*y7'o*#e - GRANT'S M 3211 liear the mighty shout Art Sad an‘ . l WeEit,l r h alt'B ' watch Freedom'seause must ever Bight, triumphant, rule tn.. Who wlll!take the to kin h' Grant's the . CUORtia Then rally for your leader, bo; rally for thi Bight,, rally inzour:i in g . zulgifeuorulyourfisg' boys , ofe (l i ft hides to tau, " e Rally for yotir loader, boys, Grant's the wry fna:pi! 'ho 'withstood the Vicksburr hsil? Grant's the man, Grant's The man. Who at Richmond did prevail' • . Urant's the very man! 'Who, when older ones_ looked b:uo. Vowed he'd put the matter through? Who made every wort come true? Grant's U 4 very Man! - ---- Cnouus — Who will to the Whitehouse go! Grant's the; mau, Grant's the 'maul Who rebellious gel:wines o'erthrow? t Grant's the Vertu= I . Who will tan the IC: H.: Who Columbia's banner raise? . Who receive the nation's praise? • - Ileaut's the very man:. t • (lit ..icago Poe. JITTERS EUROPE NO 10. - A Visit to the Tomb of Napoleon the First. , _ • • NorreEpondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.l SEPTEMBER 1868. • Among all the. varied and interesting things that' are to be seen in Paris, the Tomb of Napoleon theFirstis, in our judg tnent, the finest. It cannot but excite the . wonder and, admiration of,every , beholder, no matter what may be his feelings and views concerning him Whose mortal remains . are enclosed therein. . On Thursday, the . , 20thOr Jrily, we made a visit to the tomb, and_ shall never forget the impression it made riponns. It is open to the public only — 4ria Mondays and Thursdays of each week from twelve three o'clock, when there is • free admission, and every 'one, of every nationality, who chooses, can go and see • the spot where lies the,`dust of one of the . greatest military chieftains ''the world has ever seen. It is interesting net only to see . the place itself and its-surroundings, lintels° - to look upon the stream of people, the tide of • humanity, that flows thither twice each week ' to see where lie the remains of the =great , dead. Men of every nationality, of every tongue,: of every and rank in life are to be seen passing in and oat. The Ameri , can, the Englishman, the German, the Riench, the Italian, soldiers and civilians, 'priests , and laymen, men and women, young and old, rich and poor, the lady dressed in finest satins and most expensive silks, and . the coarsely apparelled mother with child in her.arms —all, and at the same time, are around and by` the tomb or Napo leon. The crowd.of visitors is so great that it is necessary to observe the strictest order in their passage to and frinn the tomb. Two men in uniform, officials in charge, stand at the head of the stairway to direct the people to go down on the left, piss „around and come up on the right. Remusat said : "Napoleon must have a monument as lasting as his memory." And in his last will and testament Napoleon him self wrote, it is said, thete words: '-I desire that'my ashes may rest on the banks of the Seine, among that French nation that I loved so much." • He has, indeed. a lasting monument—one that will endure for centc ries;" and the request made in his will has !been carried: out. His ashes repose on the Itanhe'of the Seine. Napoleon the First, as . Is known to all who are in any degree fa miller with his history, 'died in exile at St. Helena, in 1821.. In 1842, a movement was inaugurated by Louis Philippe—and at the time it was Considered a 'very generous and liberal` movement on his part—by which the remains of Napoleon.were brought to : Paris, . and at enormous expense4an expense borne 'by the government—a place was fitted and :a tomb •prepared for 'them:. "On the South bank of the Seine, in an open and beauti fully shaded spot, there is a large building with (pert touts, , which gives shelter'and a .-- - ,.horneto about pOOO maimed; old and wain- - ded soldiers . In? ,the rear of this is the •Cburch of St..ionis,, the dome. of which, ' built if the commencement or the 17th,cen ----tury; and , forging its southern .:extremity, lias been appropriated as a resting place for the.'!aehes'? or.Naptde(in I. , - - . You pass through a gate. in a - very, thigh iron fence, and passing along a fifiely'grav: elledw4k- of aboriOrme.: hundred - yards in length, twith flowers andgreen sward on oacteside, ritrascend :the steps! which lead to the dome. ' you' enter the , door; you are struck with the beauty and magnificence _of the - place..i !Me . wholcia exquisite in de -sign and grand in execution. It seems to me that nothing could excel it; and one has mingled feelings of SoleninitY and admire:- tion. You walk on finely wrought mosaic • pavement of the time of XIV. The donnit - •itifelve gorgeously glided . and adorned with splendid paintings. In the' dome; (the' wladebrillding is called by the Yreneh, - the "Deome;) - there' are several . 4 1 8Pe!es Pawn& in, atthemairi entrance, • on your left, is the chapel of Saint Jerome, which contains the tomb of Prince Jeronie Bonaparte, composed of a ,sarcophagus -in black marble, supported by bronze "griffin 'lions.," and on the walla around are six. magnificent paintings. In the chapel on the Tight, in an Immense - black and white mar-_ ble tomb, highly polished, Are the remains of Joseph Bonaparte. Passing qn-, wards a few paces, you come to a circular. " -- inarble balustrade immediately beneath'he dome proper. It is 18 yards in - diameter; and looking oyerit, and. down 12 feet into the crypt your eye rests ' entlietorrib; Where - lies all that is mortal of the great Napoleen. Yon are,at once impressed with . * beauty And collossal proportions. The: tomb itself , is upwards of of 12 feet long, wide, and _`• 14 feethigle, iiiid, - itands on a green,-; granite base which was brought from the Vosges., It is of red granite from Finland, , and,/ was "presented' b? tfieTtnperor Nicholascit, is an - "immense monolith" (singlestone) "weigh; ins' IMMO tiorinde: And was Polished by powerful steam engine." The 011 skis so high .that it really glistens. Around the iombare:tiiiilviltolossidt figures, in marble, •equi•distant from each other, j representing ftbes Eniperor'xiwelve, 'prOipal victories; • six titirids eaeli tontaliiing•n 'dozen or more' LOf•• flags which tetook in his battles.!-'Some of these are nearly whqle, others are in shreds, . The light from the dome above 11 :fiervelst tendering - this;whole - distlitellYil s ible. In the northern extrediVt-„ht .•F btrilding-le a high altar .atol* delta beating' the image of the Balla.'" ' , before; which e7. "VOyltZEOh_qUakinay be seen :kneeling, re, - peatlinr- their 'prayers and counting their "3 - Yrcon'theforir -corners the.altar, there ikao four twisted columns, perhaps , T twenty; inchtslor two. feet.: in • diameter, .of black and, white marble, the "Sunitialta of • ! r" - *litchis& connected With a roof like Jitritel , ,t,,,rirerid i ghlydiiiiished and richly gilded.; Ihe 'rays of the sun passing through in the witudowr,, and falling on the gilding, produce a most "solemn an snoduing effect. There is an under passage that lead from behind the high altar to the crypt, in which is the tomb, but the great brazen dour T i.-.-~-.^ter.+ ,l ~ ~.r - ' V ~ r y ^ ~u':::a%c':_iy,:.: ~~*«::;, _.ate_: - . -; c ~~,,.+~._ ...~..r7~~ - . ia locked altd.the present. Emppror kettis th key in, his own. possession. After having given the tomb, and all in the beautiful building that contains it, a careful inspec. tion, your retrace you steps feeling that you have been' amply paid for your visit, and conscious ,that you' have seen the grandest and most beautiful' tomb in the world. ~TF:IjJ1I MASS. e, "Grant's the matt, 73:01..n!" rd Sties, S e ,t,dv 'and. nd? ery Man. The Catholics are laboring among the freedmen in Baltimore. In their schools and churches white and black sit together. The priests openly declare the_doctrine that "God makes no distinction, and the Church cannot" Commenting upon the above paragraph, .tholit Telegraph, the lead- parsgra:m the Cincinnati Catholic Telegraph, the lead ine organ of the Catholic Church in he Vest, which is edited by Very Rev. Edward Purcell, a brother of the most Rev. Arch bishop Purcell, says: The above is from the last number of the Presbyterian Witness. When was.the wri ter of that item born—where has.he lived ? He must have been taking a Rip, Van Win kle snooze for some eighteen hundred years. The Catholic Church has always done this., Blacks and whites study.and recite and eat side by side at the College of the Propagan ide, Rome. There are now seventeen ne groes being educated for priests in one insti tution in Naples. Last year a negro student carried off 'the highest prize at the Propa panda,. Rome. The same equality prevails in her, churches throughorit the world. , Tmrt American flag which need to be dis played on the steamer that was Gen. Grant's headquarters'on the James river, while be sieging Richmohd, is hoisted on the top of one of the New York hOtels, and there, we are told, it is to be kept flying until after the Presidential election. BY A. ICILWAINE. 37111ERSVILLE PROPERTY, Corner of Centre Avenue and Miner Street. BIONDAT AFTERNOON, September 28th. at 3 o'clock, will be sold, on - the premises, the valuable Gormley property in hilrieriviiie nowCltv of Pitts burgh, at present ti esent occupied by W. M. ormly. s eq., and which has been sub-divided Into seven dear:s tile Lots, situate at corner or Centre Avenue and Miner street. Eot No. El Is 170 feet fronton Miner street and 54 feet in depth along the side next to Centre Avenue, being about 100 feet in depth along the other sloe: on which is the two-story Brick Double Mansion, containing hall,•double parlor, drawing-room and dining-roemon first tor; are chamoers on second' floor; two gashed attics; bacement, kitchen and wash house . with sink and hydrant in kitchen and good cistern connected •Wlth wash house. Einlng room sad kitchen connected with dumb waiter. Near to liotne is a well of good water, covered with grape arbor, and grounds planted lu fruit trees. Lot No. Ile en tuijoinlng. lot on corner of Centre avenue, having 1130 feet t rout on Miner Weer., and being In depth 51. feet on one line and 38 feet on theutber. . - ' Ti is handsomely situate and very desirable prop erty is pasted by the Mint r,viite Street t ars ' bring ing it Into - easy c .rnmonication with lower art of the city. These wishing are invited to examine the proper. y before day of ....le. • Terms of sale—One •third cash, balance in ono and two years, with int.-r. st.. sal A. hicILWAIN6. Auctioneer. f" BY PALMER & PECIIJAIS sultrit & PHILLIPS, P AUCTIONEERS - And Commission Merchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. tiS Fifth Street, pttoburgh, Pa. • BOOTS, SHOES; CARPETS, Dry Goo& and N4tions, AT PEriATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. 'Coostosnaente !Joliette& Prompt 80, 118 e, -. PHA()Ti j e,AL FURNITURE: MANUFACTURERS . •... • wHorzaktas AND ENTAIL. ; , LEMON - ,:it WEISE NO: 118. ISITREirr. Constantly on on han every variety of t i ANLONand CHANNEr FUKN I TUBE, together with 'a cam .plete assortment of common lurniture It reduced prices. Ihole in went p_f anything in our line are cordial ly invited to call before purchasing. Work guaranteed: -• .mlalml4 . LEMONWEISZ., CorrruOLLlch.B orrzcs; • 01701 , ALUXOt1zpf, Sept. US, 1808. EALED PROPOSALS will 'be § reeelired this onkel:mill 3 o'clock P. w, on UNDAY, :113.h Inst., 'ror Utadlrgand , Paying el.att-Siltir..ET, from Tremont alley to Dor - land alley. . - _ *ECU STICkEt:fr6P3 Allegheny avenue. ,to lr wm aver:min • • • • • . • • CHEIb T KTRIET..from TblrdiO Oilers street , RACr...ALLEY, from loabc.la street to 4,tose they.' Also. for Grading,' crap-- FEL'ON'S - ALLAY,:Irom the north lermtna sof alley Co ttrePerryoville plank road.. DEVINE AL LY, in tha,Fit 11 ward. ;FRAZIER STREET . to tn.. 1(1. th•ward. • ' ' FrodlFir and s eddootlona Imo MY Bei= In thd °Mee of•OHAI3. DAY/S LAg. City SnOneer.- • Agit Plrxestatali.: Sept. AL:IA6EI. ;14T01311110E.iltio :Assessment for dIA Grading, Paving anurblog B.IIIALLMAN L:FACT.....from titotth to 1 &floe street. ,lanow reasig 'tor examination, and can be seen at tlite Office twill' IKOS, whet' ig wttllbe're• .tamed to the clty.Treamurer , 4 o.lSee Or collect lon.- seUrzel ' 11.1. 18100Etk. 011,1sxS1Pferr; "- • .f 2 L.: i''' ,t Catholics on Color.L AUCTION SALES. 7 LOTS AND 2 'LOUSES. Lot No. 1 contains aboutone-quarter acre of ;ground. fronting IEO feet on Miner wrest, with a two story frame dwelling. containing six rooms and cellar. Also. spring hou•e, fruit trees, &c. Lnta Nns. 2, a. 4 and 5 are each fronting 94 feet on Miner street, with depth from 100 to 123 feet, with fruit tree , &c. GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 : WOOD . iSTBEZT. (*TUNA, G LA SM AND QUEENSWARE, isn.trzit ri,&TED - PARIAN STATUETTES, BOHEMIAN And etbez STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a great 'variety. : .100 WOOD snuccr. RidlEtA33.l3 BREED ft N CO 100 wani, tmriu=. FITRNITURE. Jai rzuurfxs; Mil ' seZtrie .•! r • •07/IClii9llQtTr Ziogiiiiiiiii•amistraysYdavi • I • gLie.. bitrgt..efint• i• /VOL NIFEAtm;•., __-"Tilit ep apisgspineut. , for, loirdwala'oel nativanlkarenpe, tram Wind Stollen to tbOTOI {tote{ is now ready Mr examination, and can •be seen no tble'olfice - until Tilummy, octate.rlsep,Arbea; Karin be ra• turned te'tne city TriaauretoaVatea far ealleektoa. I •ftentze4;• • .• {4cY, Engineer. • 100011 =E Qlo. LlBET'rlf kott' - The Executors. ie.. of Joseph ttetimiti Offer for sale the Lot and Warehouse No. 10, 1111.110 r*Stal Block, tNo. (Me Llts . erty.street Lol_2o by 11U feet. *Ditty to' - ' 'JAMES — A. IlleK NAL, • sell :x '143 4th Avenue. tor. Oberry • pENN STREET .PROPERTV " • rop - SA LE. Sixty Lg.& Pront nu watt FM° or Penn street by, iyo reef to Brewer's.alley. Three eto,led brrelL dwelling. (formerly- ooftbar)t rounaloo,) with .to blot; la rear. POOBellibijo glv..n.oa three Montle no tice. 'Apply to •11 an A. IttN, ge.t.u.4.1 A.T 4th.enue, nor. Cherry alley. EMI Cr rr f -ftl^ - . M In. 4 _ ISt ittlitiftit T 24.1868. zurnA7mmmrlitm THE APPETITE 'FOR Tobacco Destroyed Leave air Chewing and Smoking the Polsono4 Weed, Tobacco One box of ORTON's PREPARATION IS WAR BANTEDtp destroy the op: Petite for tobilh . co In any person, no matter bow Strong the habit may be, iT' IF IT FAILS Iti ANT CASS THE NOICIIY: WILL BE lIEFUNDHIL It is almost' Impossible to break off from the use of tobacco by the mere exercise of the Something Is deeded to assist nature in over coming a habit so flriblY rooted: with the help of the preparation there is/ not the least trouble. Hun dreds have Used it who are willing to bear witness to the lhct that ORTON'S PREPARATION Com pletely destroys the appetite for tobacco and leaves the person as free from any desire for it as before he commenced its :use. It is perfectly : site and harmless in all casee. The Preparation acts directly upon the Same glands and 'secretions affected by to. bocco, and through these upon the blood, thorough ly cleansing the poison of tobacco from the system, and thus allaying the unnatural cravings of tobacco. No MOUE HAMI:BRING FOB TOBACCO AFTER USING • - ORTON'S PREPA.NATIONI RECOLLECT IT IS WARRANTED• BEWARE Or CO I NIVIWRFSITSI • . I RECOMIXE3I DATION S, .. • The following area hiw selected from the MUM tnde of recommendations to our possession: [Profit W. P. Heald, Esq,, Bangor, Me.l •• BAiroon, Me., April 24. 1888. I hereby certify that I have used - tobacco for tuft*. ty 'ears past, and forts last fifteen years I have used two pounds per month. I have made attempts to leaUt off at dinerent times. I have left oil one year at a time, but alrays continued to tanker for It until I used Orlon's Prk paration, Which has coin. pl. teiy cured me of the appetite for tobacco. I would,recommend all:who are affected with this ter rible bablt to try the preparation, which will cer tainly cure it if tile directions are followed. • W. P. HEALD. • ;Prom E. W. Adkins. Knoxville. Tenn.l KNOXVILLE, Tenn., August's. - 1867. This is to comity that I had used tobacco to such an eaßt that my alth bad become greatly im entre and my whole system deranged and broken dow In June. 186 ff, I pm chased one box of Or , ton's 'Preparation, sind after using It I found that I was completely cured! have not hail any hanker ing or desire for tobacco since using the preparation. I believe it to be all that it is recommended, and I would &tithe all who wish to quit tie use of tobacco to try one box of Orton's Preparation. E. W. ADKINS. (From John Morrill, Bangor, Iffe. M BAxaon, e.. March )14. 118613. This Is to certify that I have used tobacco for eighteen years; have tiled many times to leave off, but have antlered so much from a Wariness Mani' head, and gnawing at my stomach, that I have soon given Up the trial. A abort time since a friend in duced use to try Orton's Prep tration (sold by you.) have done so. and ant completely cured. I did not in the least hanker after tobacco, either to smoke or ehew,, after I began it!) age the Preparation. JOUN MORRILL. Price of ORTON'S \ PREPARATION Two Dollars per box, forwarded tb any part of the country. post paid, on receipt of price. Money seat by wall at our rill. Address, ' C. i i. COTTON. Proprietor. • 1 Box 1.748. Portland, Maine. REIMBENCE. i l We. the undersigne , have bad personal dealings with C. B. COTTON. nd have found him a reliable and fair dealing ma ' and believe his statements deserving the cunildepe of the public: S. B. Richardson. Rev. .J, S. tireen, ' Dr. S. B. Howell, Portland, Me.; Charles H. Morrill.:Bidde ford, Me.; A. H. Bo ve, Attorney. 110fant, Me.; Alonzo Barnard. Bangor, Me.;" W . 0 Sweet, N:sq., West Mansfield, Mass.; H. M. soynton. East Acworth. N. H.; AI. Quimby, at. Johnsyllle, N. Y. ant7:u6o IWMANHOOD ANDTHE VIGOR OF YOUTH restored in four weeks. mic cess guaranteed. DR. HlCOltirS ESSESCE OF LIFE restoresmanly powers, from whstever cause arising; the effects of early pernicious habits, self abuse, Impotency and climate give way at once to this Wonderful medicine. if taken regularly accord ing to the directions, (which are very simple. and requite no restraint from -business or pleasure, l Failure Is impossible. hold in bottles at 43. or four quantities to one for *Q. To be had only of the sole appointed agent In America, H. OERITZEN, 203 Second. Avenue. New York. 1e13:164-rra r4rPHILOSOPIIY OF MARw HIAGE, a new Course of Lectures. as de livered at the New York. Museum of Anatomy. em • bracing the subjects: How to if: , aud what to live for; Youth, 'Maturity and Old Age: I ,,•.inhood ne allyr reviewed; the cause of -indigestion. flatulence andmervous diseases accounted tor; ItlatTis:s ° Phil osophically _cormidered, &c. Pocket 'volumes con taining these lectures will be torwarded to partly , : unable to attend. on receipt of four stamps, bY dressing SECRETARY, New York Museum - 0y Ansc. omy and Science, 8111 Broadway, New York. WBATCHELOWS BLAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye Is the best in the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, Instantaneous:, no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the M effects or bad dyes:.lnvlßo ruts and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Peribmere; and properly applied at Batchelor`. Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street. New York.} an2i:pH grGITIDE TO MARRIAGE, Yoling 'Men , . Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjrltal Felicity. The bumane views of benev olent Physlelaps, on the Errors and Abuses Incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent In sealed letter envelopes, f ree' r charge. Address HOWARD AS SOCIATION. Box P.. Philadelphia. Pa. mylguilgT 'DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ILUTIIi SUMMER CORDIII4, Aratitallible remedy' for Summer Comnlalnt, h Dl a r d gruterr.ll9=7. Boar Stomach .011;11111BIS',,C111111P CERE, A specific tbr - Cholera, Cramps and Patn a in the Stomach. for sale by HARRIS & ENDING, ,Corner of tibertyand,Wayne Streets, AGENTS FOR, a. SCSOONMER, & SON'S PtTItE WHITE LEAD, AND . IffeCOVII VERDITER GREEN, • The only green aint that will not deteriorate by exposure. w ill look better, bust longer and give more perfect satisfaction than any paint In the market. O WHEAT GROWERS. EUREKA: A3ENONIA'rED BONE, SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF TAKE, MaIitiffACTAIRED By Allegheny - Fertilizer Co. OBWABD ge CAMPBELL, • • • PROP 'OlO% - ' 15 . 6 Pm Streftj'Pittaburgh, Pa. ' The beet Zertiligne In nee; 11311i . iecoenbed , 7 Jarman Vito have given It a Arbil, to - be the EMI-, ,ard for raising -large crops of. Wheat, Rye; Oats; p orn ; pots toes: U.{ We have PUblilland enrol:dation sqtaingblet-oontalnlng leltereettnt vid valeabbfetitesuents of tals.Pertillter 'eagles of rikbe song free to en" eeellthlfel their Id" City Controller. ) LAKlElitre.igniOrt rr AND MOLTING VORIS, ,iarr.T 4 oM:raciii. • , • • PARK,. 26 1 . 0CURDY 8c• co. IlannihoturUrs of Sheathing, Brasiers* and Br it Copper, Presled Copper Bottoms, liais e d gtni Both umns,i spelter Bolder. ' Also, Impor-ra and Dealers In metal, Tln. Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire. le. Con stantly, on hand 'Miners, Machines a c d Tools. Warehouse, No. 140 FIRST STR and ,1510 SECOND STREET Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper, cut to any desired pat terns - FERTILIZERS. COPPEL I`FOR SA.TA....tra.r..' ESTATE. -FOR SALE.. -• • . . - .. TWO -HOUSES AND LOT on Carlon . street, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, as the party is aboutleaving the city, and wishes to dispose, of thenronerty,before removing. SAW" HILL, TWO DWELLING HOUSES, TWC BARNS, with good FARM, and about 1300 acres timber land. is property will be sold low. Cast 4%soo—balance on time to suit buyer. palm OF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn; 50 acres of the land clear. pAOm OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad; Very well located for raising stock; improvements are good and su tantial; 100 acres of the land In meadow and gra n. CITY PROPE TY.—Will sell a good brick horse, containing dye ems, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, =I wonlifrent r the amount in six years. X LARGE - L T OF GROUND, having a river front and very onvenient of access. TANNER], c nvenient to the city, and having a well estahlishe custom or local trade connected therewith; ago 1 dwelling v.nd forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS iln Sharpsburg, near the railroad; would make a good coal yard: HOTEL FOR SALE.-:That dna Hotel property, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. • FOR RENT. One large House, for Boarding House. One new Brick House, 8 rooms. One new Brick House of 4 rooms. One new Brick Illause of 3 Moms. One House of 5 rooms and lot 55 by 140. . One House cf 7 rooms awl lot 150 by 150. Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. One new Frame House, 4 roots. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. One new Frame House in- Wilkinebutg, having six - room and large lot, well suited for garden. 7 acres that .be divided into acre lots. 5 Lots in Oa land. l an Power and a large . Room and' Yard for rent, in a good toestio Will be rented for short or long time. _, • FOR LEA OR SALE-3 Lots on Horton street, Ninth Ward, • • • , . - • WANTED-3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4. inches I thick. 1 • TO LOAN--$50,000, IN SUMS OP $5,000 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT 1 D. P. HATO'S REAL ESTATE ORE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. leZI:D111 2,000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, Bt THE Union Pacific -Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, at $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACES, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS. . For further particulars, maps, Ac., address JOHN I P. DEVEBEITX. Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas. Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, See'y, ani4: St. Louis. MissonrL FOR SALE. The Oil Refinery, 'r KNOWN AS THE CRESCENT COAL OIL 9).'S WORKS, Situated in BALTIMORE, MD., on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and me.t coureniently located with reference to either home or foreign trade. These works are very complete ii all their appoint moots. and are capable of turning out 30,000 to 35.000 GALLONS REFINED PElt WEEK. They have tankage fur about 8.000 barrels of ott. The prospect of an early coutpl sloa of the Con nellsyllle Road, renders this prope t especially de sirable. Address, or call on, LAWU&NON LE'VERLN anZ:vai 60 GAY STREET 5.500 WILL PURCHASE A NEAT COUNTRY SEAT. can t flung 9: acres. all under fence and cultivation. The improvements are a cottage bones. with stable and other outbultaings; 200 bearing fruit trees of best selections i watered_ by two never - fail ing veriteg:-. ggtegni giertefrrr Creek. el 11 riirrfht place an extensive view can be bad of Manchester, Allegheny City and the rivers. Terms easy. Apply to B. MCLAIN & CO., an= , Cor. Fourth and Smithfield streets. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE for SAL - E.—Large Dwelling, with two lots, on Penn street, $30,000: Residence on Penn street, $20.000; two. ntory Brick, Federal street, $0,000; Residence la Allegheny, $30.000„ Brick House, ?mktlin street. • 06.000; Brick House, Franklin street, $O, House and House on Ohio avenue. 1 118000:. House arid two lots. Fountain at.. 52.000; and two lot.' , Dune in street, $3,13 t. 0; Hotel on inn Penna. R. It., 11129,0014 Motel at Harmer, Ohio, $12.000; House on Chatham street 7,01110. self/ d. CUTHB ' tT & SONS. rR SALE 4, TO LE*- -Houses and Lots for sale In all farts of the city and so . Also, several FARMS In good locations.' Also, a small WOOLLN FACTORY, with AO acre/ of land, and good improvements, which I will sell cheap and ,on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on good streets. Private Dwelling Houses for rent In both cake. For farther particflars inquire WILLIAM WARD, jaM Grant street, opposite Cathedral. WINES, LIQUORS, &o PITTSBURGH IMPORTING HOUSE, ESTABLISHED IWO. SCHMIDT & FR ISPORTFJIS OF FOB WINES AND LIQ No. 409 Penn Street, Pi Would direct the attention of the 'pub le to the fact that, two seising super aor facilities tbr , ugh several lerge Wine and Liquor Houses in :uropto, and Making tuck importations direct, the are enabled to offer the various grades of choice INES AND LIQUORS at prices less then Eastern rates. Ex aminations of qualities and ,compar .n of prices respectfully solicited. ' A choice assortment of pure OLD rYE WHIS KEY constantly on hand .1 I PURE NATIVE WINES. DIABEILLA AND CATAWBA, , Of our own growing. Also, the beet 'brands .ot OHASIPAONE,. CLARET, SHERRY and PORT. WINES. -"Vine Growers' Compatryfi: of BRAN DY, pint flasks,' just the thinglbr travelers. N. 13.—raxtkalar attention paid to supplying families. ../E: ',A ; MAMMON. • ir2B:tB7 ; . No. 4 ' , Ayala alley, Pittsburgh. • JOSEPH s. FINCH Foy 30.. sti„ kat is.. 191. /93 and 196 11387 1378EET, ' • Copper' ' , thinned Pure Rye Whiskey. Mao, dealers in POIUCIGN WMEB and LiQUO.IIB, HOPES; • - itihM.3o3 • DYER AND SCOURER, DYER.AND SCOURER . 87 1 1.1041#:: And Rep s , 185 and 181 Third Slreet, PITT/381711G8 PA. • sirle:s4 , . , STONE. NIVEII4 COMMON • 'Machine Stone Works NOrthwort corner of West Common ; Al l egheny. ' rannm. ATVATER dt CO. Have on hand — or prepare on short nottue Hearth and Step Stones, 7flags for Sidewalks, Brewer? Vaults, &a. Head and Tomb Stones, &a. Orders DrOtuptly azeunkal. Prices reaaotuittut, INSURE Y O UR LIFE n THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE co., No. 102 BROADWAY. ASSETS RAPIDLY INCREASEVO, OVER This Company is tho Guardian of a Sacred und,T which is to provide for the Widow and the Father less, with the least possible harden to the , fnsured. All Approved Forms of,Policies Issued. Liberal modes for the payment of Premiums. Policies Non-fortelting by their terms. The Entire Profits of the Company dirty ed equitably among the Insured. Last heturn of Premium, FINTY PER CENT. . . . . . Hon. John A. Dix, E. V. Hanghawout, lion. James Harper, William Wilkins, John J. Crane, Julius 11. Pratt. William 1% Hooker, AV illiarn W. Wright, Wm. M. Vermilye, Charles J. Starr, Chas. G. Rockwood, William Allen, Hon. Geo. Opdyke, Geo. W. Cuyler. Minot 0 Morgan, Geo. T. Hope, Thomas Rigney, ' John H. Sherwood, . . Benj. B. Sherman, Edward Il• Wright., Aaron Arnol.• - Geo. W. Pariee, Rich'd H. Boirne. r _ Wm. L. Coggswell. WALTON H. PECKHAM, President. HENRY V. GAHAGAN, Secretary. LUCIUS McADAM, Actuary. GENERAL AGENT 808 WESTERN PENNA., Room No. A. NADA of Commerce, Build. bag, corner of Sixth and Wood streets, iffrAgenta wanted. Apply as above. jy2l:t23-TTB IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISTUth 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED v 1 .NDS EXCEED /NG $8,000,000 IN GOLD. Insurance against Fire effected on—Houses and Buildings, Goods, Wares and Merchandise, Steam boats, cc. Policies 'stled payable In gold or cur• reneyy United States Branch Office, 40 PINE STREET. New York. All losses of the Uulted States Branch will be ad justed In New York. J. Y. mor.....A.Trorri,i - N - , Agent, PIT LIIBURGII, PA. Office, 07401ETIVFH STILEET. MR. IdeLAUGALIN is also Agent for the Manhat • tan Life Insurance Company. ses:v72, BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, Office in Franklin Sayings Bank Buildings, No. 43 Ohio St. Alleleleti7. A. HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well hi:Limn to the community, who Met by fair deallx4 to merit a share of your patronage. HENRY IRWIN.. GEO. D.- RIDDLE DIRECTORS: 1 Henry Iraln, D. L. Patteraon, Henry earwig, Deo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, Gottlelb Faaa, Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Witiston, Joseph Craig., Jos. Lautner, H. J. Zlnkand , Jeremiah Kohen aplo:osi -V‘ESTERN INSURANCE COM. ,T PANY OF PITTSBURGH. LEXANDER NUMMI, President. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT.•GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office, 4121 Water street, Spang & Co.'s Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will itt:ure against all kinds of Fit* and Milillt Risks. A home Institution, managed by Director, who are well known to the community, and who am determined by promptness and liberality to main. tale the chamster which they have assumed, as of feting the best protect's% time who desire to be in. DIMUCTORS: exander Nimlek, Jena A. McCune, Al a• Viler, Jr., - Chas. J. Clarke Jima' uiey. . William S. am Eval i A ‘ • Alexander .. - lest Joseph-Mirky.a Andrew Aekien, PhlllipHeymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Monsen. no® E=Mtli BALTIMORE INDENNEM AGAINST LOSS BY FIRA. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PIOLADELPHIA, OVEICH, 433 a 437 CHESTNUT ST., NZAR STII ' Charles ff.Baneker, Tontaa Wagner, . Samuel bran t, R. Smith Feorge W. Rinetarda, CHARLES 0. BAN EDW. C. DALE, V 1 W. C. STEEL E Secs . . • J. GARDNY North' West corner mhZ:wls pIENNSYLVAIVIA • INSURANCE. COMPANY OF PIMSBURGII.. - OFFICE, No. 107,4 WOOD STREET, BANK 07 COMMERCE BUILDING. This Is a name Company, and Insures Wrist km by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. , O. V BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICE, Treasurer. HUGH MCELHENY. Secretary. Lecntard Walter, C. C. Boris, . bert trkk„ Jacob Ro PPaianter, Josiah Ring. Jai. Hopkin, Henry Bereet, NATIONAL nrsuirwircip co., OF THE OUT OF ALLIXOFEBT. DAY, . Om •W 0 in 4o ALLEGHENYALLEGHENY TROST OOXPANVI Strlll. FIRE : INSURANCE ONLY. - . .. . _ 1 W. W.' MARTIN, President JAS. Z. STEVENSON. Secretat7. • ~ DERECTOBJ3: 1 A. H. Eiish‘ ' o.ll.P.Wiitiams Juo. Thompson Jno. A.. Myler , , 1 Jas. Lockhart, Jos. Myers. Jas. L. Graham, Bobt, Lee, C. C. Boyle, Jno: Brown, Jr. Geo. Gent, Jacob Kopp. mh25:1284 • . . . ORS, btcrgh, A . LLEGAIENTINSIIRANCE COIN. PANT OF . PITTSBURGH. - ' OFFICE. NO., 31 RIF= STREET, • BANK PLOCII 71nsnres against all kinds Of Firb and Marine Ruts Jeffs IRWIN, Jn.. President. ' 'JOHN D. ifcColl.l3;'Vtoe President. ' 0. G. DONNELL. Secretary. • OApT-. WM. DEAN. General Agent. • ' • ' Diesc2onas . ' • ' - aolut Irwin,. Jr., ' Crpt. Wm. John D. McCord, - , .B. L. Fahn l e ) :Mc c C. O. 'Hussey, • W. H. Eversorto 'Barre, Childs, . Robert. H. Davis, T: J. biosklnsn, , Francis Sellers, .Charles Hays ,- "cant. ./. T. Stock dale. pEOPLESP 111;13111LINCE/ COM- MICE, EMMET. iiPOOD ai FIFTH ST& A HOWL Company, taking Fire .raid lisalmelldr/M DargriO . , ns: •Wm. Flifillpd; • • • Capt., John Is: Bhaads,' John Watt,:; • , . Samuel P. John Z. Parkh i Charles A/buckle, ' C a pt. James lll Jared M. Brush; -Wm. Vali Kirk, Wm. F. Lang, t, • James D. Venter, Samuel liepdpaalr,/ , , PHIL , I re a Piesldent. IVA - leo Prealdent. • ' W. F. BAJAD Id, Secretary. CAPT JAB GORDON. Genera . . l Agent • Star 1101 USE, . - slits dent class Itoteirritt open for the eesdiceVei Stith June.. Tertelc 50 per dtr , F , pererew Address - THOmPhOrs p r i etor (Forreertf of Congress Hall, Cape 104;144w fronali px, "tow._ wohivon, D. O) N. - B.—The annals; !MI leader the directio Yr.CARL hEtiTZ. ahret7 A piEw SinkattliißESOßT. TBE LAKE HOUSE; Eitoneborch Paw inn the line of .Jamesiiiwu, irrankliw Railroad, one hour's ride _from Fftnklln.) . This' hems* Is Itmanew and commodious, well furnished. bee rooms, ten-pin alleys-and covered prome nades. It is ou the banks of the most ehartntrur /airy Lake to America. abounding Iti ash, and ad. mlrrle for sailing purposes. surrounded with Sul phur springs, rdmantle scenery, ite. , It is the best summer resort in ihe State. Address. T. ILIABIZEDIN Propristoxy .~ "'~~: 1' ~ .::{ a"?i.l :. .ten INSURANCE. GUARDIAN OF NE FORK. $1,000,000. DIRECTORS J. BATES DI'MULLIN, PITTSI3I7R(3II - 1, OF ALLEGFIFSY, PL DIRECTORS Mordecai H. Louis David %Brown. Isaac L Edward . Dale, George Tales. ;KEIL Pre t sident. ice Presiden. retarv, pro fee. 'ER c)Prix, worm., third and Wood Streesa. Geo?T r Wliscnu Geo: W. Evans, J. C. Lippe, • J. C. Flamm, John Voegtley. A. Ammon. `Horm3; Al!CUSEl'lclw-. NEW OPERA HOUSE. Lessee.. Manager THURSDAY EVENING, Sept. 24th, and every Evening and Saturday 3tatlnee. The Original Grand Speetneulai Drams, arrange[ from the great French sensation. LA BICBE DU BOIS; on 2tiE ENCHANTED FAvric. In a prol-gue and four awl' introducing WHIT MAN'S EUROPEAN STAIf 13A.1.11.h fROUPR. under the tilreb ion of the celebrated Maitre de Bat let. MONS. MARA WSOK h. Star Danseuse A ssolutO M'LLE. EUISIPINA MORLACCHL: and the re nowned Pn tnieres, 3l'lle. hknda Pence; Zuardi, 31.11 e. liarretta, Wile. A ibettina, Artiste, t L e A h PET And AU e G w U on T d l er N f E ol , t l o ta g l e i t a h n e C wi i t ld h a Coracle Ballet of *I 111 - ty All rill try Ladies. New Music, New Scenery, Elegant Costume.. and Ar— mors, Splendi , t Properties and Appointments, and the m , st dazzling Transformation scene ever seen In this country. - pg''PROF. CARPENTEEVS--- FASHIONABLE DANCING AUDEN!, No. 75 THIRD STREET, is now open for the re ception of pupils. Class days and hours—For La dies.. BlaPters and Misses. W. dnesday and Saturday, at 2.9.6 o'clock P. M. For Gentlem,n—Tuesday and Friday Evenings, at 8 o'mo.k. Private lessons given. Circulars can be had at the Music Stores and at the Academy. Classes out of the city, If convenient. attended te. . air Hall to let to Select Parties. se4:v79 TN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF 1 ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pennsylvania. In the matter of the - ' ‘. • ESTATE OF D.LNIXL MORGAN, Late of Findley township. Allegheny county, No. —, June Term, 1808. Writ of Partition In Va in MEM To James Morgan, otColumbians county, Ohio; Emily S. Morgan, widow, and Fannie Morgan, minor child of Jeremiah Morgan, decessed,'hy her guardian. A. IL Thomboon, Georgians Cook, wife of John L. Cook. Frank I. Morris; Bush Morgan, Louis N. Morgan Yellin& E.. Intermarried with Joseph Mountjoy, Jefferson : organ; Chas . Morgan, James Morgan, Grace Ann Morgan. children of Dr.. Charles Morgan. deceased, and the,sald Charles, James and Grace Ann Morgan, being minors, and E have for their guardian, John it. Large, sq. Daniel Ferguson, Emily Wesver. wife of Henri Weaver, Sarah J. Ewing. wife of John M. Ewing, Mary Keefer, wife of Smith Keefer. James A. Fur guson and John M. Ferguson, children of Fanny Ferguson. deceased: George. W. Morgan, Mary E., wife of Elijah B. Martin, Fannie - F., wile of John Fannin; John Morgan, Maud M. Morgan. Blanche B. Morgan. Robert W. Morgan and ear , h E. Mor gan, children of William otorgan„ deceased; the said Jobn. Maud. Blanche. 'Robert and sarah being minors, and A. Mcßride, Esq., guardian ad Wens of said children. You are hereby nodded thatan Inquisition will be held In purthance of the aboVe mentinnen writ of partition and valuation on the premises. In Findley township Allegheny county, PerIIIB.VIVAIIIS. on ThiURSVAY, the 29th day of October, 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. to mike partition to and among the heirs, &c., of the said deceased in such manner and in such proportions as bythe laws of this Com monwealth is oireeted, &e.. at which time and place you may attend if - you think proper. SAMUEL iL CLULEY, Sheriff. 11''s office, Sept. 17th, 1868. 5e,12.:x95 TN THE HATTER OF THE Al'.. piLcation of the , - Germania Building and Lou Association FOR A CHARTER OF INCORPORATION No. 1,002 In the Court of Common Pleas of Alle—, gheny County. In the above c , se the Petitioners have applied for a Charter as a Building. and Loan Association, un der the statute In such case made and provided, and unless exceptions be Ell d in proper .t ime a Charter will be granted at next term of said,Court. President. Secretary. MASI NOTICE --Notice is - hereby given th , t Letters AZ adman' tratlon have been granted by the Register °titles hen, county. to the undersigned. on the.state of M RE ,ERICK SAUER, late of Allegheny county, deceased. All persons In— debted to said e-tate are heteby notified to pay the same, and all persons having cl,lnas sgaiost the said estate, to or sent the zam,, pro,erly authenti cated, for settlement. • MIODA LEN SAUER. Adm inistratrix of Frederick Satter, deceased. Pittsburgh, Sept. 7, 1868. sepB:xs. BANKRUPT NOTICES. D. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE ; W. D. 6: rennsy Prrrsnunon, Sept. 14th. MIL THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE . that on the day of September A. M. 1888, a arrant,in Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF JOSEPH R. 'DICKEY, Of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and Mate of Penneylvania who has been adjudged a bankrupt on hit own pytition; that the payment of any debts any delivery of any property b- longing is such bankrupt to bin. or for his use, and the trans— fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting. of the creditors of the said bankrupt. to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. .U 6 [Federal St.. Allegheny City Allegheny county, Penna., before JOANN. PURVIANCr, Esq., fteglater, on the 7th day of /November, A. D. 1868, at A o'clock r. MEM . U. B. IdARSRAVE. OFFICE, W. D. of Penutylvatda. Prrrsstritan. t