The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 09, 1868, Image 1

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FIRST 11111101
TINVE.X.Arr, 0,CX.061X.
Inspection • of ; the Cumberland
Ordered -1- Revenue Appnint
aerits—Tobaeco Bonded are
flouse—Bonds to the Union Pa
- - cifie Road—Disposal of. Public
Lands. • • .
(137 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
WASHINGTON, September. 8,:1868..
Brevet Brigadier General McFeran, Dep
uty Quartermaster General, in charge of
the Department of Washington. has been
ordered to make a special inspection of the
Cumberland. He wilFreport what portion,
dimly, of -the duties at - present performed
under direction • of, ,Lieutenant Colonel.
Ransom can adVantageotraly be transferred
.to the Quartermaster General's office here,
and what liteini are uSteessary to hasten the
completion of the cemeteries as rapidly a s 'consistent with proper care and a due re
gard for thelionoretkremabis resting there.
The following Sterekeepers were appoint- -
ed to-day: Brigham Eckert, Hamilton, O.;
Thos. M. Johnson, Dayton, O.; Enoch E.
Thomas, Mt. Vernon, Ind.
.The .f9llowing,,,Gangers were also ap
pointed': James Carson, Madison Dye and
Wm. Hergmither. Fourth District, Ohio;
Wm. M. Steep, Twenty-fourth. District,
Pennsylvania. •
Returns received to-day by the Cunmis
sioner of General Land Office show the dis
posal of 39,321 acres of public lands during
the past month at the following places:
Brownsville, Nebraska, 11,651 acres; Oma
ha, Nebraska, 11.913 acres; East Saginaw,
Michigan, 9,623 acres; Humboldt, Kansas,
6,101 acres. The greater portion of this
land was- taken up by actual settlers
tinder the Homestead law.' •
• The Treasury Department to-day Issued
to the Commissioner of the Unicin Pacific
Railroad Company one,thousand one hun
and.eighty bonds of the value of, one'
thousand dollars each. for the 'Completion
of the 26th and 27th sections of the road,
Which terminates at 760 mile post wester
ly from Omaha.
A number of dealers in tobacco from
New York; Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Richmond haVe been here requesting the
establishment of bonded tobacco ware
houses in those cities.. They will be estab
lished. The only question now pending is
as to number and location. -
Secretary McCulloch has appointed J.
M. .Burroughs Assistant Assessor of Fourth
?and Edwara..G....kfarriscm and Jos. Thomas
as Assistant Assessors of Fifth District, Pa.
• Brevet Brigadier General Geo. B. Dandy
is'!:bidered to , report to the Commanding
General of the Militia , Division of the
Pacific for assignment to duty.
1 - i ißy Telegripti to MO ilttsburich Oikzet!e.l
;., ' SEW Itir, Septeititßr &-''he co - loner/3
, ~
1 jary in t e case of thediutth of Susannah
=I Latin; ve :ifitarried , a verdict of death
front' dill -birth at Dr. Grind:la's lying4tr
' tahli ent, sod. censor i ng the "-re:-
prietor the -- plaCe,.. for ,the ; method of
j cebdii - lib. - business,- and - recom
i. mending , at. the Legislature pass t,tu act
placbig snob establ i shme n t s • tinder control
of- the Board of . Efealtik - or, s some other re, cdptrzed anthiiiity:'.'-t ,--;• ~,,--', - - •
i =an-attempt was made in the nelghboil
! Powery and Spring street last
i night - -tkibianter polieeinah'eampbtilL - The
• rtiffilm„,Joe Ibulini,,,,waa ltnocked down-by
I die•tifloei and ,secured, ond - fhairbeen ~ •held
' 1 for triaL
, ,
' 'A Child Outraged and altuilereit..
I.Bl!reiegrapti to the giuebtowh Gazette.) ..' . .',.
Pairanappme, - Sentember B.—A fright
.; ,
ful murder has just ' come to - light.' On
: Sunday eve "ing• laid; Mary blainian, aged
. six. yeare, r esi ding with her parents in the
northern p of the oity, 'while sitting in
front of the house with ter. mother, was
accosted-by a Strange man - who asked the
direction of a certain, street., The mother
sent ihe ' _to show-lrim, es it was' only
a-few steps ofl4 - and the little,- iiirl.had - not
been seen - or heard of sin ce till to-day, when
- she was found in a_ brick pond, outraged,
' with an arm dislocated ands everal cuts on
her body. 'No clue yet of the murderer.'
Mr. Burlingame de-fres the publication
1 of the following card t o remove a wide
apieid ml tapprehensiop :
;T74 . 1 OAUD: . •
; I find from letters received from nnmer
oni parties. that' 'it 'is iliferrPd that I am
ready ;cinako,contracts and give franchises
1 h2:l e :name cif the Government of . China.
beg to say, that with my associates
1 I have exercised the broadest spirit of en-,
$ qtdry,ll have refridtied • from doing any.
1 thing of the hind: [Signed,]
Another 'Janet rthicovered.--,, , ,-,,,,
[By Telegraph to te,Plttet!argh Guette!)- Ify
ilepbelisbef 13:==Prof.' 1 5Pabio0,
of the Detroit^ Observatory, itinicipiitieg the
discovery of another minorp!anet hitherto
unknown. shines likeicstsr of the 10th
magnittide, and atthree'brclOck - this morn
ing was I situated as follower Right ascen
sion five degrees eighteen minutes, decli
nation three degree* forty minutes south.
Its, appearance and ,dally metier', is forty.:
fivp,secouis of timerearocade the right
ascension and seven - mai - nutes south in
declination. • - • --
I / The Georgia Legtilitine'
ler Telegraph eiscuji
ATLANTA; CIA.; rsept; A
Benito to
t dap. , • , 'the Reetetteml',
em ;le% its o o 6o /e / iPTaliPt.t7'te ; the extent of,
'rife Judiciary Committee. in '
vor of removinglheialipital back to f t f4l 7
evillti." _ _
Vermont SUfW,Valr.
11rTeteersotito the Pittshabit' Getette.t
BURLINGTON,. Vt., September = *V.L. , fh e
Vermont State /Fair openeckto-cley enemas
fully. 11414144, 'cattle and agriehlture of all
Parts 'of the State , 4ire, OPe4Y- repre sented.
plendlaii&s eipieted oti eieadv,
,ThUrsdAY:stediFrlday. :5 •
, .
•Te of the 'Alleged' ARUM" of thinnaa
D'Areey McGee—Member of Nova Scotia
Parliament Unseated.
.037 Telegraph toile Pittatnirsh ussettea,'
Oriewz, September B.—The trial of
James: Whalen for the murder of -Hon.
T. D. McGee, commdnced this morning be
fore Chief Justice Richards. The court was
densely crowded, and there was much ex
_ cites in the city. James O'Reilly, of
the Queen's court, appeared for the crown,
and Messrs. J. H. - Cameron, Kenneth Mc-
Kenzie and M. C. Cameron for the defense,
assia'ed by. M. O. Farrell; the celebrate
criminal lawyer of Quebec. The Drisone
-appeared pale and morose, but answers
baldly to his name. After the jury had
been sworn, Mr. O'Reilly opened the case,
stating that the crown expected to prove
that the murder was planned ty a band of
conspirators in Montreal, and that prisoner,
was the instrument chosen to carry the
crime into'riffecst.• He spoke at considerable
length, detailing the facts of the case. The
defense made a° .3penisg speech. A large
number - of witnesses were examined for the
crown. The most important evidence given
is that of Lamx, who Swore he saw Wha
len shoot MliGee... The 'other evidence was
circumstantial, and differs in no material
degree from that elicited at the inquest
but is very damaging to Whalen. It is said
tke crown will put a woman in the boi to
swear that- Whalen told her he murdered
MeGee.-...The trial will last .four or five
- --ilarAgAx, SeptetAer B.—Blanchard, the
Union member of Parliament of Nova Sco
tia, has been intimated. The election com
mittee reported his election illegal.
_,Attorney General Wilkins, in reply to a
letter to the Lieutenant Governor, a=king
him to explain his recent disloyal senti
ments in Parliament, disclaims uttering
any disloyal sentiments, and says he dreads
annexation with the United States above all
things, but believes the confederation of the
Colonies tends that way.
Speech of A. A. Bradley. Colored, the Ex
pelted Senator.
aly,Telegraph to the Pittsburgh GaAette.l
- SAyhartrart, September 7.-A A. Bradley,
colored, whowas lately, expelled from the
Georgia Senate, spoke at a Republican
meeting this evening.- He 'said Clift and
other carpet baggers and Yankees are not
to be trusted; and advised the negroes itot
to trust the white people, especially the
Yankees, who were the meanest people on
earth. He doubted if these mulattoes ceu d
be trusted, as the white blood in their veins
might gain the mastery. He said the re
cent action. of the Georgia Legislature in
turning out negroes would increase the
majority for Grant. At first he thought
the negro members would draw zevolver
and assert' their rights in blood,-' which
would have benefitted Democrats. He
was glad they bad done otherwise.. He
thought the coming election, whichever
way, it went, would cause bloodshed. The
whole speech was of a rampant and con
tradictory character, many hearers being
doubtful which side the speaker supported.
He spoke nearly the whole evening. About
fora hundred persons were present. The
meeting passed off quietly. .
Massachusetts Republican Convention
CBy Telegrapk to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
yr OliCESTrai i MASS., September B.—Thb
gathering of delegations to the Republican
State Convention to-morrow is already
large, Hon. Geo. S Boutwell will preside
and Hon. Wm. Clain be nominated for
Governor without opposition..
—Gen. Duncan has been relieved of
command of the post of Nashville. _
`--k‘ great fire -a:minted' in Hivana 're
cently, causing a logs of $350,000.
—Dr. Jno. Woolv,artop o !lr betel elected
GranOoinniiiider of ar ns of New Jer
Teti:die' 'has tieen com
misSkied as Judge of the Supreme Court
—The Niagarawdefested-the Detroit base
• ball club at tudidn'yeettirday afternoon by
a score 0r23 tn. 14.
—The _Gcivernor and, Council of New
Hampshire kiln appointed Prof 4lluirle,LA.
Hitchcock State Geologist. 7.
—The excitement conecreing the .refot.
• mation of John:Allen, tho wiesedest 'man!
141§tsw York, Is on ths
—The Berke county (Pa.) Democratic
Convention yesterday . nominated for Von
'peas Hon. J. Lawrence Getz.
I —Phillip lialferty ha' s' been' nominated
for Congress' by ihe ftiarth DistrietgNew
Jersey), Denic,cratip•Donventiun, at Morris
town. '
' --The4hird annual• State Convention` or
the Young Iten'a ~ Chriatian Association or
ganized at Auburn, N. Y., yesterday after
noon. . •
—The tenth uniinal exhibition of the,
Kentucky State Fair opened. yesteiday.
The attendai,ce was large. The exhibition
bids fair , to be the most successful ever held
in the State.
4—A Denver dispitch. says Prof. 4EIBI -
Senator Concklin, and party arrived there
in safety on Monday. •- Schuyler Colfax and.
party, were to leave for Cheyenne, under
pillitaryAkicort.' •
—A briok stable owned by .Case,
of Columbia, Pennsylvan , a, was burned
yesterday evening. A citizen named Isaac
Duck was killed and two firemen, named
Clipper, injured,, one of them seriously.
—Delegates favorable to (Mi. Swami as
the Democratic candidate for Cong. rem from
the Third district of Maryland; have - been;
elected. It is stated Aka Prof.' Nathan 3.
Smith will ran as an independent
—The Nevada Deiriocratie State Cowen-
Gon met at 'Carson City On the 4th and
rviminated W. F. 'Anderson, of Lander
county" for Convey% and Ei ,Taylor and ';•
Olayton for Judges of Supra's&
Court. Presidential electors were; nomi-
nated. ,
—A trotting match, at Fashion Course,
Long . Island , ;: on , Mouday, between the
'brown mare Lady Wells and chestnut stal
lion Henry Jack, for five hundred dollars—.l
nalleibeits, beet throttle live-was *a by
?..the former in three straight heats, her best
:nine being mad_tkip 2.864
.--The Cincinnati Clamber of Commerce
hSld ititgAnuat electkns foci officers for 'the
ensuing year. John A. Gene was elected
,Presidepl4 Tice Presidenttri.J: Fieneti;
,Henry Davis, Florence Marmet, H. Morris
Johnston; ;Frasier Wm. Shaffer.
Tleasurer, andpeer Ats'Lan
ir ghlintElecte;
neve-named Hen* Genes was shot ,
and killed by policeman Elliott, in%Mem- -
: p hi s , Tuesday. night. The Orifice' Were in
tekrch. of ' notorious characters, and on
their encounterinyGeue l he was erdered.
to Nati bin Behig.pursued hater-nod
them Sel f to strike and . was' shit.
'Elliott wdsacqutted, •
N'01:111, O'CIADC3X A. M.
First Piivate Execution in Lon
don—The Cabmen Strike—A
Member of Parliament Re
buked—A-war Rumor in Paris
—lnsurrection in New Zealand.
LBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
LONDON, Sept. B.—The boy Mackay, nine
teen years ofl age, was hanged to-day at
Newgate, within° the walls of the prison,
for the murder of his mistress. The only
Persons present were the officers of the
law and a few members of the press. This
is the first private execution in London un
der the new lawc oncerning capital punish
The strike Of cabmen still'oontinues and
causes great inconvenience. to the public.
The press strongly denounces the action of
the drivers, whose proceedings, however,
so far have been orderly.
Lorrnms, Sept. fl.-. The 2Ymes to-day pub
lishes a letter from Mr. Roebeok, M. P.,in
which he justifies ard re-a ffi rms the an
guage used by him in regard to the United
States at the Sheffield Cutters' dinner. The
Times replies to Mr. 'Roeback, and in the
course of its article administers the follow.
ing rebuke: "In a public reception, given
to the representative of the United States,
when it was the object of all present to cul
tivate a feeling of good will,dt was an in
jury to both countries for a man in Mr. Roe
back's-position to use the language of
vehement disparagement. We only hope
that Mr. Johnson will not fail to noticethat
I lie insult has been repudiated by-English
public opinion with entire unanimity. He
may form an idea, however of the honor in
whichwe hold his country, by the prompt
recoil from Mr. Roeback's words he every- .
where witnesses."
BERLIN, Sept. B.—Ring William of Prim
with a large staff of officers, has left
this city on a tour of milita, inspection
throughout the German States. He arrived
to-day at Dresden, where he was received
by the King of gaxony, and conducted to
the Royal Palace.
MtmnotrptisE, August 16, via LONDON,
Sept. B.—The Moth prisonershave escaped,
and the natives or New Zealand have again
arisen in insurrection. The extent of the
rising is unknown. Troops are being hur
ried to the island.
FRANCS, September B.—The temporary
depression of Rentes was caused today by
a rumer that the Emperor had made a war
like speech to the troops at Chalons; but
the report was soon pronoun:ed to be with
out foundation.
BuussEts, Sept. s.—The Duke of Bra
bant, heir to the Crown, is growing worse,
and it is feared he cannot live through the
LONDON, Sept. 8.--Erening—Consuls, 94
for 'money! 94X for - account. American
Securities quiet and steady. ; Bonds,' 72
Others unchanged.
FRANKFORT, Sept. B.—Evening—Bonds,
75%@753. • • . -
LIVERPOOL, Sept. Eve sing—Cotton
closed dull and unchanged • Lard active
and advanced Is. . *raericau, 71. Cal
cutta Linseed..B2.-.
4wralutf., S-pt. 8.--Petroletun firm and
unchanged. The ship R. H. Tucker, Liv
erpool per Boston, is on shore on Black
Water bank, off Ireland. Sea running
high. The crew are still aboard.
~_ , _ ,
Locilalana Legislature—A' Member lEln.
seated--Report , of Conunittee on Elec—
tions, Adopted. ' I
BY Yelemmaott to the Pittssaiet esteite.3
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. B.—ThelnOUSS yes
terday unseatedo member front the Parish
of Orleans on the greculd 'of ineligibility
and seated in his stead his Radical oppon
ent,,notwithstandinglo was defssted by an
indisputable majority ofover hree hun
dred. . . ,
e rcklity the Nouse reconsidere Its action
and adopted the majority re rt of the
Election Committee,-;which . eelares the
1 .1
Democratic 'members ineligible a d returns
the election to the people. This a the first
retrograde action on the part of he Legis
lature noted thus far.
The Republican demonstration a nounced
to take place to-morrow, has ben post
poned to the 12th inst.
Booth Carolina Legislator .
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh' Gazette.i
COLUMBIA, 8. C. Sept.l3. - -Willinms one
'of recently .elected:Vir obit Judges, to day
sent in a communication to the Legislature
declining the office. •
The bill granting a cbart'r to the Chatham
Railroad of North Carolina to extend its
road to Columbia, passed the Senate.
. The Republica' Convention met this
afternoon and nominated unanimonwly
13. F. Whitemore to Congress from the
First dig rict.
Fatal Encounter- Between Small Mop.
isy,Triesnivo to the Pittsburgh ensue.]
BALTIMORE, September 8...-Yesterday
afternoon .two small boys named Alonzo
Milner and Charles Swab, aged eight and
ten years , respectively, were engaged in a
flghr, when the latter struck: the former l
with ' a btone and broke= his neck. Swab
has been committed to await, chq action of ,
the Grand Jury.
. _ •
"HansuAL Hecht/RON, Duke of Mag.'
onts," says the Algiers correspondent of
the t rinamalliis Paris; laokalike a ntin of
forty•five, although he is much older. His
*cc has of late lost that exceedingly gloomy dotpression which used to characterize it
during, the tut, Years wihielt tee, InFsbal
plui . Sealn Prance. 1111 gait is very sknick,
and his foym, as Arect ,that; a „young
lieutenant 'or the Guard' On - parade. The
Duchess Is still a very charming lady. She
lOoks zur. freshttand:l rosy is At she ..,
tivantyfivei.and -not lortyzfour. - During
the famtite r iterkhlderstigat4e 4ictlvity2li-re
lievlng the sufferings of :the ,Peer Axe)*
Was one of the few bright spots Or tot
gloomy period." ,
of Boston, at their recent festival. only re
corded . 0 feet 14 inchea and 9 feet,9l inches
aft Ul6dlitandei or theltindink . 1 amps " that'
toi)k the prize. At the Philadelphia festival,
it will be remembered, the prizejmnpalvere
14:11feetlinches. ' No oneyet on'die Aden
tici seaboard has come trp to the 14 feet if
Inches jumped at Atilvtankie.
UMBER 9, - 18e8.
Annual Co ference of the KWh , . -Chafe h
[Correspond nee of the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Nu - % BRIGHTON, P A., Sept. 7; 1868.
Monday - afternoon session *pone& with
religious -ervices conducted by Rev. Wm.
Comml tee on Sabbath Schools reported.
The Chu ch is doing a good work in this
j s
t. The number of nchr els is in
creasing, well as the number of pupils,
and the - fficiency , of the workers hi this
part of th Church's work.
Comm tee on = Temperance reported' a
series of Very 'Arcing resolutions in opposi
tion to the manufacture, sale and use of
intoxicating liquors, except as a medicine.
The report expressed strong sympathy with
the varions Temperance organizations.-
The Committee - on uniformity in mode of
worship reported, recommending the form
of Discipline,Section XIX.
Resolved, That we regard a Central Mis
sionary Board of prime importance to our
prestige and interest as a denomination;
and in order to this we regard it necessary
that our Conference erganizaitons should
become subordinate to such Central Board
—and also that such Central Board employ
at an early date an eflic,ent CorrespOnding
The. Committee completed its report
which was adopted.
Committee on Statist!cs reported. The
Committee on Ministerial Educition
reported, recommending the taking of high
ground on the subject of culture on the
, part of those who seek admission to the
ministry; also recommending earnest co
operation with the Ministerial Educational 1
Soeitly, of which Rev. J. B. Walker is
Corresponding Secretary. Recommitted.
The Chairman on President's salary
reported, fixing the salary at 81,000.
The Special Committee on the removal
of the Book Concern reported in favor of
its removal from Springfield, Ohio, to Pitts
burgh, Pa., or to some place more eligible
than Springfield, Ohio. Laid on the table
until the evening session.
The Manuscript Tract on Church Gov
ernment, prepared by a committee of
which H. B. Knight is chairman, was or-.
dered to be published. , I
Adjourned to meet at seven o'clock for
an evening session.
MONDAY EVENING,Sept. 7, 1868.—Session
opened with prayer by E. A. Brindley.
Roll called, and minutes of the p. m. ses
sion read.
The report of the Committee on -Book
Concern was taken oil the table and acted
on seriatim. The- subj, et of removal was
discussed he a number-of brethren. Dr.
Sc tt, the editor of the Methodist Recorder,
was highly eulogized by a unanimous vote,
and the publishing - agent, Rev. A. H. Bas
sett, was also highly recorded. Another
resolution promises exertion to extend the
circulation of both the Methodist Recorder
and S. &Recorder.
The paper presented by Gen. F. IL Col
lier was taken from the table and discus
sed and laid on the table again. A substi
tute was offered by Brother Herr, which
was also tabled.
Rev. J. Robinson, President of the Con
ference, and Rev. J. Gregory, were elected
Fraternal Messengers to petinsylvanin
Conference, and Dr. Scott and Rev. J. D.
Herr were elected fraternal messengers to
lowa Conference. Drs. Collier and Reeves,
and Revs. S. Young and J. D. Herr were
elected fraternal messengers to the Mary
land Conference of the M. P. Church. Revs.
Alex. Clark and Q. H. Calhciun were elect
ed fraternal messengers to the Muskingum
Conference of the Methodist Church.
On motion. .Resolved, That we establish a
mission in Wheeling, W. 'Va.., as soon as
Conference presented a vote of thanks to
the Church and people of New Brighton for
the splendid manner in which they have
entertained the members of the Conference
during their session, which , has been, - In all
resrpects,a vervpleastuit and Interesting one.
Adjourned with prnyer by Rev. S. Young.
NEw 'Buterirrosr, September 8, 1868.
The morning session WAS opened vvithro.
ligious services, coiadricted by Rev. J. L.
Simpson. Roll was called and theminutes
The Chairman of the Committee on Sta
tistics read his report as amended.
Dr. Scott and Rev. Samuel Young were
electtd fraternal messengers to the North
Carolina Conference of the Methodist
On mottos, a Committee was elected to
make arrangements for a district camp
meeting; to be held next summer some
where in the vicinity, or at least not dis
tant &OM Pittsburgh.
Dr. Reeves for the President read the re
port of the Committee on Pastoral Bola.
Lions. Committed.
The following paper was passed without
WHEREAS, On a previous occasion we
'as a Conference did vote to sustain our
Church interests whereever located, there
Readved, That in so voting it be under
stood that we expect, if it can be legally
done, that said Interests will be removed
to some more appropriate place, at an early
date, ai per the judgment of the General
Conference. • H. B. KNIGHT. ,
S.F. CuoviTnau.
Nriv Bntairrox, September 8, 1888.—
Session opened with prayer by IL Pa'mer.
The Chairman of the Committee on Home
'issions reported. There is some dedleitn
eyin the funds. •
Conference Steward reported. Most of
the ministers have been liberally qipported
during the •past year, but some were not
sufficiently supported considering the cost
of living in their times.
Revs. , J. H. Coihour and E. R. Bic-
Gregor were elected fraternal messengers
to the New York Annual Conference of the
Methodist Church, and Revs. J. H. Col•
hour and Dr. Brown, to the Ohio Confer
ence, and Dr. A. Malan, President of tkie
Adrian College and Prof G. B. McElroy, to
present the fraternal greetings of this Con
ference to the Miehigan. Conference of the
Methodist Church. • -
After some miscellaneous discussion the
Conference adjourned to meet in Fair
m _mit, West Virginia, on the first Wednts
day of September, A. 1)., 11389. 1 `,
• Doxology and Benediction, by the Presi
dent: • - " '
The Chairman of the Committee on Pas
t,oral Relatione'reported at ' •
iPlttimargh, First Church-Alex. Clark. A. , 111._
rittaburah, Second Church-WM. Collier, ' .D.D.,
'and W in Even& Assistant. • - • - •
l'ittyburgh. Third Church-J. D. Herr, A. yd. •
,Plstabargh, Fourth Ofturch-Ales.•Patten.----.
Allegheny, Firat,Church-11,B..VIV..Adiy,
Ail. gheet. Ectioad.Ohnrotr-D. "1-
Mimic) ham. First Chorch-G. '
N ew B hon. NO Chuieb - 4, , F..Crowther.; .
organd flanfietryllte-T.11.' Calhotrf --
Crne nnati, First Church-D. Jones:
'Johnstown, First Church-E. A. brindle
Xlizabctkand.PleasittitYllle- , j3:
Morgantown. eimpson. ' '
Bakerstown A. R. Luiz-
ohluTjrcult-C: , S. Pltilsrageti.•
usuchester orculg-Jobn Cowl. • • •
,A4ratrorig Glretittlero be suu
ForongahelaCirexilt-J. H. Hull.
rbanavllle etreult-e. P. °poe • •
eiontieenQlroult-P. lAilel m
n?„0„ B
ounuellsyllie Circuit-P. T. COVIIN*y.'
etalestown Colclougke. -
Cherry Tree elr..ultr-M. Lee.
be..euetientis Circuit...W.' T. Wilson -,
Clarion and Brookville Clerult"-Jannes Grant.
t rum b u n...Jobn Holeklasoni: ' •
Bellevue minion-win. U 14111 14 D.D.
.Youngstown Mission-R. H. Sutton.
Welisuurn Mission Geo. Chappell.
Bethel Mission-C. P. Jordan.
Cassville at Isslon-J. M. Mason.
Clearfield Church-J. Clary.
Haziewood Mission-E. R. McGregor; A. M.
(treenail, W. Va. -To be supplied.
Waynesburr-To he snuplied
Webstgr, W.Va.-J. B. AlcCoimick.
Harrison and Tyler=D. H. Davis-
Buchanan-E. Mather.
Palestine-D. It. Helmick. -
Avery Chapel-Supplied by Mork. Station.'
Pittston. Pa.-;John Gregory.
.. In dependence P. A. DaT .
VoughloahenYMlsnion- Co he supplied.'
New Test. Church, Phila.-E. H. Stockton, D.D
General 'Mission, W. Va.-Isaac Holland.
Editor Methodist BecOrder -John Scott, D.D.
• Agent Adrian College"-J. B. Lucas.
Prof in Adrian College-G. B. McElroy, A.M.
Superannuated-Geo., Brown. D.D., W. Collier
J. W. Bu tledge,: Henry Lucas.
Without Pastoral Charges-Samuel Youhg. J. II
Graham, J. D.Hoittiem.
Over the Pittsburgh, Fort-Wayne and Chi
eago Railway.
ALLIANCE, OHIO, Sept, 7, 1868.
I left Pittsburgh' at 2p. m. to-day, and
arrived at this place for supper, but wishing
for the firsttime to travel all the length'of
the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and- Chicago
Railroad by daylight, I stopped off, intend
ing to take the express train which reaches
, .
this place a little before six in theimorning.
Passing rapidly down the picturesque
and Populous valley of the Ohio twenty
six miles, we reach Rochester, a busy and
growing town on the bank of the river,
just above the mouth of the Beaver river.
On the opposite side of the Beaver is
Bridgeport, and a short distance below
that, on a bluff of moderate elevation,
stands the old town or borough of Beaver,
the seat of justice for Beaver county. A
short distance up the Beaver, on the west
side, is Fallston, so called, I be
lieve, because the water which is drawn
from the river at the falls, some dis
tance above, is made to operate a good deal
of machinery of various kinds at that place.
Next above, on the east side, >is New
Brighton, a pretty town stretching about a
mile along the Beaver river. It is growing
fast. Just opposite the upper end of New
Brighton is still another town, known as
Old Brighton, but more generally called
Falls of Beaver. The situation is very
pretty, and so rapid is its growth that, al
though it is called Old Brighton, it looks
newer than any of the others. This con
geries of towns at and near the mouth of
the Beaver, are all within a radius of four
miles. They are the seat of considerable
manufacturinginduatry,and areimproving,
but not so rapidly as smile other towns
farther west.
Passing through Enon, near which we
enter the State of Ohio, we come to the
sober old town of Columbia. From the car
windows it has quite a pleasant appearance;
but the wave of progress does not seem to
have reached it. It is the county seat of
Columbiana county. The country between
the Beaver and Columbiana is somewhat
rough and stony, and much of the soil is
thin. It is, however, rich in coal and fire
clay, and, in some places, iron ore. We
passed one furnace, but I did not inquire.
to whom it belonged
' Salem. a large and thriving town towards
the western border of Columbiana county,
seemed to be the most enterprising and
thriving place between Pittsburgh and
Alliance, and withal a handsome town, the
dwellings good and the streets well shad
ed. Numerous manufacturing establish
ments are seen near the railroad, some of
them quite extensive. Agricultural imple
ments and machinery are constructed here
in large quantities, and steam engines and
other machinery are manufactured. Salem
seems to be a
_very progressive place both
in population and business: There are
some towns between that and this of which
I need not speak particularly.
In 1853 I was in Alliance •r the first
time. At that time the magnificent road
over, which I am journeying was not com
pleted, neither was the southern end of the
Pittsburgh and Cleveland road completed;
but the former was. finished some distance
bey and this place, and the latter from here
to 'Cleveland. These two great roads cross
each; ther at this point, and the very °xis
lence of this town was owing to that fact.
At that time there was an excellent eating.
house for passengers, well built and well
kept. Besides this there were perhaps not
a dozen other tenements, and - the whole
ratchet cleared ground was a wilderness
of stumps. • There were heavy fbrests
through this region in those days,
Now, fifteen years afterwards, I find a
town of five thousand inhabitants, and the
appearance on all sides of very considera
ble business, both mercantile and manu
facturing. Walking up the principalstreet
after supper, looking at the numerous fine
stores, &c., I came to a large and very
handsome three story, building of brick,
not quite finished. I inquired of somegen
tlemen standing opposite as to its object.
They informed me that it was as Opera
House. The lower story is divided into
store rooms; the second into offices and the
third is to be the hall—the opera house, and
really it will be a fine large hall.
I next visited the Alliance College, stand
ing on the summit ;of the highest ground
abbut the place, although it can hardly be
called a hill by a ,Pennsylvanian. The situ
ation is _beautiful, and commands a fine
view of the town and the surroundinglevel
country. The building is new—the institu
tion having only been founded last year—
of ample dimensions, and three stories
high. There are about one hundred stu
dents of both sexes, who are commingled
in the classes, and all branches pertaining
to a thorough education are taught. I had
not time to call upon any of the faculty,
nor was it a proper time of day to calkbut
I had a little talk with a gentleman I met
on 'the gro s und. Everything about it gave
the impression that It is a good institution.
The next and last place I visited was the
rolling mill, 't wiled by a joint stock com
pany. All the principal operators are
stook holders,. Everything was at rest
when I called,' except a few puddling fur
naces, for it was about sun set. I accosted
one of the proprietors—l think be was the
head puddler=-who showed me all around,
and gave mo all the information I wanted.
The works are exclusively devoted to the
manufacture of rails, of which they turn
out, from forty .to , forty-five tons , a day.
About two-thirds of the stock they •use is
°unposed of old, worn-out rail-, and one
third-off• which, they make the heads—
Is now iron of theirOwri mantractule. I ex
amined their finished*ralls. They arch.=
27-to' 85 feet in length, very straight and
perfect,' and the'flanges' free from cracks.
They leaked like'good rails, -and the gen
thumark Who showed me re•nnd said they
were unable to keep pace with theirorders.
They Pyre their coal from the 13am
ixtondsv1110 minces at; the heads of Yellow
Creek; betwee D this.arid the Ohio river, on
the Pittsburgh and„ Olevehmd Railroad.
`This point;nt the crossing of two, ralirmth.
.on Which the traffic is enorzmus„ is an
admirable one for the bussiness of relolling,
railiw They roll eaoh , plee.inf did rail tat o
a fiat before they (vile"
" I;cild not thinkl _I would nay aD••roach
when I began to write, .but. I, trust that
w h a t 'h ave said is not devoid ef .interest.•
I shall not speak particularly of this nin•
road until latoll, have WTI all the, gray
over it; ful ther than to bear my. testimony_
to the kind'courtesy of Mr. Theodore AMY,
the'cOnductor of the'train on with% I*ne,
p ,is a pleasure to travel nadef the cardind
'Conduct of Atoll men. ) • .
[From the Cleveland Herald.)
A Rich and Rift Letter—Mr.O'Flaherty—
His Views of Political Matters—How to
make Elimmykratie Voters—The Finan
cial ttnestion from an Irish Dinimykrat's
Standpoint—The Rights and IVrongs of
the Naygur--Something Concerning Se . -
inonr, Vallandigham and Thad. Stevens.
[The following letter—through design,
accident, or blunder, we cannot tell which
—came into our hands instead of going into
the mail bags en route for Kildowery, which
we learn from the Gazetteer is a parish about
twenty-five miles from Cork, and in the
county of that name. 'The seal was broken
before reaching nil ' and it took the com
bined ingenuity of the whole corps of edi
tors, the foreman and three of the composi
tors having the largest experience in setting
"blind copy," to decipher the letter and Its
superscription. Not feeling certain as to
the intention of the writer or his messenger
in letting the epidtle stray . into our hinds,
we have-taken the liberty of putting it into
type, feeling that our labors in deciphering
the hieroglyphics of Mr. O'Flaherty have
given us some rights as a discoverer.. At
the same time, that no harm may be done by
this course, we shall send a printed copy to
Mr. McGinnis, in Kildowery, who will, we
venture toliope, find greater satisfaction in ,
reading his cousin's letter in good type than
in the original hen tracks.]
To' 3lr. Teddy dfcGlnnees, Ealiquire, IfildowerY,
County Cork, Ireland. brom his Uottain, Dennis.
O`Ftah rty.
3tv pin In my hand Ism taking
To write yez this bit of a scrawl,
An' hopin' in health tt will find yez.
Az, plaze God, Its latt , to no all;
An' Ted, I'll he antler Inquitin'
How yez dole` this bright summer day ?
How are the pigs an' the childert,
An' the rest of yez over the say, •
Teddy my boy?
Its meself laud be happy to see yez
Put your good looking pblz thru' the dure;
Its meself tn..t wud throt out whishky
.Till you shlept like a king on the Mare.
I'd•give yezmy bed but fur Judy,
Whese fayllna' I'm afr.ld It wud hurt,
But we'd empty the bottle together.
An' together shlape in the &art,
Teddy my boy.
Share, Ted, it's an ill'gant coontbry,
There is praties an' whishky galore.
An' mighty good pig for the atm',
An' money to buy It ashtw e.
An' for Clothes, bedad I've a breeches
Wid elver a patch or a bole,
An' to mass Judy g,,es wid a bonnet
An' a feather as black as a coal, •
Teddy my boy.
An' electicn times, Teddy, my darlint!
'Twin' make your eyes nth:a out a fut.
7o see bow the greenbacks are tiyin'
An' how quick in our pockets they're put.
Shore what la the use of a ballot
if to sell it you always refuse?'
The way is to pocket the money,
An' Dieu vote jiue t as you chaose,
Teddy my boy.
An' that brings me round to my sthory
That I'm scratchin' this letther to say;
Election time's comin' an', Teddy,
Its wanted yea are right away,
For Dimmykrals are not so plenty,
But we want all the boys over, shure.
To shwlng the shillaly, dhrink whishsy,
An' shove in the votes for zaymore,
Teddy my boy.
!fiver mind about risidince, Teddy,
Shore your risldence Is undher your hat;
Div - Il one have yez got In Kildowerv;
Lare to ta e all such matthers as that.
Shure my sister's son. Paddy Mulloney,
Haa a triad in New York who will shwear
That yea worked by his side au' dug cellars
In Amerrik' many a year,
"'eddy my boy.
He'll fix up your papers so nate!).
That ye'it think yez A merrykin born;
in a good clime of clothes ye‘it be siruttin',
lasses," of your breeches a,l torn.
When up to the p .Its ye are searchin.,
Share she nnyictira will all hold • heir whlght;
If some blaygard axes impudent questions,
Just tip him a shmell of year Malt,
Teddy my boy.
Och, Teddy, now don't vex be stbsying,
Hang you furniture on to your sthick,
An' sthep out for Cork an• take passage'
por Amerriky sudden an' quick.
For the country will go to the divil
Under , naygnr and radikle shway,
Unless saved by the votes and shilielays,
Ov the boys fresh from over She say, •
Teddy my boy. ' •
The're atilt' us up wid their taxes, •
An shtamps. an' the dlvii knows what,
(Though,. barrin" the dhaty on whisky,
Nivera tax-out of me they have gut.)
They've given us green rags for money, ' •
tits a Pals full I wish that I had),
An' we're aTblarving on beef and corn whisky, -
-Which is mighty good shtarving, bedad, ,
Teddy my boy. •
But that's not the worst of It, Teddy, •
The naygnr's a eityzen now,
Can yore Rite aliimmynrat white man,
An' shtick up for his rights ln a row.
So Dervarteq Is pnbllc opinion '
Tisn't safe to crack•open nls shkull.,
An' the hair on a Dlmmykrat"s cranium -
-Is no better than•Afrikin wool,'• •
Teddy my boy. •
In the moinin` Wken larin , the shanty'
Judy Judy schrames out •'/Diunis, don't go! .
Some murtheroz"lbafe of a napg or
,Will be klUin , Dlnnis.l know, ,
An' then Combo' down to the shanty - -
-An" marry's,' me right out °tinily:lP , •
That a naygur should marry my - Judy,
Teddy my boy. •
But we'll soon give the scoundrels a drubbia ,
Vallandlgham's now to the fore,
Thad. btevens has gone to blue blazes _
An' bedad we've &Bind in Peymore.
So pack up your dada Itt irburry, -
Not forgettu` to sphlt in your lista
An' lay huuld'on your blackthorn shillalv.
An' we'll soon giv.• the naygurs a twisht,
Teddy my boy, • • •
Tear Cousin,
GIISTAi7 FREYTAG, the author of "Debit
and Credit." ' lives in a small two-story
house at Gotha. You can often see him
promenading there in the afternoon with - a
- handsome little boy, the orphanson of his
sister, whom he educates. He looks like
an aristocrat, but has very little sympathy
with the aspirations of the German nobility.
Still he is no decided democrat. His par
liamentary career .has disgusted him. He
will hardly be agidn a candidate fora seat in
the North' German Parliament Duke
Ernst, of Saxe•Coburg, is his intimate
frierid. The two men may often be seen to
gether, and when they promenade in the
park, Freytag looks much, more dignified ,
than the sovereign Prince - who walks by
his side.
ADELAIDE RIBTODI says in a letter, pub
`Baked in a Turin newspaper, that nothing
surprised -her so much as the symptoms , of
considerable wealth which she found in the -
United States in nearly all small cities,• and
frequently even in villages. “But for the
climate,"she says at the , close of the letter,
"North America would be the finest CoDU
try on the earth." She says in the same
letter that she _bad at first looked forward
with considerable anxiety to the manner in. •
which American audiences would - listen to
actors speaking a*, tongue 'of which most
Americans were eritlielyignorant; 'hot the `--
very first perforrnance 'satisfied , her thatler
fears, in,tals respect, were groundlew,
Nett• , • . , •
, Orleans Market.
. ,
1 (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gesettu.l '
Na*:Qatrauts, Sept; &--Alottltt in good
den:lino audinwer, with middliaga at:?tic, . ~,..
salea--.85 bales;,recelpts-7-2,363 , balea.• Ex=
( sales--85
Bank; 1543;4157. ' New '' I
York Sight, par and 34 per'oent; I preriiiturl.r- 3 -
Gold, .1.13. Sugar and ktolaßapjuiond%L.
Flour'diall with auperfin'e at $7; ch. lee at
8111514,/ , Cern; , none on leveef 'sales' rinni
store* 11.074145 asking; 111,173 y.• for prime .
yellow. Oats firm, but unqutuPd• Bran -
unchanged. Hay itt';24h23.' Bacot) firm--
shoulders it laMal4c; clear *ldea at: 17
18c... York steady- at,ll.Bo4o._l4t4Atilet'aud
'firizi at 20c, tleica and =l4c ke.•
, c.•