The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 11, 1868, Image 1

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'Assignment of Midshipmen-
• ~
_Army — Matters—Revenue Ap
pointments---Solicitor Binck
ley—The Land Office.
tßy Telegraph to the Plytthargh eazette.l
ept emo er 10,
, lB6B.
- The following Midshipmen, graduates of
the Naval Academy in June last, Weree as
signed to duty as folloviii; ' '
To the European. Sqoadron, Charles' C.
Cornell,. Royal R. Ingersoll, Adolphus. -
Mariax, Tames D. Kelly, Jefferson F. Mod.
,der and Samuel Ames; Asiatic Squadron,
. .
- 7 Dawidn” , Kennedy, Huntingdon . Smitn,
Louis J. Barnels, Washington • OiShafer,
George W. Tyler, William Euhler, George
W. - Brower, 7G. Adams, J. C. Hull and
- -Ctiarlea A.Ctipp; Pacific Squadron, R. M.
Brown, Charles A. Stone, Hobart D. Irwin,
Station Schreder, Charles T. Nor-e, Webster
.Dedifichols, S. L,Rooserel, Williata - A.
Bechter, Willianf Wart R. Wainwright, J:
-R.•-Selfridge,.-.Thos.. H. Stevens, George
, Ci Wallace, A. o.'Myekhein and Ebenezer
PrirdeSotith Atlantie Squadron, Raymond
T. Rogers, Lambert G. Palmer, T. B. Ma
'-son, Sontelle N4es, - Charles P. Welch,
Wm. IL Everett, Charles F. Norton, John
M. Howley, Thos. -N. Lee, Theodore Met
' z ling and, Edwarct le.L..Day; South 'Pacific
Squadron, Nathan M. Barnes, Thomas C.
• McLean, --- Albion B. Waddams, Man C.
. Irvine,Thornas Deblois, Charles A. Adams,
' Jaines "B. Cog;gawell, G. Blaelling, Perry
Garteandi Horace McElvey_; to the U. S.
-steamer Comstock;' Robert Thompson, Am
brose B. _Wickoff,,, -Charles W. Chipp, Al
fred Elliott; Herbert P. Stinson Warren
.M. Cogsweßand Charles N. Jarbals;
.i.o the
- .Wepsic, _Robert Jaspa- James W. Carlin,
Prt , derick Sttiger, Nathan E. Mils; to the
:, ,Penobscott, F. J. Drake, .1. B. ;
use, A.
Parsons and Wm. S. Strong; theontoo
- - -cook is now at Noifolk, the flagship of the
North Atlantic -Squadron; the Saps c is fit
thig'out at thiayard, and the Pen bscott,
I. belonging to the North Atlantic Sq adron,
is at Aspinwall.
The' following aripointineets of store
keeperawere made to-day: Wm. B. Thomp
son, Columbus, Oho; David B.Tiffany,
_Xenia, Ohio; Edward T. Williams and Jno.
. J Cohen, Oc'er, Ill; „John Koehler, Fort Mad- -
ison, Iowa; Donald A. McKenzie, Du
buque,, Iowa: David , Gonden, Shelbyville,.
Ind; John P. Kuhn, Peoria, Ill;- Robert'
Clements. Ohio; Samuel N. Adams,Spring
.- Talley, Ohio; Win. Patton , end Isievran
Baeon;Ohicr; W. T. Mclrityre,lll; N. - Wal-=
ter, guager for Twelfth district, 111.
t;'' - ' -I:I I XY 3 IiTTERS
Brevet Major General P. St. George Cook
arrived tterWto attend, the sessions of.the.
- . Board of Cavalry Tacticsolow--extutdding
a a system presented by-him:- -
The President directs that the name a
Brevet Colonel F. C. Clark be pieced onthe
r tired list with .the full rank of Major.
- BreVet•Brigadier General Nm. McDu
Assistant Judge Advocate General, _has'
been assigned, to duty in the War Depart
__ .
, Solleitor.BMckley, although he returned
't6WaShlngtotrearla this morning did not
*i visit the Treasury Departmentor Internal
Revenue. Bureau to-day. Re was engaged
- in preparing -an' official report of his pro-,
ceedingsinaCem York, probably to be sob
mitted to the President
The Commissioner General of the Land
-Office to-day transmitted to the State au
thorities of lowa five certified , transcripts
ctflands, embracing 327,34.6 acres, granted
.by..act.of Congresato aid in the colistrtic
tion of the, Cedarßaphis and Missouri River
- Railroad.' '
1.. n export warehouse his just been estab
- lishrnent for Boiton; to which shipments of
tobacs in bond under the neW regulations
can now be made. •
Solicitor Itincklay returned' to Washing
ton this. mrning.
The Assassination Trial—Cattle Disease on
she Pittsbur4l eszette."l
.OTTAWA, Sent:lA.—The trial of Whalen
was resumed this morning. _ Detectives
, .
Critter and Ile ea testified as to a convents - -:
tion th2y heard in jail between Whalen and
oy s,•wherein Whalen ac noviledgedthat
lie,shot McGee,. Turner testified to having
Aevetartitnes heard - Whalen 'threaten to
- • take-the life of McGee, and , - , Other witnessis
gave -evidence highly (unfavorable to the
prisnner. The ease for the prosecution has
closed, and at six o'clock to-night the Court
adjourned:until to-morrow, when the de
fense begins. Whalen h<s lost the defiant
air"he assumed on the first day of the trial,
and appears anxious and uneasy. It is slip
posed that the case for the defense
cupy about• a week, and there is scarcely
• any doubt entertained of a conviction ,be
ing obtained.
The-railway'authorities here had and in
terview with , the members of the GoVern
, snout on the; Subject of cattle diseases, and'
'llls prohibitory order of the Council. It is
reported that the Great. Western and Grand
Trunk Roads are losing largely by the de
crease in freight in consequence of the ;or:
Privy Councils havw.the matter
under. consideration, t,. ind lit--is_expected the
Oiar ielfUefid' if not re
'TTOWA, Sept. 11./.—in the trial of Whillen
to-day the priricipallinti of dtfense was to
impeach tha evidence ,oflhe.•Crewn'witi
• ,‘
especially - Croix and Thrner,
and an attempt to prove that, the barrel of
Whalen'h plitol had been accidentally
1- - • shargedu short time before the murder, by
which they account for the cartridge freshly
—...,—put,lnjuat..lifter.)sit.lo,Getet3.4leatb• The
impression prevails that the defonisitia far
is very latnel - •
- F kt.7IICLIAX.
:Louisiana lifiembeioi GougrOse Thre de mi/
. - r , :by a Democratic Mob.
City 'Telegraph to the Pittalmtst OstAtt . • . .
WAsaiscarOlg,, September' 10. e - 'fol-•
Mowing dispatch
_has been receafrom
one of the Louisiana members of
Congress :`
- NEW ORLEANS, September 9, 18(38.—S S.
. Secretary of ths National Union
Committee: My home in St. Francisville
"was mobbed by, armed 'Democrats on the
29th of August:-'They said they wanted to
wash their hands in my blood and' would'
v have my life. They levelled their at
' my wife and threw burning _torches upon
my gallery. I was not in the house aV the
timer J. Nr,vogwa, C.
French Army Reviewed by the
Emperor—Victoria in Paris
:Garibaldi—Courtesy of the Stil
-1 tan of Turkey to the United"
EilyTelegraph to the Pitts burgh Gazette.)
Pants, September 10.—The Emperor rs
viewed the troops at the Camp of Chalons
to-day. The whole army. including cav
alry, artillery, infantry, engineer corps,
- pontoon and baggage trains were drawn
up on the plain. After going through a
. ,
sales of evolution's all the•corps marched by
the Emperor in review, each regiment as it
passed,cheering with great enthusiasth for
the Emperor, Empress and Prince Imperi
al. An immense multitude Of spectators
Covered,the neighboring
The Queen of England, who is now in
this city, Is the guest - of the British Am
,bassador Lord Lyons. No, ceremony is
-observed:-bV-ller Majesty or attendants,
but the privacy ofthe party is strictly
TAP" September 10.—Reports are in
circulation that the Emperor has consented
to an interview with the Queen of Spain.
CONSTAIITINOPLE, Sept. 10.—The ,extra
ordinary concession made to Admiral Far
ragut by the Sultan, in permitting the Rag
ship Franklin to pass, through" the Darda
nelles and, enter the 'Bosphorus, his givop
rise to a vast amount of •comment in diplo
matic circles here. The' report that per;
mission hadbeen•denied, which was exten
sively circulated . a few days ago, was with
out foundation. The consent of the Sultan .
was accorded in the most gracious manner,
as a compliment to the Admiral and the
country, herepresented.
FLORENCE, September 10.—It is reported
General Garibaldi hai deft Caprera for
Naples to attend a Congress of Democrats
to be held in that city.
I,Ol:DdY,' September 10.—Saturday will
be observed as a holiday in this-city, and
the Stock F,x'change; will be closed:
LONDON, Sept. 10.—The statement of the
Bank of Eugianil shows Bullion decreased
11,109" sterling. Consols closed at 94 for
money: - and 9414 for account. Five-Twen
ties Erie shares, 30;;;; Illinois Cen
tral, 90%.
'FY-ANIL - FORT, Sept. .10. Fire-Twenty
bonds dull at 75;‘,
P.A.Jus, Sept. 10.—Bourse closed dull.
Ratites at 70 trancs, 45 centimes.
LIVERI'OOL, Sept. 10.—Cotton; middling
uplands, 10;4; do. Orleans, 103 , 3'; .
12,000 bales. Breadstutfs and Provisions
Trwß aeli.t.-.41-20tIafillni declined
25 centimes; quoted at 49 francs, 5 cent
imes for standard white.
Georgia Legislature—Proclamation Against
• Military Organizations.
.18 -- kreleirraph to 4v4e 'Pittsburgh Gazette.l
ATLANTA, September 10.—In the House
to-day the resolution to reconsider the
adoptionrof the resolution of yesterday,
refieetin3 on the Governor's message, was ,
• - 'compliance - with a resolution passed
by the Assembly, and in consequence of
the violence committed in some counties
by-armed unlawful bands of negroes, the
Governor has Issued a proclamation, in
which he denies giving authority for armed
or unarmed organizations, and warns the
people that drilling and exercising in mili
tary tactics with arms, by any organized
body, except the army of the United States,
is unauthorized; unlawful and against peace
and order,. and they must be immediately
suspended. He says persons distingulahed
for their hostility to the United States and
,be State are. promoting the said acts of
vlolence bY publicly denouncing the laws
as unConstitutionat and void, and the result'
of said acts of violence and insurrectionary
appeals is manifest in 'the rapid spread of
the, disposition on the part of those who
maintain the validity of Abe laws of Con
gress and of the State governments -estab
lished- thereunder to protect themselves by
arms against, such acts. of violence and
conibinations - against civil' 'rights.: He
quotes -General grant's parole, given to
Lee's army, wherein it says "the persons
paroled wilenoOie disturbed by the United
States authoritbs as long .as they observe
the parole and, laws in force- where they
.::.!Congressional Nominations.
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.'
ST. Louis,.September 10.—The. Demo
crats of the second district have nominated
James J. Lindley for Congress. _
The Republican State Convention of Kan -1
bag' met at Topeka, yesterday, and organ
ized by electhw D. R. Anthony, of Leaven
worth, President.
-- Fonntri.A.o, WIS., September 10.—Hon. L.
.'Frisbee, of West Bend, Wisconsin,,was
nominated for Congress by the Republicans
of,the forirtti district.
111iLw - Atacnz," September 10.—The Re
publicans of the First DistricV met in Con
vention at Waukesha, Wiscbnsin, yester
day, 'and nominated Gen. E. Paine for
Congress,by acclamation. •
Pouonnrstb, September 10.—General
John H. Ketchum was 'unanimously re-
-nominated for Congress t ln the. Twelfth dis
trict by the Republican Convention.
: AUGUSTA, GA., Sept. •10.—The Democrats
of. the 4th District have nominated Thomas
G. Lawson for Cobgress.
The Radical Convention to-day. nowt.
nated_C.'ll. Prince for re-election in the sth
"ThstriCt; .
r ALBANY, Sept. 18.—The Democrats of the
POurteenth Congressional District have,
mniainated Stephen' clo. 44syhew, ofdileho
harle for Congress. ,
Tennessee Legislature—Atrocious Murder.
rev Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
NASHVILLE, Sept.lo,—To-day the Yuen
ate adhered to Its'amendment to the House
Militia bill., The House asked_ a COUlMia
tee of.-Copferenee. , ,Thp Committee could
not agree and the Hansa proposed the dia. ,
charge of the Committee. The Senate de.'
'ined. 'Both , Horisest then adjoitinthr tci
Bpp z llt.. . - '
The 'Union anc(iftnericaa has information
of an atrocious murder .near Springfield
last; night. All the parties are unknown
and are supposed to he from Kentucky.
Couneetiput RePublienn Electors.
tßiTelegrapblo Gtei Phtaburah 6azette.l
• NEW HAVEN, Sept. 10.—The Republican
Convention to-day nominated - the following
ticket' for Presidential electors at liirge:
Joseph. R. Hawley,'.of Hartford, W. T.
?den, of New Haven. First Dist Oct, Clark
Mgt, of Vernon; Second District, Lattice
Boa rdman, of East Haddam; Third District,
n eo ry Bill, of Norwich; Fourth District,
Georg 9 Dudley of Winstead,
Convention ot the Honorably
Discharged Union Soldiers and
Sailors of Allegheny County—
An Independent Grant Veteran
Phalanx Formed—How Brave
Men Talk.;--Speeches of General
J. Bois man Sweitzer, General
J. B..Haftranft and Generil A.
E. King, of Maryland—Bestblu
- tions Adopted,
Agreeably to published notice the sol
dier citiz,eus of Allegheny county met last
night in City Hall, in Convention, for the
purpose of organizing a GRANT VETBRAN
Pita ws x. to help on the election of their
Greatleaptaln, General Grant, to the oftice
of President of the United States: There
were in attendance fully one thousand cal-
Mlle who in" time of, war wore the army
blue, and the, enthusiaSin of the occasion
was such as left no room to doubt hiw beat
the hearts of our soldiers in this campaign.
The Second Ward Grant Club, numbering
someone hundred and thirty men in uni
form and bearing torches, preceded by a
brass band of flange, escorted the orators of
the evening to the hall, forming a Proces
sion quite creditable.
The meeting organized,on motion of Mr.J
K. Morris, by calling Major J. 11. Dennis
ton, to the chair. In taking I his place; the!
gallant Major. returned thanks for the high
honor conferred, and in a brief manner ex
plained the objert of the Convention,which,
he said, had been called together not as a
Republican meeting, but as a- conclave of.
soldiers, without distinction ot p.srty, who
were anxious to secure the election of
Grant, their old commander, to the office
he 'so eminently! deserved.
On motion of Mr. John Wilson, a com
mittee of the following named gentlemen
were appointed on permanent organization:
Messrs. Jno. R. Wilson, George G. Walker,
D. C. De 'Much°, S. M. Thompson, Richard
Everson, Frank Weyinan, .Dan. Linder
man, Fostk r Alward, and .L.G. McConnell.
This committee returned and reported the
following permanent organization:
Pre.,i(lent—l; en. J. 11. S WI-A T Z !.: IL
Vice Presidents—Norman :' I . Smith, J. 11.
1 Morris, John Burke, Jesse Lippincott, D.
I M. Armor, James S. Pa' ner, John W.
I Duncan, John G. Cunningham, Charles
! Barnes, S. J. MeFivren; T. McClorg,
I August Steinineyer, August Ilerth, E. S.
Wright, .1. J. Lawson, H. B. flays, Chas. A.
Fitzhugh, A. S. M. Morgan,E. Bratt, Smug
1 Kilgore, J. Scott Sehoonma er; R. H Long.
i • Secretdrie-s—Will M. Hartzell, .1. Collard,
John M'Leuahan, James P. Gilston, C. S.
I Haven, A. R. Tetimie, J. T. Wilsan, Martin
Shaffer and Jaines B. 'Palmer.
The Committee recommended the organ
ization of a battalion of soldiers and sai
jorc, to be known. 'am the Grant Veteran
t Phlanx, and under the commend of Gen.
Sweitzer; and that an executive committee
be appointed to carry out the design, in or
der that the organization may form a dis
tinct feature in the Mass Convention to be
held on the 24th inst.; and that a committee
on an address and resolutt na expressive of
the sense of this Convention be appointed.
The report was accepted and an Execu
tive Committee consisting of the following
was appointed: Captain, Samuel Harper,
Captain B. Gallisath, Captain J. G McCon
nell, Captain Casper. Gang, Captain Abe
Patterson, Captain-Martin Shaffer Captain
E. S. Wright, Colonel W. B. Keeper,` Lieu
tenant E. S. Kegley; IslajorSamuel Kilgore,
Captain. Wm. Dalgleish, Lieutenant J. B.
Palmer, Private FrankfWevinan, Sergeant
A. English, Sergeant J. H. Kerr. ,
C'onirnittee,on._ Re.vlutions;--R. B. Parkin
son, Eb. Williams, W. R. Stokes, J.- W.
Ballentine, J. J.. McKinley, Philip Hoer,
George W. Little. ._
-On taking his place as Chairman General
Sweitzer was greeted with wild applause.
After quiet was restored be said:
Fellow-citizens, Soldiers of the Republic,
C.omrqd,es in
..d. - ruts: - Words can scarcely
express my appreci a tion of the honor you
have done me in calling me to preside over
y9tv ,deliberationa. It is an honor to be
called to preeide over an ordinary meeting
of citizens of this free country, where. the
:fifiettile thirikianfl act for themselves, and
how much greater the honor when the' as
semblageis.composo as this IS, of the he-
Klee of an-hundred tattle-fields—of the de
fenders of their country—its honor and
glory, andof those Who.for -five long years
• followed the fortunes of the old flag, - under
defeat and in victory, until it waved trium
phant over its vanquished enemies..,
Fellow-soldiers, we have met to-ui.ght for
q purpose that is' clearlyset forth in the
calf for this meeting. We have met to or
ganize for another campaign under our old
leader. I We have met to testify our confi
dericein hirri. He led its to victory in the
ilelti,land he will lead us to victory at the
ballot-box over those. who seek
.agaitt to.
bring about confusion, anarchy and war.
That such is the design of those wno sup- I
port the opposing candidate for the Presi
dency is no idle fancy. It is declared .in
their platform; it was declared previousto
the nomination, in the letter of their candi
date for the Vice Presidency, and there Ls
every reason to believe Haat this declaration
caused him to boselected. • •
What, under these circumstances, is our
duty? - Is' it, not our duty to use every
hmorable means in our' power to avert the
threntenlqg danger?; - Have not those we
fought in the fb-Iff organized under the
leadershipof the Democratic candidate, and
is it - not, therefore, our duty to organize
and lifall.-in!? under. the leadership of our
old. connuandr? . -, U. - . •
`lt May be 'said We - ban -do our duty
as isitizens.atsthe hallo box - ,. without such
organization. DIA, my fileude, is that uur.
whole duty? Have we pot a further duty/
AO petrin'tharl 11104'81y te!stote? : Any eitt;
zen can do that, though he was never with-'
ila forty miles, of a battle. We can do some;
thing ' trioraV . ( W's 'Cai testify to those who
speak so flippantly yet confidently& Milli
fication,by tome, first, that we 'intend to
avoid, if possible, any such calamity, by
~eletating,t o the highest office In our gift
'the Soldier Wbo'desiree peace. and:who will,
preserve it so long as it can be &Me &Usti
tehtl,wwith, national=hollor,, and, , seeondly, ,
.. if .war mustcome.- that• Ave will stand,
i 14w and. b t aveldmio lead.: us. . .
' NOW,'My`lollPW;lnilillerir to , alloWme •. NW;
that I do not stand, before you as a Mere
partisan; aridleCchtiiince you of the truth
of what I say, let Me give you a little of my.
..POlftical history, II was,a,Whig as long as
the Whig party. existed. '. , -During „Me ,ad,
ministration of Taylor and Fillmere, when
the famous compromise measures wore
passed, I was 'United -Stlites District A.ttor- .
ney here,:and as an officer of the iiiv it be
came my duty to execute the Fugitive.
.Slave law—and I (Milt, regardlo-s of conse
quences to myself, and of the opinions of,
those who opposed it. I did this because I
considered it the duty of all good citizens
to obey the law so long es it remained on
I tte statute book, however much it con-
ilieted with their and vidual opinions, and
considered it my duty, as a sworn
officer of the law to execute it, re
pulsive as it was t. me and anyi feelings
as a man._ • Fret this time, down
to the comnience neat of the war,
I did everything in my lamer to
keep the peace Will the peopld of the
South. In the lang Cage-of General Grant,
I was not an ab.litionist : I was not
even an anti-slaver 7 man. I did not join
'the Republican pa ty. I did' not vote for
Lincoln. • I voted r Douglas and the Dem
ocratic Union tick :t. I thought I had done
about all they could ask of me. I felt con
scious of. having one -nothing to stir up
war. Nevertheles , nothing but war would
satisfy them: - and,' fellow soldiers, much as'
I abhor war—fratricidal war—l :could not •
fbrget my duty - aS a Citizen, and like many
of you. I went voluntarily into thetield and
contributed "to 'the extent of my ability
and strength to maintain the honor of my
country. and my slag. In Mal I Voted for
General McClellat . I was in the Army Of
the Potomac from its organization. I had
contidenoe id him: I thought he had been
.hardly treated, and when he was .nomina
ted at Chicago I voted for him—Pendle
ton, peace platform and all. I did not like
the platform, but I was willing to trust
McClellan, notwithstanding the plat
form. But; my friends, I thought ;I
saw in the action of the leaders of
that convention a determination to
rule or ruin. I thought I saw ft doteimliaa
tion on the narrof the Peace Democrats,
who figured largely in it, and made its
platform, never to let a victory be won by
the. party, unless it brought with it their
vindication and indorsement,. Bind placed
them in position and power. I determined
that thereafter I would, see the cards dealt,
and know that they -were not marked by
thedealer in advance, before I again conk
sented to take a hand. I Was opposed to
the reconstruction measures of Congress.
I was opposed to the impeachment of the
President. The Senate suinitted the Pres
iderft and I think - they did right. Congrese
right. Congress
the reconstruction ' men ores.. The
President vetoed the3n. Congr .ss passed
Ay the co stilutional
them over-the veto
vote. The amendments were dopted by
the requisite number of States, They. are
now the law of the land, and so long as
they-arel will sustain them. •
Well, my friends, we now coup down to
the preient crisis—for crisis I consider it to
be: We are approaching another Presiden
tial election, and it is necessary for you
and for me to take sides. We must declare
for Grant or for Seymour. No man can
stand- neutral in this great emergency.
Then lot us determine at once for whoin it
shall be, if it is not alralady done.
Every one knows who nominated Grant,
and how it was done.. The great Amerioan
people nominated him long hr•fore the chi.
caga Convention met The p)litteians
would have been glad to hay" ihol some
one else if they could —same I ,:m 1,10 tiili i t e
so meek given to putting things through on
his own line would have suitial them bet
ter. But they ' dared not disregard the
voice of the people, and so the Ceara - nion
seconded their verdict.
But bow about Seymour? Who nomi
nated him, and how was that done? Osten
sibly the Deinoeratic party nomiliated him,
but nhe cdntrolled the ac ion of the Con
vention? So far an I ate able to judge from
the result, the Peace Deniocrats of the
North and the War Democrats of the South
made the nominations and the platform.
The same pestiferous Ohio delegation, that
weighted McClellan down at ( 7 icago, went
io New Torii 'determined age to rule or
ruin. They went there linnet (invincibly
as they supposed,) NV it‘i Pend I ?ton and the
g,reenback alodge—with a spe ions appeal
to the mercenary spirit of the people,
whereby they thought this rest Nation
could be induced to ignore the life-struggle
through which it had just passed—to forget
the new-made graves of its fallen heroes,
and to look with indifferent, unsympathiz ,
ing eyes upon the maimed and halting
figures of the brave comrades who are still
among us.
IBut they failed to nominate their man;
and, failing in this, they determined to
'nominate the next best representative of
their principles' and their policy, and in.
this they succeeded. Hancock would not
do—nor Farragut, nor - Chase, nor Hen
dricks. nor. Johnson. No one would suit
them who thought we did right to tight for
the flag. So much for the action of the
Peace Democrats of the North. Let us look
'at the action of the War Democrats of the'
South. What did they do? They dictated
the most important features in' the plat
form. -Gen. Wade Hampton tells us he
'framed and inscribol the paracraph de*
Oaring the reconstruction acts to be usurp
atiens and "maconstitutional, revolutionary
nod void." Then having secured a war
platform, they nominate a fighting General
to ficht it tttrough, if elected.; They want
another, war—more blood, more debt, and
more taxes. Fellow-soldiers, I don't; and,
therefore, I determined to oppose that com
bination, their nominations and their plat
form._ I determined that no such flimsy
barriers as party ties and party lines should
_keep ine,from doing what I believe, to be
my duty to-myself and to my country, and
- I determined to go for the man who wants
peace - for the man who does not talk war
but whofightsWar when it is inevitable. I
determined to. irc. for the man who con
quered all honorable peace and saved the
-life of the.. nation; for the man whom we
have tried and found true in every trust—
in Vililotn the people have confidence; aye,
even the ry.4ople who were lately in anus
against him. •And wherefore should they
not confide' in "him? - Has he nut he - n as
geueronstatid honorable. towards a fallen
foe, as he was chivalrous and brave in bat
tle? No victor ever gavel more generous
terms.. No victor ever kept more truly his
plighted word. . .
AO, fellow-soldiers, heron -se I have so
. determined, 'I am here to-night to take part
in your proceeilings--to assist hi organizing
-these veterans. Then fall in. Never mind
about pont' party; let the plliticians attend'
to_ that. Fall in.. Take the touch of the
elbow. Headst'up.• •Eyes to the front.
And, as we used
,to say in the Sixty
"second, '•"wait for - the word." Let us
- make, one. grand charge along the whole
line; and . then, let me tell you, on:the day
succeeding the November election YOuWill
hear • a.l shout go •urn front the_valleysimil
.11111,t0pa, from the, crowded city andWein , .
-dedvillagar and from every nook and KT.
,ner.of our broad land, for Pit/4,NT, VlCroni
.441);Pat.tin,- that 'Will' fdraver . silence all
dissenterast home, and give renewed assu
rallati, to: the nations of the earth that the
starry banner shall continue tow Ave
O'hrAllhuid of the free and the at hotted of tile tirtrie: • •
4ENe 4,11. HABTRANIer'I3
Gen. J.1 1 F.-.Hartiiiiftwas neit''intro
duced, arid was 'received with three cheers',
whit& made the housti shake.; He said
Comrades: I am speakingi to yon under•
diflicaltA as I am antreilbg from a severe
cold, and, have hid very little experience
ip up ski Zt is doubtful if twill be able
top Jill this hall, bait I wilt do the best'l eau,
hthank you Sincerely for the honor you
ave conferred oil me, by , allowing me to
take part in the deliberations of this
meeting.. so, consider, me as one of your
- fellowso'diers, and not one 'of the politi
cians. I have made no speeches during this
campaign so far, and expect to make none
in the future. It has been a rule of my life
never to shrink font anything it was my
duty to perform. As you called me here, I
11, :18E8.
considered Jt my duty to come forward
and. say 'a word, and no matter how
I will say hi, von will reciprocate my feel
ings in responding. I will say nothing
about what you know yourselves; but what
I will say bearing on the issues of the two
parties, will be front a soldier stand-point.
You need but read your awn history, the
history you made yourselves in the long
w.,r—in the march from Bull Run to the
Appo matox Court 13ouse, in order to decide
for yourselves in the present contest.
Tho Democratic party are making' an
effort to secure the control of the Govern
•thent. They will advocate any measures,
and will secure any Cotes, as they want to
win. If they do win, will they be any
better than that 'class lately in rebellion ?
In the South that party comprises most of
the rebel. whites, and as many rf the color
,ed people as they can use by giving them
labor. In all their Conventions during the
last two months you will see that_those
who had full con rol of them consisted of
those who opposed the war, with the ex
eeption 'of the National one In New York,
which was controlled by ex-rebels. The
Southern Democrats would have pre
sided '- In Chicago in TA, as they
.did in - New -*York in 'iP3, were
it not fur the Boys in Blue, who prevented
them from going there. [Applause.] But
they made up the one' ,in New York July
.4th. Their deliberations and promulga
tion of principles-I will not mention in d&
tail. The most prominent feature was re
pudiation. They haVe not made • one step
in advance of their principles, when they
said the war for the restoration of the
Union was a failure. But they were not
content alone in putting forward that plat
form. TlifY. had to nominate for the first gift
of the people a man who was strong in the •
rebel element. What did they do next?
They nominated a man for the second place
who has pledged himself for this new prom
ised rebellion. They are the same as the
loaders who carried on' the rebellion. I
consider the leaders of the rank and file of •
the Southern Democracy to-day the same
'Southern Democrats before the reboil ion. In
the elections they had controlled the Demo
cratic party and also controlled the country,
and when they Oiscovered they could not •
defeat Mr. Lincoln, they determined to
establish a separate government, which
was based on States Rights, with
slavery as its oorner- , tone, and to
maintain it by a military power.
The first gun from the South brought an
army to sustain the governtuent. -- What- '
ever blood was shed, whatever debt you
labor under to-day, and the taxes you have
to pay in the future, is chargable directly
to those criminals who attempted to destroy
the best government on the globe. On the
11th day of April, 1515, they lowered their
flag, ,stacked their muskets, parked their
artillery, and gave their parole not to take
up arms again. They were allowed
to take their . side arms and private
property. These were liberal terms,
and hey had no right to expect them.
It Witi my fortune, not to have been taken
Iris( ner; but there are many here who
h llli e l r ti A t l i l l i t, e i
l ici r lti t l t' lr e ll' a lge t 13 1 l l'h e ' ll oi tu t rese w re a s 9 i itinltileriCSouthern
t civilized warfare. Ido not complain
of tl ese terms. lam willing to say we have
had enough of bloodshed, and am
willing to say "Let us have Peace.':
But I do say, in consideration of
these Magnanimous terms, and the sur
they should have accepted
them with better grace, and should stop
their howlings that if Grant should be
elected there would be a revolution. .
They promised if Lincoln was elected there
would he war, and they kept their promise,.
and it cued us thousands of lives and mil--I
lions of treasure. Do N:our duty with the
ballot, and if that fails, do your duty, come
what may. Were you right in marching
to defend the Union against its enemies.
Were you right in suppressing that armed:
rebellion? If right then, you will be right
now in suppressing this new rebellion.
You will be right in voting for Grant, Col.
ifax and Peace, and against Seymour, Blair
and - Revolution.
' The General concluded his remarks
amidst much cheering and.enthusiasui;
The Prof. Lawton Glee Club then by invi
tation sung a patriotic song in excellent
The neat speaker introduced was Gen.
Adam E. King, of Baltimore. This brave
soldier talks as well as he fights, and kept
the . audience in a glow of enthusiasm for
over an hour.
' At the conclusion of Gen. King's address
the Second Ward Club sang in their best
style a spirited campaign song, after which, '
,through R. B. Parkinson, Esq., the Corn
rnittee en ' Addretis and Resolutions re-'
ported the following, which ware unani
mously adopted:
CODIRADES; When in the ever memora
ble days of 431' the flag of the nation was'
trailed in the dust by the hands of traitors,
the loyal nien,:of the land—men cf all
countries and creeds who dwelt under the
'folds of that ever glorious harmer, sprang,
as one min, to : arms. - Then true men
stopped sot to inquire about each other's
'nativity, religion or ' politics. Democrats,
Republicans—men of all shades of politics,
moved by a common purpose, love of coun
try, at once cast aside all political differ
ences and united to , restore our insulted
flag to every place thronghout the' entire
land, where it rightfully. belonged.
The history of four Yeari of war for the
Union Is written in letters of, blood and is
familiar to all. Every soldier knows but
too well the privations endured and the
sacrifices made to save and perpetu.ite• ihe
When at last, , under the leadership of
Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Thomas, re
bellion was: routed front every stronghold
of treason, and Lee and his armed traitors
stirrendered to our ',great Captain,' and
Johnson laid - down his arms before the vic
•torious Sherman, the sodiers returned
again to peaceful pun suits,in the fond hope
that 'the war was over, teir work done,'
:and the blessingsOf liberty forever secured..
. Sowirms:. The conflict is not yet ended.
Transferred from the field of battle to that
of civifstrife, it still-11;4es'; and the contest
now,.aa in \ the bloody .days 'of the past, -is
between loyalty and disloyalty. The ene
mies of the Union Seek" to attain through
'the ballot-box what they failed to acoom
,plish by. arms, • ' .. _
These men of the North, who, in the
tryingy liours'when thellation struggled for
its existenc‘aympathized : with your , foes,
the .eneirdee of your common country, men
vilMileyer had one Woid'of encouragement
for You . , but interposed , every obstacle: short
1 , the htin .triumph d s
of.taking,up arms, against your success and
seeklo,Wrest the government of this nation
from its true and' tried 'friends and entrust
yotifutTtaratfettleliarsaveries and
it to iti-vatiqnisheidlnit stilt. Unrepentant ,
Sneinies. ' ' . '
Rejecting every one who fought for or in
any. wav-aided„ the cause of , the Union,
they have placed themselves ' Under the
leadership of a man whose 'heart, during
the war, beat in sympathy with :traitors—
who predicted and pronounced the war a
failure—who in the most trying hours: of
the rebellion promised his friends, who
were not your friends, that he , would try
and prevent you from receiving that succor
and support, without which the War indeed
would haVe been a faiinre.
They have declared all the acts of recon
struction passed to secure the fruits of
your great victories unconstitutional and
void. They declare •that in the event of
their success at the hallot-box,the acts of a
loyal Congress, representing a loyal. peo
ple, shall be overturned, and Congress it
self dispersed by force, and that in their. 1
success all those things for which traitors
fought they sha'l thereby achieve.
Soldiers: When the leaders of rebellion
—traitors to their country—insolently dic
tate the platform of a once great party, in
troducing therein the esentialprinciples of
the lost cause; when Preston, Forrest,
Beauregard sand Wade Hampton, rebel
leaders, con mutt the only part of that
platform which' constitutes the only real
and substantial issuein thepresent political
contest, is it riot your imperative duty to
again unite- in a common cause, and again
go forth to battle for the Union? Are the
fruits of your qreat sacrifices and victories
to be losi 'Will you surrender the control
of this Government toll* men who plunged
the country into the bloodiest and most
Ecostly civil war. ofmodern times? Or will
you place at the head of this nation the man
who bed you through the dark and trying
hours of the country's peril to . triuniph and
Men of all parties! Seddiers of the Union !
Sink every consideration of a party charac
ter, lay aside . all partizan prejudice and
unite again on the broad platform. Let us
take up the watchword given. us by our
chief anti go forward once more, shoulder
to shoulder and by our unity of action se
cure to onr beloved country peace. Peace
to all sections North, Soutili, East and West,
and to all men from whatever clime or
country they may come seeking protection
under the broad flag of the free.
Accompanying the address was the fol
lowing resolution:
Rep:rived, That we r the soldiers of Alle
gheny county, without distinction of party,
in convention assembled, believing that the
election of Horatio Seymour to the Presi
dency of the United States would prove a
great calamity to our country, and undo all
that has been done to pasture peace to the
land; and believing that the election of
U. S. Grant to that high office would secure
peace and the fruits of victory, and restore
law, order and good-will throughout the
nation, do pledge ourselvesto support that
. great Captain at the coming Presidential
election, and use every honorable means
within our power to secure his success.
The meeting then adjourned with three
cheers for Grant, Negley,Hartranft, Sweit
zer, King, and the Union.
CBV Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
SAN FRANCISCO, September O.—General
Halleck has furnished reliable information
in regard to the abuses ex;sting in Alaska,
which were made the subject of a special
investigation' during his recent visit to the
Territory. Much dissatisfaction among the
natives, arising from the fact that the Fur
Company carried on a sort of patriarchal
government, taking charge of everybody
and everything in the settlements. Under
the new regime people are thrown upon
their own recources, and do not understand
the change yet. The immediate effect lof
introducing strange white traders, adven
turers, anti soldiers, had a bad effect on a
semi-civilized community like that of
Alaska. Th 43 habits of new corners, and
their method of civilizing the natives, takes
the form of instructing them vice. Gen.
Halleok did not find it necessary to court
martial any officer though probably many
changes will take place before matters
work' smoothly.
It is said that Hutcffinson, Kohl c 1,7 Co.,
successors to the Russian Fur Company,
are occupying the building which appeared,
by treaty, should belong to the United
States. But if any wrong has been done
the Government it has been -by Prince
Naksutoff, the r,-cognized agent of Russia,
who delivered the property in question to
Hutchinson ct Co.,lastead of Geri. Rousseau,
agent for -the United States.
Late Idaho advices state that a scouting
party from Fort Bois succeeded in captur
ing Eagle Eye and Ilk entire band of Indi
ans, forty-one in number, twenty-one
horses and a large quantity of provisions.
This ends the Indian hortilities in that sec
tion of the country.
Gen. Gook writesfrom Camp Warner that
he, fond Many the Big Valley,
on Pitt River. He had a talk with some of
their principal men, who confessed that a
party of Pitt River Indians murdered the
Pearson family, in Long Valley, Nevada.
General Cook ordered the arrest and hang
ing of the murderers, which was thought
will have a goad effect, and prevent any
more such outrages. The Indian troubles
are cOnsidered over in that vicinity. Bands
of savages are continually coming in at dif
ferent stations and surrendering. Most of
them are in a starving condition, and greatly
needing assistance from the Government.
Firemens , Tournament—Perry l s Victory.
[By Telegraph to the 'Pittsburgh Gazette.)
SANDUSKY, 0. September-bl—The Fire
men' Tournament held here today was a
seccess in every respect. „Thirty-five fire
companies from different arts of Ohio and ,
from other States entered far-competing.
The anniversary of Pen3r's Victory was
celebrated at Put•in-Bay Island to-day, by
a grand basket •pie-nle. Delegations were
present. from Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit,
Toledo and other lake ports. All the stir
, qivors of the battle of Lake' trle were also
present. The 'United States Steamers
Michigan and Sherman were • at the Island
and fired salutes during.the day.
Boiler Explosiod—Cotton Damaged.
tHy Telegraph to the rlttabergh Gazette.] •
mEmrrus, September 10.--The boiler in
Rose 4.t: Paxt,m's saw mill navy yard ex
ploded this afternoon, throwing the negro
- fireman one I:undred feet, injuring him
fatally. Another negro, was also mortally
It Is feared the heavy rain last night and
this morning will serionsly•injure the cot
.o which is just opening.
The Philadelphia Horror.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Giu.ette.l
PTIILADELPILIA, Sept. 10.—Several ar
vests were made of•men suspected of the
murder of the child of Mary .Mohrman
but the parties were discharged, the suspi
cions proviog groundlesa. The Coroner's
inquest will take place tomorrow.
—The Citizens' Association cif,New York
have published a letter to the public in ref
erence to •nauperism in the - *State. They
asseit that - five millions of dollars are ex
pended annually in n private ' and public.
charities, and they propose to organize the
expenditure that it may result id more ben
efit and relieve taxation for that purposei
The Charity Commissioners have estab
lished a labor bureau, to which the Associted
ation calls the attention of all interes.
,--Antonio Buchignal, husband of Mrs-
General Eaton, was arrested inlNew York
yesterday ou a charge of they aban—
doned her. The prisoner is _thirty and
Wife seventy-eight. n Is alleged tie has
been living with her grand:daughter, by.
whom it is said he-has had two children,
and also-that he has spent -one hundred
thousand dollars left Mrs. "Eaton by her
former husband
—The strike of tho Lon nod has
cove to an end.