dull at $28,50; hardly any demand. Bulk meets quiet, but held. more tirmlyv, shoulders at 16%c; clear sides at 1434 c. Bacon held more firmly but the market lit irregtilar;- shoul ders sold at 113,1a12Xc; closing with no sellers beloW latter rates; may be quoted at 14%a15c for clear rib, and 153fa160 for clear, holders generally--waking the latter rate at the close. Lard - quiet but firmly held; small sales at 1935; there is no demand in the large •way. Butter in light supply at 37a40c. Eggs 25a26c, and supply light. Groceries firm and in good demand. Sugar 12%a15;4. Coffee 21825. Linseed oil de clined to $l,OB. Flaxseed $2,50a2,75. Tim othy firm at $3,15a3,25. Hay in good de l:druid-and prices higher; loose pressed sll3a 20; there is a shipping demand from the upPer Ohio' towns. Gold-• 141%, buying. Exchange firm at par buying. Cleveland Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CLEVELAND, September 24.—Flonr; city held at 510a10,25 for XX spring and ells 11,25 for XX led winter; country brands quiet, at 89a10 for XX sprin g; $9,50a10,50 for XX red winter; $11,50a12,50 for XX white. Wheat; sales of one car load of No. 1 red at $1,99a2,00; two car loads at 82,00, and three cars of No. 2 do. at 81,85. Corn; sales of three car loads at $1,06. Oats; sales of 5,000 bush for sellersfor September at 62c, and 5,000 bush for sellers for the 15th of October at 62c. Oats held at 63c. Rye held at 81,35. Barley very , firm and in good demanct for local trade and ship ment,-at $1,80a1,90 for State and Canada. Petroleum market very firm and the de mand active; refined held at 28a29c; trade lots at 300.3.1. C. Memphis Market. By Telegrash.to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Msmram, September 24.—Cotton is quiet and firm, and sales were made st 23a0,14c; the receipts amounted to 96 bales, and the exports amounted to 25 bales. Flourls dull and sales were made of superfine 'at $7. Corn is held at 95c. .Oats, 62c. Hay, $20a22, Bran, 22c. Corn Meal $4,50. Pork is selling at $29, Lard, •18}019%c. Bac. n is qUiet, with sales of Shoulders at 12 , and, clear aides at 16c. Louisville Market. tily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. I LoutsviLLE; Sept. 2.3.—Tobacco—sales 39 hhds at prices ranging from $5,40a19,25 • for lugs io cutting leaf. Flotir—supertine a 7.. Wheat-i1,90a2,05. Corn 92a94c. Oats 50a53d. Rye,t,140a1,45 for spring. Barley $2a2,46. Mess pork $29. L4rd 19V,a1914c. Bacon—shoulders 12%c; clear rib skies 15a 15y0; clear sides 15%a17c. Bulk shoulders 11%c; clear eldEs 15%c. Whisky—raw free 01,50. , - • Milwaukee Market. Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l MILWAUKEE, September 24.--Flour dull and- nominal. Wheat dull and weak at $1,56 for No. 1 in store, and $1,46 for No. 2. Oats steady at 55e for No. 2. Corn nominal at $1 for No. 2. Receipts-4;000 bbls flour, 117,000 bus wheat, 500 bus oats, 300 bu's Corn. shipments-2mo bola flour, 103,000 bus wheat, 1,000 bus corn. Baltimore Barket rßy Telegraph to the Pltteburgh Gazette.] • BA LTISIORE, Sept. 24.—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat firm and unchanged. Corn steady and unchanged. Oats 67a75c. Ryo e1.40a1,50. Provisions active. Mess pork r.0,,50. Bacon—rib sides 16 1 4 c; clear do. 16Xe; shoulders .13e; hams 2 lc, Lard 20a20;fc. • • • • H GAZETTE FRIDAY: SEPTEMBEit 25, 1 PITTSBUR Philadelphia Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) PHILADELPHIASept, 24?.—Petroleum unsettled; crude 25e, refilled 32c. Flour better; sales of spring extra fatally $9,25a 9,75, winter do; sloal2 for Pennsylvania and Ohio. Wheat dull; red $2,20a2,30, amber $2,30a3,32. Rye; ' 51,50 for western, $1,40 for southern. Corn unchanged. Oats in good demand;' Pennsylvania and western 76a77c. Provisions drooping. Mess pork 30c. Lard 20c. Coffe and Molasses unchanged. Sugar firm and fair; sales of good refined Calmat 11a12/c; Grocery 12a12y,c. IMPORTS DV RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. September 24.-11 cars metal, •Nimick & Co; 3 do do, Jas Wood, Son & Co; 3 cars wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 60 bbls apples, 5 kegs apple butter, H Rea Jr; 250 slot oats. 5 bbls flour, 'Scott & Gisal; 1 car millfeed, Brown & Williams; 25 bbls flour. Wm Cledening; 73 sks corn, Molienry & Hood; 1 car oats .1 W Simpson; 50 sewing machines, Wm -, Sumner, 5 tea hams, JII Parker; 60 hides Lappe & Weise. ' 29 bdls spokes, M W Whinney & Co; 5 sks cattle tails, F W C Fold; 200 bbls flour, T C Jenk ins; 44 bbls apples, 3 kegs apple butter, 4 bbls cider, 1 keg butter, W H Grafi& Co; 2 bbls eggs, Harp r Gutman & Co; 42 doz 1 box butter, L J Blanchard, lot f lumber, brooms, Stew rt & CO; 6 bbls tobacco, E Megraw & Co; 44 bole apples,Woodworth dr , Davison; 3 b xs cigars, S todellielin; 50 bbls flour, H W Berkhorst; 1 car wheat, Hitchcock, McCreery & Co; 1 car millfeed, R Kn3x. Jr; 25 bbls flour, W Haslage; 275 pigs lead Davis Chambers & Co; 300 bbls flour, Culp* Shepard; 50 tea ]ard, F Sell ers &Co; 300 bbls flour, Watt', Lang & Co; 1 car millfeed, 'C B Leech; 1 car barley, Volgt, Mahood & Co; 100 bbls flour, S Lindsay, Jr & Co; 66 green hides, J Cal lery; 50 sks timothy seed, Kirkpatrick, Herron & Co; 100 bbls flour, Seghmes er & Voskamp; 59 sks timothy seed, A A Stone & Co. CravELAIrD Alm Prrirsitultax RAIL /LOAD, September 24.-6 cars Iron ore, Hutchinson,Glass & Co; 12 do pig iron, Nimick dt o; 100 bbls flour, Watt. Lang & Co; .1 car lumber, Nanz & H; 1 do do, R A Clark & Co; 1 do do, W W Rigdon & Cs; 24 bxs hardware, Secomb & - Co; 89 green hides, Springer Harbaugh & Co; 67 bbls apples, 76 aks potatoes. Voigt, Mahood tt (.ko; 4 cases' pearls,. W Lindsay; 10 casks Pearls. 7 bbls potash, Excelsior Flint Glass Co; 5 bbls wine, N Young; 88 sks barley, Z Wainwright; 2 cars do,Spencer & McKay; 7 bbls oatmeal, C H orledge; 1 car clay, S M Kier; 12 bbls apples, 04 sks oats, 6 do rags, Graff &Re it er; -30 bbls cider, F D Reese; 18 bdls chairs, Bedford .t Chair Co; 21 sks barley, 9 do rye, Meanor & Harper; 14 bbls knobS, Adams,McKee & Co; 9do do, Jones. Nimick • & C; 20 bag cheese, J J Pettit; 25 do do, F G Craighead; 8 bbls ap ples, Barnett & Ruddick; 33 bbls oil, H A Price & Co; 1 car staves, JJ Bender; 20 bales hay, Bricker & Co; aks millfeed, J Glenn: 25 bas crackers Granger & Co; 245 aka oats, Brown & Williams; 300 do do, Keil & Ritchart. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATIAND ST. LOUIS Rum men. September 24.-20 bales cotton, Holmes, Bell & Co; 11 bads tobacco, M Hoyt; 3 cars staves, Wm Hastings; 13 bbls apples, 200 bbls flour, T C Jenkins; 14 bbls fire clay, T Coffin. 60cloz brooms, H AMe- Clellan & Co; 4 bales tow, Zinkand & An dregg; 3 do do, Dauler, Close & Co; 303 sks oats, Keil t Ritchart; 3 cars barley, Spencer R McKay; Ido oats, So 4t. Gisal; 3 beef hides, Flacons & Son; 13 bbls pots:- toes, ;Manor & Harper; 35 sks barley, Robb & Herron; 26 pkgs butter. 12 bbls eggs, 42 do apples, 3 sks rye,W H Graff & Co; 50 bbls flour. 200 aks four, Stewart & Langenhelm; 142 aks rye, 43 bbls apples, 2 do onions, B EL Herron; 201 Ors oats,J B Campbell; 211 green hides, N Hstott; 10 tcs hams. Geo Mitchell; 2 cars pig iron, J W Porter; 1 do oats, J& W Fairley. ' 1 bale corks, Armstrong St Bro; 1 lxii castings, J Hall & Co. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, Sep tember 24.—McKnight, Porter d: Co; 2 cars pig iron, Forester di Megraw; 1. car stone., M Craig & Co; 1 do do, Scott & Gisal; 47 ekes oats, Benham & Sharp; 17, bals sheet iron, Henderson & Co; 1 car stone. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, September 24-45 ESks oats, Gwynne St Stoneman; 1 cars metal, Yough iogheny iron St Coal Co; 20 bdls leather, G H Anderson. RIVER NEWS. There was little or no bniiness transact acted at` the landing yesterday, the time and attention of our stoamboatmen being Absorbed in the the'great mass Convention. Aside from thisi - it is not likely that there would have been much done, as it rained in torrents during the greater part of the day, and as a general thing shipments are always very meagre during the same kind of weather. The Bavard arrived and departed for Parkersburg on time. The Glasgow arrived from Cincinnati. about eleven o'clock on Wednesday night The Kate Patnam; Capt. G. W. Reed, is announcedto leave for St. Louis this even ing, and as She will be the fitst boat out, passengers and shippers should bear this in mind. She will be followed 'by the J3ellevernon, Capt. J. J. Darragh. Capt. W Kerr has purchased tho Kenton for the Pittsburgh and Portsmouth trade— price either eight or nine thousand dollars, we could not : , ascertain certainly Which. Although about eight years old she is in good'ordet for business. Tow boats were busily engaged in get ting tows of coal ready yesterday, and some of them took their departure. The Ida Rees, Capt. Albert, with Mr. J. H. Rees, in the office, is announced for Memphis, and all other intetmediate points. The Armenia, and Armadillo were ex pected to arrive at. St. Louis on Wednes day. The Antelope and Ingomar collided at Grave Creek—lngomar had her whole side knocked off. No other particulars. —The Lorena and Lent Leoti are loading at Cincinnati for New Orleans. —Captain Dan. W. Idarratt is still an in valid atl Rochester, Pa., but is improving slowly. —The J. N. McCullough left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Tuesday with -a, good trip, and engagements below. • —The Allegheny Belle left Cincinnati Tuesday for Pittsburgh with, three barges in tow, containing 160 tons pig iron. —The Gem, which is "running on her own hook" in the Illinois river trade, is reported as having struck a long, doing some damag'es to her buttom. —A passenger on board the Cincinnati and - Louisville mailboat America, three a diam ,, nd ring, valued at $BOO, from a basin in which he had Just beefi washing hands, the ring having slippe off while washing. —The Dubuque Herald, of Sunday, says: Racing and competion is now the order of things on the lower river. The disease is spreading all along the river, but has not opened • here very fiercely. Now is the time to travel. If you have any visits to make up or down river, start at once before the rivalry ceases and fares ad: vance. , . . - —Says the Chicinnati Commercitil i of Wednesday: Capt. .Alex. Mdiris, of the towboat Baltic, tell overboard from that steamer Monday ;debt, near Richmond, and was drowned. The steward' was coo _ flersing with him in the pilot-house about 1 p. m. He left the pilot-house shortly a erwatd, which was the last seen of him. s soon as he was missed the boat was r unded to and came on back to this port, s arching for him on the 'way, but, as yet, n thing has been heard from him. Captain orris resided in Pittsburgh, and was tie, LN een 40. and 45 years of ag;e. He leaves a t wily in Pittsburgh Capt. Yorkes in -11 rins us he has already commenced 'suit a zain.st the owners of the Norman for pos- session of that steamer, which he claims to have purchased a few days since. —A Louisville telegram says: The own ers of the J. P. Webb, that sunk by run ning into the bank after decending the fails, have sued pilot William Verble iutbe Com mon Pleas Court for damages. He is a licensed falls pilot, and had charge of the boat at the time. Holding pilots accouta. ble In a pecuniary way for losses by disas ter is a new theory in steamboating; but a trio of lawyers are sanguine of making it a possible case, and it will be called in the course of the regular docket. The City Council of New Albany have adopted an ordinance which exempts steamboats, un dergoing repairs or being refitted, from paying wharfage for a period of 60 days. The Messenger passed down for St. Louis. —The St. Louis Dispatch says: The fight fot , the trade of the Epper Mississippi grows hotter each successive day, and it is a hard matter to keep up, or rather down; with the rapid reduction which are being made in passenger and freight rates. The Northern Line announce their rates of freight to Keokuk as eight cents per hun dred, while Capt. Hutchinson says he is prepared to take freight at 1 wer rates than any other line. Each line. 's represented to-day by one of their very est boats—the Reokuk line by'the Rob oy, the North ern lire by the Sucker tate, while the White Collard and Phil Sheridan represents the Northwestern. Such lively competi tion is sure to largely increase the trade of I L . our city, but whether it w 11 benefit any of the packet companies is a open question. • , Rivers awl Wett i iller. (fly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOUISVILLE, Sept. 24.—River rising with six feet two inches in the canal by mark. ST. Louis, Sept. 24.—Weather wet and very disagreeable. rWWW'MT • TV - q pITTS BURGH, - sa ggE i t WAEELING, Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, AT 12 M. • • • MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. BAYARD A. S. SHEPHERD. Master. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, GREY EAGLF ' C. L. BRENNAN, ' Master, Freight will be received at all boars by sell JAMES COLLINS. Agent. REGULAR EXPRESS PACKET FOR BT. LOD'S.— carsplendid steamer BELL &VERNON Capt. D . Amnem, Will leave for above and Intermediate ports on MONDAY, 28th Y. For freight or passage apple on board or to FLACK h,COLLINOWOOD, Agents. FOR EVANSVILLE, CAIRO. AND ST. LOIIIS.—The title steamer KATE PUTNAM Capt. G. W. BEZD, Win leave for above and intermediate portion FRIDAY, 25th inst., at Cr. u. For freight or passare annly on board or to .IuILN FLACK. 8(.21 J. 1). COLLINGWOOD. Agents. FOR CINCINNATI. LOV . .IsvILLE A.ND MEMPHIS.— The splendol steamer. IDA REES No. 2.. , .. tis:o W. ALnEnT, JAL. H. EEs. Clerk, Will for above 's'n‘l all way points on TITN•DAY.-3 For freight or paesage• apply on Huard MEDICAL MANHOOD: HOW LOST ! HOW RESTORED! Just Yitth tithed in seated envel ope. Price, sir cents. A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT. and Radical Cure of Spenpntorrluea, or Svminal Weakness Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility and impedimenta to Mar riage generally: Nervousnesi, Consumption, Epi lepsy and Fits;Mental and Physical Incapacity. re snitlnit from Sell Abuse, /Le" by Robt. J. Culver well. M. I).. author of the "Orcen Book. dm. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OP SUFFERERS," sent under seal, in a plain envelope. to any addrest‘ post paid, on receipt of six cents, or:mg posta_gp stamps, to CHAS. J. C. ALINE d Co., 127 BOWERY, NEW YORK. POSTOFFICE BOX 41156. Also Dz. Culverwoll's "Marriage Oulde, ,, price 23 cents. mva:PAwT 6 1t if Ali 110 0 D.”--Anot her New MEDICAL I'AMPHLET,i rom the pen of DR. CURTIS. The Medical Tiatessoi rorthiswork: "This minable treatise on the cause and cure of premature decline. shows bow heal th Is Impaired through secret abuses of youth and manhood, and bow easily regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the Impediments to marriage. the cause and effects of nervous dehllity„ end the remedle s therefor." A, pocket editiott of the above will be so. warded on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing Doctor CUR TIS. No. 58 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. Jyll:tl ADVICE to YOUNG MEN ABOUT TO MARRY. Essays for Young. Men, On the Errors, Abases and Dlsemses incident to Youth and Early Manhood. with the humsne view of treatment and cure, sent by mall in sealed letter envelopes free of charm Address. 110 WA BOClATlON,•llo.x.Phildelphla, Pa. se=:x.9o-d,tT CONTROLLER'S OFFICE, • d CITY Or ALLEGHENY, Sept. 22. 1868. § EALED PROPOSALS will be received atthls oflleo until Wo'clock P.M., on ONDAT. XS ih Inst., for tiradit g amt Paving ST. CLAIK STREET, from Tremont alley to Bor land alley; BEECH STREET, from Allegheny avenue to Ir. win in - Miner, . CHEbN DT STREET. from Third to O'llara street RACE ALLEY. from Isabe,la street to Rose alley. Also, for Gradinii, only— • NEL.ON'S ALLEY, from /the north termtnu sof Shields alley to the Perrysville plank road. DEVINE ALLEY. In tho Etlf h ward. • FRAZIER saTIrEET, In lth- H th ward. Proilles and a edit cations can be semi In the office of CHAS. DAVIS, Esq. City f.nigtueer. , .. , R. B. FRANCIS, 5e12:x777 F W. C. FELD & CO" DEALERS IN GLUE; CURLED HILIR, Tanners' Scraps, Ceroons, Cattle Talls,l BONES, NEAPS FOOT OIL '&C Office and Warehouse, No. 335 LIBERTY ST., 3d door from Wayne, t. PITTSBURGH, PA. Stir, -1 NOTICNOTICE—TO TUE OWNER OR owners of a Log Raft laying at the A ileghPn E -1 I'le , t3 of Lumber Isying at the _foot of street; also,.the Hull of a Btu , at layllg at t foot of rut street. Non are hereby notified to PAY *WHARFAGE and remove the same WITHIN TWENTY DAYS; or theyvelll he sold to psy R charge E s.. ROBT A. HILL, =MTV . Allegheny Wharf Master. 001.6 ATE Ss CO4B O vG' vitA.unANT rn"t TOILET SOAPS, I r e?t p , r tg a n re tU )y he s s k t i !n e a d tt;Ta r li " , s , r iN and are known as the STAND. q NJ . 1 'f1:1101 by dealers C':1121n411. OFFICE , or CITY ENOINEDU AND DUAVEYOn, I : Pittsburgh. Dept. 19. 11408. OTICETO . CONTRA CTORS.— Sealed' Proposals for' the construction Of a LIC SEWER. ON DIAMOND ALLEY, from Sinlthaeld to Wood street, Nat oe received at this omce until TIMItSDAY, Sept. Ait.h, 1805. The Committee rtserVe the right to reject ittly.or all . . E. J. 111* CORM,iticsig;x77 , City Engineer. OFFICE Or CM ENGINEER AND siinynyon. 1 Pittsburgh, Sept. 16, DAS. NaricE.—The Assesientent for the "Nicolson Pavement ' ou Wood street la now reads , t.ar exAmiD .1.10 n,, and mu beaced at this office until SATURDAY. Sept..26th. 1888. when It will be-returned to the City Treasurer's office for collection.. li• J. BlooßE , . 5e10:X.59 , el , y Ntigineer. NOTH:E.—Application for sale of liquor, on Ale In the Clerk's Office. JAMES ItIciIAFFIVEY, other goods, old Pitt Tp. The License Board sit on the 26;11 Inst., at 10 o'clock A. nt., forbearing the above ni.plientiou. JNO. G. BROWN, - Clerk. sial):x79 _ :1 - 1 - Eki'llEit BELTING, the best quality Oak Tauued, • ' ways ou hand at the •MCLt rates J . .111. 868. , COMMIS I= MILINGER STEITENsura, COMMIS lON MERCHANTS, No. 87 Seco d Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. B )CEIVE AND SELL . AU Kinds of Country Produce. All orders for Merchandise promptly filled, at LOWEST market ates. Yartieultr attention given to the sale of Hu ter. Fggs, Cheese, Dried Fruits, ke, We feel confident that we can give entire sat isfm•tion, by mak ng QUICK SALES and rnOsirr RE TURNS. at 111611 E -T MARKET PRICES, andtherefore re,pectfully soli it your consignments. Ail corre spondence ausw Ted promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. grain in store and to arrive daily. a Milt US \ _ . WATT, LIMO & CO.,' ',- WHOLESALE DEALERS IN '' ---- Groceries. Flour. Grain, Prodnee, Pro. visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon 011.ite., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgt, Pa. • na3:n5.5 J. B. CANFIELD A. T. CANFIELD. Dealers in Goshen Factory. Hamburg and W. 11. Cheese, Butter, rd,. Poik, Bacon, Flour,Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl md S. da Ashes, W bite Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils, No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. .M. STEELE J A. STEELE. vr STEELE & SON, AsA.• Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, .Br,c3. No. 95 OHIO STREET near East Common, . ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES E. MEANOR JOS. HARPER MEANOR & HARPER, • FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MEItCEI.A.NTS 329 LIBERTY'STREET, PITTSBURGH. Consignments solicited. . . _REFERENCES—J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics' National hank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., It. T. Ken nedy & Bro. ja31:124 PILTKIL KEIL KEIL & RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALIRS IN FLOUR, DRAIN, SEEDS, 31ILL FEED,,ac., &c., 349 Liberty Mt., Pittsburgh, mr2A:b37 L . J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, aplB:xl39 ALEX. IieBAS:L. .. ..............7. 8. A.Nuira- McBANE . & COMMISSION lIERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, .No. 14A. WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. • les FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND 00MICIESION AILBOHANTO, For the sale of Fleur, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit., and Produce generally, No. 18 MARKET STREET ; corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe22:us JOUN I. HOUSE . EDW. HOUSE WM. H. ROUSE. JOHN.I. HOUSE •S‘ BROS., Suc cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale cers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa'. VICRIDDLE, No. IS3 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, Pad, Commission Mer chant and Wholesale Dea ler In Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gen erally. au2l E= -4 KNOX 84. SON, COMMISSION .micti tIAN - rs: and dealers in FLOUR. GRAIN FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 79 DIAMOND, oppoaltii City Hall, Allegheny City. jsl7:r37 ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, .COMMiS6tOII Merchants an e a ters In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Ilanufactures generally, 1151 and 11.4 SECOND STREET. Pittsburgh. JOHN EIIIIPTON A WALLACZ. §HIP'rON & WALLACE , WHOLE SALE G ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, O. 8 SIXTH. trItEET. Pittsburgh. Isi2:rsB JOS. A. BUTLER, ALDRBM.AN AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Mice, 126 WYLIE STREET, near Washington, PITTSBFRGH, PA.. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages,Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collections, an AIL other legitimate business executed promptly. mirM: n 9 SMEIL McMASTERS, AS,DE.II3I4', Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. Ql9ce tiItANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. , • Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, ',Acknowledgments, Denositlons, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. mhles EUSTACE S. MORROW, ..fLib3i3mruic&iv*, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds ' Bonds Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and aU Legal Business executed with promptness and dlapatch. mra A AMMON, • A Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT, CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collecuon of Rents solicited and promptly attend ed to. my3:y6o WILLIAM H.BARBEII, City Controller JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C,, Office, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBUROH. Business entrusted to his care promptly attend ed to. • . myl:yel S. FERGUSON, • - SECOND FLOOR. FRONT ROOM JOHN W. ItILDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. office, 116 Diiimor4 Street, (Opposite the Court House,) fel5:lA4l W e A. LEWIS, No. 99 Dlamoxid Street. mhlS:uB H. C. MACKRELL, ATTORNEY AND CDUNSELOR AT LAW, No: Grant Street, my24:b'S JOHN A. STRAIN, 1114,3 71C/0 JUST/OE OF, THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Ontee.llsll FIFTH STREET. opposite the Catbe drat, Pittsburgh, Pc Deeds , Bonds, Blorig.. - *1 AcitnoeriedginentS, Depositions and all Legal nese executed with Promptness andMi_ ARCHIBALD BLARELEV, No. OS FIFTH. STREIT, 11P8tn90:d&P' . PITTSBURGH. PA. bit IT PHILIP CLEIB. QINGERLY bt, CLEIS, Successors L) to Gm F. e.CHHCIINAN & CO.. PRACTICAL LIT II 0 RAP n EMS. The 'only Steam Lithographic Establishment West of the slountains. Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas. Portraits, Views, Certificates of Deposits, Invita tion Cai'ds, Sc., NOS. .ral and 'PI Third stree4 Pittsburgh. ON MERCHANTS. A.A,,STAVHXSON =1 No. 396 PENN STREET !TEEM PROFESSIONAL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street, PITTSBURGH, PA ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Olfoinizmistles;wlvl PITTSBURGH. PA LITHOGRAPHERS. RAILROADS. ---- and l g CONNELLSVILLE R. 1C.,1 On and after THUIaiDAY, March sth, 1808 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot. CO! net of Grant and Water streets, a, follows: IL•:pnrt. Arrive. 'Kanto and frotri Uniont"n. 7:00 A. t. 6:00 r. McKeesport Aecomraod t• n .11:00 A. M. 2 :05 - 1;-x Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 I. 31. 10:00 A. t. West Newton Accommoirn, U. 8:35 A. M. Braddoek's Accommodat'n 6:t v. 11. 7:50 P. ss. Night Ace. to Meleee>port•lo:3o P. rd. 6:40 A. N. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. M.10:00 A. Xl For tickets apply ia J. 11. KING, At:cut. W. B. STOUT. Superintendent.. - tubs PITTSBURGII r 1". CINCINNATI AND z'211.05 , 1 1 *R0- I K. PIS RAILWAY. PAN ILtNDLE ROUTE. CHANGE OF TESIE.—On and alter SUNDAY, Sent. 13th, 1865, trains vrlii leave and arrive at this Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Drlmrr. Arrive. Mall Express , • :4:18 a:m.1.21:13 a. m. Fast Line 9:43 a. In. 2:18 p. m. . Fast Express R: 3B p. m. 11:23 a. m. Mixed Way 6:13 a. tn. 6:38 p. in. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 1.. 11:43 a. M. 3:03 p. in. Steubenville Accommod'n• 3:58 p.m. 9:3:t a. in. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2.. 5:28 p. in. 8:23 a. m, Sr' 2:38 p. M. Express will leave daily. 11:23.x. 31. Express will arrive daily. The 9:43 a. in. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex cepted, and makes close connections at Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark It. It. S. Y. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD. Sup't., Steubenville. " CHANGE of TIME.M . .: ftr, ALLEGHENY VALLEY ,HAILROAD: On and after WEDNESDAY, 7:25 P. I. August 12th, 1868, TWO TitAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Station, corner Pike and Canal streets, for Franklin, Oil City, 'Buffalo, and all points in the 011 Regions. LF.A.Vg riTTSI3I , I“IIT.'ARRIVE PITTSDURGH. Mall 8:05 a m Mail 4:50p m Express 7:25p in; Express._ .... 6:05 a m Brady'sird Ac 3:25 p It-adys Ac10:20 am Ist coda Works Ist Soda Works Aceomod'n.. 11:00 a ra! Accomoda'n. 7:50 a 2d Soda Works !2(1 Soda Works Accomod'n .. 5:20 p Accomoda'n. 2:10 p Mixed WaT T'n 6:20 a in Wa3 T , u 8:25 p m Hutton Acen.. 6:20 a in; Hutton Acc'n.. 8:35 a m l Armstrong Ac. 6:20 p M Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. ai. Ar rive in Pittsburgh - at 9:50 A. 31. •-••- . . Passengers taking express train hare but one change of cars In tween I'ittsburgli, Buffalo and Oil Regions. Mall and Express Trains stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and Accommodation trains stop at all stations. THOMAS W. KING, Ass't. Sup't. W. POSTER HOPE. Ticket Agent. .' anSI WESTERN PENN-agragi SYLVANIA RAIL- R .—On and after Sept. 13th, 1868. tbe Pas.. senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot Allegheny City, as follows: Arrive. I Depart. Snringd'e No 1 6:35 a m thrall 7:00 a lit Freeport No. I 8:21) aen -Freeport No.l 9:05 a nit Express 10:10 a inSharpb'g No:1 11:20 a m Sharph`g No.l 1:25 pm: Express 2:20 pm Freeport N 0.2 4:10 p m Sprlugil'e No 1 3:30 pm Mall • 5:55 p m; Freeport N 0.2 5:20 p m Sprlngd'e No 2 6:43 p m ,Surlngd'e No 2 7:10 pm Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junct. every Sunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Junct. at 9:45 p.m. COMMUTATION TICKXTS—For sale In packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe cified on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City !at 7:00 a. in. and 2:20 P. s. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker's line ofStages forßutler and Hannalts town. Through tickets may be purchased at the Office, No. 3 St. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge -Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further Information apply to JAMES f.EFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except fur wearing ap parel, and limit thel. responsibility to One Hundred. Dollars. In value. All baggage exceeding this amount In value will be at the risk. of the owner, um . less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, • SCI 6 Gen—al Snnerintendent, Altoona. Pa. PCENTRAL tAILIIOAII. On and after Sept. 13th, 1868; Trains will ar rive at and depart from the, Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. Depart. Mail Train.... 1:15 a m Day Express.. 2:25 a m Fast Line 1:40 a tn:Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 ana Wall's No. L. 6:20 a 11:1 Mail Train 8:10 a m Derry Acen.. 7:50 a nin'incinnati Ex 11:40 ain Wall's N 0.2.. 8:50 aml Wall's N 0.2.. 11:51 am Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a mlohnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Johnstown Ac.:10:35 am Braddocks Nol 4:00 pra Baltimore Ex. 1:30 p m Phila. Expres. 4:50 p Phila. Express 1:50 pm Wall's No. 3.. '5:10 pm Wall's No. 3... 2 - 15 pm. Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 p m Braddocks No 1 6:00 p m l Fast Line 7:30 p m Wall's No. 4. 7:15 p m Derry, deer:- 8:50 p m Ilra4"ka No 2. 12:10 am t uradirs No 2 10:50 p m Way Passenger 5 : 30p nil The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and arrit es at '9, all's Station at 2:00 p. m. and Express leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. For further information apply to W. 11. BECK Willi, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as. same any risk. for Baggage, except for wearing ap.. parel. and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. EDWARD IL WILLIAMS. sel4 General Superintendent, Altoona. Pa, EZEI2 IMIIGH, FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO S. E W. AND CLEVLA.ND PITTSBURGH IL R. Prom Sept, 13th. 1868 trains will leave from' and arrive at the Union Depot, north aide, city time, as follows: Leave. I Arrive. Chicago Ex.... 2:03a m; Chicago Ex.., 2:08 am Cleveland Ex.. 2;103 am ; Cleveland Ex. 2:08 ata Erie & Ygn API 7:28 atn flhlcago Ex .11:23 n m Cl. & Wh'g Mg 6:13 a m,'W - heeling Ex. 11:08 a m Chicago Mall.. 6:58 a m:St. Louis Ex..- 3:33 pm Chicago Ex..- 9:43 a m Cl. h Wh'g Ex 4:08p m Cl. & Wlr_gEx. 2:13p u•lErie h Yg`n Ex 6:13 p m Chickao et :28 p m Chicago Ex.. . 4:23 p Wh. &Erie Ex. 4:48 pm'Cl. &-Wh'g Ex 6:53 pm Depart from Allegheny.! Arrive in Allegheny. N. Brlgt n Ac. 8:58 a m ;N. Bri g t'n Ac. 7:03 a m Leetsdale" 10:13 am' N. Brigt'n " 8:28 am" 11;58 am I Wellsville " 8:53 am Rochester 1:33 pm; New Castle " 10:13 a m Wellsv'e Ace.. 3:43 p Leetsdale " 9:13 a m Leetsdale AF.c. '4:13 pml " 1:08 pm N. Brigt'n • 5:33 pm N. Brigt'n " 2:43 p m N. Brigt'n " . 6:28 pmi Leetsdale ' 4:53 pm Leetsdale " 10:43pm .`" " 7:28 D x'.2:28 p . m. Chicago Express leaves daily. sat- 11:23 a. m. Chicago Express arrives daily. sett P. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent. Q.,IITOHY kJ ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST RELLiBLE BOOZ E from the East, to all points in Colorado, Neiada, California, Utah, Arizona, sp4:wril New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. Two Traitt lave State Line and Leavenworth daily, (Sundays excepted. on tin arrival of trains of Patine Railroad from St. Louis, and *ltnnlbal and St. Jo Railroad from Quincy, connectin. at Law.- rence, Topeka and Wamego with sta a ss tor all pointa in Kansas. At end of track west of Ells worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS COM PANY'S DAILY LINE OF OVF.RLAND HAIL AND EXPRESS COMMIES FOR DENVER; SALT T.A.Xr-.1"; And all Points in the Territories, Bent's Fort, Pass, Albu. points in Arizona and And with SANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKI,Y LINE - of gti t/.gr sa fo ii r ta Foit e. titti n4 on w . i New Mexico. g stock and With the recent additions of rolling equipment, and the arrangements made .with re sponsible Overland Transportation 'Lines from itS western terminus, this road now offers unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to the Fax West. Tickets for sale at all the principal offices in the United States and Canadas. lie sure and ask for tickets v THE EMORY HILL ROU FA. UNION PACIFIC B WAY. T EASTERN DIVISION. General Freight and Jct.. at Agent MIZEMO TO 'LIVERPOOL ANDISM QUEENSTOWN. THE INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Numbering; sixteen flrat-class vessele, , ameng tbeld Vie celebrated CITY OF PARIS, CITY OF ANTIVErp, (wry OF-BOSTON, CITY OF BALTIMORE, CITY OF LONDON. Balling EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 45, Nortb River, New York. For passage or farther Informs. lion apply to iyjjj,TAll BDiGILL'iI, 70;TIETH STREET, (Cin - noßtle Nearly opposite rest ()Lace, mut tap t El x=,=-~.. Waslangton, A. ANDERSON, General Superintendent. J. H. WEBSTEIC,