e Eittsbur ff ij Gartte. From the grass-covered mountains of Vermont From the Dine•shelterkt-vallies of Maine, The glad shout of victomeehoes: "The foemen are Hying amain." • Hurrah for the lealmen lof clTermont! Hurrah for the axemen of MaWel They've routed the Joe In the onset, In November they'll root them agalnl • *ben up with thh star spangled banner, And make the wide welkin resound. No star In its fold must be dar■ened, - - No slave In'the country be found. • From Penobscot to fair Chattahoochee Mild Peace will extend her domfoo: With Grant and Colfax for our leaders No war shall molest us again. Then hurrah for the lealmen of N'Prmont: Hurrah for the az.•men of Maine! 'They've routt-d foe in toe onset, United in November they'll rout them again! MANUFACTURING ITEMS. —There are 126 woolen mills in Indiana —All the woolen mills on the Pacific colts are busily at work. - - —T e Gilford, N. H., Hosiery Mill, hag been. old for $40,000. -- large wire factory, 100 feet by 50, is being built at Seymour, Conn. _ e Franconia Mills at Wareham, Maw, are to Mart up again this autumn. —The Barnes Thread Mill of Benning ton, VermOnt, is being more than doubled in size. —A factory for preparing wood pulp for paper manufactories has laeen begun at Mil ford, Conn. —The Plimnix mills in St. Louis were:, built 26 years ago and make 325 barrels of flour per day. —Anderson Wood & Co., of this city, employ 275 hands and turn out 4000 tons of steel annually. _ • The Underhill Edge Tool Manufactory at Nashua, N. H., makes 800 axes and other edge tools daily. —For many of these items of manufactur ing news we are indebted to the Boston Comntercial Bulletin. —The Cleveland Rolling Mill Company has begun the manufacture of Bessemer steel`at Newburg, Ohio. —One sign painter in Detroit has sixteen hands constantly employed now in painting political mottoes and banners. —One manufactory in Toledo, Ohio, makes 1,200 dozens of, axes yearly, and have just doubled their capacity. —A large soap and candle manufactory is to be opened in Bath, Me., 'shortly, where it has been built by Portland capitalists. —The Ravenna, Ohio, Manufacturing Company has just been organized with a apital of $200,000. It will make agricul tural implements. —The *nth Western Rolling Mills at Chattamioga have stopped work to wait for better tinies; which. they will surely get when Grant is elected. —Reynolds & Co.'s flouring mill at Mau mee City, Ohio, is run_ by a never failing water power, and turns' out 150 barrels of white wheat flour per day. —A hydraulic-cotton -press _weighing 35 tons has been Made in New Hampshire.' It has a compressing Power of about 5,000 pounda to the sonare inch. —One car factory in Toledo covers four acres of ground, and makes froth twelve to fifteen box and platform cars per week, em ploying one hundred hands. —A new manufactory of card clothing has been started this week at Fall , River, Max. Eleven machines are used, and card clothing of all kinds are to be made. —Oliver Goldsmith has descended from the back of Pegasus and manufactures cigars In Detroit. He gives constant employment to forty hands and makes two million cigars yearly: —The sweepings of the polishing room at Mr. Wm. B. Durgin's silver ware menu 4actory at Concord, N. H., are carefully pre , served, and amount in the course of a year ... to $1,200. —There is a large cotton mill being built at Marseilles, 111. It will have one hund: red looms, four thousand "spiadles and be capable of producing five hundred yards of cloth per day. —A dam of solid granite and 625 feet in length is being built across the Housatonic River, near the Birmingham bridge. It is believed that this place is the site of a large city of the future. —No Manilla paper is now manufactured at Holyoke, the last of those mills, the Holyoke Manilla Paper Mills, having changed its machinery. so as to make colored and envelope papers. —A little lot of 7,000 car wheels is being manufactured by the Dickson Manufactur ing Company, of Wilkesbarre, for the Del aware and Hudson Cana: Company which, - despite its name, runs a railroad. —The Weed Sewing Machine Company at,Hartford is working, very busily. With in-the last ten -years at has made twenty thousand machines and is now turning them oat at about the rate of one thousand a month. —ln 1865 the Kelley's Island Wine Com pany was organized with $lOO,OOO capital for the manufacture of native wines. The product of last season was 100,000 gallons, and it is thought it will be double as much this year. —At Fall River two new mills are being erected; one, which is almost dour, is to have about 50,000 spindles, and the other, the foundations of which are finished, is to .have 30,000. The first is the Mechanics' Mill, and the other the Fall River Factory. —Chicago has gone heavily into the shoe business. One firm turns out 75 cases of boots and shoes per week, one Minis out 125 cases of slippers per imonth, another is just shout to occupy an immense three storied factory, and another firm makes 800 shoe lasts per day, —The hollow ware foundry, of Stuart - 1 Teterson 6c Co.,_pf Philadelphia, covers an area of 60,000 square feet, the -moulding llooralone covering an area of 22,500 feet. This firm employs 300 hands, uses 4,000 tons of iron per annum and tarns out yearly some 27,000 stoves. --Many of ctur large "manufactories are going to turnout in their might for the pro cession on Thursday nest. We have heard (For the Pittsburgh Gazette:l SONG. paper: "It has long been a desideratum with photographers to obtain a paper that Would properly receive the pictures painted upon it without having been previously . glazed over with white of egg, or some preparation, that supplies its place. All who have at, any time busied 'tlfeinselves with photography (and the ainateurs are very numerous now a-days) know that this glazing or album-en izatiou is necessary in order that the rays should not penetrate into the pores of the paper, making their mark within rather .than , vithout, and so leaving upon the sur face an imperfect representation of the object reproduced. But the glazed surface is in some respects disadvantageous, espe cially in the case of; large photographs, ren dering it difficult to get tivc right light and to see the whole picture -at once, without parts of it being rendered le Ss distinct than others by the shimmer of the-glazing. "Numerous attempts have been made to discover something that would answer the purpose of the albumen, and yet leave the surface dead instead of shining. The object has been at last obtained in Paris, by, Chain bay, the photographer- of the -Champs Elysees, whose new mode of. coloring pho tographs attracted notice about two years ago. I have seen photographs ine on his paper, and they will soon beset: every where, for the effect is very beautiful. The photograph has a much greater softness up on the dull paper, and, moreover, photo graphi taken from engravings are upon this paper, undistinguishable from the - originals. Exact facsimilies of ol'l engravings, yellow from time, can also thus be made, the re quired tint being very easily imparted to the paper by exposure to the light. The glaze that hitherto has always betrayed the photo graph is completely displaced. The process to which the paper is subjected is a secret, but it may be applied to any kind of paper. It is one of the most important improve ments thatlas for a long time been 'made in the materlids of photographic art, and can hardly fail soon to get into general use. Women as Base Ball Players, The young women of Peterburotgh, N. H., jealous of the popular sports enjoyed oy the more muscular portion of mankind, have organized a base ball club, and already ar rived at a creditable degree of proficiency in play. There are about fifty members belong ing to it, from which a playing nine has been chosen, headed by Miss Nannie Miller as captain. The nine have played several games outside the town, and away from the gaze of the curious. Having thus perfected themselves, this nine lately played a public genie in the towu of Peterborough, as may well be supposed before a multitude of spec tators, which is thus spoken of: "This constitutes the senior nine, and on the occasion of their first exhibition they played the junior nine of the same club. Their dress consists of short blue and white tunics trimmed, white stockings and stout gaiter shoes, the whole forming a combina• don - that 10 at once neat, easy and exceed ingly beautiful ! "As the two nines Mille upon the ground, it would be hard to tell`which of them had the greatest number of friends present, for loud and continuous cheers and clapping of hatids masked the extra, of either one. "Without loss of time Mrs. J. 5, Smith was chosen umpire, and Miss Martin and Mrs. \ Benny as scorers. Thee penny was flipped to see who should first go to the bat, and the , juniors won it. Hattie Harding took up the, bat, and the remainder of the nine stood ready to follow suit. But she wasicaught ont on a fly, and before Mr friend had time to make a single store, they were sent to the field. From the moment the seniors went to the bat they had things their own way. Notwithstanding the best efforts of the juniors, they would either foulkint, or knock the ball high, and inning alter inning was given up without a run to mark their stay at the bat." of one concern which is to turn out nearly four hundred strong, and another upwards of three hundred. Huge straws of this sort show what a hurricane is blowing. —A company has been organized, with a capital of $200,000, for making wrought iron blooms directly from the ore, by the Jameson process. It is called the Ringgold Iron Company, and its works are at Ring gold, Schuylkill cotinty. They are now turning ouV3O tons_ of blooms per week, with three furnaces. —The manufacturing companies of Nashua, Vt., are taxed this year, as follows—the rate being,slB,4o per s l , o oo:—Nashua Manufac turing Company for $840,224; Jackson Man lifacturing CoMpany for $450,300; Harbor Manufacturing Company for $46,900; Nash ua Iron Company for $78,790; Nashua Lock Company for $16,600; Francestown Soap stone Company for $40,000 EPHEMERIS. —Lotta is playing in Bos on. —lt is a Russian who has now discovered the practical flying machine.' —Mrs. Lincoln says she is at Altoona, 'and doesn't believe she is in Europe. —What is the longest line in existence ? The telegraph line, for it extends from pole to pole.—Exchange. —A Kejituckian has sold $5,300 worth of water-mellons thisi season, which, consider ing the quantity, was probably better than eating them all himself. —Motto for a Grant club. "Grant U. S I thy peace;" with h e re's 'understood, and as the great General talks but little, the hear,' generally are understood. —A lunatic on Blackwell's Island stands behind the door all day to avoid notice. It is a pity that all lunatics wouldn't do this, instead of stirring up the country and trying to govern. —Some men in digging a ditch in Chi cago, on Friday, uncovered the dead body of a man, which was much mortified and decomposed on being thus uncovered to the public gaze. • —A. boiler in Memphis b'ew up recently and threw a negro about one hundred feet into the air without seriously injuring him. This is considered legitimate capital for to work on. —Field Marshal Von Wrangel has served seventy-two years uninterruptedly in the Prussian army. He is now a very old man, and the Wrangle which has existed for so long in the Prussian service will soon cease to exist. —The Republican procession in Eric, on the 24th will be a - trrand affair. Gen. Dan. Sickles is going to address the people in his usual manner, which IS so convincing that we might almost say th eloquence of Dan., Sickles would melt / Si Another Improvement in Photography. The Paris correspondent of the London Times notes a new and important improve ment in the preparation of photographic PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1868 DENTISTRY EETH EXTRACTED T - Vi r rlMOU'r 'PAIN! NO CHARGE MADE WHEN. ARTIFICIAL • TEETH ARE ORDERED. •-- A FULL SET FOR $B. AT DR. SCOTT'S. 578 PENN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. ALL WORE WARRANTED. CALL AND EX AMINE SPECIMENS OF GENUINE VULCAN ITE. tay9:diT GAS FIXTURES WELDON & KELLY Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In ' Lamps, Lanteins, Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS. Also, CARBON AND ,LUBRICATING OILS, y. BENZINE, &o. No, 147 Wood Street. eo:n22 Between 3th and Btly Avenues CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &0 H YDRAULIC CEMENT. SOAP STONE. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS, WATER PIPES. aD111:o70 HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE. Cheapest and best Pipe In the market. Also; BO EIENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT for sale. B. B. & C. A. BILOCKETT`dc CO. Office and Manufactory4o REBECCA ST., Allegheny. Air Orders by mall promptly attended to. j V 22: r 93 PIANOS. ORGANS. &C. _____ • BUY THE BEST AND CHEAP. EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Plano ) , AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN, The SCHOSIACKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known In the con struction of a first class Instrument. and has always been . awarded , the highest Premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The _workmanship. for durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from 450 to 4150. (according to style and finish,) cheaper than all other so-called tirst class Piano. ESTEY'S COTTAriE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed Instrtonents, In pro.- similar during Ins t rumen t erfect pipe quality of tome of any similar uln the United iiitates. It Is Sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get our 01 CARPENTER'S PATENT " VoN iiumANA TRE3100)" Ir only to be found In this Organ. Price from 4100 to 4550. All guaranteed for art years. BARB, KNAKE & BUETTLER, mns No. 13 ST. CLAIR STREET. T ABE s‘. CO.'S . AND HAINES BROS. PIANOS, For sale, on monthly and quarterly payments. CHARLOTTE BLUME, Stil9 43 Fifth street. Sole Agent. , HATS AND. CAPS. , Y IFALTAIL, TILArES M'CORD CO., 131 WOOD STREET, Are nos. ready wlt/1 a LA ItlIE AND SELECT STUCK of • • 3E3E1127°.• 7 AILIP any_ AND FURS. MARTIN LILOLER, DEALER Ilf I - lAPS, CAPS AND .FURS, Also. Manufacturer. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In TKUNKK, VALISES. Bc., No. 132 SMITH. FIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Orders promptly tilled and satisfaction guaranteed. . . _ TOBACCO AND CIGARS. JULIAN ALLEN, DEALER. IN ALL KINDS OP (LEAF TOBACCO AND SWABS, stO. 13 SIXTH. STREET, (National Bank of Corn zterce Building,! .PITTSBUIIGH. PA Branch of 1751 water street, N: Y. aosts77 DANIEL F. DINAN CELSIOR WORKS. Ar. W. aTENKI[DerSON, Hanafacturers and Dealers In Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, &o No 6 FEDERAL ST., ALLEDFLENYa ,v51•11:4P coNFkol - sio - NE'RIEs ENRI W. HORRACH, • Confectionery and Bakery No. SOU BIitITHYIELD STERET, Between Seventh and Liberty LA D IP: OYSTER SALOON attached GEO. SCH.LELEENT, • Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner, AND DSALIIR IN. FOREIGN &DOME.ITIC FRUITS & NUTS, No. 40, corner Federal and Robinson streets, Alle gheny. Constar , ly on hand, ICE CREAM, of various Mayors., ice: rfillE GREAT AMERICAN COM- A. BINA - TION. BUTTON-BOLE OVFASEAIIING AND SEWING MACHINE. IT HAS No EQUAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, AND U. TRINSIOALLY THE CHEAPEST. /Or Agents wanted to sell this Machine. C.I - LA:IS. C. Ts.A.x.si..v. - y, Agent for Western Pennsylvania. Corner FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS, over Itlehanison 'a Jewelry Store, niy2C:aG4 MEETINGS AND BATTING. HOLN ES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, prx-rsuraton. Kano :torero of HEAVY MEDIUM and LIGHT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA SBEETINGS AND BATTING. HAIR AND PERT UMER Y. 1- OIIN PECK_, Ornamental flail 1 HAIR Wong ER AND PERFUMER, No. 133 hird street. near Suilthdeld, Pittsburgh. Always on hand a general assortment of Ladles' PWIC-1288:430A14AFP8, GUARD I.IRi O C lA lti l e li m t en ß sB ß W AC l Vl: &I l k, JP,- RAW HAIR. good Fries In cash will be given for Ladies' and Gentlemen's liar Cutting dontl the neatest manner. natrznai HENRY H. COLLINS, _ 5 Wood street. $lO.OOO TO LOAN' luvlS Real Estate Agent, nu Smithfield stmet SLATE. THE TWIN CITY SLATE CO., manufacture a aueerlor article or ROOFING tirOMee, 48 Seventh St" Pittsburgh, Pee J. S: NEWMF.YER. Pres% 1442a.riaa DITTSBURGH PAPER MANU FACTURING COMPANY, Manufhoturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS CLINTON MILL — STSTIBENVILLE, OHIO. BIIISICTON MILL—NEW BRIGHTON, PA. N 0.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. a/nesse—AUGUST HARTJZ, President. SAMUEL IVINGSTON, Treasurer. RIDDIJE. Secretary. DIFIXCTOUS—AugPft Hallo, John Atwell , S. B Hartman, John B. 7 • 'lngtun. Gash oald for Paper Stook ICE! ICE! 10E!_ WM. KREBS, Ice Dealer, No. 55 DIAMOND ALLEY, Pittsburgh. Orders left here or at Hand Street Bridge will re retve prompt attention. wagon Mains In Pitts. nigh and Allegheny. 'Log TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS. FALL TRADE. THE ATTENTION OP Wholesale and Retail Buyers invited to our EXTENSIVE STOCK of NEW GOODS, Embracing all that la new and desirable in Straw and Millinery Goods: Aats, Bonnets, Ribbons; French and American Flowers; Rotes, Feathers, Velvets, Crapes; Gro De N ps, Frames, Ornaments, &c. ALSO TO MIR LARGE ASSORTMENT OP Dress, Clo Fringes, Trimming Bu Plain and Embroide Laces and k and Mantilla Trimmings; eadings, Gimps; I aces and Satins; tons, all shades; traded Velvet Ribbons: ales, Handkerchiefs; , ate Goods: s, Grenadines: I s, Lace Veils; ars and Cuffs, Hosiery, Gloves; d Gent's Merino Underwear; rnishing Goods; oop Skirts; • • elle•' and "Boulevard" Bib/loralz t Just received. uckles, Jet Chains, Wersteds; as, Germantown Wools, .'arns, Fancy Goods and Notions, Dotted ); Crape Ve ' , FLlnen Co Ladles' a Gent's Ft Corsett, I The "La A new 11 .Beitings; Java Can Knitting Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST EASTERN PRICIER. .6k3 - Wholesale Rooms op stairs. JOSEPH HORNE Br. CO. el 4 : 77 & 79 MARKET STREET. NEW TRIMMINGS, New Fringes, Sewing Silk and Bunion. 1,200 Pair of Real French Corsets White and Colored only 50 cents dpair. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF YARNS, IN ALL COLORS THE NEW PARIS "LA BELLE BALMORAL." Gent's Fall and Winter Underwear. AMES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest supply and finest pattern's of Ladies' & Hisses' Balmoral Hosiery. WOOL HOODS AND SACQUES 'Hoop Skirts, Kid and Silk Gloves. /11,-The VERY LO EST HATES to Jobbers. MACRUM, CLYDE & CO?, and SO Market Street. .e1: 1 4/ p lIICES MAIMED DOWN! MACRUM & CARLISLE'S, No. 19 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED ON 'AND AFTER JULY IST. HOOP BK IRTS. (Ladles',) for CORSET'S, (Real Premh,) LINE'S HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 for KID GLOVF-4. (warranted,) PA PER COLLARS 200 Yds. SPOOL COTTON, (go d)1 POCKET BOOKS, worth SOe MEN'S SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost GREAT BARGAINS! IN ALL KINDS OF GOlOO3B Special Rates to Merchants & Dealers. AI9Olll7Thl & CARLISLE, El= REAL ESTATE AGENTS . FOURTH ST. 115• JOHN O. BAILEY, & BRO., STOCK - AND REAL .ESTATE BROKERS ABB AIICtiONEERS, Are preoared to sell at Auction STOCKS, BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, do., either on the premises or at the Board of Trade Rooms. Particular attention paid. as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Bales of Beal Estate In the reentry attended. °Moe. No. 116 FOURTH STREET. /513:651 ON BOND•AND MORTGAGE. M. LATE PAPER OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, En :lir Remember tlre place. No, O.? St. Clair, near Liberty St. sel7: Q 1 MA RKET STREET. 9p, r V I • 1.00 NEW FALL GOODS, THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', 19 FIFTH STRgET O on 4-... 71;) 0 =4 ,:,Z 0 ri • . • co w / E.. 4 1 3 7 4 .5" .Q 44 0 c=a -= 4 4 ::: . 44 , = .... m1 v _o3 e 3 o = 8 A t 4 .„, fr 4 •—• 73 Gom 4,, 0 ~., .10. .. "" . 4 o p., a ON S=4 _ci> •••!! 1:11 'Tzs 13 0 17. '''. ti 44 ;IQ fl r-. 0:1 vi = d e , o.Q C.) pa ° a .1. 0 E" ' n' =1 = I= C i. ,2 .d am . I=r4 C,..L0 a =I = c.= ;A4 gi pe. cz 1 t. -__ 168. HOSIERY and GLOVES. SOI ear No. 168 Wylie Street... 4u 168. 168. APOLLO INSTITUTE.MI Fourth AVENUE, an Engi.of, eiettfitic a d ca. 00l for irls and Boys, conducted by JAMES M. MA , RUM and MARY r. M %DRUM, A free. hr, with full partleum os, references, do, sent on application. ng the gent , emen to whom refer extee may be made are the tollowi. g: Rey. Dr. Alli son, W , .. Bagaley,q., Brunot. 1..5q., hey. Dr. Dick recut, Rev. Dr. Pouol.s, Bon. Russell Errett, Wm. B. Eve , son, Eith, John liarper Rey-Dr. Jacobus. Roy lir. Kerr, W. McClattoea. Donato John E. B. McFadden, Sidney F. t un rs', q.. bon. T n o s_. ms, sel9:x69 A LLEGHEIVY ACADEMY. he next regular sesin..n will oommenoe on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18T, In EXCELSIOR. HALL. Federal s.reet. Allegheny. MIL T. E. WAKEIRM, Principal, will rioelve poplin at the Hall, on Monday. August 31. t, fr m 1012 o'cloca. Jam: om AILLEGLIENY CITY ACADEMY, AND CON DIAL OOLLEGE, No. 101 FEDERAL ,yer Allegheny Savings Daily Sess ions:Scienti Y fi . Ic. 4 lt.ti,k. I rom 8 1 / 2 . A. M. to IP. M, Cosoiro'rel is M to*. seolus Sesistion; thileistlik and Comincrelal, 7 to 9r a. .1. t. PRY , ilt, 6 .11,013.0. A. M.. reluelpale, sell:Ilk DRY GOODS 54. KITTANNING EXTRA HEAVY Barred Flannel, A VERY LARGE STOCK, Wc• - so;r C>frerecl, IN GOOD STYLES. AI'ELROY, DICKSON & Co. WHOLESALE .IE)PL" I S 7 " .e"• 41- WOOD STREET. COUNTRY RARR'D FLANNELS, J. N. BURCHFIELD & CO'S, No. 52 Si. Clair Street. BLACK kI4EAND COLORED BARRED FLANNELS. WHITE COUNTRY FLANNELS ItED AND YELLOW FLANNELS WHITE FLANNELS, best makes. RED AND GREY TWILLED FLANNELS BLEACHED CANTON FLANNELS UNBLEACHED dc BLANKETS, a full assortmat. CASSIMERES, KENTUCKY JEANS NOW OPENING, 87 IitAIMET STREET. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW 111011 AIR. BLACK SILKS. 'Ar , 46-"toi EDUCATIONAL CARPETS AND OIL CLOT NEW CARPETS 54. Mil WE ARE IN RECEIPT. OF A immense stock of every de- new styles, for Fall- Sales, and which will be con- Tl± VEaY LOWEST CASH PRICI FALL srEcwii, NE WEST STYLES. ! TAPESTRY AND BODY BRUSSEI Two AND 'run ru,-y ALL, WOOL INGRAINS, In great varit DRUGGE'TS, all Widd MEDALLION DRUGGETS, WINDOW SHADE Our stock is the largest and most desirable have ever offered to the trade. BOVARD, ROSE & CC 8,10:a& 21 MTH STREET. FALL GOODS. FIRST ARRIVAL OF TliE SEASt Velvet, JUST OPENED AND OFFERED AT TIT OLIVER TCLINTOCK & C 71 - NEW CAMP_IETS 40 IT Mt 'l' AL 3E IV I WINDOW SHADE FLOOR OIL CLOT] TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, THE BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PR McFARLAND & COLL] Nos. 71_ and 73 Fifth Stree • -168. Next Building to U. S. Custom louse / Post auSvrrs IT Westward the Star of Empire' Its Way." ECHE A lIO3IE IN THE GOLDEN 8 THE IMMICRANT HOMESTEAD ASSOCIAT OF CALIFORNIA, Incorporated nutter the Laws or the State, ber 30. h. 1857_ for the purpo:e of provlt HOME: FOR ITS MEMBERS, And Promoting Immigration Capital Stock. - - sl,oot Blainded Into 200.000 SHARES at *5 caul U.S. Cunt,*Pica'. Cert , ocates of otock issued to subscriber dlately upon receipt of the money. No PERSON ALLOWED TO HOLD MORE TO. SHARES. A t (molar containing a full deaeriptlon property to be distributed among the Sham wilt he 8 nt potaddress RN), receipt of at Cover NAOMI e Information na toprice of land in any _pn the State , or noon a.,y other sub,ect of In parthe, nropottlng to Immigrate. will h e furnished upon re uf ahunpa tot' postag, n22.v47 All lettere should be addressed EiEeRRTARY IMMIGRANT HoNtESTEAI CIATION, Postolltee Box No. SG, SAN CALIFoto.IA. i,"„ToDA and fur cue by J. B. ems I'LLLL) 4 ARRIVED AND ARRIVING scription of CARPETINGS, stantly added to during the season. McCALLUItI BROS., 51 FIFTH STREET. CARPETS ! COMMON CARPETS, AT VERY LOW PILICES A FULL ASSORTMENT OP Brussels, Tapestry, Three Ply, ' And Ingr; CA__ll.l3E'T`S, LOWEST RATES No. 23 Fifth Street. CORNICES WELL SEASONED 11111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers