I tlit:':gittoo.gt :..6,;.tt..* A New Motor--An Important Discovery by 'Capt. Erieson---Solar • Meat the Motive Power. (From the New York. Times.) It has been reserved for the distinguished engineer, Capt. Ericson, to supply a new fuel in the place of coal, and a new motor - hi the place of steam. Ilia device is as novel in"conception as it promises to be astounding in result. In, brief, .his scheme into collect and concentrate the radiating heat of the sun 'and to use it for the pro dliction of molive poWer; He feeds his &mace,. so to speak, from the sun. ' This motor he calls the Solar Engine. The first •public announcement of the success- of this' extraordiaary device—tor "solar engines," kept in motion solely by the sun's radiant heat,- had been actually conitructed' by him_ and successfully' oper ated—Was made by Capt. Ericson to the Swedish University of 'From, at its late centennial celebration. F his Commu nication to that body it, appears that for several years this engineer has been experi menting with the view of so concentrating the sun's heat asto obtain from it a practical motive power. At length, at th 6 beginning 'Of the Present year. he was able to construct three "solar engines," of whichthe drat Was driven by steam formed by the concentration of the heat of the solar rays, and the other two by the, expansion of atmospheric, air, I heated directly by concentrated radiant hist..Be shows , that, inch is the enor rdbus detelbpment of solar heat. an area of tert,feet square on the sun's surface. Warive "a, real. steam ingiae of 45,984 horse power'. demanding a consumption of More than 100;000 ,pounds of coal every hour." But, of_ course, interesting ,as are these new studies of the sun' sheeting power, his statistics regarding the Possible concert, tration of tar suit's heat-on the earth's sur . lice are sal more so. And, without going into the wocess,_ we may briefly fay Ithat Capt. Erricsrn's experiments show that the concentration of solar heAt on ten feet square (or 100 square feet of surface) develops a power exceeding., one. horse power. If, therefore, he adds, a Swedish - square mile were covered,wtih these solar engines, "64.- 800 engines ' each of - 100 horse power," could be kept in motion by the radiant heat of the sun thus collecied. - The audacity of this enterprise and the ‘• incalculable reach of its results are alike be wildcring; but.it is already, as we bate said, a practical sucsess, insomuch that Mr. Del . amater, proprietor of the well known Dela -111 mater iron works, declares in a late scien tific publication that "before the termina tion Of the present season bread will be pre pared from flour ground by the solar en. gine I" :Tie exact r Ware of the concentrating mechanism invented_ by Capt. hlrl'esson not yet appal ently made public; but the re sult, in general terms, is, as has been said, f to collect a force equal to a horse power ' 1 'from the sun's heat, on every 100 square feet stuface. To introduce a new- motor into I mechanism marks a new er.i in'civiliza. tion. We call this the "age of steam"—but what shall we style the coming age? And, independent of the new force thus obtained, , we must reflect on the economy effected in old forces. " Not only will coal fields, whose capacity is now anxiously discussed by Etical economists, receive an unexpected and all potent ally, but in many ways the ques tion of thetost of the Mel would be affected —every economy in the use of coal for ma : chinery, leaving more for other purposes. * Meanwhile the new power is as exhaustless 4 , as the sun itself. It, may be objecteu- that this is not - a "cloudy day" force. If true, this would not be an important objection. But a brain great enough to master main results may be usually trusted to remove mechanical impediments in details. To store up fuel in the sky is a trifle to a man who makes a coal pit of the sun. There are many other obvious points for reflection connected with this extraordinary new motor. For example, the economy of cost in luting -the snit's heat for fuel, the comparative ease of regulating the median ism comparod with the management of atex:m machinery, which latter is an art m itself, , and the safety of the apparatus. But all these will better appear when more is known of what promises tohp a revolution or/ agent hi' Science, in industry and in commerce. _ _ A wEviimiilNeWY orktiP:efcbant, Mr. A. T. Stewart.paid an income tax, in 1865, am&antitig toMore than the total paid by the tax payers of ten Buttes and fourterritories ll . • Repaid $1.97,000 more than was paid by a the people of New Eiampstdre, '55,000 more than was paid by the people of Maine, and half as much more as was paid by the pee pie of Michigan. Out of the thirty-a x lions of people in the United States the statement of thoiCommissioner of Internal Revenue fol.& year 1857 shois that but 240,134 returnedi u ncomes. omes _ O 'of his h DlMbg63o6_xetrned inc of $2O. o less, and 42,017 under $5O; leaving 134,102 forcemeat of the fourth demand of the . Dem ur pity the built of $14.000;000. 1: rigid en °erotic Platform, for the taxation 'of "every description ,of property will "equalize" the tax lolnrch, timantiteas to compel :the poorest, workingman to contribute is share of taxes, thereby relieving the h share of individuals of ' a portion of their present burden. Let everybody and Avery; thing be taxed, by all means. NM • , A IdessAcfrossrrs paper says : "Mspy years ago two brothers Captain Itainanieli Smith, of Gloucester,•and Captain Amnai B. Smith, of Ipswich- made many voyages in the uropean trade. It -bad so happened that while . the Cbe Was honie the other would he abroad, and they bad not so n each other for several years. One Morning, in the middle-ofAm broad Athintic, two ships sighte t each other, one steering mit and the other west, with a, good breeze. - The usual -lireparations- were ' h mide for speaking, and' upon tapon ranging within ailing . distance, the sails were throe aback, a his own varier -deck, stood the brothers. Affectionate :greetings,. with _Are tidings from abkoad and the thrice Welcome news from home. were exchanged, and after cordial wishes- fOreachnther's prosperity, the vessels filled away and stood upon their courses. They did notea , aften lases. or on shore, for some yrs nte4, rwards." ME MEM M ___L - .„---osa--a -- .._ ~,!..:.. ~.. :_ _ A attriol . liettiqinnteemeret4.we 01.1417 g ~. eit .es o and tinsucc•ssful st ggl . t , the roles tier o independence was nneever,,cd, a . t_ Eati tonal ' I Lan - ' Si.all, Switaermna, 1:i olt'inPAriurgtistil.;''-th,i-, t 4, ; t aro . hundred Po letrand , . _the same number . 4s , y pathizing frieeds, marc hed in proce , sst!„e i r :l)the,,m,‘„e t eL te e. w t, as a 1;1 national aleer-eisting 4 :lbet" inlinm "'" A. d and twelve maidens in whitede.- ::" .1 , _rtncovere g ._ ,2 ,.. .... i ts bail ..Q itn Res), laurel. Wreeteol" 41, , -'-'...:. Viti a te' N'the Men' diStingliftilme or t e NSA :' residents of Swilze I d, delivered an ad dress in which R asserted tl that the nations ,W O FI • - ~ i ( r Id•spoon realizeithe of WeSt°"l Irilr°Ptfrlth-thet-rn an in epee c..- uncontrioiert e . ev _ _ nit,.iind shelter, dent:1'01110 alone -11 l ,; r oss iu n i 8 o r loss's. from the Northern t - l o Duriag the" teitirjriet that 'Was i g . occasion thirty.sevyr:c_Zflgri4,_ for the alai ry Jule as re6.lirba - Victor 'llu Sl !,(i, Jules comet were , - rine . cialeador t Favr.,•. C,:tregi,t, relletart, tio , ~ r 1 ond i Xiip tea hci - itg madrigal, tht eu'reber of the . 'Well-wishers. .. 1 ..: Thirty Thousand - Women tii.the Hop Fields. It is estimated that thirty thousand women are now' enzaged in 'picking hops in the State of Wisconsin_ Immense trains of, cars were required to convey them to, the hop picking region, and the scenes as thou sands of women landed at the depots were novel and picturesque in the extreme. At least ten thousand passed through Portage city. A local paper describes the advent of the merry crowd as follows "The first instalment by cars, some three ( hundred, came last week 'Tuesday evening. Wednesday eyening nearly one thousand came. Thursday and Friday.. evenings each five or six hundred. Saturday afternoon it was rumored that a very large number were on the way, and the rumor was corroborated, by the great number of - teams that seemed to be in waiting. About train time—half past seven--probably one, thousand persons had collected at the depot to witness the arri val. It was then found that the cars-were two hours behind time, and that instead of onetrain, two were coming, with , twenty eight cars loaded. When , the two hours wete, utt, the ,crowd at, the -depot had in creased; and this, with the acres of two and, four-horse wagons about the depot, and the musieand fun of the merry drivers, formed no small preliminary show of itself.- But as the two trains came thunder ing along, and as they stretcheithemselves away, beyond and away back of the depot and stopped, the'excitement was on tip-toe. And when two thousand pickers, began to pouf out of every door of those twenty-eight cars, the scene beat all other western shows. Cheering, laughing, singing, . shouting! Admirable . confusion--no ..disorder. Sec tions -of tens, platoons •of twenties, com panies, of forties, all officered, moving in every possible direction; - corporals guiding their squads; captains giving orders to their companies; marching and countermarching —direct ad in echeion--formine camp and breaking camp; armed and equipped with umbrellas, parasols, satchels, baskets, band-. boxes, lags,' bund:es, babies! Teamsters shouting for their loads—rush for the wagons'—tumbling in! all formed a scene to beat any army camp or movement! We can't do justice to the subject, tlI "But great as was the display on Satur day evening, it was more than matched on Monday eveningl We have no means of knowing exactly how many came on the two - trains,-but from the best information we can get we put the number at twenty five hundred!" Slop lar Escape from Prison. An escape which reminds one of Monte C tisto's adventure is reported from the mil• itary prison at. Tours, France. A soldier,- recently condemned to five years' seclusion: a dark-tempered individual, who used al ways to retire a few minutes before the rest, withdrew the other evening as usual; . when they reached the cell his fellow-prisoners remarked nothing particular about the place and their comrade appeared to be fast asleefi. The jailors,too,made their "round," snd'all seemed right. The next morning the prisoners being called up to Mass, and the melancholy looking soldier not waking, he was joked at and bullied by his compan ions; but as 'his did not rouse him, they went to the ;bed and pulled the blankets about, whenlot they saw the bed occupied -not by the soldier, but _by a figure suffi ciently well got up to deceive the keenest eye. A bolster and old clothes bad served the purpose, the bolster being coiffed with tin undress uniform cap the prisoner used to put on at night. 01 course the ffirector of the prison was immediately informed' - of the discovery and the place was searched. It was obvious the stratagem had been re sorted to in order to facilitate escape. No where was the missing man to be found. At last they arrived at the conclusion that he must have got, away throuelt a certain dark passage, the existence of which was almost forgotten, and which was closed only by one pad-locked door. Anyhow the prison er has made off, and has not been traced, though he must have been very lightly clad indeed when he left. ' ViM a) r A •trlikl ASSE.SSMEST. NATURALIZATION NOTICE. The UNION REPUBLICANS of Allegheny Cohn ty are rtquested to call upon either of the under signed, member. of the Unian Republican Ithtural ithtion t'ommittee, in refereneM to , the aisse-sment oirvoters and the naturslization suth parties, aliens, friendly to the Union Republican esuseas nay ht.entitied to tbe seme,•sthen. necessary Infor mation andassibtdirm will be rendered. 1; is ex pected-that the Vigilance Committees of the differ ent election districts will take the necessary bt ps a to:lnsure in their respective' districts proper assess- u' merit 4a: u.turalizsOon of all parties friendly to the Union Republican cause, and Ole union itenub-. Bath Toteris throughout the cow:4Litre Sib() invited to aid the Vigilance Committtes in their work , reportuig name's, Re., of any . ,perbonn friendly to the cause, who may be entitled to bq, but are nut yet niturallsetfor asseased• • . • The persons:entitledtti n atural tastiest under ,tne. HMO Of t 118.13 nited States, are aa.fOiows: , Ist Any free white alien over . twenty-Arse years of age, who has itislded ,in the United butte for rive years and In for - one year, bud s who shall hayeal. leisltwo, I ears preceding his applies tionfor. second ppera, Insde the nthessary decla ration t Of futePtioni, and tithen hislirst pilpers, is eititteds"nibiti 00,4 of soeb realdeao and decla ratlosi of Intention, to hIS' final 'naturalisation Pa• Any free white &Pen who errivedinthis coun try; under tWeuty, one yews. and who has resided In. rtirti,,e i three o Which shall next hreced hi. 'rein' et the a te . Of twe! , O-One years,. Is Oda' tie:- to his final' nsturstiSstion-papei a. . • . .sd.. • And sli sloinso' 1 0e ige of twentrone yes!, ugiwsri• wit.have resided withlu the United tithes for One year. Sind who shall liaise • enlisted In. andbeenhoriorably'diseharged Irvin the 'armies of . the - ilniteil eintss, are entitled to final lispeni of naturalisation.. " • W. E. PURVIAt.ICE, 414. Fifth • 13t,, PPtisburgh. E. P. JONES, 84 Ontilt, street Pittsburgh. J. EttASTllsi-MOKEll.vY,OlOrint'ot., PlAsleg. E. P. n a.'. '4l3l.llAllEit: Allegheny City. DAVID REEriE, Pitt,borgh, . • • Ji MN i'l tsioirsh. wld; MI i•TP N -W st ihrnaingliatn. :.1..11 NilB4Eit Ca JikstAll OK is Pittsburgh.: UltN itY 'EL U, Etrsniughai e: n. ' - stio6 TITIOT OILWELL .; Steam Engines for Sale.. 13$4fir4.. re B . 7 9 r o A lA . Inch stiolv. ,Ith &tithe nxtures FOE BY:11111M 01G *ELL'S. Address' •• HUGH ,31. BOLE &CO., ' nu ueen'W Way. VOR 111F.NIT-rNiADVIS1111(.1;101 11110. Led er.,eck a.ati t beirxeety, meth' tit , %re 4,01 for, A le,ea, ohe Oltd4ente lintel; Et 'Me eltY, fora ' tram, of Merl rs. , cnrntiornel lue and edit' sbf..n Viven oir ' do of January 18011. rropo-ale be nettle_Xorl thelhotea veer. Va . the hotel...JO Fiore illsAn4AttScutti he yin•inKe, esti' he elanitn. l d nit appoleation to the present occUpaukleur Uelibmr or the uu er igned, right rem rye iv dedlne say or an, hide It no; mat fir tory. and peenrat may`be required forth, rat brut reirrorteideVorthe tame td AIM iudur 0 0000 owl ...eroviati rorl4e VOntivllle Hotel • and addreoe 1. - • •' • , T11074A.a 111' Et. lA,' ." • 'WHLIT.IOOIIII,- ..507 1 9f zlitlL ., of L. i..oureve. dets , d.l: "it. Kr. ' AarLAWrivr. Locileville, Ky.. Aug. 31. IKON. - orl:vE6' .. T.uish. ,. . B.. ::::: l4,P yru:r : w t o . , E : Li amu - iv ir oit G ehit t: i.p fe cierm ::: tree : eir ii ir iu nt quality and lower In 'pike gut'w orweritinusler nictUrel),Anot_ber, large• isuppiriir .itirrAtraPlP BURGS' GAZETTE v` SPECIAL NOTICES. W'THE APPETITE FOR Tobacco Destroyed I Letl7o off Chewing and Smoking the Poisonous Weed, Tobacco. One, box of OP.TON'S PREPARATION IS WAR- I 'SANTE I) to destroy , the appetite for , tobacco in any person, no matter how strong the habit may be, Sir IT IT iA11 4 611 , 4-ATIT CASE VIE XONET WILL BA, 811/IINDSE. is almost impossible to break off. from the use of tobacco by the mere exercise of the will.: Something is needed to asslit nature in over coming a habit so finely rooted: With the help of the preparation there is not the least trouble. Hun dreds have need it who are willing to heir witness to the fact that ORTDN'S PREPARATION com pletely destroys the appetite for tobacco and leaves I the person as free rroin any desire for it as before he commenced its mfr. It Is perfectly safe and bemires in , all cases: The Preparation acts directly uymi the same glands and secretions affected by to bocco, and through these upon the blood, thorough ly cleansing the poison Of tobacco from the system, and thus allaying the unnatural cravings of tobacco. No 31 EI ANENT:IN° FOR TOBACCO AFTER lISING Oltl' N'S P REP ABATI 0 N I RECOLLECT IT IS wmatearrxrp• BEWARE OF COUNTERIXITBI • . . BECOMMEN The following are a few selected from the multi tude of recommendations In our possession: CFraia IV. P. Beef& Esq„ Eangor,rMe.l BANS:O3, Me., April A 4 leS. I hereby certify that I have used tobacco for talc ty years past, and fbr the lasi fifteen y( are I have used two pounds per, month. I have made attempts to least on at diiierent times. I have left on one year at a time, but always continued to banker fur It until Used Orton's Priparatiun, which has core r tel cured me of the appetite fur tobacco. I won d recommend all who are affected with this ter rible hatat,to try the preparation, which will cer tainly cure it If the directions are W ll foowed. P. HEALD. 11'r= E. W. Adkins. Knoxville. Tenn.] , KNOxYittit, Tenn.,'Anguat 5. 1807. This Is to ceri ley that I bud used tobaccolto such. an extent that my lb alth had become greatly im paired, and whole system deranged and broken 'dow In June. 1807, I purchased One box of Or- • ton's n. Preparation, and after using it I found that I was completely cured. t have not bad any hanker ing or desire for tobacco since using the preparation. I believe Ii to be all-that It is recommended, and I would advise all who wish to qnl tue use of tobacco to try one box of Orton's Preparation. W E. . A.DKINS. From john Morrill, Bangor, Me.. 11A.N008, hie., March 24, 1868. This is to certify. that I have moo tobacco for eighteen years; bate tried many times to Nave otr, have sudered in so much trom otzzlneas in my head, aud gnawg at my stomach, that I hare soon given up the trial. A short time since a irlend In duPed we to try Orton's Prep .rat %sold ny you.) I have done so. and ant completely cured. I did not In the leant hanker after tobacco, either to smoke or chew, after 1 began to use the PrPnarat , on JOUN atoutuLt. ---- Price of ORTON'S PRFPAB ATION Doll a ra per.box. forwartied to any part of the c T ou w p paid'. on receipt .of price. Money bent by mall at our risk. Address, C. H. COTTON. Proprietor, REMIIIIENC Box 1 148. Portland, Maine. E• I We: the undersigned. have had personal dealing's with C. It. co rro N. anti have found lum a reliable and fair dealing man, and Dell. ve his statements deserving the confidence of the public: • S. B. stchaidson. Rev. J. S. green, Dr. S. B. Howell, Portland, Mc.; Charles H. Morrill, Bidde ford, Me •• A. H. Boyle, Attorney. lielfant. Me.; Alonzo Barnard. imogor, Me. ; Wm. at Sweet. Esq., Rest Mansfield. lal.ass.; it. M. ooynton. East AcWorth. N. H.; U. Quimby, ht. Johnsville, N. Y. aulitu6o WITIANIIOOD ANDTHE VIGOR • (IF youTn restored In four weeks. bue eras „is -annotated. DB.. ItICOItIrS P.SSENCE OF LANE. restores manly powers, from vrhatever vans , arising; the effects of early pernicious hab i ts.i self- eh se, hupoteney tint' climate glve a once to Oil wonderful medicine. If taken regularly accord in to the directions, (which are very simple. and re uire no p os s ible fron d btmlness or pleasure.; Pa lure li, Impoi:.sible. hold In bottles at tit 3. or four am °titles In one for V.I. 'fu be had only of the sole apf ointed agent in Atnerica, H. GEBITZEN, talliD i r 1e13:164 - 7 . PHILOSOPHY OF MAR' Course of Lemur , a. as de : Seib :T .3 ;r Irnle'll.'.dlogAtaittt:th.h.t.et,hl'elii6leiNabie:u..;r:.lll.slnY;ahr.w;l:isielltt.EA-'lVge.;° Ikn.tiA'sdini what to Y g t .rmel live all reviewed; the cause of indigestion. fl attilenee am nervous diseases accounted tor; Marriage plat ,,,• ~phicsity considered. 3, e. Poetet volumes con taining the , e lectures will be torwartled to parties unable to attend. on receipt of four stamps. by ad dre-sing SECit ETA It Y, New York Mu-rum of Anat. ortty and Seience, 6IS Broadway, New York. jai3:lr*-1 - ritt BATCHELOR'S II:1111 DIVE. i k,-- his splendid Hair Dye is the best iirt . the world; th only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; nc disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the Br effects of bad dyes; iisvigo rates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or krount. Sold by all Druggists and Perfurners•aud prOperly-applied at Batchetor's Wig Factory :No. 161 Bond street. New York. _ _ _ GUIDE TO MARBIAGIEr• --T-. younie Men's Unide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal eliclty. The humane views of benev olent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses theldent toiYouth and. Early Manh Al, sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD Ah• IiTIATION. Box P.. Philadelphia. Pa. mv18:436T LEGAL. . • --- THE MATTER OF' THE AP= 'Heaton of the • a Building and Loan Association FORA CHARTER OF INCORPORATION • ..1.0021n the Court of Common Pleaa of Alit heny aunty.lied fbr n the above c Be the Petitioners have app 'barter ass Building aud Loan Ai•sociation, %La r thr•statute In such case made and provided, and iesa except - lona be 11i d in proper time a Charter be granted at nest term of said Court • EMZ3 g antod by the 'Keener of Allesben: cunty, to the . t p ralon oi, hi u ve til be en e t n i. 7,bdaveCeinagisuedi:imAslie:srib."sit‘ lib": s s en o t f the dm sam tn e i a fed, our seAlement. , i AdminiStratt ix of Ft erierick Sauer, deceased. , iviricE-,-xcitice is hereby given u dersigned, on tbeostato of P Hitt 'ERICK SAUF it, I m e e o . f ,: n li d eg a b l e l ny pe c r o w u: d bted to said e tate are hereby it-tided to pay the , I±&*(II3ALENABAHH.R. ' Pittsburgh, sept. I: OHM -. sePlitta- FYIPICE.---Whereas, Letters . of Administration to the estate of Capt. DAV& I) 1 eattab 'tel. Ito•etotrer ' HvNa AA N. late of the Itorough ofhouth Pitts burgh, Allegheny conuty. deceased, - base been ;int. ted to the subscriber. all persona indebted to 1 0 ebb , l estate •are requested lu make immediate p ) ment. and'. those having Maims or d, mania • allow tbe 045.0 of tne nti decedent wtil make t eIAMP known without delay to • ' - W. 0. AM; il l HALT st re et,staor. No. 87 Dlannuid Vittsburgh. ' attt:vMeTH. FlTlCE.,Whereas. Letters of Adtulnl.trath.n on Gm estate of Pdletr AEG y; tate or Allegheny thty, deceased. have heen grant.' to the sulaterlta . r. au pp. WWI Indebted t. the said estate are wine: ted to tusks (mm , Mate payment,,. and alt those baying elutum of demands against the estate or the entd,decedent will - make known the same without delay, to MARY HAN Kn. Adrnlnlstratrlx. No. 113 spring Garden Avenue. Allegheny (Thy. Jul 15 1868 synlhrin-TII FKIAXECIUTIIIRS , lllOTlCE.—Letters Testament .ry upon the taitale or IinNUN. ICE, lute of Robinson townslitc., tlecossed. having been grztoiv , l 10. Wu uudersigned, all per s-Os la :vim! elniths simnel, aid mtsto will premoti Wool, properly 'in hentiosted foe settlemvnt, end , those indebted to swot eAnte will make payment to A.b. UUSIMI.N6I3, wm, waLlizitsili naeciattan, ,cQlunsl.slTrnship:. Itis:t 1-TII BANKRUPT NOTICES. :• • 11..AthltSIIAL's OFFICE, Pirr s t u tr il U t I f ' e e p ti t n . l l4 ‘ t . . n t i n t; 6 8 'THIS IN TO GIVE NOTICE- that din the 11th orreincmber A. U. 1809, is arrant In Bankruptcy WlAB,bautd against the ESTATE OF JOSEPH R. DICKEY • Of ,Pltindufgh, in :the oonnty of AlleshotiY, and vtate of 1' e ney o v w a i n , who ; h i a n s iit he l e ti n e p lu m /p a c t !! o a r banknlPt hi 'any debts etey delivery of soy property to longing to slich b•nkrupt to ill 0 or fur; bit use. and the trails ' ler' of any properly by Jilin ate' forbidden by , avr; 114 , eve d„ kr of gio. creditors of the laud benera pto , to prove their debts. and to choose one ..r more as 'sigmas of ills estate,. will 'be held at a , toort'of ' Bankruptcy to, be beide , . at No. /10 re,deral St.. -Alfaigteny (Av. Allegheny edsety, Penns.; before JOll !N. NUILVIA; . ; r• " 'Yong Ihgi.lcr on' the ." It I , .THOISAR A. It6WLEIf.• IkOSY , St 4t.1.veP,P14,4'i U. A. 8411. at *o'clock erlAltAtot Alszfalli, ,, ai.Messenger. , ICE ICE: liII,EBS, Ice Dealer, Na. 66 DIAMOND ALLEY. Pittabargh Orders an here orr.S IStm t HMV will re• calve prom to aitentioa. Wagon.* PuPill L'i_llo 1431 DAY{ . T MTEMBUTt --ii't FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE: FOR SALE. • TWO HOUSES AND LOT on Can 01l street, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, as the party is about leaving the city, and wishes to'dlspose of thej;iroimy before removing. SAW MIL L, TWO DWELLING HOUS TWC BARNS, with good FARM, and about Sod scret timber land. This property will be sold low. Cast WI 500—balance on time to snit buyer. Awl me 120 ACRES, will be sold fbr twenty dollars per acre. Improvements codifortable frame house and good bars: 50 acres of the land clear. FARM OF 150 ACRES, near the line of railroad; very Well located for raising shiek; improvements are good and substantial; 00 acres ,ot the land in ewtow turd grain. • • • in CITY PROPERTY.—W sell a g_ood brick house,' containing live rooms, at ixteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent for , the am not in six years. AI LAME LOT OF G OUND, having a river front and very convenie of access. • TANNERI, convemen to the city, and having well established 'custom or local trade connected therewith; a good &relit g sad forty eves of land. FOUR LOTS in Sher sours - , near the railroad; would Make a good coal ' - • HOTEL FOR SALE.- situated at the Stairs' fourteen rooms and tl with three acres of ga well located hotel will tor wishes to retire from ron iDlOne large 'Menlo, for :ne new Brick lions .. One new ri HOW .11 One new Brick 'Hoes .1 One House of 5 ruoin, One House et roc.. Two new Brick lious,, One new Frame Hon - Two new Brick Hun: V One new Frahm, Ho six rooms and lar • 7 sores that can be • 5 Luts in Oakland. • o P od ow i e ma r an ti d on a . la4rin FUR _ FOR LEASE Ott SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, yinth Ward, WANTED-3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4 inches thick. TO LOAN---$50,000, P. DAUS REAL ESTATE ORE No. • 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. e29:Pth 2V 000 000 ACRES OF • aHoicE LANDS FOR SALE. BY THE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION. • Lying 'tong the line of their road, at $l,OO TO $5,00 PEE ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE.YEARS. For further particulars, maps, An., address JOHN P. DEVEBEUX, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Emus. Or CHAS. B. 1.11.2180R5, Seen Bt. Louis. Missouri. am F OR SALE. The Oil Refinery, KNOWN AS THE CRESCENT COAL OIL CO.'S WORKS, Sitnatel In BALTIMORE, MD...on the Baltimore and Ohio IWiroad, and moat conveniently looted with reference to either home or foreign trade. These works are very complete.in all their $l ppnlnt went,. and are capable of tu•ning out 30,000 35.000 lIALLONS 11.F.111q ED PER. WEEK. Th. y ha. e tankage for about W.OOO barrels of OA. • The prospect of an early completion of the Con nellayille Road, renders this property especially de sirable. - Address, or call on, B. R. irpritulSON, Solicitor for Petitioner s ICE. I:" • liat line Hotel property, ille Junction, containini e necessary outbuildings, den and fruit trees. This I. e sold low, as the proprle .. business. Iruarirr. : . ailing Reuse. ~. 8 rooms. 1 Of 4 rooms. of 3 rooms. 1 and lot 55 by 140. and lot 150 by 150. 18, n rooms each. , ; e, 4 rooms. s, 3 rooms.eiteh. se in Wllkinsburg, having e lot; well suited for garden. sided Into acre lots. • om and Yard for rent, Ina • rented for abort or long IN SUNS OF $5,000 AND 'UPWARD. APPLY AT LAWILASON LEVERING, TrIIStCe. antY,:v3l GO GAY STREET. BALTIMORE. i . I WILL PRCHASE A $0.50‘..... U NEAT COUN l'ltY Se.A.T. coo- L.l.lng 0 acre,. till under fetter and cultivation. The improvements are a cottage t °use. whir skald:, and other ..utounoings; 200 bearing fruit trees. or tokt ',election , ; v, atered . I,y tno never-falling springs. :hosted 4 mile,, from the city, near to McKee's Rocks and I.:banters Creek. From this place an •xten,ive view can he had of Manchester, Allegheny CB) and the rivers. Terms easy. Apply to • B. McLAIN & CO., au2i _Cor. Fourth and Smithfield streets. FOR SALE & TO LET.--Houses and Lots for sale in all parts of the city and so urbs. Also, several FARMS In good locations. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORY,. with 20 acres of land, and good tmprerernents,' which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on good streets. Privrte Dwelling Houses for rent in both cities. For further particulars inquire WILLIAM WARD, a.V 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. ________ VIRGIN ALLEY—A three \) story Stick Dwelling Rouse and Lot fur sale, near the cornet of Bralthdeld. ti. CUT ti BERTA SONS. • tih t!oittllttelit street. (2.00 D DWELLING HOUSE ON VA DUNCAN arishac S. iwr, 0118 argHT ot, for salo & vows. GOOD F 411 .: 118 , iSEY for sale •, WINES, LIQUORS, &r.c PITISBURGILIMPORTING ROUSE. ESTABLISHED 1330. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, ISIFORTERS OF Immo!" WINES AND LIQUOLS, No. 409 Penn Street, Pitt burgh, Would direct the attention of the public to tbe fact thw, po aessing supw sor facilities through several large Wine and Liquor. Houses In Europe, and inciting tYeir Importations direct, they Are enabled to Wier thevarlotts grades of °twice WINES ANL) LlVOliti at price' , less thorn Eastern rates. Ex amination• of on *titles and comparison of prices respecttuliy solicited. A choice assortment .of pure OLD RYE WHIS KEY constantly nn hand pIUILE NATIVE WINES. ISABELLA AND.CATAWBA, Of our own .growittr -Also, the be .t brands et CHAMPAONR. (.11.ARF.M., SHERRY and PORT WiNbli. "Vine Growers' Cowan)" of ORAN. DV, pit flasks, just the thing for travelers. N. g,—Partittular attention paid to aupplylnf families.• • . A. MADIAUX, 241:te7 ,No. 4 Virgin alley. Pittsburgh. JOSEPH FINCH & CO. • litos. 185. 107.,01i0, 191, 193 and 193. Fl33'r kaltEra. PITTSBURGH.. suasulrAcerrnuts 07 Copper Ofiallled . Pure • itye Whiskey. Also, dealers In FOREIGN WINES and O LIQURS, HOPS. Ro• • . mhzi.nss. f:!ia . . , , I Sk !rill %Twin CITY SLATE CO'., Ap.m i Views s superior article of - \ PING SLATE. ee, 48 • Seventh St., Pittehergh, Pre isir ! 4 • S. igrArmieYEß. pres.t. Tr17211:---.2l:sr-------- NEWS. 6r4P BitOLD IM DElii 11101 Ii ire far Ay ARID'S 73read. lOnq 'di et , l 'nay est and Dent. Tna eti . Tams dime also. Wale ORDINANCES. RO DINANCE AN Providing for the .Ileeeptaree by the City eLPittsbargh of Water pipes Laid froth the Reservoir =to the Western Pennsylvania Hospital. Witiffirs, By an Act of Assembly, approved 'March 1.855. the Western Pennsylvania Hospital VMS authorized and empowered b , and with the con sent of the Councils f the City of P tt.burgh. to convey pipes ow' , conduits from the Upper Hes , erviar of call city, a eumelent supply of wat main- er for. the uses of said Hospital. and to lay down and tain in repair sate pipes and co- (lutist and he by ordi nance of Council passed July 26. 1658 ; t Coun cils of mild city gran ed to toe said W stern nve Penn bylvania Hospital the tight a d erivilegelo co said be pipes and conduits from, the Upper Ltalillt of eft) to the s. id Hospital a Sufficient e upply waterf for the us of the Hospital. in tile m.nuer and under the restrictions and rey,ulativim as bet forth in the said Act of Assembly. And Whereas. 'the said Western Pennsylvania Hospital, in pursuance of the authority woressid. did lay down taid have since maintained a d tept in repair tipes and conduits for the purpose afore- said. And Whereas, Ay said Act of Assembly it is pro vide, that no openings attachments, or -connec tions with the pipes and'conduits laid down by aid We-tern Pennsylvania Hospital, shall a! ermitted unless the consenter the ns %zinger of said Hospital. and also the consent or the City Council shall ue nrst had and obtained. And whe eas. ni•rty citizens of the city of- Pitts burgh can be. accommodated ht the use ol said pipes. anti the managers of said hospital have used. Nowwillingness that the same should be so used. Now be It ordained and enacted by the t lip of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Council assem bled, and It Is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, tint the said City of Pittsburgh hail hereaf ter take, accept, maintain, maoave and.control the pipe and conduit- laid down by the West. rn Penn sylvanian ,s i lt from the Upper Riservoir to said Hospital, in the AMC manner, and ail fully to all in tent and purposes. as if the same bad been orlgintd ly laid down ny said city, and the prep-r officers of said city are hereby authorized to make ibr the same purposes as conneetions are made to other water pipes In said city. ; erovlded that the sueply of water to said 'Hospital shall be In no manner diminish ed. ui•ti the same shall be tarnished t said Hospital freehe provi of sions e. And provided further, that t orgthli ordinance shall take effect whenever the managers d of said linspital shall signify their approval, an consent to tho same. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 31st day of August, A. D JAMES Mc A.ULEY, Presider' of select Council. Attest: B. S. Monnovv. Clerk. of Selec W. ou A t Cncil. . A. TOMLINSON, President of Comoton Council. Attest: WILL M. HARTZELL, - CIL rk, pro tem. or Common Council. A T A MEETING OF THE BOATID of Managers of the Western be Pennsylvania capital,al, he,' S t TURDAY, epemr 4. 1868, the following preamble and resolutionwere adopted. WIIEREAS. The Council of the. city of Putts one!' by ordlintocet.assed the 31st. day of Auvust, 1868, provides that the city shall hereafter t ee and mule lain, manage, .-nd control the pipes and con duits laidd. , wii by the IA estern Penneyls ant and -- pital from thy Upper Reservoir to said Hospital, and Oa , tl.e supply of water to said 11 °spitst shall be in no manner dimlnt,heo, and the sane shall be fur nlsned to said Hosoltal free of charge. Therefore, ne It Ile6olved. Th it the Board of Man acers of tit. , Western Pennsylvania Hospital accept inagree to sald transfer oA the conditions set forth in said °Min nee. J.. 11AuPER, . President Western Pennsylvania 'Hospital. Attest: '.l. A. IlAurtilt, Secretary Western Pennsylvania Hospital• -- AN ORDINANCE to authorize the Grading and Paving offo three Streets and one Iley, and the Grading One street and two Alleys. Sine. I. Be st ordained and enacted tea the Select and Common Council* of the City of Allegheny, and it fa hereby enacted, by the authority of the same, That the Committee on Streets be and thecisre here by authorized and lan to invite and receive o posals tor the (trading d Paving of ST. CL AIIt STKnE I. in the First Ward. trotu Tremont slley to Porland's alley: ssTitr.S.T..from APegheny avebue to Western avenue: CHESNUT ,sTKEE'I`., from Third street to ( i'llara sheet; ACE ALLEY. front Isabella a reet to close alley. And far the a nd ins of FICAZI It S'i inn, ti. AL.LEY and Nis SON 's AELEY_, from the nortne , n termi ni:is or Shields alley to the P. rrieville plank road. and to contract therefor with the lobest bidder or Maths's. at their discretion.west and SE.C. 2. That for the purpo-e of defraying the cost and exenses of the salii Improvements, there be and is hereby levied a special tax. to be equally as sessed noon the several lots bounding and abutting upon said streets and alleys re opeetieoy, in pro portion to the feet front in them re a s pectively com prised, and hounding and abutting s aroresald• tse,c. 3. That as 50011 as the cost and expenses of said improvements shall he fully mcertainett, it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to asse , s and apportion the same among the several lots hOuniiing and isolating upon said streets and said atieys respective's-. according to the rule above indicated, anti thereupon proceed to tuakre demand and collect the same. according to tile provisions of the act of the General Assembly of the Common wealth of l'enns),lvania, entitled "An Act defining the manner of collecting the expenses of grading and pacing of the streets and alleys of the the City ot h Allegheny, and for other purposes,'" passed '.3ot of March. 155*.t. Six. 4. That so much of any ordinance as may con flict with or he supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby reheated. ordained ano enacted Into a law this the 10:h day of as pteu.bc r, A. 166!!.JAMF.S MeßillEft. President o f Select Council. .tutiN S President of CAMIIIIOII CottilC-11. A treet: MAcsEnno's. Clerk of Select Council. DC..wonru. Clerk of Common Council. self. (ARDINANpayE defining the the man- IL/ ner of lo g C cuntractois for construction of Sewers. :•ac. Ed it ordain , d ' , Tut *matted he Select and (Ammon Coo cage the by e l ew find it ra n.reba -newt d by 41,1thOritt/ of t• d ',alas That the , ewer Comuil-sire .11.dt pa. to the cent 11.(10411 for the building of the North Avenue. Sedewick street and irederal street k;ewers, Eighty RICO per rent of the contrast price of the same on eSTM:I2 , 4ICS made by the City t ngineer. every thirty days. as tts/ wort progresses; er...vided. That the C 001131 9- *lon may withheld We pavtricnt era sai totsesmate If ln their judgment he coutram fait comply with all the conditions of their contract or con tracts. • Siw. Y. Any ordinance or part of ordinance that may conflict. wit h the foregoing be and the same hereby repealed. • Ordained and enacted ,into a law this the 3d day of ceptember, 3.66 b. J ASIES President of ht Wet Council. JOHN S. b• , 4LE. President of Comm L. on A. Council. IN NEW JEK CUTHBERT & SONB. Attest: 1). stACrtnno)r. Cleric of Select Connell. B. Dit.Wtosrst. Clerk. of Common Connell. Bel° ORDINANCE exempting rot or P. Ft. W. a C. H. W. Co., n butting on line of Srdgwick aireet Sewer from loot frontage se.etvineut. SZC. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the lieteet and Compton Councils of the City ctr Allegheiy, and g hereby enacted by the authority of the earn& shat the yro vle !one of the ordin nee pa.ved the lath day of hugna. ii. 1888, entitled 4 *.en .w -dloance tiling in-. spectO rates per foot. front for -elvers Shall not be tionarned• as rs pia, lug , to 'the property of the P. Ft. W. H. W. Co.. abutting on the doe. of iiregwlck lareet sewer, wnere ihe same passe* tlaruugh toe private property of the company. Ordained ann enacted Into slaw this the 'SOO day of September, A.1).11388. "DIES ideBRIER, Freeldent of Select Council. JOH S. tit.A.l.ll.E, treeldent , of Common Connell. inert: MACTRIMON. Clerk of Select Council. DILWORTII. Clerk. of Common Council. eel° PITTSBURGH. • OtIDINANCE to authorize the idA NIN,. or AN on LEA'. NEC. 1. Be it ordained and matted by the Select and Oommon °Millet& of the WO of Al leeway, and tt tArebV enacted by' the authority - 4f the same, hs.‘ an untie' or twehe feet w do in uoeued uu WC south able of Valrm.mnt -treet, true, th e h ea d of Soya: street webtward feet, tour,. or ID a, as may or re. i tirea„ to irairmunui et,eet. Ordained and enacted Into a law this the al day of September, 14568. J NIES MOH lt, Prealdrut of Select t.ounell. JOHN S. ,LAOLE, - . President, of Commtm Cott. Attest: U. IUACYBRIION. Clerk of Select rotmell. lt. DILWORTH, Clerk of Co...wort Ceuuott. B EtkOLUTILON to open Fleming IiKSIn.NtU. BY the Keled and 'Ammon Cowell* of the • UV of dlkytteny. 'that irten.,n4 atrvet,iu the Third want. item_ i• a rmonnt ntt Bea Av - cow, uu and the ...We 1- h reby ooened.' and 'hat w S. a.V tir.Oßti st , lll3L 'and JP MKS O KAM • M fre , holnera, be Ind they are hereby ap pointed viewers to view and . sera l Ile IlMellajlVto and Dentate to sooordance wi.n the pro !Mons of the Act of •seemthy, fink), o rd !day • lat. A.D. 1156 1 . and that the LUera a ut Councils nttoythem of tl eir . avooln , inent. Ordained and enacted Into a. law this the 3d day of bepteutber, A. 1). JAMES IiteBRIER, ' " President of the Setert Council. .1011 • .s. :4..0 LE, itthst: Prealdent of Vontplon Connell -1). MACVE7l.ltOlt,Clerk of Select Connell. .14-'l4Lwount. Clerk of CounnouCounttl. :seta .E.,ESOLIF [lox to open TAYLOR Avg I,sBuLVED. By the &led and &limos Counctta tita City rtf Allegheny, That is 1.. r ,veolic, la Ive 6..4csid Want, ,o • Val° Attu btrvet to Beaver strM. iAI th. V . barna J. n ttatJ heehv A ots,se and a Istet)2and that . • - Anil NV AlaFtts. freeholders. tot and they ace he.e• Y APPoloted logo . ; to miew elk , dam agid• add li•no fits accorassce with the provl Ass .44 she Act of. -1,2.'32111y, approved - Idal lit, A. la. 18 4 1. and tbst t Cos ks of Counelltkpeary tuens of th 1r iipp..intrarrit. Ordained and enacted Into a law tare the 3d - day of eep.exabrr, A. D. 11188. - • • -, _ JAMES MCBRIEIt, ' President of the Select Council. JiIR N. VI. President of Common • ouDCII. , Attest: idAcrennoN,_Clerk of tielea Connell. " • R.lUmwoirru. Wert( of Counuou . role , . . . INDIA RUBBER BELTING AND STKA2.I PACK' Nti.—a, fall at-et on hand at all times, and of the hest quality. Palates wishing'. flt up mills or shops when Belting to required, will find our rem as low as can 1w had in the Bast, and retglit caved. .1. d H. PHILLIPS; SO and AB tit. Clair West. ~ ~'3`~. NEW, OrE.ICA SOUSE. WV. righ-nzgsow. , M . W. CANNING Lessee• Manager Last night but two of the engagement of the charming young artiste. BUSS NELLIE GEILIION, And the popular Tragedlun, HORT. JOHNSTON. TIIIiRIaDAY I'VENINtI. Sept.• 11th. will be presented an entirely' new drams, tu four acts. blf Hoist. Johnston. entitled THE SONS OF LIBFRTY ; or. TUE TROEXOWI TS Or OLD iItELAD• Tim, "ills songs Miss Nellie German. % ild Rooney Mr. Robert Johnston. • Grand Matinee on Saturday. WREADLNG. • Rev. SIAM EVANS Will give a READING of selections from favorite authors at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, (Liberty street, between Wood and Seventh,) - Thursday Evening, September 17th, 1868. rnocacAlims Our Defenders.... The Idiot R0y.......... The Irish Picket " VEnY nx..-" The •6allinfr of the (fray Swan • Hubert and Arthur... Ming. John The .Neur Comer. A Lancashire Poem. To conclude witn Dickens' Nicholas Mal eby,AC "bqueela Academy." And selections from Nlcholss :IteklebY TICKETS To be had at the Unsic Stores, Henry bitnerba.aod at the coon Doora open at 7; reading at 7M o'clock. re'MASONIC BALL. POSITIVELY TIIE LAST WEEK OF THE FAVORITE LOCRENIA• CoMmeneing MONDAY EVENING, September 14. with his immense troupe OtL.RAItN ED CANARIES. JAVA SPARROWS. PAROQUETS, WHITE MICE4i3 AND RIVSIAN CAT. seol:x IWPROIF. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY, No. 75 THIRD STREET, dayso open for tbe , eption of f pupils. Class and hours—For L%- dies, Masters and Misses. NY , dnesday and %. Saturday, at 2 o'clock P. For Gentleni,n—Tuesday and Friday ,Evenings„ at 8 o'c ok. private lessons given. Circthars. can be bad at the Music Stores and at the Academy. Classes out of the city, If -convenient, attended to. ire Hall to let to Select Parties MISCELLANEOUS. PROCLAMATION.' CITY OF PITTSBURGH', SS. In accordance with the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of tee Commonwealth' of Penn sylvania, providing ftr the in .orpo: stem of the City • of Pittsburgh, and of tee various supplements thereto, L JAME:" Ed. Ace MCI Fe Mayor of said city, do Issue this my erect:tut:Won. that on the Second T i nesday in October, A. D. 1868, tap of tie month, the freemen of said city genetic , ' to vote fi r mei, tiers of the If use of Emir sent attves of thi• Comtnotivrealth wille meet at their several places of holding the elons In. their respectls e wards and el , CT by billet. teeter the provisions of the supplement. of the said Act of As semelv, amine A pri l sixth day of April. 1867, and the first day of, 1865, respectively, the fol lowing named ofheerst t •ne person t ,erve as Mae or of the City of Pitts burgh, fur th toerm • f tnro• years. I one person to serve as Treasurer of said city for the term of three years. One pert o to serve as Controller of said city for the term of three years. Twenty-three persons -to serve as Select Council men fur the term of re ye arse Twentvehree persnus to i were as Select Council men for the term of tine year. Sixty-six pereost+ to sene asCommon Councilmen for the term of one year. ~. __, Tile electors um the Fe W et ard of the City of Pitts burgh to meet at the ruble: reboot Home In said ward, and elect two Enettib LS of Meltet and three member. of Common Council. The eiectoes of tile S. cued Ward of the City of perseurgh to meet at the Pelee: -chute house in said ward, and elect Leo dietnei ra of Select and Ware - - members of Cummen C until. . • The oectors of toe Third Ward of the City of Pittsburgh tom et at this m it. plubiug shop of Addy 1 Williams, cot uer et Sixty anti emitieleld streets, and elect two monners of Select and three members in COMMOn COUI,Cii. the electors of the Fourth Ward of the City of. m Pittburgh to eet at the Public, School House in. said s wee , anti elect two tempers of Seitct and 1 hree members of Common Council. The elector, of the r bib hard of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at tee offic of the Ct.-rk of tbe I.rphans Court, in the Court House. in said ward, and elect two members of the Select and three mem bers of i 'ommen Ceuncil. 'rho electors, of the Sixth Ward of the City of . Pittsburgh to meet at the Public Sch-ol House, on Ann street In said w.l' ii, and elect two members of Select and lour members (tithe (101111:00n Council. I he electors of the Sea. nth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to ni , et a. the Peelle. echoul House in said ward. and elect tee members of Select and. three Members of the Common Council. ehe electo sof the E gent War of the City of , ' Pittsburgh to m: et at the house of lit nry Wilson, corner of Franklin and Fill, n streeite In said ward, and elect tyro membe• • of t elect ond Ur ree members of the Coalition t minuet. The electors of the Ninth Ward of the City of Pittiborgh to meet at the Public School House In said ward. and elect twit members of Select and three merubei a of the Common Council. •the electors ie the Tenth. Ward of the City of . Pittenurgh te meet at the and Tavern. corner of Penn and Mechanic streets. and elect two members ' of the Select and two members of the Common. COuncil. The electors of the 'Eleventh Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Putoic 2.501001 House i t , bald Ward, and elect two members of the Sel. ct and three members of the Common Council. The elector& of the Tweitth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at toe Vuotic chool House In said w.rd, and etect two mem. era. 'of tht Select and five members of the Common Council. The eleetors -of the Thirteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet the Poetic 'chord House in. said ward, and elect two member of the Select and two members of the Common Connell. The electors of the Fount. ena h Ward of the city of Pittsbtirgh to meet at the Yuba, Set ,o 1 House in said ward, and elect two members of the select and fuer membe aof the Commo Conuclo i• The electors of the Fifteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Pool' , Sch,ful 'House to sold ward. and elect two nt,rone rs of the Select and four membe , n of the Comm n Cu'.. ell. The electors of the Sixteenth Ward of the City of Pittsbu , gb to Ixtet. at the Wigwam. corner of Main aed P. a , streets, 1. said ward, and elect two mem bers of the Select and two members of tab Corinne* . Coun , ll he electors of the Seventeenth Ward of the CRY of ritt burgh to meet at the Public Schoot House in • said we d, and elect two members o the Solent and three nu Inners or t he Common Council. he electors of the Et,,ltteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at toe Pumio,Cl3ooi House to said ward, rid elect two members of the Select and two members of the Conitto.n C, upon. • Timed otors of toe Nineteentl Ward of the my of Ptttsburgu to me. tat the Hollow School House. on Hill street, In said ward and elect two meMbers of the be.ect and two members of the Common Council. The ol• ctors of the Twentieth Ward of the City of Pi, tsburgh to m• et at 11 , itler's ,chool House in said ward, and et. ct two mvmh.rs or the Select and t• omcnt•,eta u. t hr. C"mmon Council. he electors of the Twenty nr r W Co ard of the City me t of Pittsburgh to at th road W , in w%e tM. sa d wort, and of Spring str. et and Puck. ty elect two merritiers of the select and two members of the Common Co. null. econd Ward of the The ele .tors of this Twenty-s City of Pittsburgh to meet at e tr n .. in School House - 1u said ward. and elect two th meat:fres of the elect and two member, of til e Toe electors of the rwen I h C oc od Ward Catticounci city or riieborgo teitneet at tr -aslewo School House, In said war.l. and el, t two in, mbers of thotieleet and two nit tuber , : of t e In testimony wtter. have hereunto S. tmy ban , and sod the re al of the said City of riosnurgh. this twelfth day of Sep tember, • /WO ',coif.% et LAG VI OISE. Mayor. FRENCH BURK MILL STONES. French Barr Smut Nachineni TJI BEST WHEAT CLEANERS IN USE. Portable Flour and 'Peed Mills, BOLTING CLOTHS, All numkers and best quality. For sale as 319 and 321 Liberty St—Pittsburgh, Pa. W. W. lITALLAVN. au2s LOUR! FLOUR!! 'FLOUR!!! . reels around 4 nd Wiwi. , Flour. , Whits Sta. , Mls, fur tau:illy, Riverside MI l,- icor Bakers. • ' B idle Mill, tor Bakers. ' • Out.arlo Mill. fur Bakers. Monitor Mill. for Baker,. (311 SM. sprtutl.dd, 0, Family 'Mar. ' • earev's XXXX Fausby I. lora. Mad Itive. F .inOtly r. r tou F Xt..% WHICAT. • TlatuVlevr Mills &. 'Lucy St. Loots. Te.i Roar Bills \ do I larlte's IS it dskers Flour. Krybtonr aillia do Cuionett Mils. do •• • For sate by. WATT. LIS Nl7 Or Or".• .17A stud 17* WWI) frr. By T. Buchanan Rea. By Southey. Milt 8 Er/tear. Shakspeare rio cents. se4:T79