I;IMMII= ESESE NW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'CHEAP GUNS FOR THE PEOPLE.— The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed to No, 179 SMITHFIELD STREET, where rift always be found the most complete assorissaa ofOnus, Pistols, Ammunition old Sport. Hatorlal, acc.. in tee city. All kinds of Guns and Pistols carefully repaired. Cash 'mid for ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send damp or tlluMrated Of/tutor. Agents wanted rs town in thc United S tated. dddrees, J. H. J O HN- STON. 170 limithneld Street. Pdtsburok. W/01111 N. PUBNIANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for Itd District, mete. 110 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY Jer Office Lours-9 A. M. to 5 i. OF, ICE OF ?BE MONONGAHELA BRIDGE CO., • Pittsburgh, Sept. 4, ISM 10. THE PRESIDENT AND 11MAN- A.UI?.I?S of this Company have this day de clared a Dividend of TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE; payable to etoekho'ders or their legal representa tives eh and a ter Thursday, September loth. at the Banking Ilona. of N. Holmes & Song., 57 Market street. JAMES Seri: x.9-d&F L'A'NE COMMITTEE OF AR . ICANGEXENIS on behalf of the - Soldiers and Sailors of Western ,Penna WILL MEET AT c -2, 14149 WEDNESDAY, Sept. 941, ot 3 o'clock P. To (levies and arrange a programme for the Grand Vnlon Republican 3lass Convention to be held at Allegheny City, Sept. 24. h. Prompt attendance Is requested. liy, order or see:xll IarMEETING OF SOLDIERS. To all Honorably Disc'barged Soldiers and Sailors. COMRADES: At on 'informal gathering of a few soldiers, rot politicians or partizans. the question was raised as to how soldiers would probably vote in the approaching election.. Those assembled, though in limes past divided in political sentiment, proved unanimous in support -of Iien:GRANT. It was determined to Issue an Address to our comrades, callings _meeting of all who , desire the election of Gen, (1-zuorr, with a view to concert of action. This conclusion was arrived at ,withont epnsnita tion with any politician 9r political Executive Com mittee, and uninfluenced by suggestions from sucti Denies: When Treason dared to attempt the overthrow of our Goiernment, and the disruption of the Union, WE waited not to consult our former political parties or their lea ders s or to see on which side our party might - range Itself, but We all - Democrats, Repub licans-and Re a ps- and Bell-Everett men-sprang promptly, to arms to save our common country from its foes. And now that the excitement of conflict is passed, the clash of arms hushed, our muskets and accou trements laid aside, amid the comforts and quiet of • home we look bock on our pstriotie course with pride, mingled. only with tears.over the memory of our fallen not one feeling' of self reproach mars the retrospect, although we recollect that among our companions in arms were many who had been our political opponents, and among our foes were some whom we bad revered and followed as pollticalguides and oracles. At the:dose of the war, some who had gone away Democrats returned Republicans, but not a few came hone Wlth - tbe expectation . of again acting and Toting With the once.glorious Democratic party— hoping and believing thatlt had seen and repented its errors. Tome of us have, indeed, since our re turn, supported nominees of the Democratic part Y . now that another general election Impends, - It is our duty again to choose sides—not as .1 arti sans, but as patriots. A true Union soldier can sever beconie a mere party man. Realizing this, the undersigned address this Call to their felloW soldiers, not In behalf of a political party or its nominees, bat - in behalf of the Peace and Prosperity of our Nation, which are again threatened. Bad the Democratic party spurned the dictation of Wade Hampton and his co-traitors, and offered us a loyal, honest; Union . platf rm, with Hancock or some other candidate having a good war record, some of the undersigned would not have Joined in issuing this call. But with such a platform and ticket, champloned-by Wade Hamp ton, Forrest, Temples, Cobb, Toombs, Wise and other like traitors, we cannot hesitate as to our course.' To say that the threats of these known en emies of the Mien mean nothing is worse than folly; ;they proved themselves terribly In earnest before, and we have every reason to believe that they are equally so now. Regarding. this contest as a renewal of that we helped to decide in the tield,.Wchave (Mee more laid aside all party feeling and have re-en.isted under the noble soldier who led us to victory after others had failed.. Gen. ("RANT is- not and cannot become d party man—be.ls a , true, earnest, faithful- friend of the Union. , The RepubliCan Party cannot claim him; though the nominee of that' party, he is', in fact, the .candidate of the true .Unlon - men of the Nation, Just as Horatio' Seymour is the candidate of the Southern traitors, HamptconTorrest, &tarries Co,.though nominally the Democratic candidate. We invite all honoratdy ;diaeharged soldiers and sailors in the county, who.' though ever ready to fight A t -elite Union, yet prefer peace to war, to meet' us at CITY D .on THURSDAY EVENING, Sept. 10th; at .7 o'clock, tcletonsider the extiedlency of orga;aisiog. an Independent Veteran Corps. If deemed expedient, we proposeto organize, not Republican Club, bat a Veteran Union-Phalanx, to support GBANT; COL7A.ILAND PZACE... . borne MU In your Wight, and show the rebels wbo threaten our country that the soidieraof the Union In Alit gheny county are not to be intimidated or Inveigled from duty.. " LET us HAVE .PE cr. :` El CM I D U Q UESNE - • '; IRON AND STEEL WORKS. COLEMAN, 3RAHNL & CO.; MANUFACTORZEB OF - , Iron, Nails and ' Steel, Carriage and 1 Wagon Springs and Axles. . . . Duquesne.,XL. an d Juniata Merchant Bar, Round ai Ovdainq, Half l it Band, Hoop, Sheet and Plato Iron; Wagon Box.l v r a on a i r tgiV ir eui li d "n r d Iron : Cylind" and Flat. Ball for 'coal Itcads; C p ut o .K P A r s• Ba n rel §7 ' kaensd Plow, Spring and A. B Steel; Laminated a ldt d eel; l -Cut- ; "•1 teiSillgta Grow W °wBall ' . lc" •Ic; • an:house-7T, WATER. STREET, Pittsburgh. . . • F. DAUBITZM • HERB LIQUOR. • • 1 DE •.• FALK if' C Impo rters, • . -r ,Ti 760 Penn'St.; Pittsburgh, Pa., , 1 ' A This great trzta Lll/170*. Vas gaiumi t yride celib. '1 iity la all Europe irom its mareellons 'efficacy in .. curing all ttemderholdal . complaints and'diseases Of . ' the stomach. We earnestly invitetho attention:of, the anlicted to this great remedy: and offer gratis •the circular!, , givinrdirections ler use, together '1 with the 4A•rtiticates of eminent, 'antlioritietregard-.. lug its curativemerits. , , , . . . Or Bold Wail Drug Stores.' • •-; ' - ' • • I WM:OH . DR. F.41.14C. it CO.:,liiitoarterk.-,•, I JUST lIECEI'VEIp. •1 14111 E ASHORTME NT 07 „ onto il'ott;. Ca's r/dINCs, DISSTON'B SAWS nPX,NCEII4 FTLEA prgoW3Cii BISADE'S & HILL ' and !House Flirilshing&Builders'Hardivare, • At inuTEsiam.*lprl3.llll% seB:v7 79 FE REAL ST.. AlitOfirS7 QTRAir DlA l RE.—Taben. , Up' - by' to the Pollee., tni the. allgh. Augpas, Slay Mara' about la,ti hands high; Ws. k, prone and tali, ovr-r 10 years .4 age, has • sr. catron the left 'hip. 'Alin ' , owner is desired to come forward towns('p , operty. pay ebargesand tali• her away, or she .will bb sold on FRIDAY. Sept. 11th, at 10 reeloer It. Patteraon'a Stable, 16 h street. Patantirgh.. * ' Chief - of Police: . IZEM ITCIE3 . • , NEW; I.Fb. ° B. R us; l 4,ll.94,:aubritkvgrit.. , l i n doomAluildlng contains a store r oom ; goon whir aati4 dwelling. for ..LlWKaabow whldOwkwas water. Apply to buTtillitltT &alms, sea A& emildifleld street. DIFAIICCATED CO il.T ll 4_ ,lik•r-r4 new article. prepared tor Punt y use and put uP IA One pound paper bozu.S with -rt astray far Making ina variety oy _-,iror sale wholesals nuad Tetal. br•!•• •-•-• •• • • J.llO. A. l i rNsuAw. se9 nisi; b "My itrl4 and 4stftst.;.... TceCe ATA CDFF ' ~ ; '4 163 1 iivedi . 't a lot orotkportoilifdlicOvetikotint .latmeofftig . ' for gale by the bag °to& etEllih Janne Yarn 9 r 40 Orr Moro of A. W. NEW ADVEEPSEMENTS. A PPLICATION TO SELL Li za. QIIOII4. Bled in.the Clerk's °Mee. JOSEPH FREDENBICII, tavern, Borough of East Birmibghatn. The License Board will sit on THURSDAY. the 10th in,t...at 9 o'clock a.. 9. for bearing the above application. x :JOHN G. BROWN, Clerk. ----- OFFICE CITY ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, PITTSBURGH, Sept. 9th. le9B. XOTICE.—The Assessment for - Grading, Paving smith SAL,LMAN 'REM, from Clymer to street. I)now ready for examination, and can be cern at tbiselllee until SATURDAY, Sept. 10th, 1868, when it will be re turned to the City Treantrer'a Office for collection ae9:xlo II: J. 311 _____, TESTER DISTRICT OF PENN- - SYLVANIA, ss: tsgh. the Bth day of Sept., A. D. 1868. The undersigned herebv givessnotice of his appoint ment as Assignee of SAMUEL. lIIRSII, of Pitts burgh, in tins,County of Allegheny, state of Penn sylvania, within said District, who has been ad ndired a Bankrupt, upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. JQIIN h. BAILEY. Assignee. se9:xl7-w Attorney at Law, 89 Grant street. fresiurer. 11011"011:1SE AND LOT, 6TH WARD, ALLEGHENY, AT AUCTION-: Toe property No. 134 Franklin street. near the Sixth Ward Public nebool. will be so.d with ont re serve on PHIL/AY AIeTERNOON. Sept. 14th, at o'efoek. Th. lot Is 24 by 139. The house Is frame, four rooms, kitchen, attic and halt. in good order and In a pleasant locality. Inspection in vited. Terms at sale. PURE CIDER VINEGAR, CHAIRMAN For the Table and Pickling. It Ls almost lmpossible tc obtain Vinegar that has not been poisoned with drugs. Nor years we have been preparing to meet the demand fur a' pine and heaituful article, which we are now able to supply In Any Desired Quantity. J, KNOX, BO; xI3 xei, THE DISTRICT COURT OF UNITED STATES, for. the Western District of 'n usylvania. - JAMES BAXTER, a Bankrnnt under the Act of Congress of March 2d 1.867, having applied from for a Discharge all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice Is herebygiven to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons Interested, to ap pear on the 187. DAY OF OCTOBKH. 1868. at 3 o'clock P. 8., before JOHN N. PURVIANuE, Esq., Register, at his office, No. 116 Federal street. Allegheny City Pa.,have to show cause. if any they he, why a Discharge iould not be grantee to the said Bankrupt. And furthcr, notice Is hereby given that.the Second and Third Meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th sections of said .Aszt. will be had before the said Ite gister, at the same time and place. sc9:xl3 W • S. C. McCANDLESS„ Clerk. U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICB, W. D. of rennoy:vanla, rirrantrnon, Sept. Bth. 1888. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 4th day of September A. 1). 1868, a AV arrant In Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF JACOB COBLETIZ, • Of Allegheny City, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsy.oatila, who has , been adjudged a bankrupt on hi.o wn petition; that the payment of any debts any delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him or for his use, and the trans fer of any property by, him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signees of , his estate; will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 110 Federal St.. Allegheny Cliv. Allegheny county, Penna., before JOAN N. PURVIANCE, Esq.. Register. on the 7th day of November; - --A. I). 1808, at 10 o'clock THOMAS A. ROM - LEY. selhx.l4 U. S. Marsha', as Messenger LARGE SALE. SUPERIOR•FURNITURE, TEAS, SOAP, I TOBACCO, tPc; Thursday, September 10th, Commencing precisely at 10 A. St. and 2 P. x.. at Masonic Hall Auction Rooms, 55 and 57 Fifth Avenue, embracing Double and Single Wardrobes, Book Case s.nd Secretary, Office and Counting House Desks, six Mahogany and Walnut marble Top Dressing Bureaus,Enclosed and Plain Wash Stands. Mahogany and Walnut Bedsteads; Spring, Hair, Cotton and Husk. Mattresses, Sofas. Hair and stuffed Lounges, Dining iiciom and Cane Seat Chalon Marble Top. Extension, Dining. Breakfast. Center red Klteiden Tables; Wood Chairs & Rock ers; Kitchen and Deck Safes; Refrigerators. era dies, WheelbanOws, gook and Office Stoves, Kitch en nod Dining . Room Utensils Fancy Window Shades. Venatian Blinds. Clocks, . Mirrors and Eausehold Goons in.gr neral. • _ AT 11 0' CGOCK--Choice Teas In small pacitages .for. family use; Soaps, Chewing Tobacco, -- ac. AT 2. O'CLOCK -Largo assortment of new Brus sels,7 Ingrain and Stall' Cittl*lll., rut in le Um to suit purchasers. Samples without reserve. -• O'CLOCK—PIano 3 O'CL(E—Plano and Stool. - • . Persons haying Furniture to dispose of 11l send in on or before Wednesday. — • ‘, - FL B. SVIIT/ISON• & CO., Auctioneers.--. BOLE 001, . • Cor.- Point Alley- and Duquesne St., (REAR TUZ .POIRT,) .• , , Engipe Builders Founders &MaChinists, MantesOture STEAMBOAT ENGINE. 3 and STA 'TIONARYkFOINFS, of an sizes. --Special attention Ins lied to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL EItOINE AND PORTABLE BolGElt,'Of 15-horse power. . CASTINGS, of every klud. made to' Order at our Foundry, on 'f HURD STEP:ET, below Market. BATS for OR Wells, SHAN - TING, PULLEYS, HANGERS., 11011SE•and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PUESSES, on hand' and made to order, at the _ INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny lilv . er, near the Point, •' - • . : PITTSBURSH, PA. fla - All orders promptly Oiled. Tax us. BEM pumps ! PUMPS ft PUMPS !! ! (Istent Pumps, fitesim Boller Pumps i.Wy e lsulmill rumps, w t 0 . , Drawers, 808 BAL&AT LOW PILIOEB BY BAILEY, ZAKILEZE, , CO.; No. 107' Siolchfleld .141iOet, as w 8 PITTBIII7Raff • PA. =MU N OTICE' HEREBY . GIVEN ' that .tlie Vartaerabbi hetetofbrd °tilting be tween JAMES MeOlfbE end. MATTHEW STEW, AIM, under the name andaVyle of NIOCU/4.E l s 8; Has been this day'disinlved by, nantnal consent, and. the.4!FoAnne'and doinmlealtin Buitneee,ioll be car - -, sled on by • JAMES Irepttlit 9uicp, ;nailer the 'name sad; of MiEttME pEO :t vhbv 4 i , EL lepe the account, a( ab'e late tlrm.; • • I'AMES MeeitlSt, ' - MATTHEW STEWART. rittsburgh;:sepi e ha w •-• '-ie2ora NION XICTEJILIORISE • r.) - , VOIMPR. • , - • sointioloN ifitufacourer of CO Q K I STOVES, • Arnbeti' On&f. Senders. 804 Vf 0841 , 4_ an d lt • kind - o mono trlVo.3.t Cat , btelf.. anal .In • kinder of Ma-• chi areir COR. WATSON & SHINGIOS sit , PITTBButiGH, PA. ....44125:v27w&S crEEN OF EN0L411411041.4"-'''.'' ; UEE h tlf• ENHLAND SOAP: QUEEN UZZ/1,01442iLl .00e doing n(nally.verebias In the and anti" - maaner.. , unarantema equal to iny In the world 1 nil all Oa isirenstllot old Naumann, lath ft .( mild! `72.lllarinlfafiggroift nalllolol4olll •Vt J ' reiritro br ne Iglf_ Calm cia;.• rth Fourth *Wet,- Phlisdelpttut.- 001tE, City Engineer BY A. LEGGATE. A, LEGGATE, Auctioneer, No. 18.9.Federai street, Allegheny OF OUR AWN MANUFACTURING,' 137 .LIBFRTY ST.. Pittsburgh.— PIANOS, CARPETS, Well "Pumps, House Force Pumps, - • Deep WelquMPA, • • . Double Acting ioree Pumps. Bitllroad Force Lt'umps, : tAmmiThrz - wrirsTSDAir, strrEntn - 4, -1* NEW ALI:IWIRTISMKtiI:NTS„ TO IRON DIANUFACTIOREII9. FINE ORE---For "Cold Fiking." We are now prePared - to furnish a machine which, In connection with one of our Crushers of the usual style, will reduce Iron Ore from lumps of ordinary• size to pass through . No. 5 Dim& at the rate of A. TON p.mxt. noun. These machines arc comparatively small and cheap. If there Is any other auparatus in use, anywhere. 01 so little cost, that will do the same kind and amount of work, we have failed to find it. The new CRUSHER may be seen in operation at the WASHINGTON WORKS. tttobin,on.. ilea & Co.'s,) between 10 and 11 A. at. any day this week., Parties Interested are invited to call. se9:xB 71 IND 79 111111iET STREET. JOSEPH HORDE & Co. OFFER A VERY CHOICE i* ASSORTMERF OF NEW GOODS, Which hare been selected with great care to suit this market, and which for completeness is unsur passed In the west. JUST OPENED, Real Paris Pattern Bonnets and Hats. Hats, in all the new shapes; Ribbons, a 1 shades, No. ISi to 60; French & American Flowers, Roses, Buds and Leaves: Hat and Bonnet Feathers and Birds; Plaid and Plain Bonnet Velvet; Gro De Nap; Bonnet Satins; French Ornaments, Frames, 6.c. EMBROIDERIES. A large assortment of cl aco ne t and lismburg Edg ings. Insertlngs and Bands, of the latest designs. HANDKV,RCIIIEFS, The largest assortment In the city, o: Hem-stltched, Tucked, Embroidered and Plain. LACE GOODS. Berthas, Collars, Coiffeurs, Barbee, EuglishThread, Cluny, Maltese, Val, Pointe and Pointe Aptdione Lace; - Lace - Illusion, for waists, something new. HOSIERY, GLOVES, ICORSETS., HOOP SKIRTS, TILE PARIS ""LE BELLE" BALMORAL. Shetland Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Opera Hoods, Children's Knit Sant/nes and Caps. tiew styles of Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Chenille, Bullion and Bugle Fringe, Bead Trim mings, -Gimps and Loops. BIITTiNS, in great variety COLORED VELVET hIBBONS •THE STAR SIMI r. " white and colored GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, NECK TIES BOWS, SCARFS, SUSPENDERS And PAPER COLLARS. 1 Notions and Small "Wares. KirEach Dez.artment will be found well stocked with ad Um' Is new and novel. and wilt be offeged at the L JWEST EAbTERIsr Pltit;t:S. Wholesale and seo:y3.s SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS. A FULL ASSORTMENT OP ALL THE , TEXT BOOKS Used In the various sgatioLs AND COLLEGES of the eltles of Pittsbutgb; Allegheny and vicinity. PUPILS. TEACRERS and DEALERS supplied. Orders by mall proreptliattended to. • SCHOOL STATIONERY & REQUISITES, • WHOLESALE AND .RETAIL, •AT THE LOWEST PRICES. I . KAY & COMPANY, 65 Wood Street, Lafayette Building,: eetvdi W. C. FELD,& . OO., • DEALERS IN GLITE, - CI7RLED itAIR; Tanners' Straps, Ccrp9m4. Cattle Tallh = BONES NEAT'S !OOT OIL AC.- Ocoee Ind Warehouse, No. 335 LIBERTY BT., ad door from Wayne, PITTSBVROII,'PA. I - SO6L'ICE—TO TIIIR OWNER ,. OR ownersatt aloft Raftlsses , i • hart,. I, Plum!. of Lumber laying,' the foot of El • street; also, the Hull of a bte•mb at laying at t loot of ,rttt street. ;cos are bereby rimmed PAY WHARFAGE , • and remove the same WITHIN T WI NY , DAYS, - ortwwill be sold to pay choir / 6 W 7 4, • i swarm Allegheny harf Master. , OIIOE. . ~ c, li mo , . 1100 L O F DESIGN FOR !TOKEN 1, , i i. WILL 41zi -OPEN ON MONDAY,. SEPT. Tru, i , if,_,, : ",;( ,-. ,t1 ;: - Ft fif; ftl ,-,) At . ihe nen. Roams. center Sixth and Wood streets. livening Elass for Cientieviir VII . i rm i le t iti g t z W:st. il.. r 'itnEileilihrisr:w. . _ • , ,—. •Prinelpaii- • OAT RAM , •.,.-AN EXTRA TRAIN: . , ... .'WI.II len° ibe Pittsburgh 2Finoirrilt• PIM ... 01 F WZDNICSDAY A PT1041900 bet) .9 9 a 4•kia for. thy Batt, Race atialitair :to untailtitai.abe -, race. W. 8., aTMIT. snvW , . -,.- :t ,e .:t bapertntandent.:“ ---- _,, ~kilt4EGHElirk" AVALDEBIL • -, • a next restalarsasstas will aransenoe On • ' . . , ICIEBDI1 1 4 ICEMNBER T, • , „:':: 18 In imkropmiqu, HALL,Yadaral sates , Allasbesip 411ii i g . faii KEli r'd rrin i l i al• wa i tettl. 61.12.,01.0.,...- - tY ' t aitnitt7 , E. S. BLAKE, Agent for Blake Brothers. BALIkIORA.L SKIRTS, NEW ADVZR.TISEBEENTS.• AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLE I LHENY, PA., New •Dress oods, New Dela nes , New Gi l i ghams, MEI ECM MEI Shawls, open centre; Plaid Shawls, W Hats, ew Flowers, Neva Ribbons, (D I LL WIDTI/8.) New Shirt Fronts, New Honey Comb Quilts, Coverlets, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c., TO WHICH THE ATTENTION OF Wholesale and Retail Buyers IS IIESI'ECTFIILLIY INVITED AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., Allegheny„_ LIFE INSURANCE CORM, • OF THE' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered by Spectat Act of Congress, Approved July 25, 1589. Cash Capital - - $1.000,000. Branch Office: PHILADELPHIA, FIRST NATIONAL BANE BUILDING Where the general business offbe Company Is trans-, acted. and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. DIREcTO S. Jay Cooke. Phliada. , E. A. Rollins. Wash'n. C, H. Clark, Phllada Henry D. Cooke. Wash. B. Ratchford Starr, Phila. Wm. E. - Chandle.r,Wouih. -Wm. H. Moorhead. Phila. John D. De reea. Wash. Cleo. F. Tyler. Phila. Edward Dodge, N. York. J. Hinckley Clark, t. hits. H. C..Faanestock, OFFICERS. C. It . CLARK, Philadelphia, President. HENRY D. ODDER, Washington, Vice President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Ph...ince and Executive Committee. EMEttsON W. PF.P.T, Phila., SW) , and Actuary. E. S. THR.NER, Washington. Ass% Secretary. FRANCIS G. SAIIIII, M.D:, Medical Director, J. SWING. Is KARS. M. A set litediCal Director. DIEDICAL, ADVISORY BOARD. J. K. BARN ES. Surgeon fietieral H. b. A. Woah'n. J. HORWITZ, Chief Medical Department 1.1. S. N.. Wa hington. • D. W. Bt lei, B. I)., Washington. SOLICITORS AND AiruoßNEys. KPH. E. CHANID.ER, Wit , blhgton, D. C. (iEDROE HARDINH, Philadelphia, Pa. This Company, National In its character, offers, by reason of the Larg Capital, Low Rates of Premium Sod hew Tables, the most iludrable means of in suring life • et presented to tliepublic, The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as favorable to thd Insurers as those. of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complica tions and uneertaintles of Notes, Dividends abil the misunderstandings which the latter are so apt to cause the Po'icy-Holders. Several new and attraettre tables arc now pre sented which need only to be under.tood to prove ac ceptable to the public, such as INC. .B 1 IS-PRODDC MG POLICY and RETURN PREMIUM POLICY. In the former, the policy-holder not only secures a life insurance, payable at death, but„wlll receive II living. after a period of a few years. an annual/ in comsequol in fen per cent. (10 p.r cent.) of Me par of his polmy. The 1 tter the Compauv rtesu to re turnee the assured me fowl amount of money &has paid in, in addition to the amount of his poPey. The attention of persons contemplating Insuring thelr lives or increa.lng the amount of insurance they a'ready have, Is called to the special advant ages offeredby the National Life Insurance Com pany. Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given on application to the Branch 44111c0 of the Company in Philadelphia, or Its General Agents aar-LOL: AG AGENTS ARE WANTED In every City and. Town; and applications from competent parties fer such agencies with sultableendorsement, should bd addressed Tel THE COMPANY'S GE -4- FRAL , AGENTS ONLY, In their respective dis tricts. OF.NICTIAL AGENTSS W: CLARK &CO., Philadelphia, For. Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKE & CO.. Washington. D. c., For Maryland. Delaware, Virginia , Plstriet of Columbia and West Virginia. - - r NievAy & Agents rill. Allegheny. Beaver, Butler, Mercer and Washiwton counties. For further.partieulars liddrese• B. S. ILIISSELL, Miinager,for (Inners! Agent; Harrisburg. Pa. au2S:MNY&F , , , - FIRE INSURANCE CO OF Lowp4r.,).Dr. • ESTABLISHED IEIO3. CASH CAPITAL PAID '• UP AND INVESTED lei NDS EXCEED ING qs,ooo tiOL.U. . L Ansitranee against Tiro cni Houses and Snileinv, Hoods. Wares and Diercliandl.e, !Resin/- boats, me. Policies isbned payablein gold or eur• reue i k E . sir thatted.istates Branch 01See, 40 PINE S,_ ` K T N ere. AllOflagi! Of the iiiltedSkitoiipTioult will ko lusted in New YPrk.• " • i • ar: , McLA.'ITGiHLIN, Agent, PIT rsoiniun, Ottlee,!67 FOUH . LTILIFIRISET. Mlt. Mot ATIGHLTV'fig ilea A r gent for the t au Lif e tam • COM v._ . r • storm atsT I VPCPTEP. ,, 7:Ay:EATON'S; 44,T0.• rr- FiritiltS4•43, . ,cdualCbiBura:sician;zBs. EMI. • COURVOLMER BE ‘ , 15 .. L . R49 . .itt0i . PANIEILS. PANIEEB - 'i* V 4 : MOULDED PAelFiv MIMI% • MOULDED PAPER COLLARS, , A• Bites ibr 50heeriti. , a'..,. , .41321. OS 9ALE~ r,FfX• ,'• sun arroscoositoosiamr a co. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. FALL GOODS.. • * FIRST ARRIVAL OF. THE SPASON. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, Three Ply, , And Ingrain CAR PITS, JUST OPENED AND OFFERED AT THE LOWEST RATES. OLIVER lIPCLINTOCII & CO., No. 23 Fifth Street. &e 8: CARPETS ! CARPETS! MANUFACTURERS HERE and in Europe HAVE NOW AD VANCED PRICES, but we of fer all kinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low est CASH RATES of the past season. Having made all our contracts previous to any ad vance, and invariably for cash, we are enabled to sell lower than they can be pur chased this Fall. McCALLUM BROS., 51 FIFTH STREET., SUMMER STOCK CARPETS 1 White, Red, Checked, Striped and Fancy 31 7E I 'l' T 11" S, IN GREAT VARIETY. Oil Cloths, Window Shades. &e BOARD, ROSE & CO., • 21. FIFTH STREET. NEW ►CARPETS , AT POPULAR PRICES. 31TARLAND & COLLINS OFFER THE Newest and Best Patterns AT THE LOWEST PRICES. LACE AND NOTTINGNAID CURTAINS AND CORNICES. McFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Next Building to 11. 8. Custom House Poston!Lee aulo:MWir •. .• 54. KITTANNING EXTRA HEAVY Barred Flannel, A VERY LARGE STOOK, IVcrfair Coffered., IN GOOD STYLES. N'ELROY, WHOLESALE I :)rk'w • Woop,_,t . EiTrtg.gm - . 'O B OaGIC:P•PATP 4 • MAN ONLeTUBIR OT CEILAPE /EP, AWE,TAIMBS; Add dealer In ili 'kinds o[ FBIIITB , LES, eAucas. JELLIkS, at), & a . ' I OI E 6 its plailueda,;4llElLTlNA4 tif. 1. b ee r aallq Oat Tanned . 'wan ea hand at the well rite% J. S H. I.IIILLIPO.NI 1868. 1868. GUM MS CONVENTION! OF THE Republicans of Western Tennsylvania, THURSDAY, September 24, 1868. The Republican State Central Committee has or dered a GRAND . MASS CONVENTION to be held In this city on the 24th of September. Inst. The ilepUbileans of Western Pennsylvania are urgently incited to come, en mane. to this Conven. Lion. and so help the good cause along. Arrangements will be made, as tar as possible, With the Railroad Companies for Excursion Trains and Tickets to the Convention. Eminent. speakers have been invited, and their names will be announced in due season. A Grand Torchlight Procession Will take place on the night before the Convention, and all GRANT CLUBS and TANNERS' CLUBS are invited to take part in It. • Will form on THURSDAY MORNING, and an In vitation is extended to all trades and assocler lions tope represented in it. The various GRANT and TANNER CLUBS will also take part In it, and the Republicans of the county are ekpected to turn out In full force, In wagons and on horseback. The Republicans of the various districts of Alle gheny county are earnestly urged to make arrange ments, at once, for their ehaie in theLlemonstratlon. The Steamboatmen, Firemen, Butchers, Dray men, Moulders, Glass Blowers, Paddlers, Boilers, Machinists, Carpenters, Brick and Stone Masons. and men of every' other trade, are Invited to consult together and arrange for such part as each may choose to take In the procession. •. REPUBLICANS: Let us have a Rally worthy of the days of 1860 and 1564! By order of•the M''''GRAIITD MASS MEETINGS. GRAND MASS MEETINGS PL DPIPET326I, AN EXCURSION TRAIN Will leave the Allegheny Depot of the West. Pa. R. R.. at 1 o'clock P. hi. Returning, leaves Taren turn at DP. At. Ka- Tickets to be had at the Depot, or of the Com talttee of Arra•igemeats. . `GRANT AND COLFAX and TANNERS• CLUBS attend. EC= a'REPUBLICAN MEETINGS will be held at the times and places follow ing, and will be addreshed as Indicated: At - P. w., at Oakland School House, 14th Ward. Aon. J. R. 'MOORHEAD, E. P. JONES and A. zl, l . PEARSON, Esqs. I THURSDAY, Sept. 10th,1S6S. Wigwam, East Liberty, at 7% P. N. R. J. PIM EBB and W. I'. HAINES, Ems-. McHenry's Mills, near Jeffrystown, Findley town— ship, at 3 P. w. - THOS. HOWARD and WM. C: MORELAND, Rage. Sewickley Borough. 7P. M. Gen. F. H. OOLLDIR and T. M.' BAYNE, Rags. lanth.Wara, corner of Penn It O'Hara streets, at 7) P. M. J. W. F. WHITE, A. M. BROWN and J. W. TAYLOR. Esqs. 54. School House, on Grant street, (old 3d Ward,)at 73 r. Y. R. B. CARNAHAN, Esq. E. A. MONTOGTH, Clistrman. LTNO. S. LAMBIE, Secretary. seS:x4 Vff'POLE RAISING AND AT THE Headquarters lath Ward. Grant Club, The meeting will be addreised by Major A. M. BROWN, E. F. JONES, Esq., and oakers Prof. J. W. POPE, Outland - Glee Club, and Julius Moore's Brass Band will also be in attendance. A gun will be Bred every three minutes during the 'half hour previous to the meeting. /air LOYAL_MEN, TURN OUT! Wff'ARTILLERY,.to the FRONT. The ex .members of II nap's, Harapton'S, Thettito son's, ' Ewing's, Nevin's and T,ning's Batteries, together with all other honorably di.chirifed artil lerists who favor the elottion of Grant snit Colfax. are rermented to meet at bl FIFTH STREET. Offe- Callum'ao THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. at VI o'clock, to effect orenalzatlon' with the , "Brans war. it. STOKES, see:l2 . Late Snap's Pa. Battery. arNOTICE:=-To - REPUBLICAN - • VOTERS of thie Una - WARD. laid 9Rl4 The Republicans of ,tlfa 3.Rui told 9th.) Ward-will - meet at the Wlitwain, ua WEDNESDAY. slept. at 7s, o'clock r. t(:,.- to name candidates for UST and Ward:Oftmes. to be nominated by ballot,. at the.above place. on TittinSDAY. the 17th., be. tween the hours or 3 and I &clock r. m. • brder of Committee. T.llO/dAS ROBEWSLL. Se7:el9 : • J. B. NOBBS. arALRE/PRAN OF ESD WARD. Sz CO WILL HE INDEPENDENT- CANDIDATE, Si Ei~ID or 6 t3;l 3 l;lag . Sl - TEMPERANCE Of .rounta Ward, Allesheny , Clry, nomblated County Conventtun, August 95th. seS,v9S.diT ~ ~'. REIIIOVAL—The Mere Mandfactu rent National Bank will. on Tel llRSDAY,Atagunalidat. Remove to;the corner or litrat anil:Wood House tcunterlroccupled by the reonia'a Netloaal Banking House. so . Jr, ass Bank -and; remain during the erection Of their new al9 orr JOHN, bier. • - horse power °Ralik oo; oecood.handL Flv.Oniing Lathes andsmall Tools; bbantail, rattles, tmaptinis, PSrutankr B. WIGHTINIAIf, ses:TiwitaT No. 46 Bandook7 Bt.. 41k66.27' POLITICAL. AT PITTSBURGH, El DAYLIGHT PROCESSION licwlNO:46l4Ziotl;4,loDlo3Csllv4:4:4 WILL BE HELD IN On THURSDAY, Sept. 10th, 1868, AT 3 AND 73i P. M ME= lion. J. P. PENNEY,- J. Iff. KIRKPATRICK, Esq., Hon. JAS. L. GRAHAM, C. W. ROBB, Erni. JNO. H. HARE, H. S. FLEMING, JNO. HEATH, Committee of Arrangement:2. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 911 a, GRAND RALLY! ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 9TH, AT 7 O'CLOCK, precisely CANDIDATES. c 01.4. D. EG&N ATTEAS OCTQRER ELECTION. ' ; Ton coollry wasitotkie, ISAAL-rit7EtA, REMOVALS. Q IMIMI