D- ..-wwww4P•l UQUX/Mia; IRON AND STEEL WORKS, COMMIX RAHN & CO., MA.NUFACTCUERS Or iron, Nails and Steel. Carriage- and • Wagon Springs and Axles. • Duquesne. XL. and Juniata Merchant Bar, Round and Square Iron; Band, Hoop, tzheet and Plate Iron; - Oral, Half Oval and Half Bound Iron; Cylinder and Wagon Box. Iron; Drag and Dropper Bars; T and Plat Rail for coal Roads; Cut :tail and s,,lkes; Plow, Springand 0. B Steel: Laminated Steel; Cut. ter-Bars,-Crow Bars, &c. , Oftlee and Warehou.c-77 WATER STREET, Pittsburgh • • . • SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, .liMOll & - 00. _ f PI TTSBURGH,. PA!, Manufacturers of every description of CAST AND CERMAN STEEL, RIIIII72 F L I' Si?23 .,, C II":A TFORAI SPRING - AXLES, STEEL TIRE, &c., &C. Warehouse, 83 Water and 100_ First Sts, ___ MILLER, BARB & PARKIN. . GENERAL PARTNERS: W3l. BIETHALF, RELJU MILLER, GEO. W. BARR; I CUJAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL PARTNER-S. 31. KIEIZ. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 13.A.n.rt.k PARTsIN Ofrice, No. 33,9 Liberty st, fen:d4S PITTSBURGH, PA LACIi DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. RUM; BROTHER, C 0.,& I Dinfactnrers of, all descriptions of iterMCW23ar." . Offlce and Wirehouse. 1-20, '122, 124 SECOND and IN and 121 FIRST STREETS, pITTSBUAGH STEEL WORKS, - tzmuuastrED zig 1845.3 ANDIERSON & , WOODS, ISCOOESSORS TO ANDERSON, COOK 4 COO Martqacturers of every description of STEEL. BEST REFINED TOOL STEEL. Mill; Malay, Circular, Gang and Cross Cnt SAW PLATES, Spring, Cast and German Plow and Blister Steel. Railroaddoe, Fork, Rake Froge.Calk Steel. 'Spring Steel and oints, Cast Steel Finger Bars, sickle Steel, Surlitg Steel Tyre, Plow I Wings, etc.; Oil Drill steel. Win in g and Works—corner FIRST AND ROSS STS., Pittsburgh, Pa jr2.Ehda Godeffroy Brancker & Co., 42 EXOHANGE Plan, NEW YOU, .A're prepared, as Sole Agents ha the United States for the Prnsatan 311ning. and Iron Co., of Dulatnarg, Westphall2, - 10 contract or sell In quantities to suit Purchasers; (delivered Leralther New York or Phila ! delphla) the delebratei H. SPIEGELEISEN - used so extenalvely for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. •_ • This Iron 1e free from Sulphur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy percentage of Manganese. The Bove are also ready to contract for, or sell t o arrive, STEEL RAILS I ,lanufactured by G. AR DT d• CO., DartmUnd, for which latter firm they also have .Ihe Sole Agency In the United States Full particulars, samples, prices or chemical an- alysis will be promptly forwarded on application IRON WORKS AB. Vst has , Pee s?t ITTSBUR,GH FORGE AND IRON CO., IfANUFACTVIIEES Or Ear Iron; P Rilroad Fish Bari and Bolts; Railroad Car Ix.les Polled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomoticre Prate es; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Hods; Yokes,,Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranits; PistOn Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collar/5, cte. 011Ioe, No. 177 PENN PITTSBURGH. P•.. • E vErt s onr, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works, 1 Warehouse, '_cos. MG and 167 FIRST STREET, Opposite 3lonongalleta House, ap24:o • -PITTSBURGH. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c COON. STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL CO.'N• TRIUMPH, • FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Store in the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 486 Litserty Street. Also on hand and,for eale, PARLOR STOVES, • HEATING 15OVES GRATE PIf.OIZITH, PENDIA% COO :1N421 taliOES, aka. ~ LAKE SEPERII,OI‘ OOPFEB MILL AND SMELTING WORKEI, PlprrisintritGua. PARTC.; ::114tcC,6:ILDY & CO., anufacturers,ol,•Mtrattimit.., Brazterist - And Bolt Offiler, 1 y -, 1 / 1 :11 Cmtpts Bottoms, Iralsm] SUB Sot my, SPeit'r!s.4l:e%r f and Dealer, Mutat, TIM Mak:, -3tM ,, t Iron, ,Ftrm Con :thr ly i,n ham! ?.?•toTtne.i:,: Pmts. , • a rt.'ooti , )lll'e,.• Y4O VI triT t , Tßit;,t'f•toyl 120 ;CONE, BTII,Err. 4hurA' srtietwol. art io n , ttP.ln•ti ' • " i '.~'i f~...'1 ~~) PITTSBITRGH. ••.•W. P. POUTZII, Sap' 1 SBO Penn Street.. BOLLNIN, BOYD BAGALEY. Chill Rolls, mill Castings, Roll Lathes. &c. i FULTON 1140-11INE WORKS. ESAIMIS/114, 1830. 31 antifactory of STEAM ENGINES, of all sizes ; and of the most app roved pattern, for‘ ztatltm:.l. 'al:4ll}4V)l Ep."'l7l. ENGINES, whlzb will be, sold at re;yrsreaouwct% prices. P. P. GRIME. ' VVellxville, 0. Fifty miles below Pittshurih; on the Oblo river, and line of C. P. H. XTEIV nAitoWALIE 110 USE. I LINDSEY, STERRIT & EIiIVER, Fr TZ, A_ 887 LI.L.)-ERTY STREET, Otte Sqoarf. Itetovt" Union Depot, NOVELTY WORKS. piTTSBURGiI NOVELTY IVORKS 5 • • ADAMS, 'M'KEE & CO., stAsurAmtrara OF - Keystone Standard. Patent Platform and Counter SCALES. Janus Faced Patent Door Locks and Latches, PAINT AND C SPEE 1117.1,5. MALLEABLE ntox, ac. Cornsr of Grant and .E.lrst Streets, aus:te, P/TTnarittal. WILL. S. TAYLOR, ,No. 25 ()ilia, tcrg.EcT, Allegheny, Tliankfal Yor_ttie Corrupr very itbiirr.l trttroaagc treo otowLil liport I attiurtt frituits and the pabllP "puerility that, in tit,: fu tarp its in the rPtst, I endeavor tillip'entiy to o f Z1;1. 311; e; Cal ht! fl/ a LJ 1,110 j) trim, 7 to 4. LTA Liv. 4 iny2i:411.5 Otollrplj FOUNDERS, LAS WORM, MORTON S TREET, Ninth Ward, P'fP'ESI3UFCGI-1. THOMAS N. MILLER. President These Works are among the largest and most complete establishments In the West, and are now prepared to furnish Engines, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tanks.- Sheet Iron Work. nallroati Castings. Rolling MIII Castings. Engine Casting's. Machine Casting's. General CastingL n09:n69 ORDERS :SOLICITED NATIONAL FOU.NDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Sinai!man' St (NINTH WARD,) E`rl"l-'BI3UIIG 11, 7Pd. • Mantrractiu•er of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. s nid, aantilLfeetlengths. Alsol , fail s P s i o t r s ial n e r o Y f General Castings for Gas and Water Works. Iwould also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. felealo LIO. LIVINGSTON.W. 11. BURT. W. A. ROBINSON, Jll VINGSTON & CO., 1 IRON FOUNDERS, , N A.NWACTUIt r E.R.9 OF PINE. LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions, for Plantbers and Gas Fitt_ ,ers• Ag. rimiltural Implements, Cotton and Woolen .11111131 a. clattery, &c. . All Job Work promptly attended to. 101E - OS and Works—WASHINGTON AVENI7E, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON ) BEA & CO" ! ! Successors to Rountanir, Huns & iirmants, . - WASHINGTON WORKS, ,FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Stearn En ifitileftain Bltst tEftginr;nl.4ll,3lcriiiticohinetai Gearing, Tank, and Stills, Lilearsand%geet Iron leork a . s ' Oftlee,NO. 12. corner Pint and Smithfield Streets. Agents for G'IPTAIIIPS PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. Jail :rS2 ONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street,—Nintle Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Ifillls,) Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS Ar PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CAKING/3 GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carellidly executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERI' & MACKLIND. 0c15:L3 BERLLN FOUNDRY. PRICE (Sc SIMS. • 091ce and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on band Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR SETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Castings generally riIIIOIILIS CARLIN R, CO., A . Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, , -SANDUSKY ST.,ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., 1 Manufacturers of Steam Engines : 4ll Presses, Psi_ andSalilt loklton g Diala c m. e l tinE,rateß ; vei N ts Wagon Boxes, &c. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. lzwl4:qs CtENTRA.L FOUNDRY AND ROLL. WORKS HARDWARE. OEM :erg and 2 mpQrtera of CUTLERY, &C. C:).I:NEIL OF WAYNE, PITTSBURGH. Aa.mis foi FAIIMANKS` SCAM PAINTERS. r 7 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ' 10, 1868 EMI Engine Builders, Founders & Machinists, 3fanufacture STEA3tBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY 1, NGINIrS. of all sizes. Special attention Invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINN AND PORTABLE 114 /11.E.h. of 15-horse power; CASTINGS. of every kind. made to order at our Foundry. on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for Oil Welle, SjIAMTING, PULLEYS, 1-1. ANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PREsSES, on hand and made to order. at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Point, All orders promptly filled. TitY FORT PITT MILER, STILL AFII TANK TUB(iLAR, DOUBLE-I , l',ll/•:I) TUBULAR, FTRE- Box AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND 611, TANEs, CIIIMNEY, BREEcIuNG .AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS 'AND CON DENSERS;. SEAM PIPES, GASOILETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHUTES 11 0 ce and Worehonse corner Second, Third i , Short and Liberty Streets, 1 PITTSBURGH, Pa. sir °micro .sent ,to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:189 WM. BARNHILL & CO" -- MAKERS BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, __ t NOS. 510, 22, 24 AND 28 PENN ST. Raving secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. I Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, SteaiPlpes, Locomotive, Boilers, Condensers, Salt Tans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole mann. (*curers of Barnhlll•s Patent Bolters. Repairing dOne on the shot test notice. --------- ' JAMES Nos. 5 IRON SETTLING ROLLIN PITTSBURGH ............ .• • . .EDMUND D. BRUSH. JARED BRUSH & SON, dair - FACTURERS 07 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Zaaks. SHEET IRON WORE. &C. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WARING AND KING, Commission Merchants and Broken in Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBCROLI, PHILADELPHIA A DI) RES:I, ap%•y6 TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petroleum and its Products. PittsbUrgb OffIce—DALZELL' BIYILDLNG, Cor ner of Duquesne Way and Iniln strrets. Philadelphia Office-127 WALNUT ST M. LONG L. CO., • .IfA NIMACTURERS OF PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, Ilr•r•11!f95 MI all the principal points of the Cr.1:e.1:. , !.6,15s art 4 ow:La". Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh . — : ; ---------- 7 --- --: LU.MBER. i :its r LS, Bonds und other Securities LumEcEit: IV: UREIC EL:1111E1V I - ALEximazu PATTERSON, Dealer Particular attt:lttic , n paid to the purehag . e and • • l !l eant ri inds of Lumber. 1 01le of 0. 11.1N0 AND 1-01::,..k1.1:: . 509 , 1 300:,,t Dry funs P.,x,,i.: 300.00 1,. t 10-, (..‘k. I an , l 2 16505: 20.000 r.. 1•1 try .‘ , ll. ii, ~ 2. 4. 4 ...,11.: 3110.11; 2011.000 is, i. 511/.,, ',.:; 1, 1 000. OW) N.., I I .....-5:5,15 ,11516e'eq, ra., , , I; 0 9.1. 11 /0 N. , . 1 IC 1.... it :-.11:ii,1...., .-..‘,..1: 100,0110 No. 1 10-111c16 ^liiiigl6.,, , as of 1; 01.1f1 1. , ,• 1i I l'e...t, 7, 8 :.55.11:4 rt ..1.; :Wu 6,..1: 66 l' .A.:. ri A R ... 1. Fire 1:ri..1:, TA, ;651.1 Clay, In - large or s711:611 ll t/1•,. VAIN), r. N.,. N 11 i; ;7 is 1:1..1,1,: .STitEI:T. form,rly M:6,6.-1t.1.. 1, E1!,',.. bile the Ca; , A •,r1; ... A t ;z ill. 1 STIIEET, ..t.: .ny cly. , j•,..:,:1,3 , ... . . . FORT Pirl"i' I. UM ilk: LI COMPAN V Capital, - - _ $125,090. Brand --"L G CIFER." PnEstnnNT--EDWAItr) InTIIItIIME Sscrr:T,un•--T. A. SUYILIIINTUNDENT--ED W. DAV/:3ON. Im•l(•-otte•• Edward Davlsol • •+` John • ••• r. Duncan. lieu. W. Llt7,rl I ..A ) 10, - el e, , :+• umilittuu. • • • LUMBER YAl3J)__ttorneror BUTLER anil LUM BER STREETS, Ninth Ward. °VFW': AT 101..,T PITT ti.L.ASS WORKS, Wash ington Street. laae.l9B GAS AND' STEAK! FITTING JOMN M. COOPEIC . .... 10S. X A YEWEIL JOHN M. COOPER & MXICXY BRASS FOITNDERS, GAS AND 'STEAM FITTERS, Manufacturers of PUMPS AND DRABS WORK ,o 11;7 itrigrjll,or4s GAS FLICTUEEZ Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, • PI-TTSI3.II/FLGI:I. myi6:23o • • • ____ IRON BROKERS ffg ULL?~• ~'ICSEIi9SAM~ i TROT i BROKER, OM irst Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' • Agint 5 qthint I. tor the f,ti,:f.ir cprowmo, Durrimanaie. Jo -10. !,I:eirrd Ch ., tor Anthracite, You7bloghtny $. icoal 7 rid o' (.0 - 6.• e Ails. 11131EMI! 0:11.1cre. ft:sp.:o4 , 4ly ar 110144, BUR N. BOLE tk lV O. Cot Point Allty and Duquesne St., (NEAR VIE POINT, ) PITTSBURGH, P 4 WO MKS,. CARROLL & SHYDER, 31 ANCFACTEutElt.5 OF . BITER, and 56 Water Street, I BPR I GH, PA. I IL&NUFACTURP.It OP OIL TANKS , ANS, CO•I'pER STEAM PIPE, G MILL STACKS, 4 1SIIEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats, OILS WARING, RING & co., 127 Wa!n . nt. Street. ♦ND DEALERS IN ■ FORT PITT -BANING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points in the 17ulted States and Canadas. FuRE Tjnyfn,b,B.e:..c, K. l Bs y D. Hostetter, M. James Gordon, D. Wallnce, E. Fawixtt, Andrew Mille); --- _ D. LEFT WILSON, Cashier, KEYSTONE 14N1K9 No. 293 _LIBERTY STREET, CAPITAI, (anthorized,) : : : : $200,000 DIRECTORS. H. J. Lynch, ' Win. If. Ilainflton, John 31ure11 Jr., . Henry 130Ciibtt)Cet William Espy, Samuel Um T. Van Deren. Buckley, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD H. J. LYNCH, President. OEo. T. VAN DOREN. Cashier. iirSTOCKHOLDERS INDIVTDI7ALLY PEOPLES SAYINGS BANK, OF PITTSBURGH. CA§TI CAPITAL Preoldent.4lEßßY LLOYD Vice President—WlLLlAM REA. 183:e21 • nen ry Lloyd, Hon. Thos. 14fell on, R. P. Jones, Th. Wightman Geo. W. Hallman, 'Wtn. Rea, It. ,Edward Gregg, iiltrAut Stowe ecretary Treas'r---S. F. VON BONNIIORST. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on time de csitrv€?4.,nageoicr befettrtstarltr,4omtatat,.gerscm ppuled on IsL Na:Mte" and let Mar. 1611, wiItNATIONAL BANK OF COMIIEECE Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts• A. PATTERSON President. • JOS. H. HILL Cashier. CAPITAL, : : 8500,000. A. Patterson, D/HECTOIi.9: Wm. H. brown, Chas. Lockhart. James I,7 Gi mm or e g l e 3m W ec ..C n a d s t s e . 3s, 14, A . 1 . 11 , 1 3 2 . Hillarttnaatrz4 ' Wm . heed . DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. M. a.p9:o'D HART, CAUGUET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, 1-1- rpis;x.tun oTr , (SUCCESSORS WO , HANNA, HART R. C 0..) Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to It, purchase and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafte:Londqrt. mmesa N HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street, 1-2 IWTT'SI3IEFIIGr P.A. )1:G HT AND SOLD ON COXMISSION United Si U,- II ate s Securitie. WESTI:RTi 9.41 yiNGS BANa, ..Vo. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTEIZED 18GG. interes:t p4ii3 on "Time Deposl. J l / 4 N y ; in! ItEccivEp Faun ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEposlTs 6171:JECT TO ciIECK, WiTIiOUT biscounts Daily at 13 INTE wci E oek. Prestdent—MONPSON BELL. lice President—A. M. : 11 AltSlIALL. THOMPSON DELT, ,A. nArNtrALL, JOS. DILWORTH. ! * JUS. ALIOME. J. J. WI.LI:BI!.[E, dtock holden; to whom we timke reference: Wm: Fonythe . Joseph Dilworth, Wm. 041(1x:ell,' I nor. David Kerr,;" Willis DaDell, Hey Latlllwrt, ' 1). W. C.,111,1we1l ,A. o. Drown, F.. M. Poltott. I ThoneD Ewlor. MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK, iSznitlillold Street, PITTSBURGH . , PA. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS; ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. De posita received subject to check, without interest. JAMES BLACKMORE, President. GEO. I). TINDLE, t 3 ecretnryand Trensurer. JAMES H. HOPKINS, So. Senor. TRUSTEZII: James Elackmore; James A. flopkills, Alex. Jair.es Boon, William Deane. W. 'W. Bradshaw, A. 6. Cabbage, Robert Wray, MECHANICAL ENGINEER. mEcia.anrcaL ENGINEER, A.ncl Solicitor or .1"ate11t&. 01lice, No. 31) FP:DEL:AI. :4 1 1'ItE R..oin No. 2 np otairs. (0.116 .. .1.. 50. A 1.I.F.(:111.:NY CITY. AC/if:NT:I:Y, wript jOlll4. 11.1.,A.- , l' IRltgCti ACM And itc Hai N M DRA W INGS furoll Vartleut at tannin paid td de i.:gulto; CULL) 1.000,4141TIVE:l. Pcm- Mielltlf:Ny • =Xte-Anir'E47lsNlNti aa; 4.111;:y. w.t.',DNEmAy . ' • - I , , _ F'/NANCLA.L. DEALERS IN 21cCLITRILS.N, Pres't• PIraNHITP.GIY, PA. TRANSACTED 6100, 000 TRUSTEE 6 D Kk.L ERS LIT I• The following were the closing prices. • Sept,. 5. 18'38. Sept. 5, 1867. ! Flour, S' Ex 7,'25` Wh ea t, No. 2. 1,00 0)1.00;4 1,7301 1,73 S Corn, ..No. 1... 9,1340; 97 103(0 ..... Oats, No. 1 and 92; 1 c 490 Eye, No. 1 1,23 0.)1,23s 1,08(0 1,10 Barley, No. 3. 1,613;4@1,67 1,00(0 1,03 —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady dr. Co.: Gold, 144 N; United States Sixes, 1881's ' 1.13%; z-zo's, 1862, 113;4.; 5-20's, 1804, 109%; 5-20's, 1885, 111; 10-10's, 104 M; 5-20's, January, and July, '65, l08;4; 5-20's, January and July, '67 108%; '6B, 1083 1 ;; June 7-30's, par less !4; July 7-30's, do August 119%; Sept.. 119%; Oct. 118;4; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral,•lo3. .; . ' , New York Dry Goods Market. [By Telegrapli to the Pitteiburgli Uszette.) Naw Yonx, Sept. 9.—There is an im ,w proved demand for all classes ofgoods, bothool and colton, as well as silk and flair. Fabrics generally firm, even for cotton go ,cia, notwithstanding dullness ard de. presSion in the cotton market. Heavy brown shootings selling at 16416ti0 for best makes. Prints generally steady at 13 al3Mir for best best takes , of dea'ers, American, Lancaster, Paeific, Hamilton 1 and Sprague, and 140 for Coebeco. Printing cloths dull .at 5a83.4 . for good t o e.:ctra. Colored cottons steady and in fair & m an 1 :ti :11.! for Alinnehalri 4-4, ticks; - :1.214 for 7-8 do; 2ti1 . 4 for Co , dis IL B. do.; 21 ! Chicago Came Martiet. Illy "I'‘ ..the t'llt,burgli Gazette.) - 111 , --4,11 to for floqnti• dot 26 for Hamilton do. post- i CmcAuo, B,4it. 9 .-13erf cattle very dui/ script Ricihmonds. PritKa 'redni T ,d to ;3 4 and nominal. , illiigs—atririly prilne actiVp and as this is ono of tho . best calkoce ea nod 2..in33c kight•r;ronirrain lots alniwit Mt titilo it is iris to ooneittde that all ()Cher ;:tl,-,nl.)lfi: 1-,:.•:it: frratt:l3. t.:9,75a10,(Ji; 5,:r4 Prints Will' be reduced_iii price also. j cLoief:. C' lo , 7 ' , '• i • • . . 111 mITT -IL Z 9 BANZLEIt j_ Corner of "i7,Tood and Fifth Streets GOVERMENT AND PACIFIC R. R. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a linable in any part of Europe. l i DEPOSITS received subject to check, or IN TED. EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. JAXE' T. BRADY & 00 (Successors to S. JONES .S: C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 33 1k47" mr„. „ BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF • GOVERNMENT SECURITIES GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. "Interest Allowed on Deposits. Xis:Money loaned on GOvernment Bonds at lOvr est market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS nud GOLD. JAMES T. ErbLDY & CO njellittdrurffij. 6-it'Ettr. FINANCE AND' TRADE, .„-- OFFICE OF TITF: PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, i WEDNESDAY, September 9, 1868. • The gold market has been very firm 'to day, at from 144 y, to l4lm, although there was little disposition to buy at the higher quotations. The short interest outstanding uncovered is still very large, but at the lower quotations, a great many purchases are made in anticipation of higher rates. The imp)rts continue' heavy, and the - ' stock of gold on the market is gradually diminshed. Government bonds were strong yester iday, but the market was largely oversold, by parties anxious to buy at low rates, and quotations yielded; at the close the market was about 34 per cent: lower than at the opening yesterday. _ Stocks are dull and lower, although large purchases were made by the bull liques to sustain the market, but the out side support is wanting, and money is scarcer. In Express shares there is a bet ter feeling. Merchants Union is firm at 22 %; Adams, 403,i; ' the balance is un changed Business is improVing, and money easy. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 144%; Eighty-one's, „1133.1; Five Twehties, 18i2, 113, 1 4; do, 1844, 100; do, 1865, 111; do, 1865, new. 108%; do, 1867; 1081,.; do, 1868; 108; Ten Forties, 104)..f. Railroads—Cleveland Pittsburgh, 85%; Pittsbuigli, Fort I Wayne & Chicogo, 107 3 / 4 ; Chicago ,t Rock!lsland, 101 1 .4; Chicago tt: North Western, 85, 7 <; cio 'Preferred, 86; Michigan Southern, Reading, 89%; Erie, 4614; New York Central, 124 ;-;; Ohio Mississippi Certificates, 28.7„; Western I Union Telegraph Co„ 33N; Adams Express Co., 40; Merchants Union, 22%. Mining Co . , 4,00; Corydon, 20; Quartz Hill, 93; Smith A: Parinfilee, 4,25; Qttick :liver, 20. I —OM-, Eastern exchanges report that late advices from Europe show a continuous 1 and heavy demand for our bonds in the - 1 German market. During the recent bull movement in gold the German bankers in New York, who had °resold gold very largely in order to offset their sales -- and I procure gold, sent litrited States bonds to lEurope for sale. The proceeds were to be I ' returned in coin. This checked the export 1 . The market for Crude is quiet and un of specie, and ac caused a return now of changed. 'We can report a sale of 2,000'. I the precious article, the immediate effect offl bbls, 06 spot. at 12c , and this is still Te ' which was a speedy decline in the prenn- i gartied as the ruling figure for any de urn. Tt was naturally to be expected that livery between now• and January Ist. The the amoina of bonds thus forced on the demand, however, is light, being restricted. Continental exchanges would materially I mainly to those who have early maturing affect the price, bet, on the contrary, the i contralits; it i , 3 equally tru., however, that demand for them was so great that they t the offerinzs are by no means large. For were not only rapidly absorbed, but , the 1 January to July, seller's option, we con price actually adyanefid. 1 time to quote at Mr, the last sale reported —The tollowing, were the receipts and for that particular delivery having been shi . iments of flour and grain at Chicago made at that figure. By telegraph we t during, last week and the corresponding learn that the sales at Shamberg yester i at..illya:tt.!ftregated some six thousand barrels, week in 15t,s and I.StiT, with the dates named: E PTS " 4 'j t. 5, 1 , ;i. 1.1 Int N‘ *I Coro 7 . 041)1 51.2 :lit 121,1;IO EEO f;0,05 37,0(33 -0 , 4 71Zr,!:11..i8 1,01; ;:f;:i 98'440 :100,10',1 755.470 3 , ;, 710 10•4,2;.1 27,433 40,0 s nom .. it (' (Lily.... Barley • , • nt:Frxtm4 , , i The market for Refined continue: Quiet, An g•, 2( ' , . " 2. e.P`• "? I anti prices continue to decline. We ca n 211'.2 • 11 ,, 7 :, reliort two "lines - of ~500 ; :fell from ct _'"lo4 4906 " I lx , r to Alarch at 29 1 ,,.:0, anti, ,Tit, each from , '1_31,„61,4 1 T2 ,241 ,, ) Sliteinher to Marcif at 200. Late in tho 1,00 i,.:ltt 6,1,0- afternoon :7:einem her was l offered at 3vo, "109 :176,-1(6 i and wo heard of S9pterni4r and Oetoher 1 t , 7:2 7 '4 7, 0 t havi ng lwen offered together at the Same 9-1,1)/9 233,779 I figure. There scent§ tO ho a steadily in :. . I creasing demand froin the 1‘ est, and we ri,sos i hone to s. e a good western trade built up' 55. 4 ,:.!40 I again, and tinit, too, befor long- It would 753,137 be a good thing for the oil interest of Pitts -5::4,842 i burgh if our Western Railroads would re- :-: 0 ;610 1 dace the rate of freight on oil, so that we 103,464 1 you'd compoto, fairly with other neints. IThat our refineries, as a general thing, make a liner and betterwticio of oil than all other points in the country is generally conceded, anti. Pittsburgh bran - Lis `will al ways command the preference at the'sanuo 'trice. \\'e feel satistiod that if Pittsburgh oil was snore generally used in tho west, we Would not hear of so many accidents. .RECELL'TS CRUDE OIL. Jas. Wilkins ...... IGO D. M.Edgerton Fisher Sc 8r0..... 640 H. Ro-eabach. Lockhart A: .P.... 1200 0. B. Jones,.,., J. A lawhinney..looo I Roess ct 8r0... T0ta1.......... ..... 4240 OIL SHIPMENTS PROM DIAIILENE DEPOT. Warden a Batchelder, 17 bbls refined to Warden. Frew .1: Co:, Philadelphia. Brooks' Ballentirre t Co., 84 do do to Warden, Frow & Co., Philadelphia. A. D. Miller. 17 bbls refined to Warin g „ King 4r, Co., Philadelphia. G. W. Holdsbip & Co., 15 do do to War ing, Ring & Co., Philadelphia. • Union Ref. Co., 78 do do to W. P. Logan k Bro.,Philadelphia. EL. M. Long& Co., 110 do do to .Waringi.- King & Co., Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick & Lyon. 443 do de to W. P.. Logan it: Bro., Philadelphia. • Fairview Oil Co.. 560 bbls refined to Tack ct Bros., Philadelphia. Johnston .s:Paine, 10 do do, to D. L. 2,111- l'er, Jr., Philadelphia. • . „ OFFICE CF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, September, 9, 1868. The general markets are quiet and de void of any new or important characteris tics worthy of special notice. - The demand for most of the leading articles is restricted mainly to supplying the immediate wants 1111 bf the local trade, while so far as as prices are concerned there are no material changes. GROCERIES—The most noticeable lea torein the Grocery market is a tirmer feel ing in _regard to Raw Sugars, and for, tit& time being, the downward movement has. been checlLd, though - so tar there is no ad advance Coffees are a shade lower, in sympathy with the decline in gold, while- Syrups are firmer and a fraction higher. In other articles there are no changes worthy of special mention. We quote as follows: Suonns—Cuba, il2Xc for good grocery 1..;?,31 to 13c for grime; and 14e for choice; Bono Rico — gaol:l l 7 l3c; prime, 133; choice,. to 15e; ClaritiOPCuba, 14 to 14,!4c. Re linedStmdarff Flard, 17e: A, 16c; B, 15: : ;c; Extra 15% to 11. c; Sugar House, 10311. CoYFEP.—IIio 'ranges all the way from 213;t0 for conmionto strictly prime. Java 37 to 38c. SYRUPS—Covering's 81,10; Silver Drips, $1,10; White Drips, $1,20; medium brands, 73 to 85c; common, GO to 63c; Booth 5 Ed gar Syrup, $l. RicE—ltangoon, , good, 103-16; prime z,c choice, 11 to'llic; Carolina, 12 to 12,1 . 4 c. MobAssEs'—New Orleans, 05 to si,o3; Cu ba, G 5 to 70c; Porto Rico, 75 to Ole. ScicEs—Cassia, 80 to 85c; Cloves 5. -- ,c; Pepper, 3Sc; Al l spice, 35c; Nutmegs, $1,50. •STAncii—Madison,Sc; Silver Gloss, 123.,,c, and Corn Starch, 133 c, FituiTs—Layer Riviins, $4,75 per box; Valentia, 20c her lb; Prunes, 17c; Currants, 12;ci for new. BAR LEAD-12 1 4e; Shot, 83,50 per bag. Soars — "Babbit's," 12c; "Oakely's,'" 14 . 4 e; Rosin, 5 to 7c; "Dobbin's," loc. CANDLEs—MouId, 16c; Star, 23c. CONCENTRATED LYE-$58, , 00 per case. BI CARR SODA—SB,SO per 100. FlSH—White Fish, $9,00. Lake Herring,, , ` 25 , 0 0; Mackerel No. 1, 822; No; 2, $18,04 No. 3, $13,50; in half barrels. 50c more. APPLES—In good demand, and with a very light supply, the market is -decidedly firmer, - and prices a shade higher. We now 9uote at 83 to $4;4 per bbl—the last named figure only for choice. POTATOES— In better supply, and a. lit-- tle dull; sales at $1,20 per bushel, and $3,50 per bbl. Jersey Sweets- are firm at $7 per bbl, and scarce. BUTTER—Is firm but unchanged, with sales of prime to choice at 37 to 40e. EGGS--Scarce and in demand, with sales- . reported at 21 to 22c.! CHEESE—Is firm but unchangbd at 14to 15c for Western Re - serve and 'Hamburg; 17 to 180 for Factory and Goshen and 20 for- Sweitzer. SEEDS—Flaxseed— none in market; nominal at $2,25 to $2,30. Timothy Seed is cowing in ntore freely, and we can re port a sale of 20 bags at $3,25, and 10 do at 83,50. Clover Seed is nominal at $7,75 to $B. SALT—Is dull and unchanged at $1,75 to 81,80 to the trade, and $2, for small lots in store. HAY—Is unchanged, ranging from $25 to., $34 per ton, as to quality. , GRAlN—Wheat is in good supply, all the mills being well stocked; we continue to quote at $2705 to $2,10, though some of': the mills refuse to pay above $2. 'Oats quiet, and prices are barely maintained; 65c, on track, and G 8 to 70c, for small lots in store. Corn, $l,lO to $1,15 for mixed to prime Yellow. Rye is unchanged at $1,40. Barley is stropg at $2, for No. 1. LARD firm but unchanged, not withstanding Lard is higher; we continue to quote No. 2 at $1,20„ and No. 1 at $1,50. P ROVISION'S—Bacon is steady but un-' changed at 14 . 3, , ‘' to 141.‘e for Shoulders; 16 . 1 ,4 to 163;c for Ribbed, and 18 to 183.Ze for Clear Sides, and 22 to 22.3.4:c for Sugar Cured Hams. Lard is firm at 20h, in tierce , , and 21!,c, in kegs. Mess Pork, 830,50 to 831;50. MILL PEED—The demand is fair; and prices unchanged; the mills continue to.' quote at $l,lO for Bran; $1,30 for Shipstuffs, and $2 for Middlings. FLOUR—The mills report a fair 'local .demand, but there seems to be no inquiry whatever for shipment to any of the east ern markets. Prices, however, remain un changed at $10,50 for Extra Family, in bbls, and $10,20,in sacks; and Double Extra at $ll, in barrels, and $10,70 in sacks. Rye. Flour, $9 per bbl. PITTSBURGELPETRoLEUM MARKET. OFFter. OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, September 9, 1868. 5 CRUDE. iea 32a 52a 240