The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 19, 1868, Image 1

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The Tice Meter for Distillerg—
Revenue Appointments—Con
,gresstonal Session on Monday
Next—Mail - Agent Appointed.
tßy Telegraph to the rutseurgi qszetie.l
WeisinoroX, Sept. 18, 1868.
COI. B..i,GregOby, of ; Kentucky, 'ap
pointed Deputy Collector of the port of
New - York,haviti charge of the transition
of merchandise between the Atlanttc and
Pacific ports, L. J. Noles, of Warren, Mess.,
and Wm. T. Duvall, bf Georgetown, D. C.,
-selected by the Government,, and Win. P.
'Trowbridge, of iteivtork; selected by Mr.
• 'lice, have arranged the following schedule
of prices of the tice metre of different
-adzes, which,, in accordance with the recent
act of Congress, has =been prescribed for
use in distilleries: Sample metre A, 42,00;
:do. do. B, $2,50f metre NO. 1, - single count
er,s4,6o;-do:db:double do., 1.5A--capachy
one and a half gallons per minute; metre
2, singlei counter, $6,00; dd. do. double
do., 'o,so—capacity . three gallons per min
ute. metre N 0,13, single counter,,sB,oo; do.
do:double do.;sB,so—thipacity six gallons
Per minute; -metre No. 4, single conater,_
-41,000; _ .
Commissioner Hollins aaa.issoed a circu
lar requiring distillers to procure and at-.
tach the metres, failures of which will make
it the duty of the collector to close the dis
tillery and institute proceedings for its con
-denination and enforcement of penalties.
required by law. Distillers* or apples,
peaches and grapes exclusively will not be;
required to attach metres to their distil
The following Storekeepers were appoint
,ed to-day: Henry Carpenter, Wisconsin;
Edward Beebe, New Yark City; J. L. Mor
rison, First District, West Virginia; J. J.
_Kelly, First District, Pennsylvania; Daniel
Writ* First Distr,ct, lowa.
The,folio wing Gaugers were appointed:
= - John H. Houseman, Third District, Cali
,fonalal 4D. T Morris, First District, Wis
•consin; Dirwin E. Martin, Fourteenth Dis
t trict,Fatmsylvania; S. M. Gough, Twentieth
District, Pennsylvan , a; John. D. Keehy,
Cliurles T: Rock, Charles J. Bradley. Chas.
C. Cummings and R.l W. Dibble, Eighth
DiStrict, Illinois; 0. C. Boslishell, Tenth
District, Pennsylvania; Edward H. John
- son Fifth District, Kentucky.
G. H. Woodward was appointed Ins
of Snuff and TOIXICeO in the SeCond Dis
trict, Pennsylvania.
4. X. , Dotige, Statistician of the Depart
merit of - Agriculture, left this city to-night
to represent that Department. at the State
- fairs of Ohio and Illinois.
The prospect now is that there will be a
quorum_ of both- houses in attendance on
ISlOnday. - There have '
-been-.several addl..
".tional arrivals of members to-day. '
'The Postmaster General has ttptiointed
John C. Mall special mail , agent for Ken
tucky, vice J..J. Miller, removed.. '
- - ArronNzt GENERAL Evan Ts.
Xttorney General Everts arrived this
From the Pacific Coast
433vVelfitrans to tilePittstersheamtte.)
Viiiieraarialsco, Sept: 18.- I The steamer
Idaho, with a cargo of sugar, was seized by
the Custom authorities for defrauding the
revenue.. It appears that one of; the San
• Fraiacisco refineries has been importing
`large quanities of sugar frOm the Sandwich
„Islands, adulterating it with powerfulehar
, -coal, and passing it through thin Custom
'House as , low grade sugar., „The I:halted
t4 fatateg Canitirst flotioldrattuicertained the
facts of the case, secured the neceissaty tes
timony here on the Idaho and laid ..the
matter before the - ReVenue autheritkii,
, which resulted in the seizure of the steam
er and sugar, valued at over fiftyi thouisnd
idollarsv ' ••.„
' The - Orekdn , - Legislatnie met At Salem
yesterday. There is a Democratle majority
of four -in the Senate and elevan 14 the
-House. Notice was given of tha introduc
tion of a bill to repeal the resolution by
• which tha fontteeeth. article : of the amend
•libilt•tti the Conntitutiba was Adopted..
The Great Republic, from HongiKong and
Tokohorna, was not reported at 8 a.: la. and
is overdue two days. I
The woods near San Rafael, Marion coun
ty, were on fire, and a tract of from five to
. 7 X miles was burping: The - inhabitants in
plane were-nearly stilted. with smoke.
:This city and harbor his been wrapped hi a
(tense volume of smoke since lait evening,
supposed to originate from the burninestig
rwOoda itiOre. , A '
h yfire„ooveri an -
- milted area ott gon we undred squar ng e
bas been raging for several days past in that
.State, on both sides of . the Columbia river
between - the Cowl Itzenes Junction an
Williamette. It is feared that he towns
hiltoria are destroyed.j The
destructionle timber and other properly is
--Immense. • •
The Georgia Legislature.
Shy-Telegraph-to the Pittsburgh Gustte.l
. ATLANTA, 44, Sept. 18.--The House tO.
inuocul. the „Senate relief bill by *vote
It to 62 : Sesointlons were, adopted re.
De aThog the. fortner,tion of ' the mouse to
stay theoellectiorof debts, declaring that
-collections can'be "made whe n the preterit
.'l'l...xelief4 bill -receives the Gorrnor's
The; Senate'idoPted the : amendment to
-the tax faxing-; foreign. insPianceoom;,
• ; • pardes one per -cent.ou premiums, or other
. Mtn ) State companies other
are taxed ,capital ,
A document is eirculaiing for s stock ignatures,
7 1 rr g_ ve .of,Partf,rednea n g Hon
iz, .
Stevenstev• to, deliver an = dress on the
, condition of the, country. It has
. eigued by : several of both
• - 4 ' 3 (41Osises-otthe `Leglidatare:i 4 t' ,lolo P er t e l„
''thavpov:Bullotkwlll l3l o44 o A eg l uels•
A 'Ooinrhitteenf the Members or
the 1.e....411ttn" Who were dero*ed
AW I le .tert ler Washington !to present
their case to Congress. '
Eire at Elmira, N. V.
liriplegrapb co the Plttaburgb Ossette.3
Ematit4Sept.lB:=4. disastrous fiteProke
Block, corner Lake- , , , and .
WatenstrefAs. occupied by E. S. CoOk. &
Co., hardware merchants, shoat half-past
ten o'cloek.: hot night, which'burned the,
•entire upper stories of the block. — The lom
fettobr life),oooplnsured for $70,000.
. ,
Fred in Virginia. •
fr.r:Rtosmostro, VA., September 1.7.=7r05t
in 'neighboring counties last night; no
damage. r
r. 3 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette-1
Nnw Yong, Sept. IS, 1868.
amaica advices of August 25th state the
small-pox continues on the north side of
the Island.
The revenue conspiracy cases have been
potp-inefi again till Tuesday.
The National Labor Congress assembles
here next Monday.
Anxiety is felt hero for the safety of the
steamship Northern Light, which left here
August 22d for Bremen and has not been
heard from since.
The steamship Schmidt brought - eight
hundred passengers from Bremen.
The steamship Brittania arrived from
Glasgow to-day and the Palmyra from Ltv- ,
All the vessels arriving within a few days
report damage from a cyclone on the Bth.
St e , 43a.
Several families had a narrow escape fro
burning to' death at the fire in Brooklyn
this morning, many escaping in their night
clothes. Officer Carr rescued a child from
the flames at the peril of his life, lbsing his
hair and a portion of his clothes in his heroic
The., case of Ludington, argued to day,
was diferred to a Cotnmissloner„,who will.
decide whether 'be shall be• given to the
!Deputy U. S. Marshal from Illinois.
The Cricket match to-day was concluded
by,the American twenty-two scoring eighty
eight on their second innings, which,. with
sixty-one on the first in , ings, makes a total
of one hundred and forty-nine against one
hundred and seventc-flcem de by the Eng
lish- cricketers in one inning. ,Nine of the
Englishmen played a game of base ball to
day against an American nine. Score,
thirty-eight for the Englishmen, and ten
for-the Americans. :
Foreign paPers state Aix in Chapelle let
ters mention that the city of Triers Trevi,
Rhenish-Prussia, is fully armed and pre.
pared to sustain a siege, the garrison num
bernig twelve thousand. Rhenish-Prussia
is alive with troops, and forty thou.and
men are ready to seize Luxemburg and for
,themselves there, should a telegram
from Berlin order.them to do so.
An Insane man named Michael Conlon,
this morning stabbed Ws wife while asleep
in bed. Her cries brought to her aid two
men .who were also stabbed by Conlon.
The men were seriously and the woman
slightly injured. Conlon was secured.
Building Improvements at St. Louis...Rai
road Excursion.
(By Te,egraph to the Pittsb .rgh Gazette ) -
ST Louis, Sept. lB.—Two thousand and
eleven buildings are in process of erection
or have been completed in this. ity at a cost
of about fifteen million dollars. Of those
buildings fifteen hundred and fourteen are
dwellings, four hundred and eight t•tores,
fifty-four manufactories, twenty school
houses, and eleven churches. Only two
hundred and thirty-six •of these buildings
are of wood. About one hundred citizens
of St. Louis, embracing representatives of
nearly every branch of business and
several , professors left here this afternoon
for Omaha and the-end of the Union Pacific.
Railroad. The object of ;be trip is to ex
amine the country - , investigate its resour
ces and see what can lie done towards
towards bringing the trade of that region
LOSt. Louis. The project of building an
air line railroad between here and .Omaha
will also le more fully examined.
The next triennial conclave of the Knights
Templar will be held in Baltimore, coin
mencing Sept. 3d. -
Locomotive Explosion at Buffalo.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh J9arette.3
BUFFALO, Sept.bl7-The locomotive used
in switching trains at the Erie street depot
in this city, exploded her boiler to-day, in
flicting Serious - ivonlids on the engineer
and various persons in the city, fortunately
killing no one. Pieces of iron were thrown
through some" frame houses near by and
the debris was scattered in every, direction.
Some cf the bystanders were thrown into
the canal by the force of the explosion, but
were rescued. '
• Sinking of the Steamer J. P. Webb.
CST 'telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
LounvILLE, Sept: 18.—The steamer J. E.
Webb, a small stern wheeler, plying be
tween Cinciutiatl 'and Evansville, while
going down over the falls last evenifig
struck a rock, and' sunk in twenty-fluefeet
•of water. No lives were lost. The bbat
an4liargo aro- a t.4tielofi's: • The boat ;wss
insnred;,cargo partially insured.
'Episcopal Vinnaleffehool,, •
.114 , 1%10yd/A tla therlttiburjr.WersaFtte. l
AUGUSTA, Me., Sept.—The Episcopalians
of this State eatablishedlo•day and dedica
fe this city
. a church school exclusively
for inalei. Addresses; were deliVered by
Bishop Neally, of Haim-. Bishop Armitage,
of .WieConsin, .Dr.:":Warlon, Of Trinity
Church, New York, and others. The school
is called St. Catharkkes Hall.
Ohio state Fair.' ,
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
TOLEDO. Sept 18.—The arrangements for
the State Fair which opens here on Monday
next areSbotot , cornplete. Over seven hun
dred entries have already been made and
the prospect now is that every department
will be filled and / thqt the exhibition com
pare favorably in every respect with any
.revlotts one.
Frost and Snow In North Carolina.
(By Telegraph to the Pitteburgh:Gazette.)
WILMINGTON. S. Septeniber
There was a alightlrost and snow in Robin
son-and Richmond counties on the 17th and
18th !reds:
Congressional; Nomination.
. ,
ScitarrEarAny N. Y. September . :1&
Stephen Eantord was tcoday„nominated by
the Republicans 61114 Eighteenth District
forColiErmot • : -
—The steamer Nashville arrived at Cairo
yesterday, with ottefiundreitand seventy
five, men and bona of the, rlfth,Uolted
Slates Cavalry, bound for Omaha. , • .
ierYTant girie who sWan!
from ,Nabant, Mid aped' twei i ladies
from drowning a few days ap t will receive
s medal from the HumaneWe sty.
,and Navy
street,. Brooklynr yesterday morning, de
aroyed seven :dwellings and eight ,steres t
wlth tenements ,over, the-atones`.''' Thirty
'filminess die ;rendered Ifouselass. Total
Loos 8159,990. Net lives loat.. I •
—John Qu incy Adams a ccepts the Dentio-,
°ratio nomination" for Governor of Maas.
(Musette. He objects,however. loth° plank
of - the National Desiooratio Convention
rOs t i v o to finance, and avow. himself a
'Jackson , Demderat, believing in hard
fire in Lynchburg Thursday burned
seven -tobacco warehouses on Main end
West streets, together wilt' a large. amount
of tobacoo! also a dwelling house. A Miss
Hershfield wag severely injured by jump
ing from a window of the dwelling. Th e
property was all insured.
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FOUR o.cDocK. A. M.
Chamberlain's Majority Conceded
to ie Over 20,000.
By Telegraph to the rlttstiurgh Gazette.l
AUGUSTA, Mn., September 18.—Returns
from four hundred and six towns give
'Chamberlain 89,184, and Pillsbury 48,847
majOrityfor Chamberlain 20,317. The towns
that remain to be heard from gave Cham
berlain last year 4,237, and PilLsbury 4,180.
Full returns, IM:hiding those from these
towns, with their rclativa.increase of ratio,
will give Chainberlitin a total majority . of
20,404. -The .official , returns, which will bo
,published. next wee} Will. not vary these
figures to an appreciable extent. It is gen
eralltiagreed here that Chaminr ain's ma
jority will exceed 20,000. s'. 1
By Telegraph to thei
Reisuch has been
Rieti, and sante!
hundred francs 0'
sissioh Of the See
Pope without the
BIARRITZ, September 18.—Tbe Emperor
Napoleon, Empress Eugenie and Prince
Imperial to-day Made a visit to Queen Isa
bella pf Spain at Sebastin.
QUEENsTow , r, September 18.—The steam
ship Jaya, from New York, has arrived.
i LONDON, Septeinber 18—Evening.—Con
sols, 7-1; , 4; Erie, 4I Illinois, 91; Bonds, 72%.
FR AN SPORT, • September 18. Bonds
stoady•at 75 1 4'. \ :
PARIS, September 'lB.—Bourse quiet.
Rentes 69f lflc. • \
LIVERPOOL, Se'ptember 18 Evening.—
Cotton advanced to 10!..1d. for middling up
lands and t0`103.4d. for do. Orleans; market
closed with an upWard tendency; sales to
day, 15,000 bales. breadstuff's; Oats flat.
' Provisions unchnnged..7. , • ' ...
ANTWERP? September 18.—Petroleum;
48 francs foi l standard white.
The Alabam a Legislature.
(By Telegraph to the Po ttsbarah Gazette.]
MONTOONEItYrKLA . ... Sept. 153.—The time
of the Senate this morning was occupied in
tho discussion of political topics. The House
adjourned after a few minutes session, and
the Republican membors'went into caucus
with closed doors.
Base Ball.
ißy Teleerugh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
TROY, N. Y., .September match
game of base ball was played hero today
between the Haymakers, of Lansingburg,
and the Mutuals, of Now York. which re.
suited 3n a victory for the Hay Makers by a
score of 48 to 11.
Fire at Montreal, Canada.
CRY Telegraph to the - Vlttsburgh tiasette.l
MONTREAL, Seyit-mber 18.—The 'Glas
gow hotel and out buildings were destroyed
by tire this morning. Five vsluable horses,
Whicht had been on exhibition, were
• We direct attention to the opening lines
and the last words of the annexed paragraph
from' the Portland : Press:
The amount of hard work-that has been
done in this'campaign Is almost inconceiV
able, but to all who have labored on the side
of truth And right, the result brings ample
compensation, "Glory enough for one
day!' The enemy Is now prostrate, and
will not show fight again this year. Cop
perbeadiem in all the States has received a
staggering blow which will do Infinite harm
to the cause of Eeymour, Blair and the new
rebellion. Now for Pennsylvania and Ohio.
-.General AleGiernand 9 a Blunder.
[From the Spring acid (III.) September 3._
There is a rumor on the street, quietly
whispered around among the Copperheads,
that Mr. 'Pendleton - is very much chagrined
at Gen. McClernand's publication of his
private dispatch about "the condition of our
canvass in Ohio." He has - sent, it is said,
a stinging rebuke to that gentleman for his
stupidity in allowing his telegram to get
into the newspapers—a thing which he
never contemplated—and which has already
had a most depressing effect upon the al.
ready desperate `"condition" of the Obit
Democracy. Mr. George Schutt'was imme
diately bent on as especial envoy to make
the necessary explanations and apologies to
Mr. Pendleton f and thereupon, in order as
far as possible to repair damages, he finally
.consented under 'a sort of protest, to come to
D 11119.1 9, -
; Figure..
A valuable statement concerning the Na
tional 'Banks-has just been compiled from
the yepqrt of alt the National Banks_ in the
`country,. from shtick the folliiering appears:
Total'capital "hive:And' iti National Banks,
5i228014560; taxes 'paid to U.;.. $2,525.-
`807; ? average rate ' tax on' capital paid to
UAW States 2} per , cent.:; - taxes vaid• to
ai assessed by Btateautharittes $8,813,127;
average rate_per cent.'Btate taxation 2,1; to ,
u s ; tax paid United States, and State author
-1tiei11118,8138,784; rate pee emit. of United
81, 1 08,04 State taxon capital 4i; deposited
slikpeceipber in the Treasury by Natinual
BOWLS; Ova per cant. bonds, $80,657,950;
six per cent. `bonds .ssicjiir ,600; six per
,cent. currency bondB or loan to Paelllc Rail
road $3,877,000.
PuoMll972lTiOhlo politicians affirm that
that State will give over 85,000 Republican
majority. Vallandigham is largely coloniz
ing Goa. scheuek's district; but tho Repub
licans believe that they can deteat,hint nay
erthelese. Largp sums of money have
been . sent frent,A,CW York ta. help Villeindighent.
'Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Iptember 18. —Cardinal
tried by a civil court, at
ced to pay a fine of five
,r attempting to take pos.
bf Sabina by order of the
!authority of the King of,
ER 19, 18e8
FUnitEn ,
it tsbu rgn (Fazette.)
iCorresponflenee of the
sas,) Sept. 15, 1868
I stopped from Fr' ay to Mgnday in St.
Louis, having some business to transact,
and then set out for Kansas, arriving here
to-day at 11 A. M. he distance is 322 miles,
and there arc few b tter roads or more com
fortable cars in the country than those be
tween Bt. Louis an this place.
Improvements o all kinds have made
good progress sines) I was here in 1867.
This city is growing rapidly on both sides of
the river, and business is brisk. Kansas'
City, too, is going ahead in true weearn
fashion, and now numbers. from fifteen to
twenty thousand &ople. There is a trian
gle here, at each angle of which stands a
thriving and ambitious city—Leavenwortbs.
Lawrence and Kahsas City—railroads form
ing the three sides, which are severally be
tween thirty and Forty miles long. The ter
ritory enclosed is 'very fertild, part prairie
hnd part heavily timbered. This triangle is
bounded on the east by the Missouri river,
and on the south by the Kansas. 8o far
Leavenworth is ahead; but the other two
may yet pass it. Each of the three is the
keen rival of both the others. ,
Thie has been a very prolific season in
this State. The wheat crop was very good.
The corn suffered somewhat from the ex
treme heat of July, but IS fair. Potatoes,
both sweet and common, are very abundant
and as good as I ever tasted. Onions, yams,
melons and beets, as I saw them in the
markets, exceeded anything that I ever met
with. Apples are plenty and very fine, but
the peaches ' laNwd luscious, are carried
about the streets IMthe wagon load. Al
though "as pleasant to the eye and as good
for food" as any I ever saw, I was told that
they were generally Seedlings. Their ex
cellence is owing to the soil and climate.
One gentleinan told me that for five suc
cessive y,earswhich was as' long as he had
bearing trees—he had never missed a good
Land is rising rapidly in price. Some
tracts of improved laud several miles from
town are held as high as thirty dollars an
acre—others at lower rates, of course, even
down to two or three dollars. Farms are
being bought up rapidly.
In this State politics are pretty much on
one side, and of course, there is little or no
excitement; but in Missouri the contest
is as active and earnest" probably as in
any other State in the Union. Our
friends; however, are quite confident of giv
ing the voteof the State to Grant by a very
decided majority. Two Congressional dis
tricts, one of which is general Pile's, are
hotly contested; and we: may, it is feared,
lose one of them by the conduct of a com
missioner of registration, who is letting in a
'flood of disfranchised rebels. Colored men
do not vote in Missouri. C.
The Ohio Stale Fair
- F -
The Nineteenth Annual Fair of the Ohio
State Board of Agrieulttire will be held ftt
Toledo, beginning on Monday, Septemher
21st, and closing on Friday, the 25th. The
groundsfselected are one mile west of the
depot, and are known as the Swayne track.
We observe that an important change in
reference to entries has been made, to take
effect at the coming fair. No charge what
ever is made as an entry fee for stock or
articles for exhibition. The rule now is,
"Any person may enter as many different
articles for exhibition as he or she may
own, in any of the ,departments free of
charge." No exhibitors.' tickets will be
issued. The Board wt I depend for revenue
from the fair, entirely upon receipts at the
gate, where an admit ance fee of twenty
five cents will be charged.
In consequence of this change it will at
once become apparent to exhibitors that the
desire to Increase the revenuehy receiving
entries out of season will no longer exist,
and those who desire to compete should be
governed accordingly. The corresponding
secretary, John H. Klippart, of Colambes,
Ohio, gives notice that he will attend to all
list of entries sent him before the fair, and
that no entries will be received after Mon
day, September 21. Articles wilt be re
ceived on the ground on and after_Saturday,
the 19th of September. Every exhibitor Is
required to have his articles on the grounds
and arranged by Tuesday, the 22d, and if
delayed beyond 12 o'clock M., of that day,
they cannot come in competition for pre
miums. .
Among the regulations regarding stock,
is one that thorough bred' animals - must be
accompanied_ wink -a peAgtee, to be fur
nished the Secretary. No premium, except
in sweepstakes, will be awarded to any aged
animal that has received the first premium
at former State or provincial exhibitions
either of this or of any other State.
The premium list is exceedingly full, and
is very liberal. There are seven $5O pre
miums offered for horses, four' $lOO premi
ums,, one $2OO premium, besides a great
number ranging from $4O to $5. Equally
liberal premiums are offered for cattle.
sheep and other stock. likthe other depart
ments, the list Is made exceedingly full, of
fering premiums for almost every conceiva
ble article of product or maanfacture.
The arrangements with railroads have not
yet been made public, but it may be pro
sumed that the liberality of former years in
i- tltis respect will be repeated.
0 i -.---
Soldlore NaUoa4 Mao Convention.
I. All Boidiots or Sailors in organized
bodlea, or by squads of not less than three,
and their wives and families, will .be ear,
rled to Philadelphia from all points along ,
the ,Pennsylvanid Central and Philadelphia
and Erie Railroad and their branches, at
two cents - per mile, - and return FREE OF
The tickets,will be !aimed at the different
Iffillroadltatens 'along the line on Bepterik.
ber 29, 80, and October 1, and - will' be good
to return on Oetuber A, , 4 and 5. •
8: This arrangement Is most liberal; ands-
the officers qf , the road have the thanks:of
the Committee. - •
8. Rates of other roads—East, West and
'South—Will be published in future orders.
4. Officers of Clubs, please mitt with
Ticket Agents' as -to:-the probable 'timber
who will take passage at each station. •
By order of I the Committee. •
Cmtaxata r;L T. Mims,
• - • Chairman.
A. L. Buisnkt,'
Auviczs from the hop districts in WlB
- are very discouraging. Much dam
age has been done by lice within the last
few days. Many yards have been utterly
ruined and abandoned. It is thought that
not - over fifteen thousand bales, of prime
hops will bei shipped from that State.
Grand Rally in Allegheny —Fifth and
Sixth Wards Ablaze—Mass Meeting and
Torchlight Proccssiou.
The Fifth and Sixth wards, Allegheny,
were alivd; with excitement last evening,
on the occasion of a grand rally of the
loyal Republican masses, held at the corner
of Beaver avenue and Locust street. Long
before the appointed hour the thronging
multitudes wended their way to the des
ignated place, se that by thetiefre the meet
ing was called to order iherehad assembled
in the neighborhood of the stand an im
mense eencourse of Republican voters, who
tbersevinced their entbusieemtin the cause
of loyalty and justice.
The German Turner Band an& Prefessor
Pope were in.attendance, and' by their en
livening and soul.sttnring strrelns did much
to render the meeting interesting and sue
At 73; o'clock Mr. Jae. E. Brady took the
stand and proposed ther organization or the
meeting by the election of toe following of
ficers, which was - approrred :
. President—Gen. W. Blakely.
Vice .Presidents—D. H. Painter, Dr: Arm
strong, J. Gardiner Coill'n, Charles Pugh
Thos. Harper, Wm. J. Bane, G. J. Parkins,-
W. J. Madeira.
Secretaries—D. 8. Patterson, W. A. Fos
ter and reporters of the Republican press.
Gen. Blakely, on assuming the duties or
President, returned-his thanks to the audi
ence for the honor conferred upon him and'
in a felicitous manner introduced Hon.. P:
C. Shannon. - -
Mr. Shannon was received with vocifer
ous applause and commenced his remarks
by stating that he was an old line Demo
crat, and had acted with the Democratic
party from the corrimencement of his po
litical lite, through all the various fortunes
s hich had attended them; down to the
time when rebel vandals commenced their .
1 vain attempts to subvert the Government
by firing upon Fort Sumpter. It became
evident to his mind that the party which
controled the affairs of Staas for so many
years and had thus shown itselrto be in
competent' to govern wisely or well, had
not sufficient vitality in it to restore
or to save that Government in a time
when all powers must be put faith
in its , maintainance. :He left the
Democratic party then, because he would
not follow its leaders into the ranks of those
who were engaged in the attempt - to over
throw the best government which the
world ever saw. Ho left it because- it had
been "weighed in the balance and found
wanting." He left it because he desired
the salvation of his country and therpre
servation of all those rights and prisileges
whien it had always secured to its citizens.
Ile left it to join, heart and hand, with
these noble, loyal men of another party
who were willing to sacrifice all on the
altar of patriotism, end who lied evinced
such abilities and statesmanship as to im
press upon alt their capacity far saving the
country and governing it with that judg
ment and wisdom which would ensure• its
prosperity, happiness and power.
The speaker then referred to the Demo
cratic party, showing, by its record and the
material of which it was composedt.that it
was totally unworthy the Confidence of
atty loyal man or lover of his country,
touched on the bond question, ably argued
the justice and wisdom of the reconstruc
tion acts of Congress ) and closed with a fer
vent appeal to all to rally aroun&the stand
ard and make old Pennsylvania ring out in
thunder tones in Noeenaber for - those in--
corruptible patriots and accomplished
statesmen, Grant an&Colfax.
Mt. Shannon occupied nearly - an- hour
and a half, was listened - to with marked at—
tention by all, and rewarded at its close
with hearty applause. .
Loud calls were now made for Prof. W.
J.-Pope, who came forward and•sang "The
Miller and his Sons,:', which was received
with. roars of laughter.
At this juncture the torchlight proem--
sion.inade its appeazance and interrupted
the proceedings for a short time.
Quiet was at length restored and Prof.
Pope sang another humorous ballad„after
which. R. J. Powers, Esq., was introdliced
to the audience.
Mr. Powers congratulated the Republ
cans. present on- the large turnout and
hoped that it was but the precursor of what
would take place at the polls in November,
when the loyal masses would throng
around the ballot-box to elect to the high
est postlon in the nation the peoplets candl--
daree and the people's °halm. 11. 8. Grant
and Schuyler Colfax. - - •
The speaker then termed his attention to
the bond questioti, which he ably discussed'
imall its bearings for nearly an hour, show
ing up . ,the fallacies et, the Democracy on
this question, mad proving that the position
taken by the Ropublimn.partv on this paint
was the only just and °quit-abloom. The
gentleman was frequently applauded du
slug his' remarks,: and at the , close the
meeting adjourned with three cheers . ibr
the Republican candidates.
The promotion, whith took place in the
evening andloined liatile meeting, reflected
great credit. on the gentleman having in,
charge the necessary' arrangements.
All along the line of march it was greet
ed with enthusiasm many of the houses
being brapantly ilkuminated and decorat
ed. and insivrds of people manifesting their
adpreciation of it by vociferous applause.
The routsled through most of the princi
pal streets of Allegheny, and considerable
time was occupied in going over it. The
whole was_under the command c Calonet
Joseph. Brown and consisted of. tin follow
bag c o :I:pantos:1 -
ward. Pittsburgh, battery, one
hundred men,. commafidedby Capt. W. B.
Cook.. , •
Allegheny, COunty, Tanners Club;.. one
hundred and seventy-Give men.commanded
by Lients. Patterson and Dagleish.
Third ward, Pittgiburgh, Grant. and, Col.
fax Club, thirty,men. commanded. by Capt.
Fourth went, 'ABegheny.- minute men,
twohundrodt and. thirty-seven men, com
mended by Capt. Callow. '
Fifth ward, Allegheny, Grant and Colflix
Club, Bovinity meth commanded , byl.tipt.
Amine; • •
After moving through the route previous.
arranged, th e Second Ward Battery
matched down to the, rivet, hank, at the
toot eff LOCUM , street,end fired a saints of
'fifty gum t - The crotession was broken
RP far a Short' time at the meeting, but
organiseCkfter the firing of the salute
and marched hack over another route, the
(=aphides dropping out as they arrived at
their own hmdlitarters. ' ;
• tAltogiither it was an exoeedingly fine af
fair; and conduotcd throughout in .en, and
mirablo manner: , .
First Ward Republican No ll ibutillnit. -
Dust evening
,the „Republican voters of
the First ward assembled at their hes&
quarters, mi Market street, near Second,
for the purpose , of suggesting names from
which candidates for the several ward
offices are t 4 be amen. There was a laige
attendance. Alderrean Ffturibert .4cupled
the chair and W. B. Hunter, Esq., acted
as Secretary. Follewini is a list of the
nominations from which selections will be
made at the polls on Saturday week :
Select council (two to be elected)—G. W.
coffin, James Rees.
Common Council (three to be elected)—
John McLartahan,John Fitzsimmons, John
Seiferth, William R. Boggs, D. R.l Speer,
A. W. Rook.
School Directors (two to be elected)—
Geo. Wilson, John Cuthbert, Josiah Cohen,
John Fullerton, Florence Kramer, Robert
Feet, John B. Huhley.
Ridge Of Elections (one tote el ected )-8.
A.Nandergrift, Andrew Milfer, Sr. -
Inspectors (two to be elected)—C. F. Col
lins, Andrew Humbert.
Return Inspectors (two to be elected)—
John Hay, S. Frankie.
Amessor (one to be• electedr)--JamesGra
Constable (one to be elected)—Matthew
Josiah Cohen and D'. O'Neill were both
nominated , fbr Conirilorr Council, but re
fused to permit their names to be used,.
stating that they were noU„ and would not
be candidates.
After tke nombentions had been made,the
Glee Club sang several songs in excellent
style, and' the meeting adjitrned.
Grans Mussars✓
As per notice a' meeting, of the Grant
Hwsars was bell:let:City Halt last evening,
LietA.- Col. McClurg presiding—a fu at
tendance and repossentatiom of the six com
panies now organized. Favorable reports
Vont the, Finance and Executive Commit
tees- were received and. adopted. On mo
tion, resolved unanimously that all escorts
furnished from this command for general
officereof the parades of the 23d and 24th
Inst. should be composed of equal details ,
ftom alDthe companies and commanded by
an officer not above the rank of Lieutenant.
On motion ordered that all reportsof com
pany organizations and requisitions for
equipments .be made, by noon of Monday,.
21st inst.,.and all recruiting for the Hus
sars shall eease on that date.
On motion, adjourned.
Co. ..A." was then asiembled'and received'
their equipments, and after a sPirited•
drill by the Captain and a notice c?f*
fo»nedfoot'drill on Monday evening, 21st
inst, the company adjourned.
All members not haviag received, their
equipments are requested to pall on Lieut.
Dunseath, s&Fifth avenue, today and re
ceive them. .
Repi blican Primary Election itythe Twelfth
The following is the rasult of: the Repub
lican primary election held in _the Twelfth.
ward Thursday evening,. for the purpose of
noininatme , ward officers. Those[ marked
with a star were nominated':
sri.xcr cou 1•W9. ,
C. H. Armstrong..... B. Nobbs 262
•I). McClelland...---...t..1 3 ..Jac0b • .....
D• S. Anderson—. ... 12.3 ASsEssOn.
comxtmcouscii.. I.lohrt S. Normine
•T. W. Welsh Hague ' 8
•Thos. Rosewell 278,•amnel Mitchell 340
J. E. McKelvey. ...... S. Laughlin 'aT
'James Potts ... .. Mitch. II 10:1
.1. W. Mac Eerell 164t1N IiPECTOR 0 F rascriorrs
John W. Tarl6f....— Wallace 149
Ardel 31aeltlind 165'.Wm. Atchison
McQui:own 151 , ItETII.HIi IN S PELT° E.
SCHOOL DIRECTOUS. 'Wm: M. Rhmsey 211
James 11. Bill— SamotlT. Paisley IC._
Thos. 5imp50n..—._...155 .CONSTABInt.
Robert Cummins'. .4,01tt. Stanford.
Meeting Bakerstown.
A very large and spirited meeting of the
Republicans- of Bakerstown and vicinity
was held at thatplace Friday at 4 o'clock
P. tr. The meeting was organized. by the
election of the-following officers :
President—T. P. Austin. ---
Vice ..Presicants—John Dickey, Sr., James
Harbison, Esq
Sceretary—Dr. Allen.
The meeting was ably- addressed by R.
B_ Parkinson, and S. P.; Fulton,,Esqs.
After the meeting adjourned, delegates
from the surrounding townships- in Alle
gheny and. Butler cow:diet . met and made
arrangements for holding a Grand Mass
Conventioont that place Wednesday, Octo
ber 7th.
Dlcellum Township nrant Club.
At a meeting. of the , . --- McClure Township
Grant Club, held on. Friday. evening, the
18th inst., to make arrangemants. for the
Republican Convention ,on the 24th inst.,
the fol:owing commiStees were appointed:
Committee on blivile 77 4a: ;Shipman, T.
M. Boyd,. Peter Yost..
Committee on Banners—Daniel Trinp,
Thos. Payette, David, Davis, Rowland-
Jones, Thos. Monigan,"Ales. Fbstlel.
Committee on Finance- 1 00m: Walker, C.
H. Hartman, J. I. Bennett, Robert- Forres—
ter.' H. R. Ft.v.atiara,Vhairman.
W. B. Munnocsr 4 Sam ary.
The Great Earthquakis—Remairkable Phe.-
- nommen—Five litangred "tummies Ream,
(Insetted. ;
A Lima, Penn, oorrespondent of the lgew
York Times. relates the following singular
result of the earthquake at Arica, giving
Gen. Kilpatrick as his authority. He says:.
&s the earth opened andliyawned,,there
came up
„flea handrail: dummies, who stand
in, long lines facing the sea; every or
the skeletons in perfect.peeservation, the
hands doubled: up and supporting the•
ehin, the knees drawn up, and the feet
supporting the fleshless body l This must
be one of the most frightful sights pos..
Bible, and quite beyond description. The
' spot where these mummies now stand was.
once am old cemetery, some ninety, years
ago, it is said, and thesoskeletonsare doubt
less the fabled Incas and :Indiana, who._
eitherbnried themselves alies .or were in
terred in this. nuunuss They.. correspond
exactly to the old mummies of tile.
which I deeinibed - i>s a. former letter as.
among the curiosities to be seen in. the
museum at Lima. As the gsound receded,.
what a ghastly spectacle,. tussidtthe threes of
an earthquake, the coming lap again to earth
of these long hurled, - skeleton' remain.s.
Five hundred ghostly muzamiett
Tu Bova , six Bzert.--Abe indications
are that the grand national review of the,
Roys in Bine in Philadellidn on the I,st and
2nd of October will by the laregitgatbering
of the.veterans or'the , war_since the great
rev i ew- in Washingtoa , city All the war
Governors are expeciiid-to attend; also, the
present lc_oyal Governor. The i tioldiers' and
!Sailors' lout .
Committee are
in 'receipt Of letters &mu representatives of
soldiers and, sailors Sreuttill - Sections of the
country pledging their lanai*. One hun
dred thousand kudos VS eXprottied to be in
the procession. The; boys I intend to make
this their first general campaign agamat this
enemy a final one.
Tuit Seymour and Blatant Aeon haa
now been inaugurated hi 'the Georgia Leg—
All the , colored-members of both
Senate and House hive now been expelled,
the defeated Rebel-Democratic candidates.
seated in their places, and the overwhelm..
Lug Democratic ma4orityle:the Legislature
being enabled to snap theit i fincers at the
Governor's Protests and vetoes, the State is
virtually in the hand* g Toombs, Cobb auk
13en Rill. • " "