El I tts b littshgtt 4 111 aittts. , Alf AIUtTION SONG. HT Zit-OOP. OF 01210. : ‘ • 'Tottr.—Tlia Boot. Bold Bake,„ . • CI have:ycniheard the good news from Xalne ,Fal de ra rat de rat radd • Twastir4Wo THOUSAND R2ubItean gain- Fat de ral de rat raddy; Into their ho'es the Copperheads crawl, - And thlek and fast the Butt rnuts fall, With a yip, fat de ral ruddy. An auction! auction! come without tail, The Copperhead pa'ty I'll offer for sale— I'll sell it afoot as its running around As cheap as bull beefat a penny a pound, With a yip, fal de cal caddy How much for B.ymour ? What for Blair? GocirG DOG MIR/a , : Who bias for the pair? Going! Going! Can't dwell for manners. Only lit to send to the Tanners? With a )Ip, fal de ral raddy The tanners, men of excellent sense, - Win bang their hides upon the fence, Htdea.ofiirTmotir and Walt, remember, To be well ;tanned by next November, With a 31p, fal de ral raddy Who bids for Morgan? who Often lurks Instead of lighting -and never works; Fighting or working—those seeing the fun At t,umuerland Gapl will swear he cas RUN, With a yip, fal de ral raddy This Morgan's hide is a spongy and fat, There's danger it may ruin the vat; Already his aide in a pickle is in. The tanners—you bet—will tan his DOG SKIN, , N. With a yip, fat de ral raday. Ulysses the tanner's—the best of good boys, CRACKING OF lIIITIERNIITS much he e , loys, • Front of his tan-y.rd—signs and nanners, Show (Irani and Colfax—are the Tanners, With a yip, fal de ral ready. Ladles ifyou , ve unhappily wed • • With butternut: rebel, or, copperhead, Find all your pleading and coaxing vain, Pack up his trunk and ship him to Mai e, With a yip, fal de ral Paddy. • Zanesvillians, a Guest, from CHRZSEDOX'S here; Whom Rebels dread and Copperheads fear, :1 Soldier, Statesman—a sword and In golden letters here's General Garfield, . With a yip, tai de rat raddy. —Zoneerille Courier. • _ • STOP THAT KNOCKING. CAMPAIGN SONG, SUNG BY TIM ALLEGHENY GLEE CVO& For eight long years the Democrats Have been out in the cold; And now they're knocking at the White House door As they did in days of old ; But the time's gone by when Rebels With their fingers stained with gore, Can pit possession of the White House, • So there's no use knocking at the d00r..- Stop that knocking, &c. You all have heard of Seymour! He's of New York City fame ; - He's a Democrat, or Copperhead which means about the same. He's had his eye upon the White House For four long years or /more; But there's no use trying, for he can't come in ; And there's no use knocking at the door. _Stop that knocking, &c. Four years ago the Copperheads Sought the old_White House to gain, By bringing out asnidier, For be was alone fit to resign. But their tune has 'changed, for now they say That a statesman like Seymour Is theklnly man that's fit to rule, And they've set him knocking at the door. Stop that knockleg, The people say that Grant's the man The White. House cliAr to fill : They said it down in old Vermont And.they said it with a will. And now we've heard it echoed, From 111ai l le's rough rocky shore, That Grant's the man the people want To come in and shut the door. • (CHORUS)—Come in . General, ctc. (R.E.spoNsE)—l'm a coming, &c, EPHEMERLS. —General Logan is ill at Joliet. —Wild honey is plentiful in Arkansas. —Minnie Ranch is also popular in Paris. —John Allen's establishment is badly perfumed. —The egreat "liberal party"--Geo. Pea body.—Judy. —Fun thinks railway charges are always —fare enough. ,—Bioadway is said to be running over with Grecian Curvers. —There is an excellent crop of bttckwheat in New York this season. —The English sparrows are now quite numerous in New York. Von Moschiszker's wife writes Re publican campaign.songs. - —Albert Pike has been amusing St. Louisans with a rebel speech. —One county. in Ohio hati furnished 250,- 000Jmsheli of peaches this year. .-Why is a baker's servant like Canada ? Because it is a dough-minion.—Ez. —Madame de Stael's grandson, the Prince de Broglie, has entered a monastry. —The corn and whiskey crop of Ken tucky is said to belarge this season. —Philadelphia is to have an organ which takes the wind out of the Boston one. —Some one . says that farmers, like fowls, cannot get fall crops without industry. —General Garfield spoke to a large and enthuidastic Meeting in Zanesville last week. —A seventy-pound catfish_was caught in the Muskingum at Zanesville on Thursday last. —Train is getting very tired of • the Mar thalsea and thinks of taking bis departpre —The inconie of Mrs; Anna Coralltowatt: Aitcb,le from her, literary labors is $4OOO a year. —A black, male' ghost with a gory fore head disturbs the peace of a. Savannese family. Elisha Kent Kane Fox, so-called, is again trying to "call spirits from the vasty deep." —The widow of Wallace, the composer, is poor, and gives music lessons in New York. --General Carl Schurz is to speak thirty six times in Missouri during the month of October. • —An epidemic of typhoid fever and dya aentexy has been raging in Fall River Has sac,husetts. , --rhe'r/emocrats don't wan't negroes to vote, but they take a 'Biackamore for can didata for Mayor. ,Sun Bet Cos has been speaking in Phil adelphia to the Democrady whose sun set in the Bast last Monday. —A !neat little private dinner," with a pleatiant party to discuss it, welcomed Ansa Mellogg_back to New York: ' , The Grecian curve has been fashionable all summer at HQuibyr4, Baden-Baden and other European watering places. - —We hope in October to be able to ehron• icle a few more Democratic gains such-as therbetuit of 14 Mahn this month- New. York bride last week wore a satin dress, point lice veil and half \a' hun dred thousand , dollars' worth of diamond& —Jobv A.. But6r, the man who ditieover ed gold in California, receives a yearly bounty of $3,600 from- the ') i Stam• of Cali fond& =The contractors for dre ging - oita im .. - Portland. , proving r Harbor, Maine,' have abandoned their contract on account of un forseen difficulties. —The Philadelphia Bulletin thinks it Is , proper to say the following : The Pacific . 1 whale fishery has proved a failure tins par and the efforts of whalers have provedlna :whaling. —Count Moerner is dead. He was the Swedish representative who offered the throne to -Bernadotte whose descendent now occupies it_ The Count was eighty-seven years old. —Barney Williams and his wife recently gave a pleasant little fete champetre at their villa at Bath, and the informal little spread on the grass under the marquee cost $3,000 inclusive cf —The Democratic papers say they are feeding their roosters for November. This is kind, we shall be sure of having fat poultry to slaughter for thanksgiving day after Grant is elected. —Everybody is taking an unusual interest in Pennsylvania just now, and if Pennsyl vanians will but take the same interest in their State, we shall make all true Ameri cans proud of us in October. —The widow of Audubon, the naturalist, lives in want, near New York. with twelve grand-children dependerit upon her'and the exertions of one of her grand-daughters, who teaches music, for support. —A man in Lyrin, Masa., a few days ago made fifteen pairs of ladies' gaiters in less than ten hours, making seven dollars and fifty cents. This is said to be the greatest feat known to be accomplished by any shoe maker. —English people think none but the vul gar drink whisky, and consequently gener ally forma low estimate of the American people. Gin, according to British fashidn, is a much More aristocratic di s ink, and alio a quicker. poison. I • —A workman in a saw mill in Toledo, Ohio, on Monday, got caught in a saw which was in full motion, and his arm was severed at the elbow and his right leg, was cut off above the knee. He died very soon from his injuries. —"I buy two cravats which last me a whole year," said the famous Sebastian Bach, "a black one and a white one. In about six months the one does duty for the other. The black by constant use becomes rather white and the white turns very black." —There is but one nobleman with a title in Norway. Years ago all titles were abolished. That is, the possessors of them could keep them, but their children could not inherit them; so the old generation is now all dead but one, and he lives at Chris tiania much beloved. —Queen Victoria was much troubled, when at Lucerne, with the Swiss fashion of spending Sunday, and offered the villagers $4OO if they would adopt, while she was there, the English fashion, - which, as far as our observation goes, means to go in the bick doors of gin palaces and drink to bru tality. —The Pittsburger Bepublikaner, a Ger man Democratic paper published in this city, is always behind the age, put it was unusu ally so on Friday, until ?which day it had not found out that the Republican majority in Maine was not 15,000 . , How long will it take it to find out the other six thousand of the majority, is a conundrum which we give up in despair. —The following original and attractive advertisement appeared in a recent number of Gatiptani'B Ifizsenger: "Any gentleman of good family having the entrée to Belgian society is invited by a lady and gentleman highly connected to visit them at Spa, and spend the winter with them at Brussels as their guest,- quite free of any pecuniary con sideration, She onlye quivalent asked for, be ing the desired introduction. A small es tablishment. A good cook. The highest references." --Some one or other has amused himself by cbuntiag the average number of visitors to the Church of Notre, Dame in Paris. They amount to 1500 per day, 1000 of them being foreignen. Out - of the 1600, 200 ascend the towers, and 500 visit the "Tresor," the religious and historical ob jects of interest that are shown in the ves iry. Out of the 200 who mount the towers, 10 are furnished with telescopes or opera giasses, 80 have,inaps of Bilis, and 10 carry Victor Hugo's - celebrated I description of. "rsxis a Vol d'Oiseati." —The < Lanterns - question in. Paris has reachea an odsi phase. A. M. de Foudard writes to the Tribune to say that among his saciples of mock jewelry he 'has had a di rninutive lantern in his possession for five years, and that on Thursday last, while his wife was out on business affifirs—exhibiting samples, no ,eoubt, and obtaining orders— she was arrested and - locked up for two hours, every article in her possession bear-, ing the remotest resemblance to a lantern being taken from her. •At the same moment a commissary of police and four agents paid a visit to his workshop and seized every article of jewelq they could find, whether in a finished or unfiniked state, that approx imated to the proscribed form. —The Bucyrus Journal says: Our Devil heard of the great Republican , victories everywhere, and in our absence jammed the returns into our machine and ground out the following: Vermont! Out upon't! 30,000, very nearly, Making Copperheads feel queerly. Colorado!, Another blow, II Showing A bolition gain I I s On far off. Western Mettle! Again` A fearful Democratic slaughter In the 13tate of pure cold water. Nolonger Copperheads•feel pluCky About the'rebel State Kentucky, But hang their heads because they cat et Deny the coming man is Grant. • • There is no knowing what • else 'the ma chine would have ground out, if had not just then come in and stopped Lau. • i 4FP i ~. ,PVITSBURGH GAZE LE: MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 21; 1868 DENTISTRY EXTRACTED WlTHo'crr PAIN 2 NO CHARGE MADE wins Luminous. TEETH AIM ORDERED ETILL EMT FOR V 3, AT DR. SCOTT'S. ive PENN wrairr, 3D Dios ABOVE 'atm. ALL WOES WARRANTED. CALL AND EX- Amartz IM OP GENUINE vu:LoAN• ITE. znyindikT WELDON & KELLY, • Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers AND LAMP GOODS. I Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS, ' I BENZINE, •Ste. • N 0,147 Wpod Street. "se9:n22 Between btli and GUrAvennee. CEMENT, SOAP STONE,' &O. - pq YDRAIILIC CEMENT. AP nozzle., FLABTER. CHIMNEY TOPE, WATER PIPES. HENRY H. COLLINS, traika) • . 0 95 Wood street. HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE. Cheapest and best Pipe in the market. Also, RO BENDA.LE HYDRAULIC CEMENT toesale: B. B. & O. A. BRACKETT & CO. Office and Mannfaetory-240 REBECCA ST., Allegheny. Air Orders by mall promptly attended to. Je'N.:r93 • PIANOS. ORGANS, &O. BUY THE BEST AND CHEAP EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schoniacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCHOILACKIR PIANO combines all the latest valuable Improvements known In the con struction of a first class instrument. and has always been. awarded the highest Premium wherever ex hibited. Its One Is full, sonorous and sweet. Tne workmanship. for durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5O to $l5O, aceording to style and finish.) cheaper than all other so-called first class Piano. ESTEE'S COTTA'IE ORGAN 'Stands at the bead of all reed Instruments, in pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone or any similar instrument in the United States. It Is sim ple and compact In construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VON HUMANA TREMOLO" Is only to be found In this Organ. Price from $lOO to $O5O. All guaranteed for Ave years. BARR, RNAIEE & BUEITLER, nlli9 No. 12 ST. CLAIM STREET. KNABE & CO.'S AND }IMES BROS. PIANOS , For sale on monthly and quarterly payments. CHARLOTTE BLIMIE, ani9 43 Fifth street. Sole Agent. FAJLT, HATS M'CORD ee CO., 131 WOOD STREET, Are now ready with • LARGE AND SELECT STOCK of I3.AfirlC9l3, ts, andandAND FURS:, DEllata IN HATS, CAP'S AND FURS, All9O. Manufacturer, Wbolisale and Retail Dealer In TRUNKS, VALISES. ie.. No. .11.32 SMITH FIELD STREET. Pittsburgh, Pa. Orders promptly Ailed and satisfaction guaranteed. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. JULIAN ALLEN, LEAF TOBACCO. ABB SEGA.BE, No. 8 SIXTH STREET, (National Bank of Coro mem ) ‘1 PITTSBURGH, PA. Branch of 17A Water street, N. Y. apt:n77 ' DANIEL P. DIVAN. EXCELSIOR WORKS. R. eSz W. LTENICIIVSON • Manntactuiers and 110412lers !n' Tobacco, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, erSt No 6 FIEDREAL.ST.. AVWS43I33,NY• •hAP CONFECTIONERIEEL HENRI WOEi(011,1141C11, Confectioneitand. Bakery No. • I MITHPTIELVBTiIdIIeT, Between Soiventh and I..lbeitY. 8 1123' 0113111241341,00 N attached. ,; CRECnaLIN • . Coke'Bideeirlk Confectioner, _ D Et IN • °PIU ell 4 DOM: 4 EOI9 .0 1 : 1 m A 24178 s No: 40, iporner !Mend and Iltohinson st Ana- Bheny 4>T Mantua , ly on hand, log 4,1 pi various filivora /. . . 1311VMG, ZUCEEDiV. TIME Git o ri n .X AMERICAN CO • :y. ; • BUTAIN-HOLE? 011MEAKINii . SENViiirG MACHIN'S: •IT MAR .110Z411.1.U . BEING iILI39OI,I7TELY THE 'liEpT- FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, _AND IN YASHIRO ALLY THE CHEA PEST. .W402:46 wanted sa 1 LAMMaehlne: • ,Crii.A.S. , Arent fa_ i'Vreetorn Penn ylvsola: Dorn FIFTH AND HAMMY , BYDATIR over IHA r ardeon's Jewelry Store. • ' vorzneee ' SHEIETINGB AND BATTING. ErLDIESI, HELL /tmay_' ANCHOR COTT9N MILLS, eITTSIIUBc U., ' Kum ‘ttaris of MULTI inwrci,x iod 148ELT /11.1101108...141 IUIGIEWLIA SHEETINGS AND BATTING: .REUR AND PERFUMERY. 4TORN PECK 0 Ornantelnal Hair RAID WOlDczet AND PERFUMER, No. 113 Third street. near Smithfield, -,Pltteburghl Always on hand, a general .aseortzneuiel Lett W1G43, - BANDS, OUR_ ,1.13 - eptlesnenss'WloB; pgg,d, BOALPS, GUARD OALINS, BRAOXLETIS, 4 r& A P° 4- An 4 484,1 111 1,bicgiVeh fez Lunde and , Gentiamenti Ilatzt : Cattlagdonet the siesta% 112104014 '‘ ,i WOW tr-T2i ill 3 3: HATS AND CAPS. DLL= IN ALL 1UNI)13 or TIUMISINGS AND NOTIONS. FALL TILUM_ FALL THE arnxinolc Or Wholesale and Retail Buyers Is invited to onr Ernunavz STOCK of NE GOODS, 'umbrae! is nem and I Goods, "onn I sons; mid . an Flow' i 1 'elects, C t I ones, Orna , UR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Dress, Clo and Mantilla Trimmings; t'rlnges, H adings, Gimps; Trimming aces and Satins; Loops, But one, all shades; . Plain and S aded Velvet Ribbons; . . Embroider es;Handkerchlefs; . Laces and ace Goods; Dotted Ne e, Grenadines; Crape Veil , Lace Veils; Linen Con r an and Cuffs, Hosiery, Gloves; Ladies' aGent's Merino Underwear; Gent's Fu lshing Goods; 'Corsett, oop Skirts; The "La elle" and "Boulevard"Balmorals• A newl t Just received. ' Reltings, 'males, Jot Chains, Wersteds; Java Can 8, Germantown Wools, Knitting sins, Fancy Goods and Notions, Embract all that Is new and desirable in 11111nery Goods; tv Ribbons; American Flowers; here, Velvets, Crapes; is, Frames, Ornaments, &c, Straw and . Aats, Bonn French and Roses, Fen Uro De Nal ALSO TO Which we eft r at the VERY LOWEST EASTEILN raioNs. Wholesale Booms up stairs. JOS H HORNE & tel 4: 77 &79 hfli BEET STREET. NEW TRIMMINGS, New Fringes, Sewing Silk and Bullion. 1,200 Pair of Real French Corsets White and Colored only 50 cents a pair. ro A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF YARNS IN ALL COLORS THE NEW PAINS "LA BELLE BALMORAL." Gent's Pall and Winter Underwear. LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOOD' The largest supply and finest patterns of Ladies' & Misses' Balmoral Hosiery WOOL HOODS AND SACQUES Hoop Skirts, Kid and Silk Gloves. Rs The VERT LOWEST PATES to Jobbers MACRUM, GLYDE & 'TS and SO Market Street. PRICES MARKED DOWN MACRUM & CAI ,LISLE'S, N 0.19 Fifth Street. ALL 'GOODS GREATLY REDUCED ON AND AFTER JULY IST. HOOP SKIRTS. (Ladlei.%) f0r.... , COlifillTS, (Real Preach,) LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. 3 tor—. KID GLOVES. (warranted.) PAPER COLLARS 200 . Yds. SPOOL COTTON, (good) 5 POCKET BOOKS, worth 50c..... MEN'S BUMMER ITN DEBSEIRTEI MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS All kinds Bonnets and Hata at Half Cost CREAT BARGAINS! KIND OF 000108. Special Hates to Merchants It Dealers. taeastnn & cerausLa, UM MaL ESTATE AGENTS. O FURTH ST. 115. ll5. JOHN D. BAILEY 4lr. BRO., STOCKAND'REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AUCTIONEER% Are prepared to sell at Auction STOOKS, BONDS, and all kinds of SECVRITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. At 0., either on Rio premises or at the Board of Trade Rooms. Particular attention Paid. as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Sales of Real.Estateln the country attended. Oilice. No. LID FOURTH STREET. jyti:sll4 $lOBOOO 1119 ' POMT, • ON BOND AND MOBTOAGB. - • • OEIO. M. pwrunr. 1,101 • - 00 Smithtlald street. SLATE ORM ' .., . . • - . ___ • _ lirilTWIN CITY MULTE'OO. I E usaufsctore a superior 'article of • nootl-zro sz.A T E. arm* 48 Seventh St . 4 Pitteburgh, • '.lr. S. NICWM.STER,PreaIt. -112,26 , 04 " PAPER. ITTSBERGH PAPER MANE. P PAOTUBING COMPANY. Manufacturers . . . PRINTING ANDWRAPPING PAPERS. lusrtozir Nit ri,4 11 2 0110 1, 2. 010 °. nlenTurt isztLi- ORTON. Pa. • ;Or irsaieriopnF,, No.Si Third Areelt, Pittsburgh, Pa Ovrininti-4.110115T NAIIT.TB., President. JNO. B: LIVINGSTON; Treasurer, BAIIIINLitIDDLE. Seeretary: • Dnisownig—Alignst HartJe, John Hartman, Joint.% •-• • - Cub paid for Paver Stook. ' Jamas ICE. TICE /4313 / FE! D e aler , .IVILKAIUM§ Im ALiusi or4ersierttere itiret street iirmi t e wsi re calve proibttattfintlon. Vigolb rubbi b Pitt& bargb aad4ueKheW. • 7:08 54. Barred Flannel, INICYVV ' COrrere y II'ELROY, DICKSON Sz- co. r31=4. - warC9C)7IZ/Eiy AT WM. BENTLEYS, --- Grey Blankets, White Blankets, / Red Flannels,' Grey Flannel% Plaid Fliumels, , Rob Roy Flannels, Men's Underwear, . 25 1.00 AT LOWEST PRICES, 19 FIFTH 6THEZT. DB 180 and 182 Federal St, Allegheny. COITNTIt' BARR'D FLANNELS, J. IkMMIM) & CO'S, BLACK & WHITZ AND COLORED BARRED LANNELS. . - - warra COUNTRY FLANNELS BED AND YELLOW FLANNELS. WHITE FLANNELS, best make.. BED AND GREY. TWILLED FLANNELS. BLEACHED CANTON FLANNELS. UNALEAGH&D.do. BLANKETS, a tall assortment. CASSAIREES, KENTUCKY JEANS. Sir Remember the PI bee t No. 63 St.'elair, near Liberty St. 87. BURNET_ titiUtlET. 87. NEW PALL GOODS : , 74104011k .'F:',:rffILL2W; DRY GOODS. KITTANkUNG EXTRA HEAVY A VERY LARGE STOCK, IN GOOD STYLES. WHOLESALE ~~ WOOD STREET. 180 and 182 Federal Street,- 111 ALLEGHENY, PA., Boys' Underwear, _ Ladies' Underwear, Shawls, Sontags, `Hoods, Woolen Yam, Hosiery, Gloves. &on Wholesale and Retail, SEXPLE'S, No. 62 St. Clair Street. NOW OPENING, mum fl 87 mAzomzr CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH' 54. NEW. CARPETS ! ARRIVED AND ARRIVING. WE ARE IN RECEIPT OF Al immense stock of every de- seription of CARPETINGS, new styles, for Fall Sales, and which will be con- stoutly added to during the season. r ME VERY LOWEST CASH PRICE McCALLIIN BROS., 111EFTEL STREET. FALL . SaNOCIK NEWEST STYLES ! TAPESTRY AND BODY BRUSSEU TWO AND TmErth..p. Plat CARPETS ALL WOOL .1316=103; In great vario COMMON CARPETS, AT VERY LOW PRICES. DRUGGETS, all Width s MEDALLION DRUGGETS, WINDOW SHADE'S. Our .stock Is the largest and moot desirable I have ever offered to the trade. BOVARD, ROSE & CO: 21 F 1212111. • STREET. seleid&wP FALL GOODS. - - FIRST MUM: OF THE SLiSOI A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, Three Ply, And Ingrai CAIEUE9E r IPS, JUST OPENED AND OFFERED AT THE LOWEST RATES. OLIVER II'CLINTOCK & No. 23 Fifth Street tea: NEW C.A.RPETS AT POPIELAR PRICES. M'FARLAND & C0L7.13 OFFER. TEE Newest and Best Patterns AT THE LOWEST PRICE LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS AND CORNICE IIeFARLAI'M & - COLLIN ; 71 and 73 Fi.fth street. ' Next Building to 11. S. Custom Home & Poeta: aulOarwe. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS BIRTH SOUR EMU . . An infallible rionedy_foi Bummer Complaint, /5 rhei, Dysentery, Vomiting, Sour stomach Cholera Morbna. NI maw oar cut A specific ;An Cholera, Cramps and Pats la Stomach, for sale by . _ & EWING, Corner at Liberty and Wayne Strei AcamNws J. saaoomwmv. & SON'S PURE WI:TrrE , McCOVIII VERDITER GREER The only green paint that will not deteriorat : i exposure. It will look better. Last longer and more e terfcset satisfaction than any paint DYER .AND SCOURNR, EL J. LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER. no. a eiT. cz..ean EmmE' . And. Sae. 185 and IST Third Street - '• • . ' ITETZBITAGH,: PQ lk•aatj:t:l - 4(sty forti '40,4344 PESCEVAL, RECKEIT, 11/R41115114.1. EINGINEER,f 4.214..; is9uatika4 ratent 4 . omee,k: Wiwi% it otrijiti nitttsiviOt I%AM REaY . ntt of atatii ctisubLlNu mILL rnithed.nranteutanattentian paid V. raffillaph, Mfi.l4attTlEVvtik I G OlalaS itrst STQNE WEST COMMON Machine:Stone Works, Noramentoorner er welt Common. Alleabe A.TVATER, & 00. Rive on band or prepare on /NA notice R and Step Stones, VlegA tor,.Sitiewsiks, B c Vaulter, a°. Head and Tomb atones, ae• Orders promptly executed. Itices reaziLhab 121111 MS