if.';_;11 . 74.:)1:. -- ioi: AFFAIRS IN TENNESSEE. EDITORS GAZETTE: The Chronicle, of Friday evening last, contains a lengthy let ler from Nashville, signed "W. L.," in which the writer,'who claims to be a "reli able gentlerean," forMerly a citizen of Pittsburgh, gives a doleful account of the Many grieiance a Which, as it Would appear, his oppressed white brethren of Tennessee are compelled to endure at the hands of their cruel (?) black fellow-eitizena. As I have but recently returned from' a three years' residence - in . Tennessee and North .Alabama, of which one , year was spent at Nashville, I claim to be somewhat familiar with the'general situation in that section; and, although et aiess momentous political crisis, I should feel disinclined to raise a question as to the veracity of "W. L.," I may here say that I have seldom seen a column and a half of a respectable journal piostituted to so base a use as the publics ti nof this miserable batch of slanderous fabrication from the "reliable gentleman" at Nashville. It will be noticed that "W. L." advertises himself as a convert from a Radical to a rebel Democrat, and that he gives us_plainly to understand that he wishes now to be regarded as a Northern man with Southern principles; i, e., a ant _ mg tool in the hands of the "chivalric mas ter race" of the South.. But let us look at the pretended facts contained in the com munication. When "W. L." says "the entire political power" in Tennessee is in the hands of, the negroes, he simply does not tell the truth. He either has not read the franchise law, or has mademisstatements purposely. By reference to the law as it now stands upon the statute books, it will be seen that, in addtion to the 55,000 white men of Tennessee, tato are originally Union men, and who voted against the ordinance of secession, several large classes of rebels are allowed to vote; so that of the 150,000 white men who voted in • that State before the war, not more than 30,000 are now (temporarily) disfranchised, and they the most malignant and bitter rebels to be found in the whole South. Take, tor example;theniunicipal election at Memphis, the chief city of the State, last fall. Hall the political power is in the h andsi of the negroes will "W. L." please inform us bow the white Democrats in that city manag ed last fall to elect their candidate for Mayor, the neroes voting, almost to a man the Republican ticket, in that election? Then the Democrats be Tennessee were plaiting a square, stand-up-fight, without calling to their aid bands of Ku-Klux Cutthroats, as they are doing this fall, and the result in Memphis was that they won by reason of numerical superiority. The Chronicle correspondent takes the Tennessee legislature in,- hand and "ana lyses" it very severely. Still, notwithstand ing the searching chemical process to which .he has subjected that body, I have great hopes that it will be ante to gather together its constituent parts and go on about as usual.. The L legislature of Tennessee is made up of as able and patriotic ' men as can be found in any State in the Union. More earnest and wiser statesmen than Hon. W. D. Senter, Colonel Bouson, and General W. J. Smith, who come respect ively from - East, Middle and West Tennes see, are no: often found in our legislative councils. That the members of that body. are to ally extent poverty-stricken political aspirants. is not true. Though many have lost heavily by-their fidelity to the. Union during the war, still I am personally ae quainted with several who are worth from one hundred to three hundred thousand dollars, and many of the others I know to. be men in comfortable' circumstances. • From" W. L"s." letter, we see that he has proven himself an apt pupil in the .school of slaveholding chivalry, and he giVes us fair evidence of the fact in the way 11:1 which he pitches into "the nigger;" for already has he learned that it is safest to attack those whom he believes unable to make any resistance, and who are not likely, in turn, to pull his nose or punch his bead. To strike a man when he is down is regarded as unfair, but to strike a man whom another has knocked down, is justly considered the very acme of cowardice; and this is exactly what our reliable Fitts: burgher has done.. But, unfortunately for "W. L.," this time he has missed his reek , ening, for there are men. , both black and white, in this city as well as in Nashville, who know fuly that in the base sten _ dere which he writes against a long op pressed and' deeply injured people, he either knows • not whereof he speaks or that he has wilfully and deliberately lied. I proceed to give facts. First, in regard to : -Commissioners and taxation. Space will not permit me here :to speak at length concerning the financial policy of Tenneasee. Doubtless the people of that impoverished State feel the heavy taxation which is imperatively necessary to repair the damages within their bordern, -caused by the traitors: who r plunged the State into rebellion, but that . the tax com missioners are generally ignorant and irre sponsible men; is far from being true. The writer in question especially refers to Dayi teen county, (of which Nashville is • the capital,) and - informs us that cam of the ' commissioners for that County is .a "black man," and a "very ignorant one too." Now, I am personally acquainted with the man referred to, have known him for years, and I here take the liberty of giving his name and standing in Nashville, and for - the truthfulness df my statement I will re , fer to the rebel / Gen eral Cheatham, Gov. Brownlow, any of the Zol li coffer family. or' to any lea ng rebel or Union man in Nashville. Mr. James H. Sumner, 'the "black commisaioner," is the son of Win' Sumner, (also black,) who has lived • in Nashville for forty years, and pays taxes on seventy-five thousand dollars worth of property; he owns a large livery stateeand several fine dwelling houses in . 'Nashville, besides one or two farms in an adjoining county. The son, James, is ono of the most intelligent young men in that -city; and has studied at Wilberforce 'Gni , versity, Ohio, and also at Oberlin College. For clerical ability and general qualifica tions for the office he holds, I doubt pinch 'whether his superior could be foulid in ;1 Nashville. - lam quite sure that "W. L." knows little or nothing about the "black CoMmis,ioner," or he would never have dared to say that about him, which every old citizen of Nashville knows to be utterly false. Either Jae. H. Sumner or his father ' could to-day give a check for twenty-thou `:sand dollars, and as I have had business ' 1 dealings with them, I know whereof I speak. Yet such men are termed,by W. L." "Irresponsible and depraved niggeis." ' Now in regardito Kii-Klux4Clans terror ism , man" has not given us any more accurate infcirmation upon these than upon other topics. For any man to say that there is no such organization in the' South as the Ru-Klux-Klan, is silly to, write himself down as a fool or a fele tier; and that, too, • , when members'of that Organization have deseited it and published its constitution and by-laws and divulged some of the • most important secrets; when their masked horsemen have paraded at. midnight through the streets of nearly every village in Middle and West Tennessee, and when ' the 'uniform and systematic manner in which they commit their nocturnal dem dations upon unotlendiag pertionai has driven hundreds of Union men from the State, or to-the largercitlete for 'protection. Let me here give a few instances which I • know to be true. • . , Mr. J. B.,Dunlap. of 13helbyville but a short time ago, was dragged from his bed at tnidnight, tied upon a horse, taken into the woods and beaten so badly that I have since learned that he died from his wounds.' His offense was teaching a freedmen's school. lam personally acquainted with . Ilr. D., and . I caa say that a more, quiet,' modest,'and inoffensive man could'acarcely be found. _ • Gen. W. J: • Bailthi a prominent Union citizen of Memphis, and _member of the .a . • Ttwlnman Legialattire,thalcmcitittnstinanttf,- been twice mobbe d , at Brownsville, Tenn., whither he had gone onprlyste business,' and barely escaped with ids life. White. a promising young colored man of Columbia, Tenn., who was educated at the North, and has been engaged in teach ing at the above place, htts been drivcn away from his home no less than three times - -- - - _ inside of two months, by midnight prowlers who openly avowed themselves members of the Ku-Hlux-Klan.- Just across the Tennessee line, in Lau derdale county, Alabama, an acquaintance of mine, Munroe Cain by name, two weeks ago was called to his door atmidnight, and upon opening it was completely riddled with bullets by a bander the same ruffians. Cain's offense was voting the Republican ticket and counselling the freedmen to do the same. Three weeks ago a gang of these masked scoundrels stopped the night train from Nashville near Columbia, Tennessee and searched every car for Hon. S. M. Arnell, member of Congress from that district, a native Tennesseean, a wealthy planter and a cultivated gentleman. And so I might go on and give a hun dred instances of the same kind, all tending to prove that in many parts of Tennessee, and in the whole South, there is an organi zation whose aim is to terrify the negroes and, if possible, drive out white Union men, and that said organization is known, not only to its own members but to the people generally, by the name "Ku-Klux Klan." And now a word in regard to Governor Brownlow and his administration. The only trouble with the "old Parson" is that he is a "hard nut," for the rebels and Cop perheads to "crack." He, understands bet ter than most men what i s- necessary to Suppress cut-throats and pggLa• ins, and, if I am not mistaken, we shall hear from him arid his work in that direction era long. "W. L." informs us that the Governor has lately turned loose from the penitentiary a horde of desperadoes, and that dire results have followed. I have by me some statis tics bearing upon that point, and it will not be amiss to give them in this connec tion. During the last session of .the Legis lature of that State a committee was ap pAnted to investigate the charges whereup on the inmates of the State prison at that time had been tried and convicted; and here we should remember that most of the prisoners then confined in the penitentiary had been sent there by rebel aourts. since the surrender. The committee faithfully performed their work, and among other cases reported the following: B. .Perry, sentenced for stealing one drink of whisky worth thirty cents; W. Pinn, an old shirt worth one dollar and fifty cents; J. Nash, an axe, two dollars; S. Deadrick, a bowl and butter, forty cents; W. Watts, seven pounds of neat, one dol lar and seventy-live cents; T. Aden, one dollar; John Marfield. old pants, one dol lar and seventy-five cents; J. Holsaw, two and a half pounds of Butter, seventy-five cents; J. K. Smith, four circus tickets. The above are some of the cases in which Executive clemency was interposed. Com ment is unnecessary. And now, in conclusion, allow me to say that I firmly believe that "W. L." has been "bought with a price." Do the readers of the.GAZETTE know what the rebel Demo crats of the South are willing to pay a Northern man fur just such letters to a Northern newspaper, and especially to a man having such ,ant ecedents as au "eman cipationist," a "Unionist," and a "Radi cal" might be supposed to have? If not, I will tellthem, as I have had offers of that kind. They are 'willing . to pay about (en tivi , s as much for them as the New York Ledger pays Beecher or Greeley for their contributions, and whisky, oyster suppers and lionizing thrown in. I have been on the ground and "know the ropes." "W. L." only adds one more to the number whom I have seen yield to the persuasive and se ductive influence' of the almighty dollar and Southern blandishment. 0. M. W. Pyrrsnusnix, September 1, 1868. FOUND. 4.1 a That a ft er repeated trials of pther reined 0. s, Ito back's Stomach Bitters, Blood Purifier an Blood Pills are the best medicines extant to cure e tils• eases for which they are recommended. I Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. PILES. There le no medicine in nee so ellicacons as Dr. Roback's Blood Purifier and Blood Pills for the permanent cure of Blind or Bleeding Piles; they strike at the root of disease, thereby removing the cause. - Bold by all Druggists Everywhere. TEMPERANCE. There is, perhaps, no one thing that has done so much to promote the - cause of temperance as that gentle stimulating tonic. 'Whack's Stomach Bitters: they itrenelten and invigorate without producing the Ul effects of alooholic stimulants. • _Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. LIVER PILLS Are Pills that haves direct and' polrerfni action o the liver, and relieve any inactivity or congeste state of that all important organ upon which de nedde the whole process of digestion. The import ante. then, of procuring a Pill that shall have Both direct action without the 111 eirects'of mercury. manifest to. every ones such Pills are Robsck's Blood Pills; they are warranted purely vegetable, and can with certainty be relied upon, and are safe at all, times. Bold by all Druggists Everywhere. INDIGESTION Is but another name for Dyspepsia, and the parent of many ills. Roback's Stomach Bitters taken In wine-gtass-full doses, directly after eacb meal, will surely effect a permanent cure. Do not take onr word for it, but try them. • Bold by all Druggists Bverywbere. NIGHT MARE Is one of the many diseases of which Dyspepsia is the parent. To effect a cure persons should avoid hearty food at night. and take a wine-glass-full of Bobacir. , 3 Stomach Bitters on retiring to bed. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. RENOVATE. • During the Boring months it is one of the regular household duties to renovate, and, in th? multipli city of other duties one's own seli Ls, in a great measure, overlooked; thousands , of valuable lives might be prolonged, and mint' doubtless saved than premature graves •by thoroughly renovating the system with Dr. Boback , s Blood Pills, etomach Bitters and Blood Purifier. _ Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. MELANCHOLY Is one of the manly disorders of the nervous !meters, arising from a low state of the constitutional health or severe prostration after lone continued sickness. and requires Invigorating remedies like Itobsck t s' !Stomach Bitters to restore the nerves to their natu ral vitality. • sold by all Draerlate Everywhere. - wgo BELLS) TEEM ? The Agents for the sale o 1t.08A011. 1 13 BLOOD PILL.t3. tiTOMACH BITTERS euul BLOOD row- BLEB are all Druggists everywhere. U. S. PROPRIETARY MEDICINE CO., rEspritmons, CINCINNATI, co. . TTSBURGIT GAZETTE §Y,PT,ET.1.TE11.,,,4,. 1,568. L-13PEGIAti , NOTIGE11. - r - EME ErTuE4thrEITWE *FOB Tobacco Destroyed! Leave off Chewing and Smoking the Poisonous Woodi' ti)beicoo. One box of .ORTON'S PREPARATION IS wAn liAterrxi to destroy the appetite for tobacco in any person, se matter boil' strong the habit rear be, air IT IT TAILS IN ANT ' CASE THE MONEY WILL BE nertiNnith. ft is almost impossible to break off from the use of tobacco by the mere exercise of the Something is needed to assist naturi in over coming a habit so firmly rooted; with the help of the preparation there is not the least trouble. Hun dreds have used it who are willing to bear witness to the fact that ORTON'S PREPARATION com pletely destroys the appetite for tobacco and leaves the person as free from any desire for it as before be commenced its use. 'lt is perfectly safe and harmless in all Cases. The Preparation acts directly upon the same glands and secretions affected by to bocco, and through these upon the blood, shorough ly cleansing the poison of tobaoco,from t e system, and thus allaying the unnatural cravings f tobacco. No mons HANKERING FOR TOBACCO ER lISITO ORTON'S PREPARATION: RECOLLIS TIT IS WARRA.NTIGS• BEWAILS OP COUNTERFEITS( BECOMIIIEfiI DATIONS. , The following are a few selected from the multi tude of recomMentlations in our nossessrat (From W. P. Heald, Req„ Bangor Me.l BArtoott, Me., April 24, 1868. I hereby certify that I have used tobacco for thir ty years past, and for the last fifteen years I have used two pounds per month. I have made attempts to leavt off at dtu'erent, times. I have loft off one year at • time, but always cal/tinned to hanker fur It until I used Orton's Preparation, which has com pletely cured use of the appetite• for tobacco. I would recommend all who are affected with this ter rible habit to try the preparation, which will cer tainly cure it if the directions are followed. • ' W. P. HEALD. [From E. W. Adkins. Knoxville- Tenn.] KNOXVILLE, Tenn., August 5. 1867. This is to certify , that.' had used tobacco to such an extent that my ht alth - had' become greatly lm , paired, and my whole system deranged and broken down. In Juue.. 1867, It purchased - - one box of Or ton's Preparation, and after Wring it I found that I was completely cured. I have not had any hanker ing or desire for tobacco since using the preparation. I believe it to be all that it Is recommended, and I would advise all who wish to quit the use of tobacco , to try one box of Orton's Preparation. E. W. ADKINS. (Prom John Mo r rill Bangor, Me.l BANGOIt, l i e., arc h 84, 1868. This is to certify that I have used tobaoco 'for eighteen years; have tried many times to leave off, but have sudered so much from a dizziness in my head, and gnawing at my stomach, that I have soon given up the trial. A. short time since a friend in duced me to try Orton's Prep (ration (sold by you.) I have done sor.arid am completely eared. I did not In the least banker after tobacco, either to smoke or , chew after began to use the Prep_aration: JOHN MORRILL. -- • Price of ORTON'S PREPARATION Two Dollars per box. forwarded to any part of the country, post paid, on receipt 'of price. Money sent by mall at our risk. Address, C. IL COTTON, Proprietor, Box 1.748. Portland, Maine. REPEKENCE• We, the undersigned. have had personal dealings with C. 11. COTTON. and have found him a reliable and fair dealing man, and believe his statements deserving the confidence of the public: S. B. Richardson... Rev. J. S. tireen, S. B. Gowen, Portland, Me.; Charles IL Morrill. Bidde ford, Me. • A. 11. Rothe, Attorney. Belfant. Me.; Alonzo ezroard. ISamtor, Me.; Wm. U Sweet, Esq., West Mausfleld, Mars.; H. 31. turynton. East Acworth. N. 11.; 11. Quimby, rt. Johnsville, N. Y. suli:u6o EO-PILILLOVS "PAPHIAN LOTION," FOR BEAUTIFYING THE SKI AND COM PLEXION. liemoves all Eruptio N ns, Frockha, Pimplea, Moth Blotches.- - Tan, ete., and renders the Skin soft, lair and dooming. For Ladles In the Nursery It is Invaluable. For Gentlemen. after shaving. It has no equal. "PAPIIIAN LOTION" is the only reliable remedy for dlseasgm and blem ishes of the skin. PELALON'S "PAPHIAN SOAP" For the Toilet. Nursery and Bath; will not chap the akin; Price, 33 oenta per cake. "FLOE DE MAYO,", A new Perfume for the Handkerchief. Expilsite, delicate, lasting fragranoe. Sold .14 all Druggists. PHALON it SON, New' York. farBATCHELOR I S HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best In the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantsneous;, no disappointment; no ridiculous tlng.ls; remedles - the 111 effects of bad dyes; Luvtgo ratts and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. Mac* or brown. sold by all Druggists and rerfnmers; and 3rl agyt . datßstotel r's WigFal,lo. wgnase.sewior.a garGUIDE TO MARRIAGE.—` Young Men's Guide-to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane views of benev olent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses Incident to Youth and Early Manhood., sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD AS SOCIATION. Box P.. Philadelphia. Pa. myllbqPlT AUCTION SALES ---,- BY PALMER & PHILLIPS. PALMER & PHILLIPS, ' AUCTIONEERS And annmissiorb Merchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, Sd. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsbargh, Ps. BOOTS, , SHOES, CARPETS, Dry 800ds and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENINO. Consignments Solicited. Prompt turns. - THE DESIRABLE LOT OF MOUND, 161 Fulton St., AT A.IICTION. • On BATTIRDAY, Sept. sth, • at 33S o'clock r. a., on the premises, will be sold positively, without re serve. th. desirable Building Lot. (vacant.. front ing 24 feet on Fulton street. bowevn Centre live • nue and Colwell streets: and extending hark 1311 feet to Crawford street, (with privilege of 10 foot alley alongside of whole lot,, being Nu. 161 Fultoa street, Owe 6th ward. As an investment, or to parties desiring to locate in a good neighborhood. convenient to business. this sale ehotlfd command attention. • interest, occur' d erms—One• halbf y cbond ash, b andd mortga g nce in onee. year. with PALMEIt & t Litt es, Auct`rs, No. 60 Fifth street: PITTSBURGH BANK FOR SAVINGS, YORMEHLY THE DIME ,Eveiari S INSTITUTION ?Jo. 07 Fourth Street, NEAILLT OrrOEUTZ WIZ BANK Or PITTEIBUILOIE CHARTERED IN 18132. OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock, and on IV ED NRSDA.Y and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May November N hi, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and frein lento May Ist, 6 to 8 o'clock. Books of By-Laws, &c. fnrnisbed at the dice. This Institution especially offer to• those whose earnings are limited, the opportunlty to accumulate, by small deposits, smelly saved, a sum which will be a resource when ned, un pr o d uctive. beang interest in stead of remainingci ri ' BOARD OF MANAGERS: GEOP.OE.A. BERRY. ' PION STRIBIDIINTS. S. H. HARTMAN, I JAMES PARK, pi. eren.u7AnY AND TRAMMED. . D. E. IIicKINI,EY. A. BRADLEY, ' WM. K. Nt OK, A. S. BELL, 'F. RAIIM, JOHNS. DILWORTH, JOSHUA RHODES, 0. FOLLANSBEE, OHN SCOTT' JAS. L. GRAHAM,_ _ C. SCIIMIGETZ, 131111 , 1bT0 HER ZUU. SOLICITORS—D. W. &A. S. BELL. mhl4:vide 4W. C. FELD & CO., Ilk DEALERS' IN , dim, CURLED Tannert 9 Scraps, Cersons, F"ttle Tails, BONES, NEAPS FOOT OIL, &C. °dice and Waretkoule, No. ' 336 LIBERTY BT; 3d door from Waine, • ; PIwTSBUTI.OH, PA. lityr7 LACE a t nettirl ` LEATH E R,.forsaevkolestd - r ttdre a tai g f, B at AG and t. Muir street. , .164 • • - J. VH. PIITLLIPS • . F OR B ALE: ' ' - - ' . TWO HOUSES AND LOT on Carroll street, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, as the party is about leaving the city , and wishes to dispose of the property before removing. SAW MILL, TWO DWELLING HOMES, TWC BARNS, with -good FARM, and about 800 acres Umber land. This property will be sold low. Cost 0,500 -balance on time_to suit buyer. FAR/I OF 120 ACRES, will be sold 'for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfbrtable frame house and good barn; 50 acres of the land clear. FAR3i OF 1.80 ACRES, near the line of railroad; very well located for raising stock; improvements are good and substantial; /00 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.-Will sell a goodbrick house; 1 containin live rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and wont rit for the amount In six years. - A LAR E LOT OF GROITND, having a river front, and ery convenient of access. TANNE 1, convenient to the city, and havlng'a well estab fis hed custom or local trade connected therewith a good dwelling , ixid forty acres of land. FOUR OTS In Sharpsburg, near the railroad; would m e a good coal yard. HOTEL OR SALE.-That tine Hotel property, situated a the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary ontbulldings,_ with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie- . for wishea to retirFeOß from RENT. • e House, for Boarding House. Brick House, 8 rooms. Brick House of 4 rooms. Brink House of 3 rooms.: se of 8 rooms and lot 58 by 140. se cf 7 rooms and lot 150 by 180. - Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. Frame House, 4 rooms. v Brick Houses, 3 room each. v Frame House in - Wilkinsbnrg,'_baving soma and large lot, well suited for garden. that can be divided into acre lots. Oakland. 'i nd a large Room and Yard for rent, in a Lion. .19111. be rented for short or long One lnr:4 One ne One ne - One ne One Ho One Ho Two ne One ne Two ne One ne six I acres 5 Lots Power ood 1. - I free. ASE On SALE.-3 Lots on Morton street, FUR L Ninth W WAIiT thick. D-3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4 lichee TO LOAN-$50,000, IN BOMB OP $5,000 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT D. P. HANTS REAL ESTE OFPICE,_ No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. 1e.29:013 2,000,000 A CRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR ALE, BY THE ../ Union Pad* Boil/road . :onpaney, RASTE.IIN DIVISION/ Lying along the line of their road, at, $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OP rivz YEARS. For farther particulars, maps, Ac., address JOHN. P. DEVEBEUX, • Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas. Or CHAS. B. I.A/111011N, 1 St. Louis. klissottrL IMEG FOR SALE. The Oil Refinery, KNOWN AS THE CRESCENT COAL OIL CO.'S WORKS, Situated in BALTIMORE, MD., on the Baltimore and Ohio lta.lroad, and rtimt conveniently located with reference to either home or foreign trade. Thew works are very complete In all their appoint= hiento, matt are cm.pabie of tuning out 30.000 ;0 45.000 GALLONS REFINED PER WEEK. They have tankage for about B.ooo•barreis of oil. • The prospect of an early completion of the Con nellsyille Itoad, renders this property especially de sirable. Address, or call on, LAWRA4ON LEVERING, Trustee. au2siviil 00 GAY STREET. BALTIMORE. ! ,s ,l4r-t &MOO WILL PURCHASE A -...,ity.ie_fl NEAT COUNTRY SEAT. con [lining 0 acres, all under fence and Cultivation. The improvements are a cottage house, with stable and other outbuildings; 200 bearing fruit trees of best Is electioni : "watered oy two never-failing ; , ii c rr e g , s . . s eitizt hocks d n lli tili a ll i f e r r o s m c trheeekcit sirourilitios Wai l. an extensive view can be had of Manchester, -Allteeny City and the riven. Terms easy. A ply to B. McLAIN is CO., eel pur4l) Cor. Fourth and Smithfield streets. -- it SALE - &TO LET --Houses and Lots for sale in all_p arts of the city and su bs. Also, several FARMS in good locations. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORY, with 20 acres of land, and good Improvements, which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Rosiness Houses to let on good streets. Peyote Dwelling Houses for rent in both cities. For further particulars inquire WILLIAM WARD, POI 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. miMEIMET FOURTH ST. 11 M ith 115. JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO., STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AIICTIONEEILIc . I Are prepared to sell at Auction STOCKS, BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ike, either on the premises or at the Board of Trade . lhoonts. Particular attention paid. as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Sales of Real Estate in the conntry_ attended. 011 ice. No. 116 FOURTH STREET. JTIUBM glO.OOO " LOAN, ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. GEO. M. PETTY. ierls • Real Fltate Agent, 60 lielltbeeld street J. L. DILLINGZII DILLBEDER & STEVENSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pitt-burgh, Pa. RECEIVE AND SELL All Kinds of Country Produce. all orders for Merchandise promptly tilled. - at LOWEST market rates. Parilcultr attention given to the sale of Putter. Eggs, Cheese, Dried FrultS, &c, We feel Confident that we can give entire sat ►sfaetlon, by making QUICK SALES and PROMPT Itle- TUUNIts. st 1114111t8T your consignments and therefore re. , Pectfully sollelt your consignments. A.l corre spondence ansWered 'promptly. Marking Plates Grutshed free. Drain lu store and to arrive (way. • ■ual:t?B FLOUR! FLOURS! FLOUR!!! Fresh ground Old Wheat Flour. White st3l Mills, for:sadly use. Riverside Bakers. B.une Mill for Bakers. Ontario Mill. for Bakers. Monitor Kill, for Bakers. City Hill,Aprindeld , 0.• Fungi) , Flour. Cares's X,:xX Family Flour. Mad Inver Family our. MillsOF N FI EW WHEAT. Plainview M Fancy St. Lo uis. Tea Rose Mills do Key ke o'ns Bs l ß kr d Flour. Coronets Mills do For sale by WATT. IdING &Ing e , 112 and 114 WOOL/ ST. •n2B WANTED: '150,000 bush. prime WlitAT ; 50,000 •• .* Tall and Spring SKILL A . 11(11'6, 000 " lror wilich we will pay the higheet price in cash HITCHCOCK. WORST:MY & CO au7td&V? I.IGELTNING APPLE PARERS.-- . Ihave lust received s large stock of th e s h ove fir' 'lhey have prow ully s elv es . the tut three years, and have ed themtn be the best eves Invented. 'They pare faster, better. and 110 thelr work much cleaner than any other Apple rarers known. Yoe sale wholes& ad retail, by • • JANIE DOWN • ,• . c . 136 NVOod street. swims D 6I7 ItLE BARREL SHOT GUNS. —T wive In store a very superior lot of ouble 13arrel Shot Wins, breech and muzzle loading', or in ., own imp°, tation, Which I wilt sell as Tow as any h or uie In the COUntrYi , except none. Alba ask la 10 di and eassidno and be convinced of the same. For sale by ' JAitia • BOWN, • sa4:Tur • • • 188 Woud el rent. --HOT! SHOT:—Just received • a foil assortment Of New Yoik Patna !Riot, In and IS pound bags, assorted numbers from 3B to No. 10. rot' sale by JANES 801*N, 136 Wood street. 5w4:21.17 AMON 'PACIFIC RAILitOAD. I 700 MILES MON PACIFIC RAILROAD Are now finished and In operation. 160 miles of track have been laid this spring, and the work along the whole line between the .Atlantic and Pachic States Is being pushed. forward 'more rapidly than ever before. More than twenty thousand men are employed, and it ls.not imPoisibie that the entire track, from Omaha to Sacramento, will be tilsheil in 1869 Instead of 1910. The means provided are ample, and all that energy. meu and money can do to secure the completion of this- GREAT NATIONAL WORK, At the earliest possible day, Will be done The UNION PACIFIC 'RAILROAD COIITANY receive: I.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right of way, and all necessary thnber and other materials found along the line of its operations. GOVERNMENT GRANT of 12,800 acres of land to the mile, tagen In alternate sections on each side of its road. This is an absolute do nation, and will be a source of large revenue in the future. 111.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of United States Thirty-year Bonds, amounting to fromslB,ooo to $48,000 per mile, according to the difficul ties to be surmounted on the various sections to be built. The . Government takes a second mort gage as security, and it is expected that not only the 'interest. but the principal amount maybe Paid in services rendered by the Company in transporting troops, mails. &c. The interest is now much more than paid in this way, besides securing a great saving in time and money to the Government. " IV.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the light to • - ,lssue its own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to aid in building the road, to the same amount as the U.S. Bonds, issued for the same purpose, and no more. _ The Government permits the Trustees for the First Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the. Bonds to the Company only as the road la completed, and after It has been examin ed by United States Commissioners and pro nounced to be in all respects a first-class Rail road, laid with a heart' T rail, and completely supplied with depots, stations, tnrnouts, car shops, locomotives, cars, ac. V.—A CAPITAL STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from the stockholders, of which OVER EIGHT MIL LION DOLLARS have been paid in upon the work already done, and which will be increased as the wants of the Company require. VI.—NET CASH EARNINGS on its Way Business, that already amount to MORE THAN THE IN TEREST on the First MOrtgage Bonds. These earnings are no-indication of the vast through tr.affic that must follow the opening of the line to the Pacific, but they certainly prove that FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS upon such a property, costing nearly_three times their amount, ARE SECURE BEYOND ANY CONTLNOENCY. The Union Pacific Bonds run thirty Tears, are for $l,OOO esch, and have . coupons attached. They bear annual interest, payable on the first days of January And July, at the Company's Office. in the City of New York, at the rate onsix per cent. in gold. The Principal is payable In gold at maturity. The price Is 102, and at the present rate of gold, they pays liberal Income on their cost. The Company believe that these Bonds, at the present rate. are the cheapest in the market,:and reserve the right to advance the price at any time. Subscriptions 8111 be received in Pittsburgh by JAMES T. BRADY & Co., corner of Wood and Fourth Streets; HART, CAUGHEY &. Co., corner of Rood and Third Streets; S. HcCLEAN & CO., 75 Fourth Street: PH. R. MERTZ, corner sth aud_Wood Sts.; ROBINSON. BROS., 78 Fourth street; • At the Company i 's Office, No. 20 Nassau Street, and ey JOHN J. CISCO A. SON, Bankers, No. 59 Wall Street, and by the Company's advertised agents throughout the 'United States. Remittances should be made in drafts or other funds par In New York, and the Bonds will be sent free of charge by return express. Parties pub scribing through local agents, will look to them for their safe delivery. A PAMPHLET A.ND MAP FOR 1868 has just been published by the Company, giving fuller in formation than is possible in an advertisement, re specting the Progress of the.Work..the Resources of UM Country traversed by the Road, the Means for Construction, and the Value of the Bonds; which will be sent free on application at the Company's offices, or to any of the advertised agents. JOHN 3. CISCO, Treasurer, PRICES OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, ARTHUR KIRK, Agent, A. Z. STZTLYSON Office, No. 289 Liberty Street, CANISTER POW3DE.R. Electric Nos. 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 grain, in Square Canisters, 1 lb. each American 'Sporting, In Oval Canisters of 11b. each Duek Shooting, Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4 grain, In. Oval Canisters of I lb. each. Indian Dille, In Oval Canisters of lib. each.... Kentucky Me, In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Kentuckyß 1111 e, In Oval Canisters of )f, lb. each CM (50 o half lb ne Ovido. d Cando. do isters In a case.) . .) Kentucky Rise, Frio, rro, and "Sea Shoot ing" wo, In kegs, 25 Ito Kentucky Klee, rrro, rro, and "flea Shoot ing •" so, In kegs, 12S' lbs Kentucky o. Ride, rrrn, Pro, and "Sea Shoot- DeergT In kegs, 634 'be Powder, In kegs, 25 lbs • Mining and Shipping Pcrwder, Xining 7, rr, and rrr grain, net Min, In kegs, 26 Ins Safety Fuse for Blasting, of superior quality, In packages of 60 feet and over - - . Delivered free of expense on board of Boat or In Pittsburgh or Allegheny. mVU:liwr&P m . .„ , . ABv CRACKERS ABB ' SUPERIOR TO ANY BOSTON,. 8011 K, CREAM. PRZNOR, lir e l o gWarr i pat it ! t 3E2l. 3 R iso st rr. SODA ecamm. For Sale by Every Grocer in the City. Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. leilflra • OP THE AND IN NEW YOBS --, NEW YORE. POWDER HANUFACTU I ELICA BY THB PITTSI3I7IIGII, 1E.P.4:31- POWDEIt. CRACKER 11/UUMMIN3. OPTENED IN THIS INTL. E=h; W.SELECT PICNIC & BAZAR, AT lITABLAND'a OBAVE, On SATURDAY, September sth, 18611— For the benefit of the NEW r;.A.THOLIC CHURCH. near Oaaland. itirintasion and Dlrtner—FlFTY DENTS. , rMASONIC HALL. TWELVE NIGHTS ONLY, ommenciug 'MONDAY, September 7th, 1868. RETURN OF TUE FAVORITE LOGRENIA, the Great Conjuror, With his marvelous tronpe_of Learned Birds, Performing 'White Nieto and Ituastan -Cat ONE RtINDRED PRESENTS! Will be given away every night, with the same lib erality land impartiality that have characterized his previous entertainment.. . Matinee, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Sept. lith. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 50 " Family Tickets, admitting six croons. 1.00 •~iatlnee—C'6LLdrea 15 Adults 25 Air- Doors open at 7 o'clock; commence at S CHAS. P. SHERMAN, Manager. CHAS. T. SLOCUM, Agent. 5e..3 INSURANCE BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PA. Office In Franklin Savings Bank Bullffinges No. 43 Ohio St.. - A HOME COMPANY, managed by Dlr_ectoriwelf known to the community, who trust by faitideallm to merit a share of your patronage. fIE Y L4WIN.. GEO. D. RIDDLE: DIBECTOB,: Henry_ Irwin,_ ID. L. Patteraon, [Henry Gerwig„ Geo. R. ! Jacob Franz, 'Gottleib Fsah Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Bush, W. M. Stewart, !Ch. P. Wl:Liston, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautner, H. J. Zinkand,. Jeremiah H.oen., 5p10:035 NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., op THE CITY Or ALLEGHENY. Office, In ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY'S BUILDING. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN, President • JAS. E. STEVENSON. Seeretal7. DIRECTORS: - A. H. English , O.H.P.WIRIama'Jno. ThompeCoa Jno. A. Myler, !Jae, Lockhart, Joe. Myers, Jae. L. Graharo, , Robt, Lea, C. C. Hoyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. 'Geo. Herat, ' Jacob Kopp. mhZ:nat WESTERN INSIURANCE CONIE•• PANS( OF PITTSBURGH. LEXANDER NIMICK, President. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Mee, 93 Water street, Spang & Co.'s Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will in:ure against all. kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and liberality to main• tan the character which they have assumed, as of fering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. ' DIRECTORS: Alexanuer Simla, Joan R. McCune, R. 31111er, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, William S. Evans Alexander sneer, , Joseph Kirkpatriel, Andrew Atkieu, Phillip Replier, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Ihmsen. nos PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 167!¢ WOOD STREET. BANK Or COMMERCE BUILDING, This is a Home Company, and Insures against 1051 by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE. Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH McELIIENY. Secretary. DIILICTORS: Ge o. o WW. Dr rgesWllSo awn. Ge, J. C. Lappe, J. C. Fielner, John Voegtley, A. Ammon. • -- Leonard Walter, C. C. Rorie, Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King. Jas. H. Hopkins, Henry Sproul, INDEMNITY - AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 433 & 437 CHESTNUT ST., NY.I3 DVS i DIRECTORS; Charles A. Rancher, Mordecai H. Louis Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuelk}rant, lsaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, . Edward C tee':- eorge W. Ricbardi, George Fa. CHARLES 13.. BARLRER, President. • ; - EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pra ew.. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AimiNT. North West corner Third and Wood StreeW: inh.T:wl3 A LLEGMENTINSITELAIWCE CORP L PANT OF . PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 EIFTH STREET, BARR RUM Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. JOHN IRWIN, JR., President., JOHN D. MeCORD, Vice Pre.aldeni. C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent, Dinscrons: Crpt. Wm Dean, B. L. Fahnestock W. H. Ever3on,l Robert H. Dacia, Francis Sellers, Capt. J. T. Stockdale. John Irwin, Jr., John D. McCord, C. G. Hussey, Harvey_Childs, T. J. Hoskinson, Charlea Hays, PEOPLES' INSURANCE Cplll.. 1"211.1 Y. OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD &FIFTH STN. A Home Company, taking Fire and Marine Risk a. DIRIICTOPS: Capt. John L. B.hoads, . Samuel P. Shriver, Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brush, F. Lang, Samuel MoCrickart 'resident. President. 4 Secretary. lON. General Agent Wm. Phillips, John Watt, John F.. Parka, Capt. James Miller, Wm. Van Kirk, James D. Verner WM. PHILLIPS, pi - JOHN WATT, vice W. F. GARDNER, CAPT. JAS. GORDI MEDICAL. MANHOOD: BOW LOST ! HOW RESTORED! lust pubtisheet inter:led sneer ope. Price, six cent,. A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT, and Radical Cure et Elennatorrhcett, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Mar riage generally Nervousness, Consumption, EDl lsepsy and Fits; Mental and Phv y l u cal ßoo l b ri ti ca , 3 ,.. ac ae : u v iv rzi w u 2 2 . si>" Bel t , tr b o u l l t be "the BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS, seat under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid,. on receipt of six cents, ortiropostax. stamp% to CHAS. „J. C. KLINE tk Co.,_ 127 BOWER - r • NEW YORK,.POSTOFFICE BOX 4586. Also Dr. cuiverweirs "marriage Guide," 0rt0e.25 cents. mystnavr •-* A N HO OD.”-Another - New MEDICAL PAMPHLET, from the pen of Du. dams. The Modica/ Times says n andIAI work: "This valuable treatise on the tanie cure of premature decline, shows how health is Impaired through secret abuses of youth and manhood, and how easily regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the Impediments to marriage, the cause and effects of nervous dehllity. end the remedies therefor." A pocket edition of - the above will be to warded on receipt 01.'45 cents, by addressing Doctor CUE TIB, No. 58 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Ml lyllztl SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC MIR, N. 3. This first class Hotel will open 'for the season on. ARM June. Term, $3.50 per day: ao per week. Address R. R. THOMPSON,Propriet or, (Formerly of Obngress Hall, Ca e: 181110. Me trppolltan Hotel, Washington, V. C.) ticin of N. 13.—The music will be ender the dir" e" ' lrtff Mr. CARL SENTZ. ' . AL D_ E I_EW SUMMER RESORT. . W LAKE HOUSE; Stoneboro Pa. _ . (On the line of Jamestown a Franklin Railhouseroad. one hour's ride from Franklin.) This ls large, new and commodious, well furnished. his Millard rooms, ten-pin alleys and covered prom& nades. It is on the banks of the In most sh charlllad ing Fairy Lake In America ,abounding and mirable for sailing puroses, surrounded with Sul phur sorings„romantic scenery. Sc. - II Is tae best summer resort In the State. Address. B. T. IiENNEDY. Proprietor. I President.. .Secretary. I HQTELS. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers