tui a E SILINTU . • • 11,RD,,, Jpir ii 10erreetson e fr, 'tarlitlfirtraftte.), CHICAGO, Sept. g 1868. I wrote last - from Alliance. After al e a r ly . breakfast I took the express train to', this Canton, the county seat of Stark • an old town far Ohio, its settlement datinLbaek over half a century. Full fifty y 0 "*:!, 2 dr:Johrataxtorivt creorowivania Printer, I." • .•71.-1--, • Oommencadthe antic/Aron ora paper in Canton, which, if I remember correctly;be called the — OMO Repository.' He continued' *publication for ,many years. 11,wast a _good paper; and didnrich for• this ract i ibri 'of Ohio. The old gentleman, now far -ad vanced in llfrs,ls still living in Canton. The Xownhaspkijne appearance, and don't seem • 46 be laggirskbbdind *the 'progress of fthe times.' . 'Massillon, also in Stark county, near the western bolder, was the next important town we passedthrough. It is a ver.tpro-. en M 3 a- - population!of, - from : "-- sunnm - tcr - elerellicniannd; There are ,two iron smelting furnaces here, which mane- , facture annyerage of forty tons of pigniOtal . daily out of ore found in the neighborbobil, ,xnuch r .n.tvidokiglar ; t - _nd,....Ei k ey,ra, gqypp emniner — ens ieultUi !nannies:Aerie% It is emphatically,arupa r , featuring town, enjoying many advaiilagea;. tbr there is abundance of coal all arouudi kemicie,-;,*on orre,, .4t has facilit ies for 'tiatiOpdrUtftd - byrMl and canal; far at this place the Ohio canal crosses the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne* Chicago railroad. The ooal, here is of the semi-bituminous kind found intheyalleootAlie43_lkesnango_ Aud Mahon :. iefttiedmovr lir.tile b.W furnaces. 'Mansfield is the next considerable place., Of its population and business I am not ; able to speak particularly. The l Ati*ntle. and Great Western Railroad crows - the P. IX. Miry gat:Li - R.B. at tills place: The - itesictliCrestline;,4lo- Wilke west ;cf Fitts burgh, an important railroad centre,. and nothing eke.- Here the Cleveland : , Poltuils=, bus and Cincinnati Railroad crosses bur ;pad * w ilp,o.ther roads diverge southwar d Ik hd ••1441.11; 1 :0 3 .0 laskt Crestilne we leave what:'may . s led 'the ' l 4llli country" of Ohio—the best and most inviting portion— ' and enter upon the almost (least Ave% --wtsicitroxtends. thence ; all the way across. life - State`of failihnsito Chicago, a distance of about three hundred miles. For 'more than two hundred miles it is, or was - an. I,ardntermpted-hesFy forest, tteoPt. in one ' *here t the' 4oad iitiur:lhrough . the midst of a prairie of six or eight milee in. extent in both directions, perfectly treeless, ind'doveredwilth heavier grass thantrever saw on any other prairie. There isnot a single lettutum habitation upon it, or an • acre - under Perhaps it is too wet. It looks like a lake lying in the midst. of .the _dense, surrounding., forest, some of Which ileoited ;. blue d distance; as evinced' tram' the' ca' . 'windows: That passed, there is no more nra rte for many miles—not within eighty miles of this city; thence onward there I,s more prairie than wood land. This Vitit*Coded.plainclias a rich soil; but when the timber is out away, as it is in taany,places, theground is so covered with attimpslhat it =St Cost More toil - and ex . pease to cultivate it than the prcidnoe is' 'worth...J . os really a hard regtm-to subdue. Yeetlisi tibibei verygoadi lid where it is near the railroad it is valuable for lnm bet.. tiewatd - fuelv But it is a reservewhich for u generation or more at least will 'hold back. settlement, _in_liorthera joillklia, `.'nedef undelStiind before why it"was that Indiana did not go ahead like - Illinois. Fog mile, after mile, on_ some parcs,Of the . ittite'thiongli that kegion, we did not ;see a single house or field. The count* , is' too - .gat and-too min* sitsdpd to ha hea thy, and requiresit too m uch time iiifdliebortki bring It into a good state of cultivation. ;lint un‘ Ltdithit atinentititie .oriinpulation from Ufa good prairie legion beyond sets in *ill that region be fully subdued. . -- e . BereAfid iltera,M.-..10ng intervals 1 oth• Limit - Id gg i afggoibiteshirikti herd; for a few miles, the count'y rose a little . above the monotonous level. Miss were 2g,tnierally- - settled, and- in some of- them 'towns are.lid'dent and-pretty well built Sand, gravel and sotnetimes bouldtars, comi pose the soil; and I think I never saw. finer: z :..oi.inctrtkAasevlrysladpn-orAaharati aka grow on these Fort Wayne; a llama& ' fug and wid-ly eztended city, in which they claim to have thirty to thirty-five thousand iirdiabitehts', Is' teiline of these drikswellii., The situation is pretty and very ample; and othWe Ineverirtlipliclot _prosperity. A lady en the car, who resides thrre, complained s ztlayt it is a wicked place. She afterwards lesnarket43,lijniMittria as she Call- , ed them, were in the mafo - ritym thotliforri.' I told her that that accounted for tlte,Wick= . ,011e89 , 0, _thOp ploperr She informedMe;per that. tine had eighteen chturciatei and two colleges. _ •Thia road is kept in admirable order and :Istspektflgis'be wp endr careffilly managed; suggest to' the - OomPatit they have rather too much trade and travel StilLl think I" never - /mired oven any toad:kr/Ith more: satisratii -don. L. on the train yeste rday, ' ' l-4 620 -3"re n: l iing 4bsad , Granf,,4B;, for: Seymour. 29. A few declined ,voting,., among *Brim was a Lebanon county patch-, When' -the , 'fi.. - tivirdnedithesena kedilThatjA ; right; Grant ought to be e ected,' The ;people all along the road—l metin„Piel.R•e;:, be fully allvo",to importance of the issue. I saw some or j_ our Ohictfrleptie:ivho prom* a knajority of frozh - 80-009,, ) beth' fif October awl November. I travelled with Hen:pi9.7s ( il-- , - iliiinWilite'penrcnerttntive in Congreititocthe , Tenth district of Indiana, and Whik,A. Republican candidate for re-election...4lo • Vail' ine• that we , may safely:wan*: rtidbuta, good for ten to fifteen thiittsatid niabrity ! ': Illinois, they say, will more than double. 0 ", - City Part. - , 1 , r ,„ ' MESSES: EDITOEB GAZETTE—If we; are to free a -- drivpigjark, it must be in some way not to - O - eirpenitArti;`and one that :can bp' PJ.SWAvii i ii i P!4, tt le Par m P eile(l4 g9 ij 9 / T1 • or five miles over a paved road to geLlat9, q. 4, fa . Nog. evident tlytt, ground could ot lie gotten i neiki that:dry-0140y one cora ,. - pact body-large enough for stick p . F4 without its costing far more than ,wncould, -, iiritiebrjo'pa and it avadi nil s all-intiOrtfult matter •could be gotten over there is no c! isnichigroilid4ifonnlielahbodimd. ,„_; ~ . I • .Now we have near Alleghettf ; 4iiid l tdait Ili %He atifittfindingerid tinsficitYi ground MVO may be considered valuXoletia,"thitt - ' 'Maid' iiiikiki. betfaxplogettitucany large' ci ..,lot - 1 v 11 1,111 closely conneeted or nearly • r i iph iiiiiiikialwrici- dike' w • ere von cannot 'setkanfortidoil. - IM rather where the ground ftems nlitiiited:- , I have drivenall over the count g within , f, , e10 . ftcei,4o. of Yr Att, .1 P 4 • , O, I. efnmawbuitfragiu,whia og it ht ,; o , _ ..obtained without one cent costittitkir_ ~ =tinnily, other than the maki# Or Oa t There is land in ravines just back of '.;il4:6l44ildTfllo ravine runs v gv - thel .river, an dsiraire you cati .br ~ atiel Off .and run up a ravine out to •neacilliVi t Upftej burgh or East Liberty. I Suppose, now. we Optokfatiqptunituirip trio hundred yard tta enbtlgid"lo gitleKtrnl4 o 4 l l.,„.. , tat - ion to aw de drive—followhiattifoliFP" logs of the valleys in any dirqesl9o ll 97 Ltf ',332,_ Vlfsl, imiti - L opltlng bwortes by whic h Lt ninAttplAme vim and come again idteenother part of a Parkimaing, the roads connect. • Then let a S l ttz grouni, say twenty or , „thirty,iiicres !ought it ear the entrant* '' . •Landide& tii . o 'of oars ;suitable' for, a, play ground for chiliirei he t tn. the r MW,l 3 9,llp3llo4lo .. y - lbr - all - lbc Elionnatinlf taketekhl . the sarrOundlng VicriKetYtould eWlyadraltt;:and we would ..thas, got, the fgroino, ;roc : nothing. lifyrif , the Prukl)rtY7olderi pre about. to, cons lon' . of such AisestmieWht ilk 'knave - the _ Park around Where it tan-labetter!'approdaled; It ovary.tOrkadrels of ground gave caw Atte; . theifpfoperty f now worth Ave imndred dol. hire an _acre. whould Itave, to odronce iii :villuji,tc4Wit'huin*lti and' flity, dollars to pay Pl'.:oti'lqatil Pr r iirePiiitr. :liOrtil u . o t l9- ,thp*O4 d i tiittti `inniist" 'l:mime iortit , one: ;,thppsaud a oue,tittridred: Now wi ll any , goPOtY43:6 dr' think ,thaV, Ouch anim lo_rOye'cifent;WOuld not enbaticCbc value of hislirigertp, more than fell' :per, cent..- 1 • Ventevi, to:say Old the: Park wonld • not Axt , .laldbut;until the' holders , of propperty mould. v iiik :- doable: the present' 'prrde; - ; indeed _I think_ther Could net oblv afford to give the ground; , but make the road also. • - • The., entrance ,tu :this Pork glonld be as near as:poasible to the city, sO'that drivers 1 could"get Over'the cobble stones as quick as_ possibl,, he; best way I can think of now would biitd 'Open Forbes street, on this side' Of' Soho bridge; • MOkt4 Said street of . r gravel or-Nlcolson• pavement; cross Soho 1 run and thence. up .Craft's, run to Craft 1 avenue; ...thence along the" backof Mr. Clarke's land, over to the gr6und baCk of Oakland; thence bYisome ornamental'and winding road that• will toad into the ravine further South. ..... . l. ,: ; , • A•goodriandscape gardener could put thli 1 1 ground into a beautiful Park a!*, butt little 1 -expegge, . : ~.. •.1 :i , , ~ • ~,i; ,- I ' ' 1 Such: an,iskiprovimeat . -.; would give, not, only, valuate , alt : property, .but make, our .eltr ob. much more sttractive. , That . atm,* ..' `sere'who come ; lire.kwith - the thought of, Manly it a tome - would consider it'a least 'tolerable,- and ' for - oUraelvem i V wotd be" g o i, luxury greater than any city improv Ment we have eyermade T ' B. ' ,j !,. :E s tate .vansyers. • ' , ll26lellowieg. deeds were filed of record. before H:' Snidely, EitA.Rieoorder,:Soptem= ber• 94888 . .. Alit: Wirth:to Albert Wirth. January 13, 1600: lot on Bank street, Lawrenceville, rl bY,120 feel-31175 John T. Edmundson to Mary. Ann Harper, mar -T4 , L 368; lot on Bitth attests; atelieeipbrk; 30 4140. feet with buildings 2900 H. M. Brackenridge toldakthe,w 11, : Mtirdoek, Sep. tember3; 1953;• lot Mils:7lmm TOwnshlp, , a by le • feet . . .336 School District Llberty • Towniship to George P Ealians loo er, , Aprll 1, 1604: lot in Polders plan. :ilia • Thomas A. Mellon 1 eorgoF. Eabausen (Only MS f;eet iotou Destro street,,Collins Township, 30 . 3 1 151 . • • • • • Mary Ann Daly to let on turnpike is South - Pittelfirrgb, Sis by 150 feet, with _ JOhn Ulingliisch to 11. Asthalter. lot on ' Gana street. Lieertj Township ' 20 by BO feet . . ... C. W Porterfield to Sarah B.. Porter, t lot of ground in East Deer Tp.. containing Ler,. 1500 Joseph 11121patrick to Prank cchtelilior 20,'1851•,' lot on Manhattan street," Ma nchester , 34 by 121 tetti l ,ll,th belidlngs..,....c • Coe Josep Kirkpatrick.: to ' VI Charles Bechtel, Bor. . Ur;lot on Manhattan street,' Manchester, 24 by "126 feet: with buildings. gtoo Joaeoh :Kirkpatrick to, •Jusenk litchtel, Sept. ,26, loton - liankattan..street, plutichester, M . by 1211beh_livith'bnildings • • • 1240 Sessintialtupert to John eacaeyi , Jene2S,lsll4i lot OR • Second street, lulheNlllsge of Buena.VLstit,l,fol by /20 $lOO John %Codley - to ThormiS Reed, July • 22, 1667; lot deseribed above John-Scott-SeaWilliam• McCreary. Sept, 7;1E438; tot - 199-26.1 n Messick's plan, In Liberty .tp WV 5O Theinias 31°261u/ter to John' Lorimer, Aug. 21, 18680ot: of:ground lir Patton Tpi; containing 3 acres mud 20 pepsin 4 ... ..... ...... .61,500 P. Htrycyjiiiller toSoniuel Frett.eway, 1868; lot on Harrison otreet,'. Lawrenceville, 80 by 19.1 . 6964 P. Harvy Miller, to, Wm. isevins. July 1. 1868.; dot . on-Harrison street Lawrenteeille, 30 by UV feet Louisa E. Fetterman to Robert Woods,. one-fifth interest in twenty-one lets in O'Hara's plan, on Water street, Pittsburgh $11,500 Thomas Howard to Theodore Beak, lot on Liberty street, Pittsburgh, in Howard's plan, 40 by 70 feet $l,lOO "ThefollOwihg ,deects were 'filed of ' record' before . .Ef: 'Snively,' Esq.,' iteix)rder, Septem ber 10,.1868:" ' Georgetoftns to Dennls"Milarity:' September 10. 1584; lot No. 9, Mellon's Centrt, Pittsburgh, 15 s ;b s l , 16 feet, with building* Benjamin Fox to Molvino Bretscb, Mach 25, 1968; 101 on Chestnut way, 'ln Lorenoburg, Chartlers township, - Zia 100 feet. • 9213 Benjamin i'cLx to Thomley Johnston, four' lets on' LookontAvenue, Lorenzburg, each 23 by 100 'feet MU; Burzw . lpYo . / . linsonl7 . lolorton, April 1, - 1668; lot .1n Smith Prttil4irgb. IV by 150 feet ' 111.250 Pant Backe, Trustee,' to Titer/oils:Evans, -July 20„' _.lBllBl lour lots In - Hobliken, Indiana tp...,....51,t03 ,0 1 1 wen Fllasbaunone to Timms* Lyons, beptembes 5, 1905 two tots In TWenty-lint ward, Pittsburgh: Frederick Elk to Jennie 0. Boyd, ,lot on Franke town toad,. Collins township, 25 by 100 feet..:, to Thonies Anderson,•March 26:18V; lot' Of ground In Wilkinistowitship, containing.* . 80M41.1 IMO perchea. i • ....•••"!.. 1 , , GeOLIP iteaterjto trede etc; _Buell. 'January 1. 1868; • lot No: $1124 Itelters,plaii, townr.hlo,l en b%. Samuel B. Cluley; Sheriff, to- :JohnNauser, AprU 28„.18139;_slfibe interest Of llooige . Fritzer infote , os. 8, 9 MIA 19 likillandon's Dion, Ease St mins inlnlettard;. ; • • • $2,175 •Batnnef Iliieley,"StLerill, to McConnell, haexeet of Jitaiespolyia s sc,rqs:of land loCivir-" • liertrtownehlp.3 $5,000 :Joint Brown zo; 'Joseph Myers; September 8,1868• Fut on- kirown'otrept. Base Jilsoulligham, 20 by 80 • Frettoriik . f . iii:Alisgaret . Atiker, 7111770868; Sot nn.Frankstopro Aoso,Nolitniviownship, 20 by 100' • ... . • ••• .......... ••• • • ... •.. • ... filOu ',John irticeolineli te oeoilele: tismige, August 27, 11167; let of ground in UnienCtownshlptoentain ing 5 acr&Aand 50 perches $5.600 Elisabeth NV: Abbe to Thomas_Oryndy, dept. 6, 1866; toveti . l.otrast.tahe; Mount W aibington, 100 br2lo . ' PO, . ,410-•-••-• .. • As Tag politicatcampaign,advances it is .important lhat':every 0 Republican voter -should , Consider liltndividual relation to it,. tuid: Mahe loine'ertirt• toward • securing , the elections) 'Ohtani: and Covr.ix. ' , One dil -1 dent *6-efe:or, doing this is 'the circulation. br_, l ptic4,docipiencs;, pinafore; put • readers Should place:444gs, WO - paper fa 'the hands of Democritie. netghbets, and send to the Now YorklWbune fot the ex eellent campaign sheeti they 'bare issued. -- - - -The Governor of Alahantehaa . epied a 'special aesaioli- - Of.lhe '.f that (State, 0 elector' thet.'hithlnet)tat, for the ofPasaing 3 regietration net 'IK 'l6li iio erection `Cali' `bo. , held in 'broirentber. - Whon'conVeried it 1111,.pr0 1 , bably "pliti.l"#ttVE. the ,rreeicteri-, liarefeattlin. • 1.• • , Pltl . 7.,'"PD149,41...479.4A16-•" A LL E GRENAGA I PEMY. it A• ;‘, . • , 7!: The belt tegelsteeselen 1011 eomtaenei3 cn IfTLIMDAY, SEPTEMBER 161 . , . EX0E14. 4 1011: HALL; gedereLoCreer. wilt!. T., E.,WAREHAM. Princlpai. nIII receive 'e l lg t er2 l ita i rl l4. 93t944117'14u4fustNi"gri:r,77'n ALLEGHENY CITY ACLIA,EHY, **o*/EticW.9l;)/06E111 I.o3. ;; rpg•fr..wAL, ar e , oirnr.:Alygheny Savings Bank. • 4 , Bdienittle; , from 8% A. Ir. 'to tr.2t: Vontxneroli It' .* to *NIA'. Et.• ' • . ,-,ll,vealugßeApl9;!: Bal,atmic) and COMILLPrCIF, 7 to 9 r: w. . Bf..PRYO.B. ' -w II4IWILOBB.A. , • • • ; 'ilitlClPllll,' • WEST - VIRGINIA I' 1- .1. •.1 ' ..1 11610MTIIIIAL COLLIDE.' <41(1(...1111 4 I ir The PallaTermot- ibis Institution slip MO. : '7; i, ff if' ii .I ft, 'arae r immulizat,tiet; " 1] 1 , 3 fil' f,.ji, •ril . The_ ig,o4 iatAiggiega, side A 'PREPAID.. "TORT PEPABIWZNT emorami tau issidtboronik , Courseseitinstrnetion in I 1T - 71 : 7 . I • ialiNT • rl l MODERN?I,ANIAITAeIIBt.) r . 1111iLOSOPHYldt 'ft r OEN Z.ILATVBE, • THS isol J Jt .1 .1 111 • ez And JusimAn.T.,TA i laTpeid,s"„ '`/ tr ,•• ' • - oPic or ToilYqp; neednot; exceed fro'mlleu tat I' pi ns. , „ In respect Co health, beantitnirceneriadd twine able mortwonndings, the place le he arpaised4 -AJAX,. Tiff, p,„ residen,-and Prof , ley pi' men a add Pierer Pa anophy.' siltallN.A) riloWeit Troteisof ift" (A,Aii r Litessapre, a,..4lpoacAtgpre eatery Dept. Con wZATER,_.E;x essor,orAipppl. mattes andor Military Tactibicii; 0. - 10PaVEsits. A. M. Protessoc , ,or the rid knees 'ld+ , I 81 .1) 5 1, gr'or 14 4plotini' moderil•ei ant • • .‘ 10,1 srialliNC.4 ;A, kW Assistant in the Preparatory cep spa, ,„ ; tiN;.i. Mi r tilANt4 Esq , Ilepetintesidelit of lb. Gakianda eliding/I. I •"• ' "OW • Bit ;0114; Voeterer on Physl sissy andrens. • ,) Nod. N' Lecturer on Civil and ' Conssitatlo - ? • •• • - ALEX. MARTIN. Adoltainraww:NfeldlEN!' , C 7 ,544312/43 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1868. farXREAr MITE rOR Tobacce-Destroyed I 1 . • - _ Leave off Cheering and L llmektatt the .'nibimeo• . . One box of RTON!Ii PREPARATION HI 3VAII- IteNTXD to destiny the appetite tobacco in any person; no Inittee heti strong the hablt may he; ffer ! lr ,12 . PAILS MAST' CASs 'AWLS HOARY WILL Br i . S.F o r:INDH.E.., 11,1441.0 a. itasseelple ,to break off rierti 'tile nee oetallicotibyllie Ule'ret cietelee of the will. SOurething is needed to assist' nature lu, over coming a habits° firmly mated: with the. help of the , preparation there is not ; the least trouble. Hun dreds hive need It who are willing to bear.witness to the fact Chit "orerows PREPARATION corn. pletely destioys the appetite for tobacco andleaees • the person as free Isom any desire fbr it as before be commenced itts use. It is perfectly sate and barmis as in all cases. The 'Preparation acts directly upon the saute glands and sieretions affected by to bocce, and through these upon the blood. thorough-. .17 cleansing the poison of tobacco 4om the system, and thus allaying the unnatural cravings of tobacco. NO MOBS HANNBRING YOB TOBACCO 'Arias tisizp ORTON'S PuTZABATION I BacoblaCT IT IS , WA/WANT/W. .BNWAYLI or . • .00111FTXRYXITISI • I nECOMISEIIn.trzoNs. - The following aie •fieir Selected fro m the multi.. . . „ , tilde of reeeniineii!iitions in our taiiiesslonr ClTipni Bangor, Ige.l ' • - BANOON , Me: April A 4. lees. Thereby eerttly Matt have used tobacco for thir yearepari, 'And tor the last fifteen years I have. used two pounds par Month. Ibave made attempts t9leawe on' at dB/trent-41mm.. ,1 have•left off one . veer at a time, but always cantlnned to hanker for it until timed Orton's' Preparation ; which has corn ' pletely cured .me of 'the - appetite forlobacco. I wets' d recommend all who are affected with this ter rible habit to try the Preparation; which will cer tainly cure it if the directions are followed. Wt P. lIEALD. rProm E. W. Adkins: Knoxville. Tenn./ •KNOXYztLe.,_ Tenn., August 5. 1867. This Itte•cerrity that L had used tobacco to such an extent that my ht alit had become greatly Im paired, and my whole system detanged and broken down.. • In June:lB6l, I purchased one box of Ur ton's Preparation, ind after,using It I found that I was' completely cured: 1 bat* not bad any hanker- Inger desire for tobaorso since Using the preparation. .I believe it to - be, all that it is recommended, and I • would advise all who wish to quit the use of tobacco to trr one box of Orton .s Preparation. 1/I. NY: A.DICINS. 1 " • C?rom John Morrill, Bangor, Me.) -BANGOR, Me., March Ml 4, 1858. This 'is to certify that I have-Hied tobacco' fbr eighteen years; have tried many times to leave off, ' bu a h a r n e d s a u t f faweid g so tm m u y c ht om m ac A d ha z in hav e i s o on given up the trial. A short time since a friend in dated me to try Ortott'aPrep /ration ,(sold by you.) I have.done so. and ant Completely cured. 101 not in the least hanker after tobacco, either to smoke or chew, after I been to use. the Promotion. ' .• - . Price Of .ORTON'S EPARATION Two Dollars per box.*lbrwarded t o any part ot:the country, post paid, on receipt of price.,. Money, sent by mail at our risk ._. Address, I • • U. COITOII, Proprietor, Dix 1.143. Portland, Maine. • ItEnuttricE. . • we, the undersigned. have had personal dealings B. COTTON, and have found him a reliable and fair dealing man, 'and' believe his statements • deserving the confident* of tlns public: 8. B. Richardson, Bev. 8. Green, Dr. 8. B. Gowen Portland, Me.; Charles Me.;Morrill, Bidde ford, A: Hr. Boyle; 'Attornev.• Belfant, Me.; AlormQ_Barnard, Bangor, Me. •, Wm. 0. Sweet, Esq., west Mansfield, Mass.; 11.111. ttoynton. East Acworth. N. IL; M. Quimby, hi. Johnsville, N. Y. aur:u6o • • tgrMANHOOD AND THE VIGOR OF YOUTH restored in four weeks. Suc cess _ guaranteed. DR. R.ICORDIS ESSENCE OF ;LIFE restores manly powers, from whatever cause •arising; the effects of early pernicious habits, self abuse' Impotency and climate- give way at once to this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly accord- big to the directions, (which are very simple. and require no restraint from-,business or pleasure.) Failure is Impossible. Sold In botiles at $3, or feur quantities In one Nor *9— To be b d only of the sole appointed agent In America , 'EßlTZEN, MIS Second Avenue. New York. ; OrPHILOIBOPHIE - OF MAR RIAGE, a new Course of Lectures, as de livered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, em- bracing the sitbjeetst.tiow to , live and what to live for; Youth, Maturity and Old-Age; Manhood gener idly reviewed; the caftan of Indigestion, flatulence and nervosa diseases accounted for; Marriage atilt orophienlly tonaidered, de. rocker volumes eon gaining there leetutes will be forwarded to parties unable to attend, , on receipt of four stamps, by ad- SEOktETABY,,New York Museum of Ama mi': r ir i l y k t/ Science, oi.s Broadway, New York. - jeir:lBs-17a I • igruATeriutlAws. at m HIT.. Thla - Splendid Daft Dye ts the best in the world; theh only true and 'perfect • Dye;' harmless, reliable, Instantaneous; RD , disappointment; no ridiculous ti4si reMedies thi 11l effects of bad dyes; invigoa ratte and leaves the • lisle sett and ; beautiful. Mack orbrowns. - Sold by all DrUgesta and rerfiuners; and .raciMik . 613111tE iTO DILAIIIRIAGEer . Yonn Rinds to Ideppy Marriage and Conjugal ' The bbnutnevlews of benev olent P67sielaxs, on the Errors and Abuses Incident to Youth and Rarly Xsultiood, sent In sealed letter envelopes, tree prcharge. Address HOWARD An. BOCIATION. Bog P., Philadelphia. Ps. my18:936.1! SinNW LIQUORS, groa MOM MTh% HOUSE, =I EST SCHMIDT &. FRIDAY,, =PORTERS OF IPOIREIGN MM AND ,LIQUQUS, 49:9 I'et , pi ,. fitreet,: Pietsbutvh, =I Would direct the attention of the nubile to the bet that, po,eendleg annoy sor bonnie. through potent large Wine And Liquor Roues. In Europe: , and tontine etr'lmpo nations &reek , they_are_e,aablO. 'tooter the Atarlotie•gradeo rot.oholoo WIN.EB LIQUOIII4 illartlooo loss Alan, Eastern rate.. Ira.' aminatlorus reepectfullysoltel of guilltide ted and ,00mparlaon iof •nrltes . ' • t.. A, chorea &unruliest Of pads, PAD ItTz:Witth &lfa' Constantly on hand . - . USE NATIVE WINES. •'ffiABEHLLA' iIITD,OiTAM3, Of our own growing. • Also, be best, •brands .of OHAMP4ONR,; -CLARET ' , .14110.110 Y and -PORT WINE& "Vine Growers' .COmpany'..ottilltA.N DY, pint Milks Just the thing for travelers. N. B.—Partici:du, attention tb A NAXIAUX. 7,223(41 4:l7lnatt alley. Pittsburgh. josEpu,s. & CO., Nip.. 185, 187,1110, lidt surd 196. MST bTBEET= PITTBBUB43II, - asainnrsilinna Copper Distilled Pure Bye Whiskey. hlso4 dealers to rousroN,wctrze and LIRIIOBII, HMV. J -"MAM•.' 1 , , , ___ 0 , , :FURNITURE. I'ILAC*IIPI44 I ~,, 8 . 0 . :-FORNITURE4IIiNtIrACTUREtpe' . 2470. , 410 =:3POITRFEE asiTi:o , r. koi t ivairta tiV i ir ilAiz o tit BE i ~ 1 0 er idirse tfut amteftraltarestrrisiatet t,s , • . etgrttivi 4,_ .14ftykArisn'' ' 1 aajb;eiiciciri*/ . Inviteuweauvetare ,' ~ I t ) , ' 1 1 7a 1 4 1 W W I 1 , 6 7 t: 1C1 ..4 . ~1 :,7:! . .:I ' ON j i Vii 63i:.'( : “1: 7 . ,E1 .1;94 'ft f, it' TI +: Arab. t wwv vvfoirl — e rni , f STATE CO. l v"les q iiiiiittra 'a i n riot riot or i - 11;00VINGt, €94A.TORLI :; g•etOth.St.;',Vttstitiiiiki EIW YRati Preet. 1127264104 ' • ki ~ `~ _ ~.; ~4 4 .._ „ . , - . —..-.. F °ll-°'" . 7 . . . :----- ' :' , ' , .!i. .: ... :: f: .:,.:. :.: fl ',.. : % . : : . ' TWO HOMO ' A.Nn LOT on Carioll street, Allegheny.. Title property will be sold low, ac the Pat," is AW O S leaving the city , end wishes to dispose of t he tirdperry'before renitosint , • RAW M4.1.4 . ' T.WO DWELL 0 B0110)03,. 737 C BARNS, witn_goodl FARM, an about 800 acres timber - lend: . Thls pro _ will be soldlow. Cast tO.OOO-6 on urns co Stilt buyer.. • -, ' . - Iwo/ og, ow ,AoRES, will. be sold fbr twenty dollars per acre. Improvements rtable frame house Ind itood tarn: 50 acres of the land clear. 1 .. - ItARM OP , 0 ACitErt. near the Hue or railroad: . very well - 1 d for raising stock:- huprovaments ' are good and s listantialt 100 Mires -of the land in meadow an d' in; •i • - , . •- - . cirryyßot. RTY.—Will cell a good brick house, containing five ms, at Sixteen uroidred Dollars, .and would:reit or the amount in six years. -. • • A LARGE TOF (MOUND, haying a river front, Mid tory Onventent of acoess.. • , , • TAliliEßl,con venient to the city, and baring a well estatalehe oust= or local trade connected 'perewlth_,. a d dwelling and fortyacres of land. FOUR L Bin titharpsonrg,. near the railroad; would make as. ood coal yard. HOTEL FOR SALE.-hat flue Hotel property, Wasted at the Blairsville -.junction, containing 'fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and • fruit trees. This well'iocated hotel wiR be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. ' . • • • TOR RENT. • • One large Renne r , for Boarding Hesse. • One new Brick Bowe, 8 rooms. One new Brick House of 4 rooms. ' One new Brick House 6f 3 rooms. One House of 5 rooms and lot 58 by 140. One House cf. 7 rooms And lot 150 by 180.. . ' Two new-BriCk Rouses, 11 rooms each. One new Frame House,. 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. One 'new Frame HOLM In :Wlikinsburg, haring six roomi and lame lot, well suited for garden. 7 acres that can. be &Tided Into acre lots. 5 Leta In Oakland. Power, and a bite Room and 'Fard for rent, In a ood location. Will .be rented for short or loag FOR,LEAIM: 'OM SiLILL-3 Lots on Morton street, Ninth w.• - • - • = WANT=.4I,OOO /nt of Flaggini 810418 CW* thick. LOAN--450,000, Di P, liners REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St. Pittsbuligh. 2,000 000 . 9 ACES OF onoicE.LANDs FOR SALE, BY THE . • Union Pacific Railroad Company, temlum DIYIHI N, Lying atonic the line of their road, at - $l,OO TO $5,00 ACRE, - And on a onzori'OF FIVE _ For thither particulars, Maps; try., address JOHN P. DEVEBEIIX ) Land Commissioner, Topeka, S an s. Or CHAS. B. LiaIBORN, ISee"7, suits . Bt. Limas. Missouri. BALE. F The Oil Refinery, KNOWN AS THE • CRESCENT COAL OIL CO.t WORKS, Situated In BALTIMORE, MD., on the Baltimore and. Ohio Ratiroad, and most conveniently located with reference to elthekhome or foreign trade. These works are very complete In all thelr appoint ments, And are capable of turning out 30,000 to 35.000 GALLONS IiEFINEb PER WEEK. They have tankage for about 8,900 barrels of oil. The prospect of an early completion of the Con :m.lls7llle Road, renders this property especially de sirable. Address, or call on, ZAWRASON Lr.vziango,Tritatee. an=:v3l . 69 HAT STREET, BALTIMORE. .50(1 WILL' PURCHASE A. A_F, NEAT COUNTILY SEAT, con e iniug Y acres, an under fence and cultivation. The improvements are a cottage Souse, with stable and other outbuildings; 200 bearing Innttrees. of best'-selections ; 'watered by- two never-billing springs. situated 4' miles from the sitsi, : year to McKee's Rocks and Chattier. Creek. From this p ' la he ne y x C te it n y rand the. ca v ne . Tms Meanc.h eter, Apply to. au2l‘ • Cor.Fourth and S m ithfield streets. . YOa SALLE .4 10 LET.--Efouses and L o ts s for sale in ati_parts of the city and an rbs.• Also, several FAR M S In _good locations. Also, a mall-WOOLEN 7 4 1 7X . 0RT - 1. with SO acre .li of land, and good improvement., welch, X will sett cheaD and on . reasonable terms. Eustnesit Holmes to let an gOot streets: Private Dwelling Howes for. rent DI bottsoltlea.. !or further partioilars Inquire _ WILLLM WARD_, - Grant street. opposite Cathe dral MARSHAL'S SALE. • . • By virtne of a writ of onutitioni f=poll4, is sued out of the District Court of the United !States, fOr the Western District of l'ennsylvsuila, and to me: 'directed, I will expose to Public'Sale. at the Cuitem house, riftiburgls;;Pi i .. on,TU,ICSDAT, the 15th day, of Septemher, 1565, "at 10 o'clock - L. the following detetibed psopertY, to wit: 1830. Containing eighty gallons. now is the custody of B.L.Bahnottock Co.. and 'claimed Dickinson, whew' a Co., of Nays Tort. TMOtf. A. lIOWLEY..II. S. Marshal. Marshal's Office. Sept. ' 'selOntZ MARSHALVS - SALE. '`'' = 'By virtue of a writ of venditiont mrprinasis• ened PUtpf the District Court of the United States ler the WeiteriVDistriet ot.Penusylvanis, and to me directed, I will expose;to, Public Sale, at the CUSTOM HOUSE. Pittsbatga, Pa.,. on MONDAY, the 14th day of September, 11365, at ;10 o'clock a: M.,' the .loilowing,deactibed Pru Pent, to wit: EwflT f Ls3sitini . oo wain?, Contaliiing Ahreeltundred kallons, re., putodto , be the propetty of 0..0. Powell._ . TH09..A.. Marshal.' Marsh:tile (Slice, .t. ar;•lll6er. • eenviio . WEISHAVS SALE. • • r virtue( Of writ Of rindatiorsi CL7KnSeil; cued ont of tire District entirt of the United tastes for tt e Western Markt of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I will oxpose,to public, sale. at the CUS TOM HOUSE, Pitt•burgh PA.,' on MONDAY, the litth , day of September; MIS, 5110 COCIPCICA. 31., the following described property. tO-Witt-;.. FVE'IrSII,IIBLEI OP Bk.OriFIED IfflllOlCL . .Containlnit. about .two hundted."and g gallon !. Shipped by , llaThaelt a. Selger. of P4lladelph n ls, to Ir redel felt Welehtl, of ticrnuton, ,! an d lbiid at 7, tikelbirree) THOS . A ROWI EY R. Atarehal. Marshil's Unice. Sept. 5,,1808. •se .vSS. MARSHALS: SALE. ' • Hp ilrttin of a, Writ of oenditiowi cuponas 1s sued 'out , of the Dietriet Odurt-of.the United htates for • the Western' District lbf rentursivanl i s, Ftpa dr a l e ilarg l i l gt i erite e §,; feMiltiNaDAlrt tuft' Wit' dal of isepteMber. 41368, at'lo-o . oloisk A. stc,'.the,followintt described ry, to-wit: , , , TuKur..BABLIMAJ , , contaidlng .one hundred And twenty-five gittions.l d • ' l, ONX BARRED , Olf 01N, - ountAtulng forj;y4wo 14 :411 'i tl i ld 6 it i ll 14a ,tto u rtqay, u: Ma Itept.4S. 48811.1,.' MARSHAVEI - BAIbE: • _ strtua L ef # writ of Iwo:14(0st valtsurlssa esi ant or the District Cont. of the traits !States • for tpa w estern Dlbtriet of Pea:Mt/ 1144 40. end, to MO 411re01en,..-larlll‘exposa pubtx nue TOM 1401,1@itittsbetlki ta.,sonjlitONlJAlf t the. 3.1111 i nllOl - ;ebb& anew at lo cos k 4 • isb6 : loll.6eingt scribed, propiat,p.:o o ,kl SIXTEEN BARRELS 0141 ' • jist r it C tut 44.l434 (lV 1 1 .14 Z" IwZilr ' cr e a cr Its se s t e4ro r Pitons, , rTN bteB;7lL(HOWl:Joy, t ve, ss u Gib' T , • l- r°111.,1 B=ORIM .1 , • 0 0- 7 : • fl t ;••,, 1 , .11,107, ij :• . ue t 1 4 1, 4/ / u r d'Alf Stpdf4fotiMohirgt"4“3.44:;. , tar the Wooterri;Dtetttel Iteditayl,vadlA-And .to. !'reefditarete_4 ll.7 lßl3aDoeitrto.puly ,latlN theErro ttoUSE. -rlttatutrah ea, ydgesl) Y. , 14th day of September:AVlD ti'clutit'A su e , following property. to-wit ; •;Y: . „ 130e0 V4448(414 !iion itintri, three. bandied,' gallons. :rd as property or Charles loekeret al. i • ; - • THOe. It,OI7IIICY s.7!darettal. .. ; 0 9 1 ; 4, / 1108 * ; BA I =I IN SUMS 07.0.000 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT MARSHAL'S SALES; SIXTMErif CANS OP ALCOHOL, Mmisnii's 0 INSURANCE. ••i :a 101711..L1FE IN Tart • ‘) GUARD/AN -MUTUAL Llit INSURANCE CO., OF NZ, YORK. No. 102 .BROADWAY. ASSETS RAPIDLY INCREASING, OVER $1,000,000. , This Company i s thellitardlan'of a Sacred Fund, which is to provide:orthe,Widciw and the Father less, with the least , possible burden to the Insured. All Approved Forms of , Policiit Issued. Liberal modes for the payment of Premiums. Policies Non.forfelting by their terms. The Entire Profits of the Company divided equiltablyamoug. the insured. • Last Return of Premium, rEE , - Dil • Hon: John A. Dix, E. V. Hajtittawout, lion. James Harper, : William Wilkins, John J. Crane. • Julius H. Pratt. William T. Hooker, W LOAM W. Wright, Wm. M. Vermllye, Charles J. Starr. - Chas: G. Rockwood, ' William Allen, Hon, Geo. Oudyke, Geo. W. Ouyier. Minot C. Morgan, Geo. T. Hope, _ • Thomas Rigney„ John H. Sherwood, Benj. 8. , Shenttn.:- Edward H. Wright, Aaron Arnole, Geo. W. Farlee, Hieh , d H. Boerne, • Wm. L. Coagewell. WALTON H. PECKHAM, President. E ' fENRY-V. GAHAGAN, Secretary. HOWE McA,DAM, Actnary. J. BATES lIPIVIULIJN, GENERA/. AGENT TQE IiVESTEEN PENNA., • • _ -• Rabin No. A. Bank - or Commerie But/d. Item; corner of Sixth and Woqd streets, PI3`X I3VIiGHb PA, . • . Agents wanted. Apply u above. - jr2lZl2-rre IMPERIAL FIRE IMIURANCE CO., OF maomporr. ESTABLUMED. 1503. CASH - CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED 9 , (INDS EXCEED IEE $8,000,000.1N. COLD. Inenrante against •Illre.etreeted on Moines and Buildings, , Gooda.Wares and Merchandise, Steam boats, ac. 'Follett% lulled payable in gold 'or ttir • rency. air Unitedbtliteaßranch .office, 40 PEWS STREET, New York. All losses of the United States Branch will be ad ptsted in New York. . J. 12". 3;LeLAIJOFILTIV, Agent, PiTITACURGII, 01Nee, 67 FOUBTU STMEET. MB. MeLAUGHLIX Is also Agent for the Manbat.. tan Lift Insurance Company. 5e5:112 BEN FIUNIUMI INSURANCE 'COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PA. Mee In Franklin Saibigs 'Bank Malaga, No. 48 Ohio St.. A4-teithe2237. A HOME 001dPM, Managed by tilrectOrs known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage• . BENDY IDIRWIE. GEO. 0. RIDDLE; DIRECTORS: I Henry Irwin. D. L. Patterson, Henry Gerwlg, Geo. B. Biddle, Jacob Frans ' Gottlelb FAIN. _ Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Hush • W. H. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiston, Joseph Craig: Joe. Lantner, H. J. Ziakand, Jeremiah KOhen aple:ors_ NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., Or THE CITY OP ALIEGBEIY. Office, In ALLEGHENY TEUST CONPARIVE BUILDING. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN, President JAB. X. !STEVENSON. Secretary. ,o.l3.P.Willlams'Jno. Thompson Jaz, Lockhart, . Jon Myers, liobt, set , C. C. Boyle, Geo. ear ' Jacob Kopp, A. H. English Jno. A. Myler, Jas. I...GraWan, Jno. Brown. Jr. r01325:n154 iyiesTER.N DISIIIELINCE. PART OF,PiTTSBIDIGH. : •-• r . T.EXANDEIt NIMICK; "President. • WM. P. HERBERT Becretary. CAPT, GEfiltOlt I, IfIIX.IfD.. General Agent. Mace, F5l Water street, Bpang A Co.'s Ware. house, np stairs; Pittsbhrgh: •- - •• • • Will bunre against All. kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home institution. managed by Director' who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and .11 -berality. to main, Ulu the charaater•whleh they • have assumed, as of. tering the best, protection to . those who dextral* 'be . Alexander libnleA, R.. Miller. Jr., James McAuley, • Alexander /3peer. Andrew Amen. David M. Lang, D. lbsnaen. • . ertNisTLvArgra, .! p• - • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH. OPTIOE, No. 16731 WOOD STREET, BANN 01 COMMZBOR BUILDING. This is a Rome Ootopairr; and Meares against Lau by Bireexelusivele. . LEONARD isvrint; President. 0. Cr: BOYL VlesPrestdent. Bonnier PA RICK. Treasurer. HUGH NeEI.RENY, Secretary. .DtILICTORS: Leonard Walter, GeortstWhlOn. - 0. C. Bode., • , . Geo. W. Evans, Robert Patrick . Lappe.• • Jaceb Painter, - J. C. Flelner, Josiah King, John Voegtley, Jas. H. - At: Heart B. Toni, • 01: PM*.IPPE"T AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN. INSURANCE CO. OF-PNILAPELPNIA,7 07IFICE. 635 a 4370100nnyr BT., Naas 5531 • - . d iar i es ,v, Binciert niiecal H; LOWS:, Tobias Wagner, ' David S. Brown. Samuel Drank, - . , ' Asa= Lep _ri • • Jacob B. Smith, , - - • Edward . Thide, fee:o W., 19.1etuuds._: ' George ales. • CHARLES G. -BAP KEA Presidell., EDW.- c i .D_ALII4_,V Se President., W. C. tri:XELX,.. Seeretary,spro ten. J. eAsztrat comli Mir a% North Wed ocErAer Third and WOod Streets. A LLEGMENT IIISUB.ANCIEVOIIII• zna, PANT OP PITTSBURGH. • , • • 077,1011. "No, ST RIFTS STREET, Rum BLOCS • insures against all-kinds of Fire and Marlin Blahs, JOHN IRWIN, - JOHN D. MoOORD, Vlos O. G. DONNELL, Secretary. • OAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent. - • DIZZOTOJLO: John Irwin, Jl., Crpt.Wm. De an, -Joht, D. McCord, • 'B. L. PahnescWs C. G. Hasse l' s, • IW. H. Everson I • .H arv ey. 3.lak il losoa, • ka b igis H t3ielr re, Charles Hays, Cans.,L T. ttookdale. Pr E NP LEs '• OFFICE, N. OODISIZR WOOD YEPTH BTd. . . 1 trains Claitpany,- taking Fire and 2ifarine *ski , , .14upio• . . - Capt. John L. Rhoads, ridt, n • •-• • • ne: Samuel :P. Shrive? John Z. Parks, ; •• 1 , Charles • Capt. JamesNOler,‘ Brush, , Win. Van Kitt. • WI:EL . ?: Lank, • • jim Ntr p lEEgilrecii4 President. JOHN -" HNir TE__ tee President. t • • . W. Ir.t ARDNEIit. Secretary. • t, • OM: " GORDON.' Gene* Agent , . M . at t rAoolli HOW LOST ! , HOW Ism ilt,.leo K ah IN 0 . Pride; tots cestrVa 4487 . int 3 41) ,N 4 I "' ATITRAA. c o , awl lodleal. ,thare of at=to b oriMo - trigerttoett. ii4TolUlitat7 - at e sala , thibincy audimpedlicilms to blar-:, , dna onerous ,I lferronsneirioniijuiptidnt Md.: Ivry and pits i ei l ial LT4 E callus. !l i la- sumnittrom See r Avuotii ac, 4 1 1 '.•••'*'•• J . I'.- Ic 41 .144 , gat : I Mi l 4VVer o ' r sultruhßsoty kat ithpiA l eal, AsplatrittlVeloPO:toaDY ar •Vo#7l taltar7Pjfithiceeg.,_Mct l!'W v .tre .vutgeosTornermoi 4568, i Also iNn clulrwca's !tifuilisestO 4 V?so 2 PAPfesita , .. 1 jo t N.: 0011 X If-Another New iiie F tlgt t tzattintzr, frobathlapen of 14. ' TM! TO" VW" IMP Orthie wort: hte valuabLe ttustbe' on the. asu4e and -xttre,of tremitaro atm:line. shows how health ta, impaired hrough secret " abuses of 'loath and nianb,d, and how easily 'regained, 'it nivel; la clear , sytiotwitof itbe Impediments toy eeftlaglat itte i esnee sa‘telieets of nervous debility, end the ,reoledlea therefor." pocket edltion"or the above will' be to Warded'On• • receipt' or MS oenti, by addressing:l _Metter- CIURc Tie. No. 58 north hulas yitreeti PaltAlActor. o l Md. J71.13t1 NF OPERA nerSt. RENDICRSON. M. W. CANICILYQ., SATICIAIDAY AFTERNOON. sot.•l2th, Grand Matinee. for which occasion EDtv it( lit Arm appear In Buintr's beautiful play of - _ e Manager SATURDAY EVENI.Nb. last appearance of EDWIN BOOTH. Sbakspeare's }Batorleal,Tragedy of • RICHARD HI. . Duke of Gloster Edwin Booth. Monday evening. first appearance of Miss Is EL LIE UERMUN, supported byMr. IR/BERT JOHN bTON. VrHASONIC HALL. , 'T YE NIGHTS MT, • Commencing MONDAY, September 7th, 1868. RETURN OF THE FAVORITE. LOGRENIA, the Great Conjuror, With his marvelous troupe of Learned Birds. Performing White Mimi. . •. .. • and Russian Eas. ONE HUNDRED PRESENTS! Will be glien away every night, with the same lib erality and impartiality that have characterized his previous entertainments. Matinee, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Sept. 13th. Admission ' 95 cents. Reserved Seats 50 Family Tickets., admitting six - Itatinee—Childrenls - " . Adults " 9S " Allir Doors open at 7 o'clock; cotzmence at S. CHAS. P. SHERMAN,. Manager: CHAS. T. SLOCUM, Agent. • eel 'PROF, CARP TEWS FASEDWAI3LE DANCEifi. ACADEMY, No. 75 THIRD STREET, Is' now open for the re ception. olpuplls., (Sauk daps and hours—For La dles,Matters and Bilases. dnesday and Saturday, at 23 i o'clock P. sr. For Gentlemen—Tuesday and Friday' Evenings, at 11"-o"c.olk. Private-lessons given. Circutars can be had at the .Music Stores and at the Academy. /Or Hall to let to Select Parties. 5e4:315 , -.: II. S. 111ABSIIAL'S OFFICE. t W. D. a Pennsylvania. i'mrsittrarnr, Seim 8 11. - 186 8 . i THIS IS ITO' GIVE NoTWE that on the-4th - day-of September A. D. 1868, a arrant in Bankruptcy WM, leaned Against the ESTATE OF JACOB . SOBLENIZ, Of Allegheny City. in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsyivania, who has been- adjudged a bankrupt on his° wn petition; that thepayment of any debts any delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him or for his use, and the trans fer of any property bic,tilm ate forbidden by law; 'that a meeting of the cppAitors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, attri to choose one or more as signees of his estate:, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden ,-at No. 110 Federal St.. Allegheny Citv, Allegheny county, Yenisei., before JOBN N. PURI/lA.I4CE; Eeq.. _Register, on the 7th day of _November, A. D. 18458, at 10 o'clock A'. M. IMMO U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, t W. D. of Pennsylvania, PITTSBURGH. Sept. Bit, 1868. Tbrit IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 7th day of September. A. D. 1868, a arrant in Bankruptcy was issued agsinst the .Prealdeikt. ESTATE OF GEORGE L. MeCLINTOCK, Of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been. adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him or lot his use. and the transfer or any. property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignee cy oor his estate. will be held at a Court of Bankrupt to be hoiden at the office of the Re gister, No. 93'Dlamond street. In the City of Pitts burgh, Pa.. before SAMUEL 11ARPER, Esq., Re gister, on the 25th day of September, A. L. 1865, at 11 o'clock A. ECM THE DISTRICT COURT Or -11 THE UNITED STATES,- for the Western Dis tr ct of Pennsylvania. JOSEPH B. 'IMRE,• a Bankrupt under the Act cf Congress of March Ad, 1867, having ap plied for a - discharge from all his debts and other claims. provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts, and others interested, to appear on the 18th - day , of SErTEMBER„ 1868, at 10 o'clock A. x.. before aeld Esq., Beg!, ter, at No. 93 Diamond street, Pitts burgh, Pa.:. to show causr, irony they have, why a Discharge shouisl not be granted to the said Bank.- rupt. And further,. Dottrels hereb.y given, that the Second and Third Meetings of - Creditors of the said Bankrupt. required by the 517th and 118th sections of said Act, will be had before the said Register, .!tt the same One and Place. seS:v7s-s McCANDLESS, Clerk. 'Er, THE DISTRICT COURT OF " THE UNITED - STATES, FOR THE WEST- N DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. . JOHN M. TH :11P, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March Ad, 1867.. bavins applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims prov able under said act, by .order of the:Court, notice is hereby given to all per:onswho have proved their debts, and other persons hiterested,'to appear on. the 20 DAN' OF toCTOBEtt, 1868, at 10 o'clock A.'111.; -before JOHN N. PlliluLAii CE, Esq., Re gister, at his °Ace s No. 116 Federal street, /ale gheniCity, Pa. s to show cause, If any they have, .why lschaarge /bared not be granted to the said bankrupts. And •further,•• notice la hereby given that the Fecond.and Third Meetings of crealtors of the said btnkrupt, required by the Al and 28th ,sections of said act , will be had befor e said Re gister, at the same time and place. • sediv74-8 S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk. lona IL, McCune, Chas. J: Clarke, , William B. Evans, Joseph Ktrkpatrka, Phillip Helmer, - Wm. Morrison, n 027 „ WITTERN DISTRICT al PENN TINAIium 'At Pittsburgh, the 7th day of August, A. D:1888. The intdersignedlerehy 'give notice of their appoint ment as Assignees of JA.XB.3 D. DEAVO, of Pitts burgh. in' the county of Allegheny; and State of Pennsylvania, 'within said dlitiiit.':who has bees plinaged a hankrupt upon c ' reditore` petition, by ths, District Court of said district. saa:ulB-8 TN THE MATTER OF THE AP.. pllestiott of the Germania Building and Loan Association 1: o. 1,003 In the Court of Common Pleas of Alle gheny county. ' ' • In the above one the Petitioners have applied for a Charter as a Building. and /AID Association, un der the statute In such case made and provided, and unless exceptions be Hl 4 In , proper: time a Charter,: will be granted at neat term of said Court. ,NOTICE --Notice le hereby given 4.. N that Lettere of A dmlul &ration have been. granted by the ltegister of Allegheny county, to the undersigned. tho estate ofg BEI /ERICH SAITZR„ late of Allegheny county, deceased.: All persons In debted to said ensile are hereby untitled to pay the 'same, and all persons having claims agaluat the gaidegtege, to pr_seut the sanw, pro k erl, authenti cated, CoF s " ffri oNAtE &ITEM. . . J.dministrattlx of.Frede &Sates, deceased.. _Pittsburgh, Itlept. lr, 18 0 9 - - • -- - p• OTlCE.—Wheseas, , Letters of .adzalnistration on the estate of JOHN 8. AVI.O.N. late of Oakland Township, deceased. re been dull iv -i tl the ; undersigned by th e btegister.of tieny county. All persons Wachtel! to or hating el s egainst the estate or said do• ceased see reeuested to 'preuent' the sa- e without. delay, for. settlement. at. t.h. Once of THOB EH. pita..4ttorney_ t _ho. lakl burth 81 .. Pittsburgh. Ariz' IN Ham MON. Admintstratrlut , - ENNUI LLUTH,.'idtolnistrator. , Jr 11 :4 3411 ::- ' -...i ' ~ :•:,- •-•-:,:.• —,OTTERED IN TNIBE: ALNA NMTION,I3OI4, ZEttoltAlrictEsNAM. SINA " b • OVOWV ./W•L BPCIPX. • For Sale by Every :01* In the. City. Poker", No. 91 Wert,' 9r. , jeli; • ' . > LADY or LYCINS BANKRUPT NOTICES. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, ' g- THOMAS A. HOWLEY, U. 5. Marshal. as Messeuser '.ltEunEN . 1111[1.LEB, Jr., GEO. N.ABMSTEONG. LEGAL. ',QR. A CHA.RTER, OF inO:I3P,OBATiON E. s.' actinnisomr, , Botiator for Petitioners FA