The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 07, 1868, Image 8

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Dally Prayer Meeting—From 12 M. to
12:30 o'clock-at the Booms of the Christian .
Association, No. 23 Fifth street.
. _
Criminal Court.--The September term of
the Court of Quarter Sessions commences
First Wardokilegheny, young men will
meet tomorrow evening in Washington
Hall to form a Tatter Club. .
The. Second Ward Grant __Club will meet
to-night at headquartors, Wilkins Hall,
for the purpose of participating in the
grand Sherman demonstration.
To-night the various ward organizations
and Grant and Tanner Clubs will turn out
;with torehlights to welcome Hon. John
Sherman. Let every Republican fall into
line and swell the ranks.
Seventh and Eighth Wards.—The Grant
and Colfax Clubs of the - above wards will
hold their regular weekly meetings on
Monday evenings hereafter instead of Tues
days, as formerly, as will be observed by
reference to a notice under the head of
"Political," on the fifth page.
Correction. The patties concerned in
thepocketpicJCing, case efore Alderman
Owstoit, actin Mayor, o Friday, reported
in yesterday' GAZETTE, were not Warders
at the William Penn Hotel, in the 'Muth
ward, as stated, but at the Peensylvania
Hotel. The proprietor of the Wm. Penn
desires the correction. , - 0
The Tanners , Club of the city publish
orders in another column, through Marshal
Brown, in regard to the Sherman demon
stration to-night, A general invitation is
given to all clubs and ward organizations
to fall into the
. procession . to-night. The
lines will form'on Water street, right rest
ing on Smithfield street.
Personal.—Mr. E. 'P. Carpenter,' well
know' as the courteous and gentlemanly
agent of the Wheeler Cit Wilson Sewing Ma
chine Company in this city, leaves for Phil
adelphia during the coming week, where
he will look after the interests of the Com
pany in that city, Mr.. C. will be succeed
edby Mr. Gibson, long connected with
Messrs. F - and who is fully able
and will ".h credit, and
hi a mai ;less give sat
Bankrp) morning, in
the bank' le United States
District .art,JUdge Jandless granted
certificates of discharge to Van Ransaller
Gillet, of Erie conaty, and G. T. Waters, of
kEffiln county. Petitions foi final discharge
were presented by Thomas Scandrett, of
Allegheny City; Stephen D. Bacon, of Wy
oming county; Edward Mcßride,, of Arm
strong county; Philip Wilson of Allegheny
county, and the usual orders were made.
Petitions for adjudication were filed by
Jacob Coblentz, of Allegheny City, and
James S. Boker, of Luzerne county.
Coroner's I uquest.—The jury iln pan el led
to inquire into the cause, and after what
manner, Daniel Ross, who was shot by
Daniel Tease, an account of which we pub
lished several days since, came to his
. death, met pursuant to adjournment on
Saturday at four o'clock at the office of Dr.
Walker in Mansfield. After hearing the
testimony of Drs. Sutton and Walker, who
made the post-mortem examination, the
following verdict was rendered
"That the said Daniel Ross came to his
death in Robinson, township, Allegheny
county, on Thursday, September 3d,4rom
a pistol shot wound received on September
2d, said pistol being in the hands of Daniel
:The Young Men's Christian Association
has done noble work during the past year,
and we are sorry to say that some of those
who entered into it; at first with so much
enthusiasm and zeal have relaxed in their
and the' Association, instead of
growing stronger in the fight of Paith, is
daily becoming weaker _in financial
strength. In order to re-awaken an inter
est and to encourage those who are now
laboring -under material disadvantage, a
special meeting of the members will be
held at the Third Presbyterian Church,
Sixth street. ,We sincerely hope and trust
that there will be a full and liberal attend
ance, and that such a praiseworthy associa
tion will not be permitted to languish and
die out for want of proper appreciation or
religions zeal in the community.
-A Fracas In Lawrenceville.
As the Twelfth Ward Tanner Club was
.passing the Garrison wall. in Lawience
vine, on Saturday evening, they were at
tacked by a crowd , of rowdies, and quite a
fracas ensued. Stones were thrown aniga
number of persons injured, among others
Mr. A. J. Cochran, the, Republican candi
date for City Treasurer. One of the assail
ants, Joseph H. Shook, who resides in
Lawrenceville, was captured and taken
before Alderman Herron, who committed jail to answer ch6ges of riot and
assault and battery.
• Probable Stolen Goods. -
The Allegheny police yesterday morning,
alxrut three o'clock, arrested two men who
were" acting in a suspicious manner. When
taken to the lock-up an extra black broad
coatwas found in • the possession of
each, which somewhat confirmed the °fil
-1 cersintheir suspicions. The men ,stated
that they, were returning from shall, given
;in Brownstown, to their homes "a short dis
tance-below Woods' Bun, where they were
well known. One of them was sent to the
place mentioned and returned later in the
day with several citizens, who identified
the men as residents of the vicinity, but
could, tell nothing further of them:, Under
these circumstances they were discharged,
but the coats were retained and will be're
turned to any person proving ownership.
Ordination and InstallaUon.
On Thursday of last week Rev. James
• 'T. Boice, of this city, was ordained to the
,office of the ministry and installed pastor
of the First. Reformed Presbyterian Con
gregation of Ciruainnati, by the Reformed
Presbytery of Ohio, in connection with the
General Synod, which met in this city last
May. -Mr. Boice -was formerly a licentiate
under the care of the Reformed Presbytery
of Pittsburgh. He refused to identify aim
self with those membets of the Presbytery
who .isusnended their relations" topeneril,
Synod a few months .13ince, -and tpok his
.credentials to Ohio froin the Old P.resbytery
of Pittsburgh, which still maintains its
relation to;the Syrra4 . l. 'Upon:thesecreden
' 'dais he was received by the sister Presby
- tory of Ohio. We are - pleased to learn
-from the Cincinnati papers that Mr. Bolce
enters on his •new -.field of labor undi3r
Very encouraging circgmstances.
aflew Trial Granted.
. • ' The
motion'fora new trial in the case of
Dr. J. Ai:Lechler. convicted. at - the last
term of the CrimitialCourt of outraging the
, .
person: of alemelewhile s e was under the
the ifluence, pf chloroform,
_administered for
h p en
of having some.. teeth extract
ed, was argued on , Saturday morning;be
fore a full bench. The counsel for the ,de
. fondant claimed that the testimony add iced
by tie ,• piciseention 'was - not sufficient to
warrant a verdict of , guilty, and so coati
' :dent were theyat the olose of the trial that
the charge had not been sustained, that
they submitted the ease Without argument.
' The charater„ of - the defendant, and the
• improbability of the statements of the - pro-
Secuting witnesses,were referred to. It was
; • _ also;asserted tbat thee d
fen d
additional evidencoul
be procured tending to prove - de
' dant's innocence: Judge 'Mellon delivered
the opinion of, the Court, granting a new
Meetings tobe Held on Monday and Tuesday,
At METlSfteld—Speakers: d. M. Kirkpat
rick, A. M. Brown, and Miles Humthreys,
At City Hall, Pittsburgh—Hon. John
Sherman. of Ohio.
At Green Oak, Elizabeth township—Thos.
Howard, Esq.
At Oaksdale Station, on the Pan Handle
Railroad—Thomas Howard, and A. M. Wat
son, Esqs. - • .
At Pittsburgh, corner of Magee street and
Pennsylvania Avenue—W.
and W. T. Haines, Esqs.
At Minyale Borough—A. M. Brown, Eq,
At Chartiers Township—Thomas Ewing,
and J. A. Morris;Esqs.
At Eleventh ard (old Seventh) School
House—David Reed, and S. M. Raymond,
Meeting in the Seventeenth Ward.
One of the largest and most interesting
meetings of the campaign was held Satur
day evening, at the corner of Butler street
and St. Mary's avenue, in the Seventeenth
ward. The Republicans turned out in
their might, and there were many honest
Democrats present, who, being tired of the
j" lap trap," "catch penny" arguments of =
emocratic speakers, me out to hear the
uestions at issue discussed in a fair and
honorable manner by men who understand
therm; A. large number of ladies graced
the meeting with their presence, which as
a natural consequence had a tendency to
prevent disturbance.
The meeting was calle to order by
Mr., S. W. Reynolds, wh proposed the
following named gentlemen as officers:
President—G. S. Bates.
Tice Presidents—J. T. McClure, A. Mo-
Clintock, Jacob Mattern, H. Schmidt, Chris
topher Miller, John Nasser, C. Norton, W.
C. Brown, John Schmidt, Daniel Donahue,
Col. A. Scott, Christ Umverzock, Z. Wain
wright, John Chritz, C. Rode, John Kinsey,
Sr., Robt. Cane, G. E. McCready, G. W.
Gardner, M. Bosworth, Robt. Bell, Jr., J.
D. Clowse, Geo., Holgrave, J. W. itiddel,
Edward Morganroth, John Chislett, Jr.,
Ed. Davison, Adam Esler, Wm. Living
ston, Thos. Jones, W. Bailey.
Secretarics—F. M. Gardner, G. W. Nich
ols, Robt. P. Black, A. J. Harbaugh, John
Miller, Frank Donahue, and reporters of
the Republican press.
The Chairman, Gen. A. L. Pearson, who
stated that he was not going to punish them
with a long political harangue, but would
Merely talk awhile to the soldiers present.
The General said that there was but one
question at issue in the present contest, and
that was the same which had engaged the
minds of the people during the war, and
that was "should the loyal people control
this Governme•st or should it be turned
over-to the control of those men whose
bands were red with the loyal blood of the
The only platform the soldiers of this
oounty stood upon were the glorious stars
and stripes, and the "treacherous stars and
bars." The Republican party presented
the flag of the nation with a star for every
State as the platform, and the Democrats
presented the same platform which was
carried at the head of every regiment of
rebel troops, and which they were compell
ed to lay II own to Gen. Grant at Appoma
tox Court House—the rebel flag. He closed
with an eloquent appeal to the Democratic
soldiers, ,to think of . the matter calmly
before casting their votse for the enemies
of the Goyernment.
Thomas M. Marsha,ll, - Esq., was the next
speaker. He discussed in an able manner
the reconstruction question, and held that
the conditions imposed upon the people
lately in rebellion were not only fair and
honorable, but far more liberal than they
had any right to expect, and that they
would have been perfectly satisfied with
them had it not been for the hope of re
establishing the institution of slavery,
which hope was encouraged by Andrew
Johnson. The reconstruction acts passed
by Cengress imposed nothing upon the
rebels which were not strictly necessary, for
the protection of the Government against
the assaults of traitors in the future.
[After Mr. Marshall bad been speaking
some I time, delegations composed of the
Twelfth ward Club and the Central Tan
ners' Club, headed by a band of music
and equipped with torches, arrived and
were enthusiastically received.]
After quiet had been restored the sneaker
resumed and discussed at considerable
length the merits of the local candidates,
and appealed to the soldiers present to cast
their votes at the approoching election
against the same foe they has shot at during
the war.
• At the conclusion of Mr. Marshall's re.
marks, General‘J. K. Moorhead, who was
present, was loudly called for, and made a
forcible argument in favor of the princi- -
cies of the Republican party, and held that
through it alone the country could be saved
from ruin. '-
The meeting then adjourned with throe
cheers,for Grant and Colfax' and the State
County, and city tickets.
Republicans of Temperaneeville Moving—
Large Mass Meeting—Great Enthu.
The friends of Grant and Colfax of Tern
peranceville rallied en masse in front of
Ballentine's .t Co.'s store, on the Pike, on
Friday evening last, to manifest their in
terest in the present political - struggle. .As
neat and commodious speakers' stand had
been erected in front of the store for cam
paign purposes, around which the voters
began to assemble at an early hour, so that
when the meeting was called to order there
was scarcely a foot of ground vacant within
the sound of the speakers voice.
TherTemperanceville Glee Club was ,in
attendance and aided by a splendid brass
band enlivened the occasion with some
very splendid and soul-stirring airs. From
the commencement to the close of the pro
ceeding, no one;left the ground, so much
were all interested and enthusiastic in the
cause which had brought them together.
An organization - Was effected at half past
seven, o'clock, after the unanimous elec
tion of the following officers:
Presitient—Thomas Ralph.
Vice Pre.sidente—John S. Hunter, - John
Wilkinson, Thomas Hershberger, homas
Ferguson ' Jefferson Richardson, John
Smitley, John Bryant, Nathaniel Balleri
Secretariee—S. H. French, James Critch
The Chairman, after returning thanks for
the compliment tendered him, introduced
W. C. Hull, Esq., a resident of Temperance
ville, lately returned from a visit to Tenn
essee. Mr. Hull made a brief address, in
which he dwelt particularly on the deplora
ble condition of Tennessee undet the reign
of terror caused by the depredations of
eels and the Klux Klan. The
a b ve the result of his own observations in
the matter. and his remarke were listened
to with careful attention by the audience.
S. A. McClung, FAR., next addressed the
assettiblag,e for about half an hour on the
financial question, his remarks exhibiting
an acquaintance with, and an adeptness in
handling this difficult theme which bespoke
its carefai, reflective study on the part of
the 'speaker:
The. Glee Club now favored the audience
wltha swig, after which John M.'•Kirkpat
rick, EA., was introduced and delivered
an _address abeut an hour and a half in
length, abounding in telling hits and keen
logical argument which elicited frequent
and long continued applause:
At the close of Mr. Kirkpatriek's speech;
te meeting adjourned with three cheers
for Grant and Colfax, the State and county
Briapocks Field&
The usually quiet but thriving and pros
perous village of Braddooks Fields was
atonsedirom the letha l ly incident to town»
of its oharacter,luld thromninto a state of
excitement for the time being, on
Saturday night last, by one, of the largest
and most enthusiastic Grant and Colfax
meetings which has been held outside of
the city during the present campaign. Old
men and young turned out from the work
shops from the- coal mines, and from the
counting rooms, and the honest but hard
working farmers for miles around helped
to swell the crowd until it numbered many
hundreds. The Grant and Colfax Club of
the borough turned out armed and equip
ped with torches, banners, caps and capes,
and headed by a band of martial music
marched through the principal streets of
the town, A largo number of ladies, the
wives and daughters of the loyal, patriotic
mechanics, merchants, miners and farmers
were present and gave their sanction to the
noble effort now being male, of which that
meeting was a part, to prevent the Govern
ment from falling Into the hands of these
who have labored to destroy it.
The meeting was organized by calling
Col. E. Jay Allen to the chair and ap
pointing Lieut. Isaac Mills, Jr., Secretary.
Col. Allen, on taking the chair, in a neat
and appropriate address thanked the meet
ing for the honor cenferred upon him, and
introduced Mr Mlles Hiimphreys, who
made a tolling speech to the workingmen.
Mr. Humphreys being a laboring man him- .
self. and been identified with the
Trades Unions of this county since-their
origin here, is perfectly familiar with the
interests of labor and its requirements. He
canvassed the financial question fairly and
most effectually exploded the "pedagogue"
would-be Congressman's theory.
At the conclusion of Mr. Humphreys re
marks, W. T. Haines, Esq., was introduced
to the nieeting, and delivered an eloquent
and f rcible address. The speaker discus
sed all the questions at issue in the present
campaign in an able manner, and although
his address was quite lengthy his hearers
Listened with marked attention to its close.
The meeting then adjourned.
Mass k eating at Bloomfield' (Sixteenth
Ward)—Large Turnout—Speeches by
. Messrs. Slebeneck, Parkinson and Zol
. ler.
A large and enthusiastic meeting of the
Republicans •of the Sixteenth ward was
held at-the wigwam on the grounds of A.
B. Boal, Esq„ on Saturday evening. The
meeting was called to order at eight o'clock
. _
and the following officers appointed:
President--A. B. Boal.
Vice Presidents—Robert Watson, John
W _Wm. Woolslayer, Richard
Ktrkwood, . Craig, Geo. W. Humbert,
Geo. Bratesch,Wm. C. Barr,Thos. Merkle,
Benjamin Smith,John C. Stewart, Samuel
M'Kinley, lohlman.
Secreemia—R. H. Smith, John Wool
During the progress of the meeting the
Central Tanners' Club, uhiformed and car
rying torches, and commanded by Colonel
Joe Browne, marched up to participate
amid vociferous cheering. Addroeses were
made in German by J. I. Siebeneck and in
English by Messrs. R. Parkinson and J. F.
Zoller, and at a late hour the meeting ad
journed with three rousing cheers for (lrant
and Colfax.
Meeting at Braddock's Field.
An enthusiastic meeting was held in the
Borough of Braddocks Field on Friday
evening. Col. E. J. Allen was called to the
Chair and J. N. Baldridge appointed Secre
tary. A great deal. of earnest working feel
ing was manifested and a Grant and Colfax,
and Tanners' Club wore organized. Isaac
Mills, Jr., was elected President of the
Giant and Colfax Club. C. C. Fawcett; J.
N. Baldridge and Alex. MeCluly vice
Presidents; Card. M. C. Corry, correspond
ing Secretary; Thomas IsleVey. Treasurer;
Col. E. J Allen, Win. Rodman, Geo. Fritz,
C. C. Fawcett and M. J I . Bennett, Finance
number of Republicans joined
A large number .eyn
both the Grant and Colfax and Ta - ntiers'
Club. Capt. M. C. Corry, C. C. Fawcett,
W. B. Robison, Geo. V. Frit 74 and M. J.
Bennett were appointed a CoMmittee to
complete the organization of the Tanners'
Toe Borough of Braddock's will not be
behind the balance of the County, and will
rull up a majority for the Union ticket.
The Republicans of Plum township held
a meeting at New Texas, Friday evening,
which was one of the largest and most in
teresting township meetings of the cam
paign. The Republicans of that township
are at work and will give a good account, of
their doingi at the approaching election.
The meeting was addressed by Ron. T. J.
Bigham and Mr. Raymond.
Arrangements were made for holding an
open air daylight meeting, the time and
particulars of welch will be duly announced
in the city papers.
The meeting then adjourned.
Upper St. Clair.
The Republicans of Upper_ St. Clair
township turned out en masse to a meeting
at Alex. Gillespie's, In that township, Fri.
day evening. The meeting was addressed
by Thomas Ewing and W. S.' Purviance,
Esqs. The men of Upper St. Clair are wide
awake, and have resolved to give a larger
vote for the Republican ticket at the ap
proaching election than they have ever cast
Democracy was rampant in Birming
ham on Saturday night. Early in the
evening a pole was raised on , the corner of
Denman ana Washington streets, Mr. W.
M. Mundorf disp:aying great 'skill in su
perintending on the occasion, and, indeed,
it seemed to us that but for him there
would have been a failure, as the arrange
ments at the outset were decidedly con
fused: The pole raising was followed by a
meeting at Kunzler's, in the market
square, where s large crowd assembled,
including a delegerson ation from Lower St.
. Ma j. Patt was general super
intendent. The first speaker was A. G.
Cochran, Esq , who, in a manner and voice,
acquitted himself well, but his speech was
of the Democratic sort, consisting of an
appeal to the prejudices rather than to the
common sense of the people. Mr. C.
paved the way for ex-Gov. W.F. Johnston,
who followed in a heavy speech, consisting
mainly in, a labored effort to demonstrate
that for three years past we had been living
under an unconstitutional government.
Anthony Weidman, Esq., made a speech in
German, and it was a tremendous effort.
His excited manner and violent ,gesticula
bon took the crowd, as it were, by storm,
and the applause was vociferous. Mr. W.
had evidently, intended an extensive
speech, but, yielding to frequent admoni
tions in his rear to "cut it short," and also
an occasional tug at the tail of his coat,
retired,: as he said regretfully, before
he was "half through.' Alexander Me-
Dwaine', Esq., ' was next introduced
and made an address , remarkable mainly
forthe elegance of the language used. These,
we believe, - were all the ipeakers. ,The
meeting was orderly, the Republicans, of
whom there. were a large present,
not manifesting the slightest disposition to
create disturbance—,There was considera
ble rowdyism on the streets, in the vicinity
of the market space, and at one time the
saloons in the neighborhood were closed, a
few turbulent spirits having engaged in a
row. The feature of the meeting was
the excellent performances of the "John P.
Heisff Glee Club," consisting of twelve
members. Their singing was really good,
and we could not but regret that their ser
vices were not enlisted In a worthier cause.
Justice Helsel, of East Birmingham, after
whom the Club is named, was present and
seemed to fully appreciate the honor eon
ferred upon him.
Plum Township.
A Noisy Time In Blrininghmn.
Sunday School Picnic
The annual picnic of the Sunday School
connected with the North Avenue M. E.
Church, Allegheny, was held on Saturday
in Gallagher's Grove, in the suburbs of the
city and was an exceedingly pleasant and
enjoyable affair. The _day was all that
could be desired and the occasion, as all
such occasions are, was one of great excite
ment, especially to the little folks, whose
enthusiasm and hearty enjoyment infused
themselves into the whole proceedings.
Through the kindness of Captain
Kountz, transportation, was furnished
for all in attendance, a sufficient number
of cars for that purpose having been run
off the Manchester Passenger Railway to
the Pleasant Valley, at the terminus of
which the grove is situated. Arrived at
their destination, the cars were quickly
relieved of their happy load, and soon the
i i i
woods were made voca with the music of
Childhood's merry laug ter. -
The morning hours ore rapidly away,
and When the time for he feast arrived, a
hungry, smiling comp ny gathered around
a table fairly groanin beneath the weight
of innumerable substnntials and delicacies,
a sight of which would have caused the
eyes of Ichabod crane to dance with de
light and his lips to smack with very joy.
Judging from. the manner in which the
edibles disappeared,l there was many an
lchabod present who did ample justice to
his appetite, totally regardless of all things
The ,after-dinner musements moved
rather slow for ati e but gradually the
spirit of enjoyment esumed its 'sway, and
until the shadows of evening came on, old
and young entered th a hearty zest into
all the pleasurabl excitements of the
At aproper hour the gathering was bro
kbn up, each of th weary but merry heart
ed pleasure seeker bearing away gratify
ing recollections w ith will hereafter serve
to make this, one o the brightest in mem
ory's calendar of titiya.
Theoat Race.
I I:,
The approaching oat race between Wai
ter Brown, of Peril nd, Maine, and Henry
Coulter. of Allegheny, which is to take
place on the upper Monongahela course,
Wednesday evening, is creating very little
excitement in the city, although it promises
to be the beginning of a new era in boat
racing, as both parties appear .anxious to
have the race decided upon the merits of
the contestants. The community have,
hovigiver, become so disgusted with the
many "fowls," and disgraceful proceedings
in races for the championship,that but little
interest is taken in the matter.
Coulter makes his headquarters at the
Xanthe boat house, which has been re
moved from the Allegheny to the Monon
gahela above the dam. He has attained
his rowing weight—one hundred and sixty
eight pounds—and is in excellent spirits.
Walter Brown arrived in the city at 9:40
yesterday, and put up for the day at the
Monongahela house, where ho was called
upon by a number of his old friends. He
left home Thursday, at which time he
weighed 148% pounds; he will row at 153.
This morning he will go up the river and
select the course, a privilege granted him
by the articles of agreement, alter which
he will make his headquarters at the Glen
wood House. The boat in which he will
pull is a paper shell, constructed by Waters
tic. Co., Troy, New York, and modeled by
himself. It ia 30 feat in length, 12 inches
in width, 63 inches in depth, and weighs
24 pounds: cost, $135. He appears to by in
good condition, and expresses himself con
tident of winning the race, but admits that
it will take 'work to do it.
Hamill, we learn, has forwarded the first
deposit, $250, to Frank Queen, of the Clip
-per, to be covered by the winning man in
the present race.
A Police Officer Sentenced to Jail.
James Brown, who was convicted in the
Criminal Court about a year since, on a
Charge of burglariously entering the shoe
store of Messrs. Palmer & Anshutz, on
Market street, WAS called up in. the Quar
ter Sessions Court, on Saturday morning.
for sentence. Brown who was a police
officer, visited the store on a Sunday. in
company (with an employe of the estab
lishment, and was detedied in the act of
trying on a pair of boot:.. A lot of goods
. had also been tied up, and placed on the
counter preparatory to being removed.
Brown's companion, a man over. sixty
years ofage, was tried on the charge, con
victed, and is now serving a term of im
prisonment in the Penitentiary. I Brown,
however, averred that he merely visited
the store as a "stool pigeon," in order to
entrap the old man, venom he had suspect
/eedf bein a thief. The jury found 111111
guiy, wh a motion for a new trial was
made, and subsequently-overruled. He
was admitted to bail, and in answer to a
summons, presented himself in Court on
Saturday morning. When his case was
called, the Court remarked - that in view
of the circumstances, and the probability
of Brown's „innocence, it felt constrained
to make the sentence as l'ght as possible.
Brown was then:sentenceot hi pay a fine of
ten claims and the costs of prosecution.
and undergo an Imprisonment in the coun
ty jail for a period of twenty days. He
was then taken to prison, but as an effort
is being made to procure a pardon from
the Governor, he will probably be released
during the present week. -
Mysterious Shooting Affair.
evening, between eight and
nine o'eock, a most unfortunate event
occurred in Sharpsburgh, resulting in the
death -of Mr. William Cupps. Mr. C.
was sitting in his home about the centre of
the room on the first floor, resting his elbow
upon a table, while his daughter was reading
aloud to him, when he was struck by a
bullet and kille d i nstantly. The ball passed
through the upper centre light of the lower
sash of the window on the side of the houso
fronting the rai lr oad , and passing through
the fleshy part ohe le ft arm entered the left
breast, and passg through the heart killed
him instantly.he downward inclination
of the ball as indicated by its coming from
the window at which the depeaged was sit
ting would lead to the conclusion that it
had come from) the bluff above the house.
Coroner Clawson was notified and empan
nelled a jury yesterday when several wit
nesses were examined. Their evidence
was to the effect that the shot was fired
from the vicinity of the residence of Chris
tian Cook, which is about two hundred feet
distant from Cupps' house. - The inquest
was then adjourned until this afternoon.
Christian Cook and Adolph Denman, who
it appears was at Cook's house on Satur
day night, both were arrested and brought
to the lock-up where they will remain un
til the investigation is concluded. .
Grant Hussars.
An advertisement signed “Spurs" which
appeared in Saturday's GAZATTE, attracted
much'attuttion/ and for the' informatiori of
those who made inquiry fbr the author,' we
refer to the order adiressed to "Grant
Hussars," in another column. The 131.1*;
gestinn met with prompt raponse, a whole
battalion of horsemen having been already
enlisted. General William .
Blakely as
accepted the command. It is proposed h to
raise a regiment of horsemen under the
above name to participate in the processions
of the campaign. The uniform adopted
will cost leas than two dollars, being elm
ply a military cap, an army blouse with
belt, and ordinary pants.- A torch w ith
night processions will be worn similar to a
sabre. A meetinst will be held to morrow
evening at McCallum's, Fifth street, car
pet store, to perfect the organization. A
section of a battery hal been accepted.
Butchers, dmymen and all those baying
horses will be taken as members. Those
in the districts outside of the city desiring
to join by squads or companies should ad
dress Mr. S. J. Mon-Iran, the Secretary of
tho organization.
Tag OPERA HOUSE.—The dramatic sea
son of 1868-9 was opened on Saturday night.
at the Opera House, under the auspices of
M. W. Canning, Manager; W. Henderson,
Lessee, and -F.' 0. Savage, Stage Director.
Under the gas light the house looked very
neat and pretty, the improvements being
of marked and liberal character. .There
was in attendance a very comfortable audi
ence in the auditorium, and the galleries
were well filled. The play, "Love's Sacri
fice," was not a good selection for an opening
night,as it is deep and difficult enough to tax
the energies and abilities of any strongly
organized old company, much more at
trembling new tine, on the occasion of the
initial bow to a strange audience. How
ever the cast was strong, and as the play
progreSsed the interpreters developed
power and at times brilliancy. We believe
that, as now constituted, the stock com
pany of the Opera House is the best that
we have . had for many years in this
city, and we trust that the high order of
dignity and decorum established on Satur
day night will De rigidly adhered tk,
throughout the sea.on, and that all cause
for complaint in the past has been removed.
The company is composed as follows :
Miss Augusta L. Dargo, of New York,
Leading Lady; Mrs. Mark Bates, Soubrette;
Mrs. D. B. Vandeeren, of St. Louis, Old
Lady; Miss Lizzie Hardy, well known here;
Miss Clara Seabrook, Boston; Misses Kate
and Hattie O'Neill, Mobile; Miss Laura
Bell; Mrs. John Land; Miss Sophie Baker;
Miss Mary Williams; Miss May Dualey;
Mr. Oliver B. Dowd, of Mobile, Leading
Gentleman;Mr. J, W. Norton, of Boston,
Light Comedian; Mr. W. H. Collings, Bos
ton, Heavy Man;- Mr. D. B. Vadeerer, St.
Louis, Old Man; Mr. Harry Hutto, Low
Comedian; Mr. T. D. Savage, Philadelphia;
Messrs. J. M. Charles,_ John Dane; W. V.
Ferguson, Harry Watson, J. E. Brown, B.
S. Adams.
:To-night Mr.. Edwin Booth, the most gift
ed and brilliant historian on the American
stage, opens an engagement of six nights,
with his classical interpretation of Hamlet.
The large sale of seats already made is
ample guarantee of the brilliant ovation
which awaits him.
MAs mac HAia,---Logren i a opens this even
ing at Masonic Hall, and during the week
will - introduce some of his,choicest experi
ments, selected from an immense repetoire
of magical illusions, including his myste
rious umbrella, feather and tube, a very
Complicated trick, and acknowledged" by
all who have ever witnessed it aq the best
of the kind ever introduced into the magic
arena. The performing Canaries, Java
Sparrows, Paroquets, White Mice, and the
wonderful trained Russian Cat, are said to
be wonderful in their performances. Du
ring Legrema's performances in this city in
February last. the Hall was crowded every
evening by highly respectable. audiences,
all of whom were without an exception,
satisfied with the entertainment.
The Other Side of the question.
--- -
The statement of a lady named Watson,
purporting to be sworn to before one of our
city magistrates, under the head of "A
Novel Way' to Sell a Sewing Machine," ap
peared in the .DiApatch, of Wednesday last,
which the public, if they would judge
from the article alone, would be led to think
that we had a queer way of transacting
_business. In reply to this we would say
that we do not wish to have any newspaper
talk with the party who arranged this af
fair, as with him alone we have every rea
son to think the matter originated. All
we wish to state to the public at large is
the true facts of the case.
The lady in question came to our ware
rooms, uninvited, and examined our ma
chine, stating that she had a Weed ma
chine, and a lady acquaintance had advised
her to purchase an "Empire," and if satis
factory arrangements could be made to
have an exchange, she would certainly
have one of the "Empire" make. After
sending one of our clerks to visit her and
examine the machine, she herself made the
terms of the exchange and all appeared
satisfactory. In 'a few weeks she, returned
and stated that her brother-in-law, on
whom she depended for the funds to enable
her to settle the amount agreed to be paid
for the exchange, had refused to furnish
her the money, and was - dissatified as she
did not consult him in the matter, and re
quested us to exchange the "Empire" for
a Wilcox dr, Gibbs machine, which, with
much reluctance, we consented to the se
cond exchange, and thought everything
would be satisfactory. But we were sur
prised in a few days afterwards to see her
enter our store and request us to take back
the last machine and give her her Weed
We politely told her we never did that
kind of business, when she threatened to
publish the transaction, which we also re
quested her to do. If she had only pub
lished the truth, we would have been sat
isfied. In connection with this we would
state that the agent of the, Weed machine
appeared to take a great deal of interest in
this matter, in fact se much as to call upon
us - and threaten to publish the ladies'
statement unless we returned her the
Weed machine. To those who know both
him and ourselves we leave the judgment
as to which is correct in the matter, and to
the public and our many friends we leave
thissubject for their decision.
Respectfully, Cialsox &Bltos.
New Goods at an Old Rouse.
Messrs. Joseph Home .t Co., Nos. 77 and
79 Market street, offer a very choice assort
ment of new goods, whichbave been selec
ted with great care to suit this market, and
which for completeness is unsurpassed in
the west. They have just opened full lines
of real Paris pattern bonnets and hats. in
all the new shapes; ribbons, all shades. No.
l% to 60; French and American flowers,
roses, buds and leaves, hat and bonnet
feathers and birds, plaid and plain bonnet
velvets, gro de nap, bonnet satins, French
ornaments, frames, .tc. Embroideries, a
large assortment of. jaconet and Hamburg
edgings., Insertings and bands of the latest.
designs. Handkerchiefs, one of the largest
assortment in the city, of hem-st:t2hed,
embroidered and plain, lace goods, berthas,
collars, coiffeurs, barbes, English thread,
Cluny; maltese, val, pointe and pointe ap
plique lace, lace illusion. for waists, some
thing new. Hosiery; gloves, corsets, hoop
skirts, balmoral skirts, the Paris "la belle"
balmoral. Shetland shawls, breakfast
shawls, opera hoods, children's knit
sacques and caps. New stylqs of dress and
cloak trimmings, chenille, bullion, and bu
gle fringe, bead trimmings, gimps and
loops. Buttons, in great variety. Colored
velvet ribbons. "The star shirt," white
and colored, , Gent's furnishing goods, neck
ties, bows, scarfs, suspenders, and paper
collare. Notions and small 4 wares. Each
dapartment will he found well stocked with
all that is new and novel, and will be offer
ed at the lowest eastern prices at wholeiale
and retail. Dealers in making up their or
ders should not fail to award the attention
due this sterling old house,
• Grant Ringers in Alleg heny city.
„ ,
- A • meeting . of 'the - loyal - citizens of the
Fifth and Sixth -wards, Allegheny; • was
held on Saturday evening at the Fifth ward
Grant Club headquarters, to take
tion in regard to•the formation . of, a club to
be . called_the ' Grant. Rangers. • S. S. D.
Thompso, was chosen to preside, and D.
W. Olegar Appointed Secretary.
The President.. stated . that the Meeting'
had been called. for the purpose of organiz
ing a company to parade on horseback in
any procession authorized by . the Republi
cans of the vicinity. • . ~ •
A committee, consisting of Messrs. Pat
terson, Olegar and M'Clung, was appoin
ted to confer with the Grant Legion -of
leeggheby county in regard to the securing
of uniforms.: • •
A Committee on Finance was also appoin
ted, after which the Meeting adjourned
until Tuesday evening, September Bth.
Pitts gh Medical and Sur gnat Institute. '
No. 134 Suilthfield Street. •
Under the direct supervision of E. S.
Aborn, M. D., Principal, Consulting and
Operative Surgeon and PhysiCian for Dis
eases of the Eye, Ear, Head, Throat, Lungs •
and Chronic Diseases generally. Three et
perlenced Physicians and Surgeons in at
Special interest taken in the treatment of
those cases that have been given up as hope
less and considered incurable. -
Dr. Aborn's Medical Book sent by mail on
the receipt of 50 cents.
Hours for professional interviews from S
A. M., tOS P. m. tr
Country Merchants and Dealers will find
a rare opportunity for replenishing their
stock at the great sale of 9xe entire stock
of an Eastern bankrupt Shoe House,
bought at Sheriff's sale iand sold at ten per
cent. advance at H. B.; Smithson & Co.'s
Auction Rooms and Dry Goods establish
ment, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth street. Also,#
the entire balance of goOds at absolute cost
for twenty days. These goods embrace full
lineS of Ladies', Gent's and Childrens Boots,
ShoeS and Gaiters, Dry Goods, Blankets,
Carpets, Hosiery, Cloths, Cassimeres and
Household Goods.
New Fall Dry Goods.—
Merinoes, Poplins, Silk Mixtures.
Repps, Empress Cloths, Dress, Goods.
Entire New Stock cheap.
Bc., 10c., 120., Dark Prints. •
75c. per dozen, Linen Doylies. .
Napkins, Towels, Table Linens, cheap.
25c., Plaid Shirting Flannels.
Country Flannels and Blankets, cheap.
Black Silks,Gros Grain, cheap.
On the west corner of Market and Fourth
streets, No. 69. GARDNER dr, STEWART.
The Purest and sweetest Cod Liver Oil
in the world, manufactured from fresh,
healthy livers, upon the sea shore; it is per
fectly pure and sweet. Patients who have
once taken it can take none other. Ask
for “Hazard and Caswell's Cod , Liver Oil,"
manufactured by Caswell, Hazard & Co.,
New York. Sold by all druggists. at
' New Treatment.—For chronic diseases of
the eye, ear, head, throat, . lungs, heart,
- stomach% liver, Acc., at Dr. Aborn's Medical
and Surgical Rooms, 134 Smithfibld street,
half a square from the Fostottice. No charge
for consultation. tf-
The place to get: White Lime, Calcined
Plaster, Hydraullb Cement, is at Ecker 4St
Caskey's, 167 First street.
—The President has appointed the Rev.
Johtv Ireland and Rev. John Maddox, of
St. Paul, Minnesota, and Rev. D. Neil, of
Washington city, to compose a Board of,
Visitors to the Red Lske, rambles and •
Chippewa Indians, under the treaty act of `
--Gen. Rosecrans' letter is not looked
upon favorably by either party in Wash
in• sn.
JONES-HA,TIN.- On August 15th, ult.. at Union
town, Penna., by Rev. I. N.. Riddle, Mr. W. N.
JONES, of Pittsburgh, and Miss JENNIE HAWN,
of McGlellandtown, Pa.
EGV-RICHA.ROSON.-On Wednesday evening; •
Sept. 2d, at the Presbyterian Parsopage, Wenn
vine, Pa., by the bride's brother-in-law, Rev. Pi
H. Mowry, J• ARTHUR EGE, of Minneapolis.
Minnesota, and HENRIETTA VIRGINIA, diugh
ter of the late Wm. H. Richardson. of Greensburg.
CAIN-KNOX. - On Thursday evening, Sept. 3a.
1868, at toe residence of the bride's mother. Se
wickley, Pa., by Rev. Dr. Bittinger, of Sewickley,
THOMAS A. CAIN. of Pittsburgh, and EMMA,
daughter of Sarah and the late Jas. A. Knox. No
cards. •
LOUGITREV — At the residence of her parents.
Oakland. on :Sunday morning, at 2 A. 11.. MAG
GIE M. LOUGLIRLY, aged 5 years and 10 months.
At same place, at 11:20r. ANNIE MARY
LOUGLIREY, aged about 12 years.
The funerals will take place TEM AFTERNOON at
2 o'clock. Carriages will start from Fairman Ss
Samson's, Seventh and Smithfield streets.
No. 166 FOURTH STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.
INS of all kinds, CRAPES, GLOVES, and ev
ery description of Funeral Furnishing Goods 61r
nished. Rooms open day and night. Hearse and
Carriages furnished.
RETZBEFICS.S—Rev. David Kerr, D. IL, Rev. M.
W. Jaeotaus, 1). D., Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacob H.
Miller. Esa. -
V:40 1 ! • : Pr
Allegheny City. where their COYPIN BOOMS
constantly supplied wick real and imitation . Bo .
wood, Matogeny and Walnut Collins, at prices v
tying from elk to $lOO. Bodies prepared for lute
ment. Hearses and Carriages furnished; also,
rinds of Mourning GoodS, if required. Office ope
ET, Allegheny, seeps constantly on hand a
large assortment of ready-made Coffins of the fol.
lowing kinds: First, the celebrated American Bu
rial Cases, Metallic. Self-sealing Ali-tignt Cases
and Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnut and Rosewood
Imitation Coffins. Walnut Coffins from $25 -up-..
wards. Rosewood Imitation Collins from $5 np- •
wards, and no pains will be. spared to give entire .
satisfaction. Crape and Gloves famished free of
charge. Best Hearses land Carriages furnished on' j
short nolice. Carriages furnished to funerals 84. 1
No. 50 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh,
. .
Having just returned from thi.Emt with all the
latest styles of European Goode. is now prepared to '‘
make them up in the latest fashion and most dura
manner to his customers and the public (inner
ally, thanking them for past favors and hoMng for
lI . ENIVE G. HALE ; •
Corner ofPenn and St. Clair Streets,
Has now In stock one of the largest and most var ie d
assortments of
Fall and, Winter . GOods
ever brou Frenchhis city. Ills stock embraces all
the latestand English manufactures of
Cassimens, Beatings, Overeoatings:.
Alsq a full line of Gent's Furnishing Goods. I
.wennurrED TO INITEPTE V 33 3. EIGHT
rurru sTßEirr.'
a Tut assoarmarr or
RUSSELL & .EBW/i+l7s
Celebratid Looks & 13nilderi' Haxdware,
wirrrFsrms & DRIDPS, '