PITTSBURGH MARREis. OFFICE CF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, 40NDAY, September, 14, 1868. There is a decidedly, better feeling in commercial circles, and strong hopeS are :now entertained that 'a permanent and de- cided improvement in business is near at hand. The recent rains have been of in . :calculable benefit to the Winter Wheat, which has but recently been sown, be 'sidesl r which our rivers are now i excel lent navigable condition, and for the next three months we may look for ie shin ments of Coal and Iron, and Pit burgh .manufactures, generally: , APPLES=-Continue ' scarce and n good demand but unchanged, ranging from 53 to 84 per bbl, for fair to prime.. BUTTER—Is firm with a continued steady demand but unchanged; sales at 35 to 40fc, for good to prime EGGS—In steady demand at 22c, for fresh packed. CHEESE—Is firm but unchanged at 15 1 160 for Western' eserve and. Hamburg; to 18c for Factory and Goshen - and 20 to 21 for Sweitzer._ - • SEEDS—SaIes of Tiinothy Seed at $3,50 to 83,75. Flaxseed is nominal at $2,30 to $2,35. Nothing doing in Ciover. 1 SALT—Is quiet and nominally un changed at.81;75 to $l,BO, to the trade, and $2, in a small way. .. POTATOES—Quiet and unchanged at •• $1,15 to $1,20 per bushel and 83,50 per bbl. Jersey Sweetsscarce and. higher—may be quoted firm'-at $8 per bbl. GRAlN—Wheat is quiet and unchanged at $2,05 to e2;1.0 for Red,iand 3' to 5c %higher for White. • Oats steady with sales on track at 65c, and in store at 68 to 70. Corn—last sales at $1,14 to $1,15 for mixed, and $1.17 to $l,lB for prime Yellow. Barley—not enough dolug to establish quotations. Rye is nominal tit $1;38 tito.s4lo- . , LARD OIL— Is unchanged. notwith .standiog Lard has recently advanced. We continue to quote'No. 2at $1,20' and No. 1 ;at 81,50 PROVISIONBZ— Bacon` •• 1 Is tinehingeh at 14y,0 : to - 1430 • , for-, Shouldertg 16% to 1630 for Ribbed, „ and 18%0 to ,183; for Clear Sides` ' and 22 to 22% for Su •gar Cured Hama: Lard 20c for prima kettle renPered in tieroetv . and 22, inkegs. Mess Pork $30,50 to ' gst: • '- • • • .• _ FLOUR—Is quiet and dull but nn changed. Thii "Pearl - ""and: "City Mills" continue to quote 011.0,50 fOr Extra FainilY (in hbls, and /16,20 in, Sacks; 'and $ll for 'Double Extra in bbls, and 510,70, in sacks. t Rye Flour; $9. - ' . MILL FEED—MiI prices Unchanged at 11,10 for Bran, $1,130 for Shipstuffs, aud 52 •for Middlings, i • t-- - '--;_:••• • -r,:d o ....,---_: • .:.4- -1 • ' ' 1` New Tor; Proguee Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Qu e u e ., NEW Yosk ' September ' i3:—COtton • lower; sales 4900 bales at.. 2.5a2.4 4c for uplands. Flour—receipts 16,328• bbla and 401 bags. Flour 10a15c lower; rather more active; sales 0f8,300 bbls at 17a7,60 for sti-. ' perfine western . 17,00a9,95 for extra west . '• ern, $9,65a11,25-for good-choice-white wheat , extra 18,60a10,90 for Ohio , 19,50a1.1 for ••St. L ouis, 111a14 for good 'chola- do; dos ,. .r,ling steady, " California „long. dal and de- ;dining; sales of 300 bbls at 17a8,50. Corn 'meal quiet; sal, s of.loo bbis of western at 15,65. Whisky quiet and firmer. Receipts I.l—wheat 7,254 bushels. Wheat la2c lower ' very moderate ,milling and, exports ,in, ; iquiry; sal9s of 42,000 bushels at 61,8.5 for . ..iNo. 2 spring; $1,92 for . No. 1 and 2 opting ,:•,..•mixed, 12;21 for wilder red Indiana; 82,30 • ' •'..7for. very ' : choicer .amber Tennessee;:. , .'• 12,33 for r whits Michigan; . 12,65 for •:choice white Indiana. Rye quiet; saes , of 600 bushels of western at $1,45. Barley 'Auiet. B itley Malt is dull; sales 2,Boo"bus : ..nt 12,25. Corn—receipts amount to 63,013 bus; is lc 'lower ' , - and 'there is a fair bust. • ness doing; sales 89,000 bi:ie at 81,16a1.20 for >unsound ; - 1420a1,21" fort sound- - mixed . ! ,Zwestern; $1,20a1, 2 / 4 4, do. in Store; 11,20 for . ..likiln dried. Oats—teceiptS amount to 10,021 -• ,bus; sales at 69a74c for new western in store l'• -;:•and' afloat; Sic for old - do: In store. Tile ' 'total amo.int of grain in wareboto3e on Sep. tember 14th was , Wheat, 196,638; Corn, 2,-; , l•)1 90,650 bus; Oats, 3f2.381; Rye, 15,658; Bar .; ey,:1,779; -Malt.W,l6B bus; pee. 016,2,2 - ;bus. Rice is dull. Coffee is quiet; Rio is -heavy. Stikar , )3 qtdet,' sales" 150hikds at ' ' dllially,c; Cuba', 1330. Porto RicoM, lasses '• •.• ; . steady at 50c; Muscovado, 44c. ' Sops quiet , ;'at 20•330. for American. Petroleum E;teady ' .at 1436a15 ', tor Crude mid: 30 fat :Refined , ':',:bonded. Pork •heavy; , sales • 850 bbls at.' .. 329,25a29,50 for meas,:cloSingisit..l29,2o eaeb, • . .129,25 for -old - do, , 124;00a24.50 • for • prime, ~;• 4 2.6,50a27,00 for prime. Messi , 'Beerdull; sales 425 bbls at:114;00a20,50 for new platumess.. '120,50a24,75 for • new extra mess in tkert•es.- ' " ':Beef dull at 821,00a33,00 for prime mess and • - r530,00a36 forfludia tnesm; Ik#4lXantilsteadni -- • !Sales 60 bbls at 2.8a31;- western. cut meats :heavy; sales 175 packages at /2a13 1 4, for :Shoulders and 15a1934, for Hams; ni.eld es, '. anavy and drooping; sales 150 boxes at 16X . ' ial7 for short blear and 1434' forCumberlaud. •• *cut. Lard quiet' and a shade easier; sales v , l6OO tierces at • 1930204' for steam and 203£a ;,.'4034 for kettle rendered.. Batter dull at 31a 'tB far Ohio and - 87a44 for State:. Cbeesel 6quiet at 13a173.•• , Freights to Liverpool ;firmer; erigageumnts, . for 30,000, bushels __ . Grain at 3;4 fir Corn and 83!, for Wheat.. • LATEST.—FIour closed, dull and , 54100 ..lower. Wheat .ateady. and in buye s favor twith a limited inquiry for export- and mil 4ing. Rye.quiet and nominal , at 'legato() Ibr. western. Oats ' , toady, atffliii7oc atde_pot; 5.43a74c in store and afloat' far' new; 8013 in store for oh:I Apstern.. ,Corn steadywith-a ;:fair home, trfide gitilagal,l7 for unsound; 1,21 , r sound mixed western afloat. /Pork .41u11, ;$22,1§49,211 forsgess cash and Oeef quiet and tiliohitriged. - Ctit meat.. dull nominal. Dicon, ~qu iet and heavy. »Lard dull at 20a20y0-forlairto_prime steam s'frendered. _ Ficss steady at 28%a27. • h q " • Chleap Market. .: tf By Telegraph to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette. ':."-.4:4 CHlCAGOlRoptomber 14.-,Flotmmore as ,; . tive and easier, , at • f 7 a9 for_ coininon to Lohoice spring extras. Wheat active and •:-' na2 . 14.3 lower; kites of No.' 1 at $1;56.41:58 . :),and No. 2 at.51.50/4'a1 , 523f , :closing* $1 .62 t 10.,6334 for N0..2;, this afternoon No. 210 as ~.t,held at 41,5234, with buyers at 1)1,82.• Corn : :,quiet, with sales No. 1 at I4liti9tic, No, :2 tat 93a93%c.and ,rejep4l:l at 90c, closing at. . . b95a95 1 /0 fot NIZ A''l44l o 36.B l nce - the:ehailke'at' psmo9s,icXttir, No. 'l:'•,, Cats moderately Av e ' ,•', pve and y ‘ a%c lower; sales at.6o•4aouy,o, •' .. - -iclosing ar'50X010 1 )0. - f•Rye - doll' and lc ilower; sales at 11,20a1,20e.f0is N0.i1...: Tar hley firmer; - sales of No. 2 at $1,8031,84, clos i.ing v. ith sellers at1111,68 - and buyers at $1,82. '. - -.Highwinek,quiet . but firmer, at #1,40 for ~active, and 811 c for blinded. Mess Pork more , 4,active, at 629,26229,50 for heavy and $28,00" ' t";.for light. Dry Salted 13bulde.s weideand :''nominal at-11 1 4c. • Lard quiet and nominal ' at 19 / 3 Freights steady ' and quiet , at' To • ---, itlm oats, 8c on: corn and RO On ;Wheat , to Buf l.'falo. Receipts for tile ` ' Past . forty-eight • iliours-12.203 bbls flour; 180,680 uil' wheat; • 023,111 bush corn; 122,600 buih: oats; 2,241 plotas. Sbipmetita-.12,488 . bbis flour; '64.798 .4.bush wheat; 116,282 bush corn; 82,233 bush Fosits; 2,800 hogs. _ i : . • • . . ,k.• . Letustrille Market. By Telegraph to the Flttsbargh Gazette.] LOUISVILLii , Sept. 14.---Tobscoo; Wiles 25 jibs lugs to lo w medium leaf at Path rtar fillers 515.25;..Breeklurldge eountY, tuntting leaf $24. Cotton;,, ale of the first ti - ;:new bale low middling- at 25 - cents. - Hay; rprime wharf at =lse. _Flour; superfine 117. Wibent; No 1 red $2. Corn; shelled bulk '.7;35c. Oats 59a55e. Mess Pork $29. - Bacon; `ohoulders 1314 e; clear riblied sides 16%c; ~ I % .ilear sides 17[4e. Lard; tierce 19c. Wb o.pis iy; raw free '1,30. Memphis Market. • illy Telegraph to the eltObargb Uzzette.l MEMPHIS Sept. 14.—Cotton du'l and tionlinal; receipts 193; exports 35 bales. ,Flour at $'0,113. Cora at 871 i a9oe. Hay at i5a22. Oats IA 65e. lir ,t 1 at 20a21e. Corn eal at $4 . 0,25. Lard at 191020 e. Pork Bacon'at lke for' shoulders, and I.7ge for e4ar aides. Fimmcial Matters in New York Gold Closed ,at 144@14-43 8 . [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l MONEY ARD GOLD NEW YORE, September 13, 1868. Money continues easy at 3@sc; chiefly 3© 4c on call loans and 6@7c for discounts. Sterling quiet at 8%@9%c. Gold opened at 144y 3 and declined to 14396 and advanced to 144 and clbsed at•144@144 1 g asked; there has been some speculative movements in Gold to-day, predicated on the Maine elec tion.. GOVERNMENT - STOCKS: Gov4nments r opened firm, but fell off slightly and then again became firm and quiet./ Coupons 'Bl, 114©114 1 4; do. '62, 113%©113%; do. '64 1093.1@109%; do. '65, 111@l11K; do. new, iosx@io9, ,do. '67, 108"108%; Ten-Forties, 114%@1143. STATE BONDS. State Bonds lower; old Tennessees, 69 1 ,4 @7O, new Tennesses 68144@68)4; Missouris, 92%; old North Carolinas, 75; old Virgin ias 59; new Virginias, 54. RAILWAY STOCKS The railway market opened steady. Therehave been further reports of'reSigna tions in the directory of the Erie road and Erie has fluctuated. There has been more activity this evening and the market closes firmer..' New York Central, Saint. Paul and Wabash have advanced. Express stocks are dull. Miscellaneousshares are,quiet. 5:30 PRICES: Canton, 46@46%; B. W. P., 15©153(; Cumberland, 30@32; Wells' Ex press, 26@2614; Amerian, 4433(,@47; Adams, 59%@)503,,; United States, 46);@47 ; Mer chants Union, 23g@)24; Quicksilver, 203;5 22: Mariposa 4%; do. preferted, 10@i10%; Pacific_ Mail, 104%©104%; ,Western Union Telegraph, 337‘@)34; New York 'Central, 125@125.14; Erie, 46%@47; do. preferred, 67®70; Hudson, 69@693;; Reading, 90©903i; Ohio and Mississippi 2.83;@2t.g: Wabash, 84%.643; ; dn. preferred, 760176 3 / 4 ; St. Paul, ,93X©94; preferred, 04Y,@94%; Mehigtin Central, 118©119 ; Michigan ,Southern, R. R; ' 831..84; Illinois Cen tral; , 143©145; Pittsburgh, 853@8534; .Toledo; 1015‘®1013:; Rook Island, 101W® 101 1 ,5; Northwestern, 87.@)87; do." prefer red, 87y,®87%; Fort Wayne, 10&%(c)108% . ; Boston,' Hudson .and Erie, 2254@22%; Terra Haute, 45@45341 do. preferred..6s%; Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and. Chicago, 80; Chicagoand.Alton, /o7;,ganni. bid and St. Joe preferred. 89; Dubuque and 510nx,`,99; do. preferred, 92;4. UNINO 811A.BRS Are quiet: Smith &. ParMelee, 485@450; Quartz Hill, 110; Montana, 356;• • Wallkill, 10; Oregon, 400; ,Buchanan, '60., . • ()tipper stocks at Beaton: Calumet, 56; Ooppe4 Falki,l73 ; Brooklyn, 1p; 80; Hancock, 3;.-Minnesota. : Quincy, 20. • - SETS.TREASURY • • Receipts amount to 81,938,590; PaYnients, $1,335„718; Itaiance, - 389.801.999... • - ' ' I,tlarket. 1131 , Telegraip to the .fittaburgh.ear.ettej. CINCINNATI, September 11.—Fleur is dull litit'net lower, with sales, 01 family at s9a 9,50. Wheat ii - 411111 and_there- no de mand, No. 1 being' offered at $1,95, in ele vator' and 5c less by sample. ' G.rn is quiet but firm, and holders are asking $l, but it is not saleable at better than 98c at the clese. ;Rye is dull at $1,37. Barley is firm and in demand at 62,2512,30 for fall, and $2 for choice spring. , Cotton is unsettled and middling is offered at 25c. Whisky is searceend held at 70c in bond. Provisions are quiet and unchanged: Mess. Pork is held st $29a29,25. Lard is held at 19 c, but , the demand is of ti retail nature and is be ing tilled at 19e. - Bulk Meats are dull and in no demand and nominal at 11%c for shoulders and for sides. Bacon is dull and small sales only are being made at 13c for shoulders, and 16%c for sides. Sugar Cured Hams are dull at 2,0a21c. Butter is unchanged. Timothy seed has advanced to $3,10. Linseed Oil is dull and is being offered at $1,13. Lard,Oil is firm at $1,40a ,1,45 for current make, and $1,55 for winter. Gold is buying at 1,43%. St. Louis Market. tpy Telegraph to the Plttsbaret Gazette.; Sr. Louis; Sept. 14.—Toba4cco'dull and un changed. Cotton, nothing doing. Hemp du I; undressed sold at *1,50a1,60. Flour dull and business very small; with - sales super at f5,136a6.25t extraat 50,75a7; .f.dctUbla. 57,50a0,50; treble extra to fancy at , 510a13. Wheat' steady; prime to fancy red fall xanged from - 52a%30; 'choice to fancy white at 12,80a2,40; spring lower; fair to .choice sold at $1,45a1,58. Corn • dulL..intt ungettled, with only ; small...Boles; choice White at 97%a119c. Oath opened' better it 53' a55c.. Barley dull, with buyers holding off; small gales spring at $1,80a1,95, and Tall at 12,39. i Eye dull and drooping at $1,16a1,24. Pork 'dull. at $29,25. .Bulk Meats—ahonl ders. sold at 1134 c. Bacon-quiet, with old clear rib sides at 1534 c; do clear sides at 16a 165ic; - loose 16%.3. Picked nominal at 130. Lard; jobbing sales choice 'tierce at 1934. Whisky firth at $1,3.5.' Cat tle..in good ' supply and steady at Pad grbss. ,Recelpts--4,loolbbis flour, 42,500 bus wheat, 2,600 ough corn, 25,700 bush oats, 5,300 bus rye, 9,000 bush barley. Toledo Market. {BT Telegraph to the Plttsiurati Gazette.l TOLEGo, September ,14.—Receipts-5,225 bb15410ur,.31,155 bus wheat, 14,670 bus corn, 11,700 bus oat 2,200 bus - rye, 800 bus barley. Shipments-3,423 bblsflour,B,l26 bus wheat, 11,416 bus corn , .20,326 bus oats, 1,600 bus barley. Flour dull;, sales of spring whent at•s9. Wheat; winter rather more active .and/ without material change in prices; •Fpri r g dull; sales of mhite . liVabaisit at $2;53 ,a2;55; No. 2 do. $2,18a2,20; white Michigan s2,o6;amber Michigan $2,00a2,01; do. seller, last half September, 162,31:. No.:11.8d $2,0034; N0.;2 $1,84; N 0.3 $1,65; No. 1 spring $1,63; No. 2 - :51,59: No. 3 81,45. Corn dull and Lo lower, at $1,02 for No. 1. _"Oats 130 better; sales No. 1 at 57a5730. Rye le lower at $1,29 for No. Barley; No. 1 Canada $l,BO. Freights firm ab Sc to Buffalo, 100. to Oswe go;'l2;ic to Ogdensburg. fialtimere•Market. f LB] , Telegraph to .the Pittsburgh Gazette.] BALTIMORE, Sept. 14.-Flour active after a decline of 25o;:, Howard , street Superfine $8,29; do. extra $10,25a12; do. family 112,25 a :12,75: superfine $7,75a8,54). , Wheat dull; re ceipts Small; good to prime $2,25a2,50; low grades $1,76a2. • Corn steady; white 'sl,lsa 1,22.; yellow 0.2581,27, Oats dull at ,67a72c. e •at $1,40. Provisions 'less firm. Mess pork $3l. Bacon—rib sides 17c; shOul-i dors 11y01150; hams 220. Lard 20c. r, Philadelbhla Market. (By Tulegramh:to,tlie Pittsburgh Gazette PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 14.—Petroleum dull. Coffeeßio 1011 1 4. Flour dull and weak: ,western extra family $9,50a11; Penn sylvania and Ohio do., sloal2;•faney, $12,50 •Wbeat dull; sales 3,000 bush good and prime red at $2,20a2,30, amber $2.35. Corn in fair demand; mixed western $1,31. Oats in good:demand at 76a77e. Provisions firm; Mess Pork, $30,50. Lard 2034 e. • Milwaulec Market. [Br Telegrapti to [bit PittOurgb Gazette.' MILWAUKEE', Sept. 'l4 —Flour dull and lower, choice Minnesota $.1358,231 country extra $7,75a8f mAlum $7,25a7,60. Wheat active but lower at $1,63 for No. 1; $1,50 for No. 2. Oats firmer at 540 for No. 2 Corn irregular at 95Xa96c for . No. 2. 'Receipts-- 300 bbls flour; 100,000 bu wheatf 500 bu oats; 1,000 bu corn. Ship.nents- 8,000 bbls flour; 160,000 bu wheat; 100 bu corn. Philitdelphla Cattle Market. my Telegraph to the Pltusetireh Gazette.] , , pinvADELPH6i, Sept. 14.—Beeves very dull pnd ;lc lower; sales 2,000 head at 8 54 a9V, for western Pennsylvania and western steers, 788 for lair to good do., and 5a6 per pound gros.; for common as to quality. Sheep in Gilt . demand; 12,000 partl , . sold at 4a5 gro.s. Bop ln demand; hales 8,000 head at 15850 per cwt. nett. PITTSBURGH .GAZE.TtE; RIVER NEWS. The river was again rising at this point last evening with eight and a . half feet In the cluinnel. We'should not be surprised to find ten - feet this morning, as the Mci noniahaa was reportei rising above with fifteen feet at Geneva. The Allegheny does not seem to be doing much good, only twenty-six inches reported at Oil City. The weather Yesterday, especially in the after noon, was clear: and pleasant, • indicating that the rain is over for the preseni. There has been no arrivals since the date of our last report. The J. N. McCullough, from Cincinnati, was due last night, and will doubtless be- found ha . port this morning. The'Bavard dep•arted for Parkersburg on , time with a, good freight list, and quite a nunatielf passengers. The Grey - Eagle, incorn nd of Capt. C. L. Brennan, is the regular Wednesday, packet for -Parkers burg lealliig promptly at noon. The Ar adillo, Capt. D. H. Swaney, will positively ' for St. Louis- and Missciuri giver to-day, a d passengers and shippers - should bear tic in mind. 7 3 The Mary avage was due. from_ St. Louis last ni lit, and will commenee load ing at once for a return trip. Capt. Hugh Campbell stl . retains command, with. Mr. •B. F. Wl:alit' inthe.oflice. I ' 'Capt. A. H.law, who is, having a new -boat built here' der the snperintedance. ilmore, is expect d here of Capt. D. S. H. V ii from the West 'within a few days. , Tow lx)ats.continue to arrive and enart, and the fact that the river is again &Welling will be good news for our coalmen- The -amount of coal that will get out will be much larger , than was at first expected. The Aiebsenger , Capt. Dean, will com- Mence loadinglfor St. Louis this morning, and will soon be ready to take her depar ture. 'She is one of the finest beats in the trade,•and as a consequence offers superior inducements to , passengers. Mr. 1 Jarrieii Russellibas charge of the office.. I ' Capts.'Sam. Shuman, John Conway, and •Ed. Evans, arrived at Cincinnati on Satur- , , The Bellevernon , ,is , enronte, ; frm St. awls to Pittsburgh. ; Capt. Geo:D. Moore went out in charge of the Bayard yesterday. • Capt. Shepard will probably assume command next trip. In was reported' yesterday that the tow ' boat, Leader had her Wheel knocked into a 4 4:coked hat" near. Wellgville, on Sunday night, having been run, intoT by the An telope. . . - • Business ,was moderately, active at the landing' yesterday,,,, and,, apparently, im provi. -Capt. ng Wash Kerr, of 'the 'Rebt. Moore, is onthe look out for another boat to take the place the" Moore in the Pittsburgh and ortatheuth trade. Rivers and Weft,ther: CBy Telegraph to the PlttabuigliGaiette.l LOUISVILLE, Septernber, i Rlver rising with 8 feat fi inches in, the canal. Weather clear and iileaftnt.' IMPORT! S Y RAILII0M). _ PIT FT.' , 'W ATNI AND ChtiCIACO Rstino.s.ti. September 14.--6 cars metal, J Wood, Son & Co; 5, do do, liimick dr Co; 2 do do ,Graff, Byers ,& Co; 250 pigs lead,. Dithrldge & Son;, 200 bbla flour, 50 boxes cheese, Kirkpatrick, Herron &Co; 50 bbls mess pork, E II Myers & Co; 100 bbls flour, CB Leech; 100 do do Watt & Wilson; 100 do do, Haworth; McDonald it Co; 200 do do, Watt, Lang & Co; 300 do do, owner; 1 car barley, Smith & Co; 56 oil bbls Adams & Bro; 352 pcs stoneware, J H Llipincott; 20 eks wool, W Barker, Jr & Co; 1 car oats, It 'Knox it Son; 5 aks rags, C P Markle & Co; 2 bbls eggs, II Riddle; 50 bbls highwines; Finth & Co; 1 car bones, 0 B 2 bbls flour, Kell it Ritchart; 86 kegs' nails, A Wilson; 3 bbls eggs, Head it Metz,gar; 2 bales hops Spencer & McKay; 2do do, J Ciangwich; 22 do do. J White Jr; 71 boxes cheese, Woodworth& Davison; 2 cars bones, Seward & Campbell; 2 thhds tobacco, J A Jacobs; 23 boxes do, A Sehaub; 2 hhds de, E • Wormser; 25 bbls Mess pork, 5 hhds aides, J H Parker:. 4; bales dry hides, M Delanee; 1 car corn, Hitchcock,"McCreery & Co; 50 boles cheese r .A:rbuckles & Co; 25 do do, Smith, Johnston. flt. Co; 3 pkgs var nish, Daniel', Close it Co. - CLINICIAN - A AND rlimmusas RAIL-, law,. September 14_ , ear iron, ore, Zug & Co; Ido do, Melimight, Porter it Co; 4do do, Shoenberger & Blair; Ido do, 'Lloyd & Black; 2.d0 do, , Graff, Byers & Co; 2 do do, Bryan it eaughey,;,l do scrap iron, Mullin it Maloney; 2,•,.eurs scrap iron, Brown & co; 1 car _barley, J.M Carson It CO . : 'I car kegs,l . do.staves, j B-nder; 1 car stone, J , ,14 14 Knox;1 1 1 , do do,,P Wolf; I do paper, Godfrey & Clark; Ida lumber,W W Rigdon; 65 bxs, 25 cases cheese, a Rid dle; 10 eke pearls, BrYaiy,Walker:iit Co; 7 aka wool, W,Markez, J. r ; 1 car oats, J Kenna; 6 rolls ileather, N. Huffstott; 11 Ws rockers, 84 do chairs', Bedford Chair * Co; 4 bbls barley flonr.:Totten Co; I bbl flaxseed, 6 eke, oats, Head & Metzger; 50 bids oil, Thus Mitchell; 66 bdls chairs, 5 do rockers, Hammer & Dealer. PITTABITAGII CINOINitATI AND BM LOUIS jtAILBOAD, • September 1444=65 bdls paper, Pitts Paper Mont Co; 25 bbls apples, 2 do eggs, 'W H Graff & Co; 66 steel axels, J Lantner; 10, sks featherst J„ Craig; 168 sks corn, Brown Williams: 3 cars barley, J Glenn; 24 bales cotton, Holmes, 13ell & Co; 1 car barley, Voigt, Mahood & Co; .10 bbjs lard oil; Haworth - McDonald &Co; 5 do do, 41 H'Lippincott; 8 bdls heops, E H Myers & ;Co; 60 bxs candles,iF Sellers & Co; 1 dozen chairs, Myers &Soo; 24 bales cotton, A H Childs & Co; l' car. Staves, W Hastings; 1 car pig iron, EV - Iteynolds; Ido do, Craw ford & Co; 5 bbls lard oil, J Wood & Co. 2 hhds tobacco, , W &-1). Rinehart; 1 car mid .4lings, R Knqx & Son;.4 tee hams, $ Dyer; 1 bbl lard, 2 do salt, F _LFahneatock & Co; 1 daz - chairs, Myers it Sou., • ALLEGHENY STAirION, SepteMber 14.- 2 cars wheat; W McKee do Co; I do mill feed, 2 'car •osts, R Knox & Co; 1 'carvil bbls, oleo W Holdship; 8 cars limestone, Superior Iron Co; 210 bgs flaxseed, M B Suydam; :1 car' lime) J• Aliell; 35 beef hides, S C Barnes; 45 bbls flourt•J - B Mc- Kee; 1 Car barley, J Rhodes & Co; 83 bdls paper, Frazer & ,- Metzgar; .1 car wheat;F P Rush; 60 bble flotir,•6B bgs feed, 10 do corn meal, Voeghtly & KoPp, 2 cars wheat. Ken nedy & Bro; 1 cat batiey, Ge„it, 1 car oate i Jal McKinney; 1 car middlings, H M Hen derion; 2 bbis•eggs, J McFarland; 12' bbls apples. J Herbert.; • • , Awaking/4m VALLEY RAILROAD, Sep tember 14.-200 " tibia carbon oil, Leech & 'Wead; 80 dodo, Fisher, & Broir 960 - db' do. Citizens; 400 dodo. AJaddi u - Oil Co: 2,200 do do, Lockhart Frew; 600 do . do, La ff erty de Waring; 1,040 do do, GW • Holaship• & Co; 480 do do, Fairview 011 WOiks; 30 Ibis ref. oil, 'Lockhart & Frew;' •428 'oil bbls, Penne Oil Worki; 1 keg tobacco, J A Mazurie: 1 car pig iron, Lyon, Shorb & Co; 35 sks rye, 20 do oats L Rosenthal & Co; 35 aks rags, Meth:Bough; 'Smith & Ccifl grain drill, J Knox; 1 car lime, D L Reynolds. ' PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLISMLLI? RAILRottn, SepteMber 14.-2 pkgs peare, 12 _do plums;Volgt." - MahOOd &Co; 723 bdls paper. ,Markle & Co;t49 sks 'znillfeed C H . Armstrong; eitolle leather, G II 'Anderson. 8 Wale sugar, F G Craighead; 2 ears metal, iYough Iron it Goal Co; 10 ska wheat; ficott Gistal; kegs liquor, Schmidt, dr, Friday; sks tanner scraps, B Pfann. REMOVALS. :pp ENOVAL- 4 -The: Merchgnts & , „Lt, Manufacturers Nat!opal Bank wltl, ou TB ÜBBDAY, Aligust 27th, . Remove to the ,corner of Firat and Wood streets, House formerly occupied by the reopte's National. Bunk, and remain during the erection oftheir new Banktng House. -.:atianvla Jon N SCOTT: Jr.., .Casbier. F OB. SALE, FINE SEED "WHEAT, AT 311;) LIBERTY ca. au.Z .UITCI/COCJI, NIcCitfIERY .2 CO. ESVAT: BV,PTEMBEIt 15, 1868: STEAMBOATS. PITTSBURGH, • WHEELING, Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, AT MONDAYS AND T BAYMID WEDNESDAYS ANI) GREY EAGLE C. Freight will be received et eel 4 7 • JAMIE, WOR CAIRO, ST.' Li 1r: AND THE MISSOIJRI —The fine steamer MESSENGER Inn leave for the above p THURSDAY, 17th ) Will receipt freight ;lima and Missouri rivers. For height or_passage apt GHRIP.STi HI FLACK &COL! On CAIRO F• LOT:IN.—The Elnp etc • ARMADILLO Capt. D. SWEENEY. Will leave for above and 1 termed late ports on ,• - • THIS DAY, 15th nat. 4 F. M. .Wlll receipt freight thrOu it to hiissourt and Up per blissisAppl rivers. - For Might or Damage aopPv, on board or to sow OHRIESrdc TIAK,ETT. Agents. PROPOSALS. TO RIILIVAY . I 'TRIC'fORS. HE :GRADUATION,. MASONRY T AND BALLASTING of the following entamer- ated sections of the Pittsburgh & ConnOilsville, Railroad, 'Are advertised for contract; and proposals for the same will be .received at the Company's Ogloe, In Pittsburgh, up to the . • • OF kErrEIFBEE, inclusive, 20T : Commend! about am' fnclustie. 83;43, MI mi l 110, 1.10. . 120, 130. ' the valley 11,9 Inalas Basilan, a the remat Section 14 Specifies I will be the °Oleos berland, It luformatto g at the tiniontollru - Branch Junction, Jeast of connellsvllle, Sections 59 to 64. Then Sections 65, 73, 74, 76,'80, 81, 1 , 85,:86, 87,4* go, 90, 91, fa, 106, 115, 110; 117, 118,. 119, 122, 1118, 133, 140. All of these Sections are In f the Youghtosheny over, rip to Section vc. Sections 1/5; 110, 117 are on the d.embrace the Sand Patch Tunnel; and der - arc In the valley of Wills I being about 5 miles from Cumberland. tons of the vtork on the above t ect:ons y for dclivAry on the let of September, at f the Crinipauy; at Pittbburgh and CUM• ere contractors 'mil obtain all necessary to snails them to examine the nue. any reieiyea the right to reject an or a The Corn . part of eac EL. IL LATROBE, CIVIL aul9;u August I th, 18613. Ofrrigt or CITYEnot film AND SlDOtagOlt. ritUburgti. kept. U. 1868. f NOTICE TO. COINITRACTORIL • • Sealed Proposals for the partlal_Grading of DINWIDDIE STREET; :trona Centre avenue to Pennsylvania avenue: The partial Grading of BLITFTSTREET; from Boyd to hilltennerger street: ._. Nor Gre.tlng and l'aving SPRING ALLEY, fronl Rush to Clynn r street: For G !A .1 lug and Paving' SMALLMAN'.B ALI.EY, from Decatur to Clark street. • Also, for the construction of a Board . Walk on CENI RE STREET, (McFarland's Grove,) For laying - "Nicolson Pavement" on DIAMOND ALLEY, from the Dl•moud to Wood street; And 1n the construction of a Sewer on RUSH STREET, will be received at this office until THURSDAY, Sept. 16th. 1868. The Committee' reserve the right to reject any or all bUs.. Specifications and blanks for bidding can be hl rJ at this of • • sell:gap H. J. 11 . 005,E, City Engineer. GROCERIES. -„, Wtl, MILLER, • „, (Late Hiller & Rteketsea,) Nos. 221 AND 228, Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets, Offer to the trade at Low rlgures: 150 pkgs. - of Nl.llr. MACKEREL, in barrel,, • burps, ,quarters and kite. 100 sheets cbolee :YOUNG: SWAN, J APAN and DIPERIAL TEAS. -..: 6d sack% tholce RANGOON.IIIdR. % • X 5 bbls. choice CAROLINA RICE. bbla: - LONG list &ND SYRIJP. • •'-' ' bbls. RXRUP. choice brands. 100 bblsi MOLAI.SES: • 50 bbls.l A MULASSEB. SOO bbls. - 4IEFINED_ERJOAR.2 • ' • 78114d5.-POUTO RICO. icpze. and DENA, • 'RARA'SUGARS.' • XOO bags,RlO COFFER, _ 80 bags JAVA snd•LAGUA.VRA etnivErs. 100 rises IBS POIKED CLARET. I . 250 cases ' & CRANDON'S CHAN: _ _PAONE'W 13;84 „• , 61COTCII ALE and LONDO,IT kOSTE.O. cr• stanily on hand. . . StINDRIES. • 400 bus Prime Yellow "Ur Corn. . • . 300 bus do do al Seed do. _5O bull Prime Barley. • , • . 3,000 lbs. Dried Apples. ' ' 300 lbs. Dried Peaches. - . 25 bbls. Sorghum Molasse s is bbls. Sweet Cider.. : .• doz. Corn _Brooms, t . In store and for sale bv. . • , - ' FETZER & ARMSTRONG lei ' • - . "10 Barnet street, corner First. , ' PICED SALIIION. 6 100" ' CANS Just received from , Bostou 7, alsol , l4led salmon u small lilts, for fandlir use,s'of fat ,Inde' by the pound, at tho Fnmlly Grocery Store of JOHN A: HeNTHAW: florder Laberty and 'Hand meet.. &UZI kOKDENIS CONDENSED .MILK. L-5 eases genuine !•Eagle,” brand, Just re-, calved; also Conuensed Beef for making . Beet Tea, Beef soup. Ac.,.ln stone jars or 'tablets,' for sale at tlfe Family Orocay :store of su2f .r JOHN A. RENSHAW. PURE CIDER 'VINEGAR.. Wieling or table use, for sale by the 'barrel or at retail; luso Imperial Wine Vinegar, by the cask or gallon. by • JOHN - A.• liEhir•HAW, ' and Corner liberty and Hann streets. , youNG ADIERICA, CELEEtiro— , . Very superior six pnund Cheese: al o, fine ne N' cuffing Lbceee. for sale at the ranitiy Grocery store or . JOHN 4....13xNcH,AW RAUL, citsks. r by . ' ll r '4.' B. tAti SoN. QOD44. ASH,-100: casks' in 'fitore and for sale by , A. CA N(E4I) & bUN. MISCE.LIL,ftNEOUS. Steam Engines for Sale. 6iVJE,l l l4 l l7 t 4nto'gg''ilitali s/Srliar d E ti inch strokv, with all the txtuaes and POI/ BOEING OIL WELLS., Address ~ • HUGH N. BOLE& CO., Duquesne Way.. P ttsbur . ine:t9l pexsons interested A-1 are hereby notßled that the Report in the , matter of the • . . A p pon an sc . or Roberts Street,: In the; City of intutnrgb, from Centre aveoe to Need thrtet; has been placed In my hand s . Ihe as sessments will remain open at my.olEee, N • 108 ~i Fifth 'Menne,' until BiTtlftliAT, , October 10th, 101319; When those nitpald will be filed as Item sigelnst the property. . 7. v.5i....t.0,00. City Attc;rriey. seto:iZ iDIA :pAcKIN(I.—A full 'mica on handl at all times, AM •, RUDDER. BELTING ' AND STE and of the best quality. Parties wishingl at up mills or shops where , Belting Is required, will and our priers as low as can be had in the East, and reight saved. , ' ! J. it TT. PITILLI • 4I . vin end %Si Rt. (Nair atr ...t. DEOLITATED CODFIsin—A , it rziete, prepared tor fatuity t , t, rut poi ont, pound paper boa. , with r , eelpta for Inn variety or forms. Thy IT. Fur sohe who and retail . JNu ; A. Ittr.NSrrt te,., nor. LlbJrcy and Rand etr COMMISSION • MERCHANTS. J. L. DiLLINGZR BILLINGER & STEVENSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa EIM RECEIVE AND SELL All Kinds of . Country Produce lISDAYs. SlTErimitn.(3laster •ATUR DAY F, ' . MItEZMAt..", Master Ail orders for Merchandise promptly filled. at LOWEST market rates.' Part Mut tr attention given to the sale of Kntter, Eggs, Cheese, Dried Fruits, &c, We feel confident that we can give entire sat isfai•tion, by making QUICK BALKS and PROMPT RE TURNS. at niaDas•r MARKET riticse, and therefore reuneetfully solicit your consignments. Al. Corre spondence answered promptly, Marking Plates furnished free. Grain in store and to arrive daily. au3l:t7B . • WATT, LANG & CO., 11 hours by coudxs, Agent I SIB, eigriZat .Capt. Wat, Dada, to on nat.-4 P. ar. 12 to Upper Mtsslasippt Groceries, Flour. Grain, Produce, Pro. visions,Fish,Cheesc,Carbon OIL dam., ' on board or to 4LF,TT. or INGWOM). Agents. • Noe. 172 and 174 WOO STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh. •Pa. n08:n55 D . ST.A d dEt ,mer J. B. CANFIELD A. T. CANFIELD. T B. CANFIELD Si. SON, COM u MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers tp Goshen,Factory. Hamburg and , W. Cheese Butter, ard, Polk, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Dried I. rust, Pig Lead. Pot, Pearl and S da Ashes,' IF bite Lime. Linseed, Lard. Coal and Car bon Oils, N 0.141 First street. Pittsburgh. M. STEELE, Air STELE & SON, 131.• Commission Merchants. .11ND DEALZES IN • FLOUR, G RA IN, PEE33 O . No. 95 OHIO EITTIZEI near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES R. MEANOR JOS. HARPER MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR., GRAM AND PRODUCE 0011EBEISSIQX 1 f M.V..11C 329 LIBERTY 13T1ZEET, rITTSBURGII. Consignments solicited; , Barzter7css-4. 13. Martin, Cashier Mechanics National Bank; .1. p. Dilworth I Co., IL .T.f Ken nedy Bro. • Jaai:l?A• MT= XXII. MUT. EICUABS• KEIL 6cWclw4,Tl ? • COMMISSION. • :AIND DICALISHS IN FLOUR, ORALS, SEEDS, MILL Fx.RD, a.c., &c., 349 Liberty St.„Pitlebturgit, my24:b3l L. J. BLANCHAIIII_, Wholesale ,and Retail Grocers, spl6:x/3 No. 390 PENN I:3TB.ICET. AIMS. MIBANZ. ... .... B. ..11.11UZB• McßAlltE & ......... - - ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers fa PLOUR.GRADT and PRODUCE diElf- ERALLY, No. 11.*.a , ,WATICI; #TIMEX, above :taitheeld, Pittsburgh. ETZER & A11111:ST$ONG, FORWARDING AND poimstIioNZEBOHAITI3, For the sale of 'Flour, GALS, Bacon, turd, 'Butter, Seeds,' Dried:Frult, suad Produce generally, No. 1.6 IL&RILET STREET, 'corner bf First, Pittsburgh. feßiatB , ,JOLIN 1. !10U5!..." ZDW. 110U8S4 L HOUSE 4i. .611.0 S, ”: cessors to' JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale Grocers and 'Commission Ilerchanta. Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. • antTr RIDDLE, N0.'103 Ll' BEATY . • STREET. Pittsburgh. Pa.. COMMUisloil Mer e and Inolesale Dealer in Conntry Producet- , Groceries and ,Plttsburich Manufactures. Cash ad vanceidon Consignmenta, Ind paid for Produce gen-, aa2l ROM KNOX ANDREW KNOX: - R. ENOX & SON,' COMMISSION gl &MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN rf. FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 79 DIAMOND, opposite City nail, Allegheny City: _110.7:r3f • T rrTLE, BAIRD it. P. 4 II.TTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and e a ters In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fishy Carbon :snd Lard 011,Aron; Nails,, tllass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 118 and.ll* dECONMISTILF.ET,. Pitt ;h. :JOHN SIICPTON §HIPTON & WALLACE,WHOLE SALE G ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS o. 6 SIXTH STREET; PlUsburch.':. IIII:rE6 JOS. A. BIITIILEIt, , . . ALDERMAN AND Ittlet MAGIFITitiTra, , • , Office, 126 WYLIE STREET, near :Wasblngtori„ PiTTSBBRGB, Pd. i Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknpwledgmenti, DDepositions; Vollectkitis, and ptbar.legitlinate executed promptly. mb.M:n9 gAMUNI. McBIASTERS, Ex-011iclo Anthem of the Peace and Police Magis trate. 001c_IIRAliT , STIABBT, opposite the . thedral, PITTniBURGB, Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment', pen...anions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and.dispatch. mhi6 VUISTAtE S. MORROW, j. 2 Ez-orricio .7m3TTcE OF THE ' , Licit AND • POLICE MAGaTBATE:- • : ; OFFICE, N 0.73 PNNAAVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bands, Mortgaes, Aeknciwledgmeirta, Depositions and all .Legal BlablellB, OXeCULed With prtimptness andAlspaten; ' - - my 79 ANIBION ) ' CONVEYANCER, REAL (STATE &INSURANCE AM` CARSON' STREET, EAST BIRMINGHAM. ' • Collection'ot Bents solicited and promptly attend ed to.. , my3:y6o WILLIAM 111E.1, ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., Mee, °AMON STREET . , nesiii opposite the Ballway-Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH.... -- Business entrusted to his care , promptly,sttend 'ed to., J S. FERGUSON) SZCO111) F JOHN W. IHDDELL, ' . • . • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 0111tie,11111 Diamondlitisstot, , I (Opposite the Coin. House,) fols:tM A. LFWIS, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, athlkuB C. nruclut,F.LL, 331724:bM JOHN A. STRAIN, ALDERMAN, 11:x4:97z0i0 stranaz OF TEE PEACE Al] POLIO& Mit:oIIEiTRATE. • 0111en,113 IrritraTßEET, eppoifte the Cith drat, ; Pittsburgh, za. Deeds,. Bonds. Mortgagee AcknowledgmenteeDeiioattlona and all Legal Bind? nese executed with DrOMPLEICSe and, diepatcn. ARCHULW?,ULIIILELEYI siA:n9o:ddP I CE! ICE! YCE!' : • WM. KREBS, Ice Dealer, No. 66 DIAMOND Pittsburgh* t eliv pH I) In Said • Ortlers,lert here or at Band !Street Bridge will re. ceivo prompt attention. Wagons running in Pitts iniin ;tad Allenneni. 1:on WUOLICILAME DEILLE.IIB IN PROFESSIONAL., Jus ice of tt~e .I"fxm,l ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, o. S 7 FirtlCSteieet, Rooi; PITTSBURGH, PA. No. 99 'Nal:mond. Firreet, L•PITTSBIIIIGH,. PA. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, NO. Eiti 6rant street, PITTSBURGH. PA, ATTORNEY- A T-lOW. Na as yIINTEI STILEET, PITTSBURGH. PA. ICE. PITTSBURGH and CO.N.NELLSVILLE R. R. 9=1:1 On and after THURSDAY, March sth, 1861 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, car. ner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: Depart. Arrive. Man to and from Unlont , n. 7:00 a. x. 6:00 P. N. 3icKeesportAccommodt'n.ll:oo A. M. 2:05 P. X. Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 p. sr. 10:00 A. V. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30.P.! Si. 8:35A. Ms Braddock's Accommodat'n 6:ls'r. M. 7:50 P. M. Night Act. to McKeesport:lo:3o P. n.-.6:40 A. Y. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. Si. 10:00 A. K ; ror tickets apply t'4 J. H. KING, Agent. W. B. STOUT. Superintendent. Tula pIIAN GE of TIME. IL, ALLEGHENY VALLEY. RAILROAD. On and after WEDNESDAY, 7:25 P. n.-Augast 12th, VMS, TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Station. corner Pike and Canal streete, ,for Franklin, Oil City, Buffalo, and ail points In the Ull ktegloils. ' • - • LEAVE riVVSEURCII. 'ARRIVE IN PiTTEMIIOII. 3fall 8:03 a mlll.ll 4:50p m Express 7:25 ti infExpress.M .... 6:05 a m Ist Bra So dy daWorks 'sl3'd Ac 3:25 pin 'lst Soda s Works m 0:20 a .Accomod'n.. 11:00 a m Accom oda , n. 7:50 a- • 2d Soda Works 2d Soda Works Accomod'n 5:20 p m Accomoda`u. 2:50 p m /141xedWav 6:20 a m Mixed Ws.) T'n 8:25 p HultonAcc'n.. 6:20 a m Hutton Ace•xi.. 8:35 a m • Annetrong Ac. 6:20p rtt Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 r. E. Ar rive In Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. E. Passenfers taking express train have but one change o cars la tween Pittsburgh. Buffalo and Olt Regions. .Idail and Express Trains stop 'only at principal polntt. 'Mixed Way and 'Accommodation trains atop at all stations. THOMAS K. KING, Asiot. - Bnp , t„ W. FOSTER kit/PE. Ticket Akent... anl2 J. A. STSILLY. tENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. anagagit and after Sept, 13th. 1868, Trains will ar rive at and depart from thc Onion Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. ' • Depart. Mail Train.— lils am Day Express.. :335 Ala Fast Line 1:40 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 am Wall's• No. 1.. 13:20 axn Ilsil Train 14:10 a m Derry Acc ' n.. 7:50 a m •Cincinnati Ex 11:4-0 a m Walltd No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 ain Cincinnati Ex,. 9:10 ain Johnstown Ac. 3:ospm .-- Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m Braddocks No 1 4:00 pm Baltimore Ex. 1:30 pm Phila. Expres. 4:50 pm Phila. Express 1:50 p m Wall's No. 3.. 5:10 pin Wall's No. 3... 2.15 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Braddocks No 1 6:00 p m Fast7:3o pm Wall's No. 4. 7:15 pm Detre Ace . r: .. 8:50 pm Brad'its No 2.113:40 an• :nadir's Bo 1 10:50 pm May Passenger's:3o p m The Chnreh Train . - leaves .Wall' .Station every-; Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsbargh at 10:05 , a. m. - Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1.8410 p.m. and &nit es at Wail's Station at'2:oo p. ' • 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other tisins daily except Sunday:'• . _ /Or furtherinformation apply to - - W. H. Ed wrest, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except fin wearing . pare, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars-in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in valnemill be attire ri t sit-of the less taken by special contract.;_. • - • EDWARD IC WILLIAMS, 'sell General Superintendent, Altoona; rs. i !WORMS I B On, 7011,: . NE k OH/GAGO B. W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH B. E . Prom dept. 13th. 1868, trains will leave from and arrive .at the Uruon Depot, north side,. city time, as fdllows: i55dr0gf... 4. 2:03 :Pm Clev and Ex.. 2:03 am! Erie & YgnlPl 7:28 a m Wh'g ICI 6:13 a m 6:5945nl Chicago Ex.— 9:43 a m Cl. kVIWItEx. 2:l3p n. Chicago Ex.... to :28 pm Wh. &Brie Ex. 4:49 hen pn. Depart from' Allegy. I N., BMW s" de. 8:59 m Leetsdale. " • 10:10 ato " '-.1L1:59 am Rochester "t, ~1:33 pm Wellev'e Ace:. 3:43pm Leetsdale Ace. .4:13 pm N. Brigtln " 5:33 pm N. RAW/a . 6:2Bpm Leetsdale' " 10:43pm air.sk*sp. M. , Chicago • AEIP• neita a. m. Chime sell P. R. MYERS. WESTERN PENN-Figmmg , SYLVANIA RAIL BDAD.-13n and after Angt4 t - 16th, 113613; the Pas senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail read will arrive at and depart hem the Federal Street Besot Allegheny City, as follows: . art. N.o 1.6:35 a ittiMail • Dep • &SO a Free Port No. 1 8:15 nm l Freeport No. 1 8:50 ain Express 10:15 am Sharpb , g NO.111:20ti in • Sharpli , g No.I 1:25p m Express.. .. . . 2:20 pin Freeport No: 2' 4:10 pin s.pringiPe No): 3:50 pm Mall 5:50 p.m Freeport N 0... 6:05 pm • Springdle Not 1:10 p.m Snringd'e No 2 0:15 pm • .Aboye trains run daily except. onntlay.. • The Church Train leaves Allegheny Janet. every Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 Returning, leaves Allegheny City at I:20 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny &WA. 09: 4 5 P. m. COMmOTATION TICKETS—For sale 111. Packar ree of Twenty between Allegheny City, Chestnut s t, Herr's; Bennett, Jinni: Creek Etna and Sharp:Ming, a nd ied on good only onts thetralns stopping at Stationsapp. . ; .• The - trains leaving Allegheni City at 5:15 a. m. and 9 202.. m. make direct connection at Freeport: with Walker': Uneoflitages forßutle=OnoeiS e ; town. Through tickets may be pu • at NO. 3 lit... Clair street: , near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and. at the Depot, Allegheny. . Bather Information apply to • - • • JAMES - LEFFER'fiI, Ag en t s • Federal Depot: The Widen) Pennsylvania Railroad TOR Mf..;! Mime any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap. pareli.and limit Wet. responsibility to One Bundled Dollars In value. All baggage exceeding tine 'esnOunt In value will be at the risk of the owner; an tees taken by special contract. • . ..• EDWARD - AL .WILLIANS, ante . ` :Eierr-al Ittl.nerluteadcnt, Altoona, Pa. S . !.! E 3 11 42triari• • - M 3 M 3 •• , • UNION PACIFIC RAILWAYi .-f • •• • •• Eastern Division. • -vas sworn:sr:Jaw MOST ostitun.r. RO UT S ; front the East. to all polnl4 in Colorado,:::Nevada, ttah, Arizona,-, .!,rashington, , • NoW Mexico, - Idaho, TWo Trains leave late Line and Leeverrworth daily, (guiders excepted, ) on the arrival of trains of Paclne Railroad from St. Louts; ' and St. Jo Railroad from Quincy,• connectin!.. at Law!. rence Torp and Wamego with - sta,..a for all' volute' in was. At end •ot track. west of Ellej worth with he UNITED STATES EXPRESS COM< PANT'S DAILY LINE OF OVERIA.ND, KAIls AND R.X.FREBS COAOHER FOR • - - • , DMINVIE.R,L S ALT T. A AF B And all Points in'the Territerievr And with 13AFIDEFSON'8 Til-WEEKLY ; LiWE of' COACHES for Fort Union. kient , s Fort, Fass, § i nerve e , xi kl e rta . Fe, and all . points - In Arizona an d , With the recent 'additions of rolling - stock and. equipment and 'the arrangements madCwith re- ' sponsible overland Transportation Lines from its, western terminus, this road now . offers - unequalled'. facilities for the transmission of freight to the Far- - . • 'Pickets for _sale at. all the principal codices the United States and Canada& - • ' Be sere and ask for tickets Ids THE SNOW FULL ROU P UNION FACIINICI RAILWAY: BASTIIIIN DIVISION. - ' • ANDIERS9N, ) Genend Superintendent.; H. WEBSTEB,' LIVERPOOL AND...talk QTJEEN S.T I C) • : TEErIimULN - sTEADISHIPia, Numbering Arleen frat-claas vissela, among them • the celebrated CITY OF PARIS, CITY OF ANTNVEPP; CITY OP ..13 WT9 I Eg73RALTI4ORE 11 3 11 ,V . .2alllng EVERY SATURDAY, from Fier 43. N or th .Itlver, New York; - For passa ge or thrther Informs• tlon applytto : r111.L4.311 BiNaliA34 . Jr., • . 1077 1 1117 R STRP.F.T. - }Chmniele BMW Neal, opounltt. Post -tiffire. rimy ntirtql - Kr. ab ool3l FLOUR !, FLOUR 1 ground Old Wheat Flour. White dta. fbr tinnily use. • Riverside Ali lor. Baktra. ~ • • lt , une kill!, forintkers. Ontario 11111. fur Rakers. Monitor 1:111, for 13ak.,rs. city bite. sprinspid, FEEIII7 Ficur• • Carers X=i Family Flour. Mad Rtrec.-F..mlly I. lour. ' , HE.AT. riainview OF A l 4 mo IE y St W . Louis. . Tea Rose Rose do. - • Clarke's B:11 Baker's Floor. Keystone MILS do . w . Coronett 'do - - • • • For sale by . WATT' lANGI tt , CO 3 ; 1721 and 174 WOOR ST. oPFtcs BIT'S - ENGINEER .13 z•URVEYOR. }, 1 Th ai PIIINGII, dept.lo 6E. XOTICE.—The Assessment for Grading, Paving and Cupbing ti3ta.l.l.ldA ?I EST trout Clymer to truism sum:N(43OW rear for examination, and as b n a 013 ntli.e unto. SATURDAY, sent. 19,11. IE6S. wben It wilt be re turned to the City T•ea um. , • I:lnce for collection. sae:xlo IL J. MOORE, City gnus Run RAILROADS. Chicago Ex7;', 51:08 a m !Cleveland , 91:08 a m I Chicago Ex.... Lt:23 ism Wheeling EX. 11:08 am St.nLatils,E.t.;. 3:33 pm. Cl. WhYg Ex 4:08 pm Erle TirreEit .8:13 pin Cl. Wli , g Ex a :53 p pnim Arrive Or.Aileghen_y, • N. Brigt'n Ac. 7:03 a m N. Brigt'n:- 8:28 is* Wellsville " 8:53 a rd . ' New Castle ".10:13 am_ Leetsdale " 9:13 al2 4 .‘ I:08pm N. Brigt`n "2:43 pm. Leetsalie 4:53 p m ' " 7:28 PM Exprese leaves dally: mExpress arrives daily. 3, General Ticket Anent. 'NT s Oiegoia. General Freight and Ticket Agent. STEADISIIIPS. El