El - Cijs littslntrgt Garttt. EPHERERIS. --Brignoli is to be married. —Ole Bull is said to have invented a new &no. —The greatest lady-killer of thena all— corsets. ,- -,—Thurlow . Weeds enjoying Swiss Al pine air. —There are not 1,000 regular troops in • Georgia. . . —Bananas are unusually plentiful in Flor ida this year. —T e various' national cemeteries have cost $ 570,000. .i --It is Secretary McCulloch who has the i • rhen tism now. hen is a bow not a bow? When it is a b knot.---Ezeßange. 1 —T e real estate ,of Council Bluffs has beenassessed at $3,700,000. —A. whole ship-load of Parisian veloci pedes are en route to New York. (—An 'autograph letter of Wasoington's sold for $5O recently in 'London. -__ —Kentucky has . a dog which has hatched and is rearing a brood of chickens. ' —Rev. W. H. Millburn, the blind preach er, is in Berlin to have his eyes operated, on: —English Quakers, like their Philadel phia brethren, are abandoning their uni forms. —A dairy farmer in Maine has a mill pond and a mill-wheel to drive his butter churns. i —The King of Bavaria has had another quarrel with Wagner, his musical mentor and friend. —An exchange asks "what is the biggest axe in all creation?" and then says "Why the earth's ax-is. —M. Duruy says that within six months every college in France shall have a gym nasium attached. —The Killborn City (Wis.,) Mirror re ports that 80,000 women are picking hops in • Coluinbia county. —The Philadelphia Bulletin says stnmp tail cows ought to give good milk because all milk is a lack-tail fluid. —Gen. Fremont is an ardent advocate for Grant and Colfax, and is soon to publish a - letter, on the political issues of the day. —Gabriella de Vergy, an opera left by Donnizeiti, unproduced at the time of his death ii about to be brought out at Naples. —A $300,000 heiress, , from Minnesota, is to winter in New ' , York and the fortune_ hunters are preparing their fashnations for the event. —Victoria is reported to have said to Eugenie "use your gracious influence on the Emperor, Madame, to prevent a war ' which tears children from their mothers." —One steamer took 22,000 watermellons from Philadelphia to Boston the other day, and Vineland, N. J., has already shipped more than 93 tons of that fruit to the Hub. —The Boston Post, in speaking of the new pianist Rubenstein, said to be the greatest the world ever saw, and , about to come to America, says he is the "Last but not Liszt." . —some one has been doing op mother Goose for 1869 and here is a speclmealrick. Seymour and B air went out on a tear A To get t h mania plunder, Blair felt down 301 br ke his crown ' And •,ey rn Jur went to thunder. —The Boston Post calls. Vermont the first pop:gim of the campaign; it had deci ded already for the sentence "the first great gun," hitt concluded on reflection to use pop ( instead 'of great. -•Mrs. Stanton attacks J. G. Holland in the Reaotution, both these persons are so -Called Ultra woman's rights advocates but Dr. Holland's hobby is not just the same as Mrs. Stanton's—hence the rumpus in the amp of the'gladiators. —The Richmond Dispatch (Seymour and Blair) says of the Vermont victory: . "The result-of the election in Vermont signifies nothing. Vermont is a land •- of political heathen. It is a land of men cut off' by, their position from the great world, and as impenetrable to outside influences as the izionks of St. Bernard." What are these mysterious outside influences? i• • —A, new figure in the "German" has been invented at a .watering -place' in Bohemia. The lady is seated in , the middle of' the cir ole and'small cakes are given to three or four gentlemen, the one : .who succeeds in eating the,cake the quickest having the honor of her hand for the dance. The last of the Wallensteins almost choked himself the other day to secure the hand of an American belle. —Th'e London correspondent of the New York Times says : (August 15.) "This year the wheat crop over England is some thing wonderful in (quantity and quality. It tarns out fifty bushels to the acre over large areas, fit to carry as soon as cut, and to thresh, grind, and make into bread, as fast as it can be handled, and the proportion of flour to the bushel of wheat is nearly one fourthabovc the average. LABOR NEWS —A large brewery is being built at Man chester, N. H. . ( —The (Hartford Carpet Company is run ning'its Workaday and night.- -Schnitz & Co., have started their cot ton mill in Fredaricksburgh, Va. the mills and factories of Sandusky, ,Ohio, are nokrunning full time. —A cotton mill has recently been built at Water Valley, Yallobusha county, Miss. —At Bridgeport, Conn.; a large factory las been erected for manufactming veneer- —ln Bridgewater, Rockingham county, 'l7a., a new woolen mill boa just gone into operation, - _ —The Bilarfleld Iron Works, at Selma, Alabama, are turning , out • cotton-ties and bariron now,. • —ln Maine, the Warren woolen mills which were destroyed by Ilre last spring, are now being rebuilt. —Humor says that some of our Pitts burgh capitalists are estabilsbing largo iron knico at lollett, Illinois. —llussey Wells & Co, have been obliged at their steel works if; !name their . mOting capacity from two to three tons per day. —The" Williamstown (Mass.) Manufac turing Company, in the week ending August 22d, turned out 67,500 yards of print cloth. They ran eleveri hours a day. —The Hudson Keeney paper mill at Man chester, N. H., after haying been thoroughly and greatly improved, is now at work again and making 3,000 poun6s of news and book paper daily. The are 22 factories in Chicago, twenty of which make smoking and chewing and two, plug tobacco. They employ about 600 hands and produce yearly some 7,200,000 pounds of tobacco.'- - -At De Pere, Brown county Wisconsin, there are fourteen mills of various sorts in operation now, and a dam one thousand four hundred feet long, with seven and one-half feet of head water. —The Cleveland Paper Company has four-large mills which run nineteen engines, and turn out about seven tons of the vari ous sorts of paper daily, employing some three hundred hands. —The Stark mills of Manchester, N. H., have 40,000 cotton spindles, and employ 1,200 hands. The mills make large quan tities of seamless bags mid crash, consum ing 600,000 pounds of American flax annu ally. —The Samoset Mills, at Plymouth, Mass., formerly put up the thread they manufac tured in papers, but they have recently changed to boxes, and one manufacturer in Plymouth now supplies, them with 2,000 boxes per day. Noble & Hall have, it is said, one of the largest iron works in the neighborhood of Erie. They employ sity • hands and manu facture engines, boilers and oil machinery. At present they have six engines in course of construction. —The boiler works of Pierron & lligby, at Fond du Lac, Wis., give deployment to If 3 to 20 hands. This firm have no compe tition in their speciality in the city, and their eitablishment is always busy. Their bust ness for 1867 footed up about $30,000. —Ata tannery in East Leverett, Mass., a new method of tanning is being tried: Large quantities of sweet fern, hardback, May weed, and some drugs, the names of which are kept secret are used, with a very little hemlock bark. —ln St. Louia there are 15 flouring mills employing about $1,000,000 of capital and turning out 800,600 barrels of flour per annum. The amount annually paid out for labor by these mills has been" estimated at $750,000, and the amount paid for grain to farmers, at $7,000,000. —A machine Fompany in South Boston has just compl l bted an immense slotting machine, which is to be used for the slotting work on heavy meriue engines at the Charlestown Navy Yard. It weighs more than sixty lona, and six months have been occupied in its construction: —The Amoskeag Manufacturing Compa ny of New Hampshire, is noted for its cot ton goods and fire engines. In the manu facture of the latter one hundred and twen ty-five hands are employed, and _three hum• T dred of the steam fire engines arc now in use, and about seventy five engines are turned out yearly. In the cotton mill there are 103,500 spindles, 500 bales of cotton are consumed every week, and 600 yards of goods per week are turned out. The value of the annual product of cotton goods made by this company is $5,700,000. —Works for the manufacture of paper pulp from wood have recently been estab lished at Curtisville, Mass. The Process of manufacture is very simple, occupying less than one day. The pulp is made of second growth poplar wood, sawed into blocks ten inches long. The bark is removed from these blocks, they are cut in halves and in''clear water- The _blocks are pressed upon a common grindstone on which water is continually flowing, and the powdered wood is carried by the current of water through several sieves into a vat, from ( which the water is-drained off. The mata rial is pressed to remove the moisture, shaped into cakes, and is ready for use. Mr. Pagensticher, who 'owns the patent, has three machines in opamtion. A Rural Scene in Africa. As e picture of still life, take the account of the Morambala marsh: It is in such spots as these I am describ ing that animal life abounds beyond con eepti4n. The plentiful I supply of water, the rank vegetation for cover and for food, and the patches of forest, afford all that the antelope tribe and the large game of Africt require. — Elephants, rhinoceru ' and buffa lo are very plenty, while waterbuck, zebia, hartebeest, and numerous other animals stray about in mixed herds. The labor of penetrating far in these marshes is terrible, nay impossible, except when the dry season is at its height; then, of course, the heat is fearful. Still there is a wild kind of charm connected with them. Acres of azure blue lilies hide the water in places and for the moment deceive the eye which has ac knowledged day by day the similar hue above. Hollyhocks and convolvuli are among the reeds, the palm tree's stateliness, and the acacia's blossoms are things that fix themseli j es on the mind; the mists are whiter, the cries of the birds wilder, the largeness larger, and the stillness of the dawn more still upon these lagoons than any where else. All Nature by consent seems to acknowledge this reign of stillness, knowing that sound travels so easily and swiftly over.water and through white fog. Rarely is silence broken, and then only by sounds, which utter allegiance to the scene. It is the lion's roar before the dawn, the hippopotamus' trumpet vibrating over the glassyexpanse of Water as day breaks,and the shriek, as from another world, f the ffshkaWk— these sounds are allowable and al lowed in the etill 'marshes. The report of a gun is sacrilege; a bird's song would be destruction. By the poels -stand white, ghostly-looking bitterns, bleached for night, whose ,very; ,lustreless eyes-. seem sworn to perpetual silence; they rise, from the sedge in flocks; they slide a few boats' lengths over the water and then settle down again, Mien and alone: Myriad strings of geese move twice a day, when the scene shilling must be done—that is, when sun rises and run sets= but they : do it as noiselessly as they , can. Troops of pelicans pass here and there, quartering the heavens into long lines with the geese, but no noise comes from them, they never move again when once they alight unless distnrbcd, for all and everything must help to keep all still. PITTSBUIWR GAZETTE : 'TUBS DAY, SEPTEMBER 8; 1868. DENTISTRY TEETH E.X.TRA ED WITHOUT PAIN RO ODARGE MADE WHEN ABTMOILL TEETH' ARE ORDERED. A FULL BET YOB $B, AT DR.:SCOTT'S.- . STB PENN STREET, RD DOOR ABOVE HARD ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND NS AMINE BYECLMENti OF GENUINE VULCAN ITE. ' my9:ciAT Larc ait tw:4o 40 aaf-1 GAS FIXICITBES AND 4 0 3a alf FOR GAS ASD OIL. Just received, the finest and largest assortment ever opened in this city: WELDON & KELLY, 147 WOOD STREET, COB. VIRGIN ALLEY. nah24:nt2 CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &c. HYDRAULIC CEMENT. )I(''A.P STONE. PLASTER. CRDSNEY TOPS, WATER PIPES. , HENRY H. COLLINS, WS:or° 25 Wood street HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE. Cheapest and best Plpe In the market. Also, 110- BENDA.LE RYDRABLIC CEMENT for sale. B. B. & C. A. BROCILETT & CO. Office and Manufactory-240 REBECCA S. Allegheny. .4e- Orders by mail promptly attended to. , r 93 PIANOS. ORGANS, &C. BUY THE BEST AND CHEAP EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEM COTTAGE 'ORGAN." The SCHO3fACKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a first class instrument. and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship. for durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from po to .7.50, (according to style and finish,) cheaper than all other so-called first class Piano. ESTEVS COTTA' E ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed Instruments, in pro ducing the most perfect pipe nualitY of tone of any similar Instrument in the United Mates. It Le sun; pie and compact In construction, and not Liable to get out 01 order. CARPENTER'S PATENT "VOX 11C:4ANA T1:E310LO" Is only - to be found In this organ. ', , Prlee from 4;100 to 050. AU guaranteed fur nye [genre. BARB, KNAKE & BUETTLER, mn9 . No. 12 ST. CLAIR siIIKET. KNAISE 64 CO.'S AND HAINES BROS. PIANOS, For, sale on monthly and quarterly (payments CHARLOTTE ELIIIITE, auth 43 Fifth street. Sole Agent HATS AND CAPS. TIAJTS M'CORD & CO., 131 WOOD STREET, Are now *really with a LARGE AND SEI,EcT :TUCK of • I .4IC3E 2 'HiP 9 .• AND 'FURS. 811 1 1 /I.AILTIN Dalai,. IN 1-/A.713„ CAPS AND x-urts, Alao, Maraufseturer, Wholesale /sad Retail Dealer in TRUNKS, VALISES. &c., No. 137 MUTH YIELD STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa. • Orders promptly Oiled and iatisfaetion guaranteed. MERCHANT TAILOR S. --- SUMMER GOODS. • . • Boys', Youth"' and Children's. 1 SUMMER CABBIMICHE SUITS. LINEN SULTS. 1 ' • . DUCK BOIT& PLARIiTEL BUTTS. at.PAOCS. JACKETS. In every style. of the greatest variety, suitable for the present MIII.OII. Oentiemen will iind a sine as sortmem of WHI cE *rid BROWN DUCK SUI rd.' ALPACCA and FLANNEL COATis, B.e. every garment being specially made tor us by Ate best Eastern beuses Our prices are as low its good goods can be sold at by any firm East or West. I I GRAY a LAIGA.IW, sal H ENRY DIETER, MERCHANT TAILOR. No. 13 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pitt4bargh. Pa. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of CLOTHS, CASdIMEEES. VESTINOS. &o. ap2o:oal TOBACCO AND CIGARS. JULIAN ALLEN, DIALED:IN ALL KINDS Of (MY TOBACCO /LNI:1 SNAILS, 50..8 SIXTH STREET, (National Bank of Com merce Bungling, l PITTSBURGH PA. Smnek of 172 Water street, N. Y. apla.pn DANIKT, Y. DIVAN. - , EXCELSIOR WORKS. R. & W. JENKINSON. Manufactorara and Dealers fa Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, " N o 6 PEDEPAL IST.. ALLEBN. E7+I Y• vt•han CONFECTIONERIES. HHENRY ,_ W. HORBACIIi Confectionery and Bakery No. ,00 BMITHIPIELD BTEIIET, Betweep &youth and Liberty. .7•• LADIES' .01(8TER SALOON gttsehed. I GEO. SCHLELEIN, - Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner, AND DZALIII 7071E101g &DO3IICIiTIO }WITS & NUTS, No. 40, comer Federal and ROblnson streets Alle gheny. air Coasts: o :y on band, ICE 011EA.M. of vartoue flavors. SEWING" rgLAT:siiiiiitii. MBE GREAT AMERICAN COM- A. BINATION. BLITTON4IOLE OVERSEAMIRO AND SEWING MAINEUFN,E. IT MAN NO EQUAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE' IN THE WORLD,- AND IN TRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. ajrAsents wanted to sell this - Machine. - ClLik€l. C. i3A.l.Bialinr. • Agent for Western Pro nsvlsanla. Corner FIFTH AND MARKET /3TREETSA over Richardson'. Jewelry store. mrSol64 ~= DRY GOODS. SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL FA.I,IIL, GOODS. THE PISESS( ASSORTHENT OF SILKS, POPLINS, EMPRESS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OP DRY GOODS; TO BE FOUND IN TO CITY, AT J. N. 111DICHI'ICLD CO'S, No, 64 t.-Clair, near Liberty St. sc4: • aa . cn 0 —.- G. 7 co - =1 cnM cA i = n .= 0 cl, • FT-1 r•^"- q) -• E-4 d V d C= . • g r = l '' w•= C .2 0 CO = I=l - 'V .-4 0 0 0., t " . ..• 0.111 CI ' .... CO cr4 CO Cird = •• 2 3 ...emir v E. pp ~Q = ;.; - -t, ,8 z i,4 4.. a gq .., 8 . / QOM t 0 c it .4 = 6 , -.I g l i , .1= d, = • . t.. 1 E . " l 118 a 2l '' ' 4 m-- C. CD " 14m e T : w R = V pq ft, M CD P gra CI? PA6 PA 113 17, 168. • NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. - BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SOIETCIr, 1 No. 169 Wylie Street. 168. 168. _Cap3o:n4o) BLACK SILK SACQUES. Lama Lace Points, Summer Shawls, FOB. SALE AT LOW PRICES, BY WHITE, ORB & CO., 24 Fifth Street. OMcCANDLESS Iv. CO., (Late Wilson, Carr & Co., IL) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Fmeign and Domestic Dry Goods, . , No. 34 WOOD STREET, Third door above Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. ME , CHINA. CUTLERY 300 WOOD STILEET. CHINA,, GLASS AND QUEENSW -SILVER PLATE WARE, PARIAN STAT ETTES, BOIIMILLN And otber STAPLE AND FANCY ER.H)DS, a great variety. 100 WOOD STREET RICHARD E. BREED & CO mh27 100 WOOD STREET WALL PAPER. WALL n•Weerowese WALL PAPER, AT REDUCED PRICES. AFTER JULY lez We will offer onr present stock of Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices. A large assortment of BATIK PAPERS, for balls. rooms. &c., at No.lol Market StFeet,nekr Fifth. JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. ;i.a• SHEETINGS AND 11A TTING. HOLMES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, prx-rsisuman.. Msuu '4urars of HEAVY, MEDIUM and LIGHT ANCHOR AND MAGINOLU SHEETINGS AND B ND SCO DYER AND SCO HJ. LANCE, . DYER. AND SCO N 9T. CLAM T 4 o. 3 aztlavir And Nos. 186 and 187 A Street. my 191184 PITTFIBITEGH, P FRENCH BURR 111119, STONER. French Burr Smut Machines, THE BEST 'WHEAT CLEANERS TN BEE Portable .nour and Feed Mills, 80LTING CLOTS, All naineeni and beet qiunity ! Far sale at 319 and 321 Liberty St.,Pittsburgh, Pa. W. W. WALLAON. 15M3 'TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL A. CLOTH', Mr Window Shades—superlor In quality and lower In price than the Eastern mann. factitre. Another large supply of the different widthsjust received from factory J. PHILLIPS, Jed YR and 214 st. "lair atrwo §TOBE' WINDOW SaADES, itny color and btu required with border Ind esters in plain (went; also the Filial* Blue, for same purpose fr om 3to 7 reet wide. at the till Cloth Wirerolims, $l6 and 28 tit. Clair street. Je4 J.°4l S. Ylitlieli OF P'ENNSInC.V.A.'N'JLEL. Every Parent and Guardian who has a son or ward to educate should know that we have in our city a Chartered institution, endowed_ by the %ante and the generous frt. nds of learning to the mount of ;and 000 Preparatory. Commercial , Uclf ntlite ;and Collegiate in character, with a Faculty ten In number, st,d a course of study equal to that of our best Colleges. The rooms are large and high, and the apparatus and cabinet of a superior kind. The Observatory belongin t• to it has one of the finest telescopes In the country. is endowed. is in charge of an • stronomer of great ability, and is having four new instrumets ad .'ed to it at it expense of $5.1.100. All the income from efalowment and from tuition is expended to supporting the institution. Tie aim the Board of ustees, who are among our mos enterprising and benevolent citizens. is to furnish the nest advantages to all ou youth equal to those enjoyed in any of our cities. Ihe instruc. Wm in all th courses of gaudy is thorough, no tem porary expedients being resorted to to secure popu larity merely./ Only Professors of ability and expe rience are employed. Catalog - es or Information may be had by calling at the University Building. c , •rner of ROsu AND DIA.MONWSTREETS, between 91i and 113 , 4 x. The next term will commence beptember lst. GEORGE WOODS. I.L. L.. Freaklent and ' , lrate! sor of Mental and Moral neleuce. Reed reef'. . . JOSEPH F. GRIGGS A. Id, Professor of Groek Language and Literature, 132 Wylie street., Hos. Humor W. WILLIAMs, LL. 1) Professor of Law. 110 Penn street. EFEJAIHN C JILLSON. PIT. R. ' M. D., Professor of Chemistry, Geology ana Mineralogy, Belletield. lILLTON B. GOFF, A. 11.. Professor of Mathemat ics. Broad street, Sewickley. REY. EDWARD P. CRANE, A. M., Pr lfessor of. Latin Language and Literature, 01 Sandusaf St., .Allegheny. RUDOLPH LEONHAUT. A. M., Professor of Ger mast Language & Genti History, Has km` Station. SAMPEL P. LANGLEY, Proresso -of Physics and Astronomy, and DlrceLor of Observatory, Observa tory. - - Professor of Rhetoric at , rl Oratory. JERE% lALCE. AYERS, A. 11.. Principal of -Pre. paratory D.-partment and Ins T ructor in Latin, 32 federal street , Allegheny. ALPHONSE DANSF., Inst uctor in French Lan. guag-. is Haut .ck street. I. N. FORNER, Principal of Commercial Depart. men , . 183 Wy le Street. au1:.:u9.5 WESTMINSTER COLLEGE, N4ar the line of the Erie and Pittsburgh It. It., at PULASKI, 60 miles from Pittsburgh. , 'The new College Year opens FEPTEMBER 2d, with an Incrensing prospect of Intereil and activity. in addition to tile FULL COI.LEUE COURSE covered by the Scholarships and Tuition of the lo stitution, EXTRA CL-MSECS IN E.Nti LASH will be commenced with this session for the benefit of the student generally. and especlally of those design ing to engage in the (Hesstn 01 Witching. TERIIB—P or this course Including English Gram maraud Composition, Reading and Elocution, Or , thnizraphy, Mental and Written Arithmetic and Paintianshlp, with lessons In the Science and A.l of Teaching, for the coming session of 16 /weeks, ST. Thls Amount In Judea the contingent fel). Terms of College -tuilles, (including contingent fee,) for term of 513. Address, -168. ROBT. AUBLEY BROWNE, heal, Few Wilmington, Lawrence Co., Pa an3l:vr4 • CO - LURCH SCHOOL, (Lambeth COLLEGE.) KITTANNING, PA. PRIMARY, PREPARATORY AND AOADEMIO, TRUSTEES—Judge Etufllngtnn, J. H. Shoe nberger, Geo. W. Cabs, T. J. Itrereton, E. S. I- olden, J. .Musgrove, J. W. isolirer, Btu). Grant, J. K. Karcher. VISIT . :ItS, EX OFFICIO- Rt. Rev. J. K, B. Ker. foot. and the standing Committee. This in•tltution commends itself especially to Churchmen. It is easy ..;*acs. and umuruas6ed m oes for healthfulness of ention. students may pursue an elective course. nr Pupils are under the ,lice; or's perst nal care. The ) ear is divided Into three tenns, of about third, en weeks each. Neces sary expen,es, texclusiv- of Music and Modern I.tinzuAget,) ?i9O to $lOO per term. Chrlstivas Term o) .ens seta. 90i. .tt'• A Special schoa for G•rls, under the same general siipervis on. ;For catalogue, Ac., rddress the Rector, Rev. J. K. KARCHER, auSml7.l-rs KitaanolPg. Pa. I , pENA9VLVA:kiI.I COLLEGE, GETTYSI3UIi.G, PA. The Fall Session of rennbylvanla College will be gin on THURSDAY,tbe 21th day of Septeznber, And continue thirteen weeks. In addition to. a large crirps or I•rotesKirs, the In.titut on Is turn with Inc Least,. e l'hitosophicsi cud Chemical Apparatus ' and Licoitigle‘ti Caulliet/ !be new , t'reparaiory will be r ale for occupancy. 'I he rooms in this Department will be exchisive Oh BOtl•ti 3114 ota tionery. from OS to sbB per secrton. 311thic on pt..no extra. 441- For further partienlars. address 31. VA N E. I ),I).. Pr.A.lent. or Mffll===Mal in;I E 7}%7 : II.ETRGII FEMAtLE COL DET. I. C. PERSIILND DIRECTOR. In buildings, faculty, patronage and all thy facil- Int, for maturing a thorough, rood and ornamental education the le.tding ladles school In the State, and one of the first In the Union. Twentr-two able and accomnllshed Teachers, su perb bit [Wings, w inch Intvejust been repaint rd, car peted and Improved 11. a heavy outlay. Tlinrough course of aiudy. Unsurpassed facilities In all the ornamental branches, especially music. .' Fall Irene comm, netsF.P eN.tiliblit 2. Applica tions can be matlent any thug, (dater in pyr on or by I- tter. ants, M. SIMPSON. Pres, Minces. pEIVNSYLVA MILITARY ACADEMY, CHESTER, Delaware Co., Penna The Seventh Annual Session of this Acade my opens THURSDAY, The buildings are new. anti complete in all 'their appointments. particular attention gi_veti.to the morals and per habits Of Cadets. For circulars apply to CHARLES H. PAULSON, Em E, No. 73 11 wri stn et. Pittsburgh. or to Cot. THEO. HY ATT. Chester; Pa. auntai3 oa:iA A No, 267 P TEA Messrs. J. R. Naw5..1.1.., I Ac LEN Meemuu, W. A. BURCIIFIELD, R. JOlixsToN. bins Sra.bicsit, Business will be resumed on TUESDAY. tat day . of September. - _ . . Terms as before-140 per session of live months. No-extra charges✓ application for admission to either Ladles' or Boys' reboot will be received at the rooms during the last week in August, [rem 9 . a..clout A. m. till 1911.-anZ3:v3s R ENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Very thorough Instruction In Civil. Mechanical and Alining Engineering, Client , stry and Natural Science. Graduates obtain most desirable post tone. Re•opens 'cut. Stu. For the new Annual 'legit-ter, giving fall Informs lon address Prof. CHAR+ KS o..cu Wig n: , Director, Troy. N. Y. au3ttc6 . 13 ______ _..- 19110 P BO INSTITUTE. —A COLLEGIATE,' eCROni. FUR YOUNG A DIES.-1.10. 62 GRANT britE r. 1 he dot!. b of thus Sellout will be r sumed an MON DAY, cent. tuber 14th. The course or study In c odes the English Branches. Mathematies. *Alin and Mewing. 'I he Mesta lh, pontoon*. is under the direeilon of the able Prof astir, H. ROHBOCK. Bo h Day and ttoorthug Puptts received. For !untie, tiorticalars send for a itcpbster, or ap ply to the *lector,. au2 tut2.lowt3 • _ Rsv. R.'.l. CoSTER. M. A. E 133 RER. - - A POLE.° INSTITDTE AND SEM ARY,'• J. 'SO FO tint E FA% tts irgit an Fatcitiall. ScIENTIYIC and CLARSICAL ,SCHUOL, 4• , 1 Hoye, aunilvolted by JAM t.s At:oo3lnm! 31AI? Y F. MACKIIAI.. The rgll it3e. ,, psoutortintences ldo,lbaY; zwpternber 7tH. For covivse of:studies; teretF, - fie see Circular. whlcly VIII be milled ,ott.epplezttlou. Dlr. Al. will be at e ' , elle Roornslo receive pllplis front 10 A. al. ,tlll l r. 31. d.rtug the week . preceding ter Opening of the stamina. • , air4.n93 HAIR AND_PERPUXEI - Y. slilllN PECK,. Ornamental Hail . HALE WeItICEII AND PERFUME* No. tea, hard street.'near Smlthileld;.Plttsbureb. s Always on hand t , li f enema sele rtment of Ladlei" . WIGS, BANDS, gu I.S; Gentlemen's WIGS, TO. PEES SCALPS, ARD CHAINS, BILAOXLETs, &e. tit. good Pales In' cub rill 'e giTen'lbi 'R A . . . La W dles* an d Gentlemen's Selz Cutting ,donel the neatest manner. ' ' . mhz:ns WEST COMMON lfaehine Stone Works, , NorthwesCcornerof West COMMOEI‘ Allegtomr; ATVATER &CO. Have oa rum] , or prepare on stun :puttee Hearih and step Stones, Flays for Sltlewalka, Brewer! Vaults, &c. Head and Tomb tones, &v. • nr4or• orronnatv airoootal. Primta raginnithie , - BAltu & MOSER, -H -. ..41.itc;Arrv i corig. PRIIIT ndtreis seiseautTioir ItUILDINGS. NO.. Sand 4 Bt.olldr Street; Plttebitrgh. Pa. apeetal attention given to the deelg ( ilng and bullidlsig of 00111121101Idira and PIBLI BUILDINUd. EDUCATIONAL. FACULTY. ITIJTE, n Street. Ens: blesars. R. NEWELL, W. bLoAN, (late of Co. • • lumbla A. DA:Jen, (French,' —lllmmtn, ((merman.' At Troy, N, Y. STONE. ARCHITECTS. FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE. ---- FOR SALE. TWO. HOUSES AND LOT - on Carroll street, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, :is the party is about leaYing the 'city, and wishes to dispose of the_property beformoving. SAW 1.1.,1 TWO DotELLING HOUSES; TN, VC BARNS, with good FARM, and about SOO acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cash $2, 500-balance on time to suit buyer. FARM OF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn: 50 acres of the land clear. FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the. line of railroad; very well located for raising stock; improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.-Will sell a good brick house, containing five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent for the amount In six years. A LAItGE LOT OF GROUND, having. a river front,and very convenient of access. • TANNER], convenient to the city, and havinwt well established custom or local trade connectsd therewith; a_good dwelling said forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in Sharpsourg, near the railroad; would mak FO R ood coal yard. HOTEL SALE.-That tine Hotel pronerty, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary °nth:di:Guns, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. FOR RENT. One large House, for - B l oarding One new Brick House, 8 - rooms. . One new Brick House of 4 rooms. One new Brick House of 3 rooms. Oue House ot 5 rooms and lot 53. by 140. One House cf 7 rooms and lot 150 by 150. Two new-Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. - One new Frame House, * rooms. • Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. One new. Frame House in Wilklusburg, having six rooms and large lot, well suited for garden. 7 acres that can be divided into acre lots. 5 Lots in Oakland. • rower and a large Room and Yard for rent, in a good location. Wili be rented for short or long time. • FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward, WANTED-3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4 inches thick. TO LOAN-$50,000, IN SUMS OP ss,ocio AND UPWARD APPLY AT O. P. RICH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant ,St., Pittsburgh. lez9:Dis 2 . 0009000 A"" OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, BY THE Union Pacific Railroad Company, - EASTERN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, at . 81,00 TO 85,00 PER ACREs And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS. For further particulars, maps, Is., address JOIIN P. DEVEREUX, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas. _ Or C23LA.S. B. WealliOßN, &um St. Louis. Missouri.. F ort SALE. The Oil Refinery, KNOWN Ab THE CRESCENT COAL OM CO.'S WORKS, Situated In BALTI3IORE, MD., on the Baltimore and Olno Itagroad, and most conveniently , located with reftrence to either home or.fore4gn trade. These works are very complete !nail their appoint ments. a..,1 are capable of tu•nlng out 30,000 to 33.000 GALLONS REFINED E'ER WEEK. Th-y have tankage for about 8.000 barrels of oil. The prospect of an early completion of fhe Con nellsyllle Road, rendersthli property esp.tclally de sirable. Address, or call on, LAIVRASON LEVERING, Trustee, 59 GAY STREET, BALTIMORE an2s:v3l WILL PURCHASE A COUP ipt-MY SEAT COUN CRY SeIAT. con t.oeinc acres. all under fence and cultivation. The luiprovements LIM 3 cottage house, h stable and el ber.mtnultdinga: 200 hearing fruit trees, of best ,selection,..; watered uy two never-fallimr sprincs. theater] I- miles from the cite. near to McKee's Hocks and Chartiers Creek. From thin place an zx ouster view can be bad of Manchester, Allegheny City and the rivers. Terms easy. Apply to B. MeLAIN &CO., arra Cor. Fourth and Smithfield streets. FOR SALE & TO , LET.--Houses and Lots for sale in all parts of the city and su urbs. Also, several FARMS in good locations. Also. a small WOOLEN FACTORY, with 20 acres of land, and good Improvments, which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on good streets. Privste Dwelling Houses for tent in both cities. For further partimilars inquire . . .WILLLUI WARD, AM nap (} rant street. opposite CathedraL i rtEliL ESTATE AGENTS. 115. • . FOURTE ST.-- 1.15• JOHN BAILEY.& BRO.; STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND A.I7CTIONNERS, Are prenared to tell at Auction STOOLBONDS, and all kinds of SECURIT/ES, REAL TATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. &cr., either on the premises or at the Board of Trade Booms: - Particular attention paid, , as. heretofore:, to th• sale of Real Estate at private sale. • - Sales, of Real Estate in the smutty. attended. oinoe„, No. 119 FOURTH STREET. iY6:16•1 $lO4OOO TO "AN, ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. - GEO. NG PETTY, eiyis Real Estate Agent, llmlth>feld street. =MT MM WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Et B. LYON., . geater or Weights anik 'Meow% No. 'a youirrs ErrßEaFr, t ß43twei t t Utwt) , UNiFftm.stree ' ta. nroinWiv * stunittefi to ' FLoVit, , ..„ . p EARL /4414,1. . • FAMILY .FL Oliß . PEARL MILL BURR BRAND eciruid to the best Bt. Lout 4 brandsk • PEA k L 'MILL •••D • RUA, N as gorpi as tee beat tlttlu - brands. S. 4 ,RAI!E Vd./RN FLOI,TR and CORN' ItELL. rtir See that all maks are sealed and dated. • - ,•- • T. IDlCltholitt ßßQt au7:4l , Pitiott UM Mii= - MN. ItREES, No. as nuittosn_ ALLEY, Plteistierah. Orders left here or at Hand Street Bridge will re ease prompt attention. 'Wagons nusulng to Pitts burgh and Alleitheny. 11 OEM