6, 1:1Z/ WORKS. J. " 4 4 mirdat s Pres • ---- piTTsuvu. u FORGE AND IRON CO., kik, NU 1 , A„C'TV &PM Or , Bar lien; 'Mroad Fish Bars and'Rolts; , Railroad Cur tales Rolled; _Railroad Czar AxlesPlanamereal Locomotive Frames; Looontotive Frame Shapes; ' Side Rods /Yokes, Straps; • . Piston Eleadiai Steamboat Skaffa; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wristiri Pitman Jaws; Collars, &e. • (Moe. No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBULGII, P• E irERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania 'lron Works. Warehouse. Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET opposite hlonongahela House, "24:46 • PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS. pITTSBUIIIGH STEEL WORKS. rESTABLI3BIID IN 1845.3 ANDERSON & WOODS, .ORS TO ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (BUCC r ir ldannfactorern of every description of STEEL. ` BEST REFIXED TOOL STEEL .ISIIII, Binlay, Clrinlar, Gang-and Cross Cut. SAW PL ATES. spr Cast and German Plow and Blister steel Soovei . , Hoe, Fork; Balmand Toe ezdlr.Adeel.t Railroad Spring Steel and Frog points, Oast Steel linger tsars, stale ri ring Steel Irs re, Plow, Wings, etc.: sill Drill Steel. Same and Works—corner PIRST AND ROSS STS.,, Pittsburgh, Pa , . ' it2lll:tra SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MICK & 00., PTIVSB'CIRGE{, PA., Monufsicturers of every description of CAST AND CERMAN STEEL RAILWAY . ;: • IILLIPTIC PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, ao., ao. . _ Warehouse; 88 Wider and 100 MO Sib. MILLER, BARB & PARKIN. . 'azimut. etarrmizs: WM. METCALF, I REUBEN MILLER, GEO. W. BARR, CHAS. PARKIN. SPZCLetI. PARTNER=S. M. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, icrr T.ER„ 13.116.11 R Office, No. 339 . Liberty St, PITTSBIII;GH, PA. fel4:d4B BLACK DIAMOND TPEL WORKS. " , PARK, BROTHER & CO.; Manufacturers of all desertptiona of "TMlRll' • O. Ice and Warehouse. 120, 12% 124 SECOND and 119 and 1581 FIRST STREETS, - , (Godeffroy- Biancker . & co., 42 EXCHANGE PLACE . NEW lora, Are prepared; as Sole Agents In the United States for the Prussian alining endlron Co., of Duisintii; - Westphalia, To contract or sell in quantities to snit purchasers, (delivered' in' either : New York or Philii delphist) the celebrated • V: H. ' SPIEGELEISEN . used so extensively for the manufacturing Of BESSEMER STEEC: ' This Iron is free frOm Sulphur s and PhOsphOrns, and . contains a heavi pereentage Matigguiese. The hove are alsii readj tocoittirict .• STEEL itAilieS • •'• G. AR DT it CO., • I Dortmund, for which latter firm they attio have the Sole Agency in the United Stites. • Full particulars, samples, prices or Chemical an. lardy will beiirmitprly fornitided iPplientioh . aul9:u2/3• • NOVELTY WORKS. PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS. . ADAMS, M'ICEE & CO„ . , item:mealy - nap OF ' Keystone. Staidard, Patine Platroesn and Counter S C E, S.._ Janus Faced Patent Door Locks and Latilies. PAINT Air! C sBEE MILLS. . EIALLEABLE IRON, &c. Corner of. 'Grant and First' Streets, . . . asnatt PITT.?nIJR.OII. COAL AND COKE. • • COAL! COAILII-•COAL!!! • - DICKSON, ,STEWART tO; Hi4lnirreuto'vid tbetr NO, 567 MitErE,:tinrY'ST.REEITA (Lately qty. Flour M 111) SZOOND ELOOIt, 7 " • Are now prepared to thruish good YOUUNIOGIES;' NY LUMP, NUT COAL OR BEACH, at the lowest morket price. - All orders lett st•their or addremeg them through thereat, will be/atm - Wed to promptly. my23:b25 . . A IRBISTRON 8 G , t o • r il i t ISTpIII3OF I . ILADELPNLA AND YOUGHIGGIDDri(iDAD ILINERS,R_DIPPERS AND DEALERS, AT RATEi; ROAD AND !Him% of Bs/minor Youghiogheny CAS AND FAMILY COALS Odloe and Yard—FOOT Or TAY STREET, tnias the Gas Works. . . • COPPER. L'kE s.urtution OOPPER MILL 811ELTING WOEI 1.11rIn14,11317.134(411. :* `PA ft IC. AddatlßDY‘ et CO. - , • hisnursoLuter. of ,Niciiinuisi ,lltAllass , wid Bata Copper. l'resied (`upper Mottolak, Weed DWI tome, tipelter . 'dolder. Attu), Minh • 0. and Dealers ID Metal. Tin [lace. inert 'lmo. Cart [dangly mi Iran. "rinnerr• Maeldnes a. d roma. • waretitm.«,,Vm 5 4TRIttf. and ice _ 14K((iNit dll'R ICI.' tt Ana rgh. S peel *l!tr.le rot of COMM" nut to 1141 Y. dbelr•D Itss. terra . • taylavaitthrT FOUNDERS, -MAORINISTS._ W. I'. roar, Bup.t. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. 1- - - • . „ . These Works' re among the largest and most complete establishments In the West, and are now prepared to furnish . - Machine Carst, Inge. General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED n09:n69 NATIONAL. FOUNDRY AVDPIPEWORKS. Corner Carroll and StottHaien Streets, (NINTH WARD,) - PrPrss.uu,Gix. PA. WM. SMITH Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS... satl, P arla r l e bel l le c n a y s ,th i s n . va l i ag, ly fur.V.l.U7l General Casthigs for Gas and Water TorkE6 - I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. felSitle L. 0. LIVINGSTON.W. H. DIIRT.W. A.BOHLtiIiON, Jli. LIVINGSTON & CO., IRON TOIDIDERS MANVPAOTCYBERS FOCH .LIGH.t. CASTINGS, ._.• All descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Fitierst ricultnral Implements, Cotton and Woolen All Ma. • ChI N7Ob / Work proraitl,y attended to. ..'• •.! Office and Worki—WASWINGTOG AVP*RC, neer Outer Depot. Allegheny City, Pa: - • • ROBINSON, REA ..64, CO. snccessori.to-Uorazisozr,lituthiAbitiiiraii.. . , . FOUNDERS AND:MACHINISTS. PITISBUISH,` ...; Mannheti:tress of BOat said St:SG:Mari' Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions; oil Tanks and Stith, Rollos and Sheet Iron-Work. -2, • • 4 Office, No.l.sl, , cornet rile: and Smithfield stseets. , . Agents for UIFFARD'S P ATENT INJECTOR for feeding . l3ollers., - , , MOWN #I,ANC ,F9UNDi9G, Butler ~Street,' Aquila Ward, Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, idACHINERY_ AND - CASTING 4 6E3MB&7ILY, Orders promptly and,oarefully , Charges reasOttable. • EBBEBT & ILICIELD111; 0e15:1213 BJERLIN FOUNDRY.'" • ' '**' PRICE '.& (EIM and Warehouse. 29 Wood Street. Mannfactrire and keep corketer4,l7_on kaud Thirkblig,iffkein and Film Boies; prrrSBvEGH. WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR-KETTLES, ROLfoW itAl4l4 , • And Casting!, generalli. - "iip'A6re THOMAS CARLLN S. CO., Fourth 'Ward Foundry and Machine Works SANDIISKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., - • lfantilketnrerg Of Reath Iffiginsoll Pxesselk PuLE lays, Shafting, Grist and Saw 2, 11.1 Work. Rolling and.3lachine Caatings, Grate Bare, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &e. Build to order and have on hand Engines ot : 'l' CENTRAL FOUNDRY . ANP, Rio.4i-WCORIK.Sr ,k:.l 880 Penn Street. BOTTATA 7 P,4:P9iki chin - mum, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, kc. MILTON MACHINE . Wq#K,l4, E5A131.451140 ts._ .a anntactory of STEAM ENGI ES, of ail s es and of the most approved patterns, for stationary purposes • STEA.A.MOATST - and. STEAM . PEERY BOATS. A variety of 10, 11 and 16 horse power saganir.s, whith will be sold at very reduced pricee,. ' P. P. GEISSE. Wellsville. 0. Fifty mifee below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio river, and Une of C. & P. B. n09:52 ir UMBER LUMBER! LUMBER! • ••• , • ALEXANDER PATTERSoff, - Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber. • ON RAND AND FOR SALE; 500,000 feet Dry Pine Boards; 30,000 feet Dry Oak, 1 and 2 Inch; • • 20,000 feekitry Ash,* 21fcand /gar 200.060 ri Hcmiuckg-,r. - • 1,000,000 No. 1 , 18-inch Shlnilei, sawed; 100.000 No. 116 loot ttilucles, sawed; 100,000 No. 116-loch sill ogles, s otved; 2,000 Locust Foots, 7, 8 and 12 feet; • -300 Cedar Posts. AISO. Fire Brick, The and Clay, In large or small quantifies. YAIIDS No. 86 ' PREBLESTREBT___. _formerly Blatiche.ter, and 157 IttatEGOA STR,v't o[ l - age thtt Gaa Works,Allekh , ny city. Jy23:t4 )o 3 FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY bapital, - - $226,000. linggininrr—EDWAßD DITiDDDEUr. _ MCC RETA ItY4T. A. WRIGH •' ~! 1311P7SWITAND1DrI,46DWiD num=One: Edward Davison,l L. P. Duncan, Jona Mellon, E. D. Dlthrldge, seo. W. Dlthrldge, M. L. Malone, , S. IL JolnnttPnbx : : ',. .1: .. ; vomsta. YARD—Corner of BUTLER and LUM. BEE STREETS, Ninth Ward. OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, Wash. Ingtoe Street. ' Is20:198 GAS - ' - AND 'sirmiw PIT NO. 4081/18..COOPYR. .JOB. RAYS KURT Dim.olPlls & co., BRASS, ZOUZIDE/48,, ;4 . S ANDGAIEr STEkIi FITTERS I Ifyiintanturers of PUMPS AND BRAES WORK_,__o eten — desorlotton; dealers In ELM PLITIIRKS AND iN TrBG, of all kinds. Cornerof Pike And Wok fifie - at t,. - - PITTSBURGH. a~teisao _ IRON BROKERS. s AmtrEf.** - , *zit 124 First Street, Pittsburg,, Pa. Agin% bb ' s , nee So% gepbtasiael Duncannon. StaabApe, Glendon. sad othEr'brards of Asithisette. Vote tad C. Hi 4Thareow - YmilbkValent ' a 41•••3';'' OMPISMINZIP Sid Orden NOPlNagiar • TLAS WORKS, ORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, prrrsstriton. Engines, of every deseriotiOn. i• • - „Boller's, 011 Tanks. , sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling 21111 Costing& Engine Castings. (Opposite trai9n. Iron Mi , PITTSBURGH. THIMBLE-SKEINS AND. PIPE BOXES, LUMBER. o BRONZEI,, PITTSBURGH GAZETTE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1888 'IINGI2;TES' . BOittaB ' F ORT ry" Baniuksnu AND TANK WURNS. CAttROLL & SNYDER, MANUFACTURERS 07 TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLOED TUBULAR . , FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS: OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BRIMMING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANE AND CON DENSERS; . STEAM PIPES; GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES: PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Office and Warehouse corner . Second. Third, Short and Liberty Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa; £ Orders sent to the above-address will be promptly attended to. mh7:159 1 BARNHILL & OILER MAKERS • • AID! SHEET IRON WORKERS, NO3. 20, 22, 21 AND 26 PENN ST. is Having secured &large yard and furnished It with the most approved machinery, we are pre,pared to manufacture every description of BOILERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys,Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers,- Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole mann (sourer& of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shot tee t notice. 1a5:c21 JAMES 111 RITER, Nos. 5 and 56 Water Street, ,PrITSBILIBGII, PA., , . XANUFACTITABB, OF IRON OIL 'TANKS • SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, EOLLINO MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON *ORE, . • For Steamboats. JARED H. SHUSH - EDMUND D. BRUSH AUED BRUSH Si, SON , J,- MANUFACTURERS OFD ;Steam ! ,Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEIEIT#9N,IIOO. i /OT 61 Penis StreetePittsbtirgh, OILS. WADING AND KIND, 9omminsion MercNtuts and Brokers in _Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, rivrilintrirGn, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDREdd, ' • "WA:RING, KING dc.CO, 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS,_ COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; - • JiND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittibnrgh Oftice—DALZELL , .. , BUILDING ear ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. ; Plilladelphla Office-127 WA LNIT H T. 144:1,10 DI. LONG & CO, MANUFACTURERS OF PVRE WHITE . BLlLNpip' ri s Brand,--"LUCIFEReI !; (Sp*, No. 2 Duquesne War, Pittsbirgh. STOVES,; &so. - OK4i. ATM ' , ,/ • ,•:! • ,-..;.: - CET T E BEST. 7.) , BISSELL fit CO.'S FOR BITUMINQS ' COAL. ~.:.., ....."- L kiiixtutted to Coo!c l Bake or Roast as `'-' --' - 'l'.--' i f:. ; r d a wewl othei iStOieli - the Union.' BISSELL & CO., 1 No. 2i85 Liberty Street. Vao on hand andlntalditl. -- 1 .., -, 1 . '' ; :: "" - PARLOR STOVES, HEATING 13T067,13, GRATE FRONTS, IPENDER23, COOKING KAMM!, no. HARDWA.R2I NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. iINDSEY STERRIT B‘i EIMER Ilsnufactniors and Impartardol it mc, , r 4 CUTLERY, &C. 887 LIBERTY STREET; CORNER OP WAYNE, Osie Depot; . . PITTSBURGH: , Amos for VAIRIIAI4IO , HCALS. FURNITURE. - 11.8 • • PRACTIAI t Ie,..,.„ 118 •. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, . HLEIVION . r wgiss t ,, No. efkiii:4l33llT. Constantly on hand every yarleirof PARLOR and CHAMBER FUSNITUUZ.. togetturri.wDb 'a 0/11 " pprices. late assortment or eomm4ra Yurnlture It reduoed Those In want of anything in our line ireoo idle/17 lovtiledlcroall before purchasing. I:44 i maninteed. LIMON R WitirglL ' PAlKTilata,-;; WALL. & TAYLOR, P A:i gp , E-jt •- No. 43 OHIO SWIZZ% Alregbear• Thinkthi tbr the former very liberal patrosieS Itowed*Pen alt. 1 Ittett* MY Mends and tbep• zewthet, fe. the hare as 4.1 u ass; t ordlllitentty to want coottenanee of the itualiied :edit be always at-um s i i . n from 31.443,30141143 i. m.-- anis t at , . , vi FIN A.NVIAL . , - . .10,00µF 4 I V Elli t" Al4 1111.1111 K, PITTSBURGH, NO. 35 BANK BLOCK. Capital $lOO,OOO. Stockholders, Ipdilridually Liable. • coLpEcTipNS N_ lteptS3lllLg POINTS OF t e I i V i TAD t 3 I A fEb Particular attention given to the Purchase and Sale uorerriment Securities. iNTICILEST PAID O.N TULE DSPoSITS. • DIRECITOng TITOMAS 'FAWCETT, ' MADLSON BAILEE; D. W. C. CARROLL, ' IV. r. LOGAN, JAMES 11. BODKINS, GEORGE BINGHAM, JULIUS ADLER, JOSHUA Ititoints, .TAHCH BOW N, J. B. WALTER,. TriolrAs zAWCETT, President i t ALLEN KRA En, VIC° Trasident J. W. DAVIT , Cushier. M. 11E5 Accounts of Depo....,ru With the KRAMER do KANKIM, HO SE have been trauferred to Ma Hank. au2avtl, J. W. DAVITT, Cashier. FORT APITT BA KING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDURLLY LIABLE. DEALERS'IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, ;AND GOLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made ' ill iiceSalble twilnta iii the United States and Canadas. . . DIRECTORS: . Jou. C. Risher. - ------'' D. Hostetter, -: : ' Robt. B. Hang. '? J p am v, es a i t t,r,"! ' t ;., • Andrew Miller, ' E. Fawcett, ' ' . ' ' 4 ', i James M. Bailey. BAWL. MeCLUBIEAN, Preet. SEE D. WIT WILSON; Otabliikril JUEYSTOPTE - Ir..tiN . K; No. 293 LIBERTY STREET, FATrustrBorti.4o:ll : : $200,000. DIRECTORS. 1 , Wm. H. Hamilton, On. Vaktilicre.m. H. J. Lynch, John Murdoch, Jr., William Espy, Samuel Barekley, A GENERAL - BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Collections made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed onlinie Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD, GEO. T. OUSEL. enabler. AurSTOCICROLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK, OF PITTSUtTRGII. CASLI CAPITAL Prestdent—llF—NßY LLOYD. Vice President—WlLLlAM BEA. TRUATErSt Henn- Lloyd. .Hon. Thos. 'Mellon, lE• P. Jones, Wightruaallieo. W. Ha!Hussy; Wtr..Hea, H. U. Hartle), (Edward Uregg, 111,a,trx btowe-. Secretary & Treas'r---S. F. VON BONNIORST. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on time de posits. Deposits made on or before Acienstlsth-win' bear interest Dorn that date. Interest computed on Ist November and Ist Mat. 1y31:t78 NATION.AIiIO4.II ousoußcg, Cor. of Wood, and Sixth St& A. PATTERSON ' Prbldelft JUL H. LIDA. Caataler. CAPIT4,pi ; 4! •,T 00,Q.40Q. " A. TORS: A. Iratrerson, DIREC George W. Cue, Win. H. JaMes Chas. Lockhart, Wm: Douglas', Allen Kirkpatrick. Wm. iteed.',•• W. d. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAIL' Y, AT. 11 'A. 81. ap9:02:2 TORT, CAUGHEY & 'CO" -BANKERS • ANDBROKERS - , t Corner - Third and Wood4treets; . . . Prr"lB.l3l7llQ/I. 03IICUtI EOnti TO ElAikiNit:ltAitT I DEJ:latii3 S IN Exchange, Coin; - Tenpons, And particular attention paid to he purchase and sale of COVERNMENT BONDS. Right Drafts on omit:strt NHOLMES & SULU," --'-' 3ElUlrg - MEMMI.ISI, 57 Markqt W9p,!;.i.. Ogg prz-rwszstauaii, contemns made on all the principal points of the United Maim and Oamedas. Stooks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON 0020118810 N. Partial: attentlea • pall UP , , Itim-paraturre and 'aloof t • t , "United States Securities. 1610 mi WEST I f I !!!i#X I 4 I 9 B 59 Fourth Street. CHARTNIZ I ED 1866: 7 .3 Intorest palckictiqzlm l kpik*Owik • Ai REPEIVALI MUM ! ONE D04.44004 1 iNAN0. • IMPtiBITS ••Rilp!,,(l6ll,4insfrippli rFinico Disonanu'D . l o*.”.,344, ...! President...llllo4MM •M,hl., Vloe President=4. ontearoise lll, ,NAMIALI ' I 1110 , . _ " , • , - 11hPlfiltGL, I. ~t m. , MAIDIRLI4: Joe. I 011TH. JOS. ALBS.SL J. J. GIL 121118,, , Stockholders to whoa we lake rotenone: : • ~ ti.xi.grair.iehlt JEWAVlldlii7k Olin Delimit*. ' Hens 7 YUNIMIIIO LA UI4III,II I. , _ . lii. orown, .. BE PIA. AUFAIELTZ, BANKER, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC R. B, BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Donght on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TEES OF CREDIT'and DRAFTS a tillable In any part of Europe. DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON 'TIME DEPOSITS.' &TAXES Ts LADY - 0-6 (Successors to S. JONES A: CO.-) Corner Fourth and WOod Sts., 3E3 - . 4E. INT 3M. M Ja. BUY .AND SELL ALL EINDIS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. o:2r Interest Allowed On Deposits. Jar Money loaned on Ocivertuneni Bonds at low est market rates. Orders executed for ihe Purchase and Nabs of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY 8c CO. raimit;' JANES L' mg. setztani. Casb ler gifis j inntO fta- 2ttt OFFICE OF THZPITTOMTEGH GAZETTB, MormitSc, September 7, 1868. ':Closing quotations as received by Ph. B. 'Mertz: Gold, 144%; Eighty-one's, 114; Five Twenties, ;1862, 11.3%; do, 1864, 101%; do, 1865, 111%; do, 1863, , new. 109; do, 1867, 108%; do, 1668; 109%; Ten 'Forties, 105. Rtillr,oads—Clevelitnd & Pittsburgh, 86%; - Pittabi!gli, Fort Wayne & Chicogo, 108%; Chicago et Reck Island, 103; Chicago & North Western, 87; do Preferred, '87%; Michigan Southern, 86%; Reading, 91%; Erie, 46%; Ne* Y6rk Central, 125%; Ohio & Mississippi Certificates, 29%; Western Union Telegraph Co„ 39; Adams .Expr,els Co., .49%; Merchants 'Union, 22:Y. Mining shares—Gl cgory, 4,00; Corydon; 120; Quartz 14111, 93; Smith & Parmaleo, 4,25; Quick.' silver, 20%. —Closing quotations received by James -T. Brady & Co.: Gold, - 144%; United States Sixes, ISBl's, 114; 5-20's, 1862, 143%; 5-20's, 1E64, 109%; 5-20's, 1865, .111%; 10-40's, 105; 5-20's, January;-arul July, '65, 109; 5-20's, January and July, '87108;x; '6B, 109%; Juno 7-30's, Oarless 1.,f; July 7-10's, do %; August 119; Sept.; 119; Oct. 118%; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral, .103. • szoo,ooo With only an :Average supply,aud an im proved demand, inspired, no doubt, by the improved Miaracte; of the ad vices from the east, the - Market was somewhat firmer and -more active to-day, and, upon the whole, prices were a shade,:hetter. As is always the case, when the market stiffens a little, the butchers bought more freely, and did ,not , hesitate as long about it as they have. - hen'iltiing for somir'tinte s pelt; =O,-as:we have already noted; prices, particularly for I. prime fat Cattle, ruled a shade higher, though, compared with last week, the ad vanceiesta :wale. very slight: ' There ii riiih~t comparatively few really prime Cattle on sale, though there was a very fair supply of hiediuntblit,l3ll/ii sliiek slid &diminished number, of bulls and stags. We noticed several foreign buyers in 'market, taking all' they could get suitable. 'for shipment, and thia, also, tended to ini ,part *firmer tone to the market. As 'be seen by "reference the re: port of sales, prime to extra fat ICatile sold 'at from 74 to Bc, and fair to good butchers stock at 6;4 4)114' :and! medium ' do - itt, Stock Cattle. 'in ;.fair,:_agrigaidi • Am.. changed at 4 to 5;4c, as to quad y and con dition... Bulls in light ni supply, and the.de in - and also was 'Milted; may . be quoted at 23.1 to 314. At ten o'elock.to-dgy the „great propor: : tiorrof4he . Cattrelnid been sold, which is stiffickotevidence to any one posted in the business, that the market.was quicker and,. better than it has been for several Weeks past, and while, as we have alread c stated, prices, as a general thing, ruled a fraction higher, the , ;advance .was very slight:, on inferior and common cattle it was scarcely Perceptible. itothehilds sold 29- head of Butler connty'stoek , fSr Plinntir & Sheiteniantle ,at 4,50 to 6,' and.lohead Washington county steers at 6 to 7. N. Fc•lland sold 29 . head Armstrong county steers and h.ifers at 5 to 6,50. E. Katz sold 23 head Tusoarawas scala- wags, for Roenbauglicat 3to 4150. 1 L. Linz 12 bead Butler county stock at 4 for cows and heifers, ani 2,59 for bul s. Hedges dr. Taylor sold, on commission, in lots, GO head of connionish cows, heifers and steers at'S-t05,50:: , = Holmes, 'Varsity dito:2s head of mixed stock at 4,50 to 5,50. WI 'i . e. Thrasher wholesaled •20 head' of Westerif 'Euiserve steers and 'heifers, averaging 890, to ?darks it Bro., at 5;50:4 - Nicholas•oarr Sold 41) head of Ohio cows and heifers, on commission, at 5 to 0,78: L. (Matt &Co. sold 'l6 hbad'of Summitt county, Clhio, stock at 3,50 to 5,50 for bait era and steers, and 3 fol bulls. & J. Strun berg mpg' khaving Asol& 12 head for Flannigan' at 8 toll/410 finl(d tor Knitter at 4,50 to 5,15, and 16, on their own account. at 5X to 6,25. •-.:; • Satinwood & Blackened; l had,4B head of Ashland county,- Ohio, 'cows and " partially sold at _an nv.ej g OX-41 19_,4ead Belinoht .Ohle,..steelt•Rfr- Shtipard *APT 6%; 9 heed Beaver wan ty' steers; for Manstleid, •at B.7shtd I '6,601 1 15-for • iiriether party at 4,50 to 6, and 28 - head , elockenrat o 4 50.. . . , - - countS. Steers - tit 4 to, 6., _ , , • • •, , J.•&. W. Carnes 40 40 towl or Ailariegoortikti stein and heAfers at 4.75 to 6,, ‘. Marks &, %Bro. 69 -head of fah to . prime Ohio stock • Trasernan & Lobensan . wholesaled 23 - head; of,:extrslat Bulaer,•glud steers to Ker yrin,A:Co.' at 7,8 U;,. retailed 73..head.of issoubdi *Stock on commission at. 4,36 andll2 head on their own c nseoutig 163 i; 14ym5n. C, 1430 - Stark 16r CdhassA, • 17; Pequot A, 17; do. Is, 19; ',Lawrence F, 14%; Ma sacbtusetts A, 15; Atlantic P i , 1334; Agawam Hartford Oingharna ate oly„ at 14; Pacltio new glacenago 25c. lEislery' and all of fancy knit - 1;10dB in active request, as are all kinds of woolen goods i.dapted for men's wear and_latil'ea' stockings. New York - Cattle Markbt. - ,fll7.l . oldirik lAA to the PAteberith Gazette.) Nuw Yont;.Sept. f ‘r, tbe week, 5,500 ',sews; 29,070 sheep and lambs; 16,754 hop. - 114 et - Was firm durlaz last week and th- pricaann Saturday rang at; 1214a17a; today the market w-a not active 'With tiltrinaa of 2,490 he , : d; pr d a declined topaz°, :averagotair ,iit45 4 ' 44,xcyais ..170; prime• . 16i4itifi%o•IWr 'to good' 1534a16q, ordinary, 14 ‘1543,'Itiferior, Sheep and 'Lambe quiet; balk Offerlngsof tmosn sold very lON, while good Were., steady;.. inferior simep sold 3a414c; cont-' 'thon to good, 4%a5,4%. prime, : 64)4% ' extra; lambs. 7a9e. *Hogs quiet and lower at fur light to heavy corn fbd. - Mllwaukeu Martot. (By Tele/mph to"ttre inithhurel ttuette t - -MIGWAUICEE, September 7.—Flour dull ;and. prices unchanged. Wheat dull , and 1dwer..4111,08 for No. 1, anri..1,58 for No. 2. Oma diet et 52,4a - farli3. 2. () ‘rnbeary 96c for No. 2. Receipts—dour3,oop bbl Neh at 1110,000: oats 2,000; corn 1,000 hu•h. Shipments—Setif )300 "bble; wheat 81,00 C; gets 004:1* 'porn 2.000 bush. ...VII()