The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 22, 1868, Image 3

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MONDAY. September 21, 1868.
There was a full supply of Cattle on sale
7 day, and with but few foreign buyers'
he market, upon the 'whole, was scarcely
s good as it was last week. The whole
umber of Cattle on sale aggregated about
' leven hundred and fifty head, of which
bout eleven hundred were sold at eleven
clock;und, we-presume, that by one p.
there were but few in the pens unsold.
rime to extra retailing Cattle brought
illy last week's prices, while common and
iferior, if anything, ruled a shade lower;
le former, as is nearly always the case,
without much difficulty at good prices,
to 734 c, and medium may be quoted •at
to 634 c. Stock Cattle without quotable
"tinge; ranging from 314 to 4,4 c; some
-ry fine stork steers bringing 5. Bulls
iy• be quott.d at 3 to 33,e.
£he Ireat proportion of the Cattle on sale yore from Pennsylvania and Ohio,
ith some two or three droves from In
iana and Illinois. We "notice unusually
.rgo arrivals from Washington county, in
uding some! very fine fat heifers and
-eers, equal to any coming from the west.
utler county is also sending a large num
-3r to market, - but they are mainly of an
Serior grade, consisting of 'thin steers.
ags, old cows and bulls. Lawrence and
:ercer counties, as a
. general thing, do •
:)t furnish very many good Cattle, though
little better than those coming from But
r. Green county turns out some good
ock, being nearly up to the standard of
7ashington county in this respect. It is
lidera , from the largely increased number
'Cattle that have been sent to this market
-..Sm the counties abo, e nom.-d, that
rulers in Western Pennsylvania are b -
nning to turn their attention more closely
raising, stock, having discovered that it
equalivi - as profitable as tilling the soil,
ith less labor attached to it.
McMillan & Kerr sold 13 head Washing
• 43 county steers at 4,25 to 7,25.
- Jas. Hanlin sold 12 head Washington
misty steers, heifers and cows at 3 to tic.
Rothchilds & Katz 154ead good to prime
stock at 6 to 6,75. •
Bingham & McCaslin 40 head small cows,
;lifers and bulls, from Mercer and Law
glee counties, at 2,50 to 4,50.
Fliuner & Sheitemantle 9 head Butler
.unty steers and heifers at 3,50 to 5.
L. Linz 10 head fresh cows and springers
$5O per head.
Peter Hartman 50 head Green and Wash
gton county steers and heifers at 3,25
• 7,25.
:L. &J. Shamberg 41 head Washington
unty mixed stock at 4 4 2.5 to 7.
‘1„ Verner ;27 Washington stock at 6to
:719 head duo steers at 5 to 6,50.
A. 1 .1. Katz sold 17 head mixed stock at 3 to
.50; 19 head good cattle at 5 to G.
'Keefer & Zeigler 30 head Washington
unty steers and heifers at 4 to 5,50.
Myers 6t Needy 83 head Ohio and. Penna.
;ock at 5 to 7,50.
'Kraus & Haas 40 head Ohio stock ats
7. •
'Bingham to McAllister 7 heady bulls
X 3,50 .
4. Davis sold 23 head Ohio steers for'
'orkman at 5 to 6.
• Wick & Co. 22 head Mercer county steers
id heifers at 3,50 to 5.
Traurman dr. Libman 178 head western
3ers at 6,25 to 7,50.
' , Hodges dr Taylor 71 head Indiana steers,
ws and heifers at 5.75 to 7,40.
Marks 4.V. Bro. sold 3S' head Kentucky
sefs and heifers at 7 to 7,50; 18 head
"ashington county steers at 6 to 7,50; 38
tad western cattle at 4,50 to 5,50.
Hazlewood Blackstock sold 20 head for
lepard at 5,50 to 6%; 12 head for Snyder
4 to 5,25; 19 for Swicker at 3,80 to 5,40; 27
r another party,
J. McAllister 65 head, on commission at
to 6,85.
Greenwald & Kahn 40 head Ohio stock. at
50 to 7; 38 for •W; Marks, also from Ohio,
5 to
Holmes, Lafferty dr. Co. 24 head western
ttle at 5,90 to 7.
Nicholas Carr 20 head Licking county
3ers at 4 to 6,75; 21 head for Boyd at 5,50
alien sold 18 head of prime Indiana
3ers to Myers Needy at 7V,.
Allen 40 head small Penna. steers and
fifers—held kit_ 4 as.
Rothchildi;3l head Washington Co.
'?ck at 6X to 6X; , and 50 head Butler Co.
')ck at-- •
The supply of sheep was very full to-day,
..ery available place about the yards
lug filled, and had it not been for the
,esence of some few "outside" buyers, the
itchers'would have bad it all their own
w. Strictly prithe fat Sheep, of which
ere were but comparatively few on sale,
„ire in good demand, and brought full
_ices white com mm and inferior were
ry dull; indeed, in many cases, Lev. ers
t this grade at their own price. Prime
,extra fit sheep brough - from 4;4 to 5 , 4'
3 eer pound; medium co good at 3 1 4 to 4,
common and inferior at 21 to 3. We
a cogniz int of one sni Al drove which
is bought in Western Virginia at ten cents
held, this bunch of sheep was so poor
7 , tat they were scarcel , able to stand up,
the man who would bring such 'stock
:market alight to be patched closely by
'e meat inspecto , .
,pen.l Butler sold'll6 head fairish Wash-
Igton sheep averaging 77 lbs to H. Deit
;ill, at 3,45.
•, , Flinner Shnitemantle 212 sheep and
;ribs at from slto $2 per head. '
:'John~L;.lllrater had 41 head—bought in
testern Virginia at ten cents, and sold at
°Ls per head. •
Waltors,36o head sheep at $1
$3. and Ismos 50 to $2 per head.
' A dam E 1,30--latubs at $1 to $3,
ep at $2 to ;54.
Thoinpsdn 110 head Mercer Co. sheep
2.;4 to 4%. • -
• 3evinou sold head Lawrence Co.
eep for Kelly at Xft - average of $2% per
, ad.''• ••
-3ta.kely & B-o. 350 Allegheny Co. sheep
lambs at-5U to et 250 per head.
•arwin &. I-3 - o. 250 sheep and lambs at
. !,50 to 03,00 per head.
• nark to Maggi 207 head Lawrence
Hume 5010 $1,50 per head.
td.1.1 , 4A 94 .104 d Baaver Co. sheep at
•nn $1,50 to $3.
;.:Davis & Miigzi 240 head sheep sold 70
;sd at 70 cts pa head. -,
:Frank ICraus-40 head good sheep at 3;4 to
• tents.
leeler 200 head—lambs 75 to - $2,50 and
',3ep at-75.t0 $2.
J. R. I'rrngie 2'io held Mercer. po. sheep,
lambs at 81,25 to $52,5 0 .
'l.:nri to II Deitrich 108 head of g:od
aep averaging about 83 les at 4.
Metz 52 good Co extra Washington Co.,
E iep at 4 to 5V,,. •
- - -
'..'here is a continu d fair and increasing
":nand for this class of stock, which is iu,
ryoque tee of the change in the weather, i
kilo so for as prices are concerned there ,
iineertaut change-10 to ilr.cts, for .
dto prima heavy averages. hlinerick. ,
o. bought 27 from Myers & Needy aver-,
,ng 230 at 10.0.5: 30 head from Elliott, l
araglng 230 at 10X; and 19 frqm same, at'
New York Dry Goods Market.
t• Telegraph lo the l'ltt6burilt Gazette.)
Tkw Yonx, Seiitornbor 21.—The market
better grade's of bleached- 1181/B.ins is de
'l.edly lower; the New York mills a-,d
E.nville lull and wide shirtings aro both
laced front 28c to 25a per yard; Bates, IBc.
'siit of the Lootmi I8c; New Market W, 17c;
innehog. 19c; Forestdalo, 17c; Bootts,
Bartlett, 1 1 ,4 1 / . .,; Slaters, 150; Booth B and
1 Nairt . Nsk,. 15e. Aruoskert:r A, Itic;
orndyke It, I 3 ,1; A, 13 New JfinittV,
,1c; Imperial, X. and Waukegan P,
wrence Twist, I I !4c; in others of cottons
,re no change. Trudy is generally a littlo
ter but drui and axtiGe.
Financial Natters —
in New York.
Gold Closed at 143% ,
City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
NEW Yomt, September 21, 1868
The Money market is easy at 3asc, chiefly
4c on call. ' The influx of currency to our
banks still continues, one bank alone . to
day haying received 200,000 from the West.
Sterling is dull at 8 1 X(4)9c. Gold is lower,
opened at .1.44, advanced to 144 g, and clos
ing at 143%. There is no truth - in the ru
mors that the Governinent Was selling Gold
to-day. There were heavy sales to-day of
Gold, but mainly on account of bears.
Governments opened steady and strong,
with a good demand. The quotations are for
Coupons , 1881, 11 ; do '62, 114%@
1143; do '64, 110;;,@1101; do '65, 111%N
1.11 X; do New, 109Nti:1091. 4 '; do. '67, lON@
100; do '63, 109%. 10:40s, 105.
State bonds firmer; old Tennessees 70,
new 69 1 4 e; old Carolina 7534, new 74%,@75;
new Virginbis 5354, new 53@54X;
souris 92 1 , 1 4(4)92; Georgia 7s 91.
Railway shares opened active and closed
less active; bids steady on New York roads,
while Western shares, which advanced
early in the day, closed easier. Express
shares strong. Miscellaneous stock firm,
except Pacific Mail, which declined.
5:30 ; PRIdES: Canton, 48N®50; Boston
Water Power, 15®15%; Cumberland, 32;4
®35; Wells Express, 2/31‘; American, 4S
@483; Adams, 51®5114; United State 5,'48.3,
@49; Merchants Union, 24@24%; Quick
silver, 23%®23).;; Mariposa, 5®6; prefer
red, 11.®13; Pacific Mail, 108 1 ,,; Western
Union ' Telegraph, 3*4®343; New York
Central, 130(4)13034; Erie, 473.;1348; do. pre
ferred, 69®70; Hudson, 141/@141.; Har
lem, 124;, Hudson River, 92 1 1 4 ®92X ;
'Ohio and Mississippi, 29®29V,; Wabash,
60 1 /,: ° St. Pant e 96@L9i%; do. preferred; - 95E9
@95; Michican Central, 118 1 4®119; Mich
igan Sou , hern 84y,®85; Illinois Central,
142@145; Pittsburgh, 87%®87%.' Toledo,
103 V, ©103 1 .4; Rock Is and , 1033103 V i ;
Northwestern, 3.9 v s ®B9N; do. preferred,
89%®893;; Fort• Wayne, 199,4®109:;‘,4'; Hart
ord and Erie, 2274E925; Terre Haute, 43,1,4
@45; do , preferred, 64; Chicago and Alton,
154 M.
Mining stocks steady; Quartz Hill, 105
Walkill, 7; Gregory ) , 450; Smith and Farm
ales, 490@495.
Receipts, $1,141,463; payments, $3,077,064
balance, $92,304,684.
MCopper Storks at Boston: Calarnut, 50; Cop
per Falls, 18;4; Franklin, 13; Heels, 80
Hancock, 3; Minnesota, 2; Quincy, 20.
New York Frocluee Market.
'alp Telegraph to the PlttEburgh (;azette•l
NEW YORK, September 21.—The Cot
toninarket is quiet and steady; sales 850
bales at 264 for Tjainds. Flour—receipts
amount to, 18,202 bbls; still rules in the
buyers favor; sales 10,700 bbl at V6,70a7,25
forinperflne western; $7,00a9,20 for extra
western; $9,25a10,90 for white wheat extra;
$8,20a10,70 for`R. H. 0 ; $8,75a10 for extra
St. Louis; $10,30:113,30 for good to choice do,
and closing quiet; California flour is dull
and heavy; sales :)00 sacks at 3:tall. Corn
Meal is in mo !orate request and sales were
made of 700 bhls at• $5,75. - Rye flour is
quiet; sales 200 bbls at $6.653.8,25. Whisky
is quiet. Receipts of Wheat atrumut to
54,5a0 bus: Wheat, is irregular and unset
t ed; the market opening a shade, firmer
and closed dull and with a declining teu-
dency; sales Of 76,000, has at $1,6531,70 for
No. 3spring: $1,7141,75, Nos. 2 and 3 do;
$l,BO No. 2 do, $1,9181,91 1 do, $2.20 am
ber:lndiana, 82,62 , ,, white California. Rye
More active and in buyers favor; sales 32,-
000 bush v. estern at $1,45a1,50. Barley
firm: sales 6,000 bush State at $l,BO, and
small sales Cana .a West on private terms.
Bar ey malt quiet; sales of 1,800 bush State
at $2,25. Corn: receipts, 111,629 bush;
market without decided change; sales of
79,000 biish at $1,14a1,18 unsound, $1,19a
1,20 sound mixed western, $1,24 western
yellow. Oats: receipts,7l,427 bush: market ' IMPORTS WV RAIL ILO.r I I.D.
1c better, with sales of 54,000 bush at 69a PrrTsrmPain. FT.WAYNE AND CHIOAGO
72 1 ,4 c new western at iailroad depot, 733.4 a RAILROAD. September 21.- Nlinick & Co,
74%c do-afloat. Total stock of grain in 7 cars metal; Graff, Myers & Co, 2do do;
w.‘rehouse Sept. 21, 1862: Wheat, 22.3,997 Brown & Co. Ido do: T C Jenkins, 400 bbls
bush; corn, 21,4.35,1170 bush; oats, 489,52.5 flour; D Wallace, 300 do do, 1 chr wheat; J
bush; rs e. 3,04.3 bush; b rley, 22,437 bush; s Liggett & Co ' 1 car do; J Ithod s& Co 1
barley malt, 10,554 bush; peas, 37,429 bush. du barley; NV 11 Hamilton & ( 1 3., 4 casks
Rkie.doll and n anima. Coffee quiet. Sugar culletts; A Miller, 1 car oats; JIB Canfield
active and 1/,ii high r; sales 2,000 htid4 & Son, 250 pigg lead; Hitcheocki McCreery
at 10a11Me for Cuba, and 11;013c for Porto & Co,:900 bushs oats; Graff & Re.ter, 2 kgs
Rico; also, 8,,0 boxes Havana at 10;018c. butter, 12 'ibis apples;_NV H Graff Jr Co, 31
Molasses firm, with sales 50 hhds Cuba at do do, do cider, 1 kg better! Ido apple
47c Hops quiet at 15a2Ue for American. butter; NV J Steel & Bro, 10 sits potato-g;
Petroleum firm at 16e for crude, and 30teIc Hussey, Wells a: Co; 1 car- fire! brick; Mc
for refined bonded Pork dull and lower, Henry Jr hood, 450 bush barley;; T Hare &
with sales 950 bb sat $28,70a29.12 for mess; Bro, 50 hdls felloes, 2do poles; M McWhin
closing at $28,75 foe cash; $28,50a29 for old I nay & Co, 8 do do, 0 ao bows; 11 Rea .1 r. 12
do; $21a24,50 for pritne; $26,50a26,75 tor bhls green apples,s bales. rag?; J 1-1 Ral
prime mess; also_ 1,123 bbls at $OO2O for stun Jr Co, 100 hies; J S Diltviirth & Co, 1
new alaimess; $2a,50a24,75 for new eLtra case tobacco: J Fullerton, 1 do do: .1 S
mess. kTi ce Bad dull at $21a23; prime
t. ) r
Finch, 12 hxs hiird ware; Spencer. & McKay,
mess a 83 a 3 4. India moss b ef hams dull 8 bales hops; J White Jr Jr CO, 9do do; M
at $25a3 y .
Cut Meats heavy, with safes 125 Delange, I roll U ether; E B Mathews, 20
packages at 12a12 1 -.e for shoulds , s; Hatflc bills broom handles; A Hooveler & Co, 7
foe•hains. Middles steady, with sales 100 sks tanner 'scraps; Wampum Limo Co, 3
boxes at 143(c for 14imberland cut, and 16l„ cars lime: Atwell, Lee Jr Co, 20 bxs cheese;
for short ribbed. Lard quiet and d onping, 1 J ll'Lippincott, 1 ease tiAlso Forsyth, 'ray •
with soles 890 tierces 10 19/.2()%c, steam, for & Co, 2 bxs scales; Thos Bailee, 20 bxs
and 20141120%,“ kettle rendered; also, 500 'Dutch cheese; Christy & Benham, 53 sks
tierces steam at 111 %Seller for December, rags: Woodworth & D tvison. 10 1)1)15 ap
arid 151,0 seller for January. Butter pies, 4 bxs cheese; G N Hoffstott, 2 rolls
steady at ' 3la3Be for Ohio, and 38a440 for leather: R Knox Jr, 1 car shhrts: M P
State. Cheese dull ;,t, 1331714 c. Fieights Adams &8r.,3 ea 14 staves: Ilition & Co, f 0
to Liverpool with engagements for bbls flour; JNI Nturtland, 5 lilidsltobatteo; .1
-15,000 busels A:hoot, Per steamer,. a! 710. H Parker, 20 tees hams; Nanz'3: 11, 1 car
LATEST.—FIoiIr irregular and unsettled, lumber; Shoonborger & Blair, 1 car iron
with only a very modem e inquiry. Wheat ore. .
dull and •lightly in buyer's favor; the ad-
vance in freights materially checks the et
tember 21.-D 51 Edgerton. 4811 bblm crude
port derntnd. itt e mo ierately active at
oil; Fisher Bros, 1120 do (to; Fairview Oil
$1,45a1,50 for Western. - OFits ii. m; 69a71c ,
Works, 240 do do: MeCreery & Co. 720 do
at depot, and 7.ra".'4 , ,f,c3 for new. Corn quiet
do; Vesto Oil Works, 4111) do do;_.Pacitie!Ref
and steady at. $1.14.11,18! , ,4c for unsound, and
Co, 80 , lo do: Mooreead & Co, 3 ears pig
$1,1 9 a1,20 for sound new mixed Western.
iron; McKnight, Porter & Co, 2 do do;
Pork dull; freo sellnrs of mess at $28,60
Lyon, Sh -At & Co. 1 do do. Brown Jr Co, 1
cash od'regular. ro• -528, seller October, with
do; Anderson Jr Hitchcock;; 2 ca , s cinders;
no bids over $24,:i7% regal it or sellers' op-
Star Fire Brick Co, 1 ear lire clay, Et I-1
tioni all this month. Beef nominal. Cut
Palmer, 2 do do: J Reno, 1 car limo; NIcEl-
Meats_dull and drooping. Bacon quiet, &
roy, Diel:sonCo, 5 bxs noise; Volgt. Ma
with no de tiled change. Lard heavy at
hood Jr CO, 3 bbls eggs, 1 keg butter; Dunn
19ya20c for fair to prime steam. Eggs
& Allen ' 1 car stone; Nlessie Jr James; 1 do
without decided change.
do; J K McKnight & Bro, 1 box noise; Rees,
- Graff &Dull, 1 ear tire brick; Knox & Orr,
1 bbl eggs: J L Dilworth & Co, 5 do do;
Waring& King, 50 bbls ref oil.
RAILROAD, SeptolnhPri 21.—WTI 'Howell,
11 bbls apples; Graff & Roller, 3 do, 1 do
e g g s ; J Ross, 4 bids vinegar; Voigt Mahoifil
& Co, 4 bids tipples; 3 pkgs butter; W ti
Graff &Co, 11 I.oos:ipples, 4 do eggs: Hall Jr
Speer, 2 plows. 2 pos easti lies, Watt, `Lang
& Co, h Idols shoulders; NV 11 Hays & Sou,
5 do; Dillinger &Sow •nson, 15 Imls whisky;
D D Glenn ,-2 bxs books; Samuel Rimed, 124
sks oats; 11:T Kennedy &.Bro, 2 ears Wheat;
Muttons & Maloney, 1 - car scrap iron; W
Hrstings. Lear staves; J.& 'N Fairley, 1 car
midlings; T C Jenkins, 100 bbls doer: W .1
Meek 165 sks shelled corn; T G Craighead,
12 bbls apples; J Eberhart, 1 car staves. '
3-ears' wheat, Kennedy & Bra: 100 hides,
Hays & Si °wart; 1 ear !ens, it Knox Jr S‘in;
2do do, 200 bbls flour. Steward & Langer,.
helm; 200 oil Intrivels, G WH 1) : 1 : R : c
1 IFhil: 1,11t
11 % 1: n ir t
staves, 3 Hemphill; 2 cars Metal. Le els,
i ß t a e ll o ti ; y l & do D; i i o lz , 011: 2 do do, 8
7 do 111044 0 M/a 411 prior Iron
Co; 1 'ear brick,-Jes Caig: 2 doz tuhs, me.
Knight Jr Smith: '2so'pigs l'ead, Beymer,
Bauman & Co; 2; ett•-s '
.flaxseed. M 11 Suy
dam; 5-4 gallons stonewsre, • Beckileld Jr
Niehouse; 43 sks oats, Rose &. Ewing; 14 do
rye, F Owens.
RATLROA.II., SOptAIIIIIIET 19.-29 mks rags,
Watt & Wilson; 16 d-, do, If C Craighead; 87
sks wheat; Beck, fitillip.s & Co; 2 ears tan
bark, Lapp° & Weise.
Bal tillloCe Market
(By Teiettraoh to titr. 'intuitional unzette.l
B*LiriteronE, September 21.—Flour dull
and` declined 250; Howard street superfine,
:,18.25a9;o0; do. extra, 810,00a11,75;, do. f,un
ily, 512,00a12,50; Cit v Mills- superfine, 88,50
a 8,75; do. extra . , 89,75a12,00; do. family,
812,25a14.541 for 'Western' superfine, *7,50a
8,25; do. extra, t0,25a1Q:25. Whitat un
changed. Corn firm; 'white, $1,153.1,18.
Oats firm at 117;t75e. Rye firm at $l. t0i11.45.
Provisions quint. and firm. Mess Pork,
5:10,50„ Bieim; rib sides: litNe; clear do.,
17c; shoulders, 13ttab4e; hams, 22c. Lard,
Dlllwaslic Market.
(By Telegraph to the Otte:burgh Gazette.l
MILWAUKBPI, S , Ttember 21.—Flour dull
and lower; city f)otilile extra, $8a8,25; coun
try do, $7,75118; eßtra, $7,25a7,50. Wheat ac
tive at $1,60 for Nu 1 in store; $1,50 for No
2. Oats tirmf.r - '62!,4c for No 2. Corn
quiet at 9dc f r No 9. Receipts-6,000 bbls
flour, 165,00 0 Lu h wheat, :1,000 bush .oats,
1,000 bush corn. Shipments-13,000 'ibis
flour, 128,000 lift , ll wheat, 1,000 bush oats,
200 bush corn.
bt. Loup. Cattle Market.
(By Telegr , Ph to Of' 19ttenmah bazette.
ST. LOUIS, S"Ptombor '2l.—Cattio: butch
ers in wiint reqtll+ . 4 - ; cholito shipping in light
supply ana - tho demand improving: inter or
to ehoilie rang „ '-' , l4: 110 40. gross. Shoep
in larg.o eupplry, at •ij,1.0q;13,10 for inferior to
fsir por howl, awl 3,00.15,ti0 fur prim° to
choice, 1
New fork Cattle Market.
(By Telegraph to the rittaburgh Gazette.;
NEW Yoßi, September 21.—The market
for . Beef Cattle is tolerably activ , , and the
advance in prices established on Wednes
day of last week was restored to-day, not,
withstanding liberal offerings. Prices
ranged fr6m 12c to 17c, the hulk of s des
being at from 14c to I_sle; receipts 6,920
head. Mach Cows in moderate request,
the demand being principally from private
families; quotations ranged from $4O to
$110; receipts 108 head.' Veal Calves active
for good to prime stock, but quiet for other
kinds; prices were at . $7,50a12 00 per cwt.;
receints.l,47o head. Sheep and Lambs; the
- market last week was. tolerably active at
about our last quotatimis; prices were high
er notwithstanding liberal arrivals. Sheep
sold at 4Na7y.,e and Lambs at 8aOe; re
ceipts 37,878. Swine moderately active but
prices were lArtlAc per lb. lower than last
Monday; prices ranged from 9;r 2 a19%c;
among the sale; were 131 Michigan, 186 lbs
average at 10.I4c; 120 Indiana, 190 lbs at
10Xe; 86 Michi *in, 131! lbs at 9 . !..; 76 do,
157 lbs at 9 1 4 e; do, 15,: lbs at 9'%c; 143 do, 178
lbs at 10;,c, a
,d 147 do, 160 lbs_at 10c; re
ceipts 17,716. • ' I
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
CLEVELAND September 21.—Flour; city
made h• ld $10a10,25 for double extra
spring; $11a11,25 for dOuble extra red win ,
ter; country brands quiet at *9alo for dou
ble ext a spring, $9,50a10,50 for double
extra red winter; $11,50a12,50 for double
extra white wheat; sales of 2 ears No. 2 red
winter at SI,S7. Corn; No. 1 held at ;51,07.
Oats; sales of 2 cars at 60e. Rye held at
t 1,35., Barley; r eceipts good and markets
steady; held at 61,76a1.85 for new State and
Canada, Petroleum market somewhat ex
cited and prices very firm .at 27a2Sc for re
fined in round lots; at 29a30c fur small lots.
[lly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
LoutsviLLE, September 2L—Sales of 24
binls of tobacco; market firmer; lugs .5,7a,'
83,c; medium leaf $11al2; Indiana Cum
mning 1634 c. Superfine flour K75a6,90.
Wheat ',95a2,05. Corn 96a03c. j Oats 50a
53c. Rye $1,38a1,40. Barley No. 2. spring
$1,8412,00c. Cotton new low; middling 23c;
good to ordinary 225". Mess pork *28,75a
29,00. Lard 19a19;4c, Bacon, shoulders
12N; clear rib sides 15)./-; clear sides 101,.0%
16 - . i; bulk shoulders 113;al2c; clear sides
15ic. 'Whisky raw, free, firm at $1,35.
Philadelphia Cattle Market
[By Telegraph to the l'lttshorgh Gat,tte.l
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 21.- - -Beeves aro in
fair demand, hut prices unchanged; sales
2.600 head at 83:,a9al fOr extra Pennsylva
nia and western steers; 73.4ati34, , c for fair to
good; sa7c per pound gross for commoa.
Sheep in fair demand, with sales 10,000
head at 4~,asl z ie per pound gross, for fat
sheep; $1,50a3 per head for st ,, elt sheep.
Hogs in fair demand, with sales 3,300 head
at ?11,15a15,50 p. i r cwt.
Memphis Market:
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaette.]
MEMPHIS, Sept, 21.--.tton i l is quiet but
steady; receipts 340 bales; exports :9 baleS.
Flour dull;fsuperfinc $7,50. Corn nominal.
Oats 604,4 c. 'Hay $20a25. Bran
Pork $29,50. Lard 19a20c..1 Bacon dull;
shoulders 12Mc; clear stiles
Ply Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gii„zotte.l
DETROIT, September 21.—Flour quiet at
10a10,50 for superiine. marke'.
higher, but receded before th • close, pres
en. rates No. 1 white $2,22, No. 2 $2,053
2,06, No. 1 Amber $2,02. Barley: demand
improved for shipments, and held at tk3,o
per eental. •
Chicago Cattle Market
(By Telogra ph to the Pit t.,totrytt It %sett e.]
CIIICAOO. SP{ te!lllber 21.-130ef Cattle dull
and nothing doing, -Hogs extryinely dull
and nominally 10a15e lower;l*lles at 5, 4 9a10
for fair to good smooth.
(By Telerrank to the littriburghl:alette.]
LOUISVILLE, 1-Sept. 21.—River : falling
with seven and one- , alf feet in the canal.
Weather cloudy Mid warm.
Cleveland Martel
Louisville Market.
Detroit Martet
Rivers and Weather
The river was tiWelling_ slowly at this,
point last evening. with three feet seven'
inches in channel by Monongahela marks.
The weather cleared up again yesterday,
and for the time, being it would seem that
the. rain is over.
The Ingornar, from Wheeling,is the only
arrival from below since ot,r ,ast report.
The New York, from Cincinnati is due.
Capt. Jas. Rees received a telegram yes
terday, announcing the sinking of the Sil
ver Clondi No. 2, at liellair, on Sunday
evening in three feet water, No further,
The Miry Davage, which boat left here
on Saturday, evening with a barge in tow,
(l i t
run it bard 'aground, and returned to,the
wharf yesterday to wait for . a rise.
The New State.for Wheeli , g, and the Bay
ard for Parkersburg depart, d yesterday.
Capt. J. 41. Porter has 1 med his new
Arkansas River boat Kee oinist. He ex
pects to raise steam on W inesday, and to
take his departure on ._ aturday. She
draws less water than any boat that ha,
been built hero for some tit ie.
The Ida Rees No. 2, Capt.
with Mr. Jas. 11. Rees i., th e
Cincinnati and Louisville.
The Kenton will lie ov
more water.
Mi. John Ekin, an old and well-known
steamboatman, was in the city yesterday.
Mr. E. is now.con: ected w,th the Treas
urer's office of Beaver county, Pa.
The Grey Eagle is 'aground at Glass
House, but as the river was swelling slight-'
ly, we ar,e-in hopes that she will get off in
time to leave for Parkersburg to-morr , w.
o consolidation of the-two Brownsville
packet companies has been fully consum
mated, and the Chieftan departed for
Brownsville yesterday with the mail, on
her first trip under the new administraticc,
The Elector and Chieftan, of the "Peo
ple's," and the Bennett and:Fayette, of the
"Union" line, have been taken for the con
solidated 'line.
Capt. M. A. Cox, of the Bennett, is, we
understand, building a new boat for the
mountain trade.
The Kate Putnam, Capt. Geo. W. Reed,
is announced for Cincinnati and_Louisville
—ACcording to the Dubuque
_Herald, the
prices paid by the W. C. - Line for the
Countess was six thosand dollars.
—The towboat Rover, with five barges of
railroad iron for Belmont and St. Lquis,
passed down over the falls on Saturday.
—The Memphis Appeal of Thursday says:
The Peorie City passed down yesterday.
She had heard of our uniform wharfage
affair and - did not land, but put her p.ssen ,
gers a-hore in a yawl. Things is working.
—A late New Orleans paper says : Two
thousand six hundred and forty-ono bales
o tton were received • esterday by the fol
lowing named steamers: Robert E. Lee,
1,150 bales (the la gest it ad of the season:)
Gossamer, lbl bales: Cuba No. 2, 69 hales;
Ruth; 52 bales; amlNNina Si mmes, :18t3 bales
Vickshur Hemid sa et "The
Frank Pargond arrived - from the Bends
la-t evening, with 1,107 hales - of cotton.
She got ovsr 500 more id this plae. Capt.
W. C. Hardwick has sold Vs one-third in
terest in the Myrtle, to Captain J. 0., Ste
phens, os the Newsboy. for C 3.500. Terms
private. Boat to he delivered i'November
2lst. An interest in the Newsbsy was sold
to J. H. Blessing, at the rate of t. 41,000 for
the whole boat."
—The St. Vaal Prexx of the 19th says:7The
Steamers Milwaukee and Dubuque left the
wharf about together, evidently herd upon
a race. The passengers were num., hur
ried in gettilig aboard, and indeed , some
Atte() left. The mail for, the Milwaukee
wits too late to lie gotten/ on heard. Tho
river is rising. With tin excellent stage of
water at present." '
__We have the followiug additional par
ticulars in regard to the sinking of the .T.
Webb, from the Louisville Cou.rier: She
now lies at tile ead of Sand Island in 25
feet of water. The only 1 onions of her
that her visibl are the pilothouse and a
small part of the hurricane deck.- Her up
per works parte t from the hull, and, aro
only held to the wreck by the he: chains.
She lies apparently perfectly straight. and
as the river is falling there are faint hopes
that she may be raised. The Webb was
owned by M. A. Lancaster, of Vincennes,
Indiana, and was valued at $7,000. As sta
ted before, she was uninsured. The cargo
was nearl. shipped from Cincinnati and
was partially insured. Protest was elite ed
here yesterday. We understate! that Capt.
Lancaster intends re-chartering h host to
,„take the place of the Webb in the Cincin
nati' and Evansville trade.
(Late Miller & Ricketson,)
Nos. 221 AND 2`13,
Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets,
Offer to the trade at Low Figures
150 pkgs. of Nr W MACK EIL EL, In barrels,
113iVf'S, quarters and k
1001:141.515 cliukT VI 11 . NO 11,XSON, JAPAN
and IMP...ILIA I.
50 std... choice !LANG' IoN RICE.
25 bbls. eholce CAROLINA RICE. •
75 obis. 1.0N1; ',LA N I 1 sY
50 bbls. 81 1111 I', choice brands.
100 tools. NULL AssES
5010.15. Gk. GM I!
200 bids. It' .F 1 N ED :OLGA IL.
75 hh. s CU ISA and DEMA
it ARA SIR; .A Its.
200 bags 1110 Cu I , F EH.
50 hags .IAV A and LAURA', RA COY FEES.
100 eases IM I.OR CL A ItE'r:
250 1 . 11b4.8 MAI•• 11 R CH AN DON'rl GRAM
SCOT'II ALE and INN 00N C110314 . ,ft con
stantly Oil hand.
, .
400 bus Prime. Yellow Ear Corn.
300 bob do do Snelltol do..
50 bus l'rhue Barley.
3,000 lbs. Dried" Apples.
500 lbs. Dried l'esehes.
25 bbls. Sorghum Molasses
1.0 ',his. tweet Cider.
50-din. Coro Brooms. ,
In store and for salt-lw
lel 155 51,4; et sir e , I. corner First.
B—s ea , on gehuhto Eagle" bran.:. pitt re
c.:wed; al.° Coo.u.natal Ite,f tor making Hcc E ea.
liver te.; in stmt.. bra or t ahh L. tor ~be at'
the ti roe ry-,tore of
j,.turi A . HR\,II
• -•-
4.(outFiNii--.4. new
r., [idly ay n put lip In
o y,_ pound oalier boki••, with T . l celnin bur r
to n ‘.strlety TitY IT.
un.l tetal Ily .11,0. A. lIENMIAW,
be) V.., I.ii, ri‘ 3i111! 11 . 1 1 . • ,
. _
PICES) SA VION.- -100 C. 4 NS
Lir 311 1 received from ICS , I'll.lo. d . 111111011
lu ,11 , 311 Ifitn. fi r family use, or For sal., by the
pound, at the Fain ly Grorrry store llf
A. it.r.NSiIAW,
Corner I,iln•rty anti fl and s. rects.
W. Ir. Vl:111:1 , 41 . Vint:L. •
l'irrSilUll.ll. Sept. 11:411i. 1. 1 405.
Tillso,3 th e 11th dn..' or ~ ...en+cinht.r A. I). 1868, a
'Warrant In Bankruptcy was Witted agalngt the
Of. Pltta:dirgli, to the county of Allegheny. and
titate of iteuilay Yuma, who has been adjudged a
bankrupt ..0 lil• own re talon: that the payment of
any debts nay delivery of 3ity property b.
eolith bank runt to Id • or for Ilk 10e. and the triton
fer of any prote.rtv by elm are forbidden fly .aw;
that a tneetlag or ItregiittlrS ef tiald
to prove their debts. and to ehtiose one ar tnore as
signees of hid a rilAti... r Will he held at It Court of
It3o kro lacy, be holden at N. 110 Federal St..
AlliVetty 11. v. Allegheny county.
aie I tire
.1011 N. I'UItVIA Esq.. keg!. ter. on tlir
701 :lay of :`,Ovelliller, A. O. 1868, at
:S.,ZTOIVE WIN f/011i" SIIIA DES, of
_L,1 1 ..,J 3.11) CWII7 Ali , i -tae required, with border and
TIIONIAS A. ROWLEY ' s lett. rert 't s L-011 ~I Kffi • A 1.41 the I,lain Blue' roe dlll.lll.
IL $., NI LrAll3 . a , ; MI- ,,, Hger• p ; '' .:
. :1. . T.• i feet. Nebfe s at the Zell' Cloth
Ys u rtr ' s7l ' s ' O - tit ' . ' . ' ').e: Eld 9IN . it.rlAr'm re,!.
114 .• -T. ..I. TT. I'll TT.T.T°S
•,- - , ,
1 f Vet' - , sospert. , r ,Is 1/ , 1.11 1 1. 1. 11..t-se. :11 , 0. 11110
o ;
1 1
~,.., e,.,/.,1,g 1 /11 - v•t l , I.or era •qt. 111•• 1 , x.111 ty 1; 1 . 0 , •ey
8 off' Or •I•MN A. ite.N.II.INV •
10 o'clock A. 3:.. for lossdlng the ab vu 41141114, 1 10011.
. -
Tim ', .Irs•et to 'Cast - tr.! , 111 4lt oh the '2lk It In st.. at 1764
t en
EATII.V.2C. BOUTIN (",:, the best
JrtO. 41. lIIIVW.II, Clerk. i .4 quality UallsTanuedt 'te ,,,- . "et hand at the
I °Weal, rite , ' I , 1 - • - 4
N. ritikuirs.
ui. 15:sM
V --
OTlCE.AvpKication for sale
of I Iwo'''. WI filo t)!! , eu.
J A 51 1,:s goods, 0111 Pitt. T
Fona's BURGH,
Marietta - and Parkersburg, Line.
Leave Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood street,
Freight will be received at all linr3 by
sel4 JAMES COLLINS, Agent.
Rue steamer
Will leave for above and Intermediate ports on
TUESDAY, 224 inn.. it 4 P. ts.
For freight or nassatre apply on board or to
se'2l J. 1). (n)I.I.INGWOOD. Agents.
ravti.i.E AND 511'HIS.—
'I Ise
splendid ).learner
11)A RE ES No. 2 rant GED W. ALnEnr,
JAL. ti. otitis Clerk,
leave for above wait all way points on
G. W. Albert,
office is up for
For [reign' or passago app.y on board
r until there Is
I. plleution of the 111
Germania Building and Loan Association
No. 1,002 In the Court of Common Pleas of Alle
gheny minty.
In the shove c se the Petitioners have applied for
a ( barter as a Building and Loan A t , soelation, un
der the statute In such ease made and provided, and
uhleas exceptions be lit it in nroper time a Charter
will be granted at neat term of said Court.
N OTICE--notice is hereby given
Letters of tration have been
granted by the Register or Alleldienv county. to the
undersigned, on the... Awe of l IIEt.ERICIi SAUER,
late of Allegheny county, deceased. All persow In
debted to Bald t: tate are beleby ti-tined to pay the
nonle, and all persons having claims •agalest the
said estate, to or sent the sate.., properly authenti
cated, Inc sc.tlement.
Ailininistratilx of I.'y ederick Sauer, deceased.
Plt , shurgh. 'kept. 7. 186 S. sepd:xs.
4 OTlCE.—Letters , of Adminis
t ration baiting been granted me on the Eit.tate
of It•titEliT V14.;1t 11, deceased, al persons
having daunt eg.tin,t his it,rate will present them
to me, tlu,v auttientirat,tt, and a l l persons owing
alit] estate will mike payment to me or my Alton.
nt vs. COLLIER, MILLER ,h AletiRIDE. tin. 98,
Fifth atreet,'llttbburgh.
anlBtu63-TO 102 Elm :Area. Pittsburgh.
Portable Flour and Feed Mills,
. MI nunbers and best quality.. For sale at
319 and 321 Liberty St.,Pittsburgh, Pa
Steam Engines for Sale.
filiperlor new itn.l seecinit-handSTEAM EN
(ON S ittii 10 20 and 24
Inch ntitike, with all Ott tlitures
NOTICE.-411 persons Intel ested
are hereby beaded tbat the Report In the
it)penlng" of Roberts Street,
, •
In the ( Ity of-i'ltr, burgh, from Centre avenue to
Reed sir. ,t. has been placed in my bands. Ihe as
seseitnents will remain open at my °thee. No. 106
Fl th Avenue, until SATURI.AY, (.1. tuber 10th,
1868, wh. n those unpaid rill be filed as liens
agalust the property.
owurra, ut a Log Itaf, tayt g at the ,ile o .heu
%, hart. 1 Pte e of i.uo , ber I .ylng at the foot of 11
stir.•, t; .!co, the Hull of a bte tab at lay' , g at t
foot of ['lit et rect. You are hereby tLALded to
or they wilt b, tool to pay charge a.
• A Ileirlieny Wharf Master.
Sixty re t fr.nt ~ n south •hle of Penn street by
110 to it ewer's alley Three ttto. led be CI
tt, rtner,y osehurg mansion.) with ta
-I.les-ht rear. .t.,n,ete,i.rt given ou titre.. months AO
tree_ _AiliY to HtS .t. M N,
tu t^ 21 IC) 411. Avenue, cur. Cherry alley.
117:F - It h CITY 1.-Not:glom atilt Sl'aVt.:l',
Pittsburch. cept. 10. 11468. (
N o'l'l4 I'o C4E1111'11.4 CTORA . .-
S.-314A Pr po'al, for the cohs.ruettot of a
r,ll' Ell ON Di A Mti N it ALLEY,
din tlt • • ..ltu Wood :erect, wilt no teemed at this
...• null' • Ill! itcDAY. cept. 24th, 1800. The
C,•usai uer r. nerve the right to ,e)ec Any or all
li. J. M Otte:
sell),;; City Engin er.
iwrit•ii CITY EettiNiltltlt A NIP , tiVEYtoit,
l'iltenurgli, Sent. 11468.
N(yricr,.—Tite Assessment for
I lie "NI ;distill l'aVeleeet nu Ver ell etre. tto
b• " 1 r deatialti tiod, end cu be 2 , •en at. tilli
ottleieWill h.% fti ic At. pt . xOtb. IS: S. when
it will uo returned to tun City FR...n - era 11 11 lee for
euileet. ' H.J. Mitoll.ll,
1 y
i eFADELV til'ltE ET.
N, frt. le' hereby given that the Viewers' lte.
110. t In the matte , WILIE NI NU 31. , •FAIIDEN
'l'. I. 11411 M ward. Alkghwity CIIy, has been
me I at No. 11.3. November 'rerm, Dintrirt
Cour., for conOrmatlon.
J. c. Meeo3l.llS, Solicitor.
sei 43
Pl:unit STIME ET.
N•it Ice is h..reby given that the Report of -
era f r.!),.ENING V hatltY ~ . Ecr. t ity of Alle
:itiun sled mt.\ o 292 November Term
ii,s! riot Court. for eontirmatiou.
J. C. McCO7IIBA, City Solicitor.
'Notice In rehy given that the Viewers' ite:
port for 11 • N 1 N 0 pt siNth
ward. 11•1:1 been Clot at No, 291.
No,. Ter., 11.n , 014, Dlntriet Court, for contlrnr,tion.
ehs 41
The - Ex.,cutor, kc., of .I. , seph P•tterson offer for
nal.• the 1.01. sod Wo' 'rehouse No. 10. In rstoterson's
Ithe N. 339 I,lbetly slreet ) lout 20 by 110
ft et. Applyto - JnIIMOS oy. MA'S. KAN,
strll:X= 145 4th A. etlue, cur. Cherry alley!_
sTE;A I'ACK NIL—A full dt..ek on band at all
numb, and or the beat quality. w
tit 14,11011 s or t,hops where Belting 18 relllllred, wilt
find our rirt, as low as can be 1t.141 in the Bast. and
pb•klibg ur I.Ablejsse. for wile by the barryl 01
IL rht all; 0 libpe.rtill 1% me Villeyn . , by the cask
or g,1100,1 — .iOHV A. Ith:N'llAW,
ronier ~ Iborty and Ilan , . M.M.L
TUN D AN: -3 r. M
Solicitor for Petttioner3,
French Burr Smut Muchiues,
1117G11 M. BOLE & CO.,
DlMllettlf• Plttth-r7h. Pn
• • Ca, Att. me,
and remove the acme
McCO URN, Solicitor.
vi. riittaarti,
94 vataiJur .tr...t
PITTSBURGH andalgaii
. -
On and after TFIURSDAY, March sth, 1861
trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cOr
tier of Grant and Water streets, as follows:
.I) , pfu - t. Arrive , .
Mail to and from Unlont'n. 7:00 A. :. 6:001. I'..
MeKeeport Accommodt'n•l l : oo A. )t. '2:05 f. 3 . ,..
Ex. to and from Unlont'n. 3:00 r. Y. 10:00 A. .15.
West Newton Aceommud'n 4:30.1.. Y. 5135 A. M.
Bra,ldOck's...kecommodat , n 6:15 P. st. ' 7:50 P. lA.
s I N
-Night %. cc. to MeKeesport.lo:3o P. M. 6:40 A. Es
Sunda Chu re2t Train to and
from Vest Newton 1:00 P. Y. 10:00 A. br i
For t ekets apply La
J. R. KING, Agent,
STOUT. Snpertntendent. ni66
W. B 1
P it
Sent. 13th, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at the
Union Depot, as follow•, Pittsburgh time:
Cepart. Arrfve.
Mail Express 2:18 a. m. 12:13 a. m.
Fast Line 9:•13 a. m. 7:18 p. m.
Fast Express 2 ; 3,, P. m. 11:23 a. m.
Mixed Way Q:l3 a. m. .6:38 p. m.
IleDonales Ace'n, No. 1..11:43 a. m. 3:03 p. in.
Steubenville Accommoirn. 3:5S
p• m. 9:33 a. m.
ellonaltl's Acen, N 0.2.. .5':28 P• m. 8:23 a. tr.
iloar 2:34 p. M. Express will leave dal:v.
11:23 A. M. Ex or, es arzlve
The 9:43 a. in. Train leaves daily, bundays ex
cepted. and makes close connections a: Newark for
Zanesville and points on . Sandusky, Mansfield &
Newark R. R.
S. F. SCULL. General Ticket Agent. r
W. W. CARD. Sun't., Steubenville.
On and after WEDNESDAY, 7:25 P. M. Augast
12th, MA,- '11.% 0 'PLAINS DAILY will leave
Pittsburgh Station, corner Pike and Canal streete,
for Frankiln, oil City, Butial% and all points in the
011 If egionv..
Mail S:O5 a rn;Mall .:.... 4:50p m
.Express 7:25 urn .11;Mo-use .
... 6:05 am
Brady 's It'd Ac 3:25 pn; il.adys B'd Ae10:20 am
Ist 'Oda Works Ist Soda Works'11..11:00 a in' Accomoden. 7:50 a .
2,lSoda Works •• I2d Soda Works
• • ^-omoda • 2:50
Accomo.rn .. 5:20 p rat Accomoda•ti.lso p m
Mixed Wav VII G:2O a in' Mixed Wa) T'n . 8:25 p lia
IfultonAnc'n.. 6:20 a tui Holton Acc n.. 8:35a m
I Armstrong Ac. 6:20 p in
Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. H. Ar
rive In Plttsburgi. at 0:50 A. M.
P. 3sengers taking express train have but One
chat eof cars b. tween Pittsburgh, Buffalo and Oil
Re ons. Mall and Express Trains stop only at
principal points. Mixed Way and Accommodation
trains stop at all stations.
THOMAS W. KING, Assn. Supt.
W. FOSTER lipP.r.. Ticket At ent. aul2
• • •
ItIVIL—On and after Sept. 13th, 1868. the Pas
senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail
road will arrive at and depart from the Federal
Street Depot : Allegheny City, as follows:
A rr o
vee. Depart.
Springd'e N 1 6:35 a m 7:00 am
Freeport No. 1 8:20 a inTreeport No. 1 9:05 a m
Express 10:10 a mSharpb*g No.111:20 a m
Sharpb'g No.l 1:25 p tExpre,s 2:20 pm
Freeport N 0.2 1:10 p Int,spring.Pc No 1 3:30 pm
Mall 5:55 p tui Freeport N 0.2 5:20 p m
Springd'e No 2 6:45 p m'Svringd'e Not 7:10 pm
Aboye trains run daily except Sunday.
The Church Train leaves Allegheny Jnnct. evert ,
Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at
9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at
1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny .funct. at 9:45
p. m.
COM3TETATION TICKETS—For sale in packages of
Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street,
Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg,
and good only on the trains stopping at Stations ape-
Tilled on tickets.
- The trains leaving Allegheny City iat 7:00 a. to.
and 2 20 P. 11. make direct connection at Freeport
- with Walker': line ofStages for Butler and Hannabs
town. Through tickets may be purchased at the
Unice, No. 3 St. Clair street, near the Suspension
Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny.
For further Information apply to
Federal Street Depot.
The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as
sume any risk for Baggage. except for wearing ap
parel, and limit thet. responsibility to One Hundred
Dollars In value. All baggage exceeding this
amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un
less taken by special contract.
sell; Gen.-al Sunerintendent, Altoona. Pa.
On and after Sept, 13th. 1865, Trains will ar
rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of
Washington and Liberty.streets, as follows: ,
Arrive. I Depart.
Mall' Train.... 1:15 am. Day Express.. 2:25 in
FastLtne 1:40 am' Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 ain
Wall's No. L. 6:20 a m -Mail Train 15:10 ain
Derry Acc'n .. 7:50 ain H'ineinnati Ex IE4O m
Wall's Nu. .. S:5O ain Wall's No. 2.. 11i51 ain
Cincinnati Ex. - 9:10 a m.lohnstown Ac. 3:05 pin
Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m I liratiolocks Not 4:00 pm
Baltimore F.x. 1:30 p m Expres. 4:50 pm
Phila. Express 1:51) pm I WalPs No. 3.. 5:10 pm
Wall's No. 3... 2.15 pm! Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm
Braddocks No 1 6:00 p m • Fast Line 7:30 pm
Wall's No. 1. 7.15 nml Derry Acc'n.. 8:50 pto
Brad'ks No 2. 12,40 a n oradk's .No 2 10:50 pm
Way Passenger 5:30 p
The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every
Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05
a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m.
and arrit es at IN all's Station at 2:00 p. m.
°Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains
.dally except Sunday.
For further information apply to
W. H. BECKWITH, Agent.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as
sume any risk. for Baggage, except for wearing ap
parel, and limit their responsibility to tJne Hundred
Dollars In value. All ilaggage exceeding that
amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un
less taken by special contract.
set , ' General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa.
1„8 - Wki rim P 4 i i
From Sept 13th. 1868 trains well leave from
and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, city
time, as follows:
Leave. , Arrive.
Chicago Ex.— 9:03 a m'Chicago Ex... 2:08 am
Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 am'Cleveland Ex. 2:08 am
Erie A Ygn Si'! 7:28 a to!Phleago_F-x-::.. 11:23 a m
Cl. & Wh•gll'l 6:1:3a m i Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a m
Chicago Mail.. .6:58 J. indst. Louis Ex.. 3:33 p m
Chicago Ex.... 9:43 a m 'CI. A AVh'g Ex 4:08,pm
Cl. & Wh'g Ex. 2:13p n.I Erie & Yg'n Ex 6:13p in
Chicago Ex.... tv :20.1 p m!Chicago Ex.. . 4:23'p m
Wh. & - Erle Ex. 4:48 pm!Cl. & WII•g . Ex, 6:53 pm
Depart from Allegheny.' Arrive in Alleghenll.
N. Brlgt'n Ae. 8:58 am N. Brigrn Ac. 7:03 a m
Leetsdale " 10:13 a mN. Brigt'n " 8:28 am
11:58 am l Wellsville " 8:53 a m
Rochester " 1:33 p m!New Castle " 10:13 am
Wellsv`e Ace.. 3:4-3 pin In
Leetsdale " 9:13 a
Leetsdale Ace. 4:13 p m " " 1:08 pm
N. Brigt'n " . 5:33 pm N. Brigt'n " 2:43 p m
N. Brigt'n " . 6:28 p m Leetsdale" 4:53 p m
Leetsdale " . 10:4.3 pm " " 7:261:1;11
t4'.. 2:28 p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily:
110 - 11: 23 a. m. •Chicarr Express arrives daily.
sell F. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent.
S l i t OKY
HlLL atigtga
from the East to all poluts-tu
Colorado, Nevada,
California, Utah,
New Mexico, Idaho,
Two Trains leave State Line and Leavenworih
daily, (Sundays excepted.) on the arrival of trains
Pacific Railroad from St. Louis, and ".4:_nuihal and
St. Jo Railroad from Quincy, connectine at Law
rence, Topek:a and Wanieg, , , with st.t,'s for all
points in Kan-as. At nd oh track west of Ells
worth with the UNITED ra TES EXI'IF 9 S COM-
And all Points in the Territories,
COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Pass, Albu
querque, Santa Fe, and ail points in Arizona and
New 'Mexico.
With the recent additions of rolling stock and
equipment, and the arrangements made with rt.-
spoesible overland Transportation lanes from its
a.eatern terminus, this road now offers unequalled
facilities for the transmission of freight to the Far
Tickets for sale at all the principal offices in the
United States and Canadas.
Be sere and ask for tickets v a THE SMOKY
General Freight and Ticket Agent
Numbering sixteen drst.
tne CeiebrAted
ctry • or PARIS, CITY OF ANTwErr,
r,VE SATUIWAY„ from 11,r 45,
Itiver, New York. Fur liassasm or further Inform,
s.mly to
70;,FIIPTI1 STREET. IChr. , ifiele Rull.lifur
early opposlit Vt,n; ()Mee. rucat arc
Gerkenil Bnperintendent.
-class vessels. among th..Z