r ' , Gold Closed at 144y„®114.; CBS , Telegraph tolhe rittsburgh Glwette.l - • NEw Yonz,"Septeatber 8, 1883. tIONEY AND GOLD, Money is easy and there Is rather more demand at 3@4c on call: Sterling is quiet, at 3@9yw,n. Gold lower, opened at 144% and de&ined. to 44k 3 , then advanced to 4434, finally closed 144X,@144 V",. ' The,,cports l to-daymere 1218,000. _ GOVERNMENTS. EUrni Ea GOVOTEDDSTAB DTA lower, and the market, under heavy sales closed weak. Coupons 'Bl, 113%®114; a do. '64, 113%@113%; do. '64,, 109;y®109%; do. '65, 111,1®111 1 4; do. new, 10834(0108%r do. '67, 108 m @IOW; do. '6B, 1083 / 4 (S106; Ten-Forties, 104Vg10.5. - —BOILDBR STATE BONDS. Borderfitate bonds are strong. Missouri's, 9.3 y; old Tennessees, 68; new do. 68% ®69; old North Carolinas, 74X@ 75; now do. 74; old Virginias, 53. RAILWAY SIIARES. Railroad'market closed heavy and lower, but ceased steady at a decline. Sales of Reading were very large, one broker alone disptaing of about 20,000 shares. Express' shares partially recovered froniyesteiday's , Penni° Mail - rose to 104%, 'but ,later fell off 134 per cent. :but ,later rBICES: Canton, 46;4@37: Cumber ' land, Wells' Express, 2 5%®26;•Arneri can, , 45®46; Adams, 49s (550 V,,; United States; 46%154634;, Merchants Union, 223 @23 ; Pacitio 151a1/.; 1030103 y,; Western Union Telegraph;..34M(9343i; New York ' Cential; -1 125%@12534 ; Erie, 4634@46;x; Erie .proferred, 60@70.; Hudson River . R. R., 141.®141,54 ; Reading, 89%g90%; Ohio and -Mississippi, 25%(t29:::, Wabash, '563a573/ 4 ; d preferred, 73; Chicago and Alton, 140.; do. preferred, 148; St. Paul, 87 i-@8734; do. preferred, 88%@8D; MiOtilaan Central; 117; Michigan gouthern, 81%88134; Illinois Central, 142; Pittsburgh, 8J%(6;883.5; ... T01ed0r40134@1.01.14- ' ROCk island, 102® 102 4 ; North-westerli;. 86%; do. preferred, 8334@86y,; Fort Wayne,.loB3(AloB%;,Hart ' ford and'Erie, .2442334; • Chicago, _Cincin nati and Indianapolis, , 79%; Dubuque an& Sidua City,'B6. • r, SHARE% lrlining Shares are dull 9nct quiet; Smith, and Parmelee r 4ls@46s; Quarza Hill, 99. COPPE., STOOKS. Copper Stocks, at Boston: Calumet, 511; , Copper' Alla, 1734; Franklin 124; Heckle, 78; Hancock,3; I.llinnesota, Quizcy , 2l! - • sv:vitsasuny REOEIPTE4. Receipts at the Sub-Treasury, $1,202,936'; Payments, $735,433; Ba:ance, 1187,896,063.* Ngw Produce flarket.' . , City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gszette.3 NENI7 YORK, Sept. B.—Cotton is heavy and fully lc lower, .businesa is better; sates of 1,500 bales at 2835a29c for middling uplands and closing with no , buyers at over 283ic. Flour--receip:s were 11,675 bbls; low grades are firmer; high grades are - dull; heirVY and" lower; sales of 8,900 bills at $7,20a8,30 for • superfine State, and western, $8,55a9,20; „ extra, 48,40s10; extra western, $10.411,75; . white Wheat extra, $8,90511,50; H. H. 0., $9,50a11; 'extra St. Louis, $11a14; • ; choice do t " closing, quiet; California is dull; sales 300- 4 1micks, $9,75a12: - Rye, Flair is lower;;.Slies 2,900 „bbls at $7a7,90. Corn meal IS•firm; sales 700 bbls western, $5,75; , 200 bbis Brandywine $6,65. Whisky Is, ; nominal at 65c in bond: Receipts of. Wheat ; amennt to 11,364 bus, is doll; sales 28,000 bus $1,98a2,00 'for new No. 2 spring; $2,04 for Nos. 1' and 2 "de. mixed; $2,10a2,12M for .1 No. I do.; $2,25 for old winter.red western; . 1 $2,35a2,38 . rf0r old amber Michigan; s2,sost 2,60 for white Miehigrtn. Rye lower; Fales of 2,000 bus' western at $1,45a1,50. Barley nominal. . Barely Malt more active, sales of 6,000' bUSat - $2,25a2,30, and $2,40 for extra choice. Corn le better; receipts, 14,320 bus; sales of 71,000 bus at $1,16a1,21 for un sound; $1.22a1,23 for sound mix ed-weetern; $1,21 for,toininon in store; $1,27X "for new white new Orleans. Oats; receipts, 72,520 bus; dull and declining, with sales 46,000 bus at 68a72c for new, western; latter for • afloat; 816 forold. western in store, - and 83c' ‘, do. afloat:. Rice is quiet. ,:Coffee is quiet. with sales of 950 bags. Rio at private terms. : Sugar is firm with, sales of 1,000 hogsheads at 1034a11% , c for Cuba, and lial2c- for Porto Rico.' Molasses is quiet, with eales:of 1 100 hogsheads' Muscovado "at 40C. •Hops are. quiet a(3oa4oe for new crap ? Petroleum is' firm at. ,- 18a1834.3 for crude, and 82c for Xe fined intond. 'Park is:firmer and active. with sales of 2,750 barrels at $20,25a20,50 for mess, closing at' $29;40 ca5h;123i29,25 for old do.; :123Aa24,59 for prime; $26a26,07 for prinie mess.. Beef is,-,steady,', arid lialSa; , f were made; (4'175 barrels" at 114a20,50' for • new plain mess; $20;50,024,75 for new extra ,:. mess. Tierce -Beet quiets t 1124,311 forplithe mess; $30a36 - India Tuitasr.. - . -tlicer hams. "q• 29a31c; cut meats steady, I..E9p4ekages :, 133.4a14cr,,. shoulders 163-1934cp 'hums; Da' dies firm i salo4 tor 25' boies Stretford-"lBc.' f, Lard iiiiiu.saleri• tierce: 1914a2,034 for ti steam: 22034 for kettle 'tendered: also 1,500 tierc, of,steani .3for January, seller for February, private terms. /hitter quiet ;at; 3163801 '37a, • : 42c State. Cheese " steady at .16a17%. 'Freightslo . "Liverpool nonainaL • . -.4 LATEST.—FIour closed irregular and,un - settled. spring wheat flour- finm all - other kinds• dull and declining. ' Wheat dull, heavy and declining; private, cable .•-.; taccounts are reported unfavorable. Rye at $l4 - 4fia1,50 , for - western. Cots ,quiet Viand"; heavy at 66a69c for new vresteru at , . f railroad; 7011 . 11.%c afloat; 811.1 in store for , !old, and 82;4c afloat. Corn guiet and firm t $1,17a1,21.10r unsinind4'end $1;22a1,23X0r: ound new mixed western: Pork dull at ~A559,25a29,40 .for .niPits, • cash and 'regular: peef qu et amVsteady. • Cut , meats .quiet 'and _without; decided -- Change: Bacon dull nd searCely - So firm.. Lard quiet at 2034 a poxis for gooilto prime steam. Eggs 'firm flat 27a2.8c.. Cincinnati Market. • , Tele crschla the. Pittsburgh' Gazette. 7 - • 4„ Cluinsrztaxx,- ...Se *mbar fi—Flour and Train quiet and-unchanged. boril ..Semand a =51,0g; but 1111103111 ; bighec and: ;supply llght.xl - Cottoti dulfand 'nominal at, :240 for micidlfegfiplands:.-* Whisky quiet. • l 65a709,' the latter rate for old in lxind.: ess pork „dr*, ,7,29okftoldera- asking 129 ' 25 ' I h dcfni 4 l l4 at -Do.: tint_zot. liffered toiliny,extentpponatry sold at-1834 filSo delivered at the place Where tile' sale' ,•t,11813 made; market closed qpiet. - Balk , 'plicate qidati a~hcaiderasdul! and can be' iiad at lifto; - ,sides Iscareeuild held at '140:" 'l3acon du lA - and but deinand `lhoulderi, 130 for sides; 160 for: clear Tib knd 16,fa . 1704, 1 r, tihiggre opted hatas lull at 20a2f0; BrittbY.fpiret and steady . at 3a370. E ggs, 17o.• Flaxiseecl , advancia to ti2,40a2,50-and In demand bat4ititbi'domend for Traaa',Arkft 0:10Ter OW; Paces cinching- Greoeries ste'idy and in fair demand.' groid, 1,11.14, 5/ P baylug - A - 4 e 40; — A 1 -_ s - Ptilladelpfike Alsrkot: - -' ' tsr Teteimi4l 4. the fittsbaiall es4s . t?* __, 1 PatLemsr.srttX,t SeptemlSPe is. 4- , r•ggrG• fount quist.' Cradt,, . 2 ilolu s libli..- Refined , ;to. Flou;_yftry dullilppgthw4r ern .oF t s! atn ll 9l Sgdill `cifdVl lo 94l.',..,WitesTe.:'VerY 3 11 1eti s , o oo:butibele.reCsold la 14;2032,80;' mber, $2,84tre48,•:1 live.? steady , pe n i v e ; at SI,VO„ Ogrofrilalr'ileitutreiyellow". told at lit:4, , i , mixed wistern, 411,34! Oats Iteady. lifeles s Pork heady at:ipp,dik';' tail dvaneedlltid iilield at 21c,:' . . -•,. J ttaiteti " '' e ''' pYwairriohm . oelltkiburo 4:4404. 3.. : ,_ - 1 Lounevitral,/fietiteMber,S;Sales. -of 98, ,ogitheadiilo4 tobitecoiind ltilVe St64aBifi !melon to Astedliork- leir - gaiggp thiviss • entity leaf:iris/A. ' l/ /otirt"Septirlirte iflargi' 00. Wtrelit 82,0k24., t Oors'itslitti4. , Oats 5 00. Rsell#24.. 1 43 0 . widen Pfirk 15 29 . 00 1%, 9,50. La rk . 4 1 p1: 11 A 4 ,1601tleeces-amign ibotddersi I( - A.: Clear-Rib Sides 1636 Near 51A . ,1 ' . is PciliderY 2 Mir o ~llsla LK ' . ::..., I,,ii ...: , MMUMWM New York Dry fkieds Market... jay Telegraph to the'Plttabtteglktiletie.i Nmr Y'onir; `Septi:.l3,2-The • market for Woolen goods continues- active. Prices are steady and firm, eimeolally•for finer grades. - but cotton goods are not in such animated request, although articles are selling at prices that scarcely afford a living profit, and heavy brown' sbeetings are selling at a positive loss. We quote Atlantic and Ap pleton A at 16%e; Pacific H and Extra at 16c; Carroll A and Wachusett at .16c; St. Lawrence 0 at lfic; Augusta at 15c; Harris burg Aat 14c: Colombia Brown Duck at 30e, A.mciskeag Stripes at 23% for 352, and 31% 6t3-- Hamilton, 6x3, at 23; York, 3x3, .22%; Tho , ndyke, 3 by 3, 22; Whittenton, 6 by 3, 22%; Jewett; 6 by 3, 16; Whittenton D, 6 -by 3,.15; Pittsfield Ticks, 17; Bruns wick, 15; Pittsfield, 15; Warren Red Ticks, 25; ;Jewett City Stripes, 3 by 3, 15; Pepper ell Brown 'Jeans, 16; Hamilton Awnings, Strips* 27%; Peuaberton Blue do., 31; An drcecoggin Bags, 47%; American do., 47'; Anierican Prints, 13; Allen's do., 13; Rich monds and Spragues, 13; Arnobis, 11. St Louis Market. 63y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Sr. Louts, Sept. B.—Tobacco steady f all grades. Hemp lower for inferior to me dium.grades, ranging from $l,lO to 1,30. Plour,, dull, weak and drooping for all grades below fancy; super sold at $6a6,50; extra at $7a7,50; doubleextra at $7,75a7,85. -Wheat' inactive and unchanged at $1,85a 2,30 for primp to fancy red fall; spring sold 'at $1.55 for choice.' Corn Winer with baiter demand at 550 for black and mixed; , 'white` - held at 55a573§c. Barley firmer and held higher, but nothing; doing. Rye firmer at $1,15a1,18. 'Pork dull at $29; packers generally are asking $29,25 for job bing lots. Bacon 'dull and drooping at 13a13%'c for shoulders; I.s:qc for clear rib sides, and 17a17y,,0 for clear sides. Lard firm at 18%ti19c. WhiskY 'ldeher; small sales at $1,30. Cattle—Supply fair and de- Maud better; prices stiffer, ra , ging at s3a6 gross. Receipts—Flour, 2,600 bbls: wheat, 13,000 bush; corn, none; o. , ts, 7,800 bush; rye, 706 bush; barley, 500 bush. , Toledo Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l the TOLEDO, September B.—The receipts for e past twenty-four hours amounted to 7,889 barrels flour, 56,125 bushels wheat, 22;257 bushels corn, 33,683 bushels oats, 2,980 bushels rye, and .800 bushels barley. The shipments for, the same period were 4,672 barrel's - flour, 39,880 bushels, wheat, 21,230 bushels ce:n,.. 48 090 bushels oats, 7.9-15 bushels rye, and 800 bushels barley. Flour is quiet: Wheat opened a shade better and closed weak, the advance being lost, and sales. were made >of white-Michi gan at. 52,1335; amber Illinois at $2,15; am ber Michigan At $2,046; No. I at $2,04: No. 3 do. at $1,70; No. 1 spring at $1,70, and No. 2 do. at $1,63. Corn is steady at $1,03 for No. 1. Oats;' the market opened Steady and closed Wlovre-, with sales of 'No.;I at 553056 c, and N 0.2 at 544 c. Rye is steady and No. 1' lowe rat $1,30, and No. 2at 51,20. Freights are , firm:at - 6c to Buffalo, 10c to Oswego, and, 12c to Ogdensburg. - IMPOIITS BY RAILROAD. „Crikvittarrn` , AND PITTSBURGH RAIL soon, - September 8. —l4 cars iron ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 1 car lumber, .1 Heath; 20 lass starch, C H Morledge; 10 do do, Means & Coffin; 20 do do, J Henderson &Bro; 4 cases handles, B Wolf Jr & !Co; S bbls tobacco,-E'Megraw & Co; 1 hf bbl do,_ F W Baker; 1 bbl oil, Win Dilworth' : Jr; 25 bbla white lime, S Davidson; 5 bxs scales, :Fairbanks, Morse & Co: 10 bbls varnish; W MackeOvim & Bro; 7 kegs 'butter, bbls eggs, 2 hf bbls do, 1 box do, 69 bbls apples 4 bgs rye, Head & Aletzgar; 382 eks 5, W 11 Graff & Co; 1 car corn, Brown & Wil Baths, 1 bbl egas, di; apples, Graff dc'Rel ter; 8 cars pig iron . , Reese, Graff & Dull; 1 do do, Zug & Co; 1 car pig iron,Hutchinson, Glass Co; 12 bbls knobs, Acorns, McKee Co; 10 do do,Singer, Nimlek & Co; . 25 bags barley, Mclane t Anjer; 1 car Atone, J L L Knox; ,1 do lumber, J Baldinger; 143 empty . off bbls, .0 A Wormcastle; 299 do do, Thos' M 16 bbls 'potatoes, McHenry. & Hood; 4do barley flour; Totten & Co; 2 do oatmeal, Ikg pearl barley, J A Renshaw; 15 bbls green apples, G Praetrieh; 6 db do, Vatigorder Air, Shepard; 7 ska bran, M Mc- Swiggen; 1 car brick, Miller, Barr & Par kin; 50 bbls oil, Wm . McCutcheon; 8 do ap pips, J H Fritz & Son; 7 do do, 1 bbl, 1 sack onions, Fetzer & Armstrong. lITTSBUBGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD.. September 8,-5 cars metal. J Wood, Son& Co; - 1 do do, H Riddle; 1 do. do, J , W-Porter; 2 cars barley, Pier 'Dan -nals & Co; 3do do, Dli Galway; 200 bbls flour, owner; 100 do do, McClure &McKee; 4 cars shoulders, F Sellers & Co; 3 cars bar ley, J Rhodes & Co; 100 ,bbls flour, Segh myer 6c Voskamp; 1 car cOrn, McHenry...lc 'Hood; 1 do wheat, J S Liggett .& C0;.,1 do Hitchcodk;'McCreerk & Co; Ido ice, J W' Snyder; 25 bait cheese, N .7 Braden; 1 car scrap iron,Union Iron Mills; 30 dozen palls; , Watt, Lang & Co; 4 aks wool, Wm • Barker Jr a Co; 7 pkgs butter, H Rea Jr; 30, plis rags, 'Godfrey 6t Clark; 20 dozen brooms, W Miller. ' 10 bbls bungs, A Stiff; 4 bblis apples„ ; 6 . cider,. - .Graff & Reiter;• 7 MAW apples, 1 keg apple butter, Volgt, Ma hood & Co; 1 car hay. Stewart & Langen being 60sks corn, W Bingham; 22 sits flax-. Seed, J W Thureby; 5 cases tobaceo, Chas Koethen; 2do do, P U McKenna; 6 pkgs do, Smith, Johnston & Co; :.2 do do, Kirk Do - patrick, Herron dc Co; 4 do do, $ P Shrivel. &. PITTSBURGH. CrNOLIMATI AND ST. Loris RAILROAD, September 8.-2 cars corn. 100 bbls'ilour, D.ln Wallace; 10 hluts tobaeco, J Vir Taylor:2 cirs hay, Alterton; 4 bbls egg's Wll Graff & go; 37 bales cotton, A H Childs & Co: ,1 Case tobacco, J K Smith dt• • Co; 4do do, Itawcrth; McDonald de Co; 10 bob 011, 15 'pkgs . ' "lard, sdo candles, Jas Lippincott; 6 pkgs 'tobacco, P Mcßride; 40 bkys bungs, A B Mills, 5 tcs beef, F hollers & CO; 200 bbls flour , owner; 68 bdls green hides ~1 do pelts 2 bbis tallow, G N Hoff., stott; bills paper Pitts Paper' Co; 12 ske rags, F Craighead; 25 pima do, F, Straus; 49 eke rye, W J Meek; 10 eks oats, Steel & Son; 20 bbls flour, to aka co-nmeal. - Coiver.Co; 100 bbla flour , Stewart & Len geribein• ;1. car oats, Spencer ,it McKay; 10 bble floa;: - Hippley , & lkiekert, tube, 10 Igega- r butter, H Graff & Co; 5 bble `Whisky, 11 McSwiggetfr 2 dodo, F X Raible; , 19 bokes candles, Myera & Co; Icor BOgh4l ⟪ ear oats, /I Schnolbach. • tAtifftellimr,,STATlON, SepteMber 7 car . Wheat,. Mr/. McKee & Cm/1 do do, Gll4 more i :ltraub&Co; 6 cars • limestwiti, Ido meta - Onperl•••r iron Co; 4 •• bble vineger, `Ollll lon; 8 dodo, 0 Itaitler;; box bacon; ;Mercer 'dr.:ll,oblnflOn; • 206 sks';',barley; M • Well;•15 :dOSoll,loreOrria.4:lA .Scott; 2•bbis eggic 'Rckert &• Co; 1 oar , II txseedi'M A. Bbl4' Setif, J.' .10heti &Bev; 1 car barley;;) Rhodes : d: Co;• care wheat; E st.Xennedy& Bro; .100 she otits,'llo6o & Ewing; 50 bbls sugar, 1 ; sJt 0 ' 'Magirart ear barley, Geo Gerst ; '1 car wheat, P Rush; 8 Cars flaxieed, -4, 1 0 o; '6' ears corn, R Knox ,&Sen . ,' car millfeed. 0 1 14.4iffklklinur,•,Roae dr, Ewing. • - • . . , . ALLEORIINV, :VALLEY RAILROAD, " Sep , `toolbar 8 -01 oar ilme, Reno; 2 dorein-• der, Andr ew it Hitchcock ;•5 boxes Witter, 3 : 417, Jas Silty; 1 bbl•esigs, Head , & Met , -8 boxes eggs; , , 3 do batten • Cud ,31 2 cars me aloLvon, , Shorb (Jo: 43 tigi rags, McOulknigh, , Butith &zero: 2 bbla eg , t-bag ragal PAUL &Gibamt;2bbisiemos, rjj: R o e 7r;• 1 car ebty,tBtari Fire Brick , Um, 4 bidesmoot. Hauffintc kt Om , 1 pkg . todabe, Littlekliaird , & Patton. • •-• no Nlothatirt:* 'OE'ltritAL " RAILROAD.. Siopteth bet leather, 0 ',oofr stott44/ kegs 'Vatter, Hod & s.l,etzkitair 53, bdis'impbr, acrnetter &tau:llo4l6 aka, rage, MoPtiliptigh;-SnilW& - co; .48 - 911 ,Johnston o. 4 t s f; R : 4 lt r: PTlsiunsif ANA.. :,Corrirguzarmat mtio,go.4ocHoptcrtobtsq.--4.0 bbls whisky. lAttell & tifectll4: • 434 bble ; cement, 0 B •LPech; 000 FlCSitliuy g . cersooldiaof donee, Haltibge` VqfelL • • • .• PArrSBITROH: :GAZETTE? IVEDNESDAY:t STAVITZIBtkriI Chicago Market. • Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. CITICAGO, Sept. 8. -Flour quiet, with sales spring extras at $8a9,37 - m. Wheat moderately active and qalo lower, with sales No. 1 at $1,63a1,64, and No. 2 at $1,58X a 1,60; closing at, $1,58a1.58V s for No. 2; sales since 'Change at 81,58 for No. 2. Corn less active and unsettled, - and lAic lower,. ,with sales No. 1 at 9514a96c; No. 2 at 95 a9514c, and rejected at 91%c; closing quiet at 9510953;c for No. 1; there we re sales this afternoon at 96c for Non. Oath less active and steady, with sales at 51y,,a513.i; closin; - with sellers at 6114 c. Rye quiet and un settled; No. 1! opened at SI,IBM. and ad vttriced to $1,21, and closed at $1,20a1,21; sale, No. 2 a $1,16,1,18. Barley dull and male lower, with sales No. 2 at $1,5934a 1,645; closing at inside figures. Highwlnes quiet, with sales free at $1,30. Provisions firm. Mess pork inactive at $29,25a29,50. Lard firmer at 19a191/0 for steam, and 18% for summer rendered. Dry Salted Shoul ders steady at 145.a11%. . Freights quiet at 12c on wheat, 9;012c on corn to Buffalo. Receipts for the past twenty-four hours -15,540 bbls flour, 159,983 bush wheat, 155,- 123 bush corn, 164,112 bush oats, 531 head hogs. Shipments-16,100 bbls f10ur,154,145 bush wheat, 106,270 bush corn, 180,771 bus oats, 1,600 head hogs. . Barak) Market. LBy Telrgrap to the Pittsburgh Gazette. j BUFFALO Sept. B.—Flour dull and buy erssle are holt lug_ ir, and nominally unchan ged. 71:1 . ln tiir.; No. 2 Chlvaao offer ed this r afte noo 'at $1,75 without buyers. Cern nomi al at $1,1.0 and no buyersecarce ly; sales tw boat loads only. Oats dull; sales 311,000 u Western at 83c. Rye nomi nal. Earle, dull; sales 2,000 bu Canada at $1,75 for Delaware red, 1,500 bu do. at $1,65 on the track. Peas market bare and want ed. Mess pork firm at $30a30,50 for heavy. Lard firm at 20e. Ilighwines dull at $1,30. Milwaukee Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l MILWAUKEE, September B.—Flour dull and drooping; goed spring_ extras sold at $8,50; medium, 87,87. %Vhoat dull; 6_467 for No. 1 and $1,57 for No. 2. Oats unchanged at 52;4c. Corn unsettled - at 96c for No. 2. Receipts; 2,000 barrels' flow; 92,000 bushels wheat; I,ouo bushels oats; 3QO bushels c ,, rn. Shipments; 3,ooo.barrels flour; 37,000 bush. wheat; 500 bushels corn. Baltimore Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l BALTIMORE, September B.—Flour dull and favors buyers, but without a change. Wheat firmer; good to prime, $1,25a2,50. Corn weak; white, 1,15a1,21; yellow, $1,27a -1,30. Oats, 70a72c. Rye, $1,40. Mess pork excited and advancinsr; holders demand pi. Bacon very quiet; rib sides, 17 . 14 c; clear sides, 173017 Xe ;. shoulders, 14%c; hams, 22c. Lard excited and advancing at 20c. RIVER NEWS The river was about at a stand last even log witn three feet in the channel by the Monongahela pier mark. Tne- weather continues cloudy and settled, with•every appearanber of more rain. • The Bayard left for Buffington yesterday to bring up a number of- ebal boatmen. It is not -likely, howevdr, that she will at , . tempt-to enter the Pitksburgh and Parkeis burg trade until there is more water. The Glasgow. in command of Capt.-Andy Rohnasen t ly., is announced to leave for Cincinnati and Loulsvilie to-day. • —The passenger agents of St. Paul, of the two rival lines, are having a-warm contest kir passengers. —The Dubuque papers notice the fact that-grain has commenced moving in large quantitities from the upper river. —The Louisiana, having - all the freight she conid carry on the water, was to have left Caqo for .New OrleanS Saturday. night. —The Ruth and Ladv.Gay are about to form a weekly line from Cairo to New Or leans. The Virginia will run from Louis ville to New o,leans. ; „ ,_ • —Capt. C. G. Pearce is. now president of the Cincinnati and Louisville mail line. Capt. Frank Carter will be superintendent of the line at Louisville. Captain Ed. Ford, Of New Albany, has invented, a new steamboat wheel that, it is belivA, Will supersede the present style of wheel used In the propu sion of boats. —Captain Amos E. Davis left Wheeling Friday for Batftnaton to see what prospects there mere in getting his .boat, the- Wm. Butler, Won the recent rise. ' The Butler has been aground - there several weeks. —The steamer, Artmsy. left Gallipolis on Saturday at daylight, with two barges von taining railroad` iron, and "a load of,salt on the boat, all out of the K4nawlia. "The rail road iron is for , Henderson, Ryi., and. the salt for Cincinnati. • —The TahleOplan got at Cinoinnati for New Orleans 300 tone• at the following rates: • Bacon, 95,t0 50c; light freight, 50 to 75c; whisky, $2; pork, $1,40 per bbl. She will hereafter run between New Orleans add Shreveport; in Red river. • —W. McClure, engineer on the Disptiter, accidentally fell ov.rboard in the Ken tucky river near the first lock, Wednesday night; and was drowned before assistance c uld reach him. , He leaves a wife, but no children. He, fortnezly ran s in the packet trade, and resided in Carrollton, ICY. —The St. Croix river trade is growing in importance. A. new and elegant little steamer is being built for it.. She.is i2O feet lomg, 22 feet beam, and, 4 feet hold, with a tonnage of 200 tons. It is expected that she will ran on> eighteen inches- of water. Her en,ines will bo forty-horse Power. Her finishing will bo perfect in every res ect; se , as to make her a first-class steamer,.calculated to accommodate a large number of passengers.. She is being out fitted at Dubuque. —The St. Louis litpub/fcan save: "The restaurant system of feeding passengers on steamboats appears to be'gaining ground. Already it has been established on the Al ton and Memphis :pitelt'ets, and tO-day It'is to beinaugurated on the 'Keokuk :packeti Harry Johnson. There's really nothing to ; be said on the subject, atilt belongs exclu sliely to:the econolny Of running lbOat; and, the owners °CA titeamtalat are (hilly competent to decide what is to their' best elad Vantag- . „ —The New Albany , Lscrys , ,. o f Friday+, says: atm. 94.:Weitzeli U.B.- ,A., , wtioltas teharie of , the :Louisville ,gano itOProve meet, tuts 'Made arrangements to reMove. here with • his fsmily. The' Gentirffi cured' the, •reel4ent*, - .formerly, tvenpled Colonel: A. hlaginness,,arui: takp, possesalori Of' "It i heat'iveex. "It is the pur pose of, the devernment -ter enlarge the' Louisville: o mnd, end 491buuld awing darn' at the." mouth : of Fallln Bun to inereae the - depth of 'water on • Portland bar. - TOO, , work , Vintemplated be' superintended byGen.; Weitzel, and, will- opeupy, hie, at tention two"or'' three Yeara. During that time 'he ':expects to make this - city • Igh home.. ;. •,,i, ; ) • ' 'givers 'ind Weather. ' to she rittaaurah otaette.l • • $ Xiantlivti.Laf,-,El4 , ptenaber 131-$-Ittver. at - ; a atatili 'ith faurt trill I Polipp ttle? . ?illal. , Meother titenitt and viarni:. ;Unto, )84iteinbei • &L..' WeithetTivet and wexta, if, ' BANICRI • WESTEriN OWOIPT) VA AW4III, 4 BYL IN t, es. ore, rittert1.05,4111.8d411.01,0448L, Ai IL . 1888: 1 . 0 - undo Fe gives not aof Hs appointment ea fa tglice Of fidt,ll.lla H. i Iftli.lll4 , bfiAre glittor IOU). ALI,* it cny county; and Biota of PennqTlyanin, oltnlin solo 'Nitric& who bin thient settlifin a Not-) ?opt upon his own putltlon by the Instnct Court of, isiddistribu7ll . WI if J: 213;‘,Tbn,tDINJAii.Igneet. , 1 . nubtnr , Attorney-at-J.lm. 83 Diamond rued. ;T" . . AVE -111E;11111EB; PilteSt• •ife it °fit. 811 " 1,'Y0P 44 / 1 " leWh:olt RA Int . o , bifrotris.A. • , OrIiagULLIPE4:- NOTICES. WNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION to the Capital Stock of the Company to erect a Bride over the Allegheny. River, from Ewalt street, in the City of Pittsburgh, In the County of Allegheny. to the Allegheny and Butler Plank Road, at or near the motth Girty's Run, incorporated by an Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, ap proved the twenty-sixth day of March, A. D. 1868, will. be opened at the °fade of PILL - & siIIITTERLY. on Butler Street. In the Sere teenth Ward of said City of Pittsburgh, on the TE 'TLI DAY OF SEP TEMBER 'NEXT. at 10 Wel° k A. at. of said day. 'John W. Riddell, 8.'.1. Walswrlght, J. J. Shntterly, ' Ja nest. Bennett, T. H. Slit, i J. R. Poor, T.' B. Stewart,D Dempsey, I M. McCullough, Jr., H Sample, E. S. Hanna, L Felibaugh, IV. T. Purvmuce. ' 14' Coates, \Vin W. Young, I J ti. Barr. Wtn. Iteardou, Wm. Meconnell, Israel C. Pershing. i John J. Williams, N. P. Reed, Commissioners. Pittsuhrgh, August Bth, 11168. LEG~L,.. ', TN THE MATTER OF - THE AP „IL plleation of the • Genitalia Building an Loan Association FOIt A CHARTER OF I 'CORPORATION. No. 1,002 In the Court of moron Pleas of Alle gheny t. ounty. In the above c -se the Petitioners have applied for a Charter as a Building and Loan Association, un der the statute In such case made and provided, and unless exceptions be did lu Proper time a Charter will be granted at next tem of bald Court. 8..5. lIMEUISON, Solicitor for Petitioners OEM NOTICE--Notice is hereby given 111 **tit Letters of A dminl-tratfon hare been granted bY the Itegtster of Allelly~henv don't ty, to the undersigned, on the Pante erYltEl /ERICK Ati . E.R, late of Allegheny county. deceased. All persons in debted to sald'e , tate are helm)) , totlaed to pay the same, and all - persons having claims 'agalest the said estate, to nr sent the Same, properly authentl cAted, tor settlement.' GDALEN SA.IIER. Admlnistratrir of Frederick Sauer, deceased Pittsburgh, :.ept. 7, 1868. sepB:xs ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Whereas, Letters' of Administratin deceased, th est:ste of OAMILIBL HOU.DEN,ORtELD, of scott township , have heett - granted to the sub scribers, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having' claims 'against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement, to JO RN or - JACOB HOUDbibitiliTELT). Union Tp., Allegheny Co., Pa. MISCELLANEOUS " Westward the Star of Empire Takes • , Its Way." SECURE d HOME IN TEE GOLDEN STATE. THE IMNHCRAPIT HOTOISTEAD ASSOCIATION OF ,CALIFORNIA. ,Incorporated under the Lawn of the State, I.forem her 30th. 1N67. fur the purpose of providing 110111 4 . FOR ITS MEXIBERS, And promoting Iminigntlon Capital Stock. - ' 81,600,000 Idea Into 200.000 SHARES at $5 each, pays ple In U. 8: CHERENCY. Cemticates of Stock l4suml to subscrlbvro Imme dlatoly upon. rect•lpt of the money. No platstiti ALLOWED TO HOLD JIORE THAN FIVE BRAME:B, A Circular Containing a full description of the property - to be distribnted among the Shareholders wat be s..nt to any address upon receipt of stamps to cover return posutge Information ax to prier. of land In any portion of the State. or ilium u..y other sub,ect of fp•erest to tiarti.is proposing to Immigrate, will be' cheerfully furnished upon receipt of stamps for postage. All.letters should be addressed SEC'EF.TAILY UMMIIIIIANT HOMESTEAD ASSO CIATION;i_Po3toIIIce Max Ito. 86, SAN FRAN- CISCO. CALIFORNIA. =Moira' FLOUR! FLOUR!! FLOW:UIf!! Fresh around Old Wheat Flout. White Star BEMs, for fatally use.- • Riverside Slla , for Bakers. Slone Rill. for tlakers. . - Ontario 51111. for Bakers. • ' "alonilor Kill, for Rakers. ' City Still y Fprinfleld , 0.. Family Flour. Carer's .1..7.,X . Fand1y Flour. Mad Rlver Family Flour. • OF NEW 'WHEAT. .Plainview Mills Fancy St. LIMA- Tealtose Mills do Clarke's B. sk Baker's Fleur. ,; - Keystone Mills do Coronett . do Fur sale by • • WATT. -164 na@ CO" au • 172 and 174 WOOI, ST OR .RENT-LOUISVILLEHO. F TED.-BeSted-propoSals will 130 received until tit .15111 DAY OF 001011Eit, for a Mole of the Louisville Hotel, in this city, fors term of three Years. commencing and . keesseta/111 liven on *he let das of Jahuary, 1869. Propose s pray be inside for the hotel proper, alone, or for the hotel and store rooms attac.ied The premises can be examined on application to the present ccoupants, or to either of the uu .er.igned, The right 1 , reseryed to decline any or all bids if nol satlsfactory. and security may be required for the flittiful performance of the terms of the lease: lndon.e euveiope "Proposals for the Louisville Hotel. and address • THOMAS ISTEFLE_ HEN.I' WiiiTE/STOWE, Ex'rs of the Estee of L. L. eureve, dec'd. EAN . . Hy.; Aug . 3l 1808 part owner. se2:v&S OIL WELL Steam, Engines for Sale. Eloperlor nPi.r and second-hand &TEAM EN GTNES-7, 8 and 10 Inch copludera, AU and X 4 Inch aloha, with ah , the fixtures FOR BORING oil WELLS). Address HUGH X. BOLE & CO., ane:t9l nuqueeue Way, Pittsburgh, Pa ' N;C:it .: • ..o , )‘ Q &CO r 4 . i- *.... ‘lfryQl l , -------i --..." COLGATE Si, C 0 FRAARANT TOILET. SOAPS, ftre!repared, by skilled work meh, from the beet materials, 411 are known,as the ).TAND• itIV by dealers arid_cuetomens. pold, everywhere., , tieZr:wr WANTED: " • " X 0.006 NVIIEA4`' ; w itsu it . y • F . all &adapting BARLEY )for which we will Pay thdiliiiiret price in cash . ::i BITOROIiat WORSE& & Oft , 077,113/ - 176/' PONTItqLL/Lit btu' ALtgaltinlY PIT etwuou AUfol.f. Eith. 180 S. f rarr.rlCE'TO 11011/01101.DERS:'--• • A .,..!‘).4 • nAI 111.4 Q t, deptionberilit, the '3IX :PER. Mtn' D 5 semen by Allenheny c u •sy, Mt, itt,:11.503;.1n '.l/Ityrrient .of ("Bounty tn ‘Volnnteete, will be rudeeno.el ou p eel el tlal.t onto.. 1 8n Intefeet on these ese bond* well cease/ Ifoi embet: Id; ••0tt24111 ..) -. HENRY, LA !EBERT. Controller,: rittAIN.PIPE.-HALL ALADAIIi* JL , BtrrE l 4o4_AnvoLs OF DRAINPIPE, All aimed, frem onelotlienty- our Inches atWELJ DUNG ICEL.LVd. agents for,manufneturers, 14 Wood street, between rtfth and dlzth streets. AppOPIALILD ,proileep herebyAlyen that the Vleirslito• port Ter 0 •N/N0 3i DONALD ATA A RY, Sfelh we'd. ',hempen. , CitYchsi N ov ibep, atria Luvrt, for connrsnatton. J. C iffco,n BB i 801leltor.• idtVG: . - .VkiDDEII STREET. :- ,-;.: - 7:77 - , ~ , • • . i .. t iiine-b' tire*/ Rived that i theVierwerto Jai! P r lti i i l 4 ll YlN i rtn;tgi. " All i erlgr g t_4 9. ll 4 4l ) , e it niaa'At Ku. il .3. bovoi4 ll . o F J:toPai 4 5 .11 i., Oratrlal . 'oodtt; for confirmation. - • • . r. *, ,•,, ; ~,./ a. 44,:ltat001111115, italleitilllK, , . 00 /;° .43 ' tPirtie If STREET. r Npliap illi{Prrbi IgYea that the Report ot-Vlow 'ref •rOt'le ba try* t:WREST. ( ltr 6f Aire. , ' .. belly, has beerke led fillo a R 9 9. No ven4 ger Term. ii b ei;D o ul u r court,. rur ronlirmatrott:' - • - -, :. 4. 1 4:4 1 1 ii 4 ko o k iiil i ity .. so . . 4 aitor ,., ; . .. , .35i1..-rioit ; ..;.41 , 1., , ..1.......1..,; ~ ~., ~ ... 1 ,., L . .;,... _. ,\ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. = BILLDIGER 84. STEVENSON, COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pitt-burgh, Pa. RECEIVE AND SELL All Ain& of Country Produce. AU orders for Merchandise promptly filled, at LOWEST mar'. e t rates. Particul er attention given to the sale of hinter, Fggs, Cheese, Dried Fruits, Ste, We feel confident that we can give entire sat isrfi'dinn, by making grill:lC sta.gs and PROMPT RE TURNS. St lIUMIESr MARKET PRICES, and therefore relneetfraly solicit your consignments.. Ad col re spondence _answered. promptly. Marking Plates fsrnished free. Grain in store and to arrive daily. WATT, LANG Si. ,CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Flour, Grain, Produce, Pro• visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon OIL ite., Nos. 172• and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. xi08:n.55 J. B. CANTUI7D A. T. CANFIELD. ir B. CANFIELD Si, SON, COM . MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers in Goshen, Factory. Hamburg and W. B. Cheese, Butter,- Lard, Polk, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Dried Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl and S .da Ashes, V. bite Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils. No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. STZELE AT • STEELE •& SON, Comaraission .7fferchantB, AND DEALERS. IN FLOUR, GrItAIN. V"P.E3I). &e. No. 95 OHIO STREEI near East Conlmoß, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JADES B. ILEANOR MEANOR & lIAIIPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCITA.N'T'S 3519 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Consignments solicited. IlaranaxcEs—J. a. Martin, Cashier Mechanics National Banki.J. S. Dilworth & co., B. T. Ken nedy 1c Bro. Ja31:124 PETER KEIL JAB. P. MCRAE% KEIL & RICHARD', COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., &c 349 Liberty Mt., Pittsburgh, my24:b37 T J. BLANCHARD - , L. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 306 PENN STREET. aplS:xB9 ALEX. le BANE J. B. ANJAE McRA.NE bt. ANJER, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR. GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY,' No. 14.. t. WATER STREET, above Smithfield. Pittsburgh. • • . lea FETZER & ARMSTRONG, roBWARDING AND OONNISSION IGNORANT% For the sale °Maur, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally', No. /8 MARKET STREET, corner of pint, Pittsburgh. fe2l:uB _ JOAN I. tfOusx.....hhw. B. nouns. JOHN I. HOUSE & BITOS;, SUIC cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE It CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pitt burgh, Pa.- aI RIDDLE, No. ISt LIBERTY a STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa., Commission Mer e nt and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Groceries sad Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced ou Consignments, and paid fur Produce gen erally. au7.l nonr. KNOT %A - PP-kW KNOX. IyKNOX & SON, _COMMISSION *MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN LL FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City. 1117:r37 ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale. I; rocers. Commission Iferebants and eaters In Produce, Flour, flacon, Cheese, Flab, Carbon and Lard OR, Iron. Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh 3lnnuth,t,nres generally, 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Plttanurgli. JOHN 8116.20 N A WALLACE. 1 511LPTONS4 WALLACE. WHOLE- V ALE li R P AIDERS AN DRODUCE DEALERS, o. 6 SLIETII STREET. Pittsburgh, 1a12:r55' PROFESSIONA.L.- JOB. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLICE KAGISTRATE. Once, 126 WYLIE STREET, near Washington, . PITTSIIFRG,H, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Deposttions, Collections, and all other legitimate business executed promptly. - . nnh3bni) SAMIIIIL McDLISTERS, IJ ALDFAVAX. Ex-0131cie Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. ()Mee, STREET, opposite the tht thedrat; PITTSBURGH, • • Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgmenta, Depositions,and aiLLegui Business executed with promptness and dispatch. " r %AM RUSTA CIE 11:11110 . 8401r, -""" "iktailMll,3lA.bi, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortga gee, Acknowledgmenta, Depositions and all Le - Business executed with promptness and dlsiett triy29 A AMMON, Justice of the Pegce, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT. CARSON STREET, EAST BIRIRINGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend ed to. . InvII:y60 WILLLIM R. BARKER, JUSTICE OF\_THE PEACE. CONVEYANCER, &C. Office, CARSON STREET. nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOIITII Business entrusted to his care promptly attend ed to. myl:y6l T S. FERGUSON ) tI • , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. SXCOND FLOOR.. FRONT ROOM JOHN w. -REIMFLL; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. °Moe, 116 Diamond IStree,., (Opposite tbe Court Honse,)' MIMI W. ATTORNICY-AT-LAW, • , No. 99 Di amond _Street. zolikuil C. Rukchagut.,.. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. 1 091Zirant etroot, mrstito MTSBURGIT, pa. JOHN A. • STRAIN, •‘.l ' *: Alr iT I R/4414.-Drs ES -01 7 1 CRO.AUSTICIC .Op THE PZACE I.IW - POLICE MAGISTRATE • Offleell2 prrrit STIMIET. oppoefte th e Oath& turel., Pittsburgh, Pa.. Deeds, Heads Mertuieu Acknowiedgmenti, Depuelttent and' all Levu null teas executed with orometitees endittePaten• ARCHIB.CLID BLAILEJLEY ~d'I'ZbRI~T:F3Y s'[Lza`W'. FIFTH Pint T, iiiAsasOuti ( ti ' '1117110.1A011. .CORN MEAL, RYE FLOUR, &c. 19VA9liketiT9N filtllLS; WABHINO7ONErnuc*2._ — . ) 1 17eu ritiaburith'fipiutlfteyato r ' w APIT - 4: 03 -7k4S!o*. - *AnufsOilirer 01001114 MEAL, arcnova M . oftrOPPIED TaND.- Orlon detoreroo Wollner MT troo or aria. emu•100.PP1A tioni as oricretti • - - I= =3 M=M Mail Express Fast Line Fast Express Mixed NVay McDonald 's Acc'n, No. 1.. Steubenville Accommod'n McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2. , • SPECIAL Norica.--Sunday Express leaves at 2:10 p. in. arrivingha Cincinnati at 6:00 a. m. the next morning: The 9:40 a. in:Traln leaves "daily, Sundays ex— cepted, and makes close connections at Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark It. Ft. l ihNlYftGll, PORT W. AND OLEVELAND From June 7th, 1868 and arrive at the Ihunn time, as follows: • • Chicago Ex.... X 2:03 am Cleveland Ex .. 2:03 am Erie d YgWg3Pln 31'1 7:28 a m W- 6:13 a m Chicago Ma ll .. 6:58 a in Chicago E 'ir . . x... 9:43 a m I. & Wh 1: Chicago Ex.— 1: 43p 58p m m C Wh. Ex 4: pri. l l Depart from Alletth 48 enti. - N. Brigt`n Ac. 8:584 m Leeßidale " 10:13 . a m -:58 a m Rochester " 2 11 :23 pm Wellsv`e Aec.: 3:43 pro Leetsdale Acc. 4 :13 Pm N. Brlgt'a . 5:33 p m N. Brigt'n " 6:28p m Leetsdale " . 10:439m Sir 1:58 p. m. Chicago 4tif" 11:23 a. in. Chicas JeEt F. R. lIYERS DENNSYLVAIIi CENTRAL RAILED. and- after Juhe 7th, - rive at and depart from the Washington and Liberty Arrive. 1 Mall Train.... 115 ami Fast Line ... ... 1:40 am! Wall's No. ... 6:20 a m Latrobe Area 7:50 ami Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 ami Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p m Phila. Express 1:20 p m Wail's No. 3... 2-15 pm Braddocks Not 5:50 p m Wall's No. 4. 7:15 p m Altoona Acc'n and Emigrant Train 9:30 pin . - The Church Train loaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. m.; reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. M. and arrit es at all's Station at 2:00 p. m. "'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. For Curtner information apply to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. Tie Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ar. pare!, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. Ali Baggage exceeding' that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. . EDWARD H. WTLLIAMB, JeB General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. -wESTEIIN PENN-allamis R D.— On and ftA ft ug A u l % - 160, 1868, the Fee seater Trains on the Western Pennsylaania Rail road will arrive at and depart from the Federal. Street Depot,.Allegheny City, as follows: Eittring?Ve No 1 6:35 a miMall , Depart. 8:50 11. NI Freeport No. 1 8:15 a m:Freeport No. 1 8:50 ant Enos:eke 10:15 a m:Sharpirg No.111:210 a a Sharpb`g No.l - 1:25 p arilExpreas.. .—. . . 2:20 pin Freeport No.'2 ' 4110 p atiStaingiVe Di o 1' 3:50 pm Mail ' 5:59 p m Freepurt No. 2 6:051) at SPlintitPe.Nbl ,Y:10 pin Suringd'e No 2 9:15 pm Aboye tralifs run daily except eunday. The-Chafeh Trani leaves ' Allegheny - Janet , every Sunday at I:90 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 , a. m. -- Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m, and arrive at Allegheny Janet. at 9:4 COMXITZATION TICK/TS—For sale In packages of Twenty,betweeu,Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr% Bennett, fine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spet titled on tickets. The tralns leaviny Allegheny City at - O:15 a. m. and 2.20 P. X. make direct connection at Freeparn with Walker, tine ofStages for Butler and Hannahs town. Through tickets ma) be purchased at that Ottlee,'No. 3 St. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit thel. responsibility to One Hundred. Dollars in value.' All baggage exceeding] this amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, tin tees taken by special contract. : EDWARD H. WILLIANIS, Gere..al Sunerlatendent. Altoona. Pa. CM SMOHY UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, The SHORTEST AND MOST SELLABLE BO from the East to all points in _ Colorado, Nevada, ap4:w73 . . Oregon: Two Trains leave State . Line 'and Leavenwortk gaily, (Sundays excepted,)) on the arrival attains ot' Mane Railroad from Bt. Louis, and , ilamnital and Bt. Jo gailroad from Quincy, conneetinv. at Law rence, - Toßekit • and Wamego with sta,„.• for ail' points in lianas.. At end of track west or ittle worth with the UNITED STATES' EXJPEESS CO/S -PAN ''1!1 DAILY LINZ- OP • OVERLAND NALL ANDWE= coAm.ma 'Pos . • PITTSBIIIIOH, PA. ISEINVEII4 -• SALM IsAILIII% • , • • • And all Points in the Territories, Anh With SANDERSON% TRI.WEEELY LINE, of COACHES for Port Union a l i tientl i rWt. Yam , 4i r n e e w rv i e. Santa *Fe , . and pout Arisons and With. the recent 'additions of rollin stock and equipment, and the arrangements-ma d e sponsible overland Transportation Lines from its = ern :terminus. this. road now ' , biters unequalled oes for the transmisalon of freight to , the - Per West. • • ' -:; • • - Tickets for sale at all thii principal omoes in the United !Mates and Canadas.• - • _.•• • , Be bare and ask for tickets via • THE smorri 'HILL ROC rd,_IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY.] ILIZTILfat PITTSBURGH, PA TO ' LIT E114,P„.° QUEENS OWN. TUE INMAW 11811. wrzumuris, Um Numbering iLteen'erst-cassa. vessels . ; slims thee celebrated CITY OF CITY OP ANTIVEPP, CITY OP 1308 TO- CITY or BALT/YOKE. CITY OP LONDON, 2.11.111ng EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 415. Mel& laver, New Y ork. nu* garage or Amber tloa apply to • - . ifILTIA)II , BINGH4I4 No.,==rritlyirds= RAILROADS. PITTSBURGH andarommi CONNELLSVILLE /LB. On and after THURSDAY, March :sth, 1865 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cot, ner of Grant and Water streets, a pas follows: De .Arri Mall to and from Union t'n. 7:00 rt A.. et. N. 6:00 P. st. McKeesport ACCOMMOdtn 41:00 A. at. Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 r. at. 10:00 A.Y. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30.r. at. 8:35 A. at. Braddock's Accommodat'n at. 7:50 P. . Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3ol'.ll. 6:40 A. 31. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton' 1:00 P. IL 10:00 A. at For tickets apply ta J. R. RING. Agen t. W. R. STOUT, Superintendent. rnhb ( - MANGE of TIME. •• - _ ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. On and after WEDNESDAY, 7:25 P. It August /1868, TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittstfurgli Station. corner Pike and Canal streete. for Franklin, 011 Oily, Buffalo, and alt points to the Ott tteeltms• __ LEAVE PITTSBURGH. Mall 8:05 a m; Express 7:26n ral Brady's it'd Ac 3:26 p m! Ist soda Works ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH. 11,11 4:50p m Express........ 6:03 a m R^adys iiYl Ac 10:20 aa lst"Suda Works Accomoda'n. 7:50 am 2d Soda Works - Accomoden. 2:50 p Mixed { pad Tea Armstrong Ac. 6 88 : :: 2 23 0 55 p ap L am Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 r. lu. Ar rive In Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. N. Passengers taking Pittsburgh in have but one change of cars b, Wenn litnialo and OM Regions. Mall and Express Tratus stop only at principal points.. Mixed Way and Accommodation trains stop at all stations. THOMAS EING, Assn. Sup't. W. 'FOSTER 110 P E. Ticket Agent. nut?. . . Accomod'n.. 11:00 a in 2d Soda Works . . . . Accotnefl , n .. 6:20 p`o. Mlxed.Wav T'n 0:20 a ni IlultonAcc'n.. 6:20 a In ITTSBURGH,~ CINCIXNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. PAN RANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE OF TIME.—On au& after SUNDAY, June 21st, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as foliows, Pittsburgh time: Depart. Arrive. 2:15 a. m. 12:10 a. m. 0:40 a. m. 7:15 p. m. .2 :10 p. m. 11:20 a. El. 6:10 a. m. 7.05 p. m... 1:40 a. m. 3:05 p. la. 3:55 p. m. ra. 5:25 p. m. 8:20 8. F. 13017 LL, General Ticket - Agent, W. W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville., " AYNE Naga CHIOAGO R. PITTSBURGH B. trains will leave trent Depot, north aide, isitg 11E=2 Arrive. ICl:kayo Ex.. 2:08 a m !Cleveland Ex. 2:08 a m ichicago Ex....11:23 a m iWheeling.Ex. 11:08 am St. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pm Cl. Wh'a• Ex 4:38 pm Erie Yg'n Ex 6:13 pm Chicago Ex. 4:23 p m Cl. 7:08 pile Arrive in A tteghe4y. N. Brlgt'n Ac. 7:00 am N. Brigt'n " 8:288M Wellsville " 8:53 a wt. New Castle " 10:13 a m Leetsdale " • 9:13 ana " • " 1:08 pm N.Brf " 2:43 p m Leeßsdale " 4:53 p " 7:2Bpm. Express leaves daily. • r Express arrives dally. General Ticket Agent. IA AD, . . _ , 1868, Trains will ar— e, talon Depot, corner of • treets, as follows: Depart. Psi Express.. 2:25 am Wall's No. 1.. 0:30 a m Mall Train 7:50 a m 'Cincinnati Ex 11:40 am Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 a m Johnstown A. 3:05 pm Bradducks Nol 4:00 pm Phila. Expres. 4:50 p ne. Wall's No. .3.. 5:1O p m Wall's No. 4... ; 0:15 pm Fast Line IT:30 pm Latrobe Acc'n 8:50 pm. Swissvale Ac'n 10:50 pm Eastern Division. California, Utah, Arizona, Washington ?few Mexico, Idaho, ANDIEESION. . eral upeellittsg dent. IFE.lll47llit. , Lt land Ticket Agent. General lire lzio e, 4 Y. ANDMh DI 112
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers