iancial Matters in s New York. Gold cloaca at 143%. ly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW YORK, September 22, 1868 MONEY AND GOLD. ,Nloney easy at 365; sterling lower; open . ; at 143%, dec:ining to .142%, closing at 2, and 142% asked.. Exports $60,000. , . GOVERNMENT STOOKS. Tiovernments active, firmer and ad need.:The following are the quotations: upons 1881, 111%6114%; •do '62, 115%6 ;V,: do '64, 1 10%6110%; do' '65, 111%6 1%; do New, 1096109%; do. '67, 109%6 194; do '6B, 109%6109%. 10:40s, 1043<6105. STATE BONDS. • State bonds strong; old Tennessees-69% I 69x ; . new 69%669%; old Carolinas 75%6 i 4; new 74 1 4; old Virginias 54%, 'new %654%; Missouris 92. Georgias SO. RAILWAY SHARES. Railway shares opened dull and declined ghtly. but rallied this afternoon, and used strobger. Miscellaneous shares and (press stocks firmer. ";30 rmcEs: Canton t 48%64916: Bestob :ter Power, 15%; Cumberland, 3234; ells'Express, 28%@,29; American, 491:!,‘, 1 9 %; Adams, 51%6519g; United Statfs, %650% Merchants Union, 24%@.24%. licitsilver, 23623 V; Mariposa prefered. :::61134; Pacific- Mail,loB%; Western lion Telegraph, 34%(34%; New York ntral, 1289<612.8%; Erie, 48%; do. pre- Ted, 69670; Hudson, 1416141%; Har m, 121%0123; Reading 04%@94 . 1 4; do and Mississippi, 29629 1 /-; Wabash, ',g6ly, ; do. preferred, 75%678; St. Paul, 1, do. pre'erred 943§691%; - - i'vlichigan antral, 1186119; Michigan Southern, 84% '843 , „'; Illinois Central, 1436144%; Pitts trgh, ' 88688%; Toledo, 102%46102%; Rock !and, 1036103%; Northwestern, 89%6 p%; do. preferred, 89%689% Fort. Wayne, 9%6110; Hartord- and Erie, =%624 'Terre Haute, 42%644%; preferred, 64%6 4; Alton, 150@1543,; preferred, mow 1; Stongington, 83; Dubuque Sioux pre rred, 936; C. C. &C. &" Ind., 79%; New arlem, 140; Cleveland, Painesville &. Ash bula, 99; Hannibal & St. Joe preferred, 689%. •.. .Boston Calumet 55; Copper Mills 181 M; ranklin 14; Hecla 80; Hancock . 3; lilimie )ta 2; Quincy 20. 91178-TREAf3URY MATTERS. .;Receipts, $1,009,879; payments, $1,118,276 .'dance, $92,291,486. • „ Yew York Produce Market. :y Telegraph. Lathe Plitaburgh Gazette.] NEW YORK, September M.—Cotton; .les of 1,100 bales at 26a26%c for uplands. lour—receipts, 12,094 barrels; ,the market ;Lntinues.irregular; unsettled and heavy; Lies of 9,100 barrels at §6,70a7,50 for Super -ne western; $7,603.9,20 for extra western; • '1,25a10;90 for white wheat extra; §8,20a 1,70 for R. H. .0.; $8,75a10 for extra St. • outs; 810a13,50 for good to choice do; cios g dull. California dour heavy; sales of 10 sacks at Pall. • Rye flour quiet; sales of 40, barrels at $6,60a8,25. Whisky firm; 'des of 400 barrels in bond at:Boe. Wheat -receipts, 156,845 barrels; the market is navy and 2a3e lower; sales of L 9,000 •bush - sat $1,60a1,70 for! No 3 spring; §1,75a1,80 No 2 do; $2,15 for winter red western; :,624a2,724 for white California. Rye ' ~ -. ' !uiet; small sales of western at §1.47a1,50. ;arley quiet; sales l of 700 bushels Canada !Vest at private terms. Barley Malt dull; of 750 bushels State at ; 4 ,2,20. Corn— i I,s.celpts, 162,082 bushels: the market is 1 . 3sier with a fair brisiness; sales pit 89,000 ushels; 41,1441,18 for unsound; Sl'cl9al,2o ,n. sound mixed western. Cats—receipts, i 2,180 bus.hel.s; the market - is, lc better and • •• ad active. Coffee firm; sales of 100 bags t private terms. Sugar firm; sales of 1,500 , ogsheads at 103012.0 for Cuba; 11)44112. 1 4e rr Porto Rico. Molasses in fair request; ales of 85 hogsheads Muscovado at 40a42c. lops quiet; 15a2.5c for American. Petroleum Met; crude, 153c i a16c; refined, 30c, bonded. 'ork lower; sales. f 850 barrels at §28,50a 3,75 for mess, Closing 1518,60 for regular, 28,50a29,00 fur cid, do $24,00a24,50 for rime, $26,00a26,75 for prime mesa. Beef .ull; sales 01125 barrels at §18,00a13,20 for •':ew plain mess, 20,50a24,75 for new extra . Tess. Tierce , beef dull at $21,00a21,23 for rime Mess, $30.00a36,00 for India mess. Seel* hams quiet at $25,00a30,00. Cut meats ull; sales of 150 nackages at 12,a13c ar shoulders; 14a19¢ forhams. Middles toady and quiet; sales of 50 boxes cf short ibbed at 15a15y5c." Lard "a shade easier! ales of 760 tierces at 19qa23c for Steam, oa2oy s c for kettle rendered; also sales of • ,500 tierces of steam tit 15c-seller for Janu ..ry, 250 do 1530 sllbar 'for December. Autter firm 31a38 for Ohio; 39a45' for 'State. '3heese du11.18a1734d. -.Freights_ to 'Liver - ?Gel firth; engagements per steamer 3,000 )usheb3of wheat 734a7.Xd. ' LATES - 4•;. '5 me--Plourunsettled and sa '_oo lower on common grades. Wheat dull - .nd nominally la2c lower; an advance in :reights and. decline in - sterling exchange materially checked tii4 export demand.' :Re quiet and steady at $1,47a1,50 for west . Jrn. Oats firm: at 72a13Xc at depot, and 75 '.1755 for, new afloat and in, store, ,the. nand is chiefly speculative. Corn quiet id' X1,15a1,18 for unsound, and $1,19a1,19X for lonnd new mixed western afloat. Pork lull and•beau. with sellers at.528,40a28 0 50 -Or mesa cash and,regtilaf„; $28;25 was bid '-avers all month. Beef dull and declining. 'Jut Meats heavy and drooping. Bacon in ' 3oxeg . quiet. Lard heavy at 19%a193 for Pair fc, prime steam. Eggs' quiet and .nia -I...hanged. Cinckiiiati:Market. By TelDh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.: GmencitireTr, September '22.—Flour in ood demand at $9a9,50 for family. Wheat :n moderate demand at $1,95a1,96 for No. 1. ;morn higher at 97a98e.f0r ear and shelled. Oats firm at 56a57e, for No. 1. Rye firm at 11,37a1:40. ' 'Raley firm - at $2,25rt2,85 for ;all, and spring $1,85a2,00. Cotton quiet at Ae. Tobacco firm and in good demand; sales 186 bhds at $7,75a10,00 for lugs, and .310,75a23,25 leaf. Whisky is higher, asking $1,50 free, buyers offering $1,40, stook very light. Mess pork dull at $28,75. Lard higher t with some speculative demand; sales at 19y,a19 1 ,4c, holders asking 200. !Bulk meats dull. Shoulders lower with Sales at 1014 c. Packed sides held at 13%c. ;Bacon dull and drooping: Shoulders. sold ~at1.12y,,c, sides .1.1 2 y,a15c for clear rtb, and 115 ,c for clear. !Fresh amokefi hams dull, 1.19a20c for sugar cured. Butter scarce and higher; prime to choice 37a40c. Eggs ad. tvanced to 25c.• Potatoes 25c per bbl higher. linseed 01l $1';10 and dull. Lard oil 2a3c highet; current make $1,45a1,48, Petroleum :Turn; "refined 32a33c. Money market is 'easierat Balo per cent.. Gold 142%. Ma l ';change steady at yeSterday's rate .s. Chicago Market. 'By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Huzetti.J CHICAGO, Sept. 22. _Flour .more active; :spring extrass7,2sa9,2s. Wheat less-ac hive and firm and prices unchanged; . No .2 'closed dull at $1,52; sales No 2 since change 2t 1,51V0. Corn firmer and aNc higher; iNo 1 closed, at 95a95V 4 c;•sales No I this af iternoOn at 95%c. Oats in good shipping 'irequest and 1 4,a5,5c higher, closing at 53qa 541 c. Rye firmer and 3a4c higher, closing ;at 131,23 3 /,a1,24 for No:1. Barley active and .lalXe higher, closing at 11,75a1,7510 for No 2. llighwines dull, steadyN and un 'changed. Provisions dull and but little 'better than nominal.bless York $28176a .29,00. - ;"Sweet Pickled Hams'.l7alBe. Lard I.lBNal9c. Dry Salted Shoulders 10,qalp%c. Freights dull and steady at 6c for oats, 7c for, corn, and 8c for wheat to Buffalo. New :York Exchange, easy and unchanged. i 110- celpts.-11,0061bbls flour, 1191835 bus wheat, 43,820 bus porn, 96.292 bunh oats. Ship ments-8,734 bbls flour, 7,996 bus wheat, 165,434 bus corn, 21,693 bus oats. Detroit Market. 713 y Tetearauh to the Pittsburgh Cazettc.l DETROIT, Sept. 22.—Flour in moderate de mand at 3t0,00a10,25 for superfine. •Wheat quiet and nominally unchanged; whit() in good.demand at $2,22 for No, 1 and ;12,05 for NV, amber dull at St. Louts 3larke, • (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaze - e Sr. LOWS, Sept. 22.—Tobacco dull and drooping, but without quotable change in prices. Flour dull; and the demand is con fined chiefly to lower grades; super sold at $5,75a0,25; extra at : 4 6,50a7; double extra at 20a9; fancy and family at 11a12,75. Wheat irregular, with most of business at yesterday's prices. Corn dull and lower; buyers are scarce; sales at 92a95c for choice grades. Oats dull and la2c,lower, with saleg at 51a54c for good to choice. Barley dull; with buyers standing oft prime to choice lowa at $1,85a1,95; choice Missouri spring at $2,10a2,12. Rye heavy and lower• with sales at $1,15a1,17. Pork quiet at ,29, Bacon easy for buyers, and there is consid erable business done at reduced but irreg ular prices; old clear sides sold at 15h;, and fresh do at 15X ' c." fresh shoulders at 1234 c; plain canvassed hams at 16;4c; sugar cured do at 20c. Whisky scarce and very lirm at $1,50. Toledo Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) TOLEDO, Sept. 22.—Receipts, 3,213 barrels Flour; 35,109 bushels Wheat; 23,530 bushels Corn; 1,250 bushels Oats. Shipments, 8,731 barrels Flour; 63,550 bushels Wheat; 9,000 bushels Corn; 16,200 bushels -Oats. 4,4.00 bushels Rye. Flour $10,50a11,00 for white. Wheat firm; amber red lc lower; white Michigan $2,12, amber v 'i2,002a2.03 for No. 1 red, $2,02. for No. 2, $487 for No. 3 and Spring $1,40. Corn inactive at $1,02 for No. 1. Oats steady at 58 for No. 1 and 57 for No. 2. Rye unchanged. gales No. lat $1,26 and No. 2 at $1,20. Barley. Canada. $1,85. Flax seed $2,45. Freights dull at. 5c to Buffalo. Philadelphia, Market. (By Telegraph to the"Pittsburgb Gazette.l PIIILAEDLP4IA, September 22.—Petro leum is active;' crude in bbls, .:12214c; in bulk, 1534a153 c; refined, 313yc. Flour is dull; spring extra, $9,200,50; old do, ,$9,75a 10; winter, sloal2. $1,50. Corn firm: sales 5,000 bus of prime yellow at $1,28a 1,30: mixed western, $1,27a1,28. Oats are active; sales 1,000 bus at 75a77c. Coffee is quiet, Rio, 14a153rc, gold. Provisions dull. Mess Pork has declined 50e. Beef has de clined 50c. Bacon has declined Mc. Whis ky is firm, $2,50 duty paid. Baltimore Market, CBy Telegrauh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] BALTIMORE, - Sept. 22.—Flour dull, quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull, with good to prime at 42 2532,60; prime Valley red at $2,70. Corn firm, with prime whitest $1,15 a 1,20; ordinary at $1,10a1,12. Oats dull at. 65a73e. Rye dull at $1,40a1,43. Provisions easier and in good demand. Mess Pork at $30.50. Bacon—sides at 1614 e; clear do' at 163;e; shoulders at 13%c. Hams at 22c. Lard at 20Ne. • Lei/1617111e Market. . [By Telegraph to the Plttsbursh Gazette.) LOUISVILLE, Sept. U.—Sales 41 hogs heads Tobacco at full rates; lugs to medium leaf 6;4a13. ' Superfine. Flour $5,75a7,00. Wheat $493a2,05. Corn 92a95. Oats 50a53. Rye $1,3531.40. Cotton 23a24. Pork $29,00. Lard 19 Bacon, Shoulders 123.1'; clear, rib sides 15a15; clear sides IGalt3;4; bulk 'shoulders 11y,a12; clear sides 15y4a16. Whisky raw and free $1,35. • Milwaukee Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l MILWAUKEE, September 22.—Flour dull and weak; ,prices unchanged. Wheat ac tive at $1,6035 for No. 1 in store: $1,5035 for No. 2. Corn quiet at : 3 9c for No. 2. Oats firm at 64c for No. 2. "Receipts-3,000 bbls flour, =7,000 bus wheat, 6,000 bus oats, 2 000. bus corn.. Shipments-4,000 bbls flour, 60,000 bus wheat, 1,000 bus oats, 2,000 bus corn. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD, PITTSBURGH, FT., WAYNE AND CHIGAGO RAILROAD. September =.-3 cars pig Nirnick & Co; 1 do do, Brown t Co; 665 bbls flour, D Wallace; 420 do do, T .0 Jenkins; 800 do do, Seghtnyer & Vos kam; 275 pigs lead, Davis,Chambers & Co; 17 bbls cal - Letts, Cunningham & Co; 8 bales broom corn, W R McClelland & Co; 1 bbl glue, G H :Philip; 7 bbls old scrap iron, Mullins & Maloney; 9 bbls green apples,El Bea Jr; 2 bales sackia, W Barker Jr.& C; 7 bbls green apples, W J Steel & Bro; 15 tubs butter, 2 firkins do, 12 bbls apples, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 5 do do, Woodworth dr. Davidson; 30 bas cheese, B Canfield & Son; 26 do do, Arbuckles& Co; 25 do do, J S Dilworth t Co; 30 do do, Jas Connor; 50 do do, Ilawoith & McDonald; 5 cases to bacco, Arbuckies & Co: 50 bbls lard oil, F Sellers & Co; 19 tubs butter, Graff& Reiter; lot scrap steel, Brown it Co. 1 CILECTRLAND AHD PITTSBURGH RAIL. itoko, September 18.-2 cars corn, God:mil -1 heimer & Bro; 12 cars pig iron, Nimick & I co; /4 cars iron ore; Shoenberger &•Blair; 1 car do co, McKnight & Co; 1 do do, Zug & , Co;"1 do , do, HutchisOn, Glass dt Co; 1 do do, Park; Bros & Co; 4 cars do, Bryan • & Caughey; 1 car lumber, R A Clark 6: Co; 25 bblit copper, T M Howe; 10 bxs cheese, W Haslage; 22 cases matches, Watt, Lanz & Co; 10 bbls apples, Head k Metzler; 359 oil bbls - ,' Tiles Musgrsve; 2 bxs tobacco, yirey man & Bro; 117 sks oats, .J & W Fairley; 100 oil bbls, B D . Moore; 99 bbls rosin, FI Riddle; 21 sks rye,McHenry & Hood; 4 bbls apples, W 3 Stee & Bro; 2 bbls eggs, 'F C Jenkins- ' 0 cases b oil, 50 bbls do, C' H trail & Co; lbbi eggs, S S Marvin. P/TrB3URGH, CINCINNATI AND ST. Louis Ftsir.nosn, September 22.. 3 cars barley, Spencer & McKay; 1 car oats, Hitchcock, McCreery & Co; 10 bhds shoulders, J Lip pincott; 1 car t•taves, W Hastings; 100 bbls flour, Seghmver Jt Voskamp; 12 do pitch Xrtr.strong,..Bro .& Co. 15 kegs lard, W B Hays &Son; 2 eases' do,;.1) Haworth; 50 boas starch, Haworth, McDonald ift , Co; 2 cases lard, Lewis & McClure; 10 bbls cement, J Dunlap; 4 bbls wool oil, M B & J H Fullerton; - 200 bush wheat, Jas Means; 23 has powder, Banter W & Co; 73 aks bar ley, Fred Schield. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, Sep tember 22.-2:3 aks oats; Keil t Ritchart; 5 bbls eggs, W. H Carnahan; 5 do apples, Slane St Co; 1 car stone, Forrester t Me graw; 93 sks oats, 19 do rye, Scott & Gisal; 1 car metal, Brown & Co; 4do limestone, >Shoenberger &. Blair; .2 cars lime, D L Reynolds; 6 bbls eggs, 3 bas butter, Mc- Elroy & Dickson; 60 sks oats. J M Lare; 3 bbls eggs,Volgt, Mahood. 6r. Co; 53 green hides, 3 caf skins, W C Barber & Co, ALLEGHENY STATION, September 22.- 2 cars wheat, Wm McKee & Co; 1 car lime, J Abdell; 6 oars limestone, Superior Iron Co; 100 bbls flour, J B McKee; 1 car staves, & Robeason; 1 car' flaxseed, M B Suydam; 1 do dO, Ewer, Hamilton & Co; 190 bbls flour, Stewart & Langenheim; 1 do lumber, J S Robinson; 15 bbls apples, D R Evans. ,Pirrsnultan AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, September 2L-2 cars metal, Youkhiogheny Iron tit Coal Co; 104 bdls shbet iron, W F Armstrong; 2 cars tan bark. Lappe it Weise. F F & CO. ) • • , DEALERS IN .( GLITig, CURLED HAIR, Tanners' Scraps, ,Ceroons, Cattle, Tans, BONES, NEAPS FOOT 011. &C. Office , and Warehouse, No. 335 LIBERTY ST., 3d door from Wayne, • • • Jerrrsnunlcar, PA. knriP COLGATE Sr, C 0 '',ONLC/ 4 Fue.Gu' ANT . , . • _ 0 TOILET SOAPS. Are prepared by skilled work -43, men, from the best materials, and are known as the STAND j4O 1)1 .40 . A RD by dealers and customers • bold everywhere. del , ws. • ASEI-100 casks in store tsJ And An' Sale Di J. B. CAN FIELD Skni. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : The river is again rising steadily under the influence of the recent rains, and last evening, the Monongahela marks indicated seven feet. A drizzling fell nearly all day yesterday, and judging from present indi cations, 'there will doubtless be another coal . boat. rise. There has been quite a number of arri vals since the date of our last report, in: eluding the Yorktown, America and New York, from Cincinnati. and Bellevernon, from St. Lovis. The first three boats were loaded mainly with metal. The Kenton, for Cincinnati, and Mary Davage, for St. Louis, Ingmar, for Park ersburg departed; also, the Julia No. 2, for Zanesville. The Grey Eagle, got off Glass House yesterday, and will take her departure for Parkersburg to-day at noon, Capt. C. L. Brennan, in command. The Kate Putnam, Capt. G. W. Reed, is filling up steadily for Cincinnati and Lou isvil e, and passeagers, and shippers should bear this in mind. Messrs. Young and Harbison, .are associated together in the Office. The J. N. McCullough was advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Tues;- day T e Glasgow, from Cincinnati, was due last night. Tie Ida Rees No. 2, Capt. G. W. Albert, I,s a nounced for Cincinnati and Louisville forihwith. 1" We re of to announce the death of Mr. Duncan McDonald, of the firm of Haworth, McDonald S Co., Liberty street. Mr. Mc- Donald was well-known to a number of steamboatunen; was a brother-in-law of Mr. J. N. McCullough, the well-known railroad man, and formerly resided at Wellsville, Ohio. —The J. N. McCullough, arrived at Cin cinnati, on Sunday %/, ith a good trip. —Capt. Ed. Evans, was to have left Cin- Cincinnati for Pittsburgh, on Monday. —The trial of Capt. W. B. Donaldson, of the Great Republic, is set for Friday of this week. • —The Convention of Western Steamboat.. men assembles at Louisville, on Wednes day, 23d. —The St. Charles is expected to come off the docks at Cincinnati on Tuesday, and leave for Pittsburgh October 4. —The Lake Erie, with 14 barges of coal, containing about 126,000 bushels of coal, left Louisville for Cairo on. Satnrday. —The Messenger arrived at Cincinnati on Monday morning, and was advertised to leave there the same evening for St. Louis. —Work has commenced on the bridge to be erected over the Eentucky River, at Clay's Ferry, and in a short time it will be fully completed. —The Camelia and Glendale left St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Saturday. The latter boat is reported as havingleft there with six hundred tons. —Captain Grant Marsh, we hear, has sold his interest in the Nile, to Captain Wm. B. Haslett, of Pittsburgh, and Captain Draffer now commands the boat. —Capt. John C. Rono is working up the proposed Congressional excursion. Ho will visit all of the towns between Cm- cinnati and Pittsburgh, in behalf of the project. —Capt. Wash. Kerr, on Saturday last, offered $13,500 for the steamer Anna, at Cincinnati, which was refused. The owners of the Anna gave that figure as the selling price but when they found it would be ac cepted concluded nbt to sell. —Captain Henry Miller, on Saturday, bought Captain D. Smedley's half interest in the Fanny Brandeis, at the rate of $5,300 cash for -the whole boat, and now owns seven-eights of the boat. Kitt Rudd owns one-eighth. The Brandeis is at Evansville, where the contract was closed. —Additional claims are being filed with the United States •?Marshal against the Great Republic. .Captain Donaldson has ex pressed his willingness that she should be sold. The boat may be sold, therefore, in a short time. Experienced boatmen say that bids for her will, probably, not exceed 570,000. —The Louisville Jeurnal says: General Weitzel's corps of engineers are still em ployed in making surveys along the canal, with a view to its enlargement. Uncle Sam could not alma ze in a more profitable enterprise. The Louisville and Portland canal, enlarged and free of toll, will add millions of Western commerce. —We have no additional particulars in regard to the sinking of the Silver Cloud, except that at last accounts there were about eighteen inches water on her main deck. She was valued at $14,000, and in sured for. slo,ooo—distributed in the fol lowing Cincintiati.otticesi Crescent, $2,000; Queen City, f3,000r Cominercial, $2,000; American; $2,000; Ohio Valley, $2,500. —The St. Loins Republidem of ldonday says: Capt. R. 0. Gray, one of the "big guns" of the Northern line, arrived in this city on Saturday, from Pittsburgh. He re ports work on the new packet tbat is being built at Wheeling as -progressing finely, and adds that the N. L.'Co. will have at least three now boats in -the line next spring. This loOks business and promises hot work for the "White Collars." —We clip the follbwing from the Cincin nati Gazette, of Monday: In our issue'of the 11th we announced that the Louisville owners of the Norman had accepted the offer of 'Capt. Yerkes for the purchase of that steamer. This was true, and the con tract was afterward signed. However, “there is many a slip," &c. It seems that the owners above referred to afterward re pented their bargain, and refused to give the boat up when called for. S. N. Fowler, and others, of this city, have therefore I brought suit against Varble, May, and others, of; Louisville, for $lO,OOO damages, for violation of om , ract. Capt. Yerkes re turned home on the mail boat yesterday. —The Evaniville Jouraia/ of Friday says:' "Quite a tragic affair occurred at the wharf yesterday; resulting in the death of a white man, named Wm. Carney, by drowning, who was a fireman on the steamer Linton. It afPears that Carney had some trouble on the trip u'p the river with some of the ne gro deck hands, and that when the boat landed at the wharf this trouble' was again revived. Jest beer() noon yesterday, the captain of the boat heard a noise on the lower deck, and on going down succeeded in preventing a difficulty. After he had returned, the , negroes set upon the man Carney. and chased him about the boat from one place to another, until, at last, be was °hued to the fan-tall, from which he jumped tut° the river and was drowned. It was stated that the negroes threw lumps of coal and sticks of cord wood at the man until he murk to rise no more. -It was im possible to get full particulars of the affair, however. Sixteen of the deck hands were arrested and lodged in the city prison." Rivera and Weather (RI Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 4:lnsetted LOUISVILLE, Sept. 22.—River falling with seven feet two inches water in the canal. Weather wet and warm. ST. Louth, Sept. 22, SP. If.—lt has been raining nearly all day. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. QUEEN 'op ENGLAND SOAP. _ OF ENGLAND sqAp. For doing &family leashing In the best and cheap en manner. Duarantoettequal to any in the world Has all the strength or old rosin soap, with the mild and lathering qualities etlc. Castile Try tills soap. 501(1 by the A.LDEN WORES, 48 North Fourth street, Phlludelphut. se2;vll74iwylc rill RENT.' HALL.—Large mom of No. 58 Market Street, suitable for a Club or Soelety Room. .I.IASESIN.r.T—Nos. 11 add 7 Third A v..nue, , expressly fitted up for a large restaurant, sek7::G7 dttorney•sit-Lim, tirizt lit WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1868 RIVER NEWS. J. 31 - . GAZZA:M. STEAMBOATS pITTS BUROH, WHEELING, Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, AT 12 M MONDAYS AND THU It.DAYS. A. S. SIIEPUEIZI,, Master BAY ARP WED NESD GREY EAGLE"... YS ASP SAVIIDAYS, C. L. ItnENNAN, Master Freight will be ree , sel4 . Ire,' ft t all hours by JAMES COLLINS, Agent FOIL EVA CAIRO. AND flue steamer KATE PUTNAM Capt. G. W. REED. Wil!leave for abode :tad Intermediate ports on TUESDAY, 22d inst., at 4 P. For freight or pnsenee annly on board or to 101 IN FLACK. J se2l J. D. COLI,INUWOOD. Agents. 1 7 0 R CINCINNATI. LOU- r • 181'11. LE AND 31,EMPRIS. The splendid steamer • • IDA REES No. 2 Cant liro ALBERT, .1.U,. 11. REE'. Will leave for alp, , e and all Way points on THI DAP.-3 P. al. For freight or pas age apply on heard. FelA S 11, E, T. LUCIS.-Th., A SSIGNEE S - NOTICE. _ EGAL. - Notice Is herby glen that the boort hare on dered that a sect geueral me9tlng of the eretll• tors of non UT a NORRIS, A. Bankrupt, be he Sat the office of JOHN N. PER VI ANCE. Esq., I eglster In Bankruptcy, at No. 116 Federal strec., Allegheny City, Pa., on the Kern DAY OF 9CTOBER, A. D. 18613, - at o'clock A. i. 6e16!x61-xv IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF A L LEGHENY COUNTY, Pennsylvania. In the nrktter of the ESTATE . OF DANIEL MOREiAN, Late of Findley township. Alleeheny county. No —, June Term, 1868. Writ of Partition In Vale anon. To James MOrgan, of Columbiana county, Ohio; Emily S. Morgan, widow; and Fannie Morgan, minor child of Jeremiah Morgan, deceased, by her guardian. A. R. Thompson. Georgian* Cook. wife of John L. Cook. Frank L. Morgan, Hush Morgan, Louis N. Morgan, Paula& .intermarried with Joseph Mouutioy, Jefferson Morgan. Chas. Morgan, James Morgan. Grace Ann Morgan. children of Dr. Charles Morgan. deceased. and the said Charles, James and Grace Ann Morgan, being minors - and have for their guardian, John - IL Large, Esq., Daniel Ferguson. Emily 'Weaver. wife of Henry Weaver. Sarah J. Ewing. wife of John 11. Ewing, Mary Keefer, wife of Smith Keefer. Jaanni A. Fur gtmon and John M. Ferguson_, children of Fanny ' W Ferguson, deceased; George W. Morgan, Mary E.. wife of El Ijan 11. Martin, Fannie F.. wile of John Fannin: John itforgan, Maud M. Morgan, Blanche It. Morgan, Hobert W. Morgan and Sandi E. 3lor gen, children ,of William Morgan, deceased; the said John, Maud, Blanche. Hobert and Sarah being minors, and A. 'Mcßride. Esq., guardian ad Wan of said children. - - • You are hereby notified that an Inquisition will be held In pursuance of the above mentinuen writ of partition and valuation on the premises, In Findley township, Allegheny county, renzinvivania. on THURSDAY, Ithe 29th d ay of October, MB, at 10 oicloek• A. to make partition to and among the heir., :4c.,1 of the said deceased In such manner and In such proportions as by the laws of this Com monwealth is jnirected, &e.. at which time and place you may attend If you think proper. SAMUEL B. CLULEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's 011,1ce, Sept. 17th, Mil u "N u f It o IIATTER OF THE AP , PkaUQu Germania Building and Loan ; Association FOR A CID.RTER OF LSCORE'ORATION No. 1.002 In the Court of CoIIIITIOIi Pleas of Alle gheny County. In the above c 4se the Petitioners have applied for a Charier as a Building and Loan Association, un der the statute In such case made anti provided, and unles), exceptions be til d In proper tune o Charter will be grAUted at next term of sal&Court. R. S. MORRISON, Solicitor for Petitioners. NOTICE --Notice is hereby given that Leiters of a dmini•tration hare been granted by the Int:later of Allegheny county. to the undersigned. on the estate of ItEwERICK SAUER, late of Allegheny county, deceased. Alt persons in debted to said estate are hereby nntitiod to pay the same, and all 'persons having claims agaLst the 'said estate, to or Sept the saute, properly authenti cated, for scalement. 14f GDAIEN. I I SAVER.. Admintstrattlx. of Frederick Sauer, deceased Pittsburgh, Sept. 7. 1868. sep3:xs ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Whereas, Lette , s of adminlAration on the estate , oreASIIJEL HOUDENnIitEI.I), deceased, of t‘cott township, have been granted to the sub scrlbees. all personsludebted to said estate arc re ettested to mahe Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them p overly authenticated for settlement, to- JOHN . or JACOB EIOUDENSHIELD. aul2:u.Z-w ;Union Tp.. Allegheny Co., Pa. BANKRUPT NOTICES. - - 11. 8. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, Z . W. ID. 'of Penney yanla, Pwranututti. Sept. 1402. 1898. i ans 18 TO ,G IVE.NOTICE that on th e nth day of September A. D. 1868, a Warrant to Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF JOSEPH IL DICKEY, Of' Pittsburgh,l In the county of Allegheny, and btate of Pennsy'vanta, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt oo 111. own petition; that the payment of any debts any delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to hia, or for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him arc forbidden by law; that a meeting or the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 1113 Federal St.. Allegheny City, Allegheny county, Penna., before JOHN . N. PURViANCE, Esq., Register, on the lth day of November, A. D. 1808, at sa o'clock r. m. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. 8. Marsha , . at Messenger et 15:x54 N THE DISTRICT 'COURT OF , UNITED STATES,/for the Western District of 'ennsyivania.._ . _ , i JAMES BAXTER, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1861, having applied for a Discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts, and other tenons Interested, to ap pear on the Ist DAY OF OCToßiut; 1868. at 3 o'clock P. M., before JOHN N. PC RVIANuE, Esq., Register, at his office, No. ;116 FederAl street, Allegheny City Pa., to show cause, If any they have, why a Discharge should not be granted to the said liankrupt. And forth* r, notice Is berthy given that the Second and Third Mvetings • f creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and .28t h sections of said Act wilt be had before the said Re gister. at the same time and place. se9:xti tv S. C. DeCANDLESS; Clerk. WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN- , SY LVA NI A, se. At Pittsburgh. the 3d day of August, A. D. 1868. The undersigned gives notice or his appointment as as-Ignee of CiIAnLES H. SUPER. of Abegbeny City Alltgiteny cuunty, and State of Penns y lvania, within said'district. who hits been adindgid a bank rupt upon Ills own petition by the District Court of sAid district. ' J. 13, PbacK, As , ignee, 111.U5:1V. Attorney-at-Law, 53 Diamond street. WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVANIA, ss: At Pittsburgh. the Bth layer Sept., A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of SA 31UE:t. killtisti, of Pitts burgh. In tits County or Allegheny, State of Penn sylvania, within said District, - who has been ad judged a liaukrupt, upon his. Awn petition, by the District Court of said District. JOHN Li. BAILEY, Assignee, eeh:xi7-wl Attorney at Law, 89 Grant street. MEDICAL. MANHOOD: HOW LOST ! HOW - RESTORED I Just published tuned/eft envel ope. .Prfee,' efx cents. A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT. and Radical Cure of Spermatorrlicea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Mar riage generally; _Nervousness, Consumption, re- lepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical [neap:wit'', re sit-Meg from Self Abuse, &c., by Robt. J. Culver well. 31. author of tbo "Green Book. &c. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS," sent lindereeal, In plain envelope, to any address, post. paid, art receipt of six cents, ortwo posta_gp stamps, to CHAS. C. KLINE I Co., n 7 BoWErw NEW YORE, POSTOFFICE BOX 4556. Also Dt. , Cul verwel I 's "Marriage Guide,'" price Mb cents. *MA NHOOD.”--Anot her New mEDi Dn. Colma. TCAL e PA c M IT H m LE B T vy r tom thes wonkf: "This valuable treatise on the coat and cure of premature decline, shows how heal tb Is impaired through secret abuses of youth. soil manhood. and bow easily regained. • It give; a. (near synopsis of the Impediments to marriage, the cause and effects of nervous debility, and the reniedki a therefor." A pocket edition or the abv addressing lo warded on receipt of 25 cents, by Doctor CUR TIS, No. 58 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. jyilitl • 500 BUSHELS" PRIME SOUTHERN lIED WHEAT, To arrive and for sale by sots ..aIcBANN: W. A LEWIS, J 3 -11 . KENNEDY, As9lgueaS No. 396 PENN STEEET. aplB:x93 ALEX. IrBANZ .... J. B. ARJSR. McBANJE & ANJEB., \ , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in_ FLOUR, GRAIN and RODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 14i WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. ies ' FETZER bi, ARMSTRONG, I FOILWARDBIG AND 0011203817 XEBOHAFTB, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacop, I. I rd, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Prodrum. ener Ily, No. 18 MARKET STREET, cornerOf Firs , rit sburgh. fe'22:llB JOHN I. 110U5E.....X.D1A. !muss—, .w/A R. noasa. TORN I. HOUSE & BRO ~ Suc cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wbolesate Grocers and Commission Merl ants, Corner of Smlthfleld and Water Streets, Pitt burg , Pa. RIDDLE, No. - IS3 LI ERTY ~ STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.,lComniission Mer e ma and Wholesale Dealer Incountry Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manors tures4 Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and pal for Produce gen-- erally.. 'I • aro2l ROM'. KNOX NDIIEW KNOX. AKNOX fi, SON, C. 'MISSION .MERCIIANTS and dealers In 'LOUR, GRAIN I L FEED and PRODUCE GE "ERALLY, No. 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall Allegheny City. Jal7:r37 ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commlsal n Merchants and eaters in Produce, Flour, Rico , Cheese,Fish, TA Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nail , Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh 3lanufh&t, urea generally, 1.12 and 114 SECOND STREET, Ilittsburgh. JOHN SR I P7ON I A 1 WALLACK. CEREMI HIPTON&WALLACE,IWIIO §3 SALE U ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, . 6 SIXTH STREET, Plttsbureli. 1362:r58 PROFESSIONAL. OS. A. BUTLER , J ALDP.RMAR AND EOLItIE MAGISTRATE. Office, 126 WYLIE STREET, near Washington, PITTSBFRGIT, PA. ' Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collections, and all other legitimate business executed promptly. trth.Z:na SAMUEL McMASTERS, AI,I2IEII.2kL&N, Ex-Ofticlo Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. Office, GRANT STREET, oppostta the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Denositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch.' mhle EUSTACE S. MORROW, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE., OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds,Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Business, executed with promptness and dispatch. - my2i A. Justice of the Peace, - CONVEY ANCER, REAL ESTATE'& INSURANCE AGT CARSON 4TREET, Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend ed to. mya:y6o WILLIAM IL BARRER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCR, &C., Office, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the Railway 'Depot, SOUTH PITTSBUROH. Business entrusted to his care promptly attend ed to. =pi:ye e j , S. FERGUSON, BRCOND FLOOR, FRONT ROOM JOHN W. RIDDELL, Mee, 116 Diamond Street, (Opposite the Court House,) felS:t4i • PITTSBURGH, PA. mhs:nB No. SO Grant Street. • my 4:b25 - PITTSBURGH. PA JOHN A. STRAIN, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. oMce,lll2 FIFTH STREET, opposite the Cathe dral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds,. Mortgagee Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Busi ness executed with promptness and dispatch. ARCHIBALD BLAKELEY, , apB:nDO:dir BENJAMIN PIN-HUMS" PHILIP CLEIS. AZINGERLY & CLEIS, Successors ts_./ to GEO. F. tiCtIOCIDIAN Co.. PRACTICAL LITIIOGRAPIIDES. Tbe only steam Lithographic Establlbhment %Vent of the Mountains. Busluesa Cards, Letter Heads. Ronde,Labels, Cireniars, Show Cards. DtplOmss, Portraits Views, Certificates of--Deposits , th ou Caret's,NON. 74 and 7* 114 rd street. rittsbarin. - COMIN , ITSSION MERCHANTS 10:12!=TE! EILLBTOER 8‘ STEVENSON, COUISSION NERCILINTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pittburgh, Pa RECEIVE AND SELL All ,liinds of Country Ir'roduee. Al) Orders- for 'Merchandise promptly filled. at LOIVP,T market rates. ('articular attention given tu the sale •uf nutter, Fggs, Cheese, Dried Flogs, Ste, We feel confident that we can give entire sat isflv.tion, by making QUICK SALES and PROMPT EX TERNS, at lIIGIIES I . MARK KT PRICES, and therefore resnectfully solicit your consignments. Al Cot re- Spontlrmae"answered promptiy. Marking Plates furnished free. Grain in store and to arrive (tally. WATT, LANG & CO., WHOLESALE DEALEP.S IN Groceries. Flour. Graf n,Prodrice Pro• visions, Fish, Cheese, Corboo Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. nostns,s J. IS. CANFIELD A. T. CANFIELD. TI3. CANFUELD S. SON, C 0111.• . Misstos 3tEiteitAx•rs, and Whofesale Donlers in stosheit Factory. Hamburg and W. R. Cheese. Butter, Card,Put liaeon, Flour, Fish, Dried Follt, Crain. Pig Lem'', Pot. Pearl and S-cla Ashes, %V bite Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils. No. 141 First Street. Pittsburgh. M. 5T.LE.1.71- MSTEELg & SON, • _ Commiasion ilferchants, AND DEALERS IN - FLOUR, Gr4AIN, 1 7- F2.30110, coke. .No. 95 OHIO ST:HEM, near Ea/t. Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, FA. JAMEES EANOII. Jun. ILLILY .61 NrEANOR 61., HARPER, . _ . FLOUR, GRAIN AND FRODUCE Kin ori Itts:3 twsio • Die ra..444 it= 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTf3BUR9H, Consignments solicited EXIMILICNCES—J. G.ljartin, Cashlei Mechanics National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy it Bro. jaal:l24 PETER KEIL JAS. F. lIICLEASI KEIL & ILICHAJZT, COMMISSION E I OERCHAN_TS, AND DZALICIta tx FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, As, &c., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, iny24:b37 J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, aicAmon,m/ix, AMMON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 99 Diamond Street. PITTSBURGif, PA. C. MACHRELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AMADER,J,dL,II.N", No. 98 FIFTH 19ntEE1%, PITTSBITROH. PA. isITEOGitArHERS. RAILROADS. fIITTSBURGII an da,zazi CONNELLSVILLE R. R. A. E. STEVENSON ind after THURSDAY, from sth, 1858 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, co! tier of Grant and Water streets. ne follows: Arti r D/. Mall to and from Untrint'n. 7:00 .1. Y. 6 :00 1. '3'l McKeesport Aceommoduu.ll:oo A. 31. 2:05 F. Y. Ex. to and front Uniont'n. 3:09 F. M. 3.0:00 A. ti. West Newt , m Accomrlot!•n 4 :3thr. 1 , 4:35 A. 11. Braddock's Ace..anthodat•n 6:15 P. 31. 7:50 r. X. Night Ace. to MeKeesport.lo:3o M. 6:40.&. t. Sunday Chu rub Train to and from West Newt :u 1:00 p. If. 10:09 A. M • For tickets apply t 3 J. IL GING, Agent. • W. IL STOUT. Fee,rintendiont. mkt, EciNcixsArr AND ST. ' UIS RAILWAY. CHANGE OP TIME.--On and after SUNDAY, Sent. 13th. ISGS. trallys Will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as folloWs, Ilittsburzh time: DePqrt Arrfve. Mail Express 2:18 a. al. 19:13 a. re. Fast Line 9:4 3a. m. 7:IS p. m.Fast Express 2:3s p. m. 11:23 a. tn. Mixed Way 11 :13 a. m. 6:3S .m. .Mellonahl's Ace'n, No. 1.. 11:43 a. in 3:i)3 p p. in. Steubenville Aeeommod'n, :3:58 p. In. 9 : 2 3 a.m. McDonald's Ace'n, No. 2 .• E ,28 P. I% 8:23 al xe. RR,-2:3S p. M. Express will !care dares ; 11:23 A. M. Expr, ss will :mire The 9:43 a. m. Train leaves daily, bundai•s ex cepted, and makes close connections at Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandus , ky, 31anstield & Newark H. It. J. A. tiTE/iL b. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent W. W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. CHANGE of TIIVIE.E. - ALLEGRENY VALLEY RAILROAD. On and after WEDNESDAY, 7:25 P. M. August 12th, MR,. TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Station, corner Pike and Car.al streete, for Franklin, (Rielly, Buffalo, and all points in the Oil Regions. LEAVE P/TTSBITHGTI. ;ARRIVE IN PITTSI3TIRGIL Mall 8:05 am Mil .. 4:50p nt Express 7:25 n in; Express.....;.- 6:05 a in Brady's 13`d Ac 3:25p in it - adys It'd Ac10:20 am lst'noda Works ,Ist Soda Works Accomod'n.. 11:00 a in: Accomoila•h. 7:50 a 2d Soda Works ;2d Soda Works Accomod'u .. 5:20 pto Accomoda'n• 2:50 P M Mixed WayT'n 6:20 a in: Mix cd'Wa.) T'u 8:25 p ra Hutton Acc'n.. 6:20 a :11'11111ton Acc'n.. 8:35 a m Church Train leave . PittsburArmstrong Ac. 6:20p m g rive in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A.h at 1:10 P. M. AI , m. Passengers taking express train have but one change of cars b. tween Pittsburgh, BUffalo and OR Regions. Mall and Express Trains stop only at pidneipal points. WWI Way and Accommodation trains stop at all stations. THOM:AS . .II. SING. Ass't. Sup't. W. FOSTER Ticket Agent . ant! 'WESTERN PENN.' lgi SYLVANIA RAIL .—On and after Sept. 13th, 1868. the Pas senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: Arrive. ! ' .Depart. Springd'e No 1 6:35 a in!Mail 7:00 JIM Freeport No. 1 8:20 a m!Freeport No.l 9:05 ain Express 10:10 a in iSharpbtg .No. I 11:20 a m Sharpb'g No.l 1:2:5 p m:Express 2:20 p ICI Freeport N 0.2 4:10 p m;c.ringd'e No 1 3:30 pm Mall I 5:55 p m !Freeport No. 2 5:20 pm. Springd'e No 2 6:45 p m:Snringd'e No 2 7:10 pm Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. i The Church Train leaves Allegheny Jima. every Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny' City at 1:20 p.m. and arrive at Allegheny Jima. at 9:45 p.m. • 0022trrAvoic Tx - KEYS—For sale in packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek. Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe eified on tickets. The .tratns leaving Allegheny CRY Pat 7:00 and 2:20 P. 2. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker's line ofStages for Butler and Hanuahs town. Through tickets maybe /purchased at the Office, No. 3 St. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply to JA2IES LEFFERTS, Agent. Federal Street Depo - The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit thel. responsibility toOne Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding this amount in value will be At the risk of the owner, nr _. less taken by special contract. . EDWARD 11. WILLIAMS, sell Gen”.al Sunerlntendent, Altoona. Pa. VnENNSYLVANIAL:L . ,,r; CENTRAL P.A.11,1t0.YD.5,,,..,a-aw and after Sept, 13th, 1568. Trains will, ar rive at and depart from the, Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. - D m epart. Mall Train.... 1:15 a Day Express.. 2:25 am Fast Line .... 1:40 ana Wall's N 0.1.. aln Wall's No. ... .. 6:20 a m 'Mail Train 5:10 a m Derry Acen .. 7:50 a inl . Clneinnati Ex 11:40 am Wall's "No. 2.. 8:50 am, Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 a m Cincinnati Ex. 0:10 a m 'Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pin Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a to! Braddocks Nol 4:00 pm ' Baltimore Ex. 1:30 pin Phila. Expres. 4:50 p m Phila. Express 1:50 pm. Wall's N 0.3.. 5:10 p m Wall's No. 3... 2.15 pmt Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Braddocks No l. 6:00 p m i Fast Line ' 7:30 p m Wall's No. 4. 7:15 nmi Derry Acen.. 8:50 pin Brad'ke No 2.12:40 a ii. I dradit's .1.40 2 10:50 pm Way Passenger 5:30p in! The: Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. as., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. M. Returning, leaves Pitt:burgh at 12:50 p. m. and aril' es at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. m. Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. For rumor information apply to W.,H. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk. for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred. Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value.will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. EDWARD IL UTLLIAMS. seta General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. _ t tat ßG • H FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO R. W. AND CLEViLAND & PITTSBURGH R. - R. From dept. 13th. 1868, trains rill leave from D and arrive at the Union epot, north side, city' time, sail:Mows: - Leave. Arrive. • Chicago Ex.— 2:03 a miChleago Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a m Clevelilnd Ex. 2:08 aTa Erie& Ygn Mg 7:28 a m,Chimigo Ex.— 11:23 a m Cl. & Wh_`gli'l 6:13 a m Wheeling Ex. /1:08 ant Chicago Math.- 6:58 a m.St. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pm Chicago Ex.... 0:43 a in' , Cl. Wh`g Ex 4:08 pm Wh'g Ex. 2:13 p n.!Erie &Yg'nEx 6:13 pm Chicago Ex pi :28 pm , Chicago Ex.... 4:23 pm Wh. & Ertellx. 4:48 pir.Cl. & Wh'g Ex 6:53 pm Depart from Allegheny.: Arrive in Allegheny. N. Brigt , n &a. 8:58 a miN. Brlgt'n Ac._7:o3 a m Leetsdale " 10:13 a m Brigt`n " 8:28 a m 414 " 11:58 aml Wellsville " 8:53 ant. Rochester " 1:33 pm , New Castle " 10:13 a m Wellsv'e Ace— 3:43 pm I Leetsdale " 9:13 a mLeetsdale Acc. 4:13 pm! " 1:06 pm N. Brlgt.'n " . 5:33 pmlN.l3rigt`n " 2:43 pm N. Brigt`n " . 6:28 p m 'Leetsdale 4:53pm Leetsdale " • 10:43 pm) " " 7:28 pra .1151 - .2:218_p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily. ADP' /1:23 a. In. Menge Express arrives daily,. sel4 F, R. 3IYERS, General Ticket Agent. HILL SROUTE. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE ROUTE from the Emit to all pants In Colorado, Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona, ap4;w73 New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. Two Trains leave State Line and Learenworth daily, (Sundays excepted,)on the arrival of trams of Paelne Railroad from St. Louis, and Tli_nuital and St.. Jo Railroad from Quincy, conneetht. at Law rence, Top_eka and Wamego with sts,a for all points In Kansas. At end of track west of Ells worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS COM PANY'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND MAIL AND EXPRESS COACHES FOB , DENVER; SALT T..-A-Frlf And all Points in the Territories, And with SANDERSON'S TRI-IFEEKLY LINE of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent , s Fart, Pass, All 4 - guerque, Santa Fe, and all points in Arizona. and New Mexico. With the recent additions of rolling stock and equipment, and the arrangements- made with n-- aponsible Overland Transportation Lines from its western terminus, this road now offers unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to the Far West. Tickets for sale at all the principal offices in tt.a United States and Canadas. Be sure and ask for tickets v a THE SMOKY EA STEB2 HILL DI Nou r.c. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. STEAMSHIPS. TO LIVERPOOL AN D QUEENSTOWN. TUE INMAN MAIL STZIADTSZIIPS, Numbering sixteen first-class vessels, Unkeng DIEM the celebrated CITY OF PARIS, CITY OF ANTWErP. CITY OF BOSTON CITY OF BALTIMORE, wry or LONDON. Sailing EVERY SATURDAY; from Pler 45, North Ulcer, New York. For passage or rurther InformsDou apply to WILLIAM BUGHAM, Jr., 70:1 , TFT13 STREET, (Chronicle RillMing' :Nearly opposite Yost UUlce, Pitts' uxir PAY HINDLE ROUTE. :i Washington, A. ANDERSONt General Super(intendent. J. IL WEBSTER, General Freight and Ticket Agent ‘,