El 6. SWFLEL ,WORKS. DUQUESNE IRON' AND STEEL WORKS. COLEMAN, RAM & CO . . . Na..veracrimmi 9 or . en,* Wails and Steel. Carriage and • . wagoirdpringa and Axles. Duquesne. XL. and Juniatalifnrrhaat Bar, Round i and square Iron; Band, Hoop. Sheet. and , Plate Iron; Wa a l' _n t l i o r x ( lrOn A ; E t rirgira Round and Flat Wagon for Luau Roads,• Cut rails and Blow. Spring and A Steel: Laminated Steel; Cut ' s ter Bars, Crow Bars, &e. Office and Warehouse-71 WA'rER STREET, Pittsburgh. - • pOIEFFIELp STEEL WORKS. SINGER, 'RPM. & CO., PITTSSIIEGH, PA., . Kannfactnrers of very'description of • CAST AND C RMAN STEEL, • RAILWAY SPRINOS I ~ • _ PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, &c., &c. Warehouse, 83 Water and' 100 First Sts. MILLER, BARB & PARKIN• J 3-1" . eslautst reRTNE,Rs: WM. METCALF," I 'REUBEN MTLIAM, MHO. W. BARB, CHAS. PARKIN. OPYCIAL PAIITNER — B. M. SIKH. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, DIE T.FR;..SARR 4616`1A1'141,312i, Office, No. 339 Liberty. St, . PITTSBIIGH, A. fel4:d4B ,- ' . 13LicK pwi9m) sTki= Woßks. PARK, - BROTHER & CO., 74.annfacturerkof all descriptionspf • . ISITZEIUMII. Office and Warehouse,. 120. 199. 199 .89..C0ND and 119 and 191 FUIST EVISEETa, FITTAIIIIR9II2BTEEI. WORKS. tzsvisgassix• ii 1345.3 ANDERSON & WOODS, tBUCCIBSOIB TO ANDEKSON, COOK i CO., Yonafeetorers of every deeorlptlon of . , 'STEEL BEST REF,INER TOOL STRFrigi Ili, Malay, Circular, Gang and Cross Cut 'SAW I"I:ALTF-S3 . . . Spring, cid and German `PlOWand Blister Steel. Shovel. Hoe. Rork...mike and Toe calk Steel. Railroad Spring Steel andTrog Points, Oast Steel ringer Barr.;rickleSteel. bp.ting Steel Tyre, Plow . Wings, etc. • , Oil Drill Steel. umce and Works--1; onter FIRST AND BOSS STS., Pittsburgh.. Pa , . . ,P,2S:d9 Godeffroy 'Broneker & -Co., • . 42 ExonNes num NEW YORE, ' ; .*re prepared, as Sole : Agents in the United States for the Prussian ?Mang and Iron Co., of Duisburg Westphalis,.:tocontract or sell In quantities to si4t? Parchment, (delivered In either New York or Philo; delphta) the celebrate.' V. H. SPIEGELEISEN 'Used so extensively for the manufnetnring of BESSEMER "STEEL.. - 1 - Milli Iron Is trge tromplphur and Phosphorna, anon coatains a heavy penientage of kanganeee. The bove are also ready to contract ? for, or sell t o arriire, . . , STEEL RAIIS Dortmund, for which litter faxn they also horn the Sole Agency is the lltlited States: Full particulars, samples, prices or cbemical• . . alyala will tie promptly forwarded on applleatlott., -IRON WORKS. P. , tisc2ila2 ICIITTSIRIBGH FORGE AND IRON CO., • Bar Iron; 1 1 .41 road Irish liars . and Bolts; Railroad Car 1/ries. Boned; Railroad Car Axles Rautmeied; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods; Yokes, Straw, . - Piston Seeds; Steathboat Shafts; Steamboat Craning; ;piston Rods, Wrists; Pitsaan Jaws, Cellars, Oftloe, No. 177 PENN STREET, EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Wcirks,' Warenotise, Nos. 166 and 167 711IST STREET, opposite Monongahela Hoarse, ap24:de • • , qz - . PrxTSBITIMIL; STOVES, 9.4sTINGS,,4ce COOK: STOVES.' CST THEL BEST. BISSELL fib C 0.2.5.. TRIUMPH, FOB . 81TUM.7210115 GOAL. Wunoteil to Cook, Bake or Mast as _ j ,,/ , : well essay other Store I n the Unlon. .1111M!l'ig CO' No. 286 Liberty - StrOi. Alio on PUN' id And fog 111 e, I . • rAj W a iiII T TUVATo I nts - GRATZ PROATIMINDIZRB, • COWLING URA. io. T AKE 81IMERIGIU '"OCIPPBB =di eunSlOUtple WOUOI PIT'IVEWITAGIL, - . PARK, Ma' CURDY . & CO., Manufacturers of tiltesthing, Braziers' and Holt Copper, Prealed Copper flottonts, Raised 10111 Rot -tows. Bpelter Plat e. Also ! Impor-rs and Dealers in Metal, Tin Plate, Sheer Iron, Wire s _ et Con *tautly on hand Tamers, .Itauldn6s d Toole. Warehouse, No. 140 AT and 110 SEColit) ISTICE ET, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper_ out to any desired pat tern. titylVen4oPoT • "..". • _ prrrsßtrsillit. Manufactured by G. A.ICNDT& 'CO., 111.i.S074WF1::UM8 OF. PITTSBURGH. P 001441 L '..;: - ..."-' , Y; -- j'; ' , ; ; :-.., ' , .:i; ' , ,51' :' 7 ;;:::' ,,:', .; .' . ,' , .7. t.,:-.'..:,,,,..7i,c,---,4-4,4.'f4.-.C7frj,...-',41:-. ma - PCiTTI e tiERI3, MACHINISTS._ ATLAS WORKS, MORTON' sTREET, Ninth Ward, PITTgBIIR(~~ THOMAS N. MILI.EIi) P'residfnt. These Works ►re among the largest and mod Oemplete establishments in the Went, and axe new prepared to furnish ZOFltes, of every description. Boller % Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Rallroad'Ciatings. Rolling Mill Outings. Engine Castings. Nerehtie emit:logs. General Castings. o=l/1113 SOLICIT= n09:n60 NATIONAV . FOIJNICIRT . AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Sandhi:um Streets, (NINTH WARD) > : • • , Prx-rs - Ennuat:iti PA. Vinff. - - Manufacturer of CAST IRON, I3OIAT'I. Folt GAB AND W &STA • - _ Xr ripen are all cut invariably In Pits, in dry laud, and la feet lengths. Also, full assortment of ttezieiiilCastingi for Gas and Water Works. e . I would also l the attention of Superintendents of Gila WorlM to m y-tuake of RETORTS. IMMO , L.O. LIVINOBTON.W. 11. 131:11f.T.W• A. ROBINSON, at. Iinig GSTON & CO., moNitotristDras' - , • • ... MANUFACTURERS OP 1 Filf-g-44 - 4 3 *F. prosy ;All'desCrlition ' s, for Numbers and Mill igg rieultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen Milt Jur ; du. 7 . 2 . IH ARIonWork promptig atteistsld —Aldine and Works—W gh ARMOITOFLAVENTIZ, near Outer Depot, Alleeny City, Ps. ROBINSON,OELFA bi,QO n • Successors to BOBIRBO2T, ittnas t itrussza, WASHINGTONIWORKK FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PITTSBURGH, hes B r a i s e t rw4 in lt o s:tgitElatigt Elte c l e im art r z l• Stinel Lt i r a l i :Cf &get Ilow--Virki.Lf; Tanks ana rngisNig. INJECTORailinanueiginturaiingdt g. • feet e ng Itoirers. • r MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, coprkisnelmoialnicamo • rgrrianmar. - Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS•AND PIPE BOXES, IiACIDNDNY AND CAMNee lAREGALLY. Orders promp tly and caiviall7eieCtitei. Chargesreiusanable. EBBERT & NACKLUID. 0c15d23 , EB.LIN FOUNDRY.. ,PlllOl4 it sum. . Mee aid Warehouse ,' . 2l) Wood Street. Manufacture and keep coastanily on iand • Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOO HLONI3; -BIIGAZ. SETTLES, HOLLOW WARS,. AludiCastings generally.ow :ye THOMAS CARLIN & Fourth Ward Foundry andKarlin Works • , SAIiDIP3Int BT.,' Masi ullintrtrers of Steam. Nnifines, Qi Woksses, Pul leys, Shafting, firieft — ang Saw Mill , Boning. and Machthe:eirstingsi,lirate RUC Weights, Wagon BOxes,' Bothl - to oiler, and have on ,hand Engines of all sires. ". • mvia:qB ENT - rovsnar • AND ROLL' WORKS 880oPiinn Street. .BOLL x, BOYD . & BAGALEY. Chill Balls, Mill Castings, 801 l Lathes, &e. rt2l V a ULTON MACHINE WORKS. -rEIVINIBLIWID-IN 18313. . • - • niiract9r, ,of STE' C.BI:ELIC/3,' of all size's mid of the most approved patterns, for stationary purposes ; STBAOATS and STEAM FERRY BOATS. A variety of 114 and 10 horse power ENGINES, which will be sold at very . reduced • • Plit ' im P. F. GICISSE, Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio river, and line of C. &P. B. • 1 . no9:b2 HARDWARE. =ln NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. . < LI I AIDStf,"STE'RIerV KU ER, ifilannincturere and Importers of RAD W _A_ IL ]F. , ekiii.iiii, &-o. 887 LIBERTY STREET, cosNFs'og'WAYZ Z:' One Square Below Union Depot, _;,liftTsEsuitGtL 2 fiOromts for 'FAIRBANKS , SCALES. NOVELTY WORKS. pITTSBURGML• - _ , NOVELT,I WORKS. ADS, & co. ••surrtfaxTosio or Ileystoske ',oltoindoltilt,•,logatent', Platforni , -,"40 141 44 11 10.0 • , ' sp,A EB, • Janus Facer ?Milli roof itickiratd fatelits PAINT AI ID W2cF. NILLS. . • _ _ RALLNABIaN IRON, ke. Cgriter of Grant= tiad:'iFiret• Streets, ' motto ' rt;i'ttilsitsoff. F7lT4' 0 31;01 WILL B.IP - A • I It; - PAINTER, No. 45 ouzo Frruith; inegkeisir, 7binkful flet; the twiner very liberal patronage be• slowed upon me, I assure my Mende and - the Dahlia generally that, in the future as in the-past, I shall endeavor diligently to merit a continuance of the end, will he always at the shop .from 7 to 9 • St. tuy2l:o4 .:•:ii . :,t . ig:.'1 . Y.: . 4 - 4i . ,:'' PITTSBURGH 'GA INEI MI .IrNtr••=7N' ' s • zETrz = SATURDAY,t SEPTEMBER r 12,. '.1868. id al, 7 1=1:131= = .:`ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. _ . UUG Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St. • (N 36•11 TM: POINT,) Engine Builders Founders &MaehiniSts, Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY INGINES, of all sizes. Special attention invited to our new-STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER. of 15-horse power. • • 'CASTINGS, of every kind, made to order at our 'Foundry, on THIRD,STREET, below Market. RIGS for •011 Wells, SHAVTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS an d , IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Point, PITTSBURGH, PA. liar All orders promptly tilled. TN! us. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, ILtaiI7PACTtILIIIB OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE - BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, ,BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- DEMERS; STEAM ‘ , 7 - PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON . BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS' AND COAL SHIITES Office and Warehouse. corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa. - _ Jair.Ordcre sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. - mh7:189 BARNHILL & CO BOILER MAK:EitE3 - • AND SHEET IRON lIITORKIIRS, -Y 24 AND so irENN Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the most approved machinery,. we areprepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, oondenserly Balt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller Iron, Bridges, Buser Pans , and sole manu facturers of BarnbPs Patent Boilers. Bepairing done on the 'hottest notice. 1u6:c21 JAMES M. BITEJI, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSINTEIGH, PA., KASZTIVACTOSIB or • IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANG. COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORE. For Steamboats. nun Y. Baum =WIND D. DAIDDI. JARED A. BRUSH & SON, auxtrrAcrusras or Steam Boilers, Oil, Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OILS. WARING AND KING, • w Comenlealon Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING & IHIQUESNE WAY, prrrsistritint, PA. PEtILADELPHIA. ADDRESS, - ITIARING, KING & CO., TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS - .2roDziiir.Es A'otroleu.ni and its Products. Pittsburgh ltillee--DA.LZELL 9 BUILDING, -eer ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia Onlie-127 WALNUT BT. api mai; , 11 M. LONG & CO., . MAITUFA.CTITREREI OF PURE Brand—".L TICTFER." Office, No. 2 Diajoes'ne Way, Pittsburgh. LUMBER. LUMBER! LUMBER; LUMBER: ALEXANDER /PATTERSON, Dealer DI All Hinds of LW :Aber. ON HAND AND 'FOR BALE: • - 500 - ,000 feet Dry Pine Boards; 30,000. feet Dry Oak, 1 and 2 loch; 20,000 feet Dry Ash, 2; 2M and 3 Inch; 200,000 Ant Hemlock; 1,000,000 No. 118-loch Shingles, mired; - 100,000 NO. .436,1neh Shingles, sawed; 100,000 No. 1104 neh Shingles, s laved; 2,000 Locust .Posts, 7. 8 and 12 feet; 300 Cedar Posts. Also. Fire Brick, Tlie and Clay, in , large or small quantities. YARDS No. SO PREBLE STREET. formerly Manchester, and 157 itEBl CUA STREET, 'oppo site the Gas Works, Alleght ny (3 , y. Dr29:tl3 WORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY Capital, $125,000. PRESIDSNT-EDWARD DIV:MIDGE. sacnicrAny—T. A. WRIGHT._ t3urziarmiNDratT7EDW. pArumN., rolascTOrts: Edward Da 1 7180141 L. F....„Dttruni.ni John Mellon., , E, D. - Dithrldge, , Geo.X. Dithridge, M.' L. Malone, - S. R. Johnston. , LUMBER YARD—Corner of BUTLER and LUM BER STREETS,. Ninth Ward. 'OFFICE AT PORT IT GLABBWOy.WWw_ Ingtonßtreet. , 71a20•J98 GAS A,ND ST34Aprrl TING. JO NY . COOPER JOHN M. Coogit i e! . • I BRASS POUNDERS, GAS' AND STEAM ° FITTERS, 'itanatturers of PIMPS AND BRASS WORN A l) . _ 1 , 2 taim i 3 O, 4s r zt e ila.. in GAS. =TUB= Coiner of Pike and itelnut Streets, PITTSBURGH. • IRON BROKERS. auxuriL viriMeatisnAm, IRON BROILER, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Agent for the sale of Cornwall, Doughamore, Jo sephine, Duncannon, Stanhope, (Hendon, •nd other b ra nds of Anthracite, Youghiogheny Coke and 0 Charcoal PIO morre. Consignments and orders respootfhlly scllolted. MI ==l==l FORT PITT BANKING CONkNY, , No. 169 Wood Street. . - CAPITAI I : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDU LY LIABLE, DEALEB.9 IN ' GOTTEIMENT SE AND COLD. NTERENT ALLOWED ON TIDE DEPOSITA. Collections made on all accessibly winta in the United States and Causal's. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallnce, E. Fawcett, HAFPL.II4 KEYS'VONE CAPITAL, (authorized,) : : : : $200,000. H. J. Lynch, John Murdoch, Jr., William Espy, Samuel Buckley, • A' GENERAL BANKING SINESS Collections made on all accessible points In the United Mates and Canada.. " • Interest Allpyred on Time Dewing: UNITED STATES SECURITtES BOUGHT AND SOLD 11. J. LYNCH. Presideni. ‘, " rEinrintotrAMY PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK OF -P1TT53131171 , 140 - 1: CASH ... . . . . Prisidi+o—.llltalltir IaLOYD. Vire Prealdes' lIK lIIMAL • • TAVEITHIA: • • n cr . r Ll o yd, T w hos. E. P. Jones, R. H. R g artley, iEdWardG l iegg, Stowe. Secretary & Treas'r—S. P. VON NONNHORST, SIX PER CENT. INTEREST patd"on Urns 'de restirtrntlireeVitira2NilLoittg."lrtgelta Clg i p i rtN r O r t i , let November and Ist May. traltt7l3 1:27 Street. FINANCIAL. DIREOTORS: Jna..o. Risher, Bobl.li. King, An. ew Miller. Jam A M. Bailey. D. LEFT No. 293 LIBERTY ' PITrSIIIIIIGH, DIRECTORS. ligi . , 2 ,HA l og E g: 34 , Geo...r. Van Doren. TRANSACTED ozo. TAN, posEN. cashier. NATIONAL BANK OF COIIIIIIOE, Ow: of Wood and' Sixth-Sts, A. PATTICIIION • • President. .108. 8. HULL Cashier. $500,000. • George W. Can, James hreandleri. A. Patterson,. Wm. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Kirkpatrick, W. fi. Raven, DLICOE6MS DAIL M t AT 11 A. 11. ap9:022 HART, CAUGHET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner .Third and Wood Streets, rrx•rsistritorx. PA., thuccEsB9w3 TO HANNA, MAST t C 0.,) • DZALIMS Exchange, Coin, Couponv, And parOanlar attenttm e n t k al t o . purchase and GOVERNMENT BONDS. _ , . Bight Tbrafto Xeonclon. • • znyi:sea N. & SONS, 57 Market Street, rrrxwreuxunon, Collections nude on all the principal points of the United States and Cansdu. Stocks,'Minds and other SeenriUes SOUGHT AND)3OLI),ON COMMDMION. Partici:air attention paid to the , purchase. and tale of United States Seausities. isamia WESTERN SAIINGIS No. 59 PoUrth Street. • CHARTETIED 1866. Interegir; paid onTime Deposita ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. , • DEPOSITIf SUBJECT .TU . CHECK, WITHOUT , , , , IXTEREST.„ , . DlscomitODsily at /Al slelock. • . , • . PresidentnTßOMPSON BELL. • Vice Preddent--1. 111.• . DLIIICTORS: • • THOMPSCH BELL,, • A,r,hf. _MAW/HALL. • JOS, DILWORTH. JOS. ALBREE. J.!GMLES 2 nri • • . -,. • Stockholders to whom w make references • • Wm. Forsythe, Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell , -Rev. David 'Kerr. • Wlllle Dahill, • • • , • Heory Lambert" D. 35 ._4l Bidwell A. Jr. Drown, E. M. Stattds, Thomse /GRUM • , REAL ESTATE AGENTS. , • • n 5. .. ; , Fpu a T.III; JOHN D. BAILEY , & BR If AND - STOCK. D REAL ESTATE BROKER S oIXD AIIaCTIONIMILIh • Are prenitred to' eeD tt A3etidn IFTCIOIIOII I and all kinds. of SEouErrnctli 'SEAL =TATE,' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE., ae..j. either 04 the premises or at the Board of Trade mewl. Particular etteation paid. heretofore; ,to OW sale of Realititate at privalriale. • • Sales of Real Estate in the eountattendod. Once. No. ILO FOURTH STREET. $100000. 7 ° . 1 ?f 11 - 1 - ON'BOND 'AND:NOMAD& 1 31 E 4 ) tiz.* - gtr"xxi. EYU t Bela 'Mat, Agent. 60 Braindleld street.. STONE. worr COMMON Miachtne Stone' TrOrics, • forthweas oornef of Wen common, Amegneny. — FRED% ATVATEIII, ••'- • Have on hand or prepare on abort notice Hearth and Step Stones, Iflars for Sidewalks, Brewery Vaults, &c. Head and Tomb Stones, &a. Orders promptly executed. Prices reasonable MEM -Nruxtric Z9' .rtantEß;.-,; Corner ,of ;; Wood .and .Flith Weals. GOIERNMENT AND PACIFIC 11; B.BONDS, • GOLD, SILVER AND,COUPONS Bought on the most favorable. terms. Sella LET. TERS OF CREDIT and MUTTS it allable In any Pail of Europe. . , • , • • 1, DEPOSITS received Babied to Chect, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. • JANES T, BRAD! & CO Isneikiion, to S. Julius . . Corner. Fourth mid Wood . Sts., 1•1' Kll3 146' . 1913,, BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF = •:1 GOVERNMENT • • SECURITIES; GOLD,. swara JAM COUPOIik.. ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. " Interest Allowed on Deposits. . Money loanell en Golgrunart Ipedsdr!, aL low est amulet fatet.. • Orders exeerdedtd o th.elftteNdile Dud Sado:of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. • I -JAMES T. BRADVittiCO. =1 , 1 3r.'cashier, BANK, BEET, MI tts fittsitittifisEvii *ls. FINANCE AND TRADE, FiaTCR OF THE FITTEIBUGH GAZETTE, -1 FRIDAY, September 11, 1868. , The gold market is rather dull and drooping. The clique formed last week, whez}the ularket wap : old dowel Io 144% sold, out yesterday, and, consequently, the rites declined. A 4arge amount of cot ton is now under way to New York and Liverpool, which giyesaplentiful supply of exchange, the tightening tip of the money market to .remove . the large western crops' may further irilluence the premium on gold, and tend to bring down qUotations. Government bonds were strong.tO-day, but the fall in gold tended to keep down Prices; the next week is likely to witness a reaction unless the large shorts begin to cover; a.close money, market Will prevent any further rise in the absence of any in vestinent demand. The stock market has a drooping tenden cy although the clique stocks like Nroth Western Common and preferred, and St. Paul and. Toledo shares are strong. The street and outsiders are all operatingin one direction; selling , short( whilst-the sharp brokers are not selling except what they have covered by contracts, some strong reaction may belooked for during, the com ing week: ' • • • - Express shares are dull and nearly un changed. Money more stringent and bdsiftess*dull. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. _Mertz: Gold, 144; Eighty-one's, 113%; Five Twenties, 1852, 113%; do, 1864, 100%; do, 1865, 111%; do, 1865 ' 108y„;do, 18(47, 108 Xi do, 1888; 108%; Ten' Perties; 1111 Z Railroads—Cleveland it, Pittsburgh, 85%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicogo, 107 1 N; I Chicago At Ruck Island, 100%; Chicago & North Western, 86X; do, . 'treffand,,,. 86, Michigan fiptdhekn, S.V.I ~eitlirigt,„• 89 3;1 Erie, 46%1 IC - dw Yorki Dentral; 1 4 3 U; 0 o 1 dc Mississippi Certificates, 28%; Western Union Telegraph Co„ 34%; Adams Express Co., 48%; Merchants Union, 22%. Mining shares—Gregory, 4,00; Corydon, 20; Quartz Rill, 93; Smith dr. Parraalee, 4,25;,Qu1ck 7 , silvei‘. 20. Smith ). LI. • .131 .! ; —The dobi statement of the Ist instant shows that gold has accumulated in the Treasury, since ANguSt 1,104 theleXteutof 59,160,983, raising the total to $92,570,901, of which the Treasury is in the ownership, after providing for the , golg cerf,ificates of deposits, of aboveA7,§od,ol.l Th'e hum has 'been Increased, since the statement, a mil lion and a half of dollars or more, by the , etthitems received at New York, over the .TetiL.Forty gold EZ2I —Speaking of the market -the Chicago Tribmie of Thursday says; There was a good attendance on :. 4 0Jairtige , 1_ toldwand a little, more businessltatigaited, thu gli the day was quiet for the season, and prices ruled 'uniformly lower on the leading Graima, with a. genera , duW.feeling. - The scarcity of vessels now in port has made Owners stiff in their 'cle*s, and shippers are holding off for lower, rutes, which t43y, believe Mast come within a day or two,as a large fleet of vessels.is stnevrn. to bon the way to this port, and the competition will,. necessarily bring . down the tariff. Only those plelkok GMitiithhi44:/Mite on which isiztrinefilig4tit fel elike Charter ng to-day for this reason, and they were very small, while the number of those was still smaller who desiredteiiecrease the - steel( on hand by further purchases to-day, and •the markets were left almost entirely in the hands of,'"Apeerillattits, far film- possessing faith enough to 'keep it up. There was another reson for abstinence from buylng—thepheit .sl4at i ,c bottom has not yet bead Yeahlftcd-:—'a Weller aripaz randy warranted by the fact that we have a rich, harvest, while prices, are of. the ‘ , scareity.?..VOtti.landltre Met ihigtt etibttgh in New York to give extimsive shipments a prospect of profit. The arrivals of Grain we re 'lighter to-day:, pq 'we mere tkaA counterbalanced' air 4hlf 4d:tips meats reported, and the f_u_lLrecemtsal read.* on track for to•morrow's bul etin. The prospeettrarelsot Vpitnlitteirtprbottly . ; receipts in thil Mitre, and the "Clartneei are Ithat they will be as large for some time to come as is Allowedirsll4 eartylnit oftp 4 l9k, ties of the grid! bile§ tb: Ch I I '.-Closing quotations received by James T. Brady it Cow', ; ecild,7444M4'; patted IStateil Sixes, 1 i.:1'14,` 114%; &41:0's, 1862, 118 3 / 4 ; 8-10'!, 1864, , 109%; 8-20%, 1865, 111 y ; .10-gfig 104 3 / 4 L 64014 Allallarlriand July, i'Bs, 108%; 6-20's, January and July, '67 108 3 / 4 ; '6B, 108%; June 7-30's, par leas 3 / 4 ; Julyl-80's. do - 3 / 4 ; Anignii,ll*ficipt..4lB; ,Oot. 118 3 / 4 ; Union Papilla Railroad, 102; Cen .tro,lo3. • Mani and, Gran4A.fdtqc 945-tge• • • 6eOt:s;" — Shg.'29; Veg. 5," • 1888 , . , , ;, , MAI r.•••• Flour 112;718" 84,838 8f,815 :Wheat • • - 47h078 516,937 :278,599 Corn' 838,556 962,280 528,181 , Oats ' 594,179 807,415 1 „.., ifi4,643„ Rye 217,546 160,683' 91,960 BarleV• .. .. 180,889 * - 106,828 125;106- Showing an Increase during the week on , flour, rye .and harlo3rwealk ;a, deprepil% wheat, min awroate. ~„ (By Telegraph to tte Plttsburah:Uszetta,i) ST. Louis, Sept. 12.—Catele—yeeeipts and offerings large and business fair at Me gross, , ' St. Lltas oaUle !Rarket. • - t". 446-, WA Oritos ow Twig Ptrreats WOW 4 3 / 4 .Wrniv FRIDAY, fteirtaphorll, The general markets aro cote. Sad little'dull, and. devoid of any now or iru portant features worthy of special WAWA. Now, that navigatibn 'bait fawn reiruinWr however, we may look foran improvement in general ,, husiniss, parlienlarly in Iwu, coal and Pittsburgh manufacturers igen , erallv. BUITER-Is steady but " unchanged, -' with regular sales at 87 to 40c, for prune k) choice.: EGGS--May be quoted firm at 22e, and scarce. I CHEESE- - -Urichtuagigi ate 14' tri 15e for Woatern Reserve and Hamburg; 17 to 18e for 'Factory and • Goshen, and 20c for Sweitzer. y APPY - 91ci-Are in rather better supply. although the arrivals ,contintralight, • continue to quote at $3 to $4 per bbl. POTATOES-Unchanged at $1,20 per .bushel, and $3,50 per bbl. Sweet:Potatoes: -110110 hi market. - SEEDS-.Small„ sales of Ilmothy• seed at. $3,25 to - the trade, and $3.50 , 113,75, irks. : retail way. Flaxseed-little. or none in market, and may be quoted nominally at $2,25 to $2.30. Cloversebd is nominal at $7,50 to $B. _BALT-Is' 7 dull' 'and ' nominaily : nn changed.at $1,75 to $l,BO, to the trade, and $2, in a small way. . . • . WHISKY-Market quiet and unchanged. ;The following; are Ural cluotationen mon rectified per $1,25; half - iYe and halfcorn per gallon $1,75; old Monongahela iNe, two yearn Oaf Per ;kallon g21 25 i 91d Monongahela rye, three years old, per•gal -lon, $3,50; lighwinen per gallon $1,35" - I'- FEATHERS ='Saltis of live Geese Feathers reported it 90 to 92c. ; HAY-Is' unchanged" - with "sales' .from 60M:dry - wagorrs reported at',Veto $23 per :tollins to yciality. GRAIN-There Vat in • Wheat and 'while the mills' are Well sup plied, there seems to be littleor none in, the binds of dealers. • Wei. continue to- quote Red Winter at .12,05 td, $2;10 and :3 to 3 cents higher for White. Corn Is in deinand and higher; we can 1 car at $1,14; 1 do do silt 17j ;mall trapalpripreNellow at , g 1,18., Rye is quiet and unchanged at $1,40. Oats steady with sales on track at 66 and 3- to 5 cents higher in store. Brtile7-noner in market, and may be quoted-at 11,90 - , to $2.00. MILL FEED-MAI. peceti,toctiateged at $l,lO for Bran, 11,80,for,Stripstufre, and IZ for Middlings. • • • • • ,•• LiiRD unchanged ..,Inotwith standiog Lard has recently advanced. We continue to quote No. 2 at 41,20 :and No. 1 at $1,50 f '1 f 'Jr _ PROVISIONS moo n rinchingea at 14%0 to ~1.434 c.; for, Shoulders; I'3 to 163.ie for Ribbed, and 1834 c to -18 3 }4 for Clear BiAleiandaatoltilif% .IPr 8 1346 ; gar Cured fiend: Lard - 20e forpribae kettle rendered in tierces . ; and2115, - itrkegl Mesa Pork to $31..? . 3 _--- 2 :'• FLOUR-The market is (Inlet and un changed; Spring 'Wheat '50,56 to:$10 . for new and, $10,25, .10 410,50, f0r...01d., I The.. "Pearl" and 4, 0,11,y Mille, continue to quote atslo,so for Eitra Family in bbls and $lO,- 204 n sacks, and Double. Extra. at $ll in bbls and 5.10,70 in sacks. Rye Flour , $9. PITTSBURGH PHTROLEIBIL !SABRE?. °PPM); DR TEE PsrrnuttGE flAzirrinenk t , . ' PitanAT,llteptember ill 'MS. i OP.IIDE. -, ' • The market • continuer dull and. weak, . . and it would seem that the 'bottom has not yet been •touched:,' The sales were . one thousand barrels, to-be; delivered on this: , :wger, at llo; 1,000 •tor October at lie, and ' I,ooofor November, at' !same ; figure. 'T he above sales, compared with those of yester- ~ ' day, show a decline of fullyhalf a cent, and at the close, the demand, even at ,the re- , duction, was by no means brisk. - The pros: pect of a bulk rise witacflitt&liskihisi' ;} 3, ingTthirty-three inches, and rising at Oil - C ty. It is not. likey -holvetar, - tharlhik will effect the market as formerly, for the reason that the t klleglitu p ay yaUe7 Railroad i . . is no delivering 011 here - al:kit:die; cheantig It eitulbe brought by boats. Before we were 4 iiiiieed in railroad ,coinliiliilleitiffm.liVitit w ere City, whenever there was a rise in the river, oil usnullyadvairqdAt Qiisity, and,. declined heret° , l)6l . A.W.wAlti -a s treciednintno , A expression, is now "played out." .n.EFLN,I;Dr. ..., r . ... -..-..- '1! .n , :,' . - 4 . , The Refined Market is - also , dull and . weak, and prices continue to decline steadily. There waelfeale of'sooblAtt each fbeSeptember and October at 30; and 500 bbls- eachl pqateinber, toillecembertlt Itho ' " '; same figure, c., ;(,sa d 1 5 1 itti tjal l o._, ay,itAti 011 ,` , was offered at 29 - to 29nd" thblast loaf -'' of September was quoted at 29% to 29X, ' and indeed these figures will apply for al most any delivery during the balance of; the year. Our retiners.,now..that tbepast-, ern markets are.dtililand tieklireted,larebeu. ginning to turn their attention westward, and as navigation has been fairly resumed, it is prObable that considerable oil will be shipped to western and southern markets, within the next two or llttelgnoliftjhtss vpn, cars here, standard 'white may be quoted at 26% to 27. _. i RECEIPTS OP - CRUDE OIL. I t Jas. Wi1kin5.....560. D. M. Elltrertbn... 160— J. T. Stockda* Aladdin :WprlifC :100 . . ' 1 :./ Roess it B .: i0...1 7 .4 - 01 M c'Relff & 1 3 i0... - 240 Lockhart .3: F... 590 W. McC o utcheon.. 50 3250 OIL SHIPPED' El ST BY A. V. R. R. ticry; Jagemarr& Co., 503M1erefirifig to i Whritig, King et-CoArP-hikadelphlatu Montaheimer, Kookier & Co., 511 do do to Waring King & Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & Co., 335 do do to War- • den, Frbw,it ill Buffuni;V4lio7i Co4 s llsopoidi4to ?i}.P. Loscap &33rof Philddeflphid: . •- - Fawcett, I.4ogan it.Stock,dale,-200 do,doto W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Clark 4,add1u1d,163" (*At/Ala . _ 1 6r, Son, Philadelphia, Di N iw a o t. rt4 Rnf et . dc ce ' i 0 000 0 ; kipi do d s o l itb , !: ,. . t ". f .L .; GO - US 44)14 - Warden, ;infrkyth, •s, otoi . - „ ' Frew &CO.; Philadetv Mopreery , do' LU. ,i r .POtt•Phu*""-j244- do to War- cB! .1 Morgan_' To.; 439 4 4 E - . den,- ow d! Q9;i.Pliibithalthi:' r "? MolielvY & " 0 ° 'l - ) :4 f , ',l ,- Leol„nn 4, Bro., PhiliktOlphig I t C. p p a h t i ri a ie d k e , ip t a, do do i to i),e, iV iii t is3 likLockhart Fret?, 3.4V0., 161 b fo icritten Frew4.CAVAPadtPlitti H. C.'Villodub ii g ' Secomb . .St Co., Phi4de,lPb_la., •,f • 11101€ AND pIAIL: ",01171. OT•TVPrirrialintall "}sulk.'' FRIDAY. t3e4rember 10, 1868. At a naeeting:Wintanifactureri of Iron and Nails held on: Thursday:l3lldb" were ituidetAl3 per keg for froorAt9 mos agd 3 Per cent.; off for crud:l,74in ten, `d/iYa; fn' lets .9f 00 and npiirailis. Iron, 3aic, card rate's, at sixty daya-3 per cent. off i for cake 'l l tdaiiiet&tynti &fiance,. being :' t he • lutes eatablished , . laid March. i Tilks,action-of the Conveatione whichmair.. large, aid represented by the entire . ne4t,. iv aa*ilifftrm the March rates. whi ch had not peen salve Ito the. manufacturers, the disposi .tientit the Convention .boing to maintain their' trade at -,the manufacturing -points, even at A loss. From present indications. higher prices for iron and nails are likely to prevail before long. NMI El M=U I' Mi=rl Ifflai