• . oR r . . 0 i A rj, , r..1" 4- `171::-', , - 1 1 . - ~.1 1?_:4 ,1 .1 ,i i 5 _... sittlittron , t l_ ,,it o ...,..,,, . t : 1 . , ... - cr-..v...-,, ,, ,,./z,, , ,z4.,--;;; , ...,,. , :..- - -....,,.., .....,==..7..-Q= , ...- - .. , . 2.1-,w.,,.---.....x.rwmt,e••=4llll7B,BlifitinarintlegrirrrraTiriglirir • "liv ___ . . .__ . 9 , , . , .. • -• - ttt ward( aaidtt. A Sketch" of Bombay-LStreet Scenet/.. !Carleton;?! thn lively correspondent of the Boston Journal, is writing sonic , inter- eating letteiq • from hunk ' We quote below fioni one Of ,thenk:.; , - • it "Would than the tatinera " of, NeW Zug land, who, about ,thead days ,; , are driving teams could Ike' how the ftin dOos manage theit :Awl. Think of a pair of,/eatt, • li* kinee_ _with :horns eighteen inches long sticking straight :up into the air, i with a greatliump on • the back—over the ;shoulders a , straight piece 'around wood - =a -limb -of: s' tree six inches in diaineter for ' yoke; four pins, each about 'ten - inches long, `driven through the:yoke to' !klieti it inPlacie on. the necks the *mai ; 110 Pe 3 , insteitdl of: bowg—not lashed to the :horns but tiediround the Becks: ,a cord in ;the nobtrils of each or, with reins: .attached; a two wheeled cart, with four seats the driver sitting in front bare-headed, bare -armed, bare-footed,. bare-legged, • bdiely dressed in every -respects-;-One bit of rag about the loins;•three, Hindoo passengers:as bare clothing as` himself the oxen upon :the trot or • Canter, t he;dusky Jehn handling i the reins adToitly, '.turning sharp corners, picking his way through the crowd as easily And quickly as the. hacknien of your city _am•,thread ',their*, course on Washington "The peninsula is wider here.'' , arid we soon reach the Suburbs, where the Euro qslans-and Minas and -rich - native Mer ',clients, live. We find bread' 'avenues, as I mooth*he sea becich,'Slicidedby ; tropical -trees in-, , great , s sariety., We Pass stately shrth to.lr unded = spacious . ; gardens. ;Weloolt,rip,the long ,gray . elled walks and behold the flowers, of every hue—exotics of late temperate: zone; ,- mingled withthe flora :of the tropicetoleancia& .magnolia&,labur mums, acacias, - proligeir and lebions; honey:- stickle, verbenas, roses, azalias, petunias, tiger lilies-ills entire - "flora - of our green borisea bleciadrig,ln the open aiil.vines and 'preeper&Clerriatia and' jeesaminc ..clinibing the walls, over-running, summer. houses; treee, Wkolli,unlike those which we are ac 'enatotr ed to see-,-no elms, no maples, or -gigantic oaks, but the tall and slenderpalm; the palmyra, the cocoanut, with their green -plumes gracefully moving:in the breezes; the banyan, a forest in itself, sending its new trunks, down into the . generous earth, -hpreculing its branches far and wide,thickly throwing out its leaves, making a delightful ihade; the India rubber tree, the teak, the fig and mango. The Parsee, as far as in him lies, makes his earthly home a Paradise. His palace is large and lofty. He has wide halls; deep 'verandahs. and passe - gra-ways running in all directions, so that, let the breeze come from the sea or the mountains, from the north or,the south, it may sweep through his halls. The Parsecs are the Yankees of the East—the businessmen who know. the kneel of making money, In an-. other leiter I shall have something•more to , say about them. • They surpass the English • in the elegance of theirresidences. Getting beyond the'palaces and villas vie come to the reselling northward arid eastward, hounde4 in dim'distaned by. mountains, " approaching the-city from the sea; or looking down upon it from the hotel, we see few spires; towers and domes of churches, temples or public: buildings, but a long reach of tiled roofs, wide streets, open lots, patcheilif greenifoliege, with, few objects to attract special attention: - • "I took an; early walk before the sun was' • up this morning, and saw some , queer scenes.in the streets: The people were just rising—funidreds of them from the ground in front-of their shops—men women and children, where they had milde their beds for the ifight.:. Some were still asleep, and I came near_ disturbing the slumbers- of a young man. as I turneda corner, by falling over him. It dCei not take , a Hindoo long • th dress, espepiallYwheii his Only , garment is'a strip. of cloth. around the loins. The children,. -like 4those,,..in many American homes, were up. bright and early making mud pies. -1 noticed-that - they were not dressed quite well epoughto make their ap rtearlgleeStA-.Bl2lldalf school,- In a country where ifather and mother make • &Strip of clotlfcif the Size of ri - dish-wiper ,Serse for full,dress, it, isnot in, the nature of things that, their offspring - should , appear 71n coat,, , jacket - mulisgriWor — bitiblitur and like those whieh'4 , yetrileiadies - of Bea ten useferating , ;he -street& The oos. troliett-of thilWest-r4sPeffitAly the ballroom • dresses-L-have loupe; skirts and perhapw'ne(4ulte so lOsi in the neck, as the costumes worn by, their sistemof India; tinttheinatthr Of-jesielrY the"; dark-fea tured ladies of this country can beat - them' all i10114r5r4:t7 v.l r orake a look at this black-hairedereature fondling, a little Ationy,imp; the Hkeneei of herself,. , in a • doorway we pasS,A,gold chain about her neck, gold; curia l) o fitu t i size of goldplece dangling fmit it; three silver braceleta on each wrist;• ant, , armlet :. stf- .On ,ettcl. t• arm above, 440. ekbow eninany , ringi lier,firigetri" that:, youcannot count theini•anklets, hug e arid- . nuisidire,XPon kLeh'inkiio o kits. or the same metal , on her great toes; six geld:rings - with little hells attachellin elicitear;, a gold brooch with a long pin thrust through the left mis tral!. Can any fair maiden in ; America ex hibit, so much jewelry ,7"'• • Bee how the , fond, mother levasliedler fortune, regardless of expense, upon tbe4arling hir Arms—. rings on itstoes, on its ankles, a silverchaini . clasping; :Oak of ehnbti,39 leg above the knee a large chain ~of elaborate work-, manahlAt i ding theloini,With - Charm =and: little silver, bell eattached, rings on its fingers, bricalete on its aims;, another Chain 'clasp ing the neek,', ringein its eara,;aleWel irifta, nose I Quite a display:for a yeunggirt who .- has not- got 'wand to her 'find ' birthday anniversary. > r 2 Li. "The question is solved as to what be. comes of the, sliveto India absorbs! . A love of jetiblri tie ihaidetelisticof - then as well of women in India. The men wear bracelets ,and .noS,eogat The population; of t iltecountrY TS nearly 'one` hundred and i ninety millions, and -it . may be set down that.each individual line; upon an,ayerage,.` four or five rings, bracelets or charms, usually of silver. There, .are at least ten hundred tnilliOnqmlantents among thelitt tives, but no estimate can be made of their value. ,Through all agee'india'haa imgat' • lowed tqr :and' the atiabittitni great today, gaever., 5 11 / I , o l fri c° 9 4 ll' trYlelthally stiveNLitiptesiir tolltits.' The native !tees not, like, g9I4,P:M. OW' / " t Attempts have been' made to ptreauce,it,„ but without success. r--4- Tna Lose by the recent f i res in the Can ada forests 18 tb9ratiPleztat 18 4 PIRAT Mr 1114 : 68 of dollars. At BisseVe Creek, about 150 miles above Ottawa river, a large lumber log depot, con:wising Afteener Aixtemi buildings, haslieuttertvidevr e 3,4, w i t h an immense stock of provisions, everything haviug,been r A n g un g d,,, e4cePt titc,-POrkv 'itnied"tindergromiid. Ore 'Gin Gatineau, too, the destruction has been most extensive, thelownships of Lowe and Hincka, and some others, have been almost overrun by the devouring element, si m il ar devastApna arlYletOrtedlnt - the Matt t• of the - Upper Ottawa, and at several pl aces throughout the Province_ of qtm l ec. Extensive fires ah - f inenit, 4lll ret beloseata on the north shores of Lakes Huron and Superior. . , . . • I • -, . • .., . .• , , •., ,• . . , . , , . • . - . . •,.. . .... _„„ , . _ . The Journal de ta,Saveis Tepees an exci ting adventure of a n : American traveler in Switzerland, which_we translate : • , "An American, Who had prudently * given rip his 'ainbition to scale the summitof Mont Blade, account of the nniettled weather, started batrfrom the half-way house on the Gnmds Mulct with , a German guide from Zermatt..., The guide had refused; - out of mere ,vain tp join a large company which left the same resting.place a few min utes 'earlier: `{They *Soon 'Caine to one of those great , trevasties' in the ice which ' can only be crossed en a' ladder% Here tbe 'foot of the -ineXpetienced tourist .slippedit and he fell, ClConnecting ropedragging the:guide also =high° chasm, Fortunately it was just at a ,point where the • crevice made "a sharp corner, and by seizing a projecting, point., „and bracing:himself againSt the r sides with hii arms and knees, he was able to stOptiiin self, after a' fall" or ' , sixteen-or seventeen -feet, and avoid.dropping into the tiiitinhom able abyss below. The traveler was uphurt, but the poor guide bad his - head badly cut against the sides of the crevice. • "He had retained 'bid' axe in band; and "no*ttried to cut steps in the slippery ; - so tlfat, they might climb out- But ; his was - perilous, work, and its success extremely ,doubtful. One mistake, one uncertain step might precipitate both into the depths below their narrow suppor t . • ' • • "One of the guides of the company ahead, who had been chaffling the German guide on his rashness, was ,:surprised that. the travelers, " wbo - ' fullowing them so closely, did not collie in sight again, and went back to see what had happened. Find ing them:in the crevice, he signaled to the g_uides awl tourists of his company to return. They did so, and let their:rope down to' the unfortunates; • who were put on their way home again in safety, the Ainerican, accord ing to the guide:who saved him, exhibited no trace of emotion whatever on ieface.P .The Drunkard's _Cure. . Same months ago, says an exchange, a gentleman advertised that he had discoyered a sure specific for the cure of drunkenness. He would not divulge the secret of what Compounds he used. but. furnished the med icine at so much • per bottle/ He did not have so many applicants for his cure as he expected, considering the extent of the dis ease. In fact; the more malignant cases did not seem anxious for relief. • They rather appeared to enjoy the malady. A few,how ever placed' thetaselves sander treatment, and some were cured—whether by, taking the medicine ar by not taking strong drinks we are. not prepared to say. Due. of- the cured ones had faith in the medicine. rigidly carried out the'-directions of the doctor, and now has not the least taste for intoxicating drinks; whereas, one year ago . he was an inebriate, and could not get along • with less than a pint to a quart of,whisky per day. He said that, at some - trouble and expense,- he had procured the 'receipt for the. Prepar ation of the, medicine, which- he had pub lished for the benefit of- suffering humanity. It, is as follows : Sulphate of iron five grains, peppermint water,- eleven' draLms; spirit of nutmeg, one drachm, twice a. day. This preparation acts as a tonic and stimu lant; and so partially supplies the place of the accustomed liquor, and prevents that absolute physical prosaation that follows a sudden breaking off from , the, use of stimu lating drinks. It is to be taken in quanti ties equal to an ordinary dram and as often as the desire for a dram returns. Any druggist can prepare the prescription. It is said this preparation will soon re move all longing for' intoxicating drinks. Try it,' yon who honestly wish to break away from a habit which is harrying you to a drunkard's grave. FOUND. That_alter - repeated tidal i of other remedies, Ro. back , s Stomach Bitters; Blood Perrier and Blood Pills are the best medicines extant to Mire the dLs• eases for which • they are recommended. Belay all Druggists Everywhere. . „ • • • • .L ..•-• • There linis'inediehinin arse eintineons as Dt` Botateltli Blood •Pttritlee• and Blond Ellii:.fur the '. Permanent Mire of Auid or, Bieeding;Plies; the" strike at theiooi of disease, theietry removing the Sold . by all Dr,usgliti BYinlrhenr • ,r 1 . There _l4 perbapoi, so one thing that Las does 'som uch tolikromote the ;inset cif temperance`as did • gentleetteinialing . tentei itotamiktshuniiseis Bitters they strengthen and ;Invigorate without prodacini the ilistrects of alcoholic stinitilants. , • .1 : . 2 Sal by:all Druggists Everywhere. • EMI! ; , urvER ro=3 44ralUst that hive a ;411reatiail grarertar acifiat O FLO :Ural% and _relieve liar inaattrAty• or; Vongtate Stara mf %bit ail Imoortaat 'OMNI; Irgitrlrldikard& sadili the:whale•grocaaa 'DV digestion: %TM fah:port aaCes Oath of Dratarriag a Pill that loaf twee Web direct agtioa without ,the IllielreCtif Of Eilliatiry: 132/44feltt ereri, one; tuotr•l'Ma sib Rotkaalisa 81904 Pillr;:they are warrimtetanuely vegetal)* and arm with;:certalaty !mitigated apda,laid wink stlatamal,;: -,ri ,-;. Sold by all kagelts - •' ' INDIGESTION'''' re !wit io;Otber name gbr TiroxyWeitt,;:tiotd.• the parent drawly rift Robaera.fltotutult Bitter,: taken la wine-ataaa4ipallotes, directly a ft er ear& meal, will 'aural* effect a perioanent enze.,,Do .toot ; take out word for It, but try them..„,_ • • • Bold byall Druggists Everywhere: NIGHT MARE •,-; -; .". - Is one of the miuy dilsesses pf which:l*mi** the parent To effect a cure .perione shotddi avoid ;hearty food it tlg4t.•and take wlne:klasitArtf Itoback's ittenuicjißlttetipti,retizing toted. , r• Sold bY Isll'l44oo3.'.Pizferghark 1611 11'1'11 , 1 - • tf,t 1 ( 1,1 u5 •C... , ..i 1.19 • .1, /A l ,O. During tho Spring mon tt is ono of 4110 •iagular household doVos to:renoisiOy,air.d .l l4t , n0pt,14 2 ; ' iriti ' at dniiell !AO,/ ova . • ~ia nisi -overlooked: tbonroorls anliniblit p ro wnse t i t ina tolay,doubtle t wareo nna' premature 'moves . thoron_ghlr: 141 siftig the Ott= Dr.. Bo tusk's,- 161006. • 0 .ohtert Eau 8100011.001401..,, • • , ..1.,,,,11.11€19111 t4' .11 !Sold,by all Ihmabg32vatroieiii:: , ' , . C. f .• • .11..‘. . . ~ . . ........... Is inl'oribtoishriltibittelititWiiiirtottolTri4; arisilir ottlidbootug44l4lo.l. loirereprostratton ittorput*ogimed'otoaless.; and Flinn lift jtvatisitc. reegOs . 'Ute L noSsa's EisOmscs Ettttst terestsisethe !term SO' SW{ *op *.lO4Mr. • 4, 00414,:44,..i.tolciiiiiiiikrt., • ; inir,irmkualwa. t 411:01, ptt L 9, ST O MAOH - HITT'SR4.an'd'BIAMOVVra, ir 4904 gal Pr oggintscriarticemiris.!.: < ;. u* la kROPRINfAItY-41gliidligEaq, --ricox-Ttvviovi„.•.l . - crt4r4DENDTA.Tx, 43. SoMarws-, SP.ECtilaTidie. THE APPETI Tobacco De Leave air Chewing. Smoking the IPoisoaons Weed, Tobaeeo. One box, of ORTON'S PREPARATION IS WAR " itiorrii . to destroy the appetite for . tobacco in any person, nb , matter 'SOW SLICES the habit may he, /Er lEYSILS IN /OM CASE EFLE2IOEZT WILL= IL le almoat„ impossible to break o ff from the ale of tobacco by the mere exercise alto SoMethingleineeded tciatalit nature innvei , turning &habit Botirraly rooted; with the help ofthe preparat c top there Is not the least, trouble: Huff dends !lave used It. Who are willing so, bear -witness to . the. feet. }bat; ORTON'S PREPARATION Qom Plitoi4"lqo7B;the appetite for tobaoco and leaves theperson as free from auy. deelre, for, IS es •before he commenced' its. use.. It Is prfectly Bste,and harmless its all cities. The T4separation acts directly upon the same glands and secretions affected by to hoece; and through thele upon the blood, thorough ly cleansing the poison of,tobacco from the system, and thus !allaying the unnatural crept:egged* tobacCo. N11)1101111 H.IOIIIZRING SOIL TOBACCO , thtilel 1:181Y0 PnazrAsAvolit 11 18 , ' WAIIBANTBD. BYWARB OF . C0111c288.8.81T81 • REcommdeND4roNs. "The following are a few Selected ;from the idultl tude of, recommetviaticorsin'ouri posses' sloth% • • [From W. P. Heald, Esq„ Bangor, 1/0.1. I •-. " , • BARGOn; Me:, April' 24.1868. I heir-14.04rd* , that I 0041 , 0 , usedlobseen fOr thlr ty years past, and' for Mb' last fifteen years I have used two-poitrida per month. I have made attempts to leave off at inherent times. I have left .oil one year at a time. but always continued to /ranker fur it tintill used Orton's Preparation. which has coin plitely- cured me of the appetite fur I tobacco. I woad recommend all who are affected with title ter 'able habit to try the preparation, which will cer tainly cure it it the direations ark followed. — • • W. P. HEALD. [From E. W. Adkins, Knoxvilie. Tenn.) • ISItOxVIf.r..N T . enti., ;August 5, 1867. This is to certify that I had tided tobacco to such an extent that my hi alth had become greatly im paired, andxsy whole :system derangedszal titokeh dwelt. In June. 1861, I purchased one box of or tonle Preparation. andafter rising it I Ibmid thtt I was completely cured.. 1 have not had any hanker- Ina or desire' fbr tobacco Sturm using the preparation. I believe it to,be . aU that 1141 recomniended, and I •would advise all who wish to quit the use of - tobacco to try one box, of . Orton , ' Preparation. -•- • ' E: W. ADKINS, - [From John N Morrill rt , Bang or B , Me. r , BA GO, lie., March 4, - 1868. This is to oertify'that I have melt tobacco for eighteen yearn; - have ttled many times to leave off. but have sheered so much front a dizziness to my bead, and gnawing at my stomach, that I have soon given up the trial. A. short time since a friend in dtmed the to try Orton's Pretr.ration timid by you.) I have done so. and am completely cured. I did not in the lea:t hanker after tobacco, either to smoke or chew, after I began to use the Preparation. , .. JOHN MORRILL. . Price of ORTON'S PREPARATION Two Dollars per box, forwarded to SOY part tif,the country, post paid. on .reoelpt of price. Money sent , by nail at our ALI. 'Address. • " ' - • , C. B. COTTON, Proprietor. , Box I 748;POrtland, Maine. ' • REFERENCE. • - • ' 'We. the nriderslgned.Jiaye had persorial dealings With C. B. COTTON; nffit have found him a reliable and fair, dealing man, and belt. ye his statements deserving the confidence of the ' 13. 13: rtiehardsori. Rev. 3, B. Breen, Dr. S. B. Gowen, Portland, Me.: Charles H. Morrill. Ilidde ford,kle. • A.. H. Bovie, Attorney. lielfant. hie.; Alonzo Barnard. Bangor, Me.; Win. ti Sweet, Esq. , West Mansfield, Mass.; H. AI. Boynton. East Auwoithele. H.;'tit. Quimby, bt. Johnsvdle, N. Y. - aui7:neo . IIgrPHALONIS 'PAFHIA~T LOTION," FOR BEAU{ ' MG THE .13KIN ;AND' COM PLEXION; Removes all Eruptions, Freckles, Pimples, Moth Blotches. Tan, etc., and renders the Skin sort, lair and blooming. For 'Ladles in the Nursery it Is invaluable. For Gentlemen. after shaving, it has no equal. "PAPHIAN LOTION" is the only- reliable remedy for diseasee attd blem , ishes of the skin. • rEteLows "PAPMAN SOAP" For the Toilet, Nursery and Bath; will not chap the skin. Pripe, 25 tents per cake. "nOrt. DEI MAYO," • A new Perfume for the Handkerchief. Exquisite, delicate, lasting fragrance. Sold by all Druggists. PILMON dt•tiON..Norar je.3:K‘itwr • • ' • . BATCHELOR'S HAUL DYE. Tide splendid Hair Dye's the. best In.tbe world; the only true and perfect Dim; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the 11l effects of bad dyes• intilio ratts andleaven the Hair soft and' beautiful. Dicta or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perftuners; and properly apptled at Batchelora Wise, ynctou. No. 10 Bond street. New York , ' no= ;p223 . . QUID ;:70 ...MARRIAGE Young en's (} a ide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity.' Tile humane views of benev olentPtiridelaps, =Via Wrong and Abuses Incident to Youth and Harty Manhood. sent (sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD kit SOClATlON.Philldetorna:r4. =YU:9= I AUCTION' SALES: ' BY H. B. BMITBBONdi CO. -. SUBURBAN ,RESIDENCE 3. AlivwxoN,..., • , , Will be offered at auction oil the premises' I "ON TrraitatlAZ sztor. At s'eltsekt-tb• readmit* 'and groutidlrof-Ber. Stirwortli; known' as "Elver View," containing 000 two shresofiand. /*mad oa the bluff mid'way • betw. en the terminus of the : Stanchester ffasserer- Hallway•arid-She oOds Han :matt 'n of I,lrd sort Wayne and;o Incase Ytedroad,_,faelos. th e ,Martne Mesita' 'Brunet blued: Tne grounds are'Or- Daineated with shade: and frdiV trees , ard• shrub bery, on which is a two• story brick and frame dwell - ,contalitak 10 Irournsi in , St scats ht having been nitrated and pa t per . ed t_hroughouths the, eery9Yest:ityle tilts 'sprls . • 'Each ' coca Supplied With elty,Sanunfitillog to t-and hard water sprigs. connteletr with the' iehen Mos: new ataule, Carriage ARCM lee - .oittliagelitga. —This property will etimmi.nd Itself , to. huslat.s.,meiou aeocoantof , Its aecessibillty;.tw am', or coenery and character of symiot.tobottmod„(betog In•the Itutnedhlteirlrletty of the residences of Mews, ..1)1Iwortb, :Sennett, - heilteuntialter, dralf, giteeweil and, others. if not BO d as will: be' , divided Into' 15 building sites, sli• feet, Milting en Main 'streetolctepdlog back 155 feet in death ISS feet front will be sold With house. Turtleumni at • H. it. riIdITHIION ''; - scs, , • Auctioneers4' . AMER, Pauxe pmamEs 8 PHIELLIII4, AucencerzEßs, d»d COnintis on , ,ILiera.ll4"oBl OPERA HOUSE `AUCTION . Mous, Fifth titreet, Pittsburgh* Fa. 800111, SHOES,/ CARPETS, , • •'• Dry Goods and Sot:lons, •-•' ..sr,rolverz-ssiat DAY AND EVINING. ~gpslll llll senia-Belkilted. ;;Prenape Be., ,• • • T i of:j :. 1;..114 , 1 1 D:. ;•T833LE5.,..: ,'.,-,..:, STANDARD ' • ' . - ' "'".' '' pplii L wi.t...1 ., :4. ;',.,./ 1: ;r:: • I , ,_,!'':`.:: ,:,". o'3 11 . ..r/Vii 'dr' :t , '.,- CA ,i ~..!, . ir ;.. ' AMERICAN ;BILIM.D. : TAIILEffii . • i t ANlBelA i ntieONEolllV frr ' 6. " : awl i 4 .,::::. ti . . 7 .,..i :' u ,- c i,1:,,(, ,Le. xl;F:j.ii, I Indisputably the beet . In use. NY.W niribrird' X NT?: Patented . Nov.. , liati F lloo7, ,auip b rok 2 4. 12811. , xveiltidnitnfitt to buitawo a, Nest -quo "gal InWeet_iplees ',Alava ba t Onif ) .l4 4 : 1:FIXIXOP , • ,- ralagliakiscrlitlii 06 2 N, , ap ish ;Thiow - il , if f ,, ,.; st n.,..:•,. ...) , HIJ .i..,. i ! I).)ISENNAI &Pi OOLLEPEDINGO i' , ! , tit f , ea .115 IST and - 69RM.PILIPTy.t•INOrM144 1 1tic 8 7: 1 AM :Twin ' .' , -. . ... __ ' ( '. X4::€ 0 - •., 0:41 1 1 1 GINECER . . S pimp — gyikionzoilkiErrit i , :, , ~.., , ' j,,; AGMS fl OftliiiiiiiiCirl i 4)1'13 1 Patibritsi.l: - ', ,"or.i...o.!o:•BotnoiAtztpredrovip. a , ' iciACHlNEltWorill)outernpc ona,_caljetted..!:, BWlTlFlrtgria o#lobl+ll9oMlLhtDßAw., 11401s - ruccila ad.,....n0t c o,c nU•64, f i 4 0 .4 0 mriool.l Afton . al Elt: eam= I lyi,dicited. Sir An EVENING DRAW ING Me m for mechanics every WEDNIZaDAY MOUT. •• g,• 4 spinal Pa.- NTABSUAL , SSALE. I '' . oririrttle Of *writ of roesuititteni ea - vends is sued out of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I will expose to Public Sale, at the CUSTOM HoUSE. Pittbburgn, Pa., on Mu SWAY, the 14th day of September, 1808, at 10 o'clock A. Y., the following described property, to wit; E FOR troye4 1 • rd 13and th irty ga ll ons, re f. G. Poweil._ S)l3 %%EY. U. . aishai. 1/313e1. se7:v9o • • MARSHAL'S II By virtue or a writ of orsdflioniarponad, 'deed out of the District Court of the United Ststes for ti e Western Lletri. t ofrenntylvauls, and tome directed. I will expote to pUblio sal MONDAY US- Ttllit HOUSE, Pitt-butgll Ps., , on the - 14th day of SePtcmber, 11113 n,• at 10 o'clock •the follovrinruteserthed property, to-vrit: PIVB BrIIBELB BbOT PIED' WIII3ICY. r ontaining shott two hundred and t d, gallon. Shipped`tir tialbhck & Seiner. of Phil delph is, to ~Prede'iclt %Welch:l t of, Scranton, 1111 found at Wilkesbarre. ••• A. • • •, • A. HOWLEY. 11. S. arshal. Marshal's Unice. Sept: 5. 1.8811. ssp7:vBB., ,EICIUT BARRE Containing three bundr puted to be the prope:ty THUS. A. RI Marshal's (Mee, Sept - • MAtigin4l,B,SALE. By virtue of a. w it of eenrillioit . expands Id sued out of the Mate t. Court of the allied States for the Western Lihar ct of Pennsylv nla, and to we directed, I ose tO Ilublie e, at the CUS old HOUSE, Pit eborgh. Pa., on MONDAY. the 14th day 'ot`Septe ber. 1885. at 10 o'clock: A. is., tho following de ribed proPet*_q' to-wit: THREE BARBLLS isir..WIDoKY. containing one htindied and twent -flue ONE BeatitE.G.,o, IN, .ro • .forty-two italTotts. ISelyed as,theprop :of Straus do II ni. ' THOMAti A. R WLEY, • : 1,, -• U. Marshal. - .litAtutitet,la 0 - Yricir...Sept. 5, 1808. se7;vB9 IMAIIISIELIWS ! BALE.- . . . BY-iireue of d wttt of Pwidftfonf exparini teen edout.of tbp J Cunt of the. United states for - the 'western- Motet" br'Pennsylvania, and to Inc directed,4-wilLeXpose to public sale at the CiJo- TOM HOUSE, - Plttsburgh. Pa., on MONDAY, the 14tb.dlyOf September; 1888, at 10 Welock, - r: M., the following described, propeny, ; to wit: • , • , SIXTEEN BARRELS Or DISTILLED SMUTS CALLED INDISEIf. Containing six hundred' , and twenty-six 'gallons, seined as the property-of B. 0.. Powell and sl. .olb- HP, THOMAS ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal. , Maishal , s Office.: Sept. stb, 185 8 . 147:v91 MARSHALL'S 'SALE. • . _ • •. By virtue of a writ of tenditiont exponag is sued out of the visitant Court of the Unite/ratites for, the Western Dtstriet of,Pennsy/vaula, • and to roe directed. I will' expose to pith ic sale, et 'gbe C , .WrOlti HOUSE, Pittsburgh, Pa., on MONDAY. the lakt h day of &pleat). r, at 10 o'clock A. IL; the following described property, to-wit : .Seven Packages of Spirit; Containing three hundred gallons. Seized as the property of Charles Locker et al. THOS. A. ItHWLET, U. 8. Marshal. MABMtAL'R orster., Sept. 4, DIGS. se7 MARSHAL'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of bendttioni capons is itied.out of the Distriat, Court of the United States, for the Western . I)lstrict bf Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I will expose to Patina Sale, at the Custom Rouse, Pittshorgb Pa.. on the 97n DAY OP SEPTEMBER, 18013,.at 10 o'clock A. It., the fol lowing descitbed property, to wit: hU•ERL1LL:i1 .. 211 ,, W . ii . t ..... 1 Containing two hundred and twentv-fire gallons Selaud under control of Walter Q. Hebbert. THOS. A. R(Wt)eY. H. S. Marshal. ..lilarshal's °Mee. 43rpt. 3, ISGS. se4:v7o UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Are now finished and in operation. 1 0 miles of track have been laid this spring, and th work along the whole line between the Atlantic ud Paulo States States is being pushed forward more nidly that{ ever before. Mere than twenty thou d men are employed, and it is not Impossible tha the entire track, from. Omaha to Sacramento, will be finished in 10369 instead of 1870. The means p vicied are ample, and all that energy, men and mo ey can do to' secure the completion of this , • • GREAT NATIONAI, ORK, . At the earlbat possible day, will , be done. The DNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY receive: GOVERNMENT GRANT o( the right of way, and ell necessary timber and other materlais found along the Line of Its operations. , • . II -A GOVERNMENT tiIIANT 01.12,800' acres of land to the Mlle, taken In alternate sections ' on each gide of Its road.", Thiele in !booboo do-, nstion, and_will be a source of large resenue "the future. 111.—. A. GOVERNMENT GRANT of United States Thirty-year Bonds, amounting to from $16,000 • . t 0148,00 0, per mile, according to the ties to be surmounted on the.various *actions lir be built. The Government tries s,iieriond mon,: Ogees security, and Ills expected that not only ...the interest, but the principal amount May be Veld to services rendered by • the Company in transporting troops, malls. Ae. The !starlet is now much more than paid In this way, beside.. ,mitturing *great saying In time mid money to the •,. „ . IV.—A GOVERNMENT GUANT Or , 'the ` right to _ Issue Its .own .17118 T MORTGAGE BONE'S, to &Alia building the .road, to. the, same amount as, "the 0. B.; Rends: issued tor , thesame nurpose, laid Ito The Government neirritte the Trarteee.fer the First Mortgage 'Bondholder, 1,6' deliver.the.,Bpitds to, the Oppinans , only sa the road is cep:tattled. and . after it has been examln by United" !Stites Commisiloners and pro tounned et be hi' elf Prat.class; road,litittviltti a with VAG, and completely supplied with depcits.,'stiticinS,' turnouts; bar • .abopailocornetives,'threi de.‘ • - ' Y.-A CAPITAL _STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from 01 Wllleh OVER EIGHT MIL. ~Llttlf, DOLLARS, have . been paid in upon the work already done, and which will be increased _MA/Le:wants of, the Cortipany require.. . YL—NET CASH EARNINGS* its :Way Business, that already amount to MORE THAN THE IN ..,TEREBT on the 'First lllortgage Bonds: These earnings are no indication of the vast thrOugh traClo 'that must follow the opening of the line, to the Pacific, hut thei certainly pro ve that FIRST IVIORTqACE BONDS `upon such i Property, :costing nearly three times their amount. Anr. SECURE BEYOND ANY CONTINGENCY. • ' • , The Union Pacific Bondi run thirty years, are tar si.oeo,eh.oh, and have coupons attached. They bear, anneal interest. payable bn the drat days of Januskv 'sod July, at - the'Company's office. in the City of New York, at the rate Of slit per cent. in gold., ~ The Principal is payable in gold at thaturity. - The price is 102. and at the present rate orgold, they papa liberal income on their oast; , i ', ' , • - ' - The Cocipany believe that these DAMN at the' prraent ;rale. are the cheapest IS the ntirket; and' reserve the right to advance the price at' rev. time. ' ihibieriptierui will received in ttsbrirgh by ' .I JAMES T..IIII•ADY /I, Co., corner 'of Wood ' . . • and(Fourth Streets;•.• '• 1 •'•• ' • ' ~ ''.; ', ..1 , HART' , OADDHEN - a, Co., .00taer of lidf , L...iind•Thled titrestat ~ 1 •; ; .. -'• .7 • , , . 111.:111043LE AN & CO.;, rill i onethiltreist;'t -..,. PM tAi BINATIS: earner Iftli and Wood Std:{'. i 8p ..1 81151 .4 ! ° , 1 1, 1 - / . 3 , 1 .' EROS. , iiii s , 19 i F rRE . ' -1111;t ' ;- -,. ‘( , 4; :j it tan teenepany t e 012044 , Nit.'llit-Nneeitti literne‘nd tat: '':• :t: t.t4 n ,i 7,...,: 7: .: 1,1,i :.:.w ( „aciuwa:-.cisoofei.itobrirminiier4 R. lii' 4wal.fitteet.: and 117. 4 an . Otemntryiedattfotiskc iseuthehropatenitothe llidttur StatnA" ". 4 .: ''4 1. 1 ' v. ' ,14.44104n;144 3: 44 . ..:]..... : ', 1 ,1,3 ~...):,:, r tprt;;;t7l7t.Nety r tirli , tuidAr 4 7,74 1 ir ti ot,xli : ftsie _q.l ll o,o,Pl__,, , . • re : _ ii t nl 2 ,'lNgell,.. J 1 ,',.., PRA* '1 4 11 ;: , lithe through luR" *ISII yu}, look .19 tißra for. !gb ir tiare'drivery. - .. , , RAMPHLET AND. NAP 111)11 , INN lila Jett. been puttilshoo bp the: Cap ifiny it sit..... -. tier taller in • itorpestien test I. peeilble•ln, an egetu ement . ipoettogllio'Proitread , of fhb Wu, .thd ItesOuriiii o r the ,theretry , niventect by. thwttusel 'the 'De lA ,t w or o Do b r iie tru ti e s ta : o . tr.4w he, relzttr r iith4l7 l. - 4:11 _ nv..u . 11 : 10,1 1 , • 1 omFes, op tansy t tuennvertliled eig f inis i , I ", , a 1. I,,•ji , ;;, ~ i .1.: i'l: Ct.? ;..1.1; ',..,_ t; . ' . JOHN J. CISCO 1 Trasurer, MARSHA.L'S . PALES; Or WHISET, 700 MILES OF THE BE.N FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLE6IHESYi• PA. OBlft inFnumklin Barhigs Bank Ihdldiam . , TiO. 4.3 01210 St.,. .A.IIOEhOET.'. A .1101.13, COMPANY ; teenaged birrillectort wen known to the community, who trust by fair dutifug to merit a share of your patroziesp. HENRY IR WIN __ • President. GE!._ D. FUDDLE Secretary. . . . ~ brIXECTOREI: , . 'A • • • I HHenry DtirDi; 'D. I;:Pattersott, Beery Dere& • Goo. E. Riddle, Jacob Frans, . Gottlelb Yam, ItimonDrura, J. B. Smith, Jacob Bush, Wi It.atewirst, Cb., P. Wltlaton, Joseph CM& Joe. Laotner, ,}l. J. Z11'10.11(4 , Jeremlah,Rolteit. INSIJp.4IXCE, OP THE MY OP ALISGIEENT. B tifitee lLD , n ln e AMISH: MU' TRUST COMPANY'S FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. W. W.,MARTIN, Prerldeat JAB. E. STEVENSON. Secretary. 1 . .. .. . . R. Eogli 0.13. sh • P.WlRlame Jno. A. Miler, es, j Lockhart, Ju. L. Graha m, Robt, Lea,', - anti. Brown; Jr. Geo. Gera; I' i IrESTEB.N INSURANCE COM. PANY.OP PIBURGIA re . . • , LErAN - DrR ISIMICK TTS , Psident. WM. P-MEEBERT, ilecretarY.' • • ' CAPT. GEORGE .1 , , General Agent. _ ' Office, 02 Water street pang A Co.'s Ware. • house, upstairs, Pittsbnres. - . • • - . Will IL:1m against all • inds of sire and Marine 'Sae. A home Institution, managed ,by Dlrecton ;who Ire well known to the community, and who art determined brpromptness, and libera l ity to mats lain the character which they have assumed, as of. ,feting the heist protection to those whOdesire to be I '..iilekintder *billet, Joon Bp }reartn , R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, • James McAuley, - Williams 8. Evans, Alexanderlpeer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew A en; , . • . ' Philhp_lleyme,r , David M. Long, , Wm. Javrison:. • IIONENNSIfINANIUL - • . , . . INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH, OFFICE; No. 167) WOOD STREET, BANK 07 COMMERCE BUILDING. Thia is a Game Company, and insures against loss 'by LE O NEevely. WALTER, President. C. C. , BOTLE_Vice President. ' ROBBIIIT PATRICK, Treasurer. - HUGH McELHENT. Secretary. DEBSCTOI3.B: Leonard wanes, . George C. C. Boyle Geo. W. Evans, Robert Patrick, J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter. J. C. Vintner, Josiah King John Voegtley, Jan H. Hopi ins, A. Ammon Henry Sproul, INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY PIRA, FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE, 435 do 437 CHESTNUT ST., Nmui sml DIRECTORS. Charles rir. Baneker, Mordecai H. Louis Tob4.'s Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, - eorge W. Richards, George Tales. CHARLES G. BILN HER, President., EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. • W. V. STEELE,_Secretary,pro tern. J. GARDNER COFFIN, Aorta?, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. mhZ:wis ALLEGNIENT LNSULLANCE COM. PANT, OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 EIFTH STREET, BANK BLOCS Insures against all kinds of Flee and Marine Risks . - JOHN IRWIN,' Ja., President. • , JOHN D. McCORD, Vice President. L• O. G. DON - NELL, Secretary. • CAPT. Wit. DEAN. General Agent. DLIISCTORS: Crpt. Wm. Dean. B. L. Fatmestoclt WEverson,l - Rob t H. Davis, F cis Sellers, 11 t. .1. T. Stockdale PEOPLES , INS' PAN Y. . . Jan Irwin, Jr., John 1). McCord, C. Li. Hassey, Harvey Childs, T. J. Hoskinson, Charles Hays, OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD & FIRTH STS. A Home Company, taking Fire and Marine Itiska Wm. Phillips, John Watt, John K. Parks. ,Capt. Jameslllar, Wm. Van Malt. James D. Verner • .Whi' V.II;N. OABDNR CAPT. JAB. GC FL lit !HOES OF THE' j.. , • - • . VARIOIIg , KINDS 'OF GUNPOWDER IL&NUFACTIMKD BY'TH7I POWDER COMPAM, ,ARTHUR KIRK, ,Agent, Office, No, 289 Liberq Street, , , . Eleetrie Nos. 1,2, 2, 4 and 5 grabs, In Square Canisters ,1 lb. American Sporting, in Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Dus - thijoting, Nos. 1,2, 8 and 4 t grain. In Oval Canisters oft lb. each Indian Rine, in Oval Canisters of 11b. each., Kentucky Rifle, in Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Kentuckyßldle in Oval Canisters , of)(.. eaeb (26 one lb. Oval Canisters in a case.) half' lb. do. do. do.) Rehtnek7 Rine. '7770, 770, and 'Bea Shoot- Ing" 70, to kegs. 2$ lbs Kentucky Hike; rvro, irret, and "Sea Shoot- • tug ".1 , 0, In kegs, 12){ lbs Keutueky Rifle, Tyro, PIG, and "Sea Sheet. „ lag" I,G. In kegs, 41,q the• '' • Deer ponder, loltege. i lbe• ... • Mining and tehippina Powder, kilning 7, FT. aad vnio grain, net cash, in 26 lb, 'Safety ruse for . Blasting,' of superior quality,' in Inlrkalies of-60 feat and over..:;. ~ . • Delivered free - of expense on board of Boat * or Railroad, to Pittsburgh or'Allegheny: : • ' rrefEEIJI Rione„ Works, ~ maca ' PO: ll 7o/1:,::, .4.. i Niftbyreitootiter of VOA Columot}. allegtiF l 7. ' rannta Vrvii.4lllln. &rem - , taire on iiihd ottr v ri reAkb i on snort noftejleartb ; and , ESteio , 13tofts, t nrew o 7 - Vomits, • IMO ao cono atoms. o rdeti fr t otli exofite , Ortiantentat Halt NAM wcaucsmiAND pERIKUMMNce. =Meet% seir,Egiltbneld. Vitsallawr R apindAiner i r cortir t %L ip s Ladl 34l6:l 77*ltul l°"Da d iGentlegien 9WA Rl447ll4 : l"4 :llal7 4: otttli tlA T Clle Zt47 7 - i the Tileeteet. t Mitanir unroGRARHERs: , 11.11MAKIN SINGILLVI .241.1qcrap. 4 1 11010E91N 5 01: , CI:1E18j . , 1,,,, to ozo.--po ticrarcairmua Am. •• , . 1 ; , , :•- ;' • ;' ' ; VIZACTIVAL 11.1111140111114PligliA. r: ' `The Vali Steam Lithograplak , agyhawar Wit of the Mountains. BuiteM Better - Hi s. Bonds, Labels, Circulars , Show Cards , Dipiomas. Portraits, Views, Csrtideatos of Dopos_lis, loons.. Psou °ordb Ards, to., Nos. SS and T 4 =.l= Oren. ltUb. NEW YORK. INSURANCE. I Jno. Thompsof Jos. Myers, C. C. Boyle, Jacob Xopp. 'ICE COM• . _ IFIRI=Olt13: , • Capt. John L. Rhoads, Samuel P. Shrive?, Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brush. W • . F mg i `.. l Ml ; "i t resident. !.. ! President.. ' N. General Agent POWDER. PITTSBVItqI;; PA. Po - winaFt, KEG : 'POWDER. storm. rar'NEW OPERA_ HOUSE. Lessee.. Matutger Lasit night but three of the eminent Tragedian, EDWitirl3ooT73_,.. z FP)pNESDA 1; 1114 - ING, - ,Sepi.,9th,.. will be presented, it 9wer'a istoricai, pier, la' Ave, acta. entitled, . RIPITELIEI7, oi , theyluspAraeYs- Cardinil eine de Aichelleu Edwla TharidaY evening, Booth Will appear for the but time acErA.Ail4ct. . Fria ay etietilaalleaefit of tgf - MASONIC I -HALL. • - • TWELVN NIGHTS ONLY, ,Commeneing '1110NDIT; Septembir 7th, 1868. RETURN OFTIIE FAVORITE. L(IGRENIA.; the Great CONjUtOrj With his marvelous troupe or Learami Birds Performing ,White Nice • and En Cat. ONE ILIINDRED PRESENTS! Will be given away every. night, with the same. lib eral ity and impartiality that have cbarauterlsed hie previous entertainments. Matinee, SATURDAY . AFTERNOONi. Sept.-12th. Adralsslatt '2l3'eents. Reserved seats 50 • • Family Tickets, admittlag slx persons.sl. 00 Matinee--blldreu 15 • . . . Adults... ... 23 ' • ----- •• Sir•Doora open at 7 nloOt; commence at 8. CHAS. • ..SEfERMAN, Manager. CHAS. T. SLOCUM. A. ent. Or - PROF.*CAEIENTEWS . . • FASEiONABLE D CING•ACADEMY , . • • 'No: 75 THIRD STREET, is now open for:the-re ception of pupils: Class days and hours—For La dies. Masters and Misses. W.-dnesday- and Saturday, at 23 o'clock F. lc For . ientlemrn—Tuesday and • Friday Evenings, at 8 o'c , o:k. Private lessens w .en. ' Circulars can be had at the Music Stereo ano at the Academy. . . . .47,95.11/ to let to Select Parties. se4iv7ll; ;WINES, LIQUORS, Bzc'' PMSBURGII IMPORTIiNG 1101 A ESTABLISHED 1830. SCHMIDT ,& FRIDAY, =PORTERS OF FOREIGN WINES AND iquom, No. 409 Penn Street, Pittsburgh; Would direct the attention of the public to the fact that, po sessing soner sor facilities through several large Wine and Liquor Houses in Europe, and making their importations direct, they are enabled to offer the variousrades of choice WINES AND LIQUORS at prices less than Eastern rates. Ex aminations of qualities and comparison of prices respectfully solicited. A choice assortment 'of pure OLD EYE Num. ! KEY constantly on hand PURE NATIVE WINES. ISABELLA AND CATAWBA, Of our own growing. Also, the best brands of CHAMPAGNE, CLARET, SHERRY and PORT WINES. "Vine Growers , Company" of BRAN DY, pint Basks, Just the thing fur travelers. N. 13.-.-Partionlar attention paid to supplying families. A. NLAM.AUX. - jy2B:t67 No. 4 Virgin alley. Pittsburgh. JOSEPH S. FINCH & Nos. 185, 187.189, 191, 193 end 195; FIRST STREET, PITTSBURGH, - 3LANITFACTURICRS OP Copper Distilled Puie Eye Whiskey. Also , , dealers in FOILEIGIi WIRES and - LIQUORS.' HOPSe. taltZt.nsS GROCERIES • ' (late Miller 'it Riekets6;) Nos. .221. ;AND 225; Corner, Liberty and Irwintitreaia, t . Offer to,tlie trade st,Low Figures • 150 newee,-e pkgs. of liTLW ire a me nd kiteCKEREL, in ban , idic, . . natte. - • 100 chests choice ViMlil4l 1111343N,' JAPAN' ' and IMPERIAL TEAS. ..:50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE.' 95 bble. choice CAROLINA RICE. . 15 bbis. LONG INLAND SYRUP., 50 bble. B RllPcholco 'brands. , • . 100 bide. N. O. M b LASSES. • IMEI bbia. BERMUDA. MOLASSES. ' MOO bble. REFINED . ' :16 httds. - PORTO RICO , . CUB A and DKOLA... RARA , SUGARS. • • " ' , - ROO hags RIO.COFFEE. , _ • , '.. • 50 bags JAVA and L.AGUA.TRA COFFEES. • 'lOO eases IMPOIED CLARET. , cases MOF ' CIiANDON'S CHAM. PAUSE w ES. . - SCOTCH ALE and LONDON P O con stantly on hand. . , -• QIINDRIES. a . • 400 Doi Prline Yellerirear Corn. 300 Dos do do - Bnelled do • 50 bus Prime .Barley. • . 8,000 Dried Apples. . • 800 lbl. Dried PeShbes.. "• 25 Wale. Sorghums llolasfes. ' ' • ' 10 bbls. Sweet Older.: - • -• ; • 80 dos. Corn Breen* • In store and for salt by • . •YETZERAARMIST. BONG, le4 1.13 _Market street. corner First. QPIOEO SALMON.--100 ju,t received from Boston; also.Pfekled small 'Hits, Tor pll3ll/9 use, or for.sala by this pound; at the Faintly Grocery Store of •' Jiiiift A. RENSFIAW, - Corner Liberty and Hand ',recta. QM ORDEN)S CONDENSED' B -a cities genuine `sEagle , * brain: Jett re ceived:also Ooneeneed Beer rim making Beet Tea. Beet,oun, &c. In atone jars c c . tablets, far sale: at the Faintly Onictry etore of" ' &OF : JOHN A; RE"gellaw. lawn E . CIDER: 'VINEGAR...For. " pickling or table ts ,e tor sale by:lbe ~biu-rel or, at retail; oleo Imperial Wide 111nega*,' by' the cask or gollon„py - N.A. ktig it HAW',-& • aunt Corner Liberty and.Baue strects. , , • DEEDI.CiaI.., • AT . , 11 ANHOOD: 0W LOST !, :110W ..I.EI RESTORED! Jettedstislisdoltieisv NATURAL sia TREITMENTIetICi. Radice' 'Chlee = u 3 io rer s er . Nes,.o r D tl e e l rg y al s s= d ottitTaiZi: Atage generallyl NerrOnflaesr, Consumpiddri, %Sys.' • tem and Me; Mental sad Physical lumpier.; n o „; suiting from Self' buse, gam, by Rob!, J. Caved , well. li. D. author of the 6 .edreen' Rode - , 0,- &e. , - • 10011:01`0,TinlirepeblroiNinortivelikoS O t r ezrit C it ri rta Eld a E" rtg ßS,” vo seit : . .to CHAS. C. BLINN, a Co. AST ”10,0;1S. - Y" NSW YORK Boit 4,8136. Aso Des MIVETWOW. - "Malltalre GUidee Xektl3.23 beide. reeemterT , IfAlt ? 0 D. 1 -'7...An.flther: New , • mune t•PAIIPrti.I.I'. hoot flee Da, Zetticai ii7i Ws V e rt: "This.valuable intense oat berionew end" of , premature wienne. shows ;bow health ta .tatogret . ' throstatf millet. abuse* telt youth Ail& taniziww, Maw_ . how easily. attained/ ••• , Ithritt it:tiblie'syrtonate of:, the to to marriage. the Hitisimadergete Of among debitity: ot %hemming* therefore' Docket utlitieh te e , above 'will be , lo !larded °a• receipt. or 85 ce br - seemshig : -Doour TlB No. 58 North uharleejt.gmet, Baltimore, hid. .i --‘,. :7 :i-r.::,-pArrim, 1 ,...,1, , , ,i. ~,, pittE4ll3lollj F74,IOTUMNII ectlili'maDitinOrr i . "I !. • . , PRINTING AND . WRA?P,ING' PAPER S: inliCk RIGETUN Le-NEW .BRAWITON.LYA.,• , . • OFFICE O E ' • °0.82 Third Street, PitPbU t rA I NS ,910 . —ACBU B.LIRANZE,oP VdVe&nStU. rere SAMUEL RIPPLE. Secretary. Draircyons—Astest Bartle. John Atwell. S. R Harman. John 8.. +fusion. Cash pa i d Sra Fl ue Stock. ja29:063 IM 7. , WV. 1112 NDZI111011r. CAN' G. ME ii=