0 itts tittiburgij Ga MEE ME BPLIBBED BALLY, BY RUM & CO., Proprietors. F. B. PETUM&A.N, .103IAH KING, T. E. HOUSTON, ; Et. P. NEED. Editors and Broprtetore. OFFICE GAZETTE GUktillie, NOS. 84 AND 86,FIFTH: ST. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittoltrurgh,lsig4Onir and dli k aglieny County. : ' ",••• . . 1 I ~ Term —.I)2V , . 1 semt-Weekty: Weekly.' ..„.. ~._ IDne year.... 11 00 line year. 50.50 Single cop7-4.11/.5v One morn, - . i. Six mos.. 1.50 5 copies, each. 1.25 . y toe eek . . Three moo 75 10 ~ " 1.15 rem earrle - —and one tolgent.. SATURD :1j I pion Republican Ticket. Natimila . . •I' NA TIONAL. .Presidento—ULYSSES S. GRANT. Vice •Prediltini:-4 CIEEMELER COLFAX. _ . . PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. AT -LARGE, G.-MORRISON COATES. of Philadelphia. L.. THOS. M. MARSHALL, of Pltsburgb. , • tV• - f rict - H. BAturEs, 113. Dist Sexura, SNOW, 2. W. J. POLLOCK. 14. B. F. WAGONSELLEAL. 2. RICHARD Wn.orr, 15. CRAB. H. MILLER,I 4. G. W. HILL, _ 16. JOHN STEWART, E. 6 •WATSON P. MCGILL, 17. GEOECLE W. EL5121, S. J. H. BRINGIIIIII97, 18. A. G. OLMSTEAD. 7. FRAlill O.II7IATOR, 19.'TAMES SILL. S. ISAAC ECKERT,..2O. d .H;.,,.. 0 . J OHNSON, , L MORRIS HOOFER . 21 . J. S . r•l i riNGs IL DAVID M. RARE. 1 22. Wm. Fluty. 71.. WR DAVIS , . 12. A: W. cilawroatt, - N. W. szranni, U. J. B. RA TAN. . ' MEM AuditOr Gtvm.A:a.,-d.V. HARTBANFT. eUrveyor;Geigl-4. M. CAMPBELL. • DISTRICT. _ _ Congress, 22d Dist.—JAS. S. NE,GLEY. 23ci bast. DARWIN PHELMS., COUNTY. State e=JAMES L. GRAMM Asszenvr. GEORGE WILSON, M. S. RUMPIIREY.S, GEO. F. MORGAN, VINCENTMILLER, JAMES TAYLOR,' SAMUEL KERB' Xfrietriii Attorney—A. L. lor-&RSON. • Ass't District Attorney—J. B. FLACK. Onstroller—MENlCY. A MRFIRT. JONATHAN, NEELY. 4.. B`srveyor-4R. MeCULLY..;' County zo*Dirator-4.0. 3.IURRAY. 'lllayor—,74-TIED,lit. BRUSH. Osmiroller-Ro.l3'r. J. ArcGowerr. Treaeurer-A. J. COCHRAN. Ileadqiuirtera Republican Counlyi:Cona autee,.ettY Mall, Market Stmt.'. open every day.- County Cammittee meets every Weigeadaycnt St P. M. ~ • WE ilia= on Che inside • payee -of this =mini" GeraesTE—Stoond e page Sack by Parton of BirEtobOrt Peel, the S:kitamen, The Ainitricsi Ambassador Abroad, As&n pular Bird Killed in Kentucky. Third and Bath pages':.- Commercial andi erl7:eila. Seventh page`; EnPutt . Trestfeard, by - 00 Own CorrPPondentLEed Estate Transfers; ft he'Propoced City Park - GOLD closed ht' New - York yesterday, at, 1 4@ 1 • , , GEN, smarm resides at Morrisania, x. Y., and is President of their GRANT and COLFAX Club. > Plenty of Gerinaus i "fighting mit Stmozz," this year. Ix ma . Republican procession at Bal2- gor, Me., was a wagon filled with mutilated Union soldiers, bearing the motto : "This is what we owe to the Democratic 'PaitY." Tere area good many Union men of that kind in Maine and we shall hear from them again next,Monday. llcam is *i illie! loyal volunteer against the new Deinocradc rebellion ! Hon. Taos: J. Tomnra, oFfireeilort, 111., whowas ilia last Democratic candidate for Congress against B. Wasgsmusi, tuts publicly avowed his intention to work _and vote for GRANT and COLFAX. THE tinder affectioit of the Democratic party for the boys in blue =is shown by the fact that, on Monday last, eighty-five work men, all. Republicans but two, and Among them four one-legged and three one-armed soldiers,. were digeharged from the •Ports mouth Navy, Yard by the New Democratic incumbents there. , IT rs proposen to re-organize the, Atlan. Ilcand Great Western Railway- Company upon a new tlnancbil basis, capiMl izingthe past-due coupons and , certificates of deben ture to thiVextent of about fifteen millions of dollars and incrassing the entire bond and share account to about 038,000,000. A vroposatof this nature from the Directors has meet unanimous appiik•val in England, where the greater portion of the stockwand bonds is held. • . ME. BEirmoinzi,;ln his little speech at Al bany, on Wednesday, ,announced that Lad "received from all quarters the most gratifying assurances of . Democratic tri umph." The Vermont telegraphlines were down that day. Your years ago, at Mil waukee, the same unerring prophet made a speech declaring that "the people had , lost ,faith in theadmiiiistrittiori. I believe that we are to triumph in thiiitontest. u can doubt this who saw what, I saw it. Chi cago." The NoveniVer ballot brought that triumph—over the left—Wid.'6B will report it in the same way. • • Two years ago Chief Justice Woonwanu lielivered an opinion, in the case of, Baal, LIZABERGEa VS. BEITTow,..:rd. B. F. Sacral, page 9, to the effect that 'the legal tinder currency was unconstitutional. In this opinion, Judge Tuoursox concurred. In the coo of Timm vs. BOIUE, in the Dis trict Court of Philadelphia, and reported in the Legal Intelligencer, the same opinion was pronounced by J,udge SIIAREIWOOD. Those opinions, particularly the One first mentioned, was applauded by all the be'mo. cratic joti v ruals of Pennsylvania.- - Now ;all those journals are in favor - ,of.,fincreadug to : an alniostilidefinite„eitenta currency wlliciA three of their most eminent jurists have pronounced to be In violation of the Constii tution. Are they animated by a desire' to inpinge upon the organic law ? or are they controlled by a disposition to swindle the public creditors ? THE DEBT NEARLY HALF P Add to the amount of the Public Debt, as • officially-promulgated April Ist, '66, 82.366,- 955,077, this amount being the ascertained obligations of the Government, the larger amounts which were at the same date actu ally due, but not yet ascertained and Jiqui dated, and We can form an exact idea of how much money we owed at the close of the 'war. The official Treasury Reports show, that we were also owing at that date, in back pay for our soldienh for transportation and for the settlement contracts for suiehit,-, ence and war material, the further sum of $698,546,078, all of which we paid Off with in OW next fifteen, months, that is, by the 60th of June, '66. This for the War De partment. The Navy-pepartment was , also owing for similar claims, the further sum of 876,319,778, which it proceeded to ascertain, settle and payed Within the same period. I We have also paid for bounties,. pensions, prize money, reimbursing States, claims of loyal men, and other proper charges of the war, the further ,sum of $145,912,401. The aggregate'of these war expenses, ' $920,778,252, every dollar of which WU due; although not yet ascertained,, and ex isted as part of the National obligations on' the lst of April, '65, must be added to the ascertained debt at the latter date, and the total amount of money which we were really owing was $8,287,783,829. lAs the Secretary reports our total debt Septerribarl; '6B, at only 42,500,800,818, omitting. the railroad bonds, the people will see that there has been already paid of the BUM of $787,- 433,016,"0r part ; of the whole . elebt of the country at Me end of the war, ,To deny that, you ,must hold that a debt is not a debt so long as it Is merely a claim; that. no. Matter how just the claim, it .consti tutes no Parte f,your obligations until you ac: ; knowledge. purr liability. This' is not the -rsve. , man. of sense-does „badness. He reckons his obligations according to what in bi and justteetnid honor he has agreedto ,pay, and : it is a debt wldch.hi.recpgnlzes whether' akicin.ed- , "tip in lily bootti or not. - • ord not only has the Treasury this paid in thMe yeam oats-fourth of the enormous . ..debt occasioned by the war, but it has in the same time paid, for intereskon that and on -the other three-Re:mho, the sum of $438,- 484,833. Here, then, have been paid in the three years over twelve hundred millions of public obligations. Ana who among our citizens has felt any grievous or oppressive barthea therefrom? We have seen somewhere a Democratic estimate which places the share of the Pub lic Debt falling upon Pennsylvania at $3OO,- 000,000, or one-sixth ,of the amount now standing unpaid. If that be correct, . the same estimate must show that Pennsylvania halhorne the same proporticoi in paying off ihe:.sl. 200 000 000 of .principal and interest already discharged; that the people of this 'Oornmonwealth have already paid twelve luareelmalions of tioilars. One estimate gbod if the - other ie. - Now Itrt us remark atat, Whether she has pall: mom or, - less, it Intanet distressed her ao math . . but that she eatt i pai her share of the remainder quite as easily. Let the Democracy cypher on that 1= But let us, while we i are about it, look a little closer into this matter. We have stated above only the amount of the war debtactually paid up ..l i nne 50; '66, and the interest account for the three years, from '65. `The fact is, however, that we have contused the liquidatiOn and settlement of these war expenses up to the present 'year and have not finished yet. The claims for bounties and itnearelmofpay are not all in yet, but we are happyte ,state that only about ten per cent. of thew • martin anal=lusted. These and other extraordinary ex 'penises; :the neoessarY and unavoidable consequenoesofour efforts to , put down the first Demociatic rebellion, were summed up by the; Gazrrien a Month since, upon the highest official authority as follows : War Deparrinent • NAVY Interest paid on debt to July 1, '6 Total aacertalitett., This is what the rebellion has s 4. far cost us. - As we are now owing only 0,500, 7 000,00), it follows that, nearly 84500,000,000 Of the war debt, three•elghthe of the whole burthen, has been forayer eitingnished. That telhpthe whole story and leaves noth ing to glees-work. A CAUTION. We recommend our friends, who ha ye no knowledge of the German language, co be .int their guard against a recent device df the opposition. Within a few days, the latter have flooded the ally with a fogr T page !aer man pamphlet, which has been distributed in every public place, at stores, offices and counting rooms, and at the gates Of manu facturing establishments, in.-the hope that the employer, ignorant of its real tenor, onld unguardedly hand it over to his Ger man workmen. Numbers of these pamph: lets 'have been left with us for examination, by friends who were suspicious' _ of their real tenor and design, and Copperhead cheek has even had a beautiful illustration in the sending of a sack of them, entain lig a bushel or two,lci Our own Executive Committee for distribution! We have a trtins. laden of the document, and find it filled with the. vilest, and yet the most _artful fare hooda, elaborated for the evident pups of mislading German voters. The questiOns of ,tlie public debt, of taxation, and o6e conitructiori,of the South, are shamelessly misrepresented, the facts concealed, andthe most perpable falsehoods are reiterated in a effect Upon the pre. forplun tongue , and for Indices of the German-speaking voters, with an evident confidence in the improbability of any denial or refutations • We again urge upon 'Our friends not to lend themselves . to the circulation of these infamous fabrications, uniess,,they it the . some time ascertain their' nature and fully' explain to their Geruian Mends the attempt ed' deception. The 'pamphlet before:'us makes no statement whichjs not capable of themost ample refutatiOn, but, nevertheless, might do' mischief:if suffered to circulate Without reply.'Look out; therefore, for all c•tich Democratic tricks and squelch them. GH GAZETTE : SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, PITTSBI) JE . sExuaLS, receigy-wade a speech at York; the place of bia resideilcet in which he said 'Rather than see, General Grant elected President, with the understanding that he is to administer the Government On "the Congressional plan of disregarding all con stitutional obligations, it would be far; bet • ter, to let him or somebody else, be pro-, claimed * tibisolute dictator and abolish the Constitution at once. For myself, if 'must choose between the tWor moat' frightful evils that ever scourged, the human race, I will without hesitation take an unlimited monarchy in preferenee to a rotten re public.' Ife might have gone a step farther with, out doing.violence to the truth, and have confessed that the Democratic leaders, for the lbng period of thirty years, have as sumed the republic to be rotten and desired to replace it with a , monarchy. That is what the late rebellion, and the n protracted conspiracy that prePeded it, really meant. Of co9se, millions do not conspire ; hence we acquit !the DemoPratic masses; but leaders do, and in this case they intended to set up a monarchy as soon as the fortune of war turned decisively in their filVor. As far as Mr. BLACK saw proper to go in his. confession, he has made a clean breast of it: On some future occasion, not far distant, he 1. may belinclined to own up from the bottom of the plot. \ , • AND now it transpires that Mr. DAVID CIIA7FORD, the DemocratiC candidate for Congress in' the XXVirth Or Waynesburg district owes- his ,nomination to his pecu liarly strong claims upon Democratic con: ildence and sympathies, not only jest:at this time, but for the past seven years. The Repiblican shows the nature of these claims in the annexed'statementi • When' the war - began Crawford was, a clerk in'one of, the departments at Warh ington City. His. violent. sympathy. and: openadvocacy of the cause of the , rebels, and his ,denunciation of the Union,- was known among his friends, and disg usted a relative, with whom he boarded, to such.= Intolerable extent, that he wascompelled to rebuke him openly'. ' , He 'even disgusted a ?retbel,,vho afterwards became a General in the armies of treason. Crawford was re linked by this Southerner for his violence. He went beyond_ the views of the rebel in his denunciations of the North. It is a fact that Craivford had all'his arrangements made, shortlY after the opening of the war, to move from Washington to Idabama. - He said he intended to cast his destiny with the South. He, however, on account of sick ness in his family, came ,North, and , on his way to Greene county stopped over night in this place. On acconnt of his treason able utterances, he was ordered to leave the town, and it was only through the interces sion of friends that he was saved a coat of tar and feathers for his open secession ex prissiomr. Tex Richmond Whig claims to know upongood authority that "Mr. SEYMOUR has expressed his opinion that a certain speech of a = distinguished Southerner. cost the Demobratic party of the North two bun dred thousand votes." The Whig tiorrow tally adds:. "Better not say anything than use such language, ' that only exasperates and strengthens our enemies." , That both . SErsoun and the Richmond WMg must re- , member that the Democratic National Con vmdion, at the suggestion of thesame tinguished Southerner," pronotmced "the reconstruction acts of Congress, so-called, to be usurpations, unconstitutional, revolu tionary and void." What could he infer from this declaration but precisely what he has inferred. These declarations, which Mr. SEVIOIIII dolefully 'insists have lost him two hundred thousand votes; are ell justified by the Democratic Platform itself. In the end, Democrats of all degrees will understand this. , , - HENRI . Wenn Bssensa, in a letter ac opting the honor or an election to be an honorary , member of the Printers' Gamer - and COIYAX Club at Waahington, concinda with the pointed paragraph'as follows: The new adhesion of impatient Southern men to the very worst type of Democratic doctzina ever enunciated since the party Went into, alliance with slavery, cannot be as disastrous for the South as was the league with the semi party before the war. The Democratic party seems fated to lead the . South into desperate steps, and then to be utterly unable to help those whom it has deluded. 'lt will be so, again. Utterly lost -to all moderation, the Convention in New York has laid down a platform which will bring aka war , to the, South again, unless it is prevented by the victory, of the Republi. can party.. I am, very truly yours, HENRY WARD BEECHES. p0iz.702,9e8 02 2084340,3703 13 367.466,189 36 $ 3,931,531,493 1 50 • TRE imams of the Georgia Legislature are carrying matters with_ a high hand. Having expelled the colored Members with out atrial under the provisions of a code which expressly requires a previous trial ;be fore' its penalties are enforced, they next proceeded, in the face of the Governor's protest, to admit the defeated white com petitors' of the members expelled. A dis patch before us states "the House refused to investigate the eligibility, under the four teenth article, of these new members, and swore them in. It ilaltalleged that many of them held office before the war, and after ward joined in therzebellion.' The Ku-Klux haVe now complete control of the House." • Lummous METEorts.--In addidon to the radiant points in the northern hemisphere ofthe heavens,it is stated that trom observa tions- taken at Melbourne, A.ustralia, be tween 1858 and 1868, there have been dis covered various points in the southern heavens from which star showers emanate. The observations on the meteoric shower of August oth, 1868, made in England, state , that the paths of twenty-six meteors were recorded. The Meteors on this occasion were principally green, yellow and orange color, and the appearance - 01 the Shower was Consequently less confused than is usually the case when'the,bodiestsittta bine light. The meteors appeared to emanate from several points—one in the sword landle of Perseus, and another .slightly north of.Cassiopa3la. The latter point Is injright ascension two hours and sixteen :minutes, and North Polar distance thirty , six degrees. " ;WILD BEASTS IN IRme.—The sum spent in 1807, in the four divisions of Ceatral In dia; for the destruction of, wild beasts, amounted to $20,300. This money wastes.- pended in the extermination of nearly 3,000 animals ' as follows: 002 leopards and panthers, 535heitrs, 527 tigers, 475 hyenas mid 407 wolves. The reward .offered for the destruction of Tie averages about $25 apiece; in the case of man eaters, the , re ward is raised to $5O. • 'VENCE. According to the Roe - mints Of the India correspondent of a Boston journal, THEO. DORE PARKER'S writings have had quite SD effect upon highly educated Hindoos, who think.their belief in his views iniolves no loss of caste. But to becimie a Christian, to attend Church and receive the right of baptism, is to beconie an apostate, unclean and impure. No man it is said in . , India. can become a Christian without being cast off by • his dearest friends-wife, children, father, moth er,' all hate and Curse him ; but no such consequencee folloW when idols and Shas tem are rejected, and the theology of Mi. PARSER is accepted instead. - It` lien open question, how long a minis ter is regarded as a , yomig man. Rev. Prof. TAYLOR, ' the I new Professor at Andover Theological Seminary, in his inaugural ad dress, ' sari men , thirty or, flirty are often 'still young; someere younger' at fifty than others at twenty. If the spirit keeps young, no matter for the years, the preacher him self is still young. 1 - The Old School Presbyterian Synod of Allegheny will mee , at Bridgewater, Beaver county, Pa., on ,the fourth Friday of , Sep-. tember at'seven o'c ock in the 'evening. A Convention of 'the EpisCiipai4 ChUrch in Missouri met in St. Louis Thum y•week, and elected Rev.CharlesF.Riibertson, of Ma lone, New York, Bishop for the Piocese of Missouri, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Bishop HaWks. , Bishop Tut tle,. of Montana, it will be remembered, de clined the honor. ' A Minister's wife asks ! the question, says the Contregatignal#4 when the Minfiter's salary is fifteen hundred dollars, and a thou sand are paid'for music.; lit . that a judicious and equitable ; apportionment of the monei raised for parochial purposes? The mini& 'ter gives seven. days' Work ,every week, evenings included, to the church, and chor isles give less than seven hoursi rehearsals included,,,.. The Mennonite Lonference , of Ohio, at its recent meeting,,,ooklaction - that a broth-' er or sister marrying nutaide,bf the ChUrch, 'wilt be considered >not only a transgres. *ion against 'the ,itiles 'of the Church, but also a transgreision against, the Word of God.- This they must acknowledge and confess before they can be again received into the Church. Referenie wasmade not long since to the strictness of the Society of Friends, in Philadelphia, in regard to wearing their pe mller garb'and style f dress. ' Withal the i 1 c t s severity of the Frien on the dress ques- . • tion, it appears, tha some time ago the Philadelphia yearly Imeetitig _of Friends • Consented, aftermuckdeliberation, that one, of their influential Members might retain and use in his faiiiily the elegant piano which he • had purr.hesed.. Before that it i customarywas to "read out orthe meeting" I any Member who kept a piano. Rev. Dr., Prime, of the New York 0&.• server, is represented aa 'having said at a, - public meeting, in Ne l Yhrli, that diersYs:, l tem of mission.chapel has failed, and that' not one self-natal* ' 'church had ' ever I t. been prclueedthereby. , 'Thiel is certainly a mistake. The Doctor should not take New York as a fair sample of the success of mission-chapels generally. , • I The New 'York State Sabbath !School Teachers':Asiocultion, at Its recent session in Elmira,. recommended the holding . of an Internaticinal Sunday School Convention at Newark, N. J., the Conventioi to beheld not later than the first of January. The Association resolved that a l , Training Class be organized in the , city of lb , * 'York dur ing the coming, winter. The subject of a Normal College was discussed, but finally referred to the first meeting of a National Institute or Convention. - , The th , yterse (Catholic) speaking of the baptism - of Hon. Thad. Stevens, iu his last moments, by a Sister of Charity, saye,Avlutt. ever may have been lila Predilections for the Catholic faith, be died a son of Pius IX, "and as baptism expunges all sins which ire on the soul before its administration, his salvation is certain." The building of the Baptist Theological Seminary, now rapidly going up in Chicago, is to be of brick, two hundred and fourteen feet long, forty-eight feet. wide and, four stories high, and will contain one hundred and eight rooms for students, besides a boarding department and four residences for profesiors. It will cost about sixty thousand dollars.. it expected • that 'the rents of its residences will endow one professorship. Great efforts to endow this institution liberally are being put forth. The New York Independent urges Con gress to lay as high a tax on sermon paper as on whisky—in conformity 'with Napo leon's rule, that vices should-be taxed high. It thinks as a general thing,- that the life which dwells in.a minister's manuscript is like the voice which dwelt in Balsam's ass —it required a miracle to make it ; speak. W. A. Ingham - , Esq; of Cleveland, Ohio, has generously agreed to educate Ernest G., Wesley, a young man,, converted In Buenos Ayies, for the mission work oftliat country. This young man le a native "of England. aged twenty-one, far two years a. resident , of Buenos Ayers, and a descendant of Samuel, and Swam& Wesley, 'of Ep- The trumpet used at Sing Sing camp meeting Is made of solid allyer,, The old silver trumpet, whose r elation call still rings as clear as,ever through' ; the • camp-grouttd, is twenty . six Indies long, and is of elegant figure, and great purity and sonority of tone., A gentleman in Yonkers, New York, es building Atilired thomptd -dollar Baptist cberF.ll, as m emor i a l to his do_ ceSsed wife , The Univeraal Catholic .thinks :the late address to the Pope in:l4lNi Wm- full of, rhythm as Virgil's Hexameters, And that the 4 • i butrof the Immaculate Conception, written by Father Perrone, is the 'most NO - ended . , , literary task of mortal man for it thou sand Ad Episcopal clergyman, ...Re!. Mason' Gallaher, declared redentlii,in 'Detroit, that he regarded the principle ' ekiiblished in tile 1868. Tyng . trial as SL:l;ird with the same feather with the doctrine of secession:l''' As - lhe one disrupted the Statni, the ,other will rend asunder the. Protestant Episcopal Church, unless put down by thnprompt uprising of the laity' " • ' - Five ladies were recently; ordained dea= conesses in the First Christian Church of Philadelphia, Elder David Walk, pastor. The State street Conkregational Church, Brooklyn, New York; tried the experiment some years ago ,of, settling a Methodist over the congregation. The experiment has not worked well. The Mnehmati Gazette says there was too much'Methodism for the Con gregationalists, and too inuch Congreia tionalism forthe Methodists. 1 The result is the church is in a very feeble coilitipn, and will probably. expire. • —Oregon advices of August 25th say that Colonel Price held a talk• with delegations of the Wallapie and Mohave Indians at Fort Mohave, which resulted in an agree ment that all tribes assemble in twenty days for a grand council, meanwhile hostil ities are to be suspended: on both mdes. The Wallapie Indians are desirous of peace. Colonel Price is satisfied that no mare outrages will :be committed. Parties of miners have had to go to the mountains for safety.,• :See Run, chief of the Wallapies and originator of the late war, promised to attend the counsel. Parties from 'Prescott report meeting a large • band. of , Indians, 'with Bee Run at their head, who acted friendly..: They said they were tired of ' —ln the regatta of ,the, Hudson River Rowing Association, , ,on Thuriday,, the double scull race, three miles, was w o n il y s, Van Roder and O'Neill, of the Columbia club, beating two members of the Atlantic Club. Time, twenty-five minutesand forty seven seconds. The eight oared barge race was won by the Atalanta, in twenty-three minutes and eight • seconds; testing' the Gulicks and Coluir•.blaii.- The single scull race was won: , Tearon, of the Vesper Club; beating Young; of the.' Columbs. Time, twenty-threw minutes' and . t p n -sec onds: The six oared out-rigger g race Was won by the Mutual, Club,' intr. tue. .Atalantair,. Gulloks and. Colum 'Time,' twenty minutes anti fifteen nda. THOhiPSONI-XeLLIN:-.ola:Thirraday wetting, Sept. 10th, VOW' iitt the itildenee , of the bride's .pa eats, bylle,.'W; Hoirscfd,. D. It.,r3fr. JOHN A. THOMPSON tend hilts . 13.11.I•LIE X: IfeLAIN,' daughter of N. Metal:L.-bath of Plitatourgh, Pa.' No cards. • • - • ; •, • 1 GARDNEII.I.AWTON.—On.Thetadar, oe-pteta. her 10th, at the bride's mother's,; hi' . Rev. Thomaa Crampton. 11r.. MAIIONALL C. GARDNER and Mm KATTIE A. LAWTON. both or this city. No OBTIL—At CannellevlllE. Wednesday titornhllL September 9th,setB o'clock, JOSEPH H. OETH. [Steubenville, UM:twine And ctpciluiatt. papers please copi.) . WOODWELL.-r0 n TM/noisy moniing, BENJAMIN; Infant 'son of W, K. and Elizabeth 'Woods' ell, aged A Months and BO dada. The funer..l will take plias from'em Parents , res idence, Shtdy Lane, Haat' Liberty, 141E1 i 1011211 1 ,121, *l9 , • ; • trratEartmom. LEZ Ett • 11111DERTAKERy . • No. POIIRTHETREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. CF NS Of all kinds, -CRAPES, LOrMB and ev ery description of Ponoral Parnisbtag GOOdi far. sashed. Rooms open .stay and night. Reat:se and Caniages•farnished. • - • • .Yrrgarsar.s—Rov. Dirld Nair, D. A, Rev. - __'Jacobus, D. D., 'Thomas Ewing,Esq., Jacob H. sq. 911ARLES tilkle.Ell. 3 lINDERi. ' TAKERS AND I,WEBY TABl it EB, corner ol B DINKYWREST AND CHURC AVENUE. 'A egheny City, where their 001..P1N BOOMS ant otrastantly supplied with rest and imitation Bose• wood,-Mahogany and 'Walnut Collins, at prides va rying to 6100. 'Bodies prepared for Inter ment.- Hear ses and Carriages furnished; also, all 'Linda of Mourning Goode'. IX required. 011 ice open *tall hours, day and night. • • 411 BERT 'T. iLOIONEY,II3IgDER. TAKER AND Ein3ALAIRIt, - No. 40$ OHIO EET, Allegheny - geeps-touartantlr on band a large assortment of ready made CoMns of the frd towi kladc.lirirst, the celebrated Asmeries& Bu rial--Vases, 'Metallic ; Self-seallng Air -tight Cases and Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnut and goliewood Imitation &dins. Walnut Collies from.ll3/5 up wards. :Rorewood Imitation .Comas harm $5 up wards, and no pains Will be - spared to sive entire ratielaction. Crape and Glogesihrnlshed free of ehame. Best Hearses and Carriage& fernlshed on short notice. Carriages !Welshed to funerals $4. • CIENEVE GLYCERINE T94.4T SOAP, . . . . PETER SQUIRE. ITT (Wind street" London'. . :Ibis Soap bas been, by s Peculiar process; freed noon ;be excess of alkali. &Low, invariably found even in the Purest.SoaPs, and at the same time It is made to take up a large quantity of Glycerine (40 per cent). -'lt is to ;Ms latter substance -that it chiefly owes its soothing qualltrrsoftening the akin. and sery unpleasant plexion, preventing- chaPPing therbughness experienced in cold weather. It is found most useful in alleviating the irritation produced by dryness of the akin. On ac count of its great purity , it recommends itself toall persons that suffer from the nee of common Soaps; for delicate skins it la the only Soap that pan be tol erated. It is particularly usefel for cleansing dis eased skins, where the Irritation, produced in ordi nary Soaps causes so much Inconyerdeuce. It is the. mnst agreeable Shaving Soap that can be used, leav ing the skin soft and comibrtable. "Tbe 804111 usually sold as Glycerine Soaps contain little or no Glyeer- Inc. It is only necessary to apply the tongue to the surface and the genuine will be distinguished by the sweet taste. Agent:.' 4 • 7 • SIMON. JOHNSTON, 2ortter Smithfield ansi Fourth Streets. Also, agent !be BARG'S VIENNA GLYCERINE 130AY. aulbriTs HENRY Gr. HALE, . MERCHANT TAILOR Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets, Has now in stoek one of the largest and most varied assortments of Fall and Winter Goods . . ever brought to this city. Hla stock embraces all the latest french and English manufactures of • CautmeTes, ,101{Ings, eve!eatitingi. Also, a foil ilne of Gent', .rernialtlng Goods. GFNPIE SCOTCH I . Pg.P.131., SPECTACLES, • WAILISIATFD TO lILP BOVE MET Peg BM. By •G, DUNSEATH & HiSLETT e 5a rirrmi Brss - - ERE W UE€ I PEOMEEEP 2 ' „ I MERCHANT TAILOR ''•" _ No.' SO St. Clair Street, - ZittBburgh Ilartug just returned from the East. with all. the latest Olden ot European Goode o ia now prepared tO =anthem up In the lak et Mahlon and meet 'tum ble manner to his Customers and the nubile genre. &Uri - thanking them for pest favor, and honing lb; new ones. at rsslußS hlirf EVEUYBUDY. IMENNIKI iyi~s4P4l: DIED; KAarurscrtrzeza BY DIt ! ,SAWENT 9 S BACKACHE PILLS Are the most efliclent and most popular Diuretic medicine kriownil cereonag agiincet'abt obstruction of the Kidneys. subduing Intimation and stretioh ening the UrinarpOrgans. - Dr. Sargent's , .I . 3acktiche Pilis, nave bet n inure 35 Tears, and are d a ily perform— ing Wonderfil cures. In many instances Where Pa tients were unable to walk upright or for ride without assistance, then have been' relieved by a: single, dose. , Dr. SamenPs Backache Pills Cute all diseases of the Urinary Organs, the symp toms of which are weakness and van in the bac/L -and loins, pains in the Joints', difficulty in voiding the crane, general debility, &c. Tlrg KIDNEY' 8, BLADDER, OEO . .r Are those organs through Which moat of the Waste or worn oat particles of the . toodg passes; . these, worn out and dead' pal - dams are pmsonous, come quentty when these organs are, diseased the whole system becomes ; derirged,and if Lot relieved at. once the result ma 4, be fatal. , i '• ' Thts much esteemed arid` Most efficient medlelnc Is the only diuretic , thit Is put up in. the shape of rids, and is much , More easily taken than the ordi-.. nary diuretic draushts, the Pills heing sugar Coatt.l Priee 50 Cents Per Bolt: FOR SALE HYDRO t t D 3113. MEDICAL . HINTS FOR'11:11E FALL. • The r serel-annnal skating hi the fever and ague districts has begun. The fogs of these autumn nights and mornings are surcharged with the ele,. meats of intermittent and bilious remittent fevers, and, unfortunately, peor-thirdi of the community are just in the condition to' be disastrously affected by them. 'Thoee who have been Prudent enough tor fortifY thenneeliel dicing the rummer 'with that powerful and infallible vegetable invigorint -HOS TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS-are fore-armed against malaria, and have nothing to fear. But. health is the last thing too many think about ; In the pursuit of, gain or pleasure the blessing, with mit which wealth Is dross and en,laiment impossi ble, is neglecte d . ' ' ' • .. ' Better late than never id a consolatory 'Proverb.‘. however, and all who 'mei:C . o feelthe prem onitory ~ symptoms of - any of the epidetnies which are anger-. deredbv the malaria of aufdinn, inneedlate resorl to the GAZAT 7 ARTIDOTE 'olr TIMAGE. A. few doses of the BiTTER.ii wtU. ,break - tip thechills; and prevent their, recurrence. In every region wherelntermitteuts prevail-Ltd, purest and best of; all vegetable. tonics is hidispeaaable.. Of all, anti.. Wions preparations known it Is the most effective. 'and harmless. It dots riot the _liver.vlo- iltntly. like the mineral maltreats: but. 'tones.. rote-• strew andregulotecthe organ • Moue emsting any; general disturbance 0f..00,1711.emf orAtatiling any `reaction. The - Bitters sita essentially& household species, and:ihould be stWays reacli as the verybest means of preventing outd,checking Wpm& attacks and. rm ttent fevers. „ DISEASES,OI7 , THE EAR. Inebserraticins aid noteitalted by Dr. KETSICIt. this city, on the ;rodeos diseases of the ear, let up! that -nine out itAtes;cosee: cepa be' cured their Incipiency If sop: icatlon.Wereniede. to'sonue responsible and competent Antral .ssegeott. The Doctor quotes from the Opinion of Wilde, s well *mown aural surgian, "r tear - not lir Iterate the 'assertion which I readeeid seierat far- , mar occasions, that if the disease °filmes' . were as well studied or toultritooti , by - the puerility or praetitioriers, and as early Wended, to, as ,those ot "the eye, It would be.found Dust they . were bust as much within the . pale of scientific treatment; • er Deafness IS Ile common' and Ise &stressing en td:-: firmiry, and 'when of long stsuiding so bletirable, that we cannot too strongly urge allmedicalpracti timers to maktfilleutieteekiumiliar rsrlatthe treat• maul of the diseasesof the ear. , -- The Doctor 'ram that' ttearty all satorag Dia— ettiuges, Buntings and Itarbldr-Growths pecullar to the organ. of the hestrlug, ,some .of whtolt- beAlln— gered through a score or two of years, can be cured or FueLtoratea 'by trbpee iteltmebt - " - DE. KETSICIPS MESIDEI , IT OFFICE ftri , LIYNG. EXAMINATIONS.AND- .THE TRZATALCNTrOF OBSTINATE 'CHRONIC .DISEANES,‹.ISIO PENN' STREET EITTSBIIIaII,r,A.., 01Ace boara.lrom.A. M. ~ ./N TLIe aP. 16 • Auto:l.4l3th. ,• i• W NOTICES —"To Zet, , Peppyrfif t tc, ,, •` "FersitiNi" ,` ; '. F6u1W,.",.."9306rdin0,1t.4e.., : net At*. precitsp Iy)tpit • ZlNBSiach belsurerted ilt• thus eoitoniu asses for. Tgr:llll.7'ldliirß . CENTS; dao addttionat ~ • • • WANTED---SELP. VirAitIeEDGIRL.;AL *kid Girl, to do general hoitaeiiork;', Retereiees re quired. and none - others need apple Inquire at Nee. "159 NORTH; &VENUE, Alleglaeny.Cfty. • ,WANTED -=Mb 11 I) zuediately, at Fourth Ward Foundry aad ite Works,- three • good ' MACHINE ,2dOUL7 WLANTEII)•;--1110L1 0 --ait Employ meat Miro; No. 3-Bt..olair Street, BOYS, /3 and KEN, tor -digerent kinds of employ meat. Persons wanting Delp, tit .kinds can be suoplied on short notice., - Li., ak4 m,..z .... , .. 3. :._•baizz WANTED—BOARDEA gen.- .. tleman and wife, Or two 'Sadie gelttLetat#l2_ can aecommolated .1 with erst.cdaesit)owroang aII No." 18 WYLIE STREZT. Itoombta fronton, of second door, and opens out corbaleonr. • _ ; B O atNEANTED,I-AILDERS. front rooms and good hoird cast beleenred LIBERTY STRUM: Dell:warders taken at 43.00 per week: , • • • WANTED-AGENTEL EMPLOYMENT ,AND , BUSINESS. , Book-.kpers, Salesmen. Clerks and Me cnanics wishing any information in • relation to business °remittal - mein in Chlealln. nr aoy of the principal cities of the West or South., can get prompt and reliable information by addressing as. and enclosing our fee of One Dollar. We have an ex.ensive acquaintance; and make' this 'sr imolai' basiness. B. DILL & 1 00., P.-Q. Box 11, Chicago,. Illinois. - . _ . WA N TED—IMMEDIATELY— Two_ Live and energetic menf to solicit for a first-class Lice Insurance Com_p_soy. Apply at the odic* of the ATLANTIC murtreviarz-nrsu- RANCE COMPANY,' .108 Sinithlield street; second TETA.NTE111••••1111811LNE88 A GIENTr g g By a:first class New •Torit Life Insurance Company. with the most liberal features to policy holders, &General Agent for Western Pennsylania; • Address, enclosing references, I'. O. Box 1239. • Philadelphia, Pa. , .WANDI3. VfIANTED--TO I.OAN:-$30,000 tol.oan on Boil and Mortgage. Apply to or ress•CMOPT tkPHILLIPS:No. 139 Fourth Avenge. . • , WANTEDIst a popular inert.- MON of learning,' a. competent teacher of German and Music, Fun% (also vocal desired) with suitable references., Apply to. J. B. BLABB4O Stockton Avenue, Allegheny, between thee hours at A and 8 .. r• .11 I.vesday. Sept.. Bo. _ ANTED-MENI AND WOMEN. Honest men and women who are afflicted w th Nervous Headache, Toothache., Pains in the hide. Chest, Limbs, Joints, Neuralgia In the Face. Head, Pains of any kind. deep seated Or otherwise. acute or chronic, and especially eats to. call at any drug store and ask for a bottle of Dr.. ASH - II %MOW% "Wonder of the World," and if you do not wish to pay 50 tents fur befbre knowing that. it will cure ask the druggist or, hls clerk to al- • low you to uncork st small bottle, Ow / 0 droPs your hand, , Inhale some ard then applf the balance to the locality affected; then state candidly whether- , you are relieved. et_ not. In three minutes. lA. cures almost Instantly..., acting directly.,noon the' nerrone system,' Invigorating. exhileratlng, sur prisingly, but pleasantly ,affectlacthe mind. Use ten drops as above. and you will say, truly. "Won der of the World." , and never win you consent to. be without D. "No .Care, - No Pay, y ou motto i For sale wholesale by J. O..TILTON, No. 10)i BT. CLAW, STREET. . FOR ‘LET-110178S-4 well - HA _a_ - lahed Ave room holm; ha Allegheny and down: • Penitentiary: hot and cold water ion and down stairs. good bath MGM and borne In every:way fortabloz wadi house aelolntng the kitchen and coat ' house on rear ot lot: , Mose sou crof the •treet: Address BOX 34 • GALLTLII ba- Rent 1131,0... pleaiant 3 nistur=-: ni s h e d goomi„ With board; suitablerfor I flita I Y ,. or a gentleman and • - few day boardets recalved,it,N9. 84111flUkIIATIg WRALE2r.. - Reference required. - ViR t!Mlan VOR SALE:-BAV DIATIE--4gentle. A: and In good condition. will be ecoldilow. , Z ply 'it CHARLES!-...LIVZIM IdTABLE Boa tteet:"Alle • hem , . , . • , . . . , FOB SA,LEt4tARBER naviu,sitootl. rem of custom, at the conies of ylleand Wedsrel streets, la. building.) Pittsburgh.' Wilt told 'cheap for 'cube' Item reasonable,: • • - •••• - • • - LR SALES-SAT ROBOREN STA.= '• TIO/s4—Lottifor sale at Lida very dessrable • I on. Persons desiring t.., aecure Ls—home:fog themselves would do well to examine title property' Debra purchasing anyplace else. You can do so by • calling at the °dice o( Pt. ROBilanN. 7S Federal street, allerlie ay City. who will take any person to .. extuntue thr property tree of charge.