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' TR,' Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., WisainvoioN, September 19, 1868. •'• -•' '- - apPERviSoRs. ~ - . ; General_ Schen& ‘had—another lengthy interview with Mr. Rollins last night, in 'which the appebiteei for Supervisors were _ 14%i:tired about quid concessions to Secretary •McCullocliagreedapon. i • - 1 , Mr. Colfax's health has been greatly im'- proved lip his'weitern tripi He Says that \ Congress must meet, and ititer a call of the .House; if no quorum be pesent„ the body must sit until, suilicient . absentees are . brought in by the Sergeatit-at-Arms, when -.. the first 12usiness will be regarding a recess -."--' or an ' ad3ournment-linlll . - December. Mr. Wade will apply this rule in the Senate. _ - Most of thn Rnpublican members of the ' "Mime favora prolongation of the recess 'until the fifteenth of October, withont the transactioir'of any important business 'at. this session. ° ' I Senators Wilson, Cameron, Sherman, , `.7nE_senflen, Conkling ethers arrived . ..... _.nd, b _ here to-day, making thirty Senators in all mow here; four less than a quoruht. - There are already a large number of Representa , lives 'here. I SPEECH OF JOSH HOLDEN. '1 . - 1 The following dispatch has been received here : -RALEIGH., N. 0,, Sept. 19. To Hon. T. L. "Vallook, Secretary of the Republican Con gressional Committee : The associatedpress dispatch in relation to my speech to the Re _ _publican mass meetings here fis false. ; I - made none of the. assertions attributed to . -xne, nor did any one else. I ..., - - JOSH W. HOLDEN, Raleigh, N. C., . 18th. _ . _ • Sept.l _ EXPELLED COLORED MEMBERS. _ The colored members expelled from the "'Georgia. Legislature have formed them fselves into 'an association celled the "Civil and Political Rights Assoei anon, ' and have issued a call for a State Conven ion of col -bred citizens to be held in 'Macon the first Tuesday in October. 1 ' ' .1. JEFF DAVIS' TRIAL. - ' Atterney General Everts is now about, to -arrange matters for the trial of eff Davis in -- November. If - the trial( ea not take place et that time; he thinks the e should 'be dismissed. TREASURY STATEMENT The Natkmal Bank currency i sued.dur ing the week amounted to $91,5 ; total to :. data: V0,790,376 i mutilated bills retu.rned, .2 411 11 ,120,02OrttintfitrOMUIMmotemr*Attentedr - M,litil Retrial ' circulation at .his date, ,12,99,84,027. The, receipts of fractional correPcy for the wiiekiinding to daY were $842,500; stipments -of United States notes to Assistant Treasur er atgit. Lents, $100,000; to Assists t Treas. s -ward 'Simi:York, $100,000; to United States Depository at Chicago, 1360,000; to United StatesDepositorrat Cincinnati, $50,000; to Natiohal Bea * . ks, $487;5 - 29; total, $497,429. The fractional currency shipments were as folio - we ; To Assistant Treasurer at Philadelphia, $50,000; to United - States De pcisitory -at Cincinnati, $50,000; National Banks, $385,031. The 'Treasurer of the United States holds in trust for National Banks as security for • circulating notes, $341,921,700 ; and for pub r lie deposits $38,052,250. 1' ; PERSONA". A suit has been entered 'by H.-Moorhead against Dr. Cornelius Boyle, formerly of • this pity charging the latter with the im prisonment-OfMrs. Moorhead for three years, thus preventing her return to the -care--and society other husband. Damages . are laid at $35,000. • Boyle avers that as Provost Marshal in Virginia, in the Confed erate service, he, by order of Gen. Beaure ,;_4ard,-prevented. ber ;front crossing and re-, - ,crossing thOineti.. = 0 i ! :f_ , - lite:A. H. Stepheint left here to-day, after a brief interview with the President. All --4.1f4th0 Cabinet officers are here except Sec retary Browning. •.... . General Costa, the Colombian Ministor,r. .....accompanted.by theßecretary of Legation, -z. •••Mr.'Cortett;'. were.„prennted to the Presi dent to-day by the Secretary of State. The • • usual formal diplomatic speeehep were - :nude on the occaiiion. - - . .-: ~... - . General Kilpatrick has arrived here. He is. to be serenaded . ,to.night, and will make The President thinks he will .start • for TNew York on Monday next. • • THE ETTREATT CASE. - It is eaid about the court house to-day that no attempt will be made to try Surratt • on thi3 fast lrnurder indictment, and the trial on the rebellion indictment will cer tainly be commenced on Monday morning. ASyet =meta the forekm witnesses have arrived, but the witnesses residing in the city and vicinityhave all been summoned," :Some seem to think it'impossible that the trial will be a very short one. , . WAsimeron, Sept. 20r 1868: THE corroanssioNAL SESSION. Members of-Vongress continue to_errive by every train. About-eighteen 'Senators and fifty members of the House are in the 4ity.