II Financial Natters in New York. Gold Closed at I , l l lg_ , City Telegraph to the l'lttsburkh Gazette:l. NEW. Yona - , September 19, 1869 .Idoi.TEl mai GOLD. Money is easy . at 3@sc, ohify 40 on call. Stetting is quiet at B%®9c. Gold is lower; opening at 144,4; elOSlng at 144%, and 144 y,, being asked'. • = The Exports to-day amounted to $400,000. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. Governments opened strong, closing ac tive and higher. The quotations are for Coupons 1881, 11438@11404; do '6 2 , 1 121 V,,© -1144;: do '64, 110@l10 1 ; do '65, 111, 1 4®111V„; do New, 109%®1094; do. '67, 109%®109y,; do '6B, 10914(0109;(,. '10:40s, 104%®104%. I STATE BONDS. /. State Bonds are quiet ; Old Carolinas 74; New do 7314@74; Old Virginia p@s4 ; .N , ..ew do 53),a5 - 54; Missouris 92 4 (4)946; :;':')ld Tennessees 70; New 6914. RMLWAY SHARES • Railway shares opened active and closed quiet and steady at an• advance. Express shares are firm but quiet. Miscellaneous shares are active and have advanced. 5:30. PRICES: Capton, 50V„@50 1 ,4; Boston Water Power, 15 15%; Cumberland, 30% R. 35; Wells Express, 28@29; American, 47@48; Adams, 51651%; United States; 47 • @4B; Merchants Union, 23g@24 1 4; QUlCK silver, 22%@22%; Mariposa,, 405; Pacific Mail, 112/®112,4,; Western Union Tele graph,,. 3431(05; New York Central, 131% @1313 , 4 1 Erie, 67y,1367 1 4; do. preferred, 69 @7l; Hudson,-141X(0142; Harlem, 1200123; " do. preferred, 123; Reading, 92%@92%; ':,Ohio and Mississippi, 29%@29 1 .4; Wabaah, 62f4@62%: do..preferred, 74; St. Paul, 97% '-(398; do. preferred, 9514,@)95%; Michigan Central, 118%101119; Diichigan Southern, f3sy, @85%; Illinois Central, 143 1 4; Pittsburgh, `_38%@5814; Toledo, ilayalo3; Rock Is and, :A104 1 4@)104%; Northwestern, 91WP1 1 %; do. Ypreferred, 91%©102; Fort Wayne, 110%ig 110; Hartford and Erie, 2234@23; Terre :Haute ' 44; Chicago_ and Alton preferred, %; 154 Chicago and.-Great,Eastern, 40; In .dianit, 86. MINING SHAIM Mining stocks qniety Montana, 50@58; Smith and Formals% 490; Gregory, 450; 'Grass Valley, 40. COPPER STOCKS. •• Copper Storks at Boston Calamut, 55; Cop -per Falls, 18; Franklin, 13; Reds, 80; Han cock, 3; Minnesota* 2; Quincy, 20. BANK STATEMENT. Loans $2'71,252,096; decrease, $803,594; •-specie, Loans, decrease, $1,485,200; air .ctilation, $34,044.693; decrease. $ 9 5,23 3 ; de `posits, $202,824,583; decrease, '52,664 - ,487; le :* tenders, $63,772,700; Increase, $3,343,634. New York Produce Market. :Elly Telegraph to *be Pltteborgh Guette.l ' NEW YORK, September 19.—Cotton firm, .:!with a mo...erate business doing; sales 1,400 bales at 26c for middling uplhrids. Flour at and 10aL5c lower; sale'tii of 9 200 bbls $6,7 y 0a7,25 for superfine western, 57,85 a ` ; :5,50a9,20 extra western, 59,25a10.75 white, : , 10,70 round hoop Ohio, 56,75a10,00 extra t. LOWS, 510,50a13,50 good to choice do, quiet. California flour heavy; sales •: 135 sacks at $9a11,00. Rye flour quiet; salts '2OO bbls at 56,6548.25. Corn meal quiet at 11,50. Whisky quiet. Wheat: receipts, ,138,588 bush; market heavy and 2a3c lower; •.• r"eades 96,600 bush at 51,70 tor No: 3 spring, '11,75 No. 2 and 3 do mixed; $1,77a1,80 No. 2 $1,93 No. 1 do, 52,35 old• amber Michi , gan, 52,40a2,55 white Michigan, 52,60 white Kentucky, ,52,25a2,27 retail sa es State. ::Rye firm; sales 2,500 bush western at $1,50a '1,52. Bailey quiet and firm; vales 17,000 - nue& prime Canada at 51,89a1,90. Barley malt dull. Corn: receipts, 125,095 bush; , 'market opened a shade easier and ' :fiosed a shode firmer, sales 112,000 bush at '01,14a1,15 unsound, 51,18a1.20 sound ~...:Ynixed western in store and afloat and $1.25 ' • Zor white western. Receipts - Oats, 153,561 bushels. Oats la2c. better and active; sales • t 6,000 bush at 67a71 for new western at rail : koad dept and 7.214a73y.i do lastore and , %float. Rice dull. Coffee dull.- Sugar dull: • . tales 400 hhds Cuba at 1054a11;i. Molasses ;firmer,-. sales 75 hhds Muscovada at 45. Hops, ':',Timet at 15a25 for American. Petroleum • . -irm at 16 -for Crude and 30 'for Refined 'onded. Coal quiet. Loather. hemlock ' 1 , 1 .:ole rather more active at 28a29 for Buenos Ayres and Rio Grande; lizht and middle , veights 27a28; heavy, do 28a29; California ght and middle weights 211327.•W00l firm; and in good demand; sales6s,ooo pounds at • r7a52; domestic fleece 66a58; combing at 42 ,• t 52;. 54a60, tubbed 28a95; Texas 31;4 California Spring cip 42%. Metals, pheeting Coprer is unchanged; In- Copper—steady. and • in rather !ittle demand, at . at 23%c for Baltimore, and . 1 . 4 c for Portage Lake, to arrive. Pig iron firm with a MOderat6 business doing, at .43.145 for Scotch, an 530a43 for American. 'tar in fair request at .$87,509,90 for refined ;•I:nglish and America. Sheet steady at 10a for Russia' Nail rod - quiet at 914810%. li"erth rails firm at 514 for cut; f 4 for ima63( 4 ,. for finishing, and 27a30 for horse pee. Pork quiet and -steady; sales of 675 tb15528,90a29,,30 for mess; closing at 529,90 • Sash; 529a29,35 for `•old d 6; 521a21,50 for ;rime; 526;50a27 for ,tune. 13 of dull; tales of 140 bbls at 513a20 for new plain • .fiess; 520,50424.75 for new . extra mess !fierce beef quiet and nominal at $21a33 rime mesa: 530a36 for India &ass. Beef 'tams dull and heavy at 25430 c. Cut Meats t'-uiet; sales 150 pkgs at'l2al36 for shoulders; Pi4e l9o for hams; : middles quiet; sales 130 Exes at 1430 f r Cumberland cut, and 15a ~• X,c for long ribbed. Lard quiet and un anged; sales 500 tierces at 191t20Xc for r.eatn, and 20a20%0 for kettle rendered. iutter steady at 31a38.: for Ohio, and 38;4440 r State. Cheese quiet at 13a17%c. reiglits to Liverpool decidedly firmer: en 2wements 65,000 bus wheat at 6a7d per ~and 7a71 4d per steam. LATEST.—FIour irregular and unsettled rith a limited demand for export and ;dome use. Wheat heavy and Is2c lower; to 2 5pring51,75a1,77; No 1 spr'g 51,9041,92. •ye scarce and firm; $1,50a1,55 for western. i , :itts firm with a fair speculative demand; tew western 68 11c at depot and 730 afloat. .sera steady. at $1,15a1,18 for unsound, and ~1981,20 for sound new mixed western— . •.ipmand speculatlYe. Pork dull and ~.i,eavy with sal era mess at $2485, cash and ligular. Beef dull and slightly in buyers' . vor. Cu' meats quiet and nominally Ul3- taanged. Bacon dull at 14 6 5 a14M0 for Cum . '''erland cut. Lard dull at 19Xa200 for fair prime steam. Eggs quiet without de , .t . ,',lded change. Cincinnati Market. Telegraph to , the` Pittsburgh 6asette.l I,:iCurcriNriaal, September ..19. -F o urun i,aanged; family 19119,60. . Wheat dull; No. 11,95. Corn dull .at 96a9fic; Bunnies the new crop of corn sent to the SuP•i‘r •tendent of the: Merchants' Exchange , in - •..qcate that the crop Is excellent andgener matured.. Oats steady at 57a513c. Bye ~ 3 11 at $1,35a1.37. Barley scarce and in • -;„3mand; fall $2,25a235. Flax Seed is sell - at $2,60a2,75, at points in the interior, :I, , erefore tliere_is hardly any coining here. 1 - ;"itton firm; with , small sales at 2.4502 6 0. ;..-Macco unchanged. Whisky firm at 760 bond; free is held at 11,35. Mi ss Pork k iclined to $28,75. 'Lard seam and held I:',.•mly at 19,419,c, , and difficult to buy at .; - 4're melds rate. Bulk Meats nominally un langed; shoulders 10 3 / 4 aIlo; sides 13%e. =i,lcon dull - and lower; shoulders 12%c; :;files 14%a15e for clear rib, and 15;016c for' 2: 1 3ar.. Sugar Cured Hams dull at 19 1 4 a ;.7 , %c'. Butter Armand scarce at 35a38e for Eggs navanced to 23a21c, and in supply. Hay dull at 115a17. Hemp yawed 110 per ton, and is now 1.20 1 / a 2lO !,, -rough Kentucky. Peaches in demand 4:"(1 prices higher at 51,75a4,00 per bushel. bples in fair deinand at $2,50a4,50 per bbl. lid 144. Exchange dull awl prices dre,p , - bankers bought to-day at 60e per -,. .ousand discount parr the offerings exceed demand:l Money market easy at t3alo r oats _1 New York Dry Goode Aliarket. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaiette.) Nuw YonK, Sept. 19.—1 a view of the re , • action in cotton, the market is less depres sive, apparently in cloth; as prices have already touched pretty low rates, but the demand at this moment is rather limited. We quote best makes of eastern BroWn Sheetings at 1534a16c; best sonthern at 143% alse; Broadway commands 14c; Booth 11c; Golden Ridge 12 1 4 c; Pepperell 0 13c: do N 120; Amoskeag A bleached muslins, 1634 c: Blackstone 15c; Slater 10c; New Market E 1434 c; Portsmouth U 10c; Canoe Pc. Prints are in steady request at 12%. for Ainerican and Richmond, and 130 for Pacific' and Spragues., Cotton cgs lower, with Stark A at .50c; Lewist _n 47%c; American and Androscoggin 42;045. Woolens steady and firm, but less active. Sil a inactive, and prices rule high. Linens firm and in fair demand, with light supply. Narr w Silk Ribbons, below No 9, are in good request said firm, as are also wide blacks above No 80, but other wide ribbons in colors are un saleable. Chica ,, o Market. (By Telegraph to the Pitt &burgh GLiette.) CrucAoo, Sept 19.--Tifedemand for mo ney is fairly active; prime paper ,negoti able at 19 per cent; some ba , ks continue to order currency from New York. Ex change nn New York at par. Flour dull and easier at $10,50a12 for white winter, and $6,50a8 for sprit% extras. Wheat fairly ac tive; No. 2 spring sold early at a decline of lc on yesterday's closing figures, — but sub sequently recovered and closed at 51,51 a 1,51 1 4; No. 1 spring sold at )1,56a1,58. Corn unsettled but fairly active under a good shipping and speculative demand at 92%a 9414 c for No: 1, closing at 92/094c; No: 2 at 92a93c, and white at 9511970. Oats advanced Ma%c under active shipping demand; Nos. 1 and 2 sold at 51a513(0, closing firm at 51qc. Rye quiet but fifmer, advanced In 44c, closing at $1;1511,16 for No. 1. Barley firmer, !more active and prices advanced 3 1 4a5c per bush, closing at 51,69301,70 for No. 2 in store. Mess Pork quiet and steady at $29a29,50. Lard , held at 190 without buyers. Dry salted shoulders inactive at 103./0 loose. Freights, unchanged at .5%a 5%c for oats; 7c for corn, and 8c for wheat to Buffalo. . Receipts—Sour 13,671 bbls; wheat 116,114; corn 88,078; oats 15,828 bush. -Shipments—flour 12,584 bbls; wheat 73,195; corn 63,532; oats 90,957 bush. St. Louts Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette ST. Louis, September 19.—Tobacco heavy and unchanged. Hemp nothing doing, no demand. Flour unchanged and unset tled; superfine at e5,50a6,25, .extra $6,10a 7,20, double extra 17,5049,50, fancy and family 410,00a12,00. Wheat 3a50 lower; for fall, strictly prime red and white 112,05 a 2,70, Choice $2,20a2,75, . =prime Missouri spring $1,50a1,55. Corn dull, buyers few, mixed and yellow 94a95c, choice white 960. Oats inactive and easier 50a55c for good to choice. Barley dnll. and lower; prime lowa 'spring $1,80a1,85, choice fall $2,40 a 2,45. Rye firm at $1,15a1,20. Provisions quiet. Pork 129,00a29,50. , Bulk meats nothing doing. Bacon dull; .small sales of old clear sides 160,- new do 16 1 4a163*c; shoulders 123!,a13c. Lard drill and droop ing 1954a190 .for. choice tierce. Whisky ifirm $1,50aa1,55. Receipts: Flour, 4,541 %his; wheat, 19.000 bush; corn, 3,078 bush; oats, 12,665 bush; rye, 3,521 bush; barley, 15,239 bush. - Buffalo Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ,tiasette.l BUFFALO, September 19.—Receipts-40,- 000 bus wheat, 140,000 bus corn, 135,000 bus oats, 2,500, bus barley, 9,500 bbls flour. Shlpments-58,000 bus wheat, 163,000 bus c ru, 35,000, bus oats, 9,000 bus barl -y. Freights firm and ?.,4c better for oats. Flour inactive and unchanged. Wheat lower; sales 28,000 bus No. 2 Chicago spring at $1,6.13481.65, closing weak. Corn dull; sales 25,000 bus No. 1 mixed/ western at $1,06a 1,07. Oats active; sales ,10,000 bus at 62c for early, and 6235a630 for,.later. Eve lower: 'sales 7,800 bus western at $1,28. Barley active and'higher; sales 35,000 - bus Canada at $l,BO, and 10,000 bus Western at 12,07. Peas and Beims; market is bare, and those articles are wanted. Mess Pork, Lard, Highwines and Seeds are unchanged and generally dull. Toledo Market: (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gszeete.) TOLEDO Sept. 19.—Receipts--4.237 bbls flour; 91.960 but wheat; 5,180 bu zorn; 3,100 bn. oats. Shipments-3,900 bbls flour; 15,887 bu wheat; 800 bu corn; 4,950 bu oats; 350 bu rye. Flour quiet. -Wheat--white la2c bet ter;red and amber steady; spring quiet and steady; sales white Wabash at t 2,55; white Michigan 52,09a2,10; amber Michigan $2.01% a 2,043;; No. 2 amber 51,75; No. 1 red 52,04. No. 2 do. 51,87; amber sellers for September $2,04%; do. buyers for September $2,05. Corn le lower; sales at $1,03 for No. 1. Oats a shade better at 571401 State 75c. Freights dull at 5e to Buffalo. 90 to Oswego. New Orleans Market. CTS; Telegraph to the Plttabargla Gazette.; Naw ORLEANS, Sept. 19.—Cotton in mod erate demand; middling 24 ; Sales 1,750 ba'es; receipts 2,750 bales; exports cried ise 1,512 bales; to Liverpool 1,000 bales. Ster ling exchange 155358156; New York sight exchange m.per cent. discount. Gold 193. Sugar and Molasses dull and unchanged. Flour steady; superfine $7,12Ma7.25. Corn dull at $1,05a1,10. Oats dell at 62c. Bran dull at 824. Pork dull at $30,50a30,75. Ba con trade light, shoulders 14; clear sides 1734 aI7N. ° Lard quoted at 1635a193 c for tierce, and 21)4a21j40 for keg.: Phlladelpftla Market. illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Guyette., PHILADELPHIA, September 19.—CoifJe steady; Rio 14%a1510, in gold. M., lasses better; Cuba and Muscovado, 42344 c. Sugar firm; Cuba, ]103;allc for fair to good relin ing, and 11a12 1 /0 for grocery. Flour very dull; new spring wheat extra family, s9alo; Pennsylvania and Obio do., sloal2. Sift eat dull; red $2,20a2 28; white $2,40a2,60. Rye $1,60a1,60. Corn less active; yellow $1,311; mixed woatern $1,27. Oats steady at 75a 77c. Provisions uncbaw. ed. Lower'lle Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiasette.l • LontsvrtLE, September 19.—The offer ings of tobacco are light and the market dull at 17a14 for lugs to good leaf. Super fine flour, 16,75a7. Wheat, 11,912,05. Coin, 92a930. Oats, 50a530. 113 e, 51,35 a ,a 1,38. Barley, spring, 11,44a2. Bagging heavy; Kentucky,- 21a21Nc. Pork, s2B,saa 28,76. Bacon---shoulders, 154a2.30; clear rib sides; 15 1 ,5a15,,fe; clear sides, - 11334a10%. Bulk sh-ulders, 1.1%a12. Lard, 190. Whis key, 11,35 for raw, free. !Milwaukee Market. -By Telegraph to the PlUshurgb Guette.) MILWAUKEE, Sept. 19.—Floursteady and prices unchanged. Wheat closed dull at $1,61 for 140 1, and $1.61 for No 2. Oats steady at 53e for No 2. Corn nominal at 96e for No ,2..Reeelpta-74000 bola dour, 131,000 bush wheat, 6000 bush oats, 400 bity oorn—Shipments-5,000 bbls Sour, , 8,000 bash wheat, 1000 nash oats. Chlag° Cattle Market. (B Telegraith to tbe Pittabureb Gazette.) • Cato/too, Sept. 19.—Beef Cattle dull and unchanged; medium to Mir grades of butchers cattle In moderate demand IA itb sales St 53,50. Hogs qui e t and 10a150 low • er; the, dernend is almost for the better grade; comition lots dull; sales range at *9 10, with one extra lot at 010; 40. Detroit Market. lay 'Telegraph to the,l'ittabUTlO tiazette.l DETIIMIT, September 19.—Flour steady with a - fair deman, a $lO3O, 50 fo su perfine. Wheat. fir d mer with l a good r de mand, at $2,20 for No. 1 white; 62,05 for No. 2 do., and $2,03 for No. '1 amber. • Bariff ;firmer, with $3,50 offered try olliPpers and $ 3 ,90 asked, - 'III.(iNtAY. SEPT'Elltill" 21, ,EI6E. PNTSBint RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily at this point with three feet nine inches by the Monongahela marks. We are in hopes, however, as another rainy season seems to have see in, that navigation will not be re stricted by low water, and that another rise is near at hand. The arrivals since our last report include the New State, from Wheeling, and Bay ard, from Parkersburg. The New York, from Cincinnati, is due here to-day. The Mary Davage and barges departed_ for St. Louis,on Saturday evening with all' the freight she could take on the water. :- The Eagle did not arrive on time to leave' again for Parkersbur4 on Saturday, hav ing been delayed by fog. She departed on Sunday morning. The Ida Rees No. 2, Capt. Albert, is an t ' noun ed for; Cincinnati and Louisville fort ith. I 1 T Bayard, Capt. Geo. D. Moore is the reg ar packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving promptly at noon. The Bellevernon, for Pittsburgh, and ' , Armenia, for St. Louis, left Cincinnati on Friday. '1 1 , ne Kate Putnam, Capt. Geo. W. Reed, is nnounced for Cincinnati and Louisville for hwith. 1 m coteporaty, in noticing the consoli dat On of the two rival Brownsville packet lin s, says: l This competion was fun' for the people, in the way of low fares, but death to the profits of the stockholders in i the rival companies. It is said the 4.13ni n" line lost upwards of a hundrod thousand dollars, instead of making as much. The "People's" lost, but' not so heavily. Now for high prices to make up the deficit. . - The following towboats were in port on Saturday: Coal Bluff, Hawk Nye No. 2, Collier, Mary Alice and Grand Lake. The it C. Gray is'up for New Orleans. ----The Glendale is loading at St. Louis for Pittsburgh. —The Camelia arrived at St. Louis on Thersday last. • —The Mississippi has been raised. Dam age not more than $2,000. =Capt. John L. Rhodes left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Thursday night. —Gibson Lt Wymond, of Madison, Ind., shipped 10,000 empty , oil barrels to Pitts burgh on Monday last. —The Bellevernon and J. N. McCullouch were advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pi,tsburgh on Saturday. • —Mr. Walter Maratta, who anted as chief clerk on the !Emma trip, was sick during nearly the whole voyage. —The Leni Leoti on Thursday arrived at Cincinnati from St. Louis with a full load. Capt. McComas talks of loading her .for Nashville. —A Helena, Montana, dispatch says that the steamer Fanny Ba , ker, the last boat of the season, is advertised to leave Cow Island on the 20th. —Captain Rusk will probably take com mand of the Westmorelaod in the Cincin nati and New Orleans—trade, with Captain Byors in the office. - —The Leni Leoti, which boat arrived at Cincinnati on Thursday, had only one item of freight for Pittsburgh, 24 sks of wheat for Mcßane and Anjer. —Capt. Ed. Evans, formerly of the West moreland, will probably soon have com mand of a now boat to be built here by Capt. Rhodes and others. —Competition on the Upper Mississippi grows warmer every day. Fare to Daven port six dollars, to Keokuk two dollars. A further reduction is expected next week. —The Urilda passed Sioux City, Thurs day, en route from Fort Benton.to St. Louis, witk a full passenger trip. The Ida. Stock dale from• Fort Randall, passed Omaha Taursday night. —The Glasgow lett Cincinnati for Pitts burg on Thursday evening, with a fair trip. By the time she fills her engagements aoove, she wilt have all she wants. Pilots, Capt. Marsh. Hays and Capt. James Ham ilton. —Wednesday's St. Louis Democrat says: Mr. John P. Keiser, formerly a Missouri river Captain, went some months ago to the gold regions and put up a quartz mill, which is now in fullblast, and turning out an abundance of cash for him. Captain Keiser will arrive hero about the Ist of Oc tober. —Acting Attorney General Ashton is busily engaged in preparing an opinion on the question referred to him by "the Secre tary of War as to thi .right of steamboats impressed Into the service during the war, and lost in the rebel States, to receive com pen •ation from the Quartermaster General therefor. —Such a stage of water 'as that which now swells the Cumberland was never be fore known at this season of the year. The ruins in the c inntry above must have been unprecedentedly incessant and heavy. Sixteen feet was reported on the shoals last night, and the riVer wrs still risiug at a rapid rate. —On the down trip of the Boston two thieves got aboard at liew Richmond, and were detected, in trying to effect an entrance into the stateroom occupied bra passen ger known to ha e considerable money. On tho arrival of the boat at Cincinnati they werepromotly handed over by the ,Captain to the police. • —The arrangements in regard to tariffs recently existing between the different packet companies, plying on the - Upper Mississippi f om St. Louis, have been bro ken tip, and the Northern Line and Keo kuk Packet Companies'have become allies in a desperate war on the White Collar Line. The opposition will probably be fiercer than ever before. —The Cincinnati Enquirer, of Saturday, says: The Robert Moore arrived yesterday morning from Pittsburgh, and after dis charging her cargo she was turned over by Captain Kerr to the Nasville Packet Com pany, her new owners. Nine thousand dollars was price paid for her. Captain Kerr is negotiating with Captain Reese and others of Pittsburgh for the Arg sy, now on her way up from Sanderson, Kentucky,' whither she went with a load of railroad iron. Rivers and Weather. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garettsh LODTBVILLM, Sept. 19.-Rivers falling with eig t feet in the canal. Weather wet. Sr. Louis, September 19.—The Weather was showery this morning but is now clear at 4:30 r. x. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. /PITTSBURGH. FT. WAYNR AND O.IIIOAGO RAILROAD. September, 19.-11 "cars metal, Nimick Qt Co; 1 do do, Graff Byers & Co; 1 dodo, Jas Wood, Son & Co; 1 do do, Bryan At Caughey; 1 car barley, MeHonry & Hood; .4 do do, Pier, Minuets& Co; 400 bbis flour, T C J. nklns: 50 do do, 200 Backe , do, Seghmyer & Voskamp; 1 car, barley, 73 bbis apples, 3 do cider, Volgt, Mahood, & Co; 400 bola flour, Watt, Lang & Co; 50 do do, Muanor it Harper; 50 do do, E Heazleton; 11 rolls leather, J Hammett it Son; 6 bxs ink, J L Bend; 1 pkg. leather, D Chestnut; 20 bd a broom handles, W R MeClolland; 88 bdle hides, G N Hoffetott; 5 ears wheat, J S Liggett it Co; 1 car bones, Seward & Campbell; 178 bgs rye, J Meek; 45 alts Godfrey Jr Clark; 220 sits oats, 11 tubs but ter, H Rea Jr; 100 doz handles, Klein, Lo gan it Co; 25 bxs ch ese, S Ewart it Co; lot scrap iron, John Moorhead, 25 do do, Wm Cooper & Co; 25 do do, E Heazieton &Co; 35 do do, Iftt W Rankin; 63 do do, N J Bra dun; 35 flo do, W H Kirkpatrick; 21 kegs Dithridgi & Son; 12 duz brooms, W M Gormley; 8 rolls blather, Q N. Hoffstott; 34 bits cheese, Woodworth , d: Davison; 25 kgs tobacco, 10 caddies do, C Koethem 20 butts:AO, W L Jones; 340 bushy wh• at, J S . Liggett , it Co; SOO do do, Hitehofick, Mc- Creery it Co; 3t bxs cheetah A & J Kerr; 20 aka potatoes. M W Rankle; lot scrap iron Muffins it Maloney; 3 ears limestone, Man Lime Co; 7 cars ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 190 sks barley, Dillinger & Stevenson: 1 car staves, MP Adams & Bro; 1 car cider mills, J Knox. CLKVELAND AND Prrralrcataa RAIL ROAD, September 18.-2 cars iron ore. Shoenberger & B' air; 2 do do, Bryan & Caughev; 184 blooms, S Rea; 10 bbls po tatoes, 9do apples 30 bas cheese, Vangor der & Shepard; 46 bxs crackers, Roymer & Bro; 32 bbls apples, H Rea Jr; 30 do do, 13 sks potatoes. Voigt, Mahood & Co; 1 bbl cider, 10 do apples, W J Steel & Bro; 2 kgs, 2 pails butter, Bennett & Reddick; 2 cars copper, T M Mowe; 1 case dry goods, Mc- Candles Jr & Co; 1 case flannel, White, Orr & Co; 1 do do, J W Barker & Co; 1 do do, J Horne & Ca; 55 cases cheese, H Riddle; 90 bdls willows, H H Collins; 5 kgs oatmeal, 1 kg wheat, 1 bbl pearl barley, Dunlevy & Bro; 4 kgs oatmeal, 2 kgs farina, Wm Has lage & Co; 5 kegs pearl barley, Rinehart & Stevens. PerTsaunGEt, CINCINNATI AND ST. LORIS RAILROAD, September 18.-1 car rye, W J Meek; 1 car staves, W Hastings; 200 bbls flour, T Clenkins; 12 pko white fish, At well, Lee & Co; 12 do do, E H Myers & Co; 12 do do, Seglynyer & Voskamp; 20 do do, W Haslago; odo do, Arbuckles & Co: 12 do do, Kirk trick, Herron & Co: sdo do, Dunlevy & o; 20 do do, sdo trout, R Robinson & Co; bdls brooms, McElroy & Co; 2 cars wheat, W Bin,g,ham; 50 bundles brooms,-Jas Connor; 22 bales cotton, Eagle Cotton Mills; 64 sks barley, F Schield: 25 bgs oats, Meauor & Harper; 5 bbls apples, Voigr, Mahood & Co; 10 bbls do, 7 do eggs, W H Graff Jr Co; 60' sks barley, Robb & Herron; 30 doz brooms, John Hutchinson; 4 kgs butter, F G Craighead; 6 sks scraps, - F W C Feld ALLEOHNNE VALLEY RAILROAD, Sep. tember 19.-1 car metal, Lyon, Shorb & Co; 4 do limestone, Shoenberger & Blair; 1 bbl eggs, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 4 bxs dry goods, McElroy, Dioason & Co; 1 car metal, Graft; Bennett & Co:). do do, Brown & Co; 5 eke flaxseed, 17 do oats, 4 bbls eggs, 6 pkgs butter, J Klengensmith; 16 eke r ) e, Scott & Gisal; 5 pkgs butter and eggs, T J Mc- Kee; 10 eke rye, 12 do oats. W H Kirkpa trick & Co; 23 pkgs rags, Head k Metzger; 7 pkgs butter and eggs, J Moorhead; 1-car lime, D L Reynolds; 120 bbls salt, Thomas Mitchell. ALLEGHENY STATION, September 19.- 84 aks flaxseed, M B Suydam; 79 bides, H A Friend; 4 cars corn, 1 car flour and feed, 100 bbis flour, 2 cars oats, Stewart & Lan genheim; 1 car metal, Superior Iron Co; 3 cars wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro; 1 car oats, R Knox & Son; 1 do do, Hippley & Beckert; 12 bbls tobacco,E Gleason; 5 cars rye,Guck enheimer & Bro; 2 cars iron ore, Lewis Bailey & Dal tell; 1 car corn, M Steel & Skin; 1 do flaxseed, Ewer, Hamilton & Co; 1 car barley, G Faas. PITT/3EO7EOE AND CONNELL:WILLI, RAILROAD, September 19.-10 bbls rye flour, Culp & Shepard; 118 pkgs bitters, Hostetter & Smith; 1 pkg flaxseed, Gay & Welsh; 8 do do, Watt & Wilssn; 17 sks rags Markle & Co; 12 bbls apples, H Rea Jr; 242 boxes axes, Moßane & Artier; STEAMBOATS. pairs BURGH, s ias gOg WHEELING, . Marietta and Parkersburg. Line. Leave Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, AT 12 M. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS, BAYARD A. S. Sitzrunrt, Master. WEDNESDAYS AND tiATUNDAYS, GREY EAGLE - C. L. BRENNAN, Master. Freight will be received at all hours by sett JAMES COLLINS, Agent. FOR EVANSVILLE, CAIRO. AND ST. LOUIS.—The nue steamier KATE PUTNAM Capt. G. W. REED, Will leave fur above and intermediate portion TUESDAY, 2211 Inst., at 4r. sr. For freight or positive apply on board or to - FLACK. sett J. D. CUt.s.iINUIVOOD, Agents FOR CINCINNATf, LOU : g j gc=it , ISVII,LE AND Miatrls. The splendid steamer IDA REES No. A Cant UT.O W. ALBaleT, JAL. R. NUS. Clerk. Will leave for above and all way points on THIS DAY, Alst lost —3 F. ks. For frelgb , or passage apply on board. selB BANKRUPT NOTICES. . U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, i W. D. of Penns" yards. - PirrantraoH, Sept. 14th. 1868. THIS IS TO GIVE: NOTICE. that on the 11th day of September A. D. 1568, a arrant In Bankruptcy was Waned &plan the ESTATE OF JOSEPH E. DICELEY Of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and Mate of Pennsy'vanla, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on hi, own pytltion; that tlus payment of any debts any delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to ble, or for his use, and the trios • fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meetlng of the creditors of the sald bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signees of his estate. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 110 Federal tit.. Allegheny We. Allegheny county, Penna., before JOHN N. runviAfsez, Esq., Register on the 7th day of November, A. D. 16438, at 0 o'clock THOMAS A. ROWLEY. U. S. Marsha'. as Messenger eelS•xs4 TN THE DISTRICT COURT' OF TliE UNITED STATES, for the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania. AMAMI:7EL t. 4 WEE ' , MALT). a bankrupt under the Actor Congress of March Me. 1867, having sp. p 11.4 for a discharge from al his debts, and other claims provable nutlet said act, by order of •he Court not cc Is het.. by glv. n to all persons who have proved their debut, and other persons Interest ed, to Omar on the 1 t day of (zero oer,lBoB, at 10 o'clock A. W. Wore JOHN N. PCItVIA.NCg. Esq.. Register, at his Wilco No. 110 Federal street, Allegheny City, Pa., to show cause, If - any they have. w a Washtub. e .hould not be granted to the said bankrupt. And Turther notice to hereby given, that the Second and 'llllrd Meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt. sequlred by the SI, th and Aloth sections, of said Act, -11 l be bele before the said Register, at the same lime and place sulaixib.st 8 C. bIeCA N DLESS, Clerk. • LEGAL. TN THE MATTER OF THE AP p ucaUou alb() Germania building and Loan Association Fon A CHARTER OF INCORPORATION. I,OO'A In the Court of Cominon Moan of Alle- gheny. t ounty. In the above o ao the Petitioners have applied for dotstatute Building and Loan Association, and the in such case made and provided, and unities exceptions be tit d In proper time ►Charter will be granted at next term of said Court. B. a; mlißnisoN, Solicitor tor Potitioners atasprZ NrOTICE--Notice 1e hereby given .111 1114 betters of , sdmini [ration hare been granted by the Register of Alleshen. county. to the undersigned, on the. strue of . RN, .ERICK &WKS, late of „tllegheny county, deceased. All person+ in debted to said e- tate are hereby nothled to pay the same, and all persona having claims agal, et the said estate; to or sent the sem, proodrly authenti ested, tor se.tiement. _ _ EV GRAVEN SAUER, Administratrix of Fe od erick Sauer, deceased.. Pittsburghh. Sept. 7. 1868. sepihrb. OIL WELL Steam Engines fir Sale. Superior new. and second-hen STEAM EN GINES-7, 8 and 10 inch eyilad.ra, AG and AS inch stroke, with all the 'Uterus , • FOR BORING OIL , WELLS. Addreas I '.• HUGH 31. BOLE& co nuermane Way, Plait:mei, Pa. WAREMIOUSE on LIBETTY ST. 4 , POll BALE. • . e Euvutors_fr.e.. of Joseph PstOrson offer for sal the Lot and Warehouse No.- Ilk in Patterson's Block, • No. 350 Liberty sireet ) Lot 20 by 110 feet. Apply to JAMMU A. WKS:AN, se11:1151 145 4th .A. , 'ensie, cor. Cherry alley. PENN STREET PROPERTY -1 " von SALE. (Witty fe.t trout on south ride of Penn etrro•. by 110 Not to Brewer's Mill- Three otorted bark . dweillog. (formerly bobeburg mithai hn o w i t h , blue in rear. ?uncut ...at given 00 three mon the no- Me. Apply to r 4.6 1 / 1 4 A. M •KR N, eeuc 148 Ch Avenus, - eor. Cherry Alley. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J. L. DILLINGELB MUNGER & STEVENSON, COMSSION KERCHANTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pittlburgh, Pa. RECEIVE AND SELL All Kinds of Country Produce. All orders fur Merchandise promptly tilled. at LOWEST market rates. Particular attention given to the sale of .otter, Eggs, Chrese,.Dried Finite, &c, We feel confident that we can give entire sat- Isfa , dlon, by making QUICK SALES and VILOSIPT RE TURNS. at HIGH r MAItEAT eIIICELN and therefore re,ffectfully solicit your consignments. Al , entre spondence answered promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. Grain in store and to arrive daily. aualttil WATT, LANG Si, CO., Groceries. Flour, Grain, Produce, Pro. visions,Fish,Cheese,Carbon Oil. ate., Nos. 172 i and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. noSinss =1 B. CANFIELD & SON, COlll- . MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale eaters In Goshen, Factory. Hamburg and W. it. Cheese, Butter, Lard, Polk, Bacon, flour, Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pehrl and S. da Ashes. Ih.hite Lime. Linseed, Lard. Coal and Car bon Oils, No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. t3TEELE, Ayr STEELE & SON, 131.49 Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, PEED. 45421. No. U 5 OHIO STREE'I near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES B. MEANOE JOS. IVIEANOR it. HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND FRODUCE I•LW*O I tzt. - zli (A)0 • ;DI: //Akio 4/".= 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Consignments solicited. REFERENCES-3. G. Martin, Cashier Meehanica• National Bank; J. S. Dilworth Is. Co., B. T. Ken nedy & Bro. . Ja31:124 PETER KEIL 8. IC T JAB. lue4iir" KEIL & R COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOITR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &a" aa. 349 Liberty 84., Pittsburgh, iny24:1337 TJ. BLANCHARD, . 1./ Wholesale and Retail Grocers, splB:xB9 ALEX. DI'IIANE J B. AILIZIL McBANE & ANJER, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS," Dealers la FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 14a WATER. STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. • tea FETZER & ARMSTRONG, • FORWARDING AHD 00101=011KBRORATIS, For the sale of )lour, Grain. Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and—Produce generally, No. 1.15 MARKET STREET, corner of Finn, Pittsburgh. feV.:llB JOHN I. 110115Z.....EDW. H0T15P......W31. H. HOLM& OHN I. HOUSE & BIOS. Suc cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale rovers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. IfRIDDLE, No. 183 LIBERTY . STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Commission Mer e ant and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gen erally. au2l D EOBT. KNOX - ANUSW KNOX. n KNOX & SON, COMMISSION G MERCIIANTS and ticalera In FLOUR. GRAIN MEL FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 19 DIAMOND, opposite City Bell, Allegheny City. I••••••it. yn'TLE,. • BAIRD Zs PATTON, Who'reale Grocers, Commission Merchants and lers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard OIL Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 1i and 114 SECOND STREET. Pittsburgh. JOHN STILPTON • i A WALLACE. §IIIIP'rON&WALLACE2WHOLE BALE (4 ROGERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, 0.. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. 1a12:r68 JOS. A. BUTLER, LLD____ AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. °Mee, 1516 WYLIE STREET, near Wa.sbington.• PITTEDFRC+II, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments. Depositions. Collections, and all other le gitim ate business executed promptly. m SAMUEL McMASTERS, dLDERMANs • Ex-Offielo Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. Dace, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, yrrrasußeil, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Denositions, and alt Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch . : • 'able EUSTACE S. MORROW , exiirmitax_Aiv, EX-OFFICIO JIMTTCE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE . ,MAGISTRATIL OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. my'M A AMMON, • Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE 61, INSURANCE AGT. CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend ed to. myB:y6o WILLIAM H. BARK JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., Office, CARSON STREET. nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH. Business entrusted to his care promptly attend ed to. myliyea - - S. FEIIGITSON, • 7 No. 87 VII" Street, BSCOND FLOOR. 71107 rt ROOM. aP4:l43 JOHN W. UIDDELL ATTORNEY-AT-ILAW. r t,, Oteee,ll6 Dianiond Eitree (Opposite the Con House,) 1t516:t44 PI . BURGH, PA. W o A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY-AT- • W, No. 99_ Diamond Stieet, mum PI :BURGH, PA. C. IILiCHRELL, ThY 4 :b 4178BITROIL PA. JOHN A. STRA4IV; - ' • EX-OPPTCIO JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OMee,llll PIM STREET. OPPOstte the Cathe dral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds , ' Bonds, Mortgititnil Acknowledgments., Depositions and all begs' isual , nese executed with promptness and dispatch.. ' AItCHIBALo BLAKELEY, ard:n9o:d3* BENJAMIN BINUIIIILY PHILIP MAI& ;„11NCIERLY • 6z CLEIS, - .SiticeesSors pv to Gk.°. & PRACTICAL,. LITIMURAYIIERS. • Tho only Steam Lithographic Establishment. %Poet of the Simi otalria:•. - northers Canis, Lotter Reads. Floods , Circulars, Show Canis, Diptomar. Portrait.), Views, Cortificates of Deposita, invita tion Cann', eta. Nos. WI Ana 1* Tiara stress, riztatugh. - " - ==l WROLESALY. DEALERS IX M=2=l No. 396 PENN STREET. PROFESSIONAL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, .1 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, ~►LD~7RIIULN'p .&.orrozzmay-Aa . -zsiLw. No. 98 FIFTH STUMM PITTSBIIP.GII. PA. LITHOGRAPHERS. I:PITTBBURGH and .1. CONIVF.LLSVILLE R. R On and after TBURSDAY, March 6th, 1961 trains will arrive at and depart frern the Depot, We. ner of Grant and Water streets, ae follows: Depart. Arriec. Mall to and froth Uniont'n. 7:00 5. X. 6:00 Y. M. McKeesport Accommodt`n.ll:oo A. X. 2:05 P. Me Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 r. at. 10:00 A. X. West Newton Accommod'n X. 8:33 A. M. Braddock's Accommodat'n 6:15 P. M. 7:50 P. M. Night Acc. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. X. 6:40 A. M. Sunday Church Trsin to and Irom_ West Newton 1:00 P. 10:00 A. M I For tickets apply is J. B. KING, Agent. W. B. STOUT, superintendent. mhe Elll TTSBURGH,MagigIi CINCINNATI AND BT. CIS RAILWAY. CHANGE OF TIRE.—On and after 81711 DAY. Sent. 13th, 1888, trains will leave and arrive at the union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Depart.. Arrive. Mail Express 2:18 a: m. 1:8:13 a. m. Fast Line 9:43 a. m. 7:18 p. m. Fast Express, 2:38 p. m. 11:03 a. m. Mixed Way 6:13 a. m. 6:38 p. m. McDonaldfs