V T s. . 14q€ .S4 l . . ' The thingers: Of .Petrateum-:-.A Remed The recent` tightfatihntster on a• ailroad . , . • In caused by the sudden combuition . . , • of petroleum, has-directed ,`. att ention to the means of preventing such accidents In the feture. , Tarloasplans are suggested in the English ~.papers, and, as usual, there is a great - difference of opinion . Incidentally, the question of the transpnrtation of petro leum on shipboard is under discussion. 4. Paris letter-writer says: "IC Verstraet, a chemist who has occu pied himself with a plan for heating the boilers of steam vessels by means of petro leum, has pointed out a means of protecting ships from •these terrible disinters: 'The fundamental principle is the same as that npon which he feeds the fireplace of the boilers by means of petroleum. The gases of the oil ieservoirs are conducted to the fireplace by. a current of air : ' They are thus utilized, and at the same time the dan ger - of their making their way. into the vari Otis compartm2nts of the ship -is '.effectually _obviated. In like manner M. Verstraet pro-,, poses to sweep away from time to time, .by a current of air, the gases. accumulated in ships laden with petroleum, and thus to ren der their atmosphere, inexplosive. •At cer tain 'hours of the day, by means of a simple ventilator, which a man's arm can set in motion, a'quantity of 'air should be made to pass throtigh the holds of • the ship, arid should then be expelled into the atinns pliere.. By this simple manoeuvre, which, a police; regulation might render obligatoryin every Ort upon all ships 'laden witlepetro leum, we should avoid great .mis:ortunes,' likely to be of very, frequent r,ecurrehae so' long as the authorities -shall not havtitakei preciautions against. the "carelesiness and recklessness of sailors.' , " A foreign scientific review bait some: tip: posite remarks on the same subject. The cause af, fires on board petroleum ships is • always the same -the ignition of an atmos phere saturated with' twin:wetted vapors. The writer says: ',Petroleum emits,.at the ordinary temperature, gases so subtle that theylind their way into the best closed pla•- ces. There, where air alone is supposed to , be, an explosive mixture exists. The smallest lighted:it:latch sets fire to the • gas, which explodes with formidable power. A •meehanical effect is produced which upsets and breaks the internal parts of the ship and fills the air with flames. Everything is impregnated with fire, everything burns; those sailors who are not already killed by the explosion are plunged into an ardent brazier and completely enveloped in flames. Bailors accustomed during the whole voy age to the smell of the oil do not generally perceive that the gas is invading their cab ins." Drunkenness In England and France A London paper makes a comparison be tween England and. France on the subject , - of drunkenness . It says that since the time of Henri Meveger and his Bohemians • the vice of intoxication has. made - .Marked and deplorable strP.es in France, The pro— digious multiplication ofheer-shops,- and the - systemytic adulteration - of mine, have, in il'aris at least, taught the - working classes ':termed pernicious custom of what in England is 'termed "boozing." A French lsot, was . formerly almnistrosity; the manners of" the later , day have made the-type of-the :Viper a -common one: Morenver,- the mania—it is nothing leis than mania--for the stupefying and nauseous beverage called absinthe has made terrific inroads on the sobriety of the population; and among workmen and' soldiers in particular the-:craving falls little short of, the proportions ofa pestilence. England is not,•perhaps, , the moat drunken .contitry in the world, but very feisr,snipiass It in proneness to the consumption of the most besotting stimulants. •There .iti mote intoxication to be seen in the course of one hour in London, Dublin, Liverpool. or Glas: gow, -- than- two whole days would disclote in any of the great Atlantic 'cities. • By: their fondness for brandy, the RuSsien peasantry, the, Danes and the t3wedes, would' horrify a temperance lectnrer; yet - it must be owned that neither in Ruisia, Denmark nor Sweden -'are drinking habits productiveof the misery, the vice and the','crime which are their sure attendants in England.- The Germans drink • - beer from morning) till ' night,.' and _drink a fair,proportron or: tvine and. ardent: spirits into the tram-tin; "neverilieressri drunkenness is by - no means a marked feature in the.43er -1 lnan"chiiricte ...' • • L.: -- - - : , R 4 )4,1g islrp en !rpm irldoh 'we quote these remarks ihie - iniintry: - "How - - is it; why is lt;that 'On English , race should ' .dekaW other surrounding races ter•rival it in the wcmrhip. of: - I - . . , . Torture, In Ho ssalit- • ' Xnareoli; who took part In Vie last polish,histio,n, „and - on Igs'capture by, thia Russians, was sentenced " to Svdelse years imprisonment in Siberia, has just pnb . fished In the Revue iredernetile Stet Pattof. ' his Prlsoitivciillentioni.' 'it 4as itoldi . 1 ! he remarks, "that on two or three' occaskansi. electric battery ; had 'been made useM•by the Russian police to -loosen the teggnetioF the prisoners who refused to answer the )g,tmikinfit put M th em,,7lo# shows that the _Russian government is one of progress, and. ku:OvOlow to, tarp. the discoveries pf set ence. to . ancount. - . After r F4lB riot more cruel than the torture of thelerring.: kneW several: who underwent the latter, , and they told me that , nothing could com. pare``with -the ''' `tmfferings they en dured. They wer e. .e. conlined4 , ' in , well-warmed apartnalent, salied.'hertings , With bread and water for the tirstTevr daytP being ( their. ouly food. If they -refried to '-enswer the questions of 'tile examining cod ' missioners the bread was first of all , with- drawn, and then the water, whereupon the torture of intense thirst commenced, de tlio sufferer of all moral -strength,. And even making him abandon the resolution _ :whicbitChadlormed:toz..ditti Very . ' rarely 44 any one remain mute when brought before. the. commissioners a second time. The sittings`' were usually at nigbt„,in:ii splendidly lighted apartment, with4erregh;, tneuta temptingly—displayed tables.. i'fhb ' } preardettr wotild most gracious. howcruld say,. `wowill, itfotlli% ask you to lutTe some thing to auk w i th us.' The fever' Od'thi vertign.catussi tlmi;prianufra heir,.` lOse reason;itift theykeidray togd: ger would not have brought a nt the same 41 '14.048 thlnttyty liickfiosenti the tongue; 'Sven far more readily than ditinkenuess, '.'Aitinffkenive - y . eo , ,a4rAlitproprietor of the - hiarisinn . /liituie at Koridont-enufteoleT building in Which to manufacture gruff:Jr-hie_ FU time Paitiff i i B ~' tied 41 trt privaph ouse nished light for the hotel. 134 c 1,0917 t ininfiedolidweierOainlpen to the discovery of a service pipe rtinning rom - thP leVitrette to the street„ and. which .bad . nso piying gas at the C, OIRPBOSII r; ; ' , 43xiidifiertimpaobodyA rt oik s how longilf, o( blarne ~resta upon , Mr. lashes, the present. 'landlord; rents ' lireinises of the •:landlord, and who is ,fornished with gaga* . him, according to the terms of •the.lease..' Ttnihittixr`Aifa. been predented . bv the Gas Company with a bill of 86,000- 4 5 ,000 for zaB, and the 'remainder for interest,' 77, ft 4 at • - , • 4=4' r,,.,.._,),1-'NfAAr.:".;iti-AWl;'4•l, -•,,•*-„l,AV:V.Nstrs7,eo;s ' • , 1k"40,4'.'•^‹,1 04. 4 '4, 4 4 1 44 '7't 41' • . • MI X ()443JV . Y nm4'.4ld;3g blifY Ueman, of fliterilugyVayuga county;:Milletki upon one or the} Justices et the P and . expressed a wish to- be married. • Th : pair were Made 'mai and Wife. , 'i 'This m 'lng' they re-appeare d;' and Catkin turn d Ired . that; the p r might he anh ed. - The lady was I particularly urgent. ' She charged that she had been entrapped into Marrying the man who stood beside her by, a piece of unparalleled deception.' She had been Corresponding with hercousin in lowa, whom she had not seen since she wasa child, and during the correspondence her relative had wooed and won her affections. . !_He wrote to her that he was coming on here in December to claim her hand and take her to his home in the West. On Monday last the man to whom she was married made his appearance, 'claimed to be hei cousin, said he.could not wait until De cember, ete. On the strength of these rep resentations she' had reluctantly consented "to wed. She has since learned that the man whom she had married was not her cousin, - but a wretch who had secured a wife by base. deception! The man acknowledged his culpability, but pleaded in extenuation that the lowa cousin had read him the letters of- hia intended; that these influenced him to do as he had done. His conscience smote hitter grievously since the accoMplishment of his treachery, that he made a full confes sion to the lady he had shamefully wronged. He had,hoped to reconcile her to theud, but sfie.would ,now He was ow Ming to maim the only he amends knew of viz : ire have the marriage contract. annulled. The magistrate suggested that he had not ' the power to unmarry them. He advised that as matters had progressed thus far, it would be better for the lady to make the best of a bad' bargain; aid accept the situation. ,After a good deal of persuasion on the part • of the bridegroom; the lady . finally decided to accept the advice of the, magistrate, on the' assurance that the said bridegroom would "make it all right" with the genuine cousin away off in lowa.- Upon this happy settlement the lady dried her eyes, and the happy pair departed.--Omego (N. Y.).Pal indium. 111 , Tuff Springfi eld Republican says: "The gossips are right at • last in making a matri monial connection for Speaker Colfax. He is 'engaged' to Miss , Nellie Wade, a niece of Senator Wade, of Ohio, and one of the family party that accompanied the Speaker ,on , his late trip to the Rocky Mountains. Bbe is a sweet, sensible, accomplished lady of thirty years;an Ohio farmer's daughter, quite worthy the place she has won in the heart of the second man in public lire in the nation, and of the position by his side in tfbme and in society she is destined soon to take. Her father, the brother of the Ohio Senator, died several years. age. and she spent part or a winter in Washington with . her uncle two years since, when the ac quaintance beg - an with Mr. Colfax and his family, which has ripened into this interest ing relationship, so pleasant for all the Speaker's friends to know, and so promis lag to , his happiness for the future. The Rocky Mountains whispered-the sweet se cret to the, world, and congratulations are echoed back from all quarters to both par ties:" - AUCTION SALES BY It B, EMIT& ON•& CO. VALUABLE PROPERTy, 56 WOOD STREET, AT A.IIC'ZION. ON SATtrIZDAY. SEPTEMBIIIt 19TH, , At A% o'clock P. M.. on the ormities, will . kte 'sold by - auction, that .valuable lot of groan,' fronting 14:34 feet on Wool street, extroding b-ck in depth $2 feet. on wuich is erected the .übstantimay built three-story britit- itu.tness' House. - No. 88 Wood street, furmi riy l oceupted by James P. Tanner. •, For nusiuess purposes this locality cannot be sur. kassed. '.l 0 c matalists and business men generally shotud rove Very attractive. Terms easy. l tuts sale' rilasrazTasont & CO., . . . . .. ' sel4 , . . Auctioneers. BY A. WILWALSE. A DMINISTRATORS' SALE OF IiSDAY AVENI,NO.'Sente 22d. at 7,S o'cioek; will be Bold. on second floor Commercial te.les dma.1.05 r*et, by order or Ado:oElh Mier of Jobn -teen, decealed:. • . • 91 shares Htchar is * llartieY !lint Glans Co. ,valie eb2o t paid. •• . / Alto, _2 aoares'Al'eabeny ValleY E. LOW nbaceildarlrie Oil. Co. __ • Be 9 . I Auctioneer._ BY num & PHILLIPS. psi /EIfAL,LEPS9 AI7CTIONEERS And Connnisittine-Menshaiitti, ; • •,,, •'- :OPERA, 11010:411JMON :ROOMS, mroaamilminieig,.m4mo9]4f: Dry fkOliS and IFOUOIIII, . AT PRIVATZ SALE DAT AND •EritNING; , Coruitgwxteiii Solicited. PrOmpt Reg ' 4 1 mink. ; t.. 1- - • • ;•, r• i..,: ~',-.. -:.5.1,11-,p..A.wz0tr.4.L.: ALLEGHEiIiIe ' • • he next rewnlir'eeselon will commence on 072 DAY, SEXTEMBEE ISt In EXCE,Lttog II A LL, s.reet,'Allegbieny.l ''ME. T. E. Prlncipil. will reaslvi. '41 1 :3 4 2 1 1,4Wita 1 . m ° 6 - d aY• A!!sus`,l,ll'2:',"47m' A LLEGIIENY CITY ACADEMY . , • - MID °oilman °oases; . • - No.:101 FZDEBAL nver 'Allegheny Bovinity Dally.Beasionstßolentilla. Jrom 8)“.41. to Ir. r. commtrei .1: ,i 1 to 441,1.. . • • • • Votsing BeinilOnt belentlfla And nommerslyt, • 61.,PlilfilEt. ~.„ ; 0:.40DB P . rlnolp 6. ' ' • T; •• • • tf ~/ A Bfficularauwicauxes 1 , 11 . 11/ 1 4 1'1/..< • •T/ The Tan Term altar toilltation'witi :031, . ;The Arrolie cif , :theOodelie, ibertde PETPAII4.- TORY D &PA raid& N T, emhrfogyfitoi anitthatrerigh Courses QgpotrisoAlon In ' 5 • - , 1". , i margiF,FkAtrajgDEßNiziosrGlA Ifig , ? , ' 3 'i- 3 a: • '' itirittiett l f.f+JfitAfrO i ßE;;- t . •'• :- • • :, r...•• ..-.1,3•_..,1:,' I . ILL ISCHONtIim::: ~ :- •• ~.. - _ ...,.... ._ ..&14.111108 tau II" 1).1 (14 4. 6 , . . -i.., ~ ftl, ..-,•ff:t ,uslLad•tiktiFF.t.'" T TA L .. ~.. • i , 1 ,, i; illhoirof•TviYozie• taxed BOtizalpir pftei l il l a n l iarit ertlit.' Iti i al i Cti l i n ;1•Alld• fairint•l 3 11bla nrkonndlts il atitatt , s Ups alase, ALEX t ..fttrl d lt i .u ./i l/.. President rf i ll grpf/tr. : I f l lk o k. x ily i koi , ;•4 .ste.,..viaFtria.l prornioi it I z.v.14, ...Ay pi AtalLtaltorf 1, I Col. i., wz4p A, ;1t ( .... Nur of - sta a- " _rnatlo.l tuft origins rFla;riel; - ' "'. : , i ..•••• • J 8: V. liTAVlcropc A. M. Professor of . Mann ' '' . illostl4l.iratttbeatatrattiojeares.; FINT 7:11A8k10 Lp. Avi,.,Trer.:or *gaud' in kr een-Paagusiee and Ltierature.,- .- 2 ...10 1, 11P814.117_,r•Nal41.411 Et; rut..:1114./.ldittait'*i ind; Prep-. ratartuepartment. tits, ll .ll:llAliANS. En Supayintindezdatthe Almonds aralkluildingio, ?..-,;•: . . griy"44l3A3•llrnea;*.•Js..-•l.poinreilia istiyill'.‘ Hon. 0ft114 7 .1.;;D14t, LeetuAtr.an Clan and Consittational Law., - 1•• t - • ''• ' - ' ."ri IA RT I ,*. )I*.S.IriYWB. Weiss, *‘. , •. 141•3A14/ Titijurg GOrrE : SATURDAY, SEPTRIVfirEtt 10. 1888. „, A 3 FROLUFN 4 XWEtk - "l"''t"' - ' . '” - :~, Tobacco Destmyed Leave Otr . Qtairlitralid , lM:N,ktioi the Poisonous Weed, Tob*eeo. grie box of MON'S PREPARATION 48 WAB •sL;tUg.to destrok the appetite tot tobacco In any: 'persOn; hi? matter hew strong the, habit may be, IF 1r TAILS Ib ART CASs bnr. Xbar.ETWILL BL 'REFUNDIE. It Is almost2impossible to breaa off, from. the use of tobacco by the mere exercise of the wilt. Something is needed to assist nsinre in over coming a habit so firmly rooted: with the help of the preparition there is not the least trouble. Hun dreds have used it who are lug to bear witness to the fact that ORT,SN'S PREPARATION com pletely destroys the appetite for tobaceo and leaves the person as tree from any desire for It as before he 'commenced its use. It is perfectly safe and hermit' ss in all cases. The Preparation acts directly upOn the same glands and secretions erected by to bocco, and through these upon the blood, thorough ly the poison of tobacco from the system, And thus allaying the unnatural cravings of tobacco. No Mons Ft AFICELP INC TOIL TOBACCO AFTBII lISIIrO ORTON'S Pau.AnATIOn! .T.IICOLLECT IT IS wenmanrrams. Iriivri.Es or Counrrznizirat The following are a few selected from the multi- Cade of recominendatlons ixfots. PosseSsiont.. - [Prom W. P. Heald, Him,,,,Bangor, Me.l • ' • • ' BAY:00E, April,A*. 11038. I hereby certity that J; Pasco:4rd tobacco for tour ty,) ears past, and for the Last fifteen, gars I have Used two pounds per month.' I have made attempts to mays oir at duierent timer. I have left on one year at a time, tint always continued to hanker Xur It until I used Orton's Prt paration, which has oom ph tely cared me of the appetite for tobacco. I won d recommend all who are affected situ this ter rible habit to try the preparation, which will cer tainly cure it If the direetions are' followed. • • • • W. P. HEALD. ;From E. W. Adldru.. Knoxville; Tenn:3 . X.Norirtfaa.,tenn., August 5. 1807..._ Tedg Is to oert liy that I had nerd tobacco to such an extent that. my lo alth had .become greatly. Ito. paired, and my a bole system derangett any broken down. In uue.'lB6i; I putchased one box of t or tom's Preparation, and after using it 1 found that I was completely cured. l base not had any hanker ing or deshe for tobacco since usleg the preparation. I believe It to be all that it Is recommenced, and I would advise all who wish to quit tee use of tobacco to try one box of Ortun.s Preparation. E. W. ADKINS. • ;From John Merril_ Bangor, Me. t tI AxOR, - .11e., March 144.. 1808. This is to certiry that I have tobacco for eighteen years; have tried many times to leave off', but have eunered so much from a .blzsluese In MT head, and gnawing at my_atomach, chit I have soon, given up the trial. A- abort umv since a iiiend dirted we to try Orion's Prep • rat ion iaold nq you., I have done so, and am completely cured. I did not In the teat hanker after tobacco. either to smuke or chew, after 1 began to use the Pr.-paragon JOHN MORRILL. Price of ORTON'S PREPARATION Two Dolikri per box, furweeued to any part of the country„ post paid, on receipt of price. Money sent by niaßrat our Ask. Address," ,_ C. 11. COTTON. Proprietovii Box 1 748. Portland, Maine. BKVIRENCE. • We. the undersigned. have bad personal dealings with C. B. CO rruN, and have round bows reliable and fair dealing man, and bell. ye his statements deserving the confidence of the public: 11. B. A•chaidson. Bev. J, S. urren, 11r. S. B. Cowell, Portland, Me.; Cliarles.ll. Morrill. bldde• ford, Me ; A, U. Movie, Attorney., Itelfant. Me.; Alonzo Barnard.. baogor, M.•.; Wm. to Sweet,- Ksq.. West I.llnsti.l.l, Msg..; H. M. noynton. East Acworth, N. 11.; 11. Quimby, et. Johnsville, N. Y. ani7:u6o ' • BIANIKOOD ANDTHE 'VIGOR OF YOUTH restored In ratr weeks. hoc: Cen guaranteed. DR. HICORD's F..SSENCE OF LIFE restores manly powers, from wii.tever cause arising; the effects of early pernicious habits, self. abuse, impoteto.y and ctimate glue way at (Mee to Oils wonderful inetlielne, If taken regularly accord ing to the directions, (which are very simple. awl require no restr.tint Rom business or pleasure.} Failure is Impossibie. Sold In tiottlea at 43, or four quantities In one for $9. To be had only of the sole appointed agent In America, H. OELLITZEN„ 1403 Second Avenue. New York. — te 13:161-179 nrPHILOSOPHY OF MAR. RIAGE, anew Course of Lemma. as de livered at the New York Museum of Anatomy,.eta • bracing the subjects: How to liv• and what to live for: Youth, Maturity and it'd Age; Manhood gener ally reviewed; the came of Indigestion, listulence and nervous diseases accounted tor; Marriage pull mophicsily considered. dc. Pocket volumes con taining the-e. lectures will be forwarded to parties unable to attend. on receipt of four stamps, by ad dressing SECHETAILY, New York M 12.0.1311 of Anat omy and Science, 6.13 Broadway, New Tort. IarIIATCHELOWS HAIR DYE This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only %rue and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous;. no• disappointment; no ridiculous tilt remedies the 11l effects of bad dyes; invigo. nit and leavea the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown, bold by all Druggists Wigerfu; and properly applied at Batchelor's Factory, No. le Med aUeet. New York. - amile:p3 Or GUIDE TO MARRIAGE.- _ "Young Men's Outdo to Happy Montage and Conjugal Yellen,. The humane views of benev. otent Phystela. on the Errors and Abuses ineldent to Touthand Early Manhood, sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge Address 110WAitH AS SOCIATION. Boit P.. Philadelphia. Pa. tavlaiallaT DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BLECTN SUMMER CORDIIb, An Wall' hie remedyfor Settuner Complaint; Dia?. 'yomlttng, Sour Stomach and Cholera Ilorbua. DR. CRIMP tilltil, A 'specific lbr Crimps' lad rain lit the Jetottumth. htr sale by . • & ; EiVrtle, f . , . corner of LibettrariOrayne Btipeti .• . • -,AGENTS FOR J SOHOONlthiliat& SON'S `PURE WILITt 'LEA.Ijs GREEN, The only ireen point Shit,' will not , deteriorate by• exposure. It will look better lest longer and give • more perfect' setisfactlen thaw any palut In the TO WAUUT z6119W5., EIIBELk VIEBIONIATED Bon, • ' OITREZPIIOSFRATE -OF _MEI BY t. ••i .. la, The,paeglioit Fertilizer QO. 61 EIFA .E "&• CAMPB pßicamicurosig., pas , I j 7111 "w' Um' ashchh4 , reeothfsed y ' "graters w Weren't' h a twat; to - he the et and ard for retains large crops ofl Wheat, ,H7O, Oat& Cbrni-Potaleea,we. We hare publirheaTergratui , erttrit IMlVer e a re roi lot llieleag hallity , genalht a* plc f , nOßAlittilinoAll' . TIMICROMICAL BECKEI'I r7ll )01And: Solicdtam or fPsitents;. : Of pie of it o r d lirt tl l Rallirnv.) fitp.,`"st i r_ 1 ?1 , : 7 8114430,'At1igar46: * itrAlNtitY,lon all mnseripttons,• esign • Iter•RUIONIQA*44IIOI.4.INO I faintabed.- rartionliu , attentton .to de eigalnic COLLIERY LOOOMOTIVzs: tents,eon• noeuttprlictted. /fir An IGVICtiIIigi , DEAW.. 2110Onintos Oar wwINUDAT., M WRWthib itiscomasalomrs. FERTILIZERS. R:~F3Tiß'i~B= Ftoit;sAW , TwO,1 10 1:1BEA : AND LO' on Caned street, Alleghenr. This property will be sold low, as the party la shoat tearing the city, and wishee to dispose . of the property before removing, - SAW - MILL', TWO DwELLM3:IIOI7BEI3_, TWC BAR" with_good„.F.A.lo4, and - about 800 acres timber Lind This property will be sold low. Cast •56,8011-balgiace on time to ma. buyer. FABH OF-120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars person.; 'lmprove:Winn comflirtghle frame house a .dg_ood barn: __so acres of r the Land - clear. OF 280 ACB.BIB. ; near the line - of railroad; very , located for ralainstock;Amprovements are g , • • and *substantial; 100 g. acmes the Land In meado and grain. _ CITY PROPERTY.-Will sell a good brick house, coat ng eve rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, agt wo Id relator the amount in alz years. RUE LOT OF GROUND, having a river d very convenient of access. ERI, convenient to the city, and having a Wished custom or local trade connected h; a good dwelling snd forty acres of land. 1 LOTS In Sharps - burg, near the railroad: ake a good coal yard. L FOR SALE.-That fine Hotel property, at the Blairsville Junction, containing rooms and the necessary outbuildings, r. ree acres of garden and fruit trees. This ted hotel will be sold low, as the proprie ties to retire from business. - • POR RENT. arge House, for Boarding House. new Brick House, B rooms. new Brick Howe of 4 rooms. new Brick House of 3 rooms. • oube of 5 rooms and !tit 55 .by 140. once cf 7 rooms sad lot 150 by /50. new Brick Houses, n rooms each. ew Frame House, 4 rooms. new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. sew-Frame House in Wllklnsbnrg, having rooms and large lot, well suited for garden. that can be divided Into sere lots. tin Oakland. -. ands laj•ge_ Boom mad Yard for rent, Ina Will be. rented, for short or long front, TAN well es therew FOUI % w h situate tousle with t well I. for wi One One One One Oue One Tw. One Two One el I am Lot, Powe , 'nod lc time, FOE' EASE Olt 13.11LE-3Lcits oa Mortcilistreet, Ninth Ward, W WANTED-,3,000 feet. - of lirlageng 3to Caoltes ok. TO LOAN-$50,000, • IN BUM OP $5.000 AND 'UPWARD. APPLY AT HATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. lemnis 2,000,000 AC Es OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SA T.V, BY THZ Tinton Pacific Railroad Company, ZABTENS DMBION, LyLng along the line of the road, 51,00 TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OT ymc YEARS. For farther particulars, maps, de., address JOHN P. DEVEREVX, Land Commliatoner, Topeka, Sanaa& Or CHAN. B. LAMBORN, See'y, MU FOR SALE. The Oil Refinery, KNOWN A$ THE CRESCENT COAL OIL CO.'S WORKS,. Situated In BALTIMORE, MD., on the Baltimore and Ohio Ralros , d,and conveniently located with reference tocliher home or fore,gn trade. phase works are verycomplete in all ilia appolnt menti, sad are capable of tenting out 30,000 to 33.000 tiALLONS REFINED PER WEEK. Th.y have tankage for about 8.000 barrels of oil. The prospect of an early completion of Con nellsville Road, renders this property especially de sirable. Addresa, or call on, LA.WIULSON LEVEEING, Trustee. an"Zev3l 59 GAY STREET. BALTIMORE. 9,5.50t1 WILL PURCHASE A If NEAT COON giCAT. con— Mang it gores. all under fence and cultivation. The improvemeots area cottage bongs. wilti stable Inn other outbulidingsi AOO bearing frult trees. of best beigetlon4 ; watered uy two never-failing springs ritdated 4 milee from the eltti, near to McKee's Rooks and Cbartiers Creek . Front ads pia/lean slttensive view egn be bad of hiiiicheger, I iegheny City and the rivers. Terms es'''. Aopiy to " E. bIeLAIN g CO., 5021 Cor. Fourth and tnithneld'streeta. rrOR BALE 'AA, - TO LET...Houses and Lots for sale in all parts of the ci and m orns. Also, several F AH.318 In wit hcatons.' Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORY,.2O acres of land, and good improvements, which .1 will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on good streets. Frivste Dwelling Houses Art rent in both cities. For further particulars Inquire WILLIAM WARD JaN 110 Grant street. opposite Catbednd. WINES, LIQUORS, kko PITTSBURGH IMPORTLNG HOUSES' . ESTABLISHED 1830. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY , INPOWEOF OF O , IIIILEION PO W E • WINES AND , Liquons Af0.,409,.peim iitays'et, Wonlllllrent tbb attention of the pdhlle to the fiat QV, m t i n. facilities throatth several. large' wine and r Oonsee la Europa, and atakllle Valle MO dines: they:ere enabled to 02i tlisselstieatt .grades f cook* WiNall LIQ t 0101 tit yirteele Pus abstf getters retro:* - 11:x. and tidos' or - gualluen an 4, trapp.um or prime respeettalty &dished. ; . ; 4 dome essortakent, of paret,OLD •BYZ FMB- Kalt eon tabby on head -; • : . puss NATIVE.WIWEB. zsasnisui Arai 'fieimaras, • •orour• own growing:, 'Also, th e be.t brands er CIEIAMPAIIN'E r CLARKT, -/iNtiltßY and PORT WIN)Ld: "Vine Growers' Company” or SHAN -DV., flasks, Jost the thinctur travelers..: N. u..-Tartieular attention paid to sogplytag, Xt , :st&r. NO. 4 MOD WIC). Pittitintol. JOSEPH FINCH & CO., , 1 Nos. 85. 187, 18 9. 1 111i188 aad VW. •Irpum, prnfET, ,P1713.1311E55. Ofiper • Mailed Muni:" Eje vfi''!flo49 , 4 :mew degeninjiiniaii-wurzisawitair*, FWIMnriM. PRACTiviurc 118: FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS LEMON :./ diMr l / 1 1 1 131 NM I Tu tieSf'ggl i t ti itteriessitqwsnt _ tuestvestaced P ri TS(4 /*d' t oriasythin g In our llael °° a or ; ,1 *PP!, 1 1 .17 • ' , 'L DYER ',4WD :CO • : ' '''.;'(:o ,:i•.l R il .• 111 :°' - 43 . 11 . 0- •:-...." .1 ftit: ', 1 u'i'.....111-1.5.1 I_N. DYERAN 1 ... ......,,,,. h.;. ~, , v . -.. i : ,-.,...-; l' . :•:.:1 ' 7'...? ,-:' lIT : 1,1:.",_F °j'' D SCOURER.- . -1 LAI : ~,.:.: ,t ,4:... ,:.! t,....:. ~:.,•,..;_lt ~ -. 1:., -t..., ,•i , ~,.; ,:, .., f•l'_,': . : 7 - ~...• • 03 t'.• 1i..1 . t .. '.. 7 , '' ' .;.' 'PIO, .11 ,' ST.' ' 'Clialk ilip ti VrAZMMl .i, 1. •', ~i r::..., . . , :11: cit . .' - ,"!1., 1: 'CI' 1-. - :. ..:.: '.. ' And Non. 85 ant 11S7 I Thtri Stredi . t:. ,-1: - , , . ,, .. , 4' -.- • ~, n•,,, • , • ,•.. • •-.1 • . : rinTatrunian„,im. . • - . c . . • - . ` , -; - -INERJRANOE. TOMI- LITE IN THE GUARDIAN' MUTUAL LIFE . INSURANCE CO., No. 102 BROADWAY. Assris ILIEEDLY INCREASING, 'OYER This Company Is the Guardian of a Sacred Fond, which is to provide for the Widow and the rather lees, with the !met possible burden to the Insured. All Approved Forms of Policies Issued. Liberal modes for the payment of Premiums. Policies Non-lorfelting by th.ir terms. The Entire Profits of the Company dlvi. ed equitably among the insured: Last iteturn of Premium, PEE CLNT. DIRECTORS: Hon. John A. Dix, E. V. Haughawout, lion. James Harper, - William Wilkins, John J. Crane. Julius 11. Pratt. - William T. Hooker, M idiam W. Wright, Wm. M. Vermilye, Charles J. Starr, Chas. G. Rockwood, j William Alien, Hon. Geo. Opdyke, Geo. W. Cuyier, Minot C Morgan, Ueo. T. Hope. Thomas Rigney. Joh.. H. Sherwood, Benj. B. Sherman, I Edward H. Wright, Aaron Arno!, Geo. W. a arlee, Rich , d H. Bowne, j Wan L Coggawell. WALTON H. PECICHAkI, President. • HENRY V. GAHAtiAN, Secretary. LUCIUS McADAM, Actuary. J. DATES MIIIIILLIN, . • GEZiERAL :AGENT FOU WESTERN FIDINA., Room No. 51. Rank of Commerce Build. Lug, corner of Sixth and Wood atreeta, _ iirAgents wanted. Apply as above. jr2l:t23•Tis IDIPEI!IAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON., ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INV r err ED NDS EXCEED ING 88,000;0001N GOLD. Insurance against Piro effected on Houses and Building*, tiooda. Wares and 31erchandpe, Steam boats,' ac. Policies issued payable In gold or cur • rents , . W United htatea.firanch Office, 40 PINE. STREET'. New. York. All lessen of the United States Branch will be ad justed In New York. J. Y. Me14A.T.701-ILIZT, Agent, PIT i'sulmloll...PA. • 67 FOURTH STREET. MR. McLatifIFILI '4 is also Agent for theManhat• tan Life Insurance Company. 505:Y72 BEN FRANKLIN Nice in , Franklin Savings Bank Bulidings, N 0.43 Ohio St.. Allegheny. A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors wel known to the community, who trust by fair dealln t to merit a share of your atronage. St. Louis. bilssotul. HENRY GEO. D. RIDDLE DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin, D:L. Patteraon,l Henry Gerwlg, Geo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, Gottielb Faaa, Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush W. H. Stewart, Ch. P. Wbl,ston, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautner, H. J. Zinkand, !Jeremiah Kohen aple:o3s . WESTERN INSURANCE COM PANY OF PITTSBURGH. ALEXANDER NIMICK, President. WM. P. HERBERT . , Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE N EELD General Agent. Office, 091 Water street, epang tr. Co.'s Ware house, up stays, Pittsburgh. Will i=ure agalast all kinds of Fire and Marin, Risks. A home Institution. managed by Threaten who are well known to the community, and who an determined by promptness and Liberality to main tain the chavaster which they hare assumed, as of tering the best protection to those who desire to A Insured. DiziCTOEUS: Alexanoer Nimick, done R. McCune, R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, dames McAuley, Witham 8. Evans, Alexander Spew, Joseph Kirkpatrick, 4 11 iladrew Anklet', Pk'lllpßeymer, 1). kidDa M. Lo . • ng, Wm. Morrison, amson. n 027 DEMNITY FRANKLIN . INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 435 3 437 CHESTNUT 137., Naas azu i . . . . Charles A. Rancher, Mordecai H. Lonis Tobias Wagner, , David S. Brown, - Samuel Grant, • Isaac CAW', Jacob R. Smith .. Edward O. Dale, Fm rge W. Mallards, __ George Vales. CHARLES U. RAN HER, President. ' EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W, C. STEELE, SeeretAry, pro tem. J. GA.RDNER etinn - N, AogNr, ' North West corner Third and Wood Streets. athZliwil • '' ~ pENNSYLY3Ni6► INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURfiII. MICR, No. /873 i WOOD STREET, BANK OP OOMMEROE BUILDING. This Is a Home Company. and Insures awsdnat loss sisals. IXO e lfn i to ;ALTAR, President. . • 0. O. BOYL Vice Preadult. ROBB= PA MK, Treasurer. • HUGH 1ia111.11.8171r. secretary.. , Leonard WaHair. O. O. %vie Robert Patelick s Jacob Painter, Jcwisti ging, JAL H. B. Hopkine, He .14. NATION' : 11:118110E CO., 411 ' OP TIM OM OP SILIMIM. A.Lijigaiisry. %Imp CCOgral'irt 1421:13 :121021WirCE : - - Tr. W. MARTIN, President trtzvissoll: seerwry: :rye: , .E 11.6 Ei . niTlNL6_ • Jus ) ;ThalaPaoll acylar Ilis,lockbart, Jos. Myers. - Jae. L. Otaballai M. Loa, C. C. Boyle, Jac.. Ra e. Garst, ,-• 1 Jacob Kopp. natabecti AA LLEtilliitartY toisUßANCEtini. PANY" OP PITTBI3BEIII. - - OFFICE, NO. 3T strra enizirr, Lilnc B LO C Itumres against all kinds of Fire and Marine Blake JOHN ERWIN. Js., Prestaent, JOHN D. WOOED; Vice P . /caldera. .. • C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. .CAPT. WIC DEAN, General Agent. • • • litaitcrona: - . ' - , Jahn Irwin, Jr.; .• Cepa. Win. ,Idui D,,McCar4 l .. : . B. L. !What= C. G. 'Hussey;Everson,l Harvey : Childs,' • Hobert H. Ihkria. ~ , I`.• J. tioakineon, , -----: Francis Sellers. • ', . Charles Ham • - _ cam. J. T. Btockdale. .p r ApPLESR: IrErOvre.... _ • JPLESrII • -1118IIBIANCE COR. ?ANY: ) Pars errs:: • A Hams Coupsaj; taking Inward DUMYross: ,Mus Capt. jobs Is. rosoli; " 41 11 John I ;; CaldrPivititinki vot;„aumis tj enthi e. • , Eut Jairkehi,c Z A ki l. 'iriayftee P MS CAM JAS.; .130 MIRALUIUGEM(E 'M A RATI NS! .t% V : urimumLnot ..• 'Mao, VA.' sonk h tlritiN Y , Oßk gt, latt * wa s iE2 otaV. ••' For Sabr by. Every Grocer In tie City. Bakery, No, 91 inert) , St. 'OF NEW YORK. $1,000,000. P'rT'T'SI3I:3II , GITI, PA. INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PA. AGAINST LOSS BY PIRA DISIDCTOREI G Se emlnuioo„ . J. O. Lapps.. J. C. Plainer. John VoonOoll Ammon. . I!EM fgejcw OP-A Lessee Manager SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Sept. .19th, Grand 31:atinet . For performance the romantic Drams of FOUL PLAY. Helen Ito Heston, Hermon. ATURDAY EVICNING, last appearince of Mfrs NELLIE GERMoN and Mr. ROBE Era For performance the one act drama of . NAPOLEON'S OLD GUARD And the romantic dratna,of Monday Eventav: THE WHITE FAWN. with the celebrated liorarchl an-I a gr.-at Ballet Troupe. • I ''' .3.I.ASONIC HALL. POtiITIVELY THE LAST WEEK Commencing 3IGNGA.I. - EVENING, ..septrinbrr 14. with his imitiensP troupeof RN ED CAN A RI Ko. JAVA St'Allict)Ws, PALOQUETS, WHITE BRCS AND RIT'zIAN CAT. '8(601:x43 ar.PROF. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE DA.'NCING ACADEMY , No. 75 THIRD STREET, is now open for the re ( eption of pupils. Clam: days and hour.—For ' La dles. Masters and Hisses. W. doestlay end Saturday, at 2.ti o'clock P. AI. For Uentlemn—Tuesday and. Friday Evenings, at 8 o'c ok. Private lessons given. eircumrs can be had at the Musk' Stores and at the Academy. Classes out or the city. If etmeerdent, attended to. ALir Hatt to let to Select Parties. , - se4:r79 BANKRUPT NOTICES. V. S. MARSHAL'S OFF I CE, W. D. of Penney TAMs. •Pirrentrinat. Sept. 14th.;11888. MS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 11th day of September A. D. 1888, a arrant ln. Bankruptcy Was Issued aaattust the ESTATE OF JOSEPH R. DICKEY, Of Pittsburgh, in the county- of Allegheny, and elate of Penney'vanta, who has been -adjudged a bankrupt on hi, own p. Won; that, the:payment of any debts any delivery of auy property b.-lunging to such b.nkrupt, to Lilo, or for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signees of Lls estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, Lo, be holden at No. 116 Federal Bt.. Allegheny Citr; Allegheny county, Penna., before JOHN N. PURVIA nCr.., Esq., Register. on the 7th day of .Norember, A. D. /868, at 2 o'clock MEM IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western Din a of Pennsylvania. JOSEPH R. FRICKE, a Bankrupt under the Aet et Congress of March 2d, 1861,' having ap plied. for a discharge from all bin debts and other claims provable, under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debtst and others Interested, to appear on the 18th day of SE l• IEII se.% 1868. at .10 o'clock A. 31.. before SA3IUEL HARre.9,, Esq..Regl ter, at No. 93 Diamond street, Pitts g, Pa.. to show cause, if any they have, why a Discharge should not be granted to the said Bank rupt. Aud further, notice is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt. required by the 2.7tb and 28th sections of said Act, will be had before the said Register, at the same time and place. 5e5115.8 S. C. IdeCANDLESS, Clerk. T N DISTRICT COURT or' _A. THE UNITED STATES.' FOR THE WEST- EtIN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. st. I'll HP. a Ita• krupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867. having applied for a discharge from all his debts. and other claims prov able under said act, by order of the Court, notice Is hereby given to all per ons who have proved their debts,tand other persons interested, to appear on the 2o DAY Dr (,(rfollKii, 1868, at 10 o'clock A. si.,l i before JI)HN N FUR CE, Esq., Re. - gister, at his office, No. 116 Federal street, Ade.. ght.ll ,, City. Pa., to sitrow cause, if our they have, why dischaarge should not be granted to the said bankrupts. And further, nutter is hereby, given that the f•erond 50.1 Third Me, thug, or creditors of the - said I.nkrtipt. required by 1,1-43 27th and 280 s sections of said act. will be bad before the said Re gister, at the same time and ;dare. seS:viti.s S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk. IN I THE DISTRICT COURT OF T,HF. UNITED 8 rATEs, for the Western Dis trict 01 Pennsylvania. ituß VET C. SUTTON. a Bankrupt under the, Act or Congress of March 2(1.1867, having applied for a dircuarge Iron, ad his debts. and other; claims provable under said Act. - by order of the Court. no tice lei hereby given to ell eredloors who have proved their debts, and other per.ons rn•ere.ted team:fear on the 30th day or-September:lB6S, - at lu O'clock A. st..l3efore JOHN N VIAL% tie Esq.,' Regis.- ter, at his office, N 0.116 Fed', ral street, Atlegheny City, Ps., to show cause. if miry they have,' woy a discharge should not be panted to the said Hank rept. I And further. Dotter Is hereby given that the Second and Third Meetings of credhoryof the said bankrupt. required by the 21th and 28th Sections of told Act, will be had before the said Register , at same time and place. - serl.x4oB , n. C. MeCANDL - ESS, Clerk. Pres!dint. Secretary. ITZtffiFor i V 2l7 ER OF THE AX •,I Gemini's Bnlldlng and Loan ,Woclation FOR. A CHARTER OF INCORPORATION No. 1,002 In the Court of- Common Pleas of Alle- .ghenyt minty. _ In he above c•se the 'Petitioners have applied for a Charter as a Building and Loan Association, un der ths statute in such case made and - provided, and unless exceptions be din proper lime a Charter will be granted at next ternrof said Court :sap; t oTlCE—Notice is hereby given N that Letters of A dmint Mutton have berg granted by the Register of- ?Alex hens mninty. to the ,underslgned, on the fttai e on. RE , ERIC SAUER, Late of Allegheny - county. deceased. 'AI rson . in. dented to said estate are beieeru tined to pay the sane. and all persons having et4tas sgal.st the said estate, to or sent the B&W.. antheati, ested, for settlement. IIi+6P4LENa 8 KURR. • .Administratrix, of Frederick Sauer, deceased. Pittsburgh, wept. 7, 1869. • seplial. NOTICE,Whei eas, LtOfters. of Admthistration on the estate. of JOHN 8. PoilirPON, late or Oakland- Township, deceased. have been duly' itramed the 0111ml:signed by the Register of Allegheny county. a‘l persons insehted toss baring Weimer .galnbt the estate of ssl4 de emed are reonestedtd sresent the sa a without .4413", for settlement. at tlt , mace of THOS KW IN o,' Attenels. 0. 158 *mirth bt.. Pittsburgh. .211.8 DAVIMON , Admlntsttatax; JaX bt,tiro, Administrator, jylBkti4t-S TO RAILWAY CONTRACTORS. -•. • , . . . THE MASONRY AND'BA.LLASTINd of the following entFer— tted wttons of the /Pittsburg & Connellsville: Railrol, Are advertised for contract, Amid proporals for the same will be received at the Companrs omcc, in Pit.sburgh, tip to the ' • iOTH OF SEPTEMBER, hriasive, tonuitencing at the Uniontown Branch Junction,, • about a mile east of COnnelaillle s *item' 59 to 64 inefusive. Then Poorkinif3s; 73, 74, 76, 50, 81, .88. 83. B*. so. 80,;87, 89, Sw, 99, 934 99, 106, no. mi. ilk 116, .117, 11E4 119, Isl 3, 198. 199, 130 133; 140.' All 'et these Sections ire In . i thisvalley of the 'Youghiogheny river, op to Section US huillstYC • •Peliik , he , 113 . 'TAO; /17 are On the tswilmi, and embrace the Baud Patch Tunnel: and 'the .recallindisr are 'la 'the valley . ' Of Wills Creek. IlliettOn i*o iiiiiii* aboutemiltailiti Cumberland. • i dial:ideation* of the work on glut above : eeeons will be readirthr delivery on the Ist ofideptember. at assofileta of the Company. at Pittsburgh and Cum- I I Wind. where oindrautorairillobtaki all necessary Infbanitlon to enable them to itisatilie the line. --- Tee Company riworrea the riglas serujeot al era •• IWO oreama ow: . - ''.: : ''' ' ' - • ; I - n ' 0.13. LATROBE, 1 A 1, ~: '• S : r:•1 t'. ~..t.: .-•' 1 .:,'1), !: i.' li P•i: : •,.. ••4': ,' ...: ,', : , t ' Crati *EMS. • . __ _ ____ D:Alumit aota,,lses: 1.--l Orritir. os Ctrn`'EnOtlelikit aritfotravrros. Pirdaburrik beep". IL 18611. NOTICII:d. TO CSMITUrfiGTOItSo • Sealed - rropioiatelbr the viral -Grading of IDIVNIDDIId- WNW/MI • ittea 43eldre avenue to ,Pransirrastamweauot. , * " bb rul e amdour. zLgir,iiiTßEET, from rd t 'iftt aberker.atrert• ' dreirsint Amine aLtzy, front ft*. • soafrornotro.otk For Wooing and Piithir liaLki;LlnkN'ES ALLEY, Y front Dekmtor to Clark eudq--fee'tbe eonstruaturrou..a .04 - lard walk oa it, AN RIL /MX ET. , (Jderarlarara tkro. • For laylme"litwitOri Farrmrnt ,, A/P. DLLHOND :ALLEY, from tbe-Ol.mond-tolVotid street: sad f,r -On conitrucUop o n•bearer on wpm . STIMICT b (I r t. ILO aloe Rota ,W . rec Tr. a THUI3IrAY. zone'. 180. 1899. - Ti eFommittee reserve the ~..site -eject so/ or 111 - Opera cottons cud maul • for budding Cap. be ba - a at Ow Mace._ - aell:xte - ' .IL J. MODAig. CDT Enilgeer" AMUSEEZSTi% ....Wv. M. W. CANNING FOUL PLAY OF TILE FAVORITE LOCRENIA• THOMAS A. ROWLEY. U. S. Marais', as Mcdsenger. LEGAL. B. S. PIOBIUSON, Solieltor for Petitioners. PROPOSALS; MENIMII 0 El sultral