Q pittintrij Gairtte, From the E!htladelphlit Press - SONGS OF VICTORY. ' PENNSYLVANIA 'id MAINE The Keystone thanks The m n .tt Maine, Anil "hrough her ranks On e a d arm. n Their victory rings - 'I hr reb•-t fears. The paid t beers, The glorious', et rain. - Vermont al- , oke drat and walla An.l you responded: Awl h ,arcs fiat LW' . ',bed and reit, No rtior • despondrd— And now old Prnn's alive— itrr tr rm n cheer, Whirs rebels fear, Your pond- Tons . . And soon from s a to sea , The valuing e 7 • • Caught, by ..h niiilleas free, , VIII shrill the sky. And every saute will rouse, As tyr nt lear. And it' o men cheer, 'Perfected Liberty. - 7 Oh. butt( you failed, ( Undaunted 3ittlne. Stout h •rts had q:alied, and once again The r -It or band wonid rib!: But now cur f.ura Are lust In cheers. Por ye are otalwart men. MAINE. .!Hreve ynn heard be news from Milne?" h treat north. astern Sate Wh rho ens in Yankee land A nrghty gram' , gate. - Tb r frepsou hoped to rule And ther wr. hes In pidtkr. For h -e'er turned the lid Lo Ire othrr side 11.struh for the news from Mal° 4 "Have you beard the news from Maine?" *The a ones , ion oul you: , Th. y eLo 1 ere tn. , boys were born, • t owe hlr 3. years age It. mean.. hit meu hid beard • of orerwhelud,,g gain; And •or me .nd you Sts 111 us true: -- We laic heard .tle news from Milne I "Mave you heard the news f• em Maine? Lo .y,.0 he r the shoos afar?" We nay. g.iue•l the •econd victory IskBl:l'.9 y , - second war, And we shill lid.r.r.hose shouts Again nd ye again. Cheer. voice nod mind •hro , all the land.: We base eArd the news from Milne. "Him Ton hoard the news frem Maine ?" In die main we're .ITrays right, And who time Is she 80.1 remains, In ese y eon I g ti. ht. Pass, pass .he wor around! ,± • And 'la rider out the strain! We've won at a • (mud !he se.'ond round! litu rah for the news from Maine! 0. U. L EPHEMERIS. • —Beecher has joined a Tanner's'Club. --IslewPort cottages are still pretty full. —Fanny Jananscheck has arrived in New York. —Peaches are fifty cents a bushel in Teias. —Savannah has a two and a•half million bankrupt. 1 —Yellow fever is a thing of the present at New York. —Du Chailln intends to lecture again this coming winter. —Mrs. D. P. Bowers is playing Cleopatra in San Francisco. - —An exchange soya "Twelve years Is a long time in France." , —England is only four hundred and twenty-sixmiles long. —Minnie Hauck has been quite respecta bly received in London. —The Austrian Crown Prince is learning the trade of a locksmith. —There are five hundred safes in the new Park Bank in NeW York. —Some one in Brooklyn has written an American opera called 'footle. —Edwin Forrest is to act five nights at Troy and only get $2,500 for it. —A woman in Brooklyn was recently frightened to death by some burglars. —The Princess Metternich is said to don masculine attire and ride velocipedes. -,—Wagner is engaged to write an opera expressly'for the Theatre I..yrique in Paris. —Some hopeful Italians think that after the present eruption Vesuvius will become extinct. —The Hon. John, of prize ring fame, is - finding much difficulty in obtaining a re nomination to Congress. .. —Cora Pearl is coming to America. This is almost too much; we suppose Skittles and Finette will soon follow. --Geo. Peabody is in Ireland, probably looking out for good wateri to cast another million or two of bread onto. _ —Daring the last twenty-five years the Odd Fellows have educated forty-five thous and children in this country. . —A man in Noffolk is reported to have - found $350,000 in an old trunk.' Such a trunk is better than . Liebler's. —A few, months more will pass and then King Ludivig, of -.13 - ivaria, is - to beconien Benedict and marry the Ciar'S daughter. Marshall Cinunbert is writing'a reply to Kinglake's. History,: of the Crimean . War, andltladame Canrobert is translatinglit into English: —Wagner doesn't want American man, suers to cut his new opera without consult ing him, and he has distributed a circular to that effect. —Secretary W. H. Sewafd's neighbors ihty, that that "ancient worthy" has repeat- edly, in private, declared himself for Grant and Colfax. --Deeember is the month that Miss Brad 0011 is coming here to America. By a prop a exercise of patience Americans can con trol themselves until then. • • A special train on the Chicago & Green Bay'llailwaY,last Saturday, ran 91 miles I,u ninety:flve minutes, the last 61 miles be- ing•done in ferty.nine minutes. •.—Cardinal Bonaparte saidto be very seriously ill, and his disease is supposed to, lie the same as that of, which Napoleon the - Omit died, i. e. cancer in the stontaeh, —Young Tom Hood is vigorously fight -I,l(3,railii,'moncipiilies of England.. Oenrgefgaght the, dragon successfully, but„ Tem . is no saint unfortunately. • Stanton,lS the Bevolutionary wo 21101_ - Vote Tor lieymour and. Blair if 1 0;0 , haci a Chaaie; slit thinks Beymnur sitn jtlet nnostentathms and strictly, temperate. firoinises another boob , this, hat"9had frog} Beulah to St. Imo,, and. we suppose ,t h at the 'fair au.: thoietai has had time to eta"' pp another ihtter in thei:eneyeloPeclia, Says the London Teievaph is . spbsidized , by , Lionis Napoleon, and 'as that paper praises • that 'monarch to _the very . in.d does not deny the subsidy insin.• titttint?, theroMfir trae• Blaineee twins are toing to. Paris Atifir:weelt, says , 'special • telegnun: Our -• • ,‘i special neglected to state whether they both go in the same steamer 0r,., not, which is a strange oversight from so responsible a per- BOIL r. —There really seems to be no such thing as getting rid of that unpleasantly popular fellow Champagne Charlie. We cannot be gin to say how many times oron how many instruments of torture he has been execu ted. Thousands of beginners have mur dered him, and yet he continues to &agent a miserable existence. —Count von Schack, a Prussian artillery lieutenant, and considered 'the best SWIM- - mer in the North German army, made a bet a the other day to the effect that he would . • swim across ( the Spre e, lying on his back and bearing on his breast aboard, with two full bottles of wine, six eggs in a dish, and four tumblers. If one of these articles should - fall from the board, he would lose the bet. He won it, ,- -Bees, in swarming, have been known to alight upon persons and animals, stinging them severely, and in some instances catt) *Ma w ing death. The American Bee arn, referring to an, instance of the kind,here m, swarm of bees settled upon the head of a horse standing in front of a church, and the owner, who went to its assistance, was stung senseless, says that, all the difficulty could have been obviated by the use of cold water sprinkled upon them. —An American writer in the German Ifirchenblate says that if Henry Ward Beech er could speak the German language, and be prevailed , upon to preach for a year in one of the capitals of Germany, he would ' succeed in stemming the aide of infidelity' in the old country. He says it is but the plain, unvarnished truth when he asserts' that there, is on the whole continent no pul pit orator that could be compared with him. Believing tbis, assertion to be true, is it not Mr. Beecher'? duty to begin the study of the German language at once ? —M. Cremi l eux, the celebrated Jewish ad v'Ocate in Paris, says he deplores the efforts made by certain short-sighted Jews in the United States to array the American Israel ites as a party against one of the Presiden tial candidates, as criminal folly, and as sures the editor of the Avenir Hatfona/,who expressed his astonishment at the course of the American Israelites, if-their rumored hostility to Gen. Grant were true, but that his adviees from America seemed to indicate the - groundlessness of these reports. —ln February, 1966, the• steamer W. R. Carter exploded on the Mississippi river, near Vicksburg, and afterwards took fife . and was partially burned, when it sunk. On board was an iron safe belonging to the Adams Express Company,containing $230,- 000 in National currency. Owing to the depth of water (some 70 feet) in which the wreck sunk, and the deposit of mud laid on it by the Father of Waters, several attempts to recover it 'were in vain, but at length suc cess has crowned the efforts of the search ers, and the money is now in charge of the Company's agent at Vicksburg. —"At Clara Mundt's," says the Berlin correspondent of the Baltic Gazette, "I met yesterday Berthold Auerbach. I was much surprised at his appearance. You would take him for a dry old lawyer much sooner than the author of so (many hcart-stitTing novels. He is a clever chess-player, and it is-amusing to hear him , curse himself in a humorous way when he is at a loss to knoid what move to make. He dues rot look (Mite as old as he is, and I have been told that there is still an immense amount of work in him, which will be good news to his innu merable friends and admirers." —A picture is creating some mirth in lowa political circles„ The centre figure is the great American Tanner, U. S. G., hearty,' stout, -and strong on his legs, with his sleeves rolled up and apron on, he looks every inch a man. On his left are Lee, Buckner and Johnson, the sorriest looking set of tanned rebels that ever confronted the general puhlic i Above their heads is a card signed by them and "others of the , lide Confederate army," saying "This is to certify that we have had our hides tanned by U. S. Grant, and that the 'work was by him thoroughly done."r On his right the . Great Sachem of Tammany presents Sey mour and Blatr in characteristic attitude, and says; "Hero Deneral, is a couple of more hides to be tanned; when will they be done ?" The Tanner responds, as he gives a puff to his cigar: '‘Well I'll - finish them off early in November." - Altogether, the rep resentatiOn is a'capital one, Blrmarck. A Berlin correspondent of the London News, writing under date of August 26, Count • Bisnaarck has met with an sea, dent which might have had serious conse guencee. riding on his estate of Vart• sine, accompanied by two friends, his horse stepped... With hisfore feet into a hole, turned a complete- somersault, and. precipitating 'the Count, fell .with his whole weight upon him. Miraenlously enough, be'*as not crushed" to death; but escaped, with'a few. bruises. Tho Ugh speechless:for EL few 'no ment3, and in a. state of great, Miyouspx citement for the next twenty-lour hours, he : las now so far recovered tie effects of WS fall that be finds himself in his usual state of health. It is hoped that, with ids well known- strength of constitution, the nervous disorder under which he!bas been suffering of late, will not be brought on again by ,the accident. • • Marriage of 'Speaker Colfax. • • A. dispatch dated Chicago. September 14th, says : The intelligence will be .received, . with great pleasure by the whole people of the United States that Hon. Schuyler Colfax, our warm-hearted, genial 'and - talented can didate for The President, is about to lead. to' the hynienial altar one of Ohio's most . lovely .and accomplished daughters, 338.• Nellie M. Wade, or Andover, Ohio, niece'or Hun. 13.. P. Wade. , She accompanied the Colfax partY to the RdeftY Maflatatils. :This matrimonial contract has been entered. into atter 13 mutual acquaintance of .two years. and is highly gratifying to all parties concerned. Tice nuptials will he - celebrated. after a brief period. • c., Arr•old lady orot 4 40=4i:tit observed tyro mftn pumping up water to wash the deck,' and the - Captain bein g near, accostec/Lliitu as 114Jows: ' , Well, Captain. got a well aboard, eh?" "Yes; ma'ata , ,allinYa cirri one." raid the polite Captain. "Well, that's clever. I always dislike.' this nasty river water. especially in dos days." • • • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1868 MMMI3TRY TEETH EXTRACTED :WITHOUT PAIN! NO CHARGE MADE WHEN ARTIFICIAL TEETH ARLORDERED. A PULL BET FOR AT DR. SCOTT'S. SiII PENN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND A W zr . I rby. WA R A v t ly 9 ITE. my9:dtT GAS FIXTURES WELDON & KELLY, hlanntretarers and Wholesale Dealers in Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers AND LAMP GOODS: Also, CARBON AND LIMBIC/011N(/ OILS, .BENZINE, &c. I No, 147 Wood Strept. se9:n2:l Between sth and GthAvennes. CEMENT, SOAP STONE,' &c. DRAULIC CEMENT. fk)AP STONE. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS. '- WATER PIPES. anIG:o10 HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE, Cheapeat and best Pipe In the market. Aliso, RO BENDALE RYDR.AIILIC CEMENT for sale. -R. B. & C. A. BROCRETT & CO. Office and Manufactory-240 REBECCA BT., Allegheny. 4i' Orders by mall promptly attended to.. it= r3B PIANOS. ORGANS. &C. BUY THE BEST AND. CHEAP• Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCHOMACKER PIANO - combines all the latest valuable ImproSvements known in the con struction of a fret class instrument. and has always b4en awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full. sonorous and sweet. The workmanship; for durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5O to $150; (according to style and Snish,) cheaper than all other so-called first elate Plano. ESTEY'S COTTAriE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed Instruments, In pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Instrument In the United States. it Is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get mit of order. CARPENTERS PATENT " VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" is only to be found In this Organ. Price friim *lOO to $550. All guaranteed for nye years. BARB, ICINAKE & BITETTLER, • inn No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. . KNAISE & CO. l B AND HAINES BROS. PIANOS, For sale on monthly and quarterly payments CHARLOTTE BLUME, MO HATS AND CAPS. I3LA._rirS ! mcoRD & co., 131 WOOD STREET, Are now ready with a LARGE AND SELECT STUCK of . , 1 1. 1121 11 iS T 4 04.41110 E" au m , AND FURS. - 1 1 /IAUTIN LIEBLER 4 -- DlL&Lia IN HATS. CAPS AND ;..IF r ETRIS P Also. Manufacturer, Wholeaale and Retail Dealer ta TRUNKS, iiALISES._ No. 133,1 SMITH FIELq sTrt.Err, Pittatrurgh. Pa. Orders nromotivallod and aatirfactinn truaranteed. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ULLAN ALLEN, DIALER IR ALL KINDS OP i. TOBACtI)j ANI) SEGAIII4 To. 8 SIXTH STREET, iNational Bank of Com nerce Both:lingo I'ITTIiBUDUIL Yd. Branca of 172 Water street, N. Y. ape:n77. DANIEL F. DIVAN. EXCELSIOR WORKS. -R. dr. W. OnEDIR.INSON. Manufacturers and Dealers In To'hacen, Snufr, Cigars, Pipes, &0., ' No 6 PISDICIIAL ST.. ALLIDIFIHIGNIN * HENRI w. 11ORIBACH, Confectionery and Bakery No. AOO SMITHFIELD STENET, Between Seventh and Men/. Sr LADIES' OYSTER tim.moN Attached GEO. SCIELLELEIN, - Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner AND DRALIIB IN , FOREIGN &DOMENIC FRUITS & NUTS, No. 40, corner Federal and Rotansodstreete, Alle gheny. &ir (Amass ,- y on hand, ICE CREAK, of varinutl flavors. ; ; SE,WiPTG MACHTITES. THE GREAT AMERICAN COM- A. BINATION: , BUTTON-HOLE OV.EILSEANUNO AND SEIVAWGIZA.CaIIifE. • IT MAN NO 01/1:1Al ft _ BEING ABSOLUTELY. THE BENT FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD AND LN TRINSICA LLY THE CHE APEST. le - Agents wanted to veil this Moo Sine. CTIAJg. C. 13A.1.141.F_Ar, • ' 'Akt6tit for Western reuusvlvatilit.. Coiner FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS, ovcr Itlchoydson , a.lrwyinr Store. unIA:O4 HAIR AND PERFUMERY. OHN PEC4„ . Oriiitinental Htii HAIR WORK KR AND Eli, No, 133 bird street. Clear Sinklitirld,l'ittsburgh. Always on hand, a general ABoortroont of Ladles , NIBS, BANDS, CURLS; liantlernon's WttiB, TO PEES. SCALYB, HUARD OH A IHR, BRACELET/I, se, , MP A goad Price In cub will be given for 116 W. AIR banks and - 41entleinenq Hair pelling dont!, nsoest manner. mh2oo WARIEHOUNE on ILIBETTY NT. FUR • Exrdatora df jllept! P ttorson offer for soda tar but and Warnhonse Nu. 10. lit I. Atersdn's Blurt.. No. 331) Liborty &root, ) Lot 20 b7llO Aga; A pp!), tn • J .111 , 04 A—Mt:KM:4N, . • 143 ' 4111 A enuO, ror. iTherry fairy. ieNzi STR EET PROPERTY FOR` t4A1:131. Sixty fe t font .) south. We of ,Pr on str, e• by 1.01 to Itmivers Alley Toren staled , hr ek th , tmertY ;menu, uslort, h*ta- Ws Jo roar. 'Postortil argar.m to.. In rer, mouths no 41cs.. Apply to ~ .111s4 •1i14,1,4; Haag, ft" 148 4th AYFUltsh, HERBY IL comNs, . 25 Wood street 43 Firth street, Sole Agent CTION - ERIES DRY GOODS. 87. MARKET STREET. 87. NEW FALL GOODS, NOW OPENING, THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', 87 MARKET STREET. vi 0 =1 04 0 , 3 -4 . 24 -....-1 a i g 44 a . . r .,.. .1!241 pt p . = Z.„ a -. ,t, , 0 4 .. a,) l= . 3 a= . ••• I2 IP a = 8 z ,01 70_ 4 :k .„,i co ea.) aQ 4) ... E n . , k b GI Or 4 Ot • A a. • or E"...1 OS CI • l' s—. 2 ••• Ora Pat o.br Ca cl) Pi • .....f = -- _ —, ,r, Ar M1.P.1 =I NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. SO. ITCY, nr No. 168 Wylie Street. 16S: 168. (ap3o:n4o) C ARR' (1 1 1 C ‘g j o n n, I G u•Et3r CO., WHOLESALE, DEALERS IN Foieign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STREET. Third door above Diamond alley. PITTSBURGH. PA. . COAL AND COKE. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! • DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed their °Mee to 1 4 1 . 13. 587 1.113.E.11,7"1" (Lately City Flour MIIO SECOND !MOOR. 4 1- 1. 7 , pprepared Polll,',Vtggil-JT,u,,?gleCtgwritEsi morket'price. -- All orders left at their office, attended addressed -to them through the mall w be to promptly. my2.5:tr25 AIIBISTRON HUTCIILITSON, 1.. a Success o rs A.l .7 ; c PCrtr a till s lO t illlZNY COAL Co., MINERS ,SHIPPERS AND DF.A LEM, BY RAIL ROAD AND RIVER., .of superior Youghiogheny [ CAS AND FA! i ILY COAL. Office and Yard—FOOT OF TRY STREET, near the Gas Works. , • GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY 100 WOOD STREET (JHINA, GLASS AND 9UEENSWARE, DILIFER PLATED WARE, PARIAN STATUETTES ' BOHEMIAN GLASS, And other STA PIA AND ?ANDY 004)1)5, s great'varLety. 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED A' CO in= 100 WOOD STREET, • WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER, • AT REDUCED PRICES. AFTER JULY linT, We will oder our present stock of Wall Papers at Greatly leduced1 educed Priee& A large assortment of SATINAPICEB. for halls, rooms, ceilings, &c., at N0..107 Market Street t near Fifth. JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. RAPER. DI'I'TSBUItGIi PAPER MANE PACTUHING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS CLINTAiN MILL — STICUBENVILLk. 0810. BRIGHTON MILL—NEW BRIGHTON, PA. orrum AND wAßumusE, V 0.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 'Ol/TICMaa—AUGUST HANTJE, President. JNO. IL LIVINGSTON, Trossurer. SAMIIBI. RIDDLE. Secretary. Dinsecrows—Argetit Hartm, John Atwell, 8. II Hartman. John K. •Ington. Cash field for ('aver Stunk. • la2Motri CORN MEAL, RYE FLOUR, &c. ML=DIMI WASHINGTON STHEZT, Near Pittsburgh Grain Elevator W. W.' A.NTEIMIRICIN. • . . efanufWurer of C O RN MEAL incE FLOUR and CHOPPED PEED. orders delivered in either till free of charge. limit" of all kinds , chopped.' and Mini shrll.l.. on .Onvi noting.. LWEIGIITS --MEASURES; IL LW dealer of No. b rotrit : Weights and illeasnres, STREET, wean Liberty and Ferry 'treat& nro,'n ntt 111 =OM EMQVALS. E now Mikunfictu • its erchunito ai. rs Nstlunal Hank will, un DAY. &usages WM. , 'raid et First and Wood stmts. urged by. People's 'Ns , lonal durtug the erection of their new 4, 4 44.10917, jig CAOkr. IMIII RellluTe to the Dint. rupnerly I Ronk,-And mud Bink•ng Uwuw ►1111:112 CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS NEW CARPETS ARRIVED AND ARRIVING. WE ARE IN RECEIPT OF AN Immense , stock of every de scription of CARPETINGS, new styles, for Fall Sales, and -,which will be con. staidly added to during the season. THE VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. McCALLITH EROS., m STREET. sel2: F.AttLt_Jl. Srirp'ClK NEWEST STIOLES I TAPESTRY AND BODY BRUSSELS TWO AND TFI.II.E.V. PLY CARPETS ALL WOOL INGRAINS, In great variety. COMMON CARPETS, AT VERY LOW PRICES. DRU(3-0 ETS, all Widths. MEDALLION DEUGGETS, WINDOW SHADES. Our stock is the largest and most dealrable we have ever offered to the trade. BOVARD, ROSE &.00. 3 zl FIETH STREVI'. se 10:d &w.ir FALL GOODS. FIRST ARRIVAL OF THE SEASON A FULL AKIORTMENT OF Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, Three Ply, And Ingrain C.AJEP.UTS, JUST OPENED AND OFFERED AT THE LOWEST RATES. OLIVER 11"CLINTOCK & CO., No. 23 Filth Street. eeB: 71 73 NEW CAUFETS, 40 TT 3Ft. gi" _A. I IV" ES, WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. THE BM"' GOODS AT LOWEST PRAMS. McFARIJAITD & COLLINS Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Next Building to 11. S. Ctuitom House h Pest 08100 lIIIS:TTSa. T BUSINESS CHANGES VOTIVE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11 ghat the part^ erehlu heretofore exleting be. tween J All e:S MeCUNE and MATTHEW STICW• ART, under the zama anu style of McCUNg & ST'EWART, Has been this day dissolved by mutual oon,ent, and the P,oda - ce nd Comm 'slop Businesswill• be car. r ed on un de r J th e S IdoCUNE and J. iHN CR SE, under IIMIIII3 and style of & Elto , who will attic the account, or thu late drm. J Alll NS UN . • 11ATTIIEW STEWART. Pittsburgh. Sept. Ist, 1868. ielpr6B • 0T1C113.. IS ncanikv GITEN twd,ihat toe Varterihlp heretofore exhtlne ti J Lt. MI KUM! n Vs • ; W 'J. H FP: tiUti imuutitimi ane.wILLIAM HouH,aW , unst.r the Milne ,1111.1 style of tidEltillY LOUUHltalf MetiltAte, tote bt*n day dlesolved hy mutual rousemt, sad thr PLAINIBIIeeki VAS ANL, r * MAIII 011Er.T IKON Atilt Hexed FOUNlntlf IIWSANEFIS will be cesUitnest be:t arter br LOtICHREY' iffhe will settle the accounts of the late firm.' • Jit eHERIFF, . _3V ,J. EttiFl+,, seis:rB • t' to 'WM. yeatikAW:•• • =XI • . . lES'iOBIBION . . . Machine - Stone Ircorks, Northwest earlier of West Common, mleghemy. • ; ft ATVATE '& CO. Hate cid h land ui prepare' tin 'Sniiit notice Hearth and Step Mush irlatii ‘ tor Sidewalks,' Brewer" It r aulta, , lo.. Head an omb Hcoues.dlta . • Orders promptly slummed. rritta CORNICES WELL SEASONED STONE. AUCTION SALES. 4 ". BY B. B. BMITHEON & 00. TALUABI4 PROPER Ty, v 56 WOOD STREET, AT A.LIcTION. ON SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 19TEK, At o'clock P. M.. on the measles, Noll bo sold by auction, tha• valuable lot of ground fronting-- 23,4 feet on Wood totrret. extending b.ck la depth N 2 feet, on watch Is erected the substantially built three-story' brick Business House. No. 56 Wood Street s formerly occupied by James P. Tanner. For business purpose.. this locality cannot be ear. Passed. 3 oesbitallsts and business men generally this sale should prove very attractive. Terms ewe. U. B. SMMISON & sel4 • Auctioneers. BY A. LECIOATE. LOTS ON ALLEGHENY AVENUE AT A UCTION.—Two *Hebb- building lots on Allegheny Avenue, north of Ohto Avenue. Atte cheny Clot. will be sold on the pramtsfs, DAY, at pt. 17th, at a o'clock. Terms. aels A, LEGGATE. kuetioneer. BY PAptin & PHILLIPS, - PALMER & PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS And Commission Merchants" OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Streit, Pittsbaigh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goo& and itiotioni; AT PRIVATE BALE DAY AND EVENING. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Be. tarns. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 115. FOURTH ST. 115. JOHN D. BAILEY & STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS, Are prepared to sell at Auction STOCKS BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., eithe r r on the premises or at the Board of Trade Rooms. Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Sales of Real Estate in the country attended. Office. No. 115 FOURTH STREET. jy6:e.4 $.10.000 T"OAN, ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. GrEAD. M. PETTY• =l5 Real Estate Agent. 60 Smithfield street. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. MIMIC UM CORBIN', An infallible remedy for Summer Complaint, Diar rhea, Dysentery, Vomiting, Sour htomath and Cholera Morbus. DR. 11RRIS' CRIMP CBE, A Sto spec mach ificfor for sale Cholera, &s and Pain in the . by HARRIS & EWING, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, AGENTS FOR 3. SCHOONMAKER, & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, MEI McCOY'S VERDITER GREEN; The only green paint that will not. deteriorate by exposure. It will look better, last longer and gives more perfect satisfaction than any paint in tlie market. CRACKER BAKERIES ... 6* ,•'..0 ..;1, ~,.. ..: , 1 :,,,. . i , .... 4, • , .i '• ~. ..f f,, '4.,7,. ..,...-- t ~).. t!,. -: ...,. ,, 4 , , , ! .',‘ , ' ~..c. .:.. , J t• -- ..,_.... lir„,„.. •,?.... :-...,. ' .;`,"" . 11 :: `: ?'.J'' ' -•—::- . ,-- .......A'A2-{. ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY MMW OFFERED IN THIS CITY. WINE, BOSTON. SODA, CREAM. P'BrENCR, SCOTCHWATgB„ BUTTER,_SUGAR and SODA CRACK ERS: and MILK BISCUIT. For Sale by Every Grocer in the City. Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. Jetkrtfi UCATIONAL LLEGHENY ACADEMY. T rhe next east - Mar aeasion will e.nmenoe on • TOtEMAY, SEPTEMBER UT. In ExcELsum '2 A LL, Federal save', Allegheny. MR. T. -E. WA IiEHAM, Prtnafpal, 9111 receive pupils at the Hall, on Monday. Auguat 31.. t. tr• to 12 Wel"c... ta22:v47 - ALLEGIIENT CITY ACADEMY, MID COItiKEEMIAL COLLEGE, No. 101 FEDERAL n'Ver Allegheny Savings _ Sesslonn: Setentlik. from A. M. to /P.. 1116 Con.unTel I: A to'4q-P. tve,,h34 Scanlon: Scientific and Pommr•relal, 9 %o Op at. .1. at, PIIY.Itt, N. S. !COBB. 'h. M. Prinolpals. IMIEM SHEETINGS AND BATTING. tioutzEs, BELL & CUy ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, eirrsTstritcm. Kano !Aurora of REAVI MEDIUM and I.IGEPPI ANCHOR AND ILiGNOLIik SHEETINGS AND BATTING DYER AND SCOWLER, H.: J. LANC, DYER AND SCOURER. to. 3 /1"1`. CLAIR -.l3"ll3METzsi . . And Nos. 186 and 181 Third Street, 1nvi41144 I'l r Bß tirtaL PA ARCHITECTg g4.lm .skluiwo ARCHITECZ.B, . . intim HOUSE Also 4 ItTtON BUILIIINGe, Nos. .4 IMO 4 Bt. Clair -street. Pittsburgh. Pa. 4sielaa sttebticin given le' the designing and building of (3 9 11 / 1 2.110t141.8 ma PUBLIC! BUILDIN