j 7 41 .i - 1 - ..7"r."" -- . . . t.„.. _ 1 t. , „:.1 ,itg lq"gi 4 El OM The Nobsand StibbtatSareoge. The very extreme' of the ,present Paris toilette prevails it 'Saratoga to-day, or rath er an' imitation which -might be called .a burlesque of eitrivaganza, of run: antique style Not a laill'erinvell hoop - is to be fonnd , where once air ariny of them was in motion. The chignon is worn on the top of the head, with two inches of hair inserted about AliirtYdecrees'below the , key of the archon each side of the centre,Which forms pendants like the horns of a goat, or, to be more precise, like those of a chamois. .:-/The dress has a medlutn waist adapted to a hoop somewhat of the shape of ar barrel; large'at,the'centre and small at . each end, with a backward swell to assist: in forming the train. A large bailie - or ''"pannier" is el 'worn at th top of the hoop; .upon which is gathered u five or six yards of material in a kind of unale. This is led the "blenchiusse". or c riasher wciman's style; but really resembles the humps of, a Camel's back.;,- Across the lower hips, belqw'this "pannier;',' a band extends, It will thuabe:seen that we have the most extisordin: ry toilette known in the realms of fashion for the last two hundred years. It ,n}ay. i hs., , rerneinberqd,as a histcitic fact that a:change of fashion, changes the Viola tone. of 0 Person's manner,, , The . stataly, patronizing airsaiatoned47 our;belles a short time ago, rwhen ' dressed in the emPle , dow4 agerakirtathenin vogue, mould hardly be becoming. to the: wearer of the' fashionable garb of the day. '' : " •-. ' , 'As .a logical .seqttence. of-this, all , our ' belles,. Wben walking or standing; instead of 'the stately stepp be the stattfeenne, assume What i hitalled the "Grecian bend," -lor the air of diffidence and inquiry, - with!! all the ad nets ' - •Ts• . • , The Greciatbead'As p erformed. by pull:. ing_t.heloWei to a' 'joint eVen-with the liiii;:rip'47Viiiii ,`throwing the pie' Of 'the stomiCh . baek Win and the shoulders' for;, Ns f ard;; haiddate held front, i peed 7 apt fronithe4alit l and - rutbided to repie- Sent a spray; the! . m - Otli canter or titter It wilibeSeen from the description of. the dressthat it is peculiarly adapted to- effectu:. ally- , allow of a full performance' of.the "Grecian bend," and when the'wh il leAlfair is cal. - -" did old inThe deride by a o&ind luxuriatit' youth, with his hair parted 'the middle, placing his right artn.under . the ' Telt: Of thelady; with digits:le extended, as in a spasm, resting between- the shoulder blade, white with- the- thumb and second finger lie Eolds" her. Wrist, - thus - leaving her band to hang-lifelessly-pendant, we have an exhibition of snobbishness and cockneyism whieh,must - put' all serisible -Americans' to, blush.z—Correapondence•New , York Tribune. PeU:OletUn In Europe. Sources of mineral oils, It appears, are now discovered and ;worked to a large es; tent in Europe. The 'Moat important ones have been found- in Galicia, adjacent to Hungary. In the western 'section of this province petroleum abtitinds, principally in the mountains inclosed by Limanowa, Neu sande°, Grybow, Cieskowice, Gorlice and Sbyszyce. The precise superfiCial area covered by the reservoirs that- have been discovered -would appear to: be about fifty thotiaand acres. .Tne soil is said to be so impregnated with the qil that it frequently ~ssues in the form of springs, and that 'it is 'only necessary,to bore ten or fifteenfeet be- Joiv the Surface to 'meet the deposit In 1866, two hundred 'and sixty-eight tons of, pe troffium were.brought to market, even with, the crudest means for obtaining It. Seieral Aineridari erigineerifilaye gone to' the locality, spil accordingto the accounts they-have given, the' little stream Dunajec bids fair ,to become theoll.Creeli of Europe.. Scientific' met,' Nati' .. bait' elamiiied the country, consider that the petrolenM &Iced - by East= Galicia reseniblei that ob tained: in Canada, while that obtained Weitern Galicia, isalmost identical with that tumid in ony own, State. It is stated thatin the lattet fiction therearesoujces which for purity and abundance of yield are niftequal ed ,by the wells of; any part of this country. The'inatterla'exeitlii - g' considerable inter est and activity in both commercial and Ed ', lentifie Circle% aqd - there i-vno doubt that whatever resources may exist in the places indicated will be, promptly, and, thoroughly _ . . - developed. ' . • It remains to be seen how far the tialiciatf oil well are destined to interfere with im -poitsturn of the article'- froth this country. That oil abounds there, and of ' eigellent 'finality; there' can be . tto romnable tineation m the face - of the facia piesentedby, - entirely, • reliable and higb,authority, bgp what ex tent it exists is not 'EiatrafactOill'y showit or even estimated, ..• . • .• - , A correspondent of the New , York' 'imes, writing from Callao under-date:of August A.pth, speaks of three most terrible 'ihocka - bf darthvtaki - Welch ithaf night visited the city. For full five inintitia, the heavy, rolling, rumbling sound ocintinued; pcking,theinwiture s and even the'. houses *tlistnielVetr,ivlth - suchviolence that persona could hardly keep their feet, and m an sian ':::-taneoplush was madarprithß fitreet, .Ifiere' the eight heggared description. All the af,- flighted people kneeling and praying in the upen street, crossing themselves, andfaullw,. in deep swoons, full length on the:Pave pent.; .old.women.kneeling,Nylth both - arms upraised, screaming and the great bell of Santa Rosa church tolling and -toll ing, iNhile the terrified people fled in' Crowds within the sacred inelosure, and . the great steeple swayed' and cracked., as if every, Moment. it woultifall- upon' and crush the affrighted masses. As far as tbe eye could f seeclown the long, narrow street, the very street itself - rostratfff - fell - In long billowy undulations, while out in the bay the ships tased,up:and - down iiiider the violence of ' the tremendous Internal jar. ,The'sea' was rising until midnight,. and actually came ',ln fifty,f,edfOkttbk.lo.ol6;; an 4 aiihmerged• all the lower floors of stores and 'buildings on the streets nearest' the' water. Shipi lying .at anchor,broke their moorings. •and (bitted; =into each other! Thdre.ileined to - be it'reg.' ular undercurrent of. whirlpool, - 'en that' lahipe!" talnioU and retod! Thousands of people walked the streets Right. A ItEIiCHMAN named iiharliet has in- ; Ireuted a neW's?rtmfty horse , Shoe which 'intzdhpfsdiect twigs ,0f:46 , 4 ircin. band , let Into a;Asomgultsi• grppie scooped> from ihe'teUter ittoW4f3lie- :lierses:. t rooV: This tand.is,fa4ened „with saved-; reCtanguille nails, 'driven into oval Tkii . 401 e of. 110 - 10 t told:the frog' ,•nre Lthns' allowe d do tbTtiitieli the grow*. theAldrile, nrio-014.P5, • - 44 1 4-PP'eT gets diseesee new burl:meat:led by;'"Nr, Laguet; s. Inge_ livery stable keeper in . Paris,mld has , ;•'lltdueed . lamenesEPlitilatPitables bj, thirds. The Omnibus Company, moreover,- , Lent shod 1,200 horses,r_snd P,Speak ,,, of. the - , - ltebroyeeii3din l blgh, tenni; TAX 'bit letter from' the permse Cotmllysloper, says: "The 'term i nnmattufeetnred -f lataberi is lield to • lumber in, thorough us It comes from the'saw,soh as sawed..tirnber, boaida, "shingles, laths, etc..: :Out itunber,_pbmed, :tcolgUldAts.d grooyed, or otherwise. drossy', • 40-thetas imposed on sake by the gietof .144.41 a, "^- 'Mali Oi.Ezette has the following sensible-remarks upon" the satire who pass themselves off as' ogreit-AmeriCan artista!" 44 Therb is neiteceeity tii ' danip therenter prise of theatrical Managers in LondOn,;lnit it maple askedNvitether the introduction oi , gifted beingekoin'threigu parts la net being Cari:4'd,lo,azt extent-Iv/Itch may, render peo ple very, shy , , of; such .performers -thr• • the thture. Tw,o'or three' American. actor's end actresses' have been ptiffed off like the beard ed voinair Inge, 'ctiuntry fair recelvinga •fair trial, their deserts were,: not' found :equal to the descriptions given hf them beforehand. Then the critics liean to eneer at trans-Atlantic actors—forgetting., probably, ,that it is not so very long ago, since 'Joe Jefferson' aroused the enthusiastic admiration of the oldest playgoers in Eng land,': If third-rate performers are to beim'- , ported from abroad, what right has - any ono US expect more in them than would be look ed for in a third,rate.Englist actor? ' Here is a very eminent 'Mexican tragedian, with testimonials from the cultivated and refined Benito. Juarez in his pocket; failing utterly in London. 'On his heels there is to follow, for our delight and improvement, a tremen dousty'great Ambrican trizediani who will be introduced by a - gentleman who prides hiinselfon'outdoing ,Barniun, `.People will, of course, Say, qu'Avliat state can the' dra: pudic art be in Atitirke when such: actors as :this are.called `,'great?" r What they ought to ask is, . 4 Who is it :that' calls, him great, and where.did happrfdrin in America? , :What was' his 'reputatien =there? Before coridemitinithe task Of `tiliebt'de who nrst recognized, thp Gilekie. a /idle „Patti, and anieng - ,,Whoin Miss Cushman, 3lr. Sothern, Mr FolreJit;.l4i. o;fens,lifies Bateinan, and others were educated,and trained for their art, it would.be.as well to inquire into , the .credentialsof parkins claiming to be eminent Americans." , . • , • . , .., • A Resurrection Piot. • 'A very curious plant,,called the resurrec. tion plant, is• now offered. for sale a't New York, at from - ' ; twenty-five to thirty cents. As seen .in th baskets •of the venders, it resembles a Small bunch of brownandvarled np leaVes',..ai it, were, curled In Upon itself, w.itlt a, fear thread-like "roots at:the battatp. _These pianti are'biought . from the Southera 4iart of Idexiati. " During,. the season ilourieh . bit when - dry weather and hot sun scorch the earth, they, too, dry and curl up, and blow about at the mercy. of the. wind. • To all appearances they are as 'dead as the "brown and sere leaf,"- but as soon es the rain 'totrieti again, the roots suck tip the water, • tim leaves unfold andlissumel beautiful, emerald, green appeartmce., Matter ' where the,. plant niayba; tat a roCk;lor tree, or , a hoiuta-top, wherever the witidi r haie blown it, there it 'rests,- and being a' true temperance plant it Only asks for water,and'at once bursts into new life. Having purchased one of these turfs, :and placed if in a souk plate filled with water, the reader will he r surprised to learn that it gradually nnfolfftid, assuming a deep: reen. The leaves are arranged spi rally, and, altogether, the resurrection plant is the latest curiosity". It is also for, sale at several places in Pittrsburgh. —lt appears the dispute between Solicitor Binckley and United District Attorney Courtney culminated in a personal rencon ter at the Aster Home, New York, on Wed nesday. Binckley Was knocked down by Courtney, who then. proceeded to pound him to his heart' scontentißinchley crying loudly for assistance. Two Deputy Nicirslials came to his assistance and released him. FOUND. . I That after_ repeated trials of Other remedies, Bo bick,slitoznach -Bitters, Blood Ponder and Blood Pills are the Itest ' mediclnis Citant to cure the din. thr 'stitch 'their are recommended. k.old Iy. all Druggists Everywhere. There lekno inedlcdnejn:sum so ,etlleecons as Dr.f B.olnek , sßlood •purlller . and, Blood Pills for the germaneni.eure of - Blind or Bleeding Piles; the) strilte et the root ef dieeete, thetebr removing the Belay all Druggists Eurywherc ; TIOLPERA2irCXEs • - • Theis is, perhaps,' stir one Sidngthat has done So 'touchier Pramate'the cause of tensperunte is that gentle stimulating tonic. Iteback to thorned/a Sltteis; they istrengtheir and invigorate without producing • the ill effects. of. alcohoUo.stlmolanta. • - Sold-by all Dniggiatt Everywhere. r LIVER PILLS Are ills that have a direct an& .powerful. action O• , the aver; and relieve slip inactirity ;or _congrate .date of that, all linportant . Organ upon which - fleg i zed& therrhole process of digeationk 'Ma iiilPprt , aurae, thee; of procuring a Pill that shall lave atieh: direct ctitni without Abell , eiredts of aneredi7. manifest :tor wren one; such'. rills. ;are ,it•Ouoit!ii Blood Pins:' the* yze:rfarnated , parilly vegeta* andicarrwith - cortaintrbe* relied avow. aid are safe - - • , • at all fold by ' fitligtists Everfwherr. rots ON- .‘ Is but another-name for pfrapepsia. and the parent; of, many Lila. Itoback's, Stomach Bitters taken la wine-taus-foil doses, directly after_ each meal, _ will surely effect a iermatiiniticare. *,Do not take our word for it,.but try them. , ( • , • • , SOld by all Draggists Everywhere. . NIGHT . MARE . Is one of the many dtileases Hof which Dyspepsia 11 ;be pareht. To effect; &Acre, ,persons should hied(' *carer food at and take a wine glass-lull of . oil retiring to bed. • • :;Sold by all Druggists. Everprheres, RENOVATE. . is on e of the regular : 'ptiritig the ti it" houdebohl doge!' th retioifaie, and th? Mgt- Olt? or Odin' dolleaOWn' to, a.great iliirlOOthdt`:Thoiemid mighty be Orkilotied; god many diiiiiitleas saved from premature Raves by thoroughly renoyetlus execoqik i wuutor, ta TrA 3 :Pills , , ptomach 1.;1 Odlkbrii4pri. . preowitere. , ti M4111,&-: lioniOr itearki Sesteiii; teititik *dm 'CIO* stortebli the obitstitetl66ll•bialth `# raBieretir&Arstithriitteriettrobfitiltedticeit 6 ess. l and requires tlavigerstle g remedles Itointedt*s toluEth.Sitters So resterotite• stories to thedinitu- Tat vitailtil,4 1, • -• • • ;; • r , ; '11 0 1:4 L • ' ff.* • Ti aio[Or li9 PlT.lBl . BlVilktai.',llirtElySanpl B! , U?: 1 •!, iTIII4I r J FIER. DnlgeAs44eriyitlere. U 'B4:PROPRIETARy. , mEDDaNt CO . ,r 4 - P.II9IIIIETOIIBs . • • • .t.144 - titt l iw** 4 l; .•, , ; .GAZ $ Itgr'Exax_AlLD METHODIST UTA~EYASD.,AIFjIICULTY.—AIi Lot Ward Atettdklist ;Graveyard, are requested. to at tend-a nteetlllt. toAre held on.hioliDla EVENING, 14th instvat`theolll) SEVENTH WARD SCHOOL lIUUSE.. Lotho.ldet leruryeddo be present: 'e* . imPOrtium • ' THE - • RBIDas CO., 1, Pittsburgh, Sept; 4. 188,8. . g;FTHE DREINADE . NT AND MAN- - • AtitllS thia.Rotap.iqy have this day de-, 'elated aDividend of TWO,pOIWARSPER SHARE. payable to• etockho'ders tit' allele 'legal re preseuta-I _twee • nand a der -Thursday, Se ptember IlOth. at the 'Banking' House or nt Sob!, 57 Market btreet• - • JAII.IB • .bea:x..9-aSE ' Treasurer. COMMEIIeIAL VEIFIART • MTAT'OFTITTSBURGH HIGH SCHOOL, (Rank of- Commerce 'Building. corner Sixth 'and Wood streets. L'q flat to anyltualnem Qollege having Me same stunieS an d lectures Se ssionsAfternoon: 2;5 to. 4-R;• o'clock; evening. 7to 'D.' Free. to all residents of-Pittsburgh! under' .21 years 'of Ur. Receive:4 stntlents from other places at the low ad mission fee of .20. Students enter at any time, and metre diploma on conipleting the course. Tor further information call: at, our rooms or send for circular. , seS:a.:-TOP • R: JOHNSTON, Principal. .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN • that . BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION to the Capital - Stoc of the Company•to erect a Bride over' the Altegimny River, from Ewalt street, in the City pfMittshurgh, 4n the County of Allegheny. to the Allegheny and Butler Planlf Road, at or 'near the ;south, of, G lrty'a jrinia,linoorporated by in' Art of thatiential 'Assembly of this 'Commonwealth; 'aP.' prOveti the twentyraixth`day'of Marsh, A. D.lBBB, 'tvill'beopetlid if the office ofBral "a tI,IIITTEELY, oriMajler street, 'in the Sircenteetith ' Ward Of said' City of Pittsburgh, on the,MEN,TI* DA.Y'OF SEP' TBILBER NEXT,. at .10, o'clock, of said day,', tolin': r.B, J. wlitßwrrgst; , - tibutterly,• James I.Metusett, • T.lt. Sill, : J. B. Poor, T. B. Stewart, ' -D. Dempsey, .11. McCullough, Jr., , H. Sample, • . E. S. Hanna, L. Felltusugh, IC. Coates, Nin. W. Young, . I -J. 1:r. Barr. ' • Wm. Reardon, Wm. McConnel/, Israel C. Pershing. I John Ji Williams, . P. P. Reed, commissioners. :Pittsburgh, August Bth, 1888. : aulU:n7l SPECIAL' NOTICES. IgrTHE APPETITE ,F9R- Tobacco Destroyed 1 • Leave WI! Chewing :and ifniokiug She Pobunions Webd, Totiseco. One bOx • of ORTON'I3 PREPARATION - IS WAR BANTAM to destroy the appetite -for tObseed In any person., no :natter how, ifirong the habit may be, _Jar IT IT TAILS IA ANY CAS& .711 Z XONNT 'WILL TM nicrtmoitZ. It 'lB, almost ; impossible ,to break. off from the use of tobaceo by the mere e4erclee of the Will, Something is needed to assist nature in over coming L a habit eolirmly rooted; with the help of the Prelemstion there Is not the Jcast - 4renble: Hun dreds have used lt -who are willing to bear witness to the fact that ORTON'S jr,it.x.riutATloli Com pletely destroys the appetlte for tobe r ceo aid leaves tit person as tree &oniony desire for it as before heuomtaenced.-I s. fs use. it Is .. .Perfectly safe and harmless in all calm The - Preps:ration-acts dlrectiy upon the same glands and secretions affected by to t:mcco, and through these upOtt the blood, thorough ly cleadssingrAe Dolsou. of tobacco from the system, and thus allaying the unnatural cravings of tobacco; NO ,TORE HANK.V.% FOR TOBACCO AFTER usr..o. OnTitts's PAIRARATION RECOLLECT,Fr Is. WAF.RANTED. BMW AFIC OF I CouNiEnrazis: AEC ONMEN DATIOY€S. The following are a few selected from the multi- Ode of recommeudatithis in our possession: [From W. P. Heald,. Esq., Bangor, Me.l BANGOR, Me., April 24, ltiog. I hereby certify that I have used tobacco fur thir ty years past. an for the last fifteen yr are 1 have used two pounds per month. I have made attempts to ;Cart off at different times. I have - left oft one rear at a time, but alwava continued to hanker fur It until 1 used Orion's Preparation. which has com ph te:y cured me of the appetite fur tobacco. I wood recommend all who ate affected with this ter rible habit to try the preparation, w i hich will cer tainly cure it if the directions are followed. W. I'. HEALII: [Prom E. W. Adkins, Knoxville, Tenn.] KNOXVILLit.,:Tenn., August 5. 1861. This is to curl By that I had used tobacco to such an extent that my to alth had become greatly Im paired, and my whole system deranged and broken down. In Juste.]ltiB2. I purchased one bax of Or tou'v Prepaxatiou, and after using It I found that I was completely cured. I bare not had any hanker ing or desire for tobaecosince using the preparation. I believe it to he. all that it Is recommended, and I would advise all who wish to quit the use Of Lobate* to trr one box. of Ortian•a Preparation. • . E. W. A.E.KLNs. • (From John Morril), Bangor, Me.). . BanuOn.lde.. March 24, 11308. Thls Is to Certify that , have used tobacco for eighteen years have tried many times to leave off. but have antlered so much from a olsziness In my head, and gnawitig at my stomach, that I have soon given up the trial. A short time since a friend in• du cad ibti to try Orton's Preparation (sold by you.) have thine so. and am completely cured. I did not In the/east hanker atter tobacco, either to smoke or ,cl.ew, after .I begat to oat: the Prtparation. JoBN MORRILL. Price of ORTON'S PIIMPARATION Two 'Daiwa per bor Lorwarued to any part of the country, post paid, on receipt of price. Money sent by mall at our risk. ' Address, • • ' • t - • 4. IL COTTON, Pireprleton ' • • Bon 1.148. Portland - Marne. We. the undersigned. have bad personal dealtras wan C. B. Corr ON.: arid need rennet hun a reliable and fair. dealing marti;arld ostlere. las Statensents deserving the confidence of, ihe 8. B. Itichardson. Be-. Id.-lareera , Dr. 8. B. Portland, Ble.; Chariest!. Morrill. Bidde ford, He.; 11. witortie Lielfent,lao.; , Alonzo Barnard,: dlangor, r, Me., U. tweet, Wlidt Mansffeld, bass .; - H. ht. Boynton. Bast H.;,hl. Quirsby, ht. Jotussvale, N. Y. • • VAPECLAN :LOTION," ' • FOR BEAVTlientia ThKEI S AND COM FLEXION. Removes all Eruptions, Fredklea, Ptmples'Moth-I3lotchea Tan.lete.. and renders She Skin sea, istr wadi nrioornin . gd.l :For Ladies in the triserf , At 14 HOT Gentlemen. lifter s lanai it his no' equal. PIIIAN LOTION" tribe onlp reltible 'remedy cor , disasaes and Mem lines of ibis skin, . - • P 11.82.01413 -`/".44/ELAirs ► Iror Yursery anditefh; w , lungt,olutp the !att.. 'trice, WS cents per cake.' . : ”PLDEL DE. MATO•" A new P,erfame for . the Haakercliter. delicate, lasting fragrance. bold by all Druggists. .PHALON SON New York. ie3:r9•stwr . IarBATCHELOWS HAIR) DYE, 'the splendid Hair Dye Is the best in tbe world; 'the only - true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no disapnolutment; no ridiculous 111.4 s; remedies the ill effects of bad ;dyer; invigo rakba and.leaves the OW ,t o ld tgsgoft sa adbrb f utiful. black of r o b p r e on y . appiled yaiDra teloe it Wig ebmer 2 s;n iAscnaitP 'eos : w Sir r., IZ, ,ItgrGUIDE TO •DIAII.IIIIAGR.--• , KOU.Ds Men'! ; Guide to Happy Marriage 'and Cdriptga citelty. .The nninand vieivs oftenersn. r ole_nt nviletoßoi ou the Prora and Abases Incident to Youtin add marly 'Manna:ld, sent in sealed letter' .nnveloys. ,Sree of chargotql ,4ddreaa gOWARD 411± BOCIATION, Box P.. phliadelpida. ra. fliyuiplarc . . ' ' • ' AVOTION. 4 3 I ,II.IJES.i , ' r tEi3OATE! t ~ : i .; gOlifig ;AN lII , LOTi,6TII WAND, r " LAIA.KCI%EtiIft AT(AUCTIV. N. AMP .Pr,OPedr• 0 * ,g( FraakilA atreet. near tho ' l3llth Wartlp ti b A f r :4g Ilk wilt holiO.id.whhougo.)..: - l rol l e l lrl i c.T. 'ROI; let is *Ak a , larrA) . : l3 l. e , A :iites'e - ';! , tgaing• tqurofittm pcbg 13 ,414 g and halt.. in goil, Atratt nett ln' `pl tiant"logal tY. , Inapectlen 11V. !Tlted.T.frenni 4 1 gale. , • '-'," i' I , -,- , ' , ::. iii ~.. I , „ . :. If: ii wi 1 .g0k,1.X4 1 4.,.Tr.; Auctioneer, . , a federal "syreetl Allegheny.' % : fl ' ' ,' "'" Nt. l #4lWEAVlttaarie; ~:1 1; , ; •. u. •iti ;I; 1 AU~T f I6S ! , 4: ! , ,11 ,•„1 . , '4ll lPrenanAl. II: -;,;( Ji 11 . !.';;,1*1 :; 10 f t • :.OPEIL , -110IISE - AIJCTION ROOMI3 j , • ,,, stinipatriiiti - rittalurgii;:iiii: - .'. • • :d0151 1 9, MONS, CARPETBi: DrY 000 0 and NOtions, .. 1. • , isii4tTOJAPc D•44:40, Atv o 44.q.: • Coiisiaainbnt}l Solicited trO4pt tea! tUrusr ••• • • I • t EM - ruse 1' R, SALE. r,. !;.IW9. HOUSE* !AND 'Lb? •on Can 01l . street, Allegheny.. Thls property will be cold low, as the . party is about leaving the city, and wishes to dispose' .of the property before removing. _LEAN - HILL; TWO DWELLING HOMES TWC DARtas with_goOd .7AR.8.• and about sod sera :thnber lam!: awls 'property will be 'sOid low. Cast 851,500—balance on time to suit buyer. MAO. ._ YARN OF MO. A BEST frill be. hold ' for twenty - dollars per acre. - 1 rovenients. comfortable frame house andlrood tie :50•zieres of the Imed clear. FARM OF 180 - 11 HES, near the line of railroad; very well located f r raising stock; impergrements arezoodlV - stibit - UM; 100 acres of the land in mWorr:and grain. ' CITY PROPER .—Willaell a good brick hixtse, centalnnig five room , at `Sixteen - Hundred Dollars, and would rent for amounvin six years. A LARGE LOT. e,I IF O river BOUND. having a !front and very cony convenient of access. - TAN NER], conr lent to the city, and having a well established cu v lom or local , trade connected therewith; a good d elling and forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in 8 arpsenrg, near ' the.rallroad; would make a_gooB. coal yard. . HOTEL FOB BALE.—'That fine H tel pr4erty, situated at the Blairsville Junctio, containing fourteen rooms and the 'necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and f t trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. • . . roil REINT. • One large House, for Boarding Hon e. One new Brick House, 8 rooms. ; • One new Brick House of 4 rooms. •": One new Brick Bonet of 3 rooms. i One House of 3 rooms and.lot 55 b 140. . One House cf 7 foomkand tot 150 150. Two new Brick Hordes, 11 rooms e h. Oneliew'Frame House, 4 rooms. -: , , -,TIvo new Brick. HOW.% .3 K1 0 _;9 5 _.. One new Frame Rouse fa Wilk burg, • haying six rooms and lure lot, Welt stilted for garden.. T acres - Mate= .be . divided into !acre lots. • , 5 Lots in Oakland. end •• ' • for .... ' Power and a lege': Roo m Yard , f rent, in a =KU la:Wolf.' le 'rented • for short or long _FOELEAs..3 OR RALE•T3 Lots on Morton street, ninth War d; • _ _• i • t _ WARTED... 3, MO feet of: Flagging 8 to4tnehes thick. TO IdCIA*7... 150,016, IN SUM pi S4.OOQ'AND UPWARD. D• P, HATentEllitg - TATt MICK, No. pi.,Gra4# . firt.; P4ttalburgh; )e2):p18 2,000,000 'ES" 'ffliowE Ii.MIM-FOR Vnion Paci* ./Itaiiroad:Cotivpany, IiABTEEN Drh:3loN, Lying Long the Una of thetr road, of $l,OOl TO 86,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT 0.71 • Poi farther particulars, maps, &c., address Land Commissioner,.Tope . ka, Kansas. Or Cii.AB. B. L&EtßolitY,. See' r, I= F OR SALE: .The Oil Refinery, KNOWS AS THE CRESCENT COAL OIL CO.'S WORKS, Situated In BALTIMORE, MD.. on the paltimore and Ohio Railroad, and m 0,4 convvnlently located with relerence toelther home or foreign trade. These works arc very complete In all their appoint ments. and are capable of turning out 30.000 to 35,000 UALLONS REFINED PER WEEK. They have tankage for about 8,000 barrels of oil. The prospect of an early completion of the Con nellayille Road; renders this property especially de alrabfle. Address, or call on, LAWBASON LEVEREM;Trustee. au:r3l §/Ift WILL PURCHASE A • N.FILY NEAT .COUNTItY SEAT. con iffn)l4 acres, all under fence and cultivation. The Improvements are a cottage house. with stable and other outbuildings: 200 bearing - fruit trees, of .beat selections Z • i sterrd by two never-falling Digt' c ity near to tgkeid Chartist, Creek. horn this Mime an extetusixe view esti be bad of Manchester; Allegheny City , std the :Lycra. _Teams easy. 'Apply to B. IdeLAIN Q.CP., ' sat . 'Cur. tourarand Smithfield streets. J.OR SAFE & TO • LET.--nouses and Lots for sale in all arts of the cltg and m ns.' Also, several FARMS in good locations. Mao, a Mali , WOOLEN FAcTOHY, with 110 acres d_g of land. anood improvements, which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms, Business Houses to let on good itreens. Private Dwelling Houses for rant In both allies 'for further particulars Inquire . . - • WILLIAM WARD Jag 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. MARSHAL'S SALES MARSHAL'S .SALE. • --- y virtue of a writ of erudition( arponas Is sue 4 out of the District Couit Of the United States, for the Westerti'District of Peens) iranta, atilt to me Citrected. sylli'• expOse t,Prublic Sale. at the ritteburgh. r 4.: on TUESDAY, the 15th day of Septemtier, 1868, at 10 o'clAek , A. W., the , following dammed property, to wit: EMMEN CANS OF ALCOHOL, ,Containtug, eighty gallons, n o w ha the custody of B. L. Fahnestock & Co., and claimed 14okinson, or hrop 00., of New York. • U.S. Marshal.' Alorahtl:lo9lce., Sept. 9.1808. selo;x= MARSHAL , : SALE. ,• -10 y tie tee etwrit' orossuUtiont expends It 7 sued out_eij the Litstriet Court or the United htktes Mr the Western District of Perinsyltsnla,' and to me directed, , • 1; wig_ expose Ur Public rale. at the ttl.lBl'olll - I , loUt.E.l'lttaburgo. Psi, on 31t.tkIDAY, thd 141ith day' oT septenther. 11969, at 10 o'clock. t A. X., the todowthg described property, to wit: . EitatrrAltriElLS Or 14.111SIET Colitntnlng three Mil - mired 'and thirty gallons, re. puled to be the prope, ty of B. D. Powell. - THOS. A!. ItOWLEY.' U. b. Marshal. 31arshal's ttflice. Sept.. 5, 1860. schuss ARSIIAL 9 9 SALE.' ' BA virtue of a writ - of vendftionf exponas, Cued out of the District Court of the Uniteil btmte9 for ti•eWiestern Distrht ofrennsylvaula, and tome directed. I von expose to public sale at the PUS 10M ',nigh I's., on MONDAY, the 14th dny of Aseptember, 1861d,' at 10 o'clock A. At., Abe following tleserthed property, to-wit: FIVE BaILELS OF SbOTiFISD WHISKY. 'Coutalning.ablint two hundred and ten gallon.. ,Shlpped Sr, Bolger of, Philadelphia, to Ar re - dedek Wele3o, of Scranton, and found at ' Willosbaree. ;; ;; - - • - T1108..A. ROWLEY.. U. S. Marshal. Marihal's Mille°. Sept. 3, 1r798. seo7:1;88. MARSHAL'S SALE. Ay Mane of a salt of van/ Wont aaTtonaa Is iued op; of. the District hours or the Unitod btates Int Alio \Wakens Witt/trot' Pennsylvania, and to son ql cd t'o*Posn sale,' at the . CUB rt.* 1 110EnE, rAtsburgh, ,on MONDAY. tope .141. day' d'eptpuner, ..1d88.• at 10 oNtoe* . 31. /tinfoil - owing described property, to-wit: r UAR10,1,43, _containing ono II nd red And twontt.tiVo gallons. 'ONE.llAlt . liEls 'Ok'roiNi• containing iprtptwo Sallona. ~,;$. ; Sclzed tite . pioperti of titian.' &11;annt, TilUMAti Rowvary - U. a. Maraud. NATISHALMOrrIci: aept. , s, 1988. -8437;v89 - . MARitiIAVEI BALE. :7 1,14,0ii. ii: 4„54 1 ; v vt.h i rn i,i 3D C )i) o sotrita t t a ria 'w t r e l ?ou t r a t: i' co ! nr in n3st l yeiyu f a o u rt ni t Itea, ez d eo ,l isa isate e tow i ettei i ; 'ltreeted ef e cidae• to ,ptiblio vile at the ' cuts 'lTom qurgliga r , cuLgoNTAlrothe 4tH er, ar , lo'erelock, P.M., u Altiorint picritkO. Pros4trblsp.w4e ,Ii :*+&, ParrAgpif • , 3••IIPIRITS,CALLEID F coradluiOu''slx ihindrea•due• twiuty-slx gallon', fr %zed di the §ope7 ' 'fp well at**, otb. ; I KAb •-wW,LEI r. 8. arittdd fleet e tibtuose.. , A 014,8414: • r I ,U tr • . frio6 eponaa 16 1 aved , out ot. the tdetrim Courtaf the Untied btatea : (9r , I % iv eig eri ll_ ill l l A r li PPlde,yl.yeeld, and to hie . etea. wM e3C se. to 'pub 10 sale, at- tbe iclB I I 'HOUSE; a MONDAY. • the/10h sr er,_tiell. l o l, lbo d , ;LIP the reitoeing 4 : 1 0 1 / c yf ue11 1• 1 (9p93.7.!.9;-rru,: • SeresiTttekiliii-of Distilled Spitib 17entatdirg three:htin'tirea gallons; 'Belled ;as the voperty ot.Chaelea Levant eta'. TWA!. A. HOW LEY U. S. hiarabal. tido, 4" ids% 007 MI g 1868. •-• APPLY AT BY THE JOHN DEVEREM St. LOWS. MlesottrL 59 BAY STREET, BALTIMORE ~o_ ~Et~a~~- ME TN THE - MATTER OF THE AP. , plication thee • • • ; • . Germania- Building . and Limn Association . . . FOR A CHARTER OF INCORPORATION. No. I.oo2ln . the-Conrt of Common Plea* of Alle gheny County. In the above ci se the Petitioners have applied for a Charter as a Building and Loa .Associat ion, un der the statute In such case madd aiad provided, and unless exceptions be 41. (1 In proper time - it Charter will be granted at next,tertnot said Court. 14:1119RUISON: a Las :v.15 .4ollelt or for Petitioners. T ETTERS of ADMINISTRATION upon the 'ESTATE OF MRS. ESTHER STOCKTON, Late of Allegheny City, deceased, having been granted to the' undersignSd, all persons diving claims against said estate will present them, prop erly authenticated for settlement, and those In debted to said estate will make payment to the un deralgned, at the Manchester Savings Bank, No. 209 Beaver avenue, Allegheny City. • THOMAS B. UPDIKE , au7:11111-Y. Administrator. N _ aric--Notiee is hereby N OTICE=-Notice th‘t Letters of A drolni , tration have bee grantedby the Register of Allegheny county, to the undersigned, on thee.state efFREDERICR 'SAUER., late of Allegheny county, deceased. All - persons in debted to said estate-are beteby notified to pay the -same, and all persons-hurling claims evilest the sald,estate,lo pr - sent,the Mille, properly antbenti cated, tor settlement. ' .. • • . GDALEN A SAUER. Admizilstratrix,of Fsederlck siner, ddcessed. 'Pittsburgh, tlept. 7, 1860,; seMia; .N&TICE.--:-Whereas, Letterd :.`of • Administration'lo the Estate of WILLIAM ZELTER,' late of Allegheny City; deceasee, bare been granted to thei all persons in debtVii to the said estate are requested tomake Im mediate payment, and all those having 'claims or • demands against the. estate of the said decedent will make known the same without delay to MARTHA E. LEPZELTER, Actm'x, No. 66 Western Avenue. sth ward, Allegheny. 507:05-F NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Limited Copartnership 114)3'00h/ere' existing between the undersigned, under ,theo.psrao of EMIL SCHALK, - Is this Day Dissolved by ItEntual.Cosisent. • • EBILL 8CIIAL1& _ LENNItk Pittsburgh ana.risilsoelphla, Jul I, A. D:1868; BANKRUPT NOTICES. U, S. zdAusuA.t. , s ovn.cE. W. U. of Pennsylvania, - ?Muni:Mott. Sept'. Btk. .1868. THIS INTO GIVE -NOTICE that • on the 4th dav of September A. D. 1868, a Warrant In Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OE. JACOB GOBLEINIE Of 'Allegheny City, in the County of Allegheny', and ;tate. of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on hiso wn petition; that the payment of any debts any delivery of any property belonging to ,SUOIII bankrupt tehtm or for his use, and the trade fer of any property by him are forbidden - by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts..and to choose one or - more as-' aiguees of lila estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy. to be holden at No. 116 Federal St.. Allegheny City. Allegheny. e.oniity, Petma., before JOHN N. PILTIWIANCK, Bag., -Nett - Bier. on - the 70 day of November', A. D. /S6S, at 10 o'clock A: M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marsha•. as Messenger; IMEO U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, _ W.D,'of Pennsylvanla, PlTTanuttoii. :Sept. 9t.t., 1868. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the ,7th day of September. A.t D. 1868, a Warrant In Bankruptcy was 11,auttcl agalmt the ESTATE OF GEORGE L. MeCLINTOCK, Of Pittsburgh, in the county of Alleghe and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and dellvery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him or for Ills use. and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt. to prove their debts and tO choose one or more assignees ofhis estate. will be held at a cotirt of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Re liter, No. 93 Diamond street. In the City of Pitts burgh, Pa.. before SAMUEL HARPER, Esq.. Re gister, on the 28tti day of beptember, A. D. 1868, at 11 o'clock .t. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY,' 11. B. Marsha', as Ilessenter MITE] tIN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western et of Pennsylvania. RVRT. B. NORRIS, a bankrupt under the A4t of Congress of March 2u, 1867, having appllrd for a discharge from all his debts. and other claims prov able under said aet, by order of the Court notice Is hereby give n to all persons who have proved their , Aetna, and other persons interested, to appearon the 14th darer September. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. before JOHN-Iv'. PURVIANCE. Esq., Register. at his office No. 116 Federal street. Allegheny City, Pa.,to show cause, If any they have. wt r a die chage should not be granted to' the said bankrupt. S. C. 'McCANDLEt3S, Clerk of 11. S. District Court for said District. Se4n , l , I MEDICAL. MANHOOM HOW LOST ! .110 W RESTOREDI-4ast puhUshsel +rostra Jed trivet ops,_sPrics, fix cents. A LECTURE ON , THE NATURAL TREATMENT, and • Radical" Cure et lipertrtatorrham, or Seminal WeAknessi Involuntary Bruissions, Sexual Debility andlmpeditnents toMar-• stage generallyt_Nerrousness, Consumption s Epi lepsy and Fits; Mental and Physleid Incapacit..• re. rulthrg from faellAbuse, &c. by • Robt. J. Culver well. N. D. author of the "Breen Book," die. "A BOON TO THOUSA.NDS OF SUFFERERS," sent nailer seal, Luis plain envelope, to any address, parr. paid, on receipt of six cents, or two pOlitagestansps, to CHAS. J. C. HLINE A Co., • _ 117 BOWERY , NE YORE. POsTOFFIOE Box 4388. - Alio Dr. •Itarrlage ealde," price:XS emir. •Air A 0 0.11.”--6Anoth er., New MEDICAL. PAMPHLET, from the ben of DE. CUILTI s. The Ifedkal Times says of this work: "Thts Nalnable treatise on the cause and batted 'erematelre decline; shows how health is imp through secret abuses of yotth and mamboed, and how easily regained. It give, a clear synopsis of the Impediments to marrtage, the cause and effects of nervous debility, and the remedies therefor." A Docket edition of the abbee , 'wilt be re• warded on receipt of 25 cents, br Addressing Bettor CUR TIo. BS North eharlos,fftreet, Baltimore, Md. lyl S. l N "Westward sthe Star of Erapirelakes • ROGGE: "HONWIN'TRE: GOLDEN STITt THE IMMICRANT HODESTEAII ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA. • Incorporated under the Laws of the State. Novern her 30th. 1867. for the purpote.of providing , HOLIES FOR ITS MEMBERS, And promoting Imizigration.. • Capital Stock..- .SllOOO,OOO Divided into 200,000 SilAßgs at $5 each, Payit-;' ble in U. S. CURRENCY. ; - Certificates of Stock tuned to ,subscribers Imme diately .upon receipt of the!money. - No PERSON. ALLOWED. TO. HOLD • MORS THAN DIVE maim A Circular containing a full description of. the properly to he distrlbnted among ;he Shareholders will be sent to any address upon receipt of stantpa to cover return postage. ' :• - - • information as to price of.land- in -any icogticus,,of the State, or noon auy other silbject of fttibrbst to nartias nroposing to, immigrate, will be 'cheerfully furtdahed upon.reefti , OtiltaluPS•far Postage. •• All letters shoultlite addreised SECRETARY 71131101W1T - 11051E..4TEAD .ABSO‘ , • CLLTION,. Postonice. Box. _lto. SG, BAN FRAN .I C I LKO. , OALIFORNIA. - ..: •,, &um:sr= Ow wELL•., ! 'I.• .1 '60.1 ' •Steam'Efigines , for Sale . sTiXti L iV-` 0 a i r_o T _ : !m*. tii n 4IO qui:a cylthdeiii, 510'and,. -Web steokev with all the nltiltell !If 72(i FOR BORING. .02 7 6. `W.Eliing. HtitiHIM:BOVE 41L-toi; • .* •DnqUesne , Nsp, Pletablir p 44 attatti4 COZG ; ATE . &a Cdoo .f r % . 41.1 . 4 VI ..1. .11FiLAGRAM'o ' Cl .. '' 71 ,A . ' • , ' • ° &CO r l TOILET::•BOArep ni . . i ; .Z. , . • Are prepared try skilled werk <6.. k. 4 tuell. from . the beet materlala, tr yof Ali) a b r , 1 ) 413 w a and tb ot e . . ; Ll= tsol4. t veirwitere. -deZT:wr . ..- . . Pr IS I , • . ELMUSEII-, =I ANEW OPERA HOUSE. Manager... BENEFIT and !art night Ind one of the eminent , Tragedian, EDW/N..800V3. FBLDAY EVENING, Sept. I.lth, ShaaPeare'S great work In four sets, entitle:l the MERCHANT OF VENICE'. t'bjiock Edwin Booth. To conclude with Shakspeare s-Comedy In three acts, of - KATHARINE AND PETIIITCHLO. Petinchio ‘Edwin Booth. naturdav afternoon—Edwin Booth M &Luce. ul:inlay evening. la.t snpearanee of r. [tooth. IarDIASONIC HALL. • TWELVE BIGHTS OYU', Commencing MONDAY, September 7th, IS6K RETURN OF THE FeVourrE. LOGRENIA, the Great Conjuror, With his marvelous troupe of Learned Birds, Performing. White Mio• and flu ma Cat. ONE HUNDRED PRESENTS! Will be given away every night, with the same lib erality and impartiality that - have characterized hid prerlons entertainments. ?datinee, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Sept. 12th. . . Admission - 25 cents. Reserved seats.._ 50 " Family Tickets, admitting six persons.ll.oo idatluee—Children .. 15 " _ _ 1 ' • Adults.. a:ir Doors open at 7 o'clock; coestimenee at 8 CHAS. P. SILERMAM, Manager. CHAS. T. SLOCUM, Agent. set PROW. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE- pow% ACADF2IIT, • No. 75 THIRD STREET, is now open for the re ception- of pupils. Claw days and hours—For La dies, Masters and MIME% Wrdneadayind Saturday. .at 21%. o'clock r. It. For Gcntiemtn—Tnebday and Friday Evenings, at ' A:On:s.9E. Private lesson" given. Circulars can be had at the Music Stores and at the Academy. Asir Rail to I@t to Select Parties, POWDER. orvirL7 • 3 r VARIOUS KINDS OF GI KASUFACTMIED BY TIM HAZARD POWDER COXPANT, ARTHUR KIRK, •Agent, Offioe, No. 289. Liberty Street, P171 1 5131711G11, PAL ,CANISTER Electric Nos. 1, 24 3., 4 and 5 grain, in Squire Cardaters. 1 lb. each American Sporting, in Oval Canisters of lib. each Dusk Shooting, Nos. 1,2, 3 and. 4 grain, to Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Indian RUM, in Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each.... Kentucky Ride In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Kentuckyßitile, in Oval Canisters of 34 lb. each onel,b. Oval Canistert in a case.) • (50 half lb. do. do. do.) KEG PODER. Kentucky Rine, rrro, Tr% and "Sea Shoot ing', PG, in kegs, Mitre { Kentucky Rifle, F 7143, Fro, sad "Sea Shoot ing" PG, in kegs, 12.56 lbs ' Zenlucky - Rille, rrro, PPG, and "Sea Shoot,. Ing" PG. In kegs, Of IDs Deer Powder, In kegs, S lbs Mining and Shipping Powder, Mining r, and /PT grain, .net cash; la kegs, 25 lbs Safety Fuse for - Blasting, of superior quality, in packages of 1313 feet and:over Delivered free of expense en board of Boat Or i Railroad, in Pittsburgh or Allegheny. my=nirwi&T . FERTILIZERS ITO WHEAT GRO7EiI.9. EUREKA AMMO N/MB BONE, SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF MIE, . Iif.a..Ntr.f.A.MIREIV BY . , The Allegheny Fertilizer Co. ' • SEIVABDA) CAMPBELL, PROPRIETORS, . . Office, 850 - Penn greet", Pittsburgh, Pa. ° the best Fertiliser in use, and recognized Permers who have given ,it a trial; to - be the stand ard for raising large crops •of Wheat. Rye, Oats, Oornl Pots toes, at. We have published for grata . ltrops circulation a pamphlet containing interesting , and valuable statements of this:Fertilizer, copies of which will be. sent free to" any sending us their ad- .13ILT3Atiti T &i T 114 RTANDARD . - . r. AMERICAN:. BILLIARD TABLES, - • . AND concearnica.COßßlONS. I:indisputably the best In lute. NNW IMPROVE MENTS, Patented' Nov. 20th, 1867. and April 21st, 1868.- Everything relating.to billiards of best quality and lowest prtecs always on hand. Our NEW RUE TRIMMER, Patented May sth, 1868, price s2.so—a great success. llluacratedpriceliatssentonapplication. Address PEILLON COLLENDER. 63. 65,67 and 69_ CROSBY ST:. New York City ',)yeasBl:rwit • SLATE. . • ILIEEE . TWIN' 'CI if . z SLATE CO.p 3!lannfactura superioi Article. of xtockpiNGl: LIFINHce,/ili Sisiifith St., ritteburghtri. I,'B. NSWMEYER , Pres't. HOT 11111IIRS .110USE,i, ATLANTIC CITY ; : N. 3. Loio per week. :Thie lest claw • Hotel will ]en tee season 510111 June. Terms . $;1.110 rdo _Address .R. THQ . roprietor, f irbrmerly of Congress Hail, Cope- telend, and Re ruin Hotel, Washington: .u.' o4 • B.—The ;vela will Jae under ,_ RH? direction o Di 'CARL t3HRT.Z. ' ' .e 22 :" 27 • . 4 ,2„ 2 .......,..“„0 , ..... ... LAKE IfOUSXStotOborck Pan (On the line or jainestoWn 4 Frank li n Railroad. one hour's ride- from Froptliii.) This house 1/r large, _new wed eornnodkullb , ' well: fliralatted, has. bilasod rooms, ren-pin• alley" and covered prome nades. ft •is on she , banks or the Mess charming Fairy Late in Amerles,raboundlug In Ash, and ad mirablo for sailing purpose", sum:landed with lial.• Our springs. romantic. Aseenery. go. It i s t he best summer resort In the State. Address, Ha v. 103•NNEDY. Proprietor* ... Ell lizmDmittitvg. .... W. CANNING.. IMMBEEMIMI IMIn