k 0 alVirA OM 3;4lof:l4AtgaA ;CHEAP GUNS FOR THE PEOPLE.... .he GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been 'moved to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET, where tit always be! found the most complete assortment Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Srt, sa Material, eac., in tee 'day. All kinds of G uns p Ad Pistols carefully repaired. Cash paid for RMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send stamp -r illustrated Circular. Agents wanted in every ion in the United States. Address, J. H. JOHN. TON. 179 Smith Reid Street. Pittsburgh.. W".101IN N . PURVIANCE, 'Register in Bankruptcy for 2Sd District. )111Ce, 116 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEORENY ea -Office hours-9 A. ne. to SP. M 'TUART'S EXTRA SYRUP.-5 7 hbls. o' thls celebrated Golden. syrup just re ived and for bale In bbls., keg, or by the gallon, • JOHN A. RF.NSHAW, •e 22 corner Liberty and Hand streets. )RESERVING SUGARS.-30 1 bls. Lov,rinws just received and for sale by the rrel or at retail, by JNO. A. REN§IIAW. ; Corner r.toerty and Hand siseets. ::.;43,10.M1ZE YOUR FUEL; by asing the a.iVE CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR, only true and easily regulated Dove, nor made; !lest In its operations and truly reliable. A large :e Governor can 1w seen at the (Alice of PEAK:E -11, BECKETT, Meeletnieal Engineer and Solid r of Patents, No. 70 Federal street. Allegheny ty, the only agent for this Governor in the West. e 72.: x 96 - DYKE to YOUNG MEN ABOUT TO MAKRY.. Essays for Young Men, t tjie Errors, Abuses and DiSC:IS.S ' , Went to path and Early Manhood, with the humane view • treatment and care, sent by mail In s..nled letter •velopee free or charge. Address, HOWARD AS /N, Box P. Phllad , lphla.' se22:x9o-d&T DIIIINISTRATRIVS NOTICE.- All persons are hereby notified that Letters Administration on the estate of MICHAEL CAR , SLE, late of West Deer Township. Alltgheny linty, Pa. have been granted to the undersigned. 1 petsous baying Jahns against said estate will esent them duly- _proved, and those 'knowing emseives indebted to said estate will make pay nit Immediately to the undersigned. -- ;.e22:x£11 T MARGARET CARLISLE, Adm•x. )UPHANSI COURT SALE OF ouse and . Lot in 12th (old 9th) Ward. 'av virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Al zhenv comity, j will expose at public sale on EDNESI) kY. October 14 1868, at 10 o'clock M., on the premises, all that certain lot of ground ..te the property of Henry Drummono, deceaseo,) !hag loc No. 270 In plan laid out by Executors of Imes WHara, tin what was called O'Harasvllle, .w 12th Ward, Pittsburgh.) 'and being house lot S. 863 Penu street, havipg a Trout of 24 feet on tan stree• ; and extending' back In depth 100 feet 'Mulberry alley, on wuich is erected one two-story lek containingeightrooms. cellar and at le .nuded. Terms made known at sale. - .. • . • • • t'or furt.lnrr pArtleulars Inquire of THOMAS ,K.HM.M9NO. Tra , tee, or H. C. MACK KELL. •.t'y at Law, 89 Urant st. sesz2:tocl3-y1 , :3ENN STREET DWELLING FOR SALE. splendid three-story BRICK DWELLING, No: 135 Penn Street, piljoining the residence of Win. 31cHnight, Esq. 'handsomely finbhed. has all the modern improve 'ants..Also, a good Fire Proof Safe Lai ice ,table :id carriage house in the rear. Lot is 94 feet on • •Imn street, and extends back 160 teec to a private ;,ey. Location is one of the most desirable in the Yor fartAer particulars enquire of .t., ISAAC M. PENNOCR, 4e22:x99 No. 19 Irwin street. CONTROLLER'S OFFICE. ( CITY OF ALLEGHENY, Sept. 22.1865. f !PALED PROPOSALS will be recelvto at this office until 3 o'clock P. It., on 28th lust., for Grading and Paving • CLAIR SIREET, from Trement alley to Bor land alley; 'LECH STREET, from Allegheny avenue to Ir- win avenue: - lESN UT STREET. from Third to O'Hara street. tCE ALLEY. from Isabeaa street to Rose alley. 41so, for Gradlna, only -EL.ON'S ALLEY, from the north terminus of Shields alley to the Perrysville plank road. EVINE ALI .Ey, in the Fir h ward. • !AMER STREET: in th-ILth ward. - - - - ?rotiles and s ecitleations can be seen-in the °Mee • CHAS: DAVIS, Esq., City Engineer. FL R. FRANCIS, rEra - IISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. gottce Is hereby given that the Partnership here fore existing between H. &BRIDE and HENDERSON GEORGE is been this day dissolved by matnal consent, and The - Grocery and Produce Business - -All be continued as heretofore by HENDERSON SORGE, who WAIT settle the accounts of the late T. H. MettRIDE, HENDERSON GEORGE. IM 17LAGS, TRANSPARENT LAN TERN, FIRE WORKS; En any quantity, at W. P. MINH= & . .Nos. 222 & 224 Liberty Street, Corner of Sixth MEM • i3ENNST LVANLt • STATE AGRICULTURAL SOEIETE 'Dave of Exhibition, 4UESDAY, Sept. 20; WED ;ESDAY, Sept: 30., and 111URSuAY and FRI AY, October Ist and 2d, 186 S, AT 73EA.itM.S331:111G - . 'Railroad Fare from Pittsburgh to Harrisburg and ..:..turn. 49.93. se2.l:xst - A - 1 OR RENT. HALL.—Large room of No. SO Market Street suitable for a club or :society Room. 'BASEMEr•T—Nos. 77 add 78 Third Avenue expressly atted up fur a large restaurant GAZZAM. Attorne MEM IGHTNING APPLE PARERS.— tj I bare lust received a large stock of the above aper. 'They hale been fully tested for the last sree years. and have joroved themselves to be the 9. a t ever invented. They pare faster, better. and z.) their work much cleaner than soy other Apple `:arera known. For sale vrholesa nd retail, by JAME GOWN, 'tart4:Tur - lan Wood street. APENING—Ou Saturday, 19th 5 lust., a full and complete stock of M.. AND WINTER MILLINERY. 1- At Mrs. M. KITC.HDPS, 100 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny ICFLECIM FOR SALE, NINTH WARD LOTS, ituate on the corner of Taylor and Sum Minn Iseets,ll.2o feet on Taylor street by 48 feet on niallman street. Address • sell: ISAAC BI 1.0 ORLF:Y, Milton, Pa. OR SALE, FINE SEED WHEAT, • =I'M AT 349 LIBERTY ST HITCHCOCK. McCHEERY A; CO DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUNS. b tva In store a very superior lot of . °utile 7arrel bhot buns, breech and muzzle loading, of 'iy own lmpo tatlon; which I will sell as low as any , ouse In the country. 1 except none. All I ask Is can ago exattilne and be convinced of the same. For side by • JAM,B4 BOWN, auCTur 136 Wood's' reet. -I HOT2 SHOT :—Just received. a full assortinent of New Yol k l'atont Shut, in and 5 pound bags, assorted numbers from 3lf No. 10. ror sale by =II rIMOTHY SEED, A PILIAM store at LOWEST MARKET PRICE J. KNOX, 137 Liberty. Street sel9:x7B : 500 BUSHELS faINE SOUTHERN BED WHEAT, To arrive mot for rare tri se.B MeBANE & ANJER _ _ - rit A N 1 ENTGREEN - OEL CLOTH, fur Window iiiples"Superior in uallty uStd lower in price than the Eastern rianu .lcutrc. Another large supply of the different idtlts just received froui factory il J. a . YIiIL 3el . ;16 Au/ 28 bt. Clair ntreet. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO., Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Conk, Pae.or and Heating WITS, 70 RE FOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burnlng Ori ental StoVOS and rurnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the World for l'arlor, , lace.roore or Church. Fire nesds Io rekindling—burn, all winter. Do net buy until yqu see or send for Circular. I No. 30 WO ID S • Our Agents for Orlertals-I-DE •:".SILER Smlthflehl St. GEO. II ÜBLE Y. Allegheny City. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY, rennsylvana. In the matter of the Late of Fihdley 'township, Allegheny county. No. —, June Term, 1.868. Writ of Part EMI To James Morgan, of Colombians county, Ohlo; EMily S. Morgan, widow. and Fannie Morgan, minor child of Jeremiah Morgan. deceased, by her guardian. A. It. Thompson. tkorgiana .Cook. wife of John L. Cook. Frank Morga“, Rush Morgan. Louis N. Morgan. Penina E., intermarried with Joseph Momitjoy, Jcilerson Morgan. Chas. Morgan, James Morgan, 9race Ann Morgan. children of Dr. Charles Morgan. deceased, and the said Charles, James and ti race Ann Morgan, being minors, and have fur their guardian, John R. Large, Esq., Daniel Ferguson, Emily Weaver. wife of Henry Weaver, barah J. Ewing. wife of John M. Ewing. Mary. Keefer, wife of with Keefer, James A. Fur guson and John 31. Ferguson, children of Fanny Ferguson, deceased: George R. Murgan, Mary E.. wife of Elijah It. Martin. Pantile F.. wile of John raullin; John Morgan, Maud 31. Morgan. Blannite R. Morgan. Robert- W. Morgan and Sur , li E. Mor ki xi. children of William Alm•gati, deceased: the said John, Maud, Blanche. Robert and .arch being minors, and A. Mcßride, Esq.., guardian ad /item of said children. You are hereby nodded that an Inquisition will be held In pursuance of the above mentioned writ of partition and valuation on the premises, In Findley township Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. on THITI‘SAY, the 29th day of October. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. it.. to make partition to and among the heirs, Ac., of the said deceased in such manner and in such proportions as by the laws of this Com monwealth Is directed, Ac.. at wnich time and place you may attend if you think proper. • SANUEL B. CLULEY, Sheriff._ Sheriff's 0111. T, Sept. 17th, 1868. seW.M9S AT • 71 AND 19 MARKET ST. • YARNS AND ZEPHYR. BERGMAN'S . SUPF.RIOR ZEPHYR—A, 4- and fold. all li d• s. just opened. . RNITTI G ANU Zh.PHY d YARNS. CASHMERE AND SAXONY YARNS, all colors and mixtures. An extra quality COUNTRY YARN. • JUVA. C - xNVAS. AFGHAN and ZEPHYR NEEDLES and HOOKS. JOSEPH FORME WOO. 8E21:X49 D RESS, CLOAK AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS. BULLION, SILK, CORDONET and CHENEAL FRINGES. GIMPS AND HEADINGS, all shades to match. VELVET 111 B INS, plain and shaded. all colors. SILK. SATIN AND VELVET RIBBONS. LtiOPS AND ORNAMENTS. A Complete Assortment Just Opened, at s' • JOSEPH HORNE & CO.'S. se2l:xso HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. • Foreign and Domestic, Cotton, Wool and Merino HOSIERY, Plain, Fancy and Ribbed. for ' adios, Gent's and Children, at Manufacturers takes. MEMO AND WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, All sizes. qualities and prices. for T adiee. GPtit's nd Children. Making a speciality of these depart• ments, we can oiler uperlor Inducements to buyers in A.SSORT n EN T A.No PRICE. • JO S EPH lIORNE 6.7. co. lopt - F. DAUBITZ S S JLIP• HERB LIQUOR. DR. FALK if CO., Importers, 760 Penn St Pittsburgh, Pa., This great 'HERB LIQUOR has gained wide celeb rityla all Europe . :rum Its marvellous efficacy In curing all Hemorrhoidal complaints and diseases of tue stomach. We earnestly Invite the attention of ttie,affiicted to this great remedy. and offer gratis the circular', giving directions for use, together with the certificates of eminent .uthoritles regard ing its curative merits. Air Sold In all Drug Stores. ateSen79 . OIL FAIR & CO.. Importers. City Controller CIIANGE OF FIRM. GEORGE W• BIGGS D. I'. HOYLE. BIGGS & HOYLE, (SUCCESSORS TO WILL T. WILEY,I No. 6 WThrE STIIJEMYT, Having purchased the large and complete stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry & Silverware, The undersigned offer their friends all lines of goods at very low prices to close out, to make room fur new goods. BIGGS & SOTLE. sel-trx.l6 OPENED THIS DAY, - AT EATON'S, : . NO. 17 Fifth Avenue. Black and Colored Bonnet Velvets; Do. ' do. Trimming Velvets; (fro. Grain Ribbons; Plain and Fancy Sash Ribbons. ALSO, AFIILi. LINE OF Ladles' and Gent's Vnderwear. at-Law, 98 Grant St FALL OPENING, At No. 47 St. Clair Street. A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF Boy.s', Youth's and Children's CLOTHING, FOR THE FALL SEASON. (3-11ALlz & MAJC7r/0 0 1, eels 47. 51. CLAIR STREET. N EW WALL PAPERS, For Haiti, .Farlors:and:Chanthers, 107 Market St., near Fifth N EW FALL GOODS. A splendld Invs , stock of CLOTHS, CASSIM - JSRIES,Zicc. Just received by lIEN,RY MEYER. sel4: Merchant Tailor, 73 Smithfield street. OFFI6.s. CITY 11;!4GINEElt AND bUILYETOII, i Prrrsistiltuit. Scut. 21 . 1 P• 619 . -.- OTICE.—The - Agsessment for Grading, l'Aving and Curbing nMAI.I.fii A N S isEET) ironsgrits to t aylor street. is now ready for examination, )1110 Ilan bell e, en a' this 0111, natl. TilltiltSD AY , 4 tet. Ist . (Ka, when It will be re turned to the City Trea•urer , .. 4 Mee for collection, se'3i:xs7 li. J..51001t K, City e..l:bt Weer, JAMES BORN, 136 Wood street ESTATE OF DANIEL MORGIN, Wholesale and IR.etall. NOW OPENING. JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. OF CITY ENUthkEtt AND , ItItVKYOII.. illtsbiargb rcpt. 21. 1868. NOTICE.- -Th e assessme nt fOr 'l)6 Boardwalk on Peintsvlvabla ay. nue, from tiakland Station to the Toll Uate, Is now ready for examination. and an be seen al Lida °nice 00111 uitsi s my, °mob, r 1868. when It will be re turned to ttie City Tressdrees wilco for collection. se . 2l:xlin city Engineer; G OOD NEWS. 'NEAP BRIAN IN DEAR TIMES JPAncitilvo for WAItI)•S 33read T 1 e tareT3t and beet. Thu "11. IV." on every 10:d. clune tine. PIITSBT.TRGH GAZETTE : 'TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 22, .1868. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FALL DRY GOODS 13ArrIES 13-IBI4]L, OFFER THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK CHOICE DRY GOODS! No. 21 FIFTH AVENUE. ' — se'2:2:rrs,Er FOR TUESDAY, SEPT. 22d; At 31c. BARRED COUNTRY FLANNELS At 00c.—WATEHPROOF CLOTH At 25e.—ALL WOOL PLAID FLANNELS. At 30e.Llicavy PLAID TWIL'D FLANNELS At 31c.L-Dotible *lath ALPACAS, all colors At IE3.ic.—GOOD BLEACHED AND BROWN 311:LINS. yard wide. At 25c, =TART) WIDE TICE , INGS. 12 Yds. FAST COLORED COLICO for MOO COLORED WOOLEN BED QUILTS; new assort: . ment of stylcs. BHOWNWATERVROOF CLOTH WHITE AND COLORED FLANNELS, all kinds at' lowest prices. • Extra Bargains in ,Blankets We offer Blankets weighing two pounds heavier than any In this market. LARGE ADDITIONS Have been made to our stock-sof SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, (Yr every descrlpl-t.,n. by the yard. piece or package At the Lonest Market Prices, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182Tedeial St., Allegheny. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. ; • GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Tobacco,' Cigars & Whiskey. ISAAC STERN, 'o. IQ2 Federal Street, above the Market, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Respectfully announces to his friends that he Is now offering his stock; consisting or the FINEST CIGARS, TOBACCO, &C., And the PUREST LiQUORS, .At prices LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARHET. air Itemember the Place, No. 162 FEDERAI ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA 6e4:v7O•TCTS VLOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR.!!! "resit ground Old Wheat Flour. White Sim Mills; for family use. Riverside Mid, for Bakers. Bone Mill. for Bakers. - Ontario Mill. for Rakers. , Monitor XiH. for 11,,kers. / City Mill, Sprintlrld, 0.. Family Flour. -Carey's.XXXX Family Flour. Mad River FAtully I. lour. OF NEm, WHEAT. Plainview Mills fancy St. Louis. Tea Rose Mills ' do Clarke's list tialter's Flour. Keystone Mills do Coronett Mills do - ,5 i -Fu sale by - WATT, LANG & and. 172 and 174 CO, , WOOL 1 ST -- r- , -- , LIIVIE ItriCOOLle ALEX. S. IrACRAE, BILOKERAND AGENT FOR Chemicals, Drugs, Dyes,olls, Provisions and Produce of every description. Business conducted on one•half the terms of other houses. The American tranmetions In Liverpriol alone ex cord London and all the ports of Lurupe nut to gether. Weekly Circulars, Commercial Advices Cable Messages, &e.,5er2:327' , CARR, McCANDLESS & CO., (Late Wilson, Carr & C 0.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Third door above Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR BALE. I will sell. my. GROCERY, SHOE STORE, and PRINTING oFFICE for 08,000. To energrtie InOness.isen this Is a good chance. It pays hautiwniely. Apply to JOHN A. BEST, Fifth Avenue, / corner oeTunuel, Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED. • 50.600 bush. prime WHEAT : • 50-1100 " and Sprlni: BARLEY And 25,000 " RYE: Yor which wr will pay tlia. highest price 111 cab. lIITOHCOCS, ASTREEBY & CO. stuLditF OF /1 No. 9* WOOD STREET, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE GREAT PACIFIC RAILROAD, —receiving the aid and supery I Lon of the Uovern went, awl carried forward Li". tit !extraordinary re sources add energy of the power al Corporations to which It was entrusted—ls raiddi approaching urn - pletion. and it in safe to say that 'ENV YORK. AND .AN FRANCISCO WILL BE CONNECTE s BY BAIL BY THE FOURTH OF JULY NEXT. !ore than two-thirds of the Through Line and Branches between the Mi , sOuri. River and the Pa cific Ocean are constructed, at a cost of nearly_ s_ ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS, And the remainder Is hOng p unparalleled vigor. The Ccidral_Pacific, -R To whomlbelongs the Western Lion of the Maln-Steml,lne.'reee States Government, I. The right of way throui,iii t theMse of timber and mateials 11. An absolute grant of twenty sections per mile (12,800 acres,) of the 1'1.7131.1C LANDS on the line. the minhnum value of which is nose kited at $2.50 per acre. 111. / A special {sue or Six Per Cent. Bonds, at the average nite'cit' $335,000 per mile, delivered as the worst prottrei , ses, which the Company are al lowed to repay within thirty years, mainly by trans portation ben ices. IV. Authority to issue their own First Mortgage Bonds to the same amount, having the preferred lien—superior to that of the Government. V. It receives. In addition. donations and subsi dies from the State and of California, amount ing to more titan $3,000,000 IN GOLD; Or an aggregate of Cash! Resources fur construc tion of more than sixty. million■ upon 725 miles, Independent of the ten millions of ncrs of public lands. and further subset Iptions to the Capl• tai stock. The early cAnpletlon of the enterprise Is therefore beyond all doubt. This Company have alrmp'y carried their road suceessfollS• LeroF.3 the Slarra Nevada Mountains, and are rapidly extending the track across the mat Lake Plains, and have already a valuable way-tratile thereon. Betide'. a mileage upon all through busi ness, this road, having the best lands for settle ment. the most productive mines. the nearest mar kets., and belnz exempt from competition. wilt al ways eiiminand large revenues.. The net earnings upon the completed per thous are more than double the total annual Interest liabllittes to be assumed thereupon. The undersigned offer fur ale, and recommend to Investors, the FIRST MORTGAGE 10,YEAR GOLD BONDS OF TILE Central, - Pa ci tic Rail road Company, Bearing Ali percent. per annum Interest, both prin cipal end Interest pay.ible In "UNITED STATES GOLD COIN." These Bond , are the llrstll len upon one of the most productive and valuable r,illroad lines In'the world —a line .1' filch will be Unislied within twelve mouths, and wide!, Is already earning, after paying opera ting .•npell , eH. inure than twice the annual charge of its Bonded Debt. They are already widely known and esteemed In this' country. and Europe, an I It Is belleeed tile rottainder of the Loan will speedily be taken. A limited amount will 14‘ ilisposeol of at 103 Per cent., and Accrued Micros Cnrrcucy The hoods tre of 41.000 t itch with st•ml •at MI al gold eoup,u, attached. payable lit July and Jautiary. - llir The Cl.mpar y r, serve the right to advance the price at any time: hat air orders actusilv fr. transitu at the tine• of any such advance will 1,. flied at present price. A e this time they pay more than S per cent. upon the investment, and have, from National nut State laws, guar.,ntees super!or 1.0 any other clrporate sceuritics note offered. ; We receive all classes of Governtnent Bonds at their u❑ market rates, Inexchange torlhe Central Pacific Railroad Bonds, thus enabling the holders to realize Irons 5 TO 10 PER CENT. PROFIT. and keep the prMelpat of their. investment equally secure.- Orders and inquiries will rt ceive prompt atten tion. Information, Descriptive Pamphlets, etc., ( itiving•kfult account, of the Organization,Procress, Bubinesrlind Prospects of the Kuterprise furnished on application. Bonds brut by return Express at our cost. Subseriptfqns received by Banks and Bankers Agents fur the Loun, and by JAMES T. BRADY d CO,, Pittsburgh ROBINSON BROS.; S. Met LEAN CO„, NATIONAL SAVINGS RANK, Wheerg Wr All descriptlon6 of GOVERNMENT SECU RITIES BOUGHT, s ILI) or 'EXCHANGED at our omce, and by Mall and iTelegrayb, at MARKET DATES. ,Accounts or Banks; Bankers and others re ceived and favorable arrangements matte for deetra We accounts. FISK BANNERS AND DEALERS IN COVERNMIINT SECURITIES, and FINANCIAL AiIENT' OF THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAIL ROAD COMPANY, No. 5 Nassau Street, New York. ' sels:x4l- - ru . GEORGE HEAVEN, . MAN ur - mjnatEn. OF CREAM CANDIES AND TAFFIES, And dealer In all kinds of FRUITS, NUTS, PICK LES, SAUCES. JELLIES, ac., ..te• 112 FEDERAL Fr., Aileglien3 NOTICES - - PITTSBUndII. PA., Eiept• 15, 1868. litgr AT A MEETING IOF THE LOT HOLDERS ofthe Methodist Burial tirouud, held at the late Seventh Ward , chool House on Monday evening last. an as.ies,thent of Three DM tars was laid upon, e tch lot, unit One Polint (4) upon single intermentl, for the purpose of de fraying all ex 'lenses that may be incurred in pro curitig au Injunction. All persons 'Mere .ted are urgently requested to call at ':quire Humbert's (Mice. No. 68 Fourth street, or upowany of the folio • tug mentb..ra of the maim, Committee. viz: Messrs. Beni. F. Duvall, Hobert Ntlfif. tie ergo Wllsiot or A..Mclicam. on or before the 231 lust., and. either pop the Money or deposit their Certificate or Claim as security for their respective shares of expenses. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE CM ‘IO3IItIER: 4. I A L DEPART m owl' lir ri VT86111:611 HIGH selloot., (Bank of Confine-re But riling. corner Sixth sod WOollst reels. Equal to any Business College having the same st Utiles andlectfires. tsvt.sions: Afternoon. 2,!.; to 4. , ,,', 07clock: evening, 7 to 9. Free to all residents of Pittsburgh . under 21. years of ege. Receives stud. els front 'other places at the low ad mission •ee of *2O. Students en .er at. any lime and receive/Mir:o.ra on edutplelfig Lhe course. For R: .INSTON. Principal further intormation call.at our rooms or send for cluniar.. —______!_._ 00—NOTICE.—AL nieetirkg of the r t r n e l e . t . , stockholders of the Mansfield Coal and tteS: %TILLIE __ _ . Lime Compaoy. will he held at the (Allen of the I E 1 11 1 , 1:1' S . 0 I. p:r u la r t L e h n: IiI.(9NtINY, ~ , eptembor .Ist , 1868. al two o'clock p.m.. fur the purpose of trAnsavting such bufiness as may be brought before tile meeting. ' ! Farmers' Dept . 4 l l: . N it a E ft l i s o l al e, By order of the. Vie:Aden... , • . PtrrAttAliffll. l'ept.l,A-. ,68,,1_. sel.i.x44 OF f ICE LW 1111.: MONONII.IIII-I,A lihttUt76CO. , Pittsburgh, Sept. 4-, 1808. 1 0->TO E. I'ICES: DENT AND MAN. AGEv s of thld C. , uwany have tt.ls day di.. ourpd mokod T 1 / 1 11.1.Altb l'Elt !My:11111i loOilto.der 4 or Llit-ir tegni • it ter il . 111 11411, :LC Lite 113oi.Ing Ilinite N. Soo, 5 7 M itreet.J LI. \Vint; 11'1•, ,Treaauter. COMPANY A, "GRANT HUSSARS," Will meet THIS TUESDAY) EVENING. at CITY HALL, at 8 o'clock, to till vacancies occasioned by the promotion of Capt. MerAHREN and Lieut. JOHNSTON, and for Drill and Dl.tr.bution of Caps. O. Du NSEA 11, Jtt,. Lleut. Conimandlog. ligr'MEETlNG.—There will be a SPE' lA'. MEETING of the Captain Srtionnutaker, at McCallum's 8r0 ,. . house. 51 Fifth AV, Illle. at. 7 o'clock sharp, ,this r. al.. f r.drill and equipment. All are requirrd to Le present. seir2 1: - "'" ATTENTION 2 4TO WARD, ALLEGHENY CIT The delr•gatton of the Fourth Ward. AllegitenY City. to the 1 rehllgot Procession an Wednesday Evening. Septiini u 23.1. will form on LACHUK STREET, the light t e•llug on Anderson street, promptly at 7 o'c'00:: amt On Thurs•day Moitting, Sept. 44th. al 9 o'clock. JOHN D. BAILEY, Chief Marstuti, ser2::(!is 4th \;:v4l, C::irGRANTA D COLFAX CLUB, 1:e..1 forward with OF SEOOND WARD, ALLEGHENY, ilroad Co., Meets at SECOND WARD SCHOOL HOUSE, every Tnemlay Evening', at 8 O'clock nd Principal Pur ee from the United itu3:t.63 . W. I'. PRICE. SeeretitrV. ATTENTION, BUTCHERS.— At a meetlne of the Ilatelieri of All,4lienv County, the following named persons were elected at OffievrS to serve at the Ii rand Convention: ('h!et' •rshal—.JUAN EA III:. A,slstant Marshal,—lle nth Richardson, William Ilosaek. Fred. Iledstein. (leo. Evane. nry ;MOS ler, .lames Sanderson. All IliitOterh favorahle io llrant and Colfax are requested to assemble (mouuted)ln the DIAIIOND, A 1.1.F.6 II EN I' Clll7, on e Territories, with along the route. Thursday, at 9 o'clock A. M. • The uniform to consist of White Shirt. Blue Scarf. Red Sash and Iligh Ha . It is earnestly requested that every Loyal Butcher will be in line at tile time and place designated. 'BY order. sel9 JOHN'EARI., Chief Marshal. • .• EILEITENTII WARD The Republicans of the Eleventh Ward, ARE HIMED TO ATTEND THE MEETING THIS EVENING,at 7 1-2 o'clock, Let EVERY ItEI'I7IILICAN be on hand to.hight, as business of great Importancelo the Ward r" be transacted. By order of THE PRE:ADEN - T. W. IT'LL. It. KENNEDY. ISecKetarle4 • HEADQUARTERS, FIRST nivEquic, No. lin FOURTH AVENUE. GU&NT PHALANX, GRANT HUSSARS THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, ALLEGHENY COUNTY TANNERS CLUB TILTITILERt , , •DRAY)[FN Other delegations front the Ist, 2d, 3d and 4th Wards'. The above named org•anliations baring been as slgneo to the First 1)1't-ion. In the Reoubllmws Fro i,esion of Till' HsDA C. rcpt. 24th. 1564, the Comm .eding t direr or Chief alarsnal of cash is re quested to report at 11. adowwers. No. WE Fourth Avenue. on TUEsOAY. 22 I In 4 . bet Ween 2 and 4 o'clock P. M. 14. As!, the r. ngth of their re specOu organizations. 2d. Whether mounted or foot. 3d. • Whether unlflomed or mit. and whether with or without music: and 4th. An Ald to ne th•tarlied. lu ..erre on the Stall of the General Commanding. It, order of J. it, m".WAN sOVEI rZER. Commanding. E. 11. NEVIN, Jr+. A. A. G. • tirliE PUB L I CAN MEETINGS will be held at the times and places follow ing, and will be addressed as indicated: Snowden Town,lllp, :at Glenn's at 7 P. W. C. NIUREI...I..ND. Esq., and others. New Ttias I'lum Township, at 10 A. 14.) Hon. J. R. PENNEY. Gen. swEiTzER and THOMAS EWING, I.:Eq. A delegation, accompanied by a Brass Band and the Seventh and Eighth Ward Glee Club. will leave the A. V. U. R. pep4at 8 7 A. returning at 0.20 t.. v. Oakland Car Station. at 7P. it. Gen. F. 11 COL LIER and A. X. BROWN, Esq. Culmersville. C01..T. A. DANES and 11. IL Mc- CORMICK, Esq. Man Ovid, at 7't: r. B. F. LUCAS and J. J SIEBENECK, Esqs, Eleventh Ward School Itemise, corner of P ncan and Green streets, al P. M. H. C. IifACERELL and W. S. McCUICE, E,os. Moon Township, at Middletown. THOS. HOW ARD and JOlll5 H. KERIt. Esqs. Etna Borough, at 7S P. M. Maj. WM. FREW, ;en, A. L. PEARSON and 11. I'. MUELLER. Esq. At Millvale Borough, 73i P. M. C. W. ROBB and A. S. BELL, Esqs. Bylier of Committee on Speakers and Meetings. E. A. MO • TOGTIL Chairman. NO. S. LAMBIN., Secretary. se'M W''GRAND REPUBLICAN MASS MFETINO - WILL BE IIELD AT NEW TEXAS, Plum Township, ALLEGIIVNY COUNTY, Ott TUESDAY, - Sept. 22(4. And pther bpeakers will address the meeting The citizens of Plum Township extend a cordial Invitation to the Republicans of Pittsburgh and Al. I. gheny county to be present on the occazioh. En tertainnwnt will he provided for The 7TII A ND BTH WARMS GLEE CLUB and a BAND OF 3111:310 will accompany the delega tion. A Train will leave the Allegheny Valley Railroad Derair at 8 o'clock A. M., returning to the city at 6:40 Come one, come all, and have a good time. A. MONTOuTIi, elmlrma . == fgrGRANT HUSSARS! (.RANT H UsSAltSli his organ izat ion is now fu ly organiz d. and the following u.nt. d gentieme are authorized to raise compantea for the Prealdential eampalgn : M Jor ti.. M. FOLIi.Y, Birmingham and south of Mo..ottgah ant. J. S. SCHOONMAKER, 14th Pa. Cavalry, Alleghe y. TAYL'Ht. 14'h Pa. Cavalry. Al eionY• Went ti •OSS 14th Pa. I:hvalry, Allegheny. Lhay., E. 1t..10 s: s nth Plashurg`V. Lieut. d. J. MaARREN, I'a. bur h. 4_: a. ariary, phts- J. It JOHN'S' 14'1i fa Cavalry. • 111 ao• oSEPII K NAP. Artldery. • Maj J or W. It ST KI.S Artil err . Capt. THOS. P. %V ALKEit, 14th Pa. Cavalry, Connellsville, Fayett , c"tin y. Mt:CA.I'TM. out Oth Ward, Pitts. Capt. J. C. BAItTLEY. 6th Ward, Allegheny Serg...l. KELLY. twnslq. JOSEPH 1101tI,AN U. flee townehiP. Capt. It. J. B. lUDS, A I le., he nv T. C.P Mit -DN. 16,thella .7.t.„ Allegheny. 11.1 eta. non'. %ViLSOY, 11th Pellll.l. Cavalry, Woods Run. • Caul .1. H. I.:LLB/TT. 18th Pa. Car., ilariewood. Col. PHAN K DUFF, Glentia;e. Capt. DAVID F.. Al) ‘3IS. 5111 ward, Allegheny. Capt. It. It It A NET. 6th ward, Allegbenv. All Cleby or A !leg)u ni vounly are cordlaity In- Itc,l to Join and part:elptite iu the paratl.. of the 23 and 24th. t:-In...awen 0 , waltzing can elect their orin officers an I ,eenive cr..111 the eointn‘hilinz Of ficer Or lie Cot. W. 111..ikhEI,Y No. Ol 1:r.111 Are 1. or the eeetetary, S. J. hien\ Iticrei. No. 111 Water .tteet. 607 POLITICAL. I "NATIONAL GUARDS" ATTENTION ! (Old Seventh,) AT THE SCHOOL HOUSE. I'ITT , LIM:II, Sept. 21st, 1565 ATTENTION! TUESDAY, Sept. 22d, IS6S. At 10 O'C LOC K Gen. J. BOWMAN SWEITZEM, Hon. JOHN P.' PENNEY, THOMAS EWING, Esq., POLITICAL GRANT AND COLFAX TORCHIGIIT PROCESSION ! Wednesday Evening, Sept. 23. ORDER OF PROCESSION GREAT _WESTERN BRASS BAND. Chief Marsbal—roi..in., BROWN E. Chief orStaff—rol. W NEN:PER. Adjutant General—JAlMES S. PATTERSON. . • ! ; AIDS: . . W. C. Moreland, H. M. Long. John li. Hare. eel. Jeceph Kaye, Jatnee S. Patterson, I James Mawhinnev, John Megraw, - ..lohn Ght,.. Henry Malls. Alex. Mr.Junlan, Wm. A. Berron. Wm. 11. Boggs, (Charles Joremv, Gen, Wilson. list ward, Capt. B. W. Morgan, tunes MeGunnegle, GPO. T, McKee. Thos. ,CBll4i rett, .)no. Black, Turtle C't:,; John E. Itrown, Capt. W. M. Dalgleish,' Geo. W. c o ffi n . Capt. It. B. Parkinson,! Cant. W. H. obey. Abe Patterson, - I Capt. S. T. Paisley, Wm eimpson. ('apt. James E. Burns. Capt. J. M. Larlmer, :C. P. Reed, • Samuel 11. Baird, I Capt. it. K. Moorhead., ... D. Brush. Geo. B. Mitchel.; Major J. J. Lawson, John McDonald. Cant. W. 11. Cook, David I. Crawford, Martin chaffer, Geo. Dilworth, • . Richard Perry. ..,. John 11. Kerr, Daniel O'Neill, Capt. D. B. Ferguson; Caot. C. C. Taylor, i Capt. A. P. Morrison,, Wm. M. Cianey. Chat les Hartman. E. V. McCandless. . Capt. Geo. W. Dean. Al& to thief M • rihal will wear red sash. Escort to Calif Marshal—Natiobal Guards, under command of .rapt. eIIIOO.tiMAKER. OAb BIAGESLCUNTAINING IiVITED GUESTS. FIRST GRAND DIVISION. Gen. 'WM. BLAKELY, Commanding. Chief of Staff—Col. E. A. Montooth. Adjutant General—major .1. F. Inspector General—Col. John Glenn. Chief of Artillery—Major Kn,ri. Quartermaster (:eneral—Major 11. Morton. Commissary General—Capt.. W. I). McCallum AIDS. non. James L. Graham, Lieut. F. R • Jones, Malin . A, M. Bro on, ; Lieut. Robert Wilson, Major S. Fo ey, p. Houston. Esq., Capt.W. H. st akefield,! W. F. Haney. Esq., -Capt. J. C. Bartley, '! J. E.lMelcelm Esq., Capt. C. S. Ananona. Esq.. Capt. J. H. Walter. ! John S. Lambie, Esq., Lieut. W. McCune, , C. McCormick, Esq. Lieut. H. B. Campbell.l Frank Ardary. The Division will he composed of Grant Hussars, Butchers and Draymen. and other mounted delega- Hots. Will form on Monongahela Wharf, right resting on Smithfield. FIRE DEPARTMENT, Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Boroughs, under the direction of CHIEF ENGINEEr. ;JOHN 11. HARE SECOND GRAND DIVISION. SAMUEL B. CLULF.Y. Commandiilg. Col. (IEO F. MORGAN, Chief of Staff. = AIDS: Capt. J. D. Mrl'ai land, Alex. G. Bradley, Dr. W. J. Gilmore, , Geo. F. Mel eau, Col. T. M. Bayne, H. B. Miller, Joseph A. Butler, i Capt. A. D. flelseY, May. E. A. Montooth, George Evans. Capt. Matt M. Felker. Capt. J. 11. Palmer, Capt. G. W. Gillespie, 'Edward Wi l kins. Wm. G. Stubbs. Capt. It. D. Humes, • Col. John A. Danks, Capt. Nick Way, F. M. Magee, Capt. A. C. Critchlow, Alex. McCurdy. Capt. Denny O'Neil, Henry H. Murray. James Briviley. Col. J. B. Copeland. Will M. Hartzell, caw. David K. Craig, • Geo. V. Marshall, Capt. J. It. Oxley, Johnson \Vest. Samuel 11111, The Division will he conrdosed of the various vis iting Clubs. Will form on Water street, right riot ing on Smithfield. THIRD GRAND DIVISION. 4:ul. J. W. ISAI.I.I.NTIN F., ('.lmr.:tudir.6. Birmingham—('apt. George S. Wood, Cant_ G Creahan. I.t. s. ilarr, t.Lnt. Fred. Albright. South Pittsburgh — Devitt .10'1,4, Dr. J. ii. Rob erts, Isaac Vi ehen toil. - • Monongahela • Nathan BrolzaW. - • West Pittsburgh—Adate Weaver. Louis; Amin. • Temperaneevlho lb-. W. J. smith, John S. Hun ter, V, . C. Taylor, F. C. Dorrington. Chartiers — Caps. Jamei 1.. tiraham, Robert Hod- U n ' ion—Fram k ('ouch. W In. McDonald. The Division will he vompos,l of the Clubs SOUth or the Monongahela and (into Rivers.' Will form ou Monongahela Smpen.sion Bridge., right resting ou Water street. FOURTH GRAND DIIASION. Gen. CHARLES BARNES. Commanding. Chief of Slat' -Ma or W. B. H EZ LEI'. Adjutant General—Cant. G. L. BRAUN. Capt. A. W. Kredel, ; Capt. J. H. (trenet, Fred. Bellstine. Esq.. ' Lt. Roht: Capt. W.-E. Stewart, • Major W. H. Hone. Alex. Wilson. Esq., ! Dennis Mullen, Esq., Capt. B. P. Jennings, j Levels Shafer, George Mout. Esq., .W. K. McClintock, George Parkin, lot.. ; B.:\. Cameron, Capt. Chas. A. Miller, ! Sarni B. Thompson, Lt. W. D. Bois, Capt..W* I'. Herbert. Lt. J. M. Kelsey, , Wm. C. Murray, The Division will be composed of c •rlons.Citibs from Allegheny City. Will form on Liberty street, right resting on Water. FIFTH GRAND DIVISION. Capt. CHAS. W. BATCHET.OI;. Commanding . . .Dr. A. H. Gross. John Scott, Jr., Lewis Winter, 1 W. 11. Morrison, C. 1' Duff, I Christ. Haug, Harry Hugus. :. Dr. S. F. Arenburg, Frank - Ardary, ; C. li. Bradley, C A. Scott, , Thos 31eConnell, Cap -D. Hoithes, , Henry Baum. Rolland Smith, , lir. I'. Perehmeut, • Capt. 'C.C. Negley, j G. W. HaiJulian, A. P. McWill iams, Samuel Butler, • Thomas Hartley. ; Riehard 1 hompson. This Division will lie composed 01 (nubs from the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Flit oath Sixteenth, Sev enteenth, Eighteen li, nineteenth. lwentletb, Twenty-first. l went r-cevond land Twenty-third wards. Will form on Maritet street, right resting on Water. SIXTH GRAND DIVISION. Gen. A. L. PEARSON connu4nding. • _tins: Thomas Reese, • Ed. Bru.h. Wm. R. word, ' Ralph Ric ardson, Sam W. Reynolds, ' Capt. li. Gallisath, Ed. T. Whitmore, : John E. Hunter. H. A. Collier. ' n m D. Mei 'reary, Dr_j, (i. Mecaudiea— . Nk Ibis W. Powers, - ; Wm. ilosack , 1 Col. J. D. owens. E. S. Dlorrom i Dr. A. M. Barr, Ma). Swill Kilgore. t John (. Brown. The Division will lie composed of Allegheny Cou nty Tanners' Club , and Chili, from the Find, :second. 'lir rd, FO 'rill. Filth. Sixth, :,eventli, light I. Ninth. Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Wards. 55 ill form on Wood street, r ig ht rusting on Water. _ ROUTE OF:PROCESSION. Along Smithfield to Thirdrun Third to Ross, utt Ross to Fit' h AvvitO QUI Ft fib avenue to o Pride, up pod, to Co wo u, along WO! to Fllll. It'png 1' ulto ;to Wylie. down Wylie to r at: PtleolOWll Fifth trent' , to hinertr, a ong Lilt , rtv O'Hara. along O'ttara IN-110,110WD Pettit Z•tr . C111% , ./011g rt. Clair and or r stop union bridge to Federal str, et, All gheny, up r etler o Uettek. along La eoek to Miller Oil. up Anderron to Cellar avenue, atong llVViitie o North Common, along North Chic to Ir. In avenue. along Ira In avenue to Ohio street, where tit. prom'. slim will tilsmiss. 12MMIIMI The procession will move at EIGHT O'CLOCK PRECISELY. The signal gun for moving will be fired by the Sec ond Ward (Pitt:burgh) Club A. CORDIAL INVITATION Is extended to the various Fire Companies of the two CI tea and surrounding boroughs to turn out on the occasion. Ch turns 01 the vorlote+ Words. Boroughs and ownships will :orm in the rear of their respective OW, All Republicans along the Route of Procuslon arc requested to ,:isploy the Stare and Stripes and to il luminate their do elll❑ga mid places of Me:lncas. The Chief Marshal will he deslguattd his blue 93,11. Division ComtnandeN WI:1 wear a white sash. All Aids will wear red tashe. PARTICULAR NOTICE • Altls to Cht.l ',tilt - Alai scilt meet at City Hall, Monday 12 V..11:11g. . :It edchtO'clock. MI6 to 01111111 a ri Will 111,t't tit dame p l ace on 'no • ~ay iltrett ••e:nek. It s elsrelAl;yl,titn,tt ;hat - hers. 1,, no display tlrt.work: , mitt: :,ti e r the: p.0c.,....5i0n has start-12A. 1111Y1,-;011 onnoand,rz will. 4,2 e that this refloat start ta,utplioa %Ott,. MI MD2 CM ME
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