NEW ADVERTIS MENTS. . _ CHEAP 6UIiS • • ' •••• The GREAT WESTERHeifIN WORKS have tees eintoool to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET, inhere wit/ a Isom/a be found the most complete sesortment of Guns, Pistols, Similituittlosi stid - li cu rrt" Ins Material. Ac.. in tee atty.. ARE kinds Guns and Pistoli carefully repaired. Oath paid for ARMY RIFLER and REVOLVERS. Send/ tamp for ttluetrated Otretziar. Agent, wanted in even/ town in the Meted States. ' leldreie. J. H. JOHN .STON. 119 Smithite id Street, PWeburgh. Igy - JOILN N. PIIRVWFCEI Register in Bankruptcy for gid District. Office. 116 FEDEBiL STREET, ALLEGHENY air Mice Lout-9 A. M. to 15 P. X. IRST — CHRISTIAN CHURCH. corner Beaver street and Mont gomery avenue, Alleghs.nn_JOSEPH SING. Pastor. —Preaching , TO-MORROW (Lord's Day) at 1.03 t A. S. and 73i CHURCH, Rebecca street. near Gas Works, Allegheny. 8. F. CROWTHER, Pastor. To.aton ROW xonmlia, at 10)4 A. M. VALEDICTORY. EVBNING, at IS, r. M., PAUL'S BENEDICTION Sabbath School at r. Y. Public cordially Invited. W a PLY 011 TH. CONGIIEGA TION AL CHURCH. -Thera will be preach lug SUNDAY MORNINU, at 1031, o'clock. In MO ZART LULL, Seventh Avenue, by Rev. 8. C. LORAN.' The public are cordially invited to at tend. eg - • z •• 1: El • :I • : PITTI3I4IIGH, W. B. Gray, Pastor, meets statedty In NEVILLE HALL. corner of Lib erty and Fourth streets. Services every , Lord's Day at 1034 A, is. and P. H. The public are cordially Invited. • CORNER OF GRANT AND THIRD STS. —Pastor.Rev. A. BOSSERMAN. Preaching EVERY SUNDAY at 101 A. m. and IS, F. u. Sesta free and a, welcome to alt. , 'LUTHERAN SERVICE in the IL`nglish language will be held In the Ger man Evangelical Lutneran Church, Rut Liberty,. corner of Mill and Station streets, TO-MORROW tbundav,l AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock; Rev• SAM• lIEL LAIRD. officiating. IIgrNOTICE.--CHARLES L. RE-; MOND, the renowned Lecturer from the State of Massachusetts, will speak In AVERY MIS SION ciausoit, Nor th street, Allegheny City. TO-MORROW, (Sunday, I Sept. 13th,. at 7 r. x. 0 ..0me one, come all. and hear . for yourselves. • • W 2. MESSIA. H ENGLISH EVAN. GELICAt XATMEIERAN CHITROEI; ((en-, aria Synod . Hand Street; below Penn, Eery. J. IL W. STUCHENBERG.: Pastor: lieLigions services regniarlyon SABBATH 'hereafter. ft zusdav ricboet 9A. sr. Preaching. .10% W. and 734 .P. .11 'Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday evenings. Friends of the congregation arid public are cordially .L-I.A RTIST AIirDIENGINEEIig , MA mists. WbstmiaLla Paperi. - • • • • Mounted Mrawed.Par_ter. . , •- • :_ • i BollWanllls Paper, . Vellum Trilcitig Cleth A Membrane Tracing -Paner, Marklem .el pl inakrunkillts, -_ •' ' Water Mort atm In la Ink. , Lltbograpble aldhlappinli Pins, Thumb tacks. Level. Transit, • .nd Croke nectlon.Books. Profile and Cross dectlon Paper, =I 13.A.TEN. Corner Wixod Rivet and Third ATe.lll2e. 11.4rVitiTRY"CoQ. 1 _ , .. . • • ; . ALEX. S. MACRAE, . - nciYss 4 D A°P4:r Chemieidi;lolinds, Dyes,olls, Provisions. and Priodttee or, everi,deseilidlon. t• Buslnesi conducted on one-ludt tbelenns of other . , The Amerfcgraisninietloniln Liverpool alone ex . ceed London and all the ports-of Europe put to geNVIZIly, Adilees: Cable ' Messages, &c., on application. sel2:x37 , - , TAT Trig' DISTRICT COURT OF • THE UNITED STATES, for the Western Die • et of Pennsylvania. . . . . ROBERT, C. SUTTON. a Bankrupt under. the Iv Act of Congress of March 2d. 1587, having applied for a discharge from ail Ida debts. and othcr clv provable nhdersaid Act. by order of the Court, no ', tice is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts ' r other persons interested . to appea on the 30theMy of September. MIS, at 10 - o'clock ' • A. at., before JOHN N. PUMVIANCE, Esq., Regis ter, :• !. at hist:dike; No-118 Federal Street, Allegheny = City, Pa., to show cause. if any they have why a discharge should not be granted to the said Bank . Vupt. And further, notice-is hereby given that the b, Second and Third Meetings of creditors of the said baakrapt.irequired bl the 7th 5111128th Sections • of said Act, will be had before the said Register, r. at the saittelime and place: •. . • sel2m4o-8 S. C. McCANDLESS. Clerk. . • Torostrais seamy! NEW GOODS! PRESS ARRIVAL OF, FALL HOSIERY, ; AT JAMEIi PHELAN'S ,e• t Old Stand Stocking . Store, No. St* ITIFTEI, STREET. 115130 MEN's FIIIINISHING GOODS, ~- i FALL STYLES, NOW 'READY; it FISK; CLARK & FLAGG, :t • • MEI • r•A ,;• 58 White St, IL Y. an15:1136-13 1 PEARL- -1111-FAIILIFLOII.O. PEARL KILL ThreeSter Green Brant, we! to •-:,* , , i 1 i FRENCH .• FAMILY FLOUR. .. ~ , 71s Flour erll.l geaype 'eat out when espeet' ally :•'. ' ;fr- ordered. .., PEARL EILL i Ia;OI:TE BRUM • ' ' - - - ' toll to best St:Louis.' . PEARL MILL RED: BRAND, I.• Equal to beStObio rour. WRITE COIGN FLOUR' AND COBS MEAL" ictialligtilißßO:,- ..? 4. 9.15614.' ,' Piteei. Wiz. TOIIIIIE CIDER VIIIEGAII, OF OUR OWN . NANITFATMC! • For the Table and , Pickling. , It Is almost impossible to obtain 'Vinegar that not been poisoned with drupe. Pot 7e for a a rs pUre and bs!h t preparing to meetthe 4 uful snide, which we are ell now able to supply In Aziy-IMPeslired , ' 4;Ktasitit*. 4 1 :1 11 14": 1 gt..j • 5e9;113 .'f PittsbUrgh. QTEARIVEIt'CiIPAYi"' .• • ;17 ;• 7 All persons haviagelaims against the Stetunboa GIP,Y will 'Presesit tnetn 'for settleMent • ately. to • 11. •CO AiNtillfiNßAWtellf • ; ' . Dtlanond , streeti Plitshargh• GEO. BEENNIMAY. Muter., Ni ' OR Ritt:'''' ' • - .t will sell it,: Gacictyty, .8110 E sTpRE , , and 1 PRINTING - OPE/10E' tpi $lB,OOO. To energetic basiness'm en'- this is'a good chance. ,it pays handsomely . Apply to JOHN A. HES'I', , . 711111 Avenpe, corner of Tunnel, Pittsburg la, 3'a. .. , .., nelka3o. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. _ ...... . YOUNG lIEVSIERCHTILELtBRARY -, '• AND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. 8,800 re/nines in - the Lihraril. All the leading itiMiAtflaii an dNkViSPAPERS regularly received at the Iteiding Boom. $ Citcniition of Soots Sii,ooo vole. per annum. ‘. • . TEiNfl.--4013E DOLLARS A YEAS. Rooms, Corner Penn and St. Clair Streets. Ifir.Open from lit A(lt. to 11.4 P: X. /fir Membership may commence at any time. set2:x , l2 _ - _ • • NEW CARPETS ! ARRIVED AND ARRIVING. WE ,ARE. IN RECEIPT OF AN immense stock of every de scription of CARPETINGS, new 'styles, for Fall Sales, and which will be con . stantly added to during the season. THE VERY , LOWEST CASH PRICES McCALLITH BROS.; 51 FIFTH SIIISEIN se= NEW GOODS! JUST OPENED, A VERY LAREF STOCK OF Bleached and Brown Muslims; Tickings, Checks, Table Linen; A Large Stock of Fancy Dress Goods. A LARGE STOCK JUST OPENED, wmitassis. AYR RETAIL, BY M'CONNELL & EEO SCHOOL AND COLLEGE - ' Wed in the various SCHOOLS AND COLLWJES of the cities of 'Pittsburgh, Allegheny and vicinity PUPILS, TEACHERS and DEALERS supplied Orders by mall promptly attended to CHOU STATIONERY &REQUISITE AT THE LOWEST PRICES 65 Wood Streef, Lafaiette Building ENO IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. • • GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Tobacco, Cigars & Whiskey. ISAAC STERN, , ' No. 161 Federal -Street, above the Markel, AI,LEGH NY GITY PA ., i l Respectfully noun es to his friends that be is now offering hi. stoc , consisting of tbe FINEST "CIGARS,: TOBACCO, &C., And the PUREST 1.1441/0119, A.t.Arlses Lltf,. El 2. TITAN EVES OFFERED IN , Tn" ___ Ma a. liorltem,mber the Wimp, . 14.1011 FEDERAL EIT.,-ALLsOlizxT CITT, FA. av4tylo-TOS , , , 'teU:il9 =ME ESICCATED CODFISH -7 . - A new, - article, prepared for famlly use sad put tip in one pound paper boxer with rieeipta for cooking Ina variety of forms. TAT IT. For sale wholesale and retail by JNO. A. ItENSTI6W, se9 Cur. Marty and Sand street.. NEW mons? Gingharas; Jeans, Cassimeres Plaids, Poplin Alpaccas, Boulevard Balmorals, La Belle Balmorals, AT LOW, PRICES, 178 Federal St., Allegheny. TEXT BOOKS. A PULL ASSORTMENT Or ALL THE TEXT BOOKS WHOLESALE AND =An, KAY & COMPANY, PITTEBURGH GAZE - LE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1868 ;.; ITEVADVVIttfiSiIENEMPIA. NOT4G i E. PROCLAMATION. , WHEREAS, In - and .7 the I.3th Sectlote of the Act of the (1-n eat ti sscmblv .4 Pennsylvania, pass ed July R, 1839, entitled "4n Act relatsng to tbe Elections of tuts tXnurnonwasith," is is eujoiaed e& die Sheriff of every county to give notice of such elections to be held, and enumerate in such notice what officers are to be elated. In pursuance thereof, t SAMUEL B. CLULEY, Sheriff of the county of Allegheny. do there fore make known. and give this public notice to the electors of said county' of Allegheny, that . a GENERAL .ELECTION. will be held in said county, on the eSC ;tidy TUESDAY, 13th DAY OF 00 f.thEll NEXT, at the several Election District , . thevathomd .. Wattages, By the Act - of Congress 'of the United States, entitled "An Act to Amend the several Acta heretofore passed 4o provide for the Enrolling and Calling Out the National Forces, and for other Purposes,” and approved March 3d, one thousand eight hundred: and sixty-five. All persons who have deserted the Military or Navel Service of the United States, and who , have not been discharged or relieved from the penalty on disability therein provided, ate deemed and taken to have voluntarily relinquished and forfeited their rights to citizenship and their rights to be come citizens, and are d-prived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof, end - • WHEREAS. Persons not citizens of the United States, are not under the Constitution and laws of Pennsylvania qualified electors of this Common weelth. _ ~- . . • .. . SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That Id all elections hereafter to be held in , this Com monwealth, it shall be unlawful for the Judge or Inspectors of any - such election to receive any ballot or ballots from any person or *tams em. traced in the provisions and subject to the disa bility imposed by said Act of Congress, approved March 3, 1888, and it shall be unlawful for eny such person to offer to vote any ballot or ballot.. Sao. 2. That if any such Judge or Inspectors of election, or any one of them shall receive or con .sent to receive any such unlawful ballot or ballots from any each disqualified person he or they im • offending shall be guilty of a nth:demeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any Court of Quarter Sessions of this Commonwealth, he shall for each offence be sentenced to pay a line of not leserhan one hundred dollars and to undergo an imprison ment in the jail of the proper county for not less than sixty days. ..- : . ~ Sao. 3. 'Frost if any 'person depriied of citizen ship and disqualified as aforesaid shall. at, any. election hereafter to be held - in this Common.' Wealth, rote or tender to the officer" thereof- and offer to vote, a ballot or 'ballots, any person so offending shall be deemedgulltyof a misdemeanor, and On conviction thereofidany Court of Quarter Sections of the Commonwealth,chell for each of fence be punished in like manner as la provided in the preceding seetien of to ct, An. the aid tif onicers rot election receivingh unlawful ballot Or ballots. Sac. 4. That if. any Persen shall hereafter f)erc Suede or advise any person or persons deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid to of fer any ballot or ballots to the officers of any elec. Hon hereafter to be hehl in, this commonwealth, such person so offending shall be guilty olsimis demeanor. and upon conviction thereof ht any Court of Quarter Siesalthas of this- , Common wealth, shall be punished la like manner as is pro 'lined in the second section of this Act, in the case 01 officers of such election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots; And, further by the first section of the Act of March 30,1864: • SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by autnolity of the same, That the qualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth at all general, township, borough and special elections, are hereby hereafter , author ized and required to vote, by tickets printed or written, or partly printed lied pertly ' written,' serenity classified as follows: Ono , icket %hall. embrace the names of all judges of courts voted for, and to be labelled. outside, .',lndiciaryet one ticket shall embrace the names of all state ofiliers voted for, - and .be labelled " state; " one ticket shall emrace the .natues of all county oMeers voted for, including olbee of senator, member and members of Assembly, if voted for and members of Congress, if voted for, and be la:wiled ~c onnty;!, one ticitet shall ranbrace the - nardes'of all town ship officers voted for, and be labeled "townshipi” one ticket shall e the names of a borough officers voted , for m , and brace be labelled oborou ll gh,o and each elan' shalt be deposited in separate ballot boxes. Ana as directed by said-13t h section of the Act of July, 1859, I hereby give iodic*, that every person (excepting Justices of the Pesos) who' shall hold "anyoffice or appointment of proSt or trust, under the GUT. errand of the United Stare, or atilt' State, ter of any city, or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise a subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the Ireslative,allantint or judiciary department of this States or of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress. and of the State Legisla ture, and of the 'elect or ocadioncouncil of any city, or commissioners of any hicorPorated district, is by law - Inapable of holding or exercising at the Maine time, the office or appointment ofJudge,lnspector or Clerk, of any election of this Commenwealtir, and -that no Inspector, Judge or other officer of any such election shall be eligi ble to any office to be then voted for. And further. that by the 4th section 'of the Act of (lord 16th, 1840, it is provided, that the aforesaid 13th section of the Act of July 21,1839, shall not be ow coastrned as to prevent any 'online officer or borough officer front serving as Judge, Inspector or clerk, st ens . turret or special election in, this Commonwealth. The elector* of the First Ward of the city of Pitts• burgh to meet at the Public School Houser:turd Ward. The electors of the Second Weed of the city of Pitts burgh so meet at the Public School Rouge to aid Ward. The electors of the Third Ward of thee:duo:Pitts• burgh to meet at the edublng shop of Addy 'A Wil liams.; corner of m Sixth and cmithtield streets, in said Ward. Theelectors of the Fourth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School Rouse In said Ward. . , • . The electors of the Fifth Ward of the city of Pitts bergi t, meet at the O ffi ce of the Clerk of the Or phan ' Court, in the Court House in said Ward. Tbet electors of the Sixth Ward of the city of Pitts burgh to meet at the Public School House on Ann street in said ward. The electors of the Seventh Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House In said Ward. The electors of the Eighth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh will meet at the liouse of Henry Wilson. corner of Franklin and Fulton streets in said Ward. The electors of the Ninth , Ward of the city of Pitts burgh to meet acthe Public school House in said Ward. The electors of the Tenth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the lamb Tavern, corner of Penn and Mechanic streets In said Ward. The electors of the Eleventh Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public hchool House In said Ward. . The electors of the Twelfth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, to meet at tile Public School House In said Ward. The electors of the Thirteenth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House In said Ward. The electors of the Fourteenth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School Rouse in said Ward. The electors of the Fifteenth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the -Public School House in said Ward. The electors of the Sixteenth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the - Wigwam, earner o. Men and Pearl street/11n said Ward. The electors of the Seventeenth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public ;School House in , sold Ward. The electors of the Eighteenth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public. School House in' sand Ward. • • The electors of the. Nineteenth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Hollow School House on Mill street in said Ward. The electors of the Twentieth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at Batters School, House In said Ward.__ e The electors of the Twenty-First Ward of the city of Pitteburgh to meet at the Wigwam. corner of Sprlog street and Puekety Road in said Ward: The electors of the Twenty-Second Want of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at Irwin School House In said Ward. The electors of the Twenty-Third Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at Hazierrood School HOUe in said Ward. The electors of tile First ward of' the eity of Alle wiMyto meet at-the Public School House in said ward The electors of the Second ward of the illy of 'Allegheny to meet at the Brick school House, cor ner of Palo Alto and Shannapin streets, - in said - ward. ' The eleitors of the Third ward of the city of Alle gheny. first precinct; to meet at the Public School Howe In s seici ward; the eleetore second precinct, Third ward, to meet at the house of lleorge tient in said ward. The electors of tho. Fourth ward of the alt? of Al legheny. first precinct,' to meet at the School House on Sandusky street: the ele , tors of the second pre cinct to meet- at thcrhouse of Mrs. . M.• Hordde, fon. Tarty Mrs. Peck, at the corner orChestnut and Main streets. In bald Ward. - The electors of,the Fifth ward of the city of Ails iwnamlradofwAsitiedlihchT Val:Coh . gheny to meet et Om School House, cornerof Char tiTerhseaenldecrtoanyeottethstordelexttsh., at the School Helanteitrnelyncellit _lets ited Fayette , • otrectito in said Ware.' . • . The electors of the Seventh ward of the ally of Al legheny, to meet at the boniest Dune Lets, le said , wardi • , • The,electots of the Eighthward,eitypf Allegheny,- go meet, at the Pithil3Sehoot liclase en River Avenue.' in said - Ward. , -., , • . .. , • - .....'- The electors of the'Berough 'of illnribi l itliam, first Precinct. tomcat at the pribilo School met- see , odd Precinct,"et the Butgese .9410e5. la esid„,Bor.;- °ugh. I"''"'' ' 'it - tt 't - Ifibe electors of he boroug ,o , as ß i r mingham. to teem at the School House No. 4, hi said borough. i he electors of the borottich ofdlinupaburg to meet at the Public School House on North Cana street; in said borough. The electors of the borough oflie..Keesport,to meet at the Town Hall in said borough. . Tbe,electors of lickberou lilt of..Tempersnoville. to meet at the Tiabitc behoor Hehise; in Bald bor . he electoriottbi borough' 6(Bouth'Pitttbiigh: . to meet at tutrigahttoftbuol tiounyeornerotltation ratreet a (Id Brownsville Turnpikeltoselle,--,,ee. - "The - electors of the borough of Westiltteburgh to meet ag the School House in said borough. -- The electors of the borough of West lillila 93ol to me , tat the Peel lc School Rouse, in said borough. The electors of the borough of bor oug h:`o meet at tile Public echool House,' in said ' The electors of the borough-of Elizabeth, to meet at the home of Daniel Sarver, in said borough. '," Thit Oceans bf thelotetigli of td . eteicklt their at the Public School Hou s e, its said boroug h. The electors of.liouongainea borne', to meet at the Publle Schoolhouse in said borough. The electors ratite borough of Mount Washing ton, to meet at the School House in said borough. The electors of the borough of Braddock's Field to meet at the PubliebehoolHouse. in said borough. The electors of the •boreugh of Bellevue, to meet at the store f Henry said borough. The electors of ( Houseog of Mlinale to meet at the Pub' c School in said borough. .The electors of tee borough of Ormsby to meet at the Public School House in slid borough. The electors of Wilklne Township to meet at the Public School House in the 'tillage Of Wiikinsherg, in said township. The electors of Plum Township, to meet at the house of John Sommerville. In sabl township., Tne e l ectors of Patton Towns tip to meet St the honte of Mrs. Jane Taylor, on th Northern Turn pike in said township. - Ihe electors of Penn Townslt p. to meet at the house of Robert Donal‘lson, on th • Leechburg road ie said toviship. • • The electors of Versaille.s Town hip to meet at the Public s chool House on the fa of David Shaw. near the white - house formerly copied by Thomas Neal—now by Wm. A. Shaw. And by order of Court,. the.To nship of Elizabeth having been divid • edinto two ell non districts, the ' electors residing ;within the f Hewing described hounds to be known as Precinct No. Id: Beginning at a black oak tree on thetank o the 'Youghiogheny river. on the line dividing lan sof Wm. Douglass and J. H. Graham; thence no th eighty-four (841 degrees, west thirty-three and One-half (33)4) per ches to a post; thence north to psix. (46) degrees, west seventy.five (15 perches o a post attlin public road leading from Greencak t Elizabeth - ll:nought thence north sixty and three-f urths (60N) degrees, west fifi v-six (56) perches to post; thence south eighty-eight and three-fourth (.110) degrees, west thirty-two and sit-tenths (3 6-10) perches to a poet; thence north eight (5) egreetl, west sixty nine (691 perches to a point; t snce south seventy and thiee•tourths (70U) deg ees, west four (4) perches to a post: thence se [Oben(11) egrees west one hundred and eighty- o (1132 'perches to the Youghiogheny river. an thence by the said river to the plive of be:diming to meet at the Public School House in the village f Greenoak, in sald township. And the remainder of said T wriehip of Elizabeth not described In the said abo e boundaries to be known es Precinct No. 1, the e ectors to meet at the house of Daniel Sarver, an th Borough .of Eliza beth. The electors of Jefferson To nship to meet at the house of Michael Snee, formerly occupied by John King in said township. • Tue electors of iii to Township to meet at the house of Samuel Wilson, formerly ocsupled by Jas. H. Nell in said township. The electors of Upper St. Clair Township to meet at the house of Hugh Morrow In said township. The electors of Lower St, Clair Township to meet at the house lat•ly kept by F. Helle, at the junction of the Birmingham and Coal Hill roads, in said township. • • The electors of Chartiers Township to meet at the house of Wm. Obey, on the Pittsburgh and Steuben ville/um:lke. - -And by order of the Court, the Tcwnehip of Rob 'neon having been divided into two election dis tricts, the electors residing within the following de. scribed bounds to be known as Precinct No.l, com mencing on Chartiers creek, on the eastern ride of lend township, at the - mouth of a run on the Thorn burg farm; thence up said run to its inters ection _ with the Baldwitsoy .2Coblestown road. near School House No. 1; thence along said Noblestown or Baldwin road. near School House No. 1; thence along said road to its intersection with Campbell's Run: thence up said run and by the sonth fork there of to the cross-cut road at or near the old'saw on the Mitchell farm; thence southwardly along said •road to its, intersection of the Baldwin or Nobles town road; thence along said road to intersection with Lorrain run, on tile Lorraine farm; thence sonthwirdly along said rUn tO Robinson run; thence down along said bobinsoe's mete Chutiers creek; themse down said creek to the place of beginning— to meet attlie pub la house of Ely Wicoff. - And the remainderof said Township of Robinson not described in the! old above boundaries to be known as Precinct No. Sl,' .0131 electors , to meet at 'the house-of Sarah McFarland, formerly Audits? McFarland. • The electors of Findley Townshtp lo meet at the house of McClelland A. Antler, formerly occupied by J. Charles, in the village of Clinton, in said township. - The electorsef Moon Township to meet at School House No. 5, in st'd township. The electors of Ohio, Township to meet at Duff's Mills,"ln said town•nip. The electors of eranklin Township to meet at the house occupied by Isaac Neely,. In said township. The electors at Marshall Township to meet at the storehouse Of.lainet Neely.t n said township. • The electors of Reserve Township to meet at the house of Rudolph Lwidie, on Troy Hill, in said township. Baldwinjlnd th e having ordereonfdithe tg,7=llA`Pditf tents, the electors residiug within the following de 'Scribed bounds mho known as Precinct No 1 : Be ginning at the mouth of Street's run, on toe Monon gahela river: thence down said riser to the centre of Beck's run, on Bee of Lower St- Clair township; thence south along said line to Noble's old saw mill, on the mouth is , ' run:thence east themean deriugs of said run to Street's run: thence north along said run to the place of beginning, Including the farms of Lafferty and Brindle and the tenement houses belonging to liabesman & Co.'s Cosi Works. to meet at the Public Scheel House in the village of Blossomville.• And the remainder' of said lownshitl of Baldwin not•ileinribe4 in the said above boundaries to be known as Precinct No. S. the electors to meet at the Publichip. school House in said preeint lw said town s. Thwelectors of McClure township tb meet at the school house, near the House of Refuge, on Wood's Run, In said township. The electors of Snowden township to meet at the house of Peter Boyer, in said township. The electors of South Fayette township to meet at the house of H. Hays, on the farm of G. Y. Coul ter, lased township., . . The electing of North Fayette .towtish)p to. meet at the house formerly occupied by Francis Jamison, at Rodgers' hint, in said township. • The electors of Ross township to meet at the Five Mlle House, formerly kept In Leon Marumaux, on the Allegheny and Perrysville Plankroad, In said_ township. The etcetera of Pine township to meet at the house of James Trimble, In said township. The electors of McCandless township to meet, at the house of Frank Morrison, In said township. The electeirs of West Deer township to meet at the public school house at the month .of Bailey's Run. The electors of Fawn township to meet at the school house No. 2. in said town&lp. • • The electors of Neville township to meet at school house No. 1 (thereafter to be rolled Chaplin.) The electors of Sewickley township to meet at the house of Samuel Ritchie, in said township. The electors of Indiana township to rivet at the house formerly occupied by—Alex. `Turner. in said township. • The qualified voters of that part of Indiana town ship. In Allegheny county. residing within the fol lowing described boundaries. to wilt Deginnte g at a point on the Allegheny river. at the upper line on the farm of John Cable, and running a Nonherly course between the farms of said Cable and John t ß hen d e o u h n iNgo r•t h W at t c rloyrnou r of Cio (eh'se farm— Shaler township line, In such a manner as to embrace all farms or lots situated In Cunningham's district, and known as the river tracts.. within said bounda ries, shall hereafter vote at the general election in the borough Of Sharpsburg, at the , election poll , of sald The b orough. electors of Shaler township to meet at John Shaw's Mill. In said townships) The electors of Crescent township to meet at the School House, in bhousetown. The electors of Hemp ori Township to meet at the house of Win. Peters, ln Lad Township. The electors of Union Tosrnship to meet at the house of Junes Moles, In said Towngtdp. And by the order of the Court, the Township of Scott having been divided In'o two election. dims tracts the electors residing within the following described bounds to be known as Precinct No. 1: Lying west of the Washington turnpike road from its point of intersection with the northern line of said township to as pant of intersection with Char tiers creek, to meet at the Public School House in the village of Mansfield. And all that other_portion of said township lying east of the Washington turnpike to be known as Precinct No. SI, the electors thereof to meet at the public haute keel by Thomas Alderson, on the old Washington road in said township, _ The electors ihland Township. to meet at the -Publie School house, of Bakerstown. At which time and places the qualified electors as aforesaid will by ballot vote fur: One person for Auditor General of Pentillitinill. One person for Surveyor General of Pentisylvanta. One person for District Attorney of Allegheny reotinty. One person for Assistant District Attorney of Al legheny county. One person for Controller cie Pen nsy lvania.ty One person tor State Senate of Slx persons Pennembers of the House ?f Retire sentetives of ylvania. One person for Ctentilissioner of Allegheny county. One person for.litirveyor of Allegheny county. .And the - citizens of the several Boroughs and Townships will elect one person for Director of the Poor of Allegheny county. And the electors aforesaid, residing north and p . w el eS igg. n w i ltl i truti l l• d a A nil le r e Uro r ii v e er cOn t:tni k Cetilan. Tiveo y-Third Co i ngressiongl District, will elect one person to represent said district in the Con gress of the United _States. And the electors .aforesaid, not residing In the , above' district, will elect die person to . represent the Twenty-second District in the Congress of the United States. _ Given under my hand and seal this 11th dty of September, . • . SOME& cLuisr, Sheriff. fIIIM1171;:gririlarlaill,8112111,-/ pumps S PUMPS!! PUMPS !!.! Cistern rumps, , • . . , Well Pumps, House Fume Pimps, i . ' . ' :J :Detti WeII:PUMPS, Stefan Butler rumps: Railroad Force,rum - pe, I frai BALE AIC. LQN riugas BY BAILEY, - ,FAAEEL.L. & cv„, • No. 187 Smithfield Street, nu2l:ws PITTSBURGH PA. XV,INTED. " l And T T 50.000 prßneFal WHEAT ; And J 16,000 -EPrtai SARUM Not whit!), we will pay the highest price in cash, arrogoocx,WOßEElli & 00. an7:1111? :I r. Barred Flwmelt Nom Offered., DICKSON CO. 3DYLIE" ID COrialy 'Doubt! Acting Force Pumps Win — dm - 11l Pump!, J Water Drawer MniMM KITTANNING EXTRA : HEAVY A VERY LARGE sTocir, IN GOOD STYLES. WHOLESALE 0 , 4 WOOD STREET. larNlaELAIa 3 r 1 F.T)I WATERS CLARK'S DRUG STORE, No. 103 Fifth Street. KISSINGEN—On Draug ht . —PROPZUTTIS: Aperient. Alterative and Tonir.. serviceable In alm Di s eas e shronle Derangements of the Liver' and connected therewith. VICHT—On Draught.—PROPZEITIS: Strong ly Alkaline, affording immediate relief In acid ity of the litomach. CONGRESS —Pint Bottl es.—PROMRTIT.B Aperient, Alterative, - Dlu.reUe. and Tonle. ' LUGS ROCK—Pint Bottles.—Pnorinnas e as Congress. EMPIRE—PIat Botiles.—PnomsEnza: Same as Congress. GETTYSBURG—quart Bottles.—llibrza- TIES: Remedy ill Dyspepsia. DhennuttLimy Dont, Gravel. Dist:etas. and other Kidney and Vein ary diseases. (Call for a Circular?) “SODA” or CARBONIC ACID at WATER on draught, made from purest merials and served wild Syrups made from TEM. - . SIPHON BOTTLES 9 I can tarnish Siphon Bottles to persons desiring either Kissinger, Vichy or Soda Water an dranghe at Or homes. Waters retaining same suength an. . urity as at the store. jelge IBArrIES & 131BIAA INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR wm - sxr isirocs. OF POPULAR GOODS, AT LOWEST PRICES. No. '2l FIFTH AVENUE selevrre&T Rlltsl F. DAIJBITZ 9 8 HERB LIQUOR. - DB. FALK & CO., Importers, 760 Penn St., Pittsburgh, Pa., This great HERB LIQUOR bas gained wide Web:. rityin all Europe trom its marvellous efficacy in curing - all nemorrholdal complaints and diseases of the stomach. We earnestly invite the attention of the afflicted to' title great remedy. arid offer gratis the circulare,"giving - dlreetions for use together wall the certificates of eminent authorities 'regard ing ts curative merits. or sold in all Drat Stereo: ~ linffiraff9 DR. VA.LICff CO.. Importers. CANDIDATES. trar 0111 A :1 - k14.1,s - I 3D ' • • Col. J., D. El3l-AN WILL -'BE AN INDEPEND&NT CANDIDATE Al THE OCTOBER ELECTION." MM w'cLl l 3'l7AT.s' TEmPERANc4 Fos COUNTY Opt MISSIOXIS, ISAAC CEI.A.IMaPSs Of Fourth Ward, Alleybeny City, nominated In County Convention, August 35tb. seBwBB•d&T IIgrM'EICTITICWAItn' - itrzru33LicAN •.oa'r.xws 54. Arc requested to meet at Franklin Street School House on o'clock. MONDAY EYKNINH,at SW For tba purpose of nominating three additional School DireCtord. sel2:x3B REPUBLICAN ItIEETLVG, *ILL BE HELD TN FRONT OF HARE'S HOTEL, On Saturday Evening, Sept. 12th, AT 73 1 ' O'CLOCK JUDGE BOND, of Baltimore 4 Geo. KING, of Baltimore; Will address the meeting. tell: 42 COM. ON 'ijrEAKERS do MEETINGS WTHE EXECUTIVE COMMIT.. TNE of the GRANT VETERAN PHALANX WILL MEET AT CITY HALL, On Monday, September 14, IS6S, AT 4 O'CLOCK P. M. A full attendinee- of the Committee is requested, as the programme for the campaign will be organ ized. EDWARD JAY ALLEN, Chairman. SAMUEL KILOORt, Seey IREPUBLI CAN IIEETECGS will be held at the times and places follow log, and will be addressed as indicated': SATURDAY, Sept, 12th, 1868. HARE'S HOTEL, 4th ward, Pittsburgh, at 734 r. Y. Judge BOND and Gen. SING. of Bala ' more, Md.' GLZITWOOD, at Vi P. x. W. T. RAINS and C W. ROBB, Eau. TURTLE CREEK, it 4 F. X. A. M. BROWN, Esq., sod Col. RUSSELL EREETT, Esq. CLINTON, at P. x. Col. T. M. BATNE and THOMAS twniG, ESq. , - LIBRARY; Snowden tcrernstdp, at 2P. at. Gen. J. H. MOORHEAD and Gen. F. H. COLLIER. PLKNEINTON , S Walla,. Pine township. W. S. PURVIANCE and Hon. JAS. L. GRAHAM.' BRIDGEVILLE". Upper St. Clair township. THOS HOWARD, Esq, TIMPERANCEVILLE, at 73c e,. M. W. C. MORE LAND and L. P. STORE, Efate MONDAY, Sept: 14th, 1968 ISTE WARD. Pittsburgh, (late lst Ward, Law renceville,) at the stand on Butler street. A Pole will be raised at same time. - tiont P. C. SHAN RON, R. J. POWERS and W. C. MORELAND. • 4TH WARD, Allegheny, at Bismarck Hotel, on 'Chestnut street, at 734 P. X. Col. J. M. THOMP SON and W. S. MeCIINE,,Esg.' ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP, at School House. IT P. AtUELLEB. and RUSSELL EIiIIETT, Esqs. . . . . BRALERVILLE, at 7r. M. Hon. T. J. BIGHAM andBADIEIEL HARPER, Esqs. ' • By older of Committee on Speakers and Meettnas. - . E. A. MONTOOTH, Chatrman. JNO. S. LAMIIIE, Secretary. ser.!:x39 1868. MISS GONYENTION! Re 'Oilcans of Westein Pennsylvania, AT PITTSBURGH, THUBSDAY, September 24, 1868. The Republican State Central 'Committee has or dered a GRAND MASS CONVENTION to be .held in this city on the A 4-th of September. Inst. The Republicans of Western Pennsylvania are urgently invited to come, en masse. to this Conven tion. and so help the good cause along. Arrangements will be made. as far as possible. with the Railroad Companies for Excursion. Trains and Tickets to the Convention. ' Itntinent,speakers. have been. invited, and their names will be announced in due season. A Grand Torchlight Procession Will take place on the night before the Convention, and all GRANT CLUBS and TANNERS• CLUBS are invited to take part in it. A DAYLIGEIT PROCESSION Will for on THURSDAY MORNING, and an in vitation se extended to all trades and associa tions to be represented in it. The various GRANT and TANNER CLUBS will also take part in it, and the Republicans of the county are expected to turn out in full force, in wagons and on horseback. The Republicans of the various districts of Alle gheny county are earnestly urged to make arrange ments, at once, for their share in the demonstration. The Steamboatmen, Firemen, Butchers, Dray men, Moulders, Glans Blowers, Puddlers, Rollers, Machinists, Carpenters, Brick and Stone Masons, cad men of every other trade, are invited to consult together and arrange for such part as each may choose to take in the procession. REPUBLICANS! Let us have a Rally , Forthy of the days of 1860 and 1504! By order of the see STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. "THE OLD METHODIST • GRAVEYARD DIFFICULTY.—AII Lot Owners and others, Interesred In the Old Seventh Ward Metnodist Graveyard, are requested to ss tend a meeting to be held on Mt AND SY EVENING, 3 4th Wit. at the OLD SEVENTIWARD SCHOOL HOUSE. Every Lotholder urged to be present. Very important. THE COMMITTEE. OT 0 ICS OF TIM 110Yromoairra. A Damon CO., Pittsburgh, Sept. 4. 1808. far"THE PRESIDENT AND MAN AGERS of this Company have tills SHARE, payable a Dividend of TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE, Payable to Stockho'ders or their le 10t gal represkuts lives on and alter Thursday, September h, ',the Banking House of N. Holmes A Sons. ST 31arket street. JAMES H. WRIGHT, 50R:9-ULF WRIGHT, , IarNOTICE.` • Prrreotriten, June Seth , 1868. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BANE OR PITTSBURGH. will apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvanit. at its next session, for a renewal of its Charter, with is present authorised . Capital of Twelve Hundred Thousand Dollars. JOHN _HARPER, President. Attest; WM. ROSEBURG, Cashier. ar.NOTICE.IS HEIREIII.RITEN . that BOONS TOR SUBSCRIPTION to the Capital Stock of the Company to erect a Rride over the Allegheny Rlyei, Liam Eitalliststi in the City of Pittsbhrgh, lo the County d'r Allegheny. to the Allegheny and Butler Plank Road, at or near the mduth of flirty'a Run, incorporated by tin Act of the ()foetal Assembly of this Commoonialth. ap proved the twenty-sixth day of March, A. D. nag.' It* be opened at the otdee of SILL '&IOIHrTERL . On - Butler street, to the Seveatienilt-WW of said City of Plttabargh, on the TENTH DAY OFII 4 d 1144 SEP TEMBER. NEXT, at 10 o'clock t.'% :of John W. Riddell, , I S. J. Wainwright.; s.llMitterly, Jame 6 L JElennetg , J. B. Poor, D.J)epsel. • • . H. Sample... L. Fellbaug. ,4 - R. Coates, ' - • • J. U...Barr.conuell. wm. - • ste John J. William* , Commissioner s. `.lBOB. aulOmM T. R. dill, Yr. R. Stewart, •M, ltteCullough, Jr.. ' B. S. Hanna. W. T. Purmanee, Y an ou lon,ng, Sc Israel C. Pershing, N. P. Reed, ' Pittsburgh, August Sib CO3ibIITTTi.E seT2:x4l 1868. Or TILE NOTICES.