U 6 STEEL WORKS. iptiquEsNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS, COLEMA.N, 'RAH3II & CO., . • MANUFAOTE , IIERS OF Iron, Nails and Merl. Carriage and Wagon !Springs and Axles. - Duquesne. XL. and Juniata Met' pant Bar, Round and r.squ.re Iron; Band. (loop, t•he.d. and Plate Iron; Oval, Hall Oval au humid Iron; Cylinder and 'alton it..7.t Iron; Drag ..nd Dropper Bars. 'l' and .! Flat Nall ior • oat Roads; Cut Nails and S Ikes; Flow. Suring , and v B Steel: Laminated Steel; Cut ; ter tiara, Crori Bars, °Mee and Warettou.,el2 WATER STREET, rJ SHEFFIELD STEEL WORK S . SINGER, NIMICK & CO., prrrsstruGa, PEL, Manufacturers of eve 6 description of i CAST AND CERMAN STEEL, RA I LWAT SP.I 4 cIJ1 4 4,_ • PLATFORM SPRINGS, , AXLES, S'PEEL TIRE, &C.. are Warehouse, S Water and 100 First tits• MILLER, BARR f PARKIN. GENERAL PAIITNI:119: WM. biETCALF, I REUBEN 'MILLER, eEO. W. BAR R, CILAS. PARKIN. DI• ICIER. CRESCENT STEELWORKS, la 1.1_,L...11111, 13.11.111 1 ar PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA I= 7 BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTRER & CO.. Manufacturers of all descrlp9ons of 103V 1 303031.46, Once and Wareituuee t 129.124. 124 SECOND and 119 and 121 FIRST STREETS, pITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS (E5T1.3.483ED IF 1845.) ANDERSON & WOODS, tBIICCESSORS TO ANDERSON, COOK & CO. Manutactprers of t very description of STEEL. BEST REFINED TOOL STEEL liulay, Circular, Gang and Cross Cut SAW PI, Spring, fast and German Plow sn4 Blister Steel. !novel. Son. Nurk, take and Toe oalk steel at lroad spring steel and Frog Volt:its: Cast steel. Singer rim's, lekle Steel. s:iring Steel Tl re, Plow Wings, etc ; (di Drill steel. and Works —i_orner HOS:, STS, Pittshu en. 1a j* Godeffroy Braneker & Co., 42 EXCHANGE PLACE. NEW ILEX, Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the United States for the Prussian Mining and Iron Co.. of Duisburg Westphaltg, to con-tract or sell In quantities to suit pruchasers, (delivered either New York or Phlla delphtkj the eelibratel SPIEGELEISEN V. H. led so extensively for the manufacturing of BESSEMER - STEEL. This howls free from Sulphur and Phosphorus, and COIitIIIIIS a heavy percentage of 3laogancse. The Dove are also ready to contract for, or sent o arrive STE.EL RAILS ISlanufacturr d, by 1.1.41,0NDT 1k CO., Dortmund, for-which. latter firm they also have the hole Agency in the United Stateh Pill particulars.-samples, prices or chemical an 2134. will be promptly forwarded on application aulDtu= .ruN WORKb jA4. .Kit. Preset Ft I 'Is'ESIIIU KGB FORGE AND IRON CO., A titIFACTIIIIIIIES OF Bar iron; •-slread Flak Bars and Bolts; Iteflreail Car ♦xles Rolled; /tail retati Car Axles ilausraere6; . L,* *Ave Frames; ..... tire Frame Shapes; Side. 0.11111.4. I [ Yokes. Straps: P....l**** 1111r4,1**; S !vans tooni ShaCtllj tenet' boat Erbnks; Prtun ttoelk, Writitivp Vitamins, Jaw*. 4.:ollaes. 0 tic), Nu. IT7 PENN STREE E s, ElpiON. PRESTON CO., Peunsyivania Iron Work• W.... °taunt, t 66 and 167 FIRST STK V c , ~,,„lit i - 101.18e. 111,24,10 P ITTSBII si'ovEs, CASTINGS, &c ifiVi [tli )! CET THE BEST. HASS 11411LILI ar, Co.'s TRIUMPH, lef It '1317'17 MIN° US CO L Itarraiiiril to Cjok, Bake - or RoMI well as ani other Stove in the MO( . BISSELL & CO., 28f)' Liberty -Stre t. Al6OOll flall , l 4.2.1 (Or bale, ittornt 6 roVES, • i;•• TINL 4 16TOVE:6. 9.1+..ATF.. FRONTS, FENI :MATH ' itANnE. COPPER. t t 4 .%0 i•Cirtfolg - AND WitELTING WOR• .1 , r4 OUTII/11. vi.r,CLTR OY & xollon, araziers , anti ttott..ms, Uniscri4llll r. Inspu, ',And I)/ Wire. ,nors• si:whin4..±..., r.;01:4. 1,10 4:td ilebtrog LlaL ouPcr nut to any Invl4.c.34xlwT MEI FOUNDERS, MACHIN I STS• TLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLEIt, President. These Works are aulong the largest and most complete establishments- in the West, and are now prepared to furnish Engines, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work• Railroad! Casting's. Kill Castings. Engine d:u•iinge. Riachine Castings. General Cait tugs. no9ra69 NATIONAL FOILINDIIII ~ AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Numllinon Streets'. Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, My Pipes are all east invariably in Pits, in dry sand, and 1.'21 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. 1 would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works tq soy make of RETORTS. fel6:tlo L.O. LMBOSTON.W: U. BURT•W. ♦. ROBINBORI JP. LIVINGSTON & CO., IRON FOUNDERS ! FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, rivre,Brizoti. All destriptions, for Plumtiers and Gas Fitters; Ag rieultural implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma ohinery, Ac. All .TobWork promptly attended to. °Mee and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE near Outer Depot. AllegLeny City. Pa. ROBINSON,' REA. br, CO., Successors to ROBINSON, MINIS & WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PITTSBURGH, \• td.anufacturers or. Boat and Stationary Steam En gines. Blast Engines. Mill Machinery, Gearing, shafting, Casting: . ot all descriptions; Tanks and Still s , Boiler and sheet iron Work. Office, No. 12. corner First and Snalth9eldStreets. Agents for GIFFA RD'S PATENT INJEC i TIL/ 1, R .r. r feeding.Bollers. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, , - (Opposite Union Iron Mille,) Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERT & KA oc15:128 MM. B ERLDi t FOUNDRY. . PRICE & SIMS. I Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. and Pipe Boxes,. WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, T HOMAS CARLIN & CO., 'ourth Ward Foundry and Machine, Works, sANDITSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA.,. Minut,n.ct...ters of Steam Englne.s, Oil Preses, Pal lryb. Shalling.'Orlst and Saw Mill • Work., Rolling Mill and M,aenine Castings, Grate Bars,, Weights, Wagon Bose., ,te. Build to order and have on hand Engine. 01 all sizes. • mVlll:q5 CE I7II A L FOUNDRY AND ROLL. WORKS ►lBO Penn *Street. W. P. Forma, thiP't BO LLMA S, BOYD & BAGALEY. ROll Lathes. C. F! I,TON .11ACHINE WORKS. .11436. M.LA,,inctury. of .TEAsiof ad sizes and of tht , crio,i ITruvr.l Pattern - I. tut tatlouary purpose- : .rs and : , •.;CEANI FERRY o B.rs. 'A V aVety :if 10, I arp1 , 413 horse-power will be sold at very reduced pricer P. F. OEO3BE. Wellsville, 0. Filly II twiow l'itteburirb, on Menhir, river, and line or r. I'. IL no9:b2 ROW ARE HOUSE. BM 1-1. 1) W A_ .EL JE , 337 LIBERTY STREET, pil"v4suititai . lieyetone Standard. Patent Platform and Counter SCALES. Wax Faced Paint Dor Lucks and Latches. Coi•rifir of Grant and First Streets, wi !+..'rA Y LOR, PAINTER, It 4.5 OH UP Allep:horty. TleAnl4l - til for Op , i Irne.r very Illm.tra.l patronage bre 5t.,.074.0 !woo me, F .LiJIIr , ! my friends Andpublle rally Chg.. hi the fol are 4.1 In the pat!, I shall cctle3vor .drllleet.l.; to merits euntlettelele of the en et, anti ill lie rAtvaye ut the shop from 7to A X. and front 1 to 3r. X. atilt:41111- prr-rsovnon. oitp Ens soLuNTti) (NINTH WAR),) .PIT'rSIVIURGII, I'A. wli. SMITH, FOR GAS AND WATER WORRS MANUFACTURERS OF Manufacture and keep conatantly on hand SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, inge generally H A.R.DWARE. LL . - ;10A; STERRIT . & EIJWER, .11,nufacturers and Importers co cUTLERY, &C. CoRN NM OF WAXNE, Stp.iirr tioll.v.v Union Elfepot, PITTSBURGH (tor. F; lit I;AN PIeALKIS.I :NOVELTY WORKS. NOVELTY OVWORTS. ADAMS, N'KEE & CO., Dt A NUFACTUItER OF l'A INT AN f; ;orgy , bfiLl" .4 . MALLEABLE IRON, &c P 6111t H EIZEI PAINTERS. PITTSBURGH GA ENGINES, BOILERS, &C. HUGH M. BOLE 8c CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., Enginetuilders,Founders &Machinists, M•nufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY 1 , N ('I N S, "r all SideS. Special ;Went 1.. n Ins lied to our new STATION ARY 011. W ELL M.OINN AND PORTABLE 1t‘.11,E1,, of 11$•1iorse lower. Y,ASTINO., of every Mud. mad' to order at our pilry, on Tf, IRO STK I. ET, below Ma , ket. for 011 Wels, STIA P."UNG, PoLLETS, ~E IB4 , 'MUSIC and TOBACCO SCREWS and lIBIN Toll ACC° PH kb.SE,3, on hand and-made to order, nt the INDUSTRIAL. WORKS, rroming on the - Allegheny River, near the Point, MI or.lortt promptly filled. TiY U. FOIVI' PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLIJED TUBULAR. FIRE ifiON. AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OLfj STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, BALT , FANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES • Office and Warehouse. corner Second Third. Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. Aar Ordcrs sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mb7:189 wm. & Co., BOILER MAKERS • AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. AO, A 2, 24 AND 26 PENN ST.. Having secured alarge yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, ee are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS In the beet manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers. Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling. Pana, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pins, and sole mane faclurers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shot test notice. • ias:c2l JAMES M. RITE!Ei, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, MANUPACTIIIIER or IRON OIL TANKS , SETTLING PANS, COPIER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. PITTSBURGH .T.ULHD Y. uncsn EDMUND D. BRUSH JARED 6Y. BRUSH 66 SON, ANUT ACTCRICIIS OT Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks SHEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Streeti Pittsburgh, Pa. WARING AND KLNG, • Commission kierelarits and Brokers in Petrol Cum mid its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petroleum and its Products. Pittobargh Vince—DALZELL' BUILDING, cor- ner of Duquesne Way Isnd Irwin streets Philadelphia Office-1127 WALNI7T 6T II M. LONG 04, CO., PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, Brand--",L UCIFE.R.” Office, No. 2 Dugtiesue Way, Pittsburgh. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! ALEXANDER PATTERSON, •. Bealei in all 'Kinds of Lumber. , (IN HAND iA Nl) FUR SALE __ 5011.000 feet Ilryil'ine Boards; 30,1.00 feet Dry:l.lth. I and 'A Inch; • 20. .et !my lAall, 4, 2,15 and 3 Inch; 200.000 f. et .1, ndock ; • 1,000.000 'No. 1 iB.lnel. Shingles, sawed; 100.000-No. 1 116 leen shingle... cawed; 100.000 No. I IS-Ineli shingles, A ,:tvetl; - 2,000 Locust i'o.ts, 7. 8 /01012 feet: 300 cedar Chats. I Also. Fire Brick, Tile ; and Clay, In large or small , quantities. , . i Tauha No. 80 l'itElthE STREET formerly Maneloi ter, and 137 It K. II KC C A STREET. oppo site toe Gas Work,, A',legll ny CI y. Jy3ht.73 FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY i Capitial , - L. .- $125,000.. : 1 • .PRzsibENT--EDWARD DITHRIDGR. SECHETAILY--T. A. WRIGHT. BLIPZU.INTUNDENT.—F , DW. DAVISON. Edward Davison, i John Mellon, Deo. W. DithrMae , d I:113111ER YAILD--Corn Ninth lIPPItIP, AT PORT PIT Ington Street. ; GAS -- AND STEAM FITTING= JOHN M. uporatt.. KAY,6 HENRY JOHN NI. COOPER br. CO., BRASS IrouNDErts, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Manufacturers of PUMPS AND - BRASS WORE, every description; dealers In GAS FIXTURES AND TURING. of all kinds. Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, mylfdzitn • ; BROKERS. SAMUEL M. 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent for the sale of Cornwall, Dotbontinure, Alp')lnt', Isabella, lbOleann.)ll, (41.010 n, dinct otheribrardr, of eintliraelLit, YoughloghenT (joke and L. B. (.Irm*o:tl Camlea ETTE : (NEAII TUE POINT, rrylisitutcoli, PA NANIIFACTUItERB OF PITTSBURGH, PA.. OILS PITISULRGfI, PA. WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street LND DEALERS IN MAP:UVACTURERS OF LUMBER =I L. F. Duncan, E. D. Dlthrldge, M. L. Malone. hnston. GLAS,4 W 4 IRK b. Witeb 1101:191• IRON' BROKER, PIG MONS. wtrtais atilated• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1868. FINANCIAL. ORT PITT BANKING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, • • • . $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SE ITIES, AND CoLD. NTEREST ALLOWED ON Tag, DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Cansd as. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallnee u E. Fawcett;? ItieCLUR D. LEET WILSON. KEYSTONE. No. p 3 LIBERTY S PITTSBURGH, P CAPITAL, (authorized,) : : : : $200,000. H. J. Lynch, John Murdoch, .r., William Espy, Banmel ilarckley, A-GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowe l d on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD H. J. LYNCH, President. OEO. T. VAR DOREN, Cashier. XirSTOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. PEOPLES SAYINGS BANK , \ OF ma-rsnunorx. CAIN CAPITAL President—llENßY LLOYD. , Vice President—WlLLlAN REA. • henry Lloyd, ITlon•Thos. Mellon, E. P. Jones, Th. Wightmanlleo, W. Hallman, Wm. Rr R. H. Hartley, (Edward Gre gg, Stowe Secr l rtary S Treas'r---S. F. VON BONMIORST SIX PEI: CENT. INTEREST bald nn time de p oAds. Depoeiti‘made On or beforle Aueu,t 15 , h will hearlnterest nom that date. lutcrest computed on IA. November and Ist May. Ivnit% NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON - i President. JOS. 1.1.111 LL Cashier. CAPITAL, : : ;$500,000. A. Patterson, Win. H. brown, Chas. Lockhart, Alien Kiri:namelt, W. S. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. N. ap9:o= 1 4 ART, CAUGHEY br Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Food Streets, rr - r•rts.l3llllG, 11. PA.., (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA . , HART I C 0..) DIALEItB It( Exchange, Cohr o ; Coupons, And partlenlar attention paid to he purchase and sale of COVERNMENT BONDS. 41izint Elrafto on .ondon. tnyLettl N. HOLMES & $l3ll-IViariMPLES, 57 Market Street, PIMS33pII , GII, Collections made on all the principal points of the !hated States and Canads.s. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD . OS COMMISSION Particular attention pald..ke the purchase and sale or United States Securities. WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, • No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTEItE'D 1866. Interest. paid on 7`►mo Deposits ANY SUM RECEIfrEb FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. VI )SITB 11U11.1reT ERE tIT, To 11HECK, WITHOUT INT Olocounts Daily at VA o'cliick. • President—THOMPSON BEI.L. Vice President—A. M. MARSHALL. DILLECTOICH: THOMPSON BELL, J A. M. MARSHALL, Jos. DILWORTH. I .105. ALBREE. - j.. 0. GILLESPIE.. ritoekholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, Wu, (In Dalzell, I W. C. Bidwell K. M. Fulton. DYER AND SCOURER, J. LANCE , DYER AND SCOURER. Ito. 3 ST. Cla.A.:ll, And Nos. 135 and 137 Third Street" 14:144 MECHANICAL; ENGINEER pEiIiCEVAL HECK ETT, MECHANICAL ENGINEER , And Solicitor Patents. (Late of P Le. W. t'. Railway.) 1 0 No. 11/ E.DEItAt.,sTitI,ET, Boom No. A nneuttrs. P. O. Box4o, A LLEB DENY CITY: NEICY, or all .ie , ext otiona, BLAT FURNACE and Rol.l,lNti MILL DRAW INGS fornielal. :O.G,otlon paid to do bign lug COLLIERY LOca>MtiTlVE,i, Patent; oon" BotiCiLo4. Ate- FNE,titN 4 + DRAW. mcchaalca;