131 NEW ADVE RTISFIvr NTS. CHEAP 6113N9' FOB TEM PEOPLE..... The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been n 7710004 to NO. 179 SMITHFIELD STREET, when bill !ways foimd the most complete assortment of limns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport.. Ing: Material. Sza., in tee city. of Gun* and Pistols carefully repaired. Cash paid for ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send stamp for illustrated Circular. Agents wanted in ttery. gown in the United Stater. Address, J. H. JOHN STON. 110 Smithfile/d Street. Plttetrurgli. Iigr"JOHN 3tPURVIANC, Register in Bankruptcy for 2:d District. Office, 116 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. air Office hours--9'a. X. 6.8 P. X IigrNOTICE-6All those .interest ' ed. in the laying of a Board Walk on the Perrysville Plank Road, from the Toll House at the bead ofFederalstreet, to the ument terminus of the City line, are requested to meet WED N ESDAY Septum cer 76th. 1,68. at the School Hoare on the gro , ,nils of W A.,IIINGTON lIC:CLIN -11.1CK. ESQ., at 734 o'clock. A. full attettdance of those lz Wrested is earnestly requested sel.s NOTICE. -On and after Wed- KESDAY, Sept. 16th, 1.804, Passengers for Canonsburg and Washington Will take the 2:10 P. x. lrain on Pittsburgh, Cin cinnati & St. Louis R. K. to make couneetiow with Coacues. sana.Ss • HARE & McCOY. 01PJNIAIG, _ At-No. 47 St. Clair Street. A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF Boys', - Youth's and Chi/dren's 1 CLOTHING, FOR THE FALL SEASON. - . 9.11.416 . 3 E dr, MAGAN, 505 • ' 47 ST. CLAIR STREET. ' J UST RECEIVED. • LARGE STOCK- OF , Coke and Manure Forks, COAL SHOVELS, A3IES , CANAL SHOVELS, PICK.% BUTTOCKS. And all sizes of CAST STEEL, At WIRTMIDES & DRUM,, selS:v7 TO FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. OPENED. THIS DAY, AT' EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Avenue. Black and Colored Bonnet Velvet's; Do. do. Trimsnini;Velvets; tiro. Grain Bitsbonin Plain and Fancy Bashßiblbons. - ALSO, A - FULL LINE OF Ladies' and Gent's 17nderweei. sels: CHANGE or FIRM. a n tORGE W. RIGGS D. 1 2 . HOYLE. - BIGGS & (SUCCESSORS TO WILL T. WILEY,) No. 0 wmrp. 1:: Having purchased the large, and complete stock of blocks, Jewelry & Silverware, The undersigned offer theirfrlends all lines of goods at very low prices to close out, to make room for new goods• RIGGS & BOYLE. , sel4:x46 ' 11. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, 1 . W. D. of rennsy - sanla. • .-, Prrrssunou, Sept. 14th. 1868. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 11th day of September A. D. 1868, a rant In Bankruptcy was Issued agaLust the ;STATE OF JOSEPH R. DICKEY, Of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny. and elute of Pennsylvania., who` has been adjudged a !bankrupt on hie own, petition: that . the payment of any debts any delivery of any property belonging to ; such bankrupt to him or for his use, and the trans. - ', fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; ithat a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, Ito prove their debts, and to choose ono or more as .signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at 'No. 116 Federal St.. Allegheny City. Altegheny county, Penna., before JOHN N. PURVIANCE,• Esq., Register,* on the .7th day of November, A. D. 1868, at 11 olelock THOMAS A. ROWLEY, 11. S. kLiraluil. as Messenger =1 .1) I TTSIIIIRGII N EMNIS • CINCINNATI AND ST. ms RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUT& _ CHARGETESII7..-On and after 1317NDAT, „Sept. 13tby 1868, trains Mill leave and arrive at tht !Union Depot, as tenons, Pittsburgh time: . J. • , - . Depart. Arrive.. lEsilllxprese - 2:16 a. M. LW:I3 a.lO. /1151 Line 9:4-3 a.m.. 7:116 p. to. pre SI 2:38 p. m. 11:23 a. se. :Mixed Way "6:13a. tn. • 6:38 p. m. McDonald 's Aec'n. No. 1..11:43 a. iii. 0:03.p. m. !Eitenbapville Accommod'n. 3:58 p.m. -9:33 a. m. tMeDoluild's doe's', No. 2:. 6:98 p.m. 6:23 a. mi• Sag P. M. Express will leave daily. 11:23 A. 3f - EXprelle will arrive daily. The 9:43 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex eepted, and makes close connections at Newark for ;Zanesville and points on Sandusky. Mansfield Newark R. It. - S. F. SCULL; General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. ][..lV - .kr1R,,P001.4. ALEX. 8. MACRAE, BROKER AND ADMIT . FOR . _ 0 1 tUtemicals. Drugs, D7es.olls. Provisions and Produce of every description. t Business conducted cuiene.half the terms of other °uses. . The American transactions in Live r pool alone ex ' eed London and- all the. ports of Europe nut, to ether. ' :, . , .l 3f t e V; , :ekZ , l , l arcu o l n arl,. pc o i r i tx: i r . cial Advic7t2Fxtie MILLFAMILY FLOUR. PEARL MILL Three Star Oraen Brand, equal to FRENCH FAMILY _FLOUR. 71als Flour will only be sent out when especially f ordered. • • . • : y BELEM BILL BLUE BRAND, • . • Et - m. 4 to best St. Louls. PEARL RILL BED BRAND, • - • Equal to best Ohio Flour. WHITE CORN FLOUR AND CORE MEAL.' lENIODY &111110,, Allegheny, Sept. 9.1968. PEARL MILL. SALE, oLn MNTIST virAnn LO S, '.:Sltuato on the corner of Taylor '-and on. !Streets, 120 feet on Taylor street D "L'a _lce 'lsmallman street. Address, riel4:x42 .ISAAC moyr.wr ;Ifulton, - Pai. N • EW FALL GOODS. A splendid new stock of fl C l4°T ries CAI3SIMERESs&e• Just received by ' Ilkavillir; MEYER. I= Merchant Tailor, 73 Smithfield street . VIEGI ALLEY—A three j. story Brick Dwelling House and Lot for sale, Inear the conies of Smithfield.. S. CUTHBERT & BON% 88 - 2:mithBeld street. ECM Ts iI ACE .LEATHER , Page's Pat- ! ent, foe 'sale ltholettio mut .retail, at se And Clair street. 434 ROOD DWELLING HOUSE ON DUNCAN STREET, with large lot, for salo, S. CUTHBERT SONS: . - nORN MEAL-165 sacks to ak• alve by, rail, for sale.by sale ISAIAH DICKEY CO. '"THAT TENNESSEE FLOVILP -50 bbls. firoadway, In store. for sale by 605 I.IAIAII MOKEY GROUND SUMAC-2 tuns to ar rive, •or sale by ISAIAH DICKEY /e. CO. GOOO IN NEW JEIC kA ni for oal by S. CIJTLIBERT 4: SONS. tIIESDAY MORNING, AT AT 11.2M.c. YARD WIDE BLEACHED HURL* a good bargain. AT IA3 c. YARD WIDE PURPLE PRINTS AT ISEc. GREY TWILLED FLANNELS,- slightly wet. AT..4.5c. ROB ROY FLANNELS—aII colors Heavy..COrsets, White Country Flannels, Black'and Col'd Alpacas, Kid Gloves, AT POPULAR PRICES; MI 180 and 182 Federal St,Alleglieny. eel 6: AN OIDDI4IIICIE Providing for the Acceptance by the City of Pittsburgh of Water IPipes Laid from the . Reservoir to the. Weetern Pennsylvania lirospitaL • ' • WiIEREAS. By an Act of Assembly, , approved March 5, 1858, the Western Pennsylvania Hospital Was authorized and empowered b and with the con sent of the Councils f the City of P ttsburgh, to convey by pipes and condultafrom the Upper Nes ervoir of said city, a sufficient supply of water for the uses of said Hospital, and to lay down and main tain In repair sari pipes and cn.duli a: and by ordi nance of Council passed July 28. 1258, the Coun cils of said city gran.td to the said W stern Penn sylvania Hospital the right a dnrivtlegetoconi.• y by ropes and conduits from the Upper Basin of said city to the s .1d Hospital a sufficient tupply of water for the us of the Hospital. in the manner and r the restrictions and regulations as act forth in the said Act of Assembly. And Whereas. The said Western Pennsylvania Hospital. in pursuance of the authority aoresaid, did lay down a d have *lnce maintained a d ept in repair pipes and conduits for the purpose afore said. And Whereas, By 'said Act orAssembly it Is pro vides that no openings attachments, or connec tions with the pipes and conduits laid dawn by aid Western Pennsylvania Hospital, shall be permitted unless the consencof the msnager of said Hospital, and also the chnsent of the City Connell shall iso drat had and obtained. And wee eas, m•ny citizens of the city of Pitts burgh cais , be accommodated by the use of said pipes., and the managers of said hospital have expressed' their willingness that the saute shoo id be soused. L Now be It ordained and ease-led by the city of Pittsburgh, In Select end Common CounCIIIIMCI;11- bled, and It is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that the said City of Pittsburgh shall nereaf ter take, accept, maintain, manage and control the pipe and conduits laid down by the Western Penn sylvania H. , spital from the Upper Reservoir to said Hospital, In the same manner, and as fully to ell In -lent and purposes. as if the same had been original - - 1y laid down ny said city, and the proper !officers of said city are hereby authorized to make for thesame '-purposes as connections are made to other water pipes In said city. • Provided thatthe snoply of water toaald Hospital shall be In no manner diminished. sad the same shall be furnished t. said Hospital free of charge. And provided farther, that the provisions of this ordinance shall take effect whenever the ,managers of said Hospital shalt-signify their approval, and consent to the 'same. - - Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils,. this 31st day of August, A. D. MIS. JAMES IifeAULEY, Presideal of Select Conseil. Attest: E. S:MORROW, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: WILL M. HARTZZLL, Cl. ric„ pro tern. of Common Council. ' T A MEETING OF THE BOARD W . of - ,Manasers of the Western Pennsylvania uspitat.; heal +TURBAN, • Septeatber 4. 1868,' the following preamble and resolution were adopted. .Wltsaltaa. The Council of the, city of Pitts •urgh by ordinance missed the 31st day of August, 1888, provides that the city shall hereafter. take, accept, maintain, manage, •nd control the pipes and con duits laid down by the Western Pennaylvani . Ho, pttal from the Upper Reservoir to said Hospital, and that the supra, of water to said Hospital shall be in no manner diminished, and, the same shall be fur nished to said lioseital free of charge. ' Therefore, no it Resolved, That the Board of Man-. •agers of, the Western Pennsylvania Hospital accept and agree to said transfer on the conditions set forth_ to said ord In- nce. J. IiAIsPER. President Western Pennsylvania Hospital.' Attest: J. A. liAltrint. MaMaiGiMilE IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. . Tobacco, Cigars & Whiskey. ISAAC STERN':, No. 169 Federal Street, above the Market, 'ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Respectfully announces to his friends that be Is now °String Ids stock, consisting of, the , FINEST CIGARS, . TOBACCO, &C, And the PUREST LIQUORS, At2nrices LOVirEII THAN EVER. OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. • • isrltemeiabg; the Place, gyp. 185) _FEDERAL ST., ALLatitataT bITT, PA. se4:v/u.Toe " ' ni F. DAUBITVS g HERB LIQUOR. DR. FALK ft. CO., Importers, •r. 760 Penn St., Pittsburgh Pa.' . • . This great ITERO LIQUOR has gained wide eclat' ritylo all Xurope , tromp its marvellous efficacy in curing all nemorrholdal; complaints and diseases of the stomach. We earnestly Invite the attention of the itillicted to thiv - great • remedy: and offer gratis the circulars.... giving directions for Use, together with the certificates of eminent authorities , regard ing its curative - merits. Sold in all Drug_fitores; au20:1179 le AUK it CO.. Importers. „ STEAMER GIPsT. • • Ali - persona having , claim• against tbo Steamboat GIP-1f will p.eseut aim for set,lement ately,' to W. C. ArGIIINHAV9II6 s. h H. :PHILLIPS GEO. 'BRENNIMAN. blaster 1 IGHTNING - APPLE PAIRER%-- 1 have 'lust recelved a tale stock Of the above per.- 9hey • have been fully tested for the last three years, and hayiLproved themselves to be the best ever Invented. They pare faster, better, mud eo their work much cleaner than any other Apple Parers known. For sate wholesa. ed retail, by JANE DOWN, au-irtur : , 'l3O Wood street. ADVMELTInvouri - INTS. WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Stre:t, ALLEGHENY, PA, Country Blankets, Barred •Flaflnels, [vrarr LOW.] Black and Col'd Poplins, Wool and Poplin Plaids, Shirts and Shirt Fronts, Mil Handkerchifs, Flowers; • Hat,s, Shawls, ,Sleeve Buttons, &c.k STOCK FULL, Wyesaln and Retail, SEMPLE'S, No. 87 Dtsuiond street, Plttsbusrgh PITTEBURGH GAZETTE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1868. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.,: NE* ADVERTISOMNTS: /FRE GREAT —riceivlng,the Lad awl supervision Ofthe Govern ment, and carried forward by the extraordinary re sources and energy of the powerful Corporations to which it was entrusted—is'rapidly approaching com pletion, and It is safe to say that NEW tORK. AND. SAN FRANCISCO ' WILL BE CONNEOTED B BY THE FOURTH OF More than ttio-thirds'ot the Ths, Branches between the Missouri Riv eine Ocean are constructed, at a cost ONE HUNDRED MI And the remainder Is. tiding pushed unparalleled vigor. jlie. Ct ntral Pacific Rail To whom belongs the Western aad tion of the lifain•Stem Line, receive fr states Government, 1. The right of way through the Territories, with the use ot timber and materials along the route. H. An absolute grant of twenty sections per mile (12,800 acres,) of the PUBLIC LANDS on the , line, the minimum value of which is now flied at $2.50 per acre. M. A selal issue of 11. S. Six Per Cent. Bonds, l at the avcge rate of $3.5,000 per mile, delivered as the wo kprogresses, *which the Company are abi lowed to repay wilkin thirty years. mainly by transH portatlon services. 4nliority, to Issue their own First Mortgage Bonds to the same amount, baying the preferred, lien—superior to that of the Government. V, It receive's, in addltion, donations and subsi dies from the State andr.',lties of Oslifornht, amount ing to more tifan 113,000,000 IN GOLD; Or an aggregate of Cash Resonrcei for construc tion of more &bars sixty million" upoia!f2B nitles, Independent of the ten millions of acres of .public lands, and further subscilptions to the Capi tal Stock. The early completion of the' ettterprlso is therefore beyond ail doubt. - ,` - This Company have' already carried their road snenesSfully across the Sierra NevadO Mountains, and are rapidly extending the track •across the Salt Lake plains, and bare already a valuable way-traffic thereon,. Besides a mileage upon all through bust nee%bie road, having the best lands for settle ment, themost- productive mines, the`nearest mar kets, and being exempt from competition, will al ways command forge revenues. The net earnings upon the compleed portions , are more than double the total itinual , interest liabilities to be' assumed tbereOron. . The undersigned offer for c ale, and recommend to investors, the FIRST MORTGAGE SO•YEYR GOLD BONDS OP TEM Central Pacific Railroad Company, Bearing elm percent. per annum intermit, botb prin cipal and interest payable in "UNITED STATES GOLD COIN." These Bonds are the fleet lien upon one of the most ptoductiye and valuable railroad lines lin the world —a line which will be finished withictweive Months, and which is already earning, after paYing opera ting expenses, more than twice the annual charge of its Bonded Debt. They are'already widely known and esteemed in this country an_ Europe. and ft is believed the remainder of the Loan will speedily be taken. A limited amount will be dleposed t of at - 10E Per Cent., and iterated Interest, In Carreney. The Bonds Ire of $l,OOO each. with send-annual gold coupons attached:payable in July and January. dffir:The Company reserve the right to advance the price at any time; but all orders actually in trosurtin at the time of any such advance will be tilled atpresent pried. At &lilt time they pay more that'll per cent. upon the investment, and have, from National and State laws. guarantees Superior to any other corporate securities now offered. We ' ,receive all classed of Government Bonds at their lull market rates, In exchange for the Central Patine Railroad Bonds, thus enah'ing the holdervto realise from 5 TO 10 PER CENT. PROYIT. and keep the principal of their Investment equally secure. Orders stud Inquiries will receive prompt atten . tion. Information. Descriptive Pamphlets. Setc., giving ■ full aecount of the Organisation, Prove's, Business and Prospects of the Itnterpriso tarnished on application. Bonds sent by return Express at our cost. Subscriptions received b 1 Banks and Banters, Agents for the Loan, and by " • ' ; JAREN T. BRADY & CO,. Pittsburgh. ROBINSON BROS:, • do. • I S. IIeCLEAN & CO., do. NATIONAL SAVING* BANK, Whetel,ff...: Mr - All dezerlptlona of, GOVERNMENT SECO,- RITIES BOUGHT, S Jl.O or EXCHANGED at onr office, and by Mall and Telegraph, at MARKET BATES. aar Aec aunts' of Baal. Banters and others re ceived and favorable arrangements made for desira ble accounts./ FISK & HATCII, BANKERS - AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, and FINANCIAL AGENTS OF THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAIL- • ROAD COMPANY, . No. 5 Narosu Street, New York. sels:x4l-Tv SATES & BELL . - INVITE ATTENTION TO TNEIR ZWErVEr eirr4o o o32K. POPtrii AR, GOODS, AT LOWEST PRICES. No. WI FIFTH AVENUE. selorris&T FOR SALE: will sell my GROCERY, SAGE STORE, And PRINTING OFFICE for $1118, 060 . To energetic business men this Is s good chance. It pays bandsmen. -. Apply to A. BIM,' ~.. . Fifth Avenue, corner of Tunnel, Pittsburgh, Pa. 6e110c30. sell:xl9 HOT! SHOT !—Just received. a tiltadsortmen(of New Ytult ratout. shot. In 2 and 5 pound bags, assorted numbers from 3.5 to No. 10._torsaleby JANESBGV.L autTuit ; OD Wood street. 1868. BARKER & CO., BAIL New Plain Col Y NEXT. =1 El -w Grog Gin !ugh Line and r and the Pa- I f nearly New Gros du LIONS, forward with In every quality different shades of Merinos; ad Co., In every quality different shades Em• press Cloths; In every quality different shades Irish 59 :rinctroal For m the United Fine Plaid Popl ins Fine Striped Poplins; Fine Alpfteca Poplins; Wine Changeable Poplins; Plain Alpaceas, a colors; Plain 6-4 Wool De sines, all colors Plain 3.4 Wool Delalnes, all eolors; Bright Plaid Long Shawls; Bright Plaid Square Shawls; Paisley Long Shawls; Paisley Square Shawls; Black Thlbet Long Shawls; Blaek %%that Square Shawls. MARKET STREET. NEW STYLE CLOAKS, IN VELVET AND CLOTH; Also, Fill Line Cloths, Cissimere - s, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, CHECKS, TICKS, GINGHAMS, &c. sels:xt,l-rrs PROCLAMATION. ctn . OF PITTSBURGH, Is. In accordance with the provisions of an Act or the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. providing for the 'incorporation of the City of Pittsburgh, and of the various supplements thereto, I. J AYIEsI3I.ACKAIGb F., Mayor of said city, do issue this 'my Proelamation_ that on the Second Tuesday In October, A. D. 1865, being the 13113 oty of the month, tbe freemen of said city quallned to vote fcr men hers of the it, nse of Representatives of this Commonwealth will meet at their several plan* of holding they elections in their respective wards and elect by ballot. under the provisions of, the supplementeof the said A ot bf As sembly., approved the sixth dayof April. 1867. and the tires day of April, MS, respectively, the fol lowing named °dicers: Idle person to serve as Mayor of the City of Pitts burgh, for the term of three years. One person to serve as Treasurer of said city for the term of three years One person to serve as Controller of said city for the term of three years. Twenty-three persons to servo as . Select Council men for the term of two years. Twenty-three persons to serve as Select Council men fur the term of one year.. histy-six persons to time as Couxtuon Cooncll.men teethe term of one year. The electors of the First Ward of the City of Plits• burgh to meet at the Public School Home In said ward, and elect two inemte rs of Select and three ntembers of Common Coattail. .Tbe electors of the Second 'Wad of the City of T i lttsnorgh to meet at the Public School House in said ward, and elect two members of Select and four members of Common Council. The electors of the Third Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the plumbing shop of Addy & Williams, comer of Sixth and Smithfield streets, and elect two members of Select and three members of Common Council. , . . The electors of the Fourth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said ward, and elect two members of belect and three members of Common Council. . . . The electors of the Fifth Ward of the Clty of Pittsburgh to meet at the tittles of the Clerk of the Orphans Court, In the Court House, In std ward, and elect two members of the Select and three mem hers of Common council. Tho electors of the Stith Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House, on Ann street. In said ward,' and elect two members of Select and four members of the Couatuost Connell. • The electors of the Seventh Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to Intel at the Public School House in said ward; and elect two members of - Select and three members of the Common Council. . - The electors of the 'Eighth, War r of the City of PlMburgh to nu ct at the house of Henry Wilson, corner of Franklin and Fulton streett, in said ward, and elect two memhers of Select, and three members of the Common Council. no electors of the )(lath Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the. Public School More In said ward. and elect two members of Select/ and th ode members of the Common Connell. The electors of theScnth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Lamb Tavern. corner of Penn and Mechanic streets, and elect two members of the Select and two members of the Collusion Council. The electors of the Ele.enth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public school House in said ward, and elect two members of the Select and three members of the Common Council. / The electors of the Twelith Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public 1 chop' House In said ward, and elect two thembers of the Select and lire members of the Common Council. The electors of the Thirteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet tho Public J.chool House I said ward, and elect two members of the Select and two members of the Common Council. _ . . The electors of the Fourteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House In sild ward, and elect two members of the Select and tour membe,s of the Commou Council. • The Hectors of the Fifteereth Ward of the City of Plttatdirgh to meet at the Public Schuol House In said Ward, 1111(1 elect two member" of the detect and four members of the Comas • n Council. The electors of the Sixteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Wigwam corner of Main and Pula streets,ln said ward, and elect two mem bers of the tieleet end two members of tne Common Council. • • The electors of the Seventeenth Ward of the City of PHA: burgh to meet at the Public School House in said ward, and elect two members of the Select and three members of the Common Council. . the electors of the Eighteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public mhool House in said ward, •nd elect two members of the Select and two members of the Common Council.. The eirciote of the Nineteenth War of the City of Pitteburgn to 171CP t itt the hollow school ileum, on Mill street, In eald ward. and elect two members of the Select and two members of the Common etors of - the Twentieth Ward of - the City of - Pittsburgh to meet at !Settler's debool House In said ward, and elect two members of the tittleet and wo members the OGMIIIOI2 Connell: .- • The electors of the Twenty-are Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at. the Wigwam, corner of Spring street and Puckety road, In said ward,. and . elect two members of the elect and two members ut the Common Council. The T electors of the Twenty-second Ward-of the City ,of Pittsburgh 'to meet at tho Irwin School House In said ward. and elect two members of the r electand two members of the Common Councl..4i The electors of the Twenty,-third Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to meet at Haziewood School House, in said. ward, and elect two members of- thetelect and two members of tee Common Council. - 1 In testimony whereof I have hirennto L. 8. set my hand and it , t, sed the seal of the said ...v.. City of Pittaburgh, this twelfth day of Sep . JA3tEs 'MA4;1131011E, Mayor. tember, e. D. 1889. seit:x4-3 GEORGE HEAVEN, AN VF:A4TLIBXV. QV CREAM CANDIES AND TAFFIES, And dealer In alt kinds of FRUITS, NUTS, PICK LES, SAUCES. JELLIES, Om, Jce.. Ee4 113 FEDERAL ST.-, Alleghenys FALL. 1868. Silks; ack Silks. MSi.OktAlifii, AND NOTIONS. FALL TRADE. THE ATTENTION OF Wholesale and Retail Buyers Is invited to our EXTKiiSIVE STOCK of NEW GOODS, Embracing all that is new and desirable In Straw and Millinery Goods; lists, Bonnets Ribbons; French and American Flowers; Roses, Feathers, yelvet s, Crapes; Gro De Naps, Frames, Ornaments, am ALSO TO OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Dress, Cloak and Mantilla Trimmings; Fringes, Headings.. Gimps; . Trimming Laces and Satins; •' Loops, Buttons. all shades; ' Plain and Shaded Velvet Ribbons; Embroideries, Handkerchiefs; Laces and Lace Goods; Dotted Nets, Grenadines; Crape Veils, Lace Veils; Linen Collars and Cuffs. Hosiery, Gloves; Ladies' and Gent's Merino Underwear; Gent's Furnishing Goods; Corbett, Hoop Skirts; The "La Belle" and "Boulevard" Balmorals— A new lot just received. Battings, Buckles, Jet Chains, Wersteds; Java Canvas, Germantown Wools, Knitting Yarns, Fancy Goods and Itotlons, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST EASTERN PRICEe. la-Wholesale Rooms up stairs. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., sett: 77 & 79 M %MET STREET. . NEW TRIMMINGS; New Fringes, - 'Sewing Silk and BuUion. 1,200 Pair of Ileal French Corsets. White and Colored only 50 cents a pair. A WELI'SELECTED STOCK OF YARNS, IN ALL COLORS. THE NEW PARIS "LA BELLE BALMORAL." Gent's Fall and Wintai Underwear. LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest supply and finest patterns of Ladies' & Hisses' Balmoral Hosiery. WOOL HOODS AND SACQUES. Hoop Skirts, Kid and Silk Gloves. ; sr The VERY LOWEST RATES to Jobbers. BIACRITM, GLYDE & CO:, TS and SO Market ttreet. sets: putms MARKED DOWN 2 AT DIACRI73I & CARLISLE'S, • No. 19 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED! ON AND AFTER JFLY IST. HOOP SKIRTS. (Lsdlea , ,) far 50c , CORSETS, (Real French,) 80 LINEN musolucadour" 3 for 5 1 5 KID GLOVES, (warranted,) 1.00 PAPER COLLARS 10 800 Yds. SPOOL COTTON, (good) POCKET BOOBS, worth Ollc 23 HEN'S SUMMER tommonfro're so MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS 75 All kinds Bonnets and Hata at Half dost CREAT BARCAINSI IN dI.L iraaviis. OF (GOODS.'. Special Ratei to Merchants & Dealers. _. • ; , =OM= & CLAILIJELD, )y1:611 - 19 717TH STREET. 54. KITTANNING EXTRA. HEAVY Barred Flannel, A VERY LARGE STOCK, Now Cirreisecl, IN 4,0,0 D STYLES. ..,,VELR,Ot.7: --- "'''''. - ,'.. - :''...i. '....... , .. - ...: . .1)1.CK5Q)7..: - ....: L ' : :„. ..$:KC(); WHOLESALE 70PLY G1C003061, WOOD STREET. POLITICAL. IIArTHERE WILL BE A MEET ING of the Ilerublican r vo'ers of the Oth (late 2d Precinct bib St ord.) at Anderson's Hall. THIS (Pneadavo EVENING, 15th Instant, at o'clock., to name candidates for Ward ufficers to be votea Tor on r. , ATI , R.DA t' EVENING, ltith Inst. Also to elect officers for 9th and 10th Wards Tan. nen." Club. Let every'Republlcan in the Ward at.. tend. - sets:xsl CO - GRANT AND COLFAX CLVB, OF BEOOND WARO, ALLEGHENY, Meets at SECOND WARD SCHOOL HOUSE, every Tuesday Evening', at S O'clock. 111:11 : 1.63 MTU IWiItAINEI MAINE I • - The REPUBLICAN GRANT AND TANNER CLUBS of the city are respectfully Invited to -Jan In procession of the - . , SECOND WARD GRANT CLUB, - THIS NIGHT TO PAETICIPTE IN THE FIRING OF ONE HUNDRED GUNS In Hanoi of Maine. IGr'ATTENTION TANNERS! THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE . ALLEGHENY COUNTY TANNERS CLUB, Wi❑ be held at HEADQUARTERS This Evening at V 1-2 O'Ciock. Every member will be expected to appear in • _ uniform. By order of JOS. BROWN, Marshal. aels GRANT HUSSARS! GRANT H UrSARS 1 s organization is now fu4y organized. and the following named gentleme , are authorized to raise companies for the Presidential campaign : Major a. M. FOLEY, Birmingham and south of Mosongab 1.. ustit. J. S. ISCHOONMAJEER, 14th Pa...C.avalry, Allegheny. W. S. TAYLIR. 14th Pa. Cavalry, Allegheny, Lieut- L - OSh. 14th Pa. Cavalry, Allegheny. Meta, E. R. JONES. Mouth Pittsburgh. . Lieut. S. J. 31eFABEEN, 34 Pa. Cavalry, Pitts.': bar b.' J. B._JOBN6IIN, 14'11Pa . Cavalry. Elajor JOSEPFI M KNAP, Artillery. Mader W. It ST. , K ES. Artillery. Capt. THOS. P. WALKER, 14t1i -Pa. Cavalry, Connellsville, Fayette coon y. MATTHEW Me 01.17917. old 9th Ward, Pitts. Capt. J. C. BARTLEY. 6th Ward, Allegheny. Sergi. J. B. KELLY. Wilkins township. JOnPII BORLAND,. Eineuwaship. Capt. 8. J. BOWS Alleheny City. T. C, PATTERnON', 27I sabella et., Allegheny. Lieut. ROBTO WILSON, Ilth Penna. Cavalry, Woods Run. Capt. J. H. ELLIOTT, IStli Pa. Cay., Haziewood. All Clubs of Allegheny county are cordially in vited to join end parVcipate in the parade of the 313: and Sl4th. - Companies organizing can elect their own ofticera and receive Instructions from the commanding of ficer:of :he Hussars, Col. W. M./sill/DX, A10,_91. Grant strert or the Secretary. S. J. IlicFA ELS, No.:111 Waterstreet. GILA. T BUS-JAI:SI GRANT. lIOI3SABI3II—WiII meet for drill on TUESDAY EVENING, at CITY HALL' at 7VI o'clock. and ter :street parade on WEDN • I4DA Y E riont of the -re-ood Ward School Douse, Allegh .ny City, at 8:30 o'clock. By order of • GEN. W. BLAKELY. 8. J. MerARRIN, Secretary.. • - smti Mg'REPUBLI CAN MEETINGS Will be held at the times and places follow lug, and will be addressed as Indicated: TIIESDAT, Sept. libtti, 11568. MILTENBERGER STREET, on line of 6th & 14th Wards. at 7.30. J. SEIBENIBE. and MAX RAMSHORN, Esqs. at 1 P. IL Gen. F. H. COLLIER, Hon GEORGE WILSON and Capt. SAM. HARPER. FAWN TOWNSHIP, School House No. 2, at 7 P. 15. Hon. JAS. L. GRAHAM and Capt! d. W. GRUBBS' SCHOOL HOUSE, No. 5, Kittanning road, at 7r. u. S. P. FULTON and W. A. LEG GATE, Esqs. COPPER WORKS. J. M. KIEEPATRICK and THOS. M. %MARSHALL, Esqs. 11TH WARD SCHOOL DOUSE. J. H. MEER. W. C. MORELAND and JOHNS. LAMBIE. Zags. Glee Club will be in attemiance. - • • • WEDNESDAY. Sept. Nth. 1668. CORNER" FITLTON and WEBSTER STREETS, Pittsburgh, at r. si• J. M. KLREPATRICK. and C. W. ROBB; Esqs. SCHOOL HOUSE No. 1... - NOrth Vagette,Townehlit at H P. Y. Gen. J. S. NEGLEY, J. H. Malt and THOS. HOWARD, Ergs.' RESERVE TOWNSHIP, (Bini; , s Ticern: Butcher Run BOad,) at 7% -P. E. J. J. SIEBENECK and J. H. MILLER, Eiqs; CORIUM PENN and O'HARA STREETS, Pitts burgh, at 134 P. M. J. W. F. WHITE, A. M. BROWN and J. W. TAYLOR, Esus. , • FINDLEY TOWNSHIP,(MeIIenrro, Hills, near Jeffreystowns) at 3 P. M. Gen. J. S. BEGLEY. ;THOMAS HOWARD andJ. HERR, Rm.." • • By order of Committee on Speakers and Meetings. E. A. MOISTOUTiI, Chairman. JNO. S. LAMBE. Secretary..- • seLSWG 1868. 1868. GRIND MISS COAVENTION! 54. OF THE Republicans of Western Pennsylvania, AT PITTSBURGIiI, THURSDAY, September 24, 1868. The Republican State Central Committee has or dered a GRAND MASS CONVENTION to be held in thla city on the 24th of September. Inst. ' The Republicans . of Nyestern Pennsylvania are urgently invited to come, en matte. to this,donven tion. and so help the good cauPe along. Arrangements will be made, asfar u possible, with the Railroad Ceimiatiles 'for Excursion Trains . and Tickets to the ConvcaUon. „ Eminent ape** have 'been . . and their', names will be announced In due season. AGrandTorohllghtProcession Will take place on the night before tho Convention. and all GRANT CLUBS and TA.NNEBS` CLUBS are invited to take part in It. A DAYLIGHT PROCESSION Will form on TIIURSDAY MORNING, and an in-' vitstlon is extended to all trades and associa tlons to be repretcuted in.lt. The various G taNr,. and TANNER CLUBS will also take part in. It, and Republicans of the county are expected to tiro Oat- in full force, in wagons and on horseback. The Republicans of the various dbrtriets of Alle gheny county are earnestly - urged to make arrange- Merits, at once, for their ,hart in the demonstration. The Steambostmea,' Viremett,'-Butchers, • Drzy. men, Moulders; Glass Blowers, Ftiddlerti,, Rollers, Machinists, carpenters, Brick and Stone Masons, and men of every other trade, aro invited to oonsult together and arrange for such part as each may aboose to.take in the procession: • • . REPUBLICANS! Let us have a Rall3 w . eitliy of the date Of 1860 and 1884! By orderer the , - - ~see. , STATE.OENTRAL COMMITTEE • ,NOTICES. IlgrlifYTICE.--44. meeting of the • . niockholders of the Mansfield Coal and. Lime Company, will be held at the otlito ,of the /ruins' Deposit National B Fourth atreet, , M OND er- AY, reptember 21st, MS. a two o , rlock r. in., for the purpose of int:mooting such business as may be brought before the meeting. - By order of the President.'__ D. REISI P. GER, SePerintenoent. • PITTSBURGH, Sept. 14. 'OS. . . farrOMMEReIA L DEPART= M 7.1% tiF PITTSBURGH 1110 SCHOOL, (Bank of Commeeee itubding corner Sixth and Wood streets. Equal to any Business College having the same studies and lectures.. re ssiona: • Afternoon,. 2,4.1 to - 4;4 o'clock; evening, 7 to 9. Free lo resioents of Pittsburgh ueder Al - years of rite.- Receives students from other ilaces at the low ad- • mhslud ce of •• 20. Students on er at any time and receive diplorea Oil complu ing the course. For further imormstion call at our rooms or send for eln•mar. - E. JOHNSTON," Principal., 5. W. P. PRICE, Secretary'