El! II Vjg ittiTurgij Gapttt. • I HAIL TO )111E CHIEF IN HO IN. SI LENCE ADVANaSI BY STANLEY WAI:EitLOO• flail to the clil4 who in silence advances, ' The champlot •Of freedom. the chosen of fame. Wherever she sunbeam of liberty glances. A theme are his actions, a watchword his name, ' From the Pacine's sand To the Atlantic's strand. "- The heart of each patriot beats in his cause, tic who, with ready steel„ Struck•for the nation's weal, 31aintaining her rights and upholding her laws. The stream that can wrest with the force of a giant, The rock- from its bed. rushes silently on: The man with Ira iron will. fearless, reliant. Dealbth not In vain boasts ere his labor is done. Ms no m a Melons tongue, - Worit in g the country wrong, Dividing our eift,rts, sup orting our foes; Ills was no middle cour , e, Going from bad to worse. Refesing to u.d where he dare not oppose. When war over all Spread its darkening. pinions. And thousands w-re bleeding . our country to save: When our Ilag wastlebase , ‘ by the traitorous Apd land was engulphed in the terrible wave; He as the mountain rock roof to the tempest's shock, Boldly e stood with his resolute hest.. the battle's brunt I Dashed on his iron front. , • The traitors were broken, their victory lost. Though the strife Iwith the bayonet and bullet is ended, Yet again to the triumph he's leading no on, To uphold the eaust, so nobly defended. Ann by wisdom pr serv.• v. hat by rater he won. "Peace," Is our battle cry, ttltes•e and equality:" While from each Southern hill, valley and plain, - . Jibing the silentair Soldiers who pet 'shed there, Arising exhort us to conquest again. • When autumn's arrayed in the robes of November, And the struggle for justice and liberty done. Then shall the traitors have cause to rememeer. The battle they lost and the b the we Won Telling the people's will. Proving them local still. Then shall the spirit o. Preedom arise: Say with a mighty voice. . "Grant Is the'nailon's choicer Ring the glad tidings aloud to the sklea! —V/ EPIIEKERIS. —New York bootblacks have struck. granite coffins are very fashiona able. —Mosquitos are dying of cold in New Jersey. —The heirs of Anneke Jans still persist in meeting. —Last Week Walt Whitman went on his summer vacation. —From - ss;to $1.3 per acre is the price of land in lowa. —Forty-five of Auber's operas have been produced in Paris. —Philadelphia bricklayers !support the NeW York strikers. —Counterfeit siver half , dollars , have ap peared in San Francisco. —Bonner is going to build himself a pal ace on Fifth avenue, New Yotik. • —New York and Italian I opera won't recognize each other at all this,year. —Mrs. E. Cady Stanton is going to try to re-introduce tho bloomer excitement. • -225 pounds is die weight of the Queen of Spain, yet she is a very light- woman. —Signor A. Dorsy has been appointed k Consul of the Kingdom of. Italy in Cjneln nati. - —A. fine new market house htts just been completed in Philadelphia, the city of mar kets. —Some one in San Francisco has inven ted a circular floating battery for harbor de fense. —Two mountains in Europe, both in the Caueassian chain, are higher than Mont Blanc --The French 'Treasury got 177,000,060 of fifancs from tliLir tobacco_ monopoly last year. —Paris consumes two million pounds of grapes every year, besides a good deal of wine. —Geo. - Vandenhoff is to read Tenn Yawl and Longfellow throughout the country this season. —"Madame Barclay, twenty-six years old," is the sfficial Parisrecord of Kenken's burial. —St. Louis . barbers have gained their point, and keep their shops open now on Sunday. --American Marine Insurance Companies have lost nearly eleven millions of dollars this year. —Chicago has French and Italian Opera, Foul Play and Joe Jefferson, and calls it self a capital. —Vermont, Colorado, - New lilexico, Maine—We're. out of, breath, but will go on next month: -- • - —The latest Deinocratic bit of cheek is that of the Boston Post when it speaks of the Whl,iky Ring." —Two million gallons of petroleum ex ported in one, week, is the way Pittsburgh men do bulness in Philadelphia. —Sig hundred families of rmenian Chris tians from Turkey have an agent in Vir ginia looking for lands for them/to settle on. —The Duc d'Aumaie has offered his villa at Twickenham, England, to M. de Roche fort as a permanent residence .during his exile. —We will have a new edition of the oweL of lioratius when Seymour• comes to foot the bills in November after Grant's election. —The finest private collection of jewel& in Ne.wYork, is said to-be that of a young daughter of an ex-street contractor, valued at $300,000. —Prince Napoleon and M. de Monstier are said to be:trying to persuade - the Empe ror to get possession of the Rhenish:frontier even at the risk of a war. • - 7 -Semmes still persists in the strange be lief that he is a. lecturer, and is going to 'speak for the benefit of the "Confederate Eenevolent Association" in Nashville. --Red .Tacket, the Indian Chief, has been warning through the spiritual mediums, that trouble will come upon every one who kills the poor innocent Indians out west. —What do German lalioring men think ofa Hoff•mann for a laboring man's candi date in New York? Hoff-narrl would be more fitting if he really expects' to succeed. • .The Venezuela system of taking c,are of lunatics is said to be a good One for that climate ; they are suffered to go at large, and no attention 1.3 paid to them and they do no harm. t • • - Bridget Mary O'Toole is not, romantic name, but its Hibernian,possessor swam out into'the lea st Nahant and at the risk of her own saved the lives of two drowning ladies. The Humane society will give her a medal. —There are sixteen preachers, thirty-nine farmers, eight merchants, eight pedagogues, seven doctors, seven builders, six carpenters, four lawyers, four coach makers, three tailors and two masons in the South Caroli na Legislature. —An exchange thinks if the Missionaries want to hold their prayer meetings in the headquarters of vice, they had better drop John Allen and Tommy Hadden, and go to the New York City Hall at once: —The Richings Opera troupe, the White Fawn, with Bonfanti and Sohlke, and the Can-Can with Ventreroli, the Hanlon Brothers, Waugh's Italia, Hooley's .and Carncross and Dixey's minstrels, - are all amusing Philadelphia. —When watching the Post doing its re cent examples in arithmetic and declaring its astounding results, Boker's words seem apt enough Beneath the scorn of everyeye How eloquent their voice, sound. —Frank Blair fought the, rebels and now fraternizes with them, which caused some one to effuse as follows: O Frankr he can tight And 1.., tinky he can slay But, when his enemt-a come in sight He with them.walks away. —ln order to convince themselve of vic tories in Maine and Vermont the emo9ra cimust nearly have exhausted their lie-abili ties; so before the October elections comd off we advise them to lay in a lot of saponifier or other concentrated lye. —No one need think that Pennsylvanians, because they supported President Lincoln in the repudiation of the bonds of the black man, will also) support the repudiation of any other bonds. That is by no means: a logical sequence or a fact. —Last week three barks one brig and one steamer, took 467,7713 gallons of petroleum out of Philadelphia-to foreign ports, making the total exports this year amount to 27,- 562,677 gallons, since the first of January. Twenty-five vessel's are now chartered and icago Poet loading with petroleum in that port. --The stock yard for cattle in Chicago comprises 345 acres, (of which 90 are l planked); 25,000 cattle pens; artesian wells that supply 700,000 _gallons of water per day; and seventeen miles of railroad connec tions with all the lines which run into the city. It is a town for cattle, on the most improved principles. —The Hartford, Conn., National Screw -Company haS bought a large piece of prop. erty in that .ity on which it intends to erect large works, consisting of two buildings, obe of one story and one of far, but each 150 feet long. This company, which now `employs fifty hands, will largely increase the number of employes when the new works are ready. ._. —A Bury (England) paper -says: "It having been known that bees were working in the roof of All Saints' Church, from which honey had been obserVed to flow for some time past, • Mr. Barber, the church clerk, obtained authority from the church wardens to remove them, and in doing so obtained no less than a hundred-weight of honey." —The eldest son of Don Juan de Bour bon has officially declared himself to be Charles VII., and wants to be King of Spain. This kingdom has had more than its share of the Bourbon torture, and to get rid of the Queen merely to take the Bour bon King is a very risky experiment, if they have revolution, they surely might have an effectual one at once. —The creditors of residents in Virginia will soon be able to recover the debts due them. • The stay-law of that State expires by limitation on the Ist of next. January. The original act, passed March 2, 1866, was operative until January 1, 068, but on March .2, 1867, another act was passed amendatory of the first, and extending its operation to January 1, 1869. —Tar water, it is asserted, may be empipy ed for dying silk and wool withl the color called gris cendre or ash-gray. The stuff is first mordanted with weak perehloride of iron, by soaking in, the solution for some hours. It- is then drained and passed through the bath of tar water. r The oxy phenate of iron; which is thus Preciptated on the fabric, gives a very solid color. —"Generf Sam Cary's title jis perhaps a little apocryhal. Some one hais taken the trouble to examine all the military registers of the Union army and can't find Cary there, so he was perhaps dubbed in the ex- Confederacy, or, ',more probably, has as sumed the title with the gold headed cane, gilt watch chain, etc l ., the mere to resemble the horny handed working man he affects to be. —Ritualism in Canada has received de cided marks of disapproval from the Pro vincial Synod of the Church of England, now in session in • Montreal. On Friday, the Synod adopted a resolution forbidding the elevation of the elements, the use of incense, the mixing of water with wine, the use of the wafer—bread, of lights on the communion table and the wearing of vest ments while saying prayers. —As the champion wicked man is begin ning to pall on the-palates of sensation gourmands,a.new champion has been found, it is the champion musquito which was cap tured In the interior of New York, is foil!. and three-eighth Inches in length, and twelve dollars has been refused for him by his` owner. We, ourselves, profcss to be a cennoiseur in mosquitoes,-but never have seen anything quite so large in that line. —The following verse can be committed to memory by the little Democrats whoFe fathers ,calculate according to the Poet's arithmetic: , "Twie:e one is five, . Carry four makes seven; Twice six is twenty-nine, And eighteen's eleven; Andletween you and me, It is very plain to see We can carry all the States By the double Tule of three." A NEW Yonx paper says: A. sensation was created among the uptown people this morning by the discoTery of thelperfeet re mains of a human foot and leg, embedded in some granite, which the quarryinen are blasting at the corner of Tenth avenue and Forty-second street. , The granite is a pale color, and the human remains are perfectly black. The questicins for the philosophers and the ethnologists now are, are these the relics of some primeval man, and was this primeval man black? ME URGH GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY. SEPTENBER, 2 PITT EETH. EXTRACTED Wl'l'llol7'l' PAIN NO CHARGE MADE WHEN ARTIFICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. . A BULL BET FOR $l3. • AT DR. SCOTT'S. A7B PENN STREET, 31:1 DOOR ABOVE RAND. ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND EX AMINE BFECIMENt3 OF GENUINE VULCAN ITE. ixty9:daT GAS FIXTURES ---- , WELDON & KELLY Manufactureis and Wholesale Dealers hi Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS. • Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS:, BENZINE, -N0„147 Wood Street. - seN.n22, Between sth and Oth•Acenues CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &O. T_T YDRAULIC CEMENT. " A-A- 130.it? STONE, PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS. WATER PIPES. aD18:070 IIYDILItIIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE, Cheapest and best Pine In the market. Also, RO SENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT for sale. B. B. & C. A. BROCILETT & CO. Oftlee and Manufactory-240 REBECCA ST., Allegheny. Sir Orders by mall promptly attended to. r 93 PIANOS. ORGANS, &C. BuZiTTHF'uOI I NEDSTB.AO2p CHEALI! - Schomacker's Gold Nodal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCUOMACKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known In the con -strut:don of a first class instrument. and has always been awarded the blithest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship. for durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from 050 to $l5O, (according to style and finish,) cheaper than all other so-called first class Plano. ESTEY'S COTTMIE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed insfrinnents, In pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar instrument In the United States. It Is sim ple and compact in construction,. and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" Is only to be found dn this Organ. Price from $lOO to t. 550. All guaranteed fur tics ye. 8.111. BARB, EialiT, & BUMMER,' Mll9 1 No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. NABE CO.'S K AND HAINE.S BROS. PIANOS, For, sale on monthly and quarterly payments HATS AND CAPS. IFALIAL T3A.7C'S ArCORD & CO., Are now ready with a CARO?. AND SELECT STUCK of' IMAL°I I S 3, 0C.E1.3P AND FURS. CM M . AI TIN LIEFILER, • HATS. CAPS AND FURS, Also. Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In TRUNKS, VALISES. Ac., No. 132 'SMITH FIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Orders promptly Oiled and satisfaction guaranteed. TOBACCO AND CIGARS 1=;11;ME LEAF TOBACCO AND SEOUL% No. S SIXTH STREET, (National Bank of Com. memo Building s ) • PITTSBURGH, Branch of 172 Water. street, N. Y. spi:n77 DANIEL F. DINAN. EXCELSIOR WORKS. J . F.DnErarrsorT, Manntactareze and Deafen In Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, &0., 'No 6 FEDERAL BT.. ALLEWILISTYII 41141 AR CONFECTIONERIES. HENRI W. HORBACH, Confectionery and Bakery No. MOO SMITHFIELD BTEUBT, • Between Seventh and Liberty. oaf LADIES' OYSTER SALOON attached GEO; scrzwairmir *Fancy Cake Baker &. Confectioner, - AND DZALER IA FOREIGN &DOMESTIC FRUITS & NUTS, No. 40, corner Federal and Robinson streets, Alle gheny. Coustairly on hand, ICE CREAM, of various flavors. SEWING MACHINES. muE GREAT: AMERICAN COII BINATION. BUTTON•IIOLE OVFJISEDEING AND SEWING DIACIEEPTE. IT. HAS NO . EQUAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY' THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, AND IN- - • I • TRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. ifit'Agenta wanted to sell Oils Machine. CHAS.' Q. iseiusiumne, f tlA tn A f re nla. (orner, FIFTH Western Over Rlebardson , s Jewelry Store. ni : 4iitkr ell.to 4 0)1-1014 tUeli E[4.14131E81 BOWL & ANCHOR COTTON M1L!..% Prrorsnuncall. ktanO :tureraof HEAVY HISDItIM, and LIGHT ANCHOR £1!1) .MAGNOLIA SHEETING& AND BATTING. HAIR AND PERFUMERY. 1 - 01 IN PECIk," Ornamental Hair HAIR WORKER AND PERFUMER, No. 133 bird street. near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Always on hand, a general assortment of Ladles' WIGS, 13ANDS, CURLS:, Gentlemen's WIGS, TO. PEES, SCALPS, GUARD CHAINS, BRACELET'S, &c. 4Gr A good Price In cash will be given for RAW HAIR. _ Ladies' and Gentlemen's Flair Cutting donel the neatest manner, mbZuj DENTISTRY HENRY H. COLLINS, 25 Wood street. CHARLOTTE BLUME, 43 Fifth street, Sole Agent 131 WOOD STREET, EITMEE3 DEALER IN ALL KINDS Or TRIBIREINGS. AND. NOTIONS. AT 77 AND 79 MARKET ST: , • YARNS AND' ZEPHYR. BERGMAN'S SUPERIOR ZEPHYR-9, 4 and S fold. all shades, just opened. ITNITTI‘NG AN L) ZEPHYR. YARNS. CASHMERE AND SAXONY YARNS, all colors and mixtures. An extra quality COUNTRY YARN. JUYA CANVAS. AFGHAN and ZEPHYR NEEDLES and HOOKS. Wholesale and Retail. JOSEPH HORNE & CO. TIKESS, CLOAK AND - 3 --" I MANTILLA TRIMMINGS. BULLION. SILK, IORDONET and CHENEAL FRINGES. M.I.S AND HEADINGS, All Eha , 1 'to match. VELVET RIBBONSk Wahl and shaded. all colors. SILK. SATIN AND'VELVET RIBBONS. LOOPS AND ORNA _ A Complete Assoitment Just Opened, nt i_. JOSEPH HORNE & CO.'S. se l:xsu OSIERY DEPARTMENT. Foreign and Domestic, Cotton, Wool and Merino HOSIERY, Plain, Fancy and Ribbed. for t miles, Gent's and Children, at Slanuraeturers prices, • HEROD AND WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, AU sizes, quallties k and prices, for Ladles, Gent's MI Children. Making a speciality of these depart• inents.' we can offer , upertor inducemente to buyers AhhOltr.nENT AN]) ERICE. 110131VE d CO. se2l: x5l TRDIPPIINGS, New Fringes, Sewing Silk and Bullion. 1,200 Pair of Real French Corsets. White andpolored only 50 cents a pair. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF YARNS, IN ALL COLDER THE NEW PARIS "LA BELLE BALMORAL." Gent's Fall and Winter Underwear. LMiIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest supply and finest patterns of Ladies' & Misses' Balmoral Hosiery. WOOL HOODS AND SACQUES Hoop Skirt., and Silk Gloves. "•-• The VERY LOW EST• RATES to Jobber's MACRUILE, GLYDE & CO., 7S and SO Market Street. sel4: - p)RICES MARKED DOWN T AT MACRUM & C.4:US=SE'S, NO. 19 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED ! ON MiD iFTEft JULY IST. , HOOP SKIRTS. (Ladles',) for ' 50c CORSETS, (Real French,) LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 for HID GLOVES. (warranted.) P &PER COLLA RS 200 Yds. SPOOL OOTTON, (good) POCKET BOOKS, worth 50c MEN'S SUMMER UNDEESEILR.TS MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS 75 All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Hall Cost. GREAT BARGAINS! ° irTA-T-S. BINDS OF GOODS. Special Bates to Merchants & Dealers. raecnuni & CARLISLE, El= i r - ~ ~ 115 FOURTH ST. 115. JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO., STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AIICTIONEERS, ire prevared to seal at Auction STOCIES,__BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. &e., either on the premises or at the Board of Trade ROOMS. Partieulai attention paid. as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Sales of Real Estate in the country attended. Office. No. 113 FOURTH STREE'T.t -Jy8:8114 $lO.OOO T o ON BOND AND MORTGAGE.' GEO.3II.IPMIL". tnylfi Beal Estate Agent. 60 Smithfield street. SLATE, friffTWlN CITY" SLATE CO., nnilseture a superior article of ROOPING tEliaAnC7o. trOffice, 48 Seventh Pillabirgb i Pie J. S. NENVMEYER. Pres't. in 728,484 PnM IiDITTSBUILG : PAPER MANIT. A. FACTORING. COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. CILINTONMTLENVILLE. 01r10. MILL—NEW BRIGHTON , ; PA. • ()mom AND wmucuotraz, N 0.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh Pa. OrTioune--ATiGYrift HART.TP, President. - JNO. B. LIVINGS ON, Treasurer. SAMUEL RIDDLE. Secretary., DinatCrOug—Augrat Hart u le, John Atwell., B. B Hartman, John B..!•:ington. Cash paid for rimer Stock. Jahnoiel ICE: ,ICE= ICEI ICE 1 WX.. KREBS, Ice Dealer, • Na 5 DIAMOND Pittsburgh. Orders left here or at Hand Street Bridge will re ceive prompt attention. - . Wagons running In Pitts burgle and Allegheny, 7:04 , 18E8 54. tarred Flanel, Zgc)vv Caffer'ecl, IFELROY, DICKSON 4ar.c)4l;:›lD COUNTRY BARR'D FLANNELS, AT J. Z. BURCHFIELD & CO'S, A. BLACK & WHITE A.ND COLORED BARRED FLANNELS. WRITE COUNTRY FLANNELS. RED AND YELLOW FLANNELS WHITE FLANNELS, beet-makes RED AND GREY TWILLED FLANNELS BLEACHED CANTON FLANNELS UNBLEACHED de BLANKETS, a full assortment CASSIMEBES, KENTUCKY JEANS 4ar Remember the place 87. MARKET STREET.. 87. NEW FALL GOODS, NOW OPENING, AT THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', 87 MARKET STREET. .e 8: • 1.00 19 FIFTH STREET a w G 7 G 3 E of if w ,,,v , cd tag ;:".1 L.i S A oi ...t E-4 : Ot, g ' l = l 7 ,4 ack ° g ..., 2 . - =1 % Al Mr 4 7:1 •-• 4 ' = a .4 2, i • : mf u c p z E:l }0 M 23 Cc 4 A I t . " 'O al ~., . g -.. pck sg =1 ..°' .--. = : a' "s& '-'w Pa VI §i =1 1 4::, 1 ' - ' VI 6 rEg "',1,-, fr-4 w 168. - * - ••••-• ''''' • ''' ' Asa NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. \ HOSIERY and GLOVES. SOITCrIe, Ur No. 168 Wylie Street..an 168. • 1813, • cap3o:n4o) • APOLLO INSTITUTE, 80 Fourth AVENUE. artEngilsh, Ecleatifie and hool.for Carla and Boys, conducted by JAMES. M. !SACRUM and 'MART F. BS:WHIM,A iron- Ise, with AIR .partieulars, references, ate"; •sent on .application. Am. ng the gentlemen to wit Con refer. once May be made are the following: Rev. Dr: Alli son, Wm. Begalsy,Esq., kt. Brunet, Esq., Rev. Dr. Dick. non, Rv. •• Dr. Douglas, Ron. Russell JOhn Harper. -Esq.. Rev. Dr. Jacobus. R. Dr. "err, W. bleOlintoelt. Bon¢bJoha B. McFadden, aq., -Sidney. F. Von orst, Esq.,,tion. Thos. Williams. 5e19:x.38 A ELEDMED9( CITY. ACADEMY, 'AND' OONWEDDLiIi OOLLBEIE, . No., 101 AXi INDER Oyer Allegheny Savings a Daily Mullane: Scienti ß ll k. e. from 83 A. Y. to 1 P.m. - Commercial: A to 454 P. M. Nye Mug SeAsion: Scientific and Commercial, 7 to 9r ' IL • 'J. M. PRYOR I m B. S. 4°l3Birin.cipals. oelva:24 A LLEGHENY ACADEMIC. Pho titixt regular session will commence en TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IST, • In EXCELSIOR II Pt LL, Federal street, Allegheny. NIX T. E. WAKEHAM, Principal. 'VIII receive V to pupil 1s at the on Monday, August 31 4u2.11-v47st. from 2 o'clocx. DRY GOODS. KITTANNING EXTRA HEAVY A VERY ,LARGE STOCK, IN GOOD STYLES. & CO., WHOLESALE o.da WO OD STREET. No. 52 St. Clair Street. do No. 52 St.' Clair, near Liberty St. EDUCATIONAL. AUCTION SALES BY A. M'ILWA.I3E. MUVERSYILLE PROPERTY, 54. Coiner of Centre lvenue and Miner Str 7 LOTS AND 2 HOUSES. MONDAY AFTERNOON, September 28th, o'clock, will be sold, on the premises, the vain Gormley property In Ilinersvtile now City of I' burgh. at present occupied by W. H. Gormly. and which has been sub-divined into seven des ble Lots, situate at corner of Centre Avenue Miner street. • Lot No. 6 6176 feet front on Mtnt . r street ant feet•ln depth along the side next to l'enire Ave . being about 100 feet in dept it along the other: on w nigh is the two-story Brick_ Double \l unit containing hall, double parlor, dr:twing-room dining-room on Ur:AIL:or; tire chain:rent on tie• door; two tinished.attlesi hasenteut. kitchen wash house. with sink and hydrant in kitchen good cistern connected with wash house. Die room and kitchen connected with dumb Wa. Near to house is a well of good water, 'covered grape arbor, and grounds wanted In m ein tree: Lot No. 7 Is an adjoin lug lot ou earner of et 'avenue, having NO feet aunt on Miner street, being in depth v k feet on one Due ;Ind 38 fe . the to her. Lot No. 1 contains about oue-quarter act ground, fronting 150 feet on :inner stre, t, two story frame dwelling. containing six redo AL:o. spring hou-e. fruit trees. &c. Lots Nos. 2, 3. 4 and 5 arc each fronting 24 on Mloer street, with depth from IDO to 123 with fkult tree &c. Ti Is handsomely situate and eery desirable 1 erty Is passed by the Mincrivilit - F - tStreet Cars b lug It Into easy c , dninunication with lower 1: the city. Those wishing are incited to examin property before day of sale. Terms of tale—One•tbird cash, balance In on' two years. with Inter , st. se2.l A. McILWAINS, Auction( BY PALMER & PHILLIPS• PALMER & PHiLLIPS, AUCTIONEERS And Commission Merchant! OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROC No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, P BOOTS, SHOES, CARPE' Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENI. Consfirnments Solicited. Prompt turns. CARPETS AND OIL CLOT wrocT NE WEST STYLES ! TAPESTRY AND BODY BRUSS TWO AND •rirrimp. PL CARPETS ! ALL WOOL UGRADS, In great w,t COMMON CARPETS, AT PERT LOW P111.Cy.4 f DRUGGETB, a / With MEDALLION DRUGGETR, 1,) NV . NDOWSIIAL Our stock Is the largest and most desirat have ever offered to the trade. BOVARD, ROSE & C 21 ETETII STREET. =1 FALL GOODS. FIRST ARRIVAL OF THE SEA A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, CARPETS, JUST OPENED AND OFFERED AT T OLIVER TRINTOCK & No. 23 Fifth Street. NEW CARPET' AT POPULAR PRICE. M'FARLAND & COLE OFFER THE Newest and Best Pattern. AT THE LOWEST PRIG LACE. AND NOTTINGNADI CURTAINS. AND CORNIC ---- 111cFAHLANI) & COLL] 71 and 73 FlitlL Street. Next Building to 11. 8. Custom House .1. Pos aulo:stwi M M sTANDAutp AxtßßA.Nti ED TAB • AND OOKIMATION C11EW113.113. TradiaPsdably Uts beet tn. nee. NEW IMP MENT6, Patented Nov. 216th. 1867, an 21st, 1868. Everything relating to Dili lard beat quality and lowest prince always on ha Our NEW CUE TRIMMER, Patented M 1868, price 151.50." great success. Mluatrated price listasent on appllcatlon. PHELAN Si•. 0014 ENDE R. 93. 61S. 67-and 69 ,CROSBY s ' r., Nen' Yo jytt:ant:rwld : • DRAIN PIPE.-HALL St AD SUPERIOR 'ARTICLE OP DRAIN PIPE , All sixes, from one totwentT-font—lnches at DON & KELLY'S. agents tor manufacture Wood street, between Fifth and Slut' etre( jets Three Ply, And Ing