.4 1, 11:, a2f IS PAM,•CIARDEN I AND HOUSEHOLD; Farm Notes For September. Begin at once' the work peculiar to the season. Remove weeds, and carry all :de raying wrate matter to the compost heap. , All vaca nt ground or whatever is now to be cleared of earlier crops should be planted and filled'up With'fall crops. • Beans—Late crops should be cleared of , weeds and earthed up. Beets—Take up early crops by the close of the month. Be careful in storing them 'ln a dry, airy place, the external moisture being well dried off before storing. Cabbage—Sow seeds this month of hardy early sorts, to stand over winter and pro duce early crops. The early York is well known, and other hardy kinds may be tried, which the seedmen offer. The plants are to be set out on ridges about the Ist of Nevem ber.7 Sow seed ehough to insure an abund ant suppl. Cauldi i i wer—Seeds of this fine vegetable, for early pring and summer use, shbuld be -sown th latter part of the month. There is but. li tie more skill required than in. growing e cabbage,and it shbuld be more common In our country gardens than it is. Celery—As the crop advances continue to - earth nir -every ten days or so, in dry weather, and without covering the bud. German Greens—Sowearly_in the month, for late winter and early spring use. -If the firsesowing fall, - sow again and again, and allow no. failure of a crop, the value of which we do not sufficiently realize till we anise. If the weather be very, dry, top dress with long litter and manure after sow ing. Lettuce—For winter crop sow seeds early in the month. Plant out in rich beds such as are now fit, and keep well worked. Onions—Take up onions what the tops have fallen, and leave to dry Well.in the sun before trimming them and storing them in a dry, airy place.• Break down thetops of those that still exhibit luxuriant growth. Radish—Sow now hardy varieties for win ter use, such as black Spanish and winter Chinese rose. - - Spinach—Sow of this for spring greens about"the middle of the month. The prickly kind is the best. Turnips—Keep themsufficiently thinned and clear of weeds. Potatoes—When the tops are dead, they should be taken up and put away, eare being taken that they have sufficient ventilation, -.and are not in too large bodies. - . How a Hog sweats. Not Hite a horse or man, but through his tore legs. There is a spot on each leg, just below the knee, in .the form of a sieve; through this the sweat passes o'ff, and it is necessary that this be kept open. If it get closed, as is sometimes the case, the log will get sick; he will appear stiff and cramped, and unless he gets relief it will go hard with him. To cure him simply open the pores. This is done by rubbing the spot with a corn cob, ' and washing with warm water.—Rural World. Use a Digging Fork. We are very much surprised, notwith standing all we have written on the subject, to find so many people sweating array at digging with a spade; when, in nine cases out of ten, the digging fork will do four times the wink in the same tithe, with ir.- expressibly less labor. It is scarcely neces sary to say that the people we see so barba rous are not our readers, but even "our own" people do not seem to know that a four-tined fork is much better than a five tined one..—Gard. Monthly. TILE number of fruit growers in Michi gan is estimated at 350. • The number who make it a specialiyii estimated at 275, and their farms range from ten to fifty acres. The number of fruit growers in the State is -constantly increasing. .As yet, however, the question has not been settled whether the business will prove profitable. The fol lowing figures exhibit a close (and perhaps tinder)•estimate-of the amount and value of - the crop raised in the State last season ; 13%.. Per bu. 1.0,005 • $4,09 Va,oco 13,005 5.50 72,505 400, 00(0 1,25 500,000 100,000 10. 10,0(0 00,0(0 Strawberrles ' Blackberries and Its in be r. les. ,Beaches, baskeS:s Apples, Peas, Plums. Ter al..— fros.too The remarkable feature In this exhibit lies in the fact that, until very recently, it was . supposed tnat_Michigan could never grow any amount of fruit. The value of the crop for the ',present year _is estimated at $900,000. , Tim great Maine staple is hay, the crop .of which is now. pearly stored. It: has: been -a most propitious season, continued rains in - the spring and" uninterrupted - sunshine In the gathering.' Barna overifoW With a crop almost twice than of ordinary years. The. potatoes of Maine _promise, too; an alma: dant . yield. Other staples, such as granite,: • lee' and:lfine;.llf.Ond less on the seasOnsand more on individual enterprise, which lif afore i active.siow than ever. , ' • ' tiawrinar AND 01111' M'Autftfa.—These ,are , excellent articles for promoting the growth of-the vines, shrubs,, and small iplants,.. ; They should be thr i own into a pile.. after' removing the coarser mrtions of the mass, and thoroughly- saturated once or twice a week with, a mixture of ' urine' and' soapsiids. This - will induce:` Inciple'nt fer-'• .0/saltation, and so far break down the,tex `titre of the mass 418 to prepare it to act with -energy when applied to any soil or crop. SORE shoulders in working horses may be effectually prevented by cutting a piece of leather into a shape so as to lie , snugly be tween the shoulders of the horse and the collar._, This fends offal! the friction, as the slips. and moves on the, leather and not on the shoulders of the horse. Chafing is caused by friction; hence this method is a plausible one, and is mach better than tying slips of leather under the collar. JOHN JOHNSON says he- has used manure "-only as - a top dressing for 28 years, and that he thinks one • load used so is, worth far more than two loads ploughed under on stiff, •.-• • • • TEE American Agriculturist Says tallow ' is the beet article for greasing wooden sties, '-and also:recommends castor oil for iron and steel axles : In elttier case but little should . - • A PARaiza says the best plan for any One to adopt when there are any insects ortoWls; is td let them sleep or( pine shavings, "and theturpentime will soon drive away all in sects: ' I sometlinta sPrinkle it , oxi'my dogls bedi•and the fleas soonleave. - • • kitsliaid that a 812811 cow le /41//engllO ,Dr Randall, of ParriAn'gton; 3ie., has given from which sn'average poundi Of butter Ver,:Yrooki'lmn!. been made during six summer months. • •,; IT-re said an Ethati Alen colt t after hiv ing been pronounced wortbless•as a trotter, was told in,Bostou flve - yeitrs ago-for $l2O. ll'he purchaser has recently been offered $l2OOOO for him. , E,ll, - , 3 „_ A cow, eiglit years old,belonging to Prof. B oomer,' of ' Whitsboro', ,Yorli,' li ' thirty days, this summer, gaie,.4i6e.gl-. pounds of milk, as Is reported to the Utica ' Herald. DOWNING says that the ctiriln peach' 4rets- is occasioned by the punctures of a very minute aphides or ,plant lorise which at- ly disfigures = Uie*attile t i ettaie earthing s potatoes,and 'retards the - Tij Leng expeTiments this . fact—that billing up the p. duce the crop :.one-fourth:: • Yotterr, the: well-known. veterinarY stir geon, .' who • has been , bitten eight or ten times by rabidnnimals, says that crystals of the nitrate , of silver ,robbed into the wound will positively: - prevent hydrophobia in the bittentperson • • • Tur. veterinary editor of Wilkes' Spirit of the Times , recommends the following, for scratches fri a horse: Take sulphate of zinc, one drachm; glycerine, two ounces; apply every. morning. IT'm now ascertained, by weighing hay into the mow in July and out in February, that the shrinkage amouts to about 2S per cent. • Tax experiment of planting a tomato plant by the side of fruit trees, shows that in no case yet has the borer troubled such trees. It is but a few years mice Califorola had to be supplied with wheat flour from Chili 'and New York. Since July 1, of, last year, one hundred and fourteen cargoes of wheat or live millions of bushels, valued at KM,- NO have been shipped from that State =to England, doing much to save England from famine,, and the United States from famine prices. Last year two thrifty Germans purchased eighty acres of landin Southern Tennessee. This season they 'gathered strawberries enough from four acres of it,to pay for the whole tract. ' , , Alton, has, shipped more than 1,000 bushels of strawberries this year. Wine, it is said, is being made in Gaines ville, Fla., of tomatoes, which is reported splendid. - , ' Land near Pleasantville, 'Venango court ly, which was offered one month ago at $250 per acre, in now held at $4,000 per An Alderney cow recently imParted by Mr. Sharpless, of Philadelphia, has on two separate trials made 13 pounds of butter per week, giving 24 quarts of Milk par, day. without other feed than grass in, the pasture. - A farmer in Derbyshire - i t, England, re- , cently took a prize at a fair ort two cabbages' that averaged 72-12 pounds. Andrew B. Fuller, author of "Small Fruit Cultnrist," says that with him coal ashes are wor hs3 or $4 a load, especially on Sandy land. A correspondent of the Country Getkman suggests, as an effective method of improv ing our stock, that a considerable tax be levied on all stallions, bulls, rams and boars. He thinks this would have the effect of de creasing the number of inferior, or "scrub" animals of each class. Real Estate Transfers. The following deods were tiled of record before H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, Septem ber 10, 1868: Christian Feld to James Johnson, August 1. IW: r lot on '-arah.treet, East ILrmitighain, by 120 ' fee , with buildings 1.4.0t0 Jacob , Jeck to tittUrge. -Melitzer, September I. 130; lot on Jane street; East Ilirmingliain, 40 by all feet, with budding., 43.250 Heirs of Jose' h Allen Jo James H. Phillips..llny 1507; lot on Chen out 111,-y, Lower St. t. lair town ship. 50 by ISO teet Isaac EL Phillips to uubert !tarns Couch. Apr:l 4, Is6S; b.t on eouth street, in Lower St. Clair tow n t.hlp. 50 by 150 feet 4 475 lineke, trustee, to Georre . Jump., Jul y W., 1808; 1 4 t on Eighth -street, Hoboken, 150 by lan feet 41 1(0 Exteutors of Win Robins u, 3... Os algid to 31.bn Swan; lot on North a% raise, beroud ward All. - gheny, .38 by 170 feet - 16,40 George mich:u•d- to Liberty-,hoot /14triet.. August 23, WS; E. ton Dennison avenue, bentleth wan', Pittsburgh, Betty 277 feet • slay Frederick IV. Ihr to Sophia Grove , Septehiber it. Mkt; lot on.slatkin street. to Itobrs plan, 24 by Ina feet, wittrbuildinas F. Hingley to John7ague. April I. le6S; lot on neaver: street, In Sewickley boroogb, 50 sty 212 ft-et, with building ;4210 Samuel britz to Sophia Groves, August - this; lot on Con.ress street, 6CNenth -wartl. Pitt airtirgh.'2o te, 90 feet. 4p. 0 00 James Findlay to John Kitchen,' August 10, UM; Mon Western;avenue, Allegheny, 24 by 120 feet, 00u MoCretry to John - Kilchen,lAogost 10. E 863' . lot of ground in Secoudleard, Adegrituny; 40 by 150 feet ' .. W Win. H. Hope to Jane Erew, 101 oritrouu:l In briar tiers township. containing: acres and gio perch-,,41.5 Jonas Metillotock to George Singer, Jr. , lot of ground lu. the Ts/Qty-w cond ward. Pittsburgh. coniabalug 4 acres itudal perches, with buildings,s3o,vos ' 11.101r14 AOES. Eight mortages were also Mei for record , .szrrsitnks 12, ISM. Mansdeld B. Brown to Wm. WIIC-x„.YorembOr 15M: lot gr and' to .Hobine ..tt township, eon- , tabling 3 acres and 80 perches +1.301 Ellen Kaufman to Fred , rick Neff July 1,156 a; lot In Lower St..Ctalr township, 20by 100 feet 5175 Hilbert' Mltehell to Margaret' Beggs, eptcmber2, 1858; lot on Jectionatroot. Besot/a ward, A Hecht,- ny, :11 by MO ket,•with buildings app Dayld. Lands and,El. C Heineman to Edward Age: new, lay 2; 15681 lot aground In Üblo Township, noataltnng Mantis and 13.perehea.. .. . ZlK.llt9l7l4lJiteub Aber, deceased, LL) ritulrol tr , Eeptdeil nrber9,.1303; lot g rou n d In Baldwin Town- • ship. eantalntx g Waimea and 404 perches.;,63,osl 61, Thomas G. ti. nes to Wllllam D. donee, ,July WM. Jot tdrElrelatrept, l l.ower dt. Clair Townabip, L 35 sicll tr NOtall to P. McCall, May Z. 1558; lot In Seca , and ward, Allegheny. 20 by 134 fat t., EDUCATIONAt: A Larson ENV ' ACADEMY., •.• nextreanalar lesslon.willTeitntaoc9:ott... • • TOD:WAY,. EiIiPTEMBEILIIST v , In"E%OELslott HALL, Federal street, Allegieny. T." - E.'WAKEUAM, Pdheipal.wilt receive pupa at the Hal). 011 Monday, August alst. fern ti to lao'cloca. _ •• .n22:•47• . ALLEGHENY'CITY Ac,tvetnity . ;AED 003EMEROLVL 00GLEGE,: No. 101 rEpEttA.L . wer., o'er Allexhe*y.tSavinga,. , Bank. • j . Daily Sessions: Scientific. from eg - A. "it. to ir.tr. Couanercl•l: ld to 14 P. . • • Js venial( Session: SeletiUSe and Conimerclal,.7 to 95 )1.., • J: M. PHYOIt, ItUBB. A. M. , Principals. • LITHOGRAPHERS. . SEW A 3LI altioicaLY • ninar MAU& QINGERLY Bs,'CLEIS, ElOccesson IJ tOalcO. F. getivoOKAN it CO.. _ . • PRACTICAL LITHOGRATTARREL The only Meam Ltthographla Ettabliehment West ot the Nountalds. Bush:yeas Cards, Letter Reads: Bonds, Labels; Circulars, now Cards. Diplomas. Portraltsi •Views, Certificates. of Deposits, Invtta- MD Cards, am,. Noe. 721 7 . 4TM10r street„ Plttehnralf. ' IM RENTLOUISVIIiatE; 1110. . . FTEL . .—tle tied - prdpoi els will be received until • .DAY a le ise of the ,Loulavitle Hotel, in this cliT,,for's term of three years, commenting Led possession. g iven on theist , di. of Jannary,'lB69. •Proposais may be made for, the hOtek WOW, &No, or for the hotel • and store rooms attuned The premises can be examined on application to the present occupants; er•to eitheref Chanel browned. right.l - rest rved to, decline any, or, all, bide IT- Mil satisfactory. and seen My may be required for the [sit hful i:erfor t eance of ,the termite the. - It•ase. • inckirte 'chit:dope **Proposals for the:Louisville liotel.. , ,and addreas ; • ~!, THOMAS itTE itLE; • • ' • • -HENKE WHLTESTOWE,I • • "Errs of the Estate of L. L.'bereve. - • .• —116,100114 parttierner. Louisville. Kr.. Aug.,3 ,1E614. - .• Seam' SS'''. 1101 1 110ET0' THE , Oittitat °imam, o r g.r,gg. sat 1014 k AVIV. harge,lPlee of Lumber 'lying slt, het roo o -- street; also, thelittlior. kiste jab .ati laving at , t i • loot of, Pitt street.' Yoe are hereby notified to • I . • n n PAY . IVIIATIVAGE" -"•- •t and remove the Mune ."to .J.• WITHIN TWENTY DAYS, _ • ••• '..1 •i• 1 , i sista rt.* Charges.' • , • - • It(IBERIt /L. au2inv2L AltegUeUy WhertMaeter. riv4srjr,D. . .. 7 Y' !do: iNl4ibizidi: 60,000 p Vali and Sprinifaitaimr, And ne4ooo -!' Brei • - • ••;• • ; ; ; ?or which ive 70/in!) . ,ftiohlikhent price in cuh. Stifit*P. Mailo944lWOßtiatk9o. 'SNURGIT GAZETTE : TUESDAY, SEPTEM irr,l4 , vovoito:i coil; Destroyed e* et! Chewing and ,fintoking :the Poisonous Weed, tobacco. One - box of ORTON'S PREPARATION Is WAR.; RANT/CD to destroy then appetite for tobacco' in any' person, no matter how strong the habit may , be, Sir Iv IT 'FAILS In ANY CABE rna moriirr WILL, /IN ItII7IINDRE. It is , almost Impossible to/ break or from the use of,tobacco by the mere exercise of the will. Something Is needed to assist nature In over coming a habit so firmly rooted; with thehelp of the preparation there is not the least trouble. Hun dreds have used It who are willing to bear witness to the fact that (maws PREPARATION corn ,pletely destroys the appetite for tobacco and leaves the person as tree from any desire for it as before he commenced its use. It is perfectly safe and harmless in all cases. The Preparation acts directly upon the same glands and secretions affected by to bocco, and through these upon the blood, thorough. ly cleansing the poison. of tobacco from the system, and thus allaying the unnatural cravings of tobacco. No MORE HANKER NO FOR TOBACCO .AFTICR ustro ORTON'S PREPARATION! 111/COLLECT IT IS WARRANTED., BEWARE or COUNTERFEITS! BE - COMMEN DATION& Vie following are I few selected from the multi tude of recommendations In our. possession: (From W. P. Heald, Beq„ Bangor, Me.l ' BANGOU, Itte,, April 24. 1868.. / hereby certify that I have need tobacco - for thir ty 'ears past, and for the last fifteen years I have used two pounds per month. I have made attempts to leave or at different times. I have left oil one year at a time, but always continued to banker for it until I used Orton's Preparation, which has com pletely cured me of the appetite fur tobacco. I would recommend all who are affected with this ter rible habit to try the preparation, which will ser thinly cure it if the directions are followed. W. P. HEALD. =lll= KNOXVILLE, Tenn., ALtigust 5, 1807. This Is to certity that I had used iotutcco to such an extent that my h, Mtn had become greatly im paired, and - my whole system deranged and broken down, in Juuo . 1801, 1 pnrebated - one box of Or. tow's Preparation, and after using It I found that I, was completelyouted. I have not hattany hanker. lug or desire for tobacco since using the preparation. I believe It to be 'all that It Is recommended; and I would advise all who wiab to quit the use of tobacco to try one box of OrtOws Preparation. • E. W. ADKINS. acorn John Morrill, Bangor, Me. I BANGOR, 31e., March 44. 1888. This is to certify that I have used tobacco for eighteen years; have tried many times to leave off, but have antlered so much from a dizziness in my head, and gnawing at my stomach, that I have soon given up the trial. A short time since a friend in duced me to try Orton's Prep.ration tsold b you.) I have done so. and am completely cured. I d id not in the least hanker after tobacro, either to smoke or ebew, after 1 began to ue the Preparation. • . JOHN 31ORRILLy Price of ORTON'S PREPARATION Two Dollars per box, forwarded to any part of the country, poet paid. on receipt of price. Money seat by mall at uur risk. Address, C. li. COTTON. Proprietor, Box 1.748. Portland, Maine. REVERENCE. We. the undersigned-have had personal dealings with C. B. CO rTuN, and have found him a reliable and fair dealing man, and believe his statements deserving-the confidence of the public: S. It. Richardson. Rev. d S. tireen, Dr. B. B. Gowen, Portland, Me.; Charles H. Morrill. Bidde ford, Me.: A. H. Bowie, Attorney. Belfant, Me.; Alonzo Barnard, liat.gor,- Me.; \Wm. V Sweet, Es q.. West Mansfield Mnss.; ttoynton. East Acworth.Quimby, rt. di:busy:lie, N. Y. auHmto arMANHOOD AND THE VIGOR (IF YOUTH restored In four weeks. Foe •ns guaranteed. Dli. It ICOltirs ESSENCE ON LIFE. restores manly powers, from whatever cause, arising; the effects of early pernicious habits. detr ain:LS.o, Impotency and climate give way at once to this wonderful medicine, If taken regularly accord ing to the directions, (which are very simple. and require no restraint from business or pleasure.; Paliure la Impossible. sold In 'Kitties at VI. or four quautitks In one fur $9. To be had only of the sole appointed agent In 'America, it. GEBIT'Z EN, 9U Second Avenue. New York. ielatlfst-rvg PHILOSOPHY OF MAIRw RIAGE, a new Course of Lectures, as de livered at the New York Aluseuin or Anatomy, em• bracing the subjects: How to ilv, and what to live for; Youth, Maturity and Age: Manhood gener ally reviewetTi the cause of indigestion. flatulence and nervous diseases accounted tor; Marriage Oil osophleally considered, &c. Pocket volumes con taining ibex lectures will be forwarded to parties unable to attend, on receipt of four stamps, by ad dressing SECRETARY, New York Museum of Anat omy and Science, GM Broadway, New York. Jelklal-Tra r4rBATCHELOWB BAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye ts the best In the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no disappointment no ridiculous thlter-remedies the 111 e ff ects of ba d dyes; tuvigo ratts-and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or bliiton. Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Datchtdor's Wig Factory, No. le Bond street, New York. an24:1:11 Ia'"GUIDE TO MARRIAGE.- , Young Men's (Made to Happy Marriage and Cunjogal Felicity. The humane views of benev aent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses Incident to Youth and Early Manhood. sent In sealed letter envelopes, _free of charge. Address HOWARD . Ali. griCIATIOrN. Fkm P.. Philadelphia. Pa. mrtflm3llT. DOLLAR SAVLNGS BANIi, No. 65 - Fourth Street. CF/AIVIMII.EIIII IN 1835. ASSETS - 82.191,72019. Oplan daily tent 9 to A o'clock,* also on WEIMES. DAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May la to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from No vember let to May Ist, from 0 to 0 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not less than ONE DOLLAR, and a dividend of the 'profits' declared twice* year, in June .and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually In June and December since the Bank was organised, at the rate of sli e p d er cent. a year. . • r • Interest, if not drawn out; is placed to the it of the depositor as principal, and bears the same in- Sereet frozalbe Ist day* of Juneand December., com pounding twice a year without troubling the depos itor' to call, or even'to 'present his pass book. At this rate money will double iniesatbsu twelve years. • Books containing the Charter, By-Laws Roles and Itaiiulationsi furillsbed gratis, on applic ation at She r—,l . rincarDra EOlitiE ALBIt.E.E. VIOL • . JObn 'a. IlaCkcifen, ' 'A.' M. Pollock, IL D., Benj.' L. Pahnestock . Hebert Robb, Jones limb:nen, •• . Juba It. Shoeriberger, James McAuley . , , JUDO Steidle, • James BI D. Heeds, Alexander Speer, limac M. Pennock, . . Christian Yeager. • Tamil Yfriu , J,, Anderson,,: Calvin Adams, John C. Bindley, ' •• • ' ' George Illack, , , •-• .Hill Dpredn, . , . Alonzo A. Carrier, Charles A:Colton, . . Jclirk Evans, 1 • .Jr hn J. 011iesple, ' - William S. Haven, Peter 11. Hunker, -Richard Hays, . James 0-. Kelly, TREARUILER--CRAR Szenitysnv—J AM ES Hobert toambs t Ilenxu J. 'Lynch, Pete# A. Madeira, Jobb'Marshall; Walter P : 31arahall, - John 11. McFadden, ortnabyllllpa. )11enry L.'ltlngaqat, Win. E. kchnierta, Alexander Thuile Wallin' Van Kirk', :Isaac Whittier, • • Win. I'. Weyman. ES A. COLTON. B. D. BIEN:1/8 "Westwird the Star of Empire Takes Its Way." • SECURE • EMU IN TEE GOLDEN STATE. • • THE IMMIGRANT NOEIESTEAB ASSOCIATION 1 OF. CALI F ORNIA. • Incorporated under the Laws of the State, Honore . Der 30th. 1007. for the purpose of providing _ lig rrEI 111EMSEnS t And promoting buntgratlon. ' • " Stook. $1;000,6 00 i.Utllded into 200.000 liaanso at 08, each. pays. 44 84f.t}kcilig. orliftlWrikvac k to subscribers Item& ,diatety upon receipt of the Matey. . . • No Faaao.e.l4•49wxo 29 mum NOR! THAN YiT Apsnir.O. • , AlArehlir 9atedielne * descriptlOA .of the property to bodistrlbeted anioest the siharehelders, will he Bret to any address upon receipt or atantsleto , , , c° l Y n e t r cirst ret a u t n :lon P° art ag o p e rice or. land In 'ant idrtfols of I the mate, or!!! p_mpley othesostitoject or interest ,to Figrsflir wit be e b e e . e den/ All Utterer should. be arldreseed 03EciittAst DIMIRII.ANT BONERSTEAD Al3BO - BIATION. , Nati - ace Box Ho. 813, BAN FRAN , ewer.): frALLFORNIA., t atdonvn CHEAP BILEADIti DEAB,I7KBEL Eniiiiire_ for liVALtti)* pread. 'T,I ana 'beit: The 14 ; tui l as w.,, ' T o y :Tate done else:. wan = G,~~:::~-~- A' , TWO ;loins= on LoT, en can Alstrlegheny. This property-will be sold low. as abbe - : DM/ to AbtiliititiviCitYsaail wishes to dispose of the property before removing. SAW.Two DWELLING H vwct BARNS,- with_goOd FARM, and, bo r M acres , timber l an d.. nu property will be sold low. Cast vs_,soo—bslanceon time to snit buyer. FAR3I OF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dialate per acre. 'lmprovements' comfortable frame . house and good bare: 50 acre rtehe land clear. ••• FARM of •181;VAOREZ; ne line of railroad; • very well, located for raising stock; improvements are and substantial; 108 acres of the land in !MIAOW and grata. ' • CITY PROFERTY.—WiII sell a good brick honite, contaiting five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and w ouldrent for the amount in six years. A LARGE LOT OP GROUND, having a river front, and very convenient of access. TANIVERI,.. convenient to the city, and having a well established custom or local trade connected therewith; a good dwelling and forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in Sharps burg, near the railroad; would make a good coal pird. HOTEL FOR SALE.—That fine Hotel property, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, ea the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. FOR RENT. • One large House, for Boarding House. One new Brick House, 8 rooms. One new Brick House of 4 rooms. One new Brick House of 3 rooms. One House of 5 rooms and lot 55 by 140. One House cf 7 rooms Anil lot 150 by 150. Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. One new Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. One sew Frame .Honse in Wilkinaburg, having . elx rooms and large lot. well suited for garden. litres that can-be divided into acre iota. 8 Lots In Oakland. Power ands le_rge Room and Yard for rent, in a good location .. Will be rented for short or long FOR LEASE OR BALE-8 Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward, . TWA . TED-3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4 hides ck. IN SUMS OP V 5,000 AN - p UPWARD. APPLY AT D. P, HATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. te29:pis - 2,000,000 ACRES °1 • CHOICE LANDS FOR SALT:, BY THE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION. Lying along the line of their road. at $l,OO T0 1 $&,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OP FIVE YEARS. For further partienlars, maps, lc., address JOHN P. DEVEREIIN s Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas. Or OHAS. B. LAMBORN, Elecay, aul4: Bt. Louis. Missouri. FOlt SALE. The Oil Refinery, KNOWS AS THE CRESCENT COAL OIL CO.'S WORKS, Situated In BALTIMORE, MD.. on the Baltimore and Ohio Ita'lroad, and most conveniently located with reference to either home or forman tr.ule. These works are very complete Wall their appoint ments, cud are capable of turning out 30,000 to 33.000 GALLONS REFINED PER WEEK. Th.y have tankage for about 0,000 barrels of oil. The prospect of an early completion of the Con nellsville Road, renders this property especially de sirable. Address, or call on, LALWILISON LEVERING, Trustee, anZ:v3l 50 ow STREET. BALTIMORE. W 5.500 NE'lli&nnl'TßlP. sEAAt'. co._ t lutug U acre .. ail under fence and• cultivation. The Improvements area cottage house, wit h stable anti other vette:themes: 21 00 bearing fruit trees. of best selections . ; watered ur two never-failing springs. rituated 4 Wiles from the city, near to MeKee's Rocks and Chattier& Creek. From this place an .Ixtettalve view can be had of Manchester, Allegheny City and the rivers. Terms o.sy. Apply to '. H. McLA IN a CO., au= Cor. Fourth and hinithileld streets. OR SALE & TO LET..-11ouses and Lots for sale In all_partaof the city and so k" ilia: Alio, several FA. t. , , O lb good locations. Also. a small WOOLEN FACTORY , with 20 acres "or land, and good Improvements. which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. , Business Houses to let an good streets.. rriVPt,e Dwelling Houses Mt rant In both cities. For further particulars inquire WILLIAM WARD, WI 11 0 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. TN THE MATTER OF THE AP plication of the Germania Building and Loan Association FOR A CHARTER OF TECORPORATION No., LOOS In the Court of Common Pleas of Alle gheny County. • ; In the above c , ISC the Petitioners have apidied for 'a Charter as a Building and Loan Association, un der the Statute in Inch case madesatid provided, and unless exceptions be di d In proper time a Chahar will be granted at next term of s4d Court. • • • • n. B NORRIDION, • au: v 25 • .; ; Solicitor for Petitioners. 'TCOTICE—Notice is herebygiven thit Letters of 'a dininlgration have - been grante&by the Itegister of Mies henv county, to the undersigne.d, ort,the estate ofg 'ERICK BAUER. late of Allegheny twin ty, deceased. parson4ln-, debted to said agate are booby notified to pay the same, and all persons having claims agaluat the said estate, to pr sent the same, properly authenti 'cated, for settlement. • . • , • . - • , ;211 A • GDALEN SAUER.. AdErdolstratslx. at F.F(4l,erick bauer, deceased. .Pittsburgh, Sept. 7, 1868— serIBLIM , ~ • .rTlCE.—Letters of Adminis-, trat ion having been juuted inn on the Estate o , ILOREItT. LAFFERTY , ensued. ad Perron* haying claims sgattast his es tate Wilt present them to me, duly authenticated, and all person& owing, sold estate will make _payment to me or my Attor neys, COLLIER,: MILLER & IdoßitlOE. Na. 08 Fifth street, rfttsburgh. ' , . • - J idEs:ls. KItLLY anis:l43 , m ', 102 I.'`n Street, Plusbaran. BANICRUPTTOTIOES. . . IN. THE ` DISTR I C T COURT OF THE UNITED . STAT S, FOR THE WES.e.' /LAN DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA. • CHARLES lii.• LORENZ. a ha vi ng app l i e d' h act of Congressbf March Ed, 1807. for a drarve from all hls debts. and other cuilms ' provab under said' Act, by order, or the Court, notice bereny •given o th e r ) persons who have proved their debts. and perzong intereqed, - to appear on the 10th day of SEPTEItlitt. it.,1888,_ 'at• 10 o'Clock A. M. before sAMIJEL HARPER, Lao. Iteglster, .at • his °glee, , No. 0i • Diamond( 'Peel, elt4sbtargh, 'Penna., to show 'cause; Many • they have, why &discharge should not be granted to Ihesald.bankrupt: And. !briber, Aotlee Is hereby, • Oren that the Second and Witted meetings of•Cred lton Or the Said,Rank rupt, , required by' thc. , ll7th •aud 281b•Seetiobe of Said ae, will be bad before the, saiditegtster, atthelante SI e and place. • li 0../fouANDLESE. •., f Clerk of II 81, District `C art for said Insider.. • •/Ie2tWOOTIr tt. 1 , .• : - •. t. Ir• _ 'MARSHAL'S SALES. -- Mi;Zl=l By Vitae of a writ or *iut . ftfoier inied'otit of the Dist e lcieourt of the United States. fac`,t,ke . Western ,Dislecf of reenslivants, , and to One direcfo wilt expose.,lo Public Sale. at the . 01211%1:11 lious,e„ Pittsburgh .' 'YLißeD4kYithis 15th day of September, Difts; at lei o'clock ,A.'l6. the follosiins descittied, prope,i,y, • , • 9 • fiIIETZIEN 414.N51.0F ALCOUOL, ' Colicitniileci eighty' giitiokis; In the custody of Bahnestocit k Co.. And claimed 'Dickinson, • a of Dtaw yort, THOS, A. BOW LEY..ff. B. Marshal. • MsrahtPe 0111Cil; itke: loex)::13 INEEMEI - "%VST C O ON ; •• • -2 / I "achine iitoni Works, Northwest coiner :wen common, Attest:inn FRETIRK AMVATIOO & 00. Have •on band or prepare on snort notice Hearth and litep !Mimes, Flags 'for. Sidewalks, Brewel7f Vaults, ae: 'Head and Tomb Stone', &a. • ' , Order. Promptly executed. Prices reasonable, ER 15! 1868: TO LOAN $50,000, LEGAL. WA3iim IinIELYOVW-LIFE IN THE GraItDIELN , • • • , . 41711101 LIKE - INSURANCE l'O n 6/ 4 . lq`fr YORK. No. 102 BROADWAY. ASSETS iscßrksuio, OVER $1,600;000.. This Company Is the Guardian of a Sacred *Fund, which Is to provide for the 'Milo* and the gather less. with the least possible burden to the Insured. All Approved Forms of Policies Issued. Liberal modes for the payment ofPremiums: Policies Non.forfelting by their terms. The Entire s of the Company diet,' ed equitably among the insured. Last }return of Premium, YIETY PEE • CLNT. DIRECTORS: Hon. John A. Dix, I E. V. Haughawont, lion. James Harper, I William Wilkins,' John J. Crane, Julius H. Pratt. William T. Hooker, V. 1111 am W. Wright, , Wm. M. Vennilye, Charles J. Starr, Chas. G. Rockwood, William Allen, Hon. Geo. Opdyke, Geo. W. Clnyler. Minot C Morgan, Geo. T. Hope, Thomas Rigney, John. H. Sherwood, Benj. B. Sherman, Edward H. Wright, Aaron Mind , . GO. W. garlee, Ricti'd H. Howse, Wm. L Coggswell. WALTON H. PECKHAM, President. HENRY AN, Secretary. LUCIVS McADAM, Actuary, iming GENERAL AGENT TOR WESTERN PE.. A., Room No. '2. Bank of ComMeme Build big, corner of Sixth and Wood streets, • PrrrrSl3t7ll.G.ll, airAgenta wanted. Apply as above. jy2l. st23.7ra IMPERIAL • FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INV FST ED r• NDS EXCEED ING $8,000,000 IN GOLD. Inauranee against Fire effected on Mouses and Buildings, Goods. Waren and Merchandise, Steam boats, ac. Policies Issued payable In gold or cur• repay. Q' United States Branch Office, 40 PIN& STREET, New York. AU losses of the United States Branch will be ad justed In New York. .1. Y. 21:1431...A.TYG.F1Z.,TN, Agent, pir7 . 18111711011, PA. • Oftlee, 87 FOURTH STREET. Mlt. MeLAITGMLIS Is also Agent for the Manbat• tan Life Insurance Company. 5e5072 BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEOMINY„ PA. Office in Franklin Sayings Bank Buildings, N0.43 . 0111° St.. Allegheny. A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors wet known to the community, who trust by fair dealins to merit a ■hale of your patronage. HENRY GEO. D. RIDDLE DIRECTORS: I Henry Irwin, D. L. Patterson, 'Henry 6erwlg, Geo. It. Riddle, Jacob Franz, ' Gottleib Faa.s, Simon Drum, J. B. timith, Jacob Rush W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiston, Joseph Craig, JON. Lautner, H. J. Zinkand, Jeremiah Koben. ap10:033 NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., Or THE CITY OF ALLEGHENY. Office, in A.I.LEGIIENit TRUST COMPANT , t BUILDING. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN, P:estdent JAIL E. ISTEVE-NEON. Beereta:7. DIRECTORS: A. H. English 10.11.P.V1111ams!Jno. Thompson Jno. A. Myler, Jae, Lockhart, Joe. Myers, Jas. L. Graham, Hobt, Lea, C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr.lGeo. Gerst, Jacob ROpP. mh:Stral WL'STEIIII INSURANCE COM. PANY.OF PITTSBURGH. LEXANDER NIMICK, President. - WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEe H LUE NEELD, General Agent. Office, .93 Water street, Spang & Co.'s Ware house, op stairs, Pittsburgh. • Will le..mre against all kinds of Fire and Marini Risks. A home institution, managed by Director' who are well known to the community, and who arr determined by promptneas and - liberality to main. lain the chwarter which they have sesemed, as of tering the best protection to those who desire to bt insured. DIRZCTOES: _ Alexander Rimlnk. tionn R. McCune, ' R. Miller, Jr., , Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Ackley', Phillip Reynser, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison. D. Ilamgen. pENNSYLVANIA. • - INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIMSBUROW orricz, No. 101.34 'WOOD. STREET, BANK OY COMMERCE BUILDING. • This Is a Home CompanY4 and inuarea against loss by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. .; C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Tresaurer. 'HUGH McELHNNY. Secretary. • • Dikkerona: • Leonard Walter, GeorgeWlLken. C. C. Boyle, Geo. W. Evans, Robert Patriek,'. J. C. LaPPe, L . Jacob Painter, Joalah King, J. IC. Pleiner, John Voegtley, Jas. H . Hopkins, A. Axnmon. Henry Sproul, - • INDENENtrr, AGAINST LOSS BY FIRI, FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO, OF PHILADELPHIA. or mar., aas a 437:C 11103 TIM ST., Ni s i b:rn . . , biIiTZTOREI. ILI- 4 1 Charles_.V. , Bancker, Mordecai H..LoUle Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel grant,. • ' .. . • • Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Sfolth, Edward C. Dale, • f eorge W. Richards,' , George Pales. CkLARLES,ti. BAN HER, President.' EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. • L,-.. '.• W. C. STES4L.E,..Seeretary s toro tem. ~. . • •• • J. Ide.RDNER CUPVIN, A.OleitT, North West corner , Thir4 and Wood Streets. xLLEGYIENT INSURANCE COHM• PANT' OF PITTIMEIROH., ' OFFICE, No.'37ILIFTH STREET. ILtint BLOC' Insures agahist all kinds ofFire and Marine Rillis JOHN IRWIN, Ja.; President. • ' • JOHN D. MeCORD. Nice president. C. O. DONNELL, Secretary. • - CAPT. WM. DEAN. General, Agent. ; ' ' . . DLIUCTORII: J John Irwin. Jr., Crpt. Wm. Dean. John D. McCord, - B. L. Fahnestock 'C. O. Hussey . , - W. 11. Everson, HarrerChilds. Robert H. Davis, Charles Hoskinson, Francis Beller* . ' Halm. oant. .1. T. Inciekdale. p EoPLEtp ` INSURANCE COM- OFFICE, N. K. COBNIRWCKT MTH ira r 4 Howe Cidayany, Are and Marine Mika Wis. Phillips,' • John-Watt, Joint R. Parkiy Capt. Juries , Miller ' Wm. Van Kirk, Asmes D. Venrer . WM. 'PHILIAP% Pi JOHM.WATT,_ vice GAKilirrß, 90,111 N, , . r IVIANIAOODI HOW Rpm. :. HOW `ax.a. RESTORED r Asittvobitsassi insulted snuf. We . /PTO*, . 4cr ui,.. A. LECTURE ON THE A ATDRAL V TRENT, and Radical Cure of Imr i f w ootorrtues, or Brfulnal Weakness, Involuntary onto, Sexual DeelltsrandhdrieSllnepdoo,lll.or , nage frogerallyf ,Noroesufnegessumpsfen, Ea. lepsy and Met Mental nue gal Inuanaefro,• cc . uniting from Belt Abnee,. &b., r itott.ej; c 0 f. 4 4 'o;ll 3 ls S ia tith rAr Itle t;l 4 " et er W i p e ' . MA _ . OU jos F. 8 It * I Buis under seat; to al pltdiretlYttoper, tO stir dressi: Pow on suouipt or aka eonta, , o7ZWO pOittuevUott l y 0 AS. J. C. KLINE. &Co-, In Wing , YORK; POSTOFFICE DOE ORISS. , Alid i. N 1 On verwelPs "IlarthisteOutde. l4 onto Weente. . myliata.Ver,7 ;.['.l , , , . • - - 1 . :,. .. • H OD"—Anotheir • New • WWI CAL iIi`AMPIII.Mr, rrom the Deno! Dit,‘ Wens. , The,afeatesit Tkntt says o f this woVh: ' . .! , YUis 'valuable treatise Ott the cau s e ' arid cure of premature •oecline, *bows bow heatth is impaired .tbrourtr secret: abuiles of youth :and , manhood, and hew v 84417 .rvgaloodt- fives a clear synopsis, of the impediments to Marriage, the reline and effects of nervous debility, end the Tentedittatherelloro4. A Docket edition of' i t s, above will be Doctor nle on receipt ot 145 cents, by addretalug OU RTIB, No. 58 North Charles direct, Baltimore, Md. jy11:13 GM E2l President. Secretary. Dranorintet I. Samuelohn L. Rhoads. • , P. Shrirer, • 'Charles Arbuckle.; Jared N. Brush. , • Wm. F. Lai*, Samuel MeCflokart resident.' • • Presiden , Secretary. ; ' ''• ON.'l3leueral Anent mED.tcduil AIMMISICI I S. TM7BEApING. Rev. ViIILLUE PANS Will--give a REA.DII. 4 fG of selectionifrom favorite authors at the • - ACADEMY OF MUSIC,' (Liberty street, between Wood and Seventh.) Thursday Evening, September.l7th,lB6&.f PIIOGItAMME Our Defenders By T. Buchanan Read. The Met Buy By Southe The Irish Picket." 11.1les y. ;; " VERY DARK." The r..7alitng. of the Gray 5wan...... Hubert and Art„ h hr.... King John Shakspeare..'t The New Comer. -A Lancashire Pbon. To conclude with Dickens‘ Nicholas Nickleby at "Squeers Academy." And selections from Nicholas Nickleby. TICKETS To be had at the Music Stores, Henry kt Iner's . .and at the door. Doors open at 7: reading at IN o'clock. 1 , sel4 tMASONIC HALL. - POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK OF THE FATOBITX LOCRENIA• . . . ebnimenclug MONDAY EVENING September 14, with, his immense troupe of LEARN ED CANARI Es. %, JAVA SPARROWS. PAROQGETS, WHITE MICII1': „ AND RUsSI AN OAT.' . - seoßx4B gPROF. CARPENTEWS FASHIONABLE DANEINO : ACADDIY; No. TS THIRD STREET, Is now. open for the re. ceptlon of pupils. Class days and .I:tours—For La- dies, Masters and Misses. Wi dnesday and Saturday, f, at o'clock P. M. For Hentlemen—Tneaday and. Friday Evenings, at S o'c o .k. • Private lessons given. arcuiars can be had at the - Music Stores and at the Academy. Classes. ont of the city, s convenient, attended to. zir Hall to let to Select Parties. se4:vl9 • WINES, LIQUORS, ,to PIITSBURGII 111PORTIAG HOUSESI ESTAIBUSIIED 1830. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY; 4 IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, NO. 409 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Would direct the attention of the public to - the fact it that, po sessing sure' Or facilities through several -• large Wine and Liquor Houses in Europe. and r, making Weir importations direct, they are enabled i t° offer the various grades of choice WINES AND LIQUORS at prices less than Eastern rates. Ex— aminations of qualities and comparison of prices respectfully solicited. A choice assortment of pure OLD RYE WHIS- - KEY constantly on hand PURE NATIVE WINES. ISABELLA AND CATAWBA, Of onr own g,rowing. Also, the bet brands or CHAMPAGNE, CLARET, SHERRY and PORT WINES. • "Vine Growers' Company" of BRAN DY, pint flasks, Just the thing fur travelers. N. B.—Particular attention paid to supplying families. A. M AM. A 1.7 No. 4 Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. JOSEPH S:FINCH & CO., R i os. 185. 187. 189,191, 193 and 195, FIRST STREET, PITTSBURGH, XAIiITPACTITELLIII3 or, Copper Distilled Pure Rye Whiskey. Also,, ac. dealers In FOREIGN WINES and LIQUORS. HOPS FERTILIZERS. TO WHEAT GROWERS. EUREKA AMMONIATED BORE, SUPF&PROSPEA.TE OF LIM, 'MANIIIPACTIIBED BY The Allegheny Fertilizer Co. } SEWARD & CAMPBELL, PROPRIETORS, biiigit,' Office, .Bb6 :Pena Penn Street,, Pitts Pa. . 4 • Flie bestßertilizez ln'ua e, and recognized y -;. Farmers who have given It a trial, to be the stand ard I!. fbr raising large crops of -Wheat, Rye, Olds, 1: Corn, Pots toes, Ite. We have, published for grata- p, Roue circulation a,pamphlet containing interesting 17 and valuable statements or this Fertilizer, copies or w d will be sent free to any. sending us their ad- 0 HOTELS. SURF. HOUSE, i• • At'LANTIO brilr, N. J. This erst,class Hotel will open for the season o 3 Rellh June. Terms, s3l'so'per day; e2O ;we week. Address R. R. THORP:SON. Proprietor, f (Formerly of Congress Hall, Cape Island, and Ma. trepolitin Hotel; Washington, D. C.) 0, N. 13.—The .mnsto will be. under the direction o 1: _ Mr. CARL 231i2iTZ. t, , 'e.21::87 '' _ . NEW BUMMER RESORT. LAKE HOSE, Staneboro, Pa., (On She- line of Jamestown & Franklin Railroad. one hour's, ride from Franklin.) This house 111 large. new and commodious, well furnished, halt billiard rooms, ten-pin alleys *and covered promo nades. It is - .on the - banks of the meat charmlnx Fairy Lake in America, abounding In fish, and ad. parable for sa ling purposes, surrounded with Sul phur springs, romantic scenery, &a. Rls the best summer resort in the -State. Address. S. T. KENNEDY. Proprietor, 11 8 . , PRACTICAL 118 , FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LEMON & WEISE, NO. 118 FOURTH E31"11.E.E11%. CH C LIB ust I I B IT o g n UßN han i d T e rflt ven t, v toge tY ll o e f r P w All iti ° a ß ccon an S pieta assortment of ooaunon Furniture at reduced Those In want or anything 1a bui line are cordially Invited to call beihre purchasing. Work guaranteed. . Ig enbritnl4 TX & WEISZ. . „ , SLATE'," • '"' • ) ; ' r : • , . MHZ - TWIN CITY SLATE CO., maatiTactire a superior article of nOCIWZN.CA larWikei - 43 Setenth 81.4 -, PittgbarTN,P.lsi . ' S.:-NEWI.II{YER. Pres% „ 0 , 8 ";.• .:t . . • McEADDEN STREET. '''`'lr c iti' ee helebyr elven that the Viewers , Re-. ((C liev WA iy Die of port !n. the tier of ID e ! h !gt; Vitt rgial . m ot at 1019, 1 tta, ezab 181 k, trlet Court, for conttrwatten• Cc. — /gOF6IIIIB, SOUeitOP. fr A N9l o kilt EDIT GREEN OIL, 11 CUYl'll,' - ter ' 8614 es—superior I 2 quality and tower Is price then ther Vastern mann. facture. Another lgrge. supply of the different widths - Jul Zsccelvea . :fro fsolo a zy n . pniwars. 28 sztd 2812. Ct- street. Eil 11 ...b0 cents.