The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 21, 1868, Image 1

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The Congressional Session—Fi
nancial 'Matters—The Surratt
. Case—Peisonal—'' Heavy Postof
! , - ficel3efaleation. '
TR,' Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.,
WisainvoioN, September 19, 1868.
•'• -•' '- - apPERviSoRs.
~ -
. ; General_
Schen& ‘had—another lengthy
interview with Mr. Rollins last night, in
'which the appebiteei for Supervisors were
_ 14%i:tired about quid concessions to Secretary
•McCullocliagreedapon. i
• - 1 ,
Mr. Colfax's health has been greatly im'-
proved lip his'weitern tripi He Says that
Congress must meet, and ititer a call of the
.House; if no quorum be pesent„ the body
must sit until, suilicient . absentees are
brought in by the Sergeatit-at-Arms, when
-.. the first 12usiness will be regarding a recess
-."--' or an ' ad3ournment-linlll . - December. Mr.
Wade will apply this rule in the Senate.
_ - Most of thn Rnpublican members of the
' "Mime favora prolongation of the recess
'until the fifteenth of October, withont the
transactioir'of any important business 'at.
this session. ° ' I
Senators Wilson, Cameron, Sherman,
, `.7nE_senflen, Conkling ethers arrived
. .....
_.nd, b _
here to-day, making thirty Senators in all
mow here; four less than a quoruht. - There
are already a large number of Representa
, lives 'here.
. -
1 The following dispatch has been received
here :
-RALEIGH., N. 0,, Sept. 19. To Hon. T. L.
"Vallook, Secretary of the Republican Con
gressional Committee : The associatedpress
dispatch in relation to my speech to the Re
_ _publican mass meetings here fis false. ; I
- made none of the. assertions attributed to
. -xne, nor did any one else. I
Raleigh, N. C., . 18th.
_ . _ • Sept.l _
The colored members expelled from the
"'Georgia. Legislature have formed them
fselves into 'an association celled the "Civil
and Political Rights Assoei anon, ' and have
issued a call for a State Conven ion of col
-bred citizens to be held in 'Macon the first
Tuesday in October. 1 '
' Atterney General Everts is now about, to
-arrange matters for the trial of eff Davis
in -- November. If - the trial( ea not take
place et that time; he thinks the e should
'be dismissed.
The Natkmal Bank currency i sued.dur
ing the week amounted to $91,5 ; total to
:. data: V0,790,376 i mutilated bills retu.rned,
.2 411 11 ,120,02OrttintfitrOMUIMmotemr*Attentedr
- M,litil Retrial ' circulation at .his date,
The, receipts of fractional correPcy for the
wiiekiinding to daY were $842,500; stipments
-of United States notes to Assistant Treasur
er atgit. Lents, $100,000; to Assists t Treas.
s -ward 'Simi:York, $100,000; to United States
Depository at Chicago, 1360,000; to United
StatesDepositorrat Cincinnati, $50,000; to
Natiohal Bea * . ks, $487;5 - 29; total, $497,429.
The fractional currency shipments were
as folio - we ; To Assistant Treasurer at
Philadelphia, $50,000; to United - States De
pcisitory -at Cincinnati, $50,000; National
Banks, $385,031.
The 'Treasurer of the United States holds
in trust for National Banks as security for
• circulating notes, $341,921,700 ; and for pub
r lie deposits $38,052,250.
1' ; PERSONA".
A suit has been entered 'by H.-Moorhead
against Dr. Cornelius Boyle, formerly of
• this pity charging the latter with the im
prisonment-OfMrs. Moorhead for three
years, thus preventing her return to the
-care--and society other husband. Damages .
are laid at $35,000. • Boyle avers that as
Provost Marshal in Virginia, in the Confed
erate service, he, by order of Gen. Beaure
,;_4ard,-prevented. ber ;front crossing and re-,
- ,crossing thOineti.. = 0 i ! :f_ ,
- lite:A. H. Stepheint left here to-day, after
a brief interview with the President. All
--4.1f4th0 Cabinet officers are here except Sec
retary Browning. •.... .
General Costa, the Colombian Ministor,r. theßecretary of Legation,
-z. •••Mr.'Cortett;'. were.„prennted to the Presi
dent to-day by the Secretary of State. The
• • usual formal diplomatic speeehep were
- :nude on the occaiiion. - - . .-: ~... - .
General Kilpatrick has arrived here. He
is. to be serenaded . ,to.night, and will make
The President thinks he will .start • for
TNew York on Monday next.
- It is eaid about the court house to-day
that no attempt will be made to try Surratt
• on thi3 fast lrnurder indictment, and the
trial on the rebellion indictment will cer
tainly be commenced on Monday morning.
ASyet =meta the forekm witnesses have
arrived, but the witnesses residing in the
city and vicinityhave all been summoned,"
:Some seem to think it'impossible that the
trial will be a very short one.
, . WAsimeron, Sept. 20r 1868:
THE corroanssioNAL SESSION.
Members of-Vongress continue to_errive
by every train. About-eighteen 'Senators
and fifty members of the House are in the
4ity. <The indications'are that at to-mor,
row noon there will be a quordm in each
branch of a Congress. ,Members now here
`include` some • representatives , ' from' the
most distant Western, Southern and East:
ern States. „
The trial of John H. Barrett, on the sed
-.ond ipdictment; charging him with con
•spiracy to capture-President Lincoln. &e,,
wfircommenea.lopOrrow. ' The District
- :Attirrney will enter 71 , tiate prasequt on the
first indietment, mrkich charges _him
:utni'deia - • Tilia - "contemplateB s 46..
tlon ; on the [ park of,the District Attorney
;Is owing party tO the:difference of opinion
ton 'the subject of odtMfactive presence,
*Well is szreasentiel particular of a trial
-• - ittilditr the firatindictment. .There is no id r
diestiort of eircuMstances Which will fuFther,,
-'4olll3‘aliecend..trial of the prisoner.
Information which has come to the
-knowledge-6i the - rostoffice Department
since ' yesterday afternoon, leads to the sus
picion that asheavy defalcation has been com-.,
ixdtted,Py •E.,11.; Oluistead,
Clerk andStiperintendent of the building.
• Olmstead left the yesterday, and the
.manner of his departure and his actions
just befOre leaving caused suspicion. His
financial affairs will be examined 1et0m.. 7
morrow. Efforts 'for his arrest have thus
tai been unsuccessful. It Is understood he
has been engaged in heavy speculations.
arid,r; - ;
CBr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
NEW 'YORK, September 19, 1868.
The, Women of the Working Women's
House, N 0.45 Elizabeth street, have formed
a working women's association No. 2, with
nearly one hundred members, appointing
Mrs. N. K. Putnam as delegate to the Na
tional Labor Union Congress, which is to
assemble inthin city cn Monday. The fol
loWing permanent officers were elected:
President—Dr. Harriet Cliste;; Vice Presi
dents—Miss S. Davis; Miss C. F. Field, Miss
H. Brewster; Secretary—Miss S. U. Good
richtareasurer,--Jennie Lesaey.
The iWorkingmen's Union held a meet
ing last 267. Bowery, to arrange for
the recePtiorof delegates from other cities
to the NationatLabor Union,lo take place
next M , mday morning, at Germania Halt.
Great indignation was expressed at the dis
couragement,-lately given by the Board of
Supervisors to the eight hour movement by
their_ notification to the bricklayers on the
new County Court House, that they must
in the future, Work for ton hours a day in
stead of eight." A committee was appointed
to remonstrate wi-h them and explain,the
great benefits to accrue to workingmen
generally through a reduction of the hours,
of, mane al labor.
.14.1.65 t of our leading clergymen are down
on the John Allen revival business, and
think it will --result / in disgrace to the
church, as ,they think - the professed fervor
Is really unfounded..: •
The loss by fire in Higgins' carpet factory
this naerning was *1745,000.--,Some eleven
handredpeople -are thrown out of
ment by the fire. . .
. .
Senator Sprague is reported as being con
fineitto, his'. `house in Providence :with a
broken leg. ..-
The deatha - this week were five hundred
and fifteen.
• - ..The :Broadway: Theatre shooting affray
waSbefore the eou're - to-day, and Deputy
Sheri& Moore and Hickney identified as
thosewho:did the.shoptigg.. it will be con
tinued next week.
George Upton, while endeavoring to get
upon a train of cars at Newark to-clay,
while in motion, fell under the wheels, and
his head was completely- severed from his
-- - -
. A negro girl emnmittee suicide yesterday
in Jersey City by taking Paris green.
An apparatus used to hoist brick and
mortar at the building on the corner of
Canal street and Broadway, fell this even
ing in . consequence of a tacle block becom
ing unhooked, and killed James Toben and
T. Shay, both laborers. A boy standing on
the work was struck by a falling brick and
badly injured.
Most of our leading clergymen are down
on the John Allen revival busines4, and
think it will result in disgrace to the church,
as they think the professed fa.vor is really
Governor Seymour will be here next
week:, and will remain to attend the Epis
copal Triennial Convention, of which he is
a member.
A large number of workmen have arrived
here to attend the Labor Congress, which
opens on Monday, •
John Sefton, a well, known comedian,
10,,y at his residence in
this city.
Bids for contracts under the recent ap
propriation of Congress, to remove obstruc
tions in 'Hell , Gate, be, opened to
morrow. Notwithstanding the very small
amount of appropriation the competition is
likely to be quite lively.
The churches .in this city and Brooklyn,
which have 'been closed for the summer
vacation, were re-opened to-day and regu
lar services resumed.
Arrived to-day, the steamship City of
Boston from Liverpool on the 9th - and
queen2town on the 10th, and the Manhat
ton# from Liverpool on the Bth and Queerni;•
Own on the 9th.
An extensive fire occurfed at Bergen
City, N. T.. last evening. Seven new frame,
houses on Bergen avenue corner of Oxford
avenue, only three of which were occupied,
were destroyed. Loss 880,000. =Six fami
lies were made homeless by the confiagra l
tion. It is understood the balldingswere
The steamship Arizona arrived from As
pinwall on 12th inst., with 6330.800 in trea
sure. Affairs at -Panama remained unset
tled., Generals Grita and Mulls were dis
,turbing the Government by opposing Wee-
Ilona . in the interior; - and. President Car
moss had , dispatched anme troops to the
scene of dit3lculty. Several revolptionerY
characters had been banished, and the Gov
,ernment was strenuoushrexerting, itself to
"restbrb tranquility. - Eic•Titsiderit Diaz and
his Secretary, Bermudez!, had returned
from their banishment to San Francisco,
and remained In Panama by permission of
Ithe; Goyernment. ,In a squall atluipinwall
on the . Bth,the 'American '"brig Rolling
Wave was struck by lightningand suffered
wen damage., A violent hurricane passed
over Tobago on the'. 9th, accompanied , by a
whirlwind whiCh uprootedlreee, destroyed
houses and did much damage to shipping:
The Meaner 'Raliari.was badly injured in
her upper works, and a schooner was dash-.
ed ,to - pieces on the rocks.
The - steamship Rafarl, from A usttalia,
August 2d, arrived at Aspinwall on the sth.
Extraordinary discoveries of gold had
been - made in - Ophir in New South Wales
and there was a great rush to the new dig
• A. difficulty had arrisen between . the Co
lonial. Government and the American Con
sul at Sydney; concerning some Contracts
made under consular seals, which were-al
leged to be unwarranted. No explanation
had been made by Consul Latham.
'The American Consul at Viet oria
sented-by order of his Government a tes
thnonlaito Capt,,,Glenroy for rescuing the
survivors of the wreck"of the ship General
priint at Aukland , lslauds. 0 , •
The Parliament 'of South Australia open
,ed on the 81st of. July.
Tine eriSenditnieit of the noldby exceeds
the revenue by .880,Q00eterling.
The cotton crop in`, Queensland has prov
ed succeasfal.
Advises from Rio Janiero by the.stqaMet:
Merrimac condrm•the previons accounts of
the captirrn ofilurnltstandthe situation of
affairs at Timba and in Tebicuany. •
Intc#tsting Partieularsof Dr. Hall's Arctic
Research Expedition., „
Cll,2.licanipi tee P,lttiburgb Uosette.l
t- 'NEW -*sic,' Septimber 19.=-Dr. Gould;
of Dublin, arrived in this city on Thursday
last from the arctic regions, add gives some
interesting particulars of Dr. Hall's Arctic
Research Expedition. Captain Hall hasas..
certained definitely the circumstances of
the dealt) or the last., , two , survivors . of Sir .
JObn Vtanitlites_partY.l. Captain Crozier,
and a steward of one of the vessels, died in
1884, near Jouthampton Ishind. Captain'
Crozier's wjAch and other-relics are now in
Dr. Hall's possession, and he - was to. start
in INbrtirpor 'Mach last with au armed,
p ,rty of natives and Europeana'.o' fecure
some records left by Franklin's . men i n
King William's Land..
VOITJEt o , cx..ocx. A. 11.
The tWar Apprehensions--Irish
Church Disestablish went--Em
peror, of France and Queen of
' Spain Have an Interview--Her
ported Insurrection in Spain—
; teligiousTolerationin Austria.
fitiecial Dispatch to Pittsburgh Gazette.]
LONDON, September 19.—1 t is reported
that George Peabody will Soon purchase a
large estate in
° Hungary.
John Wilson Patten, Member of Parlia
ment for North. Lancashire, has been ap
pointed. Secretary of State for Ireland, vice
Earl Mayo, appointed Governor General of
India. -
Lospos, Sept. 20. The apprehensions of
war have.partially subsided during the past
week._ The efforts of the partisan press to
extract a warlike significance • from the
speech of the King of Prussia at Kiel have
proved a failure. It is evident that peace is
'sincerely desired by the governmenta and
people of Europe. with the solo exception
of the Emperor of the Freneh, whose pur
pose is unknown and perhaps undetermin
ed. A growing indignation is manifesting
itie;-f 'at his ambiguity or indeciaion.
LONDON, Sept: 20.-4ccording to the
tenor of the last advices from Central Asia
the resumption of hostilities on the part of
the. Russians in Bokhara is expected in
October next.
SOUTHAMPTON, Sept. 20.-LThe steamship
Germania, from New York on the Bth inst.,
arrived at 4:30 this morning for Hamburg.
LeNtioN, September 20—Midnight.—The
following_ important news has been re
ceived from Madrid: The Prime Minister
Gonzales Cracee, and Mayald and Belda,
members of the Spanish Cabinet, have re
signed. The Marquis of, lartvatie has been_
requested to fill their places ad interim.
The Queen is returning to • Madrid. Mar
tial law has been proclaimed in the Capital.
P.A . nrs, September 20.—The journals here
have reports that a general movement
against the Queen has commenced in Spain;
that it is headed by Veneral Prim and by
the Generals who were recently exiled.
Some accounts say that the rebels aro mov
ing on Madrid in force.
Pmus, Sept. 20.—QueenrIsabell a, of Spain,
made a visit to the Emperor and Empress
at Biarritz. Soon after the return of the
latter from St. Sebastian an insurrection is
repcirted to have broken out in Andalusia,
Spain. —•
PESTtt, September 20.—The Hungarian
Diet prpposes to establish universal 'relig
ions toleration throughout the Kingdom.
TRIESTE, August 20. Shortly after his
arrival at this port, Admiral Farragut re
ceived and entertained a party of Austrian
naval and military officer, on board his
flag ship, the Franklin. The Admiral sub
sequently made a visit to Miramar, the
residence of the late Arch Duke Maxima-
DUBLIN, September 20.—At a meeting of
the Roman Catholic clergymen of Galway
a resolution was adopted pledging those
Present to oppoie all candidates for Parlia
ment who do not support Mr. Gladstone's
resolves for the dlsestablishatent of the
Irish Church. , •
Memel:4 September 19.—Minister Ban
croft and Prince Ilohenlotip, Minister of
Foreign Affairs for Bavaria, to-day formally
exchanged the ratification of the treaty
relative to eitizenship.
LONDON, September 19—Evening.—Con-
Rola unchanged.. Amen= securities closed
quiet and steady at opening prices.
. LivEfiroof., Sept. 19.—Evening.—Cotton
closed easier, but not quotably lower.
Wheat , quiet. Corn firmer. Pork firm.
Lard quiet. -Tallow firm.
FRANKFORT, Sept. 20.—8 , nds aro dull
and quotations nnailnally Unchanged.
Rejoicing Over the Maine Election—Large
Republican Meeting.
(By ,Telegraph to the Pltteburth Oss-ette.l
WHEELING, W. Va., September Zl—The
Republicans fired one hundred guns yes. in honor of their victory in Maine.
At night an ant htisiastio meeting was held
in the Washintrton Hall, under. _the auspi
ces of the Grant . Club, which was , largely
attended. Hon. Jno. S. Carlisle, formerly
United States . Senator from Virginia under
the reorganized Government, spoke for
two hours in sup
and was followed briefly by Hon. Banta
min Stanton. The remarks of both gentle
men were loudly applauded.
The St. Louis Excursion Party.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
ST. Lours, Sept. • 20.-:-/Phe St. Louis' ex
cursion party for- Omaha and the Reeky
Mountains arrived at St. Joseph yesterday
mid were received and welcomed by May
or Hall. ' Mayor Thompson, of Louts, t.
_responded. They-dined at the Pacific IHo
tel, as guests of the city,• and left in the
'afternoon fer Ocanoil Bluffs by a special
train. The party arrived at Omaha at nine
o'clock last night, and were received by a•
large delegation - of business MOll of the
thy, who gave them a fine banquet at. the
International Hotel. Mayor •Roberts Jon
'dared them the hospitali-y of thlicity.
A; business meeting will be held to-I:nor
row merning to dliomas the immediate con
struation of., an railroad between
Omaha and St. Louie. The party2will 'be
joined, here by a number:of Eastern capi
talists, and they will all - leave for the end
of the Pacific road to-morrow at SP. M. on a
special train, provided,by the Coinpany.
• I:len. Blair-arrived , Omaha lroni the
Weet last night and will leave for the East
to.intirrOw. 1, , • -
Kallroid Engineer Killed.
[By TeEepaph 0 film 4uette.l
BOWLING Gnspw, -Sept. 2.-.4 4Th eph Test,
from 'Patterson New Jersey, an ea near
on the Clarksville Division of the Danis
vine add [,Naehville Retires/at was run ,over
and killed Dylast night's_itouth bound ex
pleas, eV/let:MS..3ld, Ky. He w,sts acting as
engineer of the north-bound freight, which
Was - delayed,;and was 'waiting for, the paa-,
Banger train, when he unwittingly eat down
on the main track and fell asleep. Elia re
mains go .home to-morrow morning by
Adams express.
Organization to Re `l st the United States
Officers- 7 A Marshal Seized and Threat
ened. , 1*
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh IJazette.; '
Lotristurs.r., Sept 29.—0 n Thursday last
U. S. Marshal AlerOweather, accompanied
by fifty U. S. soldiers, under the command
of Lieut. Drury, left Louisville to protect
the Marshal and his deputies in the execu
tion of proeesses in Nelson and Larne coon.
ties. On arriving at Howard's Mills, on
Rolling Perk, which forma the boundary of
Nelson and Latue - Scounties, the soldiers
went into eamp.. -Mr. Howard, who resides
at the mills, invited Marshal Merriweather
to his house :tti : Supper. He accepted
the invitation, but had ' not finished
his supper beforethree men entered the
house with pistols 'n hand; and demanded
his surrender. Bing unarmed he com
plied. - .They-then oceeded with him to
wards the woods, threatening to make
short work,of him. When.they got there,
however, Mr. Howaid. overtook the party
and told - them they should not hurt the
Marshal. Mr. Howard then accompanied
the Marshal to camp; where the sol
diers "were. '' After arresting Charles
Howard, Mr. Holt and James Mahoney,
the paftieSeliarged with assisiing in out
rages upon-Deputy
.Marshals - some weeks
since, and 'executing- several summons -in
debt ovine; persons in that neighborhood,
they retursied,to Louisville. There is be
yond "doubt a regular organization in
Larne, Nelson and Marion counties to pre
vent the "eitecution of any process from
United States Courts. It numbers from
two hundred to three hundred men.
The Prize Ring—McCoole vs. Heenan
'Buckeye Racing Club—Accident to Tug
Boat Tigress. . . .
Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) .
exams:real, Sept. 29.—A letter was re
ceived here to-day from McCoole, dated St:
Louis, expressing his willingness to enter
the ring with Heenan for a stake of ;5,000,
providing that any man in America be se
lected as stakeholder other than Frank
Queen. John Franklin, of this city. holdis
Heenan's first deposit of $2,500, and Mr.
Hays is ready to cover it upon the accept
ance of. the terms proposed.
The fall meeting of the Buckeye Racing
Club commences on Saturday next. Some
of the finest stables in the west have al
ready arrived ; and moree coining.
- Yesterday morning the t ! boat Tigress,
bound from Cincli:nuti for Pi tsburgh with
a tow of empty coal barge-,'''' , when near
Chile, on the Ohio river, collaNktwo
flues in her starboard boiler. A t bred
tiremitn. named Duckett, of Allegheny
city, wasjalown ovcirboard and lost. Two
other colored firemen, Anderson s nd Gat. -
wood, also of Allegheny city, were badly
scalded. The boat was brought back to this
A man," named Casper Rosenberger, com
mitted suicide yesterday by bloWing his
brains out with a pistol.
Nova Scotia Matters.
111 Ti legraph to tho Pittsburgh Gazette.:
,Sept. 19.—Both Houses have
passed 'a bill providing that the militia
should not be compelled to serve outside
the province without the consent of the lo
cal government.
In the Assembly last night the Provin
cial Secretary moved an address to the
Governor, praying him to transmit the
minutes - of the Council and the repeal res
olutions to the British Government, and
also to use his personal influenc.! towards.
obtaining the passage of the repeal resliu
tion, which was passed. A. resolution WAS
also passed authoriiing the government to
borrow hairs millien of dollars for unfore
seen purposes.
The Legislature will be prorogned Mon
day afternoon.
Walter Brown..-111a_Recent Race with
Coulter—A Challenge.
[By Telekraph to t h e Pitteburgh Gazette.l
Bosroic, Sept. 19.—1 t having been stated
_that the course over which Brown and
Coulter rowed at Pittsburgh recently was
not full five miles, and that Brown had no
right to the claim of making the tastest
time on record, Brown is out in a card to
day offering ,to wager that he can beat even
the time made in the race, 34 minutes 28%
seconds, or he will row any man in the
world for any amount of money.
Terrible Fxplosion of a Cartridge Factory
(Ity Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NEW Yonx, Sept. 19.—A special from
Metz,. France, last evening, says: On a clo
ser eactjxdpation of the ruins of the cartridge
factOry, anean official investigation as to
the number of persons employed In the
works load to the still more sorrowful coo
(guidon that fortv-slx persons were killed
and'one hundred and ten very badly woun
ded by theexplosion which: occurred this
The Extradition Case. • •
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l
TOBANTO, September 19.—The Express
robbery Extradition cue.carts again before
the police magistrate. ' Dan Thompson, one
of the prisoners, made a full confession.
His evidence, which was given with
ject of proving the case one of embezzle
ment, has created- a sensation.
.Tool case
was,adjourned until Friday next, to enable
the prosecution to bring witnesses from
New York.
Highway Robbery.
[lty Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. I
CHicAne, September' 20.—W. F. Page,
Commission merchant in this city, Was
attacked by , highwaymen on Friday night
near Ringgold, this county, and robbed of
52,500. No clue to the perpetrators of the
outrage. •
A Sheriff Missing. •
Teligiapb to the Pittaburth Gazette.)
' ROCKLAND, Me4fiept.l9.—Sheriff Laugh
ton, of this county, is missing. Foul play
is suspected. His horse and wagon have
been found on the road nears pond. -
Alabama Legislature....
coy Teiempe to the ptuastunti easette.3
bloryraomi ni, September 19.—The Leg
islature did nothing of importance to-day.
TEA Lime of the SerutteAvas consumed in
making political speeches.
• ,
—A New Orleans dispatch says that at the
instance of prominent Democrats, Governor
Warmouth has appointedlleo. A. Fosdick,
Vice President of the New Orleans Cham
ber of. Commerce ' , to: be a member of the
State Board of Registration, the other two
members being Republicans.. It being un
derstood that the, setae rule would be car
ried out in the appointment of local Boarde,
g i t meetingof ,the State. Board, on the 17th
insL majority,'a thi Board decided they
would not, Under any glrcumetances What
ever, permit a Dentoorat to be, placed • on
any' Board of superildion. Mr. Fosdick
presented a protest ardnat this action, but
the•chairman and one member, conatitu-
Wig a majority, refused to recede , frot - a their
position. Governor Wariziouth states he
does not approve of the action of the Baird
of Registration, but has no control over it.
Rebel Illustration Scenes When Seymour is Elected.
LFrom the Independent Monitor, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, September 1, 16'13.3
A Prospective Scene in the City of Oaks . , 4th of March, 1 869.
"Hang, curs, hang ! * * Their complexion is perfect gallows.
Stand fast, good fate, to thesr hanging ! * * * * If they be not born to be
hanged, our ma,. is miserable."
The above cut represents the fate in store for those great pests of Southern society—the
carpet-bagger and scalawag if found in Dixie's land after the break of day on the 4th of
March next.
The genus carpet-baggeri
s a man with a lank bead of dry hair, a lank stomach and
long legs, club knees and splay feet, dried legs and lank jaws, with eyes like a fish and
mouth like a shark. Add to this a habit of sneaking and dodging about in unknown
places—habiting with negroes in dark dens and back streets—a look like a hound and
the smell of a polecat.
Words are wanting to do full justice to the genus scalawag. He is a car with a con
tracted head, downward look, slinking and uneasy gait; sleeps in the woods, like old.
Crossland, at the bare idea of a Ku-Klux raid.
Our scalawag is the local leper of the community. Unlike the • carpet-bagger, he is)a
native, which is so much the worse. Once he was respected in his circle; his head was
level, and he would look his neighbor in the face. Now, possessed of the itch of otliCe
and the salt rheum of Radicalism, he is a mangy dog, slinking rarough the alleys, hunt
ing the Governor's office, defiling, with tobacco juice, the steps of the Capitol, stretching
his lnzy carcass in the sun on the square, or the benches of the Mayor's Court.
He waiteth for the troubling of the politicaLwaters, to the end that he may step in and
be healed of the itch by the ointment of office. For office he "bums,' ;asa toper "bums"
for the satisfying dram. For office, yet in prospective, he hath barter&l respectability
hath ahanclonded business and ceased to labor with his hands, but employs his feet kick
ing out boot-heels against lamp-post and corner-curb, while discussing the question of
tiff ce.
It requires no seer, to fortell the inevitable events that are to result from the.coining fall
election throughout the Southern States.
The, unprecedented action is moving onward with the swiftness of a velocipede, with
the violence of a tornado, and with the crash of an avalanche, sweeping negroism frdm.
the face of the earth.
Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of Alabama who have recently become squatter
sovereigns, carpet-bags in hand, and they filled with dirty electioneering doruments
And twenty times woe to those so-called Southrons who have turned their narrow heads,.
infinitesimal hearts and filthy hands against the land of their nativity I
Hereafter when future generations shall contemplate the fate that these white-skinned.
wretches had in store for U 9, they will wonder at the extraordinary degree of forbearance
manifested brus of the .present dark day. ,
But the happy day of reckoning with these white-cuticle scoundrels appmeheth rapidly.
Each and every one who has so unblushingly essayed to lower the Cancassian top, degree
even below the African race, will be, regarded as hotis sot( gelteris, and be dealt with ac
cordingly, if found hereabout when the time is ripe for action. -
The carpet-bagger already begins to sniff the coming ill-wind, and is sneaking out of the
country a/a Harrington, of Mobile. But we hope some boreal stragglers may be left far
from their "hums," to swing alongside of their meridianal coadjutors in infamy. I
We candidly beieve that the picture given to our readers ut supra, correctly represents
the attitude and altitude of all foreign and domestic foes of our land who shall have the
folly to remain "down South" after the ides of March. The contract for hanging will be
given to the negro, who, having mounted the carpet-bagger and scalawag on the mule
that he didn't draw at the elections, will tie them to a limb, and leading the said mule
from under them, over the forty acres of ground that he also didn't get, will leave the
vegabonds high in mid air, a feast for anthropophagous vermin.
P. S.—lt will be seen that tbere is room left on the limb for the suspension of any bad.
Grant negro who may be found at the propitious moment.
(From the leading editorial column of the Tualta
ioosa Monitor.]
reakil.l l 46ll. 9 fiVllPMDDlNivAt4eoo4
O=DOLPII, Editor.
Seymour. and regulation of the,auffrage by
the people of the • Slat e ; Grant and Con
grease° nal enforcement of negro suffrage.
Which will you have?
Seymour and the abolition of the negro bu
reau; Grant 'and the maintenance of four
millions of blacks at the =penis of the North.
Make your choi c e. • '
Seymour and the reduction of the standing
army; Grant and a tarp military establish
ment, and the arming of the Southern negroes.
Seymour,and Irish liberty ; Grant and the
chilly-ehally of .Radicatiam that permits Fe
niUn patriots to die upon the gibbet.
Grant 'stands . convicted of breakin,g his
word with President Johnson. Can such a
ma be , trusted?
&I/war, Btatr, and religious liberty;
Grant, Colfax , . and religious persecution—
speeiall,y for,the Jews.
Both Whitegaid Black Invited to a Public
(From the Independent Mnnitee, Tusialooss, Ala
i/I=2,September 1, Ned. J
At the' University grounds, near the city
of Tuskaloosa, on Saturday, the 10th" - of
September, 1868. Every body invited,both
white and black. Persons wishing to".'sub,.
scribe either money or provisions,will please
call on John Glascock, Esq.
Exultation over the Successful' Ostrachan
of a Union Bookseller.
. . .
Froze the Independent 'Monitor, Tuttaloess,
bauutc.septembeel /tee.)
Bili ! tovAL.
We - sitw F ayheelbarrow at 0. P.'s . moss-
covered door-way, on Friday morning, load.
lag with musty papers and books. Sup
pose "he is moving either to Selma or to
Tom. Maxwell's 'store, where : the wheel
barrow stopped and unloaded.
- 7 ' -;' ' 7:77'7
I Departure of the Blue-Bellies—That is,
United States Soldiers.
[From the Independent Yonitoi. Tuskaloosr., ALI.—
tams, Beptemberl , MM.)
DULL. - •
Our town has, ever since -tbe departure
of the "blue-bellies," presented a most du4
and forlorn appearance: . . Those -fellows
kept us somewhat alive, by their many ac
of invasion upon our 'rights; and so mutt
were the bumps of combatiyeness of our
people kept swelled by their flagrant out
rages and atrocious insults, - that scarcely a
day passed when It could be truly said,
"there' s nobody hurt." -Nolo, the angry
passion' seem to have subsided.
Five Murders Boasted o .
(From the Indetendeqhionitoti:tnakalooaa
- *epcember 1, 1 89.3
The notorious bad stegkoes were found
swinging by the neck , tolimbi i# the woods of
Colbert eouuty, a few dagi :dime, They had
been guilty of making threats against the
whites. •
,Cheering News.
From the Huntsville (AlLL.)lnds.penpent, Septem-
ber 8114 1669.)-
(len. L. P. Walker, who has spent several
months In New York State and Pennsylva
nia, returned home yesterday morning, and
bringa home most encouraging news. ile i
confident of the success of the Democrat
tieketllat the North'ie completely revolu
Lionized, and the defenders of freedo
aroused as they never were before.
Pleasing. Attentions to. gmlgrants.
(From the Independent Monitnr. - Tuakaloosa, - Ala.,
, , neptsmbrr 101363.1
Scallawag Cloud, of Mbntgomery, and
carpetbagger. Lakin, of Nowhere, arrived
here on Thursday.. Cloud, , the Radical
Jockey comes as trainer, of Lakin, the ne
gro-loving jackass. The" one is a long,
slim' creature of the ?wirer kind; the other
is a stout, pussy reptile of the genius ba
traehia. Both would make first rate hemp
stretchers. For further inkrmation they
may regarlithe woniVout eliewhere. Next
week we will give a Maid' elaborate descrip
tion'of the varmints. - We would not take &
good deal for this fresh game:,
LATER.-0n Friday afternoon, Lakin In
continently departed, way of the Hunts
ville road. On Sattirday - morning, Cloud
also "made tracks" " in' ' the direction of
Montgomery. It seems , that these fellows
had come here to take formal possession or
the. University piteMlies. , Professor Wy—
man, however, who is the real President or
the institution, gofer Objected to their impu
dent procedure - as to:: positively refuse to
give up the keys. .T4e two pretendersthem
opened, their peepers's& saucers,. in
wonder, and were sorely perplexed, Wek
think Professor Wythaddid exactly right in
pursuing this bold course, . ,tor he has thus
saved the University.from the everlasting
stigma of having once "bkir polluted by
the obnoxious presence off, nigger-worship
ing faculty, and of black and white-sp?fte4l,