THE BATTLE: CRY CW.,FitkE)ll. OM t rutri. We're the Grant and Sherman bnitit;arein starched Shontlng::CtittlrYe etylstrrlPZetiete,• Shedinednlteepte hale_ sees, wheare Phlt.Sheitdai nettles the :stile Cry of Treetlona..l cironus. The Union fnrever. hurrah boys at r: Down with the traitor. up with the afar: IV hi e we rely round the II sir,boye,raay once again, Sl:motion the battle cry of freedom. While it • Gettytibuin we routed the j lnyaders of our - Shouting the battle err of fr eedom; Gra t took defiant Vlesebu-g, its army aid itispoll, the battle cry of fr-edom. he Unleh f4rever, dtc. Lookout; Mountain saw us rise, l'ke eagles througa• its clouds, Cheating the battle cry of freedom; Driving tralto s from its heights down to death aLd bloody shrouds, Snoiiting the battle cry of fl. edom. The Union forever,. etc. The West we Been had conquered, for Grant gave head an heart, Situation the batt d le cry r freedm: Then h,. led us on to Ric o hmond, o teat Lee with all - his art, • Sheath:La the battle cry of freedom. ..- The I:aloe forever. d o. . iffEl Great tflyseea . is our man, he was earnest id our cause. Shouting Ws. battle cry of freedom. And we 'l l rally where ha deaUv, for the Union and thelaws, Shouting the battle cry of frevdom. The Union forever, &c. . *lei balk. t 3 as with bullet', the Rebels We'll defeat, Shouting the batt:e cry of Ireedom: Matting Ltbeny and Union, ior each and all cote - Shouting the battle' Cry' of 'freedom. The Untun forever, &c. "Yes, we'll rally 'round the flag, boys, rally once Ebel] tlng ate battle cry of freedom: We will rally from the hillside, we'll gather from - Shooting the battle et yof freedom." I • The Union forever. .ke. —The Princess Demidoff is dead. — grasshoppers are damaging Virgiiiia to .fustice Chase is in Portion i d, 3faine. —Signor Blitz is at his old tricks againin New York. —The Michigan soldiers' monument is to cost $74,000: —The hold of a ship has been called good marine secmity. —Frank Blair is going to visit New York and Philadelphia. —Bears are unusually troubleeome jttst now in Minnesota. —A niece of the great Madame Sontag is singing in London. —Two new volumes of Swinburne's poe , try are now in press. —Somebody serenaded Ad Interim Thom as in Detroit the other day. —Twenty thousand rockets were fired off at once at Napoleon's fete this year. —Prince Napoleon has been the recipient of a ring from .the Sultan, valued at $40,090. —Admiral Farragut has inspected the sites of tha naval battles of ancient Greece. —Booth has engaged Mrs. Scott Siddons to act with him at. his new theatre this win ter. —New York City spent more than three milliOns of dollars for school purposes last year. = —The last of the prosecutions against Hon. C. V. Culver ended last week at Franklin. —Catlin, the great Indian paintei, is said to be pasaing his old age in poverty and in Bitiasels. mantifacture of autographs is said to .be, an exceedingly profitable business now 4riglabti. - -- The crops of Christian :county, Illinois, _ . are - valued'at two and a half millions of dol • .huitthie year. Five cents an acre was the price recent , . 3y.Paid. for one—of the finest farms on the Arkansas river. • • - _ :--btiring the month' of August, 20,198 acres of, land were purchased in 'Virginia by foreign immigrants. —Matilda Herron devoting herself to - " the instruction of young ladies for the high ` •:(;it walks of the drama: . Lod •Stanley is reported to have said to •M. de .Mottstier "England will - go to war • xteifessaiy to`Maintain peace."' i . 7 -Wade Hampton feels. a, profound coni tempt kir the New York Times, which must make that paper, feel dreadfully. . -fiwitripscottis i the_ aisini seashore wa tering place, bitt r it linear Boston, and like :;- I `Tafta4cPaY any ditifiz4e out • • • •-•• • • —Yofepaugh bas . a thiee-p.swecl tiger who_ , had, one of 'his forepaws amputated While influence of chiorofOrm. :•t• --An exchange says that the West Point cadets 'cost. the government nearly 419,000 apiece, ; 'anenot 'one 'in ten Is worth the , - —The'Red Men are holding ,an annual convention' • . at .Cineinnati now, and repro_ • sentativei from nearly all, the States are `there: . —Some one who has evidently been at Niagara,.thinks Pillow Forrest ought to go there, for even he couldn't help giving quarter. —Madame Rachel is disgusted with • Ear - ope and says she and her beautiful for ever hith--peep holes and all—are coming • to Amerida. • man Who committed suicide in _Cincinnati on Monday was not named Lind - ley but Wm: D. Van Hart, and his family lives in Pittsburgh. ChicSgo poet: is named Fish Reed; and he has published a book called' "Voices .of the Wind.", ,We wonder ,that was the soelebrated Reed who , was broken by the Wind `Y - , -4..gentleman 'in New York has im proved his grape vines by burying dead cats 14 . theifoot ihe'vines on-his arbois.: The grapes we suppose arc of the cat.arbor 'ailecies: ' 4 ' 7 44: it Stockton, the brilliant :t ly.eloquentMethodist minister, at one time -: chiPlaiete . the'HOuse of Representativei at.WaShington, ii,thotight ;to be dying in lickliadelphia. • . Ch - stnut street ther i e is a rustic seat at a .. 4torp4; doors - labelled, "Croquet-seat," • and on it sits' a colossal terra-cotta frog. It i 4 so &turd that can almost de!ect` croak—ph:l7LPitiia. paper. • —The story comes from England , that a living oYstar was found, bysome workmen' • digging in a cellar at Lancashire, firmly im bedded in clay five feet below the surface. - • EPHEMERIS: --4ienertil J. B. Magruder recently lec tured at . Saratoga Springs, on Maximilian. He'declared that it was Napoleon's desire 'to encourage the Confederate i cause, and to breakup the Union if possible; and the in vasion of Mexico was made'to accomplish those ends, and at the same time gain a foothold on , this•contlnent. Maximilian, he said on the , contrary, favored the Union, and sympathized with the North, andhoped by obtaining recognition of the North to in troduce American ideas and enterprise into Mexico to develop its resources. —A. Salt Lake correspondent says "All that has been said of the Salt. Lake Theatre is true. It is a perfect model. Pieces are put upon the stage here as well as at any theatres in the large cities, The company Is'excellent, the costumes are rich, and• the scenery the', best I have seen in America. The uttuOstorder and cleanliness prevail. The stage is Very„large,,and the house seats two theitiand , and , two hundred comforta ::Th6ieis p, splendid paint shop, a tail oring. shop for ; the manufactiire of ward robe, a room . for ladles' dressmakers; a well stocked wardrebe,:anY quantity of elegant dressing -ZOOMS, large green-rooms, &c." deter-:' —]th~;_pbatotilce ,', l~epjarttdont his .mined m competemith the Express *Compa rd'et `ln the dellvery-of •utatter peculiarly own. We Were shOwn recently in the office of our Postmaster, a new stamp for ptieliakes of periodicals and publications of all kinds. It Id itirge green istamp, to be furnished to mailagentiand postmasters at the rata , of ten 'l fbr 'the !Tilt , ten pounds, orffraction • thereof, and five cents' for every additional five•pounds. A. , news paPer.welglis when damp, 'Omit an ounce and a half, which will bring the postage on one hundred newspapers about tea cents. This arrangement by the Department Is commendable, and will benefit the reading public in great measure. Mr. Gtithbert C. Grundy vouches for the fact, H., 4 0.J4eg, the editor of theliew ; • Orleans Timet,. -- wiiiboßa in Allegheny,cap, 1 1 41.Zmi away from home at the age nrfbur. lien, 'knocking about the world. generally andlooselY,nntil he fonndedthe Time& He s4edpf cancer aged 44. —English papers state that Charles Dick ens cleared $260,000 while in this country. $260,000 ought to buy enough salve to cure the bruises and shocks which his tender sensibilities received by having, for the time, to associate with such barbarians as we Americans. - —Prentice says to his brother Democrats: "The Radical party whistles tremendously, hadn't we better sew up it's mouth?" Once the rats thought they had better bell the cat. No one doubted the expendiency of the act, as far as the rats were concerned, yet the cat was never belled. —A staunch old Democrat has discovered a happy medium on the bond question. He says that many people seem to be exercised on the subject, and not to know whether bonds should be paid in gold or in green backs. He goes in for the true Democratic .., policy of paying in neither. —The widow of General Miramon is said, to be in Brussels in destitute circumstances, while she receives no aid from the Belgian royal family. ) How this can be we do not understand, since we have all heard of the pensions granted her by Prance and Aus tria which ought certainly to be sufficient to keep her out of destitution. —One day last week a couple with a "three story trunk" went to the Catskill Mountain House and-registered themselves as,husband and wife. They left early the next morning. On account of some diffi culty in unlocking the door, the chamber maid could not get in the room till After noon. When entrance was effected it was found that the bedding and everything port able had disappeared. —A new story of Robert Hall is going the rounds of the English papers, to the effect that one of his congregation took him to task for not preaching more frequently on predestination; Hall was very indig nant.l Ho looked steadily at his censor for a moment and replied: "Sir, I perceive you are predestinated to be an ass; and what is more, I see you'are determined to make your calling and election sure." .-Booth's acting is great, Wmost wonder ful, but the style is the same as that of most other actors, little or great, on the stage. There is nothing 'astonishing in it excepting the perfection to which it has been brought, while Joe Jefferson's acting in Rip Van Winkle is as great, and at the same time the style• is -unique. There are no little actors that can imitate him; he stands alone as the only natural actor on the stage. —A story has gone about which related the ung9atlemaniy treatment which Prof. Longfellow, when a young man, received from Bulwer, to whom he bore a letter from one of the Gaylord Clarks. This para graph was clipped from a paper and for warded to Lord Lytton, who replies that "it is an impudent falsehood." The Pro fessor, however, whose memory is likely to be better, under the circumstances, than his lordship's, has not as yet denied it. - —Cherubini was standing in a doorway,' trying to shelter himself from a beating rain, under an umbrella rather the 'worse for we `A gentleman passing in iv cab recog .._.-,' lined the maestro, and, pulling up, politely placed the vehicle at his disposal. Cheri bini accepted the offer; and the kindly strainer, who had acted thus solely in the interests of art, on taking Cherubini's place in the doorway, requested the loan of the umbrella. "never, lend my umbrella," 1;1 returned Che bini, and drove off. 1 —Gail Hamilton, some time ago, - went to one of the exhibitions of the Harvard stu dents and ,tifterwards wrote a bitter article about them, accusing them of all sorts of dishonorable doings. The students held a meeting afterward, and each one solemnly swore that lii had not invited Gall to the exhibition which she had attended, and as it was as, exclusiie as a private party, and none were expected to come.unless special ly invited, Miss 4aTili:ort got the gail about her: own . ears, ;on the dishonorable' dohigs that time. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE:- FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1868: == wrrirouT NO CHARGE MADE WHEN ARTNICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. A. PULL SET FOR $l3. AT DR. SCOTT'S. ' smi PENN STREET. Oil DOOR ABOVE HAND. ALL WORK ARRANTED. CALL AND EX AMINE 13PECLMENS OP GENUINE VULCAN ITE. my9:(IAT GAS FIXTURES wELDoN & KELLY, • Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers • AND LAMP GOODS. Also, CARBox Axn LUBRICATING OILS, MIENZINM, Sc. N 0.147 Wood Street. .se9:ren Between sth and 6th Avenues, CEMENT, I SOAP STONE, &o. HIVIIMAII.LIC CEMENT. i3OAP STOWE:. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS. WATER PIPES.- . MENET/ IL COLLINS, arlBzo7o__ 25 Wood Street. HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIP E, . Cheapest and best Pipe in the market. Also, RO. BENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT for gale. B. M. &C. ISROCILETT at CO. I • Ofllce and litanntaetory-240 REBECCA ST., Allegheny. lir Orders by mall promptly attended .I*=:rea PIANOS. ORGANS, &C. Vent THE ,BEST AND CIIEAP A." EST PLANO AND ORGAN. • Schornackee.s Gold Modal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCHOMACKER PIANO combines all the 'latest valuable improvements known In the con struction of a first class instrument. and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tonal. full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship, (Or durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5O to $l5O, (according to style and finish,) Cheaper than all other so-called first class Plano. ESTET'S COTTAGE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed Instruments, In pro clueing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar instrument in the United States. It le sim plo and compact In construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT TOE HUMANA TREMOLO' , is only to be found In this Organ. Price from $lOO to $350. All guaranteed for five years. BARB, MEE & BITEITLEI4 inns, No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. KNABE & CO.'S, AND HAINES BROS. PIANOS, For sale on monthly and quarterly payments. CHARLOTTE BLUME, 43 Flfth street, Sole Agent. QM HATS A*l)--C-. ArCORD &, CO., _431 WOOD STREET, Arc no early with a LARGE AND SELECT WV/CR of C. &I AND FURS. &A:11.14N LIEWLEU, an:;. D=AL= IN AA 'S . CAPS AND ;FURS, Atso.biann turef:Wbol l esale and Retail Dealer In TRUNKS, VALISES. Ac., No. 134 SIDTET YIELD SIRE T. Plttsburgh, Pa. Orders prom, ly [Med and satisfaction guaran teed. MER I Boys RANT TAILORS, GOODS. Youth's and Children's stratarzle C LLPI EN I DU STMIEBE SUITS, UPI'S. \lf. tIUITE. rLe2ihrzt, striTs. ALPACCA JACKETS. In every style. or the greatest variety suitable for the present seas On. greatest will Snd a lane as sortment of WIIICE and lIROWE DUCK suits, ALPACCA and \ FLANNEL COATS, Ac., every pigment being specially made torus by the best Eastern houses. \ Our prices are as low as good goods can be sold at \ by any firm East or West. CartAY isc - 1..4:30.Artr, . . ._. . au 47 ST. CLAIR STREET HENRY METER, DIERCIANT TAILOR, • No. 73 SMITHPIELD STUFFY, Pittsburgh, Pa. Constantly on band, s full usortnient of CLOTHS, CASSIIIEBES, VESTINGS, &c. 11140:oat TOBACCO AND JULIAN ALLEN, L ALIIR IN ALL RINDS OP MN BACCO AND NEDAIIs t iIiKET, (National Bank of Com No. 9 BTXTFI 8 (tierce Building, ) PITTSBURGH, PA. *ter street, N. Y. DANIEL Ir. DltiA N. Branch of 172 N4:877 E x ' ar. NO. J - zays.rzysort, manurict.gren and Dealers In Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, &a., IgrA No 6 FEDERAL MT.. AUXIN:IMay •hAft ELSI n WORKS. CpNFECTIOVIERIES. - - •SI EMIT W. HOILBACH, • Confectionery and Bakery No. 800 SMITH - YIELD STREET, Between Seventh mid Liberty. AOPLADIES ,, OiSTBB SALOON attached. . GCE.SCMELELLT, Fancy Cake. Baker "Confectioner, AND AIILALZI • • FOREIGN a DOINTAMO FRUITS 1 RUTS, No. 40, corner Federal and Robinson streets', Alle gheny. sir coustaisoly on MO,. /ON 01 , 11faM., Of various-Mayors. SEWING:MACHINES. THE GREAT ASEIEUOAIti CODs' - BIHATION. BUTTONHOLE OVERMIUNG • SEWING MACHINE. . MAO NO NAVA L, BEING ABSOLIITELY THE BEBT - FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WOULD AND IN ,Mit'AgreligVaentelakTi2EftliHMlßl7. CH.A.S. C. 3BAIASILt3Y, Agent for Western Pannsvlvault.. Corner FIFTH AND MAREET STREETS, over Itichardsuit's Jcwelri Store. ,U,724;504 CTED 87. MAIIKET EITAIRL7T. NEW FALL G 1 ODs, THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', SECONI I IMF SILKS,_ POPLINS, EMPRESS, J. X BURCHFIELD II CO'S, No. 5.1 St. Clair, near—Liberty St. self: = on . ` - 7 ..) =. .3 civ 2 g, r, g ..., ,_— . .y. ,„ . = ... ,:m .„1 P.. - ..2 E.I .... 4 : 6 „'-' 4, 1-. ••= 0 ~-. „k 3 = v el P e„ . ' CI ill a• . 00 = ••• t< ...Q .1= i COM 0 Awl ;,.4 L . , it: i;i :73 2 ',. :4 - , _. ill 4 4h , la E. :1 0:1 - „ , i—. ~. 1.--.. " 22 ;Li a , A _ g ..Q ,„.. 7 1.•••• I . 1.•••‘ t:::, .5.,, • 1...4 ,1 c .ii, 1 1 2 , =4 , = co A e., E =-,G = .....- 44 ca i- ..... C. 2 ,`"i; - 168. HOSIERY and. GLOVES. F. SC:l'lb° _ ear 16 Na 168 Wylie Street. ju 8. rioo:n4o] 168. BLACK SILK SACQUEB. Lama Lace Points, Summer Shawls, SALE AT LOW I'ILICIa3, BT WHITE, ORR & CO., 23 Fifth Street, MCCANDLESS Li. CO., C AR cute Wfisou, c'Arr C 0.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STREET, Third door above Diamond alley, .. PITTSBURGH, PA. GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. ° t ICIHN — A, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, E .; su.vrit PLATED WARE, 1.4 t 4. - PARIAH STATUETTE% v 3 BOKENIAN GLASS, And other STAPLE AND FANCY ,z• GOODS, a great variety. 100 WOOD STERIPT. RICHARD E. BREED & CO rah= WALL PAPER. wALL PAPER, AT REDUCED-PRICES. AFTER. JULY is?, We will offer onr present stock of Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices: . A large assortment of SATIN PAPERS, for balls / rooms, dc., at N 0.1.01 Market Streeit l near Fifth. • JOS. R. litlOßE's & BRO. MEETINGS AND BATTING. - H°l.l'""' HELL & ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, PrE'PreiDEnROZI. gaga %furors of BRAVIt =MX and LIGHT sigeson, , AND INIAGNOLLS: , EiliprnNGS AND BATTINar:, DYER AND 'SCOURER, J. LUTcEI. DYER: AND SCOURER. , Bro. EU lErr. ' CLAM .1311EMEIT And Nog. 135 and 187 Third Enna, myn k tsi rirrEMU/ 49 E4 PA. NOW OPENING, IMMI ARKET STREET. 11 'ARRIVAL OF W AND BELLVT/TIIL Cr 400013 S A2SORTICENT or AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF DRY GOODS, TO BE POUND IN THE CITY, AT •••••••--16S. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW - MOIIAIIII. BLACK( SILKS. 100 WOOD STREET 100 WOOD STREET lIE TRIMMINGS AND NOTI FOR THE FALL TRADE AT MACRUM, CLYDE fir CO.OB. • "EA BELLE" SKIRT, IN ALL THE DIFFERENT COLORS. A complete line of Balmoral Hosiery, for Ladies & Misses The best aszortment of GENT'S CASSIDIERE SHIRTS. Ale°, a full line of Gent's Fall and Winter Underwear. WHITE FRENCH CORSETS, Slightly soiled by salt water, only 60 cents A BEAUTIFUL_LINE OF Infants' Wool Hoods and Sacques. BRADLEY'S FLANNELS, In all Mors. Our Assortment of Notions is well 'Selected. co A n s t w ry h M av e e r crhentsv ew i a l l vd well t-sot cc e k omf i G e o o o d u s r stock, as we have the goods suiting their tr“e. MACRUM, GLYDE & CO., ses IS and SO Market Street. pawies ➢IADKED DOWN! MACRITM,Aa CARLISLE'S, No. 19 Fifth Street. All GOODS GREATLY REDUCED: ON AND AFTEI.TOLY IST. HOOP BEIHTS. (Ladies',) for CORSETS, (Real French,) LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 tor 25 BID GLOVES, (warranted,' PAPER COLLARS 5100 Yds. SPOOL COTTON, (good) POCKET BOORS, worth 50c MEN'S SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS '!LEN'S JEAN DRA.WEIIS All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost CREAT BARCAINSI IN AXAI, KINDS OF GOODS. Special Bates to Merchants & Dealers. INACRUDI & Ct&P.LISLEI, MEI DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. METH SUiILIIER CORDIAL, An infallible remedy for Sommer Complaint, Diar rhea, Dysentery, Vomiting, Sourhtcrmach and Cholera Morbua. DR. 1111thIS' CRIMP CIIIIR, A specific for Cholera, Cramps sad Pain In the Stomach, tot sale by IVUUuS & EWING, Corner of. Liberty and Wayne Streets, AGENTS VOR. I= J. SOHOONIKAKIKR. & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, VERDITER GREEN, The only green paint that will not deteriorate by exposer*. It will look butter, last longer and glee more perfect satisfaction than Any paint in the market. , COAL AND COKE. - COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON 'STEWART & CO Having removed their Oftlee to NO, 507 1...1:13E11,T"ir ESPICEET, (Lately City Flour HiIi)'RECOND RLOOR. Are now prepared to furnish good TOUGH-100HE. NY LUMP, NUT COAL OR SLACK, at the lowest mortet price. AU orders left at their office, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attended to promptly. mrZ:tr2s A RAISTRONG & HUTCHLINSON, inanr.LpErtn, Aii 3 iN'iStrlVllignirrr COAL CO., MINERS,_SHIPPERS AND DEiLERS, BY RAIL ROAD AND RIVER, of superior Xoughioitheny • CAS. AND FAMILY COAL. (Moe and Yard—BOOT OF TRY STREET, near the Gas Works. BUSINESS CHANGES DISSOLUTION. OTICE- IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretofore existing be ween J.13.1-lE.lltHlr, W J. i• IIERRIFF. HUOH LOIJUHREY and W1.,T,TA.51 undcr the name and style of tIED.RIFFR; LOURIIREY & 131.ei7RAW, has been thls day dissolved hy mutual consent. and theTl.l.lal33lNl4, OAS AND STEAM FITTING, COPPER.' SHEET IRON AND Buess F N uuDEY BUSINESS wiu be ,continued here after SHERRIFFS•.& LOUCHREY. Who will settle the accounts of the late firm. J. B. trliEttlPF, W. J. SHERIFF. HUUH LtsUllitgEY. WM. Blc9ItA.W. .• I analw.B HAIR_ AND pERr,Wm:E, riIN.PECI—C-1-----)nia, Inent gal ijr HAIR WORKER` AND '..PIeRgDMER, No.l#if Mil street. ;tear Smithfield, Pitteburgh: Always on band, a seaeral assortment bf tarn& rEvWIGni DARDS, CURLS_ ; Gantiehienla Wp,21.0. Aikes, GUARD 'CHAINS, BRA L.. RAWde. A. good Price in 'cash win be heti Tor ' AIR. -•- L ..' "'• ~ - ; ~ Ladles% mid, GantiemerVa way entGigy ,dnuel the neaten manner.. . , nth2:al THOGIUUWERS. .. ... ..................... Q, I,III44EILLY: Citni r :Sum on k j to Gio. F. ScHIJOHMAN & Co JPRAGTICAL LlTlllol444lfillita,', on_ly Steam -Lithiiiiraphici Establishment West ofthegountfins. Ecsiness Castle, 'Letter Heads. Bonds. Labels. Clsonlars. ShoW Canis Dtpioniss. Portralt4 View*, Certificates at pe_poitts, Invita tion Cutds, ; & O.— brat l / 4 TS and 7*, Third' stn?ct l Plttaburah.„.... BARE!, 6,1110141014 . . .. 41.1iCillirmOICE0. _ intrlT HOUSE .A. BI3 CSCAATIOiT BUILDING oe. ~. . ho . i 0 and 4 lit. Clat., &rent. 'Pittsburg.. Pa. inPactal atteutiOa given to the cttogning and banding ot govutr HOUSEd and PUBLIC stra.Dure i #; • , NEW OM - 10 19 FIFTH STREET AND 11QEMOVAL--The Merchants I Mannfaetu rers National Bank will, on - Tit IMSDAY, Atigtat. 27th, Remove to the corner of Pint and Wood streete Ifouse formerly occupied by the People's Nation: Bank,' and relnain during the erection of their ne , 'Banking - • . sualmin 8d0Tt,.4., Cashier. WEIGHTS AND IitEASUREE .np,k1".6,,,,,Vc0. ..n..... Ei liea i . S. LYON ' , ' le{ Ot iVAglita and 3/ 4 8 nrei 1 / 2 No. N YONSTEc ifrIZZEI 4 , tßetween Liberty and Ferry streetg• ()More protoptiy..ittonded to. ____,..... minimmin EST 0 0/f Machine Stone Tfrorka, - NorthWeat corner or 'Won ContimoQ Allegheny. . • • ' BATIREMB ATHATIBIA & CO. Have on hand. or tcepare on ce Heart and litniSiones, Flags for Sidewalks,, Brewei Veldts, an.- ' Head.aiid T oinbStonea, au. ~ Ordera DM/P4Yexecateci. Prices reasonable , - • . A ILLEGUENT ALCADI . 'ils next regular. s T DY ession tvlll eumraenee on InT.XCELSIOI ' .. UESA; SEPTEMBER IBT, t lIALL, Fellerat stret neghen, MIL 'P. E. WAKEHA.II, Prlualpal, will recel. patina at the liall, un itouttay, August 31st. rm. v: V tO - 156 o'o4B. " r • _I7O.AJLAL.4 .:-STCOCri: NEWEST STYLES! TAPESTRY AND BODY BRUSSELS, TWO ANI) THREE PLY CARPETS ! ALL WOOL INtIitAINS, in great variety _. , COMMON CARPETS, AT VERT LOW PRICES. DRUGGETS, all 'Widths, MEDALLION DRUGGETS, WINDOW SHADES. Our stock Is the largest and most desirable we hare ever offered to the trade. BOVARD, ROSE & CO' 21 - FIFTH STRier. .eio:d&-wp r{ ALL GOODS.. FIRST ARRIVAL OF THE SEASON. A FULL ASZAORTMENT OF Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, CAR~ET~, JII§T OPENED AND OFFERED AT THE LOWEST RATES. own ircumocK & co., No. 23 Fifth Street. seB: CARPETS! CARPETS! MANUFACTURERS HERE and in _Europe HAVE NOW AD VANCED PRICES, but we of-' fer all .kinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low est CASH RATES of the past season. Having made all our contracts previous to any ad vance, and invariably for cash. we are enabled to sell lower than they can be pur chased this Fail. McCALLUM BROS., bl FIFER' STREET. NEW CARPETS ! AT POPULAR PRICES rirrAluim) & 'COLLINE OFFER THE Newest and Best Patterns AT THE LOWEST PRICES LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS AND , CORNICESi McFARLAND & COLLINS 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Next Building to 11. S. Custom House & Postottief anlo:mWt ` ~t 1 3: 'i . '" -••:' . :•._ •''' .1... f - .:-. ..^. r . , 1 ~.. • A - • . ,- Y .1 1. ‘ '''. "''', '..: . ..., " • ''''.., L ":','" .. , i . ..i. .- 1 4 * ,.." ----', 5.t ''4 C ~.. • 1 :-R... tkx-i \ ER,- ~ 0,7,..,,, --.., •• • - - , ••• .t. --,--:, t... , -,,,..• , - - ARE t3TVEIRTOR TO ANY OTHER OPPERED 22P TEM cat. WINE, BOSTON, SODA, CREAM, PREECE WATEk.BUTTER, SUGAR and SODA. CRACE ER6; SCOTCH and MLR BISCUIT. For Sale by Every grocer in the Olt) ies:r36Bake No. 91 Liberty St. CORN IYLEAL,RYE FLOUR, &( ASHINGTON MILLS, •4 WASHINGTON STREET, Near Pittsburgh Grata Elevator ; w. w. Manufactur FEEDOHN MEAL, RYE FLOUR an CHOPPED U( der ma s dellvereiLln either cll free of charge. Grain of all kinds, chopped. an Corn shelled. on short notice., REMOVALS if?4)NE. Three Ply, And Ingrain t r> LEM