ti -11: IRON WORK'S. F l res , t W. rOurica, %Wt. FITTSUITRGH FORGF, AND IRON C 0.., MANUFACTIIIMEI3 01 Bar Iron; _ . -1"Ilrogul Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Nxies Rolled; •RailrOad Car Axles Hammered; -Locomotive Frarees; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Ride Rods., Takes, Straps; Piston Heads; , Steamboat Shafts; .' Steamboat Cranks; 'Piston Bode, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, are. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBIJPATI. P GRAFF, BYERS & Co., ]ki..k:'.N7UFACTUBERS OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, 'frau Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, &Te. ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Office, 98 Water and 182 First Streets. PITTSBTJRGIi, Pa EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. 17 , arettonse, Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET opposite Monongahela , Rouse, statOd6 PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS. INETTSBERGEL STEEL WORKS. . - tzanslassm> is 1845.) • AND SON & WOODS, ems OCIMOBS TO ANDERSON, COOK £ CO Mannfactoresv of every description of STEEL. SEST REFINED TOOL STEEL NM, Malay, Circular, Eking and Cross Cut SAW Pi: APES: Spring, Cast and German Plow and 111'titer stet'. Shovel, Hoe, Pork, Rake and Toe Calk Stenl. Railroad Spring Steel and Frog Points,Cadt Steel 'Finger liars, :sickle Steel. hpring_Steol Tire, Plow Wings, otc.,• 011 Drill Steel. sluice and Works--Corner FIRST .AND ROSS Si's., Pittsburgh, Pa • .I,23:dis SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. MBA NIMICK & CO. PITTSBURGH, PA., idannfacturers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, ii:I TITtiiNc' E M . LATToRaisPRINGs , AXLES, STEEL TIRE, &c., dus. Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 'First Sts. miLLER, Ruin & PARKIN• • GETIMIAL PARTICICREI: WM. METCALF, I B MLLE% GEO. W. BABB, I GRABENAR:UN - _SPacieL rearsits — S. M. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, I'II.IIXLIZDT, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA. fel4:d4B BLACK DIADIOIID STEEL WORKS. 13110111:61 - & hisitufactnrers of all descriptions of 01111111P"Mnr . . ce and Warehouse, 120, _1.22. 124 SECOND and 119 and 121 FIRST ISTKEETS, Godeffroy Brancker & Co., 42 EXCHANGE PLACE. NEW YORK, Jae prepared,. as Sole Agents in the United States for the Prussian Mining and Iron Co., of Duisburg _Westphalia, to contract or sell In quantities to snit purchasers, (delivered in either New York or Phila. delptils) the celebrate .1 V. H. SPIEG - ELEISEN Vsed so extensively for the mannfaetnriog of _ IBESSEMER STEu!.,. Thin Iron lo free from Sulola= and l'hosidiorno, and contains a heavy percentage of Manganese. The Bove are also ready to contract for, or sell to arrive, 'STEEL RAILS 4 manufactured by G. ARNDT & CO., 1 Dortmund, for wUlch latter firm they also have the Sole Agena_ititbe 'Milted States; Full particulars, samples, prices - or chemical an alyele will be prtelalllyjor.ways.iecl App . ljestion. . NOVELTY WORKS. purissußag • • • NOVELTY -WORKS., JELD' MS,. MIME & , DIANUFACTUItiR OF Keystone Standard, Patent Platform and Counter SC A ES. Janus Faced Patent Door Locks and Latches. F.11114T AD D 7/FEE MILLS. MALLEABLE. IRON, &c. Coiner of Grant and First Streets, 5u6:184 LALIiE SUPERIOR 001112 MILL LID SMELTDI WOICA PITTSEMTI I C 4 . II . ..P.49.ItH,C. ,3I caUR DYL.II,.',Ccr.; Manufacturers of Sheathing, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Premled Copper Bottoms, iloJeed Still' Hot- Winn, Speller Alm), Ittipo.',. s and Dealers in Metal, Tin Plate, Sheet iron, Wire, be. Con stantly 1/11 hand Tlntierii, atacnittu b it.4l.l`rwls. iNsrehlresti,Mor 140 itTith;eir and NO SECOND Rif, tqwei al orders of Copper. cut to any desfred no t- FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOlilLii; N. MILLER. President. These Worts areln nK the largest and most complete establisbnleants°lii the West, and are nw prepared to furnish NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Sinallman Streets, (NINTH. WARD,) PFT'TSI3IJILG -1-1 , WM. SMITH, • Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND W &TER WORKS. • .X.l,PLlVlrf%Tleliagsthln.va/fl,lb,wfulf assortment General Castings for Gas and Water Works. o imutu r t fel6:tlo PITTSBITIIGH. PITTSMIIII9E { COPPER. FITTTE3I3 I T IIGrIEI. Ensine ,, of e very description. Boilers, Oil Tanks• sheet i r on Work. Jtailkosd Castings. Blill CastinZe. gngine Castings. Machine Castings. General Casttrws. ORDERS SOLICITED n09:n89 .O. LIVINOSTON.W. BUILT.W. A. BOBINBON, J. L LIVINGSTON St. CO., IRON POUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF - FINE LIGHT CAsTrNGs, All descriptions, for Plumbers and Gm Fitters; A.A rlculturslimplements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma chinery, Ac. JebWork promptly attended to. Office and Worim—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON, REA. SOCCSISOIIS .to ROBINSON, MINIS & MILLIng, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary late= En • nines, 'Blast Engines, Mill Machinery,' Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. IS, corner Ylrst and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFP..k.RD'S PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. jallaSS MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite 'Onion Iron 1111115,) Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY Charges Otters promptly and carefully executed. reasonable. EBBERT & MACKLEM 0c15:=3 BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICY, &SIMS. Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Stmt. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR SETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Castings generally. ap2S:ys iNJEIONLIL CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward 'Foundry and Machine Works, BANDIIIBILT ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, P.L., Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Oil Presets, Pul leys, Shafting Grist and Saw Mill Work, _Bolling Mill and Macihne Castings, Grate Bare, Weights, Wagon Bones, ac. Build to order andhave On hand Engines of all sizes. mvl4:qs CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND' ROLL. WORKS 1380 Penn Street. BOLT/lAN, BOYD it MALEY, Chill Rolla, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, &e. ELTON MACHINE WORKS. _TATIBLISIDID IR 1836. ufactorl , of STEAM ENGINES, of all slues and of the most approved pitterna, f or stationary purposes ; A TEAIWOATS and STEAM FERRY 'BOA.TS. variety at 10, IA and 16 horse power ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced prices. P. F. GEISSE. Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio river, and line of C. & P. R. . no9;h2 LUMBER. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! ALEXANDER PATTERSON, Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber. ON HAND AND FOR SALE : 500,000 feet Dry Pine Boards; 30,000 feet Dry Oak, -1 and 2 Inch; 20,000 feet Dry Ash, 2,2 X and 3 inch; 200,000 fret Hemlock • 1,000,000 No. 1 DI-Inch'Shingles, sawed; 100,000 No. 1 Minch Shinales, sawed; 100,000 No. 110-Inch Shingles, suaved; 2,000 Locust Posts, 7, 8 and 12 feet:- 300 Cedar Posts. Also, Flre Brick, Tile and Clay, in large or small quantities. YARDS No. 86 FEEBLE STREET. formerly Manchester, and 157 REBECCA STREET. oppo site the Gas Works, Alleglis ny Cloy. .1329:03 FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY Capital, $125,000. Pnzsmiorr-EDWARD DMTRIDGE. SNCIIZTARY-T. A. WRIGHT. SurzanalorinAT-RDW. DAVISON. DooccVOrts: Edward.... Davison; L Y. Doman. John Mellon, • E. 1). Dithrldge, Geo. W. Dlthrldge, M. L. Malone, b. A. Johnston. LUMBER YARD--Corner of BUTLER and LUM BER STREETS. Ninth Ward. OFFICE AT roam PITT (+LABS WORKS, Wash ington Street. • 1120;198 e AS, AND STEAM FITTING. JOHN M. COOPRII. . .JOS. KAY S 11S11BY MSS JOHN Me COOPER as, co., BRASS FOUNDERS GAS AND STEAM FITTERS ItfinafocturersotPl7lll.B Arn) SEAN WOIIICo eaa°a dealers GAB PIXTTIAZU pge ssl ga s ! Cotner of Tike and Waptht Streets, pI'TTSBV RGH 1 zityllS:zl3o IRON BROKERS. SAMUEL M . WICSEBBSAM, IRON BROKER, 124 First Street, Pittsbure,P 6 4:; • Agent for the sale of Cornwall, Doughantore, Jo sephlnu, Isate Duncantion Stanhope, lilendon. gni) other braedi of Anthraalte,, Youghlogheay Care and .q. 11,,Charcosi rrc6N•l4. ' Consignments and orders ressmetfully sclicited. PITTSBURGH GA ZETTE : - FRIDAY,' SEPI EMBER -4, 1868 ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. FORT PITT EMI, STILL, AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR. FIER . 80% AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- • DENSEIIB; STEAM PIPES, GABONETERS AND IRON • BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES Office and Warehouse corner .Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, air Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:lP3 BARNIEILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON 'WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22 21 AND 28 PENN ST Having secured a arge yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we ate prepared to, manufacture ever I,e.scription of BOILERS l,rt the best manner, and • arranted equal to any made the country. Ch coneys, Breeching,. Fire Beds,. Steam Pipes, Loc motive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans,Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Brk ices, Sugar Pans, and sole mann faourers of Barn Ill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done .n th shot test notice. 1a5:c21 JAMES M. BITER, .Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, pirrsmatou, PA., by-NErFACTFILLit 07 IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS. COPPER STEAM PIPE. ROLLING MILL STAGES, And SHEET IRON WORE, For Steamboats. JAB= M. BRUB JI.DMIIND D. BRUSH JARED H. BRUSH & SON, 11fAITITTACTUBZES or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks SHEET IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OILS. WARING AND RING, Coronilssion Merchants and Brokers in Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA I . PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, 'KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petroleum and Its Products. Pittsburgh Offtee—DA.LBIELL , BUILDING, cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia WElee-1517 WALNUT EiT. api:l9o H. Id• LONG ac CO., MANUFACTURERS OF PURE WHITE BURNING' OIL, Mee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c COCIEL STOVES. • CET THE BEST. BISSELL 410 CO.'S TRIUMPH,. FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well to any other Store in the Union. BIMETAL & 00.,, No. 235 Liberty Street. Also on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOVES,_ R EIRATCOOKING E FRONTS, ANGESTENDERS, , de. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE., LINDSEY, STERRIT & EWER, H. A. JR, WA_ It 3P, , 837 LIBERTY STREET, 118. PRACTICAL -118. • :FURNITURE' MANUFACTURERS' • WiI9LESALE AND RETAIL. • LEMON & WEISE, NO. 1.1.8 FOURTH ISTIVE.F.II7. , . Constantly on hand every variety of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE, together with a com plete assortment of common Furniture at reduced prices. • • Those in want of anything in our line are cordially invited to call before purchasing. Work guaranteed, - • ' ' inh2i:nl4 • LEMON & WEN'S. WILL. S. TAYLOR, PAINTER, No. 45 01 1 /0 tattiET,,Alloirberkr*, Thankful for the former voryilbera , towo g goofs em, I assure air Mende ii, generally that, In the future se In th endeavor dill ently to merit a wellsame , same, and w 'be always at the sh Al. 21. and from 11. to 3P. hf. ' I mAlarracTuazits OP PITTSBURGH, Pa. AND DEALERS IN Brand--"VITC/FEB." HARDWARE: Ilanafsotnrers and Importers of CUTLERY, &C. COENEE OF WAYNE, One Square Below Colon Depot, PITTSBURGH. . Atmrits for FAIRBANKS , SCALES. FURNITURE. PAINTERS. FINANCIAL CEN TEAL BANK, PITTSBURGH, PA. NO. 35 BANK BLOCK. Capital $lOO,OOO. Stockholders Individually Liable. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS OF THE UNITN.D STATES AND CANADAS. Particular attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Uovernruent Securities. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DagOSI 6. DIRECTORS: THOMAS FAWCETT, D. W. C. CARItuLL, JAMES H. HOPKINS, JULIUS ADLER, JAMES DOWN, J. H. WALTKU, TROIKAS FAWCETT, President ALLEN KRAMER, Vice President d. W.,DAVITT, Cashier M.HEMMINGS, Asst amCaabler NOTICE. Accounts of Depositors with t e liitAMER RAIINt RANKING 111/USE have .en tranf,rred to this Bunt;.' au%vl.l FORT PITT BANKING COMPANY No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, STOCKHOLDERS INDIVID DEALERS I GOVERNMENT B AND. CO NTEEEST - ALLOWED ON Collections made on all accessible Pointe is the United States and Canadas. DIRECTORS: J no. C. Risher, Robt. H. E.ng, Andrew Miller, James H. Batley D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallace, H. Fawcett, BAWL. Ile D. LEET 1111_54 s t:ii (1)00 51,1142aa No. 293 LIBERTY STREET, PrITSBIIRCIK, PA. CAPITAL, (anthorised,) : $200,000. DIRECTORS.- H. J. Lynch. Wm. H. Hamilton, John Murdoch, Jr., Henry Rockstoce, William Espy, Geo:T. Van Dcren. Samuel Barckley, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Collections made on all accessible points in the United ti.tates and Canada.. Interest Allowed on Time' Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH. President. GEO. T: VAN DOREN. Cashier. AIarBIOCKTIOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK, OF 'PIT'I'SI3I:TR.GriI. CASH CAPITAL Prestdent—HENßY LLOYD. Vice Piesident—WlL“An RE/L, Henry Lloyd, Hon. Tb , on. Mellon; I \ IS ; I'. Rest, Th.' Wightman !Geo. . Hallman, m. , R. H. Hartley, ;Edward Gregg, :Hiram Stowe Secretary & Treas'r---S. F. VON BONNIIORST. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on time de posits. Deposltsmade on or before Ausust 315 t It will bear interest from that date. Interest computed on Ist November and list May. iyal:t76 NATIONAL BANK OF COMIIERCK, Con of Wood and Sixth Rs A. PATTERS JOS. H. BILL CAPITAL, : : : $500,000. A. ratterson, Wm. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen - Kirkpatrick, W. 8. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAI HART, CAUGTHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PITTSBURG-11, PA., (BIIOcaBBoEB To HANNA, HART a C 0.,) DIAL/IBS IN Exchange, - Coin, Coupons, And particular attention to he purchase and GOVERNMENT POND. Slant profte on 1...0nd0n..101:en 1:10LBIES & SONS, lr 31211/1-MELIMEUS, 57 Market Street, pri-x"rsinnacrri, PA United Collectes i on snide on &U the principal points of the Ma and Canadas. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT .AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular, attenttbn paid to the purchase and. sale of United States Securities , pomak W ESTERN SAVINGS BANK No. SS Fourth Street. CITARTErtED 1866. Interest pall c;xi Tame I.)ep °site HUM RECEIVED FROM ONE. DOLLAR UPWARD , DEPOSITS SUBJEC TTERST. TO CHECK. W 1 OUT_ IN - .• Dleconiato Daily at Lq o'clock. ftesidente-,THOMPSO N Vito President-4.-N..MAIISHALL. IM UCCTO REI: TIIOMPSoN BELL, i A. M. MANSMALL.' JOS. DILWORTH. ' JOS. ALISILEIL J. J. GILLESPIE. • , stockholders to whom we — Wm: Forsythe ;. cadl zellymeu De E. 11. patronage be and the publle e Past . I shall nuance of the p from 7 t V my21:q101 PH. Imo. m:ciarrz, RADISON BAILEY, W. P. LOGAN, GEORGE BINGHAM, JOSIIUA RHODES, PAUL H. BACKE, JAIdES LYONS. Fri= MIME CURITIES, D. • lIE DEPOSITS. .CLITEKAN, Pres't. LSO7I. Cashier. $lOO,OOO 1MM:123 President ....Cashier DIRECTORS: • George W. Cass, James McCandless, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. If, AT 11 A. TE ap9:oz2 •mske reference: .Rev. losepDavid h IHIwo K.f. tl4 Yr, Henry Lambert, A. M. Brown, Thomas Ewing. ' BANKER, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. GOVERMENT AND PACIFIC It. &BONDS, GOLDI SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a allable In any part or Europe. DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. JANES 11 BRADY 81, CO (Successors to S. JONES ,k C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., Me' 33.. 301 "EL El , BUY AND SELL ALL'RINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Qom' Interest Allowed on Deposits. ifir Money loaned on Government Bonds at low est market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. gittsllant 6airttt. FINANCEAND TRADE. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBUR tem GH er 3, GAZETTE, / THURSDAY, SepblB6B. —A novel failure has come to light in New York. A German doing a large busi ness in woolens never kept any books, and notified his creditors he had failed,. offering 75 cents on the dollar. One of the creditors offered to take the business and pay the other creditors in full, which offer was accepted, and the_ buyer, it is said. will make $75,000 or #lOO,OOO by the ope ration. • - - —The Hartford Life Stock Insurance Compan, which during the past twenty two months has sustained losses amount ing to $410,000, has beenl suspended. The_ capital of the Companp is $150,000, of - W -5 1ticii $lOO,OOO has been deposited with the tress urer of Connecticut, and $50,000 was kept by the Company for working capital. The I $lOO,OOO in the treasurer's hands will be used by the Company for paying losses and unearned premiums. --Closing quotations received by James T. Brady it. Co.: Gold, 14434; United States Sixes, 1881's, 114; 5-xo's, 1862, 113%; 5-20's, 1864, 109%; 5-20's, 1865, 111%; 10-40's, 105; 5-20's, January and July, '65, 108%; 5-20's, January and July, '67 108%; '6B, 108%; June 7-30's, par less %;- July 7-30's. do %,; August - 119; -- Sept.. - 119; - Oct. 118%; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. CENTRAL LIVE-STMK MARKET. OFFICE OF'THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TliumsDAY, September 2, 1868. CATTLE. The cattle market continues dull, but prices have been without change for the week past. There are no extra heavy -.at tle offering, and good medium commanded little better prices. The general run of cattle are light stockers which are not in much demand, and prices of such are nom inal. The sales since Wednesday last foot up over 1,000 head, at prices averaging from 83,00g7,12 per hundred. Since Monday 'last the sales were 680, as will be seen from the following reported sales: C Gaines sold 24 head;-weighing 18,350, to H Errisman, at 4,18.: - r G Pvrbs sold 20 head, weighing 16,425,10 P Flemens, at 5,25. Hedges & Taylor sold 19 head, weighing 14,075, to Yohn, at 5,50. Hedges & Taylor sold 16 head, weighing 11,850, to B Hershy, at 3,90. J A , Thomps n sold 7 head, weighing 6,975, to J McArdle, at 5,00. J A Thompron sold 2 head, weighing 1,900, to J McArdle, at 4,75. J A Thomson sold 9 head, weighing 7,625, to J McArdle, at 4,25. Holmes, L & Co. sold 44 head, weighing 52,715, to ,P Klemens, at 7,12. Holmer, L & Co. sold 1 head, weighing 1,010, to P Klemens, at 5,00. 1.1.4me5, L &, Co sold 23 head, weighing 19,700, to J Aull, at 3,50. Holmes, L & Co.'sold 21 head, weighing 17,800, to &offer &, Myers, at 5,00. Holmes, L &, Co. sold 25 head, weighing 17,100, to R Grush, at 4,25. Holmes, L & Co. sold 3 head, weighing 2,200, to Grush, at 3,50. Holmes, L & Co. sold 20 head, weighing 16,175, to J McArdle, at 4,50. Holmes, L & Co. sold 21 head, weighing 19,000, to J McArdle, at 3,00. Hotchkiss sold 21, head, weighing 16,850, to J McCall, at 3,00. Yohn sold 15 head, weighing 11,350, to J Aull Co., at 5,75. Orr && Williams sold 19 head, weighing• 18,075, to J Aull & Co., at 4,50. Dolan & T sold 6 head, weighing 6,675, to P Klemens & Co., at .5,50. Dolan &T sold 6 head, weighing 6,375, to P Klemens Co. at 5,00. , Dolan & T sold 36 head, weighing 39,775, to J Aull & Co., at 6,50. ,- Motherwell sold 16 head, weighing 19,625, to B Klernens & Co., at 6,50. T Whitselby to Challant, 18 head weigh ing 19,700, at 6,75. • Smith & Blue to J Roth 40 bead, weigh ing'4s,72s, at 6,62. - • Smith & Blue to J Herron 1, weighing 725, at 3,00. A Crawford ,to J McArdle, 20 head weighing 18,250, at 5,87. Hudson to J Aull, 1, weighing 1.300. T H Thayer to H Yohn, 36 head, weigh ing 39,000, at 6,50. W Scott to J Evans, 21 head, weighing 18,400 at 5,35. - A Crawford to Kep'erling, 22 head, weigh ing 19,175 at 5,35. J Ault to M Hilderbrand, 3 head, weigh 1ng.2.300, at 3,25. 13rainhard to J Anil & Co, 3 head, weigh- ing 2,900, at 3,25. • • Brainhard to.) . Aull & Co, 18 head,welgh ing'ls,sso, at 5,12. G Clark to Duffy,& Co, 22 head, weigh ing 26,075, at 4,20. G Clark to Duffy t Co, 2 head, weighing 1,950, at 3;00. .1 Kelley to‘P KlPrnetri C 0 , 217 head; weighing 19,000, at 75,00 per head,- S McClai' , l to II Diller, 20 head, weighing 18,175, at 5,50. . ' • Smith & Blue to B Booth, 16 head,weigh ing 14,225, at 5,20. Smith N Blue to 13 'teeth,' 1, weighing I,ooo.'ht 5,00. • L Sbamburg to ,R Mayn, 16 head, weigh ifingll6,4oo., l,, Orr &, Wilikrns 'ollitilorbraid, 19 . hiiad, weighing 14,000. f at 3,75, , ' . •• . H Ps & Lafferty to J McArdle, 10 head, weighing 8,275, SEIEEP. The supply exceeded the demand, espe cially for medium ana stockers, which classes were dull and nominal in price. Good mutton, sheep met with ready sale at $4,25a4,60 per hundred. Ewes are also in demand for the Jersey fiats for breeding purposes. The sales reported since Monday last were 6,025 head, at from :32,800.4 per hundred. We are reported the following sales: James - Kinney to Wm Gallagher, 197 head, w.eig,hing 15,750, at 3,95. Kelley & Cockins to Wm Gallagher 196 head, weighing 15,60(I, at 3,12. M Galbreth to Win Gallagher, 106 head, weighing 9.696, at 3,25. Jas Hawkins to Wni Gallagher, 110 head, weighing 8,140, at 3,20. P Leeper to SF Pancoast, 21 head,weigh ing 1,900, at 3,25. John Johnson to S F Pancoast, 101 head, weighing 9,060, at 3,50. .1 Shanker to C Pearce, 192 head, weigh ing 15,775, at J Robison to C Pearce, 220 head, weigh ing 18,100, at 4,00. D Holser to C Pearce, 46 head, weighing • 3,725, at— - Smith & Blue to C Pearce, 1)8 head, weighing 8,490, at 2,90. L Holmes k Co to C Pearce, 91 head, weighing, 7,225, at 3,00. A N Quick to John C. Loyd 101 head, weighing 8,5,25 it 3,46. F I.lttb to John C Loyd 92 head, weigh ing 8,150, at 1,30. Hedges & Taylor to John C Loyd 93 head, weighing 7,840, at 3,12. Orr az,. Williams to John C Loyd 193 head, • weighing 8,200, at 3,50. John McKee to John C Loyd 57 head, weighing 4,800, at 3,69. ' John McKee to John G-Loyd 217 head, - at 1,50 per head. W Weston to John C Loyd 87 head, at 1,62 per head. 'NNT West •n to John C Loyd 106 head, on private terms. diedges & Taylor to H Downing 93 head, _ weighing 7,775, at 3,00 C C Brenard to A Dreneker 204 head, 15,950, at 2,87. W Minesinger to A Draneker 302 head, weighing 25,350. at 3,00. H Walters to A Draneker =1 head, weigh in,g_l7,46o, at 3,00. James Houser to A Draneker 125 head, weighing 9,050, at 3,00. Myers & Needy to James Batten 435 head, weights g 35,150; at 3,45. Campbell to D 0 Keller 131 head, weighing 10,150, at 3,40. - A Hartley to J E Patten 204 head, weigh ing 17,175,tit 3,45. Hedges & Taylor to A Deatrich 159 head, weighing 13,040, at 3,00. Hedges & Taylor to A Deatrich 197 head, weighing 16,900, at 3,50. Hedges & Taylor to A Deatrich 185 head, weighing 15,615, at 3,50. Hedges & Taylor to A Deatrich 151 head, weighing 12,200, at 3,500. Holmes, L & Co. to .A Deatrich 96 head, weighing 8,325, at 3,50. M Sinsenbangh to A Deatrich 133 head, weighing 10,425 at 2,50. M Young to Wm Deatrich 205 head, weighing 16,325, at 3,50. C S Zimmerman to H Deatrich 208 head, weighing 15,140 at 2,80. B T Norris to G Pratt 193 head, weighing 15,610, at 3,25. A P Moore to G Pratt 193 head, weighing 15'310, at 3,25. A S Gieger to H Hipper 187 head, weigh ing 15,200, at 3,85. J Cramblei to S Eby 118 head, weighing 9,640, at M. Johnson to Aull dr. Myers 222 head, weighing 17,850, at 2,70. HOGS. There is a good demand for choice, smooth hogs, averaging from 200 to 225 lbs., but the receipts of this class• were 'very light and in small lots, making it very dif ficult for buyers to select out, such lots as - as - they might have orders for. The great est portion of the offerings are "grassers," for which there is no Eastern demand, and in fact, they are not wanted anywhere. The sales since Monday last were 1,508 head, at from $8,75 to 11,00 per hundred. The fol lowing sales are reported: Geo. Forbes to Croiree E & Co., 13 head, weighing 2,700, at 10,00.. Hedges & 'l' to Crouse E & Co., 54 head, weighing 10,490, at 9,70. Jl.,eyda to Crouse F & Co., 62 head, weighing 9,375, at 9,00. Jelin M'Kee to Crouse E & Co., 85 head, weighing 14,910, at 9,50. • Orr & Williams to Crouse E & Co., 64 head, weighing 11,000, at 10.25. J Winnings to S W Allerton 71 head, weighing 12,375, at 9.12. Orr & Williams to S W Allerton 77 head, weighing 11,290, at 9,12. •B Westheaffer to Singer it Ihmsen 49 I head , weighing 0,525, at D Holser to Singer & Ihmsen 27 head, weighing 5,510, at 9,95. Messenger G it Co. to Singer & Hansen, 107 head, weighing 22,750, at 11,00. ' E W Tabor to Singer &Ihmsen 104 head, weighing 22,200, at 11,20. W M 'Eldon to Singer it Ihmsen 94 head, weighing 23,010,' at 11,30. Holmes L it Co. to Siii:er & Ihmsen 2S head, weighing 4,540, at 10,20. Holmes & Co. to Singer llhnisen 64 head, weighing 9,925, at 9,70. C Hudson to Singer I Ihmsen 11 head; weighing 2,245, at 10,00. W Blackwood to Singer I lhmsen head, weighing 6,850, at 9,65. C Zimmerman to Singer & Ihmsen 4 head, weighing 910, at 9,87. Messenger & Co. to Gilchrist & Co. 1Z head, weighing 2,900, at 11,00 Win Coulter to Wesley Hedges 43 head, Weighing 6,490, at 9,50. P Leeper to Wesley Hedges 10 head, - we•ighing 2,150, at 10,35. - • Holmes L & Co. to Wesley Hedges la head, weighing 1,725, at 8,75. W C Campbell to Wesley HedgoS 9 head, weighing 1,600, at 9,50. F Weston to Weslevi Hedges 19 head, weighing 3,075, at 9,50. John McHugh to Wesley HedgeS 70 head, weighing 11,360, at 9,15. Smith it Blue to Wesley Hedges 9 head, weighing 1,600, at -- Smith & Blue to Wesley Hedges 11 head, weighing 2,050, at 9,75. Holmes L & Co. to Wesley Hedgp 6 head, weighing 1,250, at 8,75. S B Aikens, to Wesley Hedges 42 head, weighing 6,400, at . -- A N Quick to Orr & Williams 64 head, weighing 14,000, at 16,12. to Orr & Williams 11l head, weigh ing 17,750, at 9,50. A E Steel to C M Keys 16 head, weigh ing 3,000, at 9,75. • Orr. & Williams to C M Keys 124 head, weighing 19,825, at 9,75, New York Dry Goo_ds Market. [By Telegraph to the Plttiburgh tlazette.) NEW ()roux, September 3.—Dry Goods more generally firm for all classes of goods, particularly woolen and e worsted fabrics and knit goods. The calico market is beooming more settled, and prices become better established; .33c for American Conestoga, Gl-ucester and Oriental; 13 1 ,4 c for Pacifier Hamilton, Mello and Muriiells and Mer rimack D; and 14 for Cochece, Atlantic A. Heavy brown shbetings in steady request , at 17; Pacific , 18%; . Carroll A, - 1634; Appleton 17; 'Saranac E, 18. One jobbing house is selling Atlantic H, sheltings at 113;, less off ten days. which is a remarkably low price. Colored Cot ton generally= firm, owing partly to high price of Indigo. Bleached musling:in good refine-t, especially , for best makes, - and prices rule firm. . Domestic woolens, in good styles and colors, are in active ce quest and at good prices. while medium grades have t be held at low rates in order to secure ready sale. Chicago Cattle Market Clump:Go Sept. 3.—Cattle are ingood.de.. wand antefirm..at 06,?..fia6,05 for fair to goca steers, and V,50 for extra ghoice Phil ping. Hogs dull; and ildelinedt'lealr. - lor.• best; itnd.)ss2.3lar *anion grades; sales, at . $3, 8,50 for common, 9,0,50 for fair to meal. and 9,75 a 10,40, fur good to choice.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers