6. STEEL WORKS DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. COLEMAN, HARM & CO., 11A-NUFACTCILERS OF Iron, Nall', and Steel. Carriage and Wagon Springs and Axles. Duquesne. XL. had Juniata Alsrrhant Bar, Round and square Iron; Band, Hoop. Sheet and Plate Iron; Oval, Half Oval urd Half Round Iron; Cylluder and -Wagon Box iron:Drag and Dropper Bara; told Plat Hall' fur coal Roads; Cut .Nails and Sakes;' Plow. Spring and A.B. Steel: LanalnatedtStecl; Cut ter Bars, Crow Bars, &c., &e. Office and Warehouse-77 WATER STREET, Pittsburgh. • . • . SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS.' SINGER, HEM ez. CO.; ME FTrTSBUIRGII, PL, Manufacturers of every description of 'CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, ' , RAILWAY SPPIN G5l , VT.LIETIt. i"LATFORM SPRINGS. AXLES,.I P STEEL TIRE, &c., &c. .. _ Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Sts. MILLEII" . BARIt & PARKIN. GENERAL re.unnats: WM. "IdETCALF,I REUBEN MILLER, GEO. W. BAUR, CHAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL. PARTNER-S. M. KIER CRESCENT. STEEL WORKS, MTT.T ;VTR, I3AIIII pAitirarr, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, fe14:4148 PITTSBURGH, PA BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & Ca.; Ifanitfactnrers of all descriptions of saipm3mr_m. Once and Warehouse_ t 1211,15151. 1914. SECOND and 119 and 1111 FIRST ISEKETS, • PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. [ESTABLISH= /X 1E45.] ANDERSON & WOODS; cauccaTaoss TO ANDERSON, COOK * C 0.,) Manufacturere of every deeerttlynef STEEL. BEST REFINED TOOL STEEL. Hill, Malay, Circular, Gang-and Crois Cut SAW PLATES. Spring, Cast and German - Plow and Blister. Steel. Shovel, Hoe, Fork, ttake and - Toe Calk Steel. Railroad Spring Steel and Frog P_oints, Cast Steel Singer Bars,,plekle Steel. Spring Steel Tire, Plow Wings, etas Oil Drill Steel. Omcu andWorks—Corner FLRST AND ROSS STS:,. Pittsburgh, Pa .1728:0 Godeffroy , Brancker • 42 EXCHANGE . PLANE NEW Tax, - - Are prepared, as S.ole Agents in the United States for the Prussian 3lining'and Iron Co., of Duisburg, Westphalla,.to contract or sell •ln quanUtleato suit`' purchasers, (delivered in either New York. or Philo, delphia) the celebmtei • -2 V.. H. SPIEGELEISEN Bed do extensively for the manufacturing of BESSEMER.• STEEL. r ile' Iron is free from Sulphur and Phosphorus; and contains a heavy percentage of Manganese. The I I : hove are also ready to contract tor, or sell t o arrive, 4. STEEL RAMS Manufactured by 0. AE DT & co., I Dortmund, for which litter 'Aria - they alio lave the Sole Agency In the United States Full particulars, sarapieS, prices or clienticalan slyede will•tie proMptly forwarded on application IRON WORKS. JAB. V savzs, Presq. W. P. roaris; Burl. PITTSBURGH FORGE AND - IRON CO., r. MAKFTAOTtOOtEtB OP Bar. Iron; - : - , - t F *.ilroad FiCh Bars and * Belt` Railroad Car 'kxles_nolleah - Railroad,das Aries Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomottve - Frame Shapes; Side Rods; Yokr.9 l it,ia Ph; • . Piston Ready, Stesahlisicit Situirtsl - Steamboat Cranes: Piston ,• Piston Rods, ,Wrlste; ' • ••• FitiMall Jaws, Collars, de. Offloe;•No. 177 . PENN STREET, PITTSBUILGH. EVERSON, PRESTON • Funnylvania Iron. Works. • Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET opposite Monongahela House, anZtula . ;, . PITTSBURGH. STOVES, C.A.STINGS, &C. THE A. BRADLEY & CO„ Man ufactarerp fft,t4e great,est, varleq,43l Cook, Parlor and- IleatingSt4ves, .10 BE I;4SEND IN THE BT .111.2E.' - - - 1 Sole Agents for the celebrated-lima BafttingDftr erne' Stoves and gurnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the WA+ for rarlOr,f , fflee. bfroreorChureh. Fire ne, dr no rek (idling—burns all winter. D 6 net buy , Until you see or send tor eireularso, , . , 1 if°. r 3O WOOD 8 [BEET ' 1 , .. (far Agents for Orleotals—DE ABLER' BROS., ernithfleld St.; GEO. if WILE Y. Allegheny City.. _____ COOK STOVES . CET THE BEST'• BISSELL fk Co.'s TRIUMPH, FOR BIT I UMINOVS 170-4 Z, Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as Well as any other Stun in the Union. BISSELL & - CO., No. 235 ,Liberty Street. Alan on hand and For gale, • - fiZATINO BTOVr.f. CRATE leltON'Ti.3, PENDEKS, COOKING RANOEti, 40, • FOITNDERS i .MACHINISTS: ATLAS WORKS, ItIOFtTON. ! STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest and most complete establishments in the West, and are now prepared to furnish • • ORDERS somemp n09:n69 NATIONAL FOUNDRY •-• AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallman Streets, - (NINTH WARD,) PA. WM. SMITH 31anufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE , FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. saYiL P /Sl4 lr f e eei l le c nagtiln.vaLT,l.lF.Vghligroyf . Generaleastings for, Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gaa Works to my make of RETORTS. relit:tie L. 0. LIVINGSTON.W. 11. BITILT.W. A. itonisracnr.:B. LIVINGSMF & C 0.,. • " IRON FOUNDERS • MANUFACTURERS OF FINE CASTINWS, All descriptions, foiPlembeis and Gas Titters; .Ag. rictanrailmplements, Cotton and Woolen Millham chi Al e lLbifOrk promptly attended to. tlinCe and Worki—WASEINGTON 'AVENUE, near Otter Depot, 'Allegheny City, - • - PITISBDROH. ROBINStiN,ItEk&VIN, Successors to ROBINSON, Mims & Kimarms, WASH:INGTO N-*ORKS . . FOUNDERS'. ND - MACHINISTS., PITT4BURGH, .Manufhettcrera of Boat and Stationary Steam En gine': Blast Engines, Mill Machinery., Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tank/ and Stills, B'lier and Sheet Irlin work, Office, No. 12. corner Vint and Snalthlleld Streets. Agents fbr GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. • B111:122 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. butler Street, Ninth Ward, Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPET BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orden promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERT & 31ACKLIND. ocle:Ll; ERLIN :FOUNDRY. • PRICE & SIMS. Office and . Ware4onse. ,28 IVCiod Street. Manufacture and keep conatautl:y on hand • Tbpimble, Skein and - Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, BUGAIt EETTLEB, HOLLOW And easthigt generally. , ap3Bry6 THOMAS CAFILIN &C1 0 .2 Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, S&NDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CTZT:t lliatTinflctaremot Steam Engines, 'on Presses. Pta tem Blushing, Grist and Saw NU Work., Balling Kill -and 3fachine Gargn,g_a Arate Bars... Weights, Wigon Boxes, ite4......kiniad 40,qxdor_ink: to on ballet/Diener of all sizes. nwl4:q3 C 4l5lll4l6 :fir DRY . AND ROLL WORKS _ 1380 Penn street. BOTIAkI4 f BOYD & BAGALEY. • Chill Bolin, Min Calttngs, nolltathes, &c. LTOPE - 14A - CRINE -WORKS. ESTABLISHED IN 1836. othotorr Of 81 . 8.A.k1 ,ENGINES, of all sixes and of the mostatiproiedluttteroa c for stationary F°sea • STEA MB OATS and STEAM FERRY ITS. A variety at 10;12; sad: 1.11/konte power GIMES, which will be - sold at very reduced prices. ' : 'P. F. IitHISSEI; Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles below 114sbuzgh, on the pldo river , and of C. &P. It. • . 1 • . 21.00 :112 HARDIATARE. EW 11141!pWAILE 'NOUS& ; • lANDSEY, STERRIT EUIVIit, 2dannfactarers indlniporteiro _ HARDWARE, 887 LIBERTY STREET, •One SquareDelow Dolton Depot, PiTTSBUAGIC * Amentiffor"PAlßßAWlCH` eCIALES. PITTSBURGH- NOVELTY WORKS. ADAMS, M'IC.E.E., sifir. CO., ma.NrrAcrosiik OF Keystone standard. Patent Platforms _ and Counter ;SC LE S. „. . lanai Faced Patent Dope Locks and Latches. PAINT AND 0 WP I E OLVA S IILE IRON. Ao. .- . . Corner of dranti , and First Streets; aug:tAt PITTSMINGN. WILL, S. TAYLOR, PAINTER; No. 44' OHIO STREET, Alleghenn Thankful for the former very liberal patronage be stowed upon me, I assure my friends and the public generally that, irrthe future as in the past, I shall endeavor diligently to merit a-continuance of the same, and will be alwayei At the glop Jr= 7 to 9 6 N. std trout 1 to' aP. u. turaltai prrTsiTunGH. Engines, of every detwription. Boilers, 011 Tank . Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling Bill Castings. Engine Castings. Machine Casting's. General Casting's. (Opposite Union Iron Mills,) - rITTSBURGEI CUTLERYi' CORNER OF VATlne,' Ih:‘ OW a) 6 1 ilitil9 a:4l PAINTE4S. PITTSBURGH, GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY, -SEPTEMBER 23, 1868 ENGINES, BOILERS, &e. HUGH MI BOLE & CO., Car, Point Alley and Duquesne St., Engine Builders Founders &Machinists, Manufacture STEAMBOAT 'ENGINES and STA TIONARY I , MANS'S; of all 'sizes. Special attention Invited. to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE; AND PORTABLE BoILEIL, of 15-horse power; CASTINGS. °revery kind.' made to order at our Foundry, on THIRD STIKET, below 3larket. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHA STING, PULLEYS HANGERS. HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL, WORKS, - Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the. Point; PITTSIIURGII, PA. Sir All orders promptly filled. TRY L'R. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNIDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH TANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRID ORS; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Office and Warehouse, corner Second, • Third; Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. AlEll• Orders sent to the atroyo address wltl be promptly attended to. mh7:189 WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS • AND SKEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20;26, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. Having secured itirirge yand and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Hollers, Condensers, Balt Pans, Tanks,Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller Iron,Brldges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Banthill , s Patent Boilers. , Repairing done on the shortest notice. laS:e2l AMES M. BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., MAIMPAO7IIIIIOI OP IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PA-NS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACK'S, .14,11.2 D 1117.U811 ' JEDIRTND D. BILI7B/1. JAILED M. BRUSH & SON, MA2iTIFACTVICiIII3 0? Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 4 , •••• ~, , WARING AND KING, eolondsslon lambent, and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY,- PITTSBURGH, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESFS, WARING, KING & CO., I . TACH BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DE.A.I.&RS.IN Petroleum it Products. Pittsburgh Uffice—DALZELL , BUILDER°, cor ner of Duquesne Wxy end Irwin streets. rbitidelphla Ofeee-127 W.A-LNI7T BT. apt :w3O , HM. LONG 8c CO., • • MAROBACTIIREBS OF PURE WILIrE BURNING OIL, Brutal--''L IJCIFER." Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. LUMBER VLIJAIBEIt LVRIIREU! ,ALEXANDER PATTERSON, Dealer in all Rinds of Lumber. ON RAND AND FOR SALE 500,600'feet Dry Pine nentnilt a ' 30,000 feet Dry Oak, 1 and ts inch; 20,000 feet Dry . Ash, 2, :4;i and 31ach; =- 200.000 feet Hemlock; t 1,000,000 Np. t 111-inch Shingles, sawed; 100,000 No. 110-hicb Shingles, sawed: ' 100,000 No. 110-inch Shingles, .aved; - 2,000 Locust Posts, 7, S and 12 feet; 300 Cedar Posts. Also, Fire Brick, Tile and Clay, in large or small quantities. YARDS No. ;130 - PNEBLE STREET. formerly Manchester, and 157 REBECCA. STREET, .. pp_ BIM thetas Works, Alleglt. ny Cliy. Jy2S: FORT PITT LUMBER,CORIPMFII - capita; • $12 5,000. • PrmaTmcwr—EDWAßD DIIIIOIOOE, .Bxcuswatir—T. A. WRIGHT,. SomurTzspicrir—F.DW. DAVISON. - • DIBXOTODIP • Edward Davison,' • ;.L, P. , Dunenn, JOhn Mellon, . E. G. pjthrldge, Geo. W. Dlthrlditit, " M. L: Malone, 1.3. R. Johnston. • LUMBER YARD—Corne BER STREETS, Ninth W OFFICE AT FORT PIT Ingo Street. GAS AND. STEAM FITTING. JOHN M. COOPER JON. KAYE • qvu9r nun, JOHN M. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS ; Manufacturers of PUMPS AND BRASS WORM, As every TUB all k inds. SPIXTUEEB Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGH. mria:zso IRON B SAM' m', M. IRON. BRO=Ett 124 First Street, Fittsbuggh, Fa. AgeOt for the sale of Corn:wan; no ug h a mo r e, Jo sephine, Teahelhk, nuneannon, tittinhop.,, Glendon, sad other hrords or Antlitaoito, youghloglionY Coke,andC. B. Chareum IFICiNF4. Onsiga rOLICT,) MANUFACTURERS or And MEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats OILS. 127 Walnut Street. LUMBER. , er of BIITpER and Mal std. GLASS WOURS, Weals tI2Q&I DeCURIIy ig/Icltedi FINANCIAL. FORT PITT 11,ANIAG COB ~,,, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DMtLER§ IN ENT SECURITIES, IND COLD. GOVERN DIVED ON TINE DEPOSITS, INTEREST A Collections ma. e on all accessible points In the United States and Canadas. DIRECTORS: J uo. C. Risher, Robt. H. Ktng: Andrew Miller, James M. Batley. D; Hostetter, James Gordon, D. 'Wallace, E.'Fawcett, BAWL. McCLIIIIHAN, Pres't. EU EET WILSON, Cahnler, ~"~'4:~ ONE BA_NIK, No. 293 LIBERTY STREET, -PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL, (authorized,) : : : : $200,000. DIRECTORS. H. J. Lynch,- • Wm. l . Hamilton, John Murdoch, r., 1 Henry ockstoce, William Espy, (leo. T. Van Duren. • Samuel Barckley, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANB - ACTED Collections made on all accessible points to the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, President.. PEOPLES'-SATIN SBANK, OF pri-rsuraton. CASH CAPITAL 5100,000. President-431ENRY LLOYD. - Vice Presldent—WlLLlAß REA. Henry Lloyd, (Hon. Thos. Mellon, ;E. P. Jones, Th. Wightman / Geo. W. Hallman, rWin. Rea, R. R. Hartley , , Edward Gregg, 'Hiram Stowe. Secretary & Treas'r--S. F. VON BONNE,ONST. SIX PER CENV. INTEREST paid on time de posits. Deposita made on or before August 151 h will bear luterest nom that date. Interest computed on Ist November and pt .:May. 1 v81:t76 NATIONAL- BANK CiF COILIIERCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. A. PATTERSON President. JOS. H. HILL Cashier. CAPITAL, : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: . A. Patterson, ; George W. Cass, Wm, H. Brown, F James McCandless, Chas. LoCkhart, - ' Wm. Douglas, Allen Kirkpatrick, Win. Reed. W. 8. Haven,; DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. 111 • ap9:022 GEO. T. VAN DO zraTOCICHOLDERS INDMDIT H ART,VAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, 1 - 271'6.13TIRGI:LE, (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HANTA C 0..) • DFsIALBBIN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And, partiCular atteutT i n ie pAldto be parluuse and COVERNMENT BONDS. SN•ht Drarts On laondclitlyinci 11E10 1 1101E8 & SONS, 57 Market Street, P'X'T'lnrl3l3l7llo.llEi, Collections made on all the principil points of the United Motels and Cansdaa. 1 , Idtocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CONEMIENION. rarttoular — attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. • CHARTERED r 1866: Interest paid on 'rime Deposits ' ANY SUAIIIEOUIVED PROH ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. UZI'°SITS !SUBJECT TO CHECK. WITHOUT, INTEREST. Discounts Daily at 154 tecloalc. l . . PresIdent*THOMPSON, BUIL. Vico Prealdent.-A. M. MARSHALL TBOMPHON REL D 4 ai TAI sI m A m Mina T.r_ JOS. DILWORTH.. jo . g r UREE. J . J . 611114EtiplE - Foakholderi to whom we M. FOritytho, , • Ce!dwell. D. Ds I). W. C. 111.1 well E. M. Fulton. • • DYER AND SCOU J. LANCE, H. DYER AND SCOURER. STREET And Nog. 186 and 187 Third Street, nillll4/44 PITTSBURGH, PA. - - pEItCEVAI. BECKETT, MECHANICAL ENGINEER. `And Solicitor .or l'otents , (Ltito of P. V. W. & t 1 ItallivAv.) Office, No. OD FEDERAL. STIIICK.T. Room N 0.2 tip stairs. P. O. Dox 50, ALIA:WIEN Y MACHINERY, of all iteicrlptlons, lesigned. 111.A1 r P(TUNA(IFCand Ro LLANO MILL IntAW iNtin furnished. .Pttrtiottlttr nttantlou paid to de. COLLI P4l y I,ocomovytd. Patents con fidentially k , ollelted. 43". - NVENING DRAW -INti I I 1.A.1. 1 .34 for nicebaltiss gyery WRDNEscity ALH MUD . Cashier. ,LY LLLBLZ. Money is very abundant, but business is, not as active as is desired. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 142%; Eigtity-one's, 114%; Five Twenties, 1814 115 X; de, 1864, 110 X; do, 1865, 111 X; do, 1865, new. 109; do; 1867, 109 X,; do, 1868; 109%; Ten Forties, 104 g; 'Railroads.--Cleveland.& Pittsburgh, 87x; Pittsbu gh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, 1 0934; Chicago dr Ruck Island, 102%; Chicago & North Western, 89%; do Preferred, 89X,; Michigan Southern, sw i : Reading, 923;; Erie, 47x; New York Central, 127 X; Ohio dr, Mississippi Certificates, 28%; Western Union Telegraph.Cki.,ll4%; Adams Express Co., 51; Merchants Union, 24'.* 'Mining shares—Gregory, 4,55; Corydon, 12; Quartz Rill, 1,00; Sznith & Parmelee, 1,95; Quick silver, 244'. 5;121 -The New York Comrnercia/ Advertiser save, conckrning the movements of grain: "The amount anew grain sent to the sea board is much below that forwarded at the same period or 1367. The receipts of flour at New York, from August 1 lo September 12, were 57,195 barrels below those for the same period of last year, while the ar rivals of wheat and corn , were 1,150,000 bushels below those of 1867, as will be seen front the following comparison: RECEIPTS OF FLOUR AND GRAIN AT NEW YORK FROM AUG., 1 TO SEPT. 12. 1868. 1867. Dec. Flour. 307,515 364,710 57,195 Wheat 359,210 1,066,135 706,925 Corn 0 ,856,26.5 3,302,175 445,910 "The result of this decrease of receipts is that we had a stock of grain at New York on the 19th inst. of .only .1,601,226 bushels, against 2,794,814 bushelsat the same date of last year. This condition of grain stocks at the seaboard, and , the prospect of con siderable shipments of breadstuffs to Eu rope, indicate that we have yet to buy a large amount of gran from the west. • “The west is. full ef. Egain, 'waiting for eastern buyers. , Erom phe let of August to the 12th of September, the arrivals of all , kinds of grain at the five .lake ports, ag. gregatidg, 29148,253 bushels, against 16,- 618,639 bushels at. the Mnie . period of last year. j m o a i k e e ph ee n te i re i w n o o rt eL Rev. David .Kerr, Henry Lambert,. A. k. Brown, Thomas Ewing. RECEIPTS OF FLOUR AND GRAIN AT TH$ LA.KE,PORTS PEON AUG. 1 TO SEPT. 12. 1868. 1867. " Inc. Flour . ... 674,223 575,045 98,283 All grain... 20,148,2.53 16, i 618,639' 3,529,614 "It is thus apparent that grain s accu mulating In large amounts at the lake 'ports,. to be moved east as soon as , western holders and eastern buyers can agree upon terms. The purchase of the grain now hold on the lake has been affected by the withdrawal.of western • deposits trot. New York; when it is forwarded east the - move ment must be effected by eastern means, and then will come a fresh demand from the grain trade, which can not but tell very directly upon the money market.' • • - —Closing, quotations received by James T. Brady & Co.: Gold, 143%; united Statss Sixes, 1881's - • t 14%; 6-20's, 1862, 114%; 5-20's, 18411, 110%; Eb2o's, 1865, 111%; 10-40's, 105; 5-20's, January, and July,' '65, 109%; 5-20's, January and Jnly, '67109%; '6B, 109%,; June 7,30'5, par less V,,; Jnly 7-30's. do %; August, 119; Sept.. 119%; Oct. 118;4; Union Paclllo Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. • CBy Telegratih to the l'lttsburgli'Ciatette.l CINCINNATI, Septolllber 22.--Beer'cattle 500 per eental lowor, largo supply nud dull market. PI-1. IN-LIEJEITTZ, BANKER, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC R. R. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the, most favorable terms. Sells LET TEES OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a ailable in any part of Europe. • - DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. LILES T. BRADY 41.6 CO., (Sacze.ssors to S. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 33 ..61-INT BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, , ON HOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Dom' Interest Allowed on Deposits. Kir Money loaned on Gov'erament Bonds at low est market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. pittAturgij Gairth. FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TUESDAY, September, 22, 1868. On the report that the Government was a seller of its surplus gold yesterday, and to-day the market declined from 144% to 14251; closing weak. The foreign bank ers have been free shippers,of bonds, and are pressing their exchange on the market, and likewise their gold and the proceeds of the sales. The prospect of a Republican victory in October and November next fur nishes additional reasons for gold to be lower, although our imports amount over five million dollars in gold, whilst our ex ports only amount to about three millions in currency. It - thus • happens that at the export season theanarxet is bare of prime commercial bills, and-who knows how 400 n we will have to resort to specie exports. The amount of coin hell by the banks is now quite small—less than fourteen mil lions—with a month and one-third before the Government can disburse any for in terest due. All this is lost sight of, in the eagerness to see gold down and anticipate the effect of the November election. 'he government bond market is very firm, k not from any demand from inventors, but from speculators who have sold short in anticipation of a close market. The de cline in gold will certainly influence the price of government bonds of the old issues, the - interest of which is sustaining November Ist. Stocks are dull and lower; New York Central has declined from 131% to 12734; Fort Wayne from 11034 to 10934;Pittsbnrgh from SB% to 8734; Erie from 49 to 4734; North. Westorn from 91% to 86. Express shares era steady and firm. Erie shares are strong, and a large short interest exists in these shares. Ohio and Mississippi Is strong, and a rise is confidently. ,expected, althOugh the stock is less, not quite so firm as last week. Cincinnati Cattle Market PITTSBURGik MARKETS. FTI OFFICE OF THEP 2sI3TIRGH GAzds/ riy TUESDAY, September 22, The inclement condition of the weather had a tendepcy to retard business to-day which at beSt has been unusually dull for some days past. There is no improvement to npte in the tone of the general market, so tar as regards either demand or prices,. and while the volume of business seems to be comparatively light, prices have under gone no important changes. BUTTER—Is steady with a supply fully up to the deina:nd, and prices are un changed at 33 to 40 cts. _EO - US—Steady but unchanged, at 23e for fresh packed. HAY—Baled is selling on wharf at T 23 to $3O, as to quality, and wagon Hay may be quoted at ~•, ; 30 to $36. CHEESE—Unchanged at 15 to 16 for Western Reserve anu itarnburg; 17 to ISe for Factory and Goshen: and 19 to 20c for Sweitzer. - APPLES—In filr. supply but with a steady demand, prices are maintained, ranging from *3 to *-:4 per bbl. POTATOES-Hull at $l,lO to $1,12 per bushel, and *3,20 to *3,25 per bbl. Sales of Sweets at t 513,00 to *6,50 per bbl. GRAlN—Wheat is dull and- with a droepiug tendency; sae of 1 car prime Red, in elevator, at *2,10. Oats steady but un changed at 135 to 66c, on track, and 6S to 70c, for small lots in store. Corn is less active but unchanged; quoted at $1,14 to $1,15 for mixed, and *1,16 t 011,17 for prime Yellow. Rye is in demand, with sales at $1,40 to *1,45. Barley is in demand, and limited in supply; we continue to quote at §1,90 to SEEDS—The arrivals of Timothy Seed from Chicago have been liberal for some days, and the market is now well supplied; prices, however, remain unchanged at 0,50 to 0,75. Flaxseed is scarce and in demand at 22,45 to 0,50. Cloverseed is en tirely nominal. LARD OIL—Is quiet. and Unchanged at $.1,20 for No. 2, and 51,50 for No. 1. PROVISIONS—Bacon is quiet and un hanged at 14 cis, for Shoulders; 18 for Ribbed and 18 to for Clear Sides, and 21 to 21% for Sugar Cured Hams. Lard is unchanged at 2o In tierces, and 22 in kegs. Mess P0rk,530,50 to VI. ONIONS—SaIes in a regular way at $3,75 to g 4 per bbl. MILL FEED-Is dull but unchanged. The mills continue to quote at 01,10 fof Bran;.s 1,30 for Shipstuffs, and #2 for Mid dlings._ _ FI;01:JR---Is dull and unchanged. Spring. Wheat brands, $9 to $9,50 for fair to med ium, and $9,75 to $lO for choice. The mills continue to quote at $10,50 for Extra Fam ily, in' barrels, and $10,20..ire sacks ' and ,DoubleEitrs at $ll, in barrels, and $10,70, in sacks. Rye Flour, 0,75. WHISKY—Is quiet but steady and unchanged; we continue to quote common rectified per gallon $1,25; half rye and half corn per gallon $1,75; old Monongahela rye, two years old, per gallon $2,25; old Monongahela rye, three years old, per gal lon, $3,50; highwines per gallon $1 2 35. ' • CRANBERRIES—SaIes of eastern at $2O to $24. PITTBURGIi PETRpLEIIM MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZE k., TUESDAY, September 22, 1868. CRUDE. The Crude market was firm and a littler excited, notwithstanding their was not a single sale reported. We are cognizant of an offer to buy September • or October at 11% without meeting with any responser from sellers; indeed, so far as we'could learn thero was not a single offer to sell holders, seemingly, preferring to hold off in anticipation of still better- figures. Oil City telegrams report the market firmer; held at $-1,25 to $4,30, with no buyers. REFINED. The market for Refined continues firm and somewhat ex , ited, particularly for early deliveries, and, compared with yes terday, prices have, still further advanced. Sale of 500 bbls for September at 3134 c, and 1,500 each for September, October and No.- vemter at 31c. It was reported that there had been a sale of 3,000 bbls spot oil, in Philadelphia, at 32c; per contrary, we heard it reported that some ten thousand barrelS had been offered at 3134 c, without finding buyers. The last telegram reported 31%c, offering. December Is dull and nominal at 2934 to 30c. , ' RECEIPTS CRUDE OIL. Lockhart & 960;hinnhall‘t C 0..... 560 Fisher & Bro 400 P. Weisenberger. 320 Hoßiship & C 0... 480,McCreery di C 0... 800 Bly & Flack • 150 Fairview Ref 240 Vista Oil Works. 40 ID. M. Edg-rton:. 480 Cosmos Ref 800'0. L. Brennan... 50 W. 'Wilson 501 . -- R. W. Burke 160 i Total 5850 OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. IL A. R. W. Burke, 300 bbis ref. to Warden, Frew &. Co., Philadelphia. R. W. Burke, 100 do tar to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPPED EAST PROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. Hutcliinson Oil Ref. Co., 60 bbbs refined to Warden, Frew At Co., Philadelphia. H. M. Lona & Co.. 48 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia.: Union ' Union Ref. C0.,174 do do to W. P.,Logari & Bro.,Philadelphia. G. . Holdship &to:, 218-do do to War ing, King At Co., Philadelphia. Brooks, lialtentine & Co., 51 do naptha to Warden, !Frew & CO., Philadelphia. Cleveland Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l . Clan - ELAND, September 22.—The Flour market iguuchanged, steady and in mod erate request for city made aud well known country brands; city made is held at' sloa 10,25 for XX spring; $9,30425 for extra spring ; $11a11,25 for •XX red winter ; country brands at if9alo for XX red winter; $11,50a12,50 for XX white wheat., The Wheat market iv firm and steady and held at fa, for NO. 1 red winter; $1,87 for N 0.2 do. 'Corn is dull and unchanged, and is held at SI,C7 for No. 1 mixed, Oats—receipts are light and the market is firm; is held at 60c for No. 1 State; the demand is fair but not active. Rye is quiet and NO, 1 is held at $1,25; No. 2- do at $1,12. Barley—the re ceipts are good and tbe market is steady, is held at $1,75a1,85 for ' &ate and Canada. Petroleum .f,anarket is, very firm with an active demand; refined' is - held at 27W285, with an upward tendency for trade iota at 2a30 above thii - Se figures. New York Dry Goods Market. : CEy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.; • NEW Yonk,lSeptember =.--Dry Goods rather more active but at reduced ;liens for many styles of cotton goods, especially Tickings and bleached Muslins; Amosk A Ticks 27c; do. B 230; do. C 20o; do eag . D 19 cl Hamilton D Ticks 20o; Eagle 4-4 do. 22c; Star 4-2 No. 18 Checks 20e; Appleton Brown Drills 18c; Columbian Cotton Duck 800; Amoskeag red Awning 270:, heavy crown Seng% best ' makes 15 Shiro.. Broadway She otings 14o; Atlantic V Shirt, ink 14c; Keystone Ginghams 12Mo; Glas g_Ow 17c; standard fancy Prints 12a1343; Wamsutta 90. r Chicago Cattle Market ttly Telegraph to the Plttzburgh Gazette.) - tIIIOAOO, Sept. 2 2,—Cattlo firm and ac tive and 15a25:3 higher, at $4,25a4,50 for fa;r to good cows, t r • 54,3 7 1413 for thir to me dium light steers, and $6,75a7,25 for good to choice smooth shippin e l beeves. Hogs very dull and almost nominal at $9475 for fair to goad grades; extra smooth lots changed hands at ?10,40;, receipts 889 head. St. Louis Cattle Market. tar Telegran.to the Pittsburgh (Mime. Sr. Louis, Sept. 22.--Live stock steady; the demand for good to' ,choice cattle ex coeds the Supply; low grades are plenty and dull; inferior to choicest 31tNe... Very few sheep aro in market,; and - prices range fromVl,soaspor head, ME