PITTSBUEGH MARKETS El OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: , _MONDAY. September, 7, 1868. The general markets are devoid of any thing that is new or really important. In a general way, busichs is dull, though proving slowly in some respects, and we • are in hopes that once navigation is fairly resumed, of which tire indication's are more favorable at this writing, that there will be a decided improvement in the vol ume of trade, and that prices will rule lower; The-receipts of general produce continue liberal, and the supplies of al most _everything are fully up to the de !nand. APPLES—Under the influence of di minished 'arrivals, appear to be a shade Rimer, though, as yet, Vriees aro un changed, rouging/from 82 to 's4- per bbl. as to qualitV. ' • POTATOES— In better supply, and can- not fairly be quoted above *3,50. Jersey Sweets unchanged at $d to :,'6,50 per bbl. \ BETTER—Continues scarce, 'and exor i = - .bitant prices are still maintained, prime to choice fresh packed selling at 35 to 400. EGGS—In light supply, and with a moderate demand, prices have advanced to 20 to 21c. CHEESE—Is firm but unchanged at 14 ( to 15c for Western Reserve and Hamburg; 17 to 18c for Factory and Goshen and 20 for Sweitzer. SEEDS—SmaII sale§ of Timothy seed at $3,25 to 83,50. Flaxseed is in demand at $2,25 and but but little offering. Cloverseed is nominal at $7,50 to 88. LARD' OIL—Is firm but unchanged at $1,20 for No. 2, and $1,50 for No. 1. PROVISIONS—Bacon is in steady de ; mandat 14 ~c to 1434 c for - Shoulders; 16% to 16%c for Ribbed, and 18;ic to 18% for Clear Sides, and 22 to 22% fOr Su- I ' . gar Cured Hams. Lard is Quoted at 19 1 ,c to' • 20e in tierces; and 21 to 2135, in kegs. , Mess Pork 830,50 to $31,50. ; GRAlN—Wheat inquiet and lower; the mills are plying $2,05 to $2,10 tor Reciand -•; 3 to 5 cents higher for. White._ . Cern is firm but unchanged at $l,lO to $1,15 for mixed to prime Yellow. Oats---the demand is only fair - at the recent advance, though it Is claimed that they cannot ,be sold 'Or less; we continue to quote at 65c,' on tmck, and 63 to 70c, in store; sale of 300 bushs at 66c, delivered. Rye.is unchanged' at $1.40. 't Barley is strong, and prime Spring may be quoted strong at $2. = HAY—lkunchanged'ranging from $2O to t: 530 per ton, as to quality. - SALT—IS - dull and unchanged at.. 51,75 to $l,BO to the and $2, fet small lots in store. ( MILL PEED—Sales on track of one car shorts at $1,20; 1 ear Seconds at $1;50; land 1 car Middlings at $2.15. The - mill prices r are as follows: Bran sl,lo; , Shipstuffs ASO ; Mid d $4OO. • • FLOUR-10 in fair local demand but Hower, the -mills having reduced their pri ces 30 cents per bbL We now quote Extra Family at $10,50 in bbls and $10,20 in sacks; and Double' Extra at $l.l in barrels and $10,70 in sacks. Rye Flo* $9 per bbl. 9 New York Produce Market. [By Telegraph to the. Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW YORK, Sept. 7.—Ashes qniet. Ca .,: ton dull, heavy ,alui a shade lower; self-a 1500 bales at 2.9a29;5: Flour—receipts, 12,768 4 bbls—fresh ground from oil wheat a shade "ilfirmer; other:kinds dull and declining; , *sales 7,900 bbls $7a8,25 for superfine , estate and wester n, $8,51119,15 for common ;1:% to choice extra, $8,30a9;90 for do. extra • ( • •;western, $10a11,75 for good choice white, 'l.:wheat extra, sEcBsall,so for common to :::'choice R. Y. 0., $9,50a1l for common to extra St. Louis, 'sllal4 for good to choice do., closing quiet. California quiet; sales ',2,804) sacks at $9,75112. Rye • flour quiet;' • sales 250 bbls at s7a9. Cornmeal rather • ~ ,more active; - sales 600 bbls western at $5,90, 175bbls Brooklyn at ,$6. Whisky dull :and nbminal; sales at 61.1 c in bobd. Wheat $--recelpts,.3o,32B bush—spring scarce and :drm; winter dull and declining; sales • t 34,000 bush at $2 for for new common N 0.2 •. :4pring; $2,15a2,18 . f0r red St. Louis: $2,18 for :red Indiana; $2.26 for amber Michigan; $2,50 •t: wh to Micnigan,s;sl for white Tennes , l'aeet; $2,53 fOr very choice amber do; $2,60 ror white Kentucky. .alye• a shade firmer;,., A Irales.or 4,000 bushels western at $1,50a1,60; ni ;bushels extree. -- Barley quiet; sale, of 6,000 ~ h ushels State to• arrive at $l,BO. Barley ;Malt dull.- , Corn—receipts„, 63,606 bushels; ;he market opened heavy '--and Ic lower, 4nd closedt.bettert - • export Icquiry- rather • : l arore steady; _sales of 94,0130 bushels at 41.15a1,20 tbr unsound,ll,2lal,22for sound • Mixed western; $2,22 in store. Oats—re .telpts, 66,435; the market cry-ned drill and Deavv; sale 46,000 bush at 69a73 for new vestern at-the • railroad depot •and afloat; .11losing at 71c afloat; otdnoromel_at..Blc /tore; 83eTtflolt. Tail stook of grain- in 4arebouse September it Wheat; '246,749 ' • - ;aushels; Ckorni 2 , 1 4;15E 1 .0 bushel P1t5r2.564- . 1 2 . , 9 bw-hells ';' • 10.10*. rinithele; Malt, .g,094 bushels; Peas, ..34.193 'bushel% Rice. - ',ull at 9a9Xd•-.for Ra'ngoonr`9Ralo l c for Coffee steady arid quiet; sales of 0 bags Ricutt,frOvete terms.- : Stigat isetive rid y i c higher; sales of 200 bhds . Cuba at fry, refining grades: Mcdas-ies • teady and quiet. Petroleum firmer at 16% 17c for crude; and'32c for rifttred,' 'bonded. :fops quiet at 30140 c for new. Pork Brut lid in fair . demand; salea of 1,650 barrels •,,' t $29a29,50 for mess; closing at $29,,..ca5h;. • 28,87 for 01dr:M60a24,25 for :Ptifilet l l 7 s;so 25 for prime mess. ~,I3def pteady:' sales of bbls; tierce beef quiet at $21u33 for mess;. $30a36 •for India mess. Beef ants dull ats2sa3l; CM Meats ktritady; sales '5 pack rtiAis tit 13 .ttl4c for shoulders; 16a :'. 1 ,4c for hams. —Middles firm and • quiet. • ziand firmer, -with sales 500 tierces at 19 end 201/,a2034e f kettle ..maer. d; a so 250 dtn tierces titka, buyer for :eptt mber, and 250 . tierces (.0, killer for .?.nuary, at 15;5c: 250 tierces, t-el,cr for .'pbroary,atp I vate tonna.- Buf ter' quiet. 31a38c for Ohio, (and 38a43c for St.te. I.'hee-e sr eady at 131117, 1 4 c. .Freigh.:o4 to Li v -;:pcol -are without decidpd eh Inge. , mirth .gagemerits for 45.000 bush corn per steam . 1 ! at 4a4 o:; Yong., September7.--Erp. W.—Flonr regular and nn ettled; old spring wheat ,•.bur arm; and other 'kinds - declininv. - •:4 l 'heat closed quiet and very firm" for old z•ing, and heavx for another kinds. Rye ;•'. 11 at $101011;4o.. -Oats' dull end '4heavy; Ow western 69c at railroad deplet, and 70a : '43 afloat. Cord steady at 151,15a1,20 for ' 'mound, ili t 2lal,22c for ,sound new mixed ffistern. Pork very firm; mess, - sellers, , •• $20,20, and buyers, at 129,50 cash. Beef • eady and in moderate demand. Cut • !eats quiet and steady. Bacon; in light Ipply and firm. Lard' firm at 200a20,(03 tgur to ,prikrie steam.. Eggs ataady at Toledo iliarket. ib.s ?Unbinds esneite.l ll'or..Eno, September 7.—The receipts the week amounted to 29,888' barrels 22,553 bushels' wheat, 107,072 bushels in, 110,709 - bushels Oats, 22,028 bushels and 43,806 bushels Istriey. , • The ship. ants for the saute tithe were 28,018 barrels ' • ;ur, 127,069 bushels wheat, 101.572 bushels - 38,797 bi'atiels ,: - Oatsy 12,735 bushels :A. }lon els it mar.. /Whist is firmer and' tter, with -sales of white. 'Michigan at 13%a2,14;, amber At $2,03t012,0§; No. 1 1 ti at 8202 ; , No ..2 Acw. it 111,89 No. S - do. , at ;70; No. red Dayton and Michigan at 1 No. 2 spring at 81,63 ; No .3 do . at 81,53, 41 Laporte spring at 1/1,72. Corn opens I lower, but ri-COvered 'the deelhae, with .es o f N o . lat $401a1,03. Oats lo lower: th sales 'of - No:, lat 56e• Bye is steady at • i3O for No. i. Parley;,No. 1 State • 81,70. !eights 6o toßuffalo, pc On corn. - and leo t wheat to °siring& _ • Memphis Market. • zl 111 efrisbunes bast , tte.l 'Alyaeitrrs, September 7.—Co ton sold at Reeeipts;"l7 lialeg.', --- Exports; .3 bales. bur sold Ad - 16013. Corn at 8214b._ Oata 10. llay,.sl&i2o. Bran f2O. .Cora meal, 14,25. Pork 430. "Lard* ;i 3 a 2 35 3 . Bacon. clear:Bl4es, 17)iln Ditotlidera,;l3)so. Financial Natters in New York. Gold Closed at 144%. [By Telegraph to the'Plttsburgh Gazette.l (NEw YORE, September 7, 1868. MONEY AND GOLD. Money easy, at 3@5 Per cent. on call. Sterling steady sit 9a14. Gold closed weak, opening at 144%, advanced to 145, fell to 144;, and closed at 144 m bid and 144% asked. GOVEP.M!MNTS Governments quiet but steady; Coupons 'Bl, 114®1143.6; do. '62, 113%®114; do. '64, 109%®109%; do. '65, 111;4; do. new, 109® 10934; do. '67, 109; do. '6B, 10.348108V0 Ten-Forties, 105010514. BORDER ' STATE . BONDS Border State bonds firms; Missouris, 923; New Tennessees, 66 1 /,@663,1; Old North Pit Tonnes, 73X@75; Old Virginias, 53%@ New Virginias, 52!4@54. STOCKS. 4oe.ks openedactive, especially on Pacific Mail, New York Central, North Western, St. iPaul and Wabash, w..ich has advanced ma erially. In the afternoon the market Was generally weak, particularly New York Central, which fell to yoa 7 .‘ per cent„ at the close the, market was more steady; Ex press shares were considerAly lower; Mis cellaneous list except Pacific Mail are dull. '5:30 PRICES:* Canton, 46. x; Cumberland, 26@31; Wells' Express, 25%Q20; Ameri can, 43@,44; Adams, 4403,44y 4 ; United States, 4 V,Q45%; Merchants Union, 23 Q 23%; quicksilver, 20A1Q21.; Mar.posa, 40Q401; Pacific ;Mail, 103 Q I 03,(,; West ern Union Telezriiph, 34Q34 g; New York Central, 125 1 4Q12,5%; Erie, 46!4Q46%. do. preferred, 68Q69 ; 3 4; Hudson, 1417,; 122; do, preferred, 122; Reading, 91y 3 Q 91 1 / 4 ; Ohio and Mississippi, 28MQ29%; Wabash, 54 1 ..@)54%; preferred, 72Q75; St. Paul, 88@854; do. preferred, 90© 9:/q; Terrehaute. 41% Q 42; preferred 65 67: Michigan Southern, 85@85g; Pith burgh; 8 ;%©87,,1; • Toledo, 10134Q102; Rock Island, 102 3 4Q102%; North-western, 87Q88; preferred 87%Q87,1i; Fort Wayne, 103 . 1 40 108:;(,; Hartford and Erie, 2.3 1 ,‘Q 24; Chicago and Alt ,n, 146; preferred 150; St. , Joseph, 87; Ashtabula, 99 1 ,4; - Chicago Cincinnati and Indianapolis, 80. MINING SHARES Mining shares dull. Copper stock quota tions a 13oston: Calumet, 49; Franklin, 10; Heela, 70; Minnesota. 2; Quicy, 21. Chicago Maiket. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. CHICAGO, Sept 7.—Flour quiet anil 10a15c lower, with sales spring extras at sBa9. Wheat quiet and lal%o lower, with sales No. 1 at51,65a1,66, and No '2 at $1,59a1,60%; dosing nominal at 114,53 for No 2; the mar ket'remsiaed unch diged this afternoon. Corn active but nnse'tled, and 14alc lower, with sales No. lat 95109834 c; No at 94 Ma 9530, and rejected at .92e; there wre sales since 'Change at 95 - Nc for No. 1. Oats dull and ,qale lower; dosing at 51 1 4a51%c' in 'store. Rye less active and 3c lewer, -with sales No. 1 at $1,19a1,21, end No. 2 at $1,15; at $1,20 for No. Highwines quiet and firm at $1,35 for free, and•7o,- for- -bond ed. Mess Pork steady and quiet at $29,50. Lard . firm but dull at 19c. Dry Salted Sh- , ulders dull and nominal at 113,0. Live stock mare dull -and prises unchanged. Fr. ights firmer and laly.; . c higher at 9,+ for corn and tullalle for whpa , io Bano. Receipts for the past forty-eight hours -16,525 bhl4 flour ' 137,008 bash whca , 154,- 725 buSh corn, 154;542 bush oats, 1,372 head hogs.." Shipmems-873 bbls flour, 139,683 bu-h wheat. 134,187.bu5h corn, 145,230 bash oats, 1,954 head bogs. St. Lomb Market. ( By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (iatette.l ST. Louis, September 7.—Tobacco; the offerings to-day were principally snipping leaf, for which bids were not. acceptable, and the market generally was drooping. Cotton: nothing doing. Hemp unchanged at $2,45 for dressed. Flour dull, and buy era ask Concessions which were refused. Wheat; offerings, large aiad market dull, but prices not quotably lower prime to fancy red sold at 81,85a2,30, and prime to choice white 81,95a2,25; t-pring unchanged at $1,45a1,55 for prime to -"choice. Corn; receipts light and prides a little higher at 91a94c. Oats firm at 53a57c. Barley un changed at $1,81,2,00 for spring. 'Rye heavy and easier at $1,15a1,18. Pork dull at $2925; 'sales of 500 bbls, seller's option, middle: January, at-_s2o, and 500 tierces Lard, same time, at 144 c. Bacon firm but dull; shoulders 140, and clear sides 1714 c. Lard stiff at 18 2 4119 c. Whisky; held at $1,30 without sales. Receipts-3,800 bbls flour, 32,700 bushels wheat, 400 bus corn, - 18,500 bus oats, 7,300 bus rye,-80 bus barley. " . Cincinna t Marke- IsiTelieraph t?nie tottealgro oaKtte..i , CrtioneraTr,' geptember 6.—Flour un changed- and quiet; family 09,50a9,75. Wheat dull at $1,98 for No. 1. Corn ad danced to $1,02a1,03 and supply light ; fineries are buyiug. Oats unchanged and firm at 55c. Rye in demand rind firm at §1,40. Barley unchanged. Cotton 29c and dulli Whisky'held at 70e in fond. Mess Pork hold firmly, at 29c. Bulk meats dull and prices nominal; they can be bought at 12a14u. Bacon lower and dull; shoulders 13ctiztlear sides 17; clear rib 16; lard held . fiamly - at 19, but buyers do not offer better than 18{A. Butter and Cheese unchanged and firm at full prices. Linseed Oil dull . at 15c.- Gold 144/ buying. • ' , Philadelphia, narket. (By Telegranh to the Pittsbarehliaxette.l PHILADELPHIA, September 7.—Flour is du 1 and prices are ivealt; superfine sells at $7.75;• extras, sBa9; northwestern extra family, $11; Pennsylvania and Ohio do. slo,2orfancy. $12,75a14. Wheat—prime in small supply, and is held firmly, o her de. sCriptions are not wanted; sales 80,00-bus new Pennsyl ania, D laware and Indiana red - at $2,20; fair, 52,35. Choice !lye, UV; new western, $1,35. New southern Corn is quiet; yellow $1,30, mixed western; $l,BO. Cotton,(Prosidons and Groceries are un changed. Baltimore Market. (BY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette:l Bsurimonn, September 7.—Cotton dull and nominal at 290. Flour dull and prices nominal.• • Wheat dull and firmer. ' sales red at 112.40a2,60, and inferior to good, $1,75 a 1,85.1 Cern dull; sales white st $1,23a1.25. Oats firm; sales prime at BUM. Rye firm at 8470. 111:63 pork firm at 539,50; n firm; sales rib sides at 17 1 4 c; clear sides ' 17Ncr shoulders, tlyio r and hama r 22423 c. Lard firm at 190. \;; allarket.' By Telegratib to thet'lttatriroti 6uette.3 • LOUISVILLE, Sept:7.—Tobacoo scarce and higher logs 55,50a9,50; medium leaf 814; rnanntieturing Hart & Co. " mediumB2l 25. .Fintir—Anpertincc $8,75a7. ''Wheat—red 124 2,05; Corn 858900 "Oats 45a50ci. Rye 01,25 a 1,80,• "Mops porks 29; La , d 183 yo. Bacon —4lhoniders 1214 t; olear sides 180. , Whisky tree.1,27a1,30. • Detrolt'alartet. ` (Bite6graoh to ihe Pittsbaiihlititetie.l : , I)sntorr,Septimber7.—Ploar is dull and' unchanged; ' sales7oo bbls ettolee Saperline, 110,75a11. 'Wheat—N ~1 white Is undluAng ed and with' a good demand to fill ow eon lignmenta, '12,22; other kinds dull; No. '2 white, 12,09a2,1% No. '1; 1242.01 - let • tßr Tetempb to the Patmearen ttatette.l ST. Louis, September 7.—Cattle un changed, ranging at $2,75a8,00 gross. Rivers and Weather. • By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oa tette.] (LOUISVILLE, Nept. 7. . Blvei BtatlOilltry 'With 4% feet in , the canal. Weather clear and pleasant: : GAZETTE: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER :8 1868 IMPORTS BY itAILKOAD. PrrTssimar, FT. : WATBZ Arai CatoM3o RAILROAD. September 7. - 2 cars pig iron, Nimick & Co; 3 do. J Wood San & Co; 1 do, J W Porter 300 bbls flour, D Wallace; 200 do do, T C Jenkins; 8,730 pa d s shoulders, 534 bbls tallow, 1 bbl hams, F Sellers & Co; I car barley, J Rhodes & Co; Ido do, Mc- Henry & Hood; 100 bbls said, Semple, Fry & co; t ear ice, J Snyder; 8- cars wheat, J J Liggett ( & Co; I old boiler, 1 ps pipe, B Pfiauni; 1 car shorts, R Knox Jr; 10 bdls J wooden sturups, Henderson Jr Son; 10 bbl flour, 20 half doz pails, 22 do tubs, Watt Lang & Co; 17 bbl apples, Graff & Rester; 1 bx coke, 1 sk rice, Carter, McGrew & Co;,11 lead kegs, BL Fanestock & Co; 20 doz pails half doz tub 4, Head & /Metzger; 7 has bolts, Whitemore W D & Co; 10 cases, Thos J Patterson; 2 bbl sk bxs Price & Sims; 5 cases tobacco, Pat McKeona; 10 M staves, 1 furnace and.flxing, Graff, Hugus; 1 cir saw, r TAPPencott t Bakewell; 38 bxes cheese, N J Braden; 1 2 aks rags, Cht isty & Co; Ben ham; 3 bbl eggs, Little, Baird & Patten. ' 1 anvil, Logan, Gregg & Co; 123 sks oats, 11 bbl apples, Woodward & Davidson; 31 bales hay, Stewart &Langanheitn; 2 cars mellons Hays & Barley; 100 bbl flour, L B Floyd & Co; 1 car lumber, Nauz. & 11; 10 hhd, 2 Mils( lot loose scrap iron, Everson, Preston & CO. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBUROR RAUL nom), September 7. 1 car 1 iron ore, 2 do pig iron, Lloyd & Black; 2 do do, 4 do blooms, Nimick & Co; 2 do pig iron, Reese, Graff, Dull; 3 do do, Union Iron Mills; 2 do fire brick, Coleman, Rehm & Co; 1 car tire clay, Hussey & 1 car wheat, Hitch cock, McCreery & Co; do; 2 cars iron ore, Sho enberger & Blair; 6 bbls. I hf bbl-tobacco, J Megraw; 9 blooms, W D McGowan; 5 coils rop, Ful On, Bolltnan & Co; 40 bxs ink. Rot a S Davis; 30 aks rags, Christy, B & Co; 1 bbls Oatmeal, Rinehart & S; 1 caddy, 1 half butt tob , cco, Boyle & Co; 20 bxs star candles,/Means & Coffin; 34 sks oats, W .1 . Meek; 50 bids flour, Watt & Wil son; 11 sks barley, Mcßane & Anjer; 5 bhls soap, G D Whitcomb; 6do apples, M Mc- Swiggen; lot stoneware. C A Boucher; 21 bbls cider; W 11 Graff; 2 bales pelts, DI Straup. ALLEGHENY 'VALLEY RAILROAD, Sep tember 7:-320 bbls oil, McKee, Hackett dr Co: 480 do do, Citizens Oil Co; 320 do do, J Wilkins; 80 do do,D 31 Edgerton; 480 do do, J Gallagher; 1,040 do do, Clark dit Sumner; 280 do do, Menser, Hepler it Co; 160 do do, Chrystal Oil Works; 160 do do, Riberfv Oil Works; 560 do do, Jas Mawhinney; 7 . 20 do do. Fawcett, Logan ct Stock.dare; 1 car pig iron, H ,Woodsides; 2 cars liMestone, Shoonberger ct Blair; 1 car fire clay, Kier, Glover dt Co; 1 do do, Star Fire Brick Co; 1 car lime, ."1 Reno; 6 bas mdse, McElroy, Dickson dr, Co; 2 bbls eggs, 1 ak rags, Paul Gibson; 43 sks rags, McCullough, Smith it Co; 2 bbls eggs, Ii Rea Jr; 1 car cinders, Andrews ,'Hitchcock. . PITTSBURG EL OINOLNNA.TI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, September 7.-10 bhds tobacco, W ct D Rinheart; 2 boxes dry goods, H M Hallett; 50 bbls clay, T Coffin; 1 car corn, Rrown h Williams; 3 cars staves, W Hast ings; 20 hdls paper, Pitts Paper Co; 2 bbls lard, R MeGinniss; lot carriage hardware, Frank Simpson; 43 sks barley, Fred Schield; 81 do do, 1 car wheat, W J Meek; 2 cars staves, J Painter' et Son; 4 cars bai ley. Spencer it McKay; 1 car staves, Ralva S. Robertson; 1 car corn, D Wallace; I do do, Culp ,t Shepard; 100 bbls flour, owner. ALLEGHENY STATION. September- 7.- 3 ears .11axseed, 31 B Snydam; 1 hhd to. bacco, 11 box do, R tt. W Jenkinson; 1 car lumber, Nanz it Co; 100 bbls' flour, Stewart dt Langenheim; 3 cars barley, J Rhodes it Co: 6 do wheat, R T Kennedy dr. Bro; 1 car staves, J 31- Hemphill; 6 ears limestone, I do metal, Superior Iron. Co; I ear wheat. W McKee ,t Co; 1 car lumber, Taggart A. Wil son; 40 bbls flour, Voeghtly it Kopp. PITTSBUEOB ANL CuNNI LLSVI LLB RAILROAD, September 7.-2 CM'S - metal, Youghio!zhenv Iron S Coal Co; 217 sks wheat, \V McKee ct Co; 50 do do. J S Lig vett ct Co; 60 bbls apples, Woodworth a Davison Co; 4 coils rope, 4 (bale § twine, Fulton, Bollman st Co. TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS F B THE FALL TRADE. AT MACRUM, CLYDE & CO.'S. THE ENTIRELY NEW "..LA BELLE" SKIRT, ( IN ALL THE Dr ERENT COLORS. A complete Ilse of 1. Balinoral Hosiery, for Ladies & rdisies. ' The best assortment of GENT'S CASSIMERE SHIRTS. - fell line of' Gent's Fall and Winterlinderwear. WHITE FRENCH CORSETS, Slightly soiled by salt water, only 00 cents. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF Infants' Wool Bonds and F. acrines. BRADLEY'S FLANNELS, In all colors. Our Assortment 'of Notions is well feleeted. As we here received a very line st-ck of Goods, country. Alevehants will .10 well to examine our stock, as we have the goods suiting their trade.- . BIACELUE, 'GLYikE & CO., 'TS and SO Market Street. se,s DIMES MA MACRITM l it CARLISLE'S, Na 19 Firth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED! ON AND. AFTER JIM IST. HOOP SKIRTS. (Ladles'.) fbr CORSETS, (Real Praia.) LINEN NANDHEROHIEF3, 3 for 515 lOD_OLOVEO, • (warranted, ). • • PAPER COLLARS. $llOO Yds. (WOOL COTTON, (good) 5 POCKET BOOKS, worth 50c... NEN%•SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS. =N43 JEAN DRAWERS All kinds Bowies and Hats at Half Cost CREAT BARCAINS! IN ALL .ItINDS OF GOODS. SpecLd Bates to Ilierehointo & Dealers. temettna a oanuaLE, I .10110 1 Lorrioo or I.:01121‘01.1211. 01/ A.LLlfotbaleilf Co, ll • I PIT 811011011. Angu-t. 4M. 1808. OTICE TO 'BON LIRIOILDEALS. nd iiLer de tombs s the 8X . • p c 1 t, I XII .T. Issileu by Allegheny c n ty, Miy 1 t, 1263. In payment, or -bounty in Vol !meant, 10.1 be redeem 4 on p 'en+tition al this o se. Interest on thesil bonds willeassc November Ist, nes. I _1 ,---stittiyir • MFINEY Ld Oontroper. XwNIIIIIAIIIIBBER, BELTING AAID tirr&AM PACSINiii.—A Nil stock au band at all. as. Bad or the _beet qiellity. Parties' wishing: Et up mills or shops whet, Minn .g Is required. will end our rirloimis low as cell ilu tut* In the Eadt, end reiuut sand. --- - • :i aH. fIaLLIPS. 41e ' .: AG sa d AK St. Chair street. KED DOWN! 50c 80 LOO MC 75 10 rirrß frrittam RIVER NEWS. The Monongahela was again ising slowly yesterday with three feet i the channel by the pier mark. The we ther continues cloud• and unsettled with very appearance of more rain—we had se eral very heavy showers during Su day nignt. ' sl The steamer Bayard leayps for Buffington this morning. to bring up a crowd of coal boatmen. ; ; - The steamer Glasgo , Captain Robinson; is announced for Clue unati and Louisville on IVednesday. . . . C ptain " J!ihn Woo->urn s_ne‘s Arkan sas packet, "Fort Gib-en," leaves for New Orl ans on Thursday. The towboat DianTo, ago broke; her shaft, put in position, and si MIME! A couple of towbo lying at the Siste Wheeling, during th port yesterday. An Oil City teleg am, dated 1:30 p. m., says: The' river has 11 inches of water in the channel and stat onary. The weather is cloudy and cool. We had_ some rain last night. Captain James Mel en, of the Glendale, is here on a visit_ to his family. The Glen dale is, and has been for some time past. laid up at St. Louis waiting for a rise here to enable her to load for Pittsburgh. , - i t —The .T. R. Hoyle vas sold by the United States MarShal at . E ansville, on Tu sday, to Mr. Reed, of the lino Mines, for 2,602. —A Convention of western boatm will assemble at Louisvil o on the 23d o Sep tember to take in consideration various points of interest in connection with the navigition of the Western rivers and the laws _regulating the satne. • Delegations are expected from Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Nashville, Memphis, New Or leans and St. Louis. —The steamer Success arrived at St. Louis on Wednesday from Fort Benton, With two hundred and forty passengers and $3 0 , 0 0 in treasure. One hundred passengers . and 8100,000 in treasure were put off at St. Joseph. Business is reported to be brisk in 'Montana. There is no trouble with the Indians. The mines are being well developed, and:there will be an. increase in the yieldrof gold this season. The boat left on the 11th of August, 'and had very low water coming down. Int znense-herds of buffalo were seen crossing the river at Fort Peck. A — terrific storm and heavy snow were encountered on the 15th. She bad ten tons of silver quartz. There are twenty-two inches of water on most of the bars, with, only 18 inches on Dauphin's Rapids, and the river falling. lyns CELLANEOUS, Westward the Star of Empire Takes Its Way." ECIII(E A lIOIIE IN TIIE GULDEN STATE. THE INHVIICRANT IitODESTEAB _ASSOCIATIOW OF CALIFORNIA IneorporateO unOer the Laws of the Stute, tiocem twr 30 ill. 1567. fur the purpose of prushilug HOME'S FOR ITS MERBFRS, And promoting Immigration Capita! Stock. - - - $1,000,000 I)l‘l,lcit Into 200.041 SIIAIIES at $5 each, paya ble in S. r CI:RENT?. l'ertiticati, or stock Issued to bubscrlb, ra Imme dlnttly upon re:, Ipt or the moitry. NO Piatsux ALLOWED TO HOLD MORE FIVE A !rental. containing a full description of the property to be distributed among the Shareholders will be s 'tit to any address upon receipt of stamps to cover rrturn postage Information ae to price of land In any port on of the State. or noon a iy other sulkmet of itrer at to fartiad nroposing to trnmigr.ite. will be cline fully urnished upon receipt of stamps for postage. All letters should be addressed SECRF.TART IMMIGRANT HOMESTEAD CIATION, PostoCace Buz ;it:). 80, SAN F CISCO. CALIFORNIA. an'M TA.XES t. TAXES!! The Tax Payers of the consolidated city of Pitts burgh, are her by notified _that the Tax 'gooks are now in the hands of the Cite Treasurer, ready for •• • Taxes and Water Rents paid between' the fiat of JUNE and the lat of AUGUST. will be received at, a • DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT. _ And between AUGUST Ist, and the 15th o f SEP TEMBER, at a DISCOUNT OF TWO PER CENT. • From the lath of SEPTEMBER to the lst, of OC TOBER, all taxes will be'payable as assessed. After the Ist of OCTOBER i FlVEper cent. beadded and on the let of NOVEMBER, all unpaid Taxes will be put Into the hands of Collectors V &Tit THE FURTHER ADDITION OF FIVE PER CENT., makings difference of FIFTEEN PER CENT, between those paying lc July and those paying In November. iirThe STATE ,NERCANTILE LICENSES are now uue, and soould be pdd on or before the lst of July, to save coat and expense of atilt. B.ALLINDER, etc Trononrer. 113:11 OIL WELL Steam Engines, for Sale. Superior new an seconn-hand tITEA2t- EN GINES-7, S and 10 inch •eyandcre, 20• and 2 Inch atzoke, with all the fixtures FOR BORING OIL WELLS. Address HUGH 11. BOLE & CO., uB:t9l f Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. Pa. )RAIN PIPE.—HALL .I_,F SUPERIOR. ARTICLE. OF DRAIN PIPE , AU sizes, from one to twenty-four Inches at DON & KKLLY'S, agents fur manufacturers, 147 Wood street, between Fifth and MAUI streets. jelS McDONALD ALLEI. , Notice Is hereby Riven that the Viewe' ; port for o..ahllNlt If DONALD ALLEY btktb to;d2TAelrtg,hietalss.Cairhig Court, for at No: 2 L. for eontlrmatioa. J. C. McCann% (Solicitor. :FADDEN. STREET. otteip Is hereby Wert that the Vlewei l ße. port In the matter of WII)ZNING Bloll'AlD EN EIT N KETs Itlgh , b ward. A !leg teeny etty, has een 010.1 at 1110. 9N3, November Term, 180 e, Dletrlat Court, for confirmation. J. C. BleCO.ll/121, Solicitor. -sel:v4l mblS:nB PITTSBURGH, PA. H e C. MACKRELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, ( No. 88 Gl•rarit etreet, J. C. McCORIBS, City Solicitor. I mv24:h2t PITTSBURGH, PA. JOHN A. STRAIN. sel:v43 PESKY STREET. -- Notice to hereby given that the Report of Nriew era f Iit'ENIN PERRY d i HER'!', L Its of Alle gheny, has been tiled at No ODA. November Term, OHM, District Court, for congrmation. sel:y4ls G OOIiFNEIFITS. ' 01311211/IfiAD 11 DELB TIMM /Enquire for WARD'S Dread. eUrsrest and bed. The eye' y loaf Take done else. IGHTNEVE APPLE PAIIEEN.---, have inat received e larke eto,k of tee above per. boy bsoe been fully tested for Mt !rat three yearn, and have pros ed Ihrmaerorato b e t h e beat ever blunted. They pare faster, better, a, d do their, work much cleaner Man any other tipple Parerd known. Yor sale weeded& nd mon, by JANIE ROWN. 1.3111 Wood 'street • sn~:*trr niIIUBLE. BARREL !SHOT HUNG. h•vv, In stuns very enporio , . lot et °nid e Berrelbbot bu t oy brew h .111 i UnlZZitl loading. of. my own lingo tatkoi. which I, will. bell lie low so An y bailie In the country. la:cent . luaus. Ail I ask is 10 c'.ll ono °asinine and be rolivlooe.l or 'hp " me Yor sato by JA•lialr.• DOWN, kuPTui .11 1311 W0..1 ran §4IOT! 81110T!--.Miud a llortmen of New Yos k Pat.lit bout In NI so lias pound pato, aswated numburs . Imp a No.to lO. i` or sue Dl , JAININ llowN s las Wood 'keel. lairTlM 13=1 EILLINGER & STEVENSON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pitt-burgh, Pa All Kinds of Country Produce All orders for Merchandise promptly filled. at LowesT market rates. Particul tr attention given to the sate-of nutter, Eggs, Cheese, Dried Fruits, &c. We feel confident that we can give entire sat- IsfaPtion, by making QUICK SALES and PROMPT RE TURNS. at itionEsr Df AILK n.T YItICa , and therefore re .oectfully solicit your consignments. A•l co, re• spoinience answered promidtv. 'Marking Plates furnished free. Grain in store endto arrive gaily. au3l:t7s IXTATT LANG .54 CO., v./ ,d, which some time has had a new one is now ready for Grocer;es, Flour, Grain, Produce, Pro claions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon Oil. &c., s, which have been Islands, just above low water, came into Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD.STREET, near Liberty street. \ Pittsburgh, Pa. • nos:nss J. U. CANYLELD 4e... ....A. T. CANFIELD. f r B. CANFIELD' & •SON, COM to • MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In Goshen Factory. Hamburg and W. R. Cheese. Butter, Goshen, Polk, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Dried Fruit. Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, 1 and S da Ashes. Vb bite Lime. Linseed, Lard. Cosi and Car bon Oils. No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. U. STSELL J. A. tiTti.Ltir. Ayr STEELE & SON, • Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR" GIiAZN, FEED, Zito. No. 95 . OHIO STILEEI. near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. .JOS. lIAILYER JAMES 11, MpLNOI . 4S, MEA AOR H ARPER, COMMTESSIOPir MERCHANTS 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Consignments solicited. RkFERENCES-J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics' National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. I'. Ken nedy & Bro. ja31:112 PETER KEIL JAB. F. RICHLR/4 KEIL & RICHART, FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, ic., IC., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, mySl:b37 TJ. BLANCHARD, .• 1.1 Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 398 PENN STREET aptli:xB9 ALIO/. !['BANK .. ...... Ti cBANE 6t. ANJER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 111 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittabura.n. les • FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWABDrIfer AND 001LEIBSION KEIWHANTEi; For the salt of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally. No. 10 MA RH ET &MEET, corner of First. Pittsburgh. fe=:ttit JOHN I. UOCB E.....E DW.. 110118 E W33.'11. HOUSE. jol.l:ii I. HOUSE & BROS., Soc.- ces,ors to JOHN I. HOITSF & CO:, Wholesale 4,rocers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and NV:dm. Streets. Pittsburgh . l'a. TT lIIDDLE, N0: 6 153 LIBERTY. .STItEET. Pit.tAturgh, Pa., Coninilsbion ffier 'ant and Wltole.tie Dealer in Country Produce, tirocerlef: :end Pittsburgh Manufacture,. Cash ad vanced on I 'on Aguinent $, and paid for Produce gen erally. au?i Kola. ii.ioX 1. t•DuKW KNOX. I.PI KNOX tti. SON. COMMISSION O:F:I:CHANT: , and healershealersln 'FLOUR- GRAIN .1 FEED and l'lttililiCE GENERALLY, No. 10 DIA MONIIL opposite City Hall. Allegheny City. Jall'irr / - i ITTLE, 11.4111 D .f-i, I'ATTON, 11"11,1eralti Grocer,. itoinna4sion Merchants and sealers in Producm, .t:lul..r, I::icuia, Clievee Fish, Carbon and Lard OIL Iron, Nails, Glass, 'Cotton liarn , i and ail Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 1121{11.1114 s.F.( / ' 4 )N It STREET. Pittsburgh. 1 . . JOHN SEIrTfC: A WALLACE. SIIIIPTON& WA LEA:4.M, WHOLE.- SALE t; ROCERS AND Plittl/L;CE DEALERS, !so. 6 SIXTH STREET. PlUsiturtzti. . 1a12:r58 PROFESSIONALF JOS. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLIOE MAGISTRATE, Office, no WYLIE STREET, near Washington, PITTSBFROH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, liortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collections, and all other legitimate busluess executed promptly. tah.Mua SSO AN- -14 SAMUEL McBLISTERS, (AJLA:).II,m&N, Ex-ORlelo Justice of the Peace and Pollee Magis trate. Unice, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURRYI, PA: Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch.- ;able EIISTACE S. MORROW, .AI4Ii)EII3.IA.N, ES-OFFICIO JUSTTCE CfP THi PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. • OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. - AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal 'Business exeentbd with promptness and dispatch. myZ A AMMON, Jus4ce of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE &INSURANCE AGT. CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMINGHAM. ( t lleetlon of Rents solicited and promptly attend edmy3:3:lo WILLIAM H. HARRELL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C,, Office. CARSON' STREET. nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH. Business entrusted to his r are promptly attend ed to. myity6l . j . • S. FERGUSON, SECOND FLOOIN FRONT ROOd. JOHN W. RID ELL, ('''r ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ocoee, U 6 Dlemoad Street., (Opposite the Court House,) te15344 PITTSBURGH, PA. • W e A. LEWIS, _ ATT9RNEY—AT—LAIIIT, ES-OFFICIO' JUSTICE .OF Tat PEACE .AND POLICE kIAOIIITBATIL OlEce,ll.ll FIFTH•HTREBT,-o~pv a l te the Cathe dral, rittsbnrkhy Ps. Deeds,' Beads, Moiyages Acknowledgments., Depositions and all Le Huai" 1113116 executed with Promptness and disPabr • ARCHIBALD BLAKELEV, se. 9$ pairs STERNA ape:n9o:d&P (PlTTtißußati. PA i-dorAmezcvm q F 71"; k WASHINGTON MILLS, •': WASHINGTON WREN% Near Pittsburgh Grata Willa*, Kaantsoturer of CORN MEAL ItYR FLOUR and OHOPPRD FERO. Orders delivered In either c fre e of charge. Wain of all kinds ohopood. s ad 00r1114111111111, on Chart oolitic. ",1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. RECEIVE AND SELL WITOLESALE DEALERS FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, APD DEALEIIBIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street, No. 99 'Diamond Streeti AI4I)IE3RDLAIV, A.IPTORM3Y..A.TuLA:Ws W. W. Altitl3.V.ll&3oN. PITTSBURGH andalloms CON NELLSVILLE IL R. =1 On and after THURSDAY, March sth, 186111 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cot. trier of Grant and Water streets D, , as follows: epart. Mall to and from Uniont'n. 7:00 A. /f. Arriney,6:oo P. X. ,Meßeesport Accommodt'n.ll:oo 51. 2:05 r. M. Ex. to and from Uniout`n. 3:00 P. Al. 10:00 A. )1.. West Newton Aceminnorl'n 4:30.P. X. 8:35 A. It. Braddock •s Accommodat'n 6:15 P. M. 7:50 P. X. Night Ace. to MeKeesporr.lo:3o P. Si. 6:40 A. Si. Sunday Ch um:li Train to and from West Newton • 1:00 P. it.'10:00 A. 31/ For tickets apply t, J. R. RIM:, Agent. • W. B. STOUT, Sulierintendent. ms ( - IRIAN GE of „ IL ) , - ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. On and after WEDNESOAY, 7:25 P. at. August 12th. 'RCA, ‘S TitAnss DAILY will leave Frank in cornt•r Pike and Canal streete. for Frank;ln, 011 City, BuiLdo, and all ouinti In the Oil !legions. LEAVE PITTSBUEGII. 8:05 a m Express 7:211p ni Ae 3:25 pm Ist ~ o da Works Accomotrn.. 11:01:raio 2d Soda Works • ACCOIIIO.I II .. .1:20 p m Mixed Wav T'n 6:20 a ill Halton Acen.. 6:20 a m Church Train leave Pitt . : rive In Pittsburgh at 9:50 Passengers taking expi change of cars ti tw•een Regions. Mall an' Ex pi principal points. Mixed trains stop at all stations. THt ISIAS W. KIND, Ass`t. FOSTER HoPt. Ticket iti.ent. VIIITTSBURGII,WANBNIR CI NC I N N ATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. MA - NOE OP TIME.—On and ' after liftNiflAY. June 21st, ISUS, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Mall Express Fact Line Fast Express Mixed Way McDonald's Acen, No. 1. Steubenville Accorumod`n McDonald's Acen, No. 2. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Sunday Express leaves at 2:20 p. in., arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a. m. the next morning. The 9:40 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex cepted, and makes close connections a: Newark for Zanesville and pointb on Sandusky, Mansfield lc Newark R. R. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, sup't., Steubenville 1 CY IN • • 1'f7513 EDIT, FORT AND CLEVELAND From Jane 7th, 1868 and arrive at the Union time, as follows: Leave. Chicago Ex.... 2:03 a m ClerelandEx.. 2:03 a m Erie it Ygn MI 7:28 a m Wh'g 6:13 a m Chicago Mail.. 6:58a m Chicago Ex..— 9:43 a m CI & Wh'irEx. I:43pm Chicago Ex.... 1:58 p m Wh. & Erie Ex. 4:48 pn. Depart from Allegheny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:518a m Leetsdale " 10:13 a m " 11:58 am Rochester " 2:23 p m Weilsr`e Acc.. 3:43 prn Leetsdale Acs_ 4:13 pm N. Itrigt`n " . 5:33 p m N. Brlgt'n " . 6:28 pin Leetsdale " . 10:4-3 put .eta" 1:58 p. m. Chicago] air' 11:23 a. m. Chleag. jes F. R. MYERS, J. B. 421J112 IIDEN,NSYLV.O A. CENTRAL r:AILIN On and after June 7tl rive at and depart from 1.1 Washington and Liberty Arrive. Mail Train.... 1:15 a m Fast Line...... 1:40 ain Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 a m Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 a in, Wall's No. 2.. 5:50 a Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 aml Johnstown Ac.10:35 a ml Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p Phila. Express 1:20 pmi Wall's No. a... - 2.15 pin BraddocksNol. 5:50 p nil Wall's No. 4. 7:15 pm Altoona Ac en and Emigrant Train 9:30 pm! The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reacbing Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p.m. and arrit es at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. m. `Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. For further information apply to W. H. BECKWTTH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad - Company will not mi stime any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel. anti limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk ofthe owner, un less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS General Superintendent, Altoona, PS. • ESTERN PENN- 3 %lElmill RWSYLVANIA RAIL AD.—On and after Augutt 16th, 1868, the Pitt senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania' Rail road-will arrive at and depart from the /admit Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: . Dtpart. • r Springd'e No I 6:35 a m l 3lail 8:50 au Freeport. No. 1 8:15 a m , Freeport No.l 8:50 ant' Express 10:15 a m Sharpb'g No.111:20 a la Sharpb'g No.l 1:95 p m Express 2:20 pet Freeport No. 2. 410 p Springd`e No 1 3:sUpte:l Mail • - 5:50 p m F r reeport N 0.2 605 pnl. Springd'e No 2 T:10 p m Soringd`e Not 0:15 pet Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junet.- every .Sunday - at 7:90 a. m.,reaching Allegheny City at .. 9:50 a. in. Returnin+, Inures Allegheny City - at'. tri 1:90 p. . and arrive at Allegheny Janet. at 9:45 • COMitritATIOB TreXtrt—For sale In packages of Twenty,_betweren, Allegheny city, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg,, andgood only on the trains stopping at Stations spe cified on tickets.- The trains•leavlng Allegheny City at 6:15 a. m. and 9'20 P. m. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker't• line ofStages for Butler and Rennet's town. Through tickets - inal be purchased - ' at the Once, No. 3 St, Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and •at the Depot, Allegheny. For further Information apply to JAMES - LEFFERTS., Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not 111- some any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and Built thel, responsibility to One [lunched Dollars •In value. AU baggage exceeding this/ amount In value will beat the risk of the owner, 111 teas taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLI ante_;• Gen -al R.nertatendent. Altoona, k S ULM HlLLagill UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE REPUTE' from the East to all points to Colorado, Nevada, California, Utah, api:w72 Ari'zona; New Mexico, Idaho; ( Two Trains leuve Oregon w . state s Line and Leavenworth datly :Sandaya excepted.) on the arrival of fts sot Pay ad from St. Louis, and .L.Aniw Bt. do mauroaa from Quincy, connect/no at Law rence, Topeka and Women* with uta.ou for all Pointsg Kansas, • At end of track west of Ells worth h the UNITED STATES EXPRESS COM PANY'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND YAM AND EXPRESS COACHES FOR .13E1V VE.R4 8A . In Y.AIFr4 And all Points in the Territories,. • , And wlib SANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLY LIKE of . 4 COACHES for Fort Union „ Bent's Fort, l'aaa, Albn- querque,. Bang' Fe, and all points in Arizona sad New 'Mexico. With the recent additions' of rolling Mock and equipment, and the arrangements made with re- I sponetele Overland Transportation Lines from tt& western terminus, this road now offers nnenualled facilities for the transmission of freight to the Par ' Tickets for _ mils at all the tickets via THE SMOKY tr ß ni e te sti d d re taiea n sin a l k ea r n o a r das tic . HILL gOU . PACIFIC B.Au.mAY. Emma.: To LIVERPOOL ANDsan t QUEENST4CiWN- Tith INMAN RAIL ST Ps. UR, &o. Numbering lantern aret•olsaa Teasels. among them the celebrated CITY OF _ CITT OF ANTWEPP •-• CITY OF BOSTON. CITY OF BALTIMONM. ?TY Or LONBoN , Belling MTV., SATUNDAY, from Pier 45, North_ Inver. New Yo k. For passage or farther lutornua. Ilea apply to WILLIAM BINUNAN t Jr" vounrrst STBItIeT. fehmande Misdinr.) Nearly oppodie Post um" Pltteloargli RAILROADS. I ARRIVE 1 PITTSBURGH'. 31311 4:50 p int Express.-- . . 6:05 a M . ad3s Express........ a ma ht. Soda Works Acconlods'n. 7:'50 8.711 2d Soda Works At:con:o,4oo. 2:50 p m Mixed Wa3 T'n N:25 p m Hulton Ace. n.. 8:35 a In A nobtrong Ac. 0:20 pm bburgh at 1:10 P. M. AT- I A. EL iress train have but one attsburo.h, Buffalo and Oil. resa Trams stop onlv at Way and ieconamodailoe PAN HANDLE ROUTE. Depart. 4rrto6. 2:15 a. m. 12:10 a. m. 0:40 a. tn. 7:15 p. 2:10 p. m. 11:20 a. nu 6:10 a. m. 7.05 p. m. 1:40 a. m. 3:05p. m. 3:55 p. m. 9:30 a. m. 5:25 p. m. 8:20 a. M. WgEfilPgß AYN,F) & CHICAUD B. PITTSBITRGH R. B._ trains will leave pent Depot, north side; city Arrive. !Chicago Ex... 2:08 am Cleve and Ex. 21:08 ant ':hical:oEx....ll:23aa Wheeling Ex. 11:08n in St. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pis Cl. Wh'g Ex 4:38 pm Erie & 6:13 pm Chicago Ex. ... 4:23 p _ Cl. & Wh'g 7:08 pm Arrive In Allegheny. N. Brigt.'n - Ac. 7:03 - a, N. Brliet'n " 8:28 a m Wellsville " 8:53 a sot New Castle "10:13 am Leetsdale '" 0:13 a m •` 1:08pm N. Brlgt'n " 2:43 p Leetsdale —`• 4:53 pm " 7:2Bpm Express leaves daily. 0 Express arrives daily. I, General Ticket Agent. Z _] 186 R, Trains will ar.- c Union Depot, corner Of - treats, as follows: Depart. I Day Express.. 51:25 am Mali's No. 1.. 6:30 am :Mail Train. ..... 7:50 a m •Cinclnnatl Ex 11:40 a m Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 a m Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Brachlocks Nol 4:00 pm Phila. Expres. 4:50 pm Wall's No. 3.. 5:10 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Fast Llue 7:30 pm Latrobe Area 8:50 pm Swissvale Ac'n 10:50 pm Eastern Division. Washington, I = A. ANDERSON, General Superintendent. J. H. WZBATES, Geneni ?night and Ticket Agent. STEAIWSI37.PS. Q coa tri