The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 09, 1868, Image 2
liitiintrgij Gait& THE FORT I)ONELSON OF 1868. TIIE VOICE OF VEILMOET. AlR—"Raltv Round the ' ..faag." On thls unit September day Vld Vermont has had her say. kad has spoken' loud and , stroug for . Grant and Freedom; • And the burden of her Song. • Bung by thirty thou.and strong, Is "Three cheers for Grant and Colfax, and for Freedom!" • CrioacsThe Union forever, hurrah: boys, hurrah, &c., &c How the Rebel hostvrill stare . To find Neymour and Blair. Spite of alt that Val. snu Pendleihn could do, - Have a f riends t G e neral That the ofGrant Can say Vermont's unanimous for Freedom 1 ' Cff o us—The 'Union forever, hc., Among,her mottfitilUs tall Like • silver elarion-ca11.".:, .Eings and echoes sharp the glorious ahont for Free- And the continent across,' • Freedom's gain and Treason's lass Wilt be bared with'joy by every Son of Freedom! - Climevs—The Union forever, .te., Sc. - 'The brave Green Mountain State, • By her vote, has sealed the fate Of the Beth.eratleo noellneve and party: - And, some eold A ovember day, • -• Flat upon the ground we'll lay, The rag-tag and bob-tail Rebel part) , • • Clipittra—The Union forever, Ai., Sc. 'Rebderclitc—T his term may be applied to a polltl - cabal peculiar to the United States. pw:lonewtoll —Titusville is lighted with gas, .—A tax on bachelors is meditated in Bel gium. —Jefferson still plays Rip Van Winkle at Chicago. —There were 332 deaths last week in Philadelphia. —Spencer d Co., pack 45,000 cans of Oysters per day. • Gedf. H. Boker is still editor of -Lippin 4otrs .Ifagaeine.. -r-A statue of the Prince Imperial is to be erected in Peri& Chover, a bandit, is - said to be the ickedest man in Mexico. —There is a burlesque now playing in Boston called Fowl Play. —One band of musicians cleared $5,000 at Long Branch, this season. —One of Mr. Gladstone's sons will be ordained priest on Chriatmat - —Are all the inhaliittiiits of Fawn town ship composed of the dear people —Baltimore is making money out of it's steamship line ind Boston is jealous. —There is a preacher in New York who claims to have delivered 8,000 sermons. —Gen. McClellan will_ arrive at New York about the \ last cf the present month. —The price oc Catawba cocktails is to be raised, as the Catawba grape crop is small. - 7 Carl Schurz 'spoke an.erirmons Ger man audience at , .Albany on. Monday night. —Central Park has been invaded, and the profane feet of peddlers blight its sacred soil. —Rumor says that Edwin Booth won't allow his new theatre to be desecrated by balls. —Thousands of bushels •of peaches pass through here for New York every day from Ohio. —The new cable in the Persian-Gulf is to be insulated with rubber instead of gutta percha. :4) —Cincinnati claims to have the first steam ire engiae company ever organized on this terrestial ball. New York Sorosis have decided to wear a badge, and have decided on the badge to wear. —Mrs. General John H. Morgan, as the widow of the rebel bandit is called, is visit.- ing in Louisville. \ —Tommy Hadden says he is the wickedest man in New York, \ and was, before Allen became reconstructed.' —ln Meadville there has been a regiment of Grant Guards enlisted for three months or during the campaign. • —After October 'first, all physicians in Ohio who - have not a regular diploma will have to suspend praCtice. . - —ln Chicago there are twenty-six candy manufacturers who make about eighty -tons of sweet mixture annually. —Mrs. Lander- plays the parts-of seven queens and plays them all well, no two alike, and yet all real queens. • —Governor H. Seymour weighs one hundred and fifty pounds, less we fear than his conscience weighs upon him. —Black Astrachan muffs' and collars edged with long white camels hair, are said to bUthe novelty in furs this year. —Oswego is luippy in being the place of residence of Mr. Gerritt Smith, who has given it $3,000 for public improvement. . —150,000 emigrants arrived in New York list month, most of them, it is thought will vote for Seymour Blair and Hoffman. 7 The Erie. City Base Ball Club, of Erie, gaud the Forest City Club, of Cleveland, ste to play a match game at Erie about the Inst. - - - A t -The leading lecturers have reduced their prices this season end the various lecture committees abaut the conntry, are feeling geod about it • Barrie) , Aaron is to open a boxing school in Washington. It is understood that he is 'highly recommended by Hon. John 'Morrissey..-.. —The Boston Post in speaking of the recent creation, by the Pope, of the' diocese ofialuira says : "Some ecclesiastic ivill now receive his desert. r-Tietiens the new prima - donna of Ma _plesori's troupe, and the L time honored - faviirite of the Lonifore opera goers, is said to be half a century 'old._ -;.=Annie Sefton and Joe lierhushandwith several other Actors and actresses; in aword; the Sefton coMbination can now be seen almbat any night _ —professor Doctor Doremus the renown ed New :.York chemist and lecturer says that the enamel used in the reanufacture of paper collars not polsonouer, -T-Bdwie Booth is very much to be pitied; we all have an opporttmity of seeing his in- . , com Parable acting, but he, poor,man, never ean.aee himselfas others see him., • .; —4orphens C. Kerr, whose name his not for some time been, as, it once was, famWar household words; has written a new book, which he ,calls 4 114mokeil Glass" i friendi of ItlcCosh; the new .tredident , of Prineetpn College, presented him with a costly service of solid silver, as a parting gift, before luYleft Ireland. —At a Democratic procession at Council Bluffs, lovta, the other day they got five hundred ladies on horseback to swell the ranks and add respectability to the affair. --People in Paris pay street musicians not to - play, and hence men with parionets un der their arras; who can't play a note, drive a good business by simply threatenhig music. —A French journalist, in commenting upon the acquittal of a prisoner at the assi zes by a verdict of seven tgeinst five, .saj l i "the fellow made an Andrew Jolinson es cape." • —Lotta has some new titles which she has added to the long listalready on her adver tising posters; they are "Minatute Venus" and "Diamond Edition of Dramatis De lights." , , —Fraulein Fanny Janauscheck" is once again en route for America, where she In tends to repeat her triumphal march. She will play ten nights in New, York, beginning October sth. ---Major M. R. Evans, for many years a resident of Georgia, died in Chicago on the 27th of August. He was the father of the encyclopedia. We. should say of 'Miss Augusta J. Evans. . —The Grau opera troupe undertook to perform Martha in Erie, „on Saturday, and made a thorough burlesque of it. The Erie Dispatch says: "The opera was grand in one respect—its failure. • —Cap in Joel F. Tyler, of Oswego, New York, is said to be the oldest lake captain living. He has been for fifiy-eight years a sailor, and assumed command' of his first vessel forty-six years ago. —Henry Ward Beecher says: "It is an honor that will not happen twice in a man's life time to have a chance to vote for such a man as Grant. No yotutg man can well afford to throw away his chance.", —Mrs. Scott Siddons' reading of the May Queen is said to be - one of the most pathetic of amusements. She read it -at Newport recently, and all the town flocked to hear and weep at the wonderful perform ance. —ln Schuylkill county, Penna., theie were fifty-seven murderg committed from 1863 to 1867. This sounds like the reports from a Southern State, but,, this county was the scene of the Democratic riots, and in many respects resembles the larger rebel, strongholds in the South. —Frandis Joseph, the Kaiser; Ludwig, King of Bavaria; the Queen- of_Belgiun; the Empress of Russia; and the Queen of Sweden were all born in August, but 'no two of them in the same year„ IThe Em press of Russia is the oldest of the crowd and the King of Bavaria the youngest. —A man in'Hudson City disputed the un dertaker's bill for the burial ) of his son. Thereupon the undertaker opened the grave and broke off a piece of the coffin, to sub stantiate its fine quality, and is now to be prosecuted as a resurrectionist. There's nothing like a little—shrewd tconomy in these matters. —lt is reported that the Chinese on the, Russian border like the English Mission aries-very much, and extend a cordial wel come to them. Thd main reason is that the missionaries distribute Bibles bound in leather, and the Chinese make shoes with th&binding, thus saving their sUes at the English expense, • • - -Professor Bchoenbein, the distinguished chemist of VLde, died on Saturday at Baden Baden, aged sixty-nine. He was the au thor of several, and one of the greatest chemical discoverers of the day. In 1839 he discovered ozont in 1845 he invented gun cotton; and in 1 '9 he in troduced antozone. —Maretzek's opera troupe for perfbrm: UM in the West is one of the finest com binations ever attempted in this country. For tenors it has Brignoli and . Hablemann, to _say nothing of Maccaferri, for bassos Orlandini, Formes, Antonucci and Herr manna, Ronconi for buffo, while the 'chorus and orchestra are to be remarkably large. --Victoria, at last accounts, was enjoying herself very much at Lucerne. 4ohn Brown is in her suite, conspicuous by his Highland costume. She . his her ownhorses and car riages from London and drives about the lake and hills like any other lady out for a holiday. She dresses in her customary: black, and ordinarily wears a black straw hat. —An apple race is to take place at the Rink In Cincinnati; each contestant is to be provided with two baskets, one empty the other containing sixty apples, these are to be placed at opposite ends of the Rink, and the Dinners start together from their empty baskets, ran to the •full ones, bring one ap ple at a time, ail(' whoever completes the - transfer of the fruit first wins the novel —it prise of 100 guineas is offered for an essay on Ileptomania, "with a view to de termine whether a passion for thieving should be held as disqualifying for employ ments of trust and authority under the Crown; also to inquire under what circum stances this mischievous propensity becomes criminal." The essays are to be sent to Dr. David Wilson, Brook street, Grosvenor Tin: cultivation of the orange in Florida' 'is stated to be more extensive than . can be ;inferred from the repurt. of the. - Bureau of Agriculture. Froth 75,000 to'loo,ooo orange trees were net out last yOai:,' of whichl3o,ooo were planted out on Flint river alone; and, in 1865 and 1866, at least 50,000 were trans-- planted and budded in East and Middle, Florida : The price, Instead of being $l5 to VO per thousand on the trees; as stated, 'should. have been $25 to $BO, and some choice lots sold as high airs $B5: , The orange grows wild all over Florida, and good trees, when transplanted ' and budded ? bear 500 to 2,600 sweet oranges each TUB WINE CHAR .of_ =nee, it is stated, will this 'year prove favorable to the inter , eats of the -producers.: In the Southern' districts of France.the wine growers Coin plain that the heat has been ratbertod 'eXt cessive, and that the young vines 'have been• burnt up: From the central districts andd - those of the Loire and Rhine, hoiiever,, the reports say that: Itit good one. In B urdiNah :also, the wine, groweri3 are confident of agood,crax, .PLZEITE : WEI:RUMMY; REM EMBER, 9; 1868 TEEri EXTRACTED' wiTnotrr No CHARGE MADE WHEN ARTMCILL TEETH ARE ORDERED. A PULL SET POE $B, AT DR. SCOTT'S -- 1178 PENN STREET, BD,DCKB3 ABOVE HAND. 'CALL tAMIEBPIC GAS FIXTURES' WELDON & KELLY, • • Atanntacturera and Wholesale Dealers In Lamps Lanternt, Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS. Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS, BENZINE, Sca. No 147 Wood Street. ses:n22 . Between and GM Avenves. CEMENT, SOAP STONE, eze fI)RALULIC. AP STONE. - PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS. . WATER PIPES. . HENRY U. COLLINS, arkle:o7l , HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN .PIPE, Cheapest and best Pipe in be market. Also, 110- SICNDALE ItYDBAULIO CEMBICIT for sale. B. B. & C. &...Bnocußrir & co. Office and Mannfactory=244l REBECCA ST., Allegheny. Ail-Orders by mall promptly attended to. .1e=193 PIANOS.. ORGANS, &C. BUY THE BEST AND CHEAP. ZEST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Plano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN, The SCHOZLACKEB t PIANO combines all the latest Valuable' improvements known in the con struction of a first class instrument. and bas always been awarded the highest,premium wherever ex hiblted.. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmailshin. for darabilialy and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from 650 to $l5O, (according to style and flnish,) cheaper tbal all other so-called first class Piano. • ESTET'S CIYTTAIIE .ORGAIg Stands at the head of all reed instruments, In pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Instrument in the United States. It is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT• "VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" to only to be found In this Organ. Price from.sloo to $550. All guaranteed for Are years. BARR, KNAKE & BUETILER, mh9 No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET KNABE & CO.'S AND HAINES BROS. PIANOS, For male on monthly and quarterly payments CHARLOTTE BLITIREI, atilt/ 43 Fifth street, Bole Agent HATS ANVVAPS. FATAL lIATs ! IM'CORD & CO., 131 WOOD STREET, Are now ready with a LARGE AND SELECT STOCK of C.l - 1.3P1E3 ) arm AND FURS. LIIEBLMR, FIA.ICS, CAPS AND 01: MS, Also. 'Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer 111 TRUNKS, V.47. 7 0rq Lo., No. laS SMITH YIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Orders promptly "lied and satlabsetlon guaranteed: MERCHANT TAILORS, SUMMER GOODS. " • . Boys'. Yoatit'a and Children's. MIXER CASSDIEBE SUITS, LLSZN SUITS. DIJON SUITS, . ' FLANNEL SUITS. AL,PACCA JACKETS, In every style, of the greatest variety, suitable for the present Feainti. 4:hums/nen wil DUCK Am. as sortmenl of WHI rE •nd BROWN ouini. ALPACCA- and FLANNEL COAT!. ite, every garment being rpeelaily made for as by t'be best Eastern bowies. Our priors are as' low aa good goods can be sold at Ilyzy grin East or West. • Gr 14.411. MAGA Dir, • ton • 47 wr-ox,AIR STREET. HENRY METER, ntanonarrr, TAILOR, No. 13 SNITHFIZLD 311=1. - Pittoborgb, pa. Oonatantly on hand, a full assortment of CLOTHS, O.I9.IIIILEREB. 177.8ITNfils, &a. apllonal TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Mi=lll DELLIS IN ALL =Nos or . (ELF-'TOBACCO AND SEGA" No. s SIXTH STREET, (National Bank of Mtn memo Building,) • PITTSBURGH. Branch of ISSI Water street, N. Y. • ant:o77 • DANIEL F. DINAN • NIACELsIon. WORKS: - I "' R. & W. .73EDTIKINSON. • kanutacattrers and Dealers In • , . ! • Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes; &o.; No 6 ifpnaaat, 81.. ALraterrimr• • CONFEQTIONERLES. HENRI! . 1iV.00111141.01r, Confectionery. inid Bakery No. WM SMITIMELD STERET Between Beveutb and Liberty. s;i:LidnEs 4 'orsmi I*wiked. . -GEO. SORGELEIrir Fancy Cake Bilker & Confectioner; ikiREIGN a Douce= rsurre & N 17113, 0r ? .- 40; corner rodent endlEtobliwin etrt.ple i A11e. , • Conitiuw.y on nand, 10K 015",.. of .Nationellinrore.. , • • SEWING MAOECMS. T HE VIIEAT AR RICAN COM, BurioN.uopl AND SMnNG - His NO EQVAL, ' • BEING A!BsoLriziAr C riti BEST yrAmmy MACHINE I NTHE WORLD. _AND IN. THINSICAI.L.Y THE CHEAPEST. WirAsents wEntel,; l 3 sell MI klswthlne. „ • CHAS. C. .11 , A.LeaslaY. Arent tor Wesuna eiv Peseieede. AN ' Corner FIFTH D MAHMETI3THEETS. over , HlohardsonlJeweMlitereb mriken DENTISTRY =1 DRY G9OIA-.` 87. ''''!illEir sargERL 87. NEW FALL GOODS, NOW OPENING, THEODORE T. PHILLIPS', 87 MARKET STREET. "SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW BEAUTIFUL FA,ILILA GOODS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF SILKS, .POPLI.I4S, EMPRESS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF - DRY GOODS, TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY, AT J. BURCHFIELD CO'S, • NO. 641 t. Clair, near Liberty St. . se4: F;• C! • CIV I=l • e ° -g "wm Pq O t4 z 1 p 1.4 is-4 a o 4:71°; 0— 4 en my • O , = ei o :a -41›. r 4 =4 4 4 6 la; 168. 11TEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. , BEACH SILKS. , HOSIERY and GLOVES. SOUCY; Vir No. 168 Wylie Street.. 16S. 168. rarao:n4o3 BLACK SILK SACQUES. Lama Lace Points, Summer Shawls, _ YOB SALE AT LOW P 111023, tri" WHITE,- ORR & 25 Filth Street, • OA R% MCO., cCANDLESS & CO . (Late Wilson; Carr & C 0.,) WHOLILB,WE DIALERS IN Fozeign and DomestieDry _Goods, Ito.•vsWOOD STREICI% - • Tbled door above Dlanuond:Allay. „ ! GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY.. 100 WOOD 0T.B.1311". 01111:15PA,GILASS AND Q . UEENSWARE, METER PLATED mks.% PARIA.N STATUETTES, BOHEMIAN GLASS, • And GOOtrlll'talti -43?) BANDY 100 WOOD STREET RICHARD EC. BREED & CO 100 WOOD-STREET. WALL PAPER. Mge,r,Olvegleeear ennedieeee WALL 'PAPER, AT NEDUCED'PRICES. AFTER JULY We wale:far oar present stocker Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices. A large assortment of SATIN PAPERS, for halls, rooms,, No. lel Market Street,near rum: • .ros. R. Ettrants & Brio. ' SHEET!NGS AND' BA TTLNM a9I,BIELt--at, 000,i ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, err-reammistEr.. giIIU "ktiireik of iiii*lN.lo±l#lllL *Wit A 11 P : 44 61 ,55 41 .k . ir•O • AtiViiiiNGE; BATTIN G. ,DYNR AND. SCOURER; Itofeiro, DYER ARiiiiaiiiißEß. • 7, ri#,* Prqr• 4:=ILAI33:OOPX4I,IO3wr And N01..185 and AS7 Third Street s . '" r I- •II ; myttou N AND NOT7,ONS. FOR THE FALL TRADE. MACRUM, CLYDE Ai CO.'S. THE ENTIRELY NEW • "LA. -BELLE" SKIRT, IN ALL THE DIFFERENT COLORS.: A complete Ilne of Baliaaml Ilosierh-for Ladies The' hest attiortment of GEATras cAssarEßE sarßws. Alio, a full line of '' • Gent's Fall and Winter Underwear. WHITE •FREE CH .. CORSETS, ' Slightly soiled by salt water, only GO cents: . A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF Infants' Wool Hoods and Eacques. BRADLEY'S FLANNELS, in all colors. Our Assortment of Notions is - well • Selected. As we /nye received a' very fine stock of Goode, country Iderchants will go well 'to' examine our stock, as we have the goods suiting their trade. • BIALCRII.III,, GLYDE 78 and SO Market Street.. lei pme.Es mAitliED DOWN! mAciatrin & CARLISLE'S, ALL :GOODS GREATLY REDUCE 6! 31001' SHIRTS. (Ladles',) for. CORSETS, (Real French,) LINEN 'HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 for BID GLOVES, (warranted,) PAPER COLLARS 200 Yds. SPOOL COTTON, (good) POCKET BOOKS, worth 50c. MEN'S SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost. IN ALL •KINDS OF 00033 S Special Bates to Merchants It Dealers. E7M3 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ELECTIII SIJIIIIER CORD.III 4 ' _An Infallible remedy for Summer Complaint, l DR. RIRRIS' CRIMP CHB, _ A spe omach., c for sale for Cho by lera, Cramps and Pain In the St - HAJUM & EWING; Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, • AGENT'S FOR SCHOONIC=II.i SON'S PURE, WHITE . LEAD, 310)01PS 7111WEIT/a6 GBEEN, The only green rz7 e footot, .pitisfactkln Qua any pathr the InTISAIIPAH, PA. , . . . • rrHE Titlit CITY SLATE CO: .A; manufacture .a superior. article ef• • • ROCWINCI 131.4.4„.TV...; ~; _ 48 1 Seventh St., Pittstrargb, J. S. NEWIAETIE.R. PreEn. 404 . . . -P• DISSOLUTION.. . acvncE. Is.. HEREBY GIVEN - that the pastnerstdp heretufote•existlne be we n J.ll. StlEttftlFV, AV .1, illittlit/Kr, HHUIi 'TREY lino W ILYA AM st_ r eGRAW, ands the name and style iof BrIEKRIF led, LOUGHRET - E' 31oUltAW, hae sreen dissolved by mutual consent, and the PLIDS 131Ner, GAS AND &MAU. FAT VINO. UOPPErt; AHEKT IRON AND to ABS: YOUNDItY 13 thi . ll4l{4l wilt ; be,ennttuned here— SHERRIFTB & LOUCHREV, . Who *ELI mettle the aftotuits or the late firm. 1. B. r 4 IIIIUPP: • • W. T. Be t RIFF, _ . ' - - •' • ' 'HUGH RIFF, su2bud'B . . • -.,: . .WY . Meta RAW, - - . BARR a! , aitOSEgg'' • r- . .AL.R.Cri-reilocrrek; • • n HOUS E , uaASSOCIATION BTRLDINGS,.Nos. IS and 4 St, Clalr )3trert., Plitatotulti, ?a, SpeolAl ittetittiin 004 la th e disignbag and batkl t sti of nonter Itnrniska RTITT.IIINIrA FILENCII BUBB, MILL trro7iEs: 1- ` 'French Bair Smut Machines, erins•BlMlTWHEAT•csr4mr.tis illy vex. •••• ;Pprtabk,Flour cind, , Need 'fins,. • ' BOLTING CLOTHS; t • : 1:"1• t, • - ' All nastier* iad bad vuultrj gall ' 31c) and 321 Liberty SL.Pittsbuiglr Pa. , • ,I -. ~ 4.; • vlE,,,llll4.lll,ALiktri.•- '1 to rpRANSPAREN GREEN OIL A. CLOTH, , tar N.lathra ,ahades—,aeperlor iltalltraad lowerin' Orly.* Wm the' raetetin rotbil• actor,. Mother Irate .mipply of the. Maltreat Avidthffi feetelYt4frqu?tictoT ' PHILLIPS. . 1- 49itentir sa.'. o tair wino* INROIC,IIIHADES," gni l eaqihttal wit If border Ind` II I 4M - Pritltti also Ufa jailn Maeffor mime' ar ~mraose, fro m ato feet At the Wt. ,ClPth. werooms, AG and 211 lit. Clair street. 114 J. a H. YHILLI.OI4 MIRO No. 19 Fifth Street. ON AND AFTER ,TULT IST. GREAT BARGAINS! DIACIUMI CABLIMI, 19 FIFTH STREET ; SIaILTE. BUSINESS CHANGES. ARCHITECTS. FOR SALE--MEAL ESTATE.' OR RALE, • TWO 1101313 ES AND LOT on Can 011 street, Allegheny.; This property will be sold low, as the WIT +pont leaving the city, and wishes to dispose of thtprope.rty before removing. MILL. TWO DWELLING HOUSES, TWO BARNS, with_good FARId, and about SOO acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cash sll,soo—bajance A C RESo mit boyar. FARM OF 1/10, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn: 50 acres ofthe land clear. FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad; very well_located for raising stock; improvements are good and-substantial; 100 acres of the land in meadow asqd . aa ‘ bricic house, contra live rooms , at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, pad : wo refit for the amooolu six years .:-..- • LOT OF GROUND, having a river front,_and,very convenient of access. • TADM2III convenient to the city,-.Mid having a well established cast= Or local nnected therewith; asood - dWelling and forty acres Orland. FOUR LOTS dn iShatpsburg, near the railroad; Would s good coal”rd. ' HOTEL FOR SALE.--That line Hotel property, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen reams and the-necessary outbulld:ngis, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This well located hotig will be sold low, MI the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. •-• Ton Maier. One large House, for gnarling Renee. ' - .onenew Brick House, ft rooms. - • One new Brick Houre of 4 rooms. One new Brick House of 3 rooms. . :One House or 5 rooms and lot 55 by . 1.45. One House cf 7 rooms And lot 150 by 150. Two riew Brick - Houses,ll - roonmeach. • . One new Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms eaclai One new Frame House In Wilkinsburg, hairing -We rooms and lure lot. well suited for garden. I acres that can be divided into acre lots. - 5 Luta in Oakland. Power and a large Room and Yard Or' rent, , in a good location. Will be rented for short or long time. FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward, • th WASTED--3,000-feet of Flagging 3 to 4 inches ick. TO LOAN.-$50,000, IN SITASS We $5,009 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT D. P, HATCH REAL ESTATE OFFICE, Ro. 91 Grant St., Pittsburih. teN:DIS , ' 2,0()0,000 Acß " Qr : . ' CHOICE LANDS FOR _SAT;Pg, BYTE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION, • • Lying along the line of thetr road, at , ~00 TO $5,00 PER ACRE, - And on aCREDIT OF FIVE YEAR& For further particulars, maps,. &0., address . 4011 N P. DEVEBEUX, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas; Or CHAS. B. LAMBoBS. SetrlT, • anl4: St. Louis. Missouri.. 1.00 - 25 FOR SefiLE. . . The . Oil Refinery, • • KNOWN AS THE CRESCENT COAL OIL CO.'S WORKS, Situated in BALTIMORE, MD., on the Baltimore and Ohio Raliroad, mid most conveniently located with reference to either home or'foreign trade. These Works are very complete in all their appoint ments,' and are capable of turning out 30.000 to. 35.000 GALLONS REFINED PER WEEK. They have tankage for about 8,000 barrels of oil. - The prospect of an 'early completion of the Con nellsville Road, renders this property especially de. . sirable. Address, or call on, • • LASIMASON LEVERING,.Trustee. alem:T3l 50 GAY STREET, BALTIMORE. 5.500 17.1 1 4'&11,11VF.A,,,V.E..A... t Ming W scree, all under fence and cultivation. q ) The improvements are a cottage house, With stable and other uutbuituings; 200 bearing frnit'treea..of beat selection; watered ay two never-failing springs. ululated- 4 miles' from the - city, near to McKee's Rocks and Charier. Creek. From thin place an extensive view can be. had of Manchester. Allegheny cyjan4 BM civets.' Terms ea sy. Apply to "B: Id cLAili at= Cor. Yourthand !Smithfields t reets. rOR SALE A, To, LIET.--Rouses an d Lots for Sale inltlliparts of the city and so urbs. Also,. several, FA srs% •In with outtlotui. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORY, 20 acres of - 4nd, and _good tmordsements, •widdi 'I Will sell °bean and on reasonable .terms., Business Sown to let on good streets: Frivste Dwelling Roused Am tertian both cads, , For Iturtliar teMaft Inquire . • WARD, 4.10 . 9 rant Street,. opposite Cathedra: , r*TAT/11'4,46EZ4T9. siottirriork. 115. 401.11 1 1 D.OAILEY',/i,13R04' STOCK AND REAL ESTATE , BROKERS- AND AUCTIONEERS, Are preeareile trocsa, BONDS. and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL - MATE. HOUSEHOLD ,either on the premises or at-the Board of Trade 'Rooms: Particular attention paid. as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. -Saleirdf Real Ratans in the (MIMS attended. oAlbe. No. Ale "METH beam $lO.OOO TO ;ON DOND AND NORTGALeIf, OM°. M. PP.T4r3tv'l vaiS -Raul !state Agent, 1110 Smithfield street. 9RAcBm .Pmußms M., y :. Nril7 • . .f...: ;'; .. - . ti;vAi.... '. .... •.. • ~,., -..:::.. r.... "::, .!.;. i le .'..703 ~ C ARE SIIPIMOR TO ANY OTHERS ors mw ni'mp3 crr.Y. BUSTER'sow, ORZAIf, roxstat. ra i T l ENl NE c liez i atas i t nd SO . .1 . 3 A CRACK.. For Sale by Every Grocer in the City. lea: B a kery , 91tiberty St. q=B ANb mE4w3mos. ft.tarolc":. , •Realer of:Weights` and. !basun% 'No. 5 FOURTH BTRICELer. I - 4 - • 4tl4.ti efadll l / 4 44ri streets. 0r 4 0.4 - tironintly attendind 'LOUR; PEARL Autu 4 ., _ _ . • al p PiARLI-MILie:SUCTIDIIRAirtkiI itu Rl k ht.& Bt. • Lola PEA 11.11..„ goea . sr the best' tutu 'WIWI' 1 13 T B Z Nl) 7LOUR and CORI% 1 " 5111 4 1,4 Ilad,dated, ~,. • . l ~ta 'l4 ,•• ' Manna 41. " " , • prARL • • /GEL - :ICE! /VP' ME; VrEti.S,":lCe thi. " exit ti • . - ±Order . s left here or at Hand itireet Hittite/ma raw ' /2 toile prompt attention. Waves mates to Pitts. booth and Atiaahony. Loa =I